#love y'all!!
fan-fricking-fiction · 4 months
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Pit babe ft. commentary textposts
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watchertvfans · 20 days
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the Watcher Book is here!
these are just a few of the pages from the book that'll be shipping out to their PO box asap
Thank you to everyone who submitted a kind word, story, photo, or artwork for this book! This would not have been possible without you! <3
and don't forget we're organizing another Watcher fandom project that'll be out by spooky season 2024 - so go check out that blog if you haven't already!
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cinamun · 2 months
One thing that I think I've noticed as this story has progressed, and in general, is that we always expect and or look for reason in men's bad behavior. There is always a reason for them to do bad things, outside of them actively choosing to be a bad person. Someone must have failed them, she must have failed them, she must have failed him, etc.
Elliot tried to kill Hope. He tried to drag her with him into the abyss, and yet he was not viewed as an attempted murderer, but instead as a friend who had gone astray. Someone who needed more support or more attention. At his funeral, people wept over the fact that he couldn't be saved! It is always tragic when someone makes a fatal decision that harms themselves and others around them, but I notice that, especially in the black community, black women's victimization takes a backseat to the pain of black men.
Now we see something similar with Bishop. While it's interesting to ponder the complexities of why he is the way he is, Mercy is being preyed upon! She sets boundaries, and he crosses them, always with an undertone of violence. There is talk about whether he cares or if he can change, and it falls into that same line of thinking. "If I love him more, then he'll do right." "I can fix him" "He just needs..."
Anyway, let me know if I'm way off the mark, but it seems like women tend to take on far too much responsibility for the feelings and actions of men, to the point of forgoing their best interests.
Yes... and
That's society for you, amirite? Always prioritizing the needs of men.
But I'm going to challenge that..... as I do. Spoilers below the cut.
Yes I believe that, in the case of Elliot and Darren, there was absolutely a reason for them to do bad things and some have chosen to dismiss those reasons. Elliot was actively mentally ill, but rather than address mental illness, we chose to throw him away. We literally witnessed this young man's decline and if we can't separate his actions on the pier from his diminished mental state, what does that say about us and how we perceive mental illness?
In fact, when did Hope take a backseat? Once Elliot was collectively thrown away, all eyes centered on Hope's healing and rightfully so! But one thing I'm not gonna do (I feel it would be irresponsible as a Black woman writer) is stifle Hope's healing to uplift the man who hurt her. Hope was wrapped in love by everyone, including her husband (a Black man).
Why didn't we throw Indya away for the nasty shit she did like taking a baseball bat to Darren's nose? Or throw Jerri away for the literal attempted murder of Juan? If I do nothing else, I want us to think about things like this and force questions that we wouldn't ask ourselves otherwise.
I've opened up a space in this current arc to look at a very clearly damaged individual (Bishop) through multiple lenses. I don't think acknowledging Bishop's humanity (pixelness) necessarily means "I can fix him". Like, at all. I think our readers are smarter than that and only recognize nuance. Some of y'all be trippin tho ngl lmfao
Not everyone saw Bertie as preying on a drunk Jackson but she was. The reason no one really flipped it is because Jackson is a man. But he was a man who was not capable, in that kitchen, of making a wise decision; so he made a horrible one.
Men irritate me just like anyone else but one thing this story has tried to do is simply acknowledge the humanity and capacity for growth within all of us.
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hearts-hunger · 11 months
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goodnight weirdo!!! <33
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akifandom · 29 days
rightttt night everybody was great commenting with everyone
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Almost exactly one year ago, I made my first ever post here on tumblr, and I can’t believe what a wonderful choice it’s been
I’m resisting the urge to go on a massive sappy rant about the people I’ve met and the friends I’ve made, but in short, I guess what I wanna say is-
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Every day y’all continue to inspire and amaze me, and I feel so lucky to be a part of that <3
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Guys, I watch some of you going through my entire damn list in, like, half a day... um... you okay? That's legitimately over 100k worth of intense hurt/comfort y'all are devouring in a single sitting... I love these gorgeous agents of chaos, too, but, uh, don't forget to take a nap every now and then... and drink some water
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prossims · 1 year
Summer, Year 02
As Summer rolled around, we made our way to the Pinnacles of Del Sol Valley, specifically to the residence of the Zest-Abrams household. This modern 3 bedroom mansion houses 3 people and their trusty butler.
