#mafia tzuyu
luxora · 2 years
Twice -> {Mafia Au} -> You are interrupted
Requested: Yes
Group: Twice
Genre: Smut.
Warnings: Swearing. Nsfw. Some blood. Mention of killing and violence. Mentions of BDSM. Mention of Weapons. Mention of toys.
A/N: Yeah, another smut so....minors do not interact. The girls are doing the dirty.
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Nayeon smirked against your neck as you gasped and clutched at her shoulders while her hand pleasured you, thrusting two fingers in your core and bringing to the brink of pleasure. She nipped and sucked at your skin, taking prideful delight at the brushing already forming, displaying her signature on you as she claimed you as hers over and over.
“Nayeon...Nayeon...” You chanted her name like a prayer, it being the favorite thing she loved hearing from your lips, especially since you were becoming so delirious with pleasure, that she was almost certain that you were going to pass it.
It would not be the first, especially considering the two of you often could go for long hours on end, and Nayeon absolutely adored overwhelming you with pleasure.
Nayeon pressed you harder against the bed, her own naked body pinning you to it while her other hand was laced with yours and keeping it firmly above your head against the mattress, the pillows long discarded to the floor because she didn’t want you try to mask your pleasured moan and whines. She squeezed your hand tightly, the feeling immediately returned as she lifted her head from your neck to press her lips against yours in a messy kiss. She pulled away seconds later to look at your gasping face.
“Are you close my baby girl? Do you want to come?” She husked, her breath intermixing with yours as she curled her fingers, prompting high pitched squeaks from your lips as you body began to shake with pleasure. You were close.
“Please Nayeon...please... I-I am so close...”
You sounded so desperate, so needy, and Nayeon loved it. She smiled and sped up her thrusts, determined to help you to get to the edge. You were a few seconds away from bursting, and anticipation built up within Nayeon because she adored watching you fall apart at the seams for her, you were about to-
The blaring sound of Nayeon’s phone broke the sexual tension in the room, causing Nayeon to pause from her thrusts, which in turn made you cry in anguish as you were deprived of your much deserved and much needed climax. While usually she would ignore such a thing, especially during her time with her, it was the ringtone of Jihyo and she would only call Nayeon if there was a problem with the gang, so Nayeon had no choice but to answer.
But that didn’t mean that she was happy about it. Nayeon vehemently cursed, extracting herself from your body entirely and reaching over to grab her phone, stabbing the green icon with her thumb before she brought it to her ear.
“Well, hello to you too.” Jihyo’s voice sarcastically said, which made Nayeon curse again before she glanced at you, your hands covering your eyes as you tried to come to grips with yourself and your torturous edging caused by the phone call and Nayeon. Guilt immediately filled Nayeon’s chest, along with anger, as she wouldn’t have deprived you if it weren’t for Jihyo’s phone call.
“Yeah, yeah whatever. Do you want Jihyo?” Nayeon demanded, her hand reaching out to rub your arm, offering some kind of comfort you. She heard Jihyo sigh on the other end.
“There has been a breach in our northern storage units, I need you to take a team and check it out. I’ve got a feeling that it involves the Pink Venoms again.”
“Fuck.” Nayeon cursed, because that was the last thing that they needed right now. The rival gang has been a thorn in their side for a while now and they did not need their resources to be stolen out from under their noses. But Nayeon felt your eyes on her, wide, pleading, and disappointed. Guilt stabbed her in the chest this time because she knew that she couldn’t pass this off to anyone else. “Send the team up there so long. I will get there as soon as I can.”
And then she hung up, making Nayeon toss her phone to the side and curse again before looking back at you again. You seemed to accept that Nayeon was going to leave, even though the two of you were in the middle of very passionate sex, as your eyes were downcast and you began to turn so that Nayeon could not see your expression. But Nayeon quickly stopped you by grabbing you by the legs and turning you back on your back before quickly settling between them.
“I’m sorry baby girl, I will have to be quick, but I promise to make it up to you when I get back.”
She wasn’t going to leave you all high and dry, not even she is that cruel. Even though she will have to leave you immediately afterwards, she was going to give you the climax that you deserve, and since she knew your body like the back of her own hand and you were already very sensitive, it was not going to take long to make you crumble in pleasure. She could count on it.
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Jeongyeon’s grip on your hips was hard enough to leave bruises, not that you would really mind since it was something that came with having sex with Jeongyeon. Even though she was sweeter with you than she was with others, it did not mean that her entire persona disappeared, and with the pleasure that she is providing you with her knee, you are more than happy to take a few bruises on your hips as souvenirs.
While you did not usually visit Jeongyeon when she was with the gang at their headquarters, she was quite in for a real treat with you, especially since you were rubbing yourself against her thigh with such a needy expression on your face, she couldn’t help but feel a little sadistic glee, especially since she had control of the amount of friction you were being provided.
Jeongyeon guided your hips along her leg, a damp spot on her pants leg that demonstrated your obvious arousal. While she was half tempted to take you over her desk and make you squeal, she much preferred seeing your face up close, mouth open and moans filled with delirious desire leaving said mouth. She loved seeing you all needy for her, it gave her a power trip of note because it reminded her that only she could affect you like this.
“Come on baby girl, don’t you want to come?” She teased, her fingers flexing into your hips which made you gasp sharply but then moan. The hands which you had on her shoulders crumpled up her shirt in your concentration to try speed up your hips.
“Jeongyeon please...” You started, but Jeongyeon chuckled and leaned in to nip at your jaw.
“I’m not doing anything baby girl. I’m just enjoying the show.”
“What else would you like me to do? I’ve given you my leg already. Ride me like you mean it baby girl.”
She loved teasing you, you just made the cutest reactions whenever you got frustrated, and even though you hit her shoulder in retaliation to her teasing words, she pulled back with a smirk to continue watching your facial expressions as you hips moved at a rapid pace, albeit beginning to get clumsy as you were nearing the edge. She decided to try and help you and jerked your hips back and forth to help speed up your rhythm, smirking as your whines and moans began to increase in pitch, a sign that you were about to see the stars.
You dug your nails into Jeongyeon’s shoulder as you came, a cry leaving your lips as your trembled on top of Jeongyeon as your legs clamped around her own as your body succumbed to pleasure, albeit at the exact same time that the door of her office suddenly opened and a foreign voice interrupted the sexual space shared between the two of you.
“Afternoon ma’am, I have brought-”
The subordinate that had walked into Jeongyeon’s office choked when he realized what he had walked in on, his mouth agape as he stared at the position between Jeongyeon and you, Jeongyeon’s eyes immediately turning murderous the second she caught sight of him.
“Fuck off!”
Without a second of hesitation, the subordinate sprinted out of the office and slammed the door behind him, leaving Jeongyeon and you behind as you collapsed into her body and clung to her as you rode out the last few aftershocks of your orgasm. You immediately pressed your face into Jeongyeon’ neck, whining lowly as heat traveled to your face.
“Oh my god...they actually...they...”
Jeongyeon ran a comforting hand down your back, her head turning to press a kiss to your head.
“I’ll cut out their eyes for you.”
“No one should see you like that but me.”
That was one of the rules which Jeongyeon non-officially established a long time ago, that no one was to see you in any states of undress except her, it being a given since you were hers. So of course her subordinate was going to be punished severely for walking in on the two of you. He should have knocked anyway.
But she was will do that later. Instead she stood up from her chair and supported you by the thighs and placed you on her desk, her hands slipping under your skirt and tugging off your soaked underwear. You yelped when you were suddenly exposed as Jeongyeon flipped your skirt up so that she could see your bare core.
“I’m not finished with you yet.” She said simply before she cupped you with her hand, her eyes glancing up to catch your expression shift into one of pleasure as she experimentally rubbed you.
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While most would find it difficult to come up with the perfect gift, Momo was relatively straight forward with her desires. Give her a new weapon, especially a knife, and she will be as happy as a child on Christmas day. She had a vast collection of knives and different weapons already, and it continued to grow because Momo always had an interest in finding the most unique knives made out of the most unique material. She was a sucker for all kinds of weapons.
So when you had decided to surprise her with a a Shangai Silver Stone dagger, she couldn’t help but jump you. In her defense, you and weapons are simply a combination made in heaven for Momo, and you were certainly not complaining as Momo forced her tongue down your throat and pushed you against the wall where her hand immediately undid your pants to slid her hand inside. Momo grinned against your lips as you gasped, her eyes locked on your tightly clenched one as she rubbed against your clothe core, dampness forming under her touch.
“You are such a special girl, my baby girl.” She husked, chuckling against your lips before she bit down on your bottom lip and tugged it until it could not be stretched anymore, letting go with a victorious smirk.
With her new knife in her other hand, she turned to glance at it before bringing it to your shirt collar, experimentally pressing the point of it against the material before she slipped the knife underneath the shirt and moved it downwards on your body, the knife easily slicing through the material like hot butter. Momo’s eyes only lit up in delight as she easily cut open your shirt like an autopsy surgeon.
“Nice and sharp.” She commented, bringing the knife back up between the two of you, smiling at her reflection in the blade. You swallowed a gasp as you nodded.
“I thought you would like it like that.” Momo lowered her knife to grin at you and then leaned in to capture you lips in an intense kiss, only pulling away when air became necessary. “You know me baby girl, I love all things nice and sharp.”
“Even your woman?” You couldn’t help but quip, making Momo laugh before she moved her hand to slide it underneath your underwear, pulling cupping you now and coating her fingers in your arousal. You immediately moaned at the contact, making Momo grin.
“Even them. I love the willful ones, you make it a challenge.”
“Oh...am I a challenge?” You breathed, the fire in your eyes hardly diminishing despite the pleasure Momo was providing her with her rubbing. You suddenly gasped when Momo slipped a finger in you, your velvety walls welcoming her with ease.
“Of course baby girl, you always make me work for you, not that I mind though. You make things interesting for me.”
Usually whenever the two of you has sex, you would make it a challenge for Momo, and it was a challenge she always became delighted with. The two of you were incredibly unconventional, and that was fine because it suited you both. Although Momo managed to catch you off guard by pushing you against the wall, but then again, you should have anticipated it since the two of you were in the weapons room after all and giving her a new knife in her favorite room was just asking to be taken fast and hard.
And that was what she planned to do.
“Perverted sadist.” You quipped, groaning as you slumped your head against the wall as Momo began to thrust in you, quickly slipping in a second finger as she started to take you against the wall. Momo could only smirk before she tangled her tongue with yous, dominating you entirely while she kept a firm grip on her knife, half tempted to stab it in the well beside you so that she have some sort of leverage.
But then the door of the weapons room suddenly opened, and following her instincts, Momo pulled away and all but threw her knife in the direction, it easily penetrating the chest of the unfortunate subordinate that happened to walk in on the two of you. You groaned at the sight and moved to push Momo away, but Momo didn’t move an inch.
“Seriously?” You complained, your voice heavy with annoyance. Momo looked back at you in confusion.
“I just bought you that!”
“And you already killed someone with it! You haven’t even had it for an hour and yet you’ve already have blood all over it!”
You moved to try push her away again, but Momo instead grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head, her body pressing against yours so that you were completely pinned and at her mercy, Momo’s hands still in your pants. Momo just smirked.
“Think of it this way, it just lost its knife virginity.”
You stared at her blankly.
“Only you would come up with something stupid like a knife virginity. Seriously, is its because it’s its first kill?”
Momo grinned and leaned in to capture your lips in a kiss, biting down on your bottom lip and tugging at it before letting go.
“Clever girl.”
You rolled your eyes, but then suddenly gasped as Momo began to move her fingers again, her lips moving down to bite at your neck while she squeezed your wrists.
“Now keep still and let me give you my proper thanks.”
She will clean the knife later, perhaps she will find out more away just how sharp it was, but for now she had to give a very passionate show of gratitude to her girlfriend, and she intended to make sure how grateful she is for the gift.
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It was a pretty well-known secret in the gang that Sana had...acquired tastes when it came to sex, or relationships overall. While she is a mesmerizing beauty, she was as dangerous as a black widow spider, and those who have laid with her and have lived to tell the tale would be able to say that she definitely ruins you for anyone else. Sex with Sana was riveting, but also dangerous, and hardly conventional.
But it worked for both you and Sana, as it seemed that the two of you were designed for one another.
You laid chained to the bed with each wrist and ankle to each respective bedpost, a blindfold over your eyes and the diamond necklace which Sana had gotten you clenched tightly in one hand while she trailed a feather across your abdomen, leaving behind a wake of goosebumps. Even though she hasn’t even touched you yet with her own hand, you were getting so excited, and it brought a smile to Sana’s face as she tickled you underneath your chin with the feather.
“So needy already?” She teased, her voice husky with her own need but still controlled because the whole part of the game with you was that she was not affected by your submissive position, something which you knew was a lie but you always played along with her. You nodded with shaky breath.
“Yes Mistress. Please...please touch me.”
With a click of her tongue, Sana lifted the riding crop which she had on laying beside your body and delivered a quick whip to your stomach, the sudden sting making you yelp in pain.
“I decided when I get to touch you pet, not you.”
“I’m sorry mistress.” You immediately apologized, your head turning in her direction as her voice was the only indication that you had of her position in the room.
Sana hummed in mock contemplation, lifting the crop to press its leather head against her palm, her head cocked as she gazed at you, a red mark already forming from where she had struck you. She loved seeing the red marks that she left on you, because she knew that it meant that you were hers. Control was something which Sana always wanted over her partners, and you easily gave it to her. You were special, and she intended to keep you for a long time.
You cried as Sana delivered another whip to your body, only this time to your breast that was hard with need. She smirked as it jiggled slightly from the movement, but then a red mark immediately formed on it. Deciding to tease you, she reached out and glided her finger tips along the same breast, her thumb teasingly rubbing the red spot before she finally grabbed your breast with her hand.
“Would you like me to kiss it better?” She asked innocently, which you immediately responded with nod. But instead of moving, Sana gave your breast a squeeze. “Words.”
“Please mistress. Please kiss it better.” You immediately answered, making Sana give you a pleased hum.
“Good girl.”  She said, shifting her body so that she was now leaning over your body, her head moving downwards so that she could press her lips against the red mark on your breast. But just before she made contact, there was a hurried knock from the door, immediately making Sana pause from her ministrations. She turned to glare at the door, hovering inches away from your breast. “Are you fucking serious?”
