queen-of-ice101 · 4 years
Dawn of the Darkness - Prologue
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“Born into a world governed by fear, Adrienne’s life is built upon lies. Every step she has taken since childhood as been defined by her struggle to keep childhood powers locked deep inside, and escape notice of the tyrant order of priest that govern the town of Serenity. 
But nothing stays hidden forever.
Now a woman, she finds herself drowning in an ability abruptly broken free of its chains by the shadows in the night.  Every moment that it grew stronger within her was lived on borrowed time and with no other option, Adrienne must make the harrowing decision to escape her home and walk away from everything she had ever known. 
Few ever escape the iron clutches of Serenity, and with supernatural forces awakening below the surface, Adrienne was on a collision course with the darkness she feared most.”
Genre: Dark Fantasy/Spiritual
Content Warnings: Dark elements of violence, death, religious corruption
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A bell rang out, a discordant and unnerving song that stretched over fiery planes. Creatures like that out of nightmares stopped abruptly whatever they had been doing, eyes raised as if seeing far beyond the small area of land they stood.
Once more the bell was rung, the room that its source stood in shaking with the force of the peals. Row upon row of inhuman beings stood, staring at the mammoth form that now lay crumpled in the centre of a stone floor surrounded by blood.
A man stood above the body, if one could even call him that. His features near-human, but the twisted red horns that curved out from his head and tattered wings quickly erased the illusion of mortality. Talon-like fingers reached down to grab the massive staff that lay discarded on the ground mere inches from the limp hand of the fallen being below him, the male looking it over with a detached sort of curiosity.
The slow satisfied smile that began to form was truly blood-chilling, as he looked up at those gathered around him.
“You have all become complacent, coddled by the apathy of your fallen ruler.” He said, sneering in disgust. “It sickens me. You are here to serve or you are here to die. Choose, or I will choose for you.”
Rumbles moved through the ranks of the beings within the massive chamber, but their murmurs were quieted as an unnatural breeze gusted through the room. The creatures looked in confusion, to find a petite woman with flaming hair walk calmly through their midst. Those that came close let out hisses and snarls of pain, burned by an unseen aura around her. The smell of burnt flesh wafted up and the beings quickly fell back, making room for the young woman who carried a box carved of obsidian in her hands.
Carefully she opened the lid, reaching in to withdraw a twisted crown of bone and glittering ruby. The horned man took it, grinning malevolently as he looked out over the crowds around him before placing the crown firmly on his head.
The laugh started softly, before gaining volume until the mad cackles echoed around the chamber. He climbed the stone stairs, armoured boots clicking against them until he reached the top of the dais to lower himself down onto the carved throne.
The room was silent as a tomb, defiant eyes fixed on him. He surveyed the room coldly, before raising the staff in hand and bringing it down against the dais.
The impact was near deafening, sending a magicked shockwave through the room. Those gathered staggered at its force, many dropping to their knees on reflex. Yet some still stood, glaring obstinately at the being on the throne. Once more he raised it, eyes burning with rage and brought it down against the stone. Under the butt of the staff, spider cracks spread on the stone of the dais, split by the force of the blow. One by one, the last standing began to kneel, even the most resistant forced to bow to the ancient law.
The wave of energy continued far past the throne room, stretching through the depths of hell and travelling into the world of mortals. Across fields and deserts, flairs of light began to appear. Power responding to power, within houses and in streets. Called by forces far beyond human control.
A new age had been awoken, the first tapestry of fate unravelling against the will of those who had woven it, to form an entirely new picture.
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@uccelletto-di-kokuyo​ @theonlychosenone​ 
If you wish to be added to the tag list just send a DM or an Ask <3
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queen-of-ice101 · 4 years
Reblogging this intro because I’m excited to announce that the rewrite and first novella in this series is officially being released on here! I’m very excited to be sharing this, as it’s been a labour of love over the course of quarantine and chaos
If you’re interested in being added to a tag list for this story feel free to send me a message or an ask <3
Heart of the Night - WIP Intro
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“Born to nobility and living a lie, her life was a testament that even the best-kept secrets will always come to light. Her world shattered, sentenced to death by the superstitions of her people. They had sought to erase the truth she represented, realizing too late they had only created a force far more dangerous. Lilith’s journey had started out driven by an unquenchable thirst for vengeance, but as the depth of the corruption became clear it became a fight to stop the wave of destruction before it consumed them all.
