#marcantonio raimondi
eucanthos · 6 months
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Lee Miller: Picnic, Ile Sainte Marguerite, 1937.
Edouard Manet: Le déjeuner sur l'herbe, 1862-63. Oil on canvas 208 x 265 cm. Musée d'Orsay.
Marcantonio Raimondi: The Judgment of Paris (detail), ca. 1510–20
Lee Miller and Roland Penrose, lovers, in the summer of 1937, lived in Mougins village above Cannes near Picasso's studio. Miller was probably staged their pose: Paul Éluard kiss Nusch Éluard, Penrose and Man Ray look bored. - Manet's female nude is thought to be Victorine Meurent, his favorite model, subject of Olympia. The male figure on the right was based on a combination of his two brothers, Eugène and Gustave. The other man is based on his brother-in-law, Dutch sculptor Ferdinand Leenhoff. By portraying an ordinary scene on such a large scale, Manet validated the seemingly mundane subjects, inspiring Impressionists like Claude Monet and Auguste Renoir to follow suit with Water Lilies and The Luncheon of the Boating Party, respectively.
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saintedseb · 6 months
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Saint Sebastian tied to tree pierced with arrows (c. 1500-27) - Marcantonio Raimondi (Italian, c. 1470-1534)
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conformi · 6 months
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Dimitris Papaioannou, Primal Matter, 2012 VS School of Marcantonio Raimondi (after Michelangelo), Rape of Ganymede, early 16th century
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optikes · 1 year
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1 artist unknown, Roman copy (c120CE) of a Greek bronze after Leochares (c350BCE) marble 224cm
2 Marcantonio Raimondi (1470/82-1534) Italian The Apollo Belvedere from the Vatican his left hand resting on the tree trunk around which coils a python (c1510–27) engraving
3 Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) German Adam and Eve (1507) oil on panel, each 209x81cm
A    metmuseum.org    The Apollo Belvedere was discovered near Rome in the late fifteenth century. Possibly a second-century marble copy of a bronze original by the Greek sculptor Leochares, the statue was immediately appreciated as a masterpiece and showered with praise. Probably once in the private collection of Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere (later Pope Julius II, r. 1503–13), it was moved to the Vatican in 1509 and placed, in 1511, in the Cortile del Belvedere, from which it derives its name. Raimondi's print became an important vehicle through which knowledge of the statue was transmitted far beyond the Vatican. He is famous for his many engravings after the designs of Raphael, including images such as the Judgment of Paris (19.74.1), scenes that, like the Apollo, illustrate Renaissance interest in classical antiquity and mythology. Here, Raimondi's mastery for replicating the effects of light on marble produces a convincing impression of the statue's form. Many artists incorporated the Apollo's much-lauded pose into their own work. Albrecht Dürer reverses the position of the figure's limbs and Apollo becomes Adam, reaching for the fruited branch offered by Eve in the 1504 engraving . A similar figure of Apollo, whose outstretched arm grasps—too late—a fleeing nymph, appears in the 1625 marble group Apollo and Daphne by the Roman Baroque sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598–1680).
B   Johann Winckelmann (1717-68) Germany     Of all the works of antiquity that have escaped destruction, the statue of Apollo represents the highest ideal of art. (1755)
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nooosham3 · 2 years
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Detail of engraving by Marcantonio Raimondi (about 1518-20) after design by Raphael
British Museum
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joostjongepier · 9 months
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Wat? Dejeuner sur l’herbe (1863), Olympia (1863) en De fluitspeler (1866) door Édouard Manet en Dejeuner sur l’herbe (1865-1866) door Claude Monet; ter vergelijking: Het oordeel van Paris door Marcantonio Raimondi (naar Rafaël)
Waar?   Musée d’Orsay, Parijs
Wanneer?   1 augustus 2023
Ik behoor om halftien tot de eerste bezoekers die Musée d’Orsay binnenkomen. Omdat ik van een vorig bezoek weet dat je op de afdelingen voor impressionistische- en post-impressionistische kunst gewoonlijk over de hoofden kunt lopen, besluit ik gelijk naar de vijfde etage te gaan en daar te beginnen. Als ik tegen het eind van mijn bezoek, ruim vier uur later, nogmaals over deze afdeling loop, besef ik dat ik een wijze keuze heb gemaakt.
