#merle dixon x you
dixonsgirl93 · 5 months
How TWD men would react to you telling them they’re handsome
Daryl Dixon
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- His eyes would widen slightly as he stared at you. It would be a couple of moments before your words sunk in and he spoke. “Uh…thanks? I don’t…uh… Why ya tellin’ me tha’?” He’d question more about the why, being suspicious. “Tha’s cute but I ain’t handsome. I ain’t… don’t lie to me.” You’d say again that you really think he is. He’d turn away before you could see his blush. He’d stare hard at you, probably looking for signs of dishonesty but when he found none he’d walk away, not knowing what to say. He’d also be thinking about it still in years to come.
Rick Grimes
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- “Handsome? Really?” He’d smirk, not because of the compliment necessarily but because of your boldness to say it. “How uh…how long have you thought that? …Since you first lay eyes on me? Well, damn. Took you long enough to say somethin’. Yeah, that’s right, I’ve seen you looking at me.” He’d wink and step in close, pinning you against the car door. He’d lean down and whisper in your ear. “Later.”
Negan Smith
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- He’d chuckle softly, giving you his classic sexy smoulder. “You really think so, huh? How handsome do you find me? You wanna fuck me, is that it?” At your blush he’d chuckle again and come closer to you. “Aw, c’mon. Don’t go coy now. Speak up, baby. I gotta know.” He’d get the information from you one way or another and then have his way with you, knowing you want him badly.
Merle Dixon
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- “Don’t toy with me, sugar.” He’d warn, already assuming you’re playing some sort of trick on him. “You think I’m what now? Handsome? What’s that mean, huh? You like me or sum’n?” When you’d confess you did, his demeanour would change, becoming flirty. “Ohhh, you like old Merle now, huh, Sugar? Well, I know what we can do about that.” He’d smirk and pull you into him hard.
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sinsandsweetness · 9 months
Hi again 🤭
💿 What do you think about this
The reader stays with Merle on the roof and convinces him not to cut his hand since he knows they will return for them, So distract Merle with some sex.
💕thank u💕
hehe this is so creative I love it <3
18+ below the cut
“Merle, you need to calm down,” you try reasoning with the man despite his thrashing and pulling at the metal that’s clearly been doing a number on his arm. Bloody and bruised already from his sheer panic and aggression.
“Calm down? Woman, I’m handcuffed to a fuckin’ roof! And you want me to be calm? When I see that asshole of a cop again I’m gonna-” he keeps blabbering on, but his vivid descriptions of skinning the officer alive and setting him on fire have at least succeeded in getting him to slump back against the metal and stop pulling on his wrist. You wouldn’t call him relaxed. Not in the slightest. But you do need him to calm the hell down. He’s convinced he needs to chop his arm off and you want to do everything you can to avoid that kind of shit show. You’re not a doctor. You don’t even know first aid. And even if you did, an amputation in the current worlds situation is… well… less than ideal.
While he goes on about the group from the quarry, spitting absurd insults and threats towards every single individual, you take the opportunity to straddle his lap. Climbing over him and trapping his denim clad thighs between your own.
“What are y-” your weight on his groin serves as a distraction from his vulgar ranting and has him breathing heavy within a second.
“Just- you need to relax. Let me look at your wrist ok?” You reach for him and he tugs at it, preventing you from getting a good look at the damage.
“What is wrong with you? I’m trying to help.”
“Well you’re doing a shit job.” He sneers.
“Oh really?” Your thighs tighten around his hips. Subtly grinding into the growing tent underneath you. “Why don’t you shut the hell up, quit fucking moving and let me assess the damage. I’m sick of you being a little bitch. Always jumping to the worst case scenario.” You mutter the last part under your breath, rolling your eyes in defeat.
You really are trying your best here. You already managed to reroute the dead things crawling their way up the stairs. It wasn’t like you two were in immediate danger. Not yet anyway. Besides the danger of dehydration, but you have a few hours before that would become a real issue. For now, with the sun setting and the air around you starting to cool right down, there was very little to be freaking out about. Best to use your energy on thinking up an actual plan, not just chopping off a hand that you’d never be able to stop bleeding without a trained professional.
“This is the worst case scenario, baby. We’re gonna die up here.”
“Don’t say that.”
His jaw clenches but his frustration doesn’t stop his free hand from inching closer to your hips, resting on them. Not yet pulling you closer but definitely not pushing you away. Finally you have him somewhat calmed down. At least as calm as you figure the older Dixon could even get in a predicament like this.
“Look, we’ll figure out. I’ll find something to cut through the chain. And we’ll go back to camp, find Daryl and get the hell out of there, okay?” Your voice is soft as you try and keep your boyfriend as calm as you can.
He nods. Closing his eyes for a moment with a sigh. He wants to believe you. That everything will be okay. He really does. But he’s still fucking fuming at the dickwad that chose to chain him to the roof in the first place.
“We’re gonna be fine.” You whisper, leaning in and pressing a kiss to his lips. Now that he’s finally done throwing his little temper tantrum, you want to do whatever you can to keep it this way. Calm, cool and collected.
His chest is moving underneath your fingertips. The slow rhythmic inhale and exhale of his ribs pulls you in.
“Need you to stay calm, baby. Just… just relax,” you breathe out, nose touching his own. It’s probably not the time for this. You recognize that. Making a move on him when you should be making your way down the stairs and looking for something to get him off of this stupid roof. But the warmth of your body and the hands snaking to the back of his neck seem to be pulling his attention even further away from the metal cuffs locked around his wrist. And to you, in this moment, that’s all that matters. A sweet escape from the chaos of the day.
The hand on your hip moves up your back, calloused fingers pulling you in while he tips his head up and catches your lips. Teeth unintentionally clinking together in a messy make-out. Your own hands starting to roam and pull at the stretched out tank top sticking to his torso from the day in the Georgian heat. Snaking lower, past his vest and towards the faded denim underneath you. Maintaining the messy clash of lips and tongues while you fumble with his button and his fly, him bucking his hips up to help the process. Getting his jeans shoved down his thighs. You lift off his lap for a moment, sternum now level with his mouth where he nips at the skin, pulling your shirt up past your chest with his free hand. You unbutton your own jeans, shimmying them down your thighs and tossing them to the side before taking your position once more. Closer now. Pressed up against his chest, with his arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you in.
Before you know it, your panties are pushed to the side and he’s filling you right up. Grinding down on him at the same time that he bucks his hips. Fucking you as best as the position on the concrete will let him. Your hands stay grabbing at every muscle and curve of his arms and shoulders. Rocking back and forth on his cock until you’re both a sweaty, panting mess of moans and cuss words.
With your forehead resting on his shoulder, you try to catch your breath. Relishing in the warmth of his body underneath you and the relaxing wave of relief that your orgasms pulled from you both.
The clatter of metal on metal echoes in the air and you feel him tug on his arm. Remembering the fact that he’s cuffed to a roof floods back to him and you feel an irritated sigh come from the man beneath you.
“Feel any better?” you kiss the spot where his neck meets his shoulder.
“Still chained to a damn roof, baby.”
You scowl down at him as you move to adjust your panties. Grabbing your jeans off the floor and slipping them on.
“… but yeah. A little.” He admits. You beam at him. Happy that your little distraction actually helped in lowering his heart rate. Looking up at you all mellowed out against the metal as he tucks himself back into his jeans.
You take a deep breath. Mentally preparing yourself to go face the dangers in the store below you, “Alright, I’ll be right back, ok? I’m gonna go look for some tools.” You start making your way towards the staircase before pausing and calling back at him.
“Merle, please don’t do anything stupid. Let’s just try and get you out of here in one piece.”
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vilentia · 9 months
Surviving Together
Merle Dixon x reader
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In the soft light of the fire's glow, the flickering flames danced across the rough contours of Merle's face, casting shadows that seemed to echo the hidden scars on his soul. It had been a long day of scavenging, the world outside still a battleground of chaos and decay, but for now, the two of you were cocooned in a fragile sanctuary you'd built together.
As you huddled close, Merle's calloused fingers traced a delicate path along your cheek, his touch more tender than anyone would have expected from the man who'd once been nothing more than a hot-tempered survivor. You leaned into his warmth, taking solace in the fierce protectiveness that had become the foundation of your love. In the silence, unspoken words hung heavy in the air. Merle had his demons, and you had yours. Your pasts were intertwined with mistakes, regrets, and a haunting sense of loss. But together, you found solace, and there was a shared understanding that transcended words.
The night whispered secrets only the stars bore witness to, and in that moment, it felt like you were the only two souls left in this broken world. As the embers crackled and popped, you saw in Merle's eyes the reflection of a man who had faced his demons head-on, a man who had walked through the fires of his own making and emerged, if not unscathed, then at least redeemed.
With a sigh, Merle pulled you closer, his lips grazing your forehead in a tender kiss. The sensation sent a shiver down your spine, as if he were trying to mend the invisible fractures in your heart. In his embrace, you felt safe, cherished, and, against all odds, loved.
This was your way of saving each other. In a world where death lurked around every corner, where humanity's worst instincts clawed at the edges of your sanity, you and Merle had found a lifeline in each other's arms. It was a love forged in the crucible of hardship and despair, a love that whispered hope even when the world seemed to have forgotten the word.
As the night wore on, you clung to each other, a lifeline in the darkness. Your love wasn't perfect, but it was real, and it was enough to keep both your fractured souls from falling apart completely. In each other, you'd found redemption and a reason to keep going, to keep fighting, and to keep saving each other, one day at a time.
