#marilyn manson imagine
common-ready · 2 days
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successful-any · 8 days
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report-up-not · 15 days
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hehehehehenrik · 7 months
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Another one bunch of sketches and not really, some of this planned as the full art but nah I’m lazy
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contain-beat · 5 days
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wild-at-mind · 5 months
Just remembering when I was waiting for bf to get his tatt done and looking at the magazines, they had one of those extreme body mods magazines which was interesting. I have never understood why people get this kind of body mod, but I'm trying to work on being more open minded. And from this magazine I can see clearly that the ethos is 'my body is mine and I should be allowed to choose to do these things to it', which resonates. And as a trans person I would hope I wouldn't forget that transphobes call transition 'irrepairable damage' and self harm. (I can remember watching those early 2000s documentaries where surgery for transition was basically framed as an extreme body mod to be looked at for shock value.)
So I'm looking at this magazine, all open minded like, and then suddenly one of the models (who was being interviewed for something else, like he had his dick split in two or something) just casually is like oh yeah I have tonnes of different types of swastika tattooed on my arm. And sure enough, then there's a pic of like...20 swastikas done in different ways all on one area of his arm.
#....i don't even know what i'm trying to say really#i think maybe just that scenes where being extreme is celebrated tend to go in bad ways very quickly#to be clear this was like a back issue. I think it was from the mid-late 2000s. Things were 'edgier' then.#i can imagine perhaps in the circles this guy was in the swastikas were probably celebrated as being oh so daring and taboo!#i hope that extreme body mod circles (which cannot be that large let's face it) are not like this any more but who knows#i just think it is much harder to know what lines to cross and which not to cross if you are celebrating line crossing#see also: when it turned out marilyn manson actually was abusing women#like 'i'm so shocking and edgy!!!' 'I'm shockingly and edgily abusing people!' they go together so well#i'm being facetious in my wording but i find this really hard to articulate.....i found the marilyn manson revelations very upsetting#to be clear i always hated him as an artist but like everyone i assumed it ws just a costume he put on#even more noodling: i was thinking about extreme kink (edgeplay i guess they call it?) and tbh i don't understand that either#but while i don't want to judge or kinkshame i do wonder if places where extremes are celebrated can ever be SSS#the risks skyrocket of harming your partner in ways they later hugely regret#also are they even following SSS? I saw someone who had been accused of causing harm to their partners during edgeplay being like#'i will take steps to learn how to do kink' um.....you didn't already know????????????#surely if you're engaging in the most extreme stuff you should know THE MOST and not apparently the least?????#uggggggggghhhhh anyway fuck 'edginess' and fuck extreme and fuck sexscalation
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i-want-my-iwtv · 2 years
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bardnuts · 2 years
when the bridge before the last chorus is a calm piano refrain and then the beat drops with a FULL ORCHESTRA CHOIR reblog if you agree
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bloody-peach · 4 months
Eat Me, Drink Me (Hazbin Hotel: Vox x F!Reader smut fic)
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(Gif made by me, original image found on google images)
Now Playing: Muse - Sing for Absolution, Marilyn Manson - Blood Honey
Goodie bag: vaginal sex, drugs (aphrodisiac), vaginal fingering, clit rubbing, drinking, dom Vox, bottom Y/N, vanilla stuff around the end [let me know if i missed anything!]
A/N: Yep, had to make some smut with Vox now, didn't I? Welp, here ya go! I would recommend listening to the recommended songs while reading this, to get into the atmosphere. Headphones required, just for added experience. ENJOY!!
Taglist: @omniuravity @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered @neonvehk
You left the Hotel, exhausted. You had to deal with Niffty trying to kill new guests, Angel Dust’s bullshit with Cherri Bomb, and Husk drinking his life away on top of all the other duties you had there. But the worst of the worst was Alastor, he always loved to torment you and make you suffer or feel scared. Even now as you walk further away from the building, you could still hear his laugh deep in your mind. At least you were able to leave for the night, but you always felt like someone was watching you. Someone....much more powerful than you.
Vox, the TV Demon, has had his eye on you for some time, ever since he caught you on the hotel’s TV commercial. He remembers pausing the clip when it froze on you and he’d jack off, just imagining of what he could do to you. He was obsessed. And he decided that tonight was the night.
You kept walking when you heard electricity buzzing. You looked and it was just a broken neon sign, but it still left you uncomfortable. You kept walking, but the buzzing came back. You started to quicken your pace to try to escape the noise or the potential source of it, but it just kept following you, even when you started to run. You then run into a brick wall, realizing you must’ve turned a wrong way while you ran. You just turned with your back against the wall, unable to escape. You saw a glowing blue square in the dark along with small blue zaps of electricity spreading through the area. Soon, the thing came closer to reveal it was Vox, the overlord that controlled the masses through the visual media. You had never met him before, but you felt a sense of dread, thinking this was another guy just like Alastor. Once he came close to you, he said, “It’s nice to finally meet you, darlin'.” You sigh in mild annoyance and say, “Look, I just...Alastor already torments me. If you just want to make my life a living hell like he does, then don’t bother. I don’t need another demon doing it too.” You didn’t have anything against him in particular, you were just too stressed out to deal with another demon who wanted to watch you suffer.
