#man i just realized the english won’t come out till monday probably
plague-of-insomnia · 4 months
seb and finny taught snake to read 😩😭
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coffeecakefanfics · 3 years
The 1,001 Clichés of A Teenage Romance (Peter Parker x Fem!Reader)
Studying with Ned was nothing new to Peter, but actually stopping by ‘Kay’s Coffee and bakery’ for coffee was.  The coffee shop sat two buildings down from his apartment and Aunt May would stop in before work every morning.  With her day off she asked Peter and Ned to run and get her a coffee and whatever they’d like.  
It was a typical coffee shop, the walls were painted a muted cream and the tables were a beautiful sturdy oak.  There were pictures of New York plastered on the wall along with a big picture of the “Kay” family.  Behind the counter was a menue board along with a black board with the desserts of the day scribbled in pink and yellow chalk.  
“Good morning, welcome to Kay’s Coffee and Bakery where every cup is brewed fresh and every baked good is homemade how can I help yo- Oh hey I know you two from school,”  The girl stood behind the counter.  She had a smile on her face.  She wore a plain black long sleeve with a small Kay’s logo on the left breast.  The half apron she wore was black and the name tag was pinned to the top ‘Y/N’
“We have Calc, bio, and english together and im pretty sure we share a lunch break too,” she beamed.
“Oh yeah you’re in drama and on the volleyball team right?” Ned kind of lit up.
“Yup, and i’m in knowledge bowl, student council, and they’re trying to get me to join prom planning,” she kind of laughed. Peter recognized her alright, she was the top hitter on the volleyball team, he remembers watching her last season with MJ. 
“You stay busy then?” Peter piped up this time.
“Well I mean between school, clubs, and work i’m surprised I have time for anything else,” She took a deep breath at that. “So, what can I get you guys?”
“I need an,” Peter looked at the text May had sent him, “Iced French Vanilla with Extra Extra Cream and white chocolate syrup and a coffee cake muffin” he finished and peeked up at the girl who was already brewing the drink. 
“So you’re the famous nephew huh?” she teased as she poured the creamer into the cup. Peters face went flush and he started to stutter
“I-well I uh”
“It’s fine, I think it’s sweet.  She tells me how good you take care of her and the trouble you get in to.  It’s honestly one of my favorite parts of my morning.  Everyone else is suuuch a drag,” She laughed and slid the drink and muffin across the counter. “Anything else?”
“We don’t really drink coffee,” Peter turned to Ned. “do you want anything?”
“Yeah can I have a hot chocolate?”  He asked.
“Of course, plain or with extras, extras are free of charge except espresso shots”
“However you like it is fine”
“alright that’ll be $8.27 thank you,” she took the cash, gave them change and went to making the drink. 
“May We’re back” Peter called into the apartment.  May came almost running from the couch to grab her coffee. 
“You are a life saver,” she kissed the top of his head.
“Come oonn” he gently pushed her back.
“Where’s Ned?”
“He had to go home, something about a new episode of a show, I don’t know” He flopped onto the chair cockeyed to the couch.
“She’s cute right?” May smirked and set her drink down.
“I mean yeah, She’s pretty, but she’s also popular,” he shrugged. 
“Peter, baby, she has a job and a full ride to MIT, not to mention she likes a lot of the same dorky stuff you do,” she shifted and looked at him. “You haven’t been on a date in years Pete, why not go now?” she poked.
“She probably already has someone, I mean she is popular, remember?”
“I think you should go for it, get out of the house,” The conversation ended there. Peter laid in bed that night thinking about how he’d spot her in class or in the halls.  She was pretty, but she was also busy, he didn’t want to mess with her schedule. 
Lunch rooms are the devil, they’re clique filled and loud, but the only time he can actually talk to his friends. 
