#merle dixon fic
twigg96 · 1 month
Merle X Reader HC/Fic
Sooo... I might have a thing for the Dixon boys lol.... Here are some HCs for Merle. Next in this series will be either Negan or Rick <3
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Merle didn't do relationships... he normally did flings. Hot, steamy, one night stands that meant nothing to either partner. That took no emotional effort at all on his part.
Merle didn't normally do emotions. Emotions were messy. Emotions got him hurt. His emotional bandwidth was taken up by family. Or what was left of it anyway...
But then he met you... when his normal coping mechanisms of harsh comedy and pulling away didn't work on you and you only drew closer to the crass man only wishing to know him further... Merle started to become intrigued with you and these new feelings bubbling up in him. Although he wouldn't dare label the emotions as anything more than curiosity. You would say you and Merle had become thick as thieves.
He brought you home to meet his brother. Something he often did with some of his long term flings but something was special about you. Something different. He hadn't fucked you... as a matter of fact he didn't really want to or feel a need to... he just wanted to keep you close. Watch you hang out with Daryl in their little trailer and watch a shitty movie with an arm around your shoulder... if you let him. It was a weird feeling that pissed him off slightly. He knew your body was fucking smoking hot. He knew he should be simply banging you silly in his room, listening to this movie in the background, before moving on with his life. Not dwelling on whatever the fuck this new feeling was. But as you laughed at the movie, handing the popcorn to Daryl and leaning into his own side more, sharing a joke Merle knew would soon become an inside joke between the two of you, treating the younger Dixon as an equal instead of a pest or a nuisance who didn't belong in his own home like so many of his partners had before... it peaked his interest to peer deeper into those unknown emotions he was experiencing.
Taking you out to go hunting was just one way Merle showed his... interest in you. It was his way of showing off his skills in the sport as well as teaching you vital skills he learned in his life. Skills he hoped you'd never have to use. Skills he could never know would end up saving not only your life but the lives of many in the future. Merle saved for weeks at his shitty dead end job (dealing wasn't always what it was cracked up to be) to pay for all three of your hunting licenses (just cause he lived life in the fast lane didn't mean he always felt the need to skirt the law... didn't help he used a fake ID to get the damned things though) and everything you'd need to go in the coming weeks. If there was anything he could pride himself in it was semi-legally bringing food to the table.
Inviting you over the night before he let you take his own bed and to the amazement of Daryl he took the couch. Merle had claimed it was so that when he got up to get ready he wouldn't wake you, but in the morning when he woke up at the ungodly hour before the sun rose to find you already awake, completely dressed and brewing coffee, Merle was damned tempted to call off the hunt to spend the day at home hunting you. But Daryl coming out of the bathroom with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth and a tired far away look in his eye reminded him he had a duty to get meat for harsh winter ahead.
However Merle never had the patience to hunt normally... So he brought along entertainment and some accelerators that made the hunt go by faster and in his favor. Leading you through the woods the two of you walked silently saying a quick good luck to Daryl as he took off on his own. Merle knew his brother always did do better on his own and would probably out hunt you both, his proclivity to hunt from the break of dawn until the sunset baffled Merle. Settling you down in a small grove of oak trees Merle wrapped an arm around your waist pointing in the direction the deer would appear if he scouted right. The sun slowly rose into the sky turning it a deep red before it ascended into the sky. The cool fall morning never warmed above chilling and the eldest Dixon knew the deer were bedding down to keep warm. Pulling you to your feet Merle walked with you. He had bought cherry bombs from one of the dealers he associated himself with for a case such as this. Using a slingshot and a lit cigarette he shot them into the thick brush when he got bored. Laughing as they exploded spraying twigs and dirt into the air. He'd deal with the aftermath of Daryl's anger later when they got home... but for now he let the beaming smile on your face drive him. Handing the slingshot to you, he pointed to a different spot in the brush, lighting the bomb with the end of his cigarette. Thunk... BOOM. You both laughed as more dirt flew and several deer jumped from the brush. They each darted in several directions and before Merle could pull his gun up to take a good shot; a gun beside him went off. It was the first deer you ever bagged.
As time went on Merle started bringing you with him nearly everywhere. To the grocery store. To the gas station. But mostly to the bar. You didn't seem to drink that much. If you did drink it was only a few before you limited yourself. Merle never had that kind of restraint. He over indulged. He always did. He was loud, crass, and could be mean as a rattle snake when he drank. More so than normal. It seemed to only be exasperated when he was under the influence. But you never seemed to notice or care. Still connected to his hip all through the night. Laughing at his shitty jokes. Correcting his over crass behavior when he got too rowdy. Keeping him from getting himself killed by sneakily limiting his drinks through the night. Or simply diluting them with water or seltzer.
You truly were his angel.
When some guy with a death wish decided he wanted to try and force his way between you two. “Damn, girl. You got a nice ass.” The jackass growled shoving himself between you and the eldest Dixon. If you hadn’t given Merle a talk before you both left the house he might have killed the guy already. But you promised him you’d do your best to handle it and would flag him if you needed. So with all the strength Merle had in his his drunken body. He walked over to join his brother glaring holes into the back of the asshole’s skull who swayed drunkenly trying to whoo you off your feet. “Surprised you haven’t laid ‘im out yet.” Daryl drawled following Merle’s gaze, glaring daggers at the jackass. “Seen ya lay guys out fer less before.” He hummed taking a sip of the beer he’d been nursing through most of the night. Watching as you shook you head politely at the man’s advances, turning to the bar and drinking down your liquor uncomfortably Merle simply hummed. “Said I’d stay back this time. But if he lays a hand on her it’s fair game, little brother.” Merle growled shooting Daryl a look that spoke volumes. Merle watched as you moved your body further away from the man as he stepped a little closer keeping your arms tucked tight around your middle to keep from accidentally bumping into him. Merle watched as you shook your head again standing slowly and shaking your hand. But that’s when the asshole turned into enemy number one. The dick bag had the fucking gull. The sheer audacity to grab you by the wrist, shoving you into the bar, caging you there with his body. He stood over you stumbling only slightly as you shoved against him with all your strength. Merle didn’t have to say a word when Daryl sat his beer down, knowing exactly what was coming next following him willing across the country bar. Merle grabbed the bastard by the ear, dragging him out into the alley between the bar and the abandoned building beside it. Together he and Daryl made the fucker regret the day he was born.
The day the world fell into chaos Merle hadn't believed it at first. What a sick joke. Human beings returning from the dead. Human beings eating each other. The world falling apart. You had come over early in the morning before work. Cuddling up to Merle he somehow convinced you to stay home, call off. Even if he didn't believe the shit himself. He just had a... feeling. Now he was glad he had it. Daryl had been up on the mountain hunting. Watching as camera men risked life and limb to get closer to the action you both speculated it was only in the cities... and it was... at first. Then you heard the gunshots next door. And Merle's military training went into overdrive. Grabbing dusty duffle bag after dusty duffle bag of supplies he had stashed around the house Merle tied them tight to his bike.
It took three days for you and Merle to find Daryl out in the woods. Luckily for you both the geeks had just as much of a hard time. There were no biters out in the middle of no where. And if Merle had thought that an emergency would have lasted more than a week for three people, he would have packed more water. But he didn't and with the biters carrying some sort of disease. Merle didn't want to risk catching it in the water.
The three of you raided houses and small groups for a time. Daryl hated it. That much was evident. You hated it more. You had grown silent. distant. Though Merle couldn't tell if it was because of hunger or regret that had you pulling away. But he tried not to think about it. He just tried to focus on the survival of all of you.
When you all made it to the Quarry, Merle had origianlly wanted to raid it like the others and dip. But the kids... You and Daryl wouldn't let him. And so there he sat, a week later. Wittling a damned fishing rod for some broad he didn't know so she and her sister could go try and fish... Useless. Meanwhile you were being hounded by the big headed prick Shane. Every time he turned around he was nosing around you. If it were any time before three weeks ago he would have laid Shane out flat and thought nothing about it... But now... he had to act right... or Shane would kick them out... not that he would give a shit... but You were right. Even if he hated it. There was a safety in numbers.
Unfortunately... Merle could never keep his anger in check nor his mouth shut for long. The combination always seemed to get him in trouble. With the law - he was arrested more times than he could count and with more prison time than he probably deserved but let go because a fantastic lawyer. With ex-partners- he always said shit he would regret- it cost him a relationship with one of his maybe kids... he really should have looked into that before the end of the world... But now he was handcuffed to a roof. no hope to see you again ever again. All because his big mouth and bigger ego.
Finding the graves at the Quarry was the hardest thing he ever had to go through beyond war. Digging them up with one hand in the wet muddy ground coming down off of all his drugs to be certain none of them held you or Daryl... was his coming to religion moment.
The entire time he worked for the Governor Merle searched for you and Daryl. If Daryl had you he knew you were safe. Not that he doubted you. Merle trusted that you were out there somewhere now throwing cherry bombs into the woods to scare the deer into coming out for Daryl.
Walking in the woods one night on patrol Merle counted the stars. The moon. He never really looked at them before. You had tried once to show him the constellations. Where they all where at different times. Stars were your thing. Not his. He pretended to be interested. But you could tell he wasn't interested. He wished he could give you the time now.
Months into his service to Woodbury he was out doing the Governor's bidding. There had been a disturbance at the line apparently. He was deployed to deal with it. He hated his job but... it made the time pass. Better than in a jail cell he supposed... Searching under cars and in broken grocery store windows he disposed of a few walkers before watching a shadow scurry across the dusty glass of a hardware store window. "If yer looking to get a weapon yer out a luck... but if ya need a tool-" He froze. You stood in the glass staring back at him fear washed over your face before you ran to hide behind some shelves. Had you not seen him? Not recognized his voice?! Or maybe he was hallucinating again... it seemed to be a theme recently. He was seeing your face everywhere. Even in the paintings that Phillip had hanging in the halls. Walking into the store Merle growled rounding the aisles looking for you. This was ridiculous why- Oh... it was just a teen... Letting her slip past him he sighed pretending not to see them at all just willing to tell the teams that they were seeing shit again.
The trek to the prison felt like walking into death row. From one prison into another Merle thought walking beside Daryl. He didn't dare ask about you. Though the question burned in his mind so brightly that he nearly screamed it several times. It wasn't the time... wasn't the place. Not after the things Daryl had seen. Not after the changes he'd made. He wasn't the same Daryl that Merle left behind. More mature. Decisive. It was good to see in a way. It brough Pride to his chest in way that made him want to smile. It also brought tears in a painful way that made him want to scream and cry out for the time he lost. When the gates opened and only hostility came... you never did Merle looked desperately to Daryl who only could look to the ground. "Went out lookin' for ya." Merle shook his head turning towards the gate. "Merle." Daryl yelled. "I... I'll take ya too 'em." Daryl sighed looking very much like the boy Merle remembered. Leading Merle to a group of graves only marked with crosses not in a dissimilar way that the group at the Quarry used Daryl stopped. Feeling bile rise to the top of his throat at the sick feeling of Deja vu Merle shook his head. "Went out lookin' for ya every day... one day... didn't come back so I went lookin'..." Daryl sniffed gesturing to a cross with your name. "Found 'em turned and wandering back by Woodbury... not sure what happened... but we have our ideas."
Merle lived day by day and in a daze from then on. He lived for Daryl. Had to keep him safe. Like he always did. but it was different. Without you there to light up his life he was just existing waiting for what he couldn't put a name to it. So when the governor wanted to meet. A trade. Merle knew what he had to do. You died near Woodbury. The Governor knew... now... he would pay... he would know not to fuck with Rick... He'd stay the fuck away from Daryl and he'd regret ever letting you die on his land.
Impulsive. Merle had always been impulsive. and it always got him in trouble... but this time as his vison faded to black and a light shined in his eyes he was sure was the sun... he heard your voice... and he smiled.
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vilentia · 9 months
Surviving Together
Merle Dixon x reader
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In the soft light of the fire's glow, the flickering flames danced across the rough contours of Merle's face, casting shadows that seemed to echo the hidden scars on his soul. It had been a long day of scavenging, the world outside still a battleground of chaos and decay, but for now, the two of you were cocooned in a fragile sanctuary you'd built together.
As you huddled close, Merle's calloused fingers traced a delicate path along your cheek, his touch more tender than anyone would have expected from the man who'd once been nothing more than a hot-tempered survivor. You leaned into his warmth, taking solace in the fierce protectiveness that had become the foundation of your love. In the silence, unspoken words hung heavy in the air. Merle had his demons, and you had yours. Your pasts were intertwined with mistakes, regrets, and a haunting sense of loss. But together, you found solace, and there was a shared understanding that transcended words.
The night whispered secrets only the stars bore witness to, and in that moment, it felt like you were the only two souls left in this broken world. As the embers crackled and popped, you saw in Merle's eyes the reflection of a man who had faced his demons head-on, a man who had walked through the fires of his own making and emerged, if not unscathed, then at least redeemed.
With a sigh, Merle pulled you closer, his lips grazing your forehead in a tender kiss. The sensation sent a shiver down your spine, as if he were trying to mend the invisible fractures in your heart. In his embrace, you felt safe, cherished, and, against all odds, loved.
This was your way of saving each other. In a world where death lurked around every corner, where humanity's worst instincts clawed at the edges of your sanity, you and Merle had found a lifeline in each other's arms. It was a love forged in the crucible of hardship and despair, a love that whispered hope even when the world seemed to have forgotten the word.
As the night wore on, you clung to each other, a lifeline in the darkness. Your love wasn't perfect, but it was real, and it was enough to keep both your fractured souls from falling apart completely. In each other, you'd found redemption and a reason to keep going, to keep fighting, and to keep saving each other, one day at a time.
And Merle, as he held you close, thought back to that day on the rooftop, when you'd saved him not only from the walkers but also from himself. You'd stopped the bleeding from his severed hand, bound his wounds, and refused to let him give up. In that moment, he'd realized that he wasn't alone in this world, that there was someone who saw the good in him, even when he couldn't see it himself. You'd given him a second chance at life, and he was determined to make the most of it, for you and for the love that had become his salvation.
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sadslay · 20 days
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- SNOOKER ⋆☆ 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings - pre-apocalypse daryl <3, kinda light nsfw, mentions of smoking and alcohol, merle dixon 💀
typically you declined going out on a week night, but you’re best friend - josephine - was freshly single and needed distracting, and the perfect distraction just walked over. merle dixon.
