#manny mayans mc x ofc
Runaway - A Manny (Mayans MC)/Hannah Gray (OC) Story.
I said I would wait to begin posting this, but I’m just starting chapter eleven and I absolutely cannot wait! It isn’t going to be epically long, and I have also made the chapters much more bitesized (2k or less on the word count) so you guys aren’t bombarded by my usual long reads and blathering on (lol!) 
Since I know that Manny is very popular, I’m going to set the unlock at 50 notes to get the first chapter (which will begin being posted after BTBT is done) this just the prequel, so you have plenty of time to make that happen. Now, I don’t mind a bit of system cheating, but I would like to see how much this can happen organically, with everyone participating in the likes, comments and reblogs. So, with that being said, on with the show!
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Taglist - In the comments
Words - 1,104
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“Do you, Hannah, take Michael, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, ‘till death do you part, according to god’s holy law?”
Did she?
Hannah felt as if she were going deaf to all around, other than the ringing in her ears, a wave of heat rising through her as her heart hammered. The minister sounded like he was speaking to her through water, his voice distorted, the weight of the stare from the entire congregation upon her as she opened her mouth, swallowing when she began to salivate excessively.  
Did she?
Because this was for the rest of her life. Of course, if it didn’t work then there was always divorce, but should she, the bride herself, really go through with such a commitment if the word divorce was coming to her as she stood there at the altar, unable to speak? Her eyes flitted over to the stable forces that were her dad and stepmom, both of them staring back at her with concern, Jackie mouthing ‘are you alright?’, Hannah still stood there, gaping like a fish out of water, her legs tingling.  
“Babe?” Michael spoke, nudging her. “Come on, don’t leave me hanging here.”  
She turned again, looking out to her side of the church, so sparse compared to the small army that was Michael’s friends and family, with it dawning on her as every second stretched out.  
‘I’m sorry, pumpkin. I can’t do it. I can’t go ahead and watch you make a mistake, and I think it is, you marrying him.’ Shonda. Her ride or die, and she wasn’t there looking beautiful in jade green satin as a bridesmaid, because she couldn’t stand Michael.  
‘Grampy and I won’t be attending, sweetheart. I’m sorry.’ Her grandmother. Ethel Gray was much too polite and mild-mannered to come out in as many words and say it, but she and her husband Bill had never liked him either. Hell, her parents were only there because she’d pleaded with them. Rob and Jackie Gray were also upon the side that said Michael Hansen was a completely unsuitable choice for their beloved daughter.  
‘Sorry, Han. Ain’t coming. I don’t like that dude, never have, never will.’ Steve, her elder brother hadn’t been so discreet. Neither had her younger, Jack.  
Standing there, it was the moment it hit her, how wrong it was. Her best friend, her brothers, her grandparents, most of her cousins, everyone who had refused, they should have been there. This was her wedding day, and they weren’t there, all because they saw what she refused to, or rather did and instead, stuffed down, excused away, tried to convince herself she could live with. It was her last shot at happiness, she’d convinced herself it was. But was it? Really?  
“Hannah, would you like me to repeat the vows again?” the minister asked quietly, breaking the deathly silence that had fallen over the church.  
She shook her head. “No.” Her bouquet slipped from her hand before she’d even turned to look up at her fiancé, roses and lilies shedding their petals upon the parquet floor. “I can’t, I’m so sorry.” Turning, she gathered her dress, reaching to take the small, oyster lace clutch from her now-never-would-be sister-in-law before running back down the aisle, a chorus of gasps echoing through the sacred space, Hannah praying that her ankles didn’t buckle, having to run in five-inch heeled Manolo Blahnik’s. She’d chosen the very same Hangisi royal blue stilettoes that her heroine Carrie Bradshaw had worn to marry Mr Big. Except she was the one doing the jilting in this instance.  
“Hannah! Wait!”  
Michael’s voice propelled her faster down the steps, people all around stopping and pointing as they witnessed it, a real-life runaway bride situation. Her heart hammered hard with every step, her armpits beading with sweat as she felt her stomach lurching, swallowing hard, knowing she had to escape him.  
“Hey lady! Fucking watch it!” the man behind the wheel of the car she ran out in front of through the traffic yelled, Hannah swerving, realising how stupid and perilous her decision to cross the highway was, her head spinning as her eyes darted around, looking for a cab, turning back to see Michael hurtling down the grass bank that flanked the church.  
“Hannah! Get back here, now!”  
“Fuck!” Panic flooded her, dodging between the cars, horns blaring even though the traffic was slow moving that morning, looking for her escape when suddenly, it called out to her.  
“Hey darlin’, you need a ride?” Turning her head in the direction she’d heard the smooth, husky voice call, she saw a tall man aboard a massive black Harley. The trepidation she felt when noticing the Mayan kutte lasted all of five seconds, hearing Michael yelling at her again. It wasn’t the cab she’d been looking for, but an outlaw on an iron horse was perhaps the better option for making a speedy getaway.  
“Yes! Thank you!” she cried, moving around the front of the white Lincoln Navigator that had kindly stopped to let her cross into the next lane, hoiking up her dress a little further as she straddled the back of the motorcycle.  
“Where you wanna go, mamas?” the man asked.
“As far away from here as possible.”
He pulled back the throttle, the bike sounding like thunder in her ears. “I gotchu.” Over eighteen hundred cc’s roared ferociously as he pulled out and cut through the traffic, the all-black Street Bob thundering away down the highway, Hannah yanking her veil off before wrapping her arms around his slender waist, her heart still going ten to the dozen as she left a shocked, angry looking former fiancé in her wake, her veil fluttering down at his feet as he watched her ride away.  
“You okay there?” he asked as they took a right at the intersection, feeling that she held onto him with a shaky grip.  
“Yes... no... erm...” she floundered. “I’m Hannah, by the way.”
He chuckled a little. “I’m Manny. Sounds like you need me to take you to the nearest bar, Hannah.”
“Immediately, if not sooner!”
He was planning on going home, lighting up a joint and maybe calling his regular no strings attached girl for some afternoon fun, with little else to do with his day. Rescuing a bride who’d obviously had some very last minute second thoughts was certainly a very random derailing of that initial plan, but one he wasn’t mad about.  
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westcoastcreative · 2 years
So F***in Sweet
Manny finally arrives to make good on his post-work plans with his wife — but she’s got a little teasing to do first.
(Part 1 of this: Yoga and Coffee on a Quiet Morning w/ Manny • Part 2 of this: On His Way)
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Manny got home about 11:30, stepping quietly through the house to ensure Bella stayed asleep for them.
The light glowing onto the wood-floored hallway beneath the door of he and his wife’s bedroom and hint of marijuana smoke he smelled as he approached made his lips curl up in anticipation of the scene that awaited him on the other side.
He slowly shrugged his kutte off, folding and draping it over his forearm before reaching for the doorknob.
The slightest peek at his perfect front teeth couldn’t help but reveal itself when he caught sight of her.
A mint blue silk robe covered her arms and torso, one of his bongs nestled between her strong bare thighs. Her big mane of curls was freshly coiffed, still lightly streaked with subtle summer highlights though it was now deep into fall. Her brows were brushed up bushily, face clean of makeup and dewy from recently moisturizing.
He loved her like this and she knew it.
“Oh you think you funny, huh?” Manny’s strong voice stayed soft.
His wife tried not to smile the same way he was, pushing the joy that teasing her stoic biker husband brought her into a pinched sideways smirk as he stalked closer, setting his kutte down at the foot of the bed.
“You want one?” she lifted up the pipe, keeping her bright eyes on the surprisedly thrown off expression in his own dark, gorgeously set pair.
He ignored the invitation, coming to stand right in front of where she was seated on the bed. His jaw clenched before a low utterance gritted from between his mustached lips.
“I know I told you to be naked.”
His wife glanced up in wide-eyed apology, placing her lips around the bong, lighting it and sucking in the hit she’d set up as she continued to coyly feign a plea of forgiveness. Manny watched her blow the smoke to the side before setting the pipe on her nightstand and raising up on her knees to place her hands on his shoulders.
“I know you did. But I needed a bath after your call got me turned on and then I got myself a little… sticky.”
Manny couldn’t help but offer a bit more generous smile at that. “Mmm…” he nodded once.
His wife ran her fingers down the edge of the robe, opening it slightly when she reached her breast so Manny could see what she’d layered underneath it: a one-piece lace teddy in the same light greenish-blue shade.
“This was hanging in the closet waiting to be put on for this first time and I couldn’t resist,” she said, her lips inches from his, eyes maintaining her innocence.
“Right…” Manny brought a hand up to swipe two fingers inside one of the cups of the lingerie’s bra. “And it had to be a color that makes your skin glow like this, didn’t it?”
His wife giggled playfully in response, her chin lifting slightly and eyes squinting victoriously at how easily she could get him to soften.
Manny didn’t let her gloat for long, ripping the robe down off of her shoulders and inhaling her flowery scent as her small frame shook closer to him with the force of his movement.
“You always gotta look so fuckin sweet,” he growled against her lips.
She drew her hands up his neck and scratched into the short hair at the back of his head, humming softly. She could feel his tempered frustration pulsing just below the surface.
Manny inhaled steadily — bracing them both for what was about to follow — as his fingertips circled the apple of one of her naturally rose-blushed cheeks. The look in his eyes turned from patient to commanding.
“Now, this is the last time I’m gonna tell you, amorcita…”
His touch ran slowly from her face down her chest and stomach, stopping at her lace-covered slit. With a slightly vengeful pursing of his lips, he pulled his hand back to slap directly against her clit.
“Quitatela para papi.”
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The Wager
Mayans MC Masterlist
Based on this post by @darklydeliciousdesires
Contains: Fluff, consent and negotiation, smut (oral sex, F receiving, fingering, P in V, MFM threesome, aftercare.)
5.8K words
Angel and Manny have a bet, you get to be the one decide who wins.
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"You eat ice cream like a child, look at your face Angel." You took your serviette and wiped his face, "and you, I expected better for you Emmanuel."
Manny shook his head, "what, ice cream is good, if you don't get your face all wet, you haven't done a good enough job."
Angel chuckled, "he's right you know, messy is best."
You shook your head, "and now we're not talking about ice cream, I can't take either of you anywhere." The three of you had been back and forth like this for weeks, sometimes, it felt like friendly ribbing, other times, it felt like an invitation.
"Are we wrong?" The smugness in Manny's voice was painful.
"I bet you say that to all the girls and when it comes to it you're whining after five minutes."
They looked at each other, "you wanna see for yourself corazón?"
You glared at Angel, "no, I do not, now finish your ice cream."
"Where's y/n?" Manny looked around the room, expecting to see you at the bar nursing a beer.
"On a date, she said he seems nice." Angel didn't sound impressed, "we still have a score to settle man."
Manny huffed, "no, we don't. I'm pretty sure the noise from my dorm last night made it clear that I'm the better man."
Angel shook his head, "bullshit, she's been into you since you arrived, how do you know she wasn't faking."
Manny chuckled, "oh, trust me, she wasn't faking." Something from the corner of his eye pulled his attention away, "looks like the date went south."
Angel took in your pissed off expression as you walked over to the bar and took a beer off one of the girls, "yeah, it looks that way." He waved you over and you headed towards them, plonking yourself on the chair with a huff.
"How did it go?" Manny's tone was friendly.
You sighed, "it was shit, I'm never going on another date again."
"Oh no, what happened?" Angel was the one being smug this time.
"We ordered, the conversation went to the bill, one thing led to another and he went on and on about how he doesn't go down because only weak and submissive men do that. I never even brought up sex."
Manny huffed, "bullshit, I mean.."
You cut him off, "I don't want to hear it dude, just let me wallow in my misery for the night."
Manny raised his hands with a slight smile, "alright, I'm not going to say a thing." You wished you could believe him, but how he and Angel looked at each other made you think differently.
They approached you the next day when you can by the metal yard to drop something off, the way they were acting had you very suspicious, "what? What the fuck do to two of you have planned?"
Angel smiled, "we have a.." He thought for a minute, "a small rivalry between and we think we could settle it."
"Yeah, and it would also solve your man problem." Manny had his head tilted at that angle that showed off his perfect face and it was making you kinda mad.
You exhaled, "let's hear it, you won't shut up otherwise."
Manny smiled, "we have a bet going on who's better in bed and we can't find a winner, you can't find a winner full stop, I suggest we help each other."
You crossed your arms over your chest, "and how will that work, if you need me to settle a bet then we need rules and it needs to be fair."
Angel smiled, "you get comfortable and we handle the rest."
You shook your head, "no, because whoever loses will blame it on which turn they had, or the other guy sabotaging it."
They looked at each other, still determined, "fine, then we take turns on different days." Manny seemed so sure of himself.
"Then the loser will accuse the winner of cheating." You were half hoping one of them would come up with a solution.
"That's an easy fix, the other guy watches." Angel said it like he was talking about baking a cake, and you were sure now that they had planned every single detail.
"No, as much as I think it would be fun, I don't want things to turn bad between any of us. I like you guys, you're my friends, and I don't want to ruin our friendship or worse, drive a wedge between you two. So no, you're going to have to find someone else to settle your bet."
You went to walk away but Manny stopped you, "we had a feeling you'd say that but we've already talked about it and agreed that if shit gets weird, we'll stop. We want to do it for you and we promise, it won't have any impact on our friendship."
You sighed, "my place, how does Saturday sound?"
Angel smiled so wide his face must have hurt, "Saturday's great, we'll bring the food."
You blinked, "wow, you're going to feed me too, I am one lucky woman."
Manny leaned in close, his lips brushing your ear, "oh, we're going to do more than feed you."
"Shoes please boys, Manny already gets a point for not needing to be asked."
Angel kicked his shoes off with a huffed, "I brought your favourite dessert, do I get a point for that?"
"Sure, but it's a pity point that doesn't bode well for you."
Manny was far smugger than first impressions let on, "I think this is going to go my way."
You tried to take the food from them but they stopped you, "nope, Querida, this is all about you. We can get the food, we know where your plates are."
You sat at the table about waited, it didn't take more than a few minutes for them to return from the kitchen with everything ready to go, "who's going first?"
Angel raised his hand, "I am."
You nodded, "and why is that?"
He smiled, "I'm older by three months."
"Yeah, he's got to go home early and have his prune juice before he goes to bed."
"Be nice, or I'll take your point away from you Mister."
He chuckled, "sorry, it doesn't matter, I get to go last so I'm fresh in your mind when you make your choice, Angel's at a real disadvantage."
"Nah, you'll have to measure up to me, you're the one at a disadvantage."
You sighed, "fighting will also lose you points, be good or I'm going to enjoy my meal then have fun all by myself."
Manny's eyebrows wrinkled, "how does this point system work anyway, it seems pretty arbitrary."
You smiled, "that's for me to know and you to find out."
You were all sitting on the couch watching TV after dinner, trying to figure out where to start.
"So, these are my thoughts about it. I want you both to stay the night, my bed is big enough for all three of us, I want to kiss, and condoms are mandatory."
They were smiling from ear to ear, then Angel's hand was on your thigh, "would you like to go to your bedroom?" You stood up and held your hands out for them to hold then led them into the bedroom.
You pointed to a chair in the corner, "well, that's your spot Manny, we should get to it."
Manny shook his head, "we realised that sitting and watching from a distance would give me an unfair advantage and you said it yourself, the bed is big enough for all three of us."
"How is you sitting on the bed any different?"
Angel stepped closer, his hand coming up to hold our waist, "we've agreed between ourselves that there's nothing wrong with the other guy lending a helping hand, a kiss here and there isn't going to change the results."
"Oh boy. Ok, we're doing this." You looked up at Angel and he closed the distance while Manny came behind you.
One of Angel's hands held your waist while the other came to stroke your cheek, "can I kiss you?"
You swallowed, "yes, yes you can kiss me, both of you can." Angel's lips were brushing yours before you could say more, it was soft, close to teasing, he finally sealed his lips to yours when Manny's found your neck.
You went to unbutton your top but Manny reached around your body and stopped you, taking your hands in his and rubbing them, "hey, let us do that." He dropped your hands and picked up where you left off, Angel breaking the kiss to look at your body as Manny's hands revealed it.
Angel's silence had you worried, "are you disappointed?"
He blinked, "fuck no, I just waiting to wake up from this wet dream."
Manny chuckled behind you, "he's right you know, you are perfect." You fought the urge to hide your face as you turned your head and pulled Manny into a kiss while Angel started to press his lips down your body. Your jeans went next, Angel kissing over every inch of skin he could reach. Manny pulled your head to the side with one hand so he could return his lips to your neck while the other undid your bra.
When Manny went to get his hand on your breast, Angel slapped his hand away, "wait your turn bro, we agreed to help each other not join in."
You giggled, "isn't that the same thing?" You reached out and started on Angel's top, removing it then going his jeans, "you too please, I'm feeling a little underdressed." Manny rushed to get naked and you barely had time to appreciate his lean muscle before Angel demanded your attention.
Angel huffed and pulled your panties off then pointed to the bed, "I have a bet to win, go get comfortable." Manny followed you, lying on his side as you settled on your back, and you could see his hard cock tenting his tight black boxers.
"You never answered by question." They looked at each other a chuckled but never followed up.
Manny's hand found your cheek as he pulled your attention away from Angel, "you're still talking, if this was my turn you'd already be begging."
"Begging? Don't worry corazón you won't need to beg me for anything, hell, I'll beg you for it." Angel was lifting your legs over his shoulders slowly and by the look on his face, something was about to happen.
You bit Manny's lip and waved your hand towards Angel, "I don't have a comment about that but I do find begging undignified, you couldn't get me to beg if you tried, either of you."
There was a charge in the air after you said that and you could feel the unspoken agreement they made between themselves. Angel's hand ran over the tops of your thighs, "you ready? You can tell me to stop at any time."
You nodded, "go for it."
Angel smiled, "I'm going to have so much fun." Manny took your face in his hands as Angel's tongue went from your entrance to your clit in one long, broad stroke and swallowed your gasp.
You felt Angel replace his tongue with his thumb as he lifted his head, "she tastes amazing, you say the word corazón and I'll kick him out and I'll have you all to myself."
Before you could respond, his mouth was back on you as you wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked, "oh my God."
Manny chuckled, "that good ay, or have you just never had a man give you what you deserve?" You flopped your head onto the pillow and relaxed into the mattress as Angel slid two of the long, thick fingers inside you and Manny's hand brushed your skin.
"I can't talk right now." You couldn't decide what felt better, Angel's chuckle or his fingertips on your G-spot.
"That's alright, Angel might be hopeless but I don't think he's so hopeless that you need to give him detailed instructions. Me? You won't need to tell me a thing, I'm just that good."
There was another chuckle from Angel but he didn't move to say anything. You beckoned Manny for another kiss and he smiled against your lips as you got closer, "she's close bro, you better make the most of it because the way I see it, you're already losing."
Angel wrapped one of his substantial arms around your legs and pulled your body as close to his mouth as he could, you barely had time to warn him before you were arching off the bed and contracting around his fingers.
Manny swallowed your moans like he was starving and Angel showed no signs of letting as his fingers worked you open. Manny smiled as your legs started to twitch when you started climbing again, "and you're a twitcher, you are spoiling us."
"Oh fuck you Emmanuel, you are a smug…" Angel didn't like that he didn't have your undivided attention and was intent on fixing that, he did something with his tongue that had your vision whiting out as you flew headlong off the cliff.
"That's two, you think he can get another one out of you." You struggled to answer and Angel lifted his head without removing his fingers, in fact, he doubled his efforts.