“Come on you KNOW that padme just lost the will to live,” How the topic started none of them new all they new was Peter and Ned were going at it again and MJ wanted out. “Dude she just gave up, her husband joined the darkside, face the facts”
“Actually, Palpatine took her life force for Anakin, Padme was a strong woman who fought for what was right, she wouldn’t just leave her babies alone,” Y/n jumped in and sat next to MJ. Ned and Peter looked at each other and back at the girl.
“What i’m popular not uncultured,” she laughed. “Okay MJ I need some serious help with knowledge bowl studying”
“Y/n, I love you, I do, but I’m busy this week, I have a ton of homework because Mr. Braun decided to be a dick, I’m sorry,” MJ spoke remorsefully.
“My meet is monday, it’s going to decide who goes to state, is there no way you can help,” Y/n pleaded with her friend.
“I’m sorry, I am, but I can’t fail this class”
“You’re right I’m sorry, if you need help studying or doing homework i’ll help you” She smiled and went to stand. 
“Peter can help,” Ned blurted
“I can?” Peter turned his head sharply.
“He can, he has a stark internship until 6 but after that he’s free,” Ned motioned with his eyes from Peter to the Girl.  
“I-uh-I, yeah I can help,” he stuttered and flushed.
“Peter you really don’t have to,” she gave him a sympathetic look.
“Yeah no, it’s uh, no problem,” he smiled awkwardly.
“You just saved my life, I owe you.  I’ll meet you at the coffee shop and we can go to my place after okay?” she beamed.  Peter liked her smile, it was bright. 
“Of course” he grinned. 
“Y/N, Game plan!” One of the other girls called.
“Sorry, I have to go but tonight at 6,” she lit up as she grabbed her tray and jogged over to her friends.
“What the fuck?” peter turned to Ned.
“I saw how you looked at her at the coffee shop, and you haven’t been on a date in years. it’s my job as a wing man to help you get dates,” Ned shrugged and took a bite of the sandwich in front of him. Peter sighed and pulled his phone out.
P:Hey May, I’m helping a friend study I won’t be home till late
M:You’re not patrolling are you?
P:No, I’m seriously helping a friend study
M:Stay safe, I sent you $10 for dinner <3
The streets were dim when Peter walked up to the shop.  She stood locking the door.
“Hey” He called.
“Peter Hi,” she grinned and waved. 
“So um, y-your place?” he tugged at his straps. 
“Yeah, I live in those apartments right there,” she nodded at the building two doors down.
“Wait, what? so do I, how come I never see you?” he turns to her. 
“I usually take the fire escape home, I hate walking through the lobby, and I can sneak in without having to talk to my family,” she laughed. “Not that they’re bad people, I just get over worked and don’t want to take it out on them” they walked into the lobby and got in the elevator.
“Don’t worry about them being home, I live with my dad and he’s on a business trip,” she unlocked the door and let Peter walk in.  It was cleanly decorated with neutral greys, whites and blacks. 
“This is nice,” he lets his eyes wander the apartment.
“Yeah, it’s how my mom liked it,” she smiled sadly.  Peter remembers it happening, it was one of the attacks on New York, The avengers couldn’t get everyone out in time, 3 people had died that day.
“I’m sorry for your loss”
“I’m not, she’s why I do what I do” The girl smiles and kicks her shoes off, “my room is back here, it’s way cooler than this,” she laughs and drags him to her room.  Warm LED lights illuminate the room.  Peter spins and looks at all the posters and figurines scattered around the room.  The walls are decorated with posters of various animes and shows. He turns to the tv stand and sees shelves full of games. 
“Told you I’m cultured,” she teases and sits on the bed. Peter sits next to her.  She pulls out her laptop and plugs a flash drive into it. 
“So this will give you questions and the answer, I get a point if I get it right,” she smiles and spins the screen to him. “thanks for doing this, by the way,” she adjusts and holds a decorative pillow to her chest.
They had been at this for nearly two hours she was growing frustrated and uneasy.
“Who wrote A farewell to Arms?”