Vox’s red eyes flickered with a mix of confusion, then it turned to deep-seated rage. “Alastor...” he snarled. He controlled himself and then looked at you, with a slightly annoyed look in his face. “Is that why you were running? Because of that radio trash?” He put his hands behind his back, and said, “You know I’m not like him, right? I ain’t the type to get off to torturing folks. Well, not much at least. But you’re different.” He smiled as he placed his hand on your shoulder, “I don’t want to see you suffer, Y/N. I...well, i’m not entirely sure what I want with you.” He looked a little sheepish, an emotion you didn’t expect from him, but he quickly fixed himself and played with a strand of your hair. “But I do know I don’t want you to be afraid of me. I don’t plan on hurting you.”
You wondered why he knew your name, but then another thought came to mind. “Wait...you know Alastor?” He then chuckled, saying, “Do I know him? I wish I didn’t. That motherfucker and I go way back. Can’t stand him, frankly. He’s all about radio and all that outdated shit, but me? I’m all for anything new, as you can see.” He then petted your head. “Has he been giving you a hard time? Of course he would, he always enjoys that kind of shit. You poor thing.” His gaze softened as you put your head down, your expression full of fear and sadness, due to those traumatic memories. Vox gently grabbed your chin and brought your head up to look at him, saying with an unusual tenderness, “I promise you, Y/N, I ain’t like that. I can be...different. If you’d let me.”
You got the sense that he seemed to care for your struggles, but you’ve been in Hell for a long time. Very rarely have you encountered a person who actually cared about anyone. The only ones you knew of were Charlie and Vaggie, and out of all of Hell, that’s saying something. How can you trust what this man was saying? How can you be sure he isn’t out to hurt you or take advantage of you?
You look away from him, your face still holding that sad expression. “I want to believe you, but...how do I know you’re not just manipulating me? This is Hell, after all. Hard to find a genuine soul around here.” Vox sighed, the sound of static echoing through the alleyway. His eyes held a look of understanding, a flash of empathy. “Can’t say I blame ya for thinkin’ that way,” he admitted. “This place isn’t exactly known for its honesty.” He petted your head again, this time almost touching his forehead on yours, his voice going soft. “I don't know if I can promise you heaven, Y/N. But what I can promise you is that I ain’t here to make your life more miserable than it already is.” He then extended his hand, a smile on his face, “How about we try something? No tricks, no manipulation. Just you and I. See where it goes.”
You think about it. Well, he did seem pretty convincing, and whatever he had to offer had to be much better than what you have to deal with on a day-to-day basis.
You sigh and say as you shake his hand, “Ok.” Vox’s screen lit up with a cheerful grin as he felt your hand in his, the cool electricity sparking between your fingers. “That’s more like it, Y/N!” He said as he shook your hand. He let go of your hand and stepped back with a flourish. “Now let’s get outta this dump. If we’re gonna be...whatever we are, we might as well do it in style.” He then had an idea, his eyes glowing with excitement. “How about we head to my place? The entertainment district ain’t much, but it beats this shithole any day.” His usual cocky smile returned, the light of his screen casting a glow around the alley. “Besides, I’ve got the best view in Hell. You won’t be disappointed, I can assure you.” You smile, liking the idea. “Ok, that sounds real nice.”
You end up following him to his place and you’re amazed at how luxurious it was. Expensive furniture, so clean you could eat off of the floor, and a couch in front of a large window, showing the hellish night sky. You look out the window and he could see your eyes sparkle with delight as you marveled his abode. “Wow...you can see all of Hell from up here!” He chuckled as he crossed his arms, finding your joy adorable. He could get used to making you this happy. “Told ya, didn’t I? Best view in Hell.” He strode over to join you by the window, his eyes looking down at the fiery grounds below. “You get a good look at this place, you realize it ain’t all that bad. Got its charms, don’t it?” You turn to him and you nod. He turns to look at you, a genuine smile lighting up his screen. “Glad you like it, Y/N. Hopefully it makes your whole...situation a bit more bearable.” His gaze lingered on you for a few moments longer before he turned away to the bar, his screen showing an unclear emotion. “Now, how ‘bout a drink? I got a stash of the finest bourbon in all of Hell. Helps take the edge off.” “A drink sounds great. Thanks.”
He smiles to himself, knowing that you were slowly starting to warm up to him. “One helluva drink, coming right up!” As he grabs the bottle of bourbon, he then had a thought. He sat the bourbon down and dug out a small vial from the inside of his tux. It was a bottle of Valentino and Velvette’s ‘Love Potion’, an aphrodisiac they were collaborating on. Val gave him a bottle as a gift, but he never thought of using it. But knowing what Y/N had been going though day by day, dealing with that radio fucker’s bullshit all the time, he figured that maybe you needed a little something to help you relax, to feel pleasure and bliss instead of pain and fear. It’s not a betrayal of your trust if there’s good intentions behind it, right?