Time was running out, and the prayers of the fearful were not in her favour.”
Genre: Dark Fantasy/Spiritual
Work Type: Short story series
Settling: Victorian-esque era, and hell
Status: In progress
Content Warnings: Dark elements of violence, death, religious corruption
In a town controlled by fear, the fates of all those who live there rest in the hands of those who weaponize ignorance to breed hostility. It was a twisted world, cut off socially from the communities around them, and making the clergy a law unto themselves. For those who do not fit the oppressive box of accepted normalcy, it’s survival on borrowed time as they plan for the day they can escape to family and cities beyond. 
Yet, not all of them made it to those days of freedom. For some, time ran out too soon and what was their secret to keep became public knowledge. These were the examples, sacrificed on claims of conspiring with evil to keep the iron-clad grip on those left behind. Lilith was not the first to be cast to her death, but she was the first to survive what came after. 
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queen-of-ice101 · 4 years
My darling dumbass cat that I love very much, went and sat in the windowsill of our kitchen and like five minutes after he departed from The Writing Corner™ my roommate and I are startled out of our projects by a “HEWWO” from our kitchen. Then he starts wailing and we hurry over to check on him only to find that the absolute doofus fluff ball we so lovingly have named Victor Tortellini has managed to get up into the window, but there is a baking sheet with dishes blocking his escape and so he was calling on us humans to pls remove the thing so he could step on the counter, and not into the damp sink.
Cats are the best :D
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queen-of-ice101 · 4 years
I love them so muuuuuuch, have more thank you’s and love <3 <3 <3 <3
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Had a lil gift exchange with some friends and made this for @queen-of-ice101 !
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queen-of-ice101 · 4 years
Aaaa these are so good!
For the microstory post! 9 or/and 46?
9: Falling
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I’ve never known how to explain it.
Not the look in his eyes when he comes up with another ridiculous idea. Not the way he smiles at every joke he hears, good or bad. Not the way he’d wait for me through rain or snow or even hell itself.
I’ve never known how to explain that our love felt like falling.
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46: Shimmer
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Water-coated roads shimmered underneath flickering streetlights. The sky was pitch black, looming over the empty parking lot. And, in the middle of it all, she stood.
Just for a moment.
Queen of the world.
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send me a number and I’ll write a micro story using the word or phrase
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queen-of-ice101 · 4 years
Four Kingdoms - Winter Scion Worldbuilding
Ailúra is a realm of fey and magic, made up by four kingdoms, all separated by vast oceans and far-reaching mountain ranges. Each kingdom stands as the manifestation of a season, the four sustaining eternal balance for the mortal world at the centre of their realm. Without one, the world shall fall into decay and wither away into nothingness.
Genre: Fantasy
Type: Original work, multi-chapter
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/’ In-veer-no / 
Invërno is one of four fey kingdoms, this one the manifestation of winter. Its people blend with their kingdom and range from snowy white, to all shades of blue, holly greens, coal-black, and grey. Invërnians thrive in the cold, their bodies resilient to temperatures that would kill any mortal and do varying degrees of harm to the other fey. Despite its cold temperatures the kingdom is a beautiful one, with many springs, glaciers and natural wonders. They are ruled by a royal family, the only bloodline that holds the power to unlock the Glacial Chamber, a cave system hidden deep within the coldest part of their kingdom that houses the Relic of Winter.
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/’ Pree-ma-vy-ra /
Prīmavyra is the spring kingdom of the four fey seasons. It's people come in the most vast range of colours and shades, spanning a rainbow spectrum that can be found in plant life of all kinds, from bright jewel tones to warm shades of brown. Their people are filled with life, and have a special relationship with nature unique to Prīmas.   The kingdom is quite mellow in temperature, seeing everything from mild summer warmth to chilly breezes carried with spring rainstorms. Prīmavyra is not governed by any one family, but rather watched over by a council of seven. Each member of the council guards a piece of the prism key, when put together under the falls at the highest point of Prīmavyra it unlocks the path to the Eternal Garden, home of the Mother Tree that sustains spring and their kingdom.
(Other kingdoms & taglist under cut)
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/’ Ver-in /
Verán is the physical manifestation of summer, a powerful and hot kingdom made up of lush summer land and deserts. Their people come in a range of colours, from palest sand tones, to bright yellows, fiery reds and vibrant greens of every shade, all the way to cinnamon, mahogany, smokey greys and jet black. Verads live for the hottest summer days, the essence of this kind of fey preventing burns under the sun's rays. They are known for their outgoing and powerful personalities, fierce and undyingly loyal to their own. They are ruled by an Imperial family, the secrets of the Sun Vault that holds the power of summer handed down from Emperor/ess down to their heir in each generation.
