#lowkey this is unfunny
derangedsilly · 9 months
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My immediate thought to seeing this picture
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classificationhell · 4 months
Hehe I’m slowly going to figure out how to use Tumblr because of your stories. >:3
Should I be scared this feels like a threat XD But anyways I'm proud of you Tumblr is its own type of beast and I hope you have fun here! I'm glad I could open you up to new experiences and that you enjoy my fics! Now hopefully my badly done memes won't annoy you too bad lol
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dammit-theclown · 1 year
Spongebob is NOT in the book of mormon.
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onawhimsicot · 1 year
okay now that I've done an indulgent silly little video edit for both double life and limited life, part of me wants to complete the set and do one for each season so now i have to find specifically kinda silly songs because if I don't have the mask of comedy, I am veering dangerously close to making the mc equivalent of amvs
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rizsu · 2 months
fuck my life; hold me tight. model!gojo satoru ⭒ fem-reader.
satoru came back after his two-week long trip for his modeling gigs. he's the same, but who's this ‘saori’ lady with a thorny stick up her ass? wc : 6.2k · usage of y/n.
+ love ‘su: thou shall not lie, thou shall not cheat! 😝 i left this without the small font bc it's lowkey a lot tbh
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one › who's this?
undoubtedly, today’s the most important. you’ve been impatiently crossing off the days on the calendar until satoru returns. familiar with your excitement, he called you prior to hold you back from coming to the airport. it was strange, but nevertheless you thought less of it.
with your day now free, you spent it preparing for satoru. his favorite dishes were made, charcuterie board prepared, and the series you both watched together can be resumed. every time the thought of seeing satoru with your eyes again comes about, you get goosebumps. it’s almost sickening how he’s plagued your mind, becoming the balance-shifting object for your moods.
your eyes shift to the clock, realizing that there’s only an hour until he walks through the door. 4:00 p.m it reads, you’ve yet to shower — let alone choose an outfit. some may say your actions are too much, but nothing is ever “too much” when it comes to satoru. have you lost your marbles? not all, but perhaps you’ve become slightly boy crazy (with justifying reasons!)
4:58 p.m: you’re anxiously switching between apps on your phone, trying your best to not stare at the clock on the top of the screen. it’s insanely tempting, but you won’t give in. there’s no better distraction than window shopping on websites for items you’ll never set free with your credit card.
the door slams open, and soon a cheerful voice follows. they both jerk you out of your trance, leaving you with the pair of a palpitating heart and widened eyes.
“BABY!” a disheveled satoru shouts, recklessly dropping his luggage at the front of the door.
he walk-runs past the furniture, dodging the table corners until he’s nearing the sofa you’re situated on.
“sa-SATORU?!” you’re shocked even though you expected his arrival.
you unconsciously stood up, abandoning your phone as you moved to him. satoru mirrors you, being the first of the two to engulf you into a heartfelt hug. he squeezes you hard, burying his head into the junction between your neck and shoulder. his hand cups the back of your head, pressing softly into your hair.
“i missed you,” he whispers, letting out a shaky breath. “it took an entire week to sleep properly without you.”
“you’re addicted,” you joked, lifting a hand to ruffle his already-ruffled hair.
“not funny.”
“okay, okay, sorry. i missed you too.” you pull away from satoru, smiling at his pouting expression.
your hands move to his shoulders, gripping his puffed jacket to pull them down. he helps you by moving his arms out of it. once it’s off, he rolls his shoulders back, rolling his neck around to stretch his muscles. he’s been cooped up in a sitting position for twelve hours; the last thing he needs are stiff muscles and a sore body.
content with the new, relaxed feeling, satoru looks around. everything’s the same, as expected. nothing changed other than the charcuterie board on the coffee table and the dishes on the dining table. immediately, he recognizes the food. how could he not? it’s the food he labeled as his favorite even when it wasn’t.
in multiple attempts to please your mother on the first meeting, he went along with her words.
the soap opera she’s caught up in? oh, he’s been watching it too!
short videos she found on social media that are painfully unfunny? actually, it’s hilarious!
the lunch she cooked? it’s now something he’s been craving for weeks.
the salad? to you, he hates greens since they’re ‘flavorless’. to your mother? golly! put more on his plate!
he spent the week at your parents’ gaslighting himself until it became the truth. he became a new man after the meeting. lemon water was his new go-to (influenced by your mother) and card games are his forte (influenced by your father).
ever since then the main dish your mother cooked up became his true favorite. maybe it’s because of the warmth that came with it, or maybe it’s because he’s still gaslighting himself. nonetheless, he’ll always eat it.
“did you make all this yourself?” he questions, stealing a bite before you could’ve plated his food.
“hands off,” you slapped his hand, “i didn’t, though. i asked my mother.”
“ah, my mother-in-law. i miss your parents, too. we should visit,” he suggests, rubbing his hand that you heartlessly slapped.
“mhm, soon,” you agreed, sliding his plate to him. “let’s sit and eat.”
the plates are cleared, the charcuterie board’s three-quarters finished, and you’re on the final episode of season one of the show. satoru’s head is on your lap, busying his hands by poking at your thigh’s skin. your hand’s following suit, busying itself by playing with his hair strands.
the show was long forgotten, being demoted to background noise the moment you asked satoru to tell you all about the trip. you’ve heard the details beforehand during your calls, but it’s different to hear it face-to-face.
you intently listened as he talked, giving him mhms and yeahs to let him know you’re listening.
“oh, and i met a new co-worker? friend? i dunno but we’re acquainted now,” he speaks, looking up to you.
“really? i’m glad. is he a model too?”
“yeah, but it’s a she.”
you paused for a second. a she? that’s new. you’re not the type to anger yourself over your boyfriend befriending the opposite gender, but you’d still like to see her.
“i’d like to meet her,” you said, looking down at him with a soft smile.
“are you free in two days? i have a meeting that day. she’ll probably be there — no chances though, i never asked about her schedule...” his voice trails off as he ponders, trying to remember if she mentioned anything about being in a meeting after the trip.
“of course i’m free. i took a sick leave on purpose for this week.”
satoru laughs at the new information. you took a sick leave just for him? at your position of head assistant? he’ll never find someone who loves him like you do.
— two days after : the meeting.
you’re walking hand-in-hand with satoru through the hallway. you’re a little — no, incredibly nervous. it’s your first time officially meeting satoru’s business buddies. they know of you, you know of them, but that’s about it.
you dressed yourself up professionally, trying to match the classy rich vibes. it’s times like these you appreciate satoru’s over-the-top, multiple-zeros gifts. you’ll have to remember to give him special thanks for this.
“okay, we’re here,” he says, knocking you out of the nervousness.
“if you start feeling uncomfortable, squeeze my hand, okay? i’ll take you out of there,” reassuring you, he gifts you a peck on your forehead, topping it off with his genuine smile that’s only for you.
his hand turns the door knob, walking in with his model smile as he greets the members. you’re tailing behind him, trying to hide. the sudden energy shift didn’t match yours, so your instinct to hide behind satoru kicked in. unluckily for you, your boyfriend was set to formally introduce you. he uses a hand to hold your wrist, pulling you to the side of him.
“you brought a plus one with you i see,” a guy notes the obvious, smiling at your shyness. he already has an idea of who you are.
his words catch the attention of others. within seconds every pair of eyes landed on you. unfamiliar with the amount of attention, you squeezed satoru’s hand, placing a fake smile to mask your uncomfort.
“nuh uh, get your own. that’s too much staring,” satoru complains, squeezing back your hand. he steps in front of you, leading you both to two reserved seats at the table.
“i’m assuming that lady must be the one you talked everyone’s ears off about,” a lady suggests this time, stretching out her arm to you as she’s on the opposite side, but directly in front of you.
you stretched your arm out to her, accepting her handshake.
“i’m (y/n), pleasure to meet you.”
“it’s a pleasure to meet you too. call me mia,” she introduces herself, ignoring the heated glare of a man who doesn’t like sharing.
similarly, you’re ignoring the gut feeling of someone glaring through your soul. the situation feels similar to your teacher staring at you during an exam when you secretly have cheating materials with you.
the meeting continues on. you were introduced to everyone and met with questions. some complained about satoru to you, and others asked how you’re able to tolerate him. of course, satoru took offense. he flipped them off with the finger that has your matching rings on.
an hour later, you’re in the building’s cafeteria with satoru. it was okay; the atmosphere was friendly — minus that one person who glared at you. you don’t know who they are, nor what they look like as you avoided that corner. your social battery is drained, and you’re hungry for a light snack.
“baby, can you order for us? i gotta let it go. real bad,” satoru says, balling his fingers into a fist to hold back the feeling.
“uh, sure, but what do you mean let it go?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“piss, baby. piss. love you, bye!”
with that, satoru speeds off, almost colliding with another worker in the process.
gathering your order, you looked around for an unoccupied table to sit at. unfortunately, they’re all unoccupied. it’s a little awkward, but you’re left with no other option than to ask someone if satoru has his own office.
“ah, mia!” you called out, spotting her outside the smoking room.
“(y/n)! need anything before i smoke?” she smiles, pointing at the door.
“um, do you know if satoru has his own office?” contrary to your nervousness, your voice came out perfectly.
“take the elevator and press number ten. turn left and stop until you’re at the third room; that’s his office.”
“thanks much, mia!” you gave her a bright smile, turning around to find your new destination.
“no problem, (y/n),” she waves you off, entering the smoking room.
you followed mia’s directions, taking the elevator to floor ten and entering the third room on the left. it’s no doubt that the office is satoru’s. the pineapple-framed mirror confirmed it all. that mirror is the same mirror satoru try to convince you that it’s “in style”.
settling down in his office, you can finally be at rest. placing the food his desk, you plopped yourself down on his chair.
