#magatsu wahrheit
anime-of-the-day · 2 years
Anime of the day: Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst
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Released: 2020
This game adaptation is about Innumael, a delivery driver, and Leocadio, a new soldier. Innumael lives a simple life. He picks up the materials and drops them off; however, one day Innumael’s truck contains contraband weapons belonging to a criminal group. Naturally the Wahrheit Empire assumes he is in on it, and Innumael is labeled a smuggler, but Innumael is not alone. While he is innocent, the Empire is prepared to kill him, but Headkeeper won’t let Innumael be framed for what they did, so they grab him and run. Leocadio is assigned to the group hunting the Headkeeper group.
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silvercrane14 · 2 years
Any other singers get gender envy from songs? Like ‘hey why the fuck can’t I do that’
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yuurei20 · 2 years
Meet the Seiyuu: Trey Clover
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Trey Clover is voiced by Suzuki Ryota, who also voices Lucius in the game.
Suzuki first became interested in voice-work during a track-and-field event when he was in junior high school, after being impressed by the work done by the team on the PA system when the event had to be cancelled due to rain.
After losing a national competition by a single point he quit the track team to focus on broadcasting. He won the competition the next year and made his acting debut in an anime short produced by Japan's only public broadcasting channel, NHK, while still a high school student.
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Suzuki's past work includes Ishigami Yu from Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, Takamizu Hayato from Hero's Park, Yukimaru from Fena: Pirate Princess, Klaus from Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst and Riheet from King's Raid: Successors of the Will.
A photoshoot of Suzuki Ryota modeling for Jade’s voice actor Komada Wataru (who is both a voice actor and professional photographer)
Suzuki Ryota covering Ozaki Yutaka’s “Forget me not”
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putschki1969 · 2 years
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 H-el-ical// 1st Album “解放区/Kaihōku” NOW AVAILABLE
【Release】 1st album “解放区/Kaihōku” Release date: June 29, 2022
It’s past midnight in Japan so you can now purchase and stream Hikaru’s 1st full album in digital format on various Japanese sites (mora, OTOTOY, etc) and streaming platforms (Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, etc).
Please be sure to ❗SUPPORT HIKARU❗ in any way you can (especially if you have not ordered a physical copy of the single)!
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BUY it on mora (TUTORIAL here)
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BUY it on Ototoy (VPN proxy required)
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BUY it in your local iTunes store!
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My initial thoughts: Finally I got to listen to the new songs. My initial reaction to the teasers was more or less accurate, nothing big changed about my opinion.
I adore that she sprinkles some lovely short deep and high notes throughout 螺旋の繭 (Rasen no Mayu). Particularly fond of her “ima” in the chorus. It’s a solid track with pretty nice lyrics (albeit not Hikaru’s) but overall it's probably not among my favourites out of her five new songs, mostly because the style is just not my cup of tea. it sounds like a generic anisong or something. I can totally see myself being into it though when I am in the right mood. Ambient Border has such a nice dramatic flair, I am absolutely in love with the chorus, it’s SO GOOD and the bridge/ending is pretty epic The verses are just meh but I don’t care, this is an instant favourite. Hopefully we’ll get a broadcast for this play as well because I definitely wanna experience the song as part of the story. I am not sure what to think of イエスノウ (YES-NO) yet . It is quite a lot of fun and as far as weird experimental styles go, I much prefer this to let’s say, IMPOSSIBLE LOVE... カナシイケダモノ (KANASHII KEDAMONO) is not as similar to GIRA-GIRA as I had thought/feared, there are hints in the chorus of course but it’s distinct enough not to be a cheap copy. Very, very enjoyable and incredibly refreshing, Hikaru’s voice had maybe a little more oomph(?) in GIRA-GIRA but I think I still like KANASHII KEDAMONO a lot more, simply because she does some cool stuff with her voice and it is her own song and not just a cover. Wish she had been in charge of the lyrics (I actually like them quite a bit). かわいそうだよ (Kawaisou da yo) literally killed me! I am smitten. I am obsessed!! This is 100% my type of song. Might be one of my all-time favourite Hikaru songs to be honest. I need to hear this live NOW! I am gonna be so sad if she ends up singing it during all the upcoming events that I cannot attend T_T
M01. Altern-ate-(TV Anime Gleipnir OP) M02. 螺旋の繭 (Rasen no Mayu - Helix Cocoon) M03. The Sacred Torch(TV Anime The Faraway Paladin OP) M04. Ambient Border(Stage Play Ambient Border Theme Song) M05. イエスノウ (YES-NO) M06. カナシイケダモノ (KANASHII KEDAMONO - Sad Beast) M07. かわいそうだよ (Kawaisou da yo - Pitiful) M08. disclose(TV Anime Magatsu Wahrheit Zuerst ED) M09. clea-rly- M10. JUST DO IT(TV Anime World’s End Harem OP) M11. landscape M12. pulsation(English ver.)
