#love iterators <3 so fascinating
xenomorphicdna · 6 months
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This is an on the string propaganda post
Brought to you, by me (with love)
It's time for machine comforts. Comforts we can't understand, or experience. Let them be happy, let them be at peace with their body.
Does a breath of cool water feel nice on their systems? When it's quiet do they listen to their own heart and feel the electricity pulsing? Does it remind them that they are alive and a part of this world? Do they have dreams? Hopes and projects they wish to work on, hobbies?
Why get off the string into the harsh and deadly world, fighting for survival and losing everything they've ever known to love about themselves?
What about the safety of their bodies? How scary would it be for a machine with thousands, maybe millions of throughs to suddenly have just a handful. The horror of everything going silent.
They have hundreds of eyes to see the world for all its beauty, they capture moments that would otherwise go unseen. Why blind themselves of such things?
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kafus · 4 months
over the weekend at the knoxville regional pokemon championships, i met up with a longtime internet friend in person for the first time, and he traded me a very special pokemon - a unique celebi that takes a bit of context to explain the significance of
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from november 2001 to january 2005, the building that is now a nintendo world store in new york city was actually an american pokemon center, which hosted the "Gotta Catch ‘Em All!" station, a large machine that you could pop your gold/silver/crystal cartridge into (or later ruby/sapphire/firered/leafgreen, but that's not relevant here) and get a special distribution pokemon unique to the store. often times these were normal pokemon in eggs with special moves they couldn't usually learn, but other times they ran distributions for shiny legendaries, and of course, the mythical celebi.
there's very few pictures of the machine and all of them are pretty low quality, but you can see an iteration of it here during the gen 3 era:
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when PCNY (pokemon center new york) shut down, the machine and its contents were presumed lost forever, but due to the preservation efforts and the good luck of a few individuals, some of the distributions have been preserved, as well as parts of the machine and its software. this is extra incredible because almost all gen 2 save files from the time the machine was actually functional are long since wiped due to the battery inside dying, meaning that very very few of the gen 2 event pokemon distributed from this machine at the time still exist. i won't go super in detail on that in this post but you can read an article about all of that here (julie, the person who runs this historical PCNY fansite is incredibly passionate and if you want to know anything about the PCNY store i absolutely recommend reading her writing!)
so, one day when i was rambling to my friend (his name is Venty!) about my fascination with the PCNY machine, and how i wish i had been born early enough to experience that, as well as wishing that i could have traded with anyone in gens 1-3 as a child but never got to due to isolation, venty told me that he's actually friends with a guy (Professor Rex) who knows the guy who owns the remnants of the PCNY machine (Gridelin), and he would love to reach out and ask if there's any way rex could distribute a celebi to himself and trade it to him sometime so that eventually when me and venty met in person one day, he'd be able to trade the celebi to me.
i pretty much burst into tears and very passionately explained how much that would mean to me - not just because owning a celebi actually distributed from the historical PCNY distribution station is just... insanely cool, but because like i said, i had never traded anyone in the old internet-less generations of pokemon, and having that be my first was just... a monumental thought. i am deeply fascinated with old gen event distributions because of the tactile, interpersonal nature of them, in direct contrast with my isolation and loneliness as a child. it might sound silly to be so worked up over a collection of bytes/pixels, but i really couldn't believe venty would offer me something so kind. and not only did he offer to ask - rex said yes!!
so on may 21st last year (2023) rex traveled out and distributed the celebi to his pokemon silver cartridge. specifically, the celebi is from the "Celebi Present Campaign" which ran from the 22nd of november 2002 to the 28th of november 2002. the display on the monitor is the same video that would have appeared on the screen in the PCNY store, but flipped sideways here haha. (the gen 2 distributions were special and had custom animations for the legendaries and stuff, which you can watch here in full quality on gridelin's channel - there's videos of the other distribution animations on his channel, too!)
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and then months later, during the weekend of august 11th 2023, rex and venty met up at the pokemon world championship in japan and rex traded the celebi to venty's gold cartridge...
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...then, finally, just this past weekend, on sunday (february 4th 2024) venty and i finally met in real life for the first time at the knoxville TN regional pokemon championships, and with link cable in hand the celebi finally made its way to me in my hotel room, after crossing the ocean twice and passing through canada to the US to japan and back to the US...!!
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gen 2 pokemon data isn't very complicated, but you can tell that my celebi is unique from the other PCNY celebis dumped online (here and here if you'd like to play with some of these historical pokemon yourself) because it has the trainer ID of 00204 which none of the publicly available celebis have - though of course to me, regardless of what becomes publicly available in the future (and i hope one day the common layperson can simply emulate the PCNY machine, video game preservation >>> unique collections always) this celebi will always be special and unique because of how it got to me, and because it represents my friendship with venty who i care so much about. it was an extremely kind gesture i will never forget and i can't believe how much traveling and how many people were involved with getting this tiny bundle of bytes and pixels to me. i hugged venty after the trade was done haha
oh, and by the way, don't worry, i have the hardware to back up my gen 2 save files so this celebi will never die even after my crystal cartridge battery eventually dies once more!! (also, while i don't think it would be an issue i do want to say please don't bother any of the people mentioned in this post...! gridelin & co are working on making the distribution machine in question available for anyone to use, it'll come out whenever it's out and for now there are dumps of the events that were recovered. i would not want them to receive any annoying requests for pokemon because of me. thank you!)