“Hemmingway” she looed pleadingly
“Yes,” he beamed and went to click next.
“I can’t anymore, I’m done,” she flopped back on the bed. “This sucks” she yells muffled by her pillow.
“Then why keep doing it?” he closes the laptop. She sits up and pushes her hair out of her face. 
“That is a topic for a different level of friendship,” she smirks and looks him over.  She had had a crush on him forever, and by forever she means since last year.  She admired how his eyes kind of drifted around the room. 
“Do you need to go home yet?” she asked. His eyes jumped back to her and locked. 
“No, I live two floors down so it’ll only take a minute to get home”
“Do you want to play a game or watch a movie?” she asked, getting up and grabbing the controller. His face kind of flushed. “A-a movie is fine”
“What? scared I’ll kicked your ass or something?” she smirked.
“No way I just don’t want to make you cry when I beat you,” he joked cockily with her.
“Oh you’re on Parker, Injustice 2?” she looked back at him and he nodded.
“Black Canary is way to OP this is bullshit,” Peter throws his hands up. Y/N laid laughing at him.  His phone cut the laughter short.
“it’s May sorry,” he picked up the phone. “Peter it’s 10 pm where are you?!” she called into the line.
“there’s no way it’s-” he looked at his watch. “Oh shit, May I’m sorry i’m coming down now,” he hung up.
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize how late it is,” he scrambled to grab his stuff. 
“Fire escape is faster than the lobby, there’s a window to the hallway if you go to the right” she grabbed his phone and bag for him. 
“i had fun,” he smiled at her.
“I did too, especially since I kicked your ass at injustice,” she smirked.
“I’ll see you at school monday?” he asked.
“Um, I’m free saturday if you want to come over, we can play games or watch a movie or something? I’ll get us pizza or-” she trailed off.
“I’d love to,” he blushed.
“It’s a date,” she smiled and opened her window. Peter stepped out onto the landing. 
“Hey peter?” she called and he turned to her.  She leaned out and kissed his cheek. “A little something for the road,” she held something wrapped in white paper to him. He shut the door to his apartment. 
“There you are, I was worried sick,” May scolded.
“I was upstairs with a friend, I’m sorry we lost track of time.  He set the paper on the counter and opened it.  A fresh coffee cake was sitting in a small box with a note
‘For May and Peter’ 
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crybabybomin · 4 years
Locked up - Bong Jaehyun
Pairings: reader x Jaehyun
Words: 2.203
Warnings: none
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You and Jaehyun have always been study buddies. You started tutoring him, because he needed help with maths and some other things. But you’ve become somewhat friends. He asked you to help him sometimes with his homework even though most of the time he didn’t even need the help. Outside of studying you didn’t talk to him that much. You mostly just said hi in the hallways when you two saw each other.
He had his big friend group. They are really popular in the school but not like the bad boys popular. They are all very nice and handsome. You had your two best friends. You’ve been friends since forever. They always tease you about Jaehyun but they know that its just jokes. You find him handsome yes, but you don’t have a crush on him.
This afternoon Jaehyun asked you to help him on this English assignment. So that’s why you are in the library at 8 o’clock at a friday evening. You sat down in-front of Jaehyun. He looked up and smiled. “Hi y/n. Thanks so much for coming I really need your help with this.” And he pointed at his assignment. “it's okay Jaehyun I didn't have anything to do anyway.” You said and started helping him with his assignment. It's a big assignment so it took some time. When you two are done you pack your bags and stand up. You walk to the exit, but when you try opening it it's locked.
“Hey Jaehyun, can you try opening this.” You ask him and he tries but can’t open it either. “huh that’s weird, why would they lock it.” He looks for a librarian but there is no-one there. “Oh no, they didn’t see us and just locked the place up.” He says and you look at him. “well what do we do now. I can’t call anyone, because my phone died” You said and sigh. “i guess we just have to stay the night here because my phone died too.”