"What do you need pretty girl?" Angel's tone was soft while Manny touched you gently and you couldn't tell whether he was trying to steal your words or help you find them.
"Whatever you want."
He smiled, "alright then." His head dropped back and he seemed determined to prove a point. You reached towards Manny and ran your hand down his hard chest and tried to slide it into his boxers but he stopped you.
"Another time Querida, this is about you." His hand moved to your face as you felt another orgasm arise. He looked into your eyes as you came, a small smile gracing his face, "there you go, he's doing a pretty good job, isn't he?"
You nodded, trying to stammer out a reply, "I feel empty."
Manny looked at Angel, his face full of mischief, "yeah Angel, she feels empty. Are you going to do something about that or are you going to leave it to someone who knows what they're doing?"
Angel dropped your legs off his shoulders and kissed his way up your body to your mouth, the kiss deep and full of passion as he pressed his lips to yours, "where are the condoms?"
"Top drawer." Angel reached across while you turned your head and kissed Manny, his moan filling you with warmth.
"You do taste good." The sudden realisation that Manny could taste you off your lips from Angel's kiss had you desperate for more.
Angel tearing open the condom box pulled your attention away, tapping his leg with your foot as he went to open the packet with his teeth. "Let me do it." You took it off him and opened it as he dropped his boxers, "oh, ok then."
Angel smiled, "don't worry, I'll go slow." His breath caught in his throat as you rolled the condom down his shaft. He crawled on top of you have hovered over you, waiting for you to give consent.
Manny snorted, "you gonna deny her man?"
Angel shook his head as he lifted your legs over his waist, "hell no." He ran his cock up and down your slit and you turned to Manny with imploring eyes, hoping that Angel might stir to action if he didn't have your attention.
"He's being me……" You couldn't finish your sentence as Angel slid slowly inside you pausing to let you adjust to his ample size. Manny rushed to remove his boxers and his hand wrapped around his cock, "I feel like I'm neglecting you."
He kissed you again, then Angel gripped your chin between his thumb and forefinger to bring your lips to his, millimetres away from kissing you, "I keep saying this is about you. If you keep this up I'll make sure you're sorry."
He closed the distance and you were too busy enjoying Angel's lips on yours to reply and Angel started to rock his hips slowly, his moan filling the air as he pulled back, "shit mano, you are really in for it, it's like the wettest warmest hug….fucken hell."
"Hey man, if you can't last I'm not going to judge you, she's something else and I haven't even gotten to touch her yet." You whimpered as Angel brushed your G-spot and Angel turned to Manny with a hard look on his face.
"You don't stand a fucking chance bro." He grunted and shifted his weight onto one forearm so he could reach down between you and rub your clit.
"Angel, I…" He pressed his lips to yours, his beard scratching your skin.
"I know, I can feel you squeezing me. You can let go, I'm here." You were powerless to resist and Angel buried his face in your neck while Manny captured your lips with his.
This was one slow, the warmth spread from your core and up your spine and filled your body with pleasure. Angel chuckled and hurried his hips, ramming himself inside you while you tried to twitch away, "don't run Querida, he just wants to make you feel good."
You gasped as Angel doubled his efforts, pushing you over the edge one last time before you felt him pulse inside you. Manny grunted and you turned your head just in time to see him reach bliss before Angel's weight fell on you as he caught his breath.
"That was really good."
Manny chuckled, his voice slow, "just really good?"
Angell chuckled and rolled off you, pulling off the condom and dropping it into the wastebasket before going to get up, "I'm just going to get something for the mess, you guys wait here."
Manny waved his hand and stood up, "let me do it, you guys stay here." Manny walked towards the bathroom and you rest your head on Angel's chest while you waited.
"Did you have fun?"
You sighed, "I did." Manny returned and threw the towel at Angel who took his time to clean up the mess he made, chuckling as you flinched away from him. "Sorry corazón."
Manny settled in next to you and ran his hand up and down your arm while Angel got rid of the cloth before taking his place on the other side. "Did everyone have fun?"
Angel huffed, "shouldn't we be asking you that?"
You shook your head, "I feel like I should have done more."
Manny chuckled and pecked your cheek, "I told you to stop that, you are fast on track to getting your ass spanked before we do anything together."
You turned to Angel who raised his eyebrows, "I agree with him corazón." You sighed and rolled onto your side facing Angel while Manny pressed his chest to your back and Angel pulled you into his arms.
"Goodnight gentlemen."
Manny's lips press to your shoulder while Angel's pressed to your forehead, "goodnight y/n."
"Morning." You rubbed your face and sat up then felt two sets of hands running up and down your back.
You kissed both of them, Angel then Manny and then got up, "who wants pancakes?"
They both smiled, "I'll take that as a yes, there are spare stuff in the bathroom, I'll get the food ready while you two start the day."
You sat down from breakfast and then they left, still smiling like little boys, they both said they would keep in touch through the week and you had a feeling the rivalry would only get worse until you could settle in next Saturday.
They messaged you everyday, it went from one on one to a group chat and then the group chat when from civil conversation to you telling them to not to fight. Needless to say, you were excited.
The knock on your door had you jumping up to open it, they were early. You opened the door with a smile, "I thought we agreed that you'd be over here at seven, it's only five."
Manny lifted some shopping bags and Angel sighed, "he wanted to cook for you." They walked in and tossed off their shoes then headed to the kitchen. You walked in planning to help but Manny waved you off.
"Go soak in the tub, we're fine to cook."
You sighed, "please don't burn my house down. Also, this doesn't count towards anything, I don't want Angel to feel bad because he bought take out and you decided to cook."
Angel smiled, "don't worry, I don't feel bad at all, I think I came off better in the end anyway, and now I'm getting a home cooked meal? I'm a lucky guy."
You paused before leaving for the bathroom and stood in the of the room and slowly removed your clothes while looking back and forth at them stark naked, "well, I'm going to go enjoy my bath, you kids have fun." You felt their eyes on your ass as you walked away, smiling to yourself when you heard them whispering to each other.
You enjoyed the warm water until there was a knock on the door, Angel's voice floating through the air, "it's ready when you are."
You stepped out of the tub and dried off, then dressed and headed into the dining room, "wow, this smells and looks amazing, what did you make?"
Manny smiled, "penne ala vodka with a garden salad."
Everyone sat down and you tucked in, "wow, I'm impressed, I really hope you measure up in the bedroom because if you don't I'm going to be very disappointed."
Angel chuckled, "he won't, but don't worry corazón, I'll make sure you don't go to sleep unsatisfied."
You shook your head, "Angel, be nice."
Manny smiled, "yeah Angel, be nice."
You slapped Manny on the shoulder, "I know you're younger than him but we both know you're more mature, I expect better from you."
Manny smiled turned heated, "and you're going to get it."
You skipped watching TV this time and headed right for the bedroom after dinner and dessert were over. You stood back in the same position in the middle of the room and waited for Manny to act. Unlike Angel, Manny waved his hands for Angel to sit on the bed and then circled you like a hungry animal.
His fingertips grazed your cheek as his hand drifted towards you night shirt then he flicked the buttons open. Your eyes drifted to Angel and you watched as he licked his as Manny slowly undressed you.
He took his time touching you as each item of clothing was removed, his eyes racking over your skin, "are you going to do anything man or are you just going to look at her?"
Manny huffed, "unlike you, I want to savour this vision before I drive in, you should take note."
Angel shook his head, "aren't you feeling frustrated? You were happy for more right away last week."
"Be quiet Angel, if y/n doesn't like something she knows she can tell me." Normally people talking about you like you weren't there would piss you off but there was something about the way they were playing off against each other that was hot.
When you were in nothing but your panties, Manny slid his hand between your legs and stroked you through the fabric, "I don't know what Angel's going on about because you are soaked."
"Lose the underpants and go lay on the bed." You did as he asked, and Manny was close behind you, his lips brushing your shoulder as you reached the edge of the bed. Angel moved to lay next to you, his eyes stuck on your breasts as Manny's hand ran up your legs from your ankles to your thighs.
His lips followed after he kneeled on the bed, paying extra attention to the sensitive spots he noticed when you were with Angel. You thought he would start right away but his lips bypassed your core and he made his way up to your lips. He brought you into a kiss, it was slow and deep, his nose brushing yours as he went.
Manny turned his attention to Angel briefly, "hold her leg up?"Angel smiled and sat up, reaching over to grab your leg and hold you open for him. Manny's lips never left yours as his hand trailed down your body and to your centre, his fingers collecting wetness from your entrance before landing on your clit.
You gasped and Manny smiled against your skin, pulling back to smirked at Angel, "sorry man, I've been leaving you out."
Angel shrugged "I'm fine with just watching, she is beautiful from this angle." Angel got his chance when Manny started to kiss down your body, stopping to pay extra attention to your neck. You reached your hand out and placed it on Angel's cheek while he leaned in to kiss you.
The angle was a little strange but Angel seemed happy to twist himself around in order to deepen the kiss. Manny huffing as his hand moved your from leg to your face, "dude, can't you just do this one thing for me?"
Angel pulled away from you with a chuckle, "just throw her legs over your shoulders bro, unless you're too lazy."
Manny shook his head, "nah, I figure if you hold her leg she won't twitch as much."
You sighed, "I don't know but I think that might be cheating Emmanuel, just a bit."
Angel smiled, "yeah Emmanuel, that's cheating."
Manny shook his head, "you're really asking for it now Querida." He lifted your legs over his shoulders and wrapped one arm around your leg, angling it so it was hard for you to move away. Then he smirked up at you and drove in like a man possessed. Angel laid down and placed his hand on your cheek, looking into your eyes as your vision blurred from pleasure.
"I can't tell which is my favourite, watching her face and making her cum. What do you think Manny?"
Manny's thumb replaced his mouth as he raised his head to answer his friend, "here, you were underselling it when you told me this was heaven because I'm pretty sure you're right."
Your eyebrows wrinkled and Angel smiled, "what, you think we didn't talk about it nonstop after we left? The other guys might not know what's going on but we haven't been able to stop talking about it."
"He's right, I think I'm going to be reliving this till the day I die."
You smiled, "you know Manny, Angel didn't talk anywhere near as much, considering his mouth was busy elsewhere." Manny shook his head with a huff.
"Alright then." He made eye contact with you as he slid two fingers inside you and wrapped his lips around your clit, Angel taking advantage of your parted lips to pull you into a searing kiss.
All the buildup served its purpose and you felt yourself approach the edge as Manny found your G-spot and made quick work bringing you closer to the end. You reached down to push him closer but the lack of hair made it hard and Manny chuckled.
"Is he being mean to you?" Angel's tone was filled with affection.
Angel shook his head, "good." You blinked and tried to make sense of his response but he leaned in and kissed you again, "if he's mean then I might get the chance to win."
That seemed to spur Manny to action because his arm unwrapped from your leg and then his forearm was holding you down as his fingers pressed your sweet spot and his tongue brought you right to the edge. You gasped as it hit you, Manny's arm pushing down harder as he rode out the buck of your hips.
"Oh my God." Angel shook his head took your hand in his.
"Is he making you feel good?" Manny hadn't stopped working you past the post orgasm sensitivity and into another while you tried to close your legs, "I'll take that as a yes."
You were expecting Manny to stop but he didn't and you went to shove him away but he grabbed your hand like a viper, "I'm not done yet, you know what to say if you want me to stop."
Your breath quickened as he went right back to where he left off, there was something about what he was doing that it your whole body feel like it was on fire and then you were falling again.
"Please, I can't." Manny chuckled against you, seemly feeling merciful as he pulled away and started to kiss your inner thigh.
"What do you want?" It was taking a lot for you to reply.
"He asked you a question y/n."
You swallowed and tried to get the words out, "I want you inside me." Manny smiled, his lips moving over your hips and then your stomach and then your breast and finally your cheeks and your lips.
"Are your condoms in the same place?"
You nodded, "why are you both still clothed?" You had never seen Angel move so fast, he was naked before you could blink, on the other hand, Manny took his time, smirking as your eyes followed his hands as he undressed.
Your eyes were stuck on his cock as he pushed his boxers down, he and Angel were about the same size, equally as big and Manny smiled, "you still want this?"
You nodded aggressively, "yes please."
Manny chuckled and got a condom then placed it between his index and middle finger and wiggled it, "you want to put it on me or do you trust me enough to do it?"
You sighed and sat up, taking the packet from him, "I'm not the one who tried to open it with my teeth, you're just being difficult now."
You opened the condom and slid it over his cock then laid back down with a sigh, "please, go for it."
Manny smiled and shook his head, "with pleasure."
Unlike Angel, he only lifted one leg over his hip as he slid inside you, "holy fuck."
Angel chuckled, "see what I mean? You've talked a good game all week but now that you're in my position you get it."
You shook your head, "Angel, don't tease."
Manny smiled, "yeah Angel, don't tease." Despite the attitude, his tone was tight, almost shaky.
Manny moved his hips slowly, rocking into you while making sure to brush your G-spot with each stroke.
You whimpered as he picked up speed, Angel's grunt pulling your attention away. His hand was wrapped around his cock and when you reached out to lend him a helping hand, Angel stopped you, "we've been over this, relax and enjoy yourself, this is about you."
You went to protest but Manny kissed you hard, "if you keep this up I'm going to get Angel to hold you down and then you won't be able to do anything." Manny grunted when you clenched around him, "you'd like that, wouldn't you?"
Before you could respond, he was yanking you down the bed to make room for Angel, "hold her wrists." Angel moved in a rush, the hand that was resting on your cheek going to encompass your wrists in a solid grip.
"Thanks bro." Manny reached one hand down to rub your clit and Angel smiled.
"Don't mention it, I can tell how much she liked it. Unless we're reading you wrong?"
You shook your head, "no, I like it."
Manny smiled, "we can tell." Manny's hips ramped up to full speed and your breath caught in your throat, "you're gonna cum for me again, aren't you? I can feel how hard you're squeezing me."
You nodded and his lips found yours, the fingers on your clit making tighter circles. You didn't have time to warn them before it hit you, Angel's hand tighten around your wrists as your back arched.
That must have done it for Angel and with a grunt he pressed his lips to yours as he came. Just like before, Manny didn't let up and no matter how hard you tried to twitch away, you couldn't, not that you really wanted to.
"Come on, just one more and then we can call it a night." It wasn't like he was going to give you a choice. It hit you fast, just as the other one was winding down and the noise got caught in your throat.
"There you go, good girl." Your head lolled to the side and Angel took the chance to press his lips to yours in a soft and gentle kiss. Manny pulled you away from Angel and buried his face in your neck as he came.
Manny rolled off you and disposed of the condom with a sigh, "so, who wins?"
You whimpered, "ask me again in the morning."
Angel chuckled, "you guys stay here, I'll go get something to clean up."
You rolled into Manny's arm and he stroked your cheek, "you feeling alright?"
"Yeah, I'm great."
Angel threw the damp cloth at Manny and climbed into bed next to you while Manny cleaned up.
"Have you been having fun?" Angel's voice was rough with tiredness.
"I have been, it's been great but we should really finish this conversation tomorrow with clear heads."
Manny disposed of the towel and took his spot opposite Angel , "we can talk about it in the morning, for now I think it's time we all get some sleep."
"Goodnight boys."
"Goodnight y/n."
You were up early the next morning, unable to sleep from nervous energy, Angel coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your body while you did the pancakes.
"Is Manny in the shower?"
Angel nodded, "yep, I'll help you finish. How are you doing?"
You smiled, "good, I'm doing good."
He smirked, "that's great. I can't wait for you to tell me I won."
You huffed, "go and sit down, this is almost done."
Manny came out of the bathroom just as you were bringing out the plates. Everyone sat at the table and you flopped down with a sigh.
"I can tell you can't wait any longer but I don't have a winner and that's what I wanted to talk about. I like you, both of you, like a lot and I'm worried that no matter who I chose it's going to change things. And I don't want that. What I want, is for this to keep happening."
They smiled, each one reaching out to grab one of your hands, Manny speaking first, "we'd like that too, it's all we've been talking about, we just had no idea how to bring it up."
You smiled, "really? You both want to share me?"
Angel nodded, "fuck yeah, you're a total catch, we gotta sweep you up before someone else does. I'm honestly kinda sick of EZ asking me if you're single."
Your smile widened, "after breakfast, I have some favours to return, you should eat up, you're going to need your strength."
You had never seen two men eat so fast in your life.
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kilojulietsierra · 2 years
Where He Belongs - Part Two (Mayans Manny x Wife)
So, I really loved the first part of this and I am so happy to see y'all did too! Same as in Part One wife can be read as OFC or female reader.
Warnings: 18+ only, flashback to a conversation, smutty smut, dirty talk, vaginal and anal fingering, unprotected sex, married sex, happily married Manny, Bella makes an appearance, mentions of future/potential pregnancy
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Part Two
It was still dark when Manny woke up the next morning and his wife was still sound asleep in the bed next to him. He waited for his eyes to adjust and then checked the faint red numbers of the alarm clock, still more than an hour before they would have to wake Bella up for school.
He listened to the soft, steady breathing next to him and though it was comforting he could not lull himself back to sleep. Instead his mind wandered, back to Santo Padre.
Not to the events of their civil war or to the unrest between clubs, but to a conversation he had with the older Reyes brother.
~~~~ flashback~~~~
Manny was camped on the couch on the front porch, sipping his beer and texting with his wife. He was grinning at a selfie she had just sent of her and Bella when the door to the clubhouse opened and Angel Reyes walked out.
"What are you grinnin' at your fuckin' phone for?" Angel lit a cigarette as he approached.
Manny chuckled and shook his head, "Busted." He took a sip of his beer and tilted the phone so Angel could see, "My girls."
Angel leaned over to look, out of decency more than interest, until he actually saw Manny's wife, "Damn."
"Mhmm." Manny grinned and locked the phone and shoved it in is his pocket. They stayed in silence a minute.
Manny noticed the awkwardness of the moment but was observant enough to know that Angel hadn't left yet for a reason.
Halfway through his cigarette Reyes spoke up again, "She one of the club girls?"
With a laugh Manny shook his head, "Nah, I known her since I was a teenager. Never had nothin' to do with all this till we got together." He took another sip of his beer, "She grew up on a ranch on the border, but her uncle runs a mechanic shop in town. She worked the front counter all through high school. Now she does the books and runs the office for him." He chuckled, "I bought this old piece of shit, junker car my junior year 'cause she had just started helpin' him out. I don't even know how much money I spent on that piece of shit buying parts just so I could talk to her a minute or two."
"That's just sad." Angel scoffed but settled against the railing. "That's some real, sickly sweet, high school sweetheart shit."
Manny laughed, "Nah, don't get it twisted, she didn't give two shits about me back then. Just another punk ass kid wastin' her time."
"She come around though when you patched in?" Angel assumed the bad boy vibe won her over eventually. Sucking his teeth Manny shook his head, "We were just barely talkin' finally when I prospected in. She didn't hate on it but said she didn't really understand it either. I still don't think she was planning on sticking around at that point." Manny hid another smile against the mouth of his beer bottle. "She'd got to know some of the guys, few of their old ladies, how the club thing worked. By the time we got pregnant I think she finally had figured out they were like a surrogate family for me."
"You knock her up on accident?" Angel snarked at the other Mayan but secretly was hoping Manny might have some more 'sage advice'.
"Shit, any of us ever do it on purpose?" They both laughed, "I wasn't even old enough to buy my own beer, she was in her first month of college... last thing we planned on was havin' a baby."
"That when y'all got married?"
