#martin odegaard fanfiction
yellowkitkieran · 8 months
To Have and to Heal (Part 13)
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Read part 1 here
Word Count: 3.8k
Summary: Single working dad Martin Odegaard is navigating the ups and downs of parenthood all on his own, and he’s struggling. That’s not to mention football, life and... love?
Last week, Martin decided it was high time you spend some quality time with Atla. Things have grown serious between yourself and Martin rather quickly and he's decided it's time for you to spend some one on one time with his daughter. And when his usual sitter called last night to say she'd come down with the flu, Martin figured there is no time like the present. 
"Atla, you know how sometimes when papa is busy, uncle Kieran will watch you alllll day and you'll do all sorts of fun things like painting, watching films, and eating sweets?" 
Atla grins, kicking her feet at the dining table. "Uh huh! Onkel Kieran is the best- he's my favoritest!" With her fist wrapped around her spoon, Atla shovels a bite of scrambled eggs into her mouth. Half of Martin hopes she never outgrows the odd way she holds utensils, but the other half knows she will have to. Just like she'll outgrow him helping her with her hair, helping her tie her shoes… Martin isn't looking forward to his little girl becoming her own fully functioning human being.
"Well… papa is busy today, but so is uncle Kieran." Atla frowns, her feet losing their momentum and swinging slower. "But there's someone else I think you'd enjoy spending the day with… what do you think about hanging out with Miss. Sunshine today?"
Bits of egg fly when Atla drops her spoon and gasps. "Papa! I get to see Miss. Sunshine today? Really! Is she coming here? When? What are we gonna do- I want to show her my studio!"
Martin laughs, glad to see his daughter so excited about the prospect of spending time with you. "She should be here soon, once you finish your breakfast. And all your milk! Once she's here you can show her all your artwork, I'm sure she'll love it."
"Okay- okay! I'll finish-" with two hands, Atla picks up her glass and finishes the contents. A white mustache of milk lines her upper lip, which Martin leans over the counter to wipe away with a napkin. Atla murmurs a thank you. The smile that accompanies it sparks joy in Martin's chest, lighting up his mood like fireworks on a warm summer night. 
A knock on the door comes as Atla is bouncing in her seat. "You stay here," Martin says with a pointed glance at his daughter's pink butterfly plate still heaped with her breakfast. "Finish your meal or I'll send Miss. Sunshine right back home."
"I'm gonna, I promise! Don't send her home!" Martin drops a reassuring kiss to the top of Atla's head as he passes, headed straight through the sitting room for the front foyer. Knowing it's you waiting on the other side of the door has a smile unfurling on Martin's face. He reaches for you the moment it opens, one hand firmly on your waist to draw you in for a kiss. 
"Hello solskin," Martin mumbles against your mouth, "missed you. Three days apart is too long."
An away game yesterday means Martin hasn't seen you since Wednesday- luckily, having played on Saturday meant you were free today. Whilst he still technically needed to attend a recovery session in an hour, his night would be mostly free. 
"I missed you too Mar, but you shouldn't kiss me when Atla is right there," you whisper in a way that's meant to be reprimanding but only makes Martin want to do it again. 
"Ah we're fine don't worry, she's finishing up her breakfast. We have time for one more kiss…" Martin grins, stealing another before you pull away. He loves the way you glance over his shoulder just to be double sure you're in the clear. 
"I'm still not sure about this." You say that, but the way you don't hesitate to set your bag on the table next to the door and toe off your shoes says something entirely different. "You're positive this won't end badly?"
Martin bends backwards at his waist to catch a glimpse of Atla in the dining room. The toddler hums a tune to herself whilst she arranges her potatoes in a line with her fork so she can eat them one by one. Martin has never been so sure of anything in his life. 
"Firstly, all Atla ever talks about on the way home from school is how much fun she had in the last few hours of her day. You know, when she's with you?" 
You wring your hands, "yeah but this is different. This is a full day, like six hours of just me and Attie."
Martin kisses your forehead, "solskin, quit worrying. She's gonna have the time of her life okay? Now let's go say hello and I'll get out of your hair."
Holding your hand until he nears the dining room, Martin gives it one last squeeze before he drops it and comes around to kiss the crown of Atla's head. "Great job finishing your plate søta! And just in time because look who's here." 
"Miss. Sunshine!" Atla's shriek nearly shatters Martin's eardrums, though the enthusiastic giggle that spills from her as she wraps her arms around your legs makes up for the momentary loss of hearing. 
"Hi princess! You and I are gonna have so much fun today!" Atla taps her feet, her excitement too much to be contained by her little body and manifesting in physical ways. "We're gonna go to the zoo- your papa said he's not taken you there all year!"
"I wanna see the tigers-" Atla scrunches up her face in her best teeth-bearing growl "-and the lions-" now her claws come out, fingers curled "-and the fishes!" At last Atla puffs out her cheeks, imitating the cutest little fish Martin has ever seen. 
Martin crouches to his daughter's level and tucks the bit of blonde hair that's sprung free from her pigtails behind her ear. His heart punches his ribs when your thumb brushes over his hand on Atla's shoulder. He prays today goes well- Martin doubts Atla will cause trouble, but toddlers are nothing if not unpredictable. 
"Be good for Miss Sunshine, søta. Remember to eat your greens so you can grow big and strong. And show Miss Sunshine where papa keeps the sweets- you can have one after lunch, so choose wisely." Martin kisses both of Atla's cheeks before crushing her in a hug. 
"I'll be good I promise- daddy you're gonna squeeze me too tight-" Atla wiggles and giggles until Martin finally lets go. "Bye papa! Go- shoo! Out!"
"Getting tossed out of my own home," Martin murmurs. "Luckily it's for a good cause." He catches your eye and he swears your smile could outshine a thousand stars.  
Martin loves you. It's clear then, and he cannot deny it. He would cross a hundred seas or face a thousand foes to ensure you are safe and protected. 
"Martin," you sing song, "we'll see you later, yeah?"
"Right, yeah-" Martin clears the gravel from his throat and has to consciously keep himself from kissing you. It's a reflex by now, as much as hugging Atla is. 
"Bye Martin! We'll see you in a bit- What are we doing first Attie?"
"Color! Papa isn't fun- we need blue puppies!" 
Martin pauses at the door, soaking in the moment. This could be his future. For once, Martin isn't terrified by the thought of loving someone other than his first wife- and it's a refreshing realization. 
"Bye girls!" Martin calls and is pushed out the door by your and Atla's mingled shouted farewells. How can he not have a great day when he knows his two favorite girls will be waiting for him when he comes home?
When Martin leaves, you're a nervous wreck. You default onto your teacher tactics, herding Atla to the dining room table for some coloring whilst you try and calm your nerves. Only a minute later, your phone buzzes in your pocket with a text from Martin. 
Can't wait to see all the pictures of your adventures today. Have fun, she already loves you. Nothing to be worried about, solskin. 
As simple as the reminder is, Martin's reassurance is what finally quiets the what ifs swirling in your mind. You're here to bond with Atla, and that's what you intend to do. 
"First we color," you say, blue pencil poised over the print out of a long eared dog that Atla slid your way, "then a walk to the zoo? I think that's a solid plan!" 
"Yes! Yes please- I'm so happy you're here." Atla drops her own pencil and quickly wraps her arms around you in a haphazard hug. Her pencil is back in her hand faster than you can blink. You smile to yourself. Things seem to be off to a decent start. 
An hour later you're at the zoo, slathering sun block on Atla's face to protect her from the rare London sunshine. Even the weather wants today to be a good day for you. 
"I need to see the tigers," Atla declares adamantly. Her little hands are fisted on her hips, her no nonsense expression affording you no means to negotiate. 
"Well, that's a good thing those are my favorite. They're by the lions, and the leopards- the white ones with spots, and the black ones too. Can you find the tiger on the map?"
Off to the side of the walkway, you hoist Atla into your arms so she can better see the brightly colored map of the zoo posted by the entrance. Little pictures of animals dot the paths, along with their scientific names beneath each one. Atla takes her time, studying the map until finally she points to the correct spot. 
"There! We have to take pictures- papa loves tigers!"
Atla allows no pit stops along the way, dragging you towards the exhibit with surprising strength. You have to correct her once or twice when she gets turned around, but overall she does a decent job of navigating using the child-height signs along the way, designed to guide independent little ones.
"They're out- look Miss Sunshine! Look!" Atla tugs hard at your hand, dragging you towards the glass wall of the exhibit that allows you to safely view the animals beyond. Sleeping against the glass lays a tiger, it's black and orange striped fur warmed by the sun. 
"Be quiet, it's sleeping." You let go of Atla's hand so she can climb onto the stone ledge next to the glass. She gasps when she sees the animal's face, mesmerized by it's size. 
"It's so pretty," Atla murmurs, immediately smushing her face to the glass. "Papa loves them- he loves tigers. He's so close! I wanna pet him!" 
The tiger stirs and Atla jolts backwards. You catch her before she falls, suppressing your laugh. "It's okay, he can't get you from out here. He's just a big lazy kitty anyway- see? His eyes are open, he just wants to look at you." 
"Oh…" Regaining her courage, Atla puts her palms on the glass and stands up. She doesn't flinch this time when the tiger yawns, stretching it's substantial limbs. It's curved, pointed claws peek out from his toes, and Atla whips around to confirm that you're watching. When you nod, her attention returns to the beast at her feet. It's amber eyes bore into her own, curious but not malicious. It truly is a gorgeous animal- strong, fierce, and protective. 
Sort of like Martin, when you think about it. It takes considerable strength to captain a team as successful as Arsenal, and to do so without backing down at the first signs of trouble. Martin is fierce on and off the pitch, unwilling to bend when things get difficult. And protective? You cannot think of a single word that fits Martin more aptly. 
"Let's take some photos for papa," you suggest. Atla happily takes your phone and snaps some, including one of herself and you, the tiger barely visible in the background thanks to the odd angle. Regardless, you know it'll be Martin's new favorite. 
Atla is almost asleep, be quiet when you come in please.
Luckily, Martin sees your warning as he pulls into the drive. His joints creak as he climbs the handful of steps to the door. Today was grueling. Martin wants to inhale a sugar-free coke and the rest of the grilled chicken he knows is waiting for him in the fridge. Then, he wants to get Atla up to bed (preferably under her own power, considering how his calves are already screaming at him), and settle in for a sappy film on the sofa with your feet in his lap. 
Martin finds you already in his spot, parked in front of the television with Atla's head resting on your knee. A touch to your shoulder ensures you don't startle upon Martin's near silent approach, a warning before he leans over the back of the sofa to confirm Atla's eyes are shut. 
Satisfied his daughter is asleep, Martin curls a finger under your chin. He uses it to tip your head back, studying your upside down smile and your sleepy eyes before he places a soft kiss on your pillowy lips. Even the simple gesture scatters sparks over his skin. 
"Hi," you murmur, the single word steeped in flowered affection. "Tough day?" A moan sits on the tip of Martin's tongue when you reach around and massage your fingertips against his shoulder blade, right where he's most sore. 
Martin hums, his face now buried in your neck. "Long day. You tired her out, I see."
"We had a packed day. Get her up to bed and then you can tell me all about yours. How's that sound?"
"Utmerket- perfect," Martin corrects himself when you quirk a brow at his norwegian. "Atlaaa," Martin drags out the 'A' until she stirs, "la oss gå til sengs."
"Jeg vil ikke," Atla whines and buries herself further under the blanket. "Jeg sover her."
"You can't sleep her søta," Martin murmurs, ignoring the burn in his muscles when he scoops his daughter into his arms. "Papa will take you upstairs to your room… you don't want Ty and Bernie and Liz to sleep all alone do you?"
Atla shakes her head, rubbing her eyes. "No- I'll go to bed…"
Martin smiles, climbing the carpeted stairs to the second level to deposit Atla in her bed. He goes through his nightly ritual, tucking her in under her fluffy pink comforter and arranging her squishmallows exactly how she likes it. It's Ty's night to cuddle so Martin tucks the brown dog in Atla's arms. Her soft coo of approval is music to Martin's ears. 
"Goodnight Attie, jeg elsker deg."
Atla only manages a wordless mumble in response. Martin flicks on her mushroom shaped night light and carefully slips out. As much as he wants to sprint into your arms, Martin knows he still carries the stink of sweat from training despite his rushed shower at the grounds so he heads off for a second one, scrubbing himself down thoroughly. 
Once he's satisfied he smells pleasant, he throws on the first pair of shorts he can find. He nearly trips on the bottom step in his haste to throw himself at you, grinning as he launches himself onto the sofa where you're waiting with open arms. 
"Oof- babe! Warn me before you do that… I need compensation for the elbow I just caught to my ribs!" 
