#meta crown label
faeryndipity · 9 months
Metamorphose Popping Balloon
A simple coordinate for the state fair! This dress seemed like the perfect match.
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Duplica wears Meta’s crown label floral print ribbon jsk in brown
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gethoce · 10 months
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The third Meta Knight reference I did in one year somehow. It's some sort of bad habit by now!
Anyway, random headcanons about the guy below.
Not only is he shorter than the average Dark Matterborn, since he refused to use Dark Magic for most of his life, it also took him unusually long to grow horns for the same reason.
Having been raised by a Halcandran he knows a lot more about this rare species than most. Upon meeting Magolor he occasionally would make casual comments using his unique knowledge which originally caused the mage to be very suspicious of him.
His secretive nature is at least partially something he picked up from his adoptive father, who created the Master Crown and didn't even drop a single hint about his past until after the events of RTDL, when Meta Knight told him about the crown.
The Galaxia has always been in his possession, as far as he can tell, yet his father didn't allow him to wield her properly until he was certain that his swordsman skills were high enough as to not risk another disaster related to the blade.
He gets along with Marx surprisingly well and the two appear to have a lot of mutual respect for one another. The jester will still dunk on the knight whenever an opportunity reveals itself, yet Meta Knight doesn't turn hostile whenever this happens since they are friends.
The events of Revenge of Meta Knight were partially triggered by Marx asking Meta Knight for help, after the King of Dreamland had repeatedly failed to keep Popstar safe.
It took Meta Knight a while to warm up to Dedede. He didn't take him seriously until he realised that they have a lot in common. For instance they both didn't know where they originally came from and were raised by adoptive parents.
Meta Knight has a brotherly relationship to Kirby more than a fatherly one, though doesn't really put labels on their relationship at all. If asked he'd call them a close friend.
He first saw the Dimensional Mirror when his father acquired it in exchange for a sword from the mirror's deceased creator's brother-in-law. It was broken and painstakingly repaired by him and Meta Knight soon after got to meet his reflection for the first time. They were close friends until the events of KATAM.
Meta Knight was asked to join the GSA at one point but refused not wishing to serve under anyone but himself.
Galaxia often speaks to him and offers him advice and comfort, yet is very secretive about their shared past which greatly frustrates him.
He idolised Galacta Knight for the longest time, much to the frustration of his father. Upon meeting Galacta Knight for the first time and witnessing his sealing he attempted to break him free, yet failed. He spent a long time trying to find out how to undo the seal.
It was Marx who told him how to summon the Clockwork Star Galactic Nova and he and Magolor joined him on his quest to do so.
His original name was Metachiroptera, shortened to Chiro. He'll turn hostile upon being called by that name.
He knew Captain Vul since he was a child. The then pirate attempted to steal the Galaxia and failed miserably. They've been friends ever since.
He's terrible at piloting space ships and most other vehicles and overall doesn't have a vast knowledge of technology. He got his crew for that. Instead he knows quite a lot about magic. The opposite applies to King Dedede, who knows little of magic but a lot about creating and piloting machines.
He knew Daroach since before he made a name for himself as Meta Knight.
His primary ability is his weapon ability, sword, yet he as an adult he began to learn the magical abilities ESP and Tornado.
His Dimensional Cape was created and enchanted by his father when his wings began to grow in.
Meta Knight was raised on a planet called Silverstar, which is known for its thick fog.
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desultory-novice · 10 months
...What time is it...? It's time to slowly clear out Dess's massively over-stuffed inbox with another LIGHTNING ROUND!
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> both does and doesn't survive
Oooh, that choice of words!! /pos
> a refusal to stop just because the story says its finished
And ahhhh, this too!! /pos
...Okay, wow, I need to draw more Beast Pack now... (Sorry, I wish I had a more intelligent response than that but I daresay you already laid claim to the most brilliant words!)
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Hello hello! As a fan of the show Firefly back in the day, I APPROVE OF GALACTIC WILD WESTS!
But no, this is really smart! Most of the people who come to Popstar could be easily categorized as shipwrecked or refugees of some kind. People from the "greater" more modernized galaxy winding up on a backwoods-y planet. (And I think it's been described that way in certain works. Or implied?)
Depending upon how you take the Floralia situation, Popstar could be a bit like Australia or some other small island callously "claimed" by the British Empire. Outside of a few places like Butter Building (and even that is a maybe) most of its locales seem to be places that are still standing from ancient history. Not a lot has been done with it from this generation of Popstarians. It's frontier-land.
Also, Max as a robber-baron is a A+++ idea! This all reminds me of how in my expanded Dreamy Gear concept, I made the HWC one of those shady AF age of expansion railway companies! It just feels very in tune with the way the HWC was doing things! (Under the table and independent of any galactic authority, to be certain!)
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As far as that particular puffed up depiction of Dedede goes, I can see it too, tbh! ...Nyeh. XD
Pardon my YGO Abridged reference.
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I have to admit, I haven't read every novel in-depth, but Takase-sensei is getting a lot closer to my own views of Kirby + Kirby-verse here. I feel like the Planet Robobot novel might be the last one of hers where I really appreciated the specific take she took with things!
(Btw, I wonder if we'll get a third novel this year? I still don't think a Mago Epilogue novel is coming just because no Meta Knight XD but I'm curious what other story she might cook up now...!)
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I think it's a great thing to think about! Just like HAL and Kumazaki love to dump lore in the most obscure places, I think we're meant to think about these things! Enjoy going in depth on them!
