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melodiadosol · 2 years
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I feel super bad because I haven’t been as active as I promised. This past weeks with the midterms and proyecta had been busy as heck. I swear I’m trying but when I remember its so late and I have no energy to post or to think.
Besides Peds I got all 80s, 90s and 100s, so at least it’s paying off all the effort.
As for today I finished a presentation on meningococcus vaccine, I graded the reports of my students and notes about this and that.
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Rio de Janeiro says meningitis cases on the rise
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Health authorities in the Brazilian State of Rio de Janeiro have announced the number of cases of meningitis recorded so far in 2022 already exceeds those detected all throughout 2021.
According to the Rio de Janeiro State Health Secretariat (SES), there is no outbreak of the disease.
Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. The microorganisms that cause it can be viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other agents. Viral meningitis is the most common and is less severe. On the other hand, meningococcal disease is caused by different types of bacteria called meningococci, which can cause more severe meningitis or even meningococcemia, the generalized infection caused by meningococcus.
The SES reported Thursday that between January and August 2022, the number of cases of meningococcal disease in the state increased 55.5% when compared to the same period in 2021. Throughout 2021, 30 cases of meningococcal disease were reported, with eight patients dying. In 2022, until August, there are already 28 notifications of the disease and seven deaths.
Continue reading.
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A classmate was talking about meningococcus, and I thought, hoped, he meant the vaccination for his baby.
I don't like that I'm feeling pretty ill right now, since the morning. Trouble breathing, not much coughing but when it's pretty deep, headache, sore throat, swollen sinuses...
This is the same classmate who came to school when his wife was confirmed Covid positive, ate in the full cafeteria at a full table, and then was sick home the next day with, no way!, Covid.
I've been testing all week and am negative afaik. Hopefully it's just a cold. Been feeling like shit all week, too.
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zhingweii · 1 month
i can’t believe i’m really at that age where i’m going into the doctors office by myself. so i can get a meningococcus vaccine. because my mom won’t let me
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5gdiginews · 1 month
Nigeria is pioneering a new vaccine to fight meningitis - why this matters - ET HealthWorld
Gombe: Nigeria has recently become the first country to introduce a new vaccine (called Men5CV) Recommended by the World Health Organization (Who), which protects people against five strains of meningococcus bacteria. Conversation Africa asked Idris Mohammed, a professor of infectious diseases and immunology and former board chairman of Nigeria’s National Immunization Programme, to explain the…
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bslethitrucphuong · 2 months
Bệnh viêm màng não mô cầu BC là gì?
Viêm màng não mô cầu BC là một bệnh truyền nhiễm cấp tính nguy hiểm do vi khuẩn Neisseria meningitidis (còn gọi là Meningococcus) gây ra. Vi khuẩn này tấn công màng não và tủy sống, gây ra tình trạng viêm nhiễm nghiêm trọng, dẫn đến tổn thương não và có thể tử vong nếu không được điều trị kịp thời.
Xem thêm: https://vnvc.vn/benh-viem-mang-nao-mo-cau-bc/
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Đặc điểm của bệnh:
Tỷ lệ tử vong cao: Bệnh có tỷ lệ tử vong cao, lên đến 50% nếu không được điều trị kịp thời.
Lây truyền nhanh: Bệnh lây truyền qua đường hô hấp, qua các giọt bắn li ti trong khi ho, hắt hơi, nói chuyện trực tiếp với người bệnh hoặc người mang mầm bệnh.
Mức độ nguy hiểm: Viêm màng não mô cầu BC đặc biệt nguy hiểm đối với trẻ em dưới 5 tuổi, người lớn tuổi và những người có hệ miễn dịch yếu.
Triệu chứng:
Khởi phát đột ngột: Bệnh thường khởi phát đột ngột với các triệu chứng sau:
Sốt cao đột ngột, có thể lên đến 40°C
Đau đầu dữ dội, thường không giảm khi dùng thuốc
Buồn nôn, nôn
Cổ cứng (khó hoặc không thể cúi gằm mặt xuống ngực)
Xuất hiện ban đỏ hoặc tím trên da, thường không phai khi ấn (tử ban)
Lờ đờ, li bì, ý thức mơ hồ
Co giật (ở trẻ em)
Phòng ngừa:
Tiêm vắc-xin: Đây là biện pháp phòng ngừa hiệu quả nhất. Hiện nay, có các loại vắc-xin phòng viêm màng não mô cầu BC được cấp phép sử dụng tại Việt Nam.
Giữ gìn vệ sinh cá nhân: Thường xuyên rửa tay bằng xà phòng và nước, che miệng khi ho, hắt hơi, giữ khoảng cách với người bệnh.