“well I guess I’m just gonna do my homework then.” You say and he nods and does the same. After an hour of just homework you are done and so is he. “ugh I’m hungry I wish I had food.” You say. “yeah me too, don’t they have vending machines here?” “yeah but I don’t have money.” You answer. “oh I can buy something for you.” He says and you look at him. “It’s okay.” You say but at that moment your stomach starts growling. He stands up and gets something from the machine. “Here eat some.” You take it and thank him.
You two decide to play some games and that keeps you busy for an hour. You played hide and seek and a self made game with books. And stacking the books. You are beginning to get tired and start laying on a desk. “Hey y/n, we should hang out more often. This is kinda fun.” He says and you look at him “kinda fun, it thought I was really fun to be around.” You say and laugh. “sure it’s really fun being locked up in a library with you.” “okay okay, I get your point. But yeah we should hang out more. But your really popular.” You say and he looks at you. “what has that to do with it. It shouldn’t matter if I’m popular, I can hang out with who I want. And I like you y/n.” He says and after he realised what he said he puts his hands on his mouth.
You look at him but act like you didn’t hear him. “what did you say?” “oh that it shouldn’t matter who I hang out with.” He says and looks kind of relieved. “yeah true we could just hang out after school sometime.” You say and he nods. “i’m tired so I’m going to try to sleep on this desk.” You put you backpack under you head and try to sleep which takes some time but eventually you succeed.
When you wake up you are being shaken by Jaehyun. “Hey wake up, there’s someone coming in.” You wake up. And see the librarian opening the doors. “HEY WHAST ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE! GET OUT NOW AND I WON’T REPORT IT.” The man says and you hurry out the door. “i really need to go home but I had a fun time.” You say and he says goodbye. You go home and you mom asks where you’ve been. You tell her the story and she laughs. “next time take your charger, okay?” You nod and walk to your room.
time skip to Monday morning -
You walk to school and someone puts and arm around you. You think its one of your friends but when you look beside you, you see Jaehyun. “Hey y/n, how are you?” “better since I’ve slept in a real bed.” You say and he laughs. “thats good to hear, me too. Do you wanna hang out this afternoon and get some ice cream or anything else.” “I wish I could, but I have to babysit my little sister.” He looks kinda sad but then he jumps up  “I can help you, I’m great with kids and that way you aren’t bored.” You think about it and its actually a good idea. “yeah sure meet me at my locker after school and then we go to my house.” He looks very happy and then he walks you to class still with his arm around you.
You wave him goodbye and walk into the classroom. People start whispering when they see you. You sit down and your friends immediately walk up to you. “Why did Jaehyun walk you to class and he even had his arm around you. Are you two finally a thing now.” You kinda look confused. “No, we aren’t dating but something really funny happened last friday.” They smirk at you. “yah nothing dirty you perverts. We were stuck in the library and we hung out till it opened again.” They laugh and then one of them says “Well I wouldn’t be surprised if you two started dating and you two look so cute together too.” “He’s gonna help me babysit my little sister this afternoon.” And you three talk a little more.
School is finally over and you put some stuff in you locker. When you close is you get scared by Jaehyun standing there. “hey stop it I almost died of shock because of you.” He laughs and you walk to your house. When you walk in you scream “MOM I’M HOME.” She walks to the door in her uniform. “great honey, your sister is watching TV right now. And who did you bring with you? Is that maybe you boyfriend?” She says and smiles at Jaehyun. “No mom this is Jaehyun, he’s a friend from school and he is one that was also locked up in the library.” “Oh him, well nice to meet you. He’s cute so you should date him y/n. I wish we could talk more but I have to get to work, oh y/n its probably going to be a night shift so I put some money on the kitchen table. See you tomorrow.” She kisses your cheek and leaves.