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newsintheshell · 2 years
ANIME RECAP: una montagna di nuovi trailer
Arrivati anche date e periodi di debutto assieme ai video!
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Tanto per citare il meme di Boris: così, de botto, senza senso. Sul serio, ragazzi, non ho più l’età per le raffiche improvvise di news e di trailer, in questo caso. Nel nuovo riassuntone, che ormai penso diventerà quasi periodico, vi porto ben nove nuovi video, tutti freschi di oggi, a parte l’ultimo che ho deciso di recuperare e proporre qua, per comodità. Buona visione!
L’originale serie animata, diretta da Hiroshi Ikehata (TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You, Kiratto Pri☆Chan) e prodotta presso BIBURY ANIMATION STUDIO (The Quintessential Quintuplets 2, Azur Lane, Grisaia: Phantom Trigger), arriverà nel corso del 2023.
Il concept alla base dell’anime nasce da un’idea di Jun Inagawa, illustratore, dj e designer, conosciuto in ambito underground anche per aver collaborato con marchi di abbigliamento e musicisti.
L’OAV, basato sul premiato manga firmato da Yama Wayama, uscirà in Giappone l’8 dicembre.
La storia segue la vita quotidiana del professor Hoshi, fatta di lezioni, scambi con le sue studentesse e uscite con i colleghi.
L’episodio è diretto da Shinichi Omata (Kaguya-sama: Love is War, Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju) e prodotto dallo studio LAPIN TRACK (I'm Kodama Kawashiri).
La serie animata, tratta dall’adventure fantasy comedy di Kazutomo Ichitomo, debutterà sule tv giapponesi a gennaio 2023.
L’adattamento è prodotto dallo studio C2C (Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy-, Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu) ed è diretto da Toshiyuki Kubooka (Berserk - L'epoca d'oro, Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina).
La serie animata, basata sulla commedia sentimentale di Yuki Kanamaru, comincerà ad andare in onda a partire dal 9 ottobre.
Al terzo anno di scuole superiori ha il via il corso obbligatorio di “Pratica di Coppia”, durante il quale gli studenti devono dimostrare di avere le competenze necessarie per vivere in armonia con un potenziale partner, il tutto valutato con una costante videosorveglianza.
Jiro Yakuin sperava di fare coppia con Shiori Sakurazaka, ma viene abbinato con l’esuberante Akari Watanabe, che invece sperava di finire con Minami Tenjin.
Le loro speranze sono doppiamente infrante quando proprio Shiori e Minami sono assegnati insieme. Così, a malincuore, decidono di cooperare per raggiungere la top ten della graduatoria, il che darebbe loro il diritto di scambiarsi i partner, se entrambe le coppie sono d'accordo. Dopo il primo bacio fra Jiro e Akari, però, le cose si fanno un po’ più complicate…
L’adattamento, targato STUDIO MOTHER (Arifureta: From a Detour to the World’s Strongest - Stagione 2), è diretto da Junichi Yamamoto (Armor Shop for Ladies & Gentlemen), dietro però la supervisione da parte di Takao Kato (To LOVE-Ru, Triage X).
La serie animata, basata sulla serie di videogiochi fantasy Mana (Seiken Densetsu in originale) di Square Enix, debutterà sulle tv giapponesi il 7 ottobre.
L’anime è diretto da Masato Jinbo (Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei Herz!, Restaurant to Another World) ed è in lavorazione presso studi GRAPHINICA (Record of Ragnarok, Hello World) e YOKOHAMA ANIMATION LAB (Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst, Lapis Re:LiGHTs), che hanno già realizzato il video di apertura per l’edizione rimasterizzata del primo storico capitolo della serie.
La serie animata, tratta dalla light novel fantasy slice of life di Yuka Tachibana, tornerà nel corso del 2023.
Sei, un’impiegata di 20 anni, viene trasportata improvvisamente in un mondo completamente nuovo. Il rituale che l'ha convocata aveva il fine di evocare una “Santa” che bandisse la magia nera, ma qualcosa è andato storto e sono comparse due persone invece di una. Tutti preferiscono la seconda ragazza a Sei, ma questo le sta bene. Lasciato il palazzo, decide di mettere in uso le proprie nuove capacità magiche aprendo un negozio di pozioni e cosmetici. Gli affari vanno a gonfie vele e questa nuova vita le piace, dopo tutto… presto però la sua presunta santità tornerà a perseguitarla.