It was one of the rules at Perfect World to not disturb any of its members when they are occupying one of the rooms, it being completely inappropriate, as well as downright rude because couples like Sana and you were busy fulfilling each others needs and the last thing the two of you needed was to be ‘cockblocked’ so to say by outsiders.
Sana cursed as she got off the bed, walking to her seat and grabbing her robe and viciously tying it around herself before walking to the door, yanking it open just enough for her to see who it was and to keep you hidden from view. She immediately locked eyes with a club employee, their face immediately paling at the vicious glare that Sana was giving them.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing? I’ve made it perfectly clear that I want no audience and no fucking disturbances.”
Sana was one of the VIPs at the BDSM club Perfect World, and interrupting one of her sessions with you was a downright outrage, especially since she was about to appetizing herself with your body. The employee swallowed nervously before offering her an envelope with a red wax seal.
“M-My apologies ma’am, I...I was told to give this to you as soon as possible, and-”
Sana snatched the envelope out of their hand before slamming the door in their face, cursing loudly as she whirled around and stormed to the bed and took a seat on the edge of it, your body still chained to it and your breathing shaky because of the interruption.
“M-Mistress?” You called out in concern, knowing that Sana was upset because she was very particular about her sessions with you, which included absolutely no interruptions.
“I’m sorry baby girl, let me just calm down for a moment okay? I will tend to you soon.”
She did not need to take her anger out on you, since you were not the cause of it. Instead she glared at the envelope which was the cause of the interruption, the red wax seal taunting in. With a hiss, she quickly broke it and opened the contents of the letter, pausing as she recognized the print and then continued to read the contents.
“Well shit.” She cursed, tossing the paper to the floor before leaning her elbows on her knees and cradling her head with her hands, growling in frustration because now her relaxation time with you was now completely ruined because of that stupid envelope.
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You were always a frequent visitor to Jihyo’s office and so the gang hardly paid notice to you exiting and entering the office with a flushed face, but it did not make it any less embarrassing if they caught the two of you in the act. Although it was fairly well-known in the gang that if someone ever happened to walk in on the two of you, it always resulted in their death, because no one was supposed to see you naked by Jihyo.
Which is the reason why none of the subordinates dared to visit Jihyo’s office when you happen to be visiting, because they didn’t want to risk their lives. While the two of you didn’t always end up having sex in her office whenever you came to visit, it was a fairly common occurrence because Jihyo couldn’t help but be enticed with you. You always seem to arouse her no matter what, and taking you in her office just makes you even more enticing.
Perhaps it was a fantasy that she enjoyed to living out, but there was nothing more attractive to Jihyo than you on your knees pleasuring her while she sat like a queen on her throne at her desk, just like now. Jihyo’s head was tilted back in pleasure, her eyes clenched tightly while she tangled her fingers in your hair and tugged at it rhythmically while you knelt between her legs with your mouth on her core.
You were completely naked, the carpet of Jihyo’s office kissing your knees, with your hands on Jihyo’s thighs to keep them apart, your nimble fingers dipping into her tender flesh as she was parted for you, one hand over your shoulder in order to tug you closer and to provide you with more access.
Her arousal already painted your mouth and chin, and each time you glanced up to see if Jihyo was enjoying herself, she only became wetter by the sight of your innocent eyes with your face tainted with her own need. You simply were too enticing for her, her only weakness that could be used against her. Not that you would because she always made sure to you were protected at all times.
You were her precious girl. She could never allow any harm to come to you. It would be the death of her if something ever happened to you, especially if she could have stopped it.
“Jihyo...” You called out, pulling your head slightly away from her core to look at her, your eyes filled with a hint of pain, which immediately caught her attention. “My hair...”
Jihyo immediately shifted her attention to your hair and released that she was pulling it too tight, all due to the thoughts that she just had off you ever possibly being put in danger. She loosened her grip and then stroked your head softly as an apology.
“Sorry baby girl, I didn’t mean to.” She apologized, for once not being above it because it was you she was apologizing to.
You licked your lips, tasting Jihyo on them, and making yourself look far more seductive than you should have been by doing such an innocent gesture. You glanced back at her core and then at her face. 
“Would you...like me to continue?”
“Is the sky blue baby girl?” She teased, making you smile before she tugged you back to her core, groaning as your tongue immediately slipped into her velvet walls, making her squirm in the seat from pleasure.
But before you could increase the pleasure for the mafia leader and make her see stars, the door of her office opened and subordinate, who seemed to not know the unofficial rule regarding you and Jihyo being alone in her office, stepped in and practically forced you to pull away from Jihyo’s core in shock at the sudden entrance, which in turn infuriated Jihyo. The subordinate lifted their head to address Jihyo, but then their jaw went slack as they took in the position that Jihyo and you were in.
“B-Boss! I-I am so sorry, I didn’t know that-”
Jihyo didn’t allow them to finish their sentence as she grabbed her gun which was laying on her table and immediately fired a bullet in the middle of their forehead, killing them instantly. You screeched as you watched the subordinate’s body drop to the floor.
“Jihyo!” You yelled, shocked that she would kill them so mercilessly. But Jihyo turned to you and looked unapologetic.
“That is what they get for interrupting our time together.”
“But Jihyo-”
“They are disposable Y/N. I have many more under me to replace them. Now,” She smirked and placed her gun back on her desk and moved her hand to tangle it in your hair, gripping you at the back of your head. “lets put that pretty mouth back to good work, baby girl.”
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Mina’s reputation always preceded her, as she has established herself well enough to make other aware of how much of a threat she was. She was not someone to be messed with, her lethality demonstrated in her position in the gang, as well as the consequences of crossing her as no one has ever lived to tell the tale. Even in her own gang, she was regarded with caution because Mina was quite capable of overpowering everyone else to take the role of leader for herself, but she had no desire to because of her loyalty to her gang sisters. But that did not mean that they were not intimidated by her brilliance.
Despite her role in the gang, she did keep her personal life relatively separated from her gang life as she wished to have her privacy. It was quite remarkable for her to even introduce you to the gang as her girlfriend, because Mina preferred keeping the identities of her lovers as a secret. But of course you wished to involve yourself in every aspect of her life, therefore it was to be expected for you to meet her gang sisters, and somehow create a spot for yourself in the gang.
But still, there are things that she wished to keep private, and that included the times when you and Mina became intimate, and you real submissive self came out to play, along with Mina’s dominant side.
You whined and trembled as you clutched at the edge of the dining room table, your forehead pressed against the wooden surface while Mina tortuously thrusted inside you, the harness tightly strapped to her hips while the toy entered you with languid thrusts, Mina’s hand pressed down between your shoulder blades while the other gripped your hip, digging her nails into your skin whenever you squirmed in an attempt to move against the fake shaft to increase the pleasure, but as usual, Mina was in control of the amount that you received.
“M-Mina...” You whined needily, the toy filling you to the hilt, hitting you innermost parts which made you gasp sharply from the shot of pleasure that you received form it. Mina smirked at the sound of it and leaned down to press a kiss to your shoulder.
“Yes?” She teased, the sadistic part of her always enjoying you pleading for pleasure that only she could provide. You arched your body off the table, pressing your bare back against her toned stomach and chest which was still covered with a sleek, black bra, leaving little to the imagination.
“P-Please...” She pressed a kiss to the back of your neck, making you shiver.
“Please what?”
“Please...go faster...for me.”
Everything that Mina did was always for you, ranging from protection from her enemies, along with particular investments that were lucrative from a gang’s perspective to supply herself and you with the wealth that could provide a luxurious life and future for the two of you. Everything she planned and implemented were connected or influenced by you, even this. She pressed another kiss to your neck.
“Good thing you said please.” She teased against before she thrusted much harder than before against you, making you gasped sharply at the sudden intensity, but then you moaned as Mina kept the same rhythm and intensity, keeping herself bent over you while she pressed your entire body against the table, basically sandwiching you between the table and herself as she passionately made love to you.
The two of you were so wrapped up with one another, neither of you heard the front door of your home opening, nor did either of you hear the footsteps of two people as they walked through the home, only to walk in the dining room and screech at the sight that met them.
“Holy shit!”
“My eyes!”
Both Mina and you whipped your heads up to see Momo and Sana standing at the doorway of the dining room, Momo covering her eyes while Sana stared at your connected bodies in bewilderment. Mina immediately hissed angrily and stood up, prompting your to duck you head into the table, hiding with a bright red face while you remained bent over and still connected to Mina.
“What the fuck are you two doing here.” She hissed, hating the fact that the two of them are here in the first place. She hardly allowed the gang to come to her home, so the fact that the two of them are here is enough to make her want to strangle them. Sana was the first one to recover from her shock.
“W-We needed to discuss something you regarding the upcoming raid we are going to have against the Pink Venoms, so we called you to set up a meeting. But...you didn’t answer so we decided to come over to see you. We...didn’t know that you were busy with something.”
“Rather someone.” Momo quipped, pulling her hands down just underneath her eyes to look at Mina and you at the table, only to cover them again. “I think I’m scarred for life.”
“No one asked you to fucking come to my house!” Mina screeched, rooted to her spot while she glared at both Sana and Momo. “And how the fuck did you get in? I locked the damn door!”
“You should know by now Mina that I am incredibly skilled with locks. Your was a simple flick of the wrist.” Sana said, her eyes glancing now at you laying figure on the table. “...I so did not picture Y/N as a bottom.”
“Get out!” Mina screeched, her voice filled with so much fury, that it was almost surprising that she did spout fire through her command.
Deciding not to test Mina, both Sana and Momo darted out of the dining room and hurried to the front door which they slammed loudly to signal their exit from the house. Mina cursed loudly and threaded her fingers through her hair in frustration before pulling out from you and taking a few steps away from you, the mood from before completely ruined to continue.
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Being on probation sucked. She hated being at events like this, especially she was made to be out on the field leading the subordinates into raids and missions. but not even Dahyun was untouchable in terms of her position in the gang in connection with her gang sisters, and someone needed to be punished for the failure of the most recent mission, and of course, Dahyun happened to be the head in charge during the event, and when a leader’s team fails, it is the leader’s head which is put on the chopping block, hence why she was forced to attend the more public events of the gang.
Money laundering was the perfect solution of cleaning the money the gang gained through their various missions, raids, and ‘investments’, so of course a facade had to be set up to have a supposed clean image of the business that gains the wealth of the gang, and to ensure that no double crossing happens, members of the gang often have to attend any public events to make their position clear towards their ‘allies’ and to warn them that Twice is always watching and one should be careful when dealing with the money that they rightfully earned.
Usually Jihyo and the older members would attend these events, but it is also a sound punishment to the younger ones since being in the public was risky, especially given their infamy in the mafia world. But they were safe enough, since they could handle themselves, but Dahyun still hated this type of punishment. Events filled with snobbish rich folk and business people was downright boring and Dahyun couldn’t stand being still for long hours on end.
But fortunately she managed to convince you to attend with her, and thank goodness for that because now she was having a delightful time at the event, although rather a delightful time in the bathroom with you propped up on the sink counter with your legs wide opened and her mouth in between them.
You were biting down on your hand to try keep yourself from crying out in pleasure, because while Dahyun was a master of weapons, she also happened to be a master of tongue, and she was making you see stars with how skillfully she was playing you with her tongue, chuckles reverberating from her chest as you clutched onto the edge of the sink with your other hand in an attempt to control yourself.
While the sounds of the party could be heard down the hall, Dahyun much preferred your efforts of trying to keep quiet, even going as far to halfheartedly try push Dahyun’s head away, but it was futile because Dahyun had a far firmer grip on you than you had on her, and given that you legs were now draped over her shoulders, you body more than told Dahyun your true feelings regarding the position that the two of you were in.
You were dating a risk taker, and even though it could at times end in your own embarrassment, it was always worthwhile because Dahyun always took you to the stars and the galaxy, and promising you so much more with single flicks.
Her tongue effortlessly worked you, winding you up like a dancing doll from a wooden shop, because you were getting a lot closer to the edge, and that meant that every few second, sounds began to escape your lips unashamedly, which of course delighted Dahyun because that meant that she had the opportunity to push you and see how far she could take you until you gave up on your efforts of silencing yourself and to give Dahyun the sounds she deserves.
Her name was starting to get chanted, it being a habit of yours when you were about to peak, and Dahyun eagerly sped up her tongue thrusts and began to center her attention on your swollen body, heightening your sensitivity to help you over the edge, but just before you were about to fall, a loud knocking to the door distracted the both of you. Dahyun growled as she pulled away from your core, lips and chin coated in your arousal as she glared at the door.
“Come on! I need to go!”
“Go to another fucking bathroom! This one is occupied!”
The knocking continue for a few more minutes before the person on the other side eventually gave up, hurrying away to find another bathroom to relieve themselves. Dahyun grumbled under her breath and turned to look at you, your face pinched up in pain as you were deprived of your well-deserved climax. Dahyun pressed an apologetic kiss to your knee before peppering a journey along your leg until she was at your inner thigh, blowing air against your core.
“I’m sorry baby, I will fix it.” She said, flashing you a promising smile before leaning in again, her tongue picking up the pace immediately as she drove you into an orgasm which rendered you completely senseless.
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Chaeyoung has always been the adventurous kind, to the degree that she flirted with the face of danger, but in the end she always managed to walk away mostly unscathed, so there was no problem. She always did do her job in the end, and this time it was no different right now as she was simply waiting for the order from Jihyo to charge the explosives, the planned attack on the rival gang going on without a hitch.
But the only difference right now is that her adventurous nature is taking her in the direction which was way beyond risky, especially during her work, but she couldn’t help it.
You. Her. In the back of a van near the rival area. That was only asking for trouble. Trouble which Chaeyoung easily accepted.
Chaeyoung muted herself so that the others wouldn’t catch your delirious moans as Chaeyoung thrusted into you with her fingers, her hand moving at a rapid pace while she kept you pinned to the van floor, carefully avoiding the other explosive equipment she had stocked in the van, along with the computers that were used for monitoring.
While one would usually expect the explosive master to be on the field with the others, she was ordered by Jihyo to sit out on this one because she did not need Chaeyoung’s reckless behavior to get them into trouble this time. They have been planning meticulously for months to take on their rivals, and since Chaeyoung was a fan of improvisation, they were not willing to let her go free on the mission when they could wipe out the rival gang in one blow tonight.