‘it’s comfortable, but surely it doesn’t take that long to pee,’ you think, suspecting that satoru may have gotten caught up in a conversation.
the door clicks, opening to reveal someone. your mind thought of satoru, but it was indeed not. it wasn’t even the right gender. a beautiful girl entered; her aura was a cool, mysterious, “i’m better than you” feel. confusion poured down on you. who is she and why is she here?
you don’t strike a conversation. instead, you simply watch her walk into the office until she’s in front of the desk.
“do you need some—”
“you must be gojo satoru’s bitch.”
“excuse me?” not only were you cut off, you were called a bitch. clearly, she’s not on friendly terms, and who does she think she is?
she looks down at you, placing a taunting smile on her lips. you don’t care since you’re the one on his chair, but who is she calling a bitch?!
“compared to satoru, you’re… low, to put it kindly!”
“okay, but who asked you that?” you questioned her, rolling your eyes.
if you were in a fantasy novel, she’d be the main villainess who’s engaged to the male lead for political reasons. you’re the female lead who’ll become victim to the villainess’ antics as the male lead, satoru, fell for you.
flustered at your sentence, she scoffs. compared to the shy persona you displayed at the meeting, you’re all bitchy now.
“i don’t need someone to ask me something in order to speak my mind.”
“oh my god. i didn’t ask you that, nor do i want your input.” you rolled your eyes, taking a sip of your drink.
“i don’t like you. you’re not good enough for satoru,” she voices her (unwanted) opinions, scanning you up and down.
“it’s gojo to you, missy. who’s the girlfriend here?” you noted her mistakes while making your position obvious.
she rolls her eyes, offended at being called ‘missy.’
“and it’s saori, not missy. get it right.”
“why must you disturb my tranquility with your nonsense ? please exit, missy.”
“i said it’s—”
“saori? why are you here?” satoru enters, removing his coat in the process.
“that’s what i asked her,” you said, looking at her up and down with a raised eyebrow.
“i wanted to meet your girl-friend, satoru!” suddenly her tone changed. the space she put between the word girlfriend didn’t go unnoticed by you either.
this is ridiculous.
he slowly nods, thinking that the deliberate pause between girlfriend might’ve been his imagination.
“oh, i was gonna introduce you guys. you beat me to it,” he pouts, walking over next to you to give you another kiss.
you smiled at satoru but smirked at saori.
irritated, she huffs, “i’ve seen enough, call me when you’re free from that, satoru.”
both of you watch her walk out in silence. satoru’s now confused.
“what’s that about?” he asks, scratching his head.
“is she the friend you talked about?” you answered his question with your question.
“yeah, but i don’t know why she has such an attitude all of a sudden. did her boyfriend argue with her?”
“pfft— she has a boyfriend?” you scoffed, learning that she’s not only the bitch, but potentially unloyal. why else would she bother you, who’s satoru’s girlfriend, if it wasn’t because she likes him?
he nods, shrugging off the curiosity to know what’s with her shift in behavior.
“whatever, let’s eat, baby.”
it’s way past your bedtime, and you’ve just arrived home. the day was eventful, minus the missy encounter, but nonetheless you had fun.
although you’re glad to be acquainted with satoru’s peers, you couldn’t shake off the suspicion that sao-whatever-her-name-is has been making advances to satoru while your presence was absent.
you can tell that satoru holds no affection to her, but you’re still worried. satoru’s loyal, yes, but he’s an oblivious idiot. if he nor you isn’t the one flirting, he wouldn’t notice anything. that’s why her behavior change whenever he’s around is seen as “friendly” and not “i want you so bad” to him.
you sighed, shaking your head to rid it of her. what’s important is that satoru isn’t interested in her. you can sleep with that comforting image in mind.
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now that satoru’s home, you’ve been attached to each other like the north and south pole of two magnets. inseparable. it’s been like this for a week, but something changed.
two › is it just you or…?
the sao-still-don’t-remember-her-name missy has been ringing satoru’s phone down whether it’s by messages, voice messages, or calls. at this point, it’s annoying. satoru himself was one call away from blocking her, but he couldn’t.
aside from satoru himself, she’s the other key member in the new project. if he suddenly draws a line between them it can become what kills the project. thankfully, the conversations have been limited to work-related topics… or so you believe.
you’re on the sofa, indulging in a new show as you peeled an apple. the show’s plot became so intense that your eyes are glued to the television instead of the apple.
satoru jugs down the stairs, grabbing his car keys and running over behind you. he bends over to place a kiss on your cheek, notifying you that he’ll be meeting up with saori. not paying any mind to him, you bid him goodbye without thinking.
it’s only after he exits the door you register what he said. ‘meeting up with saori? that bitch? ew,’ you shuddered at the thought of her. she’s not scary, definitely not ugly, but sure as hell is a bitch. at least you remember her name now.
after that day, satoru’s free time has been occupied with her. you’re now sure it’s not “just work” that’s been going on. you trust satoru, but you don’t trust her.
there’s no reason for someone to meet up with their co-worker every day for work. work is never that interesting. it’s not like they’re in charge of the project either; the project is within the authority of mia and some other guy.
everything about the situation at hand has been bothering you. was she attached to satoru like this during the trip? were they always within arms length of each other? not even you were that clingy to satoru.
the idea to raise alarm bells to satoru crossed you, but the potential argument that may follow is what has you hesitating. you don’t want to suspect satoru’s friend, but her behavior needs to be discussed.
you waited until satoru’s home, showered, and comfortable in bed to bring forth the question. your palms are sweating, but it needs to be done.
“say satoru, can i ask you something?” you hesitated, looking at him.
“yeah, why not?” he replies, eyes stuck on his phone.
“what do you think of that girl?”
“who’s that— do you mean saori?” he laughs, “she’s cool, if i were to be honest. she’s fun to hang around with.”
“has it ever crossed your mind that she likes you?” you cold sweat, worried that he’ll take offense.
“who wouldn’t like me? i’m sexy,” he jokes, winking at you.
you playfully slap his chest. “i’m being serious here!”
“i don’t think she does— or at least i hope she doesn’t. i don’t want to be her boyfriend’s archenemy,” satoru truthfully responds, feeling his pores raise at the thought of a taken man’s enemy.
if you were to like another man satoru would honestly write a will and erase himself from history. so, it’s only natural that he hopes saori doesn’t become her boyfriend’s pain.
you hum, satisfied with his answer. it’s clear as day now. satoru doesn’t view her in any romantic way, but you know she has a thing or two for him.
not wanting to push your luck, you end it there. pulling satoru’s phone away to throw your body on his.
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three › wicked witch of the west.
it’s almost as if the conversation with satoru triggered a chain reaction. for whatever the reason may be, you’ve now seen this woman more than your own parents. she invites herself over almost every day.
every time you open the door it’s her snobby face. it sickens you. you ordered a package recently and whenever someone knocks on the door, you think it’s the delivery guy, but nope! it’s the wicked witch of the west!
today it happened again. someone knocked, you opened, missy appears, satoru unwillingly follows her for the sake of the project, you’re left with murderous intent.
it’s time you talk about this with someone. that’s right, you’ve kept your worries inside you but this is just too much! there’s no reason for a taken lady to follow another man like she’s his shadow — far less for a taken man!
frustrated, you phoned your friend.
“hey, utahime.”
“(y/n), my baby! how are you?”
“i’m okay-ish, how about you?”
“i’m good, but what’s up?”
“well… can i come over? i’ll tell you there. i just need to get out.”
“of course you can! you were always here before that thing of a man took you over.”
“all right, i’ll be there in ten!”
utahime’s home always brought you comfort; it’s where you go when you needed to escape. due to her dislike for people outside her circle, not everyone knows of her address— especially not satoru.
she engulfed you in a hug the moment she opened the door. you can’t hide anything from utahime, she knew you were out of it from your face.
“i’ll put ramen on the stove, go make yourself comfortable,” she ordered, closing the door behind you.
you followed her words, throwing yourself face first on her sofa. you loudly groaned, annoyed at the idea of saori getting all touchy-touchy with your satoru.
“let’s talk about it,” utahime speaks, pausing the television before she sits on the floor next to you.
you lift your head to look at her, open your mouth, and close it back. ‘let’s not question it,’ you think, knowing that utahime prefers the floor at home ever since you knew her.
“so… there’s this girl named saori—”
“i knew i should’ve ran over satoru yesterday.”
“and then— wait— HUH???” you sputtered, shocked at utahime’s words.
“i saw him crossing the street by himself yesterday. it took a lot of convincing to not floor the gas pedal,” she sighed, knowing she missed the jackpot. “anyway, continue.”
your mouth hangs open for a few more seconds before you regain yourself.
“right… anyway. she’s satoru’s new co-worker and i don’t like her. on our first meeting she called me ‘satoru’s bitch’ and after that she’s been occupying his free time every-fucking-day. she has a BOYFRIEND! like damn bitch! move away from my boyfriend,” you dumped the information on utahime, shoving your head back into the cushion.
“my baby, just said the word,” utahime faces you, moving her hand to pat your back.
“for what?” your voice comes out muffled.
“to put a bounty on their heads.”
a groan leaves you. there’s no hope.
“i’m kidding, i’m kidding. we can devise a plan, however.”
your head perks up. your attention has been successfully gained. utahime stands up, a bright smile adorns her face. you have a major feeling that something mischievous is going to play out real, real soon. utahime never smiles so brightly unless she’s plotting something despicable.
you squint your eyes at her, watching her back as she walks to the kitchen.
“don’t worry; just trust me.”