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mecachrome · 2 months
omg k i just saw ur top 3 landoscar moments post from october 2023... any changes/updates since then? new moments made it onto the list? or if not... favorite moment of 2024 so far? (i just like hearing (reading?) ur thoughts it's like reading an intellectual (but still sappy in my fave way) bedtime story 🥰)
hklsdfhlsfhd naurrr... this is so embarrassing why am i still deeply landoscarpilled 6 months later 😔
but honestly i have been thinking about this and the sheer volume of crasyinsane material and lore we've accrued since last year because now i'm like how would you even begin constructing a top 3....... the possibilities are endless!!!
in terms of pre-october content that i might have missed before, i'd say most of this ask still holds (lando's biggest fan dot mp4 will NEVER lose its insanity to me. quintessential landoscar meta as far as i'm concerned) but now i also desperately need 2 shout out portrait painting challenge...... when it came out i was of course susceptible to the "you look beautiful" bantz though mostly just wrote it off as shipbait and since then i've looked back on this video multiple times and been like ?! why was oscar's deference to lando so insane actually.... i've alr mentioned this b4 but 1) oscar taking lando's intro in stride and immediately responding i am ready lando norris 2) oscar playfully acquiescing and letting lando use purple after he'd already chosen it 3) >like 5 seconds later. "you like purple don't you?" "uhhhh... i can do now" (who says that.) 4) another stunning display of lando Nooticing and fixating on oscar's hair swoop and last but not least 5) the way oscar FOLDS OVER and giggles helplessly when lando tells him i've just done you all pink ??? like. OKAY. cheers
looking @ recent content..... personally i find 814 so fascinating because while there are many Discrete Moments i can point out that make my brain explode i also feel like to some degree the reason we (? or maybe just me. again i apologize for the nonsensical drivel i create) love to make parallel gifsets of them is because they have such an understated dynamic built off many minute unspoken habits and wordless exchanges and essentially Patterns so there is less of like... a need for spontaneous intimacy.... if that makes sense. it's about the consistency of reciprocal comfort... iterations..... palisades palisades......... ok this is totally not related to the ask i've just been rotating it in my mind
anyway 10 personable favs !!! arranged chronologically
finish the lyrics (oct 2023): a deeply obvious one but you can't Not include it 😩 i can't believe this came out a week after i answered that because seriously what da hell. @ OSCAR PIASTRI WHAT IS WRONG WITH YEWWWWWWWW. there are sooooo many things i could mention here that i feel have already been exhaustively expounded, the most obvious of course being the classic ojp Heart Eyes moment(s) (Many such cases......but also specifically the love story one) (like i'd argue silverstone was mostly responsible for getting 814 off the ground BUT this video was when their dynamic became the most "mainstream" and accessible to fandom as a whole... the amount of non-f1 fans i saw qrting reups of that clip!!!!) anyway but then you also get 👉 whatever the inside joke they have about old town road is. oscar saying "i reckon you'd be unreal in a karaoke bar in japan" which i still think is such a Line... just me ??? the way he verryryryyyy softly sings "yes" with lando at the end of their love story karaoke and the insane camera angle of him just out of focus. like. really in general there is just such a soft and lighthearted and Fun air to their dynamic in this video that makes me ;__; AND this is another prime moment of lando narrating oscar's firsts for him (singing on camera at mcl!!!) . ALSAURR lando tapping oscar on the bicep while sarcastically complimenting him. once again for two guys who never touch it compels me... actually i could go on about this video tbh like how oscar nearly falls off the couch giggling at lando playing the songs together and then it cuts to the next one and he's suddenly all flushed and his bangs have gotten all fucked up. he's so... they're so... let's move on.
splunk sim city challenge (nov 2023): many classic lines such as "i haven't even distracted you yet!" + oscar knowing his podium year and lando saying "you're a nerd!" + lando going ":) :o are you okay?" and so on... general setup of this challenge was crasy tbh. how it revolves around disrupting the other person's focus and the visual asymmetry of one being sat higher and having to lean over to distract them and how oscar just giggles goodnaturedly when lando sticks his cue cards in front of his face instead of getting annoyed and—SO ON. also forever obsessed with how oscar wordlessly lifts his eyebrows at lando at the end lol
that one sticker video (nov 2023): this video is insaaAAANEEEE to me. ANYONE ELSE??? first of all oscar and lando gingerly standing across each other on either side of the flower bed (while zak brown assumes a power stance directly on it lmfao) is already so visually overwhelming but then the way oscar glances up as he's removing the sticker from the cap, how you can seeeeee him calculating the move the entire time and being adorably pleased about it, @__@ the way lando grins at him afterward... (also crying at zb glancing at them and being equally charmed by their antics) wahhh TT__TT the vibes of this clip... immaculate
oscar thanking lando in their final post-race message (nov 2023): honestly the entire message in general but :__) one of my fav 814 moments OAT is oscar including lando in his thank you speech and lando not really expecting it and being genuinely touched by the gesture. lando is so endearingly fidgety the entire time honestly and the way he perks up a bit and wrings his hands together and playfully smiles at oscar when he mentions him... okayyy. anyway 2 me it's reminiscent of yes/no challenge "am i the funniest teammate you've ever had?" "(shyly) yeahhh... you're up there" (said in the same baby-ish voice as "so... lando?" UGH. UGHHHH) and how lando genuinely gets a bit awkwardly flustered by it like!!! god. wait ALSO i don't have the space for this so i'm throwing in end of season awards MMMM debatable + how gleefully lando threw oscar under the bus and in general just the incredible expression work going on for both of them during this exchange. God [2]
si rapid fire questions (dec 2023): this video was crucial in determining that oscar... well. is obsessed with accommodating and mirroring lando. many things we already knew (aka listening to whatever music lando listens to; insert prema lap "maybe i should move to an english team because the music's better" moment here) but equally important is oscar "stealing" lando's dinner, how lando presses him on the back to the future question until oscar just changes his answer to his, and of course as you know per my blog title NO I'M GOING TO KEEP YOU HAPPY is in my eyes top 5 most insane things oscar piastri has ever said. likeee... lando showing a bit of jokey remorse over enforcing his rules (don't even get me started about lando and game/challenge rules...) but oscar being sooo determined 2 honor his teasing 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 :melting_face: x100!!!