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/’ Out-O-no /
Outono is the final of the four kingdoms, the kingdom of autumn. These people come in a range of rich tones, their skin reflecting the range in the autumn leaves from sunset oranges and yellows, to russet reds. They range from warmest colours all the way to fading greens and shades of brown. 
The Outonoans hold the deepest understanding of the cycle of death and rebirth, their existence eternally within that transition. Generally known as a calm people, they most frequently step into the gap to keep the peace when one of the other seasons stirs up conflict. These people have no ruler or governing council, instead working together to guide one another. They are known as the Wisdom Keepers, all of their people united as guardians of the Autumn Temple that holds the power of their kingdom and their season.
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Taglist: (Thank you for your eternal patience with how long it took to be able to work on worldbuilding and story development for The Winter Scion)
@elisabethrosewrites​ @the-real-rg @mechatronic-gamer​
If you’re interested in being added to the taglist for The Winter Scion just send a DM or an Ask and I’ll be happy to add you <3
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queen-of-ice101 · 4 years
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I’ve decided to put together some navigatable maps in my RPG maker for my Winter Scion story so I put together some sprite and facesets for the main two characters to use! Definitely not perfect, but it was fun to play around with for sure^^  I’m hoping to get some general char sketches of them completed and posted soon as well
Top character is Ra, assassin and leader of the criminal underworld known as the Winter Court. Can most often be found masked and sneaking through the underground tunnels and sewers that connect pieces of her world together, her ruthlessness and cunning has well earned her the title of Winter Queen. 
Bottom character is Ryshai, youngest princess of Ailúra and reluctant heir after the death of her family. A passionate woman who wears her heart on her sleeve, she has not allowed her time in hiding to harden her towards the world. Her goal is to liberate her people from the oppressive tyranny of the invaders, she lives for her kingdom.
Just some random content for The Winter Scion. 
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queen-of-ice101 · 4 years
Aaaa I’m glad you’re back!! All the luck with your new job, training to work with people with disability and vulnerabilities is so heckin overwhelming, feels like going through a gauntlet before the actual starting of the work even. I hope that everything goes super smoothly for you with work and school, and finding the time to relax and enjoy hobbies/passions again
Before the new decade: A final 2019 update
Hey Writeblr! I can’t believe that 2019 is almost over (or over already for some of you in a different time zone!), can you? I hope the new decade brings lovely things, people and events your way.
Some of you might have noticed that I’ve disappeared off the face of this website — or maybe not, that’s fine too — and I didn’t want to let the year end without letting my favorite community know why I’ve been gone, apologize, and what you can expect from me in the new year.
TL;DR I’ve been absent because I’ve been extremely busy and stressed. You can expect me to slowly reintegrate myself into the writeblr community, starting small with queued posts.
What I’ve been up to:
November and December have been a really busy and stressful couple of months for me. People who kept up with my personal life know that I’ve been in the process of starting a new job. This new job has been a really mentally taxing process for me, mostly because I spent about a month in new job nervousness purgatory. I got hired as a Direct Support Professional which essentially means that I work with vulnerable adults — and that requires a lot of training before I was able to even begin working. I was doing various trainings for several weeks without having any real idea of what my new job would be like, who my coworkers were, what I would be doing, while the trainings all educated me on the worst-case scenarios that could happen and how that would impact me, the organization, the clients, and my future in the human services field.
I’m also applying for some graduate programs and that has been really difficult for me as well, especially because after being out of school for about half a year, my ability to write academically has taken a dip. There’s been a lot of other things going on as well like fighting with my ISP for weeks, grace period for student loans ending, but those were the two really big ones.
There was a lot of anxiety in response to those two things, and it manifested itself into fear of all forms of social media, most notably Tumblr and Discord. Any time that I accidentally opened either app, I would panic and immediately close it because I couldn’t even look at it without my heart rate skyrocketing. It wasn’t that something bad had happened here or anything, but for whatever reason I wasn’t able to mentally handle even looking at tumblr for a while.
I know that there were things that I said that I would do, and I know that a lot of you have contacted me on discord, sent me asks and DMs that I didn’t see until now. I’m really sorry for not being around and essentially abandoning everything here for a long time. I’m also sorry for not letting you guys know that I would be on hiatus for a while.