6:43 p.m: you’re now being a sack of potatoes on utahime’s bed. the day flew by and you haven’t heard from satoru ever since he left. no way it won’t leave a sour taste in your mouth, but you couldn’t find the energy to care at this moment.
you're preoccupied on utahime’s laptop, carefully choosing the perfect inner-walls design for the house game you stumbled upon. interior design might just be your new job.
deep into the game, your phone rings. you groan in annoyance, picking your phone up to see who decided it’ll be a good time to bother you.
satoru is calling you.
clicking your tongue, you slid on the green button.
“satoru, what’s up?”
“babe, are you home?”
“i’m not, why?”
“whyyyyy? i brought food for you.”
“i’ll have it when i’m home. sorry i’m not there right now, satoru.”
“oh, i almost forgot. saori’s here too.”
“ew— i mean, okay. don’t let her near my stuff nor our room.”
“yeah, bye baby. i love you.”
“i love you too.”
“that’s so disgusting. get out of my house,” utahime voices her feelings, screwing her face up at the sight of you being lovey-dovey with satoru.
you laughed at her, returning your attention to the game. utahime walks to her closet, choosing an outfit for the night. she’s fresh out of the shower, wet hair wrapped up in a towel. you can hear her grumbling something along the lines of “i hate couples” as she threw clothes on the floor to look for “that one black pajama shorts.”
once successful, utahime threw herself onto the bed. she took over your phone, going into your messages for her chat to send herself photos you’ve long forgotten to send. never will she ever ask you for photos after the hangout.
“by the way,” she says, “what did that man call for?”
you sigh, looking at her with a blank expression, “saori’s gonna be there.”
“does she even have her own life? that saowhore or whatever you said her name is.” utahime rolls her eyes, her mood immediately soured.
shrugging, you click your tongue, “it is what it is. this game is more important.”
it took not one, not two, not three, but five attempts to convince utahime to let you go home. she was completely against the idea of letting you drive home alone when it’s 10 p.m.
you would’ve given in if it wasn’t for the dreadful feeling that you need to be home. you basically sped through the roads, and most definitely ran a red light accidentally. nevertheless, you arrived safely.
suddenly, your heartbeat races. a heat creeps up the back of your head; you can feel a headache in the making. something’s telling you that you’ll need to confront a certain someone.
opening the door as quietly as you can, you stepped in, removing your shoes and tiptoeing inside.
maybe you should’ve let utahime go through with her plans.
the sight before you disgusts you as much as satoru disgusts utahime. why, just why, is this woman still here? is she crazy? why are her legs on satoru, and why is he allowing it?
“goodness, if i didn’t know better i’d ask you if you’re homeless,” you sarcastically spoke, taking the remote to turn the television off.
“get,” you took hold of one of her legs, shoving it off satoru. “off my fucking boyfriend.”
satoru watches, shocked at the scene. his eyes are unfocused; it’s evident that he zoned out a long time ago.
saori scoffs, moving her leg back on satoru’s lap. “why should i?”
you tilt your head, smiling angelically. the smile lasted milliseconds before it dropped. you’ve had quite enough and she’ll be subjected to your anger.
grabbing her arm, you roughly dragged her off the sofa. saori wasn’t one to accept such treatment. she retaliated, shuffling her arm around until she’s off your grip.
“are you fucking crazy?!” saori yelled, eyes wide with heavy breaths.
“not quite!” you pointed towards the door. “get out before i drag you myself.”
satoru’s silent. afraid of angering you, he stays put and watches from a distance.
“fuck off,” saori speaks, “satoru, text me when you’re off your dog collar.”
your anger reached its peak. grabbing the closest thing, which happened to be a mug, you threw it in her direction, aiming to miss her but hit close enough to her.
“ARE YOU INSANE!?” saori’s stumbles to the side, clenching her jaw, looking down at the broken pieces of the ceramic mug.
the scene alarms satoru, he decides to do something. standing up, he reaches for your wrist, pulling you to him.
“i think it’s time you leave, saori. i didn’t even know you were still here,” satoru’s voice is calm, but filled with authority. his words hold truth to them, he zoned out a while ago, unaware that saori’s still around.
clicking her tongue, her eyes twitch. she couldn’t muster up anything to say. being left with no choice but to listen to satoru, she saw herself out.
the quietness settles in. you were right about the headache, it’s definitely coming in.
“save it,” you stopped him, “but who the fuck is she to think i have you on a dog collar? i’ll put her on a collar.”
guilt settles in satoru, he shouldn’t have brought her in.
“i don’t why she said that. you don’t have me ‘on a dog collar’ i swear,” he rambles, placing a hand on his chest.
your gaze settled on satoru. you’re tired, a headache is there, and you probably went overboard. you’re not in the mood to hear him.
“satoru, i trust you. but i don’t trust her.”
“i’ll make her apologize.”
“ew, no.” you shivered at the thought of her apologizing. “i don’t want you near her anymore. her intentions are too fucking obvious.”
satoru physically hesitates. swallowing a gulp, his words come out quietly, “i can’t ignore her just like that..”
just as you were about to walk away, your head whipped to satoru as if you were slapped in that direction.
“the project’s still ongoing, baby. i can’t ignore her just because you want me too.”
“fucking hell. kiss my ass, satoru. kiss her ass too while you’re at it,” you spat, flipping him off as you walked away.
if he can’t ignore her “just because you said so” then he can be ignored by you. maybe he did said something to make her think he’s on a dog collar.
you hear satoru calling for you, but you gave him no attention. you’ll deal with it tomorrow.
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four › satoru’s new piercing idea: a bullet through his head.
satoru fucked up. he knows he fucked up. he should’ve said that after you calmed down. it couldn’t have gotten worse than this. the night flew by with you facing your back to him, the morning came with you acting as if he’s invisible.
sure, he fucked up, but at least reply to his good morning?!
he doesn’t know what to do. this is the first time you were angered to this point. usually, he’d be the one to better your mood, but he’s apart of the reason you’re as mad as you are.
your behavior went on for three days. far longer than satoru had anticipated. he’s given you your space, but now he can’t focus on his job.
his co-workers knew something was off with satoru. he’s not his usual self. they knew something happened the moment he declined a free meal. secretly, they gathered around, holding a confidential meeting to discuss satoru’s behavior.
everyone gave their opinions until an agreement was made: a couple’s argument had occurred.
evidence to support? satoru refrained from mentioning you, gave awkward answers when someone asked about you, and sulked when he looked at his lockscreen which was you.
saori, however, advanced her advancements to satoru. today was another day of her throwing her cleavage at him.
the photoshoot theme included two persons, but they weren’t meant to touch. they needed to act like enemies, but saori’s touching satoru as if he’s an all-you-can-touch event.
her hands slid down his chest, stopping at his abs. satoru doesn’t react— his eyes are empty, it’s clear that he wants the photoshoot to be over.
mia observed the two ever since the business trip, and she came to the conclusion that saori’s craving a place she was never meant to have.
“well aren’t you a little handsy, miss saori,” mia calls out, stopping the cameraman. “had i not known your boyfriend, i would've thought you were single.”
“who asked?” saori gives an attitude, but she moves her hand from satoru. the mention of her boyfriend bothered her.
the staff goes silent. a tension forms in the atmosphere. the calm before the storm, as they call it.
mia walks towards the two, placing a hand on saori’s shoulder when she nears her.
squeezing her shoulder, she leans down to saori’s level, “who’s the boss here? you’re chatty for a little girl who wants others’ belongings.” mia taunts, her voice cold.
saori gulps, slapping mia’s hand off her.
the action doesn’t bother mia in the slightest. instead, she leans to saori’s ears, whispering the unfortunate truth to her, “satoru will never want you, saori. remember that.”
straightening her posture, mia turns around to walk back to her designated position.
“back to work, everyone!”
with her order, everyone returns back to their previous doings. the tension is still heavy, and satoru’s still holds his empty gaze.
a thirty-minute break was called. at this moment, to each their own. the staff scrambled around, but satoru stayed put.
“saori,” his voice drags, “let’s talk alone.”
her expression brightens, feeling the butterflies tingle in her stomach. but little does she know, satoru’s about to act out of the character she knows him to be.
“s-sure! let’s do it in your dressing room,” she suggests, pulling satoru there.
once they’re in, she locks the door behind them. satoru sighs at the sight, but he doesn’t say anything about it. there’s something else he came here for.
“saori, do you like me? romantically?” he asks, leaning on the wall with crossed arms.
“i do,” she boldly confirms.
“then stop. you’re getting in between my relationship with (y/n),” he glares at saori, deciding it’s time to draw the line.
“ha, you’re still on that leash i see,” she scoffs, walking towards satoru until they’re face-to-face. “i’m better, satoru. you should choose me.”
satoru unfolds his arms, using one to push her away.
“saori, i’ve thought of you as nothing but a co-worker, a friend. you cannot be (y/n). so please, stop.”
clenching her jaw, saori tugs at satoru’s shirt’s collar, “i don’t give a flying fuck! you should be mine.”
satoru feels disgusted, a chain of chills cover his body. has saori always been like this?
“you have a boyfriend, for fuck’s sake!” he slaps her hand away, moving towards the door.
before he unlocks the door, he stops, turning around to clarify something before he forgets to, “oh, and if anything, the truth is that i’m the one who placed a dog collar on myself. so watch your mouth.”
with that, he leaves her alone, walking to where mia’s positioned.
“mia,” he calls for her.
mia turns to him, eyes wide for a second before she returns to her usual expression.
“need something, lovesick boy?” she teases, raising her eyebrows at him.
“if saori isn’t withdrawn from this project, then i’ll withdraw myself,” he threatens, running a hand through his hair exposing his forehead.
‘i’m not sure if this is unexpected or expected,’ mia thinks, not surprised at satoru’s request. it was only a matter of time.
“i’ll withdraw her. she pissed me off, too,” giving satoru her answer she pauses, and then continues, “but you really need to learn how to tell apart platonic actions from romantic.”
satoru cringes at her words, “ugh, leave me alone. i’m leaving.”
