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meowjima-mondays · 1 year
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Yakoozie majima ruined my life and I will never be content until I have him in my grubby little hands
(Designed by @hydrogenpink )
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thesopwithcamel · 9 months
APswap au: Nyakuza Crew and Arctic Town.
Absolutely exhausted from their recent batch of adventures Jane and Laura find that they have been given a state mandated vacation by the Calcite authorities, their vacation? A cruise around some of the cat infested islands on the west coast, the ship they are on is called the SS Catnip which is one of the smaller vessels of the fleet. Little do the two girls know about the shady shit that will occur as the ship, quite plainly, is smuggling drugs for the Nyakuza. What makes it even worse their leader is on board and is not happy with two children running around causing problems.
A town in the arctic circle inhabited by seals and all sorts of arctic creatures, unfortunetally the town is full of timepieces and as such Jane and Laura have to collect them. Every timepiece they collect is confiscated by the mayor, a walrus, in order to pay off the Empress from coming to their town.
Characters of the Nyakuza crew:
The Empress: basically canon Empress except the whole on a cruise ship thing. Forcably recruits Jane and Laura in exchange for useless cash but isn't interested about the timepieces, she is more focused with drugs and human trafficing than anything else.
The Nyakuza crew: members of the Nyakuza who work on the ship and keep it running, they are also responseble for keeping the drugs and victims hidden.
Fish Dude: same as canon, just a fish dude.
Kraken: basically the thing which keeps the ship's powerplant running.
Jane and Laura board the Catnip and while finding the front desk accidently uncover a massive drug shipment, when the Nykazua figures this out they force Jane and Laura to either work for them or they get thrown overboard. In exchange for cash the two have to run various errends on the ship of questionable legality, all the while smuggling the occasional found timepiece to Calcite.
Ship shape is a greuling, unforgiving mess and any failure warrents a death sentence, however Meowjima is on hand to help calm the Empress down for just a bit longer.
Knowing just how bad the ship is Jane and Laura decide to escape, unfortunetally during their attempt the ship suffers a collision with an iceburg. Feeling bad for them the girls rescue everyone on board and the Empress has no option but to thank them for the lives saved, she does warn them though to stay out of her way or face the consequences.
Characters of the Arctic Town:
The seals: cute baby seals which waddle around the place and run their little stalls
Nyakuza Swimmers: Seals affiliated with the Nyakuza
Seal Police: Seals which confiscate Jane and Laura's timepieces to pay off the Empress with.
The Mayor: a walrus who means well but uses less than okay methods to deal with dissedents, while most seals don't mind the nyakuza he is absolutely terrified of them and would do anything to pay them.
Meowjima: the Empress's second in command, Meowjima is loyal on the outside but secretly wishes to overthrow the Empress and put someone better in charge of the Arctic Town.
The Empress: here for her payment, cuts off Jane and Laura from their escape but dies via chainsaw
The nyakuza bodyguards: here for the payment, cuts off the girls from their escape but die via chainsaw.
Penny: here to collectively traumatize the entire town in only a few hours, saves Jane and Laura's arses in the last second.
Timmy: Tim's runaway son, for a while he was a trainee timekeeper just like Jane but unfortunetally due to circumstances outside of his control he got stranded at the town and has kinda been living there ever since. Has a timepiece but won't hand it over until the girls fight him for it. Later assists in their escape.
freeroam: Jane and Laura run around the town for a while before convincing a seal to hand over the timepiece he is holding, several police arrive an force them to give up the timepice and takes them to the mayor who orders them to collect more of them. Jane protests but the mayor threatens jail, a very rigged court session and a one way trip to being sold at an auction by the Nyakuza. The two shut up and collect time pieces from around the town.
Timmy's bossfight: the girls find Timmy in an old fighting ring and he challenges them to a fight, after the fight he lets them go with the timepiece and distracts the police. Unfortunetally they catch Jane and Laura and they both end up in jail, the mayor tells them the the Empress is on their way and they will both suffer for their refusal to help them. Timmy however returns and helps break them out.
Arctic reinforcement: Jane and Laura break into the vault containing the timepieces, on their way out they are spotted and the alarm is sounded. What begins is the girls running all over the town trying to escape from police and Nyakuza affiliates, Timmy provides distractions and helps them in their escape route to a boat he owns. However they are cut off by the actual Nyakuza and have to take a route through an old tunnel system, the Empress finds the boat and prepares to scuttle it but Meowjima convinces her against it. When the three hit the docks the Empress and her bodyguards block their way but skillful determination from the trio, Meowjima's betrayal (taking three quarters of the Nyakuza with him) and finally her bodyguards being massacred by Penny. Angered, the Empress attempts to flee with the boat but gets a chainsaw violently wedged into her head. Meanwhile the captain is killed by Meowjima's followers who intend on finding a better candidate.
