#micro-technology paint
carionto · 7 months
I just wanna know if it'll work!
The Monolith!
A massive perpendicular structure - 1 meter deep, 4 meters wide, 9 meters tall - with a perfect 81 centimeter diameter circle cut, with its center 64 centimeters from the top.
Naomi Glasnikova was grinning like mad. She couldn't figure out where to put squares of 4, 5, 6, or 7 in the design without overcomplicating things, so decided to just forego them. It'll be fine, she's sure everything will work out just as planned.
What is the plan, her fellow scientists from the Coalition species ask? To see if placing ominous black metal alloy structures around a planet with primitive lifeforms will make their brains go "Oh, this is different, I should... *think* about it. Yes. Thinking is a thing I can do now. Thus, with the power of thoughts I can look at other things and go "Oh, what if I did this!" and make myself evolve into a civilization (once I figure out how to come up with prerequisite concepts)."
Is the inner dialogue Naomi was having. Her colleagues, both Human and Alien alike, had long abandoned the idea of trying to talk to her about her projects. She would just get into this deep staredown with you while simultaneously not paying any attention to your existence. Her mind begins to race with the possibilities, the what ifs, who dunnits, why nots, etc., and after a few minutes of complete stillness she would suddenly rush out, writing furiously on her digi-pad, often bumping into chairs, tables, walls, other people, one time she almost vented herself from the station. They put a micro-tag on her pad that would wirelessly turn off nearby lights at any intersections that didn't lead to her office. She subconsciously veers toward bright lights.
This latest monolith project came about after one of her equally eccentric interns (nobody knows where they come from, she just seems to naturally attract ones with similar brainwaves or something) showed her an ancient fictional documentary about possible technological developments in the early 21st century. The image of this simpler monolith instantly embedded itself into her mind.
WAIT! I've got it! Four groups of monoliths arranged in different patterns. The group of 16 will make a perfect square. 25 a star. 36 a hexagon, and 49 a... hmm heptagon would be too similar, and it doesn't look right no matter how you shape it.... hrrnnn No wait, a seven layer circle! One in the center, fourteen in the outermost and the rest... I'll do the math later. The areas will need to be perfectly cleared and flat too. Oh! Line patterns on the ground itself. Ones that show core scientific truths! One of the primitives will surely one day follow the lines and map them out either in its brain or on a simple data recording apparatus and see Science! They'll be so stunned! Gotta write that down, get one of the helpful people (her interns, whose names or faces she doesn't even know, yet they don't care either. Look, it's weird, but their kind of non-relationship works out somehow) to begin production. They will need to be made of non-corrosive alloys, of course. Each with a different core metal though. But then the color might change. No paint, that is an unnecessary element. Hmm... Evolution will take millennia, hopefully a few less with my help.
Last month her focus was on making a fully transparent species of frogs to see whether they would go extinct due to being unable to see their partners, or overrun the ecosystem. Nobody has seen the results of that yet.
We also don't know what she's actually a PhD of. Her diploma just says applied robotics, and it is a legit diploma from the Henderson University of Greater Estonia. But her published thesis is on viral infection vectors in sub-tropical moths. We thought she might be a fraud, but the science checks out in whatever she has put out so far. Whatever she is, she is allowed to do whatever she wants. Like most scientists out on these stations now that I think about it.
What are we even doing here, other than... Science?
Mmmm, fuck it, unlimited funding. Let's go!
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crazyintheeast · 1 year
Why I believe that the Halo is powered by love
From the start we have seen that the Halo responds to strong emotions. Beatrice said it herself”The Halo is responding to your emotions” but the Halo’s greatest feats have always been connected to one thing. Love. We first saw it when Ava saved Beatrice. Ava didn’t just do her usual blast, she blew up the whole all while specifically targeting the shotgun pellets and letting them fall to the ground. I don’t know much about physics but I am pretty sure that any kinetic forces that can deflect bullets would turn every squishy humans into a Picasso painting so Ava unconsciously launched two pulses. One general around room and one hyper powerful micro burst aimed solely at the shotgun pellets.