Now, I think I lean towards a more emotionally balanced Taranza, even while seeing him as someone in mourning. I've of course laughed at the various crying/distraught reactions people have given him (which are all really funny!) but I also think that maybe he'd be someone to take it more as what it is - a tribute?
(At least, I don't think Magolor means it negatively. I'm not 100% on that, because he DOES like to play tricks on people. But I also have a personal HC that he learned about Halcandra and the Lor/Master Crown during time he spent with the spiders so I don't think he'd do that to Taranza to be mean. Maybe Magolor never reached the stage of being "friends" with Taranza and Sectonia, friendless wizard that he is, but I think he liked them, potentially?)
So, I think Taranza would be touched by the mask (he MIGHT cry though) and the way it is labeled. It's subtle. It doesn't flaunt the fact that Taranza never got his feelings across to his beloved. Nor does it disrespectfully rewrite history as if he had.
I think Susie is also able to have a fairly calm (?) or at least highly restrained reaction to seeing her father's visage. But again, I like the concept that she might mock-threaten to sue Magolor too!
If Magolor DIDN'T get contracted by Susie to make that Weekend Outfit Susie mask and instead made it himself based on observations of her in his trip through the timelines, now THAT would get him in some serious hot water for sure! (But she probably would compliment him on how she looks appropriately cute in it.)
...Daroach would have something quippy to say, I would feel. Probably something a li~ttle prickly about how it's funny he doesn't see a mask depicting MAGOLOR's time under the possession of an evil artifact!
Magolor: "......"
I suppose Marx's reactions to a mask of his soul form depend entirely on where you place Marx on the "more intelligent than he looks" slider. If he's just a silly little guy, then Magolor just made a palette swap mask of him and that's funny!
If he's actually very, very SMART then he would say the same thing as before - on the surface. And then he and Magolor would have a very serious talk about things. In private.
(I, of course, love a Marx who is exceptionally magically inclined. Possibly more attuned to magic than a non-Master Crown empowered Magolor. And he might be able to recognize just from a glance what exactly is "going on" in the Marx Soul mask - certainly from the invocation of "Soul" in the name. Namely, that Magolor saw something HE SHOULDN'T.)
Coo: "...Why am I gray??"
And I agree that Kirby would love the different colored Kirbys and probably made all the Dream Team try them on!
PS: I would love to write/draw/read/see more depictions of the others enjoying Merry Magoland! It's such untapped ground!
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I did, in fact, post my treatment for my best attempt at coming up with an entry-evel Kirby movie with plenty of easter eggs back in this post! I'm not... 100% satisfied with it, as it's so heavily and clearly an ADAPTATION smooshing several plots into one.
But I did what I could with the idea of trying to cram as many games and major characters into three movies as possible while sticking with Kirby = Friendship as a major theme.
To be honest, I'm more in love with the plot concept I teased for the "second movie," that combines Squeak Squad and Triple Deluxe and RtDL together and pits Kirby and the gang against the Squeaks against Magolor and Taranza against Sectonia against Traitor Magolor in a wacky mystery of mistaken motives!
I think the "thief vs thief" and "royalty vs wannabe royalty" aspects make the characters from that game mesh together a little better than trying to speedrun the Dark Matter Saga + Marx in one movie.
But lets answer some of the rest of this, shall we? ...If you go back enough years, I would have liked to see a Kirby movie done entirely in 2D, but even the old anime series recognized it was easier to keep Kirby on model if he were 3D. So nowadays, it would have to be 3D.
I don't expect it would go for a particular visual style, ala Spiderverse or Puss in Boots. I really think it would look like your average Disney/Pixar/Illumination "clean" CG movie....
But it would be fun if they tried for a more impactful style! Something heavily cell-shaded, perhaps? I love the aesthetics of Epic Yarn and Rainbow Curse, so while a movie might not be the place to get super experimental, I wouldn't mind them trying!
Mario has proven that you don't need to massively twist the characters into the Hollywood "cartoon" model to be successful so I think Kirby could lean more toward a "faithful" depiction.
That said, while -I- personally would do everything possible to work in as many references as possible if I were put in charge, the sad truth is, I never would be, and so I expect a Kirby movie would be a little vanilla in its plot. A "Kirby vs King Dedede only oops, Dark Matter/Nightmare is really behind things!" story?
I wouldn't necessarily expect to see the Animal Friends or Adeleine or Gooey in it. Maybe Marx, given he's popular. (But I don't expect a massively nuanced take on him. ^^; )
...I'd go see it though, either way!
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This is a pretty interesting concept because Elfilin is not really anything resembling a combatant. Then again, Adeleine isn't much of one either...
Because Adeleine takes a lot from the Artist copy ability (and the same can be said for other Dream Friends who call back to certain movesets) I think I would continue along that path and base Elfilin at least partly on the ESP copy ability.
Elfilin would have a few unique attack moves, based on the use of their tail, probably. Little excited, flicky movements! As well as moves based around their ability to make portals/rifts!
They might be able to use weaker versions of Fecto Elfilis's moves including a softer version of Elfilis' Antares spear? (Probably made of light or a phantasmal version, rather than just a miniaturized version of it XD ) And of course, every X number of times you use the move that summons objects from a dimensional rift, a miniature Big Rig falls out and rams into something! XD
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How you tempt me... 
