#malora speaks!
rissouu · 5 months
Onys the type to not gaf about ur little shows but ones you flick them on hes all quite and now paying attention to what’s on the screen. And then he starts talking about the character on the screen like calling Natalie a bitch for fighting Scotty (on Baddies West) and now u gotta tell him all the drama between the girls bc he joined in late on the show
“i know you fuckin’ lying, her long chin ass need to be stopped!” he yelled at the tv, startling you because you didn’t even think he was paying attention. “why the fuck she beating on her friend mama? am i missing sumn’?”
ony was never one to pay attention to the type of shows you put on, but this one had him entertained. “she think cause she run the show she somebody, but she a whole ass bitch forreal.” he mumbled, now he understood why you always got so worked up by this show.
“pa i thought you hated the shit i put on, hmm?” you would definitely be making fun of him later, but right now you needed someone to talk shit with. and who better than your man? “but anyways, let’s talk about this shit!”
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shaguro · 5 months
thank you babyyy🩷 i was tweaking with the colors for so long, i’m feeling it now. it’s the pfp that i’m tryna get together. 😭
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author interview
thanks to @allaganexarch for the tag!!! <3
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
29! considering i only started posting in march 2023, i think that's not too bad!
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
207,225 ! it's gonna go up by a LOT with the new fic i'm planning, that one is easily gonna be 80k or more lol. but for now, it is this! :)
3. what fandoms do you write for?
i am only inspired by one (1) tall british woman lol
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
push me gently (into love)
when the last restraint is gone
violet soul
danger level - one
honestly, i am not surprised! checks out ahaha. people love rom-coms and porn i suppose :)
5. do you respond to comments?
always! even if it takes me A While(TM) lol. i feel like people who bothered to take the time and leave a comment deserve my response!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm. my endings ten to be kind of melancholy/open ending type of shit if it's angsty. but the angstiest, as in it's objectively an upsetting ending for a particular character, i think it's either the sad option on my ruin tastes so sweet (almost as sweet as your lips) or violet soul, followed by inevitable (even though i might even consider that one a happy ending given the Circumstances. like it could have been much worse i feel lol)
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
it's either particular or push me gently (into love)!
8. do you get hate on fics?
yes, but not in the ao3 comments! lol. they Find Me on tumblr and yell their grievances here lmao
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i only have a couple of fic that *don't* feature smut of some kind lol. i love writing smut! as for what kind...... the lesbian kind. often really kinky, but not a rule! i've written vanilla stuff, too!
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
not a lot tbh! but i think a fun one i've done is a star wars/wednesday crossover that i exclusively wrote bc i wanted larissa weems and captain phasma to fuck lololol and i wanted to feature a chrome dildo as hommage to phasma's armour. it's fun, silly and really filthy porn if you wanna give it a read lol. chrome and lipstick
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not an entire fic, but i have had my ideas plagiarised, actually by some well-known fandom names. or if i've shared an idea in a chat that person would accidentally get the same idea and post it before me lol. so that has taught me not to share my wips with anyone but my innermost circle lol.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
i don't think so? i don't think i'd like be thrilled with that tbh.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
i tried, but the person ghosted me lol. it's a shame, i really like her work.
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
i have spent a significant amount of time in the malora fandom, and i feel that illustrates the type of dynamic i Enjoy lol, but honestly idk if i have a Favourite(TM) ship Ever. i don't control what i'll go Nuts over at any given time.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
if i *want* to finish it i likely will at some point. if i don't, that means i have lost passion for it and i don't want to finish it anymore.
16. what are your writing strengths?
describing emotional states, pacing, dialogue, Very Specific Character Dynamics, smut, incorporating Motifs(TM) and themes.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
world-building (horrible at it, also super disinterested in it), describing places accurately and in a detailed manner unless it's Just Vibes, and i feel i'd be horrible at writing any kind of action scene. i am very good at Internal stuff, not so good at External stuff, i feel. i also sometimes get a bit too dash happy lol. just end the sentence gurl.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i just find it distracting and unnecessary, and if you don't actually speak that language, i'd say don't bother. it comes out weird. just my opinion though! i think a phrase, a sentence, expression or a single word can be fun, but i wouldn't write a whole dialogue in another language, unless i really wanted to use it for some sort of effect. like a point being made of the character whose pov i was writing not understanding something really important or whatever idk.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
i honestly don't remember. it may have been supergirl?
