#mark brzezinski
pat2dee · 11 months
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The second time that I saw Big Country, in July 1989, at Fort Regent Leisure Centre,Jersey, Channel Islands.
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jamnickowa · 1 year
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Mamo, dzięki za podesłanie! ❤️
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tomorrowusa · 11 months
Republican Party leaders are physically fighting with each other in Michigan. 🍿
"He kicked me in my balls": Michigan Republicans brawl at local meeting GOP gone wild: "When you see me taking my glasses off, I’m ready to rock"
As reported by The Detroit News, Wayne County Republican James Chapman was trying to get into the state party's meeting room at the Doherty Hotel by jiggling the door handle when Clare County Republican Party Chair Mark DeYoung opened the door from inside.  "He kicked me in my balls as soon as I opened the door,"  DeYoung told the outlet while being interviewed in the ER, adding that he had suffered a broken rib and intended to press charges against Chapman.  Chapman, however, said DeYoung was the one who swung first after threatening to kick Chapman's ass. DeYoung denied that, though, claiming Chapman squared up first — rushing DeYoung and slamming him into a chair. One of the individuals involved in the fight gave Detroit News' Craig Mauger a warning for any would-be future Michigan brawlers:  "When you see me taking my glasses off, I'm ready to rock," Chapman said. 
It's easy to see why Republicans are no longer running Michigan.
Although the dust-up took place outside the actual meeting room, members inside got an eye full.   "From my clear vantage point a kerfuffle occurred outside our meeting room. We recessed for 5 minutes. It had nothing to do with the content of our meeting," said committee member Kristin Lee. 
Donald Trump says that he may not take part in the first GOP debate. That's a shame because it would be great fun to see him and DeSantis get into a ball kicking and face scratching melee on live TV.
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thenightling · 11 months
Okay, a serious Witcher post with a bit of Neil Gaiman mention. The Witcher began as a Polish book series. And was later adapted into a popular video game series and now a popular Netflix series. Before there was a Netflix series the character Ciri (Geralt's adopted daughter) was confirmed as bisexual. Philippa is a lesbian. There's a gender-non-conforming elf in The Witcher 3 video game. And yet the revelation that Jaskier (directly translates to Buttercup and Dandelion in the English language versions of the novels) is bisexual caused a negative backlash. And no, not just people upset that his relationship is with Radovid and not merely because "He was straight in the novels." (actually there's nothing in the novels that out-riht says he cannot be attracted to men too). I'm going to be blunt. Yes, it probably is a bit of a political move that Netflix made Jaskier bisexual for The Witcher Netflix series. Right now there's a major right wing movement in Poland suppressed LGBTQ+ people and even causing many to flee the country because of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric and laws. The Witcher is probably the most popular fantasy book series ever published in Poland and for the Netflix (American made) TV adaptation to openly say "Yes, Jaskier is bisexual." is almost an act of defiance against what is happening in Poland right now and I'm glad they did it. There were LGBTQ+ characters in The Witcher to begin with but making one of the main four characters openly bisexual was a brave move, especially with what's going on in Poland right now, where The Witcher is currently being treated by some as some sort of patriotic symbol or national book series. And no, this is not why Henry Cavill left the show. That is the worst kind of strawman. Henry Cavill was in the film adaptation of Stardust by Neil Gaiamn and his character flirted with a male character who didn't even exist in the book. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/u-s-ambassador-marches-in-warsaw-pride-parade-as-conservative-government-pushes-anti-lgbtq-stance
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paganimagevault · 1 year
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An Amazon gets her man on the Don frontier by Gerry Embleton 2002
"Like most nomads in contact with cattle and wild horses, the Sarmatians employed the lasso, and Sarmatian women were said to have been especially adept in its use. Pomponius Mela (1.21.5) states that Sarmatians tossed the lasso over an enemy's neck to pull him from his horse. Pausanias (1.21.7) describes another technique: 'They throw ropes around any enemies they meet, and then wheel their horses to trip them in the tangle of the rope.' The most famous use of the lasso occurred during the Alan incursion into Parthia in c.AD 73, when the Armenian king Tiridates was caught by a lasso, but managed to cut it with his sword before it tightened around his neck (Josephus, Bell. Jud. 7.7.4).
For several centuries the Don River marked the boundary between Scythian and Sarmatian territories. During the 4th century BC the Sarmatians began to infiltrate across the river, and it is from this period that Greek historians began spinning tales of Amazons, based on the fact that Sarmatian women apparently took part in warfare. Sarmatian girls were supposedly forbidden to marry until they had killed an enemy (Hippocrates, Peri Aeron 17) - or, perhaps more realistically, 'encountered an enemy in combat' (Pomponius Mela, 3.4)."
-The Sarmatians 600 BC-AD 450. R. Brzezinski & M. Mielczarek & G. Embleton. Osprey Publishing.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
WARSAW, Poland -- A project to develop small nuclear power reactors in Poland is moving forward, with a cooperation agreement between the Polish energy giant ORLEN and two U.S. government financial institutions signed Monday.