“couple’a dolls like yourselves know how to play snooker?” a man asked and his hand snaked around your friends shoulder.
josey smiled as you both recognized the man. “yes sir.” she grinned, leaning into his touch. “you got a partner or we playin’ trios?” she asked, looking up into his dilated eyes.
personally you have only interacted with merle dixon a handful of times and all of then involved him dealing some sort of drug or pill to a friend if yours. he was well known around your small town but someone who was a little lesser known was his little brother daryl who was sitting across the pub waiting by the snooker tables.
“see my little brother over there?” merle questioned, his voice drawn out and slurred as he peered over to daryl before looking at your near by friend, giving her a once over. “he’ll be our fourth.” he added.
you gave daryl a little wave only to be met with a almost unnoticeable smile. daryl didn’t look too much older then you and your friend, maybe only by a couple of years, but daryl had always been the quiet brother. he was always the one to pull merle away from a fight or bail him out of the cells. daryl seemed so vastly different to merle, yet freakishly similar.
“he can be your partner sweetheart.” merle chuckled noticing the prolonged eye contact between the two of us.
you looked up at the older man, flashing him a honeyed smile before sliding off your chair. there maybe an inch or two height difference between you and merle making the man step back. letting out a soft giggle you walked towards daryl as he sorted the balls into a wooden triangle.
you leant up again the pool table, your hands on the wooden trim as you asked, “is it alright if i’m your partner?”
daryl looked up at you. he had taken notice of your short pleated skirt. his mouth slightly gaped open in awe as you waited for his response. “yeah.” he stammered. “why wouldn’t it be?”
“s’just i’ve never played pool before.” you shrugged. “not properly anyways, not since i was a kid.” you shyly admitted as a soft smile crept onto your lips from the fond memory of playing pool with your siblings.
it was like he almost forgot how to breath as you played with the rings on your fingers. these gorgeous rings that held colourful gemstones that matched your eyes and freshly painted nails. “i can teach you.” he stuttered, barely able to look at you.
“y’all done? or can we play?” merle snickered from the other end of the table causing your cheeks to blush and daryl’s brows to furrow.
“piss of.” he grumbled, removing the wooden triangle allowing merle to break.
merle let out a bellowing laugh as he made his shot, sending the brightly coloured balls flying across the table. “we’re solids darlin’.” merle murmured, his southern drawl more prominent the more he drank.
once the balls stilled, daryl looked at you, extending the cue stick out. “you wanna go first?” he asked, his eyes barely meeting yours.
“you can go first.” you smiled, entirely too nervous you’d mess up the shot. daryl nodded before looking back at the table. “how do you know which ones to go for?” you asked quietly, just loud enough for only daryls ears to hear.
daryl let out a soft laugh, making your cheeks glow red as he pointed towards the table. “we're tryin’ to hit the ones with the coloured strip.”
you slowly nodded, showing daryl that you understood before he spun back around towards the table. he lined up his shot and with one powerful push the balls scattered across the table, one of them landing in a corner pocket. you let out a squeal of excitement, making daryl's cheeks to blush.
“good shot!” you exclaimed, as daryl turned back to look at you. but your smile quickly faded to a worried frown as daryl handed you the cue stick. “oh no i can’t, i don’t know how.” you stuttered.
he forced the stick into your hand, the brief skin to skin contact with each other making your stomach flutter. you shuffled closer to the table, trying to find a shot that would be easy enough for you to not mess up.
"as long as ya hit that white ball, yer did good." he encouraged, watching you as you leant over the table to begin lining up your shot. for a moment daryl watched you, trying his hardest to keep his eyes on the table. "here." he mumbled.
daryl moved closer to you, his body caging yours against the table while one hand adjusted far end of the cue stick and the other pointed to the ten ball on the far end of the table.
"there's no way i'll hit that." you whispered, unintentionally leaning a little further back into daryl.
he let out a stiff laugh before mumbling, "yes you will. just give it a soft tap."
when the warmth of daryl's body left yours, you took in a deep breath and lined up your shot. you hit the cue ball the best you could but just grazed the ten ball, moving it further a away from the pocket.
"shit." you huffed, your eyebrows furrowing as you stepped back from the table. you heard a snicker from the other end of the table. josey clung to merle like her life depended on it while he laughed at your inability to hit the ball. "somethin' funny?" you snapped.
merle's hands flung up in defense as you handed the cue stick to daryl. "nah, nothin' darlin'." he let out a bellowing laugh causing your friend to giggle.
"don't worry about him." daryl spoke, his southern drawl more apparent then ever as you leant on the wall beside him. "he's even more of an asshole when he drinks." he chuckled.
apparently the more you drank the better at the game you got, and now with the game coming to an end, you were starting to get confused by the rules surrounding the eight ball.
"can't i just hit it into any pocket?" you asked, earning a throaty chuckle from merle and a snicker from your friend. “whats so funny?.” you asked as you looked at daryl who had a soft smile creeping onto his lips.
"ya gotta call it." he chuckled softly, stepping a little bit closer to look at the best pocket for you to aim for. "otherwise we loose the game." he spoke in a low whisper, his hand rising at it pointed to pocket to the left of the eight ball. "call that one."
you let out a sign, now feeling like an idiot at you began to line up your shot. at the other end of the table you saw merle all over josey and she adored his attention. your attention was quickly pulled away when you felt daryl behind you as his arms reached around you to adjust your cue stick.
“jus’ focus on hittin’ that white ball straight.” he whispered, his breath by your ear and cheek making your skin crawl with goosebumps.
you were now ten times for nervous as daryl had himself pressed up against you. “i don’t think i’ll get it in.” you admitted, turning your head to look at the man.
he smiled shyly. “you’ll get it,” before pulling away, giving you the room you needed.
taking in a deep breath you lined up your shot like daryl had taught you and as you exhaled the ball shot straight into the corner pocket. after a brief moment of shock, daryl’s words of encouragement caused you to jump up and down as your celebrated your shot.
“i can’t believe i got it in!” you sang, jumping towards daryl to give him a high five. "does that mean we won?" you questioned in disbelief, looking at merle and your friend as they wallowed in their defeat. looking at daryl you saw him smiling as he nodded his head. “we won!” you squealed running to daryl before pulling him into a hug as you spun around.
as you settled down you looked across at josephine as she dug through her bag. you let out a breath of air before getting a pack of cigarettes from the waistband of your skirt. “lookin’ for these?” you smirked shaking the packet to grab her attention. she smiled before walking towards you, trying to snatch the packet from your hands. “play nice.” you giggled.
wrapping her hand around your waist, josey smiled, “come on sweets,” she slurred before beginning to pull you towards the smoking pit.
“y’all runnin’ out on us?” merle snickered from the booth he had sat down in.
“we’ll be back!” you both sang.
as the pair of you sat in the dimly lit smoke pit, you giggled about your encounter with the dixon brothers, josephine sharing her new found infatuation with merle. as you sat down on the weathered wooden benches you pulled the lighter out from the paper packet before lighting a single cigarette. you took in a few breathes before handing the cigarette to josey.
taking in a deep breath, joseu leant back against the cool concrete wall. “you ‘nd daryl were gettin’ close.” she smirked.
“he’s nice.” you shrugged, taking the cigarette from josey’s hand. “could say the same for you ‘nd merle.” you giggled.
before she could snap back with a comment the heavy glass door swung open. daryl walked out alone with a cigarette hanging between his lips. his eyes instantly drawn to you, you were even more beautiful under the moonlight he thought.
“you’re brother comin’ out?” josey asked him as he stood a few feet away, looking through his pockets for a lighter.
daryl shrugged, “dunno.” he mumbled. “think he’s gettin’ more drinks.” daryl added.
abruptly, josephine stood up with a smug grin plastered on her face. "i'll leave you to it." she sang, skipping towards the door, only to stop as she pulled the door open. "be a good girl sweets!" she let out a laugh that came from her stomach before disappearing inside.
a silence hung between you and daryl. it wasn't awkward or necessarily comfortable but it a much needed moment of stillness. your eyes were drawn back to daryl who was still calmly searching for a lighter. you took the cigarette from between your lips and extended your hand, offering it to daryl.
"yer sure?" only now you had noticed how low and horse his voice was. you nodded as daryl stepped forward and took the cigarette. "thanks." he mumbled, sitting down beside you. “how’d you get the name sweets?” he asked, taking in a deep breath of smoke.
his southern drawl made your heart flutter. you let out a soft giggle as your cheeks warmed. "when josey and i were kids, i always had sweets on me." you explained, noticing the soft smile creeping onto daryls lips. "and i guess the name just stuck." you shrugged.
daryl handed back the cigarette as he spoke in a hushed manner. "s'cute."
while you took in another breath of smoke, daryl admired you up close. she was beautiful, one of the prettiest girls he'd ever seen, but her beauty was not like those girls in merles magazines, she was beautiful for that sparkle in her eye whenever she managed to hit a ball while playing snooker. she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her look, daryl thought, she was beautiful deep down to her soul. her hair sat on her shoulders, so close to touching his shoulders he had to fight every urge to lean in closer. your hair smelt like a mix of vanilla and tobacco and it drove daryl crazy.
"what?" you laughed softly, putting the cigarette out in a near by ashtray. "s'my lipstick smeared?" your voice was riddled with concern making daryl chuckle.
something about him had you entirely infatuated with him. it made you want to know every little secret of his and know the little things that make him happy. the music from inside was now a distant echo as the tension between you was palpable. you inched a little closer, now you could feel his body heat radiating off him. it might have been to copious amounts of alcohol talking but-
"i really want to kiss you right now."
you were drunk, you weren’t thinking clearly daryl thought, there was no way-
“m’sorry, i shouldn’t have said,”
“s’okay.” daryl quickly cut in, now realizing he had made you embarrassed which was the last thing he wanted to do right now.
daryl then did something you hadn’t expected. he leant forward, the space between you close to nonexistent as he placed a gentle kiss on the corner of your lips. he couldn’t scare you away, not after everything that had happened tonight, but something about the small amount of contact had ignited something within him. the space between you was quickly closed again as his lips met your again, this time with more depth and erotism then before.
your hands snaked their way up to the base of daryls neck as you pulled him impossibly closer. your breathing had become desperate just like your lust for daryl as his hand connected with your bare thigh. his hand inched up your thigh, his fingers digging into your skin making your back arch.
in a desperate attempt for air you pulled your lips away from his, to your surprise hearing a groan of impatience. “wanna get outta here?” you whispered into his heard, planting a tantalizingly slow kiss behind his ear.
yes! yes! yes! "uh huh." he smiled, trying to manage his breathing as he began to search for his keys.
you pressed another kiss onto the side of his neck before noticing what he was doing. "are you okay to drive?" you asked in a low whisper as he finally fished out his keys.
daryl nodded, standing up and extending his hand. "i've only have one drink." he spoke quietly, taking your hand to help you stand before beginning to pull you towards the door back into the bar. "'nd i had it a few hours ago." daryl added holding the door open as you walked inside.
as you walked by the bar you gave josey a wink before following daryl dixon out the bar door into the dimly lit carpark. your hand held onto daryl's tightly as he led you to his triumph bonneville motorcycle.
"i've never been on a motorcycle before." you admitted as daryl began to mount his bike.
your cheeks warmed as daryl let out a grumbled laugh. "did yer need help gettin' on?" he asked, looking down at your pleather pumps. he stuck out his arm, letting you use him as support as you mounted his bike. "ya good?" he asked as your body molded against his.
you hummed in response and seconds later daryl put the key in the ignition and started the engine. as he began to roll the bike forward your arms quickly wrapped around his waist. you could heard daryls chuckle as he sped up while turning onto the highway that neighbored the bar. the cool night air felt sobering and euphoric. for the first few minutes of the ride your hands were tightly hugging daryls torso but as you grew more comfortable your grip loosened.
sooner then you had wished, daryl began to slow down before turning into the trailer park on the outside of town. the roar of the engine grew quiet as he parked out the front of a trailer on the far end of the park before turning off the ignition. you combed your hair out of your face and just as you went to get off the bike, daryl held out his arm again so you could steady yourself. you grinned as you dismounted the warm humming bike.
"have fun?" he asked, pushing himself off the bike, your hand still holding onto his his as he led you towards the door.
as he fiddled around with his house keys, the jangling of the nickle and silver being the only noise in the cool night air, you stepped a little closer to daryl. "i bet i can have more fun inside." you whispered in his ear, making the man freeze in his tracks.
your breaths filled the air, the quiet night air and it was taking every morsel in his body not to push you up against the cool tin exterior of his trailer. he pushed the door open and placed both his hands on the sides of your hips, guiding you inside while the door swung shut. daryl spun you around making you giggle but you were quickly met with his lips. his breath was warm and bitter, tasting of tobacco.
the intoxication of it all made your head spin. your hands gripped onto the back of his neck to not only keep you close but also upright. daryls hands hoisted you up around his waist making you gasp for air. daryl knew his trailer like the back of his hand, so with no problem he lowered you both onto the small two person couch, letting your legs drape on the sides of his waist. his hands were all over your body, running painfully slow from the tops of your thighs all the way up to your chest.
your lips slowly drifted from his as your body began to slide down until your knees connected with the lino flooring. daryl was in a dazed state of euphoria and he had only noticed your distance once he heard the clattering of his belt. looking up at daryl through your eyelashes made his breathing quicken, and suddenly it all felt so real.
“yer don’t have to.” he breathed, his hands grasping onto the couch.
slowly you peeled open his jeans, looking at daryl as he squirmed under your touch. “do you want me to stop?” you asked, your hands resting on his thighs.
“i should,” daryl began to mumble, finally making you understand.
“i want to.” you cut him off, smiling as you continued to peel away the denim. “i want you daryl.” you leant up and gave him a soft open mouth kiss.
as your lips parted once again, daryls head fell back. the state of euphoria had once again consumed him and his head began to spin. he took a fist full of your hair and gave it a weak tug. the noises alone drove him crazy and there was no way he could last much longer.
“come ‘ere.” he grunted, finally looking down at you.
smiling at his urgency, you stood up and make quick work of removing your skirt, and slowly you sat down on daryls lap. your hands wrapped around daryls neck as your lips pressed together again. daryls hands gripped onto your thighs, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
“you’re s’beautiful.” daryl mumbled, one of his hands moving from your thigh to your back to support you as you began to roll you hips. “such a good girl.”