Fortunately, things are calming down a bit. Grad school applications are due in early January, so I’m almost done with them, and I’m finally actually working at my new job instead of just training and it seems really nice so far though I have a long way to go before I really know what I’m doing.
What happens now:
I think I’m ready to start dipping my toes back in tumblr! I’ll be a student again in mid-January while working and volunteering so I don’t know how much free time and energy to devote to tumblr quite yet, but I really missed you guys and seeing what you guys were up to, and I’m finally at a place where opening tumblr doesn’t make me have an anxiety attack.
For a while at least, I think I’ll start rebuilding up my empty queue for now and slowly get used to being on tumblr again and just seeing what’s up. What the heck I did on the internet while I was avoiding tumblr I have no idea, but I’m really excited to be able to waste time on this website again. While I’m doing that, I might make a couple of personal posts about whatever I feel like, and maybe start reblogging and commenting on people’s posts again. I have a few ideas for writing and writing advice related posts I can make, but I think those will be a little bit further off for now. I’ll also work on slowly responding to everyone that’s contacted me; slowly being the keyword here. 
And no, I did zero writing over the past month or so I don’t really have anything new to share. I do have some new ideas bouncing around in my head though and a potential new little project I might start working on for fun! I hope that as I get more comfortable with my new job, I’ll be able to free up some energy to devote to writing again because right now, I am just exhausted.
So basically, I’ll be around again! Maybe I won’t be super active with making posts yet, but I want to be logging in consistently again.
Thanks for bearing with this long post! I missed you guys, I hope you guys had a fantastic holiday season, I can’t wait to catch up with everyone and I hope that you haven’t completely forgotten me 💙
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queen-of-ice101 · 4 years
Of Blood and Fire - Dark Fantasy Short Story
Warning for darker overtones in setting and character dynamic
The fires in the valleys below cast a dull glow over the stone walls that towered into the black clouds. Narrowed eyes watched the smoke rising, slender fingers moving slowly as black mist curled between them. The screams were faint as they echoed towards the ledge that the woman stood on, but one could just hear them over the hot wind that blew over the cliffs edge. Blood dripped from the deep cut on her lip, injury going ignored as she observed the carnage below.
“How utterly unsurprising that I would find you here, gloating over your handiwork.”
She wheeled, watching as a black cloaked man stepped out from the shadows of the cave leading to her post, his words laced with disgust.
“Come to observe what success looks like Lord Jeshau? It has been a while since you’ve had the privilege to see it up close.” Her words were honeyed, mouth curving into the slightest of smirks.
Silver hair glinted in the dull red light as he pulled his hood back, glancing down over the fires below. Each step towards taking the stronghold had been bitterly fought for, anything to stop the uprising of the Earthborne. Their lands above had been united, there was little glory left to find. So they had come below, to the planes of the underworld for their next conquest, strange magicks ignored in the centuries before as they laid claim to land along the edges.
“Ah yes, the success of a stronghold burning to the ground. What a stunning accomplishment Morgana, capturing a city already being destroyed to prevent us from gaining one of the capitols.” Jeshau needled, sneering at the sights below. “Tell me, what will the emperor think of this loss?”
Her lip curled into a sneer and she swept out a hand to gesture at the fires below.
“This stronghold would have been doomed no matter who led the assault on their defences. If I recall correctly, you could not even pass their first wave. We lay waste to their precious homes, what is left has been fortified to withstand war and it is with that we shall rebuild. To weak to sacrifice themselves for the preservation of their secrets, we have many a hostage awaiting His Glory’s arrival.” She bit back, the short fuse of her temper already having run out with just a few short words.
She saw the victory in his eyes, and he crossed his arms.
“Who was it that caught some of those fleeing the city through their tunnels? Your show of force through those walls did not successfully capture the commanders, I did.”
“A truly stunning way to say that you didn’t have the strength to hold the offence. How proud the emperor must be, to know one of his ‘elite squadrons’ was useful for little more than capturing fleeing Earthborne.” Morgana taunted, enjoying the way his smile faded into a snarl.
His expression was dangerous as he began a leisurely advance, Morgana saying nothing but raising her chin in challenge. She could feel the magic that radiated off him as he finally came to a stop in front of her, close enough for his breath to just barely reach her.