Martin immediately soothes his hand over your side and pecks your lips. "Does that count? I missed you- did you and Atla have fun today? Did she behave?"
"One question at a time babe… yes, that kiss makes up for it." Your fingers thread in Martin's hair, guiding his head to rest on your chest. "Yes, Atla and I had fun today, I have plenty of photos to show you. She loved seeing the tigers, said they reminded her of you." When your nails scratch at his scalp, Martin's eyes begin to close. "And yes, Atla was an angel. She ate all her greens, just like you told her to. And now you need to eat yours." You nod to the coffee table, to a bowl Martin hadn't noticed earlier.
Martin has never been so happy to see a salad in his entire life. You must have prepared it while he was in the shower, and he happily sits up to dig in. He tries to savor it, but his stomach is a bottomless pit and he devours his meal in minutes. 
"Thank you. That was delicious." Martin brings you in for a kiss, deepening it for a split second to ensure you understand how appreciative it is. "You didn't- oh!"
When you grab the front of Martin's shirt and haul him towards you, he doesn't hesitate to kiss you again. He knows what you want, so he gives it to you. Your fingers glide over his chest while his tangle in your hair. He bites your lower lip and is rewarded with a surprised groan. He's wholly lost in you then, hypnotized by your sounds and transfixed by your hands on him. 
Atla's voice rips the world from under Martin's feet. Dread cuts through the passion as the two of you jolt apart. Fuck. 
"Atla," Martin murmurs, frantically trying to straighten his shirt while you pat down your mussed hair. Martin clears his throat, trying to tamp down on his wild heartbeat. 
"Why were you kissing Miss. Sunshine? You're only supposed to kiss mama."
This isn't how Atla was meant to find out. Martin had a plan, he was going to tell her gently, let her have a chance to process everything and ask questions. Springing his relationship on Atla like this… Martin's stomach churns.
"Miss. Sunshine is…" Martin glances over at you. From where Atla stands, she cannot see Martin take your hand. He needs the support now more than ever. "She's my special friend."
"You're not supposed to kiss your friends like that papa." God, Martin might actually be sick. He hates everything about this. 
"No, you're right Attie- but Miss. Sunshine…"
"What about mama?" Atla blinks and Martin finally notices the tears in her eyes. He's up off the sofa in a second, reaching for her as his instincts take over. 
Martin cradles Atla's tear streaked face, "Mama is gone, søta. Remember how we talked about her being in the sky-"
"You're only supposed to kiss mama!" Atla stomps her foot. Her teddy falls to the ground and rolls a few feet away. Martin tries to hand it back, hoping she'll find comfort in the familiarity, but she pushes him away. "No! You're lying- mama is coming back! She's just away for a while!"
"You're a liar! Løgner, løgner, løgner-"
"Atla please!" Martin doesn't like raising his voice with Atla, but he's desperate. "Mama isn't coming back, she's gone forever and I'm sorry but-"
"No! She's stealing you from me and mama!" 
"I should go," you murmur, and Martin's panic doubles. "I don't want to be the reason-"
No. No. Martin isn't losing you, not like this. 
"Atla, go to your room."
Atla blinks, her lip wobbling. Martin hates himself. His daughter rips her stuffie from his hands and tears his heart from his chest when she scrambles up the stairs and slams the door to her room. 
"I need to leave. I shouldn't-"
"Please stay." Martin grabs your wrist, not caring that he's acting every bit the desperate child he feels he is inside. "Please don't- solskin please. I just need to talk to her-"
"Martin, I'm not coming between you and your daughter. End of story." Martin's heart cracks open when you peel his fingers off one by one until his hand hangs at his side, limp and empty. You wrap your arms around yourself to find some sort of comfort. "I won't break up your family. I won't be the woman who comes in and wrecks things, I just won't."
"Maria is gone," Martin croaks. He ignores the way his voice jumps an octave at the end. He needs you to stay. He's just gotten himself to admit he loves you, and now this?
"Yes, but her memory isn't. Clearly Atla doesn't understand what's happened, and that's not on you- she's a child, it's not easy for her to understand. But…" 
You trail off, blinking back tears. Martin wants to soothe you. He wants to curl up on the sofa with you, comb his fingers through your hair and promise everything will be alright. But he cannot do any of that, because you're pulling away from him. You're putting up walls, bricking up your heart faster than he can tear them away. It won't stop him from trying though. He'll pry away the bricks until his fingers are bloody and his nails are broken stubs; he needs you now, and he cannot let you slip away. 
Atla. His blood. The one piece of Maria he still has left. If she doesn't approve, Martin is stuck.
Martin can't betray his daughter. But if he can only speak with her, he is certain he can explain things. Once she understands, then Martin can settle this mess and everything will be okay. 
"I'll speak to Atla in the morning." Martin's mumble breaks the silence with the grace of a rock thrown through the surface of a frozen lake. Martin's limbs tingle, like they sometimes do after a workout. His fingers open and close around nothing at his side. He can't bring himself to look at you, not when his entire world is shifting. 
"Don't. Clearly this isn't meant to be Mar. I'm sorry… I wish it was." 
Martin's entire body recoils when your lips meet his cheek. The split second contact burns like a brand of a love that was squashed before it had the chance to bloom into something beautiful. 
"Goodbye, Martin. I'll see you on Wednesday."
"See you Wednesday." It's his voice, Martin recognizes it, but it feels as if it does not come from his mouth. Of course he'll see you Wednesday, because he won't send someone else to pick up Atla. He doesn't trust anyone else. 
So Martin will do what he has always done: he will endure. He will fight through the now all too familiar agony of heart break and put on a brave face for his daughter. He will be the man who's only goal is to provide for his family, who wakes up each and every morning solely to put a smile on Atla's face. 
Once upon a time, Martin thought that was enough of a purpose. Now, as you walk out the door, he isn't so positive anymore. Martin is meant to love- but apparently he isn't meant to be loved in return. 
101 notes · View notes
oh-saints · 1 year
sunshine becomes you (final)
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Being a footballer means Martin possibly has every resources in his whim, and that includes obliterating the blurred lines between him and Eve.
Grumpy!Martin Ødegaard x Sunshine!OC
Word count: 3.7k
tw: 18+ for graphic sexual contents included inside (aka a sprinkle of smut); unprotected sex
Note: i know i've made you guys as frustrated as Martin in the gif above so i'm putting you out of misery (#spoiler) and i hope you guys forgive me lolol but as usual, i happen to write this around dawn so ofc not beta-read yet. oh, and i'm changing the term solstrålen into solskinn (including in the prev parts) bcs it turned out google search failed me, thanks @multifamdomfan12 for correcting me! <3
Tags: my lovely loves @julianalvarez9 @formula1tina @okayline @mehrmonga @mrswhitethornbelikov @notleclerc @laurensficrecs @soccerwag9 <3<3
sunshine becomes you masterlist here
“I expect to see you again soon, dear Eve,” was the last words Martin’s mother muttered before she and the rest of the family boarded the car Martin had chartered to get them to the nearest tarmac.
With the glint on her eyes, Martin knew her mother meant what she said and he, frankly enough, didn’t think he’d be ready to face the day he had to break the news to her mother that Eve and him were no longer happening. Her mother seemed so delighted with Eve, utterly wishing deep down that Eve was already a part of their family by some sort of extension called marriage.
Doors were closed behind Eve, and suddenly Martin’s house was too humongous for the two of them. Instead of appreciating the big space, Eve hated the way the hollow silence that followed after. It was suffocating, to say the least, and Eve wanted to run away as soon as possible.
Martin noticed the uncomfortable shift Eve played between her right and left legs, indicating she was in an awkward situation, and Martin already hated the fact he needed to have a legit justification to have her in his arms without any fight.
To have her in his arms like they still had someone else to impress, but without having to put up the act.
But who was he to wish upon the stars when the object of all his desires repelled him the way mosquitoes repelled the hazardous substance men made to annihilate them?
Who was he to wish something too futile to happen?
“Let me get the car keys—”
“No need, Martin,” Eve wrapped her arms around herself as she looked around the living room in search for her totebag. “I can go home by myself.”
“Out of the question, Angel—”
“You should drop the pet name now,” Eve’s stern tone stopped Martin on his track. To say he was surprised was an understatement, and he wished he’d never seen the exasperated look in her eyes, for it was laced variously with emotions he’d rather not name. “No one’s around. No need to put up an act.”
“But…” At Eve’s outburst, Martin didn’t realise his arms fell helplessly on his sides. “That’s your name.”
“You know as well as I do that’s not what I’m talking about.”
For several, intense moments, neither of them did anything but to hold each other’s stare.
“Fine, Eve. Have it your way,” Martin finally conceded to the pressure because if there was one thing he couldn’t do well was holding grudges. Put Eve as the subject and Martin would be fucked twice over. “But you should let me explain something in return.”
An eye for an eye, Eve realised was what Martin’s modus operandi, so she nodded. Anything to get this agony done and over with, anything to free her of him. Her body and soul couldn’t take anymore of Martin she somehow fell in love with in the midst of this whole charade, knowing that version of Martin never existed in the first place.
“What is it?” She said as she looked up slowly to meet the oceanic blue eyes she had grown accustomed to, but she never expected those magical orbs to be right in front of her in a flash of a moment like a lightning struck.
Before she could register on anything, Eve felt the plush cushion of his lips closing down on hers, sealing her voice box from the world with a surge of desperation lingering in the upper and lower parts of his lips, and she was scared of what he asked of her behind the kiss.
She was afraid of what he asked of her, as he goaded her parted lips for a further access to the mouth he’d always loved for saying all the right and wrong things that made Eve as she was now. The smart, the funny, the witty Eve.
She was terrified of what he asked of her, as she lost herself in the mortifying pleasure of having him traced the inside of her cavern with his tongue while tracing the curves outside with his hands, and before she knew it herself, he’d pinned her into the nearest wall, his hands holding hers up in a lock on top of her head.
She was frightened that, despite her fastened hands, she felt liberated this time around—and maybe Martin had liberated them both with the kiss—because everything felt so right in this moment.
Because while she was now familiar with his lips on hers now, Martin had never poured his body and soul and everything of his existence into a kiss. This was new, and this was raw, and Eve was so overwhelmed by the sensation because only now did she realise this was Martin—all of him, bared to her, desperate to cling on whatever’s left of her that he’d come to love.
This was real.
“Ask me something I never do.”
Eve gasped as she felt the pad of Martin’s thumb wiped away a streak of tear running down her face. She really should tell Martin it was out of happiness now. “Martin—”
“Ask, Angel.”
Another trail of waterworks escaped Eve as Martin’s eyes stared down at her intently, yet somehow so… forlorn. She never wished any of this to happen to either of them, least Martin of all people—the one who’d brought back her dignity the night of Christmas Gala. “What’s something you never do, Martin?”
“I never pretend when I’m around you,” Martin whispered the words against the pair of lips he’d come to love so much, for both the taste and the sensation that came with it, and Eve could feel the desperation lingered in the small space of air between them; of not being able to kiss her, not before she understood his points of elaboration, not before she had all her questions answered. “I’ve always kissed you the way I want to, having audience or not. I don’t care if anyone else sees us or it’s only between us just like right now.”
“But you’re pretending to be my boyfriend at the—”
“You think I was pretending but I never say anything about me pretending from the beginning, Angel,” His eyes reflected immense anguish, yet his words resonated with truth and determination, and Eve’s head was spinning beyond belief. “So I never have. Everything I do whenever I’m with you is within my purest intention and everything I say to you is my outmost honesty.”
It took Eve a full 5 seconds to digest everything, thanks to Martin’s intoxicating scent that was able to short-circuit her brain. “So the gala wasn’t a sham.”
“It never was for me, at least.”
“But it’s your idea to do that.”
“It’s my one and only crazy idea so I can get closer to you,” Martin rested his forehead on hers gently, in hope she could see what he was trying to convey; that he was tired of this charade as much as she was, especially when they were fooling themselves by denying everything that could’ve been between them. “It’s the only way I know how.”
“You used my desperation to—”
“Yes, but I don’t regret a thing,” Now Martin was truly wearing his heart on his sleeve. Eve never said about not giving a fight to him, and he’d expected that. “I don’t regret anything I do with you, and I’m sure I never will. Call me selfish but I was desperate, too, at that time so you can see me.”
Still, it hurt Martin the same every time Eve’s head moved back inches more than the distance he’d managed to claimed before. “But if you never pretend around me, you must’ve absolutely despised to see me every day.”
“What makes you say that?”
“You never reply whenever I say good morning.”
“So ask, Angel,” Martin’s hands headed south and back to cradle her face like she was a fine china—and for him, it felt that way, for how precious she was to him—and his thumb caressed out the crumpled lines between her eyebrows ever so softly. “Ask me why I never reply your good morning.”