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letterstotheflre · 1 year
oh god the first three gifs… dating pre-apocalypse daryl and him waiting everyday for you after your shift 🥺 either takes you home cause you’re tired or rides around cause you’re stressed
pls :') you work at an old diner and he waits by the backdoor cause there's almost no one there, ever. most of the other workers leave through the front door except for one or two others like you, but they don't work the same shifts as you. that means there's no one to watch you as you skip towards daryl and slump yourself against his chest with an exhausted sigh while he leans against the bike.
"hi, handsome," you whisper and leave a sweet little kiss on the base of his neck. if there were people around you know you wouldn't be able to do it, so you take full advantage of the empty street.
"hey." there's the tiniest bit of pink on the tip of his ears that you think is adorable. he flicks the end of the cigarette, ashes falling to the ground. he could see the tiredness on your face the moment you opened the diner door. "shit day?"
"the shittiest," you whine and squeeze his middle tighter.
daryl tangles his free hand in between the strands of your hair and massages your scalp. "somethin' happen?" he asks casually, but you know there's an edge to his question.
you like your job, you really do. but there's been a few times daryl's had to resort to his fists and mean words to get creepy guys to leave you alone. more times than you'd like.
"no, just an entitled old lady and some annoying teenagers." you skip over the part where you could feel the teen boys trying to take a peak under your uniform skirt. daryl looks relaxed for once and you'd like to keep him like that, not give him an aneurysm on a friday afternoon. "just wanna go home and sleep the entire weekend."
"can do tha' for ya." he throws the cigarette away and places the helmet safely over your head. he only has one and he never wears it, only carries it around for you. doesn't matter how many times you tell him to wear one you always got the same scoffed answer: "ain't no pansy, woman. don't need no helmet."
he helps you get on his bike and gives your thighs a good old pat before kicking the kickstand back into resting position and bringing the bike back to life.
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ficnation · 10 months
Chapter 6: Facing the Strangers
Series: Way Down We Go || Season 1 Word count: 2,5k+ Pairing: Rick Grimes x Female! Reader; Shane Walsh x Reader; Daryl Dixon x Sister! Reader Warnings: usual twd themes A/n: Aye, it's WDWG time! I wanted this chapter to be as packed with tension as it was possible. Let me know your thoughts and theories! If you’re not on the taglist but you’d like to be added let me know!
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You woke up to the warmth of the morning sun, the rays streaming into the backseat of the car where you had fallen asleep. Merle snored in the reclined passenger seat, his boots propped up on the dash. You shifted your body into a sitting position, the wound on your side still aching horribly. You clenched your teeth and peeked through the window, gaze searching for Daryl and his beloved crossbow. 
Your younger brother stood near the lake, observing the water shimmering in the morning sun. He was finally taking a break from patrolling the perimeter. You wondered how long it has been since he got some rest—some real sleep—not a fifteen-minute-long nap. 
After the stunt Merle pulled at your camp near Turner Reservoir, you both agreed you’d not let him take another watch shift alone. You, though injured, were more trustworthy than him in spotting incoming threats and getting rid of them. Merle turned out to be too reckless, and you couldn’t risk coming all this way just for him to fuck up again.
As you stretched, the car creaked with your movement, the sound of metal and fabric shifting before settling into silence again. You slid out of the vehicle, unbothered by the loud slam of the door as you pushed it closed behind you. You secretly hoped it was clamorous enough to wake Merle from his deep slumber.
Daryl looked up from his spot near the water as you dragged your feet forward, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes. At least your injury wasn’t pulsing as painfully as it did the day before—that was a win in your book.
“You should get some sleep, Daryl,” you said when you reached him, standing by his side and looking at the water ahead. It was so peaceful.
“Don’ think tha’s a good idea,” he replied, looking you up and down, lost in thought. “Does it still hurt like a bitch?”
“Yeah, but less than yesterday.” You hid your yawn behind your palm. You only managed to get a few hours of sleep—the pain on your side was too unbearable to allow more than that. “Seriously, you should kick Merle out of the car and take a nap yourself,” you insisted, studying the dark circles underneath his eyes and the paleness of his face.
“Nah, I should probably catch us somethin’ to eat.” Daryl stretched his arms above his head with a groan before letting them drop down to his sides.
“Can I go with you?” you asked with an excited glint in your eyes.
You used to do that together when you were kids—when Will took you to the cabin and all the cupboards were empty. Every mention of your hunger was a reason for him to lash out; he used to yell about how ungrateful you were, saying you should finally learn to fend for yourself. You were just a kid, and you had to worry about finding something to satisfy your hunger because your own father was an asshole who refused to provide for you.
Although Daryl is younger than you, he was always the resourceful one while you followed him like a lost puppy, clumsily stumbling over every branch and rock. When you got lost in the woods, he was the one who got you food and clean water as you bawled your eyes out. He was the one who taught you which berries and mushrooms are safe to eat and which can make you wish you were dead.
You shook your head to will the memories away as Daryl responded, “Nah, ya should stay ‘ere with Merle.” Just when you were about to protest, he fixed you with a challenging quirk of his eyebrow and you instantly shut your mouth. “Yer wounded.”
You groaned in exasperation, then nodded your head in agreement. You had no reason to get pressed—even though you could move a little bit easier now, you’d still be a nuisance to him on a hunting trip. “Alright,” you mumbled in agreement.
The moment the words left your lips, your ears picked up noise in the distance. You whipped around toward your brother, meeting his gaze in a silent question. His squinted eyes told you that he heard it too.
The noise got closer and closer with every passing second—its source was definitely heading your way. You could see the gears turning in Daryl’s head as he realized the same thing.
“Get to the fuckin’ car!” he ushered you, swinging his crossbow off his shoulder while his unoccupied hand pushed you gently toward the vehicle.
You listened to him without a second thought, moving forward as fast as your legs allowed you to. You got to the car just in time for another vehicle to come barreling forward and skidding to a stop by the lake, and the large boulders you occupied yesterday. As the door to the black Jeep Wrangler opened, Daryl’s crossbow was already raised and aimed in that direction.
First, a muscular man jumped out of the driver’s seat, then the other doors opened, and a few women exited the car. They had yet to notice your presence. You felt Daryl nudging your arm—a silent sign to get into the truck before they spotted you.
But before you could do anything, the metal door opened with a loud creak as Merle darted out of it. He had the best timing ever—you had to give him that. You heard the commotion as the strangers finally noticed your group of three. And oh my god, Merle had a gun.
You stopped in your tracks, motionless, your eyes darting toward the newcomers. The driver also pulled out his gun as he started moving toward you. Daryl was saying something to your older brother, but your brain turned itself off, focusing solely on the dark-haired man ahead. He came to a stop not too far away, but not too close either, his weapon raised in your general direction.
You had a chance to give him a good look over as the world seemed to slow down around you. His eyes were dark brown but seemed almost hazel as the morning sun hit them. The hair on his head was black and wavey, a subtle stubble decorating his scowling face.
You don’t know what exactly happened, but suddenly those same rich brown eyes were studying your person, almost concerned. “Ma’am, do you know these men?” he asked, his voice deep as his gaze darted between you and your companions.
Daryl moved in front of you, shielding you away from the stranger’s view. No one answered the man’s question—no one even thought about it. You noticed Merle tense up next to you, clutching tightly the pistol in his hands. The stranger’s expression remained unwavering, but his eyes did glance at your older brother’s weapon briefly before they tried to catch a glimpse of you once more.
A thought popped into your head, and you looked down at your injured side, quickly connecting the dots. Now, you understood the glint of concern in his eyes. Your shirt and jeans were still stained with the dried-up blood—you completely forgot about it.
You peeked over Daryl’s shoulder and your gaze met the stranger’s. You’re not sure what he saw in it, but it somehow encouraged him to take another step forward in your direction. Your heart was pounding hard inside your chest. Everything looked like it was in slow motion, the man’s movement, the crowd behind him watching your stare off, every twitch of your younger brother’s muscles. The silence hung heavily in the air as you waited with bated breath to see who was going to fold first and finally say something.
Someone from the unknown crowd walked over and took a stand by the dark-eyed man. “Ma’am, are you injured? Do you need help?” The voice belonged to a woman, it was gentle, with a hint of annoyance at the unnecessary hostility between your groups. “Shane, put the gun away,” she urged the man beside her with a hushed tone—almost a whisper.
Shane listened to her, and although tentatively, he did lower his weapon. The woman stepped forward with a confident walk, escaping the arm that shot out to keep her from going any further. She was a woman on a mission, you could respect that. Her gaze locked on Daryl as she tried to sidestep him, but his aim followed her. You could hear Shane say something to her—maybe even to all of you—but your brain didn’t quite catch it, once again. Merle was oddly quiet.
“Woman, ya step any closer an’ I’ll blow yer pretty brains outta tha’ head.” Yep, he's still here.
Merle didn’t take his gaze off her, he was still clutching the gun, ready for the stranger to try something. Daryl looked even more uneasy than before, and you wondered whether the end of the world squashed all of your trust in humanity into the ground or have you always been like that—you were leaning more towards the second theory. Your older brother, however, seemed calm, like he was the only one who was in control of the situation. He looked around, sizing everybody up with a mean look in his Dixon blues.
“Where did you come from?” Shane asked, tensing up as your older brother stepped into the woman’s path when she tried to sidestep Daryl again.
You noticed the mocking snort that escaped Merle, his knuckles almost white from gripping that pistol so tight. Maybe he wasn’t as sure of himself as he was pretending to be. You had a feeling he was about to do something stupid.
You grabbed him by the wrist, shaking your head disapprovingly. He rolled his eyes, but let you pull him back, seeing the imploring look in your eyes. Don’t do it.
The unknown man’s expression grew darker when he noticed you weren’t really caving in. “Drop your weapons,” he ordered. “We don’t wanna harm you.”
Daryl and Merle didn’t say a word, simply refusing to give up their weapons. You lifted your leg, then kicked the old man in the calf, not too hard, but not too delicately either. He dropped the pistol in resignation, grunted, and pushed it a step away with his foot. Daryl agreed wordlessly and lowered his crossbow.
“Wha’ do ya all want from us?” Merle barked out, towering over the petite woman that finally gave up, understanding she wasn’t going anywhere near you.
You don’t know what gave it away, but the strangers seemed to understand the two men at your side were your friends rather than kidnappers.
“We have a camp nearby. We come here almost every day,” the woman spoke, looking you up and down once you sidestepped the protective wall consisting of your two brothers. “Are you injured?”
“She’s good. Old blood,” Daryl responded to her question. He was met with a suspicious look from the strangers once again.
“The woman can speak for herself, for fuck’s sake.” Shane sighed deeply, clearly annoyed by the whole situation already.
“She don’ speak.”
“Oh…” You took the chance to look the brunette up and down. She was quite skinny with sharp cheekbones and long wavy hair with side-swooped bangs. From her behavior, you figured out she was a classic example of a woman who thought she was untouchable.
“Can I at least take a look at it?” she proposed—a pinch of concern in her voice.
You noticed the way her companion looked at her with admiration at her “selfless” attitude—like a love struck teenager. You guessed he was probably her husband—a lover at least. The man must’ve felt your eyes boring into him, he met your gaze, making you withdraw it instantly. The texture of the ground beneath your feet suddenly seemed far more interesting.
“Wha’? Ya wanna get a chance to feel up mah lil’ sister?” Merle, please, shut your fucking mouth.
“Dressing’s old. Might probably need a change, or it’ll get infected,” Daryl’s response surprised you, your eyes shot up to his face and the worry-etched frown decorating it.
“We have a medical kit back at our camp. We can bring it around, or you can come with us.” The brunette seemed just as shocked as you did, judging by her expression. She probably expected him to put up a fight and refuse to say anything about your injury. “You didn’t set up camp anywhere nearby, did you?”
“Nah, we’re jus’ passin’ through.” Daryl’s shoulders relax visibly as he let out a deep breath. “Plannin’ to head into Atlanta once ‘er wound heals up a little.”
“Atlanta?” Shane snorted loudly, earning himself a disapproving shake of his companion’s head. “Man, you got a death wish?”
You glared at him, his tone toeing the line between surprised and sarcastic. Judging by the scowl that started growing on Merle’s face—he was the one who had a death wish. Shane must’ve felt your eyes boring into his face, he stood a little straighter, holding your gaze.
“Place is swarmed with those things,” the woman added, nodding her head in agreement. Her eyes darted between you and Shane, a frown growing between her thin eyebrows.
“You heard ‘bout the refugee camp?” Shane asked as his gaze left yours, focusing on your younger brother instead. Daryl’s nod confirmed his suspicions. “It’s not there anymore. Don’t think it survived the napalm.”
The archer looked at you, and you could almost see the gears turning in his head. You could’ve met the same fate if you didn’t leave the city to look for them. The thought that he could’ve lost you made him sick to his stomach. He exhaled deeply, his chest shaking with the trembling of his breath. You squeezed his arm briefly—a simple reassurance that you’re still there in one piece.
“Guess our plan jus’ died,” he mumbled out, mostly to you and Merle. His words were a weight off your chest.
Shane eyed Daryl’s crossbow, and an idea popped into his head. “You good with that thing?” He nodded his head toward the weapon, making the archer look between him and the crossbow confused.
“Shoots since he was a lil’ bastard,” Merle butted in before his brother could muster up a response. “Should’ve seen how many squirrels and bucks he brings back from huntin’.”
There was an uneasy feeling stirring up in your gut, Merle had a plan, and you were almost one hundred percent sure it wasn’t one worth considering. God, you’d give anything to know what silly little idea he brewed up in this empty skull of his. But he put it in motion before any of you could talk him out of it. Seeing the amazement in the brunette’s eyes and the silent understanding between her and her friend—it was too late for you to save the situation.
“You guys have a tent?” The man asked, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. Did you just see the corner of his mouth quirk up?
“Nah, why?”
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Taglist: @yttricuz @twdeadlysins @donttelltheelff @spidergirla5 @depressedfrog2 @clemscult @lonewolf471 @btsiguess-kpop @notquitecannon @the-daily-multi-fandom-post @xhannahbananax03 @sourwolf-sterek32 @wonderful-writer @phoenixblack89 @yolobloggers @sexyseabass @sweetpotatospock @witch-of-letters @capsiclesdoll @kingtwhiddleston @incorrectcapsicle @queentorresstuff @witheringblooddemon @hopefulatrocity ​ @jaiboomer11 @mewlingoizys
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dixonsgirl93 · 3 months
Can anyone recommend accounts that write fluffy and smutty things for Merle Dixon?