need to split this into two lists because apparently there's a div character limit 😔 continuing on
hilton spa ad (feb 2024): of course this pained me because of This Moment (specifically lando bringing his hand back down when oscar tried to lift it from beneath him 😮‍💨) but that is neither here nor there. obsessed with the salmon at the engineering table anecdote because the most logical explanation for oscar Not doing that anymore is because lando didn't like it... or he just eats different things now but we already know that he's adopted lando's preferred meal b4 so that's equally a lot 2 digest !!! also >the callback to their one million LOOK AT YOU/HIM moments >how they touch shoulders exactly Once when they sit down and then never again despite lando continuously leaning into oscar's space to get to the button... eugh. also just top tier oscar faces + hair 🥰
opening title behind the scenes (mar 2024): thinking about all the hilarious gifsets of this moment that i ate up deliciously 🧡🧡🧡 this was such a significant reminder of how 814 have just gotten like, exceedingly comfortable around each other & have learned 2 communicate via the most inscrutable expressions and noises and gestures that somehow suit Them perfectly x__x although i doubt they will ever really become ~effusive~ with each it's frankly even more devastating that they both help each other care less about maintaining appearances / how they often get so sucked into their interactions (see next bullet point) that everything else kind of just fades away in that instant.... all right ⚠️⚠️⚠️ maybe that's a bit of a stretch but we can pretend for the rpf lens!!! see also my tag spiel in this beautiful tuva gifset.
photo day antics (mar 2024): do you ever just...... what went on in bahrain. honestly. more from this weekend in a second but this video plus the accompanying photo encapsulate their dynamic so perfectly it makes me scream... how 814 are not only so annoyingly focused on each other all the time but also stand SOOO UNNECESSARILY CLOSE while every other teammate pairing is spaced out normally. yuki and checo glancing at them alksfdhdf 😭 truly so ridiculous that the poor photo person tried to get lando's attention and they pretended to comply for two seconds before oscar was lifting his foot to show lando his boot again. also why did it take oscar a million years to step away from lando and put a more appropriate amount of space between them...?! and even then it was barely that much........... (10 paragraphs of speaking later) I prefer really not to speak.
accidental waist grab (mar 2024): this gave me psychic damage so bad i should be lobotomized. we've already spoken about this perhaps erm excessively but why did lando feel the need to stand JUST as close to him if not closer after they broke apart. there was truly no need...... honestly the way this ship will have us looking up driver cams and staring at esteban ocon's ass as he gets out his car just for a single glimpse of their parc fermé dynamic.
bahrain post-race interview antics (mar 2024): You already knowwwww. the sky sports "he follows me everywhere" moment is equally important but the f1tv interview giving us horrifically natural banter (juxtaposing this with their previous interview moments...), lando's dumb faux australian accent and oscar playing along as always, and most of all them HIJACKING THE INTERVIEW & commiserating on camera together ❓❗️ lichrally the grid photo all over again. often when i have emotions over an 814 moment i worry that i sound overly He_Only_Got_Two_Eyes.jpeg but truly sometimes two people are just objectively insane. plus land of piastri/lando piastri.....
also runner up is the f1tv interview with lawrence aka lando's cooing noise @ oscar discussing lily (anyone else frame by frame color pick oscar's face to see how badly he flushed... no? just me?) + the beautiful self-aware surfacing of the CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS of their relationship...... !!! love when 2 guys expose and confirm their own sincerity in trying to verbally resist it. hem
is this anything. sorry eve LKSFDHLDHSF thank u for the ask & pls lmk what ur fav moments are too 🧡
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jennrypan · 28 days
Let's go down the line of fuckassary: LONG ASS POST AHEAD.
1: Gaia looked and acted like everyone else. She should've been WAY angrier, she should be pissed at Persephone for bringing about winter first of all. Should be pissed that she was a sleep and NOTHING got better over the centuries. But sure, she's giggling and happy.
(I liked that she shoved her hand in Ouranos' chest tho.)
2: It's soo funny that people keep SAYING that Persephone and Hades have true love but the comic hasn't showed us that ever 🤨, like if anything those two losers are obsessed with each other. Be so fr.
3: Once again..this should be Persephones story/POV but its in Hades' always. Fascinating.
4: "You have to spend 3 months away from your sugar daddy" OH NOOOO BUT WEVE BEEN APART FOR SO LONGB 🥺. God. At this point does she even NEED to be in the Mortal Realm fr?? Like..Demeter, Metis and Rhea are back now so..what's her purpose there.
5: The way Gaia just isn't. Gaia is baffling. Anyways. Demeter FINALLY found out what happened to Persephone but she's not..having a moment with her daughter?? Not talking to her about it?? Okay.
6: As usual. They're eager to have sex cuz that's the only thing they do. "I can't wait to see that ass--" ..how very Zeus and Posedion of you quote on quote romantic 🤨
7: She gets her coronation but..didn't she already have that when she married Hades?? Ig not then. Also..Apollo just got a slap on the wrist, not surprising.
DEMETER GOT PUNISHED MORE THAN HIM??? Hell the Titans got punished more than that bitch what the fuck??? God.
8: The disrespect to Zeus is so. 😶 Zeus would literally not sit back quietly for this shit the fuck??? Also..Hera didn't divorce Zeus all those years and now she did ?? And she's what..gonna get with Echo now??? Fascinating. Zeus needs to start tossing rocks. Rachel did Zeus and Heras relationship so fucking DIRTY!!!! GOD!! FUCKING DAMMIT. I hate how she wrote them. Anyways.
9: The Mortal Realm is a lot easier cuz Hades is there?? YOU WERE BORN THERE!!! ITS YOUR HOME!! You ungrateful ass spawn. It wasn't that fun cuz you didn't have a man there?? Insane.
10: The way Persephone clearly doesn't love her own mother is sickening actually. Like..we can't even have them talking to each other?? Dancing?? Even the comment about her doesn't have that much emotion. Also..Dionysus' hair looks goofy, and I guess Hades is all for bringing back mortals now despite making a big stink about it in season 1 but whatever. Yay Semele.
11: "hera just gives him busy work" ..He's literally the king. Literally-- oh my god. "His powers having been the same" which..MEANS WHAT?? And the way Zeus would literally not be happy about this shit is so-- UGH. God it's infuriating. Hades and Posedion clearly don't give a shit about their brother if they aren't concerned about his fucking powers 'not being same'??? Die.
12: Echo needs to stand SEVERAL feet away from Hera. That ship is so god damn tasteless and unnecessary. If you're gonna give hera a new love interest. Maybe give them actual moments?? Make it make sense!!