Als ik aankom op de etage, heb ik Dejeuner sur l’herbe een paar minuten helemaal voor mezelf. Manet schilderde het werk voor de Salon van 1863, maar de jury weigerde het. Het kwam toen te hangen op de Salon des Refusés, waar het voor de nodige ophef zorgde. We zien een naakte en een schaars geklede vrouw met twee volledig geklede mannen tijdens een picknick in de vrije natuur. Het werk refereert aan de Italiaanse renaissancistische traditie. De groep op de voorgrond is duidelijk ontleend aan Rafaëls Het oordeel van Paris, dat Manet kende van een gravure. Het grote verschil met Rafaëls werk is echter dat de naakte vrouw op de voorgrond geen mythologische figuur is. In plaats van Venus zien we het model Victorine Meurant. De kleren op de voorgrond maken duidelijk dat het hier om een hedendaagse vrouw gaat. Haar naakte lichaam steekt blank af tegen de donkere pakken van de mannen op het doek. Het model voelt zo te zien geen enkele gêne ten opzichte van de geklede mannen, de schilder of de toeschouwers die ze recht aankijkt. Dit alles was, wat het negentiende-eeuwse publiek betreft, een aanslag op de goede smaak.
Tegenover Manets omstreden werk hangt nog een Dejener sur l’herbe, dit keer van Claude Monet, een poging om Manet naar de kroon te steken. Het werk is echter nooit afgemaakt. Monet had schulden en het werk belande als onderpand in de kelder van één van zijn schuldeisers, waaruit het aangetast door vocht weer tevoorschijn kwam. Misschien maar beter ook, want Monets poging steekt nogal braaf en burgerlijk af vergeleken bij het werk van Édouard Manet.
Elders in Orsay kom ik later opnieuw een groot doek van Manet tegen dat in zijn tijd de nodige ophef veroorzaakte: Olympia. Het werk werd tentoongesteld op de Salon van 1865 en veroorzaakte een regelrechte rel. Het werk is een eerbetoon aan Titiaans Venus van Urbino. Manets blote vrouw -opnieuw het model Victorine Meurant – is echter noch mythologisch, noch geïdealiseerd. Het gaat om een realistische hedendaagse vrouw, die het publiek direct en ongegeneerd aankijkt. De zwarte dienares komt een boeket brengen, wat wijst op de aanwezigheid van een man. Daar komt nog bij dat de kat met omhoogstaande staart wijst op seksuele lust. Voor het negentiende-eeuwse publiek kon er geen twijfel aan bestaan: we kijken hier naar een prostituee. Schande!
Een jaar later Stuurde Manet De fluitspeler in voor de Salon. Een jaar eerder bezocht hij het Prado in Madrid en zag daar narren en acteurs, geschilderd door Velasquez. In navolging daarvan schilderde Manet de fluitspeler tegen een effen achtergrond. De jury van de Salon weigerde het werk echter en de critici waren vernietigend. Volgens een van hen leek het schilderij wel een speelkaart. Emile Zolá nam het in een artikel echter op voor Manet:“Je ne crois pas qu'il soit possible d'obtenir un effet plus puissant avec des moyens moins compliqués” (Ik geloof niet dat het mogelijk is om een krachtiger effect te bereiken met eenvoudigere middelen”). Zolá eindigde zijn artikel met felle kritiek op de Salon-jury.
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Marcantonio Raimondi, The Judgment of Paris, ca. 1510-20
Image released into the public domain.
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1520-1525 Christ, the Virgin, and Saint John the Baptist with Saints Paul and Catherine, after Raphael engraving 42.1 x 28.9 cm
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
Marcantonio Raimondi York
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qquigley · 1 year
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 years
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aefward · 2 years
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Love in Bloom by Marcantonio Raimondi Malerba for Seletti
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2t2r · 2 years
Des tasses et des assiettes collées à l'or façon Kintsugi
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/des-tasses-et-des-assiettes-collees-a-lor-facon-kintsugi/
Des tasses et des assiettes collées à l'or façon Kintsugi
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unsubconscious · 1 year
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"Love in Bloom" kintsugi vase by Marcantonio Raimondi Malerba + Seletti
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homomenhommes · 10 days
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … April 20
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1188 – Died: St Hildegonde of Neuss (Also spelt Hildegund), German saint, biologically female, who dressed as a boy as a child, and lived as a man as an adult, before entering a male monastery. She was born at Neuss, near Cologne. After the death of her mother, at age 12, she went with her father, a knight, on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. For her safety, during the trip, she was dressed as a boy and called "Joseph" for her protection.