20. favourite fic you've written?
i can't choooooose. maybe inevitable? i also love particular. and i am quite fond of our little dance and my entire luci/maz cinematic universe haha!! and when the last restraint is gone. i can't pick a favourite child (i can pick Least Favourites though lol).
tagging: @zephyr-is-tired @dianneking @the-frankenman-writes @alder-saan @gerrikellmansbitchboots @notinmyvocab aaaaand my brain is blank, pls consider yourself tagged if you see this and wanna do it!
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spitzobsessed · 2 months
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Eros doodles
[oc lore infodump under the cut]
She's a chiss jedi padawan, 16ish at the time she's introduced to the story. Short story - a jedi from Ossus enclave, that was invaded by Sith Empire - operation led by Darth Malora and later Darth Malak - and later saved and evacuated by Eternal Alliance
Attive'ros'okiren never lived with other Chiss, so her "chiss" name is mostly improvised later in life - in the Order her official name was Eros Okiren. She doesn't speak her 'native' language, didn't really know about chiss persecution of their force sensitive and all in all met others of her race when taken in by the Alliance.
Ah yes, this has to do with the storyline of mine, where Alliance never chose a side and remained an independent state and answered the jedi on Ossus mayday call when the Empire attacked. They couldn't save the Academy but they managed to hold them off enough to evacuate the Jedi and relocate the Enclave onto Odessen as a temporary measure. Needless to say, such a move didn't gain the Commanders any favour with the Republic nor Imperial governments.
Oh, and the strike team sent to counter Imperial team in Ossus temple (Malgus and his soldiers and sith) were led by Commander Leekha and Lord Kallig. These two were the ones to take Malgus on over a decade ago on the stolen Emperor's space station. In the chaos of the battle, Rutha Kallig and Lea Leekha got separated into two teams, which led to former Dark Councilor and Jedi Master Gnost Dural fighting side-by-side against Darth Malgus.
But that is a story for another time
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femslash-palace · 1 year
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Working on some Malora WIPS for some potential fics my best friend and I are working on~
First is Aurora fighting to find Maleficent (Phillip has TOTALLY trained her, because I want a badass Aurora), second is a pretty sunset moment as she speaks fondly to.. Diablo? What are birds… third is for a modernAU that still sees Maleficent as a faerie, she just.. has a human glamour, because I can’t part with the fantasy aspect of them
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ask-maleficent1959 · 4 months
Why didn't you talk to Aurora when you found her location? Not even one interaction? (hardcore malora shipper speaking)
"I believe you don't quite remember my curse. Let me refresh your memory: 'the princess shall, indeed, grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her.'"
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"If I had met her, I would trick myself to care about her. Do you think I would be foolish like this?"
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
What do you think about Euron and his possible connection to Bloodraven? Also do you believe that there would be a conflict between Bran and Euron? I kinda see some similarities between them and surly it's not done unintentionally
i really need to do a re-read for this first but there are already theories that euron is a failed experiment of bloodraven's, so to speak. that bloodraven sent him dreams and visions but ultimately found him unsuitable. so the parallels with bran stem from there. also euron is on a mission to turn himself into a literal god, while bran is beyond the wall with godhood thrust upon him by bloodraven. but while what euron is doing is sinister (he is jousting for power for himself), bran's contribution to the story will be much more positive (hopefully)
as for a direct conflict between bran and euron, i'm not sure. they are on opposite sides of the country, geographically-speaking. euron is more primed for a face-off with leyton and malora hightower (lots of lovecraftian symbolism in that place). another possibility is a face-off with daenerys, but is dany really in a position to travel to westeros so soon as to meet and deal with euron in time? bran is not really mobile so he's not coming south anytime soon. it's more likely that whatever happens in oldtown will be decisive for euron's fate.
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kingsl2yer · 2 months
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⚜𓃭heart this post for a starter from jaime.@dcviline ft. malora.