13: "Ares is still a dog!" *cue laugh track sound*, god this is so..why ?? Ares, baby I'm so sorry people keep disrespecting you in every iteration 🤦‍♀️
14: ignoring the Artemis bit cuz she wasn't relevant for any of the major plots and she still isn't. Anyways. Hades stay the FUCK away from Thanatos. "They can have conversations" oh?? How fascinating. Hades just NOW deciding to care about Thanatos doesn't make up for years of his neglect.
15: Persephone, Ares and Aphrodite should beat Eros' ass for being useless about Apollo. I still think that. Eros is an ass of a friend.
16: 'new powers' ..Girl your powers are basically your old powers with one extra step. Shut UP!!! anyways. (No one cares about kassandra, sorry not sorry. Who was worried about that )
17: Hades and Persephones millionth drabble of nonsense fluff. They're not saying anything new, nor are they doing anything new. I do like the art tho. It's just..baffling how..they're relationship started soo much nonsense and we're suppose to see it as a good thing??
THIS is a good ending??
Nevermind the fact Persephone didn't spend time with her friends or her MOTHER, nevermind the fact Zeus and Posedion don't even get to speak to their mother either.
Hera, Hestia and Demeter don't have a moment with Metis either.
Like..what was the point of bringing them back if you weren't gonna bring it to a satisfying conclusion?? Absolutely insane
Also..Eileithyias design is ass. It's sooo boring. It's literally just pilot Hebe but darker. Oh wow she's yellow with purple eyes??? Insidious. Also she just looks boring and bland to be the daughter of the literal king and queen but sure. Give us nothing.
And..again with making the children boring copies of one specific parent! Macaria is so..boring to look at just like Melinoe. Also...hades can..have kids now?? 🤨 okay.
So basically..this was insane from start to finish.
This wasn't a good conclusion. It was absolutely a wreck.
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lefresne · 3 months
Hi! Sorry for the silly questions but i would like to ask you ,what are yoy fave relationships in Arthuriana and wht^ (romantic ,platonic ,bitter enemies ,familial etch)
Have a Good day !
Hi what a fun and delightful question !! Honestly if it’s done well I can pretty much get behind anything but I do have a few relationships that really make me go crazy in the best way:
Arthur and Morgan: people who don’t understand why a woman who seemed hellbent on destroying Arthur might also be the one to comfort him as he dies just. don’t get it. Like that’s her baby brother!!!you can spend your life scheming against him and coming up with silly goofy plans to undermine him but at the end of the day that is your baby brother. When Malory has her say « dear brother why have you tarried so long away from me? » HELP???
Morgan and Guinevere: just. Fascinating relationship. In the vulgate cycle Morgan starts to suspect that Guinevere is having an affair with lancelot when she spots his ring because Morgan has the SAME RING (with minor differences) and it was also a gift from Guinevere. I’m speechless. these monks really said that morgan and guinevere exchanged love tokens at one point. « We were girls together » or however it goes. like. so true. they were girls together!!!
Gawain and Guinevere: Camelot mean girls. Agents of chaos. Having little parties and gossiping. Guinevere riding out alone to meet him in the knight of the two swords and embracing him and covering his face with kisses because she is so happy to see him…thats (platonic) love baybee!
Gawain and Lancelot: i believe they loved each other. Like I really do. I’d go as far as to call them soulmates but in a sort of fundamental way I can’t quite explain. Gawain wants to be a woman so he can be with lancelot! Gawain asks Lancelot to kill him! Gawain is DEVOTED to that man. Very compelling.
Lancelot and Guinevere: fascinated by all iterations of their relationship. It’s so complex and interesting. Like the power dynamic is so rich, especially when you think of Lancelot’s ambiguous relationship with gender. They do love each other, even when it’s difficult and it looks like they don’t. Their final parting in Malory is SO painful to read.
I think what these all have in common is that they make me reflect on the nature of love and how complicated and interesting love is, in all its forms!
Thank you for your question <3 and if anyone want to tell me all about their fave arthurian relationships they can <3
(Edit: I also forgot to put Perceval and his mother on the list!! I am obsessed with them)
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colgatebluemintygel · 4 months
toothpaste!! I of course must know about the sad soggy scottish seaside 🦭
selkie r has gone through several iterations (one of which was a high fantasy rogue au (sorta along the same lines as locke lamora)) however ... i decided 2 follow my heart and save the seal for something that felt more thematically appropriate (sad soggy scotland !!!)
SO the new selkie r au is set in the 1800's featuring sirius as the wild n rebellious heir who has just returned home from overseas adventuring to his family's seaside mansion . the blacks are heavily involved in the whaling/sealing industry, and business is booming but seals have been hunted to the verge of extinction .
remus is the manor's peculiar mute gardener, who sirius becomes immediately fascinated with ;;; unfortch for him, remus abhors the black family and everything they stand for, and immediately assumes the worst about sirius :-)))
overall the fic features themes of environmentalism, forbidden love, the sublime n tragedy !! lots of rain and mist and cliffs .. and sad wet boys <3
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petite-madame · 1 year
Hi PM. I'm sorry, my question isn't about art. I'm learning French and I wanted to know what was your favorite French meme. Thank you. ❤️
Hi anon ^^
I'm sorry, my question isn't about art
No problem, I think it's a hilarious and very unusual question! 😁
I wanted to know what was your favorite French meme
This one. We post it, most of the time on Twitter, when someone wrote something particularly stupid, didn't understand the topic or blatantly lied:
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"But...you wrote a bunch of nonsense!"
"Why ? Is it bad ?"
"Yes, you have to think a bit beforehand."
I love it because it's particularly petty. From the absurd dialog to the childish font to the little characters, I think it conveys all the condescension you need to answer stupid people on the internet.
There's also another a meme that I find fascinating by what it created artistically. I don't like it per se but its various iterations are quite interesting. So, it started by a screenshot from the show C'est mon choix (It's my choice) and the quote "il a pas tort" ("he's not wrong") from the guy on the left (a completely misogynistic a-hole who found no problem in the fact that the girl's BF wanted to leave her (or left her?) because she was "too fat". )
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The frame of the guy saying "he's not wrong" became a meme ...
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...and was posted every time, you guessed it, that someone was saying something where they were "not wrong" (often used to play devil's advocate about something a bit problematic, though). Except that, people started to "meme the meme" and to simplify the picture to the extreme. At first, it was just by illustrated versions of the original meme:
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(Let's carry on under the cut!)