He pours the potion into the bourbon and mixed it, making sure Y/N wasn’t looking. “This stuff’s got a kick like a mule, but it’s smooth. Just like me.” He chuckles at his own joke, and he hears her giggle along with it. Oh, how he adored that laugh and how he hoped that once his plan worked, he would hear more of it, along with other lovely sounds. Once he poured a glass for himself, he brought the glasses to the couch, giving you the tainted drink and offering you to sit on the couch with him. You couldn’t help but blush a tiny bit from how he looked, the way he was sitting, offering you to join him in a moment to yourselves. You sat next to him, a bit shy, but soon relaxing in the couch. Vox raised his glass, the light from his screen reflecting from the swirling liquor. “To new beginnings, Y/N. May they be as interesting as the journey here.” With that, you both clinked your glasses together, the sound echoing through the room as you both take a long sip, his eyes never leaving you. Luckily, you didn’t notice his gaze as you downed the drink completely.
You could handle bourbon pretty well, that’s pretty much what Husk served at the bar usually, but never as high quality as this. “Man, this stuff is really good. Sweeter than any other bourbon I’ve had.” ‘Yeah, that’s the love potion that’s doing that,’ Vox thought in his head. He smirks, watching you enjoy the drink. His heart pounded in his chest, light flicks of static on his screen due to anticipation. “Glad ya like it, Y/N. It’s a special brand, adds a bit of sweetness to the usual burn. Perfect for those wanting to unwind.” He couldn’t deny the thrill he felt, seeing you this relaxed and comfortable in his presence, even if it was artificially manufactured. He knew it must’ve been a rare sight, one he’d yearned to see for a while now.
He finishes his drink, sitting his empty glass on the coffee table. “Feeling better, sweetheart?” He asks, a tinge of genuine concern in his voice. As he asked that, you started to feel a change in your body. You started to feel way more relaxed, your mind beginning to feel a bit hazy. You weren’t sure why; maybe the bourbon was that good. Your body started to feel hot and you could feel a throbbing feeling between your legs. “I...I’m not sure...I...I feel kinda funny...” you say, your voice slightly slurred. Vox’s smirk widened, his eyes glowing with a devilish delight. “Oh, it’s just the effects of the bourbon, darlin’. Besides, you’ve been so stressed out, you haven’t had any time to just sit and relax.” He moved closer, his hand lightly tracing a line up your arm, causing you to shiver. “Just relax and enjoy the ride, Y/N. I promise it’ll be one hell of a time.” His voice drops to a sultry whisper, his breath sending shivers down your spine. “You trust me, don’t you?” You feel your face grow even warmer as he started to pull you closer to him, his face so close to yours. “I..I guess so... You are a lot nicer than Alastor..” Vox chuckled, the sound low and rich in his throat. “Well, that’s the highest praise i’ve ever heard.” His hand rested on the small of your back, his fingers tracing small circles against your shirt. “I told ya, didn’t I? I ain’t like him. Not one bit.” He tilted his screen down, his glowing eyes meeting your slightly dilated ones. “Just relax, my dear. Let ol’ Vox take care of ya. You won’t regret it.” With that, he leaned in, pressing his lips against your forehead softly, something you were confused on how that worked, but that thought flew away like all the others. “Just trust me, Y/N. I won’t let ya down.”
In what your mind could come up with, as you stared at him and as he spoke with you, the thought of letting him take the wheel was starting to sound really good and you figured that it was better to trust him than anyone else in Hell. At least for now. “Ok..” Vox’s screen lit up with a triumphant grin, his red eyes glowing with delight. “That’s my girl,” he purred, his hand tightening around your waist. He leaned in, pressing his lips against yours in a slow, deliberate kiss. He whispered against your lips, “You're so cute, Y/N. Just keep relaxing. There’s no need to fight it.” His other hand started explore, trailing down your body to rest on your thigh. His fingers squeezed gently, a small spark of electricity coursing through your body, causing you to moan. He knew your body was growing more sensitive by the minute. He pulled back, his screen displaying a smug smirk. “That’s it, baby. Enjoy the good feelings. Don’t be afraid, darlin’. I’ll take good care of you.”