“you’ll be penalized for leaving during working hours!”
“blah blah blah.”
satoru’s destination was obvious. it’s your shared home. he would make his business to break the ice first.
messily unlocking the door, he kicks his shoes off, immediately looking for you. you’re not on the sofa, not in the bathroom, not in the kitchen, where the fuck are you?!
checking off your usual spots, he’s left with one: the bedroom.
quietly opening the door, he peeks in, observing the room for you. once he found you, he tiptoed in.
your back was turned to the door. whether you were sleeping or not was the least of his problems. he’ll wake you up if he has to.
“baby,” he carefully speaks, sitting on the edge of the bed with a hand on your blanketed figure.
you don’t answer him, but you do turn around to face him.
“i talked to saori. we won’t be in contact any time soon.”
“oh wow,” you said.
he clears his throat at your sarcasm, “ahem— anyway, i told her off, and asked for her to be removed from the project.”
“what made this sudden change? i thought you were glued to her.”
“she was glued to me!” he clarifies.
“tomato, tomahto. potato, potahto.”
ignoring your snarky remarks, he continues, “i told her about the ‘dog collar’ comment. i even told her to watch her mouth. i’ll cut contact with her on my phone, too.”
“so she’s gone? completely?” you questioned, removing a hand from under the blanket.
“yeah, i received a divine revelation and came to my senses. really, i thought she saw me as platonic as i saw her. i swear!” he confirms his innocence, staring at you with sadden eyes.
“you’re still a bitch,” you said, “i almost allowed utahime to go through with her bounty plan.”
sitting up, you took one of satoru’s fingers in your hand, “i’m glad you did that, but i’m still mad. you made me want to tell you to go fuck her and done with it.”
satoru’s mouth hangs open at the newly gained information.
“i didn’t, as you can see. i still love you so such words would never be spoken.”
“‘still’ she said.”
“don’t push it.”
a laugh escapes him. not listening to your warning, he pulls you into a hug. this time, it was a hug of desperation and relief. his head’s buried in your neck, breathing in the body mist you always wear at home.
“i’m sorry,” he apologizes.
“dear god, fuck that bitch i hope she dies,” you comforted satoru, returning his hug and patting his back.
do you have an issue with satoru? no, but he did set you off when he refused to cut contact with her when you asked.
it took him quite some days to see the vision, and you’re glad he did.
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hey guys 😣 if anyone’s confused about this part:
“what made this sudden change? i thought you were glued to her.”
“she was glued to me!” he clarifies.
“tomato, tomahto. potato, potahto.”
it simply means “what’s the difference?”
when (y/n) said she thought satoru was glued to saori, satoru responded with “she’s glued to me!”
(y/n) says “tomato, tomahto. potato, potahto.” because it doesn’t matter how you pronounce it since it’s the same word. there’s no difference.
satoru was glued to saori and vice versa so what’s the difference fr
hope this helped 😜
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wonysugar · 5 months
doing what’s right | huh yunjin
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synopsis : you were always on top of your shit, and yunjin hated your fucking guts for it.
pairing : yunjin x fem!reader
genre : bully trope?? smut
tags : major hate sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism. yunjin’s a bitch, reader’s a goody two shoes and a virgin, jealousy, classroom, public sex kinda? teacherxstudent roleplay, is this considered tag teaming?? degrading names, stripping, slapping (like once but still), fingering, slight boob play, chaewon mention kinda? it’s hinted, dumbification lowkey? that funky stuff~~
!! warnings : dubcon turned consensual, threats of blackmail, degradation, humiliation, bullying, harassment, yknow… that stuff so don’t read if any of this makes you uncomfy please !!
word count : 3.2k
a/n : angsty yunjin coming out soon dw.. i just loved y’all too much to release unwarranted ass angst without some sort of apology beforehand😭enjoy! been wanting to write more dark stuff since you guys really liked minjeong? so YAYY!! also this is like so not proofread if you see any mistakes please ignore as i am so tiredgkefmm
also also obviously NEVER DO THIS TO ANYONE EVER THIS IS TRULY HORRENDOUS :(( and ofc if it’s being done to you CALL THE POLICE DO SMTHH THIS IS ACTUALLY HORRIBLEE?? this is purely fiction and for entertainment purposes and does not reflect my thoughts!!
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“hey y/n, since you like studying so damn much, how about you do my assignments for me?” her friends giggled, enjoying the show, “how’s that sound, hm? i’m sure you’d enjoy it.”
you continued to write into your notebook, tending to your work as you ignored the unfunny comments that the group of annoying girls sent towards you, the most distracting one of them all being thrown was huh yunjin’s. you just kept trying to focus on the math equation in front of you as you heard their loud giggles and mumbles behind you.
it was confusing. she’d seem really nice if you didn’t know her, since she rarely was ever mean to other students. plus, she looked really friendly and put together, it was almost welcoming; her ginger hair always styled perfectly, her full face of gorgeous makeup that she somehow managed to put on everyday, the nice outfits she’d pull with such a basic uniform. no really, who knew you could do so much with just a blazer and a skirt? she looked and acted so kind towards everyone.
except you.
as it turns out, she just had a thing against you, apparently. you couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but it wasn’t difficult to guess that she fucking hated your guts, it was apparent with how she’d glare at you whenever you walked past her, books in hand, or how she’d look at her friends whenever you rose your hand, putting on a mocking smile as she nodded along to you. i mean, it’s not like she pretended to like you, you were very aware of her feelings towards you.
you didn’t really care, though.
sure, you were kind of bummed out that somebody as kind-looking as yunjin disliked you at first, but what could you do, in the end? not everybody was gonna end up liking you, and that was okay. that’s what society is, after all. some people will like you, some people simply will not, and that’s just life. still, though, it’s not like you did anything to cause her to hate you.. did you?
nonetheless, slowly but surely, you started getting invested in your task again, the remarks of the girls eventually being tuned out of your brain as you grabbed your calculator. 
that is, until you felt her more than overwhelming presence behind your shoulder. you could only sigh, 
god damn it.
she pulled on a strand of your hair as she threw her history book on the desk, startling you, “d’you hear me, bitch? the bell rang ages ago, either you go home and leave, or you stay here, be a useful little student and do my work. your choice.” 
you heard her friends cackle on the other side of the classroom as she pestered you.
god, and you were actually getting something done, for once.
standing up in a swift motion, you groaned and quickly picked up all of your things before shoving them inside your bag, getting ready to leave.
“since you asked so nicely.” was all you said, annoyed and heading straight for the door, your hand almost coming in contact with the doorknob. you were about to leave.
until she grabbed your hair and pulled you back, making you land butt-first on the ground, earning a collective laugh from the others.
“ow— w-what the fuck is wrong with you???” you yelled, grabbing the back of your hair, where she pulled on, caressing said spot in hopes of soothing it. 
“what’s wrong with you? i ask you a question, and you don’t answer?? not what i expected from miss goody-two-shoes..” she mocked, wearing a fake pout as she slightly tilted her head, “i’m incredibly disappointed, y/n..” 
you could only furrow your eyebrows and narrow your eyes at her, because what the fuck was actually wrong with her?? yeah, she was always annoying, but she never got violent with you, what changed today?
“no seriously, yunjin, what did i ever do to you?” you stood back up, unconsciously leaving your bag on the floor, “ever since i’ve met you, you’ve just been nothing but a bitch to me, and only me. seriously, tell me, what did i do to you?”
she, in response, only looked back at her friends who were sitting back and watching you two go at it, no really, they even grabbed chairs.
“what didn’t you do?” when she looked back at you, something in her eyes shifted, her gaze was no longer playful, it seemed evil, “everytime i look at you, you’re always on top of your shit,  always doing what’s right. i mean— for fuck’s sake, your posture’s always straight, your assignments are always done, your grades are fucking perfect, your goddamn locker’s organized…  and at lunch? you’re doing homework. you’re so— you’re just so fucking annoying. you realize that, right?” 
…was this seriously what this was all about? you took school seriously, and she didn’t, so she was.. mad about it?? i mean— you’re literal seniors, of course you were gonna take school seriously? you looked back at her, still processing everything. you were perplexed, and she was stepping closer to you as you backed away, unconsciously pinning yourself against the wall.
“i-im sorry..? i really didn’t mean to make it seem like i was rubbing it in your face—”
“see? there you go again, doing what’s right, as per usual. apologizing, being the bigger person, making me seem like the bitch here, right? i see right through your facade, y/n, you think you’re better than everyone, when really, you’re the worst kind of person out there.” 
at this point, she was inches away from your face, her gaze piercing through your soul like she was looking into the deep depths of your personality, searching for any sort of crack in your cool and composed demeanor. you always seemed so sure of yourself, she wanted to see you lose it, she wanted to see you lose control over everything around you, she was dying to see it.. 
but, much to her dismay, she found nothing.
“you’re fucking insane.” was what you whispered, looking at her with nothing but arrogance and worry in your expression. she stared back at you some more, before allowing herself to crack a distorted smile. what was she—
before you knew it, her lips roughly came into contact with yours as she grabbed your face, kissing you like she’d die if she didn’t. you were thrown off-guard, way off guard, especially because of how sudden this was from her, because of how sudden this was altogether. plus, the fact that you didn’t push her away just made it all so much more puzzling, why didn’t you? you were baffled, so baffled that you didn’t even realize her free hand roaming your body. she caressed all over your lower stomach, fingers tracing your thighs before reaching for your lower back, reaching under your skirt and cupping your ass almost immediately after her hand landed on it.
still hungrily making out with you, her hand ended up on one of your pockets, the one containing the classroom keys. of course, the teacher always trusted that you’d lock the classroom once you were done with your work, so he didn’t mind giving you the responsibility.
you didn’t even realize that she reached into the pocket and grabbed the keys, that is, until she quickly pulled away afterwards, leaving you breathless. as you opened your eyes again and caught your breath, you saw yunjin throw the keys behind her shoulder, “here,” the obnoxious sound of them being tossed around occupying your thoughts, “lock the door.”
watching as one of the other girls scrambled to catch them, you spoke up, “w-what are you—“
a loud slap resonated through the classroom before leaving space for silence to settle in, your face was stinging. then, when you raised your hand to put it on your cheek, trying to understand what on earth was actually going on, you heard the click of the lock.