Hence why she has been banished in the stock van, the possibly worst place for someone as active as her to be trapped in. But of course she just managed to convince the gang and you to join her, to keep her from venturing out, but it seemed to be more like a con than a pro because you just made Chaeyoung venture off in another direction, which consisted of you being without your panties and your shirt pulled up to exposed your chest while Chaeyoung pleasured you beyond measure.
You have always been a loud one, so she had to kept you moans masked with her mouth, not that she was complaining because the two of you were in the middle of an intense tonsil hockey match, that Chaeyoung didn’t even realize that her other gang members had given the signal for Chaeyoung to light it up, her mind completely filled with nothing else but you, your taste, and your sounds of pleasure.
“Quiet baby, unless you want everyone outside to know what we are doing back here.” She teased, pulling away because her lungs were burning for air, but also she was always in the mood to tease you and make you blush during sex.
And you did not disappoint her. Your cheeks were flushed red and you were trying so hard to keep your gasps and moans as low and soft as you could, but Chaeyoung made it difficult as she only sped up her thrusts and began to curl her fingers, a weakness for you which only made you tense and arch your body off the van floor.
Suddenly the doors of the van flew open to reveal a very irate Jihyo with blazing eyes, her face immediately screwing up in anger as she took in the position that Chaeyoung and you were in. Chaeyoung immediately yelped at the sight of her gang sister and pulled away from you.
“Light up the fucking place already! We have been waiting for ten fucking minutes!”
Without hesitating, Chaeyoung immediately found the explosive switch and pressed it, the sound of the explosion immediately filling the air and causing disruption to the previously peaceful environment, prompting shouts and gunshots to follow after wards. She turned to glance back at Jihyo with a sheepish smile, only to shrink back with her fierce glare still on her. She pointed her finger at you.
“You. Get dressed and get out. You aren’t staying in here anymore. Chaeyoung can’t be trusted with you. I’ll get one of the men to take you home.”
Chaeyoung immediately looked at her flabbergasted.
“Wait Jihyo, you can’t just-”
Jihyo immediately fixed her with another infuriated glare.
“I can and I will. And don’t think you won’t be punished for this.”
Well...damn. Seems like the risk of it was not paying off.
You hastily got redressed and shared a look with Chaeyoung before hurrying out, Jihyo’s eyes fixed on you the entire time before she turned back to Chaeyoung and pointed warningly at her.
“If we fail because of this...I swear Chaeyoung, you will personally pay for it.”
Chaeyoung gulped and Jihyo slammed the doors shut, leaving Chaeyoung behind with a sharp jolt of fear, and an empty void of deprived pleasure which she was unable to achieve with you. She just hopes that they do pull this off, because Chaeyoung did not want Jihyo to make due on her threat.
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Tzuyu wouldn’t say that she is the cling kind, because she is not. She has always been a person who valued her space and time, and did not pursue for anything that could affect her routine. She liked her own time, and her gang sisters understood that as she was a naturally private person. She did not like interacting with others much, and quite often she was the one whom would be sent overseas on long-winded missions as she did not have anything to hold her back to stop her from going.
She was a language genius, and an excellent negotiator. She was valued by the gang because of her superior skills and her efficiency of getting things done. She intimated people because of her cold stare and aura of superiority, therefore there was never a problem with her asserting control and blending in with the surrounding environment she would find herself during missions.
But things changed since she became involved with you, as Tzuyu finally realized that she could not bare to be parted from you, especially since you have become such an aspect of her life than invoked change within herself.
She would kill for you. Die for you. She will do anything in the name of you as long as you returned her efforts with your life. Which is why she has come to the decision that she cannot do the long missions anymore, because she could not bare to be parted from you for too long anymore.
Which is the reason why reunions between the two of you were passionate and fierce.
Tzuyu’s lips were hot on yours, tongue penetrating and entwining, as she cradled you by the back of the neck with her arm wrapped around your waist, pressing you against the wall of the entryway, simply unable to control herself while you returned her affections tenth-fold, adored by what she was implementing on you.
“Tzuyu...” You breathed, given the opportunity to breathe as Tzuyu pulled away when air become a necessity. But she did not pause from her affection, she instead began to press open mouthed kisses down your neck, lightly sucking at the skin and nibbling.
“Y/N...” She breathed back, her lips against your skin while you natural scent overwhelmed her senses, making her groan in need as the hand around your waist slipped underneath your shirt, your warm skin immediately meeting her cool palm. You gasped at the sudden touch.
“Tzuyu, you-”
“I missed you. So much.” Tzuyu said, pulling away from your neck to press a kiss to your lips again, her tongue immediately slipping past your defenses and overpowering your own, exploring every single inch of your mouth in order to reacquaint herself with it after being gone for five months.
Tzuyu removed her hand from your neck to instead slip it underneath your shirt as well, joining your other hand, and making it travel up your abdomen until she was slipping past your bra and grasping your breast, the firm touch making you moan and whine as she gently massaged it. She pulled her mouth away from yours to move it to your pulse point, her teeth nipping at the skin before sucking.
“And I want to show you how much I missed you.”
Tzuyu needed to feel your naked body against hers, to just be connected with you on a deeper level. So with great ease, she lifted you up from underneath the sides and began to carry you towards the bedroom, her lips pressing kisses against your neck the entire time before the two of you arrived in the bedroom and were collapsing on top of the bed. Her hands immediately began to strip you of your clothes.
“Wait Tzu...t-the other said...I must tell you...to go see them...once you got back.” You tried to fight her off, but failing miserably as you helped Tzuyu to help yourself out your clothes, your hands moving her clothes to remove them from her body. Tzuyu slammed her lips to yours in a passionate kiss.
“They will see me when they see me. First I want to taste you.”
Tzuyu knew that you had no real fight to push her away, so she simply revelled in your bare skin pressed against yours as the two of you became equally naked and began to kiss passionately on the bed. Tzuyu had just begun her exploration of your glorious body when your cellphone suddenly rang, making the two of you jump as the two of you were not expecting it. While Tzuyu opted to ignore it, your hands on her shoulders halted her from closing the distance between the two of you, a worried look on your face.
“That will be Jihyo...she is probably wondering if you have arrived yet.”
“Ignore her.” Tzuyu said, leaning down again, only for you to push her again.
“Tzuyu, you have to-”
“I don’t have to do a damn thing. You are my first priority.” Tzuyu hissed, attempting for the third time to close the distance, but this time you shoved her to the side and grabbed your cellphone on the side table, answering it.
“H-Hi Jihyo! Y-Yes, Tzuyu has arrived back home and-”
Suddenly feeling annoyed, Tzuyu reached out and snatched the phone out of your hand and brought it to her ear.
“Hello Jihyo, its Tzuyu.”
“Ah Tzuyu, welcome back! Are you on your way back yet? Or has Y/N not told you that-”
“Yes, Y/N has told me. But no, I am not coming back right now. I have something to attend to which does not involve the gang.”
“Just what is-”
“My girlfriend.”
Tzuyu hung up the phone immediately and tossed it across the room before grabbing you by the shoulders and pushing you down on the mattress, swallowing your surprise yelp with her mouth to yours.
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jihyocentric · 2 years
Uhhh mafia!tzu and kitten!hyo
Tzuyu and Jihyo just hanging out in tzu's office it was a pretty chill day tzu's talking to her subordinates but suddenly jihyo got a wave of horniness and wants to ride tzu so she sits on tzu's lap and starts whispering about begging her like "daddy, kitty wants to ride you" or something so tzu ends her talk with her subordinates as quickly as possible and then they do it
daddy tzuyu is still a bit funny in my head but kitten jihyo is The Pillow Princess™ so i think it's acceptable !
the people who worked for tzuyu were all used to their boss having jihyo around for her meetings. they weren't allowed to look at jihyo for more than a second, much less talk to tzuyu's kitten, and if anyone dared to break the rules… well, let's just say they wouldn't see the daylight ever again, because they'd be entirely too busy lying a few feet under the ground.
tzuyu always lets jihyo do whatever she wants. the kitten had been sleepy for the most part of her meeting, glued to tzuyu's side with her eyes closed. the purring wasn't a bother at all, in fact, it made tzuyu less irritated with her subordinates, but when jihyo finally woke up from her sweet dreams, all she wanted was to be in her owner's arms.
being tzuyu's spoiled kitten, she did not mind the other people in the room at all when she sat on tzuyu's lap, hugging their boss around the waist, her tail swishing, breathing in tzuyu's neck.
"want you." jihyo told her, kissing the skin of tzuyu's neck, it was close enough to her mouth and jihyo was holding back the need to sink her fangs there. tzuyu had warned her to stop biting her long ago, but that was like torture for the kitten.
tzuyu only had to lift her hand and give a sign for her subordinates to go away, all of them leaving without laying their eyes on the kitten perched over tzuyu's lap. tzuyu always gave her kitten the attention she looked for without questioning, and, luckily, tzuyu and her subordinates were already done with their conversation by the time jihyo woke up.
"did you rest well?" tzuyu asks, one of her hands finding space between them in order to open the zipper of her pants.
by the way jihyo looks eager, it's almost as if she wasn't sleeping because tzuyu had been filling her up all afternoon and it led her to getting sleepy. jihyo was needy, even more so when her heat was still ending.
jihyo replies by shaking her head, gasping when she feels tzuyu filling her back up. the way her owner's shaft makes its way inside her makes jihyo whine, still tight even after being used before, the reminiscing slick coating tzuyu's cock. tzuyu tries to get up but jihyo holds onto the chair. what tzuyu wanted was to get to the couch, so she could get a better position to fuck jihyo, but the kitten prevented her from doing so.
"no. want to ride it," jihyo tells her, fangs peeking out cutely when the kitten bites her lower lip.
tzuyu smiles, allowing jihyo to take the lead. it's really amusing, to see her kitten whining and gasping each time the tip of tzuyu's cock gave her one of those delicious cervix kisses that jihyo loved, and tzuyu didn't even mind if the curtains of her office were open, giving anyone who looked inside a great view of her kitten riding her cock.
but no one dared to look that way. even if jihyo still had her clothes on, with the skirt protecting her from being butt naked, tzuyu would end anyone who looked at her.
"daddy..." jihyo whines, arms wrapping around tzuyu's neck. her chest smashed against tzuyu's made the owner think of them bouncing when jihyo rode her, wrapped around her cock or jihyo's nipples in her mouth. tzuyu's shaft throbbed at the dirty thoughts in her head, nearing the edge. "come inside me, daddy."
jihyo shouldn't even have asked. tzuyu knew the kitten would sulk if she came anywhere else, and it could only lead to her spilling hot cum inside jihyo in a couple of seconds. jihyo accidentally bit tzuyu's neck when she came, clenching around her owner's length. her fangs sank in the skin, just slightly, making tzuyu hiss in annoyance.
"next time you do that i'm taking you to a professional and we're cutting these fangs short." tzuyu threatens, making jihyo release her mouth from tzuyu's neck and look at her owner with a soft pout.
"that would hurt. you wouldn't hurt me," jihyo says, bringing a hand to tzuyu's cheek, thumb brushing against her skin.
"i could." tzuyu says, still mad. jihyo's bites truly hurt.
jihyo's tail swishes. she wasn't scared at all. "but you wouldn't," she states. "can we go home? i'm tired."
tzuyu sighs. there's nothing else she can really do other than sucking it up and taking her kitten back home.
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ghostykapi · 1 year
mafia!mina who’s a tad bit obsessed with you and your arsonist tendencies that always brings at least 2 fires every month. she can’t wrap her head around the fact that you haven’t been caught yet or the police hasn’t even identified who’s responsible for the fires. she’s hell bent on letting you work with them so mafia!tzuyu has a better time committing more arsons for the gang, but everytime she has a lead on who you are she always ends up empty handed. it wasn’t till she heard of the escape of former detective turned murder accomplice nayeon that she had a proper lead to you. she’s been looking for you for months now with this lead and it’s really amusing to you to see her so distraught in the bar you work at. it’s the same bar her gang frequents due to it’s hidden location, and the same bar she first hears about you through her informants that started her ongoing obsession with you.
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abandoned-anemoia · 1 year
Twice Mafia Moodboard
☯ Pairing: Twice x fem ☯ Genre: mafia? ☯ Warnings: guns, knives, kidnapping, mafia themes ☯ A/N: Please Let me know if I need to add any warnings! ☯Disclaimer: None of my work represents any of the idols included in any way. This is merely fictional and all based on my opinion as a joke! I have nothing against any of these idols and love them all dearly.
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sleepykid78 · 2 months
The pain of not being able to find any mafia reactions for twice. Their are so many scenarios that could work. 😭
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stupendous-tale · 2 years
Twice Fanfiction
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purpleyoonn · 1 year
Doughnuts and Shell Casings 2
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one shot series // part 2 of 3
summary: you finally gather the courage to leave your routine and do something different. your expectations are blown out of the water as you meet your soulmates in a less-than-expected way.
genre: soulmate au, bts au, mafia au, poly au,
pairing: mafia bts x innocent reader
warnings: robberies/break-ins, kidnapping, allusions to murder, bruises, mafia bangtan, weapon use, very touchy bangtan, protective bangtan, possessive bangtan,
permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp​​ @yourleftsock​​ @skyys-universe​​ @cryingpages​​ @strxwbloody​​  @drissteele​​ @dustyinkpages​​ @iamkookiesforyou​​ @crushedblackroses​​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​​ @blaaiissee​​  @iiitsmaria​​  @carolinexkpop​​  @azazel-nyx​​ @strawberry-moonpies​​ @g-h-o-s-t-b-a-b-i​​ @knjkitten​​ @kleirielk​ @foreverweareyoung7​​ @lachimolala22019​​ @namuficxs​​ @94z-93​​ @kimgmzmc​​ @thenaverse​​ @dahliasbouqet​​ @black-rose-29​​ @tinyoonsblog​​ @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d​​ @stellauniverse​​ @stupendouscookiehumanmug​​ @tinyoonsblog​​ @veronawrites​​ @tatyhend​​ @singukieee​​ @m0v3m3ntsblog​​ @sidthesloth1305​​  @exfolitae​​ @butterymin​​ @queen-in-the-shadows​ 
masterlist // one-shot masterlist // part 1
It was Friday morning, meaning it was your turn for the normal errands. This time, it actually meant getting more safety enclosures and items for the café and for your own apartment. You had been unsurprisingly shaken and uncomfortable being alone since the incident at the restaurant a couple weeks back.