His hand continued its exploration, trailing up your thigh to rest on your hip. He dug his fingers into your flesh, pulling you even closer against him. His screen returned to your face, his eyes locking onto yours. “You’re so responsive, sweetheart. It’s...intoxicating.” He leans in to your ear, his screen barely touching it. “I’m here. There’s no need to be scared.” His touch felt so good, all you wanted in that moment was for him to touch you more. “Ok,” you said. Vox chuckled, his eyes glowing with anticipation. “That’s what I like to hear, Y/N.” His hand slid up from your hip, tracing a path up your side and under your shirt. His fingers curled around your breast, squeezing gently, causing a soft gasp to escape your lips. “You’re so sensitive, darlin’. It’s so sweet.” His other hand slid down, resting on your thigh once more. He pulls your leg around him, positioning himself between your legs. He then starts to slowly strip you of your clothes. You were getting really hot, so it was a relief to get all those clothes off. Soon, you were completely nude before him, on full display. Vox’s eyes roamed your naked form, a low buzz rumbing from his chest. “Damn, Y/N. You’re even more beautiful than I imagined.” His hands traced over your body, exploring every inch of your skin. He savored every moan and gasp, his touch sparking bits of static wherever he touched. He leaned in, his lips against your neck. “I'll make you feel all kinds of good, baby...”
His hand slid down, tracing a path down your body to rest between your thighs. His fingers teased your folds, a spark of static making you gasp. “That’s it, Y/N, just enjoy it,” he murmured, his voice a soft whisper in your ear. He then moved his face to you and kissed you deeply. You kissed back just as deep, moaning in his mouth as you felt his fingers slowly slip into your pussy. Vox groaned into the kiss, his fingers going deeper into you. He savored your moans, the taste of you on his screen intoxicating. He pulled back, a devilish smirk on his face. “You’re so wet, baby. All for me.” His fingers curled inside you, hitting that sweet spot that made you gasp. His other hand was busy teasing your nipple, pinching and twisting it until you were writhing in his arms. “You’re doing so good, sweetheart. I'm so proud of you...”
With that, he picked up the pace, his fingers pumping in and out of you with a fervor that left you breathless. You moaned more, the pleasure growing in intensity, “Ahh..mm..ohh..” Vox grinned and moved his fingers faster, his thumb rubbing circles around your clit. The combination of him working on your pussy and playing with your breast had you crying out, your body trembling in his arms. “You’re so close, I can feel it. Go ahead and cum for me, baby girl.” It’s not too long until you cum, covering his hand in your juices as your body tensed up.
Vox growled, his eyes glowing with satisfaction as he felt you release all over his hand. His fingers slowed, gently stroking you through your orgasm. He slowly removed his hand and marveled at the wetness on it, licking it up until his hand was clean. “You taste so good, darlin’. So good..” His hand moved up, gently brushing a stray hair from your face. “You alright, Y/N?” You were there, still somewhat dazed from your orgasm. But there was one thought going through your head. “I...I...more...I need more...please...” Vox chuckled, “Needy little girl, aren’t you? Don’t worry, baby. I’m far from done with ya.” With that, he gently laid you down on the couch, his screen and his body hovering over you. “You ready for more, Y/N?” “Yes...please...I need it...” Vox’s eyes glowed with excitement. “Good girl, ” he purred. You see him take his jacket and pants off, revealing his hard and erect cock. You just sat there, amazed by its size. Could an overlord have a cock that big? Vox smiled, saying, “You like what you see?” He gave his cock a few strokes, pre-cum leaking from the tip. “It’s all for you, baby girl.”
With that, he lined himself up with your entrance, his hands holding your thighs gently. He slowly pushed himself inside you, groaning at the tightness that enveloped him. “Fuuck...that’s it, baby... take it in deep..” Once he was fully inside you, he started to move, his thrusts slow and deliberate. You gasp and moan in pleasure as he thrusts into you, wrapping your arms around his neck and letting the pleasure consume you. Vox felt a wave of pleasure hit him as he felt your arms go around him. “That’s it, baby. Let it all out.” His thrusts picked up in pace, each one hitting that sweet spot inside you. His hand moved down, his fingers slowly rubbing your clit. “You’re so tight, darlin’. So fucking good..” With that, he picked up the pace, his cock pumping in and out of you. “Ahh..ohh..V..Vox...i..it feels so good...” you moaned, causing Vox to grin. “That’s what I like to hear, baby.” He continued his assault on your pussy, pounding into you so much that you were seeing stars. You weren’t sure how many times you came, but you didn’t care. You just wanted Vox to keep fucking you.
“Gahh, fuck yeah...gotta get even deeper...” He then stopped his thrusts and pulled out of you, flipped you onto your belly, and grabbed your hips. “Hold on tight, Y/N. It’s gonna be a wild ride.” He lined himself up with your entrance once more, pushing inside you with a single thrust. He quickly sped up his thrusts, making you a moaning mess. “Ahh..oohh..yes...yes..I...I love it... I love your cock...!” Vox grinned a prideful smile, proud of the fact he was causing you to lose yourself just from his dick. “You’re such a dirty girl, baby. I fucking love it.” It’s not too long til he could feel his climax coming, and he felt your walls flutter, meaning yours was coming too. “Cum for me again, Y/N. Let it out.” “Ahh..mm..V..Vox..! Please cum in me..! Please..! Fill me up with your cum! I can’t take it anymore..!” Vox growled, your pleas of ecstasy driving him further over the edge. “You ready, baby girl? Ready for me to fill you up? I’ll do it, but only on one condition. You belong to me from now on. You like that?” “I..I’ll do it! I’ll only belong to you, Vox! Please, fuck me!” Vox smiled, thrusting even more. “Alright, darlin’. Here it comes...!” With one final, powerful thrust, Vox released inside you, his cock pulsing as he filled you with his cum. “That’s it, baby..Take it...take it all..” You cum at the same time he does, feeling his cum filling up your womb. You cry out in pure pleasure, your body riddled with pleasure. It was the best orgasm you’ve ever had. Vox kept thrusting, but he started to slow down, letting you both ride your orgasms for as long as possible.