And Merle, as he held you close, thought back to that day on the rooftop, when you'd saved him not only from the walkers but also from himself. You'd stopped the bleeding from his severed hand, bound his wounds, and refused to let him give up. In that moment, he'd realized that he wasn't alone in this world, that there was someone who saw the good in him, even when he couldn't see it himself. You'd given him a second chance at life, and he was determined to make the most of it, for you and for the love that had become his salvation.
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other-dixons-wife · 2 months
Sue: *manifests a husband*
Merle: *enters the room*
Sue: ...Fuck.
Is there a "go back" option?
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intoxicated-chan · 20 days
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖 ║ ❝𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐡❞
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(A/n) ➳ I’m back at writing! I thank those who gave me advice that helped me with my writer’s block. Hopefully I can keep a schedule and I thank those who waited! Thank you all!  
Word Count ➳ 1.3k 
Content Warnings ➳ Alcohol use, drug trafficking, mentions of baby trapping, swearing, mentions of toxic friend group dynamic, threats of violence...  
JUDAS Masterlist
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Andrea brought the glass of cheap liquor to her lips as she eyed Daryl conversing with the group of men. She wouldn’t say he was friendly with them but seemed to be coworkers of some kind.  
“Are you seein’ this?” Andrea asked Amy who quickly agreed with her.  
Amy pulled her phone up to take a photo. “(Y/n)’s gotta see this-”  
Andrea snatched the phone out of her hands. “Jus’ cause he’s talkin’ to some guys doesn’t make it suspicious. You need hard evidence.”  
“Like what?”  
Andrea kept her distance as she maneuvered past people, nearly getting a drink spilled on her when she was pushed by a dancing couple. She blended into the background as she came closer to Daryl and his friends.  
She observed his interactions with the other patrons, noticing how he kept glancing around, as if he was expecting someone. He then leaned into a man, like a hug and passed something into his pocket and shook his hand.  
She could only see them whispering to each other until Daryl turned around at hand gasping his shoulder.  
It was Merle, he leaned in. “How much do you get this month?” He asked, taking the wad of cash from Daryl’s pocket.  
“Less, cops been ‘round.” Daryl again looked around. “And one might be pokin’ their nose where it don’ belong.”  
“I told you not to get involved with that woman.” Merle commented, counting the cash. “Look at you now.”  
“The hell’s that supposed to mean?”  
Merle chuckled, putting the cash into his back pocket. “She ain’t gonna stay for you, tie ‘er down or somethin’. From the way you talk ‘bout her, she’d make a good mom.”  
“Ya can’t-” 
“Leah called again, need you for the next run.”  
“Did ya not hear me?”  
“The hell the cops gonna do? They got nothin’.” Merle laughed, ignoring Daryl. “The guy needs his money, some shit ‘bout his wife.” Rolling his eyes, he was annoyed, getting pushed to do more and more work while their boss gets most of their earnings.  
“He needs ‘em now?”  
Merle shrugged, coming to the bar and ordering a drink for them both. “Friday.” Two days from now. “You goin’ be meetin’ with her-” 
Daryl waved him off, remembering the place. It wasn’t like he was the one bringing the shipment to her every time Merle was ordered to do it himself. Daryl walked to the bar, easily drowning the shot given to him. 
He just needed to stick it out for a few more runs then he could be free. Free from his brother, free from this mess, he can finally go back to you without everything haunting his mind.  
“Another.” He demanded. He wasn’t going to be able to make home sober tonight. He huffed, taking out his phone. He pressed on your contact, bring the phone to his ear as he took his shot. It rang a few times before you answered.  
“Daryl? What is that sound?” 
“At some bar.” He responded. 
“Are you alright? You sound drunk- please don’t tell me you’re drunk.” 
“I’ll be drunk soon, darlin’.” 
He heard you sigh over the phone. “Send me your address, I’ll pick you up.”  
“Yer too kind.” He chuckled. 
“Jus’... Jus’ don’t drink too much.”  
He threw his head back as he took the shot, groaning as the burning sensation went down his throat, clouding his mind as the more shots he took, the more the alcohol influenced him.  
What Daryl remembered was slumped over the bar and then pushed into a car that smelled fresh. Your voice filled his mind as you spoke to him to keep him awake. God, the way you took care of him made him relax.  
You sat in your recliner, legs crossed as you held a mug of coffee. You watched Daryl’s chest rise and fall, keeping close as it was becoming noon.  
He had passed out the second he hit your couch, and you were too worried about him to sleep so you stayed awake.  
Your phone had buzzed for the hundredth time for this day. It was a string of text messages coming from Shane, begging you to think twice about Daryl.  
You were disappointed in Shane. You knew he was rash, but you didn’t think he’d react this way when he was rejected.  
You have no idea what the hell you’re doing 
You could hear him say it, repeatedly. It played like a song that you wanted out of your head. It was annoying, frustrating, and somewhat depressing.  
“Ya should really block him.” Daryl’s hoarse voice made you snap your head up and see him awake. He rubbed his eyes as he grumbled. “That coffee?” 
“Hand it over.” He weakly demanded, it made you laugh and hand it over with ease.  
“Glad to see you alive.” You got up, stretching your legs. “I was thinkin’ I might have to take you to the hospital with the number of shots you took.” 
“That’s what work does to ya.” He responded, taking a large gulp of the coffee as he slowly sat up. “Still haven’t answered ma question.”  
“Don’t worry about me, Dixon. I'll make some food for you.” 
“No, sit down.” 
“Daryl you’re hungover-” 
“Sit.” He pushed your throw pillow on the ground, having you sit next to him. “Ya don’ block ‘im ‘cause yer worried, ain’t ya?” 
“...I never seen him act like this before. Yes, I’m worried ‘bout him. He's texting me every minute!” You explained, feeling your chest tighten as your voice wavered. “Then Lori! And Rick! Who’s next? Carl?!”  
“It’s ‘cause of me.”  
“Please Daryl, it’s not you. It ain’t your fault.” You immediately reacted, grabbing his shoulders. “I jus’ realized that my place in that group wasn’t as a friend but a prop. They knew I didn’t have much around me and used it to their advantage. If I disagreed with someone then the rest turned against me. I'm better off with Amy, Andrea, and you.”  
“Yer gonna regret it.” 
“I can promise you now that I won’t.” You retorted. You then sighed, laying back. “Let’s stop talkin’ ‘bout this. I seriously need a smoke.” 
“I got some in ma bag.” Daryl looked around, his eyebrows furrowed when he didn’t see around him. 
“It’s in my car.” You replied, pushing yourself up to grab your shoes and keys. “Your brother was kind enough to get your ass in my car and bring your bike.” 
“Yeah, met him I pulled up. Why? Is something wrong?” 
“Nah. It’s nothing.” You nodded and left, leaving Daryl sitting on the couch.  
As he took another sip from the mug, Daryl’s phone rang. He glanced at his phone briefly but didn’t bother to check the caller ID as he flipped open his phone, assuming it was his brother. 
“Merle.” Daryl answered, rather annoyed.  
“Daryl, my man!” His voice boomed though the phone, all cocky and charming as usual. “How’s my favorite deliver boy doin’ today?” 
The voice on the other end wasn’t Merle’s. It was Negan Smith. Daryl’s heart dropped as he recognized him. 
His voice made Daryl’s stomach churn. If he remembered correctly, the delivery was for friday, tomorrow and any call from Negan was never good news.  
“What do ya want, Negan?” 
“There’s been a change of plans. We’ve got an emergency and I need the damn goods by midnight. Tonight.”  
“We had a deal-!”  
“Fuck the deal, Dixon.” Negan's tone shifted suddenly, becoming serious. “You’ve got until midnight. Don't make me come lookin’ for you. We all remember what happened last time you were late.” 
With that, Negan hung up, leaving Daryl staring at his phone in disbelief. He threw his phone and held the scream he wanted to let out, but he held his head in his hands.  
He had until midnight... Failure wasn’t an option. 
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.  
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Taglist ➳ @deansapplepie , @ladylincoln , @gamingfeline , @lady06reaper , @alanamarie , @daryldixmedown , @celtic-crossbow , @mrdixon , @itwasntaphasema , @duffmckagansbandana , @raspberryslxt , @itsrainingbisexualfrogs , @ingstadstarlight , @gamingfeline , @lor-geeked , @thegeorgiahuntsman , @snailss , @the-lonely-abyss , @number1bashbabe , @xmaeyonaiise , @suniloli , @of-storms-and-sadness , @annhells , @sexyxdylanxobrien , @mylifeinthetardisforever r , @let-love-bleeds-red , @virginsexgod69 , @scudslut , @devilxbug , @theesexystallion , @yondus-girl , @raoudixs , @tremendousstarlighttragedy , @skulliecadaver-blog , @remusmuse ,  
⊰ Chapter 7 ⊰ » » YOU’RE HERE « « ⊰ Chapter 9 ⊰ 
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sadslay · 20 days
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- SNOOKER ⋆☆ 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings - pre-apocalypse daryl <3, kinda light nsfw, mentions of smoking and alcohol, merle dixon 💀
typically you declined going out on a week night, but you’re best friend - josephine - was freshly single and needed distracting, and the perfect distraction just walked over. merle dixon.
“couple’a dolls like yourselves know how to play snooker?” a man asked and his hand snaked around your friends shoulder.
josey smiled as you both recognized the man. “yes sir.” she grinned, leaning into his touch. “you got a partner or we playin’ trios?” she asked, looking up into his dilated eyes.
personally you have only interacted with merle dixon a handful of times and all of then involved him dealing some sort of drug or pill to a friend if yours. he was well known around your small town but someone who was a little lesser known was his little brother daryl who was sitting across the pub waiting by the snooker tables.