"Fuck no!" Manny threw his head back with another laugh, "I mean listen, I tried, but she wasn't havin' it." He shook his head and kicked his feet up on the porch rail. "Once we got done panicking, we talked it out, she decided she wanted to keep it, I knew I wanted her and the baby, so I did the right thing." Another smile, "And she shot me right the fuck down."
Angel furrowed his brow, "For real?"
"Mhmmm..." Angel was confused, flabbergasted, "But y'all are married?"
"Yeah, only took me like five damn tries!" Manny was enjoying retelling the story too much. He had softened up and felt like oversharing. "Our little girl was standin' up, saying 'mami', 'papi' before we actually got married." With a chuckle he added, a little softer, "The first time I asked her, right after she decided she wanted to keep the baby, she looked me dead in the eye and said, 'Emanuel, I love you, but I can't marry you. We aren't ready yet.' And every time I asked her after that she said the same thing, 'Not yet."
"You put up with all that? Stuck around?" Angel still squinted, brow furrowed, cigarette forgotten.
"Fuck yes I did. I knew we were the real deal. Lookin' back she was right. We were stupid kids tryin' to raise a kid. We didn't know what the fuck we were doing. But, we loved each other, we both knew that, and we loved our little girl. We mighta done some shit out of sequence, but we figured it out, and we're stronger and smarter for it."
Angel found himself nodding repeatedly, mind racing, "And so she just... is okay with all this shit? I mean she had your kid, she married you. Now she's stuck at home with the kid, by herself, while you're a state away doin' some outlaw shit."
Manny snorted, "My lady man, I hope you get to meet her one of these days, then you'll see. Her life don't revolve around me and the shit I get up to, she's got her own life, she only does old lady shit when she needs too." His face hardened suddenly, "But nah, she's not the kind of old lady that you leave sitting at home feeding your babies and waiting to suck your dick when you get back from a run. That ain't the move brother. Your woman, she's your partner, you and her against the world. Want some advice? You, your woman and this baby you're about to have... don't forget that all that exists outside of the club. We don't always get to be there to make sure the car gets fixed and the bills get paid, so make sure she knows how to handle shit. Make sure she knows that when you're gone you're bustin' your ass to get home and that when you are home... you're really there."
~~~~ end flashback~~~~
Laying in bed in the dark he remembered when Canche had given him the same advice all those years ago. He smirked, Canche had seen clear as day that the two of them would make it. He'd told both of them so at different times in those early, uneasy days.
Next to him she shifted in her sleep and Manny couldn't help but reach for her, pull her naked body back against his own and sigh into her hair. His grip on her was tight and he had to fight back the flinch when he felt fingers brush against his arm.
"You okay?" Her voice was faint and half asleep.
"I'm okay mama, go back to sleep." He whispered back, kissing her shoulder as he gave her a reassuring squeeze.
She sighed and wiggled a little in his grasp before settling, "Feels good."
Manny smiled and hummed against her shoulder, dropping another kiss there. His hum turned into a soft groan when she wiggled against him again, "Mama…"
"Hmm?" She shifted slighty, twisted her body to look over her shoulder. The motion causing her hips to twist just slightly, so that his rapidly hardening dick settled perfectly between her ass cheeks.
He groaned again, flattening his hand out wide over her stomach, pressing her tighter against him, "Now I know you're playin' with me." He could hear her smile, that's how well he knew her, she made no sound or movement but he could feel her smiling in the short distance between them.
"That sounds good too…" With the obvious smile in her sleepy, morning voice, she guided his hand lower until she parted her legs slightly and encouraged him to touch her there.
Confidently he swiped his long, middle finger through her folds and could not control the thrust of his hips against her when he felt she was silky smooth and soaking wet. "Jesus baby." He breathed in her ear as he tugged her as close as possible and repeated to motion. Her hips twitching as he grazed her clit with the rough pad of his finger, "Want me to play with you?" He ground his erection against her hip searching for some relief while he waited for her answer.
"Yes please." She craned her neck searching for his lips.
Even in the dark he found them easily. He devoured her, kissing her long and slow, sloppy. He brought the arm behind her head up and held her there, head cradled against his bicep as he kissed her. His other hand continued to swipe the same, long, lazy finger through her folds over and over again, not stopping until he had to pull himself away to breathe. "Roll over." He breathed against her lips and savored the soft drag of her body against his as she rolled over and settled onto her stomach.
She wiggled, knowing what was coming. She loved this. When he would lay her on her stomach and tease her, please her, shower her sleepy body with the attention it craved early in the morning.
His right arm stayed tucked under her head and his body stayed close to hers, but his left hand wandered. Smoother, wide and warm, over the soft expanse of her back. In long, slow, strokes he would caress from her shoulder blade, over her ribs, over her hip and down to the swell of her ass. Dipping between her legs there to tease one single finger through the wetness before sliding his hand up the line of her spine. Where his fingers would circle the back of her neck and apply the slightest pressure before sliding further up her neck to sink his fingers into her hair to massage her scalp.
Manny would continue this motion over and over, occasionally varying his path or pressure. Sometimes he would graze the side of her breast or his fingers would reach a little further around her throat before he applied some pressure. She knew from experience that he could do this for hours depending on how he felt or how she responded.
This morning he was greedy. He eventually began to slip his hand under her completely to grope her breast, dragging her nipple between his fingers as he pulled away. His hand would paw at her ass cheek, squeezing it, jiggling it, even daring to spank her once, sharply enough to hear loud and clear in the silence. Worst of all… or best depending… he began lingering longer and longer between her legs. Finally pushing a finger, that same long and well practiced middle finger, inside her making them both moan. Then he added another and began to move them in and out, only once or twice before he would remove them and use them to drag her wetness over her puckered asshole.
This motion earned him a jerk of her hips each time and eventually he gave up on everything but that. He would fuck his fingers into her until her hips raised off the bed, begging him for more. Then he would remove them from her pussy to circle them around her second hole sending her hips back to the bed and her muscles clenching.
She was moaning into her pillow, breathless and wanting, her arms folded underneath her head and fingers gripping the sheets. "Manny… "
Hearing his name jerked him out of the trance he had slipped into. He slid his fingers down the crease of her behind and smoothly shoved his middle and forefinger into her pussy as far as they could go. His voice rasped against her ear, "Does that feel good baby?"
"Mhmm." She moaned as she once again raised her hips up from the bed, accepting the lazy thrusting of his fingers in and out of her.
Testing the waters he removed them again to circle around her asshole and she moaned again, this time though she kept her hips raised and rocked her hips the slightest bit side to side in time with his fingers. Manny half moaned, half sighed into the back of her shoulder as he continued.
Manny was an ass man and his wifes was perfect. He loved the way it looked in her jeans, the way it fit in his hands, the way it tasted on his tongue, the way it felt on his cock. She loved when he played with her there, teased her there with his fingers and his tongue. And much to Mannys enjoyment she would occasionally be in such a mood that she loved having him fuck her there.
This morning wasn't one of those moods, he could tell, but she was a horny, writhing mess, falling apart beside him as he alternated between sticking two long, thick fingers deep in her pussy and then pressing the tip of his ring finger into her puckered little asshole.
"You gonna come for me mami? Want me to keep playing with you?" He once again circled some of her own wetness around her hole before teasing his finger through the tight muscle. When he removed that finger he sucked her earlobe into his mouth and bit down on it gently before whispering in her ear, "Or do you want papi to fuck you?" and he shoved his two fingers knuckle deep into her nearly vibrating pussy.
That little show earned him a harsh bite to the bicep he was cradling her with but she was moaning while she rolled the skin between her teeth.
Manny smiled and kissed her neck, her cheek and then her lips before sitting up and pulling away from her. He grabbed his pillow, shoving it behind the headboard, then grabbed hers from underneath her, dragging it under the length of her torso to wedge it underneath her hips. He quickly settled behind her and grabbed ahold of her ass with both hands, squeezing and jiggling it before pulling back and landing one more sharp slap against the right cheek.
Her head snapped around and glared at him, one finger pressed against her lips, "Shh!" Her eyes were angry for a split second but immediately went back to pure desire as she took in her husband behind her. The faint light starting to come through the window illuminated his lean and well cut body in the grey early morning light and she could see him mouth out the words, "Sorry baby." While his right hand stroked the length of his cock.
She watched over her shoulder mesmerized as he braced himself on his knees and tugged her backwards to where he wanted her. With one hand he notched the head of his cock against her entrance and the other he splayed flat on her lower back to steady her. He licked his lips and winked at her before he let a drop of spit fall from his mouth to land on her already wet pussy then with his bottom lip between his teeth he used the head of his cock to smear the spit over her opening, mixing it with her own juices, and then pushed his hips forward.
He entered her in one long, perfect stroke and didn't stop until he met the resistance of her cervix.
Beneath him his wife moaned loudly and he leaned forward over her. Hips still rocking in and out as he pressed his lips to her ear and growled, "Better be quiet, remember." With one hand he lightly tapped her on the ass, reminding her of when she had shushed him a bit ago. "I need to put something in your mouth?"
In retaliation to his words she pushed her weight back into her hips and swayed them side to side. Manny lost his rhythm and his balance for a second and fell further forward against her. He hissed against her ear, "Fuck, do that again." She wiggled her hips side to side, as if she was riding him except from the bottom, "Shit, you know I love that mami, come and get it, chase that dick." He pulled out of her about halfway and waited.
Instead she clenched the muscles of her core around him and turned to look at him over her other shoulder, "Rub my clit and I will." She wasn't teasing or being flirty now, only telling him what she needed and he gladly obliged.
Holding his weight up on his left elbow he grabbed hold of her hand from under the pillow, threaded their fingers together and brought them to his mouth. Her pussy clamped down around him again as she watched at an awkward angle. Manny took their fingers into his mouth, two of hers and one of his, and sucked on them. Swiping his tongue around each of them until they were all wet with his saliva. Then he pulled them from his mouth with a pop and expertly moved their hands together, down to rub at her clit.
"Fuck!" She cried into the pillow and her muscles clamped around his cock again, still only sitting halfway inside her.
"C'mon mami, bring that ass back and take papis dick." His words were breathy and harsh against her ear, his breath hot and strained.
Neither of them were going to last long.
When she scooted back and rocked her hips, taking the length of him again they both moaned, more so when she started to sway her hips side to side. Manny bit the back of her shoulder as he fought not to move with her, concentrating on swiping their fingers over her clit in time with her movements and ever so often flexing so that his cock would pulse and jump inside her.
"Shit baby, shit I'm gonna cum… fuck I'm so close, please…" Her voice was still a whisper but it was trembling with the rest of her.
Manny groaned and stroked her clit faster, "I got you baby," He took back control and began slamming his hips into her as hard and deep as he could, "Fuck, I'm right there with you, this pussy is too good mami, so fucking good." His hips were starting to stutter and his thrusts were less controlled. He dropped his weight onto her completely keeping their hands beneath her but now using the motion of his hips and his weight to grind her clit down over their fingers in time with his thrusts.
"Oh god!" Her hips flattened out, chasing the tingling in her clit and Manny was able to go just a little bit deeper.
Hitting that spot hidden deep inside her until he felt her start to shake and convulse under him and around him, "That's right mami, gimme that…" he groaned before he could finish his sentence, his release taking over as he emptied himself into her greedy pussy. He was breathless as he fought to hold his weight off her, his body still jerking and twitching with his orgasm. "Holy shit…"
Every time his body twitched or shuddered his wife's body responded in kind, clenching or pulsing around him and it was a delicious cycle of aftershocks.
They both enjoyed the feeling until Manny noticed the numbness in his hand that was trapped under her hips. He pulled back, pulling out of her with a messy gush of cum and a string of breathy curse words in Spanish. Manny untangled himself from her and fell to the side, trying to catch his breath.
Beside him his wife was still shaking slightly, her face still buried in the pillows.
Manny stroked a thumb over the palm of her hand, sticky with her own wetness, working the circulation back into it until she moved to look at him. Once her eyes met his he brought her fingers to his mouth again to lick and suck them until they were clean.
With a giggle she buried her head back into the pillows and relaxed completely. "Good morning." She mumbled.
Manny laughed, stretched his arms up over his head and sank back into the bedding , "Morning beautiful."
When she came out of their bedroom showered and dressed in cutoffs and a tank top Manny looked up from the stove with a smile. "Morning beautiful." He threw her a wink as he turned back to the quesadilla he was flipping on the burner.
"Morning mami!" Bella was bouncing up and down on one of the kitchen stools with a mouthful of food.
Manny watched as his wife padded across the kitchen, "Morning mija." She kissed their daughter on the head and then turned to him. She took in the sight of him shirtless and barefoot in just a pair of basketball shorts, "Morning handsome." They gave each other a quick kiss as she passed him on her way to the coffee pot. "Quesadilla's for breakfast?"
"Papi said he'd make whatever I wanted!" Bella spun around on the stool again and again, "So we're having quesadillas and then he's gonna take us to Starbucks on the way to school!"
Manny met his wife's eyes over her coffee cup and winked at her again. "So, you better hurry up and eat if y'all want your Starbucks." He cut up a second quesadilla handing half to her and took a bite of the other half himself.
"Says the one who isn't even dressed yet." She arched her eyebrows at him and leaned against the island next to Bella.
Manny wiped off the skillet and turned the heat off shaking his head. He walked behind his wife on his way towards the bedroom and placed his hands on her hips, leaning to whisper in her ear, "Go ahead ma, pretend you're complainin'." He gave her a pinch to her thigh and kiss to her temple. He spoke up and pointed at Bella, "Okay finish eating and then clean up for mama yeah?"
Bella nodded shoving the rest of her quesadilla in her mouth and hurrying to tidy up the kitchen.
"Happy to have tu papa home aren't you?" She ran her fingers through her daughters hair as she watched her stack the plates in the sink. The smile on her face said it all. "Yo tambien mija, yo tambien."
She helped her daughter clean up and they were done just in time for Manny to come back dressed and ready to go. "Entonces, quien quiere cafe hmm?" Manny ushered them both out the door, his kutte in one hand and keys to his wifes SUV in the other, "Venga, venga, venga!"
Bella went running ahead of them, her backpack bouncing as she ran to the driveway and climbed into the seat before either of her parents could even get out the front door. "The last thing that girl needs is anything with caffeine in it."
Manny chuckled as they walked to the car, "We'll get her teacher a good bottle of wine for teacher appreciation day."
"Very smooth, very smooth. Still though... Starbucks for breakfast, really?"
He smiled as he opened the passenger door and held it open for his wife, "Anything for my girls." He had been gone too long to not spoil them a little.
She drops her voice quieter, "What're you gonna do if we have a boy this time?" Her smile is a little shy but also bright and hopeful.
Manny beamed, "Enjoy a fair fight for a change."
His wife shoved at him playfully, "Just for that I'm gonna do my best to make sure it's a girl. So you're outnumbered the rest your life."
He was still smiling when she climbed into the passenger seat, "You know that's the way I like it." He winked at her as he shut the door and walked around to the drivers side.
Thank you all for reading!
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artemiseamoon · 1 year
Whatever happens, just come home to me
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Manny (Mayans) x ex-ofc ft their daughter
Words: 2277
Warnings: Angst, worry, fearing the worst
✨ arte releases a draft into the void✨ read in full on A03 (artemiseamoon)
✨More Mayans ✨
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Angela took a deep breath, drawing air into her lungs, holding, then releasing it. It does little to calm the tension in her muscles and churning in her stomach. When it came to Manny the club, she tried to keep her hands off the cards.
When they used to be together, any indication something was off would bring her to the table; cards spread out, turning them over one by one with nervous anticipation; waiting to see if her instincts were right or wrong. Though the cards rarely led her astray, they added to her anxiety and worry about his overall safety.
When Angela said yes to him, she had an idea what she was signing up for. One can’t date and fall in love with a biker and expect peace and calm, she knew that. Though the whole MC thing was a deterrent, she was head over heels for him, and the dangerous weren't' enough to keep them apart.
But it eventually did become too much, and along with some other things, despite all the love between them, after 7 years and a daughter, they parted ways. It wasn’t easy to do, she nearly bit her nails off as she geared herself up for the conversation. The look in his eyes broke her heart. But it was for the best. They both knew that, even if they hated it, even if the breakup broke their hearts.
The last two days, Manny has been heavy on her mind, more than usual. They’ve been separated for about a year now, but still see each other often and co-parent 4-year-old Ana with love and respect. Their relationship is good, and he’s even been spending more time here over the last month.
In one way, it’s nice, it's how things used to be when they all lived in this house. When they broke up, she was ready to search for an apartment, but Manny told her to take the house and he got an apartment himself. Ana loves having him around, she’s a daddy's girl after all, and being able to wake up and see him has been spoiling her, and in some ways, Angela too.
After the breakup, things were a bit weird and very emotional, but once they passed that hump, they fell back into the comfort and ease they have always had. When he stays over, Manny sleeps in the spare bedroom. On some nights, she stares at the second pillow where he used to be and contemplates welcoming him into the bedroom.
It would be easy to extend that invite, they’re close and still flirt with each other, even if they don’t intend to. The energy is there, like an elephant in the room but neither have acted on it. The closest they got was three months after the breakup, he dropped Ana off and stayed for dinner.
As they cleaned up in the kitchen, and Ana watched a short cartoon as her food digested, they almost kissed. Just as their lips brushed together, Angela put her hands on his chest and put some space between them.
“We shouldn’t.”
Manny looked at her longingly and took a step back. After apologizing, he shifted his focus to the sink and resumed washing dishes. That was the last they spoke about it….
This is a preview * read in full on A03
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Mayans - Masterlist
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theesirenteller · 7 months
Who's The Savior?
Manny, Mayans Mc X OFC
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"Bunny, You alright there sweetheart?!" Tanner called out from across the desert. The ex-navy seal stood at the staggering height of six feet and four inches tall, with shaggy chestnut-brown hair, a Greek god-like chiseled build, and a babyish face that was fresh of any facial hair. One of the Mayans stood in front of him with the end of an AK-47 pressed against the back of his curls.  "Alright, you got our girl and we got your guy. Bring us the girl now!" Ordered Riker, A heavily tattooed blonde with wild, piercing blue eyes. His sun-kissed skin was covered in thick layers of ink. Toned and Muscular but not nearly as buff as his best friend. He had platinum blonde hair that was cut short into a sleek back mohawk. His trigger finger itches to unload his M4-carbine into the low lives before him, "Give her to us you fucks!" "Y-yes! I'm okay! Just be cool guys please," She called out with teary eyes and a pleading tone as she stood behind Manny. The tall and lanky male rested his hand against her shoulder as he led her to them. His touch sent unexplainable shivers down her spine. He provided her with this unspeakable security.  "Don't shed no more tears, muñeca, everything's gonna be alright."He whispered raspily and Bunny slowed down her shaky breaths.  "Thank you, Manny." She said in a soft tone that held a delicate whisper to it. His warm hand only squeezed her shoulder in response. Tanner nudged the captive Mayan forward as soon as Bunny was in arm's reach. Bunny went rushing into Tanner's arms and hugged him by the waist tightly. His large hand patted her back and gripped her waist with one of his hands despite holding his gun in the other.  "Fucking wetbacks," Riker seethed before he had unleashed the bullets from his gun. The thought of them doing anything to His and Tanner's girl caused an animalistic rage to boil within him. The man wasn't a stranger to using Mexicans as target practice either. He'd done horrific things to them in his military days and wanted to do worse now. Tanner followed along with his friend and shot forward until Bunny intercepted. "NO! No Riker stop!" Bunny screamed in horror as she watched the Yuma men drop. Without giving her actions much thought, she rushed in front of Manny who had dropped.   "Bunny what the fuck?!" "Get the hell up and away from him, woman!"  "No!" she cried as she sat on her knees beside him. He'd been shot in his knees and shoulders. "This is wrong!  He protected me, He's got a child to go home to for Christ's sake! You can't kill him! I won't let you." Both men gripped their guns tightly as they looked from her to one another. Silently debating with their eyes. "Tanner please…" Bunny pleaded with her more reasonable lover. "Alright sugar," The brunette sighed before shaking his head and slowly began lowering his weapon, "Put it down, Rike." "Fuck." Riker spat in annoyance before lowering his weapon, "Looks like it's your lucky day wetback." he smirked down at Manny, sinisterly. Despite coughing up blood and wheezing, Manny's eyes were stuck in a cold glare towards the redneck. "I'm so sorry, "Bunny whispered as she placed her hand against his cheek. The rumbling of motorcycle engines could be heard in the distance getting closer and closer. The pair held eye contact for a few lingering moments before the plump woman was snatched up by her blonde-haired lover and thrown over his shoulder. "Time to go princess," Riker announced as he pushed her into the backseat of the Jeep. "Move out! They're getting close." Riker hollered as he sent shots into the air in an attempt to prologue how close the Yuma biker gang was getting. Tanner did as told, placing his foot harshly on the gas pedal, and sped off through the desert. 