Tránh tiếp xúc gần gũi: Hạn chế tiếp xúc gần gũi với người bệnh hoặc người mang mầm bệnh.
Điều trị:
Nhập viện: Khi nghi ngờ mắc bệnh, cần đưa bệnh nhân đến cơ sở y tế để được chẩn đoán và điều trị kịp thời.
Điều trị bằng kháng sinh: Viêm màng não mô cầu BC được điều trị bằng kháng sinh đường tiêm tĩnh mạch.
Hỗ trợ điều trị: Ngoài ra, bệnh nhân có thể cần được hỗ trợ điều trị các triệu chứng như hạ sốt, giảm đau, chống co giật, v.v.
Kết luận:
Viêm màng não mô cầu BC là bệnh nguy hiểm, nhưng có thể phòng ngừa được bằng cách tiêm vắc-xin và thực hiện các biện pháp vệ sinh cá nhân. Khi có các triệu chứng nghi ngờ mắc bệnh, cần đưa bệnh nhân đến cơ sở y tế để được chẩn đoán và điều trị kịp thời.
Lưu ý:
Bài viết này chỉ mang tính chất cung cấp thông tin tham khảo. Để được tư vấn cụ thể về bệnh viêm màng não mô cầu BC, bạn nên đến gặp bác sĩ.
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goldmynetv · 2 months
Nigeria becomes first country to introduce new 5-in-1 vaccine against meningitis – WHO
Nigeria has become the first country in the world to roll out a new vaccine – Men5CV – recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), to protect people against meningitis. The World Health body, in a statement on Friday, said that the vaccine would protect people against five strains of Meningococcus bacteria and described Nigeria’s feat as historic. It said that health workers would begin…
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ramtracking · 2 months
Bacteria That Cause Meningitis Are Spreading Again, C.D.C. Warns [ Meningococcus ]
Bacteria That Cause Meningitis Are Spreading Again, C.D.C. Warns [News Summary] Federal officials are warning health care providers to be on the lookout for invasive meningococcal disease, a rare but potentially deadly… Distributed via the CDC Health Alert Network March 28, 2024, 1:30 PM ET CDCHAN-00505. Summary The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention… The Centers for Disease Control and…
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immunobiz · 5 months
🚨🚨Did you know that, ‘the Spanish Flu’ was caused by a #Vaccine ??
Frederick Lamont Gates injected the USA army on behalf of ‘the Rockefeller Foundation’ at Fort Riley!! They were injected with an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis’ #Vaccine derived from horses!!😳😳
“The so called, ‘Spanish flu’ was a #Vaccine experiment that went HORRIBLY wrong!!”
The army then went to WAR and spread disease around the world!!
If you didn’t know, now you know👇
Covid #Vaccine #SpanishFlu
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acenutrimony · 2 years
Immunization Facts: Who Needs It, What’s in It, and How You Can Get It
Immunization Facts is a comprehensive guide to preventing disease. This information covers everything from HPV vaccinations for women to Tdap for boys. In addition, we also have information on how to get vaccinated and what side effects may occur during the vaccine journey. We hope this guide can help you stay healthy and safe during the year!
Immunization Facts.
Immunization helps protect people from disease, including the flu. It is a common practice for children and adults to receive immunization against flu-like illnesses. Immunization can help prevent severe respiratory illnesses, such as pneumonia, and other health problems.
Some benefits of receiving immunization include:
- reducing the risk of getting sick during the pandemic
- protecting yourself and your loved ones from deadly diseases like SARS or H7N9
- preventing serious injuries from occurring during an illness like pandemic flu
- helping to prevent long-term damage to your immune system from exposure to pathogens
- fighting off infections when you are sick
What Types of Immunizations Are Available.
There are three types of immunization available: oral, intranasal, and injectable. Oral immunization is the most common type and it involves getting the vaccine in front of an infected person or animal. Intranasal immunization occurs inside the nose and it helps protect the respiratory system from infection. Injectable immunization is a new type of immunization that takes place under the skin and it helps protect people from diseases like SARS or H7N9 by injecting a “toxin” into the body. The benefits of this type of immunization include:
- helping to prevent serious respiratory illnesses, such as pneumonia, during an illness like pandemic flu
- reducing your risk of getting sick during future pandemics
- protecting yourself and loved ones from deadly diseases by giving you immunity to them
- helping to fight off infections when you are sick
Immunization Facts: What is in It and How You Can Get It.
Immunization is the process of providing your body with immunity to a foreign object, person, or situation. The benefits of being immunized include reducing the risk of getting sick, protecting yourself from deadly diseases, and helping to prevent infections. Immunizations are available in a variety of forms and can be purchased at most health care facilities.