Poland is turning toward renewable and noncarbon energy, away from its past reliance on its own coal. Moscow's invasion of Ukraine has also accelerated Poland's drive to cut its dependence on Russian oil and gas.
In a ceremony at the U.S. ambassador’s residence in Warsaw, the U.S. EXIM Bank signed a letter of interest in lending up to $3 billion and the U.S International Development Finance Corporation signed a letter of interest to lend up to $1 billion to the ORLEN Synthos Green Energy project for developing some 20 small BWRX-300 modular reactors designed by GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy.
U.S. Ambassador Mark Brzezinski stressed that Russia's aggression against Ukraine almost 14 months ago reinforced the need to turn toward safe and reliable energy sources.
At a later news conference, Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that Poland needed a “cheap, clean and reliable energy source” like the SMR reactors, which will produce emission-free energy and be a driving force for the economy for decades to come.
Coal mining is among Poland's largest employers, providing some 80,000 jobs and supplying some 70% of the country's energy, and Morawiecki said that industry will continue to guarantee power security. He stressed, however, that global climate concerns and European Union regulations are calling for a shift to renewable and clean energy, which the nuclear reactors plan is helping to advance.
PKN ORLEN president, Daniel Obajtek said Poland's first BWRX-300 reactor should be launched in 2029 and will be the world's second, after a similar one becomes operational in Darlington, Canada.
He stressed that “there is no stopping of energy transformation” in the world and the oil and gas giant — 49.9% owned by the Polish state — is planning 320 billion zlotys ($75 billion) of investments.
In February, Poland's government and the U.S. Westinghouse Electric Company signed a deal for pre-design cooperation on the central European nation’s first large nuclear power plant, using the American company’s technology. Construction on the plant is to begin in 2026 and it should start supplying the energy grid in 2032.
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jloisse · 1 year
L'ambassadeur des États-Unis, Mark Brzezinski lors de la Pride à Varsovie, en Pologne, le samedi 17 juin 2023.
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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Emilie Benes Brzezinski was born 1932 in Switzerland and emigrated to the United States. She studied at Wellesley College, earning a degree in fine arts. She pursued art seriously later in life after raising her family, was in her 40s when she eventually developed her own recognisable style in wood. 
She has explored working with resin and has also made works with fibers and in bronze, but wood has remained her primary medium. She uses chainsaws, chisels and axes to hew and carve monumental trunks into towering sculptures. The process and the evidence of these tool marks upon the material are an important part of her work. She currently resides outside the Washington, D.C. region where she lived with her husband, the late famed political advisor Zbigniew Brzezkinski.
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occupyhades · 2 months
Blasphemy Fest 2024
The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. Proverbs 15:3 (ESV)
“And now, you priests, this warning is for you. If you do not listen, and if you do not resolve to honor my name,” says the LORD Almighty, “I will send a curse on you, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already cursed them, because you have not resolved to honor me." Malachi 2:1-2 (NIV) 
Let those who are experts at cursing— whose cursing could rouse Leviathan— curse that day. Job 3:8 (NLT) 
After the first and second admonition, reject a man who is teaching heresy. Titus 3:10 (AFV)
Truly I tell you, the sons of men will be forgiven all sins and blasphemies, as many as they utter. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of eternal sin. Jesus made this statement because they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit.” Mark 3:28-30 (BSB)
This is what the LORD says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD." Jeremiah 17:5 (NIV)  
Look how far you have fallen! Turn back to me and do the works you did at first. If you don’t repent, I will come and remove your lampstand from its place among the churches. Apocalypse 2:5 (NLT)
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Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you. Apocalypse 3:2-3 (NIV)
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dertaglichedan · 11 months
Mika Brzezinski is angry at the White House staff because she thinks they are not protecting Joe Biden enough. Protecting him how, you ask? Protecting him from himself. It is clear to even a loyal Democrat like Mika that Joe Biden is failing and she is letting his staff know that she blames them.
Mika is a swamp creature who lives in New York. Her father was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as a counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson. He was the National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter. Her brother, Mark, is a diplomat. He was Ambassador to Sweden during the Obama years and he is now the Ambassador to Poland in the Biden administration. Mika is well-connected and tied in with the Democrats and the DNC. Mika acts like an insider. For example, in today’s show, she felt entitled to scold the White House staff. She doesn’t think they are doing their job.
She delivered a rant, letting off some steam at the expense of Biden’s handlers.
MSNBC’s ⁦@morningmika to Biden’s staff: “Do a better job b/c you can’t have these video images of the president tripping or the president like going to wrong way … b/c his age is going to be factor … It makes me mad.” pic.twitter.com/DDsLitF8vA
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 12, 2023
Yeah, I think his staff needs to own his age. I’m just gonna be honest, I don’t think they do a good job helping out the president and I’m not talking about it like, I’m just saying if you are managing a president’s schedule, and you are managing a president getting on stage and getting off stage and getting on planes and getting off planes, and yes, he’s 80! You need to be there for him! And you need to make a pathway and you sure as hell better make sure he doesn’t fall on a sandbag! And I blame the staff for that. I mean these are the things that are gonna hurt him, these are things that are gonna be played on a loop, ok? Let him do his job, let him do his speeches, let him work on policy, let him do his connections in Congress unlike any president that we’ve seen I don’t know, since Clinton.