“i’m so sorry about my mother. She’s basically a mother and a best friend so she teases me a lot.” You say “it’s okay she seems nice and she is right, I’m very cute. What about your dad?” “He divorced my mom when I was 3 so I don’t really know him.”  Then you two take off your shoes and walk to the living room and there’s your sister. “Soobin this is Jaehyun, come say hello.” And she runs to you to give you a hug. Then she looks at Jaehyun and he awkwardly opens his arms and Soobin also hugs him. “I’m Jaehyun and I’m going to help your sister.” “So will you play with my dolls too.” He nods and she looks very excited “she is so cute y/n, just like you.” You blush and Soobin pulls him to her dolls.
You look at them playing with her dolls. Then you realize you’ve been staring at Jaehyun for a while. You blush and right at that moment he looks up and you smile at him. “You were right, you are good with kids.” He laughs “I’m good at everything y/n, how have you not picked up on that yet.” And you laugh.
After a while you decide to order some pizza. “hey I’m going to order some pizza in the kitchen.” You walk to the kitchen and see the money and you look up the phone number of the restaurant. When you are done you walk back to the living room but right before the door you hear Jaehyun talking to Soobin. “Do you like my big sister?” “Yeah I like her and I said I’ve said it before but she didn’t hear me” so you did hear it correctly you think. You walk in and said “i did hear you Jaehyun, but I was scared to say I like you back.” And he looks back at you in shock. “Are you serious y/n.” And you nod but then you realize Soobin is still there. “Hey soobin do you wanna grab that toy that you just got from mom, so you can show Jaehyun.” And she runs upstairs.
“I can’t believe you like me back.” “How can I not, like my mom said you are very cute and also very nice.” “yeah but I’ve had a crush on you from the first day you started tutoring me.” Your eyes widen and you don’t know what to say. “So what are we now then?” You ask him. “Well would you like to be my girlfriend.” He asks you and you blush. “Yes of course I would love to be yours.” And he immediately hugs you.
Then Soobin comes back and puts herself in between you legs and you two look down. “I also want hugs.” Then Jaehyun picks her up and hugs you and her at the same time. When its getting late you put Soobin to bed. And walk back downstairs. “Thanks so much for helping me babysit her.” “well I think it’s going to happen a lot more now.” He says and just the thought of that makes you so happy. “Are you going to be all alone this night.” He asks you “yeah I think so, you can stay over if you would like.” “are you sure.” You nod “do you wanna share a bed or should I sleep on the couch.” He looks at you and acts like he is thinking about it. “what do you think should you sleep on the couch all alone or should you sleep in your bed with your boyfriend and you can cuddle him” “well that’s an easy choice isn’t it.” He smiles at you and hugs you
You watch a movie and cuddle against him. When it’s done you both go upstairs and get into bed. That night you fall asleep while cuddling you boyfriend. When you wake up you get out of bed and start getting ready. You walk downstairs and there’s your mother. “I saw that Jaehyun stayed the night, so is he you boyfriend now.” You look her in shock but then jaehyun walk in and he says “yeah I’m her boyfriend now and I hope you are okay with that miss.” “of course I’m okay with that Jaehyun, I didn’t give her the hint to date you for nothing. Also just call me mom.” She says and he smiles at your mom and then at you. “lets go to school now y/n.” And he takes your hand to the front door. “BYE MOM.” You both scream and you smile any him.
“what do you think they will say at school?” You ask him and he looks at you “i don’t know and I really don’t care. But you do have to meet my friends. I’ve already told them so much about you. And you have to sit with me at lunch because I won’t see you other wise.” “awh that’s cute but can my friends sit there as well I can’t leave them alone.” He nods “yeah of course a friend of you is a friend of me.”
When its lunch everybody in the whole school probably knows the news already. “hey I’m gonna sit with Jaehyun and his friends and you two need to come as well.” They laugh and say “nice joke y/n, like we could sit with the cool kids. Sure go sit with your boyfriend.” “I’m dead serious, so come with me.” They follow you and you sit down. They keep standing and then one of Jaehyun’s friends says “Are you two just gonna keep standing there, sit down.” They look kinda shocked but still sit down. Then you are bombarded with questions. Your sewer all of them and its seems like you just got 9 new friends.