Not   much   is   known   about   Malora   Hightower   besides   that   she   is   meant   to   deal   with   necromancy,   magic.   All   sorts   of   things   he   had   thought   gone   until   he   saw   a   Dragon   in   real   life   and   almost   died   by   one.   What   a   death   that   would've   been   though;   Ser   Jaime   charged   at   the   dragon   with   bravery   before   being   engulfed   with   dragonfire.   Jaime   Lannister,   Kingslayer,   Dragonslayed,   he   wouldn't   mind   that.   But   alas,   he   is   alive,   once   again,   the   Gods   seem   to be annoying   so   want   him   to   be   alive   for   some   reason.  
"Most   believe   you   to   be   in   Oldtown,   my   lady."   The   Knight   speaks   in   turn   once   he   reincorporates   himself   in   the   bed.   Did   they   call   a   witch   to   heal   his   wounds?   Strange,   though   strange   things   had   happened.   "What   would   drive   you   out   of   your   tower,   I   wonder."
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roguescarlett · 2 years
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“You speak to Darth Malora of the Dark Council--and your interruptions end now!”
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serenscarlett-moved · 2 years
Holding hands under the table for Jazz/Tau
apology for delaying on this. Wanted to write this in rough draft while I was getting my hair dyed over the weekend. asdfghjkl.
Prompt: 23. holding hands under the table from Touches Ask Game.
It wasn't every day the crew opted to dine out on a much-needed downtime as a treat for saving the Galaxy from the Sith Emperor, thus ending the rising threats of his sleeper agents lying in the wake. Reina suggested the opportunity to visit one of the finest restaurants on Coruscant rather than being dependent on take-outs and rations, insisting she heard of many good places according to their allies. Jazz had forgotten what it’s like to relax without the war occupying her mind, fortunately the crew were able to convince her to get out for fresh air.
They wanted to spoil each other with a positive moodlet, it took some readjustment for Jazz to familiarise with a busier city lifestyle with its tenacity to manipulate her into thinking she had gotten lost through a maze. Corellia was a fine example. The restaurant was bursting with civilians, she couldn't stop fidgeting in her seat given the noise level was so high that she had to strain her hearing implants, struggling to listen to the conversation between her friends--in normal case, she preferred a small, quieter cafe she used to visit frequently in her spare time. Though, she never failed to notice a glimpse of Tau looking back and forth on her.
The hybrid liked to sit by the window, trying her best to listen--lip reading as per say--within the conversation, waiting patiently for the lunch order to arrive. Vaelyn, Malora and Blizz were chatting away happily while Tau exchanged a few words here and there. Jazz took a small glance over to the human Jedi sitting beside her, pondering whether to reach out for her hand underneath the table, but she ceased the motion quickly with dread loomed over.
It wasn't that she was nervous, it was more vaguely recalled that one of the Jedi's rules over pursuing attachment towards one another were frowned upon, so the thought of another Jedi to notice and berate her for her actions was too unbearable.
Jazz was in love with her best friend Tau for quite some time and their bond between them remained strong as ever. Knowing it was too risky showing her display of affection to her lover--a fellow Jedi Knight to add--in a public place, she reclined to hold off until they were alone and away from the prying eyes. The hybrid sat silent in her deep thoughts while the conversation resumed, then the cool sensation touching her hand had alerted her attention, eying down at her lap to find Tau's prosthetic fingers entwined with her own, thumb twirling into her skin soothed her nerves.
After a short moment to process this, Jazz felt Tau's eyes were on her and caught the sight of her lover’s faint smile that warmed her heart, setting off butterflies in her stomach. It was as if Tau knew what Jazz had inclined to do but she was held back with concerns, prompting the Jedi to make the move, reassuring her with a gentle stroke. Jazz returned an appreciated smile at her lover.
"Aw,"--Jazz heard Vaelyn speak--"You two are cute together."
Jazz turned to face her friends on the opposite side of the dining table watching their genuine reactions. Malora nodded in agreement with the comment, while Blizz rested their head within their palms, heaving a dreamy sigh. The Jedi had their strict rules, but that had never stopped them from showing their support for Jazz and Tau’s relationship, sworn to secrecy.
"Blizz likes seeing friends happy!" the Jawa beamed, "And that makes Blizz happy too!"