“Ask me why I never reply your good morning, Angel,” The Norway’s youngest captain repeated, and Eve was relieved when he reached up to her forehead to place a featherlight kiss on the same spot where her crease of confusion appeared, for she couldn’t stand another second of Martin looking down on her as if his world would end the moment she said anything that implied no to him. “No matter how much I want to give in.”
“Why?” She didn’t want to have to end with her asking the one thing she’d been dying to know but the way Martin’s lips tickled her skin and the way he inhaled the scent lingering from the shampoo she donned earlier… she’d choose this over breaking the fragile bubble they were in. “Did you hate them?”
“I abhorred them, Angel,” And there he was—Martin was back gazing down at her, and gone was the gentle but miserable captain that was hanging his sanity on a thread. He’d returned with force under his arsenal yet this time, Eve wasn’t intimidated like the last time she’d encountered this side of Martin. “I hate them because it reminds me that you treat me like everyone else,”
And Eve couldn’t hold back her stupefied gasp.
“I thought I made it obvious on my first day that I’m so… enamoured by you,” It was tragic to Eve that Martin was spewing every of these meaningful words about reality he’d been living with a smile that was anything but, and it took away her joy from the fact that this was real and she wasn’t hallucinating that she thought this was real. That she wasn’t the only one who wanted this to be real. “But you certainly think I’m just being friendly to you when in reality, it’s not it, and I hate it so much,”
And Eve vowed, as well as shooting upon the stars, that she didn’t have to see that bitter, artificial smile ever again.
She didn’t waste another breath to pull Martin down to her, capturing his lips in a deep kiss—so deep she had to close her eyes in contentment, and a sigh escaped her lips. The huffed air was Martin’s sign to ask for entrance, and she granted him the entire access to her body and soul the way he’d bared his earlier, and the clash of tongue was a rather welcomed reaction, along with the messy movements of their hands finding each other’s available exposed skin.
“Please tell me I didn’t mess up my chances with you yet,” While one hand was resting on the nape of Eve’s neck, the other one was tucking away the strands of her hair to the back of her ear. His eyes were roaming from the hair, to her eyes, to her lips, and Martin had to close the gap between them once more because he couldn’t help himself. “I’m so afraid I’ll fuck up and I lose you again before I know it.”
“Just don’t put me through such thing again.”
Eve didn’t have to open her eyes to know Martin was hiding his smile behind the smouldering look he granted her—a slight movement of his lips against the rim of hers was all it took for her—before he closed the gap between them with nips on the corners of her lips, the cupid bow, her nose, and finally landed perfectly back on the middle of her lips, claiming the gate of his existence once more like he never left her bereft.
And to be graced by the silent proclaim was Eve’s honour, for she had never felt an abundance of emotion from deep within of one’s self unlike any other from Martin. Should anyone catch them in their current position, it would be palpable for anyone to see that Eve was close to liquefying herself into a shape only Martin could mould of her, in only ways Martin could forge. Her lips were beyond repairable from the nibbles left on the trail every time the blonde man changed his course to devour her to the very last taste, her garments were beyond salvaging from the harsh movements that reminded her of the captain’s passion on the pitch and yet she welcomed the crude touches full of desperation on her skin.
She was exposed for anyone nearby to see, being the most daring she’d ever been in presence of someone else and her mirror at home, yet she felt so secluded and secured in Martin’s arms, for his body engulfed hers in ways she knew he wouldn’t compromise her dignity—to anyone, even to him.
Her head was busy configuring as to how Martin could orchestrate everything she was feeling like it was second skin to him but she should’ve known better. The moment she lost herself into his touches and was only brought to Earth when his hands grazed her bosom and only teasingly passed by the core of her heat, just to settle one of her leg on his waist, that Martin Ødegaard was truly living up his moniker of the maestro.
No one could’ve played her frustrations down to being close to a string left like he could, no one would’ve played the sanity she was hanging by a thread the way Martin did, and managed to get away with it unscathed of wrath. Yet, Eve was nothing but a puddle of mess under his subtle dominant.
“Martin, please…”
Her moans, masked by broken gasps, were enough for Martin to take her away from the poor plastered wall. Not because he didn’t want to take her against the wall—partly because he wanted only the best for her, partly because there was another time for that—but because he knew if they’d become undone right here, right there, he wouldn’t have the energy to hold them together. He knew they’d be sensational together, conjoined in the hips and lower in an earth-shatteringly manner, and he wouldn’t last as long as he’d like, despite being an athlete.
And he knew, as he lied her against the white faux material of the rug he’d immaculately placed in front of the fire place in this wintry weather, with the faint yellow glow casted on her face and her refined, soft silks of hair strands behind her, that his decision was proven better than he thought it would be.
Eve had never looked so ethereal, and he couldn’t believe this goddess-like being was now captured under him, helpless against the arms locking her sides—his angel, his fallen angel.
“Hello there, my angel,” Martin peered down at her, nuzzling his nose against hers, and Martin Ødegaard was unequivocally enraptured by the bedazzling smile she granted him at the gentle gesture, and he hadn’t even begun the ministration of what he had in mind. “You fit perfectly in my arms,”
And he was truly a goner by the way she was giggling—how much he’d been missing that gleeful sound without the constraint of a mere fake couple play between them—as he settled his nose deeper to the crook of her neck, sniffing Eve’s signature parfum she liked to spray along the length of her neck, while his fingers ran down the outer sides of her arms. The ticklish feeling was what probably enticed the melodious sound of her carefree laugh, her true carefree laugh, not the one he was used to hearing paraded around the London Colney for mere courtesy.
But Martin was something else altogether when Eve let out unrestricted whines as his nose and lips pursued the track downwards, from the neck to the open space of her chest, against the space between her ample breast, on the small space under the mound, across her ribcage. So uncalled for, especially for the effects those sinful sounds imposed on his cock. So dirty, so disgusting, yet he yearned for more.
Thus, explaining his bold move further down south.
Just as he was peppering kisses against the inner parts of her thighs, Eve arched in the ways that could put half-moon to shame, with her agape mouth and breathless pants as her hands were practically flailing to find the most stable ground to help herself, only to end up with plucking the faux material with one hand and another one gripping his shirt for life.
She sat up at the sudden realisation Martin was yet discarded from his clothes, and he stopped his deliverance at her movement. “What’s wrong?”
Eve didn’t say anything verbally but her hands lifting up the colour that complimented his skin very well said it all. Martin halted her rushing hands effectively, like he did hers when they were pushed up against the wall a bazillion years ago. “Oh no, my love. Tonight’s about you.”
Eve couldn’t hide the shivers that ran down all over the body at both the newfound nickname—and she loved being called by nicknames Martin found suitable for her—and the intonation he used to cover his obvious intention.
Martin sat back up on his knees, and the sight of him shedding his shirt was certainly something that would haunt her for days and days after today, especially when he had to be away for his job. Realising Eve was ogling at him, Martin laughed unreservedly for the first time since the both of them scrapped off the last bits of their shitty acting withstanding.
“Oh, shut up, Martin,” and the man could certainly get used to being pulled down by the woman who’d never vanished from the back of his mind, no matter how hard he tried to erase her. She kissed the way she looked; sun-blazingly hot with passion and fierceness like she wouldn’t see the light of the day tomorrow, and he could feel the last restrain of himself melted away as her hands travelled down his chest, his ribs, his well-built abdomen.
“I like this,” Eve traced down the sixpack line stretched across his midriff, her movement so gentle yet it constricted the muscle tighter than the workout machines at the gym. “Don’t show it off to anyone else.”
“Say you’re mine and it’s all yours to see, Angel,” Eve looked up to the man towering her, covering her against the moon wanting to peek at the moment they’d been dying to have, and Martin almost came undone at how innocent she looked, face held in his hands, in contrast to how devious her fingers were at. “It’s always been you.”
Eve didn’t need further reassurance to pull him down to her, crashing their lips together in ways that reminded her of waves crashing against the solid rock on the edge of the ocean. His lips were showering her with cold water against the warmth of hers, and hers were pouring him calmness against the sun. Yin and yang found each other, at last, and they both moaned at the sensation the both of them had been liberated at best from whatever holding them down.
They were floating on the rough waters, so high in each other’s frustrated and desperate kisses to find solace in each other’s undone, but nothing could compare to the moment the lovers were fully, entirely intertwined with each other. Eve felt so full of Martin, and she wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
Martin had to control his breath, just as what his trainers told him to do on the pitch ironically enough, as he felt Eve welcoming him with the warmest hug he could ever receive from someone, both inside and out. He couldn’t help himself but pull her closer to him, flushed against him, every air making their way in between them was something he considered a disturbance.
“Oh, Martin,” Her breathing was ragged, so did Martin’s, and it pushed Martin to drive her closer to the edge. “You feel so good against me.”
At her words, he went the deepest he could plunge himself into the sweetest hellhole that was Eve, and her body went tighter, inside and out he could see veins almost bulging out against her temple. She was halfway there; he could see it in her gaze, in what he could make out of her extremely flushed cheeks. Who was he to grant delayed gratification to her?
“Say you’re mine, mitt solskinn,” One touch against the swollen, pretty clit of hers, and she slowly peaking her highs. She was so beautiful, chasing her release under his touch as he pounded himself into her relentlessly for his own end, despite the dirty, slick mess she was making against his hands. She panted his name like a prayer, and it delighted him to no end that he was the only one who could provoke such a sensuous siren. “No more denying between us, Angel.”
“I’m yours, Martin Ødegaard,” and he felt that down to the bones as he’d reached his high at her words, like the passcode to his own ending, and as the morning came lazily upon them, he’d never felt as whole as that moment. Although he’d had Eve in his arms countless times before, because he now knew that despite the stormy weather outside, he’d always have his sunshine shining brightly in his arms, beaming radiantly as she whispered, good morning, baby.
Martin didn’t have anything else to respond her but to give her the same blinding smile—the biggest he could muster, anyway, which was still pale in comparison to the force in his arms, settling well like a little spoon she was.
“You really lost against me.”
The once-wonderkid could only laugh at her comment. You could count on Eve for her smart mouth. ���Well, if this is what losing feels like, I really don’t mind at all.”
“That’s it?” Eve had to pull her head back from the tight cocoon they were sharing, and she absolutely wouldn’t complain to wake up to those clear blue Nordic eyes every day. “Where does your whole athlete competitiveness go?”
“You feel like my biggest victory anyway.”
Because sunshine has become Eve.
*✿❀○❀✿**✿❀○❀✿**✿❀○❀✿*THE END*✿❀○❀✿**✿❀○❀✿**✿❀○❀✿*
and that concludes my first ever (mini) series! wow, i didn't think this was possible in any way so thank you, to each and every single one of you, who's spared your time to read the entire series and even left comments on the posts. i hope i didn't disappoint you midway or in anyway. bcs really, if i could hug you guys rn, i would so i'm just gonna send loves to you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ and see you on the next one!
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Gym - Martin Odegaard
🖊️⚽🖊️⚽🖊️⚽🖊️⚽🖊️⚽ Who: Martin Odegaard. Request: So hear me out: you see <player> pushing weights in the gym in your house and hes grunting with the strain of it which turns you on and you hump-a-doodle him on the weightlifting bench thingy. About the "hump a doodle" smut one 😭 can we get it for Martin Odegaard please? I'm done seeing him softie softie in all fan fics hehe. Requested by: anonymous Warnings: smut. 🖊️⚽🖊️⚽🖊️⚽🖊️⚽🖊️⚽
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With the heavy snowfall outside, Arsenal had canceled all of today's team activities out of safety concerns. So, too, the trainings. Since Martin didn't like going a day without any kind of training, he had decided to do some exercises in the gym room in your house.
As you walked past, clean laundry in your arms, you heard his strained grunts as he put his body to work. You carefully peeked around the door, which stood slightly ajar, to find him on his back on the weight lifting bench and straining against pushing the bar up above his chest.
A pleasant twinge settled in your core as you watched him. His grunts, his sweaty face, the way his damp shirt clung to his chest... You realized within seconds how much it turned you on. For a few more moments you tried to resist the idea which popped into your mind, but quickly seized your 'struggles' against it.
You threw the clean laundry to the floor, and strode over to where Martin still pushed weights. "Those are some suggestive sounds you're making." You smirked down at him.
Martin made sure to secure the bar of the weights back into its holders, before giving you a questioning look. "I'm what?" You stepped yet closer, swinging your leg over his body and sitting down in his lap. "You're making very suggestive sounds." You teasingly ran a finger over his sweaty chest. Now Martin immediately clicked on. "Then why don't you do something about it, huh?"
You didn't need to be told twice. Your hands already disappeared into his shorts, stroking his cock. You felt him grow hard under your touch. As you stroked, gently squeezed and teased, you watched Martin's face as he lay underneath you. The arousal was quickly awoken in him, and he soon grunted and groaned in pleasure.