And we saw how much this drained the Halo. Ava was actually paralyzed for a few minutes. Next we have a the iconic wall scene. They talked about Ava breaking through her pain but lets face it what made Ava capable was Beatrice love and assurance that she would always be there for her
This became even more noticeable in season 2. When a Wraith Demon went after Beatrice Ava used the Halo to outright destroy it. (all without so much as messing Beatrice’s hair). We have never seen a wraith demon destroyed in such a way. Then came of course the church fight where Ava launched one of the most powerful Halo pulses ever which once again didn’t touch Ava(unlike Michael who was launched in the air like a beautiful folding chair) and yet despite this the Halo still gave Ava enough power to fly Beatrice out of there
But the biggest proof came at the finale. Why you ask? Simple. Tarasks. Obviously Adriel knew about Tarask’s and had prepared for them. As we saw in the Church when Michael threw that trident thingy Adriel’s technology worked on Tarask’s and we can safely assume the same field that interfered with the Halo also interfered with the Tarask’s ability to teleport into our world. Why else would the Tarask’s do nothing while Adriel attacks their leader Reya? And despite the fact that Ava was heavily using the Halo and we know how this attracts them they still couldn’t brake through. Until Beatrice came to Ava’s side and then Halo actually managed to break through Adriel’s defensive measures(which again are power by who knows how many millions of prayers) and it brought not one but more then half a dozens Tarasks. Why because Ava’s love for Beatrice empowered the Halo to break through, they needed to protect Beatrice so they did what should have been impossible I firmly believe that the Halo is sentient and that like all sentient thing it craves love and the more love the Halo bearer the more power the Halo gives them and the harder it fights to keep them alive
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How do you explain Neon and Flynt being the way they are all the while coming from Atlas Academy?
I think I touched upon it a bit in the Weiss short I wrote years ago, but to put it bluntly, my take on Atlas Academy is a lot more Starship Troopers in structure.
There's still a class divide in Atlas - in more than one way.
While my version of Atlas isn't a flying city, it still towers upon Mantle - a city fortress etched into Mt. Atlas - the tallest mountain on Remnant.
Mantle, by now, houses the working class running its factories, immigrants, and the less wealthy people who weren't involved in the foundation of Atlas as a city. Mantle simmers in pollution and neglect as the people in Atlas view it as a reminder of the Kingdom's less-than-savory past during the Great War.
Within Atlas itself, life is more luxurious and pretty similar to, let's say, in Vale where one's wealth and power determine one's status. Arts, music, dancing - the cultural expression is treated as primary right of a citizen (let alone the rich and powerful). Kingdom of Atlas prides itself in how advanced, culturally and technologically, the place is - as seen by Weiss being a singer (and in my version her grandfather's hobby was painting).
One way to get access to live in Atlas is military service - especially becoming a Huntsman - the lucky ones who get into the Atlas Academy, no matter whether they are from Mantle or Atlas, get to move to the academy's dormitories within Atlas and, as they finish training, get to live within Atlas as soldiers and huntsmen, gaining full rights of a citizen. Some use this as a chance to change their names to escape their pasts.
While not every soldier in Atlas is a Huntsman, every Huntsman is considered a soldier, which results in a kind of contradictory situation there - the Huntsmen are expected to be more uniform when they serve as soldiers but are also allowed the freedom to do whatever they want as Huntsmen, as long as it's within the laws of the Kingdom.
Neon and Flynt worked their way up this way, having had quite a hard time achieving it for different reasons.
They belong to the kind of student group that sees the hypocrisy within the Kingdom and would like to change the status quo, being uncomfortable with class divide and the militarism, but don't want to lose the privilege being a Huntsman provides. They see only one way to challenge the more rigid structure and the power people like SDC hold over the Kingdom - being as expressive and individualistic as the rules allow them, essentially challenging the more rigid military structure without breaking the rules.
Especially since the current head of SDC is notably known for his dislike of arts and music - Jacques views art as pointless and only sees use in Weiss popularity as a singer because it works as a tool to expand Schnee influence. Weiss going all-in on being a singer was also the only way to oppose her father's influence over her - in a way unintentionally representing on the micro level what art means to the current generation of citizens on the macro level.
Now, mind you, while the division is there and Kingdom of Atlas veers deeply into pretty problematic militarism, it isn't an autocracy - for the majority of the population, including the soldiers and the government, the rules are still rules - the governing structures shackled by the rules they have defined.
The Kingdom of Atlas follows the law to a fault, no matter what. The kinds of policies the Kingdom of Mantle enacted before and during the Great War are considered an antithesis to the modern world. The governing body is obsessed with never allowing history to repeat itself, so nobody has the unchecked power to break the rules.
It's reflected in the way Ironwood holds himself during the first three Volumes, for example (the way he handles Ozpin or the way he understands that Yang might have been framed but still follows through with upholding the rules).