“see my little brother over there?” merle questioned, his voice drawn out and slurred as he peered over to daryl before looking at your near by friend, giving her a once over. “he’ll be our fourth.” he added.
you gave daryl a little wave only to be met with a almost unnoticeable smile. daryl didn’t look too much older then you and your friend, maybe only by a couple of years, but daryl had always been the quiet brother. he was always the one to pull merle away from a fight or bail him out of the cells. daryl seemed so vastly different to merle, yet freakishly similar.
“he can be your partner sweetheart.” merle chuckled noticing the prolonged eye contact between the two of us.
you looked up at the older man, flashing him a honeyed smile before sliding off your chair. there maybe an inch or two height difference between you and merle making the man step back. letting out a soft giggle you walked towards daryl as he sorted the balls into a wooden triangle.
you leant up again the pool table, your hands on the wooden trim as you asked, “is it alright if i’m your partner?”
daryl looked up at you. he had taken notice of your short pleated skirt. his mouth slightly gaped open in awe as you waited for his response. “yeah.” he stammered. “why wouldn’t it be?”
“s’just i’ve never played pool before.” you shrugged. “not properly anyways, not since i was a kid.” you shyly admitted as a soft smile crept onto your lips from the fond memory of playing pool with your siblings.
it was like he almost forgot how to breath as you played with the rings on your fingers. these gorgeous rings that held colourful gemstones that matched your eyes and freshly painted nails. “i can teach you.” he stuttered, barely able to look at you.
“y’all done? or can we play?” merle snickered from the other end of the table causing your cheeks to blush and daryl’s brows to furrow.
“piss of.” he grumbled, removing the wooden triangle allowing merle to break.
merle let out a bellowing laugh as he made his shot, sending the brightly coloured balls flying across the table. “we’re solids darlin’.” merle murmured, his southern drawl more prominent the more he drank.
once the balls stilled, daryl looked at you, extending the cue stick out. “you wanna go first?” he asked, his eyes barely meeting yours.
“you can go first.” you smiled, entirely too nervous you’d mess up the shot. daryl nodded before looking back at the table. “how do you know which ones to go for?” you asked quietly, just loud enough for only daryls ears to hear.
daryl let out a soft laugh, making your cheeks glow red as he pointed towards the table. “we're tryin’ to hit the ones with the coloured strip.”
you slowly nodded, showing daryl that you understood before he spun back around towards the table. he lined up his shot and with one powerful push the balls scattered across the table, one of them landing in a corner pocket. you let out a squeal of excitement, making daryl's cheeks to blush.
“good shot!” you exclaimed, as daryl turned back to look at you. but your smile quickly faded to a worried frown as daryl handed you the cue stick. “oh no i can’t, i don’t know how.” you stuttered.
he forced the stick into your hand, the brief skin to skin contact with each other making your stomach flutter. you shuffled closer to the table, trying to find a shot that would be easy enough for you to not mess up.
"as long as ya hit that white ball, yer did good." he encouraged, watching you as you leant over the table to begin lining up your shot. for a moment daryl watched you, trying his hardest to keep his eyes on the table. "here." he mumbled.
daryl moved closer to you, his body caging yours against the table while one hand adjusted far end of the cue stick and the other pointed to the ten ball on the far end of the table.
"there's no way i'll hit that." you whispered, unintentionally leaning a little further back into daryl.
he let out a stiff laugh before mumbling, "yes you will. just give it a soft tap."
when the warmth of daryl's body left yours, you took in a deep breath and lined up your shot. you hit the cue ball the best you could but just grazed the ten ball, moving it further a away from the pocket.
"shit." you huffed, your eyebrows furrowing as you stepped back from the table. you heard a snicker from the other end of the table. josey clung to merle like her life depended on it while he laughed at your inability to hit the ball. "somethin' funny?" you snapped.
merle's hands flung up in defense as you handed the cue stick to daryl. "nah, nothin' darlin'." he let out a bellowing laugh causing your friend to giggle.
"don't worry about him." daryl spoke, his southern drawl more apparent then ever as you leant on the wall beside him. "he's even more of an asshole when he drinks." he chuckled.
apparently the more you drank the better at the game you got, and now with the game coming to an end, you were starting to get confused by the rules surrounding the eight ball.
"can't i just hit it into any pocket?" you asked, earning a throaty chuckle from merle and a snicker from your friend. “whats so funny?.” you asked as you looked at daryl who had a soft smile creeping onto his lips.
"ya gotta call it." he chuckled softly, stepping a little bit closer to look at the best pocket for you to aim for. "otherwise we loose the game." he spoke in a low whisper, his hand rising at it pointed to pocket to the left of the eight ball. "call that one."
you let out a sign, now feeling like an idiot at you began to line up your shot. at the other end of the table you saw merle all over josey and she adored his attention. your attention was quickly pulled away when you felt daryl behind you as his arms reached around you to adjust your cue stick.
“jus’ focus on hittin’ that white ball straight.” he whispered, his breath by your ear and cheek making your skin crawl with goosebumps.
you were now ten times for nervous as daryl had himself pressed up against you. “i don’t think i’ll get it in.” you admitted, turning your head to look at the man.
he smiled shyly. “you’ll get it,” before pulling away, giving you the room you needed.
taking in a deep breath you lined up your shot like daryl had taught you and as you exhaled the ball shot straight into the corner pocket. after a brief moment of shock, daryl’s words of encouragement caused you to jump up and down as your celebrated your shot.
“i can’t believe i got it in!” you sang, jumping towards daryl to give him a high five. "does that mean we won?" you questioned in disbelief, looking at merle and your friend as they wallowed in their defeat. looking at daryl you saw him smiling as he nodded his head. “we won!” you squealed running to daryl before pulling him into a hug as you spun around.
as you settled down you looked across at josephine as she dug through her bag. you let out a breath of air before getting a pack of cigarettes from the waistband of your skirt. “lookin’ for these?” you smirked shaking the packet to grab her attention. she smiled before walking towards you, trying to snatch the packet from your hands. “play nice.” you giggled.
wrapping her hand around your waist, josey smiled, “come on sweets,” she slurred before beginning to pull you towards the smoking pit.
“y’all runnin’ out on us?” merle snickered from the booth he had sat down in.
“we’ll be back!” you both sang.
as the pair of you sat in the dimly lit smoke pit, you giggled about your encounter with the dixon brothers, josephine sharing her new found infatuation with merle. as you sat down on the weathered wooden benches you pulled the lighter out from the paper packet before lighting a single cigarette. you took in a few breathes before handing the cigarette to josey.
taking in a deep breath, joseu leant back against the cool concrete wall. “you ‘nd daryl were gettin’ close.” she smirked.
“he’s nice.” you shrugged, taking the cigarette from josey’s hand. “could say the same for you ‘nd merle.” you giggled.
before she could snap back with a comment the heavy glass door swung open. daryl walked out alone with a cigarette hanging between his lips. his eyes instantly drawn to you, you were even more beautiful under the moonlight he thought.
“you’re brother comin’ out?” josey asked him as he stood a few feet away, looking through his pockets for a lighter.
daryl shrugged, “dunno.” he mumbled. “think he’s gettin’ more drinks.” daryl added.
abruptly, josephine stood up with a smug grin plastered on her face. "i'll leave you to it." she sang, skipping towards the door, only to stop as she pulled the door open. "be a good girl sweets!" she let out a laugh that came from her stomach before disappearing inside.
a silence hung between you and daryl. it wasn't awkward or necessarily comfortable but it a much needed moment of stillness. your eyes were drawn back to daryl who was still calmly searching for a lighter. you took the cigarette from between your lips and extended your hand, offering it to daryl.
"yer sure?" only now you had noticed how low and horse his voice was. you nodded as daryl stepped forward and took the cigarette. "thanks." he mumbled, sitting down beside you. “how’d you get the name sweets?” he asked, taking in a deep breath of smoke.
his southern drawl made your heart flutter. you let out a soft giggle as your cheeks warmed. "when josey and i were kids, i always had sweets on me." you explained, noticing the soft smile creeping onto daryls lips. "and i guess the name just stuck." you shrugged.
daryl handed back the cigarette as he spoke in a hushed manner. "s'cute."
while you took in another breath of smoke, daryl admired you up close. she was beautiful, one of the prettiest girls he'd ever seen, but her beauty was not like those girls in merles magazines, she was beautiful for that sparkle in her eye whenever she managed to hit a ball while playing snooker. she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her look, daryl thought, she was beautiful deep down to her soul. her hair sat on her shoulders, so close to touching his shoulders he had to fight every urge to lean in closer. your hair smelt like a mix of vanilla and tobacco and it drove daryl crazy.
"what?" you laughed softly, putting the cigarette out in a near by ashtray. "s'my lipstick smeared?" your voice was riddled with concern making daryl chuckle.
something about him had you entirely infatuated with him. it made you want to know every little secret of his and know the little things that make him happy. the music from inside was now a distant echo as the tension between you was palpable. you inched a little closer, now you could feel his body heat radiating off him. it might have been to copious amounts of alcohol talking but-
"i really want to kiss you right now."
you were drunk, you weren’t thinking clearly daryl thought, there was no way-
“m’sorry, i shouldn’t have said,”
“s’okay.” daryl quickly cut in, now realizing he had made you embarrassed which was the last thing he wanted to do right now.
daryl then did something you hadn’t expected. he leant forward, the space between you close to nonexistent as he placed a gentle kiss on the corner of your lips. he couldn’t scare you away, not after everything that had happened tonight, but something about the small amount of contact had ignited something within him. the space between you was quickly closed again as his lips met your again, this time with more depth and erotism then before.
your hands snaked their way up to the base of daryls neck as you pulled him impossibly closer. your breathing had become desperate just like your lust for daryl as his hand connected with your bare thigh. his hand inched up your thigh, his fingers digging into your skin making your back arch.
in a desperate attempt for air you pulled your lips away from his, to your surprise hearing a groan of impatience. “wanna get outta here?” you whispered into his heard, planting a tantalizingly slow kiss behind his ear.
yes! yes! yes! "uh huh." he smiled, trying to manage his breathing as he began to search for his keys.
you pressed another kiss onto the side of his neck before noticing what he was doing. "are you okay to drive?" you asked in a low whisper as he finally fished out his keys.
daryl nodded, standing up and extending his hand. "i've only have one drink." he spoke quietly, taking your hand to help you stand before beginning to pull you towards the door back into the bar. "'nd i had it a few hours ago." daryl added holding the door open as you walked inside.
as you walked by the bar you gave josey a wink before following daryl dixon out the bar door into the dimly lit carpark. your hand held onto daryl's tightly as he led you to his triumph bonneville motorcycle.