Suddenly, Martin maneuvered himself out from under the weights bar. He sat up to give you an eager, fiery kiss, before hungrily flipping you over onto your back onto the bench. "My turn," he growled, aroused. You giggled excitedly. Whenever he got like this, you knew things were going to be good.
Both your clothes were off and left discarded on the floor in mere seconds. If you weren't wet and eager to have him already, then the sight of his naked body and fully erect cock would certainly do the trick.
You slung your arms around his neck and pulled him towards you to kiss him hungrily. 'Come on, Mr. Footballer," you gasped in between kisses, "I need you to fuck me good."
Martin moved himself out from under your arms, straightening himself up. He took up position between your legs, before gently pushing his hips forward and his cock into you. "Yes..." you moaned, closing your eyes to savor the feeling of his cock sliding all the way into you.
Martin started out slow, but he quickly worked himself up to a firm pace. The bench creaked underneath you with the force of his thrusts. You threw your head back against the leather of the bench, moaning up at the ceiling for dear life. Martin growled excitedly at the sight of you in full ecstasy beneath him, coming completely undone by his doing.
His hands reached down, cupping and massaging your freely swinging breasts. He kept pounding his cock into you relentlessly and you loved every microsecond of it. You only vaguely registered the Norwegian words of arousal he groaned under his breath, but you knew it meant he was close to cumming.
Suddenly, Martin's hands moved to your hips, grabbing them tightly. He thrusted hard a few more times, before he collapsed forward onto you with a loud moan.
You had lost count of how many times he had just made you cum. Your pussy burned pleasantly from the amazing pounding you just took, and you weren't sure if your legs would ever find the strength to stand again, but it had been so mind-blowingly good.
You felt Martin tremble with the aftermath of his orgasm, as you both lay breathing heavily. With his head resting on your chest, his hot breaths rolled over your breasts. You ran your hand over the sweaty skin of his back. "This is a good way to workout, too," you chuckled. Martin grinned, satisfied. "This is so much better than a workout."
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Tags: @sanskari-kanya, @mrswinksy, @themoon-shines Note: I'm not using the regular tags list as I'm not sure everyone on there is okay with being tagged in smut imagines. The only ones tagged are the ones who have indicated they would like to be tagged in smut as well 😉
Add me to the tags list General masterlist | Martin masterlist
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fallinforerling · 1 year
— “some like it hot ....”
a smut series prompt list.
warning: this series will consist of nsfw 18+ written content, based on the following smut prompts, that are not intended for minors to read. please be mindful of your own media consumption. you've been warned.
hello, my loves!
i’m beyond excited to announce my collaboration with my two amazing friends, @lettersofgold and @808heartz, on this new smut series.
the three of us sorted through 30 prompts and split them up to choose the ones that we’re opening up requests for on our own respective tumblr accounts. you can see who i write for here
: ̗̀➛ please note: only one request can be made for each prompt listed below. multiple requests of the same prompt will be turned down. i’ll be crossing out the prompts that have already been submitted.
underneath the cut, you’ll find my smut prompts:
☆ masturbation (for jude bellingham)
☆ dirty talk + toys (for jude bellingham)
☆ blowjob (for pedri gonzalez)
☆ oral sex (f receiving) (for erling haaland)
☆ morning sex (for mason mount)
☆ against the wall (for erling haaland)
☆ sex on a desk (for martin ødegaard)
☆ almost getting caught (for erling haaland)
☆ boring (sleepy sex) (for hector bellerín)
☆ sweet and passionate (for martin ødegaard)
☆ lingerie!kink (for rubén dias)
☆ teasing only (for rubén dias)
☆ jealous!ex (sex after a messy breakup) (for jude bellingham)
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live-laugh-loverpool · 2 months
share your alexis x martin hcs pretty please!
ok!!! their history first
Alexis had a crush on Martin ever since he ran into him during an Arsenal-Brighton game in 2023. He was far too nervous to confess it back in Brighton, but he was nowhere NEAR slick when he came to Liverpool
Darwin was the first one to notice how Lexi kept gazing at Martin with the biggest, most anime-esque heart eyes known to mankind at that wedding. Then Adrian gave him some inspiration...by quoting Jerry Seinfeld 🤣
It was sooooo awkward...until the end of the wedding where Martin and Lexi both caught one of the rings. Then Lexi invited Martin on a date and things went on from there
actual hcs now (don't have much since they're a relatively new ship, but anyways!):
a couple of weeks after they started dating, Martin sent Lexi the sappiest yet cutest e-card saying how much he missed him. ever since then the two have sent each other e-cards whenever they're missing each other
Martin has a Norwegian forest kitten, Mittens, who he takes with him whenever he visits Lexi at Kirkby. Mittens plays with Moneta (and ends up getting snuggled by either Ali or Ibou), while Martin and Lexi sit in the garden, just being in love
Darwin has gate-crashed their dates more than once. Most of the time he wants to cause chaos, but sometimes he's just looking for a hug. Martin was surprised at first, but now every time he and Lexi do find themselves alone he asks "where's Darwin?"
Lexi loves Martin's hair. literally he'll just run his hands through Martin's hair
Martin once stole one of Lexi's hoodies, but then he found out (the hard way, after walking into Arsenal training wearing the hoodie) that Lexi had borrowed the hoodie from Lucho, who'd borrowed it from Darwin, who'd borrowed it from Ali, who'd borrowed it from Virgil. From then on, he swore to always ask before borrowing one of Lexi's hoodies
@anfieldroad @virgsson-daughter @liverpool-enjoyer @alissonbear-ker
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colorsofmyseason · 1 year
color me red
Summary: Every Arsenal player has different taste.
Pairing: None
As usual, part of my supernatural au!
Sometimes, Leandro wonders what he's done in all those centuries he's lived to experience such luck. He's gone through different identities, various jobs, even multiple clubs in his current life as a footballer, but he's never felt so comfortable, so belonging before. Maybe because there are a bunch of other supers at Arsenal. Maybe because they know and accept him for what he is, and don't even bat an eye when he brings a pack of blood to the breakfast table instead of a plate of beans on toast. Or maybe because they don't mind him taking a sip here and there whenever he needs it. 
Alright, so maybe there are lots of alternatives to feeding nowadays – blood packs, synthesized blood, blood pills – and Leandro will take those without comment. But he also won't refuse the opportunity to get fresh blood if he can. And now he has a myriad of beautiful men to choose from…
Martin tastes like expensive champagne. Light and sweet, flowing down Leandro's throat effortlessly like a warm drink on a cold day, yet intoxicating, making Leandro wish to drink him again and again. Yet he rarely does, because it's too delicious for his own good. He fears he doesn't deserve to experience such taste in his life.
(Also, the sight of Martin's pale white throat always catches his breath whenever he plans to do so, and he doesn't want his fang marks to ruin the beauty of such a specimen, but that's a different story).
Kieran's is different – thicker in consistency, definitely not as sweet as Martin, maybe a little piquant, but it's the aftertaste that leaves Leandro fascinated. The Scottish full-back always gives him the feeling of eating a full course homecooked meal, tasty and hearty and fulfilling, and Leandro always thinks that he won't need to feed for days after he has Kieran for a meal.
Aaron is lemon, lime, orange… anything citrusy really, so fresh and bright, but with a hint of spice underneath it. If sunshine can be turned into a flavor, Leandro thinks it must taste exactly like Aaron's blood, and it warms him up thoroughly inside like the sun coming out after a bad storm. On the other hand, Bukayo is a little too sweet for his liking, since the kid literally tastes like a truckful of cotton candy, and while it isn't exactly unpleasant, Leandro fears he might end up with diabetes at some point if he feeds from Bukayo too often. Okay, well, not literally since he can't really get diabetes, but still.
Mikel has this rich, exquisite flavor that reminds Leandro of fine dining (and yes, he's been to such places, mostly to keep up appearances, but still). And the Spaniard's blood is the closest thing to perfection he has ever tasted. Just the right amount of spice, the right texture, the right level of sweetness. Normally managers are off limits, but Mikel says he deserves it after a string of fine performances, and Leandro believes him. 
The one holding the title for the spiciest blood in the squad must be Granit. Maybe that has something to do with his personality, the vampire doesn't know. But he tastes fiery and strong and sharp, to the point it nearly scares Leandro to feed from him again. But the Swiss midfielder will just brush it off and calmly "persuade" Leandro to feed from him, and rinse and repeat.
Ben is…special. Leandro has fed from him many times since their Brighton days, and his blood always tastes the same – plain, a little dry, completely devoid of any kinds of flavor, like unseasoned food. Perhaps it has something to do with the defender being one of the most nonchalant people he knows, but it's still fascinating how someone can be so effortlessly bland. Not that Leandro doesn't enjoy it, though – he likes to savor the taste (or lack of it) in his mouth, marveling at how different it is from any other kind of blood he's drunk.
There are other guys too, with all their respective flavors and quirks, and Leandro can honestly write a whole book describing all of those, alongside a tier list of the tastiest blood within the squad. He won't do it for real, though. Not that he's scared they will find out – they're all good guys, and often make vampire jokes to him out of fun, but he just enjoys getting various tastes to feed so it won't get boring, and he appreciates his teammates for providing him with that.
And he honestly cannot ask for more.
(Also, if he much prefers the first two people more than anyone else, for reasons other than feeding, that's his personal business.)
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yudgefudge · 10 months
xhakarteta! wooooooo Granit Xhaka x Mikel Arteta. @purefractals this is ur fault. This is sort of steamy idk...but it's still very very fluffy and I hate it. I wanted this to be all angsty 😭😭😭😭. Well I hope y'all enjoy anyways.
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sl0wdiver · 2 years
footballers as flatmates/roommates headcanon
(imagining them as people with normal jobs + lives btw)
aaron ramsdale - domestic goddess, aggressive style. almost too happy to be cleaning. sets out a fucking cleaning rota for gods sake. drives everyone a bit nuts but whenever you have friends over they always say how nice your house is. has literally the loudest phone calls ever.
kieran tierney - quite content to watch netflix all evening every day of the week. always drinking vodka cokes at pres/party nights. folds his clothes as soon as they’re dry cause he knows his mum would give him a bollocking otherwise. attempts to cook - it sometimes works out. if in doubt, chicken nuggets at least 3 days a week.
michail antonio - house daddy. that man has that kitchen on lockdown. he goes in and comes out with the most insanely good food every single damn time. a complete hoot on nights out. rips the living piss out of everyone but life without him just wouldn’t be right.
ruben dias - quite possibly the most sensible flatmate to live with. amazingly consistent sleep schedule. always asks the group chat ahead of time if he can bring a date over. he is gymming/toning/working out about 23 hours a day mind you. at least he plays his workout music through his headphones.
jarrod bowen - the most reliable housemate ever. bills always paid on time. always down for a late night trip to big tesco. will play playstation with you until 4am. one word answers to anything in the house groupchat - “haha”, “lol”, “yeah”. but, will have the best dmcs with you in the garden when there’s a party.
mason mount - loves it when something breaks cause it means he gets to fix something. cooking skills are hardly world class michelin star restaurant level but he pulls out something every so often that surprises you. always planning what the flat is doing friday and saturday night. 
declan rice - believes the antibac wipe can do anything. tells you about all the great discounts he found at wilko today when you get off work. gets waaaay too into the film on flat movie night and cries. hogs the telly whenever there's a golf tournament on. always tries to get a dancefloor going whenever there’s a house party.
martin ødegaard - friendliest face in the house. his room is a marvel of scandi couture. he pretends it's minimalism but it's just ikea's posh range (and that's no bad thing). everyone thinks he's chill cause he likes reading and coffee paraphernalia but he hides a dark secret of playing THE WORST music at houseparties. hugging a cushion/blanket/djungleskog/himself throughout flat movie night.
tammy abraham - interior decor off the scales. the flat is literally glowing with his presence. the throws in the lounge are gorgeous. will defo have the loudest conversation with your flatmates right when you’re just tryna sleep but it’s all worth it. gets the tunes on as soon as he knows everyone is up.
harry kane - definitely in charge of all the bills. whenever he’s on the phone it’s usually because he’s chasing up some utilities company. this man is a provider. he cooks for everyone. wants everyone to be home for tea at the same time so “we can chat and catch up”. 
ben chilwell - has the nicest candle collection of anyone in the flat. loves a good houseplant. his dog is the glue that holds the flat together. interior decor choices are questionable but it’s passable. takes his meetings in literally every room whenever he’s working from home.
jadon sancho - panics over any house maintenance or any time he has to set the heating. “nah i can’t get it to work i’ve got no idea” he says to the thermostat. his vibe is always super chill tho, always has his door open and is never in the shower for too long. 
kai havertz - if he hasn't already got a house pet, he's strategising how to get one. rarely seen without a hoodie on. definitely rocking the flat's best comfy clothes collection. keeps to himself mainly but at least he doesn't cause any flat drama.
kostas tsimikas - i'm literally not even sure the boy knows how to clean. sleeps in til 2pm and never tells you his plans. will be out of the house for 36 hours and never answers his phone. the greek food he cooks tho? to die for. always ensures there is yoghurt in the fridge.
jack grealish - an unhinged experience. 35 minutes of hair drying everytime he has a shower, which in turn are the longest showers you’ve ever seen someone have. will cook the most astonishingly messy meal and ruin all the pans. secretly quite organised and always gets to work on time.
