#maxwell jacob friedman fanfic
bullet-clubs-bitch · 13 days
Hi can you write an MJF x reader where reader is MJF wife and is sitting at the barricade at Double or nothing where he returns and mentions how he isn’t leaving AEW?
I’m so happy that MJF is back!!!
Double or Nothing
MJF x Wife Reader
MJF Masterlist Main Masterlist
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It didn’t matter how many times I’d been fortunate enough to experience Max’s returns ringside. Every return was bigger and better than the last. It has been five months since I last found myself in this position. 5 months ago I sat in this exact spot cheering on my husband against his match with Joe at World’s End. I know that match didn’t end the way we wanted but that just meant his return would be ungodly. I watched Adam Cole enter the ring, devil mask in hand. It didn’t matter what he was saying, it would soon mean nothing. I couldn't help the nervous feeling in my stomach, I was internally counting down the seconds until the lights went out and the devil came home. As if on cue the lights went out. I watched Adam Cole frantically pace around the ring waiting to get jumped and yet nothing happened. Just then the video package played on the screens. I could sense the confusion in the fans. Some chanted his name while others questioned who was filming the video. It was obvious the hands were one of a female. I was the one that helped Max film it, we just had to throw them off just a bit. Just then my focus from the screen was broken when a fan yelled “Wait isn’t that MJF’s Wife!” Fuck, I got caught. I tried my best to ignore the comment as I awaited his entrance theme to play on the speakers. I thought the pop was big when Max returned at All Out back in 2022 but this was nothing in comparison. The crowd went crazy as Max made his way to the ring, ready to kill Adam Cole. For a moment it was as if Max would reunite with Cole but of course, that was false. For the past 5 months, Max hated how he allowed himself to get soft, he hated that he trusted someone other than me. Max was out for revenge. For a moment in time, some thought we would never see MJF in AEW again but AEW was his home. The other company would ruin him. Maxwell Jacob Friedman is NOT a PG guy. I couldn't help the smile on my face, he was home. The people loved him, they needed him. I can’t wait to see where this next adventure takes us. 
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daddyhausen · 1 year
MJF as a young dad please 🥺
• young dad headcannons — mjf •
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{ masterlist } | { aew masterlist } | { mjf masterlist }
{ warnings } — none
{ word count } — 375
{ pairing } — fem!reader x mjf
{ genre } — fluff / angst
{ taglist } — @stxrrlightwrites13 @boutmachines @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @baysexuality @legit9thlunaticwarrior @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @baybay-boom @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @eddie-kingstons-wifey @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
it came as no surprise to you when max walked out the moment you announced your pregnancy 
he was in the prime of his career, his life at that 
you understood completely that he was not ready to be a father
still it could not help the inconsolable nights spent alone
crying yourself to sleep
cradling your ever growing baby bump in the spot where max once slept beside you
he was completely avoidant during the remainder of your pregnancy 
not so much as a text or a phone call to check up on you
it was terrifying going into labour alone 
having to rely on your neighbor of all people to drive you to the hospital when the time came 
she’d really become a rock for you especially in the later half of your pregnancy 
at least she was there when you delivered
although you silently max was the one in there with you 
you returned home a healthy baby girl bundled up close to your chest 
returning to the silence of an empty house 
your daughter looked exactly like max
from the tufts of dark curls to the warm flecks of brown and hazel in her eyes 
it made you miss him dearly 
a week or so after you gave birth, max decided to make himself known in your life once more
he showed up at your door in tears 
pleading to at least see his child 
despite the fact that he had absolutely no right to 
you allowed it.
from the moment he held your daughter in his arms he broke down in tears
apologising profusely for not being there for her and for you
promising to be a better man now when you needed him most 
your acceptance was reluctant, but your daughter at least deserves her father in her life
to you surprise, max turned out to be quite the father 
he puts your daughter on a pedestal, treats her like a queen 
he takes her everywhere with him
he’ll tuck her into bed, sing her sweet lullabies until she falls asleep 
he felt like such an asshole for leaving you all those months ago
for nothing more that his own selfish needs
but now, he’s not going anywhere 
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dirtywrestling · 1 year
Can I request a MJF X Female Reader where they are Mixed Tag Team Partners for a Tournament in AEW. He’s an Asshole, She a sweetheart and loves to annoy him. They go on to win the tournament and the Mix Tag Team Championships for the tournament and he kisses her roughly in the ring as they celebrate with The Pinnacle and she ends up joining as the only female on the team?
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Pairing: MJF x Female!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Blog, Kissing
Commission Requests: Closed!
Imagine Requests: Open!
Follow My Side Blog!: @dirtywresling102
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You inhaled and puffed out the air right when it entered your lungs, trying to calm your breathing down as you stared at MJF across the ring. He was fed up with your annoying games, this time you really had done it.
MJF was getting his ass beat and once he rolled by your corner your quickly tagged in making him glare at you that he didn't need saving. You thought other wise.
Knocking Britt Baker out with a running knee she quickly fell and you covered her for the pin. Adam in the other corner yelled at Britt to kick out but the bell rang singing your victory.
"Why'd you tag me out?"
"Why does it matter? We won!" You exclaimed grabbing the championship from the ref as he handed MJF his. MJF snagged it from the ref's hand and tossed it to the ground glaring at you.
"MJF?" You frowned as he approached you.
MJF's hard gaze was still on you as you weren't able to move, too scared that you really fucked it up this time and he was going to yell at you. Feeling his hands cupping your cheeks you squinted at him only for you eyes to widen at his lips pressing against yours.
MJF's lips moved roughly against yours, his tongue licking your bottom lip for access to taste you. Moaning softly as his tongue slipped in between your lips and exploring your mouth you both pulled away. "What the hell." You said in a whisper.
MJF smirked down at you. You looked behind him realizing that the Pinnacle group was now behind MJF. "What's going on?" You asked in a slight daze.
"I want you to be with me, as my girl and the only girl in my group."
You smiled up at him and nodded. "I will, I will be your girl."
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mjfsupremacy · 11 months
Lunch buddies
A/N: this Max is so chill, not my usual vibe, but it's still cute. Warnings: Mid writing. Sorry.