Le nuove puntate saranno sempre dirette da Shota Ibata (Girlish Number, Domestic Girlfriend), presso DIOMEDEA (Ahiru no Sora, Chio’s School Road). 
La prima stagione di 12 episodi è già disponibile in streaming su Crunchyroll.
EDENS ZERO - Stagione 2
La serie animata, tratta dal nuovo manga di Hiro Mashima (Fairy Tail), tornerà in tv con la seconda stagione da aprile 2023.
La prima stagione di 25 episodi è disponibile in streaming su Netflix, anche doppiata in italiano.  
Il giovane Shiki vive sul pianeta Granbell insieme ai robot che animano un vastissimo parco a tema. Un giorno arrivano due visitatori, i primi a mettere piede su Granbell da circa un secolo: Rebecca, una giovane creatrice di contenuti digitali, e il suo gatto blu Happy. I tre vanno subito d’accordo e diventano amici… Ancora non sanno che questo incontro cambierà i loro destini!
L’adattamento targato studio J.C. STAFF (DanMachi, Hi Score Girl, A Certain Scientific Railgun), è stato supervisionato da Shinji Ishihara (Fairy Tail, Log Horizon) e diretto da Yushi Suzuki.
Il regista, purtroppo, è deceduto poco prima della conclusione della trasmissione della serie e, al momento, non sappiamo chi verrà incaricato di sostituirlo nella realizzazione della seconda stagione.
La seconda stagione della serie animata, tratta dalla light novel fantasy slice of life di Roy, arriverà da gennaio 2023.
Ryoma Takebayashi è un impiegato di mezza età, non è mai stato molto fortunato e finisce per lasciare questo mondo in modo improvviso e deludente. Con grande sorpresa, però, tre grandi divinità decidono di graziarlo con il dono di una nuova vita, reincarnandolo in un mondo pieno di magia e creature fantastiche! Trovandosi di nuovo bambino, Ryoma sceglie di vivere la propria vita in tutta tranquillità nella foresta, dedicandosi alla caccia e alla magia, oltre che alla sua nuova grande passione: addomesticare e allevare gli slime!
La prima stagione di 12 episodi è stata diretta da Takeyuki Yanase (In Another World With My Smartphone, If It’s for My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord), presso lo studio MAHO FILM (I’m standing on 1,000,000 lives, If it’s for My Daughter I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord).
La sceneggiatura della nuova stagione sarà curata da Yuka Yamada (Slow Loop, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid), che andrà a sostituire Kazuyuki Fudeyasu (Black Clover, Recovery of an MMO Junkie).
La commedia ecchi fantasy, tratta dall’omonimo manga di Taichi Kawazoe, andrà in onda dal 5 ottobre. 
Kikuru Madan è un abile cacciatore di mostri, che però ha intenzione di ritirarsi per paura di sprecare la propria gioventù. Un giorno, un membro dello staff della sua gilda gli suggerisce di andare in missione con una nuova artista marziale di nome Hitamu Kyan. C’è un problema, tuttavia: la ragazza continua ad essere sconfitta e a trovarsi in situazioni assurde e compromettenti!
La serie animata è diretta da Takuya Asaoka (Redo of Healer) e prodotta presso lo studio TNK (Senran Kagura: Shinovi Master, Redo of Healer).
Autore: SilenziO)))
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renard-des-marais · 1 year
(armored people may not read it) 
 annual report to yourself.during the year, 130 films were viewed (animation japonaise). movies with the main character (hero)-9.and a few more almost with the main character.
next, some selected Burgundy thoughts...
Sonny Boy(9).an ambiguous film.but the scene at night in the sea and the music were worth watching.
Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu (13).this is a serious film, although it is hidden by comedy.the scene where the hero kills a woman looking into her eyes was very effective.
Uramichi Oniisan (17).the best adult film of the year.a film about love, happiness, life and... other "mythical animals"
Ryuu to sobakasu no hime (20).one of the best films of the year.although I watched it by mistake-I confused it with another movie.however, the scene with the "black and gold" field at the end of the film was very effective.
Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! (22). one of the best female films of the year.if you read between the lines, then this is a very sad movie.
Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi (31).almost the second best adult film of the year.a movie with the main character,with a real man.