Our setting is a dimly-lit smoky bar. A woman with thick hair covering one of her ruby eyes and with warm, earthy skin leans in, her gold jewelry flashing, her dress sinking past her feet.
“The others call me...'clingy.' Said I don’t know how to let go.”
Her partner, an older gentleman with plenty of blond left in his slicked back hair and a surprisingly attractive squint shuts his pocket watch and smiles a cat-like smile at her.
“Misty, you know my only purpose in life is to grant your wish.”
May you all be damned with that visual as I have been!
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If I don't say this enough, I have received so much support from this fandom and I'm just so very grateful to all of you.
I hope all of you are receiving the love and care you deserve as well for being such creative, kind, patient, understanding people...!
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not-a-swan · 11 months
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Coord from a meetup today. This meta crown label op is seriously one of the comfiest things I own
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meanevilfatty · 11 months
I cannot put into words how much I NEED Meta to rerelease their crown label prints.
NO SAME I NEED IT DESPERATELY apparently before they made a statement about how they lost the original high quality art of a lot of their older designs but. i still want it......i still pine
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dreamfilleddonuts · 11 months
V, R, D
V: do you like to wear vests or cardigans? To vests, no. Cardigans yes, but I don't have many that work with my coords. Also I live in the southern US, so there is a very limited amount of time in the year I can physically stand wearing them. I do need to wear them more often because I do like how they look.
R: Rate These Brands from favorite to least favorite?
1. Metamorphose
2. Baby The Stars Shine Bright
3. Angelic Pretty
4. Alice and the Pirates
5. Bodyline simply for that one unicorn dress I WILL track down and get altered one day
6. Innocent World
D: Dream Print?
I HAVE one of my Dream Prints, and that is Dreaming Heart Lemon by Meta, and another on preorder, My Coffee Time by Lady Sloth. Sugary Carnival by Angelic Pretty and Sweet Shooting Star by Meta (....hell give me ALL the crown label dresses. Plus size rerelease when??) would be dream prints I don't own. ...Oh and the aforementioned Unicorn and Friends by bodyline.
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on-noon · 2 years
Find the Word Tag
i was tagged by @eccaiia for the words lightning, moon, flash, stun, and disgust
i really like find the word, unfortunately i don't really have enough written for it (and what i have written uses the same words again and again, because i haven't edited it yet), but this time i tried changing the words a bit if I couldn't find it. turns out, i was able to find words only one letter away from each of these, and from a variety of my writing.
i'll tag: @kyofsonder @aohendo @the-inkwell-variable @the-stray-storyteller and @thetruearchmagos
your words are: grow, worse, wind, snow, and wake
Lightning Lighting
"Welcome class, today you're going to learn how to use meta magic for more than just sensing magic. Today, you're going to stop someone else's magic from carrying out," Marab says.
I partner up with Jawash, and we have only candles, so I take a deep breath and try to light the candle. I look up,and it's not lit. Did I extinguish it immediatly again?
"Good job, Jawash, that's what I'm looking for!" Marab says, coming by. Jawash takes the candle, rubs his hands, and then I feel him igniting it. The candle lights aflame, and then I put it out.
"Sorry, can you try again? I didn't do that right," I say, I need to stop him from lighting it. This should be easy, easier than lighting a candle, anyway.
Moon: (ff168)
Warren was right, the cool air whipping onto my face is great. I won’t be able to get to sleep now. We fly over the forest this school is built in towards, towards the little rural town. Some of the houses glow from their lights – I’m not the only one still up, but mostly the moon provides the light. We fly and fly and the sky starts to lighten. 
Flash Flesh (hodgebodge notebook)
Some characters I went back to label after I drew them. Other characters I labeled right when I drew them. I moved it to a different notebook to flesh out the conlang. For a while, every night before I went to bed, I added to the conlang, adding grammar or simple words. I got confused by which words I needed and which I could leave out, and how exactly the grammar worked. I took a break to figure it out but never got back to working on the conlang.
Stun Stung (limerick written in elementary school)
There once was a young fellow named Bob
He had an interesting job
It was to cut down a tree
But he got stung by a bee
So this poem ends in a sob
Disgust(ing): life friends & friendship ends
The waiter brings our food.
"Thank you," I say, as he gives me my dish. I haven't seen karalad look so disgusting before.
"Hey, can I try some of your karalad?" Thalar asks.
"Yeah, I guess. Doesn't look like it'll be good, though," I say.
Thalar takes some karalad, and some of my bafafat, too.
"You're right. It doesn't taste good. But it doesn't seem poisonous," he says.
"Who would use poison against the king? doesn't that seem counter-intuitive, going to all that work to kill him, but leaving it anonymous," Famak says.
"Well, we don't even have a king crowned yet, so if the king-heir were to be assassinated now it wouldn't even allow them to become the next king. And it would throw the nation into some chaos," Thalar says. He's talking as if I weren't the king, giving us some plausible deniability, in case someone is listening in. 
I eat some of my food. It is disgusting. It doesn't taste at all like karalad is supposed to, and the bafafat is just dry.
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chiptunecreature · 5 months
I'm gonna do a ranty post, because I love trading card games in theory, but I feel like I have a problem with every single big game out there right now.
This is just me venting, don't @ me.
