#mercy boone
funtime-bow · 1 year
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Character lineup stuff
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entropys-twilight · 1 year
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Character notes for entropy’s twilight main characters!
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lelelego · 11 months
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i like to imagine that raul likes animals more than people and would be a good ranch guy and then i saw @owligator's slippies... the dots have been connected
also i really love the way @sleights-of-hand does their backgrounds and wanted to give something like it a shot!! go check out their EXCELLENT comic
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moggettt · 3 months
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HERE IT IS!! after Many moons of chipping away at this OC song comic for my scifi-noir android character Whitney and his bodyguard Bast, it is finally as complete as it shall ever be;; I’m proud of the work I put into this one! Pretty niche, but maybe some folks out there will enjoy UuU
ps: there's also a video for easy viewing!
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me: i can’t realistically endorse gerri kellman having continued sexy vibes with the man who helped orchestrate the fascist takeover of America in a nihilistic temper tantrum
me: no i can 🤦‍♀️
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zukoandtheoc · 5 months
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wow i beat my previous record by uh. *counts on fingers* 8 seconds!
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huntsvillegossip · 11 months
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Hear ye Hear ye lovelies...
I hope you're all enjoying your trip into the past. Everyone looks so lovely in their little costumes. Still, it seems for some of our fair town folk, they've truly taken the event to heart and created some dramatics worthy of Shakespeare.
It seems scandal continues to follow Miss Genesis Boone and the strange robot man in a van that she calls her boyfriend. Sources have confirmed that she was heard breaking the news to Mister Canne that he is going to be a father. I can only wish them both a hearty congratulations on the pregnancy, and hope for the sanity of the god-fearing, church-going citizens of our fair town that a wedding is on the horizon to avoid an... Uncomfortable situation with the Lord.
However, it is not only Miss Boone and Mister Canne who have seemingly caught the baby fever and decided to procreate. I have also been reliably informed that Jessie Sinclair and Cassius Romero are planning to take their relationship to the next level by trying for a little bundle of joy of their own. No news yet regarding how either of their families are taking the news, but I wish the happy couple the best of luck on their journey toward becoming parents.
It seems, in spite of the lovely festivities the town has put on for us, that not everyone is feeling the love. Mister Theodore Collins, recently featured in this very column for some out of character behavior of his, has continued his streak of bad decisions by getting into a fight with the newly appointed second-in-command of the Commune.
Maybe it was the alcohol coursing through his system that had Theodore acting so rashly. Or maybe his costume had him feeling the fantasy, trying to ride in like a white knight to defend Kirby's honor. Allegedly, Antonio was making remarks against his own fellow Commune member, although who other than the second in command would know them better? If Antonio claims they're terrible at maintaining friendships there must be some truth to it. They live together after all, must have seen for himself how poorly Kirby must treat their so called friends.
Speaking of fighting in the Commune, whole place just seems so tense since it went on lockdown, the Garcia brothers were spotted fist fighting in the middle of the faire. Seems Alexander isn't so great, sleeping with the girl his younger brother loved. Terrible really, if you can't be loyal to your family, who can you be loyal to? Unfortunately for both of them, Josie no longer seems interested in either of them. Tough luck boys, she's run off with the Jester while making fools of the both of you.
Quite an eventful week for our little town, here I thought the fighting would only be in the jousting tournament. Well, that's all for now, if any of you need any advice or want to share your own harrowing adventures from the faire, don't hesitate to send me a message. Love, Auntie G.
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muslim-world · 3 months
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year
stares at my vague eleos muse. puts her back in the closet.
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funtime-bow · 9 months
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sovaharbor · 2 years
getting killed by [redacted] when you have a really nice build going is literally the worst feeling LMFAO
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quinnred · 3 months
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Tilshek: God of the Ugly Rage, WindRammer, He-Who-Drums-The-Summit.
Tilshek is the embodiment of warm storms, tantrum, frenzy, spasm, drunken fury, and unjust punishment. He is represented by the Urchin and Cactus in the South and by the Porcupine and Thistle in the North. Berserking warriors may don quills to evoke Tilshek in their rages, while others may wear a flower of a thistle or cactus to evoke his merciful servant, Mahtaa.
Tilshek was born from the abuse of two Feather Gods within the halls of The Sun. He emerged stillborn, fused with the bestial Jak that all Feathers Gods are pregnant with, and was denied feathers by his reckless parents. The babe was tossed from the sky and quickly forgotten upon the land. No god dare claim parentage as even they know shame.
Abandoned and with no guidance, the naked and pained god became a wild storm of knuckle and claw, scarring the land and terrorising all that lived on it. Only one, a young Manava named Mahtaa, would recognize this mindless wreaking as the divine bawl of a newborn god and calm it with soft word and tenderness and succour. The beaked giant would ever seethe, but placation allowed Mahtaa to guide Tilshek to the home of the Shell Gods, The Mesa.