“Do you mind if I sit here? I normally wouldn’t ask, especially considering you’re a dude and like I am not a dude and the term “she was asking for it” would definitely make all the headlines in any context following me sitting here, but it’s raining so I can’t sit in the park and I really don’t want to go back to the office and participate in diet culture in the form of small talk with a table full of people I hate so this is my last resort really.”
The man looks up from his phone, a look of mild bewilderment on his face. He takes you in, then the empty booth seat opposite, and then you again. A frown falls onto his face, scrunching his dark brows and turning down his thin mouth in an almost comical fashion.
“It’s screaming desperate, Toots. If you wanted an autograph all you had to do was ask.” He replies in a brash, deeply annoyed voice. He gestures for something with his hands, sighing as he pulls out a pen from his pants pocket. “Alright, hand it over, who am I making it out to? You or am I keeping it vague so you can sell it on EBay or wherever you cucks sell this shit?”
You look at the paper bag in your hand filled with your favourite lunch and a mouth-watering almond croissant. He wanted your lunch for an autograph? You feel yourself handing the bag over before you even realise you are doing it, so strange was the request. You pull it back quickly while he watches you expectantly.
“Sweet-cheeks, I haven’t got all day, I get it, your struck dumb by the sheer magnitude of meeting me and realising I am indeed even more handsome in person than I am on screen, but times a wastin’ let’s get on with it.”
“I-I don’t have anything for you to sign, I’m really sorry.” You eventually stutter out pathetically. “I just want to eat my pork roll before it gets cold.”
The man looks you over again and you feel your cheeks warm, the whole situation made you want to crawl into a hole and never come out. “You actually don’t know who I am?” He reiterates in disbelief and a hint of disgust.
“No, I’m sorry, umm, I’m going to go ask that guy over there if I can sit at his table. Excuse me.” You gesture to the table in the corner, where a man is sitting greedily slurping up noodles and watching all the women in the Cafe hungrily, you included.
“Absolutely not, sit down Gorgeous and don’t make eye contact with it, his mother obviously got tired of him lurking in her basement and whispering about red and blue pills like he’s Gollum.” The apparently famous man tells you with a scoff.
You slide in opposite to him, relieved. Sure, he hadn’t really endeared himself to you in the last few minutes, but he wasn’t giving you creeper vibes, just asshole ones and you could put up with that while you made sweet love to the pork crackling in your lunch.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” He replies around a fork full of food.
The pair of you eat in silence, you looking out the windows, enjoying the rain, and him watching you with a calculating scowl. You catch his gaze by accident and frown in return. “What?”
“I performed in front of nearly 80,000 people last night and you really have no idea who I am?” He double checks. You shake your head but offer your congratulations at the number of the crowd.
“I could even imagine that amount of people in one place, it must’ve been nerve-wracking! Are you a singer?” YOU query politely, pulling a piece of roast pork apart with your fingers.
“I am, but that’s not what I was doing last night.” He replies, looking smug. You squint at his handsome tan face, trying with all you’re might to recall if you’ve ever seen him before but nothing comes to mind.
“Are you in one of those Magic Mike shows? Though I guess 80k people might be a bit of a stretch turn out wise.”
“How did you even get to that conclusion?” He asks, humoured.
“Well,” You reasoned. “You said you’re a singer but that’s not what you were doing last night so I made the leap to dance and well pardon my French, but your build like a brick shit house and you aren’t particularly hard to look at. I took a swing.” His eyes crinkle when he grins, he looks young.
“Your swing left you in the sand, Toots, it’s great for my ego though.”
“I’ve known you for 5 minutes and I can comfortably assume that your ego is more than fine.”
“So, what do you do in front of 80,000 people then?” You ask, sipping your coffee.
“I wrestle, actually I’m the world champion.” He admits, looking bashful, completely opposite to the guy she had been interacting with.
“Ah, the muscles make much more sense then. I was going to guess like a body guard competition next.”
“I heard those things draw a crowd.”
You laugh, matching his teasing smile.
He tells you about his wrestling, and you listen intently, keen to hear about a world you aren’t familiar with, a world this stranger seems to be so passionate about. When you comment on how much easier he is to talk to compared to before he shrugs and admits he’s always a little in character.
You finish your lunch and collect your rubbish, noting that you are already late back to work. “I’ve gotta go, but thank you for letting me sit here, I’m really glad I did. Maybe I’ll catch you on TV sometime.” You tease, sliding from the booth. He looks a little crestfallen but you don’t think into it too deeply, he waves goodbye and you do the same.
Your halfway down the block when you hear someone shouting behind you.
You turn with a frown, removing one of your earbuds and finding you lunch buddy running after you, a Burberry scarf wrapped tightly around his neck. “Hey,” You reply confused, pausing your music.
“Go to lunch with me.” He pants out when he reaches you.
You grin, “We just had lunch, silly.”
“No, I mean tomorrow, same place. Have lunch with me. On purpose.”
“Like a date?” You ask shyly. He nods his head vigorously. “You wanna go on a date with me?”
“I want to go on another date with you.” He clarifies with a smirk.
“Okay, I think I can manage to find myself at my favourite lunch spot again tomorrow.” You agree with a small smile. His smirk widens into a grin of his own. You like that grin; it makes his eyes crinkle in the sweetest way. “12:30?”
“12:30.” He confirms.
“I’m Y/N by the way.”
“I’m Maxwell Jacob Friedman, but Max is fine.”
Yeah, you think, Max is fine.
“Okay Max, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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claymorexpunisher · 5 months
Mercury (18+ AEW Oneshot)
This was requested by @smallestsnarkestgirl I'm sorry this is so short. But I really hope you like it! :)
Disclaimer: This is NSFW. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I try to tag my work appropriately, so if you choose to click on my work regardless, use your own discretion. Thank you for the love always and enjoy! 🥂
Pairing(s): MJF/Fem. Reader
Summary: MJF and Reader hate each other. Naturally, smut ensues...
Tag(s): 18+, hatefucking, PIV, hairpulling, marking, dubious consent.
Word Count: 540
Mercury was clearly in retrograde.
That's the only reason I could think of as to why I had called Maxwell, invited him to my home and I found myself underneath him, writhing and moaning as he groped my body with erratic touches.
I hissed, making him smirk as he pinched my nipples before he resumed kneading my breasts, leaning down to take one into his mouth and then the other, biting down on the sensitive buds and sending electric currents all the way down to my toes.