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stressa-bessa · 6 years
Taco Thursday
Prompt #24 “What on earth are you wearing?”
Submitted by the wonderful @prince-p-parker for my 100 follower celebration, please go give them a follow!
You can submit a prompt or suggestion here as the celebration runs till November 5th!
My prompt list is here!
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Peter Parker x Reader
Word count: 2282
 “Alright class, I guess that is the end of our lesson today. Please don’t forget that your Spanish presentations are on Monday!” The teacher shouts over the sound of the ringing bell and the shuffling of papers and desks.
“Hey, Y/N!” Peter Parker yells as he walks up to you from the back of the class. “Would you want to come over tonight to work on our Spanish presentation?” He blushes lightly, tightening his grasp on his copy of Don Juan.
“Sure thing, Pete. Do you not have to go to your internship?” You laugh, curious as to how Peter can balance his courses and the Stark Internship.
“Nah, Mr. Stark told me school first after all the craziness from last year.” Peter smiles as laugh lines form on his cheeks.
“Alright, sounds like a plan. I can meet you after school, by the lockers?”
“Yes! That’s perfect.”
“Alright, see you later, Pete.” You smile, giving him a wave as you walk out of the classroom.
You had known Peter for ages as you had attended the same middle school in Queens. The both of you had been accepted into Midtown on a scholarship and from the first day of grade 9, you had become close friends.
It wasn’t hard to be around Peter. He was fantastic company and always made sure he walked you home, even though his apartment was 3 blocks closer to the subway than yours. When your dad had gotten sick half way through your first year, Peter was there. May was constantly sending casseroles and Peter would always show up at school with two sets of homework, the one he did for himself and the extra for you. He would always say it was nothing and that he had changed a few of the answers so you wouldn’t get caught, except he would change the answers in his homework, so you would get the better grade.
After your dad had passed away, Peter knew how to comfort you. He would just hold you when the grief and tears would creep up on you. Once the dust had settled after the passing of your father, you realized that maybe there could be more there between you and Peter. More than just friendship. There was something about his big, brown eyes and the freckles that sprinkled his cheeks that took your breath away.
At the beginning of your third year, you noticed a change in Peter. As if he had filled out and gotten hot overnight.  You did your best not to notice the way his shirt would cling to his abdomen, or how tight the sleeves of his once baggy tee shirts were bursting at the seams around his biceps. You always did your best to conceal these feelings as Peter was your best friend. You told each other everything.
One night, the two of you were at his apartment studying for a chemistry final when Peter brought up homecoming. The second those words left his lips, you got butterflies. Was Peter going to ask you to be his date?
“Yeah, I want to ask this girl, but I don’t know how.” He sighs, shutting his textbook as he admits defeat.
“What’s stopping you?”
“Well, I don’t want to ruin a friendship or make it weird. I don’t want to seem like the freak who goes out of his league, you know?”
You could feel your cheeks grow hot. It had to be you, right?
“Peter, anyone would be happy to go with you! Just ask her, who is it!” You beam, the butterflies in your stomach grow and become more persistent.
“Liz, Liz Allen from our English class.” He smiles, a cheery blush growing on his cheeks.
You could feel the pit of your stomach drop. You tried your best to conceal the disappointment on your face but, how could you? You were heartbroken.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” Peter asks quickly, a concerned look forming across his brow.
“Nothing, nothing, Pete. You know? I should probably get going. It’s getting late and I need some sleep before the test tomorrow.” You say lightly, pressing your lips together in a firm line.
“It’s only 7:30…?” Peter questions, running a hand through his soft, brown curls.
“I had to get up early for band today, I’m pooped.”
“Uh, okay, yeah. Let me get my coat and I can walk you home.” He says as he stands up from his bedroom floor.