“I could end this competition right here, right now. A single push, that would be all it would take. High enough up to look like an accident, there would be no one left to challenge me for the position of commander.” He murmured, his threat delivered as a taunt.
She surveyed him for a moment before reaching out, slender fingers trailing up over his arm to come to rest against the back of his head as she pulled him down closer to her. She tilted her head, a slow grin forming as fangs flashed.
“Then do it. If I managed to fail such a simple escape, I’ll be taking you with me. I won’t be losing to you darling, not now, nor ever.”
His gaze was unbroken as he watched her, before letting out a low laugh as a hand settled possessively on the small of her back. He took a step back from the edge, pulling Morgana along with him as they moved further onto the black stone.
“Now where would the fun be in that. Both our names tied to failure, left behind in the dust of the next war. No, not yet. I wish to see each and every earthborne fallen at our feet.”
At his words her expression darkened slightly, Morgana smoothly twisted from his grip approaching the small crevice against the cliff wall near the cave entrance. Reaching within she grasped one of the many tubes within, withdrawing it to reveal parchment encased in glass.
“What do you have there?” Jeshua questioned as Morgana withdrew the parchment within and unrolled it.
“Declaration of the emperor.” Morgana responded, “One that went out to a restricted number of captains tasked with front line assault.”
His expression twisted in displeasure, he could tell by the colour of the seal it was not something he had been privy to.
“I suppose it gives you great amusement to find yourself in possession of chosen knowledge?” He bit out, Morgana ignoring the opening his words left her.
“If it’s contents offered me any sort of joy I just might. As it happens, I find our newest direction repulsive to what I am here to fight.”
He took the orders from her outstretched hand, eyes scanning it’s contents quickly before with a series of curses he shoved it back into her palm.
“To integrate the Earthborne, because they have become accustom to our environment. He wishes for us to show mercy to them and their spawn?!”
The parchment crumpled in her hand, blackening with magic.
“He has entered into negotiations with the Earthborne, discussions of allowing their kind to settle amongst ours. The emperor is growing soft, swayed by the exotic gifts offered by those who would take our lands and home from us for the sake of war glory. Giving away pieces of these planes even after all that has been done.
Rage burned in Jeshau’s eyes and he watched as Morgana dropped the order of mercy, parchment becoming dust under her boot as she twisted her foot.
“He would call for our mercy after our sacrifice, how very Earthborne.” He spat the name like a curse, poison dripping from his words. “Wishing to save them and their homesteads.”
Morgana said nothing, but approached the cliffs once more. The wind blew the smoke away, allowing them to see the outline of the blazing buildings that stretched across the city.
“Is this not beautiful?” She breathed, “Their presence burning into ash. This to be our legacy, one he seeks to silence.”
She felt his approach, him hovering at her back so close they were nearly touching. He leaned his head down, breath ghosting along her ear.
“A legacy of blood and fire, this is your desire?”
The flames reflected in her eyes and she smiled, the expression chilling in it’s joy.
“The emperor may have his gifts, but we shall take our victory. There is no peace, not until we see every last Earthborne dead in the ashes of their cities.”
Without warning she was spun to face him, his eyes glittering with reckless abandon.
“Are you proposing an uprising? To turn the darkness against it’s ruler?” He purred, “You could serve as my right hand.”
“I do not bow.” She said slowly, sweetly, her smile betrayed by the venom in her eyes.
Morgana reached up, hand closing around his throat. Her nails pressed into his neck, leaving crescent indents on scarred skin, but Jeshau only laughed. A thumb ran lightly over her lip, swiping over the cut in its path. As he pulled away she could see her blood on his skin, Morgana gesturing to it. He only raised a brow, bringing it to his mouth and licking it away.
“You may not, but the emperor will. He has forgotten our place in this world, it is time to remind him.”
The bloodlust danced in Morgana’s eyes and with one last look below she turned on her heel and stalked towards the caves.
“The soil shall run red under the Earthborne.”
Jeshau only smiled at her words, cloak billowing as he followed her into the darkness.
Smoke hung heavy in the clearing they left behind, their magic lingering within the fire’s aftermath. A new war was brewing, one fuelled by the hunger for carnage. Yet, in that moment things held still, unchanging, the last moment of normality ticking away into nothingness.
Above it all the silence reigned, only disturbed by echo of softest screams.