So Neon or Flynt embracing a more artistic and free identity works as a challenge for what is "expected" of the Kingdom and its soldiers. It's actually a pretty popular idea within the Academy itself.
Not to mention someone like Flynt defeating a Schnee in the tournament would send a message and likely reverberate through society in Atlas. He doesn't really hold any ill will towards Weiss though, due shared interests in art.
I think it's interesting to use aspects like this in order to add an element of gray morality to the setting, portraying the Kingdom as something fluid rather than stagnant - because of the people like that, Atlas is not guaranteed to stay the way it is forever. The question, of course, is whether such approach is feasible and if those in power would just let it all slip from their grasp.
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lalalian · 2 months
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futuristic dr ideas pt.2
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date: march 29, 2024
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trends in a futuristic world
includes beauty trends and augmented reality stuff
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Glass Hair
Glass hair would probably be more popular for runway models rather than the average person. I think iridescent or glow-in-the-dark hair would be more of trend because it's more flashy. Fashion styles would arise from this trend such as celestialcore, mirrorpunk, and glowstreet.
Celestialcore fashion
People who wear celestialcore would likely have iridescent hair and would wear flowy silk clothing that shimmer in the light. Add ons to micro skin repairing bots in your bloodstream would make your skin automatically look incredibly dewy. Holograms that make small pixies circle around you or animate angel wings on your back. Hologram software is less expensive and more convenient (because the wings can phase through objects, physical wings cannot). Physical wings would require the person to get wing attachments to their back, but it'd allow you to fly. Stylized eye contacts that make the irises seem as if they're jelly or glowing would also be a common styling choice. Voice box adjustments (to use these adjustments, you'd download software to the tiny medical bots in your bloodstream) that make your voice sound slightly echoy would also be relevant to this style. Something that'd be a must have when it comes to celestialcore fashion would either be no legs, cybernetic legs, or levitating heels/shoes. Outfits would consist of white and pastel colors.
here's a few images that resonate with this style:
Imagine aespa's savage photoshoot, black sleek clothing but with the sharp and almost melty looking silver jewelry. Aespa's drama photoshoot would also kinda fit, but it'd need more silver jewelry. Outfits would often consist of crimson, black, white, and silver. Some people that wear this style incorporate more silver elements, these people eventually coined the term 'Mirrormelt', which officially became a substyle of mirrorpunk. Many people who wear mirrorpunk swap out one or more of their limbs with a cybernetic limb that has the same aesthetic as the sharp silver jewelry (idk how to word it, i hope you know what I'm talking abt T-T)
here's a few images that resonate with this style:
Essentially street fashion but with glow-in-the-dark elements. Loose or baggy clothing that is considered casual with glow-in-the-dark streaks of color usually in the hair and other parts of the outfit. I don't think images are necessary for this one.
Animated Tattoos
A flower blooming from a bud would probably be one of the most popular design choices. Flower petals falling down arms or legs would also be another popular choice. Animated tattoo sleeves would look like a full on moving painting, but they'd probably be pretty expensive. I think I mentioned this before on tiktok, so if you think you've seen this idea already, it may have been from me.
I think people who like to dress in darker styles would have animated eye tattoos on their bodies that would open and close.
Another cool idea would be color changing tattoos!
AR and Books
Okay so obviously physical books aren't going to be a thing in a high-tech cyberprep world-- but do you know what would be a thing? Augmented reality story games. AR is essentially VR except you can feel, smell, and taste everything as you would in real life. Shifting but with technology. Imagine games like Detroit Become Human and FNAF but in this format-- wouldn't it be a hit? I think it would.
I still think that e-books would be a thing, but I could definitely imagine that some of the most popular chapters would get AR adaptations.
To access an AR game or chapter, you must go to an AR Arena to rent a suit and the appropriate equipment.
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oki i think this is good enough for one post. I think I'll talk about entertainment places like unique cafes and cyber parkour arenas in the next futuristic post
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fatehbaz · 2 years
The Unsettled Plain defies the conventional framings of the region’s [”Middle East”] history. The protagonists of this book are the people often left out or relegated to a minor role: pastoralists, peasants, workers, and migrants who lived in Ottoman countryside. Many books adopt national or imperial geographies, but I have used a space that destabilizes such geographies. Call it Cilicia, Çukurova, or the Adana region -- the book is about a coherent, interconnected place that is hidden on the map today.
