#merlin the cat
Cat Merlin: *purring*
Gwen & Morgana: *cuddling and petting Merlin the cat*
King Arthur: Merlin, you can't get out of the council meeting by being a cat!
Cat Merlin: *meowing aka backtalking, calling his king a big prat*
King Arthur: *somehow knows what merlin is saying* I am not! You little menace!
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alanaartdream · 7 months
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My cats were being adorable 🥰 this morning
Not often my cats want to snuggle with each other
Also they’re keeping me in bed atm because it’s too cold this morning
Whoops forgot to tell you their names for those of you new to my tumblr
The ragdoll cat is Arthur and the old gery fluffy cat is Merlin
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valthetvhead · 9 months
((My cat Merlin))
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I feel a bit ashamed that I don’t have many photos of my cat ; _ ;
He’s 12 today!!!! 🎉🎉🎁🎈🎊🎁🎊🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉🎊🎈🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛
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raphfish · 6 months
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I adopted this little baby I call Merlin two months ago and he was so so scared all the time for a while and wouldn't let anyone get close to him
Fast forward to now and when everyone else is asleep, he comes up to my room and wait for me on my bed so he can cuddle my legs and i'm so proud of him
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angietherose · 4 months
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Merlin and his box
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thesacredtwink · 9 months
Just popping in to give ya some random no-pressure love
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kiwiiiiii!!!!
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Please allow me to give you cat pictures in return for this love because I want to give you some love too!!!
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A select few photos of the bestest boi. My small gray wizard man, Merlin.
Bonus meme:
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baaahphomette · 1 year
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Fish… or as some eat… chicken?
Do you hear our meows? Grant us snacks.
Meowcolash host of the litter box
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doglover-trait · 7 months
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Merlin either sleeps in the twins' room or Amos's room. Every single night. It's so adorable
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thegaybiochemist · 3 days
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I think he's getting more used to his new space =3
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Cat Merlin: *rubbing up against Arthur*
Cat Arthur: *purring, licking Merlin's face, neck, back*
Sir Leon: *staring blankly at the feline versions of Merlin and Arthur, before looking at the guilty faces of his comrades* What the fu—when did this—why is our King and his consort, cats!? You know what never mind. I don't want to know. The rest of you are running laps til noon!
The knights tried protesting but Leon sent them the stare of a disappointed dad so off they went jogging
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alanaartdream · 1 year
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It’s Boxing Day .. the day after Christmas 🎄 here so here’s some #drawings I’ve done while sleepy like #msyteryskullsanimated #msyteryskulls #arthurkingsmen and then try to #sketch my #cats Merlin my old cat and Arthur my new kitten ✏️✍️⭐️🌼✨🐾🐈🐱🌈🐈‍⬛🌸🌻🍄💀🌼✏️🐾💕✨
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valthetvhead · 1 year
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Sleeping support from my cat Merlin while I draw ✍️
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raphfish · 4 months
hes angy because i found where he hides :c
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kyuyua · 1 year
The comic book store near my house has a cat and his name is Merlin
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He was so still we legitimately thought he was a statue lmao
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astaldis · 1 year
Four-pawed comfort
Fandom: The Witcher
Merlin the Cat & Cahir
Excerpt from Chapter 11 of “Prison Blues”: 
When the sorceress wakes up very late in the morning, at least according to her standards, Cahir is still fast asleep and not making any sounds of distress. Excellent. She can let him sleep for another hour or two before he will have to take more potions. Stretching her cramped muscles and joints and yawning heartily, she walks over to her room to wash and change out of her very crumpled robe into one that is slightly less crumpled. Then she sits down at the table in the living room and conjures up a nice breakfast. Usually she prefers real food and reserves her chaos for more important purposes, but she does not feel like interacting with other people just yet if it can be avoided. Cahir won't be able to eat anything until his tongue is fully regrown, so it will only be her and her cat this morning. Or just her as she has not seen any sign of Merlin yet. Strange. Normally he would be at home at this time of day, sleeping off his nightly adventures somewhere. He hasn't gotten lost in the unfamiliar Cintran gardens? It wouldn't be much of a problem as she can locate him easily with a spell and a few of his hairs. But still, Assire is a bit worried. Maybe she should not have let him out? However, used to coming and going as he pleases, he would not have liked that, not at all. Or is he here somewhere curled up on a chair or behind a curtain and she has just overlooked him? She lets her eyes wander around the room in search of the cat, then she checks her bedroom again, but no sign of him. Maybe he has come in through the window in Cahir's chamber while she was getting ready for the day? She scans her grandnephew's bedroom but cannot detect anything. Cahir is still sound asleep, luckily no change here. When she is just about to leave the room again, she suddenly notices a roundish bump under his blanket. She goes closer. Now she can hear something, too.
"Here you are, Merlin," she whispers, very much surprised and smiling fondly when she sees a black ear peek out from under the blanket where the cat is curled up against Cahir's chest, purring softly. Exactly where he is needed most. Very quietly as not to disturb either of the two she tiptoes to the living room and sits down at the table, still smiling. Aren't cats the most incredible creatures?
Merlin is still in the same place when Assire checks again an hour or so later. Cahir has put his arm around the cat in his sleep, his face snuggled up against the soft fur. Adorable. And truly unexpected as Merlin usually keeps his distance from strangers and especially does not like men in general. Well, he seems to make a very welcome exception here.
The sorceress sits down in the armchair with her knitting things and starts on a pair of socks the colour of the ocean on a sunny summer's day. Although she herself prefers to wear black, Cahir's wardrobe is far too dark for her liking. And any shade of blue will go nicely with the colour of his eyes. Not that it would matter much with socks. But anyhow, she hopes he will like them.
She does not come very far with her knitting project, though. Not long after the first rounds of stitches are done, Cahir's body tenses visibly and he begins to whimper in his sleep, whether from pain or a nightmare Assire does not know. With his pink, raspy little tongue Merlin begins to lick his cheek and purrs softly. Surprisingly, it seems to help. The whimpering stops and Cahir relaxes. Hardly half an hour later, though, he starts to moan again, now clearly from pain. Well, it is high time for more regrowing potions, anyway. While her cat weaves between her legs impatiently, Assire assembles all the vials that she will need on the nightstand, quite an assortment.
"Don't worry, Merlin, I'll hurry up." She quickly strokes across the cat's silky fur with one hand. "He'll be better in a few minutes, I promise." Then she gently shakes her moaning grandnephew by the shoulder. "Cahir, wake up, time for more of your medicine."
It takes quite a bit of coaxing and shaking until Cahir is lucid enough to understand what his grandaunt wants of him. He swallows the potions, this time grimacing at the bitter taste. Assire smiles, relieved. The regrowing process seems to work. Although swallowing is still a problem and involves quite a bit of coughing and gagging, Cahir does not throw up again thanks to the anti-nausea potion, or the fact that his stomach is virtually empty. Presumably both. After he has drunk up all his medicines, he falls back into the pillows with a groan. Which appears to be the signal for Merlin to hop onto the bed and start licking his new friend's face again. Cahir blinks at the black cat blearily, then, with a small smile, puts his arm around the fluffy animal, drowsily tickling him under the chin with his thumb. Which is rewarded with a loud, contented purring as Merlin stretches, yawns and then curls up on Cahir's chest. Soon they both are fast asleep. Hopefully until it is time for the next batch of potions.
Read the complete chapter on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39433770/chapters/99815649
And the companion piece Cat Comfort (Merlin’s POV): https://archiveofourown.org/works/47326381
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