What Types of Immunizations Are Available.
There are several types of immunizations available, including: jab (a vaccine), oral polio vaccine (OLV), yellow fever vaccine (YFV), and meningitis vaccine (MV). Jab vaccines are injected into the arm, while oral polio vaccines are taken orally. YFV is a virus that can cause severe headache and fever; MV is a virus that can cause pneumonia and other serious illnesses. In addition, there are various types of meningitis vaccines, which can help protect against Meninismus (a disease caused by the Meningococcus bacteria).
What is the Difference between Immunization and Vaccination.
The two main differences between immunization and vaccination are that vaccination protects you from sickness while immunization provides immunity to certainorganisms.
Tips for Safe and Effective Immunization.
Before you go on your next trip, it’s important to be up-to-date on all of the immunization requirements for that destination. You should also be aware of any specific health concerns that could affect your child and get the vaccine they need.
In addition to being up-to-date on immunization requirements, be sure to learn about the hows and don'ts of Immunization. This will help you make informed decisions about getting vaccinated and protect yourself and your child from preventable diseases.
Get the Immunization You Need.
To ensure you’re getting the immunizations you need, find out what kind of vaccines are available in each destination. Check with health departments or pharmacies to find out which types of vaccines are available in your destination and how much they cost. Additionally, consider checking with your doctor or other healthcare provider before getting vaccinated if you have any medical conditions that might impact your immune system or metabolism.
Safe and Effective Immunization for Children.
It’s also important to be safe when receiving Immunization. Pay attention to both the instructions provided and avoid coming into contact with people who are unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated against certain diseases. Additionally, wash your hands often after touching yourself or others, avoid eating raw vegetables or fruits, and keep an eye out for sick people while traveling - all of which can help reduce the risk of disease transmission across borders.
Immunization is important for children and adults. The different types of immunizations available can give you the necessary protection against dangerous diseases. However, it's important to get the Immunization You Need before you go any further. Learn how to safe and effective immunize your loved ones by reading this guide and getting started today!
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drmradul · 2 years
Best Splenectomy Doctors in Faridabad
What is Splenectomy ?
A splenectomy is a surgical procedure that partially or completely removes the spleen
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What are indications for Splenectomy ?
When it becomes very large such that it becomes destructive to platelets/red blood cells
Certain cases of Splenic abscess
Certain cases of wandering spleen
Splenic vein thrombosis with bleeding gastric varices
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Following spontaneous rupture
For long-term treatment of congenital erythropoietic porphyria (CEP) if severe hemolytic anemia develops
What are the various ways of Splenectomy?
Laparoscopy is the preferred procedure in cases where the spleen is not too large and when the procedure is elective.
Open surgery is performed in trauma cases or if the spleen is enlarged.
Vaccination for pneumococcus, H. influenza and meningococcus should be given pre-operatively if possible to minimize the chance of overwhelming post-splenectomy infection (OPSI), a rapid-developing and potentially fatal type of septicaemia
What are the side effects of Splenectomy?
Increased risk of sepsis due to encapsulated organisms (such as S. pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae
An increase in blood leukocytes can occur following a splenectomy.
The post-splenectomy platelet count may rise to abnormally high levels (thrombocytosis), leading to an increased risk of potentially fatal clot formation
Splenectomy may also lead to chronic neutrophilia
A splenectomy also results in a greatly diminished frequency of memory B cells and increased risk of infection.