While returning from the Holy Land Hildegund's father died, but she was able to make her own way home and maintained her disguise first as a boy and then as a man. Later, she made a pilgrimage to Rome, during which she had several adventures.
On one of them, she was condemned to be hanged as a robber and escaped only when a friend of the real robber cut her down from the gallows.
After that, she returned to Germany and was accepted into the Cistercian monastery at Shönau, near Heidelberg, concealing her gender, and to her death she was believed to be a man. Her true sex went undiscovered until her death in 1188.
A few years later, abbot Engelhartof Langheim wrote her biography. She is considered a saint, even though her cult is not approved by the Roman Catholic Church.
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Aretino by Titian
1492 – The Renaissance writer and dramatist Pietro Aretino was born on this date (d.1556). Aretino was an Italian author, playwright, poet and satirist who wielded immense influence on contemporary art and politics and invented modern literate pornography, notably in La Cazzaria ("The Book of the Prick"). This colorful writer and dramatist, described as the first professional writer of his century, was probably the son of a cobbler, although he preferred to claim he was illegitimate and of noble origin. His patrons included Popes (Leo X, Clement VII), Cardinals, kings (Francois I and Emperor Charles V) and other connoisseurs of the porn of the age. He had a flair for self-dramatization, a fertile dirty mind, and an uncanny knack for profiting from the politics of his age. He first achieved notoriety for a series of pornographic sonnets, each describing a different position of sexual intercourse, and each illustrated by Giulio Romano and in which he declares himself to have been a sodomite from birth.
Aretino prospered, living from hand to mouth as a hanger-on in the literate circle of his patron, sharpening his satirical talents on the gossip of politics and the Papal Curia, and turning the coarse Roman pasquinade into a rapier weapon of satire, until his sixteen ribald Sonetti Lussuriosi (Lust Sonnets) written to accompany Giulio Romano's exquisitely beautiful but utterly pornographic series drawings engraved by Marcantonio Raimondi under the title I Modi finally caused such outrage that he had to temporarily flee Rome. In 2007, Michael Nyman set eight of the poems to music. They proved no less controversial in the twenty first century: at a 2008 performance at Cadogan Hall, the programs were withdrawn on allegations of obscenity.
In a letter to Giovanni de Medici written in 1524 Aretino encloses a satirical poem saying that due to a sudden aberration he has fallen in love with a female cook and "temporarily switched from boys to girls..." Later he was known and admired for his ragionamenti dialogues, often audaciously filthy, on contemporary Roman life. Public figures so feared his clever and vicious pen that Aretino became rich from promising not to write on certain subjects. He is said to have died from a stroke while laughing at a dirty joke.
Aretino was a close friend of Titian, who painted his portrait at least three times. The early portrait above is a psychological study of alarming modernity.
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1857 – Herman Bang (d.1912) was a Danish writer and one of the men of the Modern Break-Through - the late 19th century literary movement in Scandinavia that replaced Romanticism. Bang was born of a noble family on the small Danish island of Als.
When he was twenty he published two volumes of critical essays on the realistic movement. In 1880 he published his novel Haabløse Slægter (Families without hope), which at once aroused attention. The main character was a young man who had a relationship with an older woman in Danish fin de siècle society. The book was considered pornographic and immoral at the time and was banned. After some time spent travelling and a successful lecture tour in Norway and Sweden, he settled in Copenhagen, and produced a series of novels and collections of short stories, which placed him in the front rank of Scandinavian novelists. Among his more famous stories are Faedra (1883) and Tine (1889).
Bang was a homosexual, a fact which partly isolated him in Danish cultural life and made him the victim of smear campaigns. He lived most of his life with his sister but found happiness for a few years with the Hungarian actor Max Eisfeld with whom he lived in Prague 1885-86.
Failed as an actor, Bang earned fame as a theatre producer in Paris and in Copenhagen. He was a very productive journalist, writing for Danish, Nordic and German newspapers, developing modern reporting. His article on the fire of Christiansborg Palace is a landmark in Danish journalism. Some of his books, including Tine and Katinka (English titles), were translated into many languages and filmed.