And months after the events of that weekend happened, Manny couldn't help but let his mind wander off to the bubbly, free-soul, beautiful brown-skinned brunette that saved him. Even when he was safely home with his daughter and family, he wondered how she was. If she was okay, how she looked, and most of all...He wondered if her lips felt as soft as they were when they'd kissed the night before the trade-off. What he didn't know was that she thought of him as well.
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garbinge · 3 years
Garbinge Masterlist
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All works are 18+, minors do not engage.
Fandoms below the cut: Mayans MC, SOA, MCU, The Punisher, Bridgerton, Outer Banks, Narcos, Stranger Things, The Last of Us, The Bear, and The Mandalorian, The Rookie, and 9-1-1. 
Requests are open! 
📖 - Multi-chap/ Multi-part
Mayans MC:
📖 Contaminated - Dad!Bishop Losa & OC Lara Losa / Angel Reyes x OC Lara
Seen - Dad!Bishop Losa & OC Lara Losa / Angel Reyes x OC Lara
Family Night - Ez Reyes & Angel Reyes & Sister!OC Manny Reyes
Break in - Bishop Losa x OC Manny Reyes 
Cold - Nestor Oceteva x Galindo!Sister Reader
📖 Minimum Wage - Nestor Oceteva x Galindo!Sister Reader (Pt 1)
📖 Commission Job - Nestor Oceteva x Galindo!Sister Reader (Pt 2)
Stranded - Angel Reyes x EZ Reyes x Platonic!Reader
📖 New Years Resolutions Pt 1 - Nestor Oceteva x F!Reader
📖 New Years Resolutions Pt 2 - Nestor Oceteva x F!Reader
The Odds of a Jawbreaker -  EZ Reyes x OC Julia ‘Jules’ Silva
Pottery - Angel Reyes & EZ Reyes & Sister OC Cynalena ‘Cyn’ Reyes
Prank Wars - Angel Reyes x F!Reader
Moving Day - Angel Reyes & EZ Reyes & Platonic!OC Andrea Baros Motion Sick - Angel Reyes x F!Reader Mistakes - Angel Reyes & EZ Reyes & OC Rosario Reyes Tribute - Angel Reyes & EZ Reyes & OC Manny Reyes
Country Shit - Gilly Lopez x F!Reader Nice but Bad - Angel Reyes & Emily Thomas
Wanderlust - Angel Reyes (Mentions of OC Isabeth ‘Izzy’ Flores) Believe it or not - EZ Reyes x Nestor Oceteva Siblings - Angel Reyes  & Sister!OFC Manny Reyes Only If I’m Lucky - Angel Reyes & EZ Reyes & Felipe Reyes & OC Lucrecia (Lucky) Fuentes // Bishop Losa x OC Lucky Bail Out - Angel Reyes & EZ Reyes & OFC Rosario Reyes
Best Friend - Opie Winston x Teller!Sister Reader
Home - Jax Teller x F!Reader (Pt 1)
Riding with Angels - Jax Teller x F!Reader (Pt 2)
📖 Charming Life - Opie Winston x Teller!Sister OC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller / Jax Teller x Gemma Teller x Teller!Sister OC Joanne Teller
Ivy Coated Castle - Opie Winston x Teller!Sister OC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller
Fairytale - Jax Teller & OC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller / Tara Knowles & OC Joanne Teller / Opie Winston x OC Joanne Teller
Graduation Day - Jax Teller & OC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller / Opie Winston x OC Joanne Teller (Also in fic: Bobby Munson, Clay Morrow, Gemma Teller, and Tig Trager)
A Very Ugly Tie - Jax Teller & Teller!Sister OC Joanne Teller 
Flower Crowns - Happy Lowman & Daughter OC Scarlett Lowman
Chalk Drawings - Happy Lowman & Juice Ortiz & Platonic!Reader Jax Teller & Teller!Sister Reader Opie Winston x Teller!Sister Reader
Picnics - Juice Ortiz x F!Reader 📖 Maybe One Day (Pt 1) - Chibs x TellerSister!Reader 📖 But Not Today (Pt 2) - Chibs x TellerSister!Reader Never Okay - Opie Winston x OC Joanne Teller Bad Haircut - Opie Winston & OC Joanne Teller & Jax Teller Snow Angel - Wendy Case & F!Reader // Nero Padilla & F!Reader // Jax Teller x F!Reader Secret’s Safe - Jax Teller x Ortiz!F!Reader // Juice & Sister!Reader
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
📖 My Best Girl - Dad!Tony Stark & OC Maxine Stark / Steve Rogers x OC Maxine 
Festival - (40s) Bucky Barnes x OC Adelaide Redi / (40s) Steve Rogers & Platonic OC Adelaide Redi
The Punisher: 
You Owe Me - Frank Castle x Platonic OC Ana Tyler
Synchronized Watches - Frank Castle x Platonic!OC Ana Tyler
Unfair - Frank Castle x OC Georgia Madden
Broken - Franke Castle x F!Reader
Already Said Yes - Benedict Bridgerton x OC Samantha Crown
Outer Banks:
When Summer Ends - Topper Thornton x Maybank!Sister OC
In The Midst of Chaos - Javier Peña x F!Reader
Something Borrowed - Javier Peña x F!Reader
What Friends Are For - Steve Murphy x Platonic!Reader
📖 Superhero - Javier Peña x F!Reader
History in a bar - Javier Peña & F!Reader Circles - Steve Murphy x Sister!Reader | Javier Peña x Murphy!F!Reader A Hole In A Shoe -  Steve Murphy x Sister!Reader | Javier Peña x Murphy!F!Reader Something Out of the Ordinary - Steve Murphy x F!Reader Stuck Record - Steve Murphy x F!Reader
For Old Time’s Sake - Horacio Carrillo x F!Reader
Foldin’ Clothes - Steve Murphy x F!Reader
Watching Time - Chepe Santacruz x Pacho Herrera
Things I Should Have Said - Javier Peña x F!Reader
Country Store Cherry Chocolate - Steve Murphy & Murphy!Sister!Reader For Old Times Sake - Horacio Carrillo x F!Reader
Stranger Things:
D&D Night - Eddie Munson x F!Reader Running Eyeliner - Eddie Munson x F!Reader
The Last of Us:
Midnight Movie - Tommy Miller x F!Reader
Let Me Come Home - Joel Miller x F!Reader
The Bear: 
📖 My Best Friend’s Cousin - Richie Jerimovich x F!Reader / Carmy Berzatto x Platonic!F!Reader (was originally a bunch of individual fics but I’ve combined them into their own multi-chap post).  You, Me & Italy - Mikey Berzatto x F!Reader Flower Shop - Richie Jerimovich x F!Reader
The Mandalorian:
The Long Game - Din Djarin x Pregnant!F!Reader
The Rookie:
Clean Cut - Tim Bradford x F!Nurse!Reader
Earthquakes and Promotions - Tim Bradford x F!Nurse!Reader
Backfired- Eddie Diaz & Sister!Reader
Gilmore Girls:
Jane Austen and a New York Bench - Jess Mariano x F!Reader Not Much To Tell - Jess Mariano x F!Reader
And You? - Jax Teller & Steve Murphy 
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Runaway - Chapter Twenty Four.
Well, folks. The end of the story is here. Thank you so, so much for being such a wonderful, engaging audience. I’m thrilled you enjoyed it! Right, let’s say bye bye to the little family, shall we? 
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen  Seventeen  Eighteen  Nineteen  Twenty  Twenty One  Twenty Two  Twenty Three
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Words - 2,231
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
Tumbling bliss, hot caresses to her neck, his weight on top of her as his long, thick cock arrowed her deeply, her hands sliding down his back as her thighs tensed against him, his mouth pressing to hers in a searing kiss. “Mmm, I love you.”
“Love you, too.” More kisses followed this, Hannah feeling her heart bloom. Finally, she had everything she wanted, all under one roof. It had all arrived with her so fluidly, too. No fuss, no drama, just the swift enabling for Manny to exit his old life and move on with her. She’d awoken at several points in the night, around Lola’s stirring with her sore gums from teething, wondering if she was dreaming, reaching out for Manny.  
“I’m still here.” he’d comically grumbled into the pillows, before wrapping her in his arms as they’d mostly cat napped around their daughter’s squealing. They at least had twenty seconds to catch their breath after their morning sex session before she started up again.  
“Is that better, tiny girl?”  
Hannah snorted with laughter as Manny brought Lola into the bed, who was gumming on a carrot. “Why have you given her that?”
“Because her teething rings weren’t in the fridge, so I put ‘em in there and gave her this for now. Nice and cold, huh bubs?” Lola was very content, grinning as she drooled all over herself, beginning to giggle with delight as her daddy pulled ridiculous faces at her, those shrieking giggles of joy making her parents laugh hard.
“Is your daddy silly, little sweet? Is he?” Hannah cooed, Lola bringing the carrot back to her mouth, the cold vegetable relieving her sore gums, gurgling happily. With her mouth beginning to calm down, she began to nod, Hannah taking the carrot away, Manny resting her down between them as she drifted off again.  
“How’d we get so lucky to be here, huh?” His fond words made her beam, kissing his palm when he reached to stroke her cheek.  
“I think we’re owed it, something going our way, finding a path back to one another.” Her eyes were adoring as they found his, Manny’s hand moving to stroke circles at her neck.  
“Do me one thing?”
“What?” she asked.
“Never stop looking at me like that, not even for a second.” She leaned to kiss him, rubbing her nose against his softly.
“Never,” she promised. “Well, unless you irritate me, then you get the mean eyebrows.” He laughed at her playful scowl, kissing her again.  
“I still can’t believe it, that she was the one to call time on it,” he began, echoing back to the events of the previous night. “Well, actually I guess I can. If I’m honest, I had noticed her becoming a little distant with me. I guess she was working it all out in her head for a while, whether she really wanted to stay with me or not, and because of what I was heading into with you, I just didn’t realise fully to what extent. I still feel bad about it all. Regardless of everything to do with Lola, I shouldn’t have cheated on her. I ain’t ever done that to a girl before, I’m not that way inclined.”
Hannah nodded, understanding where he was coming from. She’d never, ever resorted to using Carmen’s own failings to justify hers, and she wasn’t about to start. Not one of them had behaved faultlessly in all of this. “Accepting our blame in this is growth, I suppose, no matter who walked out on who in the end, or why they did. Did she mention anything in her note about the wedding cancelling, if she’s doing it? If she isn’t, I can help you with that, if you like?”
He smiled, grateful of her offer. “I dunno, darlin’. I guess I should probably call her and check. I wanna see if she’s alright too, you know?”  
She could understand that; it was very indicative of his nature, regardless of the obvious. “Alright, no problem. So, do you just want to hang out and chill today? I don’t have any plans, I made myself completely available in the event of everything going poorly with Carmen, in case you needed a port in the storm.”  
“You wanna head out to eat? See how much of a mess the small person gets into with her mush?” Lola had just turned six months old, meaning that solid foods could be introduced. Mostly, she liked to introduce them to her parents, as they’d learned if they didn’t hold onto the bowl of baby food before her, Lola picking it up and launching it through the air, or upending it onto her head, all while laughing with glee.  
“Yeah, that’s a nice idea!” Hannah agreed, getting up and beginning to gather the laundry, Manny grabbing Lola and going to get her breakfast while the bed linen was stripped. After heading down to the basement laundry room and throwing all of the clothes and linen in, she arrived back to see Manny feeding a reluctant Lola, who persisted in turning her head, fussing over her food.
“Oh come on, you liked this one!” he spoke, offering the spoon forth once more. Nope. “It’s strawberry oatmeal, it’s good stuff.” He took the mouthful himself, raising his eyebrow. “Yeah, bubs. If you don’t want it, imma eat it all.” At seeing him take a second spoonful, Lola suddenly decided that she did indeed want it, her mouth dropping open after making a little noise of complaint.
“I think you just found the way to make her eat when she doesn’t want to, pretend like you’re going to eat it all,” Hannah noted, moving into the kitchen. “You want a bagel?”
“Please,” he confirmed, cleaning off Lola’s gooey chin with the spoon. God, the simplicity of it. There he was, with his girl and his baby, enjoying a quiet Sunday morning, nothing niggling at the back of his mind, no cloud hanging over him. He was free to be what he wanted to be. All theirs.  
The smile didn’t leave his face all day.  
“Imma call my mom and ask her to look after Lola for a few hours tonight,” he spoke later that afternoon, after they’d finished lunch at the small, casual restaurant they’d visited. “I wanna take you out someplace, just us.”  
Hannah reached for his hand, leaning to kiss him. “That’d be great, where are going?”
He smiled, thumbs stroking her hands. “It’s a surprise.” It shouldn’t have been really, when at 7pm that evening, they pulled up outside the Locust and Fly. Right where they’d begun.  
“Well, no one can accuse you of not being sentimental,” she spoke, climbing from his bike, remembering it all so clearly in her mind, standing there fifteen and a half months earlier in her wedding dress, picking pins from her hair.  
Looking at the bar and then back at her, he winked. “Where’s a better place to continue than going back to where we began, huh?” She couldn’t agree more, taking his hand before they headed through the door. This time, of course, no one offered them congratulations on a marriage they hadn’t actually entered. Getting married was perhaps the furthest thing from their minds, and continued to be too, as the months together passed by. They wouldn’t get to at any point soon either, as it turned out.  
They’d been together for eighteen months when Hannah received the phone call that was to change their lives forever, Bishop’s voice down the line strained as he delivered the news.  
“Sweetheart, you need to get to the hospital. It’s Manny, he’s been shot.”  
Two in the chest, one in his hip and one in the stomach. How he’d hung on until reaching the hospital, nobody knew. How he’d survived the surgery, crashing twice as the doctors worked tirelessly to save him, nobody knew. It was even more miraculous that Hannah hadn’t gone into early labour with their second daughter from the stress of it, six months pregnant at the time, out of her mind with worry for the seven hours he’d spent on the operating table.  
Nobody saw the result of what had happened to him coming, either.  
“I can’t do it anymore, darlin’,” he revealed to Hannah, when he was awake and able to breathe on his own, his weak lungs burning with effort after the surgery to repair them. It took her a moment, to realise what he meant. “I can’t risk it, this possibly happening again. I love my brothers, I love my club, but I love you and our girls more. One ain’t even here yet, and she very nearly didn’t get to meet her daddy.”  
After months of painful, slow recovery, his decision was definitely made. The brush with death was simply too close for comfort for him. His brother’s understood, his decision to leave the Mayan’s behind more than amicable. It would never be anything less, since the bullets he’d taken had been because he’d stood in front of his president, saving Bishop’s life.  
“We’re good, Manny. We always will be. Just you come back and see us, you’re always welcome here.” he’d vouched, Manny taking off his kutte at the table and hugging each man who sat at it in turn, walking away from it, knowing exactly where his next destination was.  
Manny, Hannah, Lola and baby Rosie, named after her much missed great-grandmother, who had passed away the year before, moved into Blackstone Ranch six months after the shooting, Ed quietly thrilled to have his family there with him, after months of insisting he was fine on his own after his darling Rosita had departed, not wanting his family to worry. “We need to make him feel like he’s doing us a favour, and not the other way around.” Hannah had spoken before Manny had approached him with the idea, her other half agreeing such was best.  
They all knew, though, that they were helping each other.  
“Come on, Hannah banana,” Manny called, leading out Ace to her, who since moving in had truly become her horse, Ed seeing how joyful she was whenever sat upon his back and gifting him to her. “Get that coffee drank quick, we got cattle to go drive in.”  
It was five thirty in the morning, and their children slept on, their live-in nanny Beverly on duty while the adults of the house set about their work. Hannah’s accounting business was still in existence, covering small businesses in and around her new home of La Paz County, as well as further afield with some of her old clients, but mostly her work consisted of helping with the horses while Manny and his grandfather saw to the cattle side of the ranch. Where bringing them in was concerned, though, she could never resist climbing aboard Ace and offering her help.  
“Alright, alright. Cool your jets.” Taking a final swig, she set the mug down next to the mounting block, climbing up the steps before jumping aboard her horse, giving him a good scratch on the neck while Manny returned to fetch Lyra, the last offspring of his beloved Midnight, the mare a little too old now to be ridden out for longer periods of time, her six-year-old now his daily four legged transport.  “I can’t get over how much she looks like Midnight. Even down to her mane.”  
Manny looked down at Lyra, patting her neck before gathering her reins up. “Yeah, don’t she? Ain’t quite as well behaved yet, but imma give her time. Just like Rosie and her sleeping through the damned night. I can’t wait until she starts following her sister.”  
The baby had kept them both awake multiple times the following night, of course still requiring regular feeding throughout. “Yeah, I’m looking forward to us having to virtually drag her out of bed, too.” she laughed, thinking of how now at two and a half, Lola loved to sleep. It was no irregular occurrence, to find her returned to her bed after she’d eaten breakfast. She never, ever fought against taking a nap. Neither did her mom and dad when the opportunity presented itself around their full-time work and raising her and her sister.  
Ed, Raymond, Ned and Simon all waited for them over by the paddock gate aboard their own steeds, the six riding off as the sun began to break over the horizon. Red and orange burst through the dark ink of the early morning, warming the Arizonan terrain with golden orange, Hannah turning to Manny and smiling.  
“That’s a big smile you got for me there, mamas,” he observed. “Whatcha thinking about?”
“I was feeling thankful,” she began, reaching for his hand after gathering the reins in her other. “Thankful that just under three and a half years ago, you decided to ride down All Saints Boulevard.”
“And found you, running in your wedding dress through the traffic, huh?” he laughed, squeezing her fingers in his. “Think I can ever talk you into putting on another again?”  
As she watched the sun begin to full rise, gilding his handsome face, her smile widened, winking at him. “Maybe. But if we don’t, then this is enough for me. You’re enough for me just as you are.”  
That was good enough for him.  
The End.  
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Runaway - Chapter Four.
A very warm thank you to you all for your interest in this! I’m so happy you’re enjoying it :) Well, here you are, then. You asked, and now I deliver. As usual, 40 notes to unlock the next chapter, which I can promise contains more of the same!
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three
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Words - 1,866
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
His mouth rained kisses upon her, lips pressing a bonfire of heat against her skin, tongue wetting trails upon her chest, her arms, her hands, sucking her fingers, teeth nipping, his short beard grazing over her, the culminative effect making her feel mindless, and he hadn’t even touched her intimately yet. His mouth returned to her chest, tongue swiping her cleavage before his full lips hovered over her erect nipples in turn, teasing for the briefest of moments before sucking, her body juddering.  