Magic the Gathering: This game sucks if you don't like commander. That stupid-ass format ate every single part of this game that i loved, and its playerbase is insufferably smug about it, while also somehow claiming that THEY'RE the ones being pushed around by competitive players. Y'all get 3-4 new decks every set, commander-only launches between sets, commander focused secret lairs (sometimes with full decks,) obviously-for-commander cards in standard releases, the majority of content online now, and the obvious support of WotC. You have the biggest format in the game, to the detriment of every other way to play the game. You are not being pushed around by anyone. Have some damn grace about it.
Pokemon: Two things annoy me about pokemon. First off, the meta tends to be... odd. I got into the game right before Lugia Vstar dropped. I have never seen a deck take up literally over 60% of a meta before, and the fact that nothing was done about it until its key cards rotated out is nuts to me. Second... frankly, this feels more like a collector's thing than it is a player's thing. I can't find a game of it locally. Tons of people buying the cards up, but not many games that I can find. Plus, the game's appeal to kids means any event I do find is just gonna feel like that episode of Seinfeld where Kramer joins the kids karate class.
Yugioh: To be blunt, I don't like what this game has become. The speed of it, the fact that you can set up a massive boardstate in a single turn, the amount of negates you have to fight through to play something, the speed at which decks fall out of favor, the power creep, and biggest of all, the fact that saying you don't like any of this immediately gets you labeled a Yugiboomer. I've never seen a community more resistant to the honest opinions of new and returning players.
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Flesh and Blood: I feel like I just don't click with this game. I want to love it, but I feel like it's kind of repetitive and restrictive. It's cool that you get to fill your hand up every turn, but you'll be pitching 1-2 or those cards for resources, so it ends up feeling really restrictive. Plus I absolutely hate the idea of Living Legend. Maybe these are things I'd get over if I played more. I dunno. I'm trying.
Legends of Runeterra: This is the closest anything has gotten to taking the crown of "best card game" for me. I love this game. It's fun, the mechanics are cool, the production value is top notch, the economy is INCREDIBLY generous. So why aren't I playing? Simple: Standard rotation. I really, really dislike standard. They took the way I like to play the game and made it available only for a few days every month or so, and now you HAVE to play standard if you want to play this. I've tried to like standard so many times in so many games, and it just is not the format for me. I just don't find it fun.
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isabellatyt · 5 months
choose all that apply. which of these factors will affect your seo strategy?
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In the endless digital scene, perceivability is the crown gem. For businesses longing to flourish online, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) rules supreme as the outline to this treasure. But exploring the ever-evolving world of SEO Strategy can feel like translating an old scroll – covered in secret and perplexed with enigmatic terms. Stress not, gutsy pilgrim, for this direct unwinds the puzzler, enlightening the way to a strong SEO marketing strategy.
Unveiling the Mystery: What is SEO Strategy?
At its core, SEO is the craftsmanship of making your site the sparkling guide that answers a searcher’s inquiry. It’s a orchestra of components that, when harmonized, impel your digital haven to the beat of search engine result pages (SERPs)  Imagine search engines as bustling marketplaces, and your website, a meticulously crafted stall brimming with the perfect solution to a seeker’s needs. SEO equips you to arrange your stall, label your wares, and even shout out your offerings in a way that attracts the right customers.
Stage One: Setting the Stage – Keyword Research and Target Audience
Your journey begins with understanding the language of your audience.Keyword research dives into the words and expressions individuals utilize to whisper their online wants. Think of it as listening in on their discussions approximately the issues your commerce fathoms. Equipped with this intel, you’ll deliberately weave these watchwords into your site and substance, making the culminate reaction to their implicit inquiries SEO Strategy. But keep in mind, behind those catchphrases are genuine individuals with inspirations and objectives. Distinguish your target gathering of people, their socioeconomics, and their torment focuses. Tailor your substance to reverberate with them, advertising arrangements and esteem at each organize of their decision-making travel. Think of it as personalizing your stall’s offerings to cater to their particular needs.
Stage Two: Building the Foundation – On-Page Optimization
Now, let’s build a fortress of online visibility. On page optimization ensures every page on your website speaks the language of search engines. Optimize page titles, meta descriptions, and headers with relevant keywords. Craft compelling content that’s informative, engaging, and fresh. Remember, quality reigns supreme. Strive for informative articles, captivating blog posts, and even dazzling videos that keep visitors glued to your screen, like a captivating bard enthralling the marketplace crowd.
Furthermore, technical SEO ensures your website’s infrastructure is search engine friendly. Think of it as building a sturdy bridge for search engine crawlers to seamlessly navigate your content. Page speed, mobile-friendliness, and website structure are all vital players in this technical orchestra. Imagine optimizing these aspects as smoothing the paths around your stall, making it easy for customers to explore and discover your offerings.
Stage Three: Spreading the Word – Link Building and Off-Page Promotion
But a website in isolation is a lonely castle in the digital wilderness. To truly climb the SERP ladder, you need external validation. Link building involves other websites linking back to yours, essentially vouching for your online credibility. Think of it as receiving rave reviews from respected peers, drawing more customers to your stall based on positive word-of-mouth. Focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks from relevant websites, organically earning the trust of both search engines and users.
Social media promotion and online community engagement further amplify your voice. Share your content, participate in relevant forums, and build relationships within your online niche. Remember, SEO is a conversation, not a monologue. Engage with your audience, answer their questions, and participate in industry discussions, like a friendly merchant sharing stories and insights with potential customers.