Of especial interest is Michael. Michael (also known as Mikaël, Chained: The Story of the Third Sex, and Heart's Desire) was a movie released in 1924 directed by fellow Dane Carl Theodor Dreyer (director of other notable silents such as The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)). Along with Different From the Others (1919) and Sex in Chains (1928), Michael is widely considered a landmark in gay silent cinema.
The film is based on Herman Bang's 1902 novel Mikaël. It is the second screen adaptation of the book, the first being The Wings, made eight years prior by gay director Mauritz Stiller. Michael, however, follows Bang's storyline much more closely than the earlier film version had done.
Herman Bang's last years were embittered by persecutions and a declining health. He travelled widely in Europe and died during a recitation tour in the USA.
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1895 – Henry de Montherlant was a French writer of essays and novels (d.1972), as well as one of the leading French playwrights of the twentieth century.
Descended from an old noble family, he was educated at private schools at Jeanson-de-Sailly, then at the Sainte-Croix academy at Neuilly-sur-Seine, where his family lived.
Conscripted in 1916, he was wounded and decorated. Marked by his experience of war, he wrote Songe (Dream), an autobiographic novel, as well as his Chant funèbre pour les morts de Verdun (Funeral Chant for the Dead at Verdun), both exaltations of heroism during the Great War.
His early successes were works such as the tetralogy Les jeunes filles (The Young Girls) (1936-1939) and Les célibataires (The Bachelors) (1934). At this time he did a lot of travelling, mainly to Spain, Italy, and Algeria.
From 1929 he began to write for the theatre, plays such as La reine morte (1934), Pasiphaé (1936), Le Maître de Santiago (1947), Port-Royal (1954), Le Cardinal d'Espagne (1960). He is particularly remembered as a playwright. In his plays, as well as in his novels, he frequently portrayed heroic characters displaying the moral standards he professed.
In Le solstice de Juin (1941) he expressed his admiration for the German army and claimed that France had been justly defeated and conquered in 1940.
Montherlant concealed his pederastic tendencies from the public during his lifetime. In 1912, he had been expelled from the Sainte-Croix de Neuilly academy for a relationship with a fellow student. Although not openly gay, Montherlant treated homosexual themes in his work, including his play La Ville dont le prince est un enfant (1952) and novel Les Garçons (The Boys), published in 1969 but written four or five decades earlier. Les garçons and his correspondence with Roger Peyrefitte, (author of Les amitiés particulières (1943), also about sexual relationships between boys at a Roman Catholic boarding school), are the main testaments to this side of his character.
In 1960 Montherlant was elected a member of the Académie française. His presentation speech dwelt mercilessly on the geography of New Zealand.
According to Peyrefitte, some time in 1970 he was beaten up by some youths, which caused a serious injury to his eye, as a consequence of which he became progressively blind.
He committed suicide in 1972, swallowing a cyanide capsule and shooting himself in the head.
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 Isherwood and Neddermeyer
1914 – Heinz Neddermeyer was a German citizen considered to be the first great love of writer Christopher Isherwood.
Heinz and Christopher met in Berlin on March 13, 1932 when Heinz was 17. Christopher would often describe their relationship as an adoption, since Heinz was so much younger and not entirely mature. The couple lived together in Berlin until May 1933 when, because of the rise of Hitler, they were forced to flee the country. They traveled Europe and North Africa until May 12, 1937 when Heinz was expelled from Luxembourg and forced to return to Germany. The next day he was arrested by the Gestapo and sentenced to three and half years of forced labor and military service. He survived the forced labor which was brief. Being conditionally freed if he would take a wife, he married a woman named Gerda in 1938 and had a son named Christian, his only child, in 1940. It was not uncommon for gay men to take this drastic turn in their lives after being arrested and sentenced to prison for homosexuality by the Nazi party.
Although Heinz and Christopher continued to correspond, Heinz would not see Christopher again until November of 1952 while Christopher was visiting England and Germany for productions of his "Berlin Stories".
In November 1956 Christopher received a note from Heinz stating that he had been in a political argument at the factory where he worked in East Berlin. Fearing arrest, he fled to Hamburg. Christopher sent him some money. Nothing else is mentioned of Heinz in Christopher's diaries other than fond memories of their past in various cities around Europe and a kind note from Heinz when Christopher's mother passed away in August of 1960.