Johnny Zest (57) is a famous comedian and the chief writer of a popular sitcom named The Urbz. Vasyl Abrams (56) is his husband of over 20 years, a famous actor and the director & star of The Urbz. Their sitcom is one of the highest rated shows in the comedy genre produced by Del Sol Film Industry and it has all been possible thanks to these two’s years of hard work and incredible passion to deliver their best work.
The third and cutest member of the household is Ava Zest-Abrams (6). Johnny and Vasyl adopted her 6 years ago, right before moving into this mansion. Ava is not in contact with her birth parents, but these two men, her two dads, have given her every happiness she could ever ask for.
Ava started going to the local grade school this Spring. Johnny and Vasyl decided to send her in a little later because they did not want to put too much pressure on her. But she is almost catching up with kids of her age already. However, with only 3 months of school before Summer break, Ava has failed to make any friends to hang out this summer with. So her dads signed her up for a Leadership summer camp. She has not been particularly enjoying it, but well, it is almost over now.
Johnny, our dear old Johnny, seems to be defying his age and still going strong with bringing in the laughs. He has also found a passion for sports in his later age. He installed a basketball court in their backyard and every week, he invites over Richard and Braylon, children of his best friend Allyssa, to spend an afternoon at the mansion playing basketball and ping pong and hanging out.
Are you drowning in all the character references yet? There is another form of drowning happening in this household. The fear of drowning. Their mansion came with a pool on the back deck and Johnny has found the courage to get his feet wet only once. He found it unbearably difficult to keep his head afloat in the pool and ever since he has been keeping a distance from that thing.
But recently, the fear has been acting up for some reason. Johnny has been having persistent nightmares of drowning in the pool water and dying. He cannot get over it. Vasyl suggested he get a few swimming lessons so he starts feeling confident, but Johnny just cannot bring himself to go near water! He has been considering therapy. But being a celebrity of his multitude, everything he does is news. Going into therapy, therefore, equals to HUGE news.
People will gossip, point fingers, try to figure out what’s going on. And the first fingers will inevitably be raised on his marital relationship. He does not want to bombard Vasyl with the media's questions about his relationship because Johnny could not bring himself close to a 4 feet deep water body!
Vasyl, on the other hand, has been having a regular summer - filled with filming and work. One thing that happened to him as ‘new’ this season is his friendship with Allyssa - Johnny’s best friend whom I mentioned before. Johnny and Allyssa have maintained their unbreakable friendship over the years and Vasyl always wanted an opening to get to know her better.
This year, he found it when he realized that novels are not that different from dramatic tv serieses. His newfound love of reading has given him an opportunity to bond with Allyssa, who is a well-known nonfiction writer. Of course, Vasyl does not read nonfiction. He reads sappy romantic dramas and the occasional thriller novels. But with the amount of books Allyssa has read in her life, they always find a common book or author to discuss. In fact, Vasyl has been inviting Allyssa for coffee way too often to discuss literature!
However, Vasyl’s regular mundane life was disrupted by the doorbell one Saturday morning! He looked through the peephole to find a familiar face - a 24 year old man with mint-colored hair, or at least it’s supposed to be mint.
“Micah! What are you doing here?” exclaimed Vasyl while holding the door open.
“Uncle…” that’s all Micah could master before breaking into tears.