This meant you had spent the past couple weeks either staying in the studio apartment above the café, or with the girls in their home. You hadn’t been back to your own apartment besides the first night when you went with Jeongyeon and Mina to get some clothes and other necessities. The girls were fine with this, and even encouraged it, Tzuyu saying it would be like having a big sleepover.
But unfortunately for you, today would be one where you venture out alone. Chaeyoung and Momo were supposed to be going with you but Chae got called in to retake an exam she missed in the midst of the restaurant incident and Momo had a family emergency. 
This meant you were walking out of the house alone accompanied by the small canister of pepper spray Nayeon had bought for you that went on your little keychain.
“Okay, Y/n, you can do this.” You mutter to yourself, trying to hype yourself up as you walk down the front steps and onto the sidewalk. 
You didn’t have a car, nor did you see yourself needing one. You and the girls both lived in neighborhoods that were close to the café and the girls’ school along with a bunch of shops and other necessities. It was nice for days like this, where you needed the fresh air, but also awful because you didn’t want to be alone right now.
You had your small backpack on your back along with your keys and phone in your jacket pockets, your beanie keeping your head warm on the cold morning. The hardware shop was only a couple blocks away, and you hoped that you were walking fast enough to make it before it got super busy.
Ever since the restaurant, a lot of people and businesses were taking the precautions to up their own security and were taking the steps you were now. You planned to get a good alarm system for the café, one that included a camera aimed at the entrances and the exits, including the cafes back exit you used for shipments. 
You were also going to buy a couple of deadbolts for the café and for your own home. You weren’t allowed to get any system that had a camera at your apartment, the manager claiming it infringed upon the privacy of the other residents.
Nayeon and Jeongyeon got really mad at that one.
By the time you made it to the hardware store, you were already shaking. Every time you had gone somewhere, even with the girls, you always felt eyes on you. This time was no different even if you could never figure out where the feeling was coming from.
“Good morning! Welcome into Ace Hardware. Is there anything we can help you with today?” The front clerk asked as soon as the doors opened to the store, you walk inside and wiping off your boots.
You shake your head as you grabbed one of the little baskets by the door, thanking them before making your way to where you knew the security hardware was located. Dahyun had gone with you the other day to look at all of the options, her phone on speaker with Nayeon and Jihyo as you perused.
You noticed it was pretty quiet as you looked for the items on your list. It was kind of nice as you didn’t have any distractions to deter you from finding everything on your list. It took you some time, but once you had everything in your little basket, you began to make your way to the front.
You didn’t know where your mind went, but you looked down every aisle you passed as you moved to the front of the store, every aisle empty as you walked. You narrowed your eyebrows, the little voice in the back of your head telling you to run, that something was seriously wrong… and boy, do you wish you listened to it.
Instead of dropping your things and leaving, you stepped up to the counter, where the man from before stood, leaning against the counter and watching your every move.
‘Uhm, hello. I just need these.” You spoke up, voice proud your voice didn’t waver as you placed your basket up onto the counter. The man nodded, eyes on you as he scanned your items.
“I don’t think you’ll need these.” He was blunt, shrugging his shoulders as he pressed enter on his keyboard to continue the transaction.
“Excuse me?” You weren’t sure you heard him correctly.
“I said you won’t need these.” Your eyebrow quirked at his words, at his own nonchalance.
“Well, I’m not sure who you are to tell me if I need these or not.” You watched his lips grow into a grin, making you step back into a body you didn’t know had shown up.
You jump as you back into the man, turning to say you were sorry when you look up. It was one of the men from the restaurant, the one who killed the owner and the employee in front of you. Eyes widening, you try to move away only for his arms to snake around your waist and turn you around so your back was pressed against his front.
“Hello, baby. Did you miss me?” You could feel his warm breath on the back of your neck as he moved your hair away from your back, his nose pressing against your pulse point as you try not to cry. The cashier leans over the counter and wipes away a tear, his thumb pressing into your cheek as you try to move away.
“I meant; you won’t need these measly measures of protection when you have us.” His words brush against your cheek as he moves in, not caring that you flinch as his lips press against the skin he pressed his thumb into.
As he moves back across the counter, he shoves your items onto the floor and slides across the counter, standing in front of you.
“Alright, where are the other two?” He brings his hand up to caress your jaw as he speaks, the man holding you still pressing his nose against your pulse point as he rubs down your sides.
“Probably in the back…” His lips brush against your neck as he speaks, his words tapering off with some insinuation that you don’t understand. The man in front of you only nods, gesturing to something behind you as he moves off to the side and through one of the aisles.
You try to take this as an opportunity to leave, your hands going to the ones on your side and yanking them off you, only to make it three feet away and being yanked back into their embrace.
“Aww, little one, that hurts my feelings.” He pulled you back over to the counter, moving one hand up your abdomen and to your neck, like the other man, but instead he brought his hand to cover the expanse of your neck, tilting your head back to rest on his shoulder.
“That’s not very nice of you.” Footsteps make their way to where you and the man from the restaurant were; a slight chuckle leaving the new person.
“Jimin-ah, not here.” The man, Jimin, laughs as he kisses your temple.
His grip loosens on your neck, letting your head fall forward a little to see the man before, his blonde hair now a little messed up as he holds a couple things in his hand.
“I see V had his fun.” Jimin smirks at his hyung, noticing his swollen lips and messed up hair. The man only smirks as he moves to stand in front of you again.
“Sorry about this, kitten. Can’t have you trying to run.” Your eyes widen at his words as he holds up some rope and a sack. You shake your head, pleading with them. They both just look down at you with pity as Jimin ties your hands up and the man, Yoongi, places the sack over your head.
“Take her to the car.” The man’s words were sharp, leaving no room for arguments as Jimin pushes you to walk, hands on your hips as he guides you outside. You stumble as you make it out the doors, his grip tightening on you.
“We can’t have you hurting yourself, can we.” His words shake you even more, your body tense and your hands clenched into fists as you dig your fingernails into your palm.
You knew you weren’t getting out of this.
The feeling in your body told you that you were done for.
“Here we go…” Jimin muttered as he walked you up to the van, opening the sliding door and picking you up, grinning at the gasp that leaves your lips as he jumps into the van, closing the door behind him and pulling you onto his lap, securing the seatbelt over the both of you.  
You were silent, not wanting to make a sound and make anyone angry. You had no clue who these people were, but you knew they were capable of anything if you go by what happened at the restaurant. You had no clue if they would hurt you, but you wouldn’t put it past them.
So, you remained silent and still.
The feeling of his hand rubbing up and down your jean covered thigh made you want to vomit, even more so as your body started to relax against him against your own volition. You held back a sob as the doors opened, voices joining the silence as the vehicle started.
“How is she Jiminie?” A familiar voice asked the man under you.
“Tense. I think our baby is scared.” Jimin’s voice was teasing, his hand squeezing your thigh a little bit before going back to rubbing circles.
“Aww, baby. There is no need to be scared. We’ll keep you safe.” The familiar voice coos at you, a presence moving next to you and another hand resting on your other thigh.
The rest of the car ride consisting of twists and turns that last longer than ten minutes, you tried counting but lost track after Jimin started pressing kisses to your shoulder; you cried. You managed to hold your sobs in, managed to keep silent as you listened to the men talking and joking around.
You could only see a bit of light through the sack over your head, and you knew for sure your wrists were bruised from the rope as you held them to your chest. Your body was starting to ache from how tense you were, your shoulders almost reaching your ears.
The feeling of the vehicle slowing down and stopping caught your attention, only for everything to move quickly once the doors opened. You were being picked up again, a silent gasp leaving your lips as the person holding you moves quickly.
You were becoming numb to everything, your mind trying to protect you from what it thinks could happen. Different scenarios filling your head as you tried to slow your racing heart. It doesn’t work as you feel the man sitting you down on something soft, someone moving to sit behind you and trap you between their legs, your back being pressed to their chest.
Soon enough the sack was being removed from over your head, your hair moving into your face as you struggle to take a deep breath in, suddenly feeling as though you were suffocating.
The person behind you starts to coo, their hands moving, one to wrap around your body and rest on your stomach and the other to brush your hair away from your face. When your vision clears, you see six men, all in various positions, resting in front of you. Your eyes, however, immediately move to the one who stands in front of you, only a couple of feet from where you sit.
You grow uncomfortable under their stares, well, even more uncomfortable than you already were. You begin to squirm in your seat, forgetting that you were trapped in someone’s embrace as their groan reaches your ears, causing you to freeze.
A deep chuckle leaves Namjoon’s lips as he watches you freeze against Jimin. His smile growing as he watches you eye him, as if trying to see if he would do anything to you. Oh, he thinks, the things he would love to do to you.
“Why am I here? What do you want with me?” Namjoon’s eyebrow raises as he hears you ask, your voice unwavering as you try to show no fear. You were impossibly cute, entirely innocent and he knew you were perfect for them.
“Baby girl. You’re too cute.” Jin can’t help but to coo, his words making your shoulders tense up again. You couldn’t understand why these men wanted you, nor why they kept calling you pet names. You saw the men nod their heads, saying their own agreements, ignoring you and your words.
“Answer me!” You shout, trying to remain confident despite the way you were trapped against the man behind you.
“Oohh, looks like our baby has a bite.” One of the men jokes out, making the men all laugh again as your cheeks burn red. Looking away from the men, not wanting to give them any satisfaction of your own annoyance.
To your further annoyance, the one holding you, who you assume to be Jimin, puts his hand on your neck again and turns your head back to face the room again. His thumb rubbing against the side of your jaw in mock comfort.
“You hold something important to us.” The main in the middle, right in front of you, finally speaks up, his voice silencing the others. The room turns from a goofy atmosphere to a silent, serious one, everyone looking at you.
“I—what?” That was absurd, confusion ringing through your ears as you subconsciously relax against Jimin.
Suddenly, the ropes tying your wrists together were being untied. Hands replacing them and holding your hands to your chest, Jimin’s thumbs rubbing circles into the skin of your now really bruised wrist.
“You have something important to us.” The man repeats himself.
“Look, I don’t have any money. I don’t have anything of value. Please.” You couldn’t think. What did you have of importance to them? You didn’t have any money or valuables; the café was doing well but not enough to really by robbed.
“That’s not what he means, baby.” One of the men from the restaurant speaks up, the same one who yelled at the owner not to touch you. His voice was softer this time, the lip piercing glinting in the small bit of sunlight peaking through the windows.
“C’mon little one, why don’t you show him your wrist, hmm?” Jimin coos from behind you, ending his words with a kiss to your now exposed shoulder, your shirt and jacket falling off your shoulder from being manhandled.
You held your wrists tighter to your chest, wincing as he moves his lips up your neck and to your ear, dragging the lobe between his lips and pulling on it.
“There is nothing on my wrist.” You mumble out, hoping they would drop whatever game they were trying to play with you. This wasn’t funny anymore. Nothing made sense. You figured you managed to walk into another burglary at the hardware store, but they didn’t carry in any bags, no evidence of any weight being dropped while you were in the car.
Why would they take you, but leave the money from the store behind?
“Oh. Joonie-ah, did you hear that? Our little mate thinks we’re nothing.” Another man coos, the blonde cashier from the store who obviously wasn’t a cashier. He grins at you, watching as your eyes widen and dart to their names on your wrist.
Kim SJ
Min YG
Jung HS
Kim NJ
Park JM
Kim TH
Jeon JK
The seven names that have been driving you crazy since they appeared on your wrist when you turned thirteen. Despite his teasing tone, your entire body froze, dread and confusion filling your body as his words sink in.
“Don’t believe us, kitten?” At his next words, everyone turns their wrists to you, showing you their own soulmarks. Jimin’s own wrist is turned upwards, your name at the bottom of his own mark. Your hand moves slowly, your pointer finger moving to trace the outline of your name.
“What…?” Your words were a whisper as everything seemed to hit you at once. Why they were so intent on taking care of you at the restaurant, the smiles as they saw your blood covered soul mark.
You barely felt as Jimin moved you around, adjusting you in his lap as his lips placed themselves on the nape of your neck.
“It was fate. We went in for a job, planning on killing everyone inside when that employee was killed in front of you, his hands on yours. We knew before we walked in, seeing your mark from outside as we moved past the window. Plans changed.” Jimin narrated, his voice soft as he remembered seeing your mark through the window as they walked past and into the building.
“We wanted to take you then and there, seeing how unprotected you were, but we knew we couldn’t leave any witnesses. We knew you cared about your friends, seeing how you tried to protect them. We needed a plan.” Taehyung spoke this time, eyes narrowed at your shaky form as you just stared at Jimin’s wrist.
“We’ve been watching you the entire time, making sure our baby was safe. We followed you and you friend, Dahyun, to the hardware store and when you didn’t walk out with anything, we knew you would go back. And thus began our plan to bring you home.” Jungkook’s tone was angry, still upset that you felt you needed useless items to protect you when you had them.
You looked up when they were done talking, eyes soft and unmoving as you felt yourself becoming light. The pieces were connecting. The eyes you felt on your every move had never felt uncomfortable or fearful, just weird. It made sense why you felt so safe within the past week, and not because you were with your friends. Why you felt safe enough to leave the house so much, despite never really feeling the need to before.
You were inadvertently being protected and watched by your soulmates.
You were being watched and protected by men who were criminals by career, maybe even men for hire judging by the way they carried themselves.
And you had never felt safer in your life than when you were in the arms of the man who killed the restaurant staff and caused you and your friends such trauma and turmoil.
“Oh…” Was the only thing to leave your lips, words not being supported within your brain right now as you trace your name on Jimin’s wrist, not noticing the way his eyes roll back into his skull at the feeling of your fingers on him.
“Now, darling, why don’t we show you to our room?” Namjoon speaks up after everyone finally introduced themselves.
You had become completely relaxed in their presence now, not flinching or hiding away when one of them came up to you or touched you. In fact, it seemed like you were leaning into their touch, seeking it out as you walked next to Yoongi as they lead you to their shared room.
Well, now your shared room.