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ballsbalb · 5 months
i have just written the most heart wrenching h/c + fluff i have written in a while
martindale brings out the worst best in me
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artemixxs · 1 year
Have I started to write ridiculous little stories about Erling Haaland and Martin Odegaard? Yes. Is it very gay? Yes.
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yellowkitkieran · 6 months
To Have and to Heal (Part 15)
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Read part 1 here
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: Single working dad Martin Odegaard is navigating the ups and downs of parenthood all on his own, and he’s struggling. That’s not to mention football, life and... love?
Could we talk? 
When your message appears on his phone, Martin doesn't believe his eyes. At first he assumes he is dreaming; a quick pinch to his forearm and the subsequent brief burst of pain confirms he is, indeed, awake. He laughs to himself then, a giddy, overjoyed sound as he reads the message from you again and again, enough times that the words are burned into his eyelids when he closes them. 
Rearranging his schedule to pick up Atla today had been worth it. Incurring Arteta's wrath for sneaking out early? Also very, very worth the reward. Even if nothing comes of it, even if you don't have the courage or wherewithal to send him a follow up response, Martin can live with that, as long as he has some closure. 
His fingers shake as he types out a casual, cool, collected response. Of course! Now? Tomorrow? When are you thinking? 
Nailed it, honestly. Not overly eager. Simple and to the point. Leaves nothing up to interpretation. Martin is still sweating bullets regardless. 
For a few minutes, Martin simply stares at his phone until his eyes water and he is forced to blink some moisture into them. He tries not to fret when you don't immediately reply. It's late; there is a good chance you're either sleeping or prepping for your classes tomorrow. Despite his racing heart, sweating palms and pacing feet, Martin somehow convinces himself that he is perfectly calm. He's definitely not freaking out. Nope. He's fine. Toooootally fine. 
Though that fragile construct comes crashing down when Martin's phone vibrates. Whenever you have an hour or so free? After school of course. I can come to you?
Absolutely. Friday? I'll be done at six. But I'll come to you though. 
Martin immediately arranges for Kieran to take Atla overnight as a precaution. Who knows what might happen? Martin doesn't want to get his hopes up, but regardless of how things go, he knows he will be a volatile bucket of emotions and he'll need some time to process. He would rather do that on his own than have his daughter around to witness it. Good or bad, Friday will be… interesting, to say the least. 
Friday at six thirty then. That works. I'll see you then 
The expectation of hearing from you again is dashed when twenty four hours pass with nothing new. Martin's phone is far from quiet thanks to the Arsenal group chat, which thankfully keeps him busy and occupied on his day off whilst Atla is at school. Martin even arranges to pick Atla up himself, though he's disappointed to find another teacher in charge of after school care instead of you. 
Tomorrow, he tells himself. Tomorrow is my second chance. 
And Martin is completely, utterly, wholly determined to grab the opportunity with both hands and run with it. He refuses to squander his relationship with you a second time. He will say all the right things, fall over himself to make all the right promises, and follow through with each one of them. Because if Martin is being honest with himself, the last time he felt about someone like this… He married them. 
On his way into Colney the next morning, Martin passes by Atla’s favorite bookshop. It is a quaint, family owned place located on a busy corner in north London. He glances at their window displays when he is stopped at the light, as he often does. 
And Martin does a double take- the sign in the window promotes a new romance book, titled ‘Second Chances Only Come Once’, written by the author of the hit book ‘She’s the One’. 
The grin plastered on Martin’s face is indicative enough. If he had been waiting for a sign, that would be it. The sky over London is a bright, vibrant orange, streaked through with rich reds and subtle yellows. The sunrise is the exact shade of Maria’s favorite paint- Windsor Orange, a color she claimed felt like home. Each Christmas Martin would buy her a year’s supply to ensure she didn’t run out. 
“Thank you,” Martin murmurs to the sky. A light breeze ruffles his hair through the open car window, and the smile does not leave Martin’s face for the entire drive.
Kieran doesn't ask questions at training that morning- he's simply excited to spend some quality time with his goddaughter. Kieran does not question Martin’s good mood, not even when Martin convinces Arteta to go easy on the team and skip the half dozen extra drills he had scheduled and opt for an extra gym session instead. 
Martin pays very little attention whilst Kieran rattles off a long list of things he's planned to entertain Atla, including a trip to Harrods to spoil her rotten. Normally that sort of thing would irk Martin, but today the thought barely registers. 
“Uh huh, sounds great,” Martin murmurs noncommittally, “Perfect. Atla will love it.” 
“Mate, you've not heard a word I've said. You're fine with me taking her on a shopping spree? You normally yell at me for that! What happened to ‘she's got enough toys,’ eh?” Kieran makes air quotes there, referring to the dozens of times Martin has argued that point. That, at least, causes Martin to pause. 
“What? Oh- I mean sure if that's what you want to do with her I won't stop you, she'll enjoy it. Really she will-”
Kieran sets his weight down and rests his elbows on his knees. Everyone always says that blue eyes are unnerving, but Martin knows the truth- it's the unflinching, hard brown eyes that really do you in. Martin clears his throat, squirming under the pressure of Kieran's stare. “Tell me.” 
“Tell you what? There's nothing to tell.” Martin scarcely believes himself as unconvincing as his words are. Kieran simply blinks, which somehow is even more unnerving than the original stare. Martin sighs, knowing his friend will not let up until he uncovers the truth. “Alright fine- I'm talking to solskin tonight. It's not a big deal!” 
Kieran, knowing better than to pry, simply nods firmly. “Good. Maybe you'll quit moping around the grounds then. Honestly it's getting tiring, carrying this entire team on my shoulders. I cannae do it all on my own, you know.”
Martin cracks a grin, “I know mate. Hopefully after tomorrow I can take some of that pressure off you.” 
Martin, Martin, Martin. For nearly forty eight full hours, the Norwegian midfielder fills every corner of your brain. You're barely able to make it through your lessons, as distracted as you are by the thought of seeing him again. In a private setting. Alone. At your house. 
Why did you agree to this again?
Friday evening, you frantically clean your already clean flat. You agonize over whether or not to leave the blanket slung over the sofa- is it too suggestive? Or is it just cosy? You wind up leaving it. You are fully aware that you are overthinking. That doesn’t stop you from rearranging the shoes in the entry three times until you’re positive they are just the right amount of messy. 
Deciding on an outfit is nearly as chaotic- with Jen's help you settle on comfort over chic, opting for your favorite pair of jeans and a loose, warm sweater. Your hair you leave in your usual style, not putting too much effort in. This is not a date, as you have to continually remind yourself. It is simply a chat, nothing more. 
Waiting is the hardest part. You sit on your sofa with a random show on for background noise, something about the history of the crown jewels. Should you have cooked? Six thirty is dinner time, ish- maybe he's expecting a meal? Oh god-
The doorbell interrupts your thoughts and you spring into action. You wipe your palms on your jeans before opening the front door, pasting a smile on your face that you pray appears genuine. Your eyes start at his feet- black and white Nike dunks, light wash jeans, and a black bomber style jacket- and end on his soft, angelic face. You quickly meet his eyes, lasting all of one second under the gentle scrutiny of his baby blues before heat floods your cheeks and you are forced to look away.
“Hey- hi Mr. Ødegaard, please come in.” 
Martin's hands slide into his pockets, thumbs hooked into his belt loops. “I'm not coming in until you drop the formality, solskin.” 
You swear your very soul responds to the nickname. It glides so easily off his tongue, as though no time has passed despite the cold shoulder you have given him. With one sentence, Martin crosses the chasm between the pair of you without a second thought, throwing you a lifeline to cling to whilst you try to wade through the sea of emotions that threatens to overwhelm your good sense. 
“Okay,” you murmur, “Okay. Please come in, Martin.” 
“Mar,” he corrects softly, tipping his head to meet your downcast eyes. “Please call me Mar.”
Only when you nod in agreement does he finally relent and enter. He bends to untie his shoes and hangs his jacket on the hook behind the door. There is a familiarity in his actions, like he has done this a hundred times instead of being able to count the number of occurrences on one hand. 
“Um, please have a seat,” you say around the bile creeping up your throat. You haven't been this nervous since your first day teaching. It feels as if one wrong move will leech away the confidence you've spent ages rebuilding; brick by brick you've had to remind yourself that you deserve this. One step at a time. 
“Thank you.” Martin makes himself comfortable on the sofa, one arm slung over the back. It strikes you then how well he fits in. Despite his undoubtedly expensive clothes, he does not seem out of place in a room filled with mostly second hand things. The cream of his shirt perfectly matches the blanket you worried over earlier. If you didn't know any better, you'd assume they were cut from the same cloth. 
You clear your throat and carefully perch on the opposite side. You smooth the wrinkles from your sweater, suddenly self conscious of your appearance. Shit, you forgot to offer him a drink! 
“Would you uh- would you like a drink? There's water, soda, uh… milk I think?” 
Martin's smile is like a physical caress, calming your nerves. Whether he realizes it or not is uncertain, “I'm alright for now, thank you solskin. You wanted to talk?”
How is he so calm right now? How are you not calm? You're the one that asked for this. You prepared, didn't you? Spent hours on the phone with Jess last night, coming up with bullet points of what needed to be said. How have you suddenly forgotten it all?
“Solskin,” Martin prompts softly. “Hey? I'm perfectly okay sitting in silence but if you have something to say, I want to make sure you're heard.”
“Stop- just stop being so charming for two minutes,” you mumble. You press two fingers to your temples and try to get your ducks in a row. You requested to speak with Martin, yes. You wanted to discuss the potential of moving forward. You wanted to tell him you still care about him. Okay. Okay. Basics first. 
You take a deep breath and straighten your spine. Cheating your body towards Martin's you begin, “I still care about you a lot. More than I should considering you're the parent of one of my students- don't do that,” you scold when Martin tips his head side to side. Martin grins, forcing you to fight to keep your mental train on the right track. “As I was saying, you're the parent to one of my students and I shouldn't even have asked to speak with you. I should've taken what happened as a sign from the universe, an easy way out but I just…”
“Can't let it end, yeah.” Martin finishes the thought on your behalf. You nod, grateful that he was able to voice it when you couldn't. 
“Right. But I also know that your daughter has to come first, and I don't want to suggest otherwise. Atla loves you and you're all she has, I know she looks up to her papa. I know she doesn't want to see you with anyone other than her mum, and maybe she's just too young to understand, which means this was all just a waste of time and ishouldn'thaveinvitedyouanyway-”
Your words rush out in one long heap, piling over each other and overlapping at the ends. Tears prick your eyes and suddenly you feel so incredibly stupid for thinking this could work in any capacity. Martin reaches for your hand but you pull it away, unable to bear the thought of him touching you, knowing you'll only crumble. 
“I want this to work Mar, I really do. But I can't ask you to choose between me and your family, it's not right. I don't want to sneak around either,” you add in haste when Martin opens his mouth. “I won't be the reason your daughter hates you. I won't tear apart your home. I just won't. I wouldn't be able to live with myself.”
Once he's positive you're finished, Martin cautiously scoots closer to you. He watches for any sign that you'll flee, and when you don't move a muscle he wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you to his chest. This time you allow it, because you know you'll never have this luxury again. 
Martin's hand runs over your arm whilst he silently soothes you. Your nose is buried in his shoulder, his cologne imprinting itself in your memory. It baffles you how such a simple thing can bring you so much comfort. But slowly, like molasses dripping from a spile, you feel the coils of tension stored in your muscles unknot themselves. Slowly, you feel yourself winding down, your breath coming in even intervals instead of panicked gasps. Your hands, which had fisted themselves tight in the cotton of his shirt, unfurl to rest flat on his chest. 
“That speech was quite noble solskin, but I think you've forgotten something.”
You sniffle, determined not to cry despite the battle raging within yourself. “What did I forget Mar?” 
“That you're part of my home now,” Martin says into your hair. “If you're determined not to let anything ruin my home, you need to include yourself in that.” 