For More about Laparoscopic Splenectomy, you can reach directly to Dr. Mradul Garg at +91-9560413585
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Warning as meningococcal cases rise
But he said he has found friends through sports, having represented Australia in under-23 wheelchair basketball, on his way to participate in wheelchair rugby. “[Wheelchair basketball] Help me feel better about myself, thinking it’s not bad to be disabled, because you can still represent your country.” Meningococcal bacteria. Meningococcal infection is caused by different strains of bacteria called Neisseria meningitidis (also known as meningococcal bacteria), which can cause swelling in the brain and spine. Up to one in 10 people infected with meningococcal disease may die, and up to one in five survivors may develop serious long-term complications, including brain damage, deafness, or loss of limbs. While anyone can become infected, children under the age of two and adolescents between the ages of 15 and 19 appear to be most susceptible. There were 74 cases of meningococcal disease recorded across Australia in 2021, and there have already been 86 cases so far this year with two and a half months remaining in 2022. There have been a number of notable outbreaks including at the Cairns School and more recently in Splendor at the Grasse music festival. Queensland and New South Wales have had the highest number of cases so far with 24 and 22 cases, respectively, while other states and territories have the fewest. Total cases to date as of September 30, 2022 SA – 12 Queensland – 24 TAS – 1 NSW – 22 NT-2 WA – 14 Vic – 11 ACT – 0 Australia – 86 In response to the growing numbers, medical experts and patient advocacy groups have partnered with pharmaceutical company GSK Australia to raise awareness about the dangers of meningococcal disease. Infectious disease expert Professor Robert Bowie, who has conducted extensive research into meningococcal disease, said the increase in numbers could be attributed to the easing of restrictions on the spread of the epidemic. “With borders open and social distancing reduced, we are seeing more viral infections like the flu,” he said. loading “What the flu does is it destroys the lining of the throat where the meningococcal bacteria can live completely unharmed, but it gives them a way in and from there they do the damage.” Booy and other experts are especially calling on parents to be aware of the signs of meningococcal infection, although this can be difficult because it often presents simply as a cold or flu in the early stages. Karen Quick, chief executive of the Meningitis Center in Australia, said that because of the speed at which infection can spread, parents should actively communicate with doctors if they have the slightest suspicion that their child may have the disease. “Trust your instincts,” she said, “if something is not right, seek medical attention, and ask the question: Could it be meningococcus.” “We hear over and over again about parents who take their kids home and suddenly they’re down the slope and it’s too late.” There is a vaccine that covers the four main strains of meningococcal bacteria that is given to all children as part of their standard immunization programme. There is a separate meningococcal B strain vaccine for Indigenous children but it is not widely offered. In 2022, 74 percent of meningococcal cases were caused by the B strain, prompting doctors to order a vaccine that prevents its wider presentation. For more information we urge parents to speak to their doctor, with more information available at knowmeningococcal.com.au. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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Meningococcal Vaccines Market Worldwide Opportunities, Driving Forces, Future Potential 2025
Meningococcal meningitidis serogroups cause meningococcal meningitis and septicaemia. Endemic disease occurs throughout the world and is primarily caused by meningococci of serogroups A, B, or C, though group Y is becoming more prevalent, at least in parts of the United States. The most common cause of large epidemics is group A meningococcus. The growing collaboration of government agencies, businesses, and non-profit organisations to raise awareness about meningococcal illness, prevention, and treatment is expected to increase the coverage rate of vaccination programmes worldwide, improving access to vaccines.
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Several government and corporate initiatives are raising public and medical awareness about the early symptoms of meningitis, which is propelling the Global Meningococcal Vaccines Market forward. Furthermore, an increase in meningococcal outbreaks in several countries has resulted in an increase in demand for meningococcal vaccines, facilitating market growth. However, strict government regulations for new vaccine approval and the recall of several products due to contamination are expected to stymie market growth. On the contrary, an increase in meningococcal vaccine R&D and an increase in global healthcare spending provide significant growth opportunities for the market for meningococcal vaccine.
Read more @ https://creativeedge16.blogspot.com/2022/07/meningococcal-vaccines-market-business.html
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ketshubhra · 4 years
Meningococcal Vaccines Market Insight, Company Benchmarking, and Key Developments | Forecast – 2025
Meningococcal Vaccines Industry Research Report Analysis by MRFR. The global market supply is expected to reach USD 203 Million by 2025. The Market segmentation is on the basis of treatment, end user, and region - forecast till 2025
Meningococcal Vaccines Market overview 
The global Meningococcal vaccines market showcases the rising cases of this disease with the increasing demand for vaccines. According to the report, almost 10 to 15 in 100 people get affected with meningococcal disease. The escalation in positive result cases and the need for vaccines is boosting its demand in the global market. The Meningococcal vaccines market has risen upto USD 172 million in the year 2019 and the global supply is estimated to be 203 million doses for the forecast period till 2025.  
Despite broad and effective commitment from the global health community in meningitis A (MENA) vaccination in the meningitis belt, low manufacturing capacity and high prices across other meningococcal vaccine types have hindered access to these vaccines over the past several years. A more in-depth knowledge will benefit addressing these long-standing access issues and the development of the WHO global roadmap for overcoming meningitis by 2030. This is expected to set goals for disease control and vaccination for meningococcal meningitis on a global level.
Get a FREE Sample with Complete TOC By Considering the COVID-19 impact on Global Market @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/8622
Meningococcal Vaccines Market Key Players
Some of the key players in the Global Meningococcal Vaccines Market are Baxter International, Pfizer Inc., Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc, Sanofi S.A., JN-International Medical Corporation, Biomed Pvt. Ltd., Serum Institute of India Ltd., and GlaxoSmithKline among others.