Once everything was done, he pulled out of you and marveled at the cum-covered mess your pussy had become. He smiled, and pulled you into his arms, holding you close. “You did amazing, baby.” He brushed a strand of hair away and he looked at you, a bit concerned since you were so quiet, “You okay, Y/N? Do you need anything?” You turned to him and he was amazed at how beautiful you looked. Your eyes looked so full of joy and bliss, and your smile was so warm and genuine. You could almost cry if you saw it for yourself. He felt his heart flutter when he saw that. Yeah, he made the right choice.
You hug him and rest your head on his chest. “I love you so much...”
Time stood still for a moment for Vox when he heard those words. He hoped that he would hear those words come out of your lips towards him, and seeing and hearing it now, it filled his heart with joy. He slowly wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. He let out a quiet chuckle, his screen pressing against the top of your head. “Well you’re just full of surprises, aren’t you? I feel exactly the same, baby girl.” He gently waves his hand and summons a wisp of smoke around your neck and along his hand, it soon turning into a collar with a chain leash, him gently gripping onto the chain. You now belonged to him, permanently. And he wasn’t gonna let just anyone touch you like he just did.
He held you close, his hand gently stroking your back in a soothing rhythm. “Just rest now, Y/N. Vox has got you.” You let yourself drift off to sleep in his arms, forgetting about the world and any worries you had. Vox cleaned you up and carried you to his bed, laying you on it then entering it himself. He pulls you close, letting the sound of your breathing and the beating of your heart lull him to sleep.
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twoyara · 3 months
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Like he's LITERALLY a rapist and a sex trafficker. Why is he still alive as a media figure? Not to mention the fact that women with the same views are demonized and demeaned. For example, Just Pearly Things. Do they have different opinions? No, they're exactly the same. So why is she responsible for her words and he isn't? Rhetorical question. That's considering that Just Pearly Things only says it in words, but Andrew Tate is a REAL criminal who is listened to by MILLIONS The thing is, there are tons of men like that. Marilyn Manson, Johnny Depp, Donald Trump, Dan Schneider and so on. Why are we women so blind to this bone-deep hatred? Can you even imagine a woman in the media saying something like that about men? No, you can't. She would just be destroyed on the spot. Even JK Rowling is being compared to Hitler just for saying that women are women, not men in a wig and skirt
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soapoet · 8 months
PJO pick-a-card reading
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Nico di Angelo; Your shadow side
Soapy scribbles: As the title may suggest, this reading is a little dark and full of terrors. Be mindful of this before you read, and judge for yourself whether or not now is a good time to explore the dark. You can always come back later, or never, so fret not if you need to run away and hide. Take good care of yourself, ok? ♡
Shufflemancy: Triggered by SkyDxddy
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, do you feel like Atlas holding the world upon your shoulders to keep your near and dear safe and sound, whilst toying with the thought of dropping those burdens and crushing them like ants, berating them for taking you for granted? The mental load you take on leaves you feeling so capable, yet frustrated with all who by comparison appear foolish and incompetent. You think highly of yourself, but like a flick of a switch you crumble on the shower floor crying for mercy, sending prayers down the drain because yours is a life of the ivory tower and the free fall from it, repeated like a cruel joke stuck in an inescapable loop. He loves me, he loves me not, except you count petals of your own self-worth. You're a genius, you're an idiot. Gorgeous and sweet, vile and grotesque.
You're opinionated, well-read, and seemingly surrounded by imbeciles, yet a silver tongue so easily gets tied as you fear mistakes. Trauma has left you paranoid. Do you fear retaliation? The avalanche triggered by a little hiccup, which buries you, encasing your mistake forevermore, so that shame is to you what the smile is to Mona Lisa and the whole world may gawk and point and laugh and dissect and analyse and theorise centuries from now about how you, a fool, screwed up once and that once was enough to destroy the perception of you which you so carefully tried to protect.
Houdini, you vanish like ashes to the wind, yet crave to be seen and heard and felt and touched. Rejection frightens you, so you perfect the art of care and service. Who could reject a helping hand? What then, when it is never reciprocal, nobody texts you first, unless of course they need something from you? Then you writhe as the anger in your veins burn. Your surface calm hides riptides threatening to grab and pull traitors out to sea to drown. Unable to express your darkest feelings, you've made a name for yourself for your serenity, yet beneath the surface you have been screaming your whole life. Would it kill them to ask you how you are and make space to truly receive the honest answer? You feel like an imposter, a charming attendee at a masquerade who's on a wanted poster for the crimes you commit inside your head at the slightest inconvenience.