Following the empress's death Meowjima helps the trio (plus Penny) get the boat fixed and loaded. They then set sail back to Calcite, on the way back Penny admits to being an idiot and apologises to Jane and Laura who accept but tell her that Calcite won't be as forgiving...
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mysteryman-17 · 2 years
Time’s End is an AHIT/Undertale crossover AU of sorts, taking place in the aftermath of a timeline where you lose the final boss fight against Mustache Girl. You can find the write-up here! In addition, you can find the write-ups for the Neutral Endings and TimeWarp Route Requirements on Google Drive! The logo for Time's End was designed by @bittybattybunny​. She's an incredible artist, be sure to check out their work here on Tumblr and over on Twitter!!
Meowjima takes Mad Mew Mew's role. They're a hidden boss in Nyakuza Hideout that you can find on the Pacifist and Neutral routes, and they want to "bring out your fighting spirit." Almost like Undyne in UT in a sense, though without a lot of the character depth to the shtick. They're admittedly kinda basic in this AU, but that's the same case in vanilla AHIT lmao.
Fox Mask Theme (Oompah Oompah Remix) / The Badge Seller
Rush Hour + Your Contract Has Expired (modified)
Rush Hour
Wrath of the Horizon (backing)
Yup, went a VERY non-traditional route for this Mad Mew Mew replacement. Totally divorced from the Snowdin replacement, not tied to the Mad Dummy replacement in any regard, and their track's not even based on the same arrangement as the Ghost Fight or Spider Dance. And I'm so glad I did it this way too! Primarily based this on the official "Oompah Oompah" remix of the Fox Mask Theme (the early version of The Badge Seller.) I worked Your Contract Has Expired into the "chorus" a wee lil bit, seeing as I went as nonstandard as I did, though it's defo only in name. Rush Hour's inclusion is a bit of an obvious choice, but since it's based around Fox Mask Theme as well (+ I wanted to be "haha sneaki" anyway,) I slipped in a wee bit from the backing of that Wrath of the Horizon piece I did with Kristian last year. Try to guess where in this track it is! ;) All in all, rly proud of how this turned out, and I hope you guys enjoy! :)
You can also listen to this track in high quality on my SoundCloud here!
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bigfrogdraws · 1 year
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what a freakish creature i think it should be exploded on sight
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hypedsnotch · 2 years
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Maybe just maybe.. this mf fizz having been taking over the brain JUST MAYBE..
Fizz belongs to @catkidhatkid
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apradonite · 11 months
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the squeakquel to nishikitty: meowjima
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space-bopp-creations · 3 months
Yakuza cats!
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WOW!! What silly cats!! I sure hope nothing incredibly traumatizing happens to them!! /lh
I'm so glad I got into the yakuza games they are so goofy and I love them alot so of course I had to draw two of the silliest characters as cats! :] [also i hope tumblr didnt destroy the image quality again sorry if it did]
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robuttsyeah · 1 year
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gowo meowjima
ya know
like nya
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[ ok this one for most]
Did any one here know about MEOWJIMA like emp cc mb whats your opinion on he.
"Ugh.. Yes, I know about him. We were once business partners, Actually. But he was stubborn Decided to start his own gang and leave the deal we made. If he really wanted money, He would've stayed. ..And i can see that it's not working out for him, As his current position is making him rob Jars.."
"Meowjima? Hmm.. I-I mean, The name sounds familiar.. But, I met a lot of people during that time, So i'd have to think for a moment.."
"Well for starters, He tried to ROB me! Most of all he "Apologized" and then decided to try and steal from my daughter later! What kind of person sees a small child and decides to steal from them?! ...He won't bother us now, Most likely. ..I believe that my goons sent a "message" to him.."
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devilishbirds · 1 year
the urge to draw is great but the horrors are stronger
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thesopwithcamel · 8 months
A hat in time retail Locations during the Great Numerian War.