Each pink bud was bathed in the wet suck of a hungry mouth, Manny shifting so he straddled her thigh, taking his weight onto his elbow as this other hand began to skim strokes down her leg, wanting to make her ache for his touch just a little more, but unable to resist the desire to stroke at the petals of her cunt, fingertips sliding over her folds, the liquid silk of her arousal bathing them.  
That first touch had her arching off the bed, her back bending like a crescent moon, her moan rich and full bodied, his teeth biting her nipple just a little bit harder, his long, deft fingers spreading her wetness around, settling upon her clit and beginning to circle. His touch was perfect, Hannah mewling softly as she felt her core ache, his breaths heavy against her neck as he moved to kiss her elegant throat, a soft groan rumbling his as he pushed two fingers into her.  
“Oh god, you’re so fucking wet for me already, damn, girl.” He whispered, his mouth finding hers, kissing her with all the heat of a furnace, those clever fingers seeking out her sweet spots, rotating against the hot slick of her walls, forcing soft little exclamations from her, drinking them down like wine as his lips locked with hers. “Yeah, that feel good, baby?”
She couldn’t even form words, delight tumbling through her, merely uttering a soft ‘uh huh’ as her head fell back on the bed, his fingers entering, rotating, dragging back, moving his thumb to her clit to stroke it in perfect rhythm. It didn’t take long for him to kiss a sizzling path down her body, his mouth craving to be quenched with what drenched his fingers, removing them, sucking her wetness from them with a hungry grunt, pushing her legs wider so she splayed for him, delving his tongue right into her folds, the syrupy wet of her cunt flooding and plentiful.  
“Ahhh, fuck!” she cried out, overcome at the sensations of his mouth, tongue dragging her eagerly, long licks from her glossy opening to her clit making her very bones shudder in ecstasy, Manny groaning, pushing his tongue inside her, his cock throbbing within the confines of his jeans.
“Fuck me, if this ain’t absolute heaven in cunt form, shit.” he exclaimed, Hannah wincing a little at his use of the C word, until she realised just how hot it actually was. “Imma fucking eat you alive, darlin’.” He swiped at her clit with the flat of his tongue, pressing it hard, wiggling back and forth, Hannah crying out as every last nerve ending sang its bliss, her hands resting either side of his head as she gritted and hissed with the utter divinity of it.  
He sucked upon her like ripe fruit, his groans deep, like boulders rolling over one another, the heat radiating up her spine as she panted, watching him tipping her further into mindlessness before her eyes closed and her head fell back, the flickers of the very tip of his tongue working in speed over her clit too much, but not enough, her body shaking in response of being so lit up. It felt like an ice storm meeting magma, her body gleaming for him, Manny pushing his fingers back within her heat, burrowing deep.
Placing a suck upon her clit, his cheeks hollowed, the pressure gentle at first, fingers circling her walls, entering her then with rapidity, that suck intensifying until he had her crying out softly, those exclamations the sweetest things he could remember hearing for a while. His hunger to devour had him tearing his fingers from her, covering her entire slit in the thirsty suck of his mouth, groaning against her folds as his tongue laved her incessantly.  
Reaching for his jeans, he undid them, sliding them and his boxers down, kicking himself out of them with impatience, the need to be within her rocketing through him, his heart thundering in his chest as anticipation skittered over him, kissing his way back to her mouth, lips meeting hers in a hot mesh of filthy indulgence, his words matching.  
“Wanna spread those gorgeous legs and let me fuck you, huh? Is that what you want, for me to bury my big dick right up deep in this pretty little pussy, darlin’, get me all wet?” Those words fuelled the epicentre of her bonfire, Hannah nodding, their kisses scorching as he moved between her legs and glided into her, her walls tensing on his shaft, dragging a groan from the depths of him. He sat back on his heels, taking root in her, his eyes watching the sight of it, his cock sinking in and out, her wetness bathing him thickly.
He fell to her then, the blinding need to chase the fire roaring through his veins consuming him, his flames catching at her edges as she wrapped her legs around him, their mouths meeting messily.  
“Oh god,” she gasped, clasping his face, seduced further by the look of dark lust pooling his near black eyes. “Fuck me, yeah, that’s it. Oh, fuck me!”  
And he did, pounding into her relentlessly, hitting her so deep, shocks skittered through her, but it wasn’t just the mindless bludgeoning of her uterus that she was used to. Oh no. This man, he had sexual finesse in shades, Manny knowing exactly where to align himself in order to have her seeing stars, entire constellations exploding where his dick scraped against, Hannah’s mouth falling open, watching his grin widening to see witness how much she was enjoying him.  
He slowed then, wanting to make it last longer than the rampant charge of his arousal was dictating, pulling himself back, thrusting a little shallower, almost retreating, slipping back deeply, a slight change in the angle of his hips making her mouth drop open even wider, her mouthed words of ‘what the fuck?’ spurring his laughter.  
“Yeah, mamas. That cock hits different, don’t it?”
Hits different didn’t quite cut it for her, never being fucked like that before, with such skill and purpose in her entire life. His head dipped, sucking her nipples in turn, tongue circling them with a hungry grunt, his hands stroking paths of blissful heat up and down her thighs as his cock hit her deep, deep, deep.  
“Mmmm, yeah. You look so goddamn pretty, spread all around my dick, shit. Got me so fucking drenched, beautiful.” he groaned, sitting back up again, the sight so steeped in erotic heat, he had to close his eyes for a moment, those tingles pulsing too rapidly, the desire to chase his release held fast, slowing, long lashes parting again as he stared down at her. “That feel good, huh?”
“Oh, you’re the fucking best!” she cried out, her body jolting when he brought his thumb to her clit, tight circles spreading glimmers through her, pleasure melting down her spine and puddling at her cunt, covering him further in her dew. She raised herself up on her elbows, her hips shunting against each of his thrusts, fucking him back with purpose as she let her gaze fall to watch it. “Ohhh wow, I really got you slick, didn’t I? Only fair I clean you up a little.”  
Pulling away from him, she turned to gather her legs beneath herself, taking his cock in her hand and feeding into the hot clasp of her eager mouth, Manny’s eyes scrunching tightly shut, his hands weaving into the soft waves of her hair. “Mmmm, I love the way my hot little pussy tastes on your cock.”  
Fire. She had an out-of-control blaze burn right through him with those words, her mouth gliding back and forth over his shaft, sucking him clean, her moans sending delicious vibrations over his cock. “Damn, baby. You’re so fuckin’ dirty.” he groaned, watching himself vanish between her keen lips. “Yeah, you want me to choke you on it, fuck this pretty little mouth?”
Letting him go with a slippery pop, she licked her top lip, her eyes glittering with dark lust, turning her head to bite his hip. “Oh, you better fuck my face like the dirty little whore I wanna be for you.”  
‘Fuck! How is this chick real, and where the hell has she been all my life?’ he thought, grasping her hair hard, forcing himself back into her mouth, pounding himself into her throat, muffling her moans with each barbarous thrust. Her eyes began to water, Hannah looking up at him as she sucked him hard, her hand between her legs, rubbing at her clit, the filth of it making her throb as she felt him twitching.  
Bracing her hand against his chest, she rolled one of his dark nipples between her thumb and forefinger, the force of his cock making her gag, pulling her head back, spitting on it before wrapping him in a hard suck again, Manny continuing to fuck her, his brain gone to mush completely at how utterly filthy it was, feeling himself ascending sharply. Gritting his teeth, he rumbled a groan, a long train of expletives leaving his mouth as her lips tightened on him, pulling his release into her throat as he spurted into her, waves of bliss washing over him in ceaseless crests.  
Barely giving himself any kind of time to recover, he pushed her down, lifting her legs to his shoulders, hand curling around her throat as he drove back into her cunt, dragging sparks through her walls. “Let’s fucking get you there a few times now, darlin’.”
“What the...” she panted, eyes wide with disbelief. “You can blow your load and still keep going?”
He grinned, leaning to kiss her. “Yup. Sometimes I can, and right now is one of them because I ain’t stopping until you cum stain the fuck outta my sheets.” Holding her down, his hips began to rail against her so hard, he had her crying out, bearing his weight down into her cunt, the lewd sounds of their bodies smacking together filling the room, his cock squelching within the wet mess of her sopping walls.  
“Yeah, fuck me! Fuck me right there, oh god, oh!” she wailed, her nails digging into his shoulders and tearing down as the light rolled over her, white-hot and pulsing, her sun rising over the valley that was him, bursting to dawn. She was boneless and without breath in the aftermath, but he didn’t stop, slowing a little before pulling her out, turning her over and sinking back in to pound her savagely from behind.  
“Ain’t you glad you’re not somebody’s wife right now, huh?”  
Truer words were never spoken.  
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Runaway - Chapter Fourteen.
Wow, besties! You reached that unlock at speed! Something tells me that you’re going to be exactly the same with this chapter, too :D Thanks for your engagement as usual, and I hope you enjoy!
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Ahhh, stories from respective pasts. A fantastic way to get to know someone, and be thoroughly entertained throughout. At that point in the evening, and with the storm showing no signs of abating, they were covering the school years. 
“So I ask her again, and she predictably tells me no, but by this point I feel like my fuckin’ bladder is gon’ burst, so I just said to her, ‘fine, you asked for this’, got up, walked over to her plant in the corner, and pissed right in the pot. She starts screaming at me, I calmly told her that she should have just let me go to the bathroom, but at least with my way, she got to see the fact I had a real big dick, so it was a win win scenario.  
“The entire class went crazy laughing, she reported me to the principal, but it was only the comment I made about my dick I got in trouble for. Turns out the principal’s wife was a urologist, and so because he knew how bad it was to hold a piss in, she got in deep shit for not allowing kids to go to the bathroom.  
“That ain’t even the wildest part of the story, though. I saw her in a bar years later, and gave her hell about what a tyrant she used to be. She just stood there and took it, then said that since I’d grown up to be such a knockout, I should let her make it up to me. I went home with her that night and fucked her until her bed broke.”
Hannah almost choked on her wine. “Oh my god!”
“What?” he laughed, his dirty chuckle filling the room. “She was a bitch, but she was hot!”
“I’d say I can’t believe that you fucked your former teacher, but it’s you after all.” She nudged him with a teasing foot, Manny grabbing her leg and tickling behind her knee, where he knew she couldn’t bear to be touched. “Get off me!” she cried, her giggles sending sparks of happiness through his insides. It had been a while, since he’d been playful like that with a woman.
“Oh and I bet you were nothing short of perfect at school, right?”  
She fought against him, kicking his thigh until he finally let go. “I was, actually. About the worst thing I did was let the fire alarm off to get a guy I liked out of a test. He never really noticed me like that before, until I walked past him when we were filed up outside, whispered ‘you’re welcome’, winked and walked away. I’d like to think that was one of my smoother moments in life.”
“And did it work? Not that you should have needed to resort to such, being as gorgeous as you are.”  
She nodded, dropping her head for a moment, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Yeah, it worked. We dated for four months before I broke up with him. Me and my poor impulse control struck, the impulse being that the quarterback of the football team asked me out, and I looked at him as a better option.”
Manny leaned forward slightly, arching an eyebrow as he lifted his glass to his lips. “And was he?”
“Nope! I never seem to learn my lesson there. Then again, the last time I acted on impulse, I got something wonderful.” He gestured for her to continue, watching her smile grow. “I got Lola.”
“And you didn’t end up married to an asshole either,” he observed, draining his glass, Hannah hauling herself up to fetch the second bottle from the kitchen. “Anything more there, or is he sticking to his restraining order?”
“I’ve had a few phone calls come through where no one talks, and I know it’s him. I block all the numbers he calls me from just as I always have, but he’s persistent, uses pay phones, I think at one point he was using cheap prepay phones as well. I just have to keep a diary of it, but it’ll be hard to prove it’s him unless he talks. It’s a nuisance, but what can I do?” Sitting down again, she topped up their glasses, setting the bottle down on the table. “I heard through the grapevine that he moved away recently, he’s gone up to northern Cali somewhere, so as long as he isn’t a physical presence in my life, I don’t mind so much.”  
“I do,” he stated with vehemence. “I mind him bothering you. If he ever does turn up again, you tell me, okay? Fuck the police, fuck the courts, you come and you tell me. He’ll leave you alone for good.”  
Her eyes widened a little. “You wouldn’t...” she made a gun motion against her head, her thumb pulling an imaginary trigger, “would you?”
“No! Don’t be crazy, of course I wouldn’t. But I’d make him believe I would.” That was only half the truth. If he ever physically came near his daughter in a threatening way, Michael would cease to breathe, although that wasn’t a truth Manny was quick to share with her mother. “And I’d probably smack him around a little, just for daring to fuck with someone I care about.”
He couldn’t help but add that, the wine getting to him a little. Anything stronger than beer, and it was essentially like giving him truth serum.  
“Manny,” she warned gently, reaching for his arm. “Please, don’t.” It took him a moment to answer, the feel of her hand upon him, her skin on his, even though so innocently placed there making a jolt run straight to the pit of his belly.  
He raised his eyebrows, recovering himself. “He’ll be fine, unless he breaks his restraining order. I saw it, when you broke down and revealed it all, just how fucking stressed out the motherfucker had made you. That don’t happen on my watch, Hannah.” Pausing, he leaned forward, reaching for her face, gently stroking her cheek with his thumb. “Don’t matter how unique it all is, our relationship as parents, what could have been, if the circumstances were different. I meant it when I said I care about you.”  
Perhaps he hadn’t recovered himself sufficiently enough, the blue of her eyes like cloudless skies he wished only to sail through, shining through the candlelight. His mouth felt dry, taking another swig of wine, his heart beginning to pound. No. He couldn’t act. He had to shove it down again, but the lure of her. Oh, the lure, his loins burning at the memory of how it felt, when he was with her. Fuck.  
In turn, the pull she felt to him was intense, like he’d lassoed her insides, as only an accomplished cowboy could, the rope being wound in with every statement that passed over his lips, every compliment, her foundations feeling shaky in the presence of him. Despite herself, her hand covered his, the light of her gaze meeting the dark of his, both paused, perhaps for too long... or not long enough... the wine clouding them, the memories of one another returning. As if that attraction had ever been far from the surface.  
The storm outside swirled with all the potency of what they’d both tried to push down, the sky illuminated as Manny set his glass down, taking hers from her hand, moving up the couch, his hands gripping her knees, opening them enough for his body to slot between them, the boom of thunder rocking the ground as their mouths met.  
Any reservations they might have had were swept away as they fell headlong down the rabbit hole, the tempting promise of what they would experience in their own Neverland of blissful sin tugging at them too strongly, dragging them down, until all that was left was them. There was no Carmen, no time between their only night together and then, no reason why not. Only them.  
A scattered path of kisses scorched her skin, the firm grip of his hands moving to pull at her vest, Hannah suddenly stopping him.  
“I... I look... different.” Her stammered words made him pause, searching her eyes, resting his forehead to hers. “I don’t look as good as I used to, since the baby.”
“Let me be the judge of that.” His kisses landed softer, his haste calmed as he slowly lifted her vest, pulling it from her body, her sweats next to go, Manny sitting back on his heels as he looked down at her, his gaze finding the nerves in her eyes. “This body is beautiful. You know why? It’s the body that grew my child safely for nine months, and if you think just because it’s a tiny bit different to how I remember that it’ll put me off, then you’re crazy. Now, lie back and let me show you just how goddamned beautiful I think you are.”  
She’d be lying if she said her confidence had been truly bolstered in the wake of his praise, no matter how lovely his words were, but still, she felt desired enough to pull him back to her, their mouths locked together, undoing his shirt as kisses of sugared embers grew hotter, the feel of his skin on hers torridly enchanting.  
“Wait.” Sitting up, he lifted her, Hannah wrapping herself around him. “I need more room than a couch has to really fuckin’ enjoy you, darlin’.”
As soon as the bedroom door closed behind them, so did the chapter of them entitled ‘Two parents trying desperately to convince themselves there was only a child connecting them.’ And lord, the chapter they would write together to follow, only legible until the flames that roared between them threatened to burn each word off the page entirely.  
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Runaway - Chapter Thirteen.
Oh! We reached 30 notes yesterday and I’ve left you waiting on the update! I’m so sorry guys, but it’s here now :D I hope you enjoy it! As always, thanks for your engagement, I’m so thrilled that you all love it as much as you do. 
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“Damn, I’m so glad your parking garage is underground!”
Hannah was simply glad he and their baby had arrived there in one piece, with the force of the storm that had rolled in. It had been expected, Manny even setting out earlier than planned in order to miss it, but been hit by it halfway to Hannah’s apartment, the rain absolutely torrential. If he hadn’t been turning his vehicle onto her street by the time it really began to pelt down, he would have pulled over and waited it out, it was so bad.  
“I gotta say it, HB. You’re looking sharp as hell, mamas,” he complimented, noting that it was the first time he’d seen her in such attire. She wore a pair of dark grey pants that flared slightly, a white bodysuit and a pair of fancy looking, silver heels.  
“Why thank you,” she began, her smile a little shy. “This is the first time I’ve had to get dressed up all business smart since giving birth. I’m just glad the bodysuit holds my mommy belly in!”  
Lifting Lola from her car seat as Hannah reached for her, he gave her another quick tour with his eyes, frowning. “What mommy belly? I swear, that’s the exact same figure as you had before you got pregnant.”
“See?” she gestured with a sweep of her hand before receiving the baby into her arms. “Power of the bodysuit! Believe me, once I take it off, it’ll flop right back out!”
Manny rolled his eyes. “Mommy’s crazy, ain’t she bubs?” Lola gurgled right on cue. “See? The kid agrees.”  
Hannah laughed softly through her nose, carrying her into the kitchen, Manny seating himself down at the breakfast bar. “So, you wanna wait it out with us for a while until it passes?”  
Turning to look through the huge lounge windows, seeing the way the trees across the other side of the street were swaying, he thought that was likely best. Just then, the whole apartment lit up, a huge clap of thunder booming, Lola’s eyes widening. She only laughed and wriggled, though.  
“Ahhh, just like daddy, aren’t you, tiny mamas,” he spoke, watching the curiosity his daughter viewed the storm with. “You love a good storm.”  
“Coffee?” Hannah asked.
“Please,” he spoke, reaching for Lola across the counter so she could free her hands. “So, why the fancy threads today, then? Business meeting?”
“Something like that,” she confirmed, sticking a pod into the coffee machine. “I had a round of interviews earlier, as I’m looking for two more bookkeepers to come and work for me. My client list is now beginning to extend beyond my capabilities to do everything myself, so they’ll be working from home for now until I manage to find a small office space to rent. I might wait on that, though. I mean, if covid taught us anything then it’s that if it isn’t imperative to have an onsite location for your staff, then you get to save a lot of money. I dunno. What do you think?”
He straightened a little, his mouth upturning, pleasantly surprised to be asked his opinion. “I think you’re right. Digital technology and communications mean that you can easily run things via Zoom meetings and all that, client meetings can be done elsewhere, too, take ‘em for lunch or something, that’s a nice touch. I dunno, guess you’d only need an actual office if your business grows to the kind of size where it’d be detrimental somehow to have your staff all scattered around.”  
“Yeah, yeah, that is a good idea. I like that. Thanks,” she smiled, handing him his coffee. “So, what’s new with you?”
Ahh, adult conversation. Easy back and forth. No screaming. He’d missed it.