The Shell Gods were impressed with the mad orphan’s strength and the wisdom of his guardian, asking what drove the new god to such a rage. He cawed to them that he was born of poor love and left naked and wronged, wishing that he could return to his home if only to pluck and maul his kin until The Sun hung red. The chief of the Shell Gods, mighty Zridtara, was greatly amused and sympathetic to Tilshek’s rage against their rival pantheon, welcoming him into his Mesa home as an honorary Shell God. Being too rowdy to live within it’s halls, Tilshek was appeased by sitting atop The Mesa, tended to by often smashed Godler servants and the soothing Mahtaa as he stared at the ever enraging Sun.
While the Godlers would serve their master divine boozes and sacrifices (and suffer pummeling due to minor grievances), Mahtaa’s role was to herd the ram skulled god away from fool furies. He became most needed whenever Tilshek was sent on an “errand” by his new kin, a distraction so the Shell and Feather god pantheons could visit and negotiate without conflict. As Tilshek would rampage across the mortal lands, Mahtaa would outwit his master and aim his rages away from innocent mortals, earning him the title “Storm-Guide”.
One day the tantrummer had been told of a piece of the moon that held Jak yolk, as it was the egg that The Mountain and The Sky conceived the Jaks from, and that it may yield him god feather. Mahtaa did not take this seriously, seeing it as yet another teasing of his master, yet Tilshek was ecstatic that his solar massacre dreams may yet be fulfilled. As they travelled Mahtaa would ponder that, if the moon yolk was real, should his idiot charge receive such a boon, even if it was his birthright as Feather God and as a Half-Jak? Surely he would not only kill his sun kin but also be slain himself in such a mad fervour?
And so Mahtaa would deny Tilshek his prize upon it’s discovery, allowing it to be taken and hidden by Godlers of the Feather Gods. In confusion, the normally unhesitating Tilshek paused for once in his life before striking down an offender. In those moments Mahtaa stood strong and loving, even as his god sprouted a pair of arms to strangle him with. But rather than suffocate, his head bloomed into a kind flower, his godhood blossoming into a champion of mercy due to his many good deeds. From then on Tilshek would ever carry the flower faced god as punishment for his betrayal, and in part as a comfort, like a child may clutch their blanket.
This arrangement would only end upon the coming of the Deiomachy, when peace between gods eroded and fate grew hungry for war. Tilshek silently granted his one and only mercy, releasing his beloved and loyal prisoner so as to spare him from the doom-drum of divine combat.
The Mesa would be capped by a false peak as Tilshek flung himself with a rising storm towards his twin-by-fate: Shrileket the Sun-Dropper. Their clash would announce war between the Feather and Shell, booming as only gods could for days until they fell upon each other’s impalements.
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dailyadventureprompts · 9 months
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Adventure: Through the Vine
Surrounded by some of the most coveted vineyards on the continent, your party sits in the shaded garden and listens to the old alchemist explaining why she needs your help getting drunk enough to see the face of god.
Every adventurer knows the name Ultani, at least those with coin and taste enough to order bottles of wine when they and their friends hit up a tavern after a delve. What an irony then for one of the Ultani family to ask for THEM at her table, and with a business proposition of all things.
Bent with age but bright of eye, Ivilia Ultani needs their help tracking down the location of an abandoned druid sanctum in the far wilderness and retrieving fruit sacred to the god of vintners and healers left over from a disastrous ritual. Her reasons? Apparently after decades perusing the alchemical mysteries Ivilia got her hands on a bottle blessed by the wine-god himself, and spent four days in a state of drunken revelation pencilling out her magnum opus. The bottle and her inspiration dry just before she finished, so rather than waiting years trying to trial and error the last piece or searching for another bottle she's decided to make some of her own.
Along the way the party will contend with family drama, the cutthroat politics of the wine trade, and the long echoing consequences of stealing from merciful gods. For their troubles they'll not only earn the thanks of a talented alchemist, but also potentially a new home should they hold true to their task.
Setup: Though she is the oldest of her of her merchant clan Ivilia is not the head of the Ultani winery. Her younger brother Valtar had the talent for cultivation and business while she veered towards eccentric scholarship, now Valtar's adult grandchildren run the business and the numerous sprawling vineyards associated with it while she lives in learned obscurity on the original family homestead.
While she occasionally helps out whit a new formulation of fertilizer or pest repellent, Ivilia is rather distant from the rest of the Ultani family who view her as a bit of a kook, who all to often uses her inherited share of the enterprise to buy obscure texts or finance futile experiments.