Right after Blizz expressed their joy, Tau lifted her hand to plant a chaste kiss to her knuckle, the hybrid felt her cheeks flushed towards the romantic gesture and she looked away shyly the second she heard her friends continue to gush fondly. Tau lowered both of their hands underneath the table, averting her attention back to the trio.
"Alright, let's not tease her, shall we?" Tau reminded them.
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bluebellefox · 3 years
Severitus Recs
(for @hayalee8)
Now I should probably say that when I say Severitus, I really don’t mean stories in which Snape is Harry’s biological parent, but ones that they develop some sort of guardian/ward, mentor/student relationship. Now that’s out of the way, here we go! 
(If I didn’t link some of the author’s tumblrs, they don’t to my knowledge have one) 
1.  That Awful Boy series by @paracosim
TAB is probably my favorite Snape-centric fic of all time, it’s so fucking amazing. As in I reread it every month or two, literally cannot recommend it enough! If you read it and enjoy, send the author some love, he more than deserves it! 
The first part is completed and the sequel is currently being written (if you have preferences about that sort of thing). Word count: 168k+ 
TAB takes place during the summer before OoTP. Because of the failing blood wards around the Dursleys, Harry is sent to Spinner’s End to spend a few weeks with Snape learning occlumency. 
TAB can also be found on ffnet, if you have a site preference. 
2. Crime and Punishment by mlocatis 
This one’s another of my favorites! Currently ongoing and housed on ffnet and ao3. Word count: 170k+ 
Also set during the summer before Harry’s fifth year. Dudley sets up Harry to be arrested for a burglary he didn’t commit. With his relatives content to let him be left exposed to Death Eaters in a muggle holding cell, Dumbledore sends Snape to go pick him up and house him until his hearing. 
Honestly, I normally prefer my Snape to be a little less put together and a little more feral than he’s portrayed in this story but it’s wonderfully well-written and compelling. Harry and Snape develop a very sweet relationship over the course of the plot so I’m willing to let loose on a few rules. 
The author’s other stories, the ongoing Snape’s Promise (or here on ffnet) and the completed Mors Certa, Hora Incerta are also Severitus (or at least, Severitus-adjacent) and very good! I believe they also have a Snily story with a Severitus sub-plot as well, but I really can’t speak for it as I haven’t read it. (Personally, I don’t read Snily but you do you!) 
3. O Mine Enemy by Kirby Lane 
Currently ongoing but nearing the end of the story and it updates biweekly. I do believe you can only find it on ffnet. Word count: 403k+
OME is a post OoTP fic but largely ignore HBP and DH, it takes place during the summer after fifth year. When an injured Professor Snape shows up on the Dursleys doorstep with a warning of impending Death Eater activity, Harry must keep him out of sight of the rest of the house. 
There’s some really interesting magic-system and world building in this one. OME has it all, tender Harry and Snape moments and some gut wrenching angsty bits too, what more can you ask for!  
4. Far Beyond a Promise Kept by oliversnape
It was very hard to just pick one of their Severitus fics so I went with the first one I ever read by them.  It’s completed and can by found on ao3 and ffnet. Word count: 140k+ 
FBaPK starts off in the summer before third year but continues until the end of fourth year. After running away from Privet Drive after blowing up his aunt, Harry is found by Snape who then takes him for the summer and begins to help him prepare to take down Voldemort. 
Again, oliversnape has some amazing Severitus stories and it was hard to just pick one but To Recollect the Future (ao3 and ffnet), The Redefining Life series (ao3 and ffnet), and Keep Your Enemies Closer (ao3 and ffnet) are all wonderful works. They have a very particular way of writing Snape that really highlights all the little ways that make him human, and Harry is written in a very believable teenage way. All these stories have a really nice mash-up of angst and fluff. 
5. Never Say Remember by Malora 
Completed and can be found on ao3 and ffent. Word count: 93k+
NSR is a PoA AU that involves cannon Harry switching places with a different iteration of himself from a different timeline where Lily lived and marries Snape, who has adopted Harry as his own son. The story follows both Harrys and their relationships with their opposite Snapes. 
I don’t normally read Snily if that puts how good this fic is in perspective for you. It’s a beautiful story that broke my heart a little, very bittersweet ending. 