Barely any coherent words were exchanged, except for a gruff 'Don't. Move." from Max as my body continued to writhe and my nails dug into his wrists, not knowing if I wanted him on or off me.
Our dynamic was... intense, to say the least.
When I first came to AEW, we felt an indifference, at the most, toward one another.
But the more we interacted, the more our mutual indifference grew into an obnoxious mixture between unfiltered lust and blinding hatred.
Just his presence alone began to grate on every fiber of my being, fueled by the fact that, yeah, Max was definitely an attractive guy.
But I didn't want to find Max attractive.
And he swore he didn't find me attractive.
But I wasn't stupid.
So, every chance I got I poked and teased Max, only to pull away at the last second, as soon as I knew that I had him where I wanted him.
Tonight, though, it was definitely the other way around.
He had me where he wanted me, but I wasn't going down without a fight.
I let out a growl, biting into his shoulder as I felt his hard cock enter my slick pussy.
I got some satisfaction as I heard him hiss in both pain and pleasure in response, but that satisfaction was quickly extinguished by his next words.
"That was easy... you sure you're not liking this, sweetheart?" Max breathed into my ear, his voice filling the walls of my bedroom after what feels like hours of just animalistic sounds.
I could hear the smirk in his voice and instead of answering him verbally, I retaliated by tightening up my pussy in a vicelike grip around his cock, chuckling as a drawn-out groan flew out of his mouth.
"Are you?" I finally shot back, hissing and biting at his bottom lip as he gripped a fistful of my hair and pulling my head back until my neck was accessible to him.
I let out a loud moan without meaning to and my body trembled as he bit and sucked on my neck like a hungry vampire.
For a moment, my body went pliant.
All of my senses seemed to short circuit until I remembered myself and began thrashing again, chest heaving as I scratched at his chest despite the way I moaned as his deep and thorough thrusting continued.
"Shut up." Max said in a clipped tone, muffling my angry growls and moans with his palm.
"That's better." He smirked as he watched my eyes involuntarily roll into the back of my head as his cock nudged a particularly sensitive spot inside of me and my brain short-circuited once more.
Fucking Mercury... that bitch.
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 22 days
●MJF x Reader●
Summary: Max freaks out thinking you want Lance instead of him. He finds out the hard way that Lance is actually your dad.
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*Y/N's POV*
Standing in the hallway fixing my Murderhawk Monster shirt, I am watching my dad make his return to Rampage against a random squash wrestler. I am smiling really big watching him. Someone comes up and stands next to me. I look over seeing Max standing next to me.
"Hey Max. What's up?"
"Whatcha doing out here in the hallway?"
"Oh I'm watching this match. It's his return and I'm so happy for him!"
He looks down at my shirt than back at me.
"Oh I see what's going on here. You have moved on from me and now are interested in that loser."
I look at him with a shocked face.
"Excuse me?"
"Yeah you heard me right. You wanna date this loser over me. Who is a champion. But no, Y/N wants to date the bottom tier and not the top tier. Have fun with that loser. Bye."
I stand there with my eyes wide watching him walk away.
"Did that really just happen?"
Bowens and Caster walk up next to me looking at me. Caster puts his hand on my shoulder as I look up at them.
"Does he not know that is your dad?"
"He didn't even let me explain. He just freaked out."
"Well now that he is available, I might have to slide in those dms."
"You go for it Caster."
I laugh looking at him and he shakes his head looking at the tv. I look back at the TV seeing my dad pick up the win.
"I'll see you guys later!"
I head off to gorilla as they say their goodbyes.
*Max's POV*
I watch as Y/N jumps into Lance's arms and he spins her around hugging her tightly. To say I am jealous is an understatement. I walk into gorilla not looking at them getting prepared for my promo I am going to do in the ring. Lance sets Y/N down and they both look over at me. Y/N shakes her head and walks out of gorilla. Lance looks at me confused but walks out with her anyways. My music hits and I go out to the ring.
*Max's POV*
I am sitting on my bed in my shared hotel room with Adam Cole when he looks over at me from his bed.
"Dude, is something wrong?"
"It's nothing."
"Cmon Max. You have been upset since we got back to the hotel. What's going on?"
"It's Y/N okay? She isn't interested in me anymore. She's moved on to that loser Lance Archer."
He starts laughing and I look over at him confused.
"What's so funny?"
"You! Thinking Y/N isn't interested in you and she wants Lance. That's the funniest thing I've heard this week."
"What do you mean? I saw her wearing his shirt, saying she was so happy for him, jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly. Like she obviously doesn't want me."
He starts laughing harder and I look at him getting pissed off.
"What is so funny about this?"
"Dude, did you let her explain why she had the shirt on and she was happy for him?"
"No. I just freaked out because I have hardcore feelings for her and she hurt me going to that loser."
"Max..... that's her dad."
I look at him with a blank face.
"Yeah. Lance is her dad."
"Oh shit."
I grab my phone and call her.
*Y/N's POV*
Sitting on my bed in my shared hotel room watching tv, my phone starts buzzing. I pick it up and see Max calling me. I hit the ignore button and put it down.
"Who was that?"
I look over at Max Caster laying on his bed and shake my head.
"It was Max."
"If he calls again, can I answer?"
"Sure! I'll put it on speaker."
We go back to watching the TV when my phone starts buzzing again. I look over at Caster, smiling hitting the accept button putting it on speaker.
"Y/N! Y/N! Are you there?"
"Hey Max! Whats going on?"
"Who is this?"
"It's Caster!"
"Oh God no. Please. Where is Y/N?"
"In the shower. Why are you calling her?"
"I wanted to apologize for how I acted earlier today. I didn't know that Lance is her dad. I feel like a total idiot Caster. I'm so in love with that woman that I got jealous and pissed off and upset and confused and....."
"I can hear everything you are saying. I've had you on speaker this whole time."
"You really are in love with me?"
"You have no idea. I feel like such an idiot for everything I said. I should have let you explain but my feelings got the best of me."
I get up, wave at Caster than leave my hotel room hanging up on Max. I walk up to Max's hotel room door and knock on the door.
The door opens and Adam is standing there smiling at me. He opens it letting me in when I see Max sitting on the edge of his bed with his head down.
"Who was that Adam?"
Adam looks at me than back at Max who still is looking at the floor.
"Why don't you look dude?"