"i've never been on a motorcycle before." you admitted as daryl began to mount his bike.
your cheeks warmed as daryl let out a grumbled laugh. "did yer need help gettin' on?" he asked, looking down at your pleather pumps. he stuck out his arm, letting you use him as support as you mounted his bike. "ya good?" he asked as your body molded against his.
you hummed in response and seconds later daryl put the key in the ignition and started the engine. as he began to roll the bike forward your arms quickly wrapped around his waist. you could heard daryls chuckle as he sped up while turning onto the highway that neighbored the bar. the cool night air felt sobering and euphoric. for the first few minutes of the ride your hands were tightly hugging daryls torso but as you grew more comfortable your grip loosened.
sooner then you had wished, daryl began to slow down before turning into the trailer park on the outside of town. the roar of the engine grew quiet as he parked out the front of a trailer on the far end of the park before turning off the ignition. you combed your hair out of your face and just as you went to get off the bike, daryl held out his arm again so you could steady yourself. you grinned as you dismounted the warm humming bike.
"have fun?" he asked, pushing himself off the bike, your hand still holding onto his his as he led you towards the door.
as he fiddled around with his house keys, the jangling of the nickle and silver being the only noise in the cool night air, you stepped a little closer to daryl. "i bet i can have more fun inside." you whispered in his ear, making the man freeze in his tracks.
your breaths filled the air, the quiet night air and it was taking every morsel in his body not to push you up against the cool tin exterior of his trailer. he pushed the door open and placed both his hands on the sides of your hips, guiding you inside while the door swung shut. daryl spun you around making you giggle but you were quickly met with his lips. his breath was warm and bitter, tasting of tobacco.
the intoxication of it all made your head spin. your hands gripped onto the back of his neck to not only keep you close but also upright. daryls hands hoisted you up around his waist making you gasp for air. daryl knew his trailer like the back of his hand, so with no problem he lowered you both onto the small two person couch, letting your legs drape on the sides of his waist. his hands were all over your body, running painfully slow from the tops of your thighs all the way up to your chest.
your lips slowly drifted from his as your body began to slide down until your knees connected with the lino flooring. daryl was in a dazed state of euphoria and he had only noticed your distance once he heard the clattering of his belt. looking up at daryl through your eyelashes made his breathing quicken, and suddenly it all felt so real.
“yer don’t have to.” he breathed, his hands grasping onto the couch.
slowly you peeled open his jeans, looking at daryl as he squirmed under your touch. “do you want me to stop?” you asked, your hands resting on his thighs.
“i should,” daryl began to mumble, finally making you understand.
“i want to.” you cut him off, smiling as you continued to peel away the denim. “i want you daryl.” you leant up and gave him a soft open mouth kiss.
as your lips parted once again, daryls head fell back. the state of euphoria had once again consumed him and his head began to spin. he took a fist full of your hair and gave it a weak tug. the noises alone drove him crazy and there was no way he could last much longer.
“come ‘ere.” he grunted, finally looking down at you.
smiling at his urgency, you stood up and make quick work of removing your skirt, and slowly you sat down on daryls lap. your hands wrapped around daryls neck as your lips pressed together again. daryls hands gripped onto your thighs, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
“you’re s’beautiful.” daryl mumbled, one of his hands moving from your thigh to your back to support you as you began to roll you hips. “such a good girl.”
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louifaith · 2 months
Daryl Dixon is the kind of dad who has a shitty story about learning to swim, just imagine him telling his kid how his father was an idiot while teaching him and Merle.
Then he is quite sweet and patient as he is teaching his child trying to make them feel safe (for the sake of the two of them to be honest)
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smutinlove · 1 year
carl grimes x y/n smut
Y/N moaned at Carl's touch. “Please, faster!” She begged. Carl tilted his head, “Beg for it, you whore.” “Please, Carl, fuck me till I can't walk! PLEASE!” She was struggling. She wanted him to pound into her restlessly. He smirked, "Not so loud, Y/N. We wouldn't want anyone else to hear what a filthy little slut you are, would we?" he whispered into her ear, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine. She could feel him getting harder inside her, and the thought of being caught only added to the excitement. "Yes, Carl, I want everyone to know how much of a dirty whore I am for you," she gasped, her words punctuated by the sound of their bodies slapping together. Carl grinned, knowing he had her right where he wanted her. He picked up the pace, driving into her with abandon until they both reached their climax, their cries of pleasure muffled by the sound of their bodies entwined. As they lay there, panting and spent, Carl couldn't resist a sly smile. "I'll make sure everyone knows just how much of a dirty little slut you are," he said, and Y/N couldn't help but grin back, knowing that she was his willing plaything.
I have betrayed my immigrant parents by writing this. 💀
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dixonsgirl93 · 9 months
Merle x Reader
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Merle: I ain’t worth that
Me: To me you’re worth everything
Merle: You don’t know the shit I’ve done. You could do better than me. Easily
Me: But I want you
Merle turns to look at you, bewildered. How could someone as sweet as you want a man like him?
Merle: Why? I don’t understand
Me: You have a kind heart but you hide behind your vulgar jokes and snide remarks. It’s just a shield. You want to be able to open up but every time you have you’ve been hurt and now you reject the mere idea of it. But I want to show you I’m not going anywhere. That, actually, I love you
Merle: Don’t say that. Don’t give me hope
Me: You’re allowed to feel. Let me in. Let me love you
Merle: …what if you meet someone better?
Me: Better? How? You know…I wouldn’t even be thinking like that. Not anymore. Not after falling in love with you. It’s only you, Merle
Merle: …I’m scared
Me: I know. Me too
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sinsandsweetness · 9 months
💿I think merle would commonly run off with his partner back in the atlanta days, saying they’re gonna go “hunt” but he just ends up shoving his partner against a tree and grinding up against them almost desperately
Congrats on the 1k T !
thank u bb <3
Leaves are crunching under your boots no matter how light you try to keep your footing. You’re not nearly as experienced as the two hunters you’ve been staying with. Well… sharing a tent with. Seeing as the world ended months ago and your apartment is more than likely a pile of dust and cement in the middle of the city.
With every crunch of a tree branch, the younger Dixon brother shoots you a death glare. Having warned you already several times to keep quiet. To shut the hell up. You’re trying. Really.
“Alright, that’s it,” Daryl finally speaks up, brows pulled together in a scowl, “we ain’t ever gonna catch anything with you bein’ so damn loud. I’m goin’ on my own. I’ll meet you two back at camp.” He stalks off in the other direction, trying to get as far from your inexperienced and uncoordinated limbs as possible.
“He’s just cranky cause he ain’t had a real breakfast in a few days. You’re doin’ just fine, sugar.” Merle pats you on the back, an attempt to comfort the involuntary, sheepish look you’ve got settling on your face.
“Besides,” Merle looks around the woods, in the direction that his brother ran off too. Deciding he’s out of earshot and you must be in the clear, “did us a favor gettin’ rid of him,” the hand on your shoulder doesn’t leave. Instead, he takes a few steps towards you. Pushing you til your back hits a tree with a quiet gasp.
His head dipping down to kiss below your ear before you even have time to process what’s going on.
“Merle,” you hiss, hands going to grip at his biceps regardless of the reluctance in your voice.
He hums an acknowledgment that he did in fact hear you. He just doesn’t have it in him to care.
“Merle we’re- fuck- we’re in the woods-“
“So? Ain’t nobody around but me and you, sweetheart.” His hands are on your waist now. Suggestion clear in his voice with a grin on his face.
It’s a lie. There’s a whole lot more out there than just you and him. His brother, the rest of your group, and not to mention those dead things walking around.
But even as that thought passes by, you can’t help but tip your head back at the feeling of him pressing up against you. Breathing out an apprehensive sigh as his knee nudges its way in between your legs and he continues to kiss his way up your jaw. One hand keeping you secured against the white oak, and the other one gliding around to the back of your neck, fingers tugging gently on your tresses.
His mouth finds yours and you’re quick to return the kiss. Tongue tracing over his own as you grab at his collar, pulling him even closer.
“Ten minutes,” you mumble against his lips, “that’s all you get.”
You can feel him smile against you, satisfied by his little victory. Already, the tent in his jeans is grinding against you. Desperately chasing any bit of friction against your own body, your legs instinctively parting to invite him in. The hand on your waist snakes its way between you to tug on the button of your jeans.
“Better get these off then, shall we?”
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dix0nvix3n · 4 months
Imagine it's 1992, a 23 year old Daryl Dixon is at a party he happened to stumble across. Everything is going well. Parties where Daryl didn't know anyone were much easier, they allowed him to be a little more loose and carefree.
Killing In The Name by Rage Against The Machine is blaring through the speakers in the house. Everyone at the party is crowded together, jumping, spilling their red solo cups as beer flies everywhere as Daryl and everyone else collectively yell the outro of the song, “Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!!”, over and over again.