Martin is terrible at articulating how he feels. You've grown used to it; you may not have dated for long but it only took a handful of dates to realize that his trauma ran deep, and that he played his cards close to his chest. So that display of warmth, of what he truly feels inside, is rarer than a diamond. You want to nestle it against your heart and keep it protected behind your ribcage. It is worth more than any precious gem. 
Without thinking, you reach up and cradle Martin's jaw. You smile sadly when he presses his cheek into your hand, your thumb soothing a line under his eye. He's so beautiful- tender and raw and open. Vulnerable. A side you never expected him to share with you. 
“I don't want you to put me before Atla,” you say softly, mindful of how fragile he is beneath your fingertips. You have to be gentle; if you're not he may never trust anyone again. 
Martin covers your hand, fingers tight around yours. “And I don't want that either. I want you both on the same level. I-” Martin stops himself, his throat bobbing under the weight of words left unsaid. “I care about you so, so much. I just want you in my life. That’s all I want.”
“Then Alta needs to understand that I'm not replacing her mum. She needs to understand that before we even think about doing anything, Mar. You can't risk hurting the relationship you have with your daughter.”
“I know. I will. I'll get it all sorted and then it'll be fine- we can try again. Right?”
You nod then, your smile brighter this time. “Once she knows all that, we can try again.”
Martin's eyes flick to your mouth and you know you've both had the same thought. You want to kiss him, to climb into his lap and melt like chocolate on his tongue. You want to pull at his stupid chicken hair until he moans into your mouth, his sounds of delight so sickeningly sweet that your stomach will ache for days afterwards. 
But you can't kiss him. So you don't. At least you have that much control. Instead you let Martin trace your parted lips with a reverence that makes your skin tingle. He moves on to your jaw, your cheeks, your nose, your brow- as if he were a blind man putting a face to a woman who until now has been no more than a voice to him. 
“I have so much to say,” Martin says finally, “and there's not enough time to say any of it.” 
“One day soon, you'll have plenty of time to tell me anything you want.” You allow yourself the luxury of his embrace, your arms winding around his solid middle whilst his fit firmly around your shoulders. 
If you're lucky, this could be your reality. You could come home to Martin, or rather he could come home to you, and have his busy days be endcapped by love and devotion. You've always said you would never consider being a housewife, that you respect yourself far too much to allow yourself to be reduced to a servant to your significant other. But for Martin? You want him to eat a home cooked meal every night. You want to massage his shoulders when he makes an off-hand comment about being sore from training too hard. You want to put Atla to bed and then draw a warm bath for you and Martin to share. 
You want to give Martin the world because he deserves it. You would wait on him hand and foot because you know with absolute certainty that he would do the exact same thing whenever he was afforded the chance. And that sort of fairytale is exactly what you've always wanted in life. You aren't about to let it slip through your fingers. 
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oh-saints · 1 year
sunshine becomes you (pt. 4)
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Being a footballer means Martin possibly has every resources in his whim. Well, except the one thing he needs now is only available in the hands of his (ex) girlfriend.
Grumpy!Martin Ødegaard x Sunshine!OC
Word Count: 4.0k
Note: please, please, please don't hate me for this lolol but we're going for a rollercoaster, odegirlies, so brace yourself! but as usual, i happen to write this around dawn so ofc not beta-read yet. feedbacks are welcome tho!
Tags: my lovely loves @julianalvarez9 @formula1tina @okayline @mehrmonga @mrswhitethornbelikov @notleclerc <3<3 (lemme know if you want to be added!)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 5
It seemed Martin couldn’t operate around her if there was no false pretense standing between him and Eve.
The moment the clock literally struck 12, lightning struck back Eve’s life and returned them to normalcy. So normal that everyone else but her barely noticed the apparent changes unravelling around London Colney; she was back to Eve the receptionist, and Martin was back to his constantly-grumpy state to no one but Eve.
No more was the beautiful-looking couple captivating the entire Christmas Gala with their explosive, fantastic chemistry that shunned even the longest relationship existing in the same room.
She’d like to think going back to square one was better, given their real circumstances, but Martin wasn’t giving her any edges. Worse, he’d gone barely seen, and that was saying a lot when Eve was known to be the ghost of the building, for her immaculate presence all over the facility.
Some said he snuck in when Eve was always busy running errands; some said he arrived before anyone else in the morning; some said he clocked out later than the security team.
Final straw came when everyone was gathering in the canteen to bid Eve farewell on her very last day of working in the amazing club. Every single person working at London Colney—including Bob, even—applauded her for the fantastic job she’d been doing for the club, despite the short time shared on the grounds. A certain Norwegian blonde, however, remained unidentifiable until the 15-minute town hall before lunch ended.
Much to the front liner’s dismay, most turned to Eve about it. After all, Eve and Martin were still an item in their eyes. Eve could only do so much as replying, “we just don’t want you guys to be sick of us,” whenever the question of Martin’s avoidance towards crowds was raised, while chucking in the tears that were threatening to slide down her cheeks because she knew better—she knew the truth.
It shouldn’t be breaking Eve’s heart, but the damage had been done.
Eve wanted to badly lie to herself that she was doing that out of spite, that pulling out that degree of stupid stunt was her futile, foolish attempt to get him running after her like those chick-flicks she stashed in her library.
But Eve knew better—reality didn’t fit into Cinderella’s pair of glass heels, especially for someone like her, who fought for proper living standard every day to make ends. Eve and Martin were raised in different circumstances, made from worlds apart, meant for different purposes in life. There was no way they were going to be together—not in this lifetime nor any other alternate universes—as this wasn’t some written fairy tales.
She couldn’t afford a heartbreak when she’d foreseen the fruitless future if she were to share one with him, just like she couldn’t afford the gown she’d returned in the same satin box he’d delivered to her door.
This is for the better, she hypnotised herself as she placed the soft, expensive box on Martin’s bench, trying to pale the ache slicing through her chest. You have a realistic life to live.
Fuck rom-coms. She was going to discard each and every one left in her library as soon as she enjoyed her two-week notice.
Obviously, with that being said, Eve didn’t have the heart to throw away the only outlets for her to escape the harsh reality for someone who came from a working-class family and inherited the reality of working 9-to-5 like her. Especially when those fake-dating tropes—ironically—reminded her of all the wonderful time she spent with Martin, no matter how fleeting and fragile those moments were.
Weeks after the Christmas Gala, Eve could now proudly say she thought of them as something precious because when else were you indulged in the luxury of being in Martin Ødegaard’s arms, acting or not?
Her best friend bit her ears off for taking the whole thing “like a champ”, as if her heart was made of steel when she was legitimately allowed to swallow the bitter pill while crying her heart out. Eve actually considered doing them, specifically during the first week after the painful no-show of her last day, but she decided against in and focused on the positive notes.
Dwelling over negatives wouldn’t turn around the fact that someone as great as Martin Ødegaard was destined for someone his calibre, someone that was definitely not Eve.
So it didn’t make any sense when she found Martin, already leaning against his car with hands in his pocket—undoubtedly hiding them against the cold air of a very early morning—as she walked down the porch of her flat. From where she stood, frozen at the unprecedented event unfolding before her eyes, his side profile gave away nothing but pursed lips, like he was holding off his thoughts from spilling.
Oh, how much Eve wanted a penny for that beautiful mind of his.
But she couldn’t. Unlike the night of the Christmas gala, Martin revoked her access to them. What used to be something easy for Eve to read between the lines was now guarded by a fence so high it put Wall of China to shame.
“Martin,” At his name being called, the owner of the name stood up straight, and—god damn it—Eve’s heart raced at the movement, for it reminded her of what happened between them in front of that sketchy backdoor toilet. “What are you doing here?
Despite being missing on action for weeks, Eve hated how much Martin still affected her, body and soul. She wasn’t even nearby Martin, distance between them were about 100 metres but might as well have the Atlantic between them like they used to be.
But no matter the palpable distance between where they respectively stood, Martin, on the other hand, would always be able to pick up her signature breathy voice that went only slightly above a whisper. It was the very sound he didn’t know he could miss hearing.
Like she was breathless, like he’d taken her breath away. The same way she did his.
If only he could tell her that… But instead of mulling over endless possibilities that couldn’t happen—not when Eve herself didn’t give them a chance, something she’d blatantly said at the end of Christmas gala—Martin stuck to the one thing he excelled at; choosing reality.
“Angel,” Words flowed effortlessly from Martin’s mouth but his smile was rather tight on the corners, and Eve hated it already when she knew first hand how blinding his real, true smile could be. “I see you’re going to the flower market.”
Had Eve’s eyes not focused on taking in Martin’s appearance, she would’ve swooned at the fact Martin remembered her little peculiar antics of getting a fresh set of flowers every Sunday from the flower market.
But his dishevelled presentation, so striking to the well-kempt display he always had everywhere, stole away her attention. It wasn’t only the mess on top of his hair, of his blonde locks gone astray to every direction; it was also the garments he threw on without a care in the world, all in black, like he was mourning.
His blue eyes descended to the deepest pit of the ocean, no longer shining in the glint she loved the most, especially bright against low lights. Like those eyebags were swallowing them whole, like those eyebags were a blackhole instead of dark circles.
His cheeks sunken, no longer protruding as high as a skyscraper, so different to the image of a Viking everyone labelled the captain as. If Eve didn’t know any better, she would’ve guessed Martin had undergone those cosmetic surgery of buccal fat removal.
He looked so haggard, as if he’d lost weight; exhaustion personified. She could only wonder why—perhaps Arsenal’s losing strike took a toll on him—since asking his well-being was not on the cards anymore, not since they stopped pretending to be lovers, not since Martin didn’t give them a chance.
Martin took his open opportunity when they fell into a pregnant silent. “I’ll take you there.”
“Why are you here?”
“I said I’m taking you to the flower market,” He said, as easy as the wind breezed past them. “What kind of boyfriend am I to let my girlfriend to roam around such crowded places so early in the morning?”
The indifference he showed, both in words and action, caught her off-guard. He was back to display the whole no-shit-sherlock attitude around her, complete with the expressionless face, like she should know the most obvious fact, and Eve had to remind herself that this was the real Martin, not the one that fooled everyone attending the Christmas gala.
Including Eve herself.
“You’re not my boyfriend, Martin.”
“In the eyes of the public, I am,” Martin shrugged his shoulder so nonchalantly, as if it didn’t hurt Eve to know he was doing just fine barging into her life like it was the most natural thing to do for him. “My family included.”
Wait, what?
“I need your help,” He continued, his hands moved from the pockets of his jacket to the pockets of his jeans. It scared Eve when he said those massive, literally burdensome words with squared shoulders and calm demeanour and collected composure—she felt like she was his opponent on the pitch. “My family went to the game today, only to be ambushed by many congratulations that I’ve scored a wonderful, lovely match of a girlfriend. One that that they don’t know of because it’s one I never tell them—”
“Because she doesn’t exist.”
“She did during the gala, but that’s not the point,” Martin had to grind out his teeth from the inside, the perfect epitome how her words gnawed his heart from inside out because while they were nothing but facts, it didn’t make them any less hurtful to him—and to what could’ve been between them. “They want to have lunch with you today.”
Martin let out the last sentence with a heavy puff of breath. With the way his jaw ticked tightly, Eve could tell he hated saying that, like he’d take any other option but to ask her to pretend once more if he had the chance.
Maybe he’d told his family about us pretending but his family didn’t accept such a ridiculous pretense that they forced him to talk to her, and that the lunch was merely their effort to amend them. “You’re kidding.”
“I wish I was,” See, he even wished to have nothing to do with me anymore. Did he hate me so much? “You should know by now that being honest with you is something I wish to uphold.”
 “Even when our relationship is a farce?”
Martin didn’t have the heart to answer it, and Eve didn’t have the heart to acknowledge the pregnant silence.
“You had a game today, you’re supposed to be resting.”
Boyfriend or not, Martin really intended to come along by Eve’s side to the flower market, despite her initial protests and complaints. No one in the right mind went to the flower market alone at 2 in the morning, without a proper transportation on top of that.
Taxi and Uber certainly didn’t count as a safety mode of transportation for Martin. You never know what can possibly happen in that small space of four-wheeler—we’ve seen too much of real-life cases that happens to women.
I’ve been doing this for ages, but she failed to realise that just because something never happened to her, it wasn’t going to happen. In Martin’s defence, he had a sister himself and he didn’t want anything bad happen to Eve the way he didn’t want them to happen to his sister.
I am used to this, Martin, but she didn’t have to get used to those things. She didn’t have to get used to all these dangerous things she downplayed as normalcy because he knew that she had the options, she’d definitely want to take the tube or buses. She could be having what her heart desires—she should be.
No matter what went down between them at the end of the day, Martin would certainly give her a flak if she settled with someone less than what she deserved.