It was customary for mates to start sharing a bed once they found each other. It helps to keep the bond active, to keep everyone from going through withdrawals from distance. Sickness and aches were not uncommon for mates who have some distance between them, especially in the beginning of the bond connecting.
Namjoon led you all down a long hallway, only three doors residing along the walls. The last one on the right held the symbol for the group within the wood of the door. A slight push against the wood had it opening to reveal a large room. 
A custom-made bed, big enough to fit ten, was placed against the far right wall, a curtain canopy attached to the side frame and headboard. On either side of the bed was a nightstand and at the foot of the bed held a two-seater couch with cushions you felt you could fall into.
Opposite the bed was a large dresser and a door that you think leads to the closet. To the left of the bed was another door, opened already to give you a peak of the bathroom. The room was entirely spacious and had you never wanting to leave.
“Do you like it, baby?” Jin’s arms wrapped around you, pulling you into his chest as he rested his chin on your shoulder. You nodded your head, too in awe for you to come up with a coherent answer.
His breath on your neck had you taking a breath in, trying to regulate yourself. The feeling of his fingers gripping onto your waist had tingles shooting down your spine. You could suddenly feel every part of your eldest mate pressed against you, the warmth of him sending your own warmth straight to your core.
You clenched your thighs together hoping no one noticed your growing arousal and desire as Jin walked you forward and deeper into the room instead of standing in the open doorway.
But they noticed.
Yoongi and Jungkook walked over to the bed, leaning against the long metal framing holding up the canopy.
“Why don’t you come feel how comfy the bed is. I know I always hate leaving the bed in the mornings.” Yoongi gestured for you to come forward, Jin reluctantly letting go of you.
“More like you never want to leave the bed.” He muttered to himself, getting a pinch on his ass from Namjoon who was standing behind him.
“Okay.” You mutter as you make your way to the large bed, seeing just how comfy it looked up closely. You can even see how soft the blankets look, the fabric practically calling your name as you bring your hand out to press on the mattress, testing it out before turning around to sit on it.
Tentatively, you watch their reactions as you move to lay back on the bed, not wanting to make anyone feel awkward as you lay in their bed. While you are their mate, you can’t help but to overthink. Do they even want you in their bed? They did say this was your room as well now, but did they mean it?
“You are very tempting, darling.” Jin’s eyes roamed up and down your figure, loving the way your thighs practically flattened against his blankets. You noticed the glint in his eyes darken as they caught sight of your lower half. He looked at you with lidded eyes, catching your surprise. You just shrug his words off, not really believing them.
Taehyung watched as you looked away from Jin, sitting back up on the edge of the bed. In the time he has been watching you, he could tell you were self-conscious about yourself, not believing any of the compliments any of your friends or customers had given you.
He quirked his eyebrow at Jimin, who had also observed this little thing of yours. They had already talked about this with each other, which is why Jimin had been so hands on with you. He couldn’t help it, Jimin’s love language was physical touch. He literally could not go minutes without touching one of his mates.
They would make sure their sweet little mate knew how loved she was…even if someone had to die to make it known.
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twice-inamillion · 2 years
Plan to rescue Mina
Part 142(TIS)
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Everyone is basically done eating, the girls are playing mafia and you are getting the courage to announce the good news to everyone.
“Girls, can I have a bit of your time? I want to talk about something important” you say. Some girls quiet down while others continue since they are drunk. “Everyone be quiet” says Jihyo. After that no one talks and everyone gives you their full attention.
“I just wanted to say that a few days ago I sent Mina’s mother a couple of pictures like I always do. I also sent Mina some as well hoping that she might see it. Well, it happen to turn out that she did see the pictures on her phone. Usually it would just say “delivered” and the status would not change. But now it says “read” and I know for a fact she saw it.”
The girls talks amongst themselves, trying to understand the situation. When they are finally done, some of them speak up. “Did she respond back” said Tzuyu. “No she didn’t, but it shows that she has her phone with her and that she might be done with whatever treatment her mom said she was going to take her for” you say. “What are you planning on doing now?”said nayeon.
You didn’t have a plan in mind but knew that Ari and Hina needed her parents. “I’m going to Japan and look for her” you say with enthusiasm. ”How are you going to do that? Is JYP going to let you go and just leave your work behind?” said jeongyeon. “Uhh hmm … I just gonna have to ask him for some time off and hope that he approves it” you say. “I’m going to Japan for work this upcoming Monday, I can ask JYP that you can be my manger that comes with me” says Sana. “You’re right we can ask manger unnie if she’s willing to switch with you. She probably will say yes” said chaeyoung. “I can take care of the girls when you are gone. You just have to confirm it with manger” said Jihyo.
“I would be happy to go with you sana. That would be a great help” as you hold Sana’s hands together. “Im thankful for everyone that is trying to help. I am definitely going to find Mina and bring her back” you say in front of the group. “Okay, it’s decided. Let’s get this plan going and bring Mina back” yells Jihyo.
Everyone helps clean the kitchen and dining area, Jihyo and Dahyun take the girls back to take a shower. The rest of the girls go and take a shower. Momo has already knocked out in the living room couch and sana helps nayeon to her room since she’s drunk.
You go back to your room and message manger unnie and ask her to switch. Even though she hasn’t said yes you are confident that she will switch with you. You look at your phone for a reply, but decided to prepare a suitcase just in case. After that you take a shower and head straight to bed after an exciting day. You hope that manger unnie replies quickly to make changes in arrangements.
As you stare at your phone and wait for a reply you fall asleep. Some peace and quiet is much needed, but that wasn’t going to last. In the background your doorknob turns slowly and closes right after that. The sound of the squeaky doorknob wakes you up and you see a shadow get close to you. A piece of clothing falls to the ground and you ask. Is that you Chaeyoung??
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Previous Chapter 141 Next Chapter 143
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Obsessed (2014) and Decision to Leave (2022)
If I had a dollar for every time a disaffected married Korean man with a respected job no longer has any love for his wife and instead falls for a mysterious Chinese woman who likes birds, I'd have two dollars, which could probably buy 1 lamb skewer in Flushing.
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(Top: Decision to Leave, Bottom: Obsessed)
Both are heavy in symbolism, both mostly follow the perspective of the man, both have him go through an existential crisis as result of his affair, and both end in tragedy. Only one of them actually uses a Chinese actress though, Tang Wei, who is as frightening as ever. It almost seemed like her character in Lust Caution survived execution and grew to become a real killer.
What is interesting to me is that Korean media seems to regard Chinese women, and maybe Chinese people in general, with a kind of uncouthness, roughness, and danger that is nevertheless alluring and exotic. I think of how much Koreans love Twice's Tzuyu. In both these movies, the Chinese woman is looked down upon by Korean society at large, which in turn forces her under the care of exploitative men. Shunned by society externally, she becomes connected to a sensitive Korean man who begins to reject the society internally. The man becomes obsessed with the beautiful foreigner, the obsession driven by the taboo nature. Their affair (steamy or metaphorical) causes both to enter a downward spiral that ends in disaster and death. I will say, the execution of this affair is a lot better in Decision to Leave; the reason for demise is not a straightforward "heartbreak", but a more complex mutually parasitic/destructive relationship. Tang Wei's character claims she didn't truly begin to love the detective until he had violated his convictions as a law enforcer to allow her to escape justice for the crime he just solved. In contrast, Lim Ji-yeon's Chinese woman is very...passive. She resigns herself to her role in the society, though it was brave of her to refuse the colonel's final advances. Sometimes it takes courage to be unromantic.
These two subdued Chinese beauties also remind me of Shu Qi's character in "I Married A Gangster", who is a ill-tempered kungfu fighting bad b*tch who is in Korea for some reason. I didn't continue the movie after 5 minutes because the sword dance she was doing in the beginning that ended in her massacring the attending mafia felt very cringe and stereotypical.
This instance in turn brings up Detective Ma in Extreme Job, the relentless (male) cop who displays an arsenal of surprising talents, one of which is speaking Chinese (which is barely discernable to me) to a group of drug-selling Chinese gangsters.
We can go into all sorts of analysis about where these archetypes come from, but I won't do that; I'm just gonna admit it's a little fun being seen as vaguely unwholesome.
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soojinscherries · 2 years
my favorite Twice moments because “Why not? 何もかも I know 嫌になりそう”
Sana waking up and saying “One in a Million” then falling back asleep
Jihyo suddenly turning around and scaring the hell out of Nayeon
“Please don’t eat it, just look at it” - Yoo Jeongyeon, 2018(?)
Tzuyu snuggling against Jeongyeon during that one fansign during Yes or Yes era
Mina screaming because Once wanted her to
MM: “Lights on :D” JH: “Lights off >:(” MM: “Lights off :D”
JH: “*saying something*- Why is this mic so loud?” NY: “You’re just loud” JH: “Oh? *testing mic* Ah *hands it to Sana to compare*” SN: “ᴬʰ” JH: “O h 🧍‍♀️”
Jeongyeon continuing the game of Mafia without any mafias just to troll with the remaining members
Mina’s bridge in Candy Pop acapella ver.
Twice not hearing Mina reading comments because of her teeny voice
SN: “Jihyo.... looks like a melon”
Touchdown rock ver. (>>>>>)
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(something I drew a while back, still consider it my best work of art yet)
might do other groups too
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luxora · 2 years
Twice -> {Mafia AU} -> You are submissive
Requested: Yes
Group: Twice
Genre: Smut. Fluff. Angst.
Warning: Swearing. Nsfw. Some violence. Mentions of BDSM. Might be slightly triggering in terms of relationships with mafia people. Like...its a smut so...yeah. Mentions of weapon play.
A/N: This is my one of my few Twice reactions in a while. Guess I was kind of inspired. Minors to not read cause its nsfw.
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Nayeon had never really been too fond of these types of events, dressing up in formal attire and posing as if she was some rich businesswoman, which she was but in the same league as all of these other businessmen and women whom believed that Nayeon was the same as them.
While the gang life was lucrative enough, there had to be a way to clean out their money to make it seem more...legal so to say, so the gang had a lot of companies under their name to use them for that exact purpose. Call it laundering if you want, but to Nayeon and the others, it was simply another asset to them in order to have their actions untraceable, especially by rivals and law enforcement who were hell bent to bring them down.
Since she was one of the most important members of the gang, she had to put her face to good use, and since she was one of the most authoritative ones, it was to be expected for her to be the face of this company, especially given most were too scared to approach her because it was known in the business world that if you crossed her, you would pay, so people tended to avoid her when necessary to avoid any chance of getting on her bad side.
And Nayeon did that mind this, because that meant that there would be very few interruptions during her little break with you.
You slammed your hand over your mouth, her name slipping past your lips before you even knew it but you could not help it since Nayeon was taking you against the door of one of the bathrooms, her hand under your dress and thrusting into you in a rapid rhythm.
Events like this was boring for Nayeon to attend alone, so of course that meant that you were automatically her plus one to these events. You made these events a lot less painful, and Nayeon will admit that she enjoyed having you around her arm, making all the others envious over the fact that she was a taken woman and you were that women in question who had her heart.
But while dancing and dining with you at the company was fun enough, there were certain activities which she preferred doing with you, which involved you in less clothes, and since Nayeon was very used to getting what she wanted, there was no compromises as she lead you away from the main hall in order to entertain herself and you in the best way possible.
Upon hearing her name, Nayeon immediately pulled her fingers away, slipping them out from under your dress while making you whimper at the loss as you stared at her with pleading eyes as she pulled away from your neck to look back at you with heated eyes.
“I thought I told you I didn’t want to hear a word out of your lips.”
When the two of you were in the privacy of your and her bedroom, Nayeon encouraged you to make as much noise as you wanted because it told her how good she made you feel. But unfortunately in the presence of the company, she could not have you screaming like you usually did because if someone happened to stumble upon the two of you, she was going to have to get rid of them permanently, and she was not in the mood to do that when she could do you instead.
Nayeon lifted her hand which was still coated with your arousal and lightly pressed her fingers against your lips, eventually slipping them into your mouth which you accepted, not in the position to really so no to mafia member. Nayeon cocked her head at you, the corner of her lip quirked as she felt you begin to suck at her fingers.
“I have half the mind to just leave you here high and dry.”
The panic in your eyes immediately shined to Nayeon, making her chuckled as she pulled her fingers out of your mouth with an audible pop, and instead went to cup the side of your neck and lean in to press a heated kiss to your cheek, going as far to give it a nip before moving to whisper in your ear.
“But I could never treat my baby girl badly.”
Even though Nayeon loved to edge you, loved to tease you until there were tears in your eyes, she always did let you finish. Even a cold mafia member like her could never torture the love of her life like that, even though you didn’t follow her instructions before she pulled you into the company bathroom to have her way with you.
You whimpered, hands clutching at Nayeon’s dress that she donned on for the evening. While you were completely ruffled in terms of appearance because of Nayeon’s antics, she was practically untouched, and Nayeon couldn’t help but chuckle at the obvious signs of need on your body as you trembled on the spot, desperately trying to pull her against you even though the space between the two of you was nonexistent.
She slowly slipped her hand under your dress again, curling around your inner thigh as she traveled upwards to her intended destination. She fixed you with a heated look as she cupped you, your arousal obvious and coating her hand once more.
“Second chance baby. I you say another word, I will leave you, no questions asked. Got it?”
You immediately nodded in agreement and arched your neck as you swallowed a gasp as Nayeon entered you again, a sharp smile on her face as she immediately moved to nuzzle your neck, nipping at the skin there.
“Good girl.”
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Despite her dealings in the mafia world, you accepted Jeongyeon into your life without hesitation. Even though being with her out you in a large amount of danger, the love that you had for her overlapped the the amount of fear you had of possibly losing you life because of your and her relationship, so you remained by her side through thick and thin.
But you were only human, and of course you got angry, at Jeongyeon and at the gang, especially when they would send Jeongyeon on dangerous missions and would keep you out of the loop for your safety, not that you really saw it that way.
The last time the gang had sent Jeongyeon on a mission, she was gone for two months and you had no idea what had happened to her or where she had went. You only discovered her return when she had walked through the front door of your and her shared home, flashing you a tired smile before she encompassed your shocked form, sighing as she finally embraced you after so long.
You cried a lot that evening, because all the worry and fear you had built up those whole two months just broke out like water in a dam and you clung to Jeongyeon like she would disappear the second you let go. You hated not knowing where she was, just like how Jeongyeon hated leaving you behind. But for your own safety, she would not inform you of her oncoming missions, to prevent you from worrying too much about her.