86 EIGHTY-SIX 2nd (40).just one word-déception
Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki 2 (42).the most naive film of the year.
Ryman's Club (43).a rare case is a movie about sports that I liked.
Shikkakumon no Saikyou Kenja (44).training swords were similar to swords-and this rarely happens in anime.
Takt Op. Destiny (55).one of the films with the main character.I confused Ryuu to sobakasu no hime with this movie-the ladies are very similar.I am glad of this mistake-instead of one movie I saw two effective ones.
Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu TV2 (62).the sad glory of the film that caused the strongest flow of "selected Burgundian abuse" ... I liked only two things-the armor of the guards in the scene of the execution of the local feudal lord and the battle scene on the high mountain pass-important words were said there.
Leadale no Daichi nite (65).probably the best female movie of the year I've  seen. anyway, i can't fault this lady that you wasted your youth and now you're playing family?the lady lived all her life in the hospital and died there. so she can... I liked the gnome, the most serious of her stupid "children".
mieruko-chan (71).the second best female film of the year.despite cheap tricks like an emphasis on the chest, the flashing of half-naked girls in the frame-the film surprisingly turned out to be good.I especially liked the fox spirits doing their duty.
Blue Period (73).I can’t draw myself, so I love films about artists.despite some "fashionable modern phenomena", the film turned out to be so harmonious that I would buy a video cassette with it.
RPG Fudousan (74).women's film, comedy.I especially remember how the lady bard sang the song....
Dance Dance Danseur (79).a ridiculous subject is ballet....it's not a man's business.but the movie is unexpectedly funny.frankly speaking, I watched only because of Chizuru-fille drôle.one thing I don't understand is why the main character chose ballet.ballet is a phalanx, linear infantry, and the main character is Doppelsöldner-something passionate like "Latin American dances" suits him.
Spy x Family (82).this movie is very popular, so I didn't want to watch it.it turned out to be a movie with the main character.but I remember it only for its magnificent architecture.this is similar to Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst...
Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu (86).the film is notable for the fact that there is a main character here, but not a hero-chevalier, but a petty dork (as in kaifuku utsushi).battle scenes (robots...)drawn so primitively (2-4 frames per second) What I thought:it's the 90th year and I'm watching transformers? I liked the queen...yes, fille drôle again. but the rest of the ladies failed because vénus paléolithiques for no reason-vulgar and ugly.
Koi wa Sekai Seifuku no Ato de (91).in this film, the "game of love" of children aged 7-9 was well shown.
Mahoutsukai Reimeiki (92).an unexpected sequel to a long-forgotten movie.
Heroine Tarumono! Kiraware Heroine to Naisho no Oshigoto (95).the lady from this movie is the second best female character of the year.the film is quite realistic and effective.the scene of a female fight is worth a lot.
Tokyo 24-ku (98).the film is both childishly naive and very serious.
Yuusha, Yamemasu (100).in its genre, it is the best film of the year.
Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru (108).what I liked - when the main character does not behave like a stupid virgin, he is a real professional in his field. and also his haircut (by the way, as in the movie about ballet).a normal man's haircut and not some kind of "nest or stack of straw", as is usual with all anime characters.
Shuumatsu no Harem (109).one of the two unnoticed depraved films.film about: if a panda does not want to breed to save its endangered species, it needs to be shot.
Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life...(112).remarkable film. there are no annoying vénus paléolithiques (almost) in it. one can say more, this is a film without women. women are nothing more than a background like trees, houses, etc. at the same time, the main character is a very expressive character.it's rare.interesting are the memories of his past life-when he was an office slave without meaning and purpose in life. dynamic scenes are drawn interestingly.and the moon turned out very well when it was drawn in an early (or late) phase.probably the best moon in anime.
Lycoris Recoil (113).one of the 5 worst films of the year.
Hataage! Kemono Michi (114).when this film appeared a few years ago, I reasonably ignored it, suggesting that it was some kind of nonsense. and it turned out. almost ... a long-eared lady with the name of a lost ship of a dead country turned out to be the best female character of the year.
Kuro no Shoukanshi (115).playing in the family reminded me of Leadale...
Isekai Meikyuu de Harem wo (116).young people will love this film - it's full of debauchery with lush vénus paléolithiques. and there will be even more at the end of the film. but besides this nonsense, there are two unique and great things in the film. first.at the beginning of the film, peasant women are shown-in normal women's dresses and a covered head!amazing! second.the film presents a simple, logical and at the same time the rarest (in movies, anime, games) economic system-three types of coins in value.Fantastic! those are two things that no Bethesda would think of! modern man probably does not understand what is wrong with depicting half-naked women in some kind of vulgar carnival clothes and bare head to boot in a pseudo-medieval history. but I think that any modern person understands the absurdity of the idea of a loaf of bread for 20 gold coins... the author of this story is some kind of scientific genius.it's a pity that he chose the wrong genre.