Stage Four: Continuous Optimization – Monitor, Analyze, Adapt
The SEO journey is not a one-time trek, but a continuous pilgrimage of improvement. Monitor your website’s performance, analyzing which tactics work and which falter. Use tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics to track your progress and identify areas for optimization. Adapt your strategy based on data and evolving search engine algorithms. Remember, SEO is a dance, and flexibility is key. Be prepared to adjust your approach as the digital landscape shifts, ensuring your stall remains relevant and attractive to customers.
The Final Act: Reaping the Rewards
By making a well-orchestrated SEO marketing strategy, you open a treasure trove of benefits. Expanded site activity, higher change rates, and improved brand authority ended up your faithful companions. You’ll draw in qualified leads, support client connections, and observe your online nearness bloom. Envision your slow down bustling with movement, clients drawn in by your optimized offerings and engaging discussions, eventually driving to a flourishing online business.
So, take a profound breath, grasp the SEO experience, and observe your site climb to the pined for statures of SERPs. Keep in mind, the way to online perceivability is cleared with catchphrase inquire about, quality substance, key optimization, and a sprint of faithful tirelessness.
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faeryndipity · 1 year
Metamorphose Popping Balloon
This is such an underrated print. I own it in black and sax so far but I really hope to track down the pink someday too!
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Shina wears Meta’s crown label glen check over blouse and skirt set in black.
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paupermodern · 7 months
PAUPER MODERN NOV. 4TH, 2023 - 11 Players - FAERIES TAKE 1ST - Jared
Ten of the best pauper modern players on earth gathered at my home on a sunny Saturday, and I somehow prevailed! I took the crown for the first time after being runner-up at many a Pauper Modern tournament.
I piloted mono blue faeries after running mono blue terror last tourney, and Kiln Fiend in tournaments past.
I used insider information to get the edge in the meta. I utilized a phishing scam to learn Rob wouldn’t be bringing his synth deck and removed two Annuls from my sideboard. I saw Todd walk in my door and tossed in two copies of Tormod’s Crypt. I gave Chris COVID by sending infected customers to their new job, so I knew their storm deck wasn’t as likely and therefore Echoing Truth was less valuable. 
Here’s what I settled on: 
4 spellstutter
4 seer
4 miscreant
4 deep hours
4 moon circuit hacker 
2 brinebarrow intruder
4 spire golem
2 preordain
4 lorain revealed
4 counterspell
2 vapor snag
2 mutagenic growth
4 of one mind
16 islands
2 echoing truth 
2 annul
2 mana leak
2 vapor snag
2 snaremaster sprite
2 tormond’s crypt
2 spell pierce
1 bonesplitter 
Match 1: Todd - Mono U Serpent
First match I was paired up against Todd and I was thankful I added the Crypts. Last tourney we were both slapping our serpents around, so I was excited to see how the faeries would do against this T1 powerhouse. The first game was absolutely insane. Todd played Delver turn 1, though he didn’t flip it until turn 3. He got two serpents down at one point, but I Vapor Snagged one of them back to hand and had enough faerie babies to sacrifice - like Andromeda - to the remaining serpent. I was at 1 life and the serpent was eating up my faeries while the Delver defended the sky. I then drew into my final Vapor Snag and bounced the insect. With only a few faeries, it seemed I didn’t have the juice to get him down to zero, but I had Perseus’s will on my side! My faerie swarm flew over his snek and ninjitsued into Moon Circuit Hackers, dealing exactly lethal.  I was at 1 life.
Game two I was expecting the same butthole-clenching action, and boarded in 10 cards, taking out Miscreant, Brinebarrow, Mutagenic Growth, and two Spire Golems. Unfortunately Todd got two no-landers in a row and had to mull to 5. I Crypted turn 3 and when the faeries finally won he had three serpents stuck in hand. 
Match 2: Ben - Jeskai Ephemerate 
I welcomed Ben to his first tournament at my house. He borrowed one of Brian’s beautiful decks with gorgeous lands and shiny creatures, all contained in a deck box neatly-labeled “Jeskai Ephemetate.” First game Ben played Cleansing Wildfire and pretty soon was way ahead on lands. Still he didn’t play an Ephemerate and only late in the game got an Archaeomancer out before the faeries ate his entire life total one tiny-mouthed bite at a time.
Game two he Cleansing Wildfired what felt like all of the basic lands and still couldn’t get enough to slow down the faeries. He tried to teach me the “Kill Spellstutter when it ETB to reduce the number of faeries and therefore make Spellstutter fizzle” trick, but I refused to learn! Still with only 12 creatures, there weren’t enough bodies to stop the fated faerie fish (Mulldrifter) feast. After our match we played for fun and Ben prevailed.
Match 3: Brian - Goblin Combo
The first time I met Goblin Combo (https://www.moxfield.com/decks/6blWcj57AECqd6RZ7HQAnA ) I was confused and terrified, like my cat. “Infinite mana!?” I asked. Brian explained the insanity of First Day of Class and its interaction with Putrid Goblin. I was going to learn today - first day of class indeed. Game one I tempoed him out even though he Bolted my first Faerie Seer.  Still I feared the combo. I realized the only thing to fear is Putrid Goblin resolving, so I boarded in Annul, Spell Pierce, Mana Leak, and the remaining Vapor Snags.  Brian played Unearth so I boarded in Tormond’s Crypt.
Game two I was on the hunt for Putrid Goblin and countered one and subsequently Crypted it into oblivion. Another Putrid Goblin resolved after Brian foiled my Spellstutter’s counter attempt by blasting it after ETB (a lesson I refused to learn from match 2). I made a play error by discarding to hand size Annul rather than Spell Pierce, which allowed Brian to resolve Makeshift Munitions and zap my faeries at instant speed. Brian’s combo resolved and I took infinite damage.