Max looks over seeing me, gets up and runs over engulfing me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.
"Y/N! I'm so sorry! I love you so much!"
I look at him putting my hands on his cheeks smiling.
"I love you so much too Max!"
Adam starts clapping behind us and I look back at him.
"Finally you two are together!"
I giggle laying my head on Max's shoulder looking up at him and he looks at me.
"Finally got my dream girl."
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sydsaint · 5 months
Please! I just wanna give him a big ol' hug
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Summary: The reader makes an attempt to comfort Max after the incident at Worlds End.
There isn't a feeling in the world worse than having to stand by and watch someone you care for get their heart broken by someone they trusted. But that's what you're here doing. AEW's Worlds End PPV special is closing out and you're stuck between Excalibur and Nigel watching Max get the crap beaten out of him by the man that was supposed to be his best friend. Adam Cole. 
"I have to say, I feel a bit bad for the lad." Nigel admits as he begins gathering up his papers from the desk. 
"Yeah, me too." Excalibur agrees while doing the same. 
You fidget with a pen in your hand, trying your absolute best not to vault the table and rush to help Max. "A bit?" You shoot a glare at Nigel. 
Nigel shrugs and slips off his headset, ready to head backstage. He walks away from the desk and Excalibur does the same. You watch the pair walk off chatting with one another and scoff. Sure, Max isn't exactly popular with either of them. But for them to not even offer the fallen champ a consoling glance is utterly ridiculous. In your mind anyway. 
Cautiously you make your way around the commentary table and head toward the ring. Adam Cole and his new posse of goons have slinked back into the darkness for the moment and Max is sitting defeated on the floor near the ring steps. 
"Do you need some help up?" You walk over to Max quietly with a sympathetic smile. You have no idea how Max will react to the offer of help. Not after everything that's happened to him. But you have to at least try. 
Max looks up from the floor with red and puffy eyes. "Y/N? What do you want?" He asks you, shifting his body to point away from you. 
"I just wanted to see if you're alright." You reply. "That beating you took looked rough. And the thing with Adam..." 
Max scoffs and shakes his head. "I shouldn't be surprised at this point." He sneers. "No one ever stays. Not my fiancé, not my friends, or people I thought were my friends. No one." He sighs deeply. "I'm just a loser that's destined to be alone. And I'm not even a champion anymore. So there goes the fans as well." He looks out at the crowd now starting to spill out of the arena. 
"I'm here now." You reply and kneel down so you're not towering over Max. "And I know that we don't know each other that well. But I want to help if I can." You offer Max your hand to help him up. "At least let you know that you're not 100% alone." 
Max looks at your hand and then back up at  your face. He repeats this a couple of times before reluctantly taking your hand. You pull him up to his feet and walk backstage with him. 
"I'm sorry that you lost." You speak up while you're walking. "I know what it's like to have a friend stab you in the back like that. In fact, I'll never wrestle again because of it." You laugh at your misfortune. 
"You used to wrestle?" Max glances at you. 
You nod, briefly recalling the painful memory in your head. "Yep. I worked for ROH before Khan bought it out. I was helping out this new girl. Showing her the ropes and stuff. And she stabbed me in the back during a ladder match for a title opportunity. Threw me off a 15 foot ladder and into a pile of smaller ones." You explain. "She went on to win the title, and I damn near broke my spine." 
"Damn." Max replies. "I had no idea. I just thought you had always been in commentary and backstage stuff." He admits. 
"It's fulfilling enough work." You shrug. "Sure, it'll never beat being in the ring. But at least it's still a part of it, right?" 
Max nods and the two of you come up on the locker room area. "Thanks for talking with me." Max stops in front of his room and turns to you. "I...I needed that." He admits. 
"No problem." You nod. "I know when it happened to me all I wanted was someone to talk with. Someone that knew what I was feeling. So if you ever need some company, just shoot me a text or something." You offer with a soft smile. 
"I think that I'll take you up on that, thanks." Max nods. "I'll see you later, Y/N." 
You step back from the door with another soft smile. "Mhm. Take care, Max. And hey, try not to beat yourself up too hard." You add before you turn and walk off. 
Max lingers at the door and watches you disappear down the hall. That sinking feeling in his chest lightens a bit as he watches you walk off. No one has ever shown him kindness and an willingness to just be there for him before. 
It's addicting. 
Max finds himself smiling a bit as he heads inside his locker room. He's lost everything tonight. So why the hell is he smiling? What have you done?
 Given him hope, that's what. And hope is a dangerous thing for a man that's already lost so much. 
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valkyrie-night-103 · 5 months
Was there ever a time where Adam smiled at him, and the smile was real? Did Adam ever feel anything for him, anything at all?
There’s a flicker of him that hopes it because Adam is just like him. That he was afraid of being tossed aside, and he felt like this was the only way to protect himself. To beat Max to the punch.
He tries to let himself believe that some of it was real. At least some of it meant something. Adam just grew tired of him, like everybody does. It just took him longer than expected.
But Max isn’t that stupid. Stupid enough to trust Adam Cole, perhaps, but not stupid enough to believe Cole ever actually loved him.
And Max sits there, and he wonders. What was the point of all this?
But he already knows the answer. Cole didn’t want to beat him. He wanted to break him.
He didn’t just want to take everything he had. Everything he was. He wanted Max to give him everything not because he had to, but because he wanted to. He wanted Max to do the work for him, to peel himself open like a clementine and feed him that love and trust segment by segment. To burn himself out from the inside.
“Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t,” people say. Max should have known better. He should have remembered that it’s absolutely possible to be both at once.
You couldn’t give me a neurodivergent blorbo with abandonment and betrayal related trauma and expect me not to get all emo about it. Will I make this a full one-shot? Who knows. But all your Adamjf posts made me sad so this is my retaliation.
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scumbag4scumbag · 2 months
Shameless Self-Promotion: Comments Requested
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So, this fanfic universe kinda feels like my magnum opus of wrestling fic... I've written others, mostly AdaMJF/BTYBB fics (and I'm more than happy to share those links as well), but I started this CMJF verse with what was supposed to be a one-shot set in a world where Max is the heir to a rich New York family's business and fortune, and Punk is the older, poor as fuck, guitarist in a band who turned Max's life upside down. The first piece I wrote was Max drunkenly calling Punk after being abandoned a week before his wedding to Adam Cole, the guy his parents had approved of. But it grew... and grew... and grew.