Shufflemancy: (S)aint by Marilyn Manson
Everything is perfect, and what isn't must be made so. You do not take shortcuts, you do not round up or down. Like a surgeon your precision is immaculate, but the scalpel cuts deep and swift and you are full of marks of real and imagined flaws and failures you tried to surgically remove. Impossible are the only standards that you know. Enough is not a word in any language that you speak. There is always something you could have done better. As though you were born into a fixer-upper, you became an architect, drawing up careful plans of grandure, which you construct from the rubble. Yet every tile eventually cracks, the paint chips and the hardwoodwood scuffs, so you tear everything back down to ruins and begin anew. You are forever under construction, and always on a tight schedule and low on resources, and never in a million years could you hire a lending hand. Because only you dance with perfection, only you know its touch, and nobody else should get their grubby little hands on fragile things that they'll just break.
You wish so earnestly to be seen. To shine beautifully and be admired by all, but in your paralysing fear of judgement you hide away. To perfect your reflection, your craft, to stride forth with books atop your head with enviable grace. One day you'll show 'em, you say, though you know that you're both the captive of the tower and the beast that guards it. You tell yourself you must earn your keep in the kingdom, unable to rest because the list of things to do is never-ending and replenishes like clockwork, a task done only invites another.
Yet from this tower you gaze upon the crowds, green with envy for their ability to let life happen without white-knuckling the reins. To swim with the current, not against it. And those lucky few, to whom things, a struggle to you, comes with such ease? You could burn them at the stake, and perhaps have in your mind, but this fleeting image invisiblen to all, as through gritted teeth and throbbing jaw and knotted neck, all illusioned into a bright, proud smile, you're the first to stand and give ovation for the achievements of others. Then you slip away from their awfully bright light, into the shadows to scream and cry and punish yourself for not fitting into their shoes. And when they stumble and fall? From the shadows nobody can see your Chesire grin of malice. Which, of course, only adds yet another flaw, another crack in need of mending. Because oh, to be free of this never-ending waltz with self-loathing and misplaced blame, and be whole and happy within yourself and uplift others without walking barefoot on glass doing so.
Shufflemancy: Nobody praying for me by Seether
Peter Pan, won't you grow up? You scrunch your nose and grimace at the very thought. You're capable and incapable baked into a concoction of leftovers at the month's end. Tired and done with the judgement of those you, dripping with sarcasm, call better folks. The naysayers nagging and sticking their noses into businesses none of theirs. Yet at the same time you feel lost and without direction. A free bird in flight, soaring across glimmering seas, with no place to land. Inertia, both an enemy and a lover, lulls you so easily into breadcrumb trails full of wonderful distractions. Only to then strike down the facade of the snow globe dreamscape as it falls and shatters on the floor, leaving you to pick up the pieces and cut your hands on the shards.
Mountains of unfinished projects and tasks lay before you, and no beaten path or compass exists for you to rely on. Alarms and memos blaring, screaming your name and calling you a failure with every ring. Everything done last minute or not at all. Feeling helpless and dependent on others for assistance as the world comes crumbling down seemingly weekly. You point to people, circumstances, the planets and the stars, looking for a scapegoat as you flee from guilt and shame in this horrid cycle you feel unable to escape. To admit you could have had more forethought would be to allow the world to place the dunce hat on your head. To never again be taken seriously. You look away, you run, from the consequences of your own actions and inactions. Hiding under a blanket like a child, certain no monster can see you if you can't see them.
The fear of missing out lurking in your peripheral like a predator waiting for its chance to pounce the second you feel as though your peers are so far ahead of you as you run the race of life with your laces tied together like a cruel joke. What did you do so differently to not deserve guidance, where is your coach, your safety network? You're standing outside in the cold winter watching families in their warm dining rooms making merry, wondering if they'd spare you a slice of bread if you knocked on the door. But the discomfort of cold knuckles against cold hard wood or fingers on a frozen knocker keeps you walking, talking to the streetlights who'd never judge you. Your constant need to justify yourself, explain every word you said which seemingly always fails to land on the tarmac. Every project takes flight but crash lands, and the whole world seems to gather to investigate and scrutinise your pilot error. And you're angry, so frustrated you could cry and wish only to raise your voice, scream in the face of judgement and close their airways. Tell them it isn't fair, that they're all lucky and have no idea what it's like to live life on hardmode, to be ridiculed and reduced to the butt of a joke, forced to serve as the archetypal fool and assumed you'll never amount to anything. Yet you fear your own shadow, certain it could overpower you because it sees what nobody else sees and knows the truth of your neglect and envy and endless chase of the highs at the cost of your desires which need the care and attention you can't give them.