Pls and thank
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dilfsandmartinis · 7 months
It's so sad not to have the ability to write fanfic, but to have so many ideas and scenarios that you don't know what to do with them. I feel very self-conscious about sending requests because I don't want them to think I'm being too annoying. I don't understand it, I'm good at writing and writing (in my language, I'm sorry if I'm not good at English) but the fics don't come out.
The point of this is, PLEASE write more Merle Dixon fics, Merle×Reader×Daryl. I want to be in the middle of a Dixon sandwich. Later I will upload the fics I have found about this and about Merle.
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dragonsandwolvesohmy · 7 months
I thought I had this saved, but I can't seem to find it anywhere, so....
I'm looking for a fic with an OC who was neighbors with the Dixons. The fic starts with her walking home from work at night, the Dixons have people over, they're outside drinking, catcalling her, etc.
I think she lives with her mother and her mother's boyfriend, and they get bit/she has to kill them during the outbreak before she ends up at the Dixons' place, and they have to kill one of their buddies who becomes a walker. They discover early on that because of this, you don't need to be bit to turn.
Found by the lovely @livingdeadblondequeen! It's Don't Die by AliceDays.
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ankhmutes · 10 months
Ankh Writes Something
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Here is a very fucking filthy rough first draft Master List of all of my writings in one place if you are interested in any of them. I'm always looking to update and add to it as always! <3 all of you who stop by and read and cookies to all of you who review, it feeds my dopamine and the bunny farm and the more dopamine and bunnies I get, the more I write.THIS PAGE IS ALWAYS, ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION... AND SO ARE THE FICS.... and my asks are always open. I do not have a tag list, but I will try to create one eventually if I get enough requests.
M*A*S*H*: The Swamp
MASH and Zombies
Something supernatural this way comes to the MASH unit. Slight crossover with Supernatural if you look for it. (Hawkeye/Mulcahy).
Sons of Anarchy
A Charming Journey Home (Tig/Chibs/Reader)
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Joel Miller
Smoky Kisses in the Moonlight (Joel/Reader)
Bored at the Blue Ox (Joel/Reader)
The Walking Dead
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I had a Wife (Rickyl, Daryl/Reader)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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Catfish Charlie (Rickyl)
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That Dixon Boy (Merle one-shot)
Other Fandoms
Fandom Sentences
Fanfic Authors/blogs I worship:
check out their work!! and if I didn't add you it ain't personal, means i just forgot and DM me so I can put a link or pretty thing for you. Same goes if you want me to take your name down.
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“It's okay,” Rick said. He hesitated, and stepped properly into the garage. “No walkers to clear out tonight.”
Merle's eyes narrowed, and he didn't sit back down.
There was a slight sway to his stance, indicating he was already pretty drunk.
“What you doin' here then, Friendly? Come to help me fix up a bike?”
“I'm not much good with bikes,” Rick confessed.
“Thas' a shame. You coulda been my extra hand or somethin'...” Merle took another swig from his bottle, and Rick watched liquid drool messily down his chin. “...y'know, I was pretty good with bikes...before all this shit happened. Hell, I could even ride 'em,” he started to laugh, but it sounded embittered. “Those were some good times...”
wanted to doodle something from my old fic cos i was supposed to do an illustration per chapter about a year ago lol. anyways heres the fic in case anyone is interested.
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cicadaknight · 2 months
once again hear me out… trans daryl dixon? 🫡🏹💕
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twigg96 · 1 year
Strangers like me
Daryl X Reader, Merle & Reader, Dixon Brothers
Era: PreQuarry, Quarry, Woodburry, Prison
POV: Merle's on yours and Daryl's relationship
Pronouns: They/Them. You/ [Y/N]
Summary: When Daryl and Merle find you starving in one of the houses they raid, Merle is more than willing to leave you there to die. But Daryl jumps to your rescue. Feeding you and restoring you back to health. Merle is certain that once you're better you'd leave them alone... but instead you just seemed to stick around. And Daryl seemed to cling to you in this weird way he'd never seen his brother do with anyone else before... intrigued and a little worried for his brother's safety (though he'd never say it out loud) Merle starts to pay a little more attention to the relationship brewing between you and Daryl. That is until the Sheriff arrives and everything goes to hell in a hand basket.
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From the very first day you met Daryl, found starving inside one of the many abandoned houses that Merle and he searched and raided before they settled down at the Quarry, you both had been connected at the hip. Merle had thought it strange at first. Just a cute little crush for his younger brother to entertain while the world went to shit around them. A cute crush that could potentially become quite the fucking problem if you ever got in the way of their survival. "C'mon baby bro..." Merle growled one particularly rainy day when he finally had a chance to get Daryl alone. "Don't cha see they're just usin' ya?" Merle drawled a snake like grin crossing his face as Daryl shot him an uncertain and self conscious glance. But as the little stow away stumbled through the thick brush, proudly holding up a long string of fish they must have noodled out of the nearby crick, Merle watched Daryls eyes gleam and pride radiate from his very body. "Usin' me huh?" Daryl teased walking over to you, helping you wipe the mud and grime from your face in the most gentle way his brother had ever seen.
As the shit hit the fan and the largest herd of walkers the group of three had yet to see approached from seemingly all sides, Merle was certain you were going to die. That you'd be too slow to keep up. That you'd loose your balance or your weak ankles would give out. What worried Merle most was that if you did happen to trip, happen to get hurt. His moron of a brother would risk his own life again to save you. But you were faster than he expected you would be and even though you had complained before of your weak ankles swelling, a part of you Daryl had no problem touching and massaging on a normal day. Another mystery to the eldest Dixon. You seemed to be Leading the charge far in front of both men, pointing and leading them through the woods. Only for a moment did Merle think to be suspicious of your sudden athletic prowess. But it was only for a moment before you reached out and pulled Merle back from tripping over the root of a tree that would have sent him to his death over the edge of a nearby cliff. Feeling the warm squeeze of your hand in his Merle realized that even after you had safely navigated him away from the ledge you were still holding tight to his wrist, a worried look to your face and hot tears staining your cheeks. "Y-you gotta keep up old man!" You finally called back, stifling a sob he knew would have wracked you and slowed you down... Well damn. Merle followed you into a well abandonded cabin deep in the woods, one that he could tell just by lookin at it was a distillery at one point in it's life. Shoving what little furniture the cabin had up against the windows and doors the trio waited with baited breath as the herd pushed past, begging that none of them would tear through the thin walls in the night while you rested.
"Alrigh'..." Merle grumbled tossing his pack in the corner, glaring at the way his brother was doting on you, letting you lean on him for support to catch your breath. Your hand rested softly on his chest and if Merle had been a dumb man, which he fuckin wasn't. He would have missed the way you intertwined your fingers with Daryl's other hand. "Tell me." Merle growled sitting across from the two who seemingly scrambled to get away from one another in order to avoid getting caught. "Don't know wha-" Daryl tried to bullshit him but Merle could see right through his brother. "Ah! Don't try that shit." Merle growled growing more and more agitated by the minute. Agitated that the two of them thought they could just sneak around him with out him finding out. Agitated that his brother thought he was some kinda fool and couldn't figure it out on his own. But, most of all, agitated that Daryl hadn't trusted him with the truth earlier. "How long have ya known each other?" Merle hissed, gesturing between the two blushing kids. And god they really did look like kids to him now. Despite being covered in mud, walker bits and blood, they both looked so... damned young. "Well..." Merle huffed when he received nothing but silence from either his brother or you in return. "I already told ya." Daryl tried to lie once more, not daring to meet his eyes. "We just met the other day... you were there." You nodded your head a little too enthusiastically to try and convince Merle... something that didn't sit right with the older Dixon. "Bull shit." Merle huffed shaking his head. "There's somethin' more goin' on between you two..." Merle muttered jabbing a finger at his brother's chest then yours. "You two have been all buddy buddy since we picked the runt up." Merle stated watching carefully as you seemed to pull away from the crassness of his voice and Daryl... well if Daryl realized he was doing it Merle had no idea but he had shifted his body slightly to place himself between his brother and you, a deep scowl plastered on his face. "Don't you dare call them names... they just saved yer hide." Daryl hissed defensively. And there it was. Love. Merle sighed shaking his head a small smirk gracing his lips. But, who was he to make them realize what it was called before either of them said it out loud? Instead Merle slapped his knee. "Ah... shit. Thought I recognized 'em from before... must just be tired." Merle sighed, standing with a low groan to go set up his corner of the cabin.
After that long night, Merle kept a closer eye on you two from the shadows. He didn't distrust you as much anymore you were always quick to have not only Daryl’s back but his own and Merle warmed up to you coming to see you as more of a family member and less as of a threat. But that didn't mean that you got to just do whatever you wanted to his little brother in the middle of the apocalypse without someone watching your dumbass backs. Most of the time what Merle observed was tame. A small brush of the hands while you two walked further ahead than him. A bump of the shoulders while they were sitting alone by the fire. When they finally arrived at the Quarry, the three of them kept mostly to themselves finding the small group's leader that took them in suffocating and a hard ass. Shane, the wannabe jughead, was insufferable on a good day. He harassed you on a near constant basis when his own makeshift piece of ass wasn't around to keep him on his toes. "What're ya doing hanging around these fuckin' hicks?" He asked you one day while you were busy skinning the rabbits you had caught. A glare was all you graced him with before he plopped down on the log beside you. "There's more than enough room for you to bunk down next to us ya know... next to me." The perverted ex-cop cooed leaning closer to you. But, much to Merle's glee and entertainment, you looked completely appalled and disinterested. Flipping the man off you shoved the bloody skinned rabbit into his arms. "There... dinner for the young ones." You growled, walking down to the water's edge to wash off.
But, the bastard didn't give up easily. Even once the others in the camp had started to put two and two together that you might... maybe... possibly be in an intimate relationship with the youngest of the Dixon boys and were officially off limits Shane persisted. Merle watched you carefully on the days that the two lovebirds at the camp drank too much and tore into each other. It happened more often than Merle ever felt comfortable with and always ended with a very drunken Shane attempting to shove a wedge into whatever relationship was forming between you and Daryl. But Merle knew his baby brother... his self confidence was in the gutter. And so when another young buck entered his territory, Daryl tended to run and hide or duck his head. "Tell me something." Shane slurred one night, nearly sitting on Daryl's lap in order to slide between you and him. If you hadn't begged Merle to leave well enough alone earlier in the day when the arguing startled the deer the three of you had been hunting all day, he might have put the man out of his misery then and there. "Why do you go out and do all this men's work?" Shane asked drunkenly slurring his words, waving around his half empty beer bottle towards your bow and Daryl's crossbow. "You'd be much better off if you just stayed here with the women and... ya know did women work." Merle had stifle the laugh that bubbled up in his throat watching the way your face morphed from confused disgust to pure astonished hatred. "Ex-fucking-scuse me?!" You hissed. And lordy above if looks could kill Shane would have been fuckin' toast. If not only from the searing glare you sent his way but the absolute daggers Daryl was piercing into the back of Shane's skull at the sheer audacity this man had. But... it seemed that on this night Shane just wanted to test his luck with you. "Yeah... I mean." Shane grabbed your wrist flipping your hand over to look at the palm of your hand. "No one as beautiful as you deserves to have calluses this thick. Besides... you're too delicate for anything more than washing clothes." Oh yeah... that did it. Merle chuckled as you stood and brought the very hand Shane had been holding across his face. "Don't you ever touch me you prick!" You hissed. But something about the way Shane's demeanor didn't set right with Merle... He was too still. He just stared off into space. A look Merle was far too familiar with having served in the military and time in prison. It was a dangerous distant look. But before Shane could act on whatever was brewing in his mind, you stormed off into darkness of the woods, Daryl hot on your tail.
The argument that followed could be heard for a good half mile. "I said leave me the hell alone Daryl!" Merle heard you yell, frustrated and sobbing from within the trees. Merle heard his brother mutter something vaguely sad and soft. It was your first real fight so if he had to guess Daryl was asking what was wrong, or what he could do to help... the poor bastard. "You think they'll be ok?" Dale, the group's resident crazy elderly man asked Merle softly. The older Dixon shrugged, pulling the flashlight from his backpack with an annoyed sigh. "It's not [Y/N] I'm worried about." He muttered lowly, standing with a pained groan. "Fine you wanna talk so bad let's fuckin' talk!" Your scream could be heard all across the Quarry and Merle knew... Daryl was in fuckin' trouble. "I better go get his dumb ass before they kill each other." Merle sighed rolling his eyes. Merle tracked his brother and wannabe in-law down and reminding them that the walkers still existed and were dangerous even when they were pissed off at each other. You insisted that maybe... you should just sleep in Dale's RV for a while. With that said and tears rolling down your cheeks you stormed off back towards the camp. Merle watched you go for a moment before turning to his brother who for all intents and purposes was completely distraught. Daryl paced back and forth growling nonsense, punching the bark off of tree trunks, and grasping at the short hair on his head. "What the fuck?!" Daryl whined, kicking a dead tree down. Merle would have quipped back with something nasty and hurtful. He certainly wanted to... But he figured that maybe this time he should just keep his fuckin' trap shut and try listening this time. "They told me they needed space... so I walked a little slower to give 'em space. They got pissed when I asked what I asked what I could do then told me I didn't do shit so why even ask that. And now they want to sleep in the camper with Dale?!" Daryl growled huffing and plopping down the freshly made tree stump. Merle couldn't help but to laugh at his little brother rolling his eyes at Daryl's nonissue. "Wha' you fuckin' laughing at?!" Daryl hissed standing to get in Merle's face. "Got two bits of advice fer ya little brother." Merle murmured, a cocky smirk plastered across his face. "First... don't ever talk ta yer partner when they tell ya to fuck off. No matter how mad they are or what started it. Just let them be mad fer a bit..." Daryl stared at Merle like he grew a second head. "But I was jus' worried about walkers." Daryl muttered, shuffling his feet. Merle rolled his eyes. "That's the second tip little brother... grow a pair of balls." Merle teased, grabbing his own crotch for emphasis. "You say to me you were just worried about walkers but that's bull shit... you were trying to smooth things over because you know you fucked up by letting Deputy Dickface harass and touch your partner whenever he feels like it... that's why they want to sleep in Dale's camper. Not because their especially pissed at you little bro... but you won't do anything to Shane so they don't feel safe if he were to try something." Daryl flapped his gums for a moment but Merle was already headed back to camp. "Just something to chew on little bro..."