Unfortunately, I've put in a lot of work, but haven't gotten much feedback on it. My AdaMJF stuff gets a decent amount of feedback, but CMJF not so much... maybe because they don't actually interact anymore, so the ship fandom is dying? IDEK. But I know there's a lot of AO3 writers on the old Tumblr, so I figure worst case? Nobody sees this and best case? I get some feedback!!
Anyways... without futher ado, let me link ya.
Toxicity Is a Virtue... or Something: A CMJF AU Universe Description: Maxwell Jacob Friedman is the golden son of a wealthy New York family. CM Punk is his parents’ worst nightmare.
Part 1: Watch Me Turn Your Mind Into My Home Summary: Max is slumming at a punk rock club with his friends. Punk is playing that club with his band. Worlds collide and shit gets messy. In Progress
Part 2: Why Are You Here? Summary: It's been a few months since Maxwell Jacob Friedman and CM Punk broke up, and they've both moved on. Or so they both think. Complete - One-shot
Part 3: Pretty When You Cry Summary: Max thought he had finally found the person who would love him forever -- who would never break his heart -- in the person of Adam Cole. But as usual? Max thought wrong. -or- 5 times Adam truly smiled at Max and 1 time he tried to but failed. Complete - One-shot
Part 4: Sick Like Me Summary: Maxwell Jacob Friedman is the son of one of New York City's richest families, and as such, his parents have been planning his life for a long time. CM Punk is the much older, much poorer guy he dated 5 years ago. Adam Cole is the charmer Max's parents loved until he left him a week before their wedding. Larry just wants a treat. In Progress
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milk-crater · 29 days
Pairing/wrestler: Adamjf
Word: bruises
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MB, I couldn't fit the 'bruises' part in but I was inspired. I hope you like this! *** “Hi, doll,” Max drawled, then realized maybe that wasn’t the best way to greet a tombstone. Well, whatever, no one else was visiting the graveyard today: too hot. The Florida heat meant Max’s balls were threatening to evaporate in his three-piece suit. Maybe he should have dressed-down, but it’s not every day you visit the grave of one of your heroes. Heroes and chief spank-bank material bank in the day, but Max didn’t want to dwell on that, not when he was standing by the guy’s grave.
“I brought you flowers.” Max laid the bouquet of roses by the grave. Again, maybe an odd choice, but Max had immediately been drawn to them when he stopped by the florists. “Anyway, I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Maxwell Jacob Friedman, and I’m the best wrestler in the world.”
Adam Cole’s grave sat still before him. Around him the different Florida wildlife croaked and chirped, totally undercutting the somber mood.
“You know, when I was younger I dreamed about the two of us. That we’d met in the ring and do something special,” Max said. “I’m in this new company, All Elite Wrestling. It’s run by your old buds, those dweebs the Young Bucks. Oh, and Kenny Omega and Cody Rhodes.” Shortly after signing with AEW Cody had told Max that no matter, do not ask Kenny or the Young Bucks about Adam Cole. “I know you’re a big fan, but he was their close, personal friend, and his death hit them all very hard,” Cody had said, with that pompous gravitas of a teacher who wants to impart a life lesson but also be your best bud. Max had just snorted. He was supposed to feel sorry for them? At least they had known Adam, had been his friend. Max would never have that.
The unfairness of it all hit Max, not for the first time. He scrunched up his face, trying to keep tears from forming.
“Who dies from drinking an expired energy drink?” Max spat out. “What the hell? Why’d you have to have such a weak constitution? If we’d met I just know we could have been...” Rivals? Lovers? Friends? Maybe Max didn’t know after all.
Max rolled his neck, controlled his breathing.
“Well, whatever. It’s way too fucking hot out here, so I’m going to split.” He turned to go, then cast one look over his shoulder at the grave. “I’ll drop by again next time I’m in Florida. And I’ll have a fucking championship belt around my waist to show you.”    
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little-jey · 3 months
New ADAMJF fic <3
Adam was going to turn on him. He wanted to believe the genuine look in those electric eyes and the loving smiles he gave him and the laughter, but with every passing day, it got more and more difficult.
Adam was going to turn on him. Maxwell was too difficult. He wasn’t a good enough friend. There were too many times- too many close calls- and even though they had hugged it out in the ring, when he was alone he would cry about it.
Adam was going to turn on him.
Max picked at his nails. He was being made a fool out of. And when Adam would turn on him he would be laughed at. Mocked for finally trusting. What’s more, he even was foolish enough to consider Adam his best friend. So stupid! How could he let his guard down like that?
He took a deep breath. Closed his eyes. Steadied his breathing.
i love my boys so much guys, please read! its like 2k words
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 2 months
mjf talking you through it 🧎🏼‍♀️ missin him extra
I'll take care of you
Main Masterlist MJF Masterlist
Warnings: SMUT, unmentioned past trauma
Summary: Reader has had a troubled past when it came to partners. She was always nervous about relationships especially when it came to the intimate part of a relationship. Luckily she found Max, he always took care of her and never pressured her to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with. What happens when she’s finally ready to be intimate with Max? 
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I’ll never forget the day when Y/n told me about her past. I coudn’t believe that someone could do such a thing to someone as kind and beautiful as Y/n. She explained to me that she struggled to be intimate after what happened and I promised her I would never push her to do something she was uncomfortable with. Normally sex was all I cared about but Y/n changed the way I looked at relationships. I no longer looked at the intimate side, I enjoyed the quality time I would spend with Y/n. 
I was on my way to Y/n’s place for our weekly dinner dates. Tonight Y/n wanted to stay in which I had no problem with. She told me she made a delicious dinner and I was excited. On my way, I picked up a fresh bouquet of flowers for her kitchen. Like she said dinner was indeed delicious, she spent all day working on a delicious feast and I felt undeserving of it. After our meal, I helped Y/n clean up and the two of us picked out a movie to watch. It didn’t last long before the two of us began to make out. Every time I found Y/n on my lap all I wanted to do was throw her over my shoulder and make the most beautiful love to her. Every time I had to remind myself that I coudn’t. I wanted Y/n to make that move, we never made it past making out before she told me she coudn’t do it. I know she felt guilty about it but I reassured her that it was okay. I would wait until she was ready, I didn’t care how long it took. 