Illustrations that, with time, became more and more abstract...
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...and not even posted with the mention "he's not wrong" because everybody knew what it was all about. The simplification carried on so much that color palettes and strokes were enough to convey the meme:
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The joke carried on to the point where objects were enough to symbolise the meme. Sauce pans, sneakers, bags, lights even pics of a river...
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...they would all make us go
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...whenever a "he's not wrong" pic was appearing on the screen. Long story short, this thing is our "Loss.jpg", I guess. What I posted here is just A TINY fraction of all the versions that were made in the past 2-3 years, it's crazy. It's a bit less popular at the moment but I still see it from time to time on Twitter.
Speaking about memes, I also love all the memes coming from the show Kaamelott, absolute French classic!
I hope I answered your question and that you enjoyed this dive into the fascinating world of French memes. 😁
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shkika · 1 year
Weird little fact about life on the surface: outskirts' development name was suburban! it's still called that in the files, hence the acronym SU
looking closely at the map, the region is also arranged into a few separate buildings, rather than a single complex like industrial
...there aren't many windows, though. I guess the ancients had weird architectural priorities, such as making machines that look kind of like funny faces or walls of AC units
Sorry this took so long to answer!! I wanted to do my own research too (wiki reading hours), because I LOVE LOVE ASKS LIKE THESE YES DISCUSS LORE AND TRIVIA WITH ME!! <3
In fact you're absolutely correct! I always wondered why some acronyms don't match. How fascinating this is common for probably more regions than I'll mention.
That's the case for our dear Industrial which had two names! At very early stages it was referred to as Dense Urban, later being renamed Heavy industrial, before finally circling to our dear Industrial Complex we know today! It is implied to have been a mask factory aside probably offering places to live(?) yummy.
Shaded Citadel used to be called Shadow Urban too apparently. (I see why they changed these. That's a lot of repetition and I can see it being annoying or unclear at first)
Farm Arrays used to be called Linear Farms.
Rubicon was just Hell region.. help?? yeah it's interesting how the void offers a dreamscape for everyone, but Saint (and pups ofc). It very much is hell!
As for your points about windows I think that's hard to see, but I'd love examples for sure. The place is kind of in ruins like everything else. At least to me it's possible we aren't shown the proper perspective to see windows. BUT the lack of windows is very logical I'd say and probably the case. Glass wouldn't survive the rain Moon and later on Pebbles as well produce (unless they have a different material for it idk). The structure is meant to require as little upkeep as possible and to be safe for the few residents that might be still around. (I assume there were some just like Shaded Citadel remained an inhabited place.)
I further argue that they in fact do think about windows, because the Iterator cities have them!! Plenty of them!! mmm stars... and the sight of fellow colonies rising in the distance above the clouds. Pretty cool stuff!
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katiekatdragon27 · 2 days
Thank you Rain World Ray World mod for the inspiration <3
So I got back in to Rain World like two weeks ago and got this cool new mod where I could play as some Rayman characters. I main as Goth Teensy ofc, but it got me thinking about how the actual Rayman cast would work in Rain World. So, here are some concepts.
(Some things for sure are that slugcats are teensies, scavengers are glutes, lizards are dragons, vultures are knaaren, neurons/batflies are lums, ancients are limbless/thingamagigs, the nymphs are iterators, and the lesser fairies are overseers.)
Actual designs the bios below cut:
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Limbless Body, Sunray Mind (Rayman) was a purposed organism created by Beyond the Earth and Stars (Betilla). Beyond's fascination and respect for the ancients that built her led to Sunray's creation, a conglomerate of Ancient body parts held together with mechanics. He's still very much like the og Rayman (energetic, kind-hearted, procrastinator, strong, etc.) except now he has two permanent companions in the form of overseers who keep him from dying. One overseer is Ly, and she's actually good at her job. The other, Murfy, is really bad at keeping Sunray alive.
Also, although Sunray can survive downpours of rain, it does cause his body parts to detach and be unusable.
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Globox is not his actual name, it was the name that Sunray heard him referred to when they first met. He's a scavenger that is still the same old Globox, big, loving, scared, but this time armed with water and a knife. He and Sunray met on accident while he was being chased by a lizard. Sunray stabbed the lizard (on accident but shhhh) and Globox immediately bonded to him. When he's not hanging out with his own scav colony, he's with Sunray sleeping in shelters or exploring the Glade. He does do weekly food trips for his wife and kids tho.
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Raised by a skilled spearsmater and explosive artificer, the Grand Minimus has a knack for fighting and crafting. Although not being the smartest scug in the colony, he is very skilled in thinking on his feet and getting himself and others out of tight situations. However, he does view slugcats higher than most other creatures, so befriending other species is a challenge for him. But with Beyond's protection, the colony has no need to worry about a mass attack anytime soon. He really likes Sunray though; they take awesome naps together.
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The Goth is one of the newest residents of Beyond's scug colony. Coming and going from the group quite frequently, he bounces between relaxing / attempting to make friends and guarding the entrance to the Depths and to an extent, the Rubicon. However, he's not very good at either. Whether it's his weird tail and mannerisms or his giant red lizard pet, it's anyone's guess why he struggles. When Sunray comes into the picture, he is able to have an easier time making friends (cuz of that Sunray rizz), but still struggles. When he disappears for longer durations of time, he's either with the Ray Gang or hanging with his found family down in the Rubicon.
I will make more later, but this is it for now. I love them all. If anyone has any ideas or questions, feel free to ask lol.
Have a good one folks :))
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mysticarts · 14 days
Some questions while I am redesigning Yuhe:
1. What's your lmk ocs fears?
2. How organize is your lmk ocs? (Ex: Room, or their hygiene or how they take care of themselves.)
3. In your Lackadaisy sequel au how does the Lackadaisy (And Marigold) crew react to Carmen's death? Do they know or not? (Have they visited her funeral? Or where she is buried?)