“Nah, I’ll be okay, Pete. You have a good night, okay?”
“Y/N, seriously. Let me walk you home.” Peter persists, grabbing your hand in the process. His touch sent your heart into a frenzy. The way his gaze pierced into yours made you weak in the knees.
“Peter, I’ll be okay.” You whisper as you pull your hand away and open his bedroom door.
“Let me know when you get home at least?” He asks as you walk out his front door.
 You had briskly walked back to your apartment, tears streaming down your face as you angrily texted MJ about the events that took place this evening. You vowed that you would bury these feelings and just focus on yourself and your friendship, so, that is exactly what you did. From that day forward, you hid your feelings and pretended they didn’t exist. It was better like that, anyways. Less drama, less pain, you had already dealt with a life time of both.
 The sound of a locker slamming shut drew you from your thoughts. Quickly grabbing your English books, you shut your locker and walk briskly down the halls to your last class of the day.
The bell signifying the end of day rang in your ears. The teacher put down her copy of Hamlet and excused the class, wishing everyone a happy evening. You hurried along the halls to get to your locker. You were looking forward to hanging out with Peter. The beauty of having to do an aural presentation meant that you could see Peter come out of his shell.
You grabbed your things from your locker and took a quick look in the magnetic mirror that hung on the door of your locker. Fixing your hair, you smile and shut the door. As you leaned against it, you pulled out your phone and texted Peter. Maybe he was still stuck in class?
Your phone vibrated gently.
Pete🔬: Running behind! Meet me at my place!
With a sigh you commenced your march to Peter’s apartment, classic Peter always showing up late.
Peter was twiddling his thumbs in algebra, praying for the bell to ring so he could hang out with you. His favourite part of the day was when the two of you would walk home from school. The laughs and good times you’ve shared are precious memories to Peter.
Tonight, he wanted to invite you for dinner and talk about the elephant in the room. Peter realized that he had messed up last year. MJ had screamed at him after the Homecoming dance when he hadn’t shown up for either Liz or you. That was when he realized that he had been ignoring his feelings for you. Getting to rehearse this intimate scene from Don Juan would give him the perfect change to spend an intimate moment with you, and hopefully he would be able to find the courage to apologize and right his wrongs.
His phone buzzed in his pocket, drawing his attention away from the pigeon that was flying around outside.
Aunt May🌻: Still on for Thai tonight?
Peter: Shoot! I forgot to tell you, Y/N is coming for dinner. We must practice for a Spanish presentation.
Aunt May🌻: ahh…Tacos?
Peter: Tacos 😇
With a smile and light chuckle, Peter tucks his phone away. He swiftly copies the equation off the board and adds it to his pile of notes.
Another buzz pulls his attention from the lesson.
Mr. Stark: Spiderling, we need back up
In seconds Peter gathered his things and jumped out of his seat, muttering some lame excuse as he ran out of class.
Your feet carried you up the steps to Peter’s front door, your then knuckles wrapping softly at the wooden door. The door creaks open slowly to reveal Aunt May in a sunflower apron.
“Hello, Y/N!” She smiles, greeting you with a big hug.
“Hey, Aunt May. It smells delicious in here!”
“Taco Thursday, as per Peter’s request.” She giggles, as she holds you by the shoulders, her gaze examining your face. “You look more and more like your mother every day! It’s been ages since I’ve seen you around here!” Aunt May beams as she walks back to the kitchen.
“Oh yeah, just super busy with extracurriculars. Trying to beef up my resume for college, you know?” You laugh awkwardly, as you lean against the kitchen counter. In truth, you had been avoiding this apartment since the day Peter had told you about Liz and homecoming.
“Peter is always swamped with the Stark Internship! I swear, I never see that boy anymore…I’m not so sure that I am a fan of that Tony Stark. I think he pushes Pete too far.” May explains in a concerned tone.