Although worrying was something that came with the job of being Jeongyeon’s lover, and when you had heard that Jeongyeon was being sent on another mission, possibly for three months this time, you simply could not restrain yourself and found yourself storming into the gang’s headquarters and interrupting a very important meeting between Jeongyeon and the others. Jeongyeon literally had no choice but to carry you out on her shoulder while you cursed and screamed at the gang, while hitting Jeongyeon on the back as she carried you.
She knew that you were angry, but that did not excuse you for what you did. Her gang is everything to her, and for you to show her gang mates, her practical sisters, so disrespect, she would not tolerate it, not even for you. Her sisters had been there for her in thick and thin, even before she had met you, and she was going to help them in the best way that she could, and not even you could change her mind.
“Put me down! Put me down dammit!” You screeched in Jeongyeon’s, making Jeongyeon scowl as she pointedly ignored all the subordinates that the two of you passed that stared in shock and confusion at the sight of you screaming on Jeongyeon’s shoulder. She continued to walk until she finally entered the the storage room, slamming the door behind her before putting you back on your feet, you whirling around to face her. “Jeongyeon, I am sick and tired of-”
Jeongyeon cut you off by suddenly pushing you against the door, her eyes locked heatedly with yours while she boxed you in with her arms on either side of you, her body pinning you to the door completely.
“You had no right to come in here and cause a scene. You owe all of my sisters an apology.” You scoffed.
“An apology? They are sending your away for three months and I owe them a fucking apology-”
“Yes.” Jeongyeon growled, one of her hands moving to grip you by the jaw, forcing you to keep your eyes on her as she leaned in until her lips were practically grazing against yours. “You will apologize to them. And you will apologize to me.”
“I will not-”
“Y/N.” Jeongyeon growled again, her tone being the one she uses only when you truly angered her, the one which would immediately make you weak in the knees, not because of fear, but because of the automatic submission you felt whenever Jeongyeon asserted herself so heavily. “I will not repeat myself. You. Will. Apologize. And. Mean. It.”
It was not surprising for Jeongyeon to be a little rough with you, albeit not in moments of anger but rather in a more dominating sense. Jeongyeon liked to be in control, and she liked knowing that she was in control, and pinning you to the door like this made her feel things other than anger. While the two of you were equal in most terms, Jeongyeon was the physically stronger one between the two of you and you never challenged it, because you knew that Jeongyeon would win if the two of you truly decided to butt heads.
But right now you could not do that. Instead, you slowly nodded, swallowing as you kept you gaze locked with Jeongyeon’s.
“I...will apologize.” You submitted, ducking your head slightly, although not much since Jeongyeon was holding you by the jaw. Jeongyeon slightly relaxed her grip and herself as you agreed to do what you said. “...But I am not happy about it Jeongyeon. I don’t want you to leave again.”
There was a slight crack to your voice and Jeongyeon noticed that mist was forming in your eyes, which prompted her to soften and lean in to press a kiss to the side of you neck, her hand moving to your head instead to keep you in place while she nipped at your pulse point.
“We will talk about it when we get home. But for now, I want you to go apologize and go home. I will head over as soon as I can.”
Even if you wanted to argue, you knew it was not  good idea, especially since Jeongyeon was still upset over the fact that you had stormed a meeting with the gang, as well as embarrassed her in front of her sisters. She will not hear the end of it by them, even when you do apologize. So when Jeongyeon pulled away, you turned around to open the door, but then you froze when you felt a hand on your hip and lips on the back of your neck.
“I promise I will get home as soon as I can.”
It was not an apology, but you took it, nodding as you opened the door and waited for Jeongyeon to step out before accepting her hand and allowed her to lead you back to the meeting room to apologize to the others before heading home. There was going to be a lot said between you and Jeongyeon then she eventually returns home to you.
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Even though Momo was considered a danger to society in terms of her lethality and precision by being the sniper and assassin of the gang, she never terrified you, not even if she held a blade close to your naked body.
Momo didn’t think that she would find someone to love her, especially since she lived a very dangerous life and was considered a very dangerous person because she has never failed a mission, not even once, and her kill rate was 100%, which made her a very feared person in the mafia world, and at times, even in her own gang because she was considered to be a little unhinged due to all of the blood on her hands.
But you had proved her wrong, something which she didn’t realize she needed to be proved wrong because she was content with her life. But her life had only gotten better since you came into it, so she ensured to keep you safe at all times with her, as you were her most precious person.
Every movement which Momo did had a purpose, Momo never being someone who made blunders or mistakes. She was meticulous in everything that she did, from killing to surprising you with a getaway trip for the both of you to have a break from the gang life. But the gang is in every aspect of her life, even with you as her love for her weapons didn’t decrease even though there were no threats surrounding the two of you at the beach resort.
You laid completed still on the bed as you allowed Momo to undress you, albeit with her knife rather than with her hands. You laid on your back, spread eagle, while Momo easily cut away the fabric which was hiding your body from her. She started with your shirt, straddling your hips while she expertly glided her knife through the shirt material, cutting it as easily as a heated knife would through butter, a wicked smile on her face as your skin became exposed to her, along with you bra-covered breasts. She paused from her cutting to lean down and press a kiss to your sternum.
“Mine.” She asked, glancing up at you to lock eyes, making it evidently clear on what she was doing. You nodded and arched your neck to her as she traveled up to press a kiss to it.
“Only yours.” You confirmed, knowing that it was what Momo wanted to hear, especially since you were under her so willingly and trusting her to play with her knife and you at the same time.
She rewarded you with a hot kiss to your neck, suckling at it for a few moments until she was certain that a bruise would be left behind before she pulled away, continuing with her work. She shifted herself off your hips to instead kneel between your legs, her knife now dealing with your pants which happened to be skin tight and incredibly risky to cut.
But Momo has always loved a challenge, and this would be no different to all the others she has faced.
She didn’t cut a single inch of you. That is how much of an expert Momo was with her knives and weapons. When eventually you were left only in your underwear, Momo almost reminded you of a wild animal with how primal her eyes were, her grin wicked and sharp like the edge of her blade as she lid it under your underwear to where it was resting on your hip bone, her body propped up on top of yours with her elbow by your head as she stared deeply into your eyes.
“You love me?” She asked, already knowing the answer that she was going to get but she did adore hearing you say it. You immediately nodded and raised your hands to cup her sides, feeling the heat of her body against your palms.
“Yes.” You breathed, which prompted Momo to lean down until your lips were practically a breath apart.
“You want me?” She questioned, again knowing the answer but she wanted to hear it. She had felt your answer rather than heard it.
Momo intensified the kiss, dominating it easily as she sliced your underwear off, leaving you bare at your lower body while she pressed her own lower body against your, still fully clothed but enveloping you in the warmth that you craved from her. She pulled away just for a moment to slide her knife underneath the centre of your bra and sliced it in half, exposing your breasts to her which she readily attached her mouth to one of them before all but tossing her knife aside to instead use her hand to cup your other breast.
You moaned, gasped, and screeched Momo’s name as she smothered your chest with affection, nipping and sucking at your breasts and nipples while placing nipple kisses to them before eventually traveling down your body until she was at your core, blowing cool air on it before licking her lips in anticipation.
“Mine.” She growled before attached her lips to your core, easily working against it while you all but succumbed to her attention, squirming and squealing at her working tongue while she kept you pinned by the hips, forcing you to take everything that she gave you.
You were hers, all hers, and she was going to love every single inch of you and mark you up so everyone could see.
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Conventional wouldn’t exactly be the word to describe the relationship between you and Sana, ranging from the fact that she was a mafia member, to the fact that your relationship with her in the bedroom was not quite the most traditional.
Sana enjoyed control, because she had been on the other ends where she was the one being controlled and she hated the feeling. She did not like being at the mercy of another person, which had prompted her to become the type of partner which yearned for control over another, to be the one solely responsible in providing them with the pleasure and comfort that only she could provide.
She was no stranger to multiple partners, and she was also very aware how intoxicating she was to others; however, things became different with you when the two of you met in the club which happened to be designed for people like you and her. Ones that allowed people that liked to control and be controlled to meet and interact with one another, giving away to their most sinful desires.
Only the two of you became more than just bed partners.
You flinched as Sana traced her fingers along your stomach, gliding her hand along your chest and collar bones until delicate but strong fingers wrapped around your neck, giving you a testing squeeze. You swallowed against Sana’s palm as it was the only thing that you could feel aside from the bed sheets underneath you, soft and seductive just like Sana as you felt her shift on the bed until she was straddling your thighs, her other hand leaning on the mattress a breath away from your side.
Even though you were blindfolded, you could feel Sana’s heated gaze on you like hot coals in a fireplace, your skin burning at the simple gaze of her staring at you. The metal handcuffs protested as you tugged at them, chaining your wrists to the headboard to make you completely vulnerable to Sana and her touch, precisely the way you and Sana wanted.
Sana squeezed at your throat again, only this time you felt her shift until she was grazing her body against yours, hanging over you as she pressed a kiss to your jaw line, peppering a trail until she was at your ear.
“Everything still okay?” She murmured, her voice low and smooth as she squeezed at your neck again, a comforting one which did not threaten you in any sort of way.
“Green.” You uttered, it being the agreed upon word to tell Sana that everything was still perfect between the two of you, that you were enjoying what she was giving you. Sana pressed a kiss to your earlobe.
“You look so beautiful like this.” Sana whispered, her fingers flexing against your throat as she began to press kisses along your skin, trailing down your jaw and your throat until you were at your chest, her other hand already grasping a breast and squeezing it to make it appear plumper. “All open and needy for me.”
She enveloped your breast with her mouth, sucking at it and gently biting down in the way which drove you absolutely crazy. With your eyesight behind taken away with the blindfold, your other sense were working in overload, so the sensation of Sana sucking at you chest was driving you crazy, and the fact that it was driving you crazy was driving her crazy.
Sana pulled away from your breast with an audible pop, teasingly licking the tip of your nipple before nibbling her way down your torso, purposely depriving the other breast from attention as she had a more important aspect of you to attend to. Your need for her was obvious, and she even chuckled as you arched into her teasing touch as she traced your core with her fingertips.
“Just what am I to do with a needy girl like you?” She asked out loud, glancing at your face to see you biting down hard on your bottom lip, something that you did when you were trying to stop yourself from moaning out loud. Sana immediately frowned at that, and gave a quick pinch to your thigh that made you squeak. “Don’t hide your sounds from me. They’re my sounds. Understand?”
You immediately nodded, which Sana rewarded by rubbing the spot that she pinched before returning her fingers to tracing your entrance, teasing you and sparking the most delicious sounds out of you while she bit down on her own lip, excited with the sight of you being so needy for her with the softest of touches. Feeling you swallow against her palm again, Sana finally decided to stop teasing and released your throat, instead trailing the hand down to grip your thigh and force it apart while she moved to lay down between your legs.
“Remember baby girl, I want to hear all your sounds.”
And then she took you in her mouth, tongue teasing and testing you while you squirmed and let out all of the sounds of pleasure which Sana yearned to hear from you.
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Jihyo gazed down at you as you knelt as her feet, head ducked down submissively as expected, not even glancing at her heels foot that dangled in front of your face like a bone to a dog because you did not want to risk upsetting Jihyo, especially since she was someone who was always fond of others following her orders, you not being an exception to it, although you adhered to her demands in a completely different way that her subordinates could ever do.
Your shoulders taunted her, daring her to touch them even though she had the right to. The bare skin on display to her teased her endlessly, and the meager clothing in form of lingerie hiding her favorite assets of you was both cruel and enticing at the same time. A small crawled along her face, pleased at your composure as she reached out and tangled her fingers into your hair, gripping you by it and tilting your head back to finally grant you the permission to gaze upon her face.
“Have you been a good girl?” She asked, cocking her head to the side as she took you in, your lips slightly parted in a small gasped as she tugged at your hair, making your scalp protest at the pull but your body tremble at the pleasure. You attempted to nod but Jihyo only tightened her grip more, this time making a more audible gasp escape your lips. “I want your words.”
“Yes.” You rasped, eyes big and pleading as you continued to stare at Jihyo, still propped up on the edge of her desk, office door locked and the curtains drawn to cloud her office in absolute darkness, aside from the single lit lamp on her desk, which casted shadows over the both of you.
“Yes what?” She prodded, giving your hair a tug to emphasize on her point of desire. You gasped at the sensation again, although this time a low moan escaped your lips afterwards.
“Mistress.” You breathed, tilting you head back even more to press your head against Jihyo’s hand even though she already had a grip on it.
A pleased smile crawled along Jihyo’s face, her eyes sparkling in delight at your obvious submission to her. She released your hair, noting how your eyes dimmed in disappointment at her releasing of you but then immediately brightened again when she took your chin between her thumb and index finger, keeping your head steady and tilted while holding her gaze.
“I suppose that you are in due for a reward then. For being a good girl, am I correct?”
You moved to nod your head, but Jihyo tapped your chin with a thumb, a warning in her eyes as she raised an eyebrow at you, the order being communicated you non-verbally.
“Yes mistress.” You rasped again, which caused Jihyo to purr as she slid off her desk to stand in front of you, your head in line with her upper thigh.
“I would hate for my good girl to go unrewarded, especially since you have been waiting so long for me.”
You whimpered at Jihyo’s teasing words and touch, the truth of them hitting you hard in the chest and core because you had been waiting a long while for Jihyo’s return. When you had arrived at her office, you knew that Jihyo had something up her sleeve because she had that glint in her eye which promised you many thing, dark, sinful, and absolutely desirable.
She ordered you to strip and kneel before her desk like a servant would to their queen, and then she left you, heading off to a meeting which took two hours to finish, fully expecting to find you in the same position she put you in without touching yourself. You didn’t move or touch yourself once, because you knew Jihyo would find out easily. You could never lie to Jihyo, and you never wanted to, because Jihyo valued honest people and she valued most of all.
“On the desk.” Jihyo ordered, your body immediately obeying as you hurried to sit on the edge of the desk, the same place which Jihyo had just occupied. Jihyo immediately stepped between your legs, cupping your jaw to force you to look at her while her other hand glided down your front, grabbing a covered breast and giving it a squeeze. “I’m going to make you scream.”