4. What's Carmen's voice claim?
5. In the sequel au how will Nia react if Lucio tried trimming his hair to be in shoulder length, since his hair have grow too long for a year and is annoyed, but he is afraid to do it? because some of the scissors are a bit sharp causing him to get anxiety trigger from it? (Usually he doesn't have a problem with sharp objects when he works at Marigold, but after quiting his job, he has a feeling he'll accidentally hurt himself but that isn't important. What's concerning to him he might hurt Nia when out of control his like Freckle but more controlled of himself, hence why he throws sharp objects, except kitchen tools away.)
That's all have a good day/Night!
This is gonna be a list man-
Hui Ying: MAJOR fear of dogs. No one knows why, she just is. Hui Ying also hates being in a dark and small space for too long
Tai: funny enough, Tai has a fear of love. Romantic love, to be specific. Tai doesn't really understand the concept of love, and considering his ex iterally left him in shambles, Tai has a huge fear of falling in love with someone....too bad it's already happening to him
Shuimu: Claustrophobia (fear of small spaces) and also chains. Shuimu hates being in enclosed and tight spaces, and hates chains Even more. Which makes sense cause she was chained by her mouth under a mountain engulfed in water for years.
Yujin: Fear of failure. Yujin usually succeeds when she goes on a mission or does work, as she puts all of her effort into something. So when a plan fails, Yujin starts to overthink and shame herself. This mostly stems from her try to help her family, but still couldn't do nothing in the end.
2. Again, I shall also put this in a list-
Hui ying: Hui Ying's room is usually a mess, riddled with pictures, photos, maps, etc. This is mostly because Hui Ying is very fascinated by the Mortal world, and wants to learn about it as much as possible. As for their own hygiene, Hui Ying takes care of herself pretty well!
Tai: Tai's room is spotless. Like I mean, SPOTLESS. Except his desk. Tai likes to explore technology and see what it can do, so he usually invents stuff on his desk and leaves them there. He knows no one will touch it unless asking for a respectful death scentence. Tai probably has the best hygiene routine out of all of my lmk ocs. He does skin care, hair care, all the works.
Shuimu: Shuimu is a VEERY messy person, she'll use stuff, leave it there, and then forget to put it back constantly. This makes Shuimu loose a lot of things constantly. As for her hygiene, she's trying her best to learn, with Hui Ying helping her out. Due to Shuimu's amnesia, she dosent remember much about personal hygiene
Yujin: Yujin has a very fancy room, so of course she keeps it spotless.....if you minus the fact some of her work papers will be scattered across the room because sometimes Yujin pulls all nighters. This leads to Yujin forgetting to do proper hygiene, with hui Ying and the other maids in the castle to force Yujin to take a break for once.
3. Both the Lackadaisy and Marigolds heard about Carmen's death, as it did make headline news. However none of the marigolds showed up at her funeral except Mordecai. All of the Lackadaisy crew was there at her funeral as her ashes where buried. Mitzi and Zib where in the most sad out of the lackadaisy crew. Carmen was buried right besides her mother, Avis.
4. I.......still haven't decided yet. But for now currently it's Tiana from princess and the frog!
5. Nia, also like freckle, also goes insane when holding a possible dangerous object. However, it's only with explosives. And considering Nia would be much better controlled about it due to Carmen's teachings, Nia would either take Lucio to a professional hairdresser to get his hair done, or cuts it herself. Nia almost cut her hair off, but her hair length was the same as Carmen's so Nia kept it the same.
Ty for asking these! Also, I heard that Yuhen likes stars and cosmo stuff, so I found these clothes on pintrest for them!
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anyway, feel free to ask questions everyone!
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littlewestern · 4 months
if you’re still taking ship asks, thomas? and if not i understand!💙 ty either way
I sat here looking at this ask for about 45 seconds with a blank expression on my face because my knee-jerk reaction to people asking what I think about about Thomas is usually, "I don't think about him at all <3". This is both rude and not true.
I like Thomas in small doses! I like early season little shit Thomas who makes life harder on everyone around him because he's new and doesn't know anything, and I like later season CGI revisits to little shit Thomas so long as it doesn't get too obnoxious. One of my favorite things about the later seasons of Little Shit Thomas is how faithfully it hews to the source material.
There are two things that remain wholly consistent across the TVS canon Thomas iterations: 1) He hates his snowplow and 2) He has zero game. He gets absolutely no bitches. Negative rizz. Maidenless behavior. The only women who love him unconditionally are his coaches. I think this is one of the funniest things about his character.
Across the board, whenever he meets a girl engine in a serial episode, Thomas immediately starts beefing with them. Emily, Rosie, Ashima, Nia, Cleo. Granted, Thomas will beef with most new engines he meets at first because he's insecure and wasn't raised right, but with the girls it goes on without exception. And it's also funny, as I mentioned.
That said, this is the foundation for what is probably my favorite Thomas ship that NO ONE has ever heard of, of which I am the sole captain and which I will probably go to my grave defending.
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For what they are, the Italian characters in BWBA are probably some of the most overdeveloped side characters I've ever seen on this show. And for basically no reason, because no one besides DJ and I watched season 23 and paid attention.
That said, you might be surprised to hear that Gina is one of my favorite characters in the entire TVS and no I'm not even joking about this lol.
I love her design, I love how pretty she is, I love that she reads as a little bit older and more experienced without watering her down to something bland. In the episodes she shows up in, she demands all of your attention and I'm happy to give it because she's got this fantastic design and colorful personality I find eminently watchable. That on it's own is enough to make me like her.
But my favorite thing about Gina is that, like all the other female character mentioned above, she frequently gets into little arguments with Thomas. The difference here is that while Emily and Rosie and Nia and Ashima don't really let Thomas's immaturity get under their skin and move on from their arguments with him easily, Gina gets so upset when Thomas argues with her.
Like magic, this transforms the relationship from scanning as "coworkers having a disagreement" to "Gina cares what Thomas thinks about her, and the fact that she cares bothers her so much". It's hard to describe without having seen the episodes, so I do encourage you to watch All Tracks Lead To Rome to see what I mean. It;s fascinating behavior from an engine who, up until the point she starts arguing with Thomas, seems like she has her shit together. Then Thomas says some dumbass shit and she immediately lets it ruin her day.
it's like. You ever develop a crush on someone who is just... Like you can't stand them sometimes? But you still have a crush on them even when you're completely done with their shit? And you're mad at yourself for still thinking their dumb face is adorable and for letting it bother you so much because you can't stop thinking about their dumb adorable face even though you're mad? No? Just me?