Game three was ultimate buttclenching. Thinking I had forced him to board out the Unearths with Tormond’s, I switched the Crypts for Mutagenic Growth to save a ninja from Bolt or finish the game slightly faster. Brian was stuck on 3 lands and couldn’t make it happen, and I was on to the final match. 
Match 4: Taylor - Boros Synth
Another newcomer was Daniel’s cousin Taylor who was 2-1 when we met in match 4. We discussed what would happen if he won and were both 3-1. Would the computer decide that he defeated me in the “final” and therefore is the champion? To frail humans like myself this is the appropriate outcome. However in prior tournaments, the algorithm determined the match loser was the tourney winner. We deferred to the machine. For faerie pride and to ensure the algorithm didn’t steal my glory, I knew I had to prevail. It was man versus machine, appropriate for the matchup against Synth.
My opponent was a hilarious shit-talker who borrowed my version of Synth (read: Rob’s deck). That same deck that took gold last tourney piloted by Cyrus. Taylor switched the Lembas for Ichor Wellspring and added Kuldotha Rebirth for the Batterfists.
Game one Taylor landed a turn one Swiftspear and started the assault. He showed the Wellspring and the Rebirth. I showed Mutagenic Growth to take out a Kor Skyfisher with a faerie early to instill fear of the free combat trick for the rest of the match. Brinebarrow Intruder did real work taking out a Glinthawk with a Ninja of the Deep Hours. Narrow victory, much buttclenching. Boarded in Annul, Mana Leak, Echoing Truth, Spell Pierce, and Bonesplitter for the Vapor Snags, a Growth, an Island, and the Miscreants.
Game two again a turn one Swiftspear. I persevered but eventually was Synthed out in a grind.
Game 3 I got ahead on land after denying some Synth shenanigans, and the Golems took over the game. Taylor proclaimed, “Spire Golem for free - the best words in Magic.” I agreed, and clouded the air with Golems despite two going on Journeys to Nowhere. I became undisputed champ in both human intuition and machine logic. 
I, like Oberon, have ascended to the faerie throne. However it was a hollow victory, as I brought a T1 deck against the mind-boggling brews of my comrades. Still haunted by Rob taunting, “Your net deck is showing,” when modern-banned cards popped up in my Pauper Modern decks, I am hopeful to prevail with an original brew. Until then,
 The King doth keep his revels here tonight.
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ephemeral-lace · 2 years
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April 2020... Not sure the occasion. But there's a bunch of coords I thought sucked and never put on IG so who knows what I was thinking. Maybe we had some online jackbox meetup for this one.
Skirt: Meta / Crown Label Magical Painting frill skirt
Shoes: Btssb Victoir
Everything else offbrand
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fedonciadale · 3 years
Stannis isn't considered a villain in the fandom because he hasn't forced performative femininity on Arya . He has also not called her Horseface or how she would have to bow to him when he is crowned . He was also not involved in the death of a relative .... Oops 😬 and will never ever betray his own blood . You better get that right Sansa stans ( By the way , what are you doing on Tumblr ? Shouldn't you be taking your kids to football practice and harrass the poor referee ) whose only narrative importance in the story is to sow discord and guess what even if GRRM contributes chapters to her that doesn't matter.
In order to be classified as an antagonist , the first prerequisite is to be mean to CinderArya and CinderJon. Again Stannis is mean to Jon but atleast he didn't grudge him every bite and make him not belong in Castle Black . If you don't want to be called out for calling Sansa an antagonist then just label her softly as " deliciously grey and morally ambiguous " . But but remember , you can throw a kid out of a window and ppl will write thousand metas about your redemption. You can run down a kid , hack him, make sexually suggestive remarks on a pre pubescent girl and almost rape her but the glorious fandom will come up with tons of excuses of PTSD, sadness, " he never meant it " and apparently that guy is also a true knight and a Dunk figure ( What an insult to people like Brienne, Beric Dondarrion, Jory Cassel). Btw the girl also hates her forced marriage, so she should learn to embrace it and have sex with her husband because one time that man spoke up for her. Atleast Stannis inspite of being in a loveless marriage did his duty in the bed.
We will talk about GRRM's quotes only when it concerns Sansa . List down all the things Grrm said about her and end it with " For the Sansa stans in the back ". But we will never talk about Grrm calling Jaime, Sandor , Tyrion as villains . Where are the whole " Grrm said so " arguments concerning these characters ? Oh Grrm also called Arya a psychopath so now even he is an antagonist for being mean to CinderArya's characterisation.
Hi there!
If that is not Sansabuts and Sansa Antis in a nutshell. Lol!
The hypocrisy of this fandom will never cease to amaze me. I mean I get liking the villains. I like Cersei, I like Jaime, I even have a bit of a soft spot for Stannis who is a disaster. I know they are villains though.
But that in a world where we have a character who hunts people with his dogs, a character who flays his enemies, a character who puts rivals in a soup, a character who kills people at a feast - just to mention a few - the very worst character is supposedly a teenage girl who happened to habitually fight with her younger sister never ceases to baffle me.
It is as if people read all the books and proclaim them grimdark and somehow think that this has to mean that all the brutal acts of vile characters are somehow to be seen ‘in perspective’ or ‘in context’ but it is too much to put a fight between two girls into the perspective of ‘sibling squabbles’.