Over the next few days Merle watched you and Daryl slowly make up in the solace of the woods. If he actually gave a shit he'd say it was cute... Daryl did his very best for you. He gave you a portion of his meal every time you all ate despite your protests. He taught you how to cock and shoot his cross bow properly. Merle thought it was cute funny that you tried your damnedest to ignore the way Daryl's body pressed into your back, his left hand pressed to your tummy, explaining that if you took deep enough breaths through your stomach your aim would be less shaky. He almosted missed the way that his little brother's right hand was so gently caressing you to help you position your arms closer to your body and that his breath was tickling the back of your neck as he almost whispered the encouragement into your ear as you pulled the trigger and shot your first deer with the new weapon. But the crushing hug he gave you afterwards, the little twirl and small, “You fuckin’ did it sunshine!” That. That was not a memory neither you or Merle were willing to ignore or push away any time soon. Even though he'd never say it out loud, Merle was damned proud of the his little brother. Especially the next time Deputy Dog came sniffing around. Daryl was by your side in an instant despite having been at the other side of the camp when the ex-cop first approached you. "Heard you were takin' a break from the hicks fer a while..." Shane hummed moving his hand to brush back a piece of your hair that had fallen into your face. "The only thing they'll be breakin' is yer nose if ya don't leave them alone." Daryl growled, walking around the two of you to take your waist, pulling you close to him. Unbeknownst to you at the time. You were teaching the youngest Dixon as well. You taught him the patience to listen even when all he wanted to do was run off in a confused huff or get moody. Merle watched on a little amused as you taught Daryl to fish using only your hand, a gleam of desire shining in his little brother's eyes as he watched you rolling around in the mud bear wrestling a giant catfish to land. You taught Daryl compassion. Something that some what weirded Merle out as the two of you approached Dale and Glenn one day offering to help out at the camper.
The worst day of Merle's life thus far came the day the Sheriff arrived. He was certain that as he sat handcuffed on the roof he was going to die. Even as he sawed his own hand from his arm he was sure he was going to die. But the one thought in his mind remained the same. He had to live to make it to see his little brother again. Even if it were just a glimpse. Even if he just got to know he was ok. Days of mending his wounded stump within the confines of Atlanta turned into weeks of wondering the backroads of Gorgia as he finally made his way back to their campsite. Eating and sleeping from dumpster to dumpster became a regular occurrence and then a necessity as Merle crashed hard detoxing from his array of vices he kept in his bike's side satchel. When Merle finally made it to the campsite, only to find rows and rows of mass graves burried there, the cars, his bike, and the camper gone. Merle had never known that level of loss in his life. Not even in the midst of war did Merle feel so much pain, digging on his knees with his only good hand into the shallow graves praying for the first time in his life that he wouldn't find the faces of his little brother or his brother's lover. But when they all came up as members of their makeshift community, people he hardly knew due to his isolation, Merle wept for the first time in a long time.
Years passed. Merle was "saved" from a life off drifting by the Governor. The Governor's men had found him, starving, nearly waisted away along the side of the road one evening. They had originally tried to kill him, seeing him as a parasite within the bounds of their territory. But time after time, group after group, Merle beat them. He was either able to evade them into the shadows and tight spaces of some abandoned building, going deep withing the walker infested parts of the cities the scouts weren't willing to go. Or he killed each and every one of the bastards that cornered him. But eventually... Merle grew tired and relented. The life he knew in Woodbury was not lavish nor grand by any sense of the word. Merle was a lacky used for his strength and military training... he was used to entertain the residents of Woodbury and keep the other lackies and prisoners in check. It was his job and for a while at least... he was good at it. Why wouldn't he be? It kept food in his belly and enough booze in his system to keep him numb to the horrific things he had to do to keep his position. But to say Merle was simply taking what was given to him was a drastic understatement. No... He may have been a hard headed moron on a good day, but Merle had a plan. One that involved taking the governor down and taking him for all he was worth in the process. Unfortunately for him, he tended to run his big mouth when he was drunk. A habit he was warned would kill him one day... But, Merle wasn't in the business of listening to his little brother's dumb advice especially when he was certain he was dead. Had to be after all the time that had passed between them. So instead when he missed him... he talked about him to the only people who listened... the governor and his lackies.
When Merle found the little Korean squirt loading up baby supplies into that car, he nearly shit himself. If that twerp was still alive, you and Daryl had to be... right? He knew it was impulsive. He knew the target was the samurai. But if he lost track of the twerp now... he could loose you and Daryl forever and that just wasn't a risk Merle was willing to take. He lied to the governor told him he killed the samurai but everything was lost in the blast... a bold lie for sure but a strong one when he held a single lock of hair. The governor seemingly believed him for the mean time and even offered to help interview the girl. An offer Merle should have known better than to accept. But emotions were already high and his judgement had been clouded. However... Merle did not expect Glenn to have such a steel trap. The boy took blow after blow, ribs cracking, nose breaking, blood spilling all in the name of protecting the ones he loved and cherished. Merle tried like Hell to get him to understand. "I just need ta know where Daryl and his partner are... I'll let ya and yer lady friend go if ya just tell me already!" Merle growled finally pushed to the breaking point when Glenn spit all over him. Of course Merle knew he went too far after he threw the walker into the room with Glenn. He was just so confused and frustrated that Glenn was so loyal... Maybe the girl would be easier to break. But what he found in her cell, the governor standing behind her half naked frame with her pinned to the table sent him from frustrated to furious in an instant. If it weren't for the nagging part of his brain reminding him there was something he truly needed at the end of all of this... Merle might have gone rouge then and there. "Hey..." Merle finally got out, straining his voice to hide any emotion. "They... They need ya up top." Merle lied. This time not caring about the repercussions of this particular lie. Merle waited outside watching as the governor passed him by before walking into the room they kept Glenn in. The boy was bloodied, bruised and beaten. He had broken the wooden chair he was taped to in order to kill the walker but by god he survived. Maybe the punk had more moxie than Merle gave him credit for... Without giving the kid a chance to run, Merle grabbed him by the arm, escorting him into the next room where his girl sat covering herself. A wave of hot shame and posionous guilt washed over Merle as he shoved Glenn into the room. His only thought being... What if someone somewhere was doing this to you and Daryl... If he was willing to go this far... how far would someone else go? Tossing his vest at Glenn's girl he looked away, hoping that maybe if he was lucky he'd see his little brother again one day.
When the shooting started and the alarm was raised that prisoners were loose in the city of Woodbury, Merle knew Glenn's people had come to save them. Despite the impressive show he made of firing into the smoke, Merle did his best to miss the figures that crept and ran around. If you or Daryl were in fact amongst one of the few to be there, the last thing he wanted to do was accidently hit either of you. Instead his aim was at the Woodbury residents who dared aim a gun at the fleeing trespassers. God did he pay for it once everything calmed down... the Governor's daughter a walker he kept trapped and locked away was slaughtered during the fight and the Governor wanted blood. Placing Merle in the middle of the fighting ring, a position he wasn't unfamiliar with by this point in his career and life, Merle mentally and physically prepared himself. He expected the Walkers to be released on him. He expected to be whipped and possibly publicly shamed. What he didn't expect... was Daryl. His baby brother chained, beaten, battered, bruised, and whipped being drug into the arena with him. Worse than that, the very second he moved to step towards him, the Governor issued the very rules Merle prayed wouldn't be said in the arena. "To the death..." And so Merle did as ordered. He fought like it was his last breath. Using the governor's waning trust in him, Merle took the first blow sending an unsuspecting Daryl stumbling back. "Merle please." The words killed him as Merle stood over Daryl. But the eldest Dixon had a plan... he always did. Before he knew it snipers from the buildings above were firing down on the walkers and crowd making room for the rush of the crowd that rushed in, slaughtering whoever they had too to free Daryl.
Merle followed the group out, whether they wanted them too or not, Daryl refused to let them touch him. Despite it all Daryl was still loyal to his brother. But the group felt differently... and why wouldn't they? Merle knew he had done unspeakable acts against them... but he didn't ask to have them shoved in his face every two seconds. When enough was enough he and Daryl stormed off. Something they were good at. "Come on baby brother, your better off without them." Merle muttered, trying his damnedest to cheer his little brother up. But it all ended up just blowing up in his face... "We gotta go back to the prison. I need to go back..." Daryl muttered, more like a chant as he lead them deeper into the woods. "The prison? Why the hell do ya wanna go back there?" Merle asked, struggling to keep up with Daryl's determined stride. "Loyalty. Don't know if ya know anythin' about it... and I gotta... They need me." Daryl growled, glaring at his older brother as they ducked under branches. "I know more about loyalty than you ever will!" Merle had yelled. "Maybe you would if you had been there once fer me!" Daryl had screamed back. Merle huffed shaking his head. "Bull shit little brother. This ain't about loyalty. This is about somethin' else..." Merle mumbled trying to read the expression on his brother's face. "Whatever... this was a bad fuckin' idea." Daryl growled. Merle grabbed the back of Daryl's shirt when he tried to walk back to the road without him a familiar feeling of fear and abandonment washing over him as he did. The scars on Daryl's back were horrendous. And Merle knew exactly where they came from. "I-I'm so sorry... I-I never knew..." Merle tried to explain but Daryl was having none of it. "No... You did it's why you left... but it never stopped when you did." Merle couldn't help the pained laugh that escaped his lips. Daryl wasn't wrong. He was reading him like a book... when did he learn to do that? The two walked in silence for a while. Daryl tried like hell to get Merle to come back to the prison with him. But Merle knew deep down he never could. The people there would kill him. It was simple. When the baby's wail pierced the air and Daryl looked panicked, jumping into action without a moments hesitation. Something clicked. "They still alive?" Merle asked after Daryl finally handed the tiny baby back to it's family with a pained look to his face. "Huh? Yeah... Wha' cha mean by that?" Daryl asked, gesturing to the whimpering newborn wriggling in it's mother's arms as they all ran down the highway. "Not the baby, Daryl." Merle sighed. Daryl cocked a confused brow and craned his head. "[Y/N]? Yeah... They're still alive." Daryl huffed when he finally caught on to what Merle was asking. Pushing past his older brother Merle sighed. "You tell them yet?" Merle muttered, following Daryl off of the bridge. "Tell them what?" Daryl asked rolling his eyes at his brother's sudden interest in playing twenty questions. "That ya love 'em." Merle murmured. Watching as Daryl slowed to a stop, Merle hoped for a small second that his little brother would tell him off and send him packing. But instead for the first time since they reunited, Daryl looked like what he remembered him to be. Timid. Shy. And a little embarrassed. But still, the little shit nodded. "Ya want ta come see them?" Daryl asked softly, gesturing with his head in the direction he wanted to go. "They miss ya somethin' fierce."
Before this point... Merle had believed anxiety to be a myth. Something people made up to whine about or get out of work. But as he marched his way to the prison gates with Daryl by his side, Merle suddenly felt very small. It was a good thing that he had something to do when they first arrived... kill all the walkers they could to get in... but once they were done and the dust had settled, Merle was very aware of how many eyes were staring him down. Whispers of "What is he doing here?" and "Why did Daryl bring him back?" resonated deep within his soul. But one voice stood out above the rest. "Daryl?!" Your voice and the sound of your approaching footsteps as you sprinted to find him echoed from inside the prison walls. As you stepped into the greens of the courtyard Merle stood stalk still completely stunned. You looked stunning, your hair grown longer, your skin a little tanner than he remembered, and most shockingly of all... a little tike rested on your hip. The toddler clung to your shirt and buried into your heaving collar bone as you fought to catch your breath. Tears flowed down your cheeks as you ran to Daryl, who met you without hesitation halfway into the courtyard. "W-When you didn't come back-" You sobbed kissing Daryl's jaw before burying your face in the crook of his neck. "It's ok... I just had to take a little detour." Daryl whispered taking the little one from you and kissing their face, blowing raspberries on their cheek for good measure. The tike giggle and squealed in Daryl's arms pushing his head away from their own. "Daddy stop!" They squealed. Daddy? Merle blinked rubbing his eyes with his good hand. He didn't think he was gone that long... "Merle?" Your voice called out as he looked back up at his little, growing, family. "The one and only." Merle gleamed grinning from ear to ear as you wrapped your arms around his middle. "I'm so happy you're ok..." Your tone was happy and soft but turned as dark and piercing as the glare you shot up at Merle. "Merle Dixon... you know I respect you as Daryl's brother... and you know that I owe you and your brother my life... but, you really hurt Daryl with the actions you took in your past... now you have a chance to make them right. If you don't... or if you ever hurt Daryl with another dumbass mistake that makes you get lost or separated from us again. Know I'm going to be personally searching for you to beat your ass until you apologize." Merle tried to take you seriously... he really did. But as your voice grew thick and the tears from earlier began to flow Merle just couldn't find it in himself to even attempt to look scared of you. Instead the eldest Dixon pulled you close letting you rest your head against his chest to sob. "You idiot... You absolute fucking idiot." You sobbed.
Late that night Merle stared up at the stars from the sanctuary of the prison grounds. The groans of the dean did nothing to bother him much any more. The sound of approaching footsteps however put him on edge and forced him to turn to face his potential attackers. But, it was just Daryl, coming to sit beside him in the wet grass of the night. "Hey." Daryl muttered. "Hey..." Merle whispered back looking back at the door to see if you had followed him out. "[Y/N] not coming out?" He asked softly. Daryl chuckled and shook his head. "Nah... she just got Sapphire down for the night." Daryl murmured, rolling his eyes with a laugh as he caught his brother's judgmental stare. "Look we didn't name 'er that... She knew 'er name when we found 'er and we couldn't bare to change it when it was the last thing she had of her real parents." Daryl said softly. Merle hummed in recognition. "Ya got a cute kid..." Daryl nodded, rubbing his arm. "Thanks. Try ta do right by her, ya know..." Daryl muttered and Merle completely understood because he always had and always would try and do right by his family... Even if it killed him.