When all of a sudden Daryl hears, “IT'S FIVE-O, SCRAM!!”, and now he's jumping through an open window and running into the woods.
Luckily he's not a lightweight so he only stumbles a little as he runs through the woods for the life of him. After he had been running for a long while he finally reaches the edge of the forest and takes a deep breath of relief as he sees a gas station.
Once he reaches the gas station he checks his watch and it reads 1:00 AM and he facepalms himself as he begrudgingly steps into a phone booth.
A few seconds of ringing and the other end answers, “Can ya come an' pick me up?”, he says to a very tired and pissed off Merle.
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barelytolerabled · 1 year
Whispered Secrets
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Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Summary: Daryl confesses his love to you
Warnings: none
WC: 0.7k
The world had changed in ways unimaginable. The outbreak had torn society apart, leaving behind a desolate landscape filled with danger and uncertainty. But through it all, there was one constant in your life - Daryl Dixon. You had known Daryl since long before the chaos began, thanks to your close friendship with his older brother, Merle.
Every night, you found yourself at their place, seeking solace from the horrors of the day. Together, you and Daryl would sit around a small campfire, sharing stories and laughter, trying to forget the nightmare that surrounded you. Those nights became a refuge, a sanctuary where the two of you could momentarily escape the harsh reality of the world.
Tonight was no different. The crackling of the fire filled the air as you and Daryl sat side by side, staring into the dancing flames. The warmth and familiarity of his presence brought a sense of comfort to your weary heart. It was a night like any other until Daryl spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.
"You know, I never thought I'd find someone like you in this mess, Y/N."
Startled, you turned to face him, his face dimly lit by the fire's glow. His words hung in the air, heavy with unexpected vulnerability. You searched his eyes, trying to decipher the emotions swirling within them.
"What do you mean, Daryl?" you asked softly, your voice filled with both curiosity and trepidation.
Daryl shifted uncomfortably, his gaze shifting to the ground. "I mean, I... I care about you, Y/N. More than I should, maybe."
Your heart skipped a beat at his confession. The weight of his words settled over you, leaving you momentarily breathless. The realization of Daryl's feelings for you sent a surge of warmth through your veins. But just as quickly as the confession came, it was followed by an apology.
"Shit, I'm sorry, Y/N," Daryl muttered, his voice laced with regret. "You're Merle's girl, and I shouldn't have said anything. It's just... damn, I can't help how I feel."
You reached out, gently touching his arm to get his attention. "Daryl, listen to me. Merle and I are just friends. We've always been. You're not betraying him by having feelings for me."
Daryl looked up, uncertainty etched across his rugged features. "But he's my brother, Y/N. I can't just..."
Before he could finish, you placed a finger on his lips, silencing him. "Merle has never laid claim to me, Daryl. We're all just trying to survive in this messed up world. And if there's one thing I've learned, it's that life is too short to ignore what makes us happy."
Daryl's eyes softened as he absorbed your words. His gaze shifted between your eyes and your lips, his internal battle evident. Finally, he reached a decision, his hand trembling as it cupped your cheek.
"I don't know how to do this, Y/N," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I can't ignore how I feel anymore."
Without another word, he closed the distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a gentle, tentative kiss. Time seemed to stand still as the weight of the world slipped away, leaving only the two of you, bound together by an unspoken connection.
As the kiss deepened, you felt the walls that had separated you from Daryl crumble away. The years of friendship and shared experiences had led to this moment, a revelation of unspoken desires and hidden affection. It was a love born in the darkest of times, finding solace in each other's arms.
When you finally broke apart, breathless and flushed, you looked into Daryl's eyes, now filled with a mix of tenderness and uncertainty. It was a leap of faith for both of you, a departure from the familiar into uncharted territory. But you knew, deep in your heart, that it was a risk worth taking.
"I don't have all the answers, Daryl," you whispered, your voice filled with conviction. "But I know that I care about you, too. And I'm willing to figure it out together."
A small, genuine smile tugged at the corners of Daryl's lips. He nodded, his thumb gently brushing against your cheek.
"Alright, Y/N. Together, then."
And with those simple words, you knew that, no matter what the future held, you and Daryl would face it together, side by side, finding strength and solace in each other's love.
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𝐀 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐟, 𝐀 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝, 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐀 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
Chapter 5
Chapter summery: the Dixons try to take care of you
Daryl Dixon x reader
Word count: 1071
Estimated read time: 5 minutes
AN: this one isn’t as much as the last one but it’s the aftermath of chapter 4 so please read with caution
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The pair of you had made it to his complex. You can’t remember the drive. It felt like forever and somehow 2 seconds all at once. Whatever words were aching to be spoken stayed in your throat at you cried with no sound. Your whole body hurt and you don’t know if it was real pain or if you made it up.
Daryl gets out of the truck and slowly walks over to your side of the vehicle. On his walk around the front of the car he looked stressed. Maybe even annoyed. You feel the root of his agrivation was obviously you and what had transpired tonight. You’d been giving him hell since he met you a few days ago.
He opens your truck door and undoes the seatbelt while trying his best not to touch you. Once you are set free from your safety precaution prison you try to hop out of the truck on your own but much to your humiliation and Daryl’s secret concern your legs shake violently before you fall forward onto your hands and knees.
“Ah damn..” you hear Daryl mutter before he bends down to help you stand.
If he could be totally honest he felt like the easiest thing to do would be to carry you to his apartment, but he was unsure if you would even allow him to do so. You had already been through enough tonight and he didn’t want to push it.
He hobbled you up the stairs and leaned you against the outside wall in front of his door. The wall was filthy, just thinking about his own body on it made him cringe. He felt bad he put you there but he also knew you couldn’t stand on your own. Once his door was unlocked he shuffled you in before seating you on the couch at stood to the side of you.
“Ma’ need ta take tha blanket” he spoke softly and grumbly at you while gently tugging at the disgusting blanket that was in his truck.
You loosened your grip on the blanket while continuing to look at your sneakers. You couldn’t speak. You wanted to but you didn’t have the power to say anything.
He took the blanket and walked to the closet to get you a new, fluffier one, while he discarded the old one on the floor of the closet, kicking it all the way in with his foot before shutting the door.
He quickly wrapped the blanket around you and kneeled down before you.
“I need ya ta stay here fore a minute, okay? I’ll be back. Just don’t move”
He stood and walked to Merle’s room. He entered his room and quickly shut the door before turning on the light.
“AUGHhhh. Damn it asshole! I told ya-!” Merle begins to shout but is cut off by Daryl putting his hand over his mouth.
“Shhh!! Keep it tha fuck down man!” He whisper yells. Daryl looks around and takes a towel from the floor and shoved it under the door before going back to Merle, who is giving him a crazy look.
“What tha fuck is goin on? Why tha fuck do I need ta keep quiet in ma own damn apartment?”
“D’ya remember that girl from the diner ya met at jacks?”
“What about ‘er?” Merle cuts his eyes at Daryl for just the mention of you.
“I went ta go get yer damn aspirin an’ some guy attacked er’, I got him off er’ but she was shakin and cryin and I didn’t know what ya do. I jus put her in ma truck and drover here. She’s sitting’ on the couch and she won’t jus talk.”
“She was what!?” Merle whisper shouts. “By who?!?!”
“Some old, fat, fuck I didn’t get a good look at him I was more worried bout tha girl”
“So she’s In the livin room?”
Merle get up out of bed and puts on some pants but remains shirtless before making his way out of the room while Daryl followed.
Merle went to the front of the couch and faced you before kneeling down to your level.
“Hey there darlin’”
You look up from your shoes to see Merle. You begin to cry again before throwing your arms around his neck”
Merle looks shocked but eventually hugs you back before telling you itll be okay.
Daryl just stood by and watched. Utterly confused.
How is Merle so gentle with you but such a dick face to anyone else. What is it about you. Is it the same thing that makes Daryl look at you when you aren’t looking back at him? Is it the thing that makes him so frustrated when he’s around you? What could it be?
Merle sits there for a few minutes with you and lets you cry while Daryl sets up his bed.
‘What if it smells too much like me.. when was the last time I cleaned my sheets? Should I clean them now? Ahhhh just fuck it’
Daryl goes back into the living room and gets the attention of you and Merle by clearing his throat.
“Yer gonna sleep in ma bed while yer here. I’ll take the couch. My room has a lock on the door so if u want you can use that”
You just nod and try standing up, but Merle has to help you so you don’t fall. The tree of you walk to the bedroom and they help you lay down. Merle leaves to go back to bed while Daryl tells you where everything is and how to use the remote if you want to watch tv.
“Oh and uh.. also if ya wanna change I got shorts an some wifebeaters in tha top drawers. Jus take what ya want. Sorry it ain’t no real pajamas but I’m sure you’ll make work.” And with that he shut the door and went to bed.
You were so exauseted but you get this gripping need to change clothes so you took him up on his offer and changed. His clothes smelled just like him. It was comforting. Same with his blankets. You had absolutely no energy to watch tv so you laid under the covers and fell into a deep comforting sleep. Meanwhile Daryl stayed on the couch looking up only thinking about you. Merle on the other hand was fully awake and furious. Thinking about all the things he was gonna do the the fucker that hurt you once he found him.
Hey! So as I said in the last one my editor has been completely M.I.A on me and I can’t get a hold of them so if there are any mistakes please tell me
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softestnatalie · 9 months
Abandoned corridors of the heart
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x female!reader
Timing: Season 1
Chapter Summary: There are a few complications on Merle's rescue mission. Your group is forced to leave the camp as chaos erupts.
Warnings: swearing, mild language, blood, gore, character death
Autor's note: School's starting again in a week and I'm NOT ready. I'll have much less time to write :( so updates will proably take a few more days as soon as I have classes again, hope you can understand. Also, reader crying because of Daryl got my heart aching :( And the reader gets to see sb she thought she'd never see again ;)
Chapter 3: Everything changes
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You're stronger than you think.