6. Where the Heart Is by @kohakhearts
Completed one-shot and I do believe it’s only available on ao3. Word Count: 15k+
This one takes place the summer before sixth year. Harry spends his summer days at the park, writing Sirius letters he can no longer answer. He finds help in an unlikely source. 
This hurts in all the right places, some angst with a hopeful ending. The dialogue in this one is what keeps drawing me back to it, Harry and Snape have some pretty heartfelt conversations. 
While sifting through the author’s ao3 page for this one, I saw some other Snape & Harry fics that seemed very promising! Be sure to check out their other stuff if you enjoy this one, it’s what I’m headed off to do!
If you’ve read all of this, thanks for letting my ramble on about some of my favorite Severitus fics. Hope everyone is staying healthy and happy! 
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rissouu · 5 months
Ony is the yummiest, he deff watches as u do ur makeup and asking about each and every step, he’s also making fun of the face you make when ur trying to focus. But he always complements you after each step.
Ony Brianrot will be the death of me fr 😭👍🏾
omg yes like! im so obsessed.
ony knew how much you loved doing your makeup in the bathroom because the mirror is huge. so most of the time he would already be in there waiting for you.. sometimes he even got your makeup products out for you, if he felt like it.
“wait so what is that you doing now?” he watched you put some type of powder all over your face.. it didn’t make any sense to him, what was that powder even helping with?
“im putting on setting powder boo, it helps the makeup look more smooth,” you always found it cute how concentrated he would be, and how many he would ask questions.
“oh now i see, shit.. it looks good when you blend it all together.”
he let out a low chuckle here and there when he saw your frustration. your mascara kept getting underneath your eye, and you were so ready to just say fuck these bottom lashes. “it always becomes a fuckin’ problem when im damn near done.” you huffed.
“why don’t you just stop tryna go so fast mama? we don’t have to be at the reservation for another 4 hours, take yo’ time.”
another thing you loved about your man, he always knew how to calm you down.
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I read the second Larten book, understood nothing
(Spoilers, but you knew that)
I’m re-naming this book, I’m calling it “Larten acts like a complete and utter fool for 25 chapters straight”
I have so much second hand embarrassment from this book, like I thought Darren was bad, OH BOY WAS I WRONG, Larten now is one of those parents that like ground you for getting a B on a quiz yet they like did drugs in high school so really they are in no place to talk
My man left the Cubs and actually trained for a little bit so like good for him, you did one good thing, also pirate arc? That was...okay I guess, bi pirate rights and all that at least I get that visual
Speaking of the...ending, Malora deserved better, I’ll miss you my baby
Moving on from that, Vancha March appreciation time 💖💗💕💖💗💕💖💗💕 okay that’s enough back to being mad
I STILL have NOT found out where Wester went, so Mister Shan, I want that mystery solved, where did my baby go, what happened to him, how’s he doing
Shoutout to Seba and Paris for being the only like completely reasonable people, though Seba gets points taken away for letting the idiot redhead child run off on his own, you know he can’t make decisions
That’s all I got, I took away nothing from this book, I don’t remember the first half at all and I really should because I read it in two days so what the fuck me
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20 Author Questions
thanks to @statelysapphicfor the tag!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
it's that sweet gwendoline chistie brain rot for me :))
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
push me gently (into love) -> (nsfw) -> two chapter Larissa x reader story in which reader is an art teacher at Nevermore. fluffy, cozy, and sweet, featuring easily skippable smut. rom-com vibes.
when the last restraint is gone -> (ongoing) (nsfw) -> an intense victorian romance between Jane Murdstone and her lady's maid, Laura. sort of in the style of Sarah Waters's historical romance novels. heavily influenced by Vita and Virginia's love letters. featuring a lot of sensually read victorian poetry and dirty, delicious smut.
danger level - one (nsfw) -> filthy smut featuring the good ol' sex pollen trope. Phasma x fem!stormtrooper!reader. hot and a bit silly. straightforward and simple porn lol.
particular (nsfw) -> Larissa Weems x (adult) Wednesday Addams, aka the fic that got me cancelled. ongoing, but written. still in the process of posting it. rom-com with dark humour and some more mature themes, but still relatively light. sort of a coming-of-age story.