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queen-of-ice101 · 5 years
Just Four Minutes
I wanted to write a poem about fear the tightness in chest and shortness of breath each beat of my heart sounding like a drum
Yet every time I try 
A feeling of anger so all-encompassing that it drowns out the inspiration inside me The thick blanket of inky hate  that screams for violence against something I cannot stop
A force that turns humans into prey for twisted urges Where your right for protection only extends the length of your skirt, the gender of the victim decides whether they get justice or support and the school grades of the guilty serve as defense  with arguments that could not stand against any other crime
The feeling in the gut as you stare at a silent phone waiting for the text that your friend has made it safely home Your head reminding that silence means they probably just forgot but your heart fearing something infinitely more frightening
Where you can hear the words “end up dead, or worse” and knowing that those words are very true when early lessons are filled with frightening realities that it’s better to die than be taken away with them alive
The sickness that rises up at the knowledge of the tears shed in waves by children who had their innocence taken too young by the monsters that wear human skins and smiles enforced silence masking the sound of their fracturing hearts
The fear knowing that it takes for a walk home to become a tragedy is
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queen-of-ice101 · 5 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out!
Thank yooooooooooou <3 <3 
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queen-of-ice101 · 5 years
✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! 🏆Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨
Aaaaaaa thank you!! <3
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queen-of-ice101 · 5 years
Whooooo’s doing NaNoWriMo this year???? I’m actually thinking I might tackle it for the first time! I can’t decide between two novel WIP’s though, one idea thats actually developed and the other thats not very developed but I’m very hooked on the character dynamic for >.<
I neeeeeeed NaNo buddies though, so if you’re doing it and haunt discord at all HMU!  (Or if you know of a smaller NaNo discord server for chatting through prep and November
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queen-of-ice101 · 5 years
Winter Awakening - Short Story
Cruel mocking laughter that echoed on every side. The freak girl, standing amongst the dignified mages in training with their potions and step by step spells. They learned their magic, each spell a building block to stand atop the other. Everyone had rawness, no one could use it outside of spells although not for lack of trying.
It was the order to things, to learn, grow, and claw over others to stand at the top. If you could not cast spells, you were nothing. Merely the failures of society.
The taunts came in, each one more poisonous than the last. Taunts on the magic Aria seemed to fail every time she dared to attempt, unable to breach the burning cold core of magic she could feel within. Mockery of her home, her intelligence, her worth, everything that could be used as a weapon turned against her. She was a disgrace, a lowlife excuse for a mage.
Every word had been heard before, impossible to forget. Aria had been hearing them all her life, and as she stood before them with a blank gaze each barbed attack fell into the dark heap in the back of her mind along with the rest. She had long since zoned out, barely hearing their words as she stared into the cloudy skies above.
With no time to brace herself, or preparation to catch to catch her own fall two hands reached out to slam aggressively into her shoulders. Aria was flung backwards, back hitting the wall where she slid down to sit ungracefully on the damp asphalt. The mages sneered, turning and walking away with disgust twisting their features. Even as their backs grew smaller in their retreat from the alcove Aria didn’t move, dropping her head back against the brick behind her. Tears welled in pale eyes only to be forced away, rage and hopelessness welling in her like a wave to crash into nothingness.
Eyes drifted shut, as the world spiralled into peaceful pale expanse, Aria taken away from the realities of her own personal prison into this sudden soft dreamworld. A world where she stood blissfully alone, staring at the winter wonderland that surrounded her. Pristine perfection, snow lighter and fluffier than anything the dreary home winters offered her. Trees glittered around her, crystalline branches reaching towards the sky. She walked slowly, reaching out to run her hands through the frozen branches of a weeping willow, the airy tinkling bringing a soft smile.
With each step into this dreamscape she took, something within her seemed to cry out, a frigid pull that refused to let go. She reached her hands out, letting out a gasp as the snow that coated her daydream began to rise towards her. Rolling back over the ground like a glittering carpet it pulled away from frosted grass to wrap around her hands and arms. It was as if the magic within her answered the silent call to meet the snow as she began to rise off the ground. For a moment she floated freely, then with a startled gasp Aria’s eyes snapped open and she sat upright.
Her dreamscape vanished with the dreary light of the cloudy day, but the chill in her veins did not.
She sat perfectly still for a moment, reaching out with near hopeless resignation to the magic inside. Waiting for it to retreat, to become dormant once more just as it always had. Yet, the tentative icy touch within her spoke of a different outcome, one that set her heart nearly beating out of its chest.
Aria had no grasp of what she was doing, no ideas or guidance. The lessons she had sat under for years were left forgotten, as without really knowing what was driving her inside she let out a long exhale.