“shut the fuck up.” she said, quickly grabbing you and your attention by the jaw and forcefully making you face her before putting on the fake cutesy face you know so well, talking to you as she would a stupid puppy,
“let’s play a little game, hm?” she slightly leaned in, in order to face you directly, “it’s gonna be called ‘how to be a good student’, the rules are simple; you’re gonna pretend that i’m your teacher and i’ll tell you to do certain things, you just have to obey. you can do that for me, right?” 
you gulped, fear plastered all over your expression as you looked back at her.. but also, there was a hint of anticipation? what was she gonna force you to do?? the sane part of yourself tried shaking it off, but to no avail. it was probably way wrong to admit, fucked, even.. but you wanted to see how far she would go. you wanted to see what she wanted to do to you.
you were scared, sure, but also somewhat excited.
she patted your cheek, bringing you back to the reality before you, her friends still behind her, sick smiles as they watched,  “understood?” she asked.
you could only reluctantly nod in response.
“words, dumb bitch. you’re usually really good at using those, aren’t you?” she tilted her head, eyeing your legs as her hand slightly fiddled with your skirt before her cold gaze went back on yours, “so, use them.” 
your breathing getting heavier, you tried to push away all of the ridiculous thoughts you had, why the fuck were you yearning whatever she was planning? you quietly and unintentionally whined, hoping that she didn’t hear, then you eventually managed to choke up a reply, “y-yes.”
she scoffed, “yes what? i’m sure you don’t talk to teachers like that, do you?” 
you closed your eyes momentarily, “yes.. m-miss.”
she snickered, letting out a mocking laugh shortly after as she mumbled something along the lines of ‘i didn’t think you would actually do it.’, raising her eyebrows in the process. her friends seemed rather amused, too, since they were all cracking up behind yunjin, one of them even grabbed her phone and started recording. 
“t-the phone— what are you doing w-why are you recording—“
the girl in front of you rolled her eyes while backing away from you, sighing exasperatedly, “relax, if you just do as i say and listen to me, i promise you that we’re not posting it anywhere. okay?”
your reputation, your scholarship, she was risking all of it. what if your parents— you couldn’t even finish that thought without feeling chills down your spine
at this point, you had no choice but to trust her words.
“now, strip.” she added.
you hesitated, looking at every corner of the room, your brain desperately trying to forget that there were people watching you attentively. 
after a few seconds, your eyes eventually landed on the ginger standing in front of you, arms crossed. her gaze stern as she looked at you; you particularly noticed how she seemed to be devouring your entire body only using her hooded eyes.
that, for some reason, gave you the willpower to do as she told you to. 
you slowly and nervously unbuttoned your blazer and looked straight at her, your eyebrows slightly upturned, which earned a smirk from yunjin.
you looked like a prey being cornered by its predator, it drove her insane. 
you paid no particular attention to the friends that were screaming, cheering you on and insisting that you take it off faster, treating this whole situation like it was a striptease. once you were only in your bra, you moved on over to your skirt, unzipping the side and slowly sliding it down, still unsure of whatever the fuck you were doing at that moment.
yunjin seemed pleased, very pleased.
“good girl.” the way her tongue rolled off the top of her mouth saying that gave you goosebumps, “now, go bend over that desk and wait.” she added, pointing to… the teacher’s desk.
a surge of shame suddenly washed over you when you remembered the amount of trust that said-teacher had in you. what would he think of you if he knew you were being so inappropriate in his workspace? as if the wall you were standing against gave you some sort of comfort, you didn’t want to move. 
at all.
yunjin’s eyebrows furrowed, “come on, y/n.” she said, with a familiar, fear-inducing playful tone, “bend over that fucking desk or i swear i’m gonna make you regret ever attending your stupid classes.”
you were terrified, you knew she was fully capable of physically hurting you, she’s already done it up until now. 
so you did what she ordered. 
you obeyed.
you sucked up your embarrassment you felt in the process of walking past her friends, half naked and leaning against the desk. you kept your head down; feeling their phone cameras on you, you wanted to hope that hiding your face would make you feel better, so you just kept looking down. until,
a few seconds after, you heard noise behind you, noise that sounded like… bag scrambling? like someone was actively looking for something specific, which undeniably got you very worried. 
you remembered your bag, the vision of you leaving it on the floor kept replaying in your mind.
nonetheless, said sound only lasted for a few more seconds before stopping abruptly. then, you heard footsteps, who you could only assume were yunjin’s, get closer to you—
you saw a manicured hand slide a sheet of paper, a pencil and a calculator across the table… 
the sheet.. was your math homework. the one you were working on not too long ago, it was in front of you.
then, feeling a hand gently rub on your lower back as the girls in the room giggled, you flinched slightly. “finish this assignment.” she ordered, cold, before adding onto it, “and under no circumstances do you move, okay?”
you breathed heavily, nodding. “y-yes miss..” was what you said, feeling a piece of your dignity leave your body with each second that passed by. what the fuck was she planning on doing to you?
without asking further questions, you grabbed the pencil sitting in front of you and went to work, trying to do what you do best; school work. for a few minutes, it went smoothly, you felt yourself getting calmer as you filled out the answers of the questions before you.
until you felt her fingers slowly slip your underwear down, her hot breath against your ear whilst she watched you work from behind, her friend group letting out ironic cheers. you heard her scoff as her middle finger came into contact with your.. embarrassingly wet cunt, rubbing it carefully.
“you’ve been wet this entire time, huh? didn’t know miss goody-two-shoes was so naughty.” you quietly whimpered at the touch, you were aching and you didn’t even want to fully acknowledge it. then, you heard some of her friends get up, getting closer to the both of you.
it was almost dehumanizing to admit that being treated this way turned you on this much, and the last thing you wanted at that moment was for her to know it.
she wasn’t as stupid as you thought she was, she figured it out fast.
she quickly stuck two of her fingers inside of you, watching you struggle as you tried to take her. “oh my god— don’t tell me that you’re a virgin?” she giggled, curling them and hitting your gspot as you bit your lip trying to suppress the lewd sounds that wanted to escape your mouth, “how does it feel to know that i’m the one taking your disgusting virginity, hm? shit, you’re fucking dripping for this, aren’t you?” was what she whispered in your ear, making sure no one heard it but you.
how considerate.
“mmh— y-yunjin—“ you attempted to turn your head over to look at her, but she quickly grabbed your jaw with her other hand and set it back to its original position. 
“i told you not to move, didn’t i? focus on the fucking paper, whore. don’t make me hit you again, okay baby?” she snapped, being rougher with her fingers in the process. you let out a moan in response, because as much as you tried to deny it, everytime she spoke just made you clench even more around her.
so she sped up the pace with each sound that you let out, it didn’t take long for her to start properly fingering you and allowing her other hand to grope your clothed tits, watching you lose yourself under her inappropriate touch. you wanted more, you weren’t even writing on the damn paper anymore, you needed more of her. you needed to hear her friends call you a brainless whore more often.
you needed it.
your brain was so foggy and blurry that you didn’t even notice one of her friends end up in front of you, shamelessly shoving the camera on you, “come on y/n, look here.” she whined playfully, her turn to take ahold of your face and move it however she pleases, the girl made you look up at her and stuck her thumb into your mouth.
what was her name? chaeyoung? chaeryeong?? chaewon??? you couldn’t quite remember.
god, you didn’t even fucking know her name and you just let her slur you out like this?
“tell me y/n, is miss yunjin making you feel good?”
more, you wanted more. whatever the hell this was, you wanted more, you craved more.
you nodded, eyes hooded and rolled back as you felt the ginger’s long fingers reach deep inside of you, curling at the perfect places, at the perfect time. it felt so good, too good. you slightly drooled on the bob-haired girl’s thumb as your body shook under the both of them. 
feeling yunjin’s mouth against your neck while she kept fingerfucking you, you blabbered, indecent things sounding like “k-keep going— i’ll never be an annoying bitch again i promise i— pleaseplease m-more—“ escaping your mouth.
everyone in the classroom was amused by this, you could tell by the things they said and the laughs they let out occasionally.
yunjin was especially enjoying it, because who would’ve thought l/n y/n would whore herself out for a group of girls she didn’t even know? not her, that’s for sure, but she lived for it, she waited so long for something like this to happen, and it finally did.
for you to be put back in your place, for you to be humbled, for you to be a begging and crying mess all over her. that’s what she hoped for whenever you opened your mouth in class. 
“c-cumming— i’m— c-cumming i—“ you moaned against the sloppy kiss you were having with the other girl.
suddenly, a huge wave of euphoria washed over your entire body, causing your legs and arms to shake, giving out. you weren’t paying any attention to the volume of your voice, but when you felt lips come into contact with yours, you figured that you were being a little too loud.
you wanted more, you needed more.
too bad they simply all left you there, alone, only words spoken by yunjin beforehand being “don’t forget to lock the door afterwards.” after being thrown the keys to the classroom.
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jongseonvs · 2 years
when you’re mad at them
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warnings // none!
not proofread.