so very chivalrous (and so completely oblivious) -> Brienne x princess!reader. very fluffy. Brienne is very good with a sword, but a bit oblivious in the matters of love. featuring good ol' lesbian yearning.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try my best to! i feel like i either wanna rant abt my blorbos and my thought process or i want to be polite. someone took the time to write a comment, and i feel like that warrants a thank you!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmmmm. perhaps the sad ending option for my ruin tastes so sweet (almost as sweet as your lips) -- it's a choose your own adventure story!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
it would have to be either so very chivalrous (and so completely oblivious) or push me gently (into love) which now that i think about have a lot of kudos and comments and hits, so i guess ppl love happy endings hahah
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i'm the queen of controversy apparently, and i was cancelled! but the fic itself didn't get as much hate as ppl didn't even wanna read it lol, i personally got hate mail. so fics? i suppose not. but there is still time, who knows what else i'll post (i know, and ppl will likely have opinions about it)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i very much do lol. the real hot kind :)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i've written exactly one! larissa x phasma bc. reasons. it's smut. chrome and lipstick
11. Have you ever had a fiction stolen?
not to my knowledge! but ppl have heavily copied my work :)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not to my knowledge!
13. Have you ever co-writtten a fic before?
tried to, but the person in question sorta ghosted me lol
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
ughhhhh idk man. i guess the one i spent the longest being obsessed with is malora. i have a dark past lol.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i hope to finish them all Eventually lol but idk, we shall see!
16. What are your writing strengths?
characterisation, point blank haha. i have a sense of rhythm that i sometimes put to good use.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
uhhh i tend to be vague abt things i am bored with while i write, and plot driven things aren't my forte. i can get very dash and comma happy lol. sometimes i tend to Fixate on a word or a phrase and i'm like okay gurl let it go lol, you've used this too many times. i am not very meticulous and i hate doing outlines and i feel like Sometimes it Shows. i feel like sometimes you can tell english is not my native language no matter how hard i try.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
speak the language at least somewhat, please. otherwise it's really hard for it to land well. personally, i feel very lukewarm about it
19. First fandom you wrote for?
uhhhhh. i honestly don't remember. supergirl perhaps?? or ouat.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
our little dance and particular :)
tagging: @the-frankenman-writes @dianneking @zephyr-is-tired @alder-saan @notinmyvocab @theflashesoflove
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sea-panda-art · 4 years
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“You have been lost, caught in a dark current, an undertow.”  - My latest project for Critical Role, Fjord floating in the ocean as Malora speaks to him. I’m very happy with this one, especially with how Fjord himself turned out. The water could be a little better, but at this point I was overworking it so I got to a point of ‘Good Enough’ with it and decided I was done for now. 
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dwellordream · 4 years
Malora Brynden Rivers 10
In her dream, the Hightower opens up into a void, no winding stairwells, just a pit descending deep into the earth. Malora falls past windows full of light, but they become more and more infrequent until finally there is only the darkness and the muffled echo of footfall and voices, a world away. She stops feeling like she is plummeting, and begins to feel as she is floating. Though some part of her knows she is sick in bed with a fever, her skin feels cool, almost cold, here. She tries to look down, and is surprised to see stars beneath her. Or maybe they are above her, and she is upside down.
The crow that lands on her shoulder seems almost blue in the very faint light. Malora reaches for it, but it flaps away, hovering in front of her face instead. She is not moving at all anymore, suspended in the air as if on a rope or wire. Her hands shake violently as she caresses its plumage, before it drives its beak hard into her forehead. Her vision shutters. She is five years old, reading aloud from a maester’s text without missing a single word. She is ten years old, using a Myrish lens to peer across the city’s landscape, trying to commit all those landmarks to memory. She is fifteen years old, writing out an equation on the floor with chalk, her wild hair contained to a rough braid.
The crow pecks again, a more gentle motion. Its feathers glide over her hands, and she rises with it. The darkness peels away like curtains from a window, the Hightower flattens, and the city spans out beneath her in the dawn light. It’s so beautiful she could not speak even if she wanted to. Beyond it, the sea laps into the bay, and beyond that, the sky is a shimmering golden web. Malora smiles to see it, and wakes with a gasp, tears trickling down her flushed cheeks, as her sister cries out in relief and embraces her, sobbing.
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