Well. It's like that. And that is such a funny and refreshing way to approach a character dynamic, especially in this show where most of the side characters are One Note Nobodies.
tl;dr: Gina is morosexual. Thomas asked her what the Italian word for al dente was and now she dreams of kissing him under the moonlight. And she hates that so much.
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Also go watch the Italy episodes of BWBA, they're great.
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felikatze · 27 days
most ancient dream loop actually isn't what i have planned in my au but I need you to know that ever since i read your tags Ive been rotating it in my head. IT'S SO FASCINATING. because in the end it's still all their fault. it's still just them being so, so lonely and loving too much. Im insane Im insane Im not normal. Im insane. Im crazy. IM CRAZY. in this hypothetical would it not be siffrin who tries to kill OD, but OD who tries to kill siffrin. would siffrin look nothing but human, and loop the monster... but loop is the one who looks at siffrin, and hisses, "monster." It's just so isejis jeoejrkvmo33iu394i#&[$*$[2[3[=*#×(@,@**$
IT'S NOT YOUR PLAN??? it felt the obvious choice with kdj siffrin. though. upon consideration. bihyung loop would be funny as hell also.
BUT LIKE. A. YEAH. it came to mind bcuz of the homocide dynamic also. AND. WAIT. I JUST HAD A BRAINWAVE. ANCIENT DREAM IS THE FIRST ITERATION OF KDJ. LIKE. LOOP. and the whole of wos & orv exists to save MAD. the same way that Loop needed Siffrin to see how to keep on living. The same way Loop watches Siffrin over and over again, the way Loop has reduced their friends and family and themself to characaters that all ends when these characters reach through the page to hold them.
(Thinks abt MAD and the 999th gang in this context. Sobs)
it IS an interesting reversal that Loop sees Sif as a monster out of their own jealousy, whereas KDJ is disgusted by MAD bcuz MAD represents his lowest point and deepest insecurities he wishes gone. It's deeply similar I think in that Loop also sees Siffrin as their naive stupid past self and perceiving their own vulnerabilities through Siffrin registers as a threat to them.
In a Loop as MAD scenario it is also vry easy to spin Loop attacking Sif instead bcuz thru wos kdj continuously distances himself from what a "person" is often to focus on pragmatism that leads to the emotional hurt of his friends and also as a vehicle of his repressed suicidality. And seeing Sif so distanced from a "person" through the loops as well when Sif nonetheless got everything Loop ever wanted as Loop clung desparately to the last remnants of themself that Siffrin willingly let go, they would be mad, I imagine.
(ofc you said your AU isn't 1:1 so like, no scenarios probably. Actually do you keep scenarios and constellations or does Mirabelle just timeloop bcuz she keeps dying to the King ICAC-style?)
tldr: many thoughts. your mind is an enigma to me if it is not MAD Loop to KDJ Siffrin.
if it is actually bihyung Loop though I will laugh so fucking hard I'm making myself giggle over it
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laf-outloud · 8 months
(S 1/3) I hope it's okay to... not vent, but more like muse or think out loud here? This is all so weird. I know there are snakes who betray those who were good to them. I know there are imbeciles who let the best thing in their lives slip away, due to greed or jealousy or short-term thinking. I know self-sabotage, narcissism, and egos exist. All of that is in the dictionary and in psychology books. I've met people like that. I know it exists. I still can't understand. How can someone have the unparalleled privilege of working with Jared for over 15 years, of spending almost every waking moment with him (filming in Vancouver then downtime in Austin), of basking in Jared's generosity, kindness, loyalty, and EXCELLENT business sense, of being considered Jared's best friend in the whole world, of getting to sit in interviews and onstage at cons and say he knows Jared better than anyone (and having Jared say that in the past), and then throw it all away? I can understand, in theory, how Jensen was probably jealous of Jared eclipsing him after what must have seemed to Jensen (in season 1 or 2) like Jared was deferring to his "experience" in acting. (Personally I think Jared was more than Jensen's equal with Gilmore Girls under his belt, but I can imagine how Jensen may have thought of himself as a mentor at first.) I remember Jared saying he was super focused on Jensen in the first season, because the relationship between the brothers and the chemistry and rapport between him and Jensen were key to the show's success.
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Bless your heart for being willing and able to write all that down! And thank you for the sweet compliment about my blog. I also hope that Jared feels the love from his fans.
I will also admit that I am also fascinated by the psychology behind J2's friendship and the various iterations it's gone through. I'm just sorry that you had to experience a toxic one yourself and am glad you were able to break away.
At best, I can only conclude, like you do, that Jensen misses the hero worship and is also jealous of Jared's success.
If you want to read something eerie, check out this article, 9 Signs You're Dating a Narcissist.
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convulsionofhonesty · 5 months
top 5 books of 2023
i read many less books (for fun at least) than i read last year but it was really nice to do this kind of post for 2022 so i'm repeating for 2023
1. the idiot - elif batuman - making a reappearance from last year ... i know many people don't like to count rereads in their top books of the year since they weren't new favorites but for the impact this book had on me this year i simply couldn't omit it. i read this no less than 3 times in 2023 ... it became so much more relatable and painful than it was upon first read in 2022 and instantly became my current favorite book of all time. not a day passes that i do not think about this. stunning, meandering character study about a floundering 18/19 year old who is, unfortunately, in all the best and worst ways, the fictional character that most represents myself. i have already done 10x my share of pr work for this book on this account so i will leave the review here. but please read this.
2. contradictions in the design - matthew olzmann - almost dethroned siken's crush as my favorite poetry collection ... the tumblr girls will understand how serious this is. absolutely gorgeous. i teared up at a solid 50% of the poems. contains countless life altering lines and a really profound mixture of the abstract and the concrete, the general/philosophical and the specific/mundane. love.
3. when the emperor was divine - julie otsuka - quick read with deceptively simple prose that's absolutely drenched with symbolism. demands to be read with a highlighter in hand and a murder wall behind you to decipher each iteration of each motif. under 200 pages but you could easily spend weeks trying to pull everything out of it. just on a craft level this is absolutely sublime, fiction at its finest.