Hataraku Maou-sama 2 (117).sequels filmed after many years... how much annoyance and disappointment are hidden in their words ... it's almost always a different studio, a different style of drawing and appearance of the characters, different voices of the characters.Hélas.
Mamahaha no Tsurego ga Motokano datta (120).I don’t know what this movie is about, but episode 8 and the second half of episode 10 are the most effective. Isana is the best female character of the year number 3.
Youkoso Jitsuryoku...2 (125).unusual.usually an interesting film is interesting only in the first season.next, 2, 3 continued-worse and worse.this movie is the opposite.the first season was like cardboard instead of cake - about nothing. not a single memorable character.the second film was unexpectedly bright.Pourquoi?-Cherchez la femme...Kei is perfect for the main character. They are generally the perfect couple. Probably the best couple this year. (I don’t keep statistics on couples, but it’s quite possible).
0 notes
conflagrate · 4 years
Autumn 2020 Anime Season
First of all, top scores & stats
01. Railgun T (9.10) 02. Fruits Basket S2 (8.67) 03. Major 2nd S2 (8.05) 04. Appare-Ranman (7.69) 05. Fugo Keiji (7.27)
Total shows completed: 11 To finish: 2 (Ninja Collection, Great Pretender)
Lol this season sucked.
Category of Completed shows:
Must-watch: ¾ (F U Japan Sinks) Likely: 4/5 Try First: 2/4 Not keen but: 3/8 Kill me first: 1 (yes I finished Shokugeki. May it not Rest in Peace) Still ongoing: 1 (Major 2nd S2)
Next season looks daunting…
Must-watch: Haikyuu!! S4-2, Jujutsu Kaisen, Adachi to Shimamura, Golden Kamuy S3, Yukoku no Moriarty, Taiso Samurai, Kyojin Final (Dec) [7]
Very likely: Higurashi remake, Ikebukuro WGP, Akudama Drive, Yashahime, HypMic, Magatsu Wahrheit, Tsukiuta S2, One Room S3, Inu to Neko Docchi, Eden (4ep Netflix) [10]
Try before Buy: Tonikaku Kawaii, Noblesse, Kamisama ni natta Hi, Majo no Tabitabi, Iwa Kakeru Climbing Girls, Assault Lily Bouquet, Maojo de Oyasumi, Muno no Nana, Senyoku no Sigrdrifa, King’s Raid, DQ Dai no Daiboken, D4DJ, Sore dake ga Neck, Dogeza de Tanondemita, Rail Romanesque [15]
Not keen but….: Kimisen, 100-man no Inochi, Kumax3 Bear, Kamihiro, Ochikobore Fruit Tart, Maesetsu, Kapibara-san [7]
Sequel/Genre Hell: Danmachi S3, Mahouka S2, Gochiusa Bloom, LL Nijigasaki, Strike Witches Berlin, A3! S2, Osomatsu S3, Maho Shojo Kurumi S3, Saikyo Kamizmode, Guraburu
Expected Load: 18
God I hope most of these shows suck….!
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prozdvoices · 3 years
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i voice a bunch of additional voices in Magatsu Wahrheit Zuerst, you can check out the English dub on Funimation
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thecrazyanimegirl · 3 years
Fall anime 2020
And wow, it’s the last season of 2020! May the new year be a lot better, not just anime related!
{ Winter ‘18 }  { Spring ‘18 }  { Summer ‘18 }  { Fall ‘18 }  { Winter ‘19 } { Spring ‘19 }  { Summer ‘19 }  { Fall ‘19 }  { Winter ‘20 }  { Spring ‘20 } { Summer ‘20 }
Alongside the continuations and new seasons like fire force, danmachi,  mahouka koukou no rettousei, golden kamuy and so, these are the new shows that we started:
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 
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It is pretty typical isekai anime, just that it has twist and they can go back to their world every time they do a quest. I could see potential in characters and their development, but they aren’t kind of characters I would care about or watch something with meh plot for. Maybe they are building up for something cool, but for now, it was kind of boring for me.