And no, that lucky bastard didn’t have to be Martin.
It wasn’t going to be Martin anyway, Eve made it clear at the very end of their contractual relationship once a long while ago.
“Can’t sleep well lately, anyway.”
Martin’s phlegmatic manner was now in sync—his actions were now as schooled as his facial features. His hands ran down the flower petals thoughtlessly, not giving anything of his mind away, just like his hardened expressions. Aloof, and Eve took it as a sign to reduce her small talks.
“You should see Doc about it.”
“You think I haven’t done that?” Eve’s hearts plummeted along with the way he sputtered the words, as if she should be smarter about the whole ordeal, and this time Eve was the one who had to school her expression so Martin couldn’t see her disappointment towards his attitude—he must not see them. The last time she gave away too much of her, she ended up doing rom-coms marathon with a tube of Ben n Jerry’s. “Doc’s prescribed me something but it’s no use,”
It might be the stress talking…, Eve tried to reason with herself.
“I don’t see the point of meds, to be honest,” Martin let out another heavy sigh as his hand ran through his hairs, messing them in frustrations. “Not when I’ve been restless since you’re gone.”
How could she possibly have a proper response to that?
“There they are!”
Martin didn’t even have the chance to open Eve’s door completely before his mother ran down the porch towards his car to engulf Eve in the warmest hug Eve had ever gotten from a woman. Funny—despite never meeting his mother before, Eve had the most familiar feeling around her, like they were old friends reunited, and she didn’t know what to feel.
Partly because she didn’t share the same sentiment with her own mother, partly because she felt guilty that his mother had already welcomed her in this house like she was truly Martin’s girlfriend when, in fact, she wasn’t even close to what the word meant.
It didn’t even take his mother a minute to lead her towards the house, like she owned the residential instead of a visiting his son’s abode, asking if Eve had any food allergy that she should be aware of. That was amongst the things she questioned; others were trivial questions in order to get to know his son’s girlfriend.
With the swift pace his mother was speaking, though, Eve had to look beyond his mother’s shoulder to throw a help-me look to Martin because there was no way she could survive this on her own.
Eve couldn’t bring to hate herself for always seeking Martin’s aid this time around, no matter how much she wanted to be free of him. Like she promised herself internally just before she plopped down beside Martin on the passenger seat.
“That’s enough, mamma,” Martin strode his way towards the two of them, one hand reached for his mother’s that was grippling the life of Eve to set Eve free, before both hands clenched her shoulder gently. “She hasn’t even taken off her coat, but she’s allergic to shrimp and other soft-shell seafood.”
“Oh no, I’ve made crayfish—”
“It’s okay, she can have your venison,” Eve didn’t have time to discern anything because everything happened at the same time she didn’t even have time to breathe, not even the fact that Martin had gained information on her allergies, so she was lucky Martin took over the conversation. She shed her coat when Martin wordlessly tugged the wool piece, both of their eyes still set on the powerhouse that was his mother, and at that interaction, the matron smiled wider. “By the way, my mother makes the best venison, solskinn. Glad you can finally try them.”
“Ah, the infamous roasted venison you love? What’s that called again?”
“Dyresteg,” His mother answered for her, before Martin could have the chance. At the speed of lightning his mother unknowingly possessed—at least, one that he got to know of until today, in front of Eve, more over—Martin forced himself to look up from the set of eyes that reminded him of the deer but belonged to Eve. “I see that Martin’s told you about his soulfood.”
“He can’t shut up about it,” Eve elbowed Martin teasingly and the man replied by faking pain at it, which resulted in them both laughing without constraint. Without an underlying justification called fake dating between them. “Maybe I should learn one thing or two while the master is here so I can cook them for you.”
“That’s—” Eve’s response, however, startled both Martin and his mother. While Martin was rather taken aback at the genuine tone Eve used—because now he really couldn’t draw the line which one was the real Eve, unlike the night of the Christmas gala—his mother was caught off guard because she couldn’t recall the last time someone had ever offered to do such thing for Martin. Living in a different country meant she couldn’t cook her son’s favourite dish whenever she wanted to, and so far the girlfriends her son managed to take home didn’t care about anything beyond the luxury he could give them. “That’s very lovely of you. I hope you bring your notes.”
But to say she liked Eve already would be an understatement. Eve didn’t make it difficult to take her into everyone’s good side, as well, and as a mother, Eve had nailed in the moment she typed down every instruction she was giving Eve to make the perfect dyresteg. And maybe also little moments where Martin stole little pecks on her cheeks from behind whenever he was getting his brothers and sisters something from the fridge—because she knew her son only did that out of gratitude, the same way he used to do it to his mother whenever she was cooking this particular favourite dish of his.
At one point of cooking, everyone was flocking the kitchen and before they knew it, Martin’s brothers and sisters were already drilling the Norwegian captain’s embarrassing stories during childhood.
“Do you remember the time where he got lost because he followed someone he thought was mamma?”
“No way!” Eve’s eyes bulged out in pure surprise that Martin couldn’t help but laugh, instead of stopping his older brother’s beginning of Martin’s most embarrassing anecdote. “What happened?”
Martin’s mother noticed Eve’s focus was slowly shifting from dyresteg to the tale Christoph was giving so she dismissed the younger woman, only for Eve to realise there was no seat left on the kitchen island.
Martin didn’t think twice to pull her by the waist towards him, “Come here.”
“This feels oddly familiar,” Eve laughed under her breath, not wanting to disrupt Christoph’s flow in retelling his story, but enough only for Martin to hear, as she settled in the room between his legs. “Don’t tell me to sit on your lap again this time, we have your youngest sister watching.”
“Yes, mother,” Their position, her back on his front, eased up Martin’s way to reply her in a whisper, and they fell back to the smooth flow they had constructed during the Christmas gala. “I will behave.”
And behave he did. Without further words, Martin gave up his seat for Eve while he stood by behind her. His mother didn’t miss the way Martin never let go of Eve, always having an arm around the woman’s waist at least.
She also didn’t miss the way they’d look at each other when laughing, the way her hand covered the one Martin was placing around her hips, or the way he’d kissed the small spot on the temple above her ears while she stroke his square jawline back and forth. At one point, Eve laughed so hard at Christoph’s story that Martin had to envelope her into a back hug and hid himself in the crook of her neck so naturally it almost felt like watching water moulding into a medium’s shape.
She wanted to be jealous, as a mother, but she realised that her son was slowly building a life—his own life—here with someone he truly loved, and as a mother, she couldn’t be happier than knowing someone had taken care of her son very well, especially when he was living too far from her for a mother’s liking.
“Let me help you with that.”
Eve almost dropped the plate on her hands at Martin’s voice creeping from behind. She insisted on washing the dishes—or putting them to the dishwasher, depends on your standard—not because she wanted to play the good girlfriend card, but because she was raised that way; if someone else cooks, dishes are on her shoulder.
She was used to be misunderstood by other about it but before she could explain herself, Martin stepped in and said, “Let her be, Mom. She’s always like that and I can never win.”
Creepy would be an understatement of how well Martin knew things she never had disclosed to anyone.
“You should’ve told me you have such a big family,” Eve tried to break the ice that stood between them, so thin it was barely there, but present nonetheless, especially with the way they stood so close with one another. Shoulder to shoulder, Martin reached for utensils and ceramics Eve finished cleaning. “I would’ve come more prepared in facing your brothers and sisters.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Martin said, and although Eve didn’t see them, she could sense a small smile blossomed in his face. “I hope they don’t overwhelm you.”
“Not at all,” But Eve had to chuckle because come to think of it, Martin’s brothers and sisters could be overwhelming. Maybe they’d got under her skin if she was not pretending to be Martin’s girlfriend. “They’re all so fun to be around with. I wish I have siblings to banter with like yours.”
Martin laughed at Eve’s teasing jab. He could never live down the stupid anecdotes his siblings shared when he was just a kid, could he now?
“So grateful you don’t work at Arsenal anymore,” He crouched down to insert all of the cleaned dishes to the dishwasher. “What a disaster if you spill them to everyone at Colney.”
It wasn’t supposed to rub Eve in all the wrong way but it somehow did. Was he that truly glad to be rid of her?
“Please don’t let me stop that.”
Eve looked up to Martin, who was now standing towering over her, eyes zeroed down on her with a look she couldn’t decipher. And maybe she didn’t want to figure out what lied beneath them, for she was terrified the answer would only hurt her. It was something she found out just now that Martin was rather good at it.
She gave him a small smile to hide what she was thinking, grounding herself to not give any piece of her away and reminding herself the last time she did give herself away, and Martin already hated them. Eve and coerced smile didn’t belong in the same sentence. “Stop what?”
“You smiling. I’ve missed that a lot.”
*solskinn means sunshine in norwegian.
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Cranky - Martin Odegaard
Who: Martin Odegaard Prompt: "Someone's cranky this morning." Requested by: anonymous Warnings: mentions of having an argument
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You pulled open every drawer and every cupboard in your kitchen in search for the large bread knife, but couldn’t find it anywhere. You were sure you had seen it here only recently, so you knew it must be around here somewhere. "Babe, have you seen the bread knife?" You called over to Martin. "Why do you always assume I know where everything is?!" He stormed into the kitchen, voice raised slightly with chagrin. "Excuse me?" You were taken aback by his sudden outburst. "Someone's cranky this morning." "You always assume I’m involved in everything you can’t find," he snarled. "Hey!" You called out, offended, "I’m not going to be the victim of your bad mood!" "Does it look like I care?!" Martin fumed back, before storming out the door to go to training. You were left speechless, and, for once, glad he had left.
You sat at your dinner table that afternoon, catching up on some emails, when Martin came back home. You ignored him as he walked up to the table and sat down on the chair next to yours. You were still mightily pissed off by the way he had treated you that morning, and weren't even thinking of speaking to him unless you heard an apology first. "Will you look at me, please?" Martin said softly, voice choked up. You grudgingly tore your eyes off the screen of your laptop, redirecting your gaze to him. You instantly saw he had been crying. "I’m sorry," he stammered the moment your eyes found his, "I don’t know why I said those things or why I acted the way I did. I never meant to hurt you." "But you did," you replied sternly. Your words hit home with Martin. Fresh tears rolled across his cheeks. "What have I done…?" He mumbled brokenly, burying his face in his hands. "I can make this right, babe, I promise.... just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it." You sighed. Seeing how Martin broke down over his mistake was probably all you needed to forget your anger with him. "Hey..." You whispered, leaning forward to stroke his back. "It’s okay, it’s alright." "Really?" Martin looked up at you, face tear-stained. He looked so vulnerable right now, so genuinely sorry for his actions, that you really couldn’t stay mad at him for any longer. You leaned over to give him a gentle kiss. "Really."
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Tags: @evie-pr, @auawdo, @meteora-fc, @de-geas, @stonesyyyy, @drizzyreese, @hbstre, @liverpoolfanfiction, @sternennebel2001 Martin tags: @odegaardsblues Arsenal tags: @berrydoughnuttruth, @ella33 Add me to the tags list, too! For more of my Martin imagines, click here
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fallinforerling · 1 year
ahhh im so glad you write for ø! i really like your imagines and your way to write. so thank you!! I was thinking about an imagine where Martin asks reader to go to training with him, because he needs the presence of her since he is a little lost, and his team mates joke about her being his lucky charm.
captain's lucky charm - martin ødegaard
ೃ⁀➷ martin’s taglist
ೃ⁀➷ martin’s masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
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While in the car, you gave Martin a quick glance, incapable of holding the tiny grin that escaped your lips when you noticed he looked in your direction at the same time. His hand was firmly placed on top of yours, like he was scared of letting you go and giving you the chance to run away from your destiny. You weren’t, but you knew he felt like he was forcing you to go. Your heart felt heavy on your chest, but it was full of love for the man driving next to you.
Looking away, you thought about how strange the day started.
A voice woke you up from your sleep so suddenly that you jumped on the spot, half-kicking the covers while still immersed in the post-sleepness state you were in just seconds ago. Your blurry vision focused on a face next to you, making you almost scream if it weren't for the fact that you recognized them as your boyfriend. 
“Martin! My god, you almost killed me!” You said after a moment, placing a hand against your chest, where your heart was compulsively beating. “Did something happen?” 
“No, no… Uh, sorry for waking you up. I was just wondering if...” He paused, touching your upper arm before massaging it, just the way he always did when he wanted something from you. 
“Yeah?” Your face was half buried on the pillow, making it hard to focus on his face. You were still so sleepy. 
“Can you come with me today? Please?” His voice was so low that you thought you had heard him wrong. When you didnʼt reply right away, he cleared his throat. “You donʼt have to, I just really thought it would be… nice.” 