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strawbrygashez · 2 months
•Andre fell for Cal pretty quickly. It was a mix of Cals ‘pretty blonde boy’ looks, Andre being a loner with no real friends beforehand, and Cal just getting him in a way no one ever really has before.
•Andre introduced Cal to more heavy music. Andre likes industrial metal while Cal had only really liked grunge before. Cal also shows Andre some grunge songs. They’ll make playlists for each other every now and then.
•Cals really good at making bracelets (real ones or just those kid friendship type bracelets). He’s made countless ones for Andre. (Andre mostly wears the first one Cal ever gave him)
Andre has tried making them too but once he even gets slightly frustrated, he gives up and just tosses it into Cals lap to finish for him.
•Kinda related to prev point, Cal likes doing DIY clothes/jewelry stuff in general. It gives him something to focus on other than wanting to die all the time 💀 One of his favorite things he’s made is a bracelet made out of the tabs off of Monster Energy cans. (Andre is honestly jealous he doesn’t have one.)
•Andre had a skateboarding phase. He kinda gave up on it halfway thru the ZD plans but he did try to teach Cal how to skateboard. (No it wasn’t a excuse to touch him while trying help him steady himself on the board.. okay fr it wasn’t. Cal just wanted to try it out since he saw Andre owned a few skateboards)
Cal is a bit of a giggler so he couldn’t take Andre too seriously when he was trying to give him actually helpful advice on how to skateboard.
•If Andre was in a particularly good mood while driving, he’d sing along loudly to whatever was playing on the radio. Cal would just shake his head with a smile.
•Cal tossed around the idea of working at hot topic for a while but for some reason or another, never applied. Andres secretly disappointed bc he would have liked if Cal had a employees discount.
•When Cals really bored & just feeling ‘off’, he’ll cut different shapes and stuff on himself. He’s done stuff like hearts & a butterfly. He’ll also do words or letters like ZD, A (for Andre :P), and because he’s a Manson fan.. I think he did Marilyn Mansons MM logo at least once. What a emo /j
•Both of them like thriller & horror movies but when it comes to TV shows they are a bit different. Andre likes stuff like Ghost Hunters & shows where they try to find Bigfoot (bc hes a very imaginative guy 💀) while Cal likes game shows where he can yell out answers & go on about how the contestants are stupid with Andre. He’s also kinda interested in cooking shows which Andre hates since they’re ‘too boring’.
•Neither of them are huge readers really but if they find a book or magazine that’s interesting, they’ll let the other borrow it.
•Andre steals knives & blades out of Cals room when he’s not looking but Cal never says anything. They both know Cal will just find a way to cut somehow but Andre still does it anyways (and since Andre will ultimately do whatever Cal wants at the end of the day, If cal asks for one of his knives back enough, Andre will give it back)
•Andre is sooooo the type to punch walls. He won’t do it at home really since he doesn’t want his parents worrying about him so it leads him to like.. punching brick walls outside which is much worse for his knuckles lol. But of course Cals there to bandage it up later.
•Cal is diagnosed with a few different things but won’t really bring it up unless it really needs to be. Andre knows all of his diagnoses tho and Cal will joke that Andre has the same things (depression, autism, adhd, etc) Andre will joke that he’s perfectly fine.
•Andre kept a good amount of his toy action figures from his childhood. They are in a box in his closet.
•Cals a bit of creep because sometimes at sleepovers, he just stares at Andre sleeping. He does it without even anything going on in his mind. He’s just enamored by him. Andre has caught him doing it a few times and just groans and rolls over or tosses a pillow at Cals face
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 10 months
with playlists (ofc)
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Happy Pills - Weathers
Heavydirtysoul - Twenty One Pilots
Trouble - Cage the Elephant
Morph - Twenty one Pilots
Down In A Hole - Alice in Chains
Numb - Linkin Park
Breaking the Habit - Linkin Park
This Is How I Disappear - My Chemical Romance
Stalker - Badflower
Duality - Set It Off
Another Way Out - Hollywood Undead
Fairly Local - Twenty One Pilots
Message Man - Twenty One Pilots
Sucker for Pain - Various Artists
My Blood - Twenty One Pilots
Cut My Lip - Twenty One Pilots
Breezeblocks - altJ
Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met…) - Panic! At The Disco
Hypnotized - Set It Off
Church - Fall Out Boy
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Don’t You Dare Forget The Sun - Get Scared
Medicine - Hollywood Undead
I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead - Set It Off
Pain - Three Days Grace
Keep Myself Alive - Get Scared
Never Too Late - Three Days Grace
Animal I Have Become - Three Days Grace
Horrible Kids - Set It Off
Mama - My Chemical Romance
Back from the Dead - Skillet
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Shatter Me - Lindsey Sterling, Lizzy Hale
Decode - Paramore
I’m So Sick - Flyleaf
I Miss the Misery - Halestorm
Enemy - Imagine Dragons, JID