Y/n straddled my waist as she sucked on that sweet spot on my neck that drove me crazy. She delicately started to grind on me, I didn’t mind that we weren’t intimate but there is only so much one can talk. It was hard but I had to pry Y/n off me. “I’m sorry, If we don’t stop now I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself,” I told her “What if I don’t want to stop?” she told me. I was confused as to what she was talking about “What?” I asked her “I think I’m ready Max” I coudn’t believe what I was hearing. Was tonight going to be the night? 
I held Y/n close as I picked her up and ran up the stairs, carefully placing her on the bed. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked Y/n. “Yes Max, I’m sure,” she told me reassuringly. “Just say the word and I’ll stop” I removed my clothing before I carefully got on top of Y/n. I removed her clothing carefully like I was unwrapping a delicate present. I placed delicate kisses all over her body, praising her. I lined myself up with her entrance before slowly pushing myself into her. She fought it at first, it was her body’s natural instinct so I talked her through it all. “You’re doing so good baby, just relax. You need to breathe Y/n” I told her. Once her body was able to relax I was able to get fully inside her. I gave her a few moments to adjust before asking her “You alright?” she was alright so I began to slowly began to thrust in and out of her. 
I kept a steady rhythm that wasn’t too slow or too fast, just the right amount to keep us both satisfied. Y/n felt so perfect, I felt like I was dreaming. I had imagined this scene so many times before that it was strange that it was actually happening. 
“You’re doing so good baby.” I continued to praise Y/n as best as I could along with leaving delicate kisses on her shoulders. I had never quite experienced something like this before. For the first time in my life, I think I was making love. It’s very different than sex, although it’s not as rough it makes up for passion. There was something about all of this. Maybe it was the way we waited so long or the way our fingers intertwined with each other, maybe it was how all of this just felt right. I could feel my release approaching sooner than I initially wanted it to but I could also feel Y/n’s. However, I knew she was unintentionally fighting it.   
“You are so close baby, I feel it. Just relax for me. I need you to breathe for me Y/n.” I told her reassuringly “I can’t..” she let out in a shaky breath “Yes you can, I know you can. Let go, give it all to me. I got you, I’ll take care of you baby” I continued to praise. I took my free hand and carefully placed a bit of pressure on Y/n’s stomach. I felt her orgasm wash over her, It triggered my own release. The way she milked me for everything I had me lost in my own world. 
“That’s it, baby, let it out, let it all out. I got you, give it to me” I whispered lovingly as I fucked us through our orgasms. I pulled out of Y/n and held her close to me as we tried to catch our breath. There was something so therapeutic about the two of us lying together in such a state. 
“Did I hurt you?” I asked as I traced circles along Y/n’s spine. “No. I really needed that, thank you Max” she told me “I told you I would take care of you”
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hookhausen · 2 years
whoever is in ownership of this max caster fanfic, he found it :`)
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yall should like follow me on twitter tho im cool i promise
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mjfsupremacy · 2 years
I can not thank you all enough for the likes, comments, and reblogs, You have no idea how much every single one means to me.
NOTE: While my works are technically about a real person, I work hard to try and focus on the character of MJF rather than the person who plays him. (This is why wrestling in my stories is written as real!) I don't know him or any of the other wrestlers that pop in my stories, but I do know their characters. This is all fiction and it's all for fun.
You can now find all my mutli-chapter fics in READING ORDER on @supremacylibrary
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Mini Song Fic
McMahon Reader
Lunch Buddies
Pregnant Reader
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
~~The Cat Distribution System~~
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-one
Part Twenty-two
Part Twenty-three
Part Twenty-four
Part Twenty-five
Part Twenty-six
Part Twenty-seven
Part Twenty-eight
Part Twenty-nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-one
Part Thirty-two
Part Thirty-three
Part Thirty-four
Part Thirty-five
Part Thirty-six
Part Thirty-seven
Part Thirty-eight
Part Thirty-nine
Part Forty
Part Forty-one
Part Forty-two
Part Forty-three
Part Forty-four
Part Forty-five
Part Forty-six
Part Forty-seven
Part Forty-eight
Part Forty-nine
Part Fifty
~~The Bracelet~~
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
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crimson-of-the-earth · 9 months
Okay but I kinda wanna read an adamjf where Max, ahem, “distracts” Adam while he’s playing a game/live-streaming
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 1 year
Summary: Hanging out with Tay Conti and you guys start a vlog. And find Sammy on FaceTime with Max (your crush). Sammy than invites Max over to the house to try and get you and Max together....
MJF x Reader (18+, Smut!!!)
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"Hey Y/N. Wanna do a vlog with me today?"
Tay smiles at me shaking her phone. I smile looking at her sitting on her little couch in her room.
"Yes please!"
We start talking about how we met through wrestling and what it's like to travel all the time. Than she starts asking me personal questions.
"SO Y/N who is your favorite male wrestler in AEW right now?"
I make a thinking face trying not to blush because she knows who my favorite guy is. I have the biggest crush on this man.
"Hmmmm that's a good question. I like FTR. Their wrestling style is what I really like. I like Hangman. Anndddd...."
She looks over at me smiling thinking I'm going to say him.
"I also like Darby Allin. That dude is a badass!"
She looks at me with a shocked face. I look over at her with a confused face.
"What? You asked."
"You may have forgotten someone."
I look at her eyes squinting.
"I don't think I did."
She laughs and nudges me with her shoulder. I laugh with her.
"Tay we should get Sammy in on this."
"Good idea Y/N. SAMMY!!"
She yells really loud but we don't hear anything. She looks at me and I shrug my shoulders.
I am holding her phone up with her yelling for Sammy.
"He is literally in the living room. How can he not hear me?"
"Maybe he is playing his video games."
"Let's go see."
We both get up. I am following her out of her room and downstairs still recording what is going on. When we get to the bottom of the stairs, we see Sammy on FaceTime with Mjf showing each other their cats. I record Tay's reaction while my face is starting to turn red.
Tay yells at him making me jump a little. Sammy turns to look back at Tay and I. He turns his phone so Max can see me. I am trying my hardest not to look at his phone slightly seeing Max is shirtless with a tan plaid hat on.
"I have been calling you for 20 minutes! What are you doing?"
"Ummmm our cats are having a playdate."