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adventure-hearts · 4 years
Question: Why is Sora becoming a fashion designer perceived as a “non-empowered” or “non-feminist” choice, in 2020?
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To begin with: this analysis isn’t about if Sora’s Epilogue career choice was foreshadowed or developed enough. That issue belongs in a more general discussion about why some fans felt dissatisfied with the Epilogue, in particular those jobs that were considered to be unexpected or more left-field. 
It also isn’t about individual fans’ personal disappointment with the character’s trajectory. Obviously, there are many factors at play that could lead one to be unhappy with how Sora’s turned out — dub changes, the cultural background information that isn’t always evident, or just personal reasons. No-one needs to agree with Sora’s job or feel compelled to justify their personal dislike.
Nevertheless, I will propose the following four explanatory hypothesis for why people might harbor a negative view of Sora’s career choice:
1. Being a fashion designer goes against Sora’s previously-established personality, interests, and values. 2. Her future career isn’t empowering. 3. It’s regressive, because all the female characters just ended up with stereotypical, traditional feminine activities. 4. Sora stopped being a role model for gender non-conformity in girls.
In this post, I’m going to try and demystify those points of view, in order to try to show that Sora’s career is both fitting and empowering.
Hypothesis 1: Being a fashion designer goes against Sora’s previously-established personality, interests, and values.
I believe this perspective is more connected to a general misunderstanding or lack of appreciation for Sora’s character arc.
To make a generalizing statement, many fans felt frustrated when Sora went from being presented as not particularly “girly” (playing football, wearing more practical clothes, being friends with boys) to “suddenly” becoming more feminine post-Adventure (playing tennis, wearing more feminine clothes, being paired off romantically with a boy, doing ikebana). This “dramatic change” culminated in her in her becoming a fashion designer in the Epilogue.
Similar complaints exist about Miyako’s endgame. In both cases, dissatisfaction  is based on the notion that a girl who doesn’t present as typically girly or has “masculine interests” in childhood wouldn’t gravitate towards “feminine things” later on. Some people believe that, in 02, becoming more traditionally feminine was associated with growing up and becoming more mature. Consequently, Sora and Miyako’s Epilogue jobs were a “correction” to their earlier presentation as young girls who challenged traditional gender roles.
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While I think this is an understandable complaint, I must emphasize that a more deeper analysis of Sora’s character arc might help explain her trajectory in a more straightforward way.
It’s clear that Sora is coded as not a "girly girl” in Adventure. Not only does she have a unisex name, but she is often presented as a contrast with the hyper-feminine Mimi. 
Despite of this, I would argue that Sora was never portrayed as a full tomboy. For example, she speaks in a feminine way; her manners are delicate, even dainty; and she undertakes roles that involve being caring and nurturing, such as Big Sister / Group Mom — and, at one point, even damsel in distress —, which are normally associated with femininity. You never get the impression that Sora considers herself to be “one of the boys” or that she constantly struggles against gender expectations. Even her digimon partner is pink!
In Adventure, Sora’s preference for football over ikebana and annoyance when her mother asks her to act more “ladylike” are explained as a being a reaction against the pressure of Sora’s position as heiress to an old Ikebana family. To give the Cliff Notes version of the story: Sora rejected feminine as a way of rebelling against her mother’s perceived lack of love for her, and against the pressures of her position as ie-moto Crown Princess. 
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After Sora made up with her mum, she became more open-minded and gradually began to embrace and enjoy more feminine things, including tennis (it’s weird to me  that people consider tennis “girly”, but I digress), cooking, and flower arrangement. As a teenager, Sora is also often seen wearing skirts and more feminine clothes, suggesting a more ‘womanly’ presentation, and she even ends up becoming romantically involved with a boy. 
I don’t see any evidence in Adventure or 02 that Sora wouldn’t be fond of art, design, or fashion. On the contrary: she practices and enjoys flower arrangement. Sora’s hobbies and personality traits in Adventure and 02 include sports, flower arrangement, resourcefulness, responsibility, sensitivity, and an eye for detail. Is that really incompatible with a future career in fashion design? The fact that she comes from an Ikebana family directly influences her career choice, notably the fact that she uses traditional Japanese elements in her designs. This establishes a strong connection between her Epilogue Job and her arc.
TL;DR: Sora wasn’t really a tomboy to begin with, and her becoming “more feminine” as she grew up is explained in the series as being a direct consequence of her Adventure character arc.
Hypothesis 2: Her future career isn’t empowering.
I think this stems from from the belief that being a fashion designer isn’t an important enough career. 
Since Sora is a Chosen Child, fans would expect grown-up Sora to be saving the world or being involved in Digimon issues, instead of doing silly things like making dresses and kimonos. After all, she is supposed to be a Strong Female Character™!
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This point of view probably relates to the perception of creative professions — or anything related to art and culture — as “superficial”, “not serious” or “useless” for society. Fashion design, in particular ,is often seen as vapid or superficial, rather than a legitimate art form that can full of beauty and meaning. It’s the old story that if a career isn’t “powerful” or “useful”, then it’s less valid. (It’s interesting how no-one seems to question if becoming a footballer or a rock star would be “impactful” or “strong” enough for the two male protagonists.) 