That's what your mother used to tell you whenever you needed to hear it - whenever something was putting you down. And right in this moment, you were trying so much to hold onto her words, an axe in your hands and a geek on the ground, a few men of the camp beating it up. Still, no matter how many punches they delieverd, it didn't die. You didn't exactly know how to help, but you did remember the moment you saved Daryl - he shot it right through the eye as soon as he'd been able to grab his crossbow. After that, it didn't move anymore, so you assumed the head was the important part.
You were just waiting for the right moment to interfere and when Rick hit the geek with a pitchork, the spikes piercing it's abdomen and forcing it to stay on the ground, you quickly pushed the other men out of the way, raising your arms high above your head before bringing them down with as much force as you could, cutting it's head off in a swift movement.
All of you were breathing heavily, drops of sweat running down your foreheads. Rick looked at you and nodded, saying thank you for your help. You nodded back and drooped the axe right next to the bodyless head, blood leaking from the open throat.
"That's the first one we had up here," Dale spoke after a few heavy seconds of silence, "They usually don't come that far up the hill."
"Maybe because the cities are getting empty," you decided to speak your mind, "I mean as far as we know, they bite humans - we're their food - they're searching for more," your eyes trailed to the poor deer laying on the ground, it's neck wide open and chewed up. Your heart ached for the animal, which had to give his life for no reason at all.
You jumped when you heard more rustling from the woods, grabbing Rick's arm - since he was closest to you - and hiding behind him. He turned his head to you and raised an eyerbrow, making you lower your head in embarrassment.
Shane raised his gun instantly, pointing it at the forest and waiting for the creature to show itself. You grabbed Rick's arm a bit harder when the rustling got closer as you held your breath, body tensing. You relaxed though, when you realised who it was.
Daryl stopped in his tracks, looking at the gun in shock before his eyes trailed to the dead deer on the ground, geek laying next to the animal. His shock turned into anger, "Son of a bitch," he walked closer, "That's mah deer. Been trackin' it fo' miles."
The geek's head started to move again, making you cringe and Daryl scoff, "Don' ya know anythin’, people? Gotta be the brain," he lifted his crossbow and just like the first time you'd met him, he shot an arrow right through the eye.
Your group decided to leave the deer for safety reasons since nobody knew if it was still edible after it got bit. And you really couldn't say you were disappointed about the news, you probably wouldn't have eaten it anyway - your guilty conscience way too big. Though, the squirrel Daryl brought back with him wouldn't be any better.
But before you went back to the camp, there was one thing you desperately wanted to do; bury the deer. You wanted to give the poor animal at least a little bit of peace. So, you begged Shane - since he was always the one to make desicions - to help you. And after a few minutes he actually agreed, shoveling a grave before laying the deer inside.
After you were satisfied, you made your way back inside the camp, Shane following behind you. And the first thing you saw was Rick arguing with Daryl, and you could only imagine what the argument was about.
Daryl was rubbing his forehead, his eyes narrowing in anger as you and Shane walked closer. It probably wsn't the smartest idea to interfere in what was happening but you were curious and you did want to know how Daryl would take the news about his brother.
"Hold on, lemme process this," Daryl turned away from Rick, rubbing over his eyes with his elbow - and you thought he looked close to crying by the way his face twisted up for only a second before he turned to face Rick again, "Ya sayin' ya cuffed mah brother to a roof," his voice raised in volume, practically screaming, "And ya fuckin' left 'im there?"
Rick put his hands on his hips - a move he seemed to be doing a lot, you noticed - and nodded, "Yeah," unlike Daryl's, his voice was calm.
A 'pfft' left Daryl's lips and he pursed his lips, pressing them together and trying to supress his upcoming rage. It didn't seem to work though as he grabbed the rope hanging on his left shoulder and threw the squirrel he'd caught into Rick's direction.
The situation escalated even more when Daryl pulled his knife out of the holster he had on his left hip, swinging his arm around widly, trying to hit Rick with the weapon. Luckily, Shane was able to put Daryl down before he actually got to hurt anyone.
Soon after, they decided to go back and get Merle and for some weird reason Shane decided to send you with them. He came up to you while the boys were preparing the truck, you about to go back into your tent when he spoke to you, "Think you should go with them."
You turned around and your mouth opened in shock when you realised he meant you. You. "Wha- why me?"
Honestly, the last thing you wanted to do was to go outside the camp because, really, you didn't have a death wish. Moreover, you had close to no experience killing geeks and the others having to look out for you constantly would just slow them down.
Shane shrugged, his left eye twitching a little, "You were doing a good job earlier, you know, helping us with the geek."
You shook your head quickly, a confused chuckle escaping your lips, "Shane, I had no idea what I was doing," you pulled the hair tie Lori had given you only a few hours ago off your wrist and put your hair up into a ponytail, "Really, I'd be more of a problem rather than help."
You tried to talk your way out of it but by the way he was looking at you, you knew there was no chance of you staying at the camp, "You're going," he walked away and continued talking with his back to you, "I'm sure it'll be okay."
And then he was gone. And you were left standing there, your eyes trailing after him until he disappeared from your sight and if looks could kill, he'd have died on the spot. His words didn't make any sense to you.
You've done great.
You surely hadn't done great. You had a conjecture and acted on it, basically trying your luck without knowing how it would go. And it's not like you actually killed the geek - Daryl did.
I'm sure it'll be okay.
You wondered how he could even say that after the situation which had happened just a day ago. The last group to leave the camp was faced with death and almost didn't make it back - and you were sure they were far more experienced than you. You were also sure about one more thing; you really didn't like Shane.
You were standing beside the truck when you had prepared yourself to go - and with prepared you meant getting a knife from Dale. You were still hoping someone would come and safe you from having to go since you were sure the four men would be fine without you, and there really wasn't any reason for you to go. Again, you questioned Shane's intentions.
"Oh," you lifted your head at Glenn's suprised voice, Daryl standing next to him, making you even more nervous. The absurdity of the situation wouldn't allow you to give the young man a smile. You. Going on a rescue mission to safe the brother of a man who acted like he despised you.
"Yeah," you muttured, nodding your head.
Glenn seemed to realise you didn't really like the idea of going with them - and he could understand, of course - so he didn't answer anymore, just nodded and gave you a reassuring smile as he opened the back doors of the truck to let you inside.
The ride was awkward. Glenn was driving the truck, Rick siting next to him in the passenger seat. Daryl and T-Dog were in the back with you, each one of you sitting in a different corner. None of you said a word.
It didn't take long before the vehicle stopped - the brake squeaking - and Glenn turned around to face the three of you, "We'll walk from here."
Daryl was the first to stand up and jump outside while you and T-Dog started at each other before he slowly stood up as well. You allowed yourself a few more seconds to take a few deep breaths, rubbing your thighs with your shaking hands as Glenn reached out his hand in order to help you out. And, honestly, Glenn was about to become your favorite person and, hopefully, a good friend over time.
The walk was short and only took a few more minutes until you were standing in front of a large building, the sun blending you when you looked into the sky to see the roof as best as you could. You just wanted to get Merle as fast as possible so y'all would be able to go 'home'.
But to everyone's suprise, the roof was empty, only a bloody and cold hand was left behind.
You covered your mouth as your eyes widened and a gasp left you, staring at the limb before you looked at the redneck when he started to scream for his brother. And you were almost scared he would attract geeks with how loud he was being.
Your group followed the trail of blood in hopes of finding him somewhere inside the building. But it didn't change anything.
Merle was gone.
"I lost my police bag when Glenn saved me," Rick said as he stopped Daryl from searching for his brother on his own, "We can go and get it. It's full of weapons - guns, lots of guns - and then we can look for him together."
Daryl stepped away from Rick's touch and thought about the spoken words before he gave a curt nod, "We can do tha'."
And so it was decided. Your group made a plan how to get the police bag first and for that plan to work, you had to be in pairs. And, of course, just your luck, you were paired with Daryl. While Glenn would be the one to run and get the bag, Rick and T-Dog would wait around a corner while you and Daryl would wait around another corner to be able to help Glenn if anything went wrong.
And, oh, a lot of things went wrong.
Before you could react, there was a boy standing in front of you, screaming in a language you couldn't understand - but you assumed it sounded like spanish. Daryl raised his crossbow but before he could do anything, two older men came running towards the three of you, pushing Daryl to the ground and giving him a kick in his side.
Right in that moment, Glenn returned with the bag and a hat in his hands, looking at Daryl before his eyes trailed to you. His expression matched yours; mouth opened wide just as well as your eyes.
You ran to get Daryl's crossbow, which was laying a few meters away from him, as soon as the men's attention was on Glenn, sprinting over to him. It was heavier than you thought and your arms burned a bit when you picked it up and gave it to Daryl, who managed to shoot an arrow into one man's ass.
The next thing you knew, you were picked up and thrown over a shoulder before you got pushed inside a car, Glenn right after you.
"Daryl!" you screamed a few times until the car started moving and there was nothing the redneck could do to safe you. The car was small, you and Glenn sitting shoulder to shoulder, so he could feel your shaking body right next to him.
"We're gonna be all right," he whispered but it did little to calm you. And you loathed Shane for forcing you to go on that stupid mission, all you had done was give Daryl his crossbow, so why were you even there?
It took at least an hour until your kidnappers reached their destination. One of the men opened your door and grabbed your arm, pulling you out and leading you and Glenn inside what looked like a hospital.
"Ese," there was a light voice calling and the man behind you turned around, looking at the source of the noise, "What?" the unknown man lifted his arms, pointing them in your direction and having a look of utter confusion on his face, "Who are they?"