Heinz died in 1984.
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1935 – Warren Casey (d.1988) was an American theatre composer, lyricist, writer, and actor. He is best known for being the writer and composer, with Jim Jacobs of the stage and film musical Grease.
In the mid-1960s, Casey met Jim Jacobs while acting with the Chicago Stage Guild, and the two began collaborating on a play with music about high school life during the golden age of rock 'n' roll in the 1950s. Entitled Grease, it premiered in 1971 at the Kingston Mines Theater, one of the pioneering companies of Chicago's off-Loop theater movement, in the Lincoln Park section of Chicago. Producers Ken Waissman and Maxine Fox saw the show and suggested to the playwrights that it might work better as a musical, and told them if the creative partners were willing to rework it and they liked the end result, they would produce it off-Broadway.
Casey quit his day job as a department store lingerie buyer and the team headed to New York City to collaborate on what would become Grease, which opened at the Eden Theatre in downtown Manhattan, moved to Broadway, and earned him a Tony Award nomination for Best Book of a Musical. The show went on to become a West End hit, a hugely successful film (for which he and Jacobs wrote additional songs), and a staple of regional theatre, summer stock, community theatre, and high school drama groups.
Casey was gay and he died of AIDS-related complications in Chicago at the age of 53. At the time of his death he was writing a musical with the Brazilian performer Valucha deCastro.
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1943 – Jamie Gillis (d.2010) was an American pornographic actor, director and member of the AVN Hall of Fame.
Gillis was born James Ira Gurman in New York City into a Jewish family and graduated from Columbia University. His parents named him Jamie after the Tyrone Power character in the film The Black Swan (1942), and he took the name Gillis from the girlfriend he was living with when he made his first films.
He appeared in more than 470 movies as an actor. He also directed several adult movies. Openly bisexual, he appeared in many gay porn films, including a sex scene with Zebedy Colt in the 1975 BDSM-themed film The Story Of Joanna. Gillis also appeared in the mainstream Hollywood film Nighthawks (1981) as the boss of Lindsay Wagner's character.
He was a pioneer in the pornographic style known as Gonzo. In addition to starring in the first Buttman film, he also created the influential On The Prowl series. Featuring a porn star who rides in a limo looking for regular guys to have sex with, the video series was very popular and inspired a scene in the movie Boogie Nights. He also co-produced the popular Dirty Debutante series with fellow director and performer Ed Powers, as well as the Walking Toilet Bowl series of films that focused on golden showers and coprophilia.
Gillis died on February 19, 2010 in New York City from melanoma, which was diagnosed four or five months earlier. In an audio interview given to The Rialto Report shortly before his death, Gillis stated that in the 1970s he'd wanted his ashes to be scattered in Times Square, but years later he changed his mind as "clean Times Square would contaminate them".
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1951 – The American R&B singer Luther Vandross was born on this date (d. 2005).
Initially content to remain in the background as a backing singer and producer - he toured with David Bowie in 1974 and sang backing vocals on the Young Americans (1975) album - Vandross was encouraged to take centre stage by Roberta Flack, who thought he had a unique talent. His breakthrough to major chart success came as lead singer with Change, and he went on to have a string of million selling hit solo albums, and successful collaborations with other artists, throughout the 80s and 90s.
During Vandross' entire career he was 'dogged' by questions regarding his sexuality. He never married, his name was never romantically linked in the media with women. Although Vandross never explicitly denied being gay, he never publicly acknowledged it either. He generally fielded questions by saying that his 'busy lifestyle' made marriage difficult and indicated that, in any case, 'it was not what he wanted.' Many gay publications have stated that Vandross' gayness was an 'open secret' in the music business, but even now it is rarely spoken of.
He died of a heart attack in Edison, NJ at 54. Some of his songs are: Endless Love, Always and Forever, Dance with My Father and Your Secret Love.
His unusual middle name "Ronzoni" was given him by his mother in thanks for the comfort that Ronzoni brand pasta products gave her during her pregnancy.
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1959 – Douglas Sadownick is a gay American writer, activist, professor and psychotherapist. He co-created The Buddy Systems (1985) with Tim Miller, with whom Sadownick was involved in a 14-year relationship.