But my God, make sure, you know, youthe NATO dinner’re Secret Service, you’re his staff, that you’re there and you’re telling him what’s next and it’s not becau-, don’t take this as ‘oh, he can’t even get from one place to another.’ When you’re busy and you’re on stage, and we’ve been on stage, I’ve done speeches and I’m so nervous, I’m doing the speech, I’m trying to get it right, and when it’s done, I don’t know which way to go and I’m looking for direction. So do a better job, because you can’t have these video images of the president tripping, or the president like going the wrong way. It’s not going to work in this presidency because his age is going to be a factor. His age is going to be a factor and it’s your job to ensure he gets from one place to another. He can handle the presidency, you have to handle his schedule and where he goes.
She blames the staff on Biden’s fall over a sandbag. It isn’t his schedule that is hurting him. He’s been on more vacation days than any other president in recorded history. Joe is well-rested. He was on the beach in Delaware before leaving for Europe and the NATO summit. He skipped the NATO dinner last night because he was tired. Staff said he has four full days this week and he had to prepare to give a speech.
Joe Biden has been his usual self. Every time he goes to such international events, like the NATO summit, he looks dazed and confused on the world stage.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has to tell Biden to follow him after taking a group photo at the NATO Summit in Lithuania pic.twitter.com/saukRN9J2F
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 12, 2023
Biden vs. teleprompter:
"Soon NATO will be the 32nd freestanding, have free, 30 free, 32 freestanding members!" pic.twitter.com/zsS75pvCqL
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 12, 2023
BIDEN: "Russia could end this war tomorrow by…ceasing its inhumane attacks on Russia! I mean by Russia on Ukraine." pic.twitter.com/Iio1tL4Akl
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 12, 2023
When it was time to leave to go to Finland, at least he got up the stairs without incident.
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julie1971 · 1 year
Boom: Biden Appoints Member Of The Trilateral Commission To Head The World Bank
POSTED BY: PATRICK WOOD FEBRUARY 24, 2023 President Biden is stacking his Administration with current or former members of the Trilateral Commission. Note the key positions that each of these occupy. Anthony Blinken – Secretary of State Susan Rice – Domestic Policy Advisor Mark Brzezinski – Ambassador to Poland R. Nicholas Burns, U.S. Ambassador to China Ken Juster, U.S. Ambassador to…
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dzismis · 1 year
"Putin musi być rozwścieczony. Biden tą wizytą upokorzył Rosję"
O znaczeniu niespodziewanej wizyty Joe Bidena w Kijowie 20 lutego OKO.press rozmawia z Eugeniuszem Smolarem, analitykiem Centrum Stosunków Międzynarodowych Eugeniusz Smolar „TO OGROMNE ryzyko, ale i historyczna chwila” – powiedział w rozmowie TVN24 ambasador USA w Polsce Mark Brzezinski, potwierdzając, ku powszechnemu zaskoczeniu, przyjazd Joe Bidena do Kijowa w poniedziałek 20 lutego…
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immaculatasknight · 2 years
Polish Mafia?
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gettothestabbing · 3 years
The China Development Forum paid Brzezinski, the brother of MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski and son of former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, for a written contribution to its annual conference in March, according to a financial disclosure obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The forum is organized each year by the Development Research Center of the State Council, which advises the Communist Party's Central Committee.
Brzezinski, who runs a consulting firm, served as ambassador to Sweden during the Obama administration. While China is unlikely to be Brzezinski's main diplomatic focus should he be confirmed, the United States has sought to unite European allies against China's growing influence in the West. China overtook the United States as Europe's main trading partner this year and is seeking to draw other American allies further into its orbit.
Several other Biden diplomatic nominees have links to organizations tied to the Chinese Communist Party. Caroline Kennedy, the nominee for ambassador to Australia, and Eric Garcetti, the nominee for ambassador to India, served on the board of the Asia Society, which is affiliated with Chinese state-controlled propaganda organizations. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, received a $1,500 honorarium in 2019 for a speech funded by the Confucius Institute, a Chinese state-controlled organization accused of serving as a propaganda vehicle for Beijing.
Brzezinski first spoke at the China Development Forum in 2019, where he was listed as one of three special guests of the symposium. Another guest was Neil Bush, the son of George H.W. Bush. Bush is chairman of the Bush-China Foundation, which received more than $5 million in 2019 from the China-U.S. Exchange Foundation, an alleged front group for the Chinese Communist Party.
In his 2019 speech at the China Development Forum, Brzezinski expressed concern that elements within the United States were "demonizing" China and "scaring U.S. businesspeople away from normal business engagement."
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kramlabs · 3 years
Navy SEAL who killed “Bin Laden” (not Tim Osman) wants Milley to resign
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midnightinjapan · 4 years
Every time we call attention to how Mark Zuckerberg is not stopping violent hate speech and misinformation on his platform an angel gets its wings.
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