Akudama Drive 
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Overwhelmingly cool show about criminals in a dystopian future world. There is not much to say about the story without spoiling other than being so unnecessary cool that I loved it an unnatural amount! The characters, the setting, the action scenes, the animation and conversations, everything is just so aesthetic! I looked forward to it every week! Gonna miss them a lot. Just beware of a lot of violence and blood scenes (even though they are mostly censored).
By the Grace of the Gods 
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A really soft isekai with a boy who tames slimes. This is that one (at least) show of the season where you can just turn off your brain, watch some cuteness and forget about everything. It comes with no strings attached, you can drop it halfway and not think twice about it, it won’t make you feel bad in any way, just happiness and rainbows, and sometimes that’s what I need.
Hypnosis Mic -Division Rap Battle- Rhyme Anima 
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Women rule the world and pretty boys rap to assert dominance. That’s it, that’s the premise and if you think that ridiculous, yes, it truly is haha If you want to have a laugh, listen to some rapping (can’t say much about the quality of it, but I enjoyed it immensely, good va’s!), go watch it. The plot quality is debatable to say the least, but it’s not really an anime about the story, rather about the 12+ guys and their friendships and rivals and well... rap.
Ikebukuro West Gate Park 
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Although a little bit on the improbable side to happen IRL, Ikebukuro WGP showcases multiple situations where we dive behind the back of many realistic happenings in bigger cities. There is always some company in conflict with another thinking solving it in their way is the best possible choice, not taking into consideration what happens to the little people bearing their consequences. It is of course up to the “good mafia” guys to solve it. If you are reading the Webtoon Weak Hero and are in search for some more realistic gang divisions, then feel free to give this anime a try. It has a pretty lovable and crafty MC minus the high-school setting.
Jujutsu Kaisen
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Ohh my where to start xD yes, you are looking at the fan favorite anime of this season and there is no doubt about it having that title. I can go on and try to convince everyone saying it has the perfect animation, soundtrack, appearance of the characters and so on but to truly experience it, you will have to watch it. Character development is on the slower track but it is understandable since it is obvious that the series will be a “long distance runner”. What impressed me the most is the perfect balance of humor and tragedy, so if you are one to typically enjoy shonen anime, give it definitely a try through the 3 episodes rule!
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear 
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A girl got isekai’d in a game and now finds friends and people she cares about. Oh and she’s in a bear suit. This was one of those shows I watched for relaxation. There are no bad emotions coming from it and you can just relax, watch something that doesn’t need you to turn on your brain and try to be happy. If you are looking for something serious, you won’t really find it here.
Majo no Tabitabi 
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A witch that travels the world, visiting many cities and meeting a lot of people, hearing their stories and moving on. Not action packed, but has things happening throughout the eps. I thought it would be another happy show, but it turned to be quite dark in some episodes. Most episodes have their separate story with minimal connection to the previous ones and some are heartwarming and some are downright grim. Overall, the plot is interesting and the MCs development and way of thinking is interesting too! 
Maoujou de Oyasumi
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I KNEW this one is gonna be good when I first read the description of the manga in the bookstore 2 years ago xD What you see above is a small princess who wishes nothing more than a good sleep and a bunch of demons who decided to capture her. It becomes clear early on that she isn’t your typical prisoner as she sets out on quests to find stuff to make her rest more comfortable and NOTHING is gonna stand in her way. Your time watching this anime will be filled with heartfelt laughter and love for the all the characters. Yes, some people might be triggered by her actions and personality but I do believe since I (as a person who prefers to watch shonen) am impressed with it, a great number of people will like it.
Munou na Nana
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I really love this anime. MC is an antagonist, pretty much an antihero, but she was made to believe that she is the hero. She is very smart, so anything she plots end up interesting. This show always keeps me on the end of my seat. And it’s a great combination of everyone has supernatural abilities + high school setting, but with a darker twist to it. It’s one of my favorites this season! 
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I read the webtoon and I am fan of it, so I am really happy to see Noblesse became an anime! Characters are really awesome and plot is action packed. I’m sure you won’t regret watching it! The humor, the lore and the action is very well balanced and it’s just a good story. If you feel like you really like the anime, but something is missing and you have some time, the webtoon is amazing! Of course, they actually did the anime quite well, but some jokes or additional train of thought that goes in the characters head cannot be all transferred into the animation. Oh and - watch Noblesse: Awakening before this! That’s like the crash course of the first arc of the story.