You answered by wrapping your legs around her waist, making Jihyo chuckle before she smashed her lips against yours, claiming you in a possessive kiss before she all but shoved you down onto the surface of her desk, pinning you in the most delicious way that you openly welcomed because it was only her touch which could sate the burning desire in your body.
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One of the reasons that Mina was attracted to you was because you were her opposite, to a degree that is. Mina has always been the silent type, only giving her opinion when needed, but when she did speak up, everyone automatically listened to her because she was strategically insightful with many things, particularly around aspects of the gang.
Her role in the gang was her being the strategist. Unlike the others, she was born into the mafia world, and she knew the inner workings that came along with it, almost considered a master of it herself. She had no desire to continue being a pawn to her parents, so she ran off and started a gang with the others, rising in the ranks that easily rivaled her family’s gang. She was now a rival, not a descendant, and her family has easily lost a great asset because Mina was a puppeteer, controlling the shadows to her own delight.
While she was more on the quiet side, you were rambunctious. You enjoyed the limelight, you enjoyed being the name on everyone’s lips and being the centre of attention, never afraid of letting your opinion known. While Mina was easily respected in the gang, she was rather subdued in public, and when others saw the two of you together, they would think you were the one that wore the pants in the relationship.
Only you weren’t.
Your arousal was staining her jean leg as Mina sucked at your chest, her hands gripping you by the hips to keep you in place. You desperately sought for friction, clumsily rocking yourself on Mina’s leg to try get the pleasure you needed, but the digging of nails in your skin stopped you from continuing. Mina pulled away from your chest and tilted her head up to gaze at you, her eyes dark with desire.
“If you continue to move, I will have no choice but to punish you.”
You whined at Mina, your breathing uneven because you have been riled up enough from all of Mina’s foreplay, but she was not ready to give you what you needed. Mina liked to draw everything out with you. When she decided to take you to bed, she does it with the intention that she will not have to stop for hours. Perhaps it was her strategizing mind, but she did not like to rush things, especially not with you since the two of you were busy enough as is with your own respective jobs.
Even though you were a very direct person in public, you were almost as subdued as Mina’s public persona in private when you with her, or rather when she was pleasuring you in the best way possible. While you were fast, Mina was slow, and the differences between the two of you were obvious, especially since she was the one that held the strings that controlled you and your reactions to her touch.
Mina slipped her hand down to grip your ass, squeezing it and watching your face as you gasped in surprise at the sudden squeeze, but then you moaned as you tilted your head down to look at her, your eyes hooded in desire. Mina hummed as she trailed her other hand to cup a breast, squeezing it experimentally to watch every twitch and movement your face made as you shifted at the pleasurable sensation.
“Although something tells me that you would enjoy it if I did that.”
Your only answer was a moan, along with your hands clutching at her shoulders as you attempted to rock against her leg again, your legs shaking as you still kept yourself up on her. Mina clicked her tongue and suddenly flipped you, pressing you into the mattress and her hands moving to grab your hands and pin them beside your head. Her eyes glinted dangerously as she gazed at you.
“You truly do love to test me Y/N.”
While you did become more submissive with Mina when the two of you were in bed, you true personality didn’t entirely disappear, so you acting like a brat was not unexpected as you smirked at her, making Mina raise an eyebrow at you. Mina didn’t hesitate to surge forward to your neck, biting down on it hard which made you cry in pain, but just as quickly she bit you, she pulled back to stare at you with dark eyes.
“You know that brats only deserve one thing Y/N.” She growled before released your hands to flip your over, your back exposed to her as she glided her hand along it to grip you by the neck before she delivered a fast slap to your ass, which made you squeak. “Punishment.”
She delivered three fast slaps to your ass, each one making you squeak at the pain, but then you moaned at the stinging sensation and buried your face into the mattress, accepting the punishment that Mina was dealing to you because you both deserved it and loved it at the same time, just like how you loved the fact that it was Mina punishing you like this.
And truth be told, Mina loved being the one to punish you too.
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Dahyun always tried to show off her best side to you, even though you were aware of her involvement in the mafia world. She was more than just her gang, and with you she felt she could finally be herself, especially since it is so hard to find love in a life like hers since everyone is always trying to stick a knife in her back or a bullet in her head. You made her forget that she was a member of the mafia, even though it is for a short period of time.
But even though she tried her best to keep her mafia life out of the one that she had with you, there were slip ups which resulted in either you finding out about her doings, or you are accidentally put in some kind of danger which then leads to Dahyun having to protect you. It was not that Dahyun minded, because she protected you regardless by trying to keep her mafia doings a secret from you, but unfortunately there are times that she just can’t keep her temper from flaring, especially since when you are the cause of it.
You had recently found out about a raid she was going to carry out with the others, one which was going to be heavily surveillance because the gangs movements have been noted and predicted, which made Dahyun’s job even harder than before, but it was a challenge she welcomed. Only you seemed to think the opposite as you were purposely trying to stop her from carrying through with the mission.
Nayeon and Jihyo had visited her in your and her shared home to hash out the last few details, only for you to come storming in the room and start spitting fire at her two older gang sisters. While they knew that you were only speaking from a place of worry and love, it did not mean that Dahyun was spared warning looks by her leader and second-in-command as they bid their farewells, leaving the house with an irate you and Dahyun.
Dahyun leaned against the door, head slightly slumped as she tried to steady her breathing to calm down, but she was failing miserably due to your yelling behind her.
“The sheer audacity that they have! I told you that it s dangerous, but they don’t seem to care because they want to send you off on basically a suicide mission! Just want is going through their heads, I don’t understand-”
“Y/N sit down.” Dahyun suddenly said, her voice hard and direct, leaving no room for negotiations because her temper was beginning to flare. But you did not take her words seriously because you continued with your rant, unaware of the storm brewing within Dahyun. You now began to pace in the living room as you continued speaking.
“How can you be so calm about? I know that you are experienced and all that, but Dahyun can’t you see how dangerous this is? You have to tell them that you can’t do it and that you’d rather-”
“I SAID SIT!” Dahyun screeched, whirling around to face you with fire in her eyes.
You immediately dropped down into one of the armchairs in the living room, eyes and mouth wide in shock as Dahyun’s order, your body immediately folded and seat obediently as Dahyun stepped towards you and gripped you by the jaw, keeping a strong hold on you while her temper flared.
“I have told you many times before that you can’t speak to any of my members like that, not even if you are angry and it is just. The way you spoke to Nayeon and Jihyo is unacceptable, and I won’t tolerate it.”
“Shut up.” Dahyun hissed, immediately cutting you off as she leaned in under she pushing you against the back of the armchair, her other hand leaning on the arm rest to keep her balanced as she slipped a knee between your legs to rest on the seat cushion, crowding you space and intensifying the air between the two of you with electricity. She bared her teeth. “I understand that you are upset and worried, but that does not mean you can do and speak however you like, especially in front or to the others in the gang, much less Nayeon and Jihyo.”
Her hand slipped from your jaw to grip your throat instead, nimble fingers demonstrating their strength as she squeezed, not hard enough that you would choke, but not exactly soft either. Her thumb traced your pulse point before pushing against it, making you let out a raspy gasp. She leaned in until her nose was brushing against yours, her breaths tickling your lips while your own were uneven due to the tension between the two of you.
“I won’t tolerate you showing disrespect Y/N, not even if it is justified.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but Dahyun cut you off by slamming her lips to yours in a hard, bruising kiss, her anger obvious in it as she punished you. You tilted your head back and accepted the kiss, allowing Dahyun’s tongue to over power yours and to let her explore every single crevice of you mouth. She pulled away and bit down on your bottom lip, the sensation making you gasp in pain but then in pleasure as she sucked at it for a moment before pulling away entirely.
“Bedroom.” She ordered, grabbing you by the front of your shirt and hoisting you off the armchair before leading you to the bedroom like a dog on a leash, eyes hard and hot as she prepared to teach you lesson about respect.
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Chaeyoung is often misjudged for her size, as well as underestimated, but those who decided to underestimate always lived to regret it, or rather didn’t get to live because Chaeyoung decided to put an end to their pathetic little lives. She was one of the best trained fighters and weapon handlers in the gang, and perhaps she was considered to be slightly insane with how much she was obsessed with her explosives, often her members having to talk her out off tossing a few dynamites or grenades at rivals, law enforcement, or even buildings during raids and missions.
But you accepted her with everything that she was, and perhaps even reigned in a bit of her insanity, but Chaeyoung was still herself through and through and even though she would do a lot of things for you, her love for her weapons will never decrease. In fact, she has figured out a way to put her love for weapons and love for you to good use, and with pleasurably effects.
“C-Chaeyoung...” You stammered, gasping and moaning her name as she lapped at your core, keeping your legs spread wide with her hands while she pleasured you with her mouth. “T-This is not the time for...ah!”
You had only intended to visit her for lunch, but Chaeyoung had entirely different plans as she all but dragged you to the weapons storage room and propped you up on one of the table and discarded you of your skirt and underwear, leaving you completely bare from the waist down while she took advantage of it with her mouth. She licked her lips seductively as she rose from between your legs.
“There is always time for you and me to have sex baby, and I simply could not resist, not with you in this outfit with these heels.”
She always did have a thing for you in heels, which is the reason she had you keep them on while she was pleasuring you. Your face was completely flushed red, and the height difference between the two of you was obvious, especially since you were propped up on the table, and yet you did not move an inch as Chaeyoung stood between your legs and snaked her hands under your shirt to scratch her nails down your side.
“Shhhh.” Chaeyoung cooed, leaning in to nip and suck at your neck, her hands slipping under your bra to grope your breasts, chuckling against your skin as she felt you arch into her touch and moan deliciously at her ministrations. She nipped her way up to your jaw before pulling away to look at you with hooded eyes and a teasing smile. “Do you really want me to stop baby?”
While your brain told your ‘yes’, the rest of your body told you ‘no’ because there was no way that you could let Chaeyoung leave you on the edge like this, and Chaeyoung would never do that to you either because she is not a lover while will leave you hanging, not when she is responsible for it. So instead you hastily shook your head, looking at her pleadingly.
“Please Chae, I-I need you.”
Chaeyoung’ smile turned wicked and she removed her hands from under your shirt only to grab your collar and tear your shirt off from the middle, a few buttons flying from the ruthlessness of it. You gasped and gaped as your fallen buttons as they bounced off the floor while Chaeyoung discarded you of your shirt.
“That was my favorite shirt!”
“I’ll buy you a new one.” Chaeyoung immediately answered back, her hands moving to your shoulders to push you back on the table entirely, her own body crouching over yours as she pushed your bra past your breasts and latched her mouth on it, sucking on it immediately.
 You gasped at the sudden sensation and immediately wrapped your arms around Chaeyoung’s head, moaning and arching your chest into Chaeyoung’s mouth as she continued to pleasure them. Chaeyoung gave you a playful nip before switching to your other breast, giving it as much attention as the first before also giving it a playful nip and pulling away to flash you with a playful smirk.
“Is your shirt still on your mind?” You blinked in your pleasurable daze.
Chaeyoung chuckled before she pushed you a bit forward along the desk before climbing on top of it herself so that she was hovering on top of you, her hands gathering yours together until she was pinning both of them above your head with one hand while her other slid down to the bottom half of your body.
“I guess not.”
She then immediately pressed her fingers against your, your arousal soaking them and advertising your obvious need for her before she slipped inside you, giving you a few moments to adjust before she began moving them, leaning down to cover your moaning mouth with her own to silence them as they began to increase in pitch while Chaeyoung pleasured you.
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Tzuyu sighed in pleasure as you nestled your head between your legs, your tongue pleasuring her in the best way possible while she was seated at her desk, her chair pushed back to give you the space to kneel before her, your own hands gripping the legs of her chair, it being the only thing that you could hold to resist the temptation to touch Tzuyu as she had not given you permission yet.
While it was quite risky for you to be doing this for Tzuyu in her office, especially since anyone could walk in at any moment, Tzuyu simply could not help herself. While she loves you in all shapes and forms, she simply loved the sight of you on your knees and between her legs, just aching to touch her aside from with your mouth, and even though she was the one receiving pleasure, she simply loved see the way how needy you became by being the one to give her pleasure.
Tzuyu is well-aware of how cold she appeared to others, it not exactly being far off with how she actually was in the gang, but with you she was different. While she still maintained a rather cold persona, she found herself able to open up to you, both physically and emotionally. You were perhaps one of the few outside from her gang sisters who know of her past and her suffering, and the only one she truly let her walls down for. However, despite of it, she was still a rather controlled person, so for her to take control in activities such as sex was quite common, not that you really minded.
She did not often let others touch her like she allowed you to, past partners of hers simply being a means to an end, but even then she had full control over them. But with you, she felt herself become at peace. She trusted you, and you trusted her to ensure that both of you received pleasure, it never being a one way street like Tzuyu had been used to before.
“Stop.” She breathed, your head immediately pulling away from her core which left her aching, but only in the best way as you looked up at her with completely devoted look.
“Tzu?” You asked questionably, slightly worried if you had done something wrong for her to suddenly order you to stop. “Did I do something wrong-”
“No.” Tzuyu answered, her eyes lingering on your mouth and chin as they were coated in her arousal, a smile coming across her face as she saw it shine in the light of her office. She reached out and grasped your chin with her fingers. “I simply wanted to look at you.”
While it may seem like a method of self-torture, to deprive herself of climaxing since she was getting rather close to the edge with you mouth, she enjoyed the burning ache her core felt when she was deprived of her pleasure. It was also a very pleasant feeling to be able to look at you staring at her with open devotion, obeying and trusting her to ensure that the both of you reached your respective satisfaction with one another.
She released your chin to trail her fingers along your jaw, her nails long and slightly tickling you as she tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, trailing her fingers down along the side of your neck before eventually shifting behind to grip the back of it. She tugged you back towards her core.
Your mouth immediately went back to work and Tzuyu moaned in appreciation, lifting a leg to drape it over your shoulder to allow you more access to her most intimate part of her body. But despite the invitation her body offered to you, you still kept your hands tightly gripping the legs of Tzuyu’s chair because she had not given you permission to touch her yet. That made her smile.
“You can touch me darling.” She said, her voice low and rough with desire.