I giggle still recording everything. Tay crosses her arms looking at Sammy.
"Hey Max. I gotta go. We can do this later."
"Yeah Samuel, you better hang up now."
I see Max hang up and Sammy gets up trying to touch and hug Tay to try and make up for not listening. I turn off the phone and hand it back to Tay.
"Sammy we were making a vlog and wanted you to join but you are over here talking to Y/N's crush."
My jaw drops hearing her say it out loud. Sammy has a shocked look on his face. She looks at me and gasps.
"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry Y/N! I didn't mean to say that out loud to him!"
Sammy yells at me grabbing my shoulders. Tay smacks his stomach.
My face turns bright red feeling it start burning from being so embarrassed by everything that just happened. I just want to run upstairs and away from everything. Tay grabs my wrist and pulls me upstairs to her room. Sammy stays downstairs and puts his videos games on. I walk into her room and sit on her bed head in my hands still embarrassed.
"Y/N I am so sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I wasn't trying to be mean or anything. I just thought you also told Sammy when you told me."
"Tay. It's okay. He was going to find out sooner than later."
I giggle a little looking up at her. She smiles at me putting a hand on my shoulder.
"If there is any way I could make it up to you, let me know."
"I have an idea."
I point to her closet and Tay smirks knowing what I mean.
"Well if we are gonna "play dress up", we are doing makeup first."
"Fine! But I dont want a lot!"
She grabs her makeup stuff and starts doing mine first.
After she is done doing makeup, we walk into her closet to look through her dresses. Good thing we are the same size. Looking through the dress, I come across a black spaghetti strap tight fit mini dress. I pull it off the hanger and hold it up to myself. Tay looks over.
"Oh girl! You should definitely wear that one!"
I smile and lay it over my arm looking through her shoes surprisingly we also wear the same size shoes. I find some yellow plaid boot heels and pick them up. I walk out to her bedroom while she still looks for something to wear. I change into the black dress and put on the heels sitting down at her vanity. I put my hair into cute low pigtails. I am wearing my babygirl necklace I got a long time ago with Tay along with a bunch of rings on my fingers. Tay comes out in a dark blue frilly type dress, black heels, her jewelry and leaves her hair down. She puts on a black heart choker along with her outfit. I stand up and look at her jaw dropped.
"Girllllll you look smokinnnn hot!"
"SO do you!"
"Let's go show Sammy what you look like!"
I grab her hand and walk out of her room. We start to walk down the stairs but we hear Sammy talking to someone so we stop and listen.
"I don't know dude. I may beat you!"
"You may beat me. You may not."
My eyes grow wide looking over at Tay than I run back upstairs. Tay follows me.
"Y/N. What's the problem?"
"Tay that's Max down there."
My heart is almost pounding out of my chest. I look over at Tay.
"Cmon Y/N. Let's go down acting like we don't know he is here and show them what we look like. He might just like what he sees when he sees you."
I look at her and she is being very serious with me. I take a deep breath, look at her cracking a smile holding out my hand. She grabs my hand with a big smile on her face walking out of the room. We walk down the stairs slowly.
"Oh Sammy!! Got a surprise for you!"
Tay still holding my hand walks out from the stairs and I am right behind her. We stand next to the couch looking at them not noticing or listening to us.
Sammy and Max about jump out of their skin and both look over at us jaws dropping at the same time.
"Dude this happens at your house? I'm coming over more often."
Max smacks Sammy's arm looking at both of us. I am trying really hard not to make eyes contact with him. Sammy stands up, walks over and wraps his arms around Tay's waist pushing her away from me. I step more into the living room so they can have space. I look over towards the stairs seeing Sammy basically dragging Tay upstairs knowing what they are about to go do. I stand there awkwardly waiting for something to happen between me and Max. I kinda look out the corner of my eye to see Max is just playing on his phone. I lightly sigh and walk out to the kitchen to get a drink. I grab a cup than go to the fridge, open it and take the tea out. I walk over and pour a glass not seeing Max come in.
"Gonna pour me a glass too?" He walks over grabbing a cup from the cabinet and sets it next to mine. I blush really hard and pour him a glass not saying anything.
"Cat got your tongue?"
He grabs his glass off the counter standing directly next to me basically breathing on me. I look up at him getting lost in his eyes. He smirks and puts his hand on my cheek getting really close to my face.
"Ya know Y/N... you are terrible at hiding your feelings for me. Other than Sammy telling me how much you talk about me to Tay. But whenever you are around me, you never seem to have the words to speak. Just your face gets so red."
I just keep looking up at him eyes locked, his hand burning against the side of my face. He takes a sip of his drink making me shake my head coming back to reality.
"I....uhhh i..... go...."
I grab my drink and walk out to the living room and sit on the couch very close to the side. Max eventually comes out and sits on the other side. I sip my drink and set it on the side table grabbing my phone. Max keeps looking over at me and shaking his head. We start hearing Tay and Sammy upstairs. I sigh and laugh a little. Max looks over at me.
"You okay?"
"Yeah just this is a normal thing every time we decide to "play dress up" and surprise Sammy. I always get left downstairs."
"Wow. You and Tay play dress up for Sammy?"
"Well yeah. They are the only real friends that I have. Never had any other friends and never had a good real relationship in years. Why I have a hard time with feelings and emotions."
I look over at him and he looks very fixated on me and listening to what I am saying. He slowly starts to move closer to me and places his hand on my back rubbing it a little.
"Y/N if I said anything wrong out in the kitchen, I am sorry. Sammy seriously invited me over because he wants you to be happy."
I move closer to him and place my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around my neck and shoulder and pulls me closer. He looks down and goes to kiss my forehead. I decide to quickly move and kiss him on the lips. He starts kissing me harder placing his hand on my cheek. I start climbing on his lap and my dress starts rolling up exposing my ass a little. He snakes his hands around my body grabbing my ass super hard making me moan into our kiss. I pull back from the kiss looking at him. He smirks looking up at me.
"Wanna take this party to my house? I don't live very far."
I run my fingers through his hair smirking at him.
"I would love that."
He picks me up by my ass and carries me out to his car. He opens the door and sets me inside than runs over and gets in the driver's side.
"This is a really nice car by the way."
I run my hand over the dash as Max drives us to his house.