Also, she’d asked about him. Carmen never bothered, only throwing wedding questions at him of late, it seemed. “Yeah, same old, really. Gramps wants me to head back home for a few days next week, got a new colt he’s having issues with he wants me to go get thrown around on. Apparently, my bones don’t break as easily.”
Hannah laughed, pouring herself a glass of wine. “Well, he is seventy-one. His days breaking in the crazy youngsters are likely behind him now.”
“Oh, but it’s alright for my ass to get up there and run the risk of snapped bones, huh?”  
“You’re a cowboy who turned outlaw. If that isn’t one of the toughest breeds of man you can get, I don’t know what is,” she complimented, sipping her wine, her heart melting when Lola yawned, her head thudding against her daddy’s chest, grasping the soft flannel of his dark blue and green shirt. “I think someone needs her milk and bedtime a little early.”
“I’ll sort her out. She had a bath earlier because she got covered in paint. We went to see Willow and Lily for a little play date and let them do hand and footprint paintings. The fucking mess they got into, shit! They weren’t dry by the time we left, but I’ll bring yours over when I have it. The kids had a blast, it was awesome. Lily got actual canvases, so they look all fancy and stuff,” he explained, Hannah beaming. He was truly taking to fatherhood like a duck to water. “You go put your feet up.”  
Doing just that, Hannah sighed softly, thinking to herself how lucky she was as she sat down on the couch, the dark green velvet moulding around her in a plush hug. Sipping her glass of claret, she felt content, until the feeling of nostalgia began to rise, taking another sip in an attempt to keep it abated.  
Every time she saw Manny, and more pertinently, how brilliant he was with their baby, she felt something inside her ache a little. The way they’d sparked, how easy it had been between them back when they’d first met still very much in existence, too. Chemistry never really died, though, she was beginning to learn. The reality of it hit her every time, though, the fact he was engaged, even though at present, she didn’t know how happily. The last time they’d had a conversation about it, he hadn’t sounded like he was particularly content in his relationship.
Once Lola was dressed for bed and fed, they put her down, Hannah playing the soothing ambient music that Manny had discovered worked a charm in settling her to sleep, creeping out of her room again and going to sit back down in the lounge.  
“Hungry?” she asked. “I’d call for a pizza, but I’m not having some poor delivery guy battle through that just to bring me dinner.”  
“I’m okay, Lily made me a sandwich the size of my damned head, but you go ahead.”
“Alright, I’ll go put out a plate of stuff I can pick at, and then if you want anything it’s there.” She went first to change, coming back out in a pair of simple, light grey sweats and a black vest top, heading to the fridge and rummaging around. She returned after a few minutes with a huge sharing plate, full of cold meats, olives, tomatoes, fresh bread, cheeses, carrot batons, mini cucumbers and various dips. She’d just got it down on the table when her entire apartment was plunged into darkness.  
“Damn, it’s been a while since we’ve had one so bad, the fucking power got knocked out,” Manny commented, rooting in his pocket for the petrol lighter he knew he had in there, flicking it to lit and moving the flame to light the wicks on one of Hannah’s gigantic coffee table candles. She looked through the basket she kept her wax melts and burner oils in, pulling out a lighter from there and going around the apartment, lighting all the other candles that lay dotted around.  
Just as she sat down, his cell began to ring, Manny answering it with a slight look of discomfort. “Hey darlin’, what’s up?” there was a pause, Hannah being able to hear the demanded question of ‘where in the hell are you?’ before a pile more shouted words followed. “I’m still at Hannah’s, I didn’t think it was a good idea to drive back in this weather, even less now the power has been knocked out. Ain’t even any streetlights on here in town, it’s rough out there.”
The presence of her wine glass in front of her face obscured her wincing at the tirade he could hear him receiving, Manny rolling his eyes as Carmen gave him hell. She felt for him, having to sit there and defend a perfectly reasonable decision given the weather circumstances, to a woman who was being the very antithesis of that.  
“It isn’t even that bad out there!” she overheard, Manny’s eyes widening.
“Carmen, it’s fucking biblical out there, baby!” he exclaimed, just as a huge bolt of lightning cracked the sky, the boom making Hannah jump. Immediately, he placed a reassuring hand to her ankle. He was being yelled at, yet he still noticed her little moment of unease.
On and on Carmen continued, cutting him off when he went to speak, Manny becoming exasperated with her overreaction to something that to anyone else, was perfectly reasonable.
“Why you gotta be there with her? Why don’t you want to come home to me?”
His jaw tightened. “Because there’s a horrific storm out there, Carmen, and it was bad enough driving in it once. Would you be going this crazy if I was at the clubhouse to wait it out, or with Angel and Lily? You’re being unreasonable, please see that. I’ll come home when I can. Bye.”
“Yikes.” Raising her eyebrows, she offered her wine glass forward, Manny taking it. She snorted softly with laughter when he drained it in one gulp.  
“You got more of that?”
She jerked her head in the direction of the kitchen. “Another two bottles.”
“Can I stick a straw in one?”  
She laughed further as he got up, leaving her glass on the table and returning with a bottle and a second glass, filling them both. “I ain’t much of a wine guy, but this stuff is pretty good, and shit, I need it. Mind if I crash on your couch? Even if this storm passes, I ain’t in the mood to go back to all of that.” He took a sip, his hunched shoulders finally sagging a little, the tension beginning to dissipate. “She’s a fucking embarrassment sometimes. Sorry you had to hear all of that. I know you did. My girl isn’t quiet in any sense of the damned word.”
Hannah couldn’t bite her tongue in time to prevent the assessment that slipped out. “She sounds quite insecure, to rather you risk your safety driving back through a storm than to wait it out here with me. Something tells me that if you were still at Lily’s place, she wouldn’t take in issue with it, like you mentioned. It seems to be driven by me specifically.”  
“Well, she might as she’s intimidated by Lily, but you’re right, it’s a you thing.” He looked conflicted for a second, weighing up whether to reveal it all. “She hasn’t come out in as many words and said it, but she’s hella jealous of you. I think that’s understandable enough, though. You’re the kind of woman others could easily feel threatened by.”  
Hannah hadn’t actually met Carmen, his fiancée being absent whenever she’d dropped Lola round to their house, but she’d seen pictures of her within the home. She looked like a model, so with that in mind, she wondered why the hell she’d see her as a threat. That confusion showed on her face, too, Manny continuing.
“I mean, come on. You live here, downtown, expensive apartment, you’ve got a good career, you’re knockout gorgeous, and you’re the mother of my child.”
At hearing him refer to her as knockout gorgeous, her heart fluttered a little. Carmen could have only seen her in the pictures he’d shown her of Lola back when he first met her, too, when Hannah had thought she’d been looking pretty rough around the edges, frayed by the duress of being a new, single mom.  
“But she’s the one you’re marrying,” she reasoned, sipping her wine.
He let out a long breath, turning to her. “Not if she continues like this, I won’t be. It ain’t the stuff about you, although I would actually like for you guys to get along, but if she keeps on refusing to acknowledge Lola then I just can’t do it. I can’t marry somebody who won’t make even the tiniest room in her life for my daughter. I don’t want it to come to that, I love her, but fuck, HB. She’s gotta give me a little consideration here.”
He paused, turning to her, reaching to gently slap her knee. “Why can’t she be more like you? Reasonable, understanding, emotionally mature? It’s easy with you. It’s just getting harder with her.”
It was easy with him, too. Far too easy. Far too natural. Far too tempting, as her eyes flitted to between his legs when he slumped down a little further, his thighs falling wider apart, the bulge of the most perfect cock she’d ever seen filling out the dark denim entirely too well.  
Oh lord.  
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Runaway - Chapter Six.
I am so thankful to you all for your interactions, guys. Big, big love. All of the hugs! As usual, 40 notes to unlock the next part. I look forward to your commentary. I’m feeling a little blue this afternoon, so having something to cheer me up when you all manage to get to it keeps me going :) 
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“Oh, this better be good, honey child, for you to be dragging my fabulous ass out of bed at 8am on a Sunday, over here to god-knows-where-vile, on the morning after I get a call from your mama telling me you ran from your wedding!”
Hannah leaned over, kissing her cheek. “I thought you’d be pleased, about the wedding running?”
Shonda snorted. “Well, I am, but that still don’t explain why the hell I’m giving you a ride from the ghetto, or what you’ve been doing here all night, and who with, more pertinently!”  
She pointed over to the small driveway. “See that big, black Harley over there?”
“Yeah, kinda hard to miss. And what of it?”  
“Well, what I was doing all night was bouncing on the dick of the guy it belongs to.”  
A barrage of almost words and splutters left her bestie’s mouth, Shonda in absolute shock, even though it did sound like something fitting of Hannah. “Y’all better be buying me coffee and a big ole’ stack of pancakes to explain every single last detail of this over!”
“Done,” she confirmed, helping herself to a piece of red rope liquorice from the ever-present bag in the centre console. “There’s a diner not far from here. Head back to the highway and it’s about a half mile away.”  
Shonda shook her head, pulling out from the curb. “It’s never a dull moment with you, pumpkin.” While she drove, Hannah took her phone from her bag, knowing she had to deal with the abundance of messages at some point, so the car journey was as good a time as any.  
‘Hey Han. Tried calling but your phone is off, can’t say I blame you. I called Uncle Rob and Aunt Jackie, and they let me know you’d messaged them to say you’re okay and just needed some time. When you feel up to it, give me a call. Love you.’ Ben, her cousin. She messaged him back to say thanks for reaching out, and she’d be in touch when things had settled a little.  
‘Just messaging to say I’m here for you if you need me. God, it was insane after you left! Wendy went ballistic, you should have seen Jackie clap back at her, fuck, it was legendary! Steve’s kinda sad he missed it now! Come by for coffee when you’re able xxx.’ Ange, her sister-in-law, who regardless of the fact her husband had steadfastly refused to attend, had wanted to show support to Hannah, although she too was no fan of Michael.  
‘I cannot believe what you did to my son, you spiteful, selfish little bitch. How dare you embarrass him like that. If you were having second thoughts, was the altar really the place to act upon them, stringing him along like that only to turn and literally run? We welcomed you into our family with open arms, and this is the thanks we receive? You are a disgrace, and I suppose I should be thankful that I didn’t end up with you as a daughter in law. If I never see you again, it’ll be too soon.’ Wendy herself. She expected as much.
If she was honest, she couldn’t blame her for taking such a stance, Hannah putting herself in her shoes and thinking how she’d feel, should it have been her hypothetical son who’d been jilted. Her feelings would have been similar. No matter how controlling Michael had been, she acknowledged that she’d been very wrong to let it get as far as them standing next to one another at the altar, his treatment of her not excusing her actions at all.  
As soon as they arrived at the diner, those actions were immediately called into question by a very expectant Shonda.
“So, give me the details. Who is Harley guy and how, on your wedding day of all days, did you manage to end up in bed with him? Oh my god, where you having an affair with him or something, and he came and kidnaped you away from it? If this was anyone else, I’d be here with my jaw swaying in the breeze, but you? Well, my jaw is still swaying, but not as much as it perhaps would be. I know you and your impulsive nature of old, so yes. Tell me.”
“I will,” she began, smirking. “When you actually shut up for long enough for me to speak.”
“Don’t you be sassy with me now, Hannah Elizabeth Gray!”
“Okay, so I’ll begin.” She sipped her fresh coffee, feeling good for the smooth hit of caffeine. “No affair, to begin with. You know I would have told you. Anyway, I was at the altar, and it just dawned on me, the lack of family presence, you not there either, and why you weren’t there. It hit me, the size of the mistake I was about to make, and so I ran. That’s when I met Manny, who was on his motorcycle moving through the traffic, and called out to me, asked if I needed a ride. So, I jumped on the back, and he got me out of there, then took me to a bar. We had a great afternoon and evening together, and then I went back to his place and had the best sex of my damned life with him on and off for about seven hours. There, the end.”
Shonda’s eyes widened. “Not the end. I have questions, but seriously, I have no idea where to begin, I’m so stunned by this!”
“Then I will sit here quietly while the counsel prepares her notes.” She sipped her coffee, smiling over the rising steam, Shonda chewing back a smirk she couldn’t quite manage to hide.
“You’re bad.”
“Yeah, he said the same.” She received a gentle slap to her forearm for that revelation.
“I mean... I just...” She ran her hands through her long, wild hair, fanning her face before settling herself neatly once more. “So, you just went drinking with this Manny guy, then ended up in bed with him?”
“Yeah, that’s about the short of it,” she replied, looking down at the menu before her. Hmmm, bacon and eggs, or an omelette? She’d definitely worked up an appetite.
“And what about Michael?”  
Hannah shrugged. “Well, I think it’s fair to say I burned that bridge down to nothing but ashes. His mother sent me scathing message, but unless he’s left me a voicemail I haven’t listened to yet, then I haven’t heard anything from him. I only switched my phone back on this morning. I didn’t want to deal with it yesterday. I just wanted to forget the whole mess. I know I have to deal with it now, though. Now I’m out from under perhaps the most handsome, charismatic man I’ve ever met. Damn.” She grinned then. “No, dayum.”
Shonda leaned in close across the table. “Come on, then. Tell me about him.”
“Oh god, you’d have been cheering from the side lines. Tall, nice body, tattoos, Latino, real mix of gentleman and bad boy. He’s thirty-nine, originally from Arizona, but moved here about a year ago. He’s a member of the Mayans MC, he’s really smart and funny...”
“Woah, hold up!” Shonda grabbed her wrist. “You got your first Latino dude, and he’s a Mayan? Girl, what a score! I swear, every time I see those guys rolling through town, my snatch does a little quiver!”
Hannah almost blew out a mouthful of coffee at her quivering snatch comment, immediately referencing her go-to response from one of their favourite movies. “You’re terrible, Muriel.”  
“No, you are!” she laughed, rolling her eyes. “Are you gonna see him again?”
“Oh, god. I really don’t know,” Hannah confessed, widening her eyes a little. “I have so much wreckage to deal with before I even think of that. I don’t think he’s in the market for anything other than a casual hook up type deal, but to be completely honest, coming out of a six-year relationship in the way that I did, neither am I.”
“Could be fun, though, when you need another ride.” Hannah giggled at her statement, shaking her head softly as they were joined by the waitress, ready to take their order with a cheery smile. “Oh, if you need an alibi last night, just say you were with me. It’s where everyone would have expected you to have gone, and it means you don’t have to reveal anything you don’t want to. It’s no one's business but yours.”
Shonda’s offer had Hannah reaching for her hands, so very glad to have a friend like her. “Love you bunches.”
“Love you, too, pumpkin. Now, I require further regaling with your sexual escapades!” She chuckled softly before as any good girlfriend would, going into the details of her wild night with the handsome outlaw. Much too soon, it seemed, and she was back in Shonda’s car, being driven over to her apartment, promising her bestie she’d call and relay how the looming showdown between her and Michael went, kissing her goodbye before jumping out.  
She felt trepidation with every step she took, deciding to kill a little more time walking up the three flights of stairs to her third-floor abode, immediately noticing the pile of boxes outside of her front door when the hallway came into view.  
Hannah owned the apartment, it wasn’t in Michael’s name, so therefore he’d be the one leaving it. She was glad he’d begun that, as she was expecting some kind of protest there, an unwillingness to vacate the dwelling, borne of him wanting to make her flighty escape from their nuptials as difficult as possible for her. Michael very much enjoyed the entertaining of revenge.  
Pushing the door open, it hit something on the other side, Hannah looking to see suitcases packed. Her suitcases, Michael deciding to liberate them, it would seem. For the sake of not wanting to add further kerosene to the fire she’d lit right under his life, she made a point not to address it, scanning her surroundings to see if anything else that was hers by rights had been pilfered. All her furnishings remained, her books and her vinyl collection luckily were untouched, too.  
Placing her keys down on the breakfast bar, she walked up the small steps that lead to the kitchen area of the open plan apartment, the only rooms walled off being the bedrooms and bathroom, Michael emerging from the latter with a holdall bag over his shoulder just as she was spooning coffee grinds into the French press.  
“Where have you been? I tried calling.” Sharp, accusatory. She expected nothing less.
“With Shonda.”
“Hmph,” he sounded, raising his eyebrows. “Should’ve known it.” He rested the holdall down, moving to the other side of the breakfast bar, Hannah filling the kettle up before placing it onto the hob and igniting the gas. “Do you want to enlighten me over what the hell yesterday was all about, then, why you left me standing at the altar? If you’ve had second thoughts over jilting me, then I’m afraid you’re too late to act upon them, as you might deduce. You humiliate me like that, and I’m gone.”
Talk about stating the obvious.
Reaching into her little bits and pieces bowl, she took out a small hair scrunchie, tying up her slightly messy waves before beginning the explanation he was owed.  
“I know I should have come to my realisation much sooner, and I take that on board, I do. As for why, I realised I just couldn’t go through with it, living a life that is essentially on your terms. You decided everything for us, Michael, and a relationship shouldn’t be like that. It was as I stood in that church that I knew, with so few people around me whom I love, that if I married you, I’d be making the mistake they’d been warning me against.”
His brow furrowed, folding his arms. “Who would you have been marrying, Hannah? Them or me? Their opinion isn’t important.”  
Typical, for him to believe only what he thought bared any credence. “But it is. Because they were right, you’re not the man for me. Some women might like every last second of their existence micromanaged by their partner, but I’m not one of them. The expectations you put on me, the constant need to have your way in everything. I realised I was compromising myself for you, and I shouldn’t do that. I deserve better than that, but equally, I know you deserve better than being run out on,” she explained.  
“It was never an issue for you before.”  
Again, such a stance was one hundred percent typical of Michael. He had absolutely no capacity to be retrospective about how any of his own actions could have resulted in this, but for Hannah, it simply wasn’t her problem any longer. If he didn’t want to see it, then she couldn’t force him to. Best of luck to his next girlfriend, she thought. “Well, it should have been, and I think it always was, but it was easier for me to pretend like it wasn’t an issue. I’ve admitted to my wrong in this, if you can’t own your share then there’s nothing more I can say or do.”
“That’s because I don’t have a share. This was all you and your compulsive nature, one I tried to rein in a little by being the decision maker, to take the pressure off of you, to be steady for you. But apparently, you still fail to see that.” Turning it back on her, she might have guessed. He had a habit of doing that.  
She knew they’d reach zero in way of resolve, so shifted instead to practicality. “Do you want me to help you keep packing?”
He snorted. “Oh, you want me out of your life as quickly as possible, then?”
“Says he who’s already moved half of his stuff out,” she couldn’t help but mutter a little pettily, not prepared to be blamed beyond her fair share. “I just wanted to offer some help, that’s all. If it isn’t needed then that’s fine, I’ll leave you be.”
They didn’t speak another word to her as he ferried his stuff out, his sister turning up part way through, telling him she’d been able to hire a U-Haul, slightly bigger than he needed, Michael complaining about the extra expense. Catherine didn’t even look at her for the entire time she helped with boxes, removing all of Hannah’s things from the only pieces of furniture he’d brought with him upon moving in, the end tables and coffee table, Hannah browsing the IKEA website for replacements as she stood out of their way in the kitchen.  
With his set of keys thumped down upon the breakfast bar three hours later, shaking her from her furniture ordering daze, her former fiancé left her apartment without a second look, Hannah breathing a huge sigh of relief. It was over. Realising that lunchtime had come and gone without her even thinking of feeding herself, she scrolled through her phone, ordering from her local takeout.
She chose a pizza with everything on it.  
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Runaway - Chapter Nineteen.