Meningococcal Vaccines Market segmentation 
The global Meningococcal vaccines market is a booming market with a lot of investment and developments. The Global Meningococcal Vaccines Market has been segmented based on treatment and end-user.
Based on the treatment, the global product market can be divided into polysaccharide, meningococcal A conjugate vaccine, and subcapsular vaccine. The meningococcal conjugate vaccine is mostly used in mass campaigns in affected regions of Africa. Since 2010, the demand for such vaccines has been uncertain, based on the national immunization programs that are being adopted based on the country’s effectiveness and readiness to tackle the disease. Moreover, the demand and supply for Subcap MenB vaccines is a desirable combination that will moderate the global product scenario. 
By the end-user, the global vaccine market can be split into research laboratories, hospital and clinical, and academic institutes. The hospitals and clinics segment holds major share in the global market for meningococcal vaccines.
Meningococcal Vaccines Market Regional analysis 
In the global market, China is expected to have the largest market share, which accounts for approximately 35% of the global demand. This is primarily due to polysaccharide products, which currently comprise 84% of China’s demand.
During 2016-2018, UNICEF introduced the meningococcal conjugate vaccine in 26 countries and Ghana was the first country in Africa to receive this vaccination. Currently, the meningococcal vaccine has reached across different regions, in the most remote locations, and has increased in demand and supply in the global market.  
Meningococcal Vaccines Industry news 
In 2018, Pfizer granted FDA Breakthrough Therapy designation for Trumenba (Meningococcal Group B Vaccine). This vaccine plays a major role in the prevention of invasive meningococcal B disease in children aged 1 to 9 years.
In 2018, GSK’s (GlaxoSmithKline) meningitis B vaccine Bexsero received breakthrough therapy designation from the US FDA for prevention of Invasive Meningococcal Disease for children 2-10 years of age.
Browse Complete Report with TOC with COVID-19 Impact Analysis @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/meningococcal-vaccines-market-8622
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nerdybirdboy · 3 years
Tim and his lack of a spleen
In RR #5, we find out that Tim needed to have his spleen removed due to trauma, but what exactly does that mean for him and his life? Well, I did some research (actually I did it a long time ago, but just never wrote a post about it).
The Spleen’s Functions First of all, the role of the spleen. I guess most of you know that the spleen is part of the human immune system. It makes white blood cells (lymphocytes to be precise) and filters the blood by removing bacteria and old red blood cells.
Precautions It’s important for an asplenic person to get all routine vaccinations plus vaccinations against meningococcus, pneumococcus, haemophilus influenzae b (hib) and yearly flu virus. 
During the first few years (usually 1-3 years) after a splenectomy, daily preventative antibiotics are taken or if the person is a child, until they turn sixteen.
Any traumatic injuries, even minor cuts, should be treated immediately to minimize the risk of infection.
It’s also advised to carry a medical ID card at all times.
It’s also recommended to keep a food diary for some time after a splenectomy since a person’s tolerance for food might be affected. Though most asplenic people can keep a regular diet, but should be cautious regarding food that are at risk for food-borne illnesses, such as raw and smoked seafood, undercooked meat and eggs and unpasteurized milk.
What to do at signs of infection Most of the time, the risk for serious infection in people with asplenia is low, however serious infections might develop more quickly with an increased risk of leading to death. Some of the biggest culprits for that are pneumonia, blood poisoning (septicaemia) and meningitis. To lower the risk of a serious infections, people with asplenia need to seek medical help as soon as they develop a fever, and sometimes other signs of infections such as severe headache and sore throat. If they can’t get to a doctor within two hours they should take a dose of prescribed antibiotics, something they should keep at home at all times, and see a doctor as soon as possible. If any lab tests taken are abnormal or if the person appears sick, hospitalization is recommended.
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Tim doesn’t exactly live an average life, he put on a costume at night to beat up bad guys and make the street safer for everyone. With the life style he leads he has an increased risk for traumatic injuries as well as getting in contact with different kinds of bacteria, both through contact with people and also through possible contact with rats, pigeons, bats etc. In other words, his risk for a serious infection is higher than the average person with asplenia. Though I have a feeling Alfred wants to do daily checks on any injuries and Tim’s temperature, so all in all, he’s probably quite safe.
Though Tim will fear to be forbidden to continue as RR for Bruce (not that that would stop Tim, but he’d hate to be pushed away by Bruce) or that repeated infections will eventually force him to stop his vigilantism. He also fears being seen as a burden or being in any way babied. So at first he might come to overcompensate to show he still is just as capable as when he had a spleen. If he gets reassured he has nothing to worry about from his family, these worries will subside.
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