Born in the Bronx, Douglas Sadownick attended Columbia College for his B.A., New York University for his graduate work in English, and the graduate program in clinical psychology at Antioch University for a Master's of Arts in Clinical Psychology. He received his Ph.D. from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Clinical Psychology in 2006. His dissertation was entitled, Homosexual Enlightenment: A Gay Science Perspective on 19th Century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
He is the founding director of the nation's first LGBT Specialization in Clinical Psychology, at Antioch University, and he is also the Founder of Colors LGBTQ Youth Counseling Center, founded in 2011, with Philip Lance, an LGBT affirmative psychologist and community organizer. He is also a co-founding member of the Institute for Uranian Psychoanalysis , which is the first Institute in the world dedicated to deepening homosexual self-realization. He was also a principal co-founder of Highways Performance Art Space in 1989.
His work Sacred Lips of the Bronx (1994) was nominated for a Lambda Literary Award. His second book, Sex Between Men: An Intimate History of the Sex Lives of Gay Men, Postwar to Present, was published in 1996 and 1997. His articles have appeared in the Advocate, the Los Angeles Times, Genre, High Performance, the New York Native, and the L.A. Weekly. He received a GLAAD award for excellence in reporting in 1991. He works as a private practice psychotherapist in Hollywood, California.
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McGehee (L) with working partner Siegel
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1981 – Matus Valent is a European male fitness model born in Bratislava, Slovak Republic living in California.
As a youth, he played indoor volleyball and became the Junior Slovakian champion with his team ASK Inter. He was also on the Slovakian National volleyball team at age 19.
During his college years, he turned to beach volleyball, and in 2004 he became the California A-Category champion. After earning a University Masters Degree in Physical Education and Sports with Management in his hometown, he moved to California where he now lives.
 Matus Valent has appeared in numerous magazines (over 200 in the past 8 years) including Muscle & Fitness, Fitness RX, Flex, Muscle & Performance, Iron Man and many others with over 46 covers in the USA and internationally. He also has several catalog, romance novels & fitness book covers under his belt. (Not to mention his ample goodies)
His modeling career has lead to many other opportunities for Matus, including appearing in the music video for Kristine W's hit " Walk Away," modeling for the movie poster for "Pathfinder", being featured in national advertising for Otomix fitness clothing and active wear, national TV commercial for Shake Weight, TCORE, and ORECK XL vacuums and co-starring in the third season of Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency TV series. In 2009, Matus also appeared in ad campaigns for Prosource.net and Nutrition Express supplements superstores and made appearances in the films "Night at the Museum II" and "Baggage Claim."
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1990 – On this date Queer Nation members showed up en masse at Macy's department store where Olympic gold medalist Greg Louganis was promoting a new swimsuit line. Queers arrived with WHEATIES cereal boxes with the swimmer's picture pasted on front, to recall the time the cereal maker rejected Louganis as a spokesperson, ostensibly because he is Gay.
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How to say gay in Chinese
2001 – China removes homosexuality from their list of mental disorders.
Bōlī (玻璃)
The English translation of the Chinese word bōlī (玻璃) is crystal, glass, etc., and since the mid-90s it has been used as a slang term for homosexual men by the LGBT community in China and Taiwan. This slang word comes from the English acronym B.L., which has several versions, like Boy Lover, Boy’s Love, Boys Love. All of them serve to refer to the love between boys, men, etc.
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T-shirt with the bōlī (玻璃) drawing.
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bad-moodboard · 1 year
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Detail from  The Witches Rout (Lo Stregozzo), by Marcantonio Raimondi and Agostino Veneziano, c. 1520 [Full image here]
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thefloweredblade · 5 months
My favorite lesser seen depictions of the Goddess :)
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In order
Astarte Syriaca by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Venus Verticordia by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Venus Wringing the Water From Her Hair, Standing At the Water’s Edge by Marcantonio Raimondi
Venus At Her Birth Attired By The Three Graces by Benjamin West
Venus and Cupid by Evelyn de Morgan (filter added by me)
Aphrodite by Gustave Moreau
The Birth of Venus by Paul Joseph Blanc
Venus by Alexandre Cabanel
Terracotta bust of Aphrodite Pandemos
Aeneas and Achates Meeting Venus by Warwick Goble
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