You lowered your head as the two of them started to discuss about you and Glenn, rocking back and forth on your feet. You were scared of them and what they would or could do to you. Nobody would be there to help.
"I said grab the bag, not bring two strangers with you!"
The voice pulled you out of your thoughts and only a few seconds later were you led further down the white corridors. And the sight you were met with almost eased your fear just the tiniest bit. Old people. A lot of old people. They were sitting in their chairs, just enjoying their time and it almost looked like a retirement home.
"You can just sit down if you want," the unknown man said, pointing at a few empty chairs. You and Glenn looked at each other and you raised your eyebrows as if to ask him what he thought, him responding with a little shrug and a nod. So, the both of you walked over in small steps and sat down.
That was pretty much how you spent the next few hours, just sitting there and watching the old people talk, occasionally standing up to change position or help somebody. At some point, you were brave enough to start talking to Glenn, not being all too scared anymore.
It was pretty late already, the sun starting to go down when the man from earlier walked in again but this time with a familiar face.
You nudged Glenn with your shoulder as soon as you saw the member of the camp, nodding into his direction so that Glenn could see him as well. Daryl and T-Dog followed soon after, looking around skeptically.
"I thought you two were bein' eaten by dogs," T-Dog said when he saw you and Glenn walking towards them. And you almost laughed when the korean man raised an eyebrow and turned around, looking at the three tiny chihuahuas as they started barking as if they could understand our words.
You and your group got pulled into another room to talk about the situation without the seniors having to hear.
The unknown man - what seemed to be the leader of that hospital - explained their story. They didn't mean any harm, didn't even plan on meeting other people on their way to get the weapons. They were just as scared as you were.
Rick decided to give them a few of the guns and ammo we had inside the bag, showing his understanding. Still, he kept most of the weapons to himself and saved them for the camp. After the conversation, your group could go 'home'. The leader of the Vatos - that's how they called their group - said a big 'thank you' before he led y'all out.
But, of course, the relief you felt didn't last very long. Because when you and your people walked outside, the truck Rick and the other two had came with was gone.
"The hell is the truck?" Daryl asked at the same time Glenn spoke, "Who'd take it?"
"Merle," Rick pursed his lips as he seemed to realise Merle wouldn't want anything positive for the people who had left him behind - even if it was by accident. And if he found his way back to the camp, nothing good would happen.
And since y'all didn't have any other options, the streets being empty and no other car in sight, you started jogging towards the camp, trying to be there as soon as possible to prevent anything negative from happening.
You didn't think it'd be that bad.
The five of you could hear the screams from a distance and you could feel your heart sink once you knew they were coming from your camp. At first, you thought Merle was the reason for the loud noises, you didn't expect to see the entire - once peaceful - camp filled with geeks.
All you could hear was the screams of the people living here and the loud gunshots as they tried to defend themselves. It was dark by then but, still, you could see a lot of blood on the ground, coming from the people who had got bitten already.
You thought about running away, somewhere safer than there, but everything you had on your mind left you at once when you looked into an all too familiar face. It wasn't as beautiful as it once was, the skin being a light shade of gray and the teeth hanging out in an unnatrual way.
You took a step forward, almost as if you were in a trance, but jumped when another gunshot sounded and the face you couldn't seem to stop looking at fell backwards, blood spraying from the bullet wound.
"No!" you screamed, the tears that had been welling up in your eyes finally rolling down your cheeks. Your body reacted before your mind could as you got on your knees and crawled over to the body on the ground.
The others killed the rest of the geeks as you sat on your knees, practically sobbing at this point, tears blurring your vision, "Mom," you whispered shakily, touching her hair carefully.
You didn't even realise how quiet it got as your screams echoed around the woods, holding your mother's cold hand tightly. You didn't think you'd ever get to see her again and you were just trying to accept that, but seeing her like this put you at least three steps back.
Please don't leave me, I need you, you thought, your eyes wandering around the group for the first time since your parent got shot. And only then did you realise you weren't the only one crying. Amy - the girl you had tried to comfort just a day ago - was lying on the ground, her neck wide open and bood all over her. It was obvious that she got bit.
How ironic. Amy had been so worried about Andrea's well being, scared they'd get seperated way too soon and now it was the other sister laying motionless on the ground.
The sight made you cry even more. So many lives. And they got taken away as if they didn't matter at all. The others were darting their eyes back and forth, looking at you and then at Andrea.
You looked back down at your mother, your tears wet her white and dirty shirt. Your story wasn't supposed to end yet, you wanted a happier ending for her.
You sat like that for the rest of the night, the sun raising after a few hours and you thought the worst part was sitting there the next morning, realising she was gone for good. That morning, you felt physical pain for the first time - a deep ache consuming your whole body but mostly your heart - without actually being hurt.
Daryl came over to you after some time, sitting on his heels next you and your body tensed uncomfortably.
"We gotta-" he started to talk but you didn't even let him finish his sentence.
"Stop," you spoke curtly, shaking your head at whatever he had to say, "I wanna bury her," you waited for a response but when you got none you allowed yourself to look at him. His eyes weren't as hard and cold as they usually were - still distant but not cold. Maybe because he could actually understand you considering the current situation involving his brother.
He nodded softly and stood up, grabbing your mother by her shoulders, making you tense up even more, "Hey, hey! What are you doing?"
He stopped his actions, looking at you again, "Help ya dig a grave."
You stared at him for a few more seconds before you eventually decided you could use the help, so you let him continue, "Okay," you whispered.
And it was all going okay until Shane thought he had to tell his opinion even though nobody asked for it, "Hey," he called, walking over to you and Daryl, already beginning to shovel the grave up again, "We don't bury geeks. She wasn't one of us."
Daryl scoffed at him, his eyebrows furrowing into a glare as he stopped shoveling, "Ain't yer business."
Shane shook his head and licked his lips, "Sure is," he tilted his head a bit to look at you still working to close the grave, "We don't bury them."
You shut your ears after that, focusing on your task since you really couldn't care less about Shane in that moment. And you honestly couldn't even explain how much you hated him. The argument between Daryl and Shane got more heated and at some point it just kind of escalated.
"Hell with y'all," Daryl exclaimed, waving around with his arms, "Ya had this comin'," he pointed at your mother's grave with one hand before slowly gesturing to the other bodies as well.
And this got your attention.
You had this coming.
How dare he say these words? Innocent people died. And he has the audacity to act as if they deserved it? And point at your mother - the mother you'd just lost a few hours ago - while doing so? His words hurt and they cut deeper than a knife ever could. Did she deserve to die? Did you deserve to see her like this?
Too many questions you didn't know an answer for, but you did know one thing; You didn't want to see Daryl anymore.
"Go," you suddenly spoke up, "Both of you, I can do this alone," your voice cracked towards the end, your face twisting up in pain, showing how much Drayl's words actually affected you.
The redneck started talking again, seemingly realising his hurtful words, but you didn't let him finish, raising your voice instead and telling him to fuck off. Both men left eventually, leaving you alone to do your work.
Only a few hours later did your group decide to leave the camp behind in order to find help for Jim since he got bitten. So you packed your stuff just as well as the rest of the group to head to the CDC - hoping to get a cure and save Jim.
You said goodbye to your mother before you left, sitting at her grave for some time before eventually moving towards the van. You were hoping your group would be able to come back as soon as Jim got the help he needed.
You didn't think about a lot of things when the van started moving, but in the end you realised something.
Everyone leaves at some point.
Tag list:
@goth-cowgirl-03 @paintlavillered @hotgirlsshareaccounts @tiedyedghoulette @alialiclouds
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letterstotheflre · 1 year
oh god the first three gifs… dating pre-apocalypse daryl and him waiting everyday for you after your shift 🥺 either takes you home cause you’re tired or rides around cause you’re stressed
pls :') you work at an old diner and he waits by the backdoor cause there's almost no one there, ever. most of the other workers leave through the front door except for one or two others like you, but they don't work the same shifts as you. that means there's no one to watch you as you skip towards daryl and slump yourself against his chest with an exhausted sigh while he leans against the bike.
"hi, handsome," you whisper and leave a sweet little kiss on the base of his neck. if there were people around you know you wouldn't be able to do it, so you take full advantage of the empty street.
"hey." there's the tiniest bit of pink on the tip of his ears that you think is adorable. he flicks the end of the cigarette, ashes falling to the ground. he could see the tiredness on your face the moment you opened the diner door. "shit day?"
"the shittiest," you whine and squeeze his middle tighter.
daryl tangles his free hand in between the strands of your hair and massages your scalp. "somethin' happen?" he asks casually, but you know there's an edge to his question.
you like your job, you really do. but there's been a few times daryl's had to resort to his fists and mean words to get creepy guys to leave you alone. more times than you'd like.
"no, just an entitled old lady and some annoying teenagers." you skip over the part where you could feel the teen boys trying to take a peak under your uniform skirt. daryl looks relaxed for once and you'd like to keep him like that, not give him an aneurysm on a friday afternoon. "just wanna go home and sleep the entire weekend."
"can do tha' for ya." he throws the cigarette away and places the helmet safely over your head. he only has one and he never wears it, only carries it around for you. doesn't matter how many times you tell him to wear one you always got the same scoffed answer: "ain't no pansy, woman. don't need no helmet."
he helps you get on his bike and gives your thighs a good old pat before kicking the kickstand back into resting position and bringing the bike back to life.