4. fun home - allison bechdel - this is of course one of the graphic novels that everyone has heard of but certainly not enough people have read. because if you haven't read this i implore you to change that. from the very first page i knew that this was crafted with such unbelievable intentionality. so many little details in the backgrounds of panels carry immense weight; this is a graphic novel masterclass. everything is perfectly balanced and thought-out. again on a craft level, and an emotional level, this blew me away.
5 - autobiography of red - anne carson - most inventive book i read probably? a disjointed yet fluid verse novel that follows a fascinating main character and winds effortlessly through mythology and reality, paying no attention to the usual borders of geography, time, or the body. i don't know how to describe this other than as a deeply confusing book that you will probably not understand at all but your body will somehow still feel everything. you will understand it on a subconscious level more than on a conscious one.
honorable mentions (bc last year i did a top 10 but my opinions past this point are not as strong and also i don't want to write all that)
- body work by melissa febos
- sirens and muses by antonia angress
- comfort woman by nora okja keller
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beesmygod · 7 months
i'm playin dark souls 3. i'm liking it, but it's not really gripping me. I just keep thinking about bloodborne. bloodborne felt so tight and focused and it makes dark souls 3 feel like a big messy pile. like they kept stuff from ds1 that bloodborne had objectively improved. three different schools of magic. 20 different types of weapons. 5000 pieces of marginally different armor. something about everything being dead and undead and redead just takes a lot of weight out of the story in bloodborne, being dead is bad and it's bad when things die. in dark souls, everything is already dead and the main question is how many more times it will die. you are a dead thing arbitrarily tasked with aiding this dead world into becoming slightly less dead? or more dead? it's hard to say. the ties to the original game are fascinating, and the bosses are great (i love/hate the abyss watchers so much), but I worry that's all that's keeping me going.
ds3 def gripped everyone a lot less and some people put 2 way above it (insane) but i loved it for the same reason people criticized it: its just ds1 again but with quality of life fixes and a good frame rate. the bosses are fucking primo tho and the soundtrack slaps.
errr. the bosses are mostly primo. when they're good they're really good and when they're bad they're insulting. the ones that are just zelda boss fights fucking suck. wolnir sucks, ancient wyvern sucks, yhorms fight has no right sucking so fucking bad. some of the reverences to the first game are a LITTLE gratuitous but fill in some gaps in an interesting way.
the final boss fight of the dlc whips ass. actually every fight in the ringed city is good except midir but hes extremely optional.
i like that ds3 is asking the player the same question that they find themselves asking when they realize that it's iterating on a previous game: does it have to go on forever? isnt it natural for a fire to fade....
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soaricarus · 4 months
3, 9, and 13 for the rw ask game thingy!! :3
3. What is your favorite region?
outskirts because its such a lovely introduction to the game. it seems familiar to you at first glance, but when you move around, it's alien and you know nothing of the place. you're a completely clueless slugcat, thrust into a new world.
industrial too, because it furthers this alien feeling. you can tell this was supposed to be for something, and yet, for what? you can't tell what it's original purpose was, and the slugcat doesn't know either.
sky islands because it truly shows you that this isn't a world like ours. it's not a world you recognise. it's a world you're learning about at the same time as the slugcat.
memory crypts[/shaded citadel but fuck the spiders btw. mostly memory crypts as the subregion tho] because of how it sets up that Something is Looming Above you and casting Everything into darkness.
the leg because of how white lizard plays and sets something up. underhang too and its music. the wall - specifically on top of pebbles and near the top, where you can see all the iterators in the distance and pebbles' city.
five pebbles memory conflux - especially the rooms with the black windows behind them. it makes you feel like you're in space, like you're somewhere completely new, somewhere you can't understand - because for the slugcat this is new. it doesn't understand it either. you, the player, are nothing but the slugcat itself.
submerged superstructure because you can see that everything used to be something. you can tell what rooms it used to be in spearmaster [if you played spearmaster first], or you can tell what each room has something in common with rooms in five pebbles. you can tell they're both iterators; siblings; they're so alike yet so different. moon's now dead structure is so far-gone and yet you can tell what it used to be in its prime. it's fascinating to see how life bloomed in the fallen corpse of her structure, and here you are, a semi-aquatic slugcat [or not even semi-aquatic if you're playing survivor or monk], exploring it, seeing what it has become.
chimney canopy in saint, solely for the moment of when you instinctually go to pebbles but he's gone.
undergrowth because you can see how much everything has flourished and changed in the time since rivulet - a stark contrast to what happened to shaded citadel and pebbles -
directly lining up with my love for silent construct. everything seems fine at first when you enter it from industrial, but as you go further you start to notice it's... lighter. a bit too light for what used to be the darkest place in the game. and then you enter a room and The Husk shows up on the bottom of your screen as you see snow gently falling through an unseen cavity, falling onto what's now parts broken off of five pebbles and could soon be a small lake beneath it all. and as you go further you see how dilapidated everything is and how every part of shaded citadel is mangled together with parts of five pebbles. how you can see how violently torn apart five pebbles was from the rot and the damage sustained from it, and how you can see how the scavengers flourished in it, taking shelter from the harsh snowstorms, the reactor that once held the rarefaction cell that moon now has taken up by a scavenger merchant and decorated so nicely to feel homely. you can see how the scavengers have taken refuge in the corpse of a dead artifical demigod and made it home. some rooms still remain the same as they did in past citadel - and yet such a large majority is now overtaken by the dying half-breaths of a demigod, his entire being now torn apart and twisted to mesh with what was once the True Anointed Citadel before his construction. the fact you can see the red lights still on, trying to signal errors and damages, scattered about.... it's so well done. the atmosphere is breathtaking, literally, at so many points. you can tell what it used to be. you can tell what both parts of this frankenstein region used to be and yet both of them are so, so far from what they once were.
9. What are your opinions on Five Pebbles (character)?
he's a complex character, certainly. i'm mostly neutral but i like his canon depiction.
13. Which of the pearls are your favorite?
i'm saying all of them because i love lore and i hoard them in like every playthrough.
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