During the nineteenth century, this corner of the Mediterranean at the border of Syria and Turkey contained diversity that would surprise Anglophone readers accustomed to images of the Middle East painted with a broad brush. [...] Speakers of Turkish, Arabic, Armenian, Kurdish, and Greek lived side by side there for centuries, not just in cosmopolitan cities but also in the vast hinterland. With large-scale migration during the latter half of the nineteenth century, Tatar, Circassian, and Chechen refugees from the Russian Empire, as well as Cretan Muslims and various people from the Balkans built new settlements in the region [...]. An extraordinary array of communities that made up the population of the late Ottoman Empire shared this one small place. 
Among rural inhabitants, there were many ways of life, ranging from long-distance, nomadic patterns of grazing sheep and goats to intensive, plantation-style cultivation of cotton for global export. And in a space only a little bigger than modern-day Lebanon, there was also intense environmental contrast. Foreigners used to remark that one could set out on foot from a lowland city like Adana, which might have felt just as hot as Egypt on a summer day, and in two or three days be in mountain spaces reminiscent of the Swiss Alps. That is in fact precisely how the local people lived, migrating between the highland and lowland micro-climates on a seasonal basis and spending the summer in those precious mountain spaces. So in all these ways, the world of The Unsettled Plain is more complex than what we get in Ottoman histories written from the vantage point of Istanbul or Cairo, or for that matter the histories of the modern Middle East written inside of nation-state containers. [...]
The central issue that runs throughout the book is malaria [...]. Malaria is associated with the tropics today, but it used to be very widespread not only in the former Ottoman Empire but also Europe and North America. I use malaria to show how the transformation of the Ottoman Empire from the Tanzimat reforms of the mid-nineteenth century onward impacted rural people. Settlement policies and the commercialization of agriculture disrupted malaria avoidance strategies that were rooted in an intimate understanding of the local environment, resulting in catastrophic malaria epidemics for resettled or displaced people and the gradual intertwining of malaria with agricultural labor and increasingly uneven relations between landowners and workers. Far from being unique to the Ottoman experience, this story harkens to the experiences of many spaces throughout nineteenth-century empires.
Each chapter of the book circles back to the question of malaria through different interlocking themes, and those themes are [...] ecology, the state, capitalism, war, and science. Chapter 1 is focused on aspects of Cilicia’s local ecology and politics before the Tanzimat period, and Chapter 2 studies the impacts of state reform and settlement policy during the high Tanzimat period of the mid-nineteenth century. Chapter 3 studies how a new form of capitalism centered on cotton export shaped this region during the last decades of the Ottoman period, and Chapter 4 studies how much of that new world was destroyed during the World War I period and the subsequent Franco-Turkish war. Chapter 5 traces continuities between the late Ottoman period and early Republican period in Turkey, focusing on the themes of science and technology and examining the role of medicine and public health in the remaking of the countryside. [...]
Between modern-day residents of Çukurova, those who have settled in Istanbul, Ankara, or other cities in Turkey, and those who have emigrated abroad to Germany or elsewhere, a sizeable percentage of people from modern Turkey either claim this region as home or have some personal connection to it. There is also a substantial portion of the Armenian diaspora in the United States, France, Lebanon, Armenia, and elsewhere who think of Cilicia as their ancestral homeland. 
Words of Chris Gratien. As interviewed by Jadaliyya. Regarding Gratien’s book The Unsettled Plain: An Environmental History of the Late Ottoman Frontier (2022). This text and the interview were published at Jadaliyya online on 25 April 2022. [Bolded emphasis added by me.]
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naonums · 3 months
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Navigating the Evolving Travel Trends: Past, Present, and Future✈️
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The past five years have seen the travel industry undergo a seismic shift, shaped by unforeseen circumstances, evolving priorities, and technological advancements.
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Past Trends (2019-2024):
1. Rise of Staycations and Local Travel: With global uncertainty, people sought comfort in familiar surroundings, boosting local tourism and staycations. This trend also fueled the popularity of unique, nearby experiences like glamping or micro-adventures.
2. Experiences over Destinations: Travelers craved deeper connections and immersion, prioritizing authentic experiences over simply ticking off landmarks. This led to a surge in cultural tours, voluntourism, and off-the-beaten-path adventures.
3. Bleisure Travel: The lines between business and leisure blurred as remote work options became more prevalent. Travelers extended business trips to include leisure activities, driving demand for flexible booking options and co-working spaces in tourist destinations.