Vasyl was quick to hold his nephew into embrace. He has always loved and cared for this child like his own and today was no different. A look of glum shaded Vasyl’s face. “It’s okay, my boy! You are with me now. Everything will be fine. Why don’t you tell me what happened?” “Dad..dad passed away last night..” Micah took a deep breath after saying this to gather himself. Then continued, “I am sorry I didn’t call to let you know. I didn’t know what to do. The medical people were asking me to hold a funeral? How can I hold a funeral? How can my father be gone, uncle? I have no one to go to.. All I could think about is seeing you.. So, I took the first bus this morning and came here, Uncle Vasyl, I don’t know what I am gonna do…”
“You have done the right thing, Micah. Nobody blames you. I will take care of the funeral and everything else. You just try to take care of yourself. Have you had any breakfast?”
Vasyl talked to his nephew in a calming tone while walking him into the house. Micah is his only elder brother’s only child. Vasyl knew his brother was on death bed. But they were never close enough for Vasyl to go and visit him in the countryside. Maybe he would..someday. But that’s not going to happen anymore.
Micah, on the other hand, is very dear to his only uncle. Unable to have a child of his own, Vasyl always loved and adored Micah like an offspring of himself. Right now, all he can think about is taking care of Micah. He knew his brother had not left anything to his son’s name. They didn’t even have a house, they lived in a rented apartment the size of a storage room. Micah got through college thanks to his own scholarship money. But now he is fresh out of college, with no job. No money. No place to live. And Vasyl as his only guardian. Vasyl had to take care of this kid.
Over the next few days, Vasyl and Johnny put their heads together to figure out how to help Micah. The funeral was done. Micah’s CV and papers were sent to potential employers. And their realtor was sent on a hunt for affordable one bedroom houses nearby. Meanwhile, Micah became a part of the Zest-Abrams’ mundane lives.
He would spend a lot of time with Ava. She is the sister he never got to have, after all. They would play video games together and Micah would help her with homework. He even taught her to use sim.tv on their computer and recommended some amazing kids’ shows on there. He also joined Johnny’s basketball group along with Richard and Braylon. They have been getting along well-ish too. All in all, Micah finally felt like finding his own place, his own people. Unlike his previous life where his whole life was his father.
Before Fall could roll around, Micah got a job offer as a Lab Tech in Oasis Labs. The payment was not good and he would not be starting before Fall, but it is something on a very short notice and Micah welcomed it with excitement. The house hunt, unfortunately, was not going well. The realtor has not been able to find any house in Oasis within their budget range. As a last resort, they decided to convert the downstairs skill room into a bedroom for Micah until he could find a place to stay.
Which, lucky for Micah, did not happen. He actually proved himself very resourceful and found a listing of one part of a duplex for rent in Oasis Springs. A girl the same age as Micah was living on the other side of the duplex and she wanted someone to share the cost. 
So Vasyl took care of the purchase. Micah Abrams and Hannah Hudson moved into a duplex property in Oasis Springs on the first of Fall. 
Where will this settlement lead? Will Micah be able to stand on his own ground? What does life have in store for him and Hannah? We will find out soon!
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poorpastel-pain · 1 year
gosh all my mutuals are so nice!! you all deserve hugs!!!!! (if you like em ofc)
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midnightmagicks · 1 year
//Happy pride month everyone!!!
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supermarvelgirl15 · 1 year
Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope you all have a blessed day!! <3
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ithappensoffstage · 3 months
I am genuinely so worried for all the young horny dykes going into adulthood thinking there's something "problematic" / "wrong" with them for being horny because fucking tiktok lesbians think any horny dyke content is "male gaze fetishitic"
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hotgirlcoded · 2 months
if y'all don't shut up about that woman and put on gasolina by daddy yankee.......
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norvicensiandoran · 2 years
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honetii · 6 months
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I'm like super normal and not unhinged in the slightest (I spent 3 days formatting, printing, and binding a niche internet story about sci fi football into a 280 page physical book)
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pokimoko · 11 months
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I can't keep being fundamentally changed as a person by animated movies, it's just not sustainable.
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