Mafia town: No cylinders landed on the town itself but one landed on a nearby island, the Mafia sent goons to investigate but they never returned. The mafia turned away boats that wanted to unload people on the island and laughed at the Numerian rumour so when the first Tripod arrived they tried to bully it off their island only for it to decimate most of the town, the rampage was cut short however by the CASS Beaky's huge 14 inch guns ripping the tripod to pieces. The surviving mafia evacuated by boat while the civilians still on the island tried to rebuild, what happened next is unknown but the lack of communication suggests they weren't so lucky.
The Owl express: When the first cylinder opened the Owl express was being readied for another trip across the deserts and the Conductor was worried about the cylinder so when he heard explosions, screaming and Dj Grooves's crew heading his way he threw his past rivalry to the wind and welcomed them aboard, Grooves himself also hopped on board the now moving train from the platform. The Owl Express rumbled along for some time before reaching Crumbly, a town which served as a refueling stop, the group rested there for a while all the while listening to the radio. Three more trains headed past them but the fourth one, which had been hijacked by the crime gangs and the Nyakuza plus Mu, stopped off to refuel. The Owl express and Crumbly itself would eventually be attacked and wiped out two tripods and several Harvesters which the town being recycled into Uberpod 'Bastion 1', Mu, the Empress, Meowjima, Conductor, Cooking Cat, Grooves and several owls, cats and moon penguins would be able to escape via the other train and two coaches.
Dead Bird studio: Evacuated, military personal turned the place into a fortress and dared the Numerians to attack, they were able to down a tripod, damage another and kill several mice and a harvester using heavy field guns and fire from tanks and AT rifles but the rest cored the place like an apple leaving no survivors and rendering DBS completely uninhabitable.
Subcon forest: No cylinders landed in Subcon forest and it is one of the only places which were tripod free at the start of the war, later attacked by two uberpods and a bunch of tripods including 'Bastion 1' which brutally shut down the Snatcher who narrowly escaped. 'Bastion 1' also turned its timepiece guns towards Vanessa's manor which was oblitorated along with its sole occupant. The place becomes a main base of operations and Harvesters own the place.
Alpine Skyline: Almost completely untouched except by some attempted landings by Arrows the terrain makes the place almost impossible to traverse for anything heavier than a mouse, our cast are all sheltered by the nomads here before going their seperate ways with the Conductor heading to a border to join up with his family, Grooves heading back to the moon, CC heading overseas and the Empress and Meowjima leaving for the Metro to prepare. Mu is too injured to follow them and as such decides to remain at Alpine for the time being before either making her own way back or retiring from the Nyakuza all together and living in alpine for the rest of her days.
Times End?: about a week after they split Mu is called over to one of the mountains and too her horror she finds it is her castle back during her misguided attempt to destroy all bad guys except its a ruin, she leaves it but when she recovers fully explores the place, after finding nothing Mu turns to leave but she finds herself confronted by Bastion 1 outside. A hatch alop the machine opens to reveal a familiar hat wearing face and the two of them have a heart to heart before parting ways, Hat Kid also warns her against going back to the metro. Mu decides to stay at Alpine Skyline knowing that it is one of the last safe locations.
SS absolutely will not sink: boarded by CC during a rushed evacuation from a port in New Stork, the ship steamed out to see but several machines blocked its way but luckily the CASS Texas was in the area and blew them up before distracting Uberpod 'Piper Command' (piloted by Bow Kid) enough for SS Absolutely Will Not Sink to flee. Unfortunetally the ship three days into its voyage is cut off and surrounded by Arrows which bomb it near to pieces, CC makes it and survives the war while many others don't.
Nyatokyo: The underground town the metro is based in becomes a safezone but the place is compremised by the arrival of the new 'Snakes', the place than suffers attacks from Scout Tripods and Harvesters but thanks to the metros more advanced technology they are able to fend them off. The Numerians consider pumping the place with black smoke but the cowardly mayor surrenders the town to them, they instead send in tripods to occupy the place and business continues mostly as normal. The Empress is captured trying to flee and Meowjima's attempt by train fails so badly those he tried to help are hunted down by harvesters and Meowjima is killed by a 'Mouse'.
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cidnero · 2 years
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you got games on your phone
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majormeilani · 3 months
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hypedsnotch · 2 years
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> soo the meowjima hc is basically he has a strong thread connected to his <sharp item> to use it against his enemies and use it to navigate around the metro cause how the hell did he Did he get up there
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apradonite · 11 months
ive gotten a lot of compliments in the tags of my art since i've started posting more semi-regularly these past few months (thank y'all so much seriously it's nice having this kind of support) and something i've noticed and think is extremely funny is how the range goes from "nice art op :)" to "im going to kill myself"
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