“Speaking of, is Pete here?”
“Uh, he should be in his room. I thought I heard him come in the door.” She smiles, “Go a head into his room! I’ll call you kids when dinner is ready.”
“Oh okay, let us know if you need help!” You reply as you turn and walk into Peter’s room. You open the door and find a strange man crawling through Peter’s bedroom window.
The second you opened your mouth to scream, the man’s gloved hand covers your mouth while the other shuts the door swiftly.
“Shh shh, it’s me, Y/N!” the figure hisses, pulling off his mask.
It was Peter. Wait- it was Peter? What the hell?!
“Peter?! What on earth are you wearing?” a nervous giggle escapes your lips as you pull on the crazy costume he was wearing.
“You have to promise me you won’t tell a soul.” Peter whispers, a panicked look in his eye.
“Peter, of course.” You reply, squeezing his hand tightly.
“Okay, the Stark Internship is this. I’m Spider-man, and Tony builds my suits and I help fight crime.”
“Wait- You’re Spider-man?”  
“Yeah, kinda.” Peter laughs, running a hand through his messy hair.
“Wow, that explains so much.” You reply, flopping onto his bunkbed. “So, in Washington…that was you?”
“Yeah, it was.”
“And homecoming-“
“About homecoming.” Peter interrupts. “Look, before we get into this, I want to apologize for homecoming. I was dumb and didn’t realize that I had hurt you so deeply.” He says as he takes your hands in his, his big brown eyes staring into yours.
“Peter, it’s fine-“
“Liz, wasn’t worth the risk of losing you or our friendship. I am so sorry that I am such an idiot that I couldn’t see what was right in front of me. I was going to wait to tell you after we had practiced our Spanish presentation, but…whatever. Look, I like you, like a lot, Y/N. And I am so sorry I fucked it all up because I was dumb, and ignorant, and cocky, especially after becoming Spider-man.”
“Peter, it’s okay, it’s all water under the bridge-“
“No. It’s not okay. I hurt my best friend. I was really annoyed with MJ, for weeks, but eventually I realized that I was being a jerk and I’m sorry. I totally get it if you aren’t into me anymore, and if that’s the case please pretend that I never said any of this.” He sighs, rubbing his eyes with his hand.
You stood there dumbfounded. A years-worth of emotions starting to bubble in your chest while Peter’s deep, brown eyes burned holes in your forehead.
“Peter, I like you too.” You smile, the butterflies starting to return in your tummy.
Peter walks forward, closing the gap between the two of you. His hand slowly reaching for your cheek.
He leans down and presses his lips onto yours. Peter’s lips tasted sweet like bubble gum, drawing you in to kiss him deeper.
A soft knock at the door pulled the two of you apart.
“Dinner’s ready!” May’s voice chimes from Peter’s door.
“I’m going to change, I’ll meet you out there?” Peter smiles, tucking a curl behind your ear.
“Sounds like a plan. Better not get too distracted, Parker. We have mucho work to do!” You giggle as you slip out of his room, giving Peter the chance to change in private.
The fiesta that Aunt May prepared was an absolute delight. You could see the joy in her eyes as the three of you giggled over making tacos and trying to name all the types of food that start with the letter T.
Once dinner was over, you and Peter retreated to his room to rehearse your scene from Don Juan. Unfortunately, Peter hadn’t listened to you earlier and got way too distracted.
“I just can’t help it, I’m sorry.” Peter smiles, placing another soft kiss on your lips.
“But we need to practice, Pete!” You giggle, trying to wrestle out of his embrace.
“That just means you will have to come over again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day.” Peter jokes, placing a kiss on your face between words.
“Oh, Peter. What am I going to do with you?” You giggle, caving into his affection and placing a big kiss on his lips.
A/N: I hope you like it! Thank you so much for submitting a prompt! If you would like me to fix or change something, please let me know! :)
taglist: @loki-in-hogwarts @spiderlingsweb
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