#lorien akahana
ask-elliotgang · 4 years
Everything was going well. Elliot and Leila had taken a good chunk of stuff and neatly packed it into the boot of the car. Ardel and his friends have been sorting through the minimal amount of shit he has at the house and shit talking Lorien while doing it.
Intel stands in the hallway.
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They seem confused why they haven’t head to a certain door at the end of the hallway. So while their friends are talking they begin to wander to the door. It’s tall and the door handle is clearly made for the grip of a human hand. And because of that, Intel cannot get their paws to hold the circular handle.
So they instead melt the handle off the door and rattle it open by themself.
Inside after turning on a light, they spot furniture that just LOOKS expensive despite the minimalism-sens of the room. The bed facing outwards from the center of a wall. A large window. A wardrobe. A shelf full of random crap. In which they go to inspect first.
Picking up random objects and playing with them. They even find a gaming system... They silently pocket the gaming system and begin looking for where the charger would be. Funnily enough it’s still plugged into the wall. So they take that too. They start giggling as the feeling of Kleptomania increases. It’s not like the person that owns the stuff is their to stop them.
They begin finding bags in the room in which they pack more things they want into. And more. And more. They’ve got like 3 backpacks full of things now. This is just stealing. Just legitimate stealing. But Intel does not seem to care. They’re just grinning as they put the bags near the door. But then they suddenly get a great idea.
What’s under the bed? Everyone always keeps things under the bed. Usually things that cost money. He could sell them to get more money.
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So they lie down and pull out whatever they can reach under the bed.
They find a box. They pull out the box, prepared to see what loot they have obtained by doing so. But when they look into the box after sitting up onto their knees scares them.
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It’s a cardboard box. And it is covered in so much dust. Half a centimeter of dust covers it and the contents.
It’s a box. FULL. To the brim. With poke-balls. Poke-balls of varying designs. All with tape forcing them to stay closed. There’s different types of tape on each. Ones more closer to the bottom of the box have simple masking tape while some at the top have duct tape holding them close.
Intel can see that all the center buttons of the balls are glowing, flashing, red. A sign built into the pokeball to tell the trainer that the Pokémon is in danger and needs to get out.
Intel is horrified.
Because he knows that most people. MOST. People. Would put spare Pokémon they had captured and use on their team in the PC Box. Where they would be transported to a location where the Pokémon can chill out and have fun on an island.
But this.
This just means these pokemon were returned on their poke-balls and have been forced to stay in them.
Intel was in a ball once.
It was strange. They didn’t like it. No matter what they did there was no sound and nothing to do. The passage of time felt wrong. They didn’t like it.
So. How do all these Pokémon feel having stayed in there for so long!?
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ask-elliotgang · 4 years
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INTEL: “Alright alright uh. Names. You keep calling each other Blaziken and Swellow. You have names right? Like names given from parents? Or yourself! You can name yourself. I named myself Intel. I’m Intel the Raferno. I’m a crossbreed between a Raboot and a Monferno. I named myself because I like the name. Do you two have names? You gotta have names right?”
The two look at each other.
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BLAZIKEN: “I do not recall. My trainer just called me Blaziken.”
SWELLOW: “Trainer called me Swellow. That’s my name.”
INTEL: “No that’s just. That’s your species names! Did. Did you not get a name from your parents? Did your trainer not give you a nickname!?”
They both shake their head.
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INTEL: “My fucking Christ... This is bad... Do. Do you want to have names? You guys can name yourself. Or you can like take your time- Wait are you guys hungry or anything? When was the last time you ate?”
BLAZIKEN: “Last time... Healing at the Pokemon Center. We had some food there after the match.”
SWELLOW: “Water too.”
Intel sighs as he sits back down.
INTEL: “Okay so you’re. Okay? Right now? Even knowing you’ve missed 17 years of your life?”
BLAZIKEN: “Well our lives were simply battle after battle ever since hatching so. Guess so.”
INTEL: “Christ all mighty...”
{ @xavizde3​ }
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ask-elliotgang · 4 years
What's your favourite food?
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LORIEN: “Ardel. We are not doing this foolery tonight. If you’re going to have a tantrum wait until we get home. You don’t want to embarrass Elliot in public do you?”
Ardel looks like he is about to snap.
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ask-elliotgang · 4 years
Ardel simply meets his trainers stare.
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“I know what you put in my food and I’m sick of it! It make’s me forget and makes me fucking. Not me! Let me fucking be myself without these dumb-ass fucking medication altering me!”
Lorien sighs.
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“Ardel please stop barking in the diner, people are looking and you could be lowering Elliot’s reputation-”
Ardel is sick of this. He snaps.
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The angered Mightyena rushes out of the restaurant. Elliot looks out of the restaurant to see where he’s gone. He seemingly just runs down a back alley and down and away.
The trainer sighs.
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“I know he was saying something but. He just needs to realize that I don’t speak pokemon. Just.”
He looks to Luke.
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“Honey can you go get him? You always know where he goes rights? Can you just. Try and bring him home before tomorrow.”
The Ralts nods before nudging Elliot. They seem to want him to come with them. Elliot responds back with a nod before putting on a hoodie. Since. It’s night time outside and is cold. They head out.
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-= Elliot and Luke are now the only available ones for asks. =-
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ask-elliotgang · 5 years
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Elliot: “It’s been a while since i’ve come to the beach!” Lorien: “Not to mention right as Pride month starts! Woohoo!”
[ Elliot the Pikachu, Lorien the Trainer, his Surskit, Isabelle the Skitty, Leila the Hydreigon, Jaki the Zangoose, Ardel the Mightyena and Luke the Ralts are at the event! And are all open for asks! ]
note: The flag’s they’re under/with are cannon for them! Luke would like to use they/them pronouns please! Thank you!
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ask-elliotgang · 5 years
(@ask-pkmn-trainer-niko) Niko@Lorien: "Hello! It's good to see another trainer here!" The brunette smiled faintly. "Are you enjoying the beach so far? Anything else you plan on doing while you're here?"
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Lorien: “Oh another trainer! Neat! I’m enjoying myself a lot! This has got to be one of the most populated with Pokémon beaches I’ve ever been to. Too bad I can’t catch any of ‘em or else I’d get kicked the fuck out.”
He laughs
Lorien: “Yea. I plan to maybe try swimming a bit deeper and find some heart scales. Those are pretty good when you need a wider moveset pull with your teams!”
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ask-elliotgang · 5 years
Wait you're friends with a Hydreigon?
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Elliot: “If i’m correct Ness actually has a blog! It’s @ask-deltaness !!”
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ask-elliotgang · 5 years
Peachy: "H-Hey! I may... have baked too many pokepuffs by a mistake (,,꒪꒫꒪,,) Neither my girlfriend or I can manage to eat them all. I don´t wanna let them go to waste, so I thought, why not share them? Wanna join in a little snack with Pom and me? (๑ ˊ͈ ᐞ ˋ͈ )ƅ̋"
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Elliot: “Sure!!! I love pokepuffs!!! I’m on my way like zoom!”
Elliot zooms away in a flash of lightning.Lorien and his Surskit.
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ask-elliotgang · 5 years
What is your opinion on eggs
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Elliot: “Nearly all Pokémon come from eggs. They cultivate life so yeah! Love ‘em!”
Elliot, Lorien and his Surskit are on a walk.
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