Frost escaped too-cold lips, the ground around her sparkling with the lightest flecks of ice. She rose on trembling legs, staring down at her hands before slowly closing her eyes and willing the magic towards her hands. She felt the tingle all the way through her fingertips, and her eyes opened to gaze in wonder at the thin spirals of snow that appeared above her palm to slowly climb into the air.
The soft giggle escaped her, Aria stepping forward with a sweep of her hand. Snow burst out around her, falling to the ground lightly as for the first time in a very long time she grinned. With a twirl Aria summoned more snow, before gathering it tightly around her as it began to rise. She spun through the air with arms outstretched, the cries of shock as people began to see her merely distant sounds. Every part of her tingled with magic, and from through her curtain of snow she saw a teacher cast a spell at her to bring her back tumbling to the ground.
Without even being completely sure what she was doing she flung a hand out, ice forming around the spell and derailing its course away from her. Slowly she lowered herself, feet finally touching down lightly on the ground as the snow fell away and she stepped forward towards her teachers and peers.
She didn’t understand the collective gasps and murmurs of shock that sounded when she became fully visible once more, puzzled by their reactions as they stared at her arms and face as if having never before seen them. Aria looked down at her feet, into the cloudy puddle that reflected glittering features back at her, every part of visible skin covered in snow crystals that stretched out over her arms and cheeks. She was still herself, but it was impossible to miss the glittering ice that seemed ingrained in her features.
“You stopped my spell.” One teacher said lowly, stepping forward. “What did you do!? Who are you?”
She knew they weren’t asking the identity everyone knew her by, but what it was underneath they clearly thought she’d been deceiving them for. Unsure of how to answer she looked down at her own hands, the skin sparkling in the light. For a moment she considered the question before letting out a soft sigh, frost escaping on her breath as she smiled and looked back up.
“I’m Aria.” Was her simple answer, there was nothing more to say.
With that she began to walk, the people gathered parting instantly out of her way out of fear of the strange magic she possessed. Her eyes drifted across closed off and hostile features, those who she had aspired to be like and who’s magic she had coveted. She smiled to herself, a soft smile that spoke of tentative hope and relief. With each step she took she sped up, until she passed through the archway onto the country road.
There, she began to run, jumping and spinning with magic wrapping around her and dancing across the open field next to the road. Her feet left hardpacked dirt as she began to race through the grassy fields, laughter echoing through open air.
She had no idea how far she had run, but somehow she still wasn’t tired. Slowly she came to a halt, dropping down into the snow as she watched the sun setting over the far mountains. Tracing icy patterns into the air, her mind began to wander as she contemplated what she would do now. All children were taken from their parents by five, to be put into school and training so they could become mages separate from family coddling, she had no way of reaching graduation without magic and so even at nineteen she had never met her family. There was no way to return to them.
As her mind lazily drifted through different possibilities the sound of a voice calling out her name broke through the reverie, the young woman startling at the unexpected call. She stood, wheeling to face the source of the voice before going wide-eyed.
Standing at a distance stood a figure cloaked in darkness, a look that might have been terrifying if not for the countless specs of light that whirled through the cloak and glowed like stars. They reached out towards Aria, beckoning her to come.
Slowly she stood, approaching with cautious steps as the being reached out towards her.
“Aria, I knew it was you, the moment the winter threads in the universe rerouted itself towards this place.” The being said, tone filled with relief and excitement.
“How do you know my name?” She questioned cagily.
They laughed lowly, a sound that relaxed Aria’s nerves in spite of herself.
“Because I know you of course. So long I’ve been waiting, I found the other three within a few years of the four seasons being reborn into the mortal realm through wishing upon the Universe. They found homes in climates that complimented their soul, but somehow you were derailed off course, even the Universe had no answers. I searched every winter land, but all the while you were locked away in this dreary land of rain where they chain your magic away with their narrow boxes of expectation.” As they spoke of the magic she had so long been unable to unlock their expression fell, displeasure filling their eyes.
Aria stared at them for a moment before backing away, shaking her head in disbelief. Nothing about today made sense, but this was over the top even for her.
“You have the wrong person. The four seasons? I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m a mage with strange powers I’ll admit but I’m nothing more than an anomaly. I’m not one of whatever you’re speaking of.”
The being of darkness shook their head, approaching with inhuman swiftness. She moved to jerk back again but found herself immobile as they reached up to rest their fingers lightly against her forehead.