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Bad People or Good People? - Chapter 7: We're the Good Guys, Clem (Part 2)
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chapter summary:
Worried about Daryl as he goes after Ylva's group, Clementine finds herself stuck in her emotions until she cannot keep it together anymore...
previous chapter: We're the Good Guys, Clem (Part 1) word count: 4663
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Carol’s choices in her past life had made her acutely aware of the signs a traumatized child would give when feeling upset. Sophia had never quite reached the stage where she clammed up fully to the outside world. Daryl Dixon, however, had.
His glares, his silence to questions thrown his way by Rick, his jerky movements as he threw supplies into the car… It looked like anger. But Carol saw through it; repressed emotions surfacing as anger. Perhaps she was the only one who saw it out of the entire group. That meant it was her job to fix this (though perhaps that was partially her own trauma reaction from her ex husband’s actions toward her).
Perhaps part of Daryl’s emotions was anger too. It was just that Daryl had no way of showing other emotions around people as he most likely had never seen anyone express things in any other way but anger as a child. Carol knew this was a truth because of Daryl’s surprised and curious looks whenever someone in the group showed emotions in a different way than anger.
He was slowly learning, but it was difficult to teach an old dog new tricks.
Done moving equipment into the car (or throwing it, rather), Daryl shifted to lean against the car, arms crossed over his chest tightly - as tightly as he was attempting to repress his emotions. Clementine, who normally would jump at being able to help Daryl in some way, had glued herself to a spot a bit further away, staring at Daryl with wide, sad eyes.
Approaching Daryl with her heart clenching in pain for Clementine, hoping and praying that the little girl didn’t think Daryl was upset because of her, Carol planted herself in front of Daryl. He avoided looking at her, but she remained stood where she was, hand on her hip. “Hey you,” she greeted. “What’s got you looking so sour, pookie?”
Daryl scoffed. “Missing an arrow,” Daryl grunted in a reply.
Doubtful this was all that was riling him up, Carol pursed her lips. “You’ll find it. Or some new ones on a run.”
Silence. Daryl did nothing but stare down at the ground.
“You should say goodbye to Clem,” she suggested curiously. Her words sparked a reaction in Daryl’s body language. A shift, nothing more. Slowly nodding her head at his response, Carol understood what was happening. “What did Merle say about Clem?”
Daryl gave no response. Not a single shift. Not a single blink. Carol, however, also noted that he wasn’t breathing. A survival instinct that this big, strong man had adapted from a childhood in fear of his family. “Whatever it was-“
“I ain’t her dad,” Daryl snapped in a breath.
It was a way to get rid of Carol. Yes. But it was also a hint; close to an explanation.
Unfortunately, Daryl’s words didn’t go unnoticed by the group. Nor Clementine.
Carol nodded her head. “No, you’re not. And you’ll never be,” she voiced harshly. “Doesn’t mean she can’t lean on you. Family is more than blood.”
With those words, Carol turned and left to stand next to Clementine. Daryl watched her, her words having hit him hard. As she crouched down next to Clementine, a stone faced look being her mask as she spoke to Clementine in hushed voices to make her feel better, to make her understand, Daryl let out a breath through which his anger dissipated.
Family being more than blood was exactly his struggle at the moment.
As the rest of the group stood and said farewell, worried that this was a dangerous mission (what if Clementine’s old group would attack on sight?), Rick gestured for Daryl and Glenn to get in the car.
Seated in the front next to Rick in the driving seat, Daryl hoisted a leg up against the airbag sign, trying to act normal… But he had been so occupied with his own thoughts that he had not noticed Rick staying put, not turning the engine on. Glenn in the backseat was waiting curiously too.
“What are yah doing?” Daryl asked.
Then, a little tap on the window next to him - he turned his head to see Clementine balancing on her tip toes to see him. She was waving a walkie talkie at him.
Rick pushed a button to lower Daryl’s window.
Staring at the little girl who, despite his previous ugly behaviour, was smiling at him (Carol smiling proudly in the background), Daryl nodded his head in a silent greeting.
He took the walkie talkie with hesitant fingers.
“Please be careful. They’re not all bad people. Dwight is nice,” Clementine said to him.
Daryl nodded his head, tucking the walkie talkie in his pocket.
This little girl would be as shunned and lonely as he was if she wanted him to be her family. That was the ugliness of society - one look at Daryl and they’d only see the racist, homophobic, drugged up redneck family that he came from.
Society didn’t exist anymore.
Family was more than blood.
He nodded his head back at her. “Stay safe.”
Clementine walked back to Carol, waving at Glenn too once Rick turned the engine on.
“Adorable,” Rick said teasingly, but lovingly.
“I ain’t her dad.” Daryl said this with less hostility, more as a question.
“You don’t gotta be,” Rick replied with a calming smile, then put his foot on the gas to head off.
In the mirror, Daryl saw Clementine be surrounded by the rest of the group.
She wouldn’t be alone.
Nor would Daryl…
But Merle…
Clementine had stolen one of Daryl’s arrows.
She knew it was wrong to steal. If nothing, Lee had taught her that. But it had just… happened.
If she had stayed put where she had been with those raiders, if she had stayed working for them, then no one might get hurt trying to fix things for her. She was a child and incapable of going with, of course, to deal with Ylva’s group - she knew that, she understood that…
But when Lee had died, all Clementine had of him was a stolen photograph from his parent’s shop, and his gun.
She had no photographs to steal of Daryl, so she took the closest thing to a gun that Daryl used.
Just in case.
Not realising she had been isolating herself, Clementine was surprised to see Maggie approach her. She had been sitting outside in the shade of the prison block’s tall walls. In the distance, the sounds of undead roaming was now the same natural background to her as cicadas in the summer.
“Heya,” was Maggie’s greeting once she was close enough. A rifle was slung over her shoulder: she had just finished a guard shift. “What are you doing out here all alone?”
Joining her on the dirt, Maggie let out a relieved sigh. It was hot outside and shade was sparse around the prison with no trees around. A drop of sweat slowly made its way down Maggie’s temple.
Clementine shrugged, twirling the arrow around in her fingers. It was hard to form words. If she did express something, it would all come hurdling out of her like vomit. And as much as the little girl trusted Glenn, and so understood Maggie could be trusted too, she… just didn’t know the woman too much yet.
Hershel was different. Hershel had talked to Clementine and easily wormed his way into her heart. Maggie had avoided her much more, a bit like Beth had.
“You worried ‘bout Daryl?” deduced Maggie. “He’s a strong fighter. One of the strongest we got.”
Clementine nodded her head absentmindedly.
Her walkie talkie was tucked safely into her belt, ears always listening for the faint crackle that would indicate someone was trying to talk to her.
“I’m worried too. ‘Bout Glenn,” Maggie admitted. Clementine turned to watch her, catching Maggie smiling at the little girl.
Clementine smiled back.
“But I remind myself Glenn’s got Rick. Rick is tough. He’s tougher than we all thought. Done things no man should have to do to keep the group safe.” Clementine listened intently. “And he’s got Daryl.” Maggie smiled again. “Daryl’s the type a’ guy to search for a missing girl for weeks on end in the scorchin’ sun, just ‘cause it’s an innocent life needing help. He’s not gonna get hurt.”
Clementine lowered her eyes, letting a bit more of her worry seep out into her eyes.
Maggie took note, and smiled another gentle smile. “That’s why I know Glenn’s gonna come back. He’s got Rick and Daryl.”
“And Daryl has Rick and Glenn,” voiced Clementine ever so quietly.
Nodding her head, Maggie smiled in relief that the girl had voiced something. Her eyes flickered down to the arrow, but she made no comment about how bad it was to steal.
Instead, Maggie reached out to tuck a stray curl back into Clementine’s hat: “You wanna come inside? Beth’s gonna feed Judith, that’s always cute.”
Clementine smiled and nodded her head.
As the two stood up, Clementine grabbed Maggie’s hand as they started making their way toward the door: “I wanted to come with.”
Maggie nodded her head: “I know.”
“I can use a gun,” Clementine voiced determinedly, one hand clutching the arrow, the other clutching Maggie’s hand for safety.
“I know…”
A nasty sloshing noise accompanied every step they took. Being stealthy was out of the question for a while, the mud reaching far along the path. They’d been forced to abandon their car, ensuring that their trip would take longer than expected - but luckily, Daryl had the walkie talkie to let the group know if they were going to be late.
Rick and Glenn both followed Daryl. He had said few words, but had been in the lead the entire time, guiding them toward the spot Clementine had pointed out despite both the other males knowing exactly where it was too. His hand kept reaching back to check the walkie talkie was still right there, attached to his back pocket, every other minute.
Both men noticed it, silently exchanging looks and smiles at it.
They had known Daryl and kids were a good match from his interactions with Sophia, Carl and Judith - they hadn’t seen this side of Daryl though, but it wasn’t too surprising.
Walkers were sprawled out throughout the mud, stuck and unable to get to them as their rotting muscles weakened them… But they did try, growling at them, clacking teeth as they bit the air in their direction. It was a haunting sight. These monsters would rip their legs off just to get to them and bite…
The walkers’ presence made none of the men sure what was buried beneath the mud. Each step could be a fatal one if a walker was there to bite at their ankles.
By some kind of sheer dumb lock, the three of them made it through the mud without incident. Heading into a forest, they walked about a mile before crouching down behind some bushes, their destination ahead.
Daryl squinted at the location: a tall building, chimneys reaching high up into the sky, barred windows, wide doors… Some sort of factory, long since abandoned. It still looked fine, time had not taken its toll on it yet aside from a few busted windows and overgrown greenery outside. An abandoned truck stood parked in the parking lot, doors open and the old decaying body, close to a skeleton, of a driver lying dead by its side: a haunting hint at what had happened here when the apocalypse had washed over it.
The parking lot was not interesting to them though. The inside of the factory was.
“It looks empty,” whispered Glenn.
“No guards,” agreed Rick.
Daryl raised his crossbow, glancing to Rick for guidance on what to do.
With a nod from their leader, the three men started inching closer…
"Do babies really only drink milk?”
The girl’s question was not strange, and so Carol and Maggie simply smiled and nodded their heads in a silent answer. Nevertheless, Beth had looked up at the innocent girl, eyes darting between Clementine’s naive eyes, and the gun strapped to her waist.
Focusing back on feeding Judith, a smile returned to Beth’s lips. The baby fussed a bit, not too keen on her bottle in that very moment despite her hungry screams earlier.
The gray cement walls of the prison’s dining area was slowly starting to become their home. Safely capable of letting Judith fuss and coo without the fear of anyone or anything hearing them, the group was getting fond of the place’s dull colors and bare settings. It was starting to become their own with Clementine’s drawings adding color to some of the walls. A red couch had even been found in the Warden’s office, brought down there for some extra comfort.
No one had used it yet though, standing in a corner as the foreign object which comfort was to them nowadays.
Getting this comfortable was a dangerous thing. Despite how young this apocalypse was, the group seemed to be aware of it already.
Michonne watched the group from a solitary corner of her own. Her excuse to herself was that she was waiting for Carl to be finished with his guard duty. Considering this trust was difficult to get from any group, Michonne was eager to show just how good she could help out.
The actual reason was that she was scared of getting close to anyone in this world. She had lost too much… And that baby…
“Formula, milk… that sort of thing,” Carol explained to Clementine.
“What’s formula?”
“It’s a…” Carol thought for a second on how to reply properly: “It’s dried milk, of a sort, and when you add water it becomes ready for the baby to drink. It has all the necessary nutritions for a baby in need of growing.” Carol gently grabbed Judith’s tiny foot, cooing a bit over the small human as she spoke.
“I once petted a cow.”
Both Carol and Maggie were taken aback a bit by this bit of information which seemed to come out of nowhere. Hershel laughed quietly to himself.
“What - That’s… that’s great, Clem,” Maggie awkwardly added.
“They also give milk,” Clementine helpfully added.
“Yes,” agreed Carol with a fond smile.
Sophia would have loved Clementine…
Carol’s smile faded.
“Have we heard anything from Rick yet?” Hershel asked, foot propped up on a wooden box.
Clementine was the one to turn around and shake her head in response. She, after all, was the one clutching the walkie talkie like her life depended on it.
That, and the arrow she had stolen from Daryl.
“It’s been half a day, they should be there by now,” said Hershel, before quickly adding: “I am sure we’ll hear something from them soon.” As the calm, level headed grandfather of the group that Hershel had become, the group calmed upon his reassurance almost immediately. It was a bit like the flight attendant phenomena: if Hershel panicked, there was reason to panic.
By luck, only five minutes later, Clementine’s walkie walkie went off. The rough, southern accent of Daryl awkwardly chiming in with a “yeh there?” seemed to be as joyful to Clementine as getting new coloring pens from the group.
“Here,” Clementine quickly said, pushing the right button expertly to talk back.
“Mm…” There was a pause before Daryl continued to speak, the entire group waiting impatiently for some more information. “Four plus four?”
Only Maggie and Clementine knew what this meant, so when the rest of the group looked mildly confused, Maggie smiled in amusement.
“Right…” Daryl awkwardly continued. “Ain’t nothin’ here. ‘S empty.”
Left slightly in shock at those words, Clementine replied only after a beat: “Nothing?”
“Nothin’. Got some leftover cans o’ food. Been people ‘ere. Not anymore.”
Maggie let out a little breath of relief. “At least that’s an enemy less to worry ‘bout.”
Whilst the group let out a shared breath of relief at the fact Ylva’s group was seemingly gone, Clementine was left staring into space.
Taking the walkie talkie gingerly from the girl, Hershel took over instead: “And we’re sure they won’t come back?”
“No idea. But…” There was a pause. Then Daryl’s voice came back more hushed: “Tracks lead away from the prison. Not sure, but I think they left when that woman didn’t return.”
Hershel nodded his head. “Let’s hope that’s the case. I assume you’re heading back now?”
“Be careful,” replied Hershel, to which Daryl didn’t respond again.
When Hershel handed the walkie talkie back to Clementine, the girl didn’t take it. Left stunned in her seat, the group watched her carefully.
“Are you alright?” Hershel asked.
“I froze…” she whispered as a reply.
“Because the group wasn’t there anymore?” Carol asked.
Only capable of silently nodding her head, Clementine solemnly replied.
“You had friends there, didn’t you?” Maggie deduced. “It’s perfectly alright to feel upset about that.”