#jungwon ─ ¨*• ꕤ
- you give him the silent treatment/ cold shoulder and he hates it
- doesn’t like when you ignore him, so he follows you around saying he’s sorry
- “I said I’m sorry, okay? please don’t ignore me” he mumbles as he tugs on your hoodie
- you can push his hand away, but he’ll just grab you right on back and continue tugging
- does it until you give in cause he can’t stand you being upset over him
#jay ─ ¨*• ☪︎
- literally doesnt give you the chance to be angry
- gets even more clingier than usual and makes the most unfunny dad jokes that make you laugh because they’re not funny
- basically forces you to forgive him because he knows you can’t be mad at him forever
#heeseung ─ ¨*• ✮
- gets emotional because he doesn’t even know what he did to get you upset and it frustrates him
- is so sad cause you avoid his hugs and kisses
- tries to gives you space; it doesn’t last cause one min later he’s at your side begging for you to tell him what’s wrong
- gets relieved when you finally talk to him and he apologizes/comforts you
#sunghoon ─ ¨*• ✦
- acts like he doesn’t care because he thinks you’re being unreasonable
- when it lasts longer than 1 hour, he starts to worry
- lowkey stalks you in the room from the kitchen and he waits for you to say something so he can respond
- turns into apologizing machine and says he feels really bad
- “I was only mad cause you wouldn’t talk to me”
#jake ─ ¨*• ♡̶
- immediately asks what’s wrong and that if he did something to upset you to pls tell him
- hates when you’re mad at him, so he does his best to aid the situation
- “I won’t do it again, I’m sorry baby” ackkkouutsgacsl you also apologize immediately cause you wouldn’t want to be the mean, grumpy partner to him
- cancels plans he had that day because you’re more important <3
#sunoo ─ ¨*• ✿
- also gets upset at you
- you’re both too stubborn to apologize to each other first so it goes on for a while
- he is pettyyyy so how ever long you ignore him, he’s gonna ignore you for the same amount of time
- then comes to the realization that he was in the wrong
- admits he was wrong and apologizes, and he takes you out to make up for it
#ni-ki ─ ¨*• ✧
- hugs you and doesn’t let go at all
- even if you’ve angrily told him to let go, he doesn’t budge
- “tell me why you’re mad and then maybe I’d consider it.”
- doesn’t care if it’s annoying or if his arms get tired
- he’d rather have that then you be upset and possibly hold this grudge to the grave
[thank you for reading ! <3 feedback is appreciated]
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pansyfemme · 2 months
the "t will make you look like your dad" arguement caused me to rethink medical transition solely because i do Not want to look like that fucker. i definitely think it should be talked about in a different way especially within the community thats more likely to have iffy parent-child relationships
its my least favorite “joke” in the community because 1) not fucking true or proven in any way shape or form 2) the reason you just pointed out and 3) is using very tangential reasoning (that t does in fact vary pretty heavily and you will not be able to 100% predict how it will work for you) combined with the fact that due to body image issues and internalized transphobia crossing wires in a lot of people’s heads that the ‘ideal’ transmasc body does tend to sometimes skew smaller and more ‘conventially attractive’ in a lot of younger trans men’s brains in a way that comes off as highly judgmental and lowkey kind of ‘you’re not really trans if you don’t want to look like a REAL man’ way while at the same time implying fat and hairy trans men or trans men with hair loss are less attractive but a sacrifice you have to make. It’s very weird and unfunny and it reminds me a bit too much of old transmeddy shit.
There should be a wider education of what testerone does and does not do to your body, but that’s more so because the internet spreads this exact kind of misinfo like wildfire and perpetuates a culture of there being subsects within transmasculinity rather than it being an individualized experience. I have rarely seen a trans man upset because ‘t didn’t turn him into a fairy prince’ but i’ve seen plenty who were upset that bodyshaming within the community and misinformation shaped their transition so heavily. It straight up does not matter what someone wants from their transition or where they end up with it. Speaking about it this way only leads to weird crossed wires in peoples heads leading them to think that their wants towards transition is unhealthy or wrong. You can not know for sure how testosterone will affect you. And if it affects you in a way you are uncomfortble with, there are other options and ways of dealing with it. The issue is so much blantant misinfo being spread online and such little in person trans educatuon that rumors and jokes take off before some trans guys are even able to verify the last one.
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shotmrmiller · 4 months
Knight! Simon coming to bathmaid! Reader covered in blood and after everything he kisses her hoping till heal her wounds, he later takes care of her like she has to him multiple times.
Ps. You better have been drinking water
knight!simon i stg is such a simp for her, it's unfunny. He's never cared about a woman until now.
He takes her away to the 141 estate covered in blood, and tells her that if she marries him, she'll never have to worry about working to put food on the table again.
lowkey coercion, but he just wants to keep her safe— preferably with him.
Simon tells her to think on it, but for now, just worry about healing back up.
i have been diligently drinking my water today!!
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
Ganna be honest, this episode wasn’t AS bad as I thought it would be, like I’m lowkey shocked. It’s certainly not the worst out of what we’ve seen, and it didn’t piss be off to high heaven, especially since the runtime is short and Blitz and Stolas are away from one another here, but….it still wasn’t….good, so let’s get into it.
So everyone already knows this episode was….so fast paced. Andrealphus doesn’t even get a proper introduction, and like I said before, in the span of one fucking minute, we have Stolas and Stella petty banter, Andrealphus, and Striker coming back to kidnap him. For starters, Yayy….glad to see Stolas and Stella acting like petty middle schoolers towards eachother. I was right when I said that the writers can’t figure out what they want their dynamic to be. Like….this is supposed to be the same couple that’s in an abusive serious situation, and it kinda doesn’t make me take them seriously if they’re just swearing at each other and bickering Viv. Also, glad to know the writers are outright saying “cheating is okay”- simply because Stella never liked him, so again….way to take the flaws Stolas had in season 1 and completely erase them and excuse them, just because you want Stolas to be in the right. It’s so distracting how fucking retconned they are, they might as well just have said “Stolas did nothing wrong” in Loo Loo Land if these were the writer’s true colors all along, but since Viv wrote this episode, I’m not surprised.
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They hyped Andrealphus up but he gets like….two scenes and doesn’t do much like…lmao. In The Circus, again…they try to make it clear that divorce in the Goetia family is uwu serious, and Stella mentions Andrealphus, implying that he would be upset, or is a threat. When we actually meet him tho, he isn’t even….upset about the divorce? Why did Stella mention him then? What was the point of foreshadowing him and having Stolas say he doesn’t care what he thinks if Andrealphus was just going to be all like “oh you’re getting divorced? Okay, give us money then”- like it’s so fucking underwhelming but we’ll get back to him and Stella later. Also we see that Stolas has a scheduled meeting with Ozzie, implying that he may be trying to get that crystal after all. But…can this show just fucking….stop teasing us with future shit and just do it already? I’m so tired of the show dangling plot threads to come later in our face but they either NEVER come or the execution is underwhelming.
Blitz continues to be the most annoying and unfunny character in the entire show. His jokes and dialogue are a fucking pain to sit through and the scene where he’s trying to announce his appointment and fights with the lady in the waiting room drags and is unneeded. In fact, this whole side plot was unneeded. Viv doesn’t know how to fucking balance this show, she wants episodes to be serious and story driven but have a slice of life filler side plot at the same time and guess what? It doesn’t work or blend well. The constant cut aways are distracting from the main plot and you could have used this premise for a different episode. Loona doesn’t even have any dialogue, you could have at least improved the relationship between her and Blitz or had a moment of her being thankful that he was here and comforting her, appreciating him more….ya know….character development……..something that would have made this side plot actually useful since this is supposed to be a fucking “character driven” show about the relationships between the characters, but no. This side plot existed to pat out the run time and give Blitz and Loona something to do so they’re not just sitting there. As usual Loona does nothing, is useless and only there for the furry porn. The shot of her butt with the needle was 100% on purpose, I can tell.
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(Also we’re on season 2 and only now finally get to see an upfront interaction of Imps being treated as the lower class, but it doesn’t do anything. This show tells us instead of showing us, they constantly remind you that imps are at the bottom but Blitz still literally has a good job that pays well and aside from the wrath imps providing food too feed hell, there’s no exploration of how imps having it lower than any other demon species. If anything it seems like Imps and the rest of the Hellborn species are all on the same ranking because Viv can’t storytell.) Also what is with the bleeping? I really don’t get it, it’s not funny and it’s distracting, making scenes awkward.
Predicted it, but Moxxie and Millie were…unneeded in this episode and were only included to fight Striker. These two really are useless when they’re not the focus and you can tell Viv has no idea what to do with them when they’re not. Also…..Viv…..Viv……is Moxxie strong, or not? Make up your fucking mind. In this episode he’s able to get the upper hand against a bigger imp, make him bleed and tie him to the car without an issue, and yet he’s been characterized as weak and not the muscle of the group. Is he strong or not? YAYY MORE CHARACTER INCONSISTENCIES! And glad to know Millie did nothing….as usual. Besides fight.
So Stolas has officially become Angel Dust, and Moxxie is slowly turning into Blitz so that’s great. It’s amazing how there’s barley a difference between the Stolas and Angel tho, he’s just Angel Dust. And Chaz. And Blitz. And every other fucking gay male character Viv writes. The constant cursing, the quick sassy witty banter, the sex jokes of him being tied up, you can tell Viv wrote this with those “harder” jokes between Moxxie and Stolas like…wow, it’s amazing how her gay characters have recycled personalities, aka the Sassy gay twink. Anyway, to me, Stolas before was horny and rabid don’t get me wrong, but something about the way he is in this episode just irks me more. I get that he hates Stella and Striker, but now he just seems like a petty sassy royal bird who acts like a child 24/7…..and it’s unfunny…..and annoying. All these characters are written like fucking children I can’t.