This might be also be tangentially connected to fans’ dissatisfaction with Sora’s decreasing importance in the team as the story goes on. Many people would have preferred to see her in a position of leadership, or in the front lines of the battle. In this sense, her career choice could be perceived as the writers sidelining this female character even further.
In short, Sora’s career isn’t baddass enough.
There are many reasons why Sora wouldn’t want to be involved in fighting as a grown up. I’ve written about it earlier, but I think nothing illustrates her choice better than the short film To Sora. While it’s fair to question to what extent this decision was linked to Sora’s increasingly smaller role in the team (meta-wise), it’s still based on established character motivations. Sora doesn’t work in digimon business because... she doesn’t want to.
Sora becoming a fashion designer is also a huge step for the character, in the sense that it means that she also does not end up taking over over as Ikebana grand-master. Instead, she forges her own independent path: she does something she wanted to do for herself.
Moreover, based on the little information we have, Sora either works on a relevant position or works in her own name, considering she is able to run fashion shows and make creative decisions. This means Sora isn’t just an artist with a vision: she’s in a position of power within the business. 
We don’t have many clues to estimate how successful she is, but options range from her running her own small independent label, to being head-designer of a company, to becoming a proper superstar designer with her own successful global brand. All of those possibilities mean Sora has achieved considerable career success. If she’s doing some form of haute couture, then Sora’s arguably one the most “career accomplished” among the all group (if you use the usual questionable methods society uses to evaluate “accomplishment”, namely fame, power, and money).
And think of all the skills and talents necessary to be a successful fashion designer! Creativity; innovation; vision; diligence; hard work... to think of fashion design as an unimportant or “minor” profession is really reductive. Don’t you think icons like Valentino, Yves Saint-Laurent, Alexander McQueen, Coco Chanel, Vivienne Westwood, Hanaé Mori or Rei Kawakubo aren’t respected and influential? I’m not saying Sora’s at that level (yet) — I’m just saying she might be.
TL;DR: In the Epilogue, we learn that Sora followed her individual dreams and is triumphing in a challenging and important industry, producing high-quality art in her own terms. She even has the potential of becoming powerful, wealthy, and famous. She’s the definition of an empowered woman.
Hypothesis 3: It’s regressive, because all the female characters just ended up with stereotypical, traditional feminine activities.
This view is based on the observation that all the boys ended up with “important” careers, while the girls ended up with “feminine” jobs or, in Miyako’s case, not even a career at all. In other words, fans believe that the Digimon Epilogue wasn’t exactly good at providing progressive role models for girls. 
I do have some issues with this view. 
First: Isn’t the idea that traditional “feminine” activities are automatically lesser in itself sexist? 
Why do we assume that a fashion designer or a school teacher is “less” than a writer or a doctor? I’m not saying the Digimon Epilogue is problem-free or that promotes gender equality (it is, after all, a Japanese children’s cartoon from 2000), but considering the reality of working women in Japan, is the Epilogue that bad and regressive? 
(Also, there are twice more men in the team than women, so there’s more room for wider representation on the boys’ side. The four girls in Adventure always carry the burden of having to stand for half the population. As I mentioned in section 1, the fact that Sora was perceived as a “tomboy” means her career choice receives even more criticism.)
Second: Is being a fashion designer truly a “traditional feminine activity”? 
I would argue that considering fashion designer (especially in the “higher ranks”) as “woman’s job” is both stereotypical (“clothes are a woman’s thing!") and historically inaccurate. 
Here’s a fun fact: As of 2018, only 40% of womenswear fashion brands are designed by women and only 14% of the 50 major fashion brands are run by women. 
Think of the most famous fashion houses you know; you’ll find that the majority are almost all founded and/or lead by male designers. Looking at the list of Japanese fashion designers on Wikipedia, just over half of them are men.
In other words, the fashion industry was and continues to be overwhelmingly dominated by men, it’s plagued by lack of diversity and opportunitues for women, and women fashion designers a lot of obstacles and discrimination. So much for Sora having a “woman’s job”! 
And don’t even get me started on how difficult it must be to conciliate this career with being a mother of two.
TL;DR: Sora is working in a male-dominated field were being successful as a woman is still incredibly difficult. Not that different from playing in the boy’s football team!
Hypothesis 4: Sora stopped being a role model for gender non-conformity in girls.
I think the previous sections have already negated this to some extent.
First, Sora was never that gender-conforming to begin with and she began embracing femininity long before the Epilogue. Also, the two things aren’t mutually exclusive. Liking football and wearing jeans doesn’t mean you can’t like fashion and wear dresses.
Second, being a fashion designer is a respected, demanding, and possibly lucrative career. Sora is both an artist and a successful businesswoman in a leadership role she chose for herself.
Third, fashion is a male dominated industry and fashion design isn’t “a feminine occupation”. Sora is still going to have to break barriers and face a lot of obstacles based on the fact that she’s a woman and a working mum.
TL;DR: Sora’s challenging of social expectations, her “less typical” childhood presentation and hobbies, and her being a source of inspiration for little girls isn’t invalidated by her becoming a fashion designer.
Upon reflection, Sora’s career not only makes sense for the character, but it’s a very empowering one. 
Sora Takenouchi remains a feminist icon, thank you very much.
PS: I’ve always suspected that, on a meta level, Sora’s Epilogue career was very loosely inspired by Stephen King’s IT, which was listed by director Hiroyuki Kakudou as an influence for Digimon Adventure/02: more, specifically, the character Beverly Marsh is a red-haired girl who grows up to be a fashion designer.
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