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traitorca · 11 months
My Iron Lung - The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon x Grimes!Reader - 2
He’s dead. Rick is dead, that’s what he told you. Shane couldn’t stay in there long, and neither could any of you as troopers shot and killed just about anyone in sight. You slapped him, for some reason you actually slapped him. It wasn’t that you didn’t believe him- no, of course you didn’t, it seemed so unlikely. His vitals were just fine as of your last visit- but Shane wouldn’t lie about that- That was his best friend and you couldn’t just feel entitled- no, paranoid because of your relationship. Despite your inner turmoil, it took everything in you not to rush back in there and see for yourself the outcome of Rick.
That leads you to now, grip on the steering wheel harsh as you drove out of Kings County, to the interstate which would lead you to Atlanta. The radio said that a safe zone was put up, that seeking refuge would be possible while they figure out how to stop this outbreak. But from an epidemiologist’s perspective, you didn’t think it could be stopped.
Prior to the apocalypses reign in the States, you had received a call from your colleague when the UK had just been shut down for quarantine. They had asked- urgently, for any information based upon your latest research. Now that you thought about it, it seemed suspicious of you to leave so urgently after working on a patient who undoubtedly was a cause of this pandemic. You had told them all you knew, bacteria, infection- ants.
Why ants? Well, you were sure it had something to do with the zombie ant fungus native to the rainforests of South America. This disease was capable of taking pathogenesis and altering the entire behavioral system of an ant, and making it a tool for conquering. To an extent, this victim would die spreading a disease- but unfortunately, not all of the symptoms in this apocalypse matched those. But it was entirely possible- the thought of the world sweltering due to atmospheric change, global warming- who wasn’t to say such a fungi wouldn’t adapt to its surroundings? In an attempt of desperation, try a different host? Not to say this was all caused by an ant, but there were no theories that served as a proper alternative.
You couldn’t even cry, that’s how strange this all was. Your brother was dead, and you couldn’t feel a thing but the adrenaline rush. If you weren’t careful, you were sure to rear end someone on the highway as they all seemed to slow down. To be honest, you weren’t that familiar to road rage, but this was a new level of anger.
Shane was sitting in the passenger seat, arm propped up on the open window. It was too hot to sit idle in a car, underneath the setting sun, on the middle of a highway in Georgia. Atlanta better be worth it.
An accident of some sorts had happened up on the road, a blockage of cars preventing the caravan from moving further into Atlanta. This called for the people in their cars to gather outside, mingle together at any chance for survival or support until they were able to make it there safely. Which- to some people, is a good thing. Strength in numbers. But if you learned anything from your line of work, and you were sure Shane knew it too, people don’t change overnight when the world goes to shit. Maybe their world was shit already, and this only would give them an excuse to act out and lose the last ounce of morality they had.
You sat on the car's hood, a melted popsicle in hand as you watched Carl talk to a girl about his age. You had packed the last few Otterpops left in your freezer, and it was holding Carl over, and you were surely content as you could be. Lori and Shane had wandered with a group of people into the woods, dusk falling over the sky. Helicopters flew past overhead, their propellers slicing through the air as you bit into the ice.
“My Aunt is the coolest! She’s a scientist- I think she can figure this whole thing out-!” Carl, bless his heart, was just excited he had someone to talk to. But things like that- saying you could potentially save the world? That was a large claim, and you were unsure you were fit to fill the expectation.
“A scientist?” Sophia responded, looking up at you. “You don’t look like a scientist.”
“I don’t look like a lot of things.” You responded, smiling down at her as you pushed yourself off the hood of Shane’s jeep. “I am a scientist but-“
“So you know what’s going on?” Sophia’s mother, Carol, seemed to train attention to the conversation. “What ‘this’ is?”
“Well- it’s really hard to say, but before I left my research, I had found that it could be related to fungi-“
“Or the wrath of God!” Carl finished for you.
“Yeah. That too.”
This didn’t seem to bring any comfort to Carol or her daughter, but she seemed keen on staying around you. “Do you think… you could fix it?”
“Well- I don’t know if IM the right one for that, there are plenty of other experienced people in my field-“
“But could you?”
“Carol, stop fucking around with this woman.” Her husband came out of their car, eyes narrowed as he grabbed her wrist. “Sorry if she’s bothering you, Doc.” The nickname was bitter, almost as if it was drenched in venom.
“No. It’s okay. I’m just afraid I don’t know all the answers.” You laughed anxiously, looking back at Carl as you ruffled his hair.
He laughed at that. How charming, if you could roll your eyes you would. “I wouldn’t leave that job to a woman anyway, leave it to the professionals.”
“Excuse me?” Out of all the misogynistic things said to you your whole life, this was honestly something you weren't expecting. You were pissed, other hand clenched around the otterpop that was long gone by now. Before you could get another word out, the horizon lit up in large, orange plumes of light. The ground shook, noises comparable to thunder flooded the air. Helicopters whipped past, smoke visibly now as it surfaced over Atlanta.
What happened to Atlanta being safe?! Safe my ass.
Carl dove for your arms, hands gripping the back of your tank top as he shook. “Where’s mom-?! She should’ve been back-“
“Shh- no, she’s fine. She’s with Shane, alright? He wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Just like I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” You whispered, kissing your head. “See? See, people are coming back from the woods. Lo will be here.” You really had to work on your comforting skills, because as much as you wanted Carl to believe your words, you weren’t sure you believed them either.
The next few days were slow, hot, and downright depressing. You had found a group at that blockade on the highway a few days back, and had located yourself at a quarry. Your new found purpose was in the form of a man named Dale, sisters Amy and Andrea, T-Dog, Glenn, Morales and his family, Jacqui, Jim, Carol, Ed, and Sophia- you were never popular in highschool, so this really must be your IT girl phase.
Rumors of your ex-occupation spread fast, Carl not leaving a single detail out. You were unsure if he was saying these things to show off, or convince himself that this world could be fixed. It was sad when you thought about it, Carl never really had the chance to be a kid. He was about- eleven now? No, twelve. This really was a reminder you weren’t around much. You were glad you were here now at least, and you were damn sure Carl wouldn’t leave your sight this time. Lori could take care of herself- well, more like Shane would take care of her instead. You weren’t going to act dumb, you knew the way Shane looked at her wasn’t just friendly. Nothing about Shane was “just friendly”.
People seemed to keep you close, constantly making conversation with you- questioning you on your job. You hate to say it, but you didn’t get the job for the money or the attention. You weren’t like a NASA scientist or whatever- so this was strange. People were so convinced you were some special, intelligent alien from another world- but you were just a woman in her twenties.
Rick would know what to do. Rick always knew what to do, he’s the reason you got out of Kings County- because he told you that you were meant for more. Not to be locked in a life you couldn’t escape. You had no doubt Rick loved his son and wife, family was a big part of being a Grimes, but you knew you weren’t just your family name, and he did too.
All the things you could’ve said to him, and you couldn’t. And now he was dead, probably mauled to death in some hospital bed, infected- a freakish monster, much like the ones he promised to protect you from when you were just a child.
How you missed the times when THAT was the thing to be afraid of.
You liked your time alone, you had always been a loner- but this was another level. Walking alone as a woman was scary enough- but now it was much more than men who would grab you without thinking twice. Now they didn’t have to think at all. Despite this, you enjoyed walking out by yourself- with a firearm of course, considering nothing was really illegal and it was the ONLY option anyway. Besides, the group didn’t have any real, concrete food sources, and you were damned to hell if Shane was really going to feed you all frogs for dinner. So you offered to find berries and plants that were edible, because- not to brag, you were pretty darn smart when it came to a lot of things.
The pine straw shuffled beneath your feet, sun slowly setting above you as birds softly chirped overhead, almost as if they were scared to draw too much attention. Your lips were pressed into a thin line, a small drop of sweat dripping down your forehead at a leisurely pace. You had a bucket with you, filled with all sorts of plants you had collected from the underbrush. You missed real food- even squirrels were starting to look better on a dinner plate than in a tree- and that’s when you KNOW you’ve gone crazy. Maybe the apocalypse wasn’t for everyone, but your resilience made you a strong contender- but also, a really big fucking idiot.
Picky eaters suck ass in situations like this.
You didn’t get too terribly far, but you were starting to realize that your surroundings were becoming a little bit too unfamiliar for your liking. With this in mind, you noted that you should probably head back soon as the sun was getting lower every passing moment.
Your feet turned, body instantly colliding with something as you fell to the ground. A freak. A fucking freak gnawing at you- shaky hands keeping his jaw lengths away from your face. How had you not heard it?! What the fuck- Teeth, nails, teeth, nails, teeth- teeth teeth teeth- watch the teeth!
You cursed, hand reaching for your gun as your bucket was long gone from your grasp. You struggled, grunting as you attempted to push its body off of you with just one hand. How fucking embarrassing- no one had ever caught you this off guard before, much less a freak.
“Get the fuck off! Get off-!” You yelled, hand finally freeing your gun from your belt. You knew loud noises would draw them- you couldn’t risk that, not with your camp near. You ALSO knew that if they heard a gun fire, you couldn’t pretend to know nothing about it. Shane would never let you out again if he knew what a close call you had. So, you did the next best thing. You slammed the butt of your gun straight into its head, knocking it off of you. It rolled, gurgling as it went to stand again. You rolled away, hands pushing yourself up as you turned to face it again. You raised your gun, mentally preparing for the shit show Shane and Lori were going to be when you got back, having fired a gun-
You aimed, fingering the trigger as you slowed your breathing. Remember what Rick taught you, slow, precise- shoot.
The walker fell, but you hadn’t pulled the trigger.
A second passed as you stared.
Another, as you lowered your gaze to the ground.
In its head, where the bullet would’ve been, was a carbon arrow with a green fletching.
“Well look a’ what we have ‘ere, Darlina… I dare say you just saved her ass.”
Men fucking suck.
taglist:🏷️: @poubxlle @kovieky @fallenkitten @dixonsboy19
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