We get to his house and he gets out running over to the passenger side. He opens the door and helps me out of the car. We walk up to his house and he leads me inside. I walk into his living room just looking around.
"Wow your living room is gorgeous."
"You should see the rest of the house."
He smirks and grabs my hand leading me to his bedroom. He opens his bedroom door and lets me walk in first. I walk in looking all around his room. I slowly take in how beautiful his room is. He wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head on my neck.
"Do you like it?"
I lay my head against his head smiling.
"Yes I do."
"Y/N I'm not gonna lie to you. Ever."
He starts kissing my neck squeezing his arms around my neck.
"As much as you have a big crush on me, I have one on you."
I gasp sarcastically looking over at him. He rolls his eyes smiling at me.
"I would have never guessed that."
"Oh shut the fuck up."
He pushes me forward with his body and bends me over his bed. I gasp and giggle at him.
"Is that all you got?"
He looks at me shocked and smacks my ass really hard. I moan into his bed feeling the stinging of the smack. He grabs my hair pulling me off the bed.
"Don't hide your face in the bed. I wanna hear you."
He growls letting go of my hair walking over to his dresser. I stay bent over the side of his bed watching him. He grabs something, puts it in his pocket and walks back over to me.
"Stand up and take that dress off."
I stand up doing as he says. I toss the dress to the side and take off my bra and thong. I go to take off my heels but Max grabs my hands.
"Nah leave those on."
I stand back up looking up at him. He smirks looking at me.
"Now bend over the bed again."
I bend over the bed and he kicks my legs apart leaving me open for him. He grabs my hands and I feel cold metal against my wrists as he puts handcuffs on me. I look back at him with puppy dog eyes. He starts rubbing my right ass cheek than smacks it really hard. I let out a little yelp biting onto the bed. He grabs my hair pulling me up a bit with his face right next to mine nipping at my ear. I start breathing heavy getting really turned on by this. He lets go of my hair and starts rubbing my ass again. His hand moves down and starts playing with my folds.
"Oh man. You are so wet for me you little slut."
I lightly moan hearing him call me names. He starts slowly rubbing my clit and toying with me. I move my hands a little and moan a little.
He gives no warning and smacks my ass hard again. I yelp again trying to grab something with my hands not succeeding.
"There is no calling me Max during this. You know what to call me."
I bite my lip and moan a little bit.
"Yes Daddy."
He smacks my ass hard again making me moan really loud.
"Good girl."
He starts toying with my pussy again rubbing it really fast. I start moaning louder and louder feeling a knot come into my stomach. He sticks a finger inside me pumping it fast while still rubbing my clit with his other hand. I moan really loud lifting one of my legs biting the bed. He pushes my leg down and keeps going harder.
"Oh my.... Daddy... I'm so... I'm gonna cum...." I bite down on the bed feeling the knot in my stomach release moaning really loud as he keeps going to help me get through my high. He pulls away from me and smacks my ass taking the handcuffs off.
"Climb up on the bed on all fours."
I climb up doing as he says bending my back a little bit. I see him start taking his clothes off and I bite my lip at the sight of him. He climbs up behind me smacking my ass and pushes my back down forth really arching it. He runs his hand down my back and back to my ass. I feel like slap his dick against my folds a couple times than slowly ease the tip inside and take it back out. I start moaning a little and make a pouty face towards him needing him. He sees my face and smirks.
"I was trying to be nice and ease you into it but I guess you don't want easy."
Before I can say anything, he shoves his whole dick inside me making me yelp and moan gripping the bed sheets. He grabs my hips and starts drilling into me. I grip the bedsheets hard moaning really loud. He grips some of my hair and pulls me up to his chest his head next to mine biting my shoulder.
"Tell me who this pussy belongs to. Tell me!"
"It's your pussy Daddy. All yours." He pushes me back down on the bed putting his hand on my face drilling me harder than before. I try to moan or make any noise but I can't with how hard he is pushing my face. I'm not complaining though because I like this kinda punishment. He keeps pushing my head drilling into me harder and harder. I can feel him getting closer as he grips my hair tighter really fucking me harder. I feel him let lose inside me painting my walls white with his cum. He lets go of my hair and smacks my ass lightly. I feel him get up and he goes into his bathroom. I get up, putting his shirt on and see his come back He comes back with a towel and throws it at me. I take it, clean myself up, put my panties on and look over to see his dick is still sorta hard. I move closer, grab it and starts licking it. He looks down at me.
"Whatcha doing Y/N?"
"Helping clean you up."
I put the whole thing in my mouth licking it with my tongue. I take it out and start licking all over it. He runs his fingers through my hair watching me. I sit up wiping my mouth looking at him with an innocent face. He smirks and puts a hand on my cheek.
"Y/N that was so hot."
He runs a finger over my bottom lip looking into my eyes. I smile a little looking at him.
"I have a question for you Y/N."
"Yes Max."
"Can we make this more than a one night stand?"
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend Max?"
"Yes Y/N. Yes I am. Will you be my girlfriend?"
I smile, and jump into his arms hugging him. He holds my ass and I kiss him hard. He kisses me back squeezing my ass. I pull away looking at him.
"I will take that as a yes you will be my girlfriend."
I giggle and get out of his arms putting my hands on his sides.
"Yes Max. I will be your girlfriend."
I giggle and look up at him smiling. He kisses me than grabs my hand.
"Let's go get something to drink and I'll make some food."
We walk downstairs to the kitchen and Max goes to the fridge to find something to eat. I walk out to the living room and gasp seeing Tay and Sammy sitting on the couch. They both turn and look at me. Tay has a giant smile on her face and Sammy is shaking his head.
"What's goi....."
Max walks in seeing them and immediately turns around and goes back to the kitchen. Sammy gets up and follows him. Tay comes over to me and puts her hand on the side of my arm smiling.
"You forgot your phone at our house... But I told you."
I roll my eyes grabbing my phone out of her hand and laugh with her.
"Yeah yeah. You were right. He did really like that dress."
"Yeah I don't want that dress back now. But are you two finally together?"
"Yes we finally are."
We laugh together and go into the kitchen to see Max and Sammy doing a handshake with each other.
"Do you guys wanna just order pizza? I thought I had food but I dont."
Max scratches his head looking at everyone.
We all say at the same time making Max grab his phone to order the pizza.
We are one little happy wrestling family.
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