“I’ll miss them,” Clementine whispered ever so quietly. Normally, she would remain silent when speaking about something from her past. Either this meant Clementine was extremely upset and needed to talk in order to make sense of things, or the girl was finally, truly, beginning to trust them.
Gently, the group listened to her.
“Sherry… Dwight… They were workers, like me. Some new people joined that’s…. That’s why I could…” Clementine shook her head. “I’ll miss them.”
Carol was the one to move closer and gently grab Clementine’s free hand. Squeezing it, Carol showed her without words that she, at least, was safe. “They’re safe,” Carol gingerly said, before her voice turned a little colder: “If Rick and the others had found them there could have been a fight. People could have gotten hurt. If they left, they’re fine.”
Clementine nodded her head at Carol, agreeing painfully to those words.
Did they mean that Rick would have just… attacked?
Why could people not talk anymore?
Were Rick and his group not the good guys?
“Can I go to my room?” Clementine asked.
Carol nodded her head, slowly letting go of the child’s hand.
Silently, Clementine left, her feet carrying her ever so slightly quicker than normal.
No one noticed, except for Michonne who followed.
Daryl tucked the walkie talkie back into his pocket. Having moved a little further away from Rick and Glenn stood inspecting what they had found in the hallway, Daryl could speak in private to Hershel and Clementine.
The factory had been empty. Daryl hadn’t lied. Not really.
But he hadn’t mentioned the three bodies laid out in strange positions in the very first hallway they’d entered. Rick had said not to mention those bodies to anyone. He had also said not to mention the tracks that led away from the facility.
Clearly, a fight had broken out. Whoever had survived had left in a direction away from the prison, yes, but….
These people could be Clementine’s friends, and she would never know…
Without Clementine capable of identifying whether these were the people that had forced people into slavery for them, or whether they were the good guys Clementine had been friends with, there were no deductions capable of happening.
The only thing that was obvious was that Walkers were not the culprit. No Walkers would beat a person to death only to leave them un-eaten.
“Ready?” Rick called. Turning around, Daryl tucked the walkie talkie back into his back pocket and nodded silently at Rick.
Clenching his jaw, Daryl stayed behind his two friends as they returned to the mud. His mind reeled with memories of Rick before Shane’s death… and the moment Rick announced that their group no longer was a democracy. Forcing Daryl to lie to the rest of the group…
As they moved through the mud, avoiding the Walkers snarling and breaking legs just to try and get to them, Glenn turned his head to glance at Daryl.
Daryl didn’t like what Rick was forcing the group to become. Shane’s death had reeled him into a different person. Lori’s death had created an insane version of that different person...
Glenn’s eyes, sympathetic for Daryl’s situation, showed he, too, was feeling uncomfortable with Rick’s decision. Daryl didn’t give anything away, but simply snapped his gaze away from Glenn’s eyes…
Though, he knew that only made it more obvious.
Michonne’s voice stopped Clementine in her tracks. She turned, head still hung low and hand tightly holding on to her arm. She was uncomfortable - sad - a look that was all too familiar on Clementine as of late.
“What’s wrong?” Michonne approached her slowly. Despite her staying away from the rest of the group, she didn’t want to stay away from Clementine. She and Daryl were the only ones in the group to treat her normally and truthfully, Michonne had almost immediately felt fond of them both. So to see Clementine so upset, it was hurtful.
Clementine quietly stood there for a bit, avoiding Michonne. The two were on the first floor of the cells, unknowingly being watched by Merle who had been leaning over the railing of the catwalk up above.
“Clementine, you’re too young to deal with these things all on your own,” Michonne gently prodded.
Relief surged through Clementine at those words. She was being understood - because truthfully, Clementine wasn’t sure of what she was feeling about it all aside from guilt. “Those people… They were with the group because of me.” Clementine gently looked up at Michonne, daring a little sad frown to show just how upset she was.
Michonne responded with a gentle look of sympathy.
“I had to lure them in.”
“What do you mean?” Michonne asked.
“There were three people in charge. They… They forced us to work for them and to find more people. Ylva was the one to find me, to… to bring me in. She said she had food and I was so hungry and so tired after Lee…” Clementine’s eyes watered. “They said because I was a kid I could lure more people in and I had to pretend that someone was hurt and that I needed help and - and Dwight and Sherry went to help me, they and their friends and I - I’m the reason they became stuck too! A-And now I can’t help them anymore…”
At this point, Clementine sounded a little hysterical, prompting Michonne to move over and crouch down by her. Gently, she placed a hand over the one clutching Clementine’s hand, ever so carefully prying the hand free so Clementine could cling onto Michonne instead.
She was not alone anymore after all. Clementine did not have deal with these things on her own.
“Sherry didn’t want to be stuck there and so when we traveled she tried finding ways to get us free and… and they made a plan and a few weeks ago we settled in that old factory and - and Sherry convinced everyone to make a distraction so we could run away from them but it went bad… Ylva didn’t follow the plan, she didn’t give them all the beer so they would fall asleep and - and they were awake and were shooting…” Clementine took a deep breath, Michonne gently wiping away a tear. It seemed once Clementine had admitted to one thing, everything came spilling out. “I didn’t know what to do. Dwight told me to run but I didn’t know where so I hesitated - I froze again! - and… and he got shot in the arm and I… I ran. I ran and I found the town-“
“Okay,” Michonne interrupted. “Take a deep breath, Clem. You’re safe now.”
“But I hurt them!” Clementine all but shouted. “I-I’m a bad person.”
“No.” Michonne tilted her head and furrowed her brow, “Please don’t think that. You tried to survive. Dwight wanted you to go because that’s what decent people do; they protect children.”
“I was alone again…” Clementine murmured.
“I know…”
From up above, Merle watched with a mellowed facial expression - it mirrored the feelings he had too. Perhaps he was a little rougher around the edges than his brother, but it wasn’t like he enjoyed seeing a child in pain. He’d never enjoyed his baby brother being in pain after all.
“But if you’d stayed, their distraction - their attempt would have been for nothing. We don’t know what happened, but we can only imagine that they were punished, but not killed, and that they moved on once they realised they couldn’t get to you.”
“I just…” Clementine sniffled whilst she attempted to find the right words to express what she was feeling. “I just miss Lee… If he didn’t have to find me, he would still be alive and so would Ben, and Kenny, and Omid and Christa- I don’t even know where they are! And I wouldn’t have joined that group and Dwi-“ Everything came pouring out at once. All the things Clementine had felt since Lee’s death which she had to keep to herself and avoid feeling in order to stay focused on surviving…. All of it suddenly just escaped her like water freed from a dam.
And there were plenty of waterworks too - tears rolling down her cheeks as she wiped at them with her hand in a fist…
“Stop it, Clementine,” Michonne urged, both her hands holding onto Clementine’s arms to try and stabilise her. “Don’t say those things.”
“And now Daryl had to go and what if he doesn’t come back-“
To try and stop the spiraling thoughts, Michonne pulled her in for a hug. Despite the two having almost never talked before, Clementine didn’t mind the hug. If anything, the person who she had just accidentally told all of that to was the only person she wanted to get a hug from now - at least that way it made it obvious that Michonne didn’t hate her for all of that.
Hate was the last thing on Michonne’s mind though. If anything, Michonne was hating the world. The things this girl had gone through should not have happened to her. And the hateful thoughts and the guilt and the fear that this girl was feeling? She was nine. What nine year old girl thought like that…?
No nine year old should have to think like that.
And oh… did Michonne wish she could tell the girl she wouldn’t lose anyone ever again. But that was already a lie in the old world… Nowadays…?
Clementine held onto Michonne as she quietly cried. There had been no controlling the thoughts or emotions. So much bad had happened…
By the entrance to the cell block, Carl stood, back from his guard duty and clearly there to fetch Michonne. But he stayed silent and watched. How much Carl had heard, Clementine had no idea of. The only thing she knew was that this was one of those rare moments when Carl wasn’t glaring at her.
Nor would he ever again having heard that…
Merle looked away as Michonne attempted to calm the girl down. His thoughts were a puzzle. But something clicked in Merle that he had already thought about before: he had to find a way for this group, for Daryl, to not die to the Governor. Daryl had a family now. And as Daryl’s big brother, it was Merle’s duty to ensure that those Daryl chose for his family was kept as safe as possible.
This was nothing the Dixon’s parents had taught them… That was just something Merle had learned from a young age when Daryl’s first friends had come over that one time… and Merle had watched his father ruin Daryl’s friendships.
Merle just didn’t know how he was going to save Daryl’s family yet. But he’d risk a lot if necessary... Anything for his baby brother.
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story masterlist
read it on Ao3 too (closed to only those with AO3 accounts, send an ask if you want an invite)
Reblogs are welcome <3
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constantcrisis19 · 2 years
The Walking Dead Masterlist
Daryl Dixon x GN S/O
Come A Little Closer
Olive Branches
Break Walls, Build Bridges
Live With No Regrets
Deck The Halls
Stay With Me - Part 1, Part 2
Dixon Brothers x GN S/O
When A Man Is In Love
Taking A Break
Bottled Up
How To Save A Life
Dixon Brothers & Children
Dead Men Tell No Tales
You’re The Best Parts Of Me
143 notes · View notes
A thief, A friend, And a brother
Chapter 2
Chapter summary: It feels like after you meet someone you notice them a lot more everyday doesn't it? At least with Mr. Dixon that’s how it is.
Daryl Dixon x reader
Word count:1,282
Estimated read time: 9 minutes
Chapter 3 is out!
A/N:there are a whole lot of original characters names in here, the reason being the flow of the story, while I would love to put real characters names it wouldn’t make sense going forward, I also promise they will help the relationship later, the first few chapters are more background and relationship set up than anything else, hope you enjoy, Daryl time soon.
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You enjoy the places you work, the diner is a little more fun than the liquor store but they were both quite easy for you. You loved the social aspect of the diner and how you could connect with your customers, but you also loved how calm the liquor store was most days. It was also common that you did small day work at the local bookstore for an old man named Mr. Hamlin who paid you for your efforts.
On this particular day your schedule looked like this: 6am-1pm at the diner, then 3:30pm-9pm at the liquor store.
You get dressed and by 5:20 you are out of the house. You arrive at the diner after a short walk at 5:46 and say a quick good morning to your co-workers. your favorite of the employees being a shorter spunky girl named Kaya and a very nice but sheepish named Denise. As you hang up your jacket and put on your apron, customers start entering. The day was fairly quiet until a familiar face from last night entered the diner with a couple friends in tow.
“I got this one yall” you yelled to the other servers as you walked over to the table he chose.
Merle looked up at you and smiled his flirtatious grin. “Well goo’mornin’ darlin’ how you been”
You rolled your eyes at his tone and chuckled a bit “I’ve been great Merle”
“That’s great” he looked at the people of his table and began to point “that one right there is-“
You cut him off and began your own pointing “Tristan, Bentley, Buck, Skrewy and..”
You hesitated and looked at the last person. Daryl didn’t look much like his brother, he was smaller, with more hair and a mole next to his mouth. One thing they did have in common though was their bright blue eyes that looked like doll eyes in a way.
“Oh!” You snapped out of thought. “Daryl, sorry my brain goes 100 miles a minute”
You look back at Merle.
“damn girl you know everyone”
“Well Tristan is my friends older brother, Bentley comes by the liquor store every Sunday for a big cup of Mountain Dew, and Skrewy fixes all my shit when it breaks”
You always knew your town was incredibly small, everyone seemed to be in everyone else’s business. It seemed that everyone knew your neighbor Dolores slept with Roger the mailman- everyone but her husband that is- and the same could be said for Mr. Roberts on 13 Jawson rd sleeping with mrs abbigail when his wife Sharon isn’t home, or how everyone knew Mrs. Crawford was retiring. Everyone knew almost everything and everyone.
“Darlin’, can we get a couple of burgers and beers for the table?” Merel gestures to the table of people while he talks.
You quickly wrote the order on the notepad and asked if they would like anything else before giving the order to the cook. The whole time you served other tables you could feel someone’s eyes on you, those electric blue eyes belonged to Daryl Dixon. Why did you stop when you had to say his name? Were you thinking about all the rumors you heard of him and his family? Did you have something to say? Or did you just not want to serve the town trash? All things were going through his mind as he stared you down. He had a habit of hating people before giving them a chance and to him you were no different than the others.
“____! order for table 6!” The cook shouted for you from across the diner.
“That’s on me!” You yelled backed before going to get the plates and drinks
“Here you guys go, 5 burgers, one with no lettuce, 3 with fries, and 5 beers. Enjoy.”
“Oh we will Miss____, thank you”
You continued your rounds and after about an hour Merle’s party left, and a couple hours later it was time for you to head to the liquor store. With a quick goodbye to Denise and Kaya you were walking your way to the store.
“Well good morning Mr. Murphy!” You yell at the old black man who always seemed to be outside the store smoking his cigarette.
“____ you know good and well it’s no longer morning….. but hello to you too” he chuckled and took another inhale of his cigarette before you walked inside.
“George?! Are you here?!” You cup your mouth looking for your boss.
“God damn it!!” You hear your boss yell from the back room.
“Are you okay!?” You run toward the noise
“I’m fine, but the shelf and a month’s supply of mega gulp cups are not” he kicks one of the fallen cups in frustration.
George was an interesting man, to you at least. He had long brown hair to the middle of his back, dark brown eyes, and a horrid mouth on him only challenged by a sailor. You often found yourself getting lost in the tattoos that covered the man starting on his forehead, down his chest and arms and eventually falling down to his ankles. For being such an intimidating looking man he was quite childish, but in an extremely fun way. One time the two of you went to go buy his daughter clothes at the thrift store and you spent almost half an hour just looking for where he and his daughter kept disappearing too (they were inside the clothing racks everytime, giggling and screaming when you found them).
“What in the world happened anyway?” You asked a little befuddled at the scene before you.
“I tried grabbin’ the fucken Marlboro shipment box to restock and the shelf crippled itself, cups and the packs went everywhere.”
“Oh I’m so sorry could I help you?”
“Nah I don’t need it, just get out front and work the register, if anyone asks for Marlboro tell them we are out”
“And the cups?”
“I’ll put an out of order paper on the soda machine”
A slight sigh of frustration exists both of you before you walk into the front of the store while George cleans up. As if by coincidence the moment you get behind the register glass you make eye contact with 2 pairs of blue eyes.