Taiso Samurai 
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A MAPPA anime about a japanese gymnast on the verge of retirement, his daughter and a ninja they adopted! That about covers it! It’s a soft and heartwarming story that really leaves a good feeling after watching it. The characters are lovable and the drama side of the story levels out with humor pretty well, without glossing over stuff too much. I can’t say much about the sports aspect since I don’t know much, but it was worth the watch even though it isn’t the most amazing action-packed anime ever. But it was a solid story, good charas and was just soft.
With a Dog AND a Cat, Every Day is Fun
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One and a half minute of a lady with a cat and a dog being incredibly relatable.
Yuukoku no Moriarty
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Ah yes, I’m a sucker for every possible variation of sherlock homes, so it’s no wonder how much I enjoyed this. It’s centered about Moriarty, but Sherlock has his time in the later half of the show. The animation is just so beautiful, I loved the stories and mysteries and the way they handled Moriarty as a character. Also a good mixture of mystery, people being hideous creatures, main characters being pretty af and humor. I should continue to the manga now.
Dropped: MAGATSU WAHRHEIT, The Day I Became a God   
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nocandnc · 2 years
Hard to pick between Inu and Schaake from Magatsu so I'll let you pick which one you want to talk about more
I also can't pick so you're getting BOTH.
Favorite thing about them: That he can buckle down and get shit done, even if he's about to cry while doing it.
Least favorite thing about them: He never brought up the illegal cargo to Leo. Like. That whole misunderstanding was never cleared up!?
Favorite line: "I wasn't put in my current circumstances by choice, but I did come here of my own free will, and I feel like I'd regret it if I don't see this through." He's doing his best TT^TT
brOTP: Innu/Benjamin! Glad they stuck together in the end! Even though by the game it looks like Ben probably died AAAAAh
OTP: Innu/Schaake! I like that she sees how hard he's trying to be brave, and I like that he never blamed her for his predicament. Plus there's the whole princess-commoner dynamic... and he killed a man to protect her so there's that.
nOTP: Innu/Irma I suppose. I'm just salty about her taking up screentime in general.
Random headcanon: He's pretty good at cooking and doing other household chores due to growing up with just him and his sister.
Unpopular opinion: Giving him the lightning sickness was a silly plotline that didn't matter.
Song I associate with them: 'World So Cold' by 12 Stones. Damn if it doesn't fit Innu's suffering and internal struggles.
Favorite picture of them:
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Soft Innu thinking about his sister. Love a good big brother.
Favorite thing about them: That she uses fire magic! Least favorite thing about them: That her storyline kind of fizzled out and and it felt like she didn't matter by the end. Why would you waste a perfectly good Schaake!?
Favorite line: "I am sorry that we got you involved in all this.” She really was!!!
brOTP: I honestly don’t know lol I’d have liked to see her and Sissel interact! OTP: Innu/Schaake! Adding onto what was said previously, I also really like how she defends Innu whenever Clause is being prickly.
nOTP: Clause/Schaake lol I didn't like how flirty he seemed at the start and I was so convinced that he was secretly a traitor that I just recoil at the thought, even if he did help in the end.
Random headcanon: She doesn't know how to drive and is actually scared to try.
Song I associate with them: 'Meet Me on the Battlefield' by SVRCINA. Very solemn, speaking of fighting a war while wanting to protect one another. Very Schaake.
Favorite picture of them:
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Soft Schaake visiting Innu on the eve of danger... my heart skipped a beat ^///^;;
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anime--food · 4 years
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Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst - Episode 4
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For some reason I decided to pick up 7 currently airing anime this season, so here’s my thoughts and ratings just as the season is nearing finale time:
Majo no Tabitabi: 4/10. This is the only one I dropped (after 8 episodes). You can get a better experience by muting Kino’s Journey and playing the audio from Little Witch Academia over it. Don’t bother.
The general concept is similar to Kino’s Journey: After a couple episodes of witch training, Elaina goes from country to isolated country experiencing the unique culture of each. Unlike Kino’s Journey, Elaina is a self-important busybody with enough magical power and social privelege that she barely ever faces an inconvenience, let alone a consequence or moral dilemma. There is no development for a character who believes she’s the most perfect person in the world, and nobody is powerful enough to threaten that worldview.
Every episode of Kino’s Journey leaves you wondering who, if anyone, was in the right in any situation. Every episode of Majo no Tabitabi says “Elaina was right, of course, because she’s right all the time”. The casual sexism, the single lesbian character portrayed as a clingy boundary-pushing annoyance, and the constant undertone of horniness don’t help either.
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle: 7/10 Surprisingly fun!