Woah, you guys are eating these chapters like chocolate! Thank you so much for your continued engagement. What a truly wonderful audience I have in all of you :) 
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Words - 1,849
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“Damn, Hannah. Fuckin’... ahhhh, damn!” His groan was delivered on the cusp of a gasp, his abs shuddering as he came, his cock erupting in her throat as her lips gentled around him, releasing him with a little slurp as she swallowed, her tongue circling over his tight balls before kissing her way back up his sweat glistened body, looking very pleased with herself. She had every right to, he thought. “You’re too damned good at that, I swear.”
She was about to reply with something suitably seductive as she pushed up off his chest, stroking his pecs with her nails, her eyes suddenly widening. “Shit! What’s the time?”  
Manny frowned, grabbing his cell. “Eight fifty-six, why?”
Her hands were all of a flap as she jumped off the bed, running around in a panicked circle until she managed to locate her underwear. “Diaz Vs. Edwards fight! It starts in four minutes.” Manny was off the bed in a heartbeat, yanking a pair of sweats from the wardrobe and pulling them on. “Oh god, give me something to wear that won’t take time buttoning!” Hannah further panicked, picking up the shirt she’d been wearing, only to throw it down on the bedroom floor again just before a Raiders jersey hit her around the head.  
“There, go, go, go!” he hustled, both of them running from the bedroom. They were sitting down in front of the TV with beer and a very large, very hot bowl of popcorn with ten seconds to spare, both pissed they’d missed the pre-match, but reasoning that orgasms were a good enough trade.  
“No, no! Oh my god, don’t do that!” Hannah yelled, bouncing in her seat, Manny giving her an amused side eye, entertained greatly by how much she got into it. If it had been Carmen at his side, well... she wouldn’t have even been next to him, actually. She’d have been in the armchair across the room, filing her nails aggressively and complaining. He then mentally slapped himself for comparing the two women, reminding himself that what he was doing with Hannah, it might have made him happy, it might have felt right, but it was far from it.  
He was due to be married in six and a half months, and what was he doing? Screwing around. Hardly a glowing pre-requisite for married life. He knew that eventually, he’d have to call time on it, what he and Hannah had encroached into if he was ever going to make a go of it with his soon-to-be wife, but the thought of that suddenly left him feeling a little short of breath.  
Things with Carmen at that point were still a little strained, Manny noticing that she’d been behaving a little absently of late, mostly throwing herself into her work, still not budging where Lola was concerned, and acting a little cooler around him, too. He mostly put it down to wedding stress, because he didn’t think for one moment that she’d found out about him and Hannah. There would have been much noise and violence if she had.  
“Hey, what’s with the face?” Her foot softly nudging his thigh brought him out of it, Hannah frowning a little as she sipped her beer, trying to enjoy it even though it wasn’t her preferred drink. It was very cold, though, which would suffice.  
He shook himself a little. “Nothing, I just had a horrible feeling I left my bike keys at the club.”
“Nah, you didn’t. I noticed them in the bowl in the kitchen earlier,” she confirmed, stretching her legs before curling them back under herself, her hand shovelling in a mouth full of popcorn she began shouting through as she ate. “Yes, yes! Oh, that was an insane hook! Come on, finish him!”  
“Damnit, hush your volume! You’ll wake the kid,” he laughed softly, poking her in the thigh. She saw his point, quietening her verbal exclamations, but her seat bouncing persisted.
“Duly noted.” She turned to him and smiled, Manny feeling the all too familiar experience of his heart fluttering when she did. Oh, lord. He was in trouble, and he knew it. It was something that he lay there thinking on later that night, while Hannah slept soundly at his side.  
He might have loved Carmen, but life with her was hard, harder than it should have been. With Hannah, it was effortless. Sure, they sometimes got into it over the baby, both being a little stubborn in their slightly differing parenting approaches, but it was quickly resolved, because both had the maturity to listen, instead of storming off. From the outside, it appeared to be a no brainer, Manny becoming close with the mother of his child again, finding himself happiest when she was around. Inside, though, it wasn’t so simple.  
Beneath everything, he felt trepidation over giving up a future with Carmen for someone who could be as impulsive and flighty as Hannah, regardless of how he felt about her. After all, it was how she’d first come into his life. He knew she was a lovely, down to earth girl, but he felt a very genuine fear over ending his engagement to seek out a relationship with her, because if it all blew up, then the last thing he wanted was for them to have acrimony between them, for Lola’s sake.  
Bringing it to her, actually having a conversation to her would have been the logical thing. The side of him that selfishly wanted to have his cake and eat it while locking away reality in the back of his mind, though, well, it won out.  
“I have to say, this is a much more pleasant way to wake up than having the baby howling at me,” Hannah mumbled, gasping at the feeling of her clit being sucked upon softly.  
“Best damned breakfast in the world.” Mmm, still sleepy, but very horny Manny. Her favourite kind, his voice all thick and raspy with sleep, and his intent to have her mindless with the skills of his mouth.  
“Oh, oh my god, oh!” she cried out, her abs juddering as his tongue beat over her bud fast and hard, the gleam of her undoing beginning to illuminate, like the dawn light gilding the dark clouds of night. He worked her right to the edge, sitting up and plunging his cock into her, feeling her come undone around him as he railed her into the bed.  
“Goddamn, you make me wanna fuck another baby into you. Fuck that fucking IUD.” he panted, his mouth landing on hers, the sentiment spoken before he’d even had chance to process that it probably wasn’t something he should have said at all. She had no words in reply to that statement, so just kissed him, but his words, they were on her mind for the rest of the day, whirling around in her head. Meeting everything else she had on her mind, they made for a surprising revelation later that afternoon.  
“Mom, I think I’m in love with Manny.”
Jackie all but choked on the sip of iced tea she spat back into the glass. “Um, I beg your pardon?”  
Hannah sighed, bouncing Lola on her lap as they sat in the shade of her parent’s lush garden. “Yeah, I’m in love with him, which is impossible, given the circumstances.”
“Well, not impossible, but definitely a no-go since he’s engaged to that other girl, what’s her name, Karen?”
“Carmen,” she corrected, chewing her lip nervously. “About that. Erm, we’ve been...” she made a circling motion with her hand, raising her eyebrows.  
Jackie caught the gist. “You haven’t!”
“We have,” she confirmed.
“Oh, I wish this iced tea was the Long Island variety right about now,” Jackie cried quietly, resting her head against her hand, cringing gently. “What am I going to do with you, huh? Getting yourself into these situations. When are you going to grow out of it? Forty? Fifty? Never?”
“I know you’re disappointed in me, I’m sorry,” Hannah began, Jackie cocking her head a little, her smile as kind as her eyes.  
“What did I always tell you kids? You make good choices. Most of the time you do, but when it comes to men, oh, my love,” she paused, shaking her head, “you’re an absolute effing disaster.”
Jackie often wondered if it was the fault of her and Rob, neither being even close to disciplinarian in their raising of their kids. They didn’t let them run wild by any means, but took a much more sedate approach than others. She then reasoned that neither Steve nor Jack had such poor impulse control. This was very Hannah specific.
“What do I do?”  
Jackie’s reply was immediate and succinct. “Tell him.”
“What if he doesn’t feel the same, and I’m just a bit of fun to him?”
“Then really, is a man cheating on his fiancée any great loss, if he’s doing it because he can, and not because he’s realised he’s in love with you too?”  
She made a very good point, Hannah had to give her that.
In her silence, Jackie continued. “If it is the former, then like I say, no great loss. As long as he continues being as much of a good father to Lola as you tell me he is, then that’s all you need to consider. I’m going to urge you to do the right thing here though, Han. Stop this affair, or whatever it is, until you both talk about it, where it’s going, if it’s going anywhere, and keep it ceased until he extracts himself from his relationship with Carmen, if that is what he chooses to do in light of your revelation.”
She began to nod, rocking Lola when she started to fuss. “You’re right, everything you’ve said makes perfect sense. It can be really simple, if I choose that, rather than making it difficult. I don’t want it to be difficult, especially when I’m off to Arizona with him for a long weekend next week, so Lola can meet her great-grandparents.”
“Then there you go,” Jackie shrugged, smiling as she shielded her eyes from a beam of sun that had moved into their shade. “Get everything smoothed and sorted by then.”  
Hannah was resolute with herself to do exactly that. That was, until she saw him again three days later, collecting Lola from his, seeing him soothing their crying baby.  
“Ain’t nothing to fuss about, tiny girl. Come on, it’s alright.” He raised her up, beaming at her, Lola beginning to grin through her tears. “I love you so much, even when you’ve been giving me hell all night, yes I do.”  
Would voicing it ruin it all, she wondered? Would keeping quiet? She just didn’t know. She felt even more unsure after Manny put his arm around her, closing the door of the kitchen so Carmen couldn’t see him place a kiss atop her head. One thing she did know clearly, was what it meant to feel her heart flutter like it did whenever he was near.  
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Runaway - Chapter Twenty Three.
So, besties, the next chapter will see this little story to its close. I thank each and every one of you for your engagement every step of the way. Seeing you love these two, despite their frustrating handling of the situation (which for reality’s sake I had to pen it how it did. I enjoy writing characters who are flawed) has been so lovely to witness! :) 
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Words - 2,130
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“You know, I’m good with shoot outs, I’m competent enough to win in a knife fight, I’ve slugged it out with dudes twice my fiuckin’ size, but shit, homie. This is gon’ be next level warfare,” Manny spoke, sitting in the clubhouse next to Angel, Lily behind him, diligently massaging the tension from his locked-up shoulders. “A little lower, please?”
“She’s gonna fuckin’ let you have it, man,” Angel began, Lily balling her fists and gently beginning to pummel along his shoulder blades.
“Manny, your back is like bricks!” she exclaimed, her knuckles kneading harder.  
“I’m all locked up, mamas! You know in ancient Rome when the gladiators saw the gates open and in came the huge assed lion? That’s me right now, but with no sword or shield!”  
Lily laughed, thinking that his analogy was pretty spot on, really. Carmen had a truly ferocious temper, and that was just for little outbursts. Being told by the man she was due to marry in five months that their relationship was over? Oh, lord. “Are you telling her about you and Hannah?”  
“I dunno,” he began, stretching, feeling a little better for her efforts, Lily moving back to her seat, Charlie jumping off the bar and onto her shoulder as he contentedly nibbled on an almond. “I mean, the main reason is because of her not accepting Lola in her life. Our relationship would have ended regardless of my feelings for Hannah, you know? So, I’m not sure. What’s the general consensus?”
“I always say honesty is the best policy, but, and I say this out of no love for Carmen, I think you breaking off the engagement is likely to hurt her enough,” Lily began.
Angel nodded, sipping his beer. “The words salt and wounds spring to mind, mano.”
“Hmmm,” Manny hummed, thoughtful. “I still feel as if I should. It feels like I’m taking the easy way out, nto telling her the whole truth.”
Lily continued with her thought. “I think your reason because of the way she refuses to acknowledge Lola is more than enough. Like I say, I do err on the side of honesty, but truly, how much is too much? You’re about to turn her world upside down enough as it is. I might not like her, but I feel for her, suddenly having the rug pulled out from under her. Affair aside, you’re a good guy. You don’t need to inflict further pain upon the woman.”
“As much as your average outlaw who’s been poking it to his baby mama for the last two months can be, yeah,” he snorted, Angel bursting into hysterics.
“Poking it!” Charlie joined in with, beginning to dance.
“Crazy, tiny little homeslice.” Manny spoke with affection, stroking his chest feathers as he laughed at the bird. “Yeah, on reflection, I think you guys are right. I kinda feel like a shit for it, even more so than I do over cheating on her in the first place. Angel said it right, though, I think. It’ll be rubbing salt in the wounds.” He knew it wasn’t completely for her benefit, his decision not to tell her and that it would relieve the burden of the kind of outburst he’d receive if he did reveal his infidelity, but for Manny, he just wanted peace. He wanted Carmen out of his life and hurt as minimally as possible before he could move on with his family.
Over the last few months, he’d truly been left exhausted by her refusal to accept that Lola had entered his life and knew that if she wasn’t used to it now, after three months, then she never truly would be. He could give her all the time in the world to adjust to the idea, but he’d only ever be prolonging the inevitable. If he went ahead and married her too, he knew it would show her that there were no repercussions for her actions. It would cement to her that he was fine with her refusing to accept that he had a child, and he wasn’t.  
He’d planned it out, how it would go down after telling her as planned that weekend. Since he had another place to go, he would let her remain at his house and keep out of her hair while she organised moving out, for however long it took. Hannah had said that was fine, even though they had no immediate plans to move in together, not wanting to rush anything. There was a bag of his stuff already at her place, as well as a few valuables he didn’t trust her not to break, if her rampage in the wake of the news lead to the vexed-up smashing of things.  
All-out rage was exactly what everyone expected, one woman in particular, as she shared with Lily later that morning.
“Oh, she’s going to be so angry,” Hannah began, throwing a neat, sharp punch into the focus pad Lily held aloft for her. They were enjoying introducing one another to their respective sports, Hannah still mind blown that not only had she become friends with her sporting idol, but now, she got to learn from her, too. “So, he said in as many words that he isn’t going to tell her about us?”
“He did, yes,” Lily confirmed, moving the pad to the side. “Pivot off your left foot more. You really want to turn your body and drive that punch home with your weight behind it. That’s it!”  
A few more body hooks and two uppercuts preceded Hannah’s thoughts on that. “I think honesty is always the best policy, but I suppose I can see why he wouldn’t want to. Backing out of the engagement is going to be a big enough bomb to drop on her. Despite his actions, having an affair with me, Manny is much too kind to rub salt in her wounds by telling her that, too.”
“Salt in the wounds, that’s exactly what Angel referred to it as.” She lifted the pad higher, taking a step back. “Okay, round kick, you got this!”
“It’s too high, Lily!”
She scoffed. “No, it isn’t! Trust yourself, come on!” Her foot missed the first, but she successfully hit it on the second. “There you go! Nicely done, and again, come on, give me some power!” Another kick was landed, much harder this time. “Yes, girl!”
Her entire body ached, but Lily kept on at her, running through her combinations before letting her rest, Hannah sitting down at the side of the ring while she sipped at her water, watching Lily sparring with one of the other guys from the gym. She marvelled to herself, just how easy she made it look, nailing each strike, the power and speed she possessed truly incredible. She’d hate to ever get on the wrong side of a woman so apt with her fists, legs and elbows.  
Once done, Hannah accompanied Lily to get her lip fillers topped up, wincing at how painful the process looked before they then headed into town to meet with Shonda for lunch.  
“Hi, oh, it’s so nice to meet you, Lily!” she exclaimed, opening her arms to hug her. “My husband thinks you’re amazing, he was so envious when I told him I was meeting you and pumpkin for lunch!
“It’s nice to meet you, too. Apologies if I’m talking weird, I just got my lips done and the numbing cream hasn’t worn off yet,” she explained. “I think choosing the soup would be ill-advised.”
Shonda threw her head back with laughter, clapping her hands together as they sat down. “Does it hurt? I’ve had botox but I’ve never needed my lips doing.”
“Oh, it’s horrible, but I love my pout. I considered botox, but my husband threw a fit. ‘You’re gorgeous, you don’t even have wrinkles! Don’t you go and paralyse your face!’ he shouted at me, muttering something about me ending up looking like Joan Rivers if I started messing with that!” Hannah was in soft fits, imagining Angel getting all wound up about it, as she’d witnessed he had the propensity for a couple of times at that point.  
“So, I have news on the Manny front,” Hannah began, Shonda shifting her focus immediately.
“Oh?” Of course, Hannah had revealed their declarations of love to her bestie the day after they’d happened, calling her while they were still over in Arizona, but she knew nothing of his exit plan.
“He’s telling Carmen this weekend.”  
Shonda’s eyes widened as she poured out water for everyone from the jug provided. “Oooooh, honey child! That’ll go down like a lead balloon!”
“Yeah,” she confirmed, wincing. “He’s preparing himself for huge levels of rage, which is to be expected, really.”
It was what everyone in the know expected, mostly Manny, of course, knowing her as well as he did. At least he had his mind taken off it, with a trip through the tunnels that led him south of the border for three days before he returned home. It was gone midnight when he arrived, the house in darkness, as he expected it to be. What he didn’t expect though upon waking through quietly to the kitchen and turning on the light, was to see the space virtually baren.  
Heading into the lounge, he noticed a distinct lack of items, and when his tour of discovery sent him to the bedroom and bathroom, both of those were also absent of stuff. Namely all of Carmen’s stuff. Moving back to the kitchen, it wasn’t until he took in the fridge door properly that he saw a slip of paper with his name written across it, pulling it from beneath the heavy magnet.  
I can’t do this any longer. I’m sorry. I thought I could deal with the fact that you have a child with another woman, but I can’t. You’re right, too. I should be able to, but it isn’t fair on any of us if I stay. I wanted all of this with you, but you have it with someone else already. I don’t want to feel second best to anyone, and I know if I feel second best to a child already, then that isn’t ever going to change. I’m sorry. I hope you don’t hate me. I know I owed you more than a note, but I had to do it like this.  
It would have hurt too much to see you again, and I wouldn’t have left, which is what I needed to do, for myself and you. I shoulder my side of the blame completely and apologise to you for being so awful. I drove the big wedge between us, not Lola. It isn’t her fault. I want you to know this wasn’t easy, but I think us parting ways is for the best. I wish you nothing but good things, I really do.
Carmen x  
He was shocked, but the sigh of relief that exited his throat was huge. The rage he’d anticipated, it hadn’t arrived, because the agent had already gone. Moving to the couch, he sat down, allowing himself time to process it. He might have fallen out of love with her, but a part of him felt mournful over losing the person she was prior to everything changing. He’d been happy with her until he wasn’t, and he wouldn’t be quick to forget that.  
Equally, though, he wouldn’t let it hold him back from moving into his future. immediately picking up his keys again and heading to where the people who he could begin that with resided.  
“Hey handsome,” Hannah mumbled sleepily as she answered the door, feeling a looking a little dishevelled. “Well, you look like you’re in one piece, so that’s something. I take it you’re here because you told her?”
“Sorry to wake you, but I thought you’d want to know this as soon as possible. No, I didn’t tell her,” he began as she shut and re-bolted the door behind him. “Carmen left me while I was away. I got back and all of her stuff was gone. She left a note too, explaining it all, that she didn’t want to be second best to anyone, so knew she couldn’t stay when she knew that’s exactly what she thought she would be.”  
Hannah woke up significantly at that moment. “I don’t believe it.” Her face lit up as she watched the corners of his mouth upturning, leaning down to her tiny height, resting his forehead to hers.
“We finally got a little luck, huh?”
She kissed him, humming happily. “We did, we actually did. Now, can we get a little sleep?”
He laughed, bending to lift her into his arms. “Yeah, darlin’. Sounds good to me.”
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Runaway - Chapter Five.
He you are then, my lovelies! Next chapter is delivered! HUGE thanks to all of you for your engagement, you make my little heart swell with happiness :) as before 40 notes unlock the next part! 
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three  Four
Taglist - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 2,335 
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
In her thirty-eight years on the planet, never, ever, had Hannah heard a man moan for her like the way the one currently burying his cock into her with slow strokes was, Manny kissing a scorching path from one shoulder to the other, hands grasping her butt cheeks as he fucked her slow and deep. He had her laid flat on his bed, her legs closed, the penetration made so tight, he could barely focus, the fact that his TV was beaming porn across the screen – which he’d put on at her request, casting it from a streaming site on his phone – doing little to dampen the heat.  