“Oh!” You squeak in surprise.
“Well welll darlin’ this the 3rd time in the last 30 hours, you stalkin’ me or somethin?” Merle says, beaming with a cocky smirk.
“Who would stalk you?, And last I checked you’ve been to my friends house, my first job at the diner, and now you’re at my job at a liquor store. Sounds to me like you’re the stalker Mr. Dixon” you returned the smirk.
“If you two are done being fuckin weird I’d like my fuckin smokes” you finally hear the younger brother, Daryl, speak.
“Oh I’m sorry, what kind?”
You knew there was nothing wrong with this man. You had never even met before today. All knowledge you had of him was rumors. “That Dixon boy was in another damn fight”, “the Dixon boys caused another commotion”, “those Dixon boys were caught with drugs again” but you never confirmed any of these things to be true. ‘I don’t believe he was caught with drugs. Merle of course but I can’t see the younger one with them.’ You thought to yourself as you looked at the man while he scanned the cigarette options on the display behind you. ‘He’s got one hell of an ill mannered attitude though; as long as I don’t make him angry everything should be okay.’
The man finally looks back to you from the display and says “Marlboro”
‘Well fuck’
Special thanks to my beta reader, Niaxn!
Thank you for reading
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n0-way-0ut · 2 years
- MINE ⋆☆ 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧
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PAIRING— pre-apocalypse!daryl dixon x fem!reader
SUMMARY— your long time - childhood - friend daryl dixon drops you off at the local bar for your first summer shift, and an encounter from your childhood is recounted.
MORE CHAPTERS— chapter one | chapter two | chapter three
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“so?” you spun around to reveal the new summer uniform for your job. you had been working at the bar in town for a few weeks now, but they had just brought in new uniforms for the summer and to say they were a little revealing was an understatement: “whadya think?” you asked, trying to pull down the short black mini skirt just a little further.
daryl scanned your body, looking at you from head to toe in complete awe from the transformation you have had over the past few days. only the day prior, you had gotten the majority of your hair cut off to sit just above your shoulders. as his eyes moved down he noticed the black uniform that was only a thin black v-cut singlet with a black mini skirt leaving the majority of your long legs bare. the mini skirt only managed to cover half of the tattoo you had gotten a few months ago with daryl and merle, making him smile.
“hello?” you sang, a smirk growing on your lips as you watched daryl sit on the edge of your bed, completely stuck for words. “earth to daryl.” you giggled, finally snapping him out of his trance.
“ye-yeah, looks good.” he almost choked, finally diverting his eyes from your body. “not coverin’ much.” he scoffed, personally knowing the types of creeps that hung out that the bar.
“yeah, i know.” you frowned, turning around to adjust the tight-fitting clothes in your mirror. “it’ll get me some good tips though.” you grinned.
“i’ll make sure to send merle ‘round.” daryl chuckled as he watched you spin back around to grab everything you needed for your shift. “some of his mates’ill love the new uniform.
“that’s what i’m hopin’ for.” you scoffed, grabbing an old jacket of your dads before threading your arms through. “hey, d’ya mind givin’ me ride?” you asked, searching for your bag.
he nodded, standing up as he headed for your bedroom door. you quickly found your bag before following daryl out into the hallway of your small home. you yelled out a goodbye to your bedridden mother before running out to the front yard where daryl had parked the old motorbike that belonged to merle.
“you sure you can get on ‘ere in that?” he asked, his eyes motioning towards the black mini skirt that continued to ride up with almost every step you took.
“you underestimate me dixon.” you smirked, securing your bag across your chest before straddling the motor bike, your arm’s instinctively wrapping around daryl’s torso. “when are ya gonna let me drive thing hunk a junk anyways?” you asked as you watched daryl start the engine.
daryl scoffed, a laugh escaping his lips. “m’lucky i can even drive it.”
you let out a breathy laugh as daryl began to drive out of the long dirt driveway that connected with his before connecting with the highway. the small town where the bar was located was only a short five minute drive down the highway. it wasn’t a very big down, most of the population coming through where tourists on the way to atlanta or the locals that lived near the area.
as daryl pulled into town, the roaring engine blearing through the small town as he made his way to the bar. it was only about noon but you knew the regulars would already be waiting at the bar for your service. as he pulled into the parking lot that neighboured the bar, daryl turned off the engine allowing you to dismount the bike, your legs left feeling warm after being pressed up against the engine.
“thanks for droppin’ me in.” you thanked, pulling your skirt down as you stepped away from the bike.
“s’nothin’.” he mumbled. “you need me to pick ya up?” daryl asked.
“i’m on until close.” you noted, a downturn smile fading on your lips. “i can jus’ walk home.”
“you’d get lost.” he scoffed.
“correct me if i’m wrong but last time i was walkin’ about you were the one to get me lost.” you smirked, the memory of the day before your thirteenth birthday coming to mind.
“nah, that doesn’t count.” daryl shook his head, trying to hide the smile ghosting over his lips.
“bullshit!” you teased.
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daryl had only known you for about a week, but here he was lost in the woods the surrounded his family property with you. the pair of you had been wandering around for hours trying to find your way back home. only hours before you had run into the woods to escape your fighting parents, accidentally bumping into daryl who was collecting some sticks and twigs for a fire he planned on building with his brother later that evening. but by the time daryl had chased after you, making sure you were okay you had both gotten completely lost.
“will you admit we’re lost!” you demanded, slowly trekking behind him as he desperately tried to search for any familiarity.
“we ain’t lost!” he scoffed, not bothering to turn back to look at you.
letting out an aggravated sigh, you continued to follow him, your feet beginning to ache after what felt like hours of walking. behind you, the sun began to set as a cool breeze rustled the trees towering above you both.
“it’s gettin’ dark.” you mumbled, the fear of being lost and having to spend the night in the woods beginning to set in. “shouldn’t we be findin’ shelter or somethin’?” you asked, knowing daryl knew more about this sort of stuff then you.
daryl stopped walking, turning around to look at the sun as it began to dip beyond the horizon. “guess so.” he mumbled. continuing to look around for somewhere to spend the night. “m’gonna look for some stuff to make some shelter.”
“okay.” you spoke quietly, watching daryl as he looked around for areas that would be a suitable place to sleep.
just before it got dark, you had spotted a small ditch big enough to fit the both of you. with the last few minutes of sunlight daryl had managed to cover the majority of the ditch with foliage creating a little hollow for the pair of you to sleep in. without needing to exchange any words, you both climbed into the small space, your knees both tucked up to your chest as you sat opposite each other.
“you shouldn’t have follow me out ‘ere.” you noted, feeling terrible that you had not only gotten yourself lost but you had also gotten daryl lost.
“well you shouldn’t have run off into the woods.” he retorted, his voice still soft whenever he spoke with you, no matter how angry he got.
a soft white glow came from the moon, offering little light as you sat together in the confined space. all around you, you could hear the noises and growls of the nocturnal creatures that inhabited the woods, only making you more nervous.
“aren’t there mountain lions out ‘ere?” you asked in a soft whisper, bringing your arms up to sit on top of your knees resting your chin on your forearms.
“i dunno.” daryl shrugged.
daryl didn’t consider himself a genius or even an overly smart kid but he could tell you were scared and weather he liked to admit it or not, he was a little scared as well. he was lost in the very woods his big brother and father had warned him about time and time again.
“but… we’re safe under here.” he reassured tried to. “merle used to come out ‘ere all the time with his buddies, n’they’re all a bunch of idiots.
you didn’t know it yet but merle had been shipped off to juvie only a few days prior. you had only heard about him through daryl, having only briefly seeing him on the porch of his family’s property. you had noticed how daryl would always find a way to weasel a story about his bigger brother into almost any conversation. he did look up to merle.
you woke up the following morning to the sounds of bird chirping in the trees above you. your eyes fluttered open to find daryl curled up, his face mere inches away from yours due to the tight space. today was your thirteenth birthday. if you were being completely honest, you thought your parents had forgotten about your birthday. they were so busy with the move they hadn’t mentioned it all week.
crawling out of the small hut, you looked around the surrounding woods. your eyes scanning for anything that might be remotely familiar to you but you had little lucky, until your eyes landed on a stream of dark grey smoke coming from beyond the horizon. you quickly bent back down, your hand reaching out to grab daryl’s leg, shaking and tugging at his jeans.
“wake up!” you hissed as he began to stir. “daryl, wake up!” you spoke a little louder causing him to finally wake up, his head rising from the dirt to give you a bitter look of annoyance for waking him up so early.
“i think we’re close.” you grinned, taking a step back as daryl hurriedly crawled out of the small confined space before standing up, his limbs stretching out into the open space. “see!” you pointed, your finger pointing in the direction of the growing cloud of smoke.
“holy shit.” he breathed, caught in a moment of disbelief, slowly beginning to walk towards the smoke. “come on!” he encouraged, his walk beginning to turn into a sprint.
without needing to think, you immediately followed daryl, running through the unlevelled terrain as you followed the cloud of smoke. climbing over one last hill you both finally realised what was causing the smoke.
“we’re home.” you breathed, turning to look at daryl as he watched smoke come from the chimney located at the back of his small family cabin.
“see?” daryl mumbled, his head flicking in the direction of his home. “told yer we’d get back.” a smile beginning to tug at the edges of his lips.
“i bet my parents didn’t even know i was gone.” you huffed, remaining still as you both stood at the top of the small hill. daryl looked over to you sympathetically. he knew that behind the doors of his cabin was no doubt his father, waiting for some reason to give him a beating. “what about you?” you asked, finally looking across to daryl before he quickly diverted his gaze.
“merle n’ i went missin’ once for a week n’they didn’t notice.” he noted, lightly shrugging his shoulders. “or they didn’t care.” daryl added.
“wow.” you breathed. “guess that beats my parents forgetting about my birthday.” you joked, finally deciding to slowly walk down towards the property.
“i guess.” daryl laughed weakly, beginning to follow you down the small hill. “when’s yer birthday?” he asked, briefly looking over to you before focusing on the ground beneath his feet.
“today.” you weakly smiled. as you reached the bottom of the hill, your house came into view causing the both of you to stop. “thanks by the way.” you spoke quietly.
“for what? i didn’t do much.” he grumbled, bringing his hand up to his mouth.
“i dunno.” you shrugged. “i would have definitely freaked out if i was alone.” you spoke a little softer, your tone more serious as you began to play with the tips of your fingers.
“you would’a been fine.” he shook his head. “i was the one that got us lost remember.” he nervously chuckled, desperately trying to deflect your thanks.
you watched daryl closely as he avoided your eye contact, not even daring to look in your direction as if he had done something wrong.
“hey, do you wanna come in for some food?” you offered, daryl finally looking up from the ground. “my parents always have heaps of shit to eat.” you chuckled, daryl remaining silent as he thought about the offer.
“sure.” he shrugged, causing you to smile.
you spun around on the balls of your feet, beginning to walk in the direction of your house with daryl closely following behind you. the back door had been left unlocked as you parents had gone off to work. as daryl walked into the cabin, no bigger then hid he was shocked to see how differently styled everything was. daryl’s house had always been quite dark and cluttered and there was always the lingering smell of cigarettes and liquor but you place was so different. it almost didn’t looked lived in.
“want a sandwich?” you asked, wandering down to the kitchen as you headed straight for the pantry.
daryl hummed in response as you began to pull out spreads. he stood beside the small round table that was in the centre of the kitchen as he watched you pull together the ingredients to make a sandwich. as you pulled out four silences of bread and placed them onto the kitchen table you looked up to find daryl standing by your kitchen table, almost as if he were waiting for an invitation to sit down.
“you can sit down.” you mentioned, sitting down across the table. daryl pulled out a chair and sat across from you, his eyes still wandering around the room looking at the small photos stuck to the fridge with magnets that were from atlanta city. “i hope you like pb n’ j.” you smiled as you began to open the tub of peanut butter.
“yeah.” he hummed, watching you closely as you began to spread the thick paste over the slices of thin white bread. “where are your folks?” he asked quietly.
“probably at work.” you mumbled nonchalantly. “they work crazy hours so i’m here by myself a lot of the time.” you mentioned, closing the lid on the peanut butter before unscrewing the lid for the jelly.
“since ma died it’s mostly just been me at home too.” daryl mentioned, not particularly because he wanted sympathy but because he wanted you to know you weren’t alone.
what about merle? isn’t he home?” you asked, spreading the purple jelly across the bread.
“nah.” daryl mumbled, briefly shaking his head. “he’s in juvie.” he answered plainly.
“isn’t juvie a kids jail?” you asked, pinching your eyebrows together as you finished off the sandwiches.
“pretty much.” he replied quietly, worried you might suddenly become freaked out by the whole ordeal.
“what’d he do?” you asked, passing one of the sandwiches over to daryl before screwing the lid back on the jelly.
daryl took a bite of the sandwich, almost melting at the taste of real food, not some piece of meat his dad had brought home after a long day at work.
“beat up some kid i think.” daryl shrugged, his mouth full of food as a smirk crept onto your lips.
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you let out another laugh as daryl scoffed at your response. “but hey, i’ll head to yours for merles party after i’m finished up ‘ere.” you grinned.
“i think those dickheads are comin’ ‘ere then we’re headin’ back to ours.” he mentioned, his hands resting on the handle bars of the bike.
“so i guess i’ll see you in a few hours then.” you smirked. “you are included in that group of dickheads right?” you teased, flirtatiously winking at daryl before spinning around to head towards the main door.
“yeah, yeah,” he scoffed. “see ya later.” daryl mumbled so quietly you couldn’t hear.
as you pushed open the bar door - the little bell strapped to the top of the door ringing - you heard the revving of the engine causing a smile to creep onto your lips as you walked inside. you soon greeted by the regulars sitting in their usual seats as you made your way behind the bar, dumping your bag in your locker before unzipping your fathers jacket.
“how are ya sweetheart?” one of the regulars asked as they waited to be served, watching you as you pulled back your jacket to show off the revealing uniform.
“not too bad.” you smiled, walking back to the bar to begin serving each of them their drinks. “who let y’all in here so early?” you teased.
“harry.” he grumbled. “said he had some shit to sort out.” he noted, taking the ice cold beer from your hand.
“alright.” you smiled, moving on to the next person to take their order. “who’s next?” you called out.
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