Playground - Bea Miller
Catch Me If You Can - Set It Off
Ironic - Alanis Morissette
Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac
Body Talks - The Struts, Kesha
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From The Ground - Hollywood Undead
Get Out Alive - Three Days Grace
Monster - Skillet
Dead Bite - Hollywood Undead
The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy
My Demons - STARSET
Sarcasm - Get Scared
Pet - A Perfect Circle
Somewhere I Belong - Linkin Park
Twisted Transistor - Korn
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Chalk Outline - Three Days Grace
So Called Life - Three Days Grace
I Can’t Decide - Scissor Sisters
Killer - The Ready Set
Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) - Marilyn Manson
Kill Everyone - Hollywood Undead
A Little Piece of Heaven - Avenged Sevenfold
To Catch a Predator - Insane Clown Posse
Dark Side - Blind Channel
Just Pretend - Bad Omens
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Bring Me To Life - Evanescence
Damage - Fit For Rivals
Tear You Apart - She Wants Revenge
Tourniquet - Marilyn Manson
Unbreakable - Fireflight
I’m Gonna Show You Crazy - Bebe Rexha
Hit and Run - LOLO
Get Jinxed - Djerv
La Seine - Vanessa Paradis
Let’s Kill Tonight - Panic! At The Disco
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Heather - Conan Gray
Get Well - Icon For Hire
Pretty Little Psycho - Porcelain Black
Partners in Crime - Set It Off, Ash Costello
Backstabber - Kesha
You’re So Creepy - Ghost Town
This Little Girl - Cady Groves
Guys My Age - Hey Violet
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Turbulent - Waterparks
Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) - The Offspring
Dirty Mind - 3OH!3
Riot - Hollywood Undead
oops! - Yung Gravy
Fashionably Late - Falling In Reverse
parents - YUNGBLUD
Hell of a Ride - Bo Burnham
Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer
Bad Girls Club - Falling In Reverse
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Hayloft - Mother Mother
Tag, You’re It - Melanie Martinez
Little Game - Benny
Teen Idle - MARINA
Where Do I Go - Anna Blue
Silent Scream - Anna Blue
Lolita - Lana Del Rey
Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez
All The Things She Said - Poppy
Burning Pile - Mother Mother
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zemagltd · 8 months
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Everyday Poetry - "The imagination is precious. Don't lose it. Don't lose the child in you." Marilyn Manson
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bloodxspatter · 5 months
funger 2 music tastes and im half sorry
music taste headcanons for the fungers from termina
Levi – it’s either black metal (mainly sarcofagó/early bathory/mystifier/mgla) or depressive black metal (silencer/sacrimoon/my useless life) i feel like he would find lifelover too „happy” tho like this bitch is picky
Pav – terror ebm/electro industrial i just know it look at his cunty ass i bet he has all  the skinny puppy albums and licks them when he’s horny (also he probably loves :wumpscut: and combichrist idk he’s just fucking gay looking and i love him)
Marina – this bitch is new wave or synth pop and breathes depeche mode (same girl ily) but has been influenced by  samarie so she listens to goth music too (i feel like she would love diva destruction and xmal deutschland and a bit of SATB)
Samarie – THE goth bitch and she absolutely loves the scary bitches, the birthday massacre and bauhaus and this cold night (love her for that)
Henryk – feels like the pop guy but secretly loves some rock???? im not sure he looks fruity but at the same time no: I'd say he secretly enjoys The Cure and Red Hot Chili Peppers
O'saa – honestly seems like the type of guy that would listen to everything but for some reason i can envision him being drawn to punk music/ maybe even darkwave? I really feel like he would listen to alternative stuff a lot
August: WAR METAL/ VIKING METAL/FOLK METAL THIS HOE OH MY GOD. yeah amon amarth, finntroll, beherit and anything you can think of. also death metal. (but no goregrind.) also the viking bathory albums are his fav probably (especially blood on ice) and also Venom, especially the early albums
Marcoh: now this is where im kinda puzzled cuz he looks like the frank sinatra type of guy im really sorry if i disappointed you
Karin: i hate her but love her this bitch is a swiftie and she stinks as hell
Tanaka: honestly? seems like the type of guy with the npc music taste. or it’s just classical music.
Daan: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerm…. its symphonic metal… :3 nightwish……. or classical music. OR GOTHIC METAL.
Abella: why can i imagine her loving phonk im really sorry i dont know whats wrong with me please forgive me im sorry please no dont sacrifice me but like she would probably listen to ayesha erotica and then tell us all she's a lesbian and then i'd marry her
Caligura: obviously marilyn manson. or maybe even king diamond. this guy stinks kinda and i dont know but i suppose he wouldn’t have THAT bad of a music taste… Also i feel like he would enjoy Venom with August
im sorry if i disappointed u but if you liked it lets make out
(disclaimer: marina's, samarie's, levi's, daan's and pav's music style is based of mine because i feel like it fits them :3)
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