I wasn’t planning on watching this on my own, but my friends were interested and I sat through it. Originally I thought it was repetitive and wished it were a short anime instead. Now ten episodes in, I’m enjoying it a lot more than I ever thought possible. It keeps a solid comedic strength, and adds just enough backbone to really let you care about everyone. I can really tell the same creative minds behind Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun headed this project, and it’s the best sweet funny turn-your-brain-off show this season has to offer.
Yuukoku no Moriarty: 8/10 Cathartic, and a very well-done perspective flip
Usually a Sherlock show is about Sherlock, and hint at a sinister presence behind the shadows tying together threads that otherwise seem unrelated. This show doesn’t even show Sherlock until episode 6. Instead it shows how Moriarty, presented as a hero, is trying to topple the corrupt British empire by assassinating nobles one by one and letting their working-class victims get the final revenge.
It’s the reverse of a murder mystery: We’re shown an evil noble, and spend the episode setting up how to kill them and get away with it. The villains of the week are, admittedly, pretty ham-fisted. There’s a lot of yelling about how DARE these filthy commoners think their lives matter than MY NOBLE BLOOD, they are but livestock born to serve us, etc. The show doesn’t give you any reason not to want them dead, and seeing Moriarty arrange for these common folk to commit the perfect murder against their oppressors would have been enough brain candy to carry me through the season.
The introduction of Sherlock is quite interesting- because he’s not shown as the hero, he’s allowed to be a character you really don’t want to root for. He’s not evil by any means, and he has strong morals he won’t compromise, but he’s irresponsible and impulsive and has a big ego and is just kinda annoying. If he were our hero, the show would be almost as bad as BBC. But it keeps the central character intact while allowing us to root heartily for the supervillain.
Jujutsu Kaisen: 8/10 If everyone hasn’t convinced you yet I probably won’t
Judging it against other shonen series: I appreciate it setting up a power ceiling and difficult but reachable goals for the characters, I like the main trio, and the power system is somewhat like HxH’s nen: solid but has a lot of potential for fun twists and combinations. I wish it treated its female characters a little better, but nothing stands out as egregious. The animation and soundtrack are superb. Give it a go.
Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst: 9/10 Holy shit??? How is this based off a mobile game??? Why isn’t anyone else talking about it???
Realistic fantasy done exceedingly well. While it’s set in a world with a generic Anime Fantasy vibe (mixed with some 1930′s tech and fashion), it’s filled with people. Characters are realistic yet diverse and recognizable, government power is complex and messy and everyone’s got their own motives, fights between swords and pistols and magic staffs are balanced and feel like everyone has equal weight to throw around.
It’s dark enough to hurt, but not gratuitous enough to numb and keeps you hopeful that they could succeed. Enough people die that you really wonder if people will make it through the danger, but they’re not killed so thoughtlessly that you avoid getting attached. You hate the villains, but they’re realistic: not flat caricatures of a person. They throw you in without establishing worldbuilding, making you piece together what’s going on just as the main characters are thrown against each other.
It’s got a tight plot and characterization as well: they throw out a lot of threads, but they tie them together and keep them moving. Characters develop and change without changing the core of who they are. At this point, all it has to do is stick the landing to get a 10/10.
Haikyuu: 9/10 It’s still Haikyuu.
Still damn good. I almost cried over a receive that went really high up.
Talentless Nana: 9/10
This is a thriller that has kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering how it’s going to play out. I can’t get into it much without spoiling the base concept much, but if you like My Hero Academia, Among Us, and The Promised Neverland then DEFINITELY watch Talentless Nana.
The tension stays high, you don’t know who’s pulling all the strings, and they do an excellent job of giving you enough hints and foreshadowing to try and guess at some of the twists before they reveal them but still keep the action almost unpredictable. I’ve been seeing it week-by-week but I feel like this will be a show meant to be binged in one rollercoaster of a day. Again, I’m waiting to see if it sticks the landing but forsee a 10/10.
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silvercrane14 · 2 years
The magatsu wahrheit theme. Is something. Idk how I feel about it lol. Pretty colors though haha.
Also. Its a video game adaptation. Those. Always... are a time.. (sighs at the twewy one...complicated relationship)
personally im obsessed with the magatsu wahrheit zuerst opening because uh. operatic vocalizations. anyways. technically its a mobile game /prequel/ which. I never said it was good /or/ that it left you satisfied because it does neither of those things but oh /boy/ was i obsessed with it for a solid week
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cadriox · 3 years
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Brother killer
MWZ last ep
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gurikajis · 4 years
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knee-stockings · 3 years
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me, in tears: I’m so glad I started playing this game...
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