It was napalm, slow burning, fierce, yet languid, soft flames catching at their edges, the fluid glide of his cock dragging sparks through her fluttering core, Hannah’s arms stretched out, her hands gripping the sheets as she opened her eyes again, viewing the sight of one girl fucking the other with a strap-on, another sat on her face. Personally, she wasn’t into girls, but watching them fuck? It definitely sparked her enjoyment all the more.  
She remembered back to when she’d suggested that she and Michael watch porn together, only to be met by a snort and a flustered muttering that he should be enough for her. Her and her former fiancé, well, they’d never had the kind of sex she’d been enjoying off and on with Manny for the last three hours.  
“Damn, that’s a fucking nice ass,” he complimented, hand smoothing over her rounded cheeks, squeezing, giving each a hard spank before he clutched one in his hand again, his thumb slipping between, sliding straight up into her...
“Oh, you dirty boy,” she purred with delight, feeling him sink his thumb into her narrow passage as deep as he could stretch it, circling it around and around in time with each silken glide of his cock into the soaking clutch of her cunt.  
“Yeah, y’all got me figured out.” he chuckled, bending to lay kisses up her spine. Hannah felt the pleasure fizz through her right to her marrow, resting her head down against the soft, blue-grey sheets beneath her, her entire body humming with the filthy decadence of it. She then felt herself lifted, a slight adjustment of his hand keeping his thumb snugly within her as he raised her to her knees with his other hand, a hand that travelled down her sweat-slick body until it slipped into her folds, fingertips finding her clit and circling, slow and hard.  
Ebullience skittered over her nerve endings, his mouth kissing a torrid flush upon her neck, Hannah wondering if it was just him, or if all Latino men possessed such all-consuming, blinding passion. She’d have to compare notes with Shonda, who always stated that she liked her guys like she liked her food; hot and Mexican.  
Driving himself into her, his teeth nipped at her neck as he felt her pussy gripping him, her head rolling back against his chest as she panted, one hand reaching to clasp at the back of his head, the other gripped on his forearm, gasping hard, the edges of nirvana within her reach.
“Mmmm, that’s it, darlin’. Fall apart on my dick, let me feel you cum all over me.” His rasp, all smoke and salt, poured into her ears like an incantation, sucking on her neck as his fingers worked in flurry over her bud, the crest of her orgasm bursting through her, the lightning striking home just before his own bolts struck ground, Manny flooding her aching cunt with cum. They collapsed down on the bed, breathless and sweaty, Hannah staring at the ceiling in a daze.  
“Fuck,” he panted. “Who am I, again? I think my brain did a short circuit.”
“Manuel Santiago,” she confirmed, turning to look at him, smiling at his blissed-out expression, her own matching. “I swear, I’m so dick drunk right now.”
He beamed, turning onto his front, grasping her arm and laying kisses over her wrist. “All part of the service, Hannah banana.” Sitting up, he reached for the small, wooden box he kept his weed in, bringing it back along with a small ashtray and lighter, beginning to construct a joint. “So, how you feeling now, about the whole fleeing your wedding deal?”
She thought that was nice, that he had the courtesy to ask, after the sheer whirlwind that had led to her being there in his bed, rather than a married woman at her wedding reception, as she would have been had she not – albeit very tardily – come to her senses. “I’m okay, but that’s because I’m not thinking about it. I know I’ll have to deal with it all at some point, but that can wait.” Avoidance. She knew it was a flaw of hers, after all it was what had led to her deciding so late that Michael wasn’t the man for her, avoiding the obvious issues in their relationship out of her fear of being alone.  
If going home with Manny had proved anything, then it was that at thirty-eight, she wasn’t as undesirable as she’d considered, although she knew that of course, it was a one-night stand. Regardless, it was good to know she still had it.  
“It’ll have to, because I ain’t letting you out of here until the sun comes up, mamas.” He winked, lighting the joint and taking a few puffs, filling the room with cloud of sweet-smelling smoke, offering it to her.
“Hmm, I dunno,” she spoke with caution. “The last time I smoked weed, I ended up sitting in the corner of Shonda’s lounge, questioning the existence of a set of Russian dolls.”  
Her statement prompted his laughter, that dirty chuckle filling the room. “Alright, it’s here if you want any. I gotta ask, though, what was it about Russian dolls made you question them?”
“My stoned brain couldn’t cope with the fact that they all live inside the other, and then the big one has all of them, and does she overwhelmed with all these other personalities within her, and does she feel empty when they all come out, or is it a relief?” She paused, suddenly snorting with laughter at the way he looked at her. “I know! It’s ridiculous, but at the time I thought these were perfectly pertinent questions!”
“Yeah, questioning the existentialism of inanimate objects. That’s stoned logic right there,” he laughed. “One time, I remember Angel and I sat there and figured out how the entire meaning of life could be attained simply from watching the Godfather trilogy. We went deep into it all, and then forgot it ten minutes later.”
“Angel, he’s Lily’s husband, right?” she asked, changing her mind and taking the joint from him. Oh, it was really nice weed, not too strong. Not like what Emilio, Shonda’s husband smoked. His preferred strain could flaw an elephant with one puff.
“Right, he’s my boy,” he began, with obvious affection for his friend. “No one would think it, I mean, he’s pragmatic and focused, but you wouldn’t peg him for intellectual at all. He can be... not dumb, but he don’t always think things through properly. Give him a joint and I swear, dude turns into a goddamned genius.” They sat passing the joint back and forth for a while, before both feeling the most immediate obvious effect of such.  
“Hey yo, how you doin’, Sam?” Manny spoke, after locating his cell and making a call. “Yeah, bro, extra-large with everything on it. Alright, bye.”  
Hannah looked dubious. “A pizza with everything on it? What, even pineapple and anchovies? With everything else?”
“Just you wait,” he vouched. “It’s the shit, I swear.” Moving towards her, her gripped her thighs, pulling her legs apart. “It’ll take forty minutes to arrive, so imma eat something else while I wait.”  
She gasped softly, the wet heat of his tongue starting to circle her clit an incredible sensation, even though it would be fair to say she was a little oversensitive by that point. His hands pressed into her hips when they began to rise and shudder, pushing her down into the bed, his deceptive strength holding her there with ease, the lithe muscles in his arms flexing and cording.  
“Fuck, I swear, I ain’t ever met a girl who gets as wet as you do.” he groaned, tongue dipping into her opening and tasting her keenly, dragging back to her bud with the kind of light swirls that evoked beautiful tingles throughout her groin.  
Using his thumb, he tugged her clit hood back, exposing the little bud to his tongue, licking her slowly up and down, from side to side and then in circles, his breath hot against her as she panted and whimpered, delirious with pleasure.  
“Oh, oh fuck, ahh!” she cried, trembling as his tongue speeded and slowed, lips enveloping her and sucking, his cheeks hollowing, deep moans adding vibrations to the incredible sensations that had her reeling, her thighs juddering, hands running in a soft glide over his arms. God, the man’s skin. So beautiful. Deep caramel, and so smooth.  
He released her with a soft pop, tongue beating back and forth over her plumped clit, moving his hand to tease her opening before slipping two fingers into her core, her wetness soaking them as he pushed and raked, moving them around until…  
“Right there, ahhh!” she gasped, his fingertips massaging her g spot, pressing and stroking, moving in perfect sync with his tongue. She felt him smile against her as she cried out over and over, her reaction still enthralling to him as she fisted the sheets, shaking and panting.
Each beat of his tongue became more rapid, groaning against her as he stopped to bestow a few keen sucks. “God damn, you taste so beautiful.” he complimented, keeping her simmering with firm, flat licks. She sat up to watch him as he ate her with nothing short of keen gusto, his dark brown eyes opening to look up at her, winking and smiling before his mouth closed over her plush cunt once more, sucking at her, watching the fire in her eyes burn blue.  
God, if they weren’t the prettiest eyes he’d ever seen, Manny continuing to stare right into them as he kissed his way back to her mouth, slipping into her with a soft grunt, feeling the wet hug of her cunt sheathe him perfectly. And lord, how perfect the sex they shared was. After pausing to eat when the pizza arrived, they enjoyed one another off and on for the remainder of the early hours, finally falling asleep at somewhere close to 3am.  
When Hannah awoke, sober, slightly hungover, and very, very sore between her legs, the reality of her actions hit her, sighing. There was no avoiding it, the literal cold light of day upon her as she went to his bathroom and took a pee, washing her face and rinsing her furry mouth with a few capfuls of mouthwash, feeling fresher for it. Thank goodness he had some Advil in the bathroom cupboard, Hannah liberating a couple and swallowing them back with a mouthful of water.  
She headed back into the bedroom quietly, not wanting to wake him, finding that such courtesy wouldn’t be necessary, though.  
“Morning, darlin’,” he spoke, putting his phone down and smiling. “Please tell me your head hurts as much as mine does.”  
“Yeah,” she revealed. “It’s thumping a little. Not as bad as I thought it would, though.” It felt a little awkward for her suddenly, the dawning reality of the day before, the fact that she’d had the best sex of her life with a total stranger, the fact that she quite liked him, too, but really wasn’t in the right mental headspace to do anything about it. It all whirled around as she got dressed, Manny sitting up and stretching before climbing out of bed, grabbing a pair of his black sweats and pulling them on.  
“So, Hannah banana. Do you want my number so you can call me up, should you find yourself needing a distraction again at any point in the future?” What he really found himself wanting to ask was if he could take her out on a proper date, but he knew that such would be poorly timed, considering she’d fled her own wedding the day before, so he kept it light.  
She took him up on his offer, pulling her phone out and switching it on, seeing the influx of messages and voicemails as soon as it loaded. Jesus. That was a lot.
“Alright, well I better be heading off,” she began, Manny gesturing in the direction of his kitchen.
“Y’all don’t want a coffee or nothing?”
“No, thank you. And thanks for last night, actually thanks for yesterday on a whole. You were my knight upon a shining motorcycle.”  
He laughed, Hannah smiling widely. God, that laugh. “I wouldn’t go that far, but I’m glad I could help you out when you needed someone.” He leaned to her, kissing her cheek, Hannah returning it before she turned and left, pulling her phone out and swiping for the Uber app. The nearest car was over half an hour away. Fuck.  
“Pumpkin! Finally!” Shonda exclaimed upon answering her phone. “Oh, y’all got some serious explaining to do, I mean what the utter hell? Where are you?”
“I’m down on the East side, below Vernon, and without an Uber. I hate to ask, but...” She bit her lip nervously, knowing Shonda hated to be dragged out of bed on a Sunday.  
“What in the absolute hell are you doing in the ghetto?”
She snorted softly. “It isn’t the ghetto!” Shonda made a few noises of protest; the sound blankets being thrown back audible. “So, can you come and fetch me, please? I’ll reveal all when you arrive.”
“Girl, you owe me. Text me an address, I’m on my way.”
Thank goodness for best friends.  
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Runaway - Chapter Three.
Eeeeek!! Thank you all so, so much for your lovely comments and reblogs! I am so grateful to you all for such, and thrilled you’re enjoying the story so far. Again, 40 notes are needed to unlock the next part, of which I can promise entirely comprises of smutty goodness, lol! Hope you all have a lovely weekend :)
+ OH! We will get to it, but in my universe here, Manny is patched into Santo Padre, not Yuma any longer. We will get to it, though, but I just thought I’d mention it just in case you were like ‘eh?’ at any point, besties!
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two
Taglist - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 1,727
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
He had perhaps the dirtiest laugh she’d ever heard, Hannah sitting finding ways she could prompt it out of him further, which led to her telling one of her favourite stories of a past escapade with her bestie, Shonda.  
“So, I’m there, and I’m bookin’ it down the street, in heels higher than I have on now,” she continued, the animated way she told a story adding to Manny’s laughter. “And I’m screaming at the top of my voice, ‘Shonda, no! It isn’t him! That’s not the guy!’ but by this point, she’s too far away to hear me, so I’m still running, but not fast enough to stop her from grabbing this poor guy, hauling him out of the cab, screaming at him as she starts laying into him, just popping him in the mouth over and over.  
“I finally catch up and tell her that it wasn’t the same dude who grabbed my ass, and this guy, and I mean he’s fucking huge, she’s got no fear, he’s just staring at her blankly. Then he looks her up and down and says, and I kid you not, ‘Nice right hook, babe. You wanna go for a drink?’”
“Get the fuck out,” Manny laughed, Hannah holding up her hand to indicate the story got better.
“Guess who he is now?”  
He took a wild stab at it.” What, she end up with him or something?”
“They’ve been married for six years!”
“Holy shit, that’s some craziness right there, man. Your friend Shonda sounds like a trip,” he laughed, Hannah beaming at him.  
“I love your laugh!” she spoke, grasping his forearm and giving it a little shake. “Seriously, I’m trying to think of other funny things I can tell you to keep on hearing it!”  
He covered her hand with his, squeezing softly before reaching for his beer again. “Then tell me a good joke or something, mamas.”
“Hmmm,” she began, shaking her head. “I suck at good jokes.”
He shrugged. “Then tell me a bad one?”
“Why did the bubble gum cross the road?” He shook his head blankly. “Because it was stuck to the chicken’s foot.”  
He snorted laughing. “That ain’t bad, Hannah. That’s fuckin’ awful!”
“I know, see? I suck at jokes, I told you!”  
“I got worse. What’s the difference between a piano and a fish?”
“Go on.”
“You can tune a piano, but you can’t tuna fish.” She choked on her drink, covering her face with her hands and coughing through her laughter.  
“I just snorted vodka cranberry out of my nose!” That did it. That was the statement that killed him, Manny’s dirty laugh booming through the entire bar, he and Hannah in hysterics, him leaning into her as they shared out of control laughter.  
They’d moved from the bar itself to a booth at the back, Manny leaving the bar altogether a little earlier in the afternoon to take his bike home and get a cab back, not wanting to leave it unattended since he planned on not going home sober. It was 6pm, and he’d been there for the last five and a half hours, getting to know the hilarious, vivacious, down to earth woman at his side, no longer giving a damn about her fled from nuptials.
She’d had everyone trying to call her, Hannah sending messages that she was fine, she was safe, and just wanted to not deal with the fallout from it all, so wasn’t prepared to do so for that moment. Then, she’d switched her phone off, and turned her attentions back to the handsome outlaw who was making her feel on top of the world. He was funny, charming, smart, attentive, and boy, what a flirt.  
“You know, I told that joke to the first girl who ever let me bang her. I think she let me get my dick wet purely out of pity that fourteen-year-old me had no good jokes, and even worse game,” he revealed, still laughing softly.  
“I refuse to believe you’ve never had game, uh-uh, no way,” Hannah protested, gently poking his arm with her finger.
“Oh, I assure you,” he began, turning to her, resting his hand on her thigh to test the waters a little further, see if she’d be as receptive to such contact for the sake of it, rather than when he’d rubbed her cramped up ankle for her a few hours before. She just smiled more, mirroring his turn. “I wasn’t always like this. I was awkward, this rail thin kid with braces and an awful haircut until I was fifteen. I compensated for that, though.”
“How so?” she asked, Manny grinning widely, making a beckoning motion with his finger. She leaned in close, feeling his lips tickle against her ear.
“I gotta really big dick.” he murmured, his breath fluttering hot against her neck
She couldn’t help but look very curious at that information, raising her eyebrows as she sipped her drink. “Oh really? Just how big are we talking?”
“I dunno,” he sniffed. “Nine inches, something like that.” It was the second time she almost choked on her drink in the space of the last ten minutes.  
“Seriously?” she coughed, placing her glass down.
His hand squeezed at her thigh, his mouth tilting into a wide grin. “I’ll prove it to you, if you want?”
Oh, god. This was insane. She should have been sitting listening to the speeches at her wedding reception at this time, should her day have gone as planned. Instead, she was in a bar, a little drunk, being charmed out of her mind by a six-foot-tall biker, with the sexiest smile she’d ever seen in her entire life. And a nine-inch dick too, apparently. “I think I want.”
Did she really just say that?
“Oh yeah?” Manny chirped, their faces nearing one another.
“Mmm,” she hummed, his lips meeting hers, the kiss immediately deepening, Hannah feeling the effect of his lips go straight between her legs. Mentally, she added best kisser she’d ever encountered to her mental checklist, stroking his short, scratchy beard as he rested his hand against her neck, their tongues entwined, all the flirting between them finally blooming into something neither was prepared to halt.  
“Damn,” he began. “No, dayum.” That had her giggling, Manny kissing her again. “You’re so fucking hot. And you’re the first white chick I’ve ever kissed, let alone anything else that’s gonna follow.”
“Yeah? Same for me, first Latino guy.”  
“Well, ain’t that something?” They fell into kisses again, the heat between them sparking, his hand slowly running up and down her thigh. Oh, she could have dived on him right there and then, she was so aroused, and from just kisses alone? It had never been like that with Michael, and she knew she shouldn’t compare the two, but she couldn’t help it. “Okay, knock that drink back. We gotta leave now.”
“Why the rush?” she asked, Manny finishing his beer and standing.  
“Because I’m about five seconds from getting on your right here, darlin’. Shit, if that’s how you kiss, what the fuck are you gonna do to the rest of me?”  
Sinking her drink, she stood, resting her hands against his chest, leaning in close. “Spell my name across every last inch of you with my tongue.” Winking, she picked up the bag containing her wedding dress, giggling at the look on his face.
“Fuckin’ sexual demoness woman,” he growled, grasping her hand. “Ain’t gon’ know what’s hit her. Gon’ ride the girl harder than I fuckin’ do my Harley, shit.” That statement did nothing to quell her drunken giggling, Manny pulling his phone out and booking an Uber, pleased to see that one would be with them in just under ten minutes.  
While they waited, they found themselves lost in the same magmatic kisses they’d shared within the bar, Hannah feeling like she was glowing all over, her arms loosely draped around his neck, his fingertips running in a slow stroke up and down them.
“Man, you smell good,” he murmured, kissing her softly again before moving his head, nose tickling against the side of her neck. “What is that smell, mamas?”
“Peony and blush suede.”
“Do you smell like that all over?”
She turned her head, tickling his earlobe with her tongue. “I guess you’re about to find out. The uber just pulled up.” They remained locked at the mouth for the entirety of the journey, getting out on a street that looked to be in lesser nice part of Santo Padre, Hannah knowing she’d be feeling nervous if she wasn't with someone with the kind of street cred Manny possessed. His home was simple, a little tatty on the outside with paint peeling from the wood in places, but inside, it was nice, minimal, very much a man cave throughout.  
He led her straight to the bedroom, shrugging his kutte off and hanging it on the back of the bedroom door, removing his boots and socks, switching the small nightstand light on while she kicked off her heels, chuckling softly when he straightened up, towering over her. “Teeny tiny Hannah banana.”  
“Oh yeah, all five three of me. And then there’s you, like a big ole’ tree I just wanna climb.” He laughed softly, reaching for her, leaning to her tiny height and kissing her wantonly, his hands making short work of her dress, nimble fingers rendering her naked as she stripped him of his shirt, stroking his chest, a chest much bigger than she expected to see, the washboard of his abs feeling delicious beneath her fingertips.
He walked her to the bed, taking her with him as he lay back, their kisses all fire and honey as they moaned softly, tongues entwining, Manny turning her onto her back, sitting up for a moment to take her in, the splendour of her nudity making his pupils dilate. “God fucking damn, look at you. Every last inch of you is motherfuckin’ perfect, pretty girl.”  
She crinkled her nose a little. “I wouldn’t go that far.”
“Yeah? Well, guess what? I would. Now, if you’ll excuse me, but I got intentions on enjoying this perfection, so all you gotta do is lay back and let me, mamas.”
If Hannah was good with anything right then, it was allowing him to do just that.  
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