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Apparently Striker has a reputation, is wanted around Hell and is well known for being an assassin now??? I thought he was just some Imp who was hired to kill someone? Lmao yet another retcon because if this was the case before, you’d think IMP would have heard of him in Harvest Moon. What’s also retconned is Striker saying he was asked to give Stolas the “full royal treatment”, to torture him I guess but….no? He was hired to shoot Stolas with an angelic gun. Why didn’t he just fucking shoot him. Speaking of that, where is the fucking angelic gun? The IMP gang had it last, and now they don’t have it. Also I already pointed this out but…Stolas can’t recognize Striker despite meeting him in episode 5 upfront. Let’s actually talk about Striker tho. He wasn’t perfect but he certainly was the best part of the episode. I actually applaud Bosco for his voice acting, and the scene with him snapping at the band to leave him alone was the only joke that made me laugh. I didn’t care about Striker that much before but this episode honestly made me did now, ignoring the fact that he’s characterized as egotistical. Problem is tho, like the rest of the antagonists, Stikers kinda just a tool. So he….may or may not be dead, I legit have no idea. If he is dead however….boy oh boy, that would piss me off, because IF he IS dead……then way to go guys, you killed off the only interesting and cool character. 🫠
I expected it, but it’s amazing how everything beforehand regarding him was for nothing if he does turn out dead. The tension he had between him and Moxxie? Would be gone. The fact that he appeared in Blitz’s hallucination, being someone who was similar to Blitz but they used their skills differently yet were the same regarding being mistreated by the upper class? Would be gone. Striker wanting to rebel against the higher class? Gone. Blitz doesn’t even get to interact with him before he dies, for a character that clearly had an impact on him. I was going to applaud this episode for actually being consistent and keeping Striker the same person who despises the upper class for what they do to the lower class, they even imply that he had someone he cares about taken away, but it’s all fucking gone if they KILLED HIM OFF. It all would go nowhere in the end and it pisses me off now because you HAD an interesting character, a villain who contrasted the main character, who had a point and could be humanized, and who rightfully calls out Stolas and his people being the scum of the earth, and now he might be dead because once again, Vivzie is an impatient writer who pushes the story forward too fast before we can even get to know these important characters, and also doesn’t want Stolas to be in a position where he’s in the wrong. Bro was literally eating at a rich place where imps serve you, treats his butler like a stress toy, talks down to Blitz and other imps…he’s not innocent Viv.
(It’s also obvious but this episode suffers from pacing issues, the constant cut aways, and scenes moving by so fast we can’t digest any of it. The FIGHT scene tho? Good god that was a mess, it’s literally faster than Millie’s fight scene from last episode, and the annoying songs playing as we kept cutting to Blitz at the appointment REALLY doesn’t help. I really feel like this studio can’t handle fight scenes….at all, or knows how they work. The video literally gets fucking blurry at one point like what the FUCK LMAO…..either hire someone who knows how to animate action scenes or don’t do action scenes at all.)
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I knew Stella was still going to be one note, so I wasn’t surprised, but honestly what did piss me off is how stupid they make her. She was inconsistent before but now she’s just an idiot, because apparently she needed to be TOLD that once Stolas dies, everything goes to Octavia. Like are you kidding me? She’s so dumb that she needed to be told that?? She doesn’t even respond when Andre mentions Via, lmao her whole character really is “me hate Stolas and me want him dead” and nothing else. I’ll give the episode this, even though we barley got to see Andre, he wasn’t insufferable like I thought he would be, in fact, he’s more tolerable than Stella and Stolas combined since he’s the one who’s annoyed at their bickering and calls Stella out for being dumb, but that’s not a writing flex. Andre clearly seems to be the smart mastermind leading Stella now, I have no idea wether if they’ll later make her sympathetic and paint Andre out to be the baddie leading her, or not, it would be bad writing either way tho. Speaking of that….the way Andre treats Stella is off, and I don’t mean in the way that he could be evil. Like other critic blogs have been saying, he calls her attractive, a minx, and a vixen, all words you….wouldn’t really call your sister. It’s really gross and I’m starting to think the information we’ve been given of these two secretly screwing might be true. Like…if we’re doing straight up incest, I’m ganna hurl.
Andre also is all like “if we keep him alive, we’ll have more opportunities, let’s wait till we can get the upper hand”- and I’m…..what? You HAD the upper hand, that’s number one, and number two, this dialogue is VERY vague and makes me feel like Viv had no idea what exactly Andre’s end goal is here, so she used this dialogue as an excuse to figure it out later since she doesn’t plan shit ahead. Because what is Andre’s end goal? It’s confusing. Stella wants him dead, but then they’re talking about money and possessions. Andre seems to want to help Stella have Stolas’s estate, but she just wanted him dead because she hates him. Now you’re telling me she wants his estate too? YAY MORE RETCONS AND CONFUSING PLOT HOLES. Guess we’ll have to wait for Viv to figure out their motivations later lol.
Yada yada another retcon, Blitz cares for Uwu Stolas and is a dumbass for acting like he never knew Stolas could get hurt despite having a fucking angelic weapon on him and learning royals could be in danger in the last season, moving on-
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So we’re finally at the end, the most important scene, the text scene. For starters, just like the other critic blogs have been saying……Ozzie’s finally……FINALLY gets brought up again and acknowledged, and it’s over a fucking blink and you’ll miss it half- assed text message. Like….WOW Viv, way to scrape the bottom of the barrel and confront this in the most underwhelming way possible. Would have been actually impactful and better if we saw this go down on fucking screen and have Blitz and Stolas address this in person, but nah let’s just have it happen off screen because storytelling and Viv? They don’t know each other!
But putting that aside, I want to talk about two important problems I had with this scene, because nobody is talking about how these messages make no goddamn sense. So if you actually read the messages between Blitz and Stolas, I hate how Stolas is characterized here, and I don’t mean how he’s suddenly acting like he always cared about Blitz because that’s been a problem since Ozzie’s, I’m talking about how oblivious and emotionally clingy he is. Like…seriously these text messages are a fucking mess. He suddenly acts clueless to how Blitz feels, wondering if he was upset or not, as if Blitz didn’t fucking tell him exactly why afterwards. Fuck you mean by “you just took off?”- I’m sorry Viv, did you forget the scene where Blitz drove Stolas home that night and called him out on his bullshit, saying all he did was treat him like a plaything? Because yeah, Ozzie’s may have finally been fucking mentioned in this show, but now it’s retconned AGAIN because apparently Stolas is a dumbass and can’t remember why Blitz was mad at him in the first place when he had spelled it out loud and clear. Stolas’s text messages make it out to be like they left the restaurant after Ozzie’s taunting and the scene with them at Stolas’s house never happened. Then Stolas is saying shit like “okay well phew glad you’re not upset then Ozzie is a kidder lol I didn’t mind the jabs he makes at me”- I…..WHAT??? What the fuck is going on? Why is Stolas written differently here? Why is the events of Ozzie’s written differently now? Stolas was literally embarrassed by Ozzie calling him out and hid in his menu, much to Blitz’s dismay. They then leave, Stolas can obviously tell Blitz is upset, and when he tries to reach to him gently, Blitz shuts him out, causing Stolas to cry alone. This episode is apparently now acting like their quarrel never happened because the dialogue is written as if they’re referring to Ozzie’s torment, not Blitz calling him out. This legit pisses me off because the show is once again telling us what we saw didn’t happen and rewriting it to fool us. Making Stolas out to be some vulnerable softie who cares about Blitz’s well being too—
And finally, Viv does what she does best by wanting to make you ship Blitz and Stolas together SO badly, but accidentally contradict herself by showing even MORE proof on why these two aren’t good for each other. Putting all the retconning aside, in this case it’s that…surprise surprise, Blitz is constantly miserable and unhappy around Stolas, or whenever they interact. And it’s not even that Blitz can’t communicate, or sucks at emotions, he just doesn’t fucking LIKE Stolas, and I don’t understand how many times the show is going pin that nail on the head until something actually happens, because this scene would have been more impactful if we weren’t already HERE before. Remember The Circus Viv? Stolas going through his Instagram and noticing Blitz was miserable all the time, and reflecting on how their relationship was a figment of his imagination? This scene is the same, it’s just done through text messages now. Why are we doing this again. And I don’t get what Viv’s end goal is here. Is she trying to make Stolas realize that Blitz never gave a shit about him (because we’re on season two and this bird brain can’t take a hint) or is she trying to make Stolas go “I thought he didn’t care but omg he texted me “get well soon” he DOES love me!” Yeah…probably the last option. This ship sucks. If anything…..why can’t Blitz and Stolas just be fucking friends? You wanna say they care about each other? Fine. But romantically, it just doesn’t work. They aren’t good for each other, and function better as friends, but GOD forbid, we can’t have that because they do the dirty in bed SO IT CAN’T BE PLATONIC, it must be romantic! I was literally right, this ship gets worse and worse every passing episode and Viv wants you to ship it so hard despite the fact that she STILL hasn’t given me ONE good reason why they should be a couple. End of story.
So that pretty much it. This episode was nowhere near has bad as the previous three, it’s the most tolerable, but still heavily flawed in the writing department. The dialogue still lacks nuance and sounds like an edgy 12 year old wrote it, the world is still empty, pacing was off, the animation was off too at times, the constant sex jokes during serious scenes are distracting and take away from what’s going on, the side plot didn’t need to happen, there’s also SCENES that didn’t need to happen, there are multiple retcons and empty plot holes/threads, and Viv once again can’t write a complex serious gay couple. She just doesn’t have the writing chops for it, especially since she keeps rewriting aspects and flip flopping between who is the worse lover and who isn’t. I’ll talk more about this episode later, you know how I rant a lot lol. Tomorrow I’ll be finally answering inbox questions too! If you managed to read my endless rant essay, I thank you! See you soon!