Challenges & Complications:
Actually finding the sanctum is going to be half the problem. Druidic orders are notoriously protective about the location of their secret clubhouses, and this order was scattered to the wind more than a century ago. Ivilia has tracked down the vague location where she thinks the sanctum might be, but unless the party wants to spend days combing the dangerous wilderness they're going to need to track down a more reliable source. Parsing through local rumours and records gives them three leads, an elf who still provides council to the local Count (goodluck getting an appointment), a vaguely helpful ditty that was recounted to a local bard (since dramatized in endless retelling), and an elder of the order who flew back to his home village in the shape of a falcon. Investigating the latter finds that the elder was apparently so scarred by what he'd seen at the sanctum that he transformed himself into a tree and has spent the intervening decades letting his mind and memory lignify.
The Sanctum itself and the landscape that surrounds it has been scarred by an act of divine wrath that still lingers in the form of dangerous fey and choking vines. Roots have undermined the walls and foundations, making chambers all to easy to collapse. In the centre of this ruin lays the undead corpse of Elmgrace , a once famed elven healer who sought the boon of the god Litirenn only to try and use that gift to reign the god towards his own purposes. Resentful at this deception Litirenn unleashed havoc on the sanctum, cursing Elmgrace never to die, never to rot, and never to rejoin the cycle of nature. Forever vinebound to the same altar he intended for the deity, Elmgrace's few last fanatical followers still tend to his broken body, attempting to brew up more potent poisons that will finally "free" their teacher from his torment.
Unfortunately, the fruit the party needs to pluck grows only from the plants impaling Elmgrace's body, which his followers are very protective of. Even after the party races through the wilderness and back to civilization with their prize they'll need to look over their shoulder for toxin obsessed cultists stalking their trail.
Further Adventures:
Milo Ultani has something to prove, the oldest of four siblings and a gaggle of cousins poised to inherit the winery he was raised to value hard work and loyalty to the family above all else. All his life it has irked him that his great aunt was allowed to dwell in their ancestral home, some of the nicest land his family owns, leaching off their enterprise like a withered limb. What finally drives him to act is Ivilia offhandedly mentioning that she intends to sign over her house and land to the party as a reward for helping her drink her way to enlightenment again. Resentment turns to rage in the young man's mind as a plan begins to form; A vine must be pruned in order to be fruitful after all.
When the party return with the godly fruit they're going to find Ivilia gone, her home broken into during the night her bed a mess of red that at first seems to be blood, but is infact wine. Surrounded by experts it doesn't take long for the vino in question to be identified as belonging to Jadash Hill, one of the Ultani's oldest rivals who are known for their unscrupulous business practices. It's at this point that Milo comes forward, reporting that some of their carters had gotten into brawls with those from Jadash Hill at a local tollhouse, sending the bastards packing and ignoring their threats of reprisal as idle boasting. This did indeed happen, but only because Milo is in charge of part of the family's delivery operation and instigated the fight himself.
The clock is ticking, the party has a bushel of miracle fruit that's going to rot and the alchemist they were supposed to deliver it to is nowhere to be seen. They can either find Ivilia quick, figure out a method of preserving the fruit, or read through her notes and attempt to concoct the divine wine themselves.
However badly he thinks of her, Milo would never kill his great aunt, having instead had his loyal carters drag her off to a small cottage on the edge of a property the family was keeping fallow for the year. In his reckoning the old woman won't live much longer, and while the emerging feud with Jadash hill keeps the family busy he can figure out a better place to keep his great aunt locked up. He wasn't delicate in his planning but he moves fast and the influence he has with the workforce as the presumptive heir cannot be overstated.
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The people who hate Boone I’m pretty sure don’t understand complex trauma or military programming.
Also what mercy killing is. Or leaving a shit hole town behind because everyone hated your spouse.
Just a silly thought. I’d rather be killed than a Legion brood mare for the rest of my life.
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toydreamer · 1 year
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Guan Yin, The Goddess of Mercy
Was prompted by the idea of what if they have special guest "gods & goddess" outside of greek mythology making appearances too also added a boon list! I know she’s a bodhisattva. It’s more of a take on her title as goddess of mercy in this scenario as she’s more commonly addressed as. Choosing her as she's not very much shown nor represented much in mainstream medias. It's always the same few characters *cough wukong cough* nezha
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dreadfutures · 1 year
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"Beware the forms of Fen'Harel! The Dread Wolf comes in humble guises, a wanderer who knows much of the People and their spirits. He will offer advice that seems fair, but turns slowly to poison. Remember the price of treason, and keep in your heart the mercy of your gods.”
I am finally done with Fen’Harel, the Dread Wolf, He Who Hunts Alone
(view with wolf pelt | view boon and items assets | view lineart)
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