With her permission granted, your hands immediately moved, one hand grabbing the calf of the leg which was still on the ground, while the other moved to grip the thigh of the leg which was draped over your shoulders, your fingers pressing into soft flesh as you pressed your mouth harder against her, relief in your body as you were finally able to touch her.
Tzuyu hummed in pleasure at the sensation of your hands pressing and stroking her skin, prompting her to curl her leg around your head to trap you and keep you in between them, her own body rocking on its own accord to match your pace as you brought her towards the edge again, this time with the intention to make her see it to the end.
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ghostykapi · 1 year
arsonist!tzuyu who regularly burns factories of horrible corporations every weekend as a ‘hobby’ (her boss, who is mafia!mina, says otherwise) while making sure she only burns them when the factories are either on repair, maintenance or it’s the dead hours. it’s a bit harder to plan for to burn down factories that work 24/7 so there’s always a risk of a casualty so she does her best to find someone to help her out. she reaches a dead end weeks later and has to resort to contacting the last person she wants to see, which is journalist!chaeyoung after the ttt crime scene. not that she hates her or anything but she can still remember how touchy the journalist was and how that stupid smirk managed to make her weak on the knees. she still can’t do much when she’s becoming desperate (just as how desperate her boss is with finding you) so she sets a meeting and prays to whoever is out there that she doesn’t end up forgetting how to speak. no luck to her side though because the moment she faces the journalist, she’s fighting every urge to melt from that dangerous gaze. can you blame the arsonist though? those tattoos peaking out and that lipstick staining her neck will be the end of her
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vanilladaises-rp · 2 years
Taeyeon (SNSD)
Hwasa (Mamamoo)
Seungyeon (CLC)
Wendy (Red Velvet)
Jihyo or Nayeon (Twice)
Tzuyu (Twice)
Giselle, Ningning, or Winter (Aespa)
Rosé or Jisoo (BLACKPINK)
Tiffany (SNSD)
Thank you!!!
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b000mbayah · 3 years
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Gifts they'd get you
Reaction to you being sick
Their crush being nice for them/the group
Partner going to erasmus for six months
Reaction to you overworking yourself
Girlfriend being insecure about their body
Yandere au- reaction to s/o trying to escape
Yandere au- confessing to s/o
Yandere au-Jealous because of s/o
Girlfriend calling them by their full name
Morning wishes
I can't stop me
What is Love?
Love struck
Night club
Alphabet love
Cheer up
Too sick to handle
Jealousy kills
Yandere Mina guilt tripping you into a relationship
Who needs a soulmate?
Snowed in
Be my valentine
Love struck
What is love?
Cheer up
Sweet heart
Snowed in
Night club
Twice as yanderes
Twice as yandere teachers
Sana as your girlfriend
Twice as tsunderes
Teasing tzuyu?
To do pda with gf
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bleuxberri · 2 years
𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐮.
「...mafia mob」
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— a/n: this is only for entertainment purposes, do not come for me for writing this
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ᴘᴀʀᴋ ᴊɪʜʏᴏ;
name: park jihyo
hometown: gyeonggi-do, south korea
birthday (y/m/d): 1997.2.1
age: 22
role: boss, spy, assassin, lure
code name: god-jihyo
code number: 020197
boss: the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
assassin: a murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.
lure: tempt to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some form of reward.
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ɪᴍ ɴᴀʏᴇᴏɴ;
name: im nayeon
hometown: seoul, south korea
birthday (y/m/d): 1995.9.22
age: 23
role: spy, distraction, assassin, torture
code name: nasoong
code number: 092295
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
distraction: a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.
assassin: a murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.
torture: the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain.
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ʏᴏᴏ ᴊᴇᴏɴɢʏᴇᴏɴ;
name: yoo jeongyeon
hometown: suwon, south korea
birthday (y/m/d): 1996.11.1
age: 22
role: spy, get-away-driver, hacker
code name: yoojung
code number: 110196
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
get-away-driver: a driver who ensure the escape of his accomplices, for example; bank-robbers, from the scene of a crime.
hacker: a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data.
ʜɪʀᴀɪ ᴍᴏᴍᴏ;
name: hirai momo
hometown: 1996.11.9
birthday (y/m/d):
age: 22
role: spy, arsonist, hitman
code name: momorin
code number: 220996
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
arsonist: the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.
hitman: a person who is paid to kill someone, especially for a criminal or political organization.
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ᴍɪɴᴀᴛᴏᴢᴀᴋɪ ꜱᴀɴᴀ;
name: minatozaki sana
hometown: osaka, japan
birthday (y/m/d): 1996.12.29
age: 22
role: spy, assassin, sniper
code name: shana
code number: 122996
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
assassin: a murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.
sniper: a person who shoots from a hiding place, especially accurately and at long range.
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ᴍʏᴏᴜɪ ᴍɪɴᴀ;
name: myoui mina
hometown: san antonio, texas, usa
birthday (y/m/d): 1997.3.24
age: 22
role: spy, the eyes, the ears, capture
code name: sharon
code number: 032497
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
the eyes: look at or watch closely or with interest.
the ears: listens closely to what others are saying.
capture: take into one’s possession or control by force.
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ᴋɪᴍ ᴅᴀʜʏᴜɴ;
name: kim dahyun
hometown: gyeonggi-do, south korea
birthday (y/m/d): 1998.5.28
age: 21
role: spy, hitman
code name: tofu/dubu
code number: 052898
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
hitman: a person who is paid to kill someone, especially for a criminal or political organization.
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ꜱᴏɴ ᴄʜᴀᴇʏᴏᴜɴɢ;
name: son chaeyoung
hometown: seoul, south korea
birthday (y/m/d): 1999.3.23
age: 20
role: spy, dealer, assassin
code name: chaeng
code number: 032399
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
dealer: a person or business that buys and sells goods.
assassin: a murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.
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ᴄʜᴏᴜ ᴛᴢᴜʏᴜ;
name: chou tzuyu
hometown: tainan, taiwan
birthday (y/m/d): 1999.6.14
age: 20
role: spy, hooligan, seducer
code name: sally
code number: 061499
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
hooligan: a violent young trouble maker, typically one of a gang.
seducer: a person who entices someone into sexual activity.
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99liners · 4 years
pleasure me — cty;
pairings: top!chou tzuyu x female reader
au: mafia!au
genre: smut
words: 1.771
warnings: face sitting, orgasm (f), fingering. 
request: Anonymous said: Hiiii, I love your writing so much. Could I request a mafia boss Tzuyu x fem reader ? A smut scenario where Tzuyu is anxious about something and fem reader relieves her stress ? Thank yooouu ❤️❤️❤️ Forgot to mention ( the mafia boss Tzuyu scenario ) top Tzuyu if possible ?
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this is the second time that this has happened
the second time that tzuyu got underestimated
cause she’s the “maknae”
and honestly she’s tired of being only known for that 
how is that a skill? everywhere she goes she feels invisible
being maknae is not a skill in the underworld
especially when you work for one of the most influential mafia groups
tzuyu has time and again proved to be better than her male counterparts
hell she doesn’t even considers them as any competition already
she’s better than all of them
actually being the maknae gives her pleasure to see the look of displeasure and failure on their faces when she knocks them out
it was a drug deal, all the members were going
but jihyo particularly told tzuyu to stay out of this one
“you work too much on your instincts. we need this to go smoothly, no petty fights.” jihyo had said.
and tzuyu had complied but she hated that she was getting branded a hot head
she’s not necessarily a hot head you know
people just tease her too much
“you’re still a kid.”
“you’re too fragile.”
“you’re still not mature enough.”
so naturally, she has become irritable with time that even the smallest sneer from anyone in her direction
gives her the inevitable urge to beat that person up
so after everyone left for the location of the drug deal
tzuyu went to the gym
she took off her jacket and started training with the punching bag
her already bandaged knuckles beating against the rock hard punching bag 
after you were done with work, you took out your phone and called tzuyu
but her phone was on silent, only the light flashing your name on the screen inside her jacket pocket discarded somewhere on the floor.
worried, you went to their warehouse
it was an old building, earlier used to be a company building of a popular entertainment company - JYPE
you looked up at the building, the color on the walls had been chafed away and only traces of it is left
walking inside, you took the stairs and climbed up to the second floor
huffing a bit, trying to catch your breath, you looked for her in the rooms
 no answer, you walked to the end of the corridor and opened the door to find a sweating tzuyu throwing punches at the sand bag
her shoulders visibly flexed every time she threw a punch
clad in a black tank top tucked into her black skinny jeans
a gun strapped to her thigh
you bit your lip admiring her form
left out hair from her french braid was sticking to the back of her sweaty neck
you hadn’t even drawn another breath when you felt yourself being shoved to the wall
your cheek lying flat against the cold unceremonious surface
“enjoying the view too much, now are we?” tzuyu spoke out, her one hand holding your face to the wall and the other holding your arm twisted behind your back
you chuckled and successfully got your arm free as tzuyu let go your head
“impressive,” tzuyu nodded.
you shrugged, “learned from the best.”
now it tzuyu’s turn to chuckle.
“why are you alone?” you looked around.
tzuyu’s jaw clenched as she grabbed your wrist and started walking to her room
“they’re gone for a mission.”
“and you?” you asked confused, tzuyu almost always goes for mission. she’s not the one to miss out
you pushed down on her bed as she took off her tank top
she leaned down and started kissing you
you kissed back but pulled back
“hey, tell me?”
tzuyu sighed, “they left me out.”
“what? why?” you touched her cheek.
she pushed it away, “i’m not good enough.”
“did someone say that?”
tzuyu just shook her head.
“aw babe, come on. don’t think that way, you’re best at what you do!”
“do? i’m just the maknae.”
“that’s not true,” you kept your hand on her cheek again but before she could push it away, you leaned in and kissed her
tzuyu relaxed and kissed back, climbing in the bed
she was sitting on her knees in between your legs
the uneven surface of the gun holster brushing against your inner thigh
you giggled as it sent tingles
tzuyu took the chance to slide in her tongue in your mouth
she gently placed her hand between the valley of her breasts and pushed you down on the bed
you kissed back trying to gain dominance but it was one fight that tzuyu has never lost
her fingers were quick to undress you
she was fierce but delicate at the same time
there was an odd sense of fire in her touch that burned you and branded her marks on her just by soft touches
after you were left to your lingerie
tzuyu took pealed off her jeans and climbed back on the bed
but before you touch her she grabbed your wrists and placed a pair of fluffy handcuffs around them
“we’re being so naughty tonight,” you remarked.
tzuyu winked as she leaned in and bit your bottom lip to a shade darker
“lie down on your back,” tzuyu said.
you lied down, your cuffed hands pooling around your naval region
tzuyu hovered over and crawled to the headboard of the bed 
holding it for support, she lifted her butt and hovered around your face
you started smiling, “so you finally want to try?”
tzuyu nodded, “yes i guess.”
“but why did you cuff me? let me touch you atleast.”
“nuh uh, not tonight.” tzuyu said before she placed all her weight on her knees and balanced herself off your face
her clit came around your lips
you darted your tongue out and licked around the swollen bud
you bit on her clit through her underwear
“take it off.”
tzuyu smirked, “noupe. i wont.”
she reached out a finger and moved her underwear aside
you pouted, “so mean!”
tzuyu chuckled and brushed her now exposed clit on your lips
you licked your lips before diving in as you made your way from the water walls to the small aperture that was the pandora’s box
your tongue tried to infiltrate inside her walls but her outer walls kept flapping on your lips
you raised your hand involuntarily to hold them aside but realized you they were cuffed
groaned you tried harder
tzuyu on the other hand was having the time of her life as she watched you struggle
you were determined to get your tongue aside and with a bit of fooling around
your tongue was finally in
and you could already feel the familiar taste on your tongue
you darted your tongue in and out in a steady speed as your lips helped suck on her sweet spot
tzuyu let a small groan as her knees helped move her body up and down on your face
she was never suffocating you
the movement helped you get into a pace too as you sucked relentlessly
still feeling frustrated that you couldn’t touch her or finger her 
you also set your mind to outperform yourself as your pace never stopped even for a second
tzuyu could feel the pressure forming as her knees felt the blows of that pressure too
her movements were now shaky as she moved away from your face
“hey, that’s cheating!” you shrieked on the loss of contact
tzuyu shrugged nonchalantly as if she wasn’t close to her orgasm
“i need to touch you too,” she murmured before changing positions into a convenient 69
tzuyu was on top as she pushed her to a side and placed her fingers near your heat
you squirmed a bit and shifted and brought your hands to hers
but inside of fingering her like she thought you’d 
you wet your finger and drew circles around her other hole
tzuyu’s eyed went wide but before she could react you inserted your hand deep inside her ass
your finger moving around the perfect-column space
tzuyu’s back arched back but you craned your neck up and bit a part of her outer wall and brought her clit down to your face
you gathered some of the wetness from her clit and using it as lubrication to insert another finger in her ass
“fuck!” tzuyu cried out this time
her fingers falling limp near your heat
you smirked as you felt dominance over her
but that wasn’t for long
tzuyu sat up on your face, balancing herself on her knees placed on either side of your chest
she made sure you knew she was in charge as she moved and set the face
her hands regained the strength and coiled around your heat, her slender fingers pricking inside with ease
you gasped a bit, your mouth opening and tzuyu applied pressure and sat down harder on your open mouth
your mouth watered as the smell she emanated grew stronger and stronger
you continued with your cycle of sucking and licking non-stop
you could feel tzuyu was near her high as her pace was falling short
her breath falling short too
you stopped back and blew on at her clit which sent shivers down tzuyu’s back
when she noticed you didn’t go back to sucking or licking
she applied a bit more pressed on your face
her walls crashing your open lips
her ass blocking whatever airway you’d
she placed a hand on your chest and tried to calm down your breathing
you felt yourself easing into your touch
but all you could manage from that position was soft nibbling on her clit
your trachea was getting constricted now
your empty hands reached up and grabbed on her hair lying loosing down the expanse of her back
and as if on cue, you felt her release on your face
by the time tzuyu’s thighs calmed down and she moved herself from your face
you were panting for air
“i think i snorted some of your cum..” you said.
tzuyu laughed getting off her knees and laid down beside you
“that was amazing.”
you grinned and kissed her, tzuyu smiled tasting herself, her hand instinctively reaching down between your legs
feedback is deeply appreciated.✨
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