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
Hello can I request a skz sleeping with there s/o for the first time 🙂
stray kids sleeping with their s/o for the first time
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genre: headcanons; extremely fluffy bruh
word count: 0.8k
warnings: me going through my feels, basically
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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late night talking
neither of you gets any sleep
his brain just never switches off, so talking into the early hours of the morning comes very easily for him
he always has something interesting to talk about
so you guys talk the night away. i feel like because channie doesn't always have time in the day for you, he makes it up at night time, when he can share these moments one-on-one with you
has his permanent, signature dorky smile whenever he looks at you
would absolutely love to cuddle you if you are comfy with it ;-;
it's just a very fluffy time, i'm totally not jealous 🧑‍🦯
lee know
he shrugs it off as no big deal
plays it cool
but really he is really excited about sharing a bed with you for the first time
he plans it all too
makes his bed up with fresh bed covers, makes sure it looks presentable and that everything else in his room is organised
if you notice this or point it out to him, he's likely to deny he did it just for that night
he doesn't say much. he doesn't want to disturb your sleep and just wants to enjoy your company like this
will probably cuddle you or touch you in some way because he's a massive softie <33333
he's on his best behaviour from the minute you walk into his room
oh you guys are definitely cuddling tonight
he just HAS to have you in his arms
"i made my arms big for a reason"
"what reason?"
"so you could use them as pillows! >;("
why is he so adorable, i can't handle it
and won't let you go, even in his sleep. his subconscious mind knows better than to not let you go
but before he drifts off to sleep, he just wants to talk about your day
see if he can help with any problems you might be facing :((
brb just gonna go cry now
has a very dreamy look on his face
being a romantic person, hyunjin has thought about pivotal moments in his relationship with you, especially your 'first times' in doing things together: first dates, first anniversary, and now, first time sleeping together
so he makes his bed look presentable, neat and tidy for you
his whole bedroom in general is inviting; he always has a sweet-smelling candle or a humidifier turned on. just wants to make it as relaxing as possible for you, but he doesn't have to do much for that
he's just super sweet, isn't he
wants to just cuddle you and take care of you all the time ;-;
lowkey likes to pamper you
like you didn't expect too much for your first time sharing a bed with him
but he gets so excited about it
so he gets a bit carried away
ends up getting you a cute little plushie, as well as setting up a whole skincare sesh for the both of you
because his ideal night involves the image of the both of you with face masks on, eating a takeaway and binge-watching the anime he's gotten into recently
so that's what you guys do
he's literally the cutest and he doesn't even try
literally wraps you up in all the blankets he has
compliments your pyjamas :<
he wants to make sure you're as comfortable as possible. like, that's his priority
overall, he's just so smiley and giggly
you could say the most unfunny thing in the whole world and he just bursts into a fit of giggles
it's so hard not to be relaxed with him because his voice is so soothing and calm. paired with his warm personality and the welcoming atmosphere his bedroom provides, it's safe to say that this is the perfect environment to fall asleep in
doesn't know how to act at first
sort of overthinks everything bless him 😭
does he let you do your thing? or does he engage in conversation with you? does he let you have your space? or does he scoop you up in a big ol' hug??
he doesn't know what to do
but he does well to ask you all these things. i think because you make him so comfortable, and the fact your relationship has brought you to this point, reassures him that he's not going to mess anything up
ends spooning you from behind because he's cute like that
he is nervous about spending his first night with you
goes on his phone and scrolls through it a couple of times while you're getting ready for bed
suddenly his usual social skills leave his body and he's just sitting there trying to think of things to say
he gets through it though
once you both are all tucked up in bed he starts talking to you about literally anything... just something to get his mind off of panicking
i don't think he realises how charming he can be and it's frustrating yk 😤
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gyunglitter · 7 months
the losers club ⚤ tomorrow x together (masterlist)
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- just you dicking around with txt college!au besties
warnings: cursing, stupid tomfoolery, himbo!yeonjun, lowkey closet perv!soobin, band kid!kai, taehyun is the hottest man alive, beomgyu being an absolute MENACE, reader being the absolute rizzler without knowing (it’s what makes her rizzler🤪), ot5 chaos that can come only from ot5 chaos, ryujin is the faceclaim—feel free to ignore if need be, han sohee is your sister, yes that deserves a warning because you deserve time to mentally prepare for that kind of genetic being blessed to you, this is SUPPOSED to be unserious--please stop expecting greatness from me
tags: txtxreader (platonic), non-idol!au, college!au, txt, lsf, tomorrowxtogether, lesserafim, hansohee, drabble fics!, bulletpoint fics!
notes: surprise yall! this was literally not supposed to spawn until after stupid cupid, but i couldn’t help it lol—i desperately need to write crack and unfunny jokes to stay sane fr
enjoy this drabble/bulletpoint fic that will be updated whenever i feel like it :) y’all can also send in requests for this if you’d like with different ideas too!!
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⚤ intro + more
⚤ the links
⚤ sick day
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I'm the anon who lowkey accused you of hard drug use , figured I should clarify a bit more. I was kinda high myself when I was scrolling tumblr and the ask came both from a high person's worry and joking. Thought it kinda funny at the time but now I just kinda feel like an idiot because I could've just said I was a little worried for your mental state. As an artist myself I know my art tends to get completely nonsensical and muddled when I'm really going through a bad episode or something, and I kinda got that weird sinking feeling when the issue came on my dash. Sorry about that man I didn't really mean to say you were unfunny or a drug abuser I guess I was a little worried and didn't want to directly say it because I'd feel paranoid for trying to do a mental health check on you over a ms paint webcomic that didn't make me chuckle like it usually did because I was missing the joke. Uh. Thats on me bro , I hope you have a nice day ♡
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laneydays · 2 years
ghost boy headcanons
billy showalter
adults and old people LOVE him. take him to meet ur parents, do it
but also hes the type to act way different with ppl his age than adults
kind of a smart mouth.... but in a cool kind of annoying way
twirls his hair a lot LMAO
crosses his arms when he's upset mad sad or annoyed
loves coca cola and root beer
adores dogs, his dog is his best friend
extremely supportive of queer identities even if he isnt queer himself
love language is acts of service
just loves to be helpful
feels bad if people do stuff for him though
griffin stagg
is lowkey a menace sometimes
but also a sweetheart
he likes weird unexpected shit for someone his age
incredibly smart but doesn't rlly know that
great at art
doesnt curse a whole bunch but when he does he curses like a sailor and he does it good
doesnt know how to match his clothes for the life of him
wears bandanas to pull his hair back, gets made fun of and called a girl for it
everyone just wants to kiss and hold him like a little kid, he doesn't understand it
doesn't like when people baby him
love language is gift giving, probably picks up random shit to give to you
"here have this rock" "i got a pretty flower for you" "i found a cola bottle cap"
you keep them all
vance hopper
adhd probably 
pinball hyperfixation need i say more
he's actually pretty chill when hes not angry. if u don't bother him he's real quiet
aromatic and asexual. no he wouldn't be a player
but also is open to meeting someone, whether its platonic or romantic (remember aroace people can still date)
tries to act tough but hes just a big nerd tbh
smoked a cig once. never again, hated it
gets very mad at people when they make fun of his choker, he gets embarrassed 
acts homophobic but he really doesnt care
would probably beat someone up if they made fun of a queer kid
that doesnt stop him from saying "thats gay" as a (joking) insult however
doesn't really have a specific love language, just anything to show you care he appreciates it quietly
not big on physical touch but he doesn't mind it 
collects vinyls
wears a looot of denim
finney blake
also autistic
space special interest
kind of good at drawing
literally wouldn't hurt a fly
his jokes are so unfunny that its funny
sounds like an angel when he laughs and looks like one when he smiles
and its hard to get a smile out of him
carries that little spaceship with him everywhere, freaks out if he can't find it
cant think of anything else for him
doesn't have a specific love language either, just anything to show that u care
bruce yamada
bro is not as good in school as everyone thinks he is
but tries very hard and does his best
really loves history
i feel like this is obvious but he collects baseball cards
flexes them on you every time you come to his house and it gets a little annoying 
is the nice guy of the friend group
probably the corniest person ever
is pretty funny but when he tries to be funny it doesn't work
love language is quality time definitely
also physical touch, just the little things though like touching shoulders or brushing fingers
robin arellano
wears his bandana literally every day and it smells so bad
says its to keep the hair out of his face
bro is gorgeous without it
his wardrobe is 70% sleeveless shirts
a huge showoff and a sucker for praise
laughs at potty jokes every single time
his humor is fake flirting
very protective but he isn't scary at all
fucks up the school lunch like its his last meal
probably complains about it though
can talk to literally anyone and everyone, its really nice
he's.... not great in school but he tries to be nice to the teachers
passes notes in class 24/7 and he gets in trouble so much for it
canon movie fanatic, loves watching them even if they suck
892 notes · View notes
bubbleseo · 9 months
Me personally. I’m all about the gyuvin switch agenda idk about y’all 🙌 Imo, he’s a boob guy—he lowkey gives me idgaf vibes but he’s actually a loser that is so down bad it’s actually unfunny.
gyuvin loves boobs so much but more so in a non-sexual way?? like they're his little stress balls and he always has them in his hand while cuddling. he loves laying his head on them while cuddling too. in bed gyuvin uses them kind of as a way to keep you grounded. he's gripping them and playing with your nipples so you have something else to focus on while he's bullying his thick cock into you. if you're riding him he begs you to let him suck on your boobs and will break down into tears if you say no while he's subby
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tastesousweet · 3 months
it’s lowkey frustrating that ppl in tiktok comments don’t understand that most viewers KNOW matt is okay and not crying over his siblings picking at his every move, rather saying that it was too much and became unfunny and annoying to watch.
sorry to continue this convo 😭😭 this discourse is inescapable on tiktok so i had to add my two sense
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