“You are still trapped by the ways of those people, it seems you will need my help.”
For a moment Aria felt nothing, then a sudden chilled energy washed through her and filled her from head to toe. With a gasp Aria began to see sudden snapshots of a forgotten life through her eyes, memories that seemed to vanish as fast as they had come and leaving nothing behind but imprinted images and emotions. A sudden familiarity with everything around her that was not of her own lifetime, faded memories that didn’t quite feel like hers but carried a sense of belonging.
Finally, they pulled their hand away, watching with piercing eyes as Aria wobbled and reached out to steady herself. The dark entity caught hold of her wrist for a moment, giving Aria a moment to regain her bearings.
“These memories… they fade before I can bring them clarity. But I know you, I called you Nox.” The name flowed off her tongue with familiarity, instinct knowing what her memories were still catching up to.
A melancholy flashed through shadowed eyes that Aria didn’t understand, and Nox nodded.
“You knew me well, both my sibling and I. We have missed you and have been waiting for a long time for you to return.”
“Why are you here alone Nox? Where are the others?” She questioned, looking around the empty field.
“They are waiting, though they have yet to remember for what. You were the first to wish upon the universe, the others followed suit. It is in that way that we must retrieve them once more.” They explained.
“If this is true… why did you not wish with us, neither you nor your sibling made the decision to join us. Darkness and light have been there from the beginning of this world, older than us with more time to crave the experiences of those who live with such abandon.” Aria questioned.
“While the seasons observe from above darkness and light run through the core of what makes them mortal, we saw all sides and I saw little I wished to live. Mortals can be so very fickle, snuffing out the light of what is unique among them.” Nox said with distaste, their cloak shifting as they took a step back.
Aria frowned, brushing a finger across her temple as she tried desperately to grasp for memories beyond her reach.
“I can’t remember what it was like before, before I was living with the humans and the mockery.” She said, frustration rushing through her.
“They are there, give it time.” They urged, Aria hissing out a sigh.
“Where do we go from here then? What happens next?”
Nox grinned, reaching down to hook their fingertips lightly under Aria’s, pulling her towards them. She felt the cloak of darkness envelop her as they fell back into the shadows, leaving behind the mortal world to return to Nox’s domain
“We find the others. It is time to take back up the mantle of winter, and to pursue what has been lost.”
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queen-of-ice101 · 5 years
Freefall - Short Drabble
TW for suicide (nothing gory and graphic, just general introspective look at the topic)
Cold, biting at soft skin with the chill of winter. The wind blew across her, silken white dress tangling between her legs. The city stretched out before her, a familiar cacophony of horns and shouting that carried up to her brought a sense of comfort.
Above shone a few small stars that had broken through the light that surrounded the city, midnight wrapping around her home like a velvet blanket. The lights from the streets below reflected in the pale green eyes that gazed down over the edge, reflected in the tears that welled within them.
She felt so removed as she watched the cars move too and fro in the light of the streetlamps, the busy routine that stretched further back than she had been alive in a city that never sleeps. In the building below where she stood employees wrapped up projects and packed up to return home, some would come back to the warmth of a family while others would be greeted by the unfeeling welcome of an empty apartment.
Another inch closer to the edge, gravel broke through the tender skin on the bottom of her feet and sticky warmth began to trickle along the soles of her feet, falling away to coat the pebbles below her with each step.
For a moment she stood, toes curled over the edge. Then with a shuddering breath turned, the wind was at her back as she looked away from the place she had always called home.
Her face lifted to the night sky above, the breeze chilling her tears against her cheeks.
There was nothing to catch her now as with one last deep breath she leaned back into the freefall.
Lying broken on the cement below, white and red in morbid contrast. The pages in the book of her life would become nothingness, an impact to break those that once had called her special to them.
Yet the city would continue on, uncaring and unknowing. She was not the first to fall, she would not be the last.
Just another unknown light snuffed out by the creeping darkness, to be left behind as the stars spun on in the galaxies above. 
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queen-of-ice101 · 5 years
Salt-stained Memories
Your name tastes of salt and summer breeze
Made of tears and wild summer adventures 
Reinforced through the anger and pain
Tempered with the lingering reminder of a smile
The double-edged lies laying within the scars they made
Woven throughout the days with closest friends
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queen-of-ice101 · 5 years
Friend: You’re not gonna be one of those authors that torture their characters are you?
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