When you sensed the sudden change in his tone, you opened your eyes again and took his hand, which was still on your arm. You smiled a bit when he gave you the puppy eyes you loved so much while obviously waiting for an answer. Something was up. 
“Of course I want to go.” You caressed his hand, playing with his fingers while half-smiling at him. “Can I ask why you want me to go?” It was so out of character for him to ask you something like that. He was a private person, even around his teammates. Plus, it was rare for players to have company during their training sessions.
Never, in all the years of relationship, has he ever asked you to accompany him without an actual reason. 
“Well…” His eyes wandered around the room, like they were escaping yours. “You know how I’ve been struggling a bit to let myself go around the guys?” You nodded, knowing how hard it was for him to let go of his shyness out of the pitch. He was the best captain youʼd ever seen, but in reality, he was a person who loved his personal space and struggled to open up. “It’s just that… I really want to stop feeling like I’m just a bargain player thatʼll be let go next season and I won’t be missed.” You opened your mouth to refute his words, but he stopped you. “I know I’m not, but I can’t help how my brain works sometimes, so… I felt like having you with me could help.” He kissed your hand, smiling a bit. “You know you bring me peace.” 
Your heart was about to stop beating from how much love you suddenly felt. Martin always said sweet things like this, and even two years into your relationship, you never knew how to get used to it. Besides, you could never say no to him. 
“Then let’s get ready, or we’ll be late.” You replied, biting your lip when he jumped to his feet and almost dragged you into the bathroom. 
So there you were, walking down the hallways of the training center, getting surprised looks from every single person that you encountered while heading to the pitch. As you thought, it wasn’t common for the players' partners to just hang out with them while training. They needed to be focused on the instructions, and overall, work. This was Martinʼs workplace. You felt like you were on those “bring your partner to work” type of days, which felt ridiculous. But you've got your reasons, and you’ll be standing by them for the rest of the day if your presence helped Martin feel better. 
“So, where do I sit while you do your thing?” You were about to enter the actual training pitch; you could already hear some shouts and laughter from the distance. 
“We have a tiny row of seats you can use; they’re the ones we use for the DT and the staff, but itʼs rare when they use them.” His free hand made its way through his hair, making it all fluffy and tousled. You resisted the urge to touch it. “If you ever feel uncomfortable, just know you can leave, okay?” 
“I’m not leaving.” You stopped for a moment, giving him a tiny peck. The doors were just a few feet away from you, so you let go of his hand. “I’ll be on the seats if you need me. I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
You watched him take off to the pitch, his back as stiff as it gets. You knew he was feeling extra nervous, despite his denials while in the car. You’d met some of his new teammates, but since you both were private individuals, it was actually the first time for the majority of his colleagues to actually meet you. Hell, maybe it was the first time for a lot of them to hear that Martin had a girlfriend at all.
Oh well. 
You looked for your phone, getting ready to take some cute photos for your private folder. Not even he knew about your collection of candid photos. The best part about this day was that you were going to have a feast and no one would notice.
Once you were outside, the sun hit your eyes, making you squint a bit while you walked to the few seats near the right side of the pitch. You saw a bunch of guys from the team already warming up, chatting, and joking. You instantly spotted Martin, who was talking to Bukayo (the only guy who has been to your house and whom you properly knew at all). Martin gave you a smile just as you were sitting down, making Bukayo look in your direction. Once he recognized you, he smiled as well, waving like a little kid that just saw a friend. You giggled, returning the wave before sitting. 
Close to ten guys that were near the seats shot you looks full of curiosity, like they were trying to guess if you were from the press, a streaming site, or just someone visiting. 
You gave them a weird half-smile that was only reserved for awkward interactions with strangers on the street. 
It went wonderfully. 
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You spent around twenty minutes taking photo after photo of Martin in various states, from relaxed to red-faced due to the physical activities he was doing. Training seemed very hard, but you enjoyed it… Well, you just enjoyed seeing it. 
Okay, your boyfriend looked hot while doing almost anything. Nobody can blame you for liking the view. 
Now you were smiling at your phone, carefully choosing the best photos (which were most of them) to put in your folder, when a sudden shadow lurked over you. The absence of sunlight caught you by surprise. 
“Hello, pretty.” You giggled, blocking your phone, putting it against your chest while looking up. Martin stared at you from above with a smirk, like he knew you were hiding something. “What are you doing?” 
“Nothing.” You smiled when he raised an eyebrow at you. Your hands went directly to the little container full of cold water. “Water?” 
He obviously noticed your efforts to distract him from your phone, but he only gave you a slight head movement before taking the bottle from you. He sat, letting a loud groan escape his mouth. 
“Tired?” You asked in a playful tone, knowing that he was done with life by this point. 
He took a deep breath, not looking at you for a long moment before letting his head rest on your knee. 
“I know I should play it cool and pretend I’m not even tired, but I feel like I’m about to pass out.” You laugh, stroking his (sweaty) hair with a big smile. “Keep doing that, and I’ll probably fall asleep.” 
“Hey! Look who’s here!” Bukayo’s voice made it impossible for Martin to actually fall asleep anytime soon. You watched him jog towards you, wearing his usual smile. “Captain’s lucky charm, nice to see you again!” 
“Hi, Bukayo.” You said, returning the smile. “Lucky charm? I wasn’t aware of that title.”
“Can you guys stop it already?” Martin said, half laughing and half groaning. 
“Stop what?” You asked, enjoying how his cheeks were turning slightly red. 
“Oh, we’ve been joking around with that. You’re definitely his lucky charm.” Bukayo nudged his arm. “We’ve never seen this guy so happy while training in a long time. And hey, you scored like five goals today, that’s impressive.” 
“I guess so…” Was the only thing that he got out of your boyfriend, who seemed to be about to pass out, but this time from embarrassment. 
“Well, I’ll leave you guys alone. I’m out to the showers. See you around!” 
“Bye!” You looked at Martin again, biting your lip when he avoided your gaze. “I’m going to take the risk to say that it worked, huh?” 
Before he could even reply, a group of his teammates walked by, waving at both of you with smiles. You heard in the distance how one of them shouted “Bring her tomorrow!” at Martin before leaving, making you laugh even more. 
“Would you mind coming tomorrow as well?” Your boyfriend asked after a few minutes, and you couldn’t help but hug him. 
You loved him so much.
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live-laugh-loverpool · 5 months
Hi! I really do love your supernatural au, and I guess you know I have my own au as well. So I have a little request, is it possible if you write something with Alexis/Martin in which Alexis figures out Martin is a cat shifter (just like in my au)? Thanks before! :)
hello!!!! I FINALLY FINISHED IT, i had to rewrite the scenes three times so i'm sorry it took so long!!!!!!!!!
anyways here it is:
@bobbybecker-21 @liverpool-enjoyer @millythegoat @calm-smol @colorsofmyseason @dsenotmtaetr @gecswriting @childishfirmino @moomin279 @alissonbear-ker @alissonbecksfan234 @kraeki @elmatadorisgay
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colorsofmyseason · 2 years
Pairing: Kieran Tierney/Martin Odegaard
Sort of sequel for this story
Written for @sophpisticated (thanks bb!) who has been so patiently accompanying me in my rants regarding this VERY cute couple lol
Set within my supernatural au
Inspiration mostly taken from this pic and this pic
There are a few things you can wake up to to make your morning better.
The smell of coffee wafting from the kitchen, for example. The sounds of birds chirping outside the window will be another. And then the ray of sunshine seeping through your curtain which promises good weather for training.
Neither of those include opening your front door and finding a battered, bruised cat with a dead mouse trapped under his front paw. 
Kieran stares. The cat looks back at him, blinking his big, blue eyes.
He inhales. “What the fuck.”
Kieran spreads a clean towel on the sofa, and the cat carefully climbs there. 
“Stay there,” Kieran says sternly. “I’m just getting the first aid kit. Don’t move.”
Almost predictably, when he returns from his bedroom, first aid box in hand, the cat’s standing on top of Kieran’s coffee table already, foot reaching a fake plant the Scotsman has put there as a form of decoration, though he quickly pulls away when Kieran coughs to make his presence known, a somehow guilty look on his feline face. 
Sighing, Kieran plops on the sofa and opens the box. “The things I do for you,” he grumbles. “Come here, I’ll take care of you.”
The cat obediently jumps down the table and climbs on top of Kieran’s lap, leaving muddy pawprints on his path. Making a mental note to have him clean everything up afterwards, Kieran begins to treat his wounds, ignoring the cat’s hisses and yowls every time the antiseptic touches his skin.
“This is all your own fault, you know,” Kieran states, glaring at him.
The cat at least has the grace to look embarrassed.
“What have you been doing all night anyway?”
The cat gestures towards the dead mouse, which Kieran rather belatedly and disgustedly realizes has been brought inside his house.
“And these wounds? Don’t tell me you had a fight again??”
A sheepish nod.
A vein throbs on Kieran’s forehead. “Then why, pray-tell, didn’t you just transform back into human and step away from it right away?? You can always do that, instead of taking up the challenge each time.”
The cat makes a shrugging movement and Kieran rolls his eyes. “You know, I can’t keep doing this forever.”
The cat snaps his head up in alarm, and Kieran quickly clarifies, “I don’t mean it that way. You know that I did choose to be your boyfriend and nothing can change that. However, I would prefer you to stop involving yourself in ridiculous fights like this. I’m aware that it’s part of your instincts and so forth, but please, use your human conscience whenever that happens. I’m tired of explaining everything to Mikel, and I don’t recall any other cat shifters doing the same thing as you.”
No response from the cat, and Kieran only sighs before packing his first aid kit back into its box. “Anyway, I’ve made breakfast,” he says as he walks out of the room. “If you want to eat here with me instead of the cafetaria, feel free.”
He doesn’t turn around but he can hear the cat leaping down from the sofa and shuffling on his four legs, followed by a faint glow and soft hissing sound as the cat’s limbs elongate, body grows in size to reach Kieran’s height and smooth human skin replaces all the fur.
As Kieran enters the dining room, instead of a cat behind him, there’s a young man who looks to be in his early twenties, with blue eyes and messy blonde hair. Strangely, he has partly healed wounds all over his pale skin similarly placed to the ones the cat had, including one big bite wound circling his left leg. Moreover, tan-colored cat ears and tail are poking out from his head and butt respectively.
He wraps his arms around Kieran, and Kieran hugs him back with one hand while his other hand slips between the other man’s hair, caressing and ruffling it. He can feel the other man’s back arching with pleasure, a soft, happy purr escaping his throat, and the Scotsman can’t help smiling. No matter what the other man has done, in the end Kieran’s always reminded why he loves him so much.
“I love you, Kieran,” the cat-man murmurs, nestling his head inside the crook of Kieran’s neck.
“Love you too, Martin,” Kieran replies, scratching his boyfriend’s head and making him purr even more.
“And I’m sorry,” Martin whispers, looking completely guilty this time. “I didn’t mean to burden you right after you wake up like this, but I couldn’t sleep last night and got the urge to transform, then I played a little outside by myself and I heard the mouse…”
“I can imagine, you don’t need to recount it to me,” Kieran rolls his eyes again, and a relieved look sweeps over Martin’s face. “But I meant what I said earlier. You need to try curbing your feline instincts more. I can’t always be there for you, what if you get in trouble when you’re in the national team or something??”
“Well, my national teammates can treat my wounds for me, I guess,” Martin teases, and Kieran sends him a dirty look.
“Shut up, you still have to clean all the mud you brought in. And the mouse too.”
Martin puts his arm around Kieran’s waist and kisses him on the cheek. “After breakfast?”
“After breakfast,” Kieran agrees, and they walk into the dining room, where a small amount of food is already spread on the table.
“What do you want to drink?” Kieran asks as he walks to the pantry. “Hot chocolate, orange juice, or some coffee?”
“Can I have a glass of hot milk instead?”
Kieran fights the urge to smile. He’s known that Martin is a cat shifter for some time, and dating him for a month perhaps, but the younger’s feline antics still never fails to amuse him, even for the simplest thing like what he wants to drink for breakfast. “Hot milk. Sure.”
And as they sit together to eat, Kieran thinks that probably today’s going to be a good day after all.
The hope instantly vanishes as they both arrive at Colney.
When Kieran pushes open the door to their dressing room, Ben’s already sitting there, a devilish look in his eyes as he looks at the two of them.
“Hi there, Martin,” the centre-back says in a sing-song voice, waving something shaped like a pen on his hand. “Do you want to play?”
He clicks on that “pen”, which Kieran belatedly realizes in horror is actually a laser pointer.
He quickly exits the dressing room just as Martin’s eyes begin to flash, and slams the door behind him amidst the latter’s meows and yowls and Ben’s roaring laughter. Leaning on the cold wall outside the dressing room, Kieran takes a deep breath and massages his temples in frustration.
He really needs a break.
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