4. Sustainability in Focus: Environmental consciousness grew, leading to a rise in eco-friendly travel choices. Travelers sought out sustainable accommodations, responsible tours, and destinations committed to conservation.
5. Tech-Driven Transformation: Technology played an increasingly crucial role, from AI-powered travel recommendations to contactless payments and immersive virtual tours. This trend also fueled the growth of travel apps and online booking platforms.
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Possible Future Trends (2024-2029):
1. Hyper-Personalization: Travel will become increasingly tailored to individual preferences, with AI and machine learning creating bespoke itineraries and experiences based on unique interests, travel styles, and budgets.
2. Wellness & Retreats: The focus on mental and physical wellbeing will continue, with travelers seeking destinations and experiences that promote mindfulness, relaxation, and holistic rejuvenation.
3. Transformative Travel: The desire for personal growth and self-discovery will drive demand for transformative travel experiences, such as volunteering, cultural immersion programs, and journeys focused on personal development.
4. Space Tourism: As technology advances and costs decrease, space tourism could become more accessible, offering a unique and futuristic travel experience for a select few.
5. Metaverse Travel: Virtual and augmented reality experiences will continue to evolve, potentially offering immersive travel simulations that allow people to explore destinations without physically being there.
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The past five years have painted a dynamic picture of travel trends. Driven by changing lifestyles, social values, and technological advancements, travelers have embraced experiences over mere sightseeing, pursued self-discovery through solo adventures, and sought responsible, personalized journeys.
Looking ahead, several exciting possibilities emerge. Hyper-personalization will be key, with tech facilitating highly customized itineraries that resonate deeply with individual aspirations. Wellness and retreat travel will boom, as people seek mental, physical, and spiritual rejuvenation. Additionally, destination stewardship will take center stage, with travelers actively partnering with locals to preserve cultures and environments.
This evolving landscape presents both challenges and opportunities. The travel industry must adapt to offer personalized experiences at scale, cater to the growing wellness market, and integrate sustainable practices seamlessly. Travelers, meanwhile, have the power to choose wisely, supporting responsible tourism and contributing to positive change.
While technology will play a vital role, human connection will remain paramount. Authentic interactions, cultural immersion, and meaningful experiences will be the true differentiators in this new era of travel. Ultimately, the future of travel promises a deeper, more personalized, and responsible way to explore the world, driven by our collective desire for connection, transformation, and discovery.
These are just a glimpse into the ever-evolving world of travel. As we move forward, sustainability, personalization, and transformative experiences will likely take center stage, while technology will continue to reshape how we plan, book, and experience travel. The future of travel promises to be exciting, diverse, and deeply attuned to the evolving needs and desires of travelers worldwide.
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aces-and-kings · 10 months
Heaven's Not Enough
The soft glow of a distant candle flickered across the darkened room as Thor leaned against the window, a cigarette smoldering between his fingers. His gaze was fixed on the vast expanse of the ocean stretching out before him, its rhythmic waves whispering tales of forgotten, and yet discovered, shores.
In the dim light, the scars that adorned his body were illuminated, the canvas of his life, painted by hardships endured. A life lived on the edge, each mark telling a story, most of which without an ending.
Worn jeans hugged his form, and untied boots lay haphazardly on the floor. His messy hair was tamed only by a pair of goggles, slowly feeding aether inward in micro doses.
Despite his rugged appearance, there was a sense of melancholy that clung to him like the sea's mist. His solemn expression spoke of thoughts too heavy to bear alone, and the dimness in his eyes betrayed the loneliness that he carried within his heart. Another night. Another somebody. Another sunrise he'd face alone. He told himself he preferred it that way. After all, it's what he deserved. Right?
The smoke from his cigarette swirled lazily around him, matching the subtle turbulence of his emotions. The room seemed filled with unspoken words, as if the walls themselves could feel the weight of his thoughts and struggled to contain it all.
As he continued to stare out at the boundless ocean, a deep sigh escaped him, an echo of what churned inside.
The soft creak of the door broke the silence as Seven stepped into the room, his crimson visor scanning the darkened space. Gunmetal black armor encasing mechanical technology gleamed in the faint light, and the subtle whirring of his cybernetics added an eerie touch to his presence.
He found Thor smoking by the window, staring out into the night, and couldn't fully grasp the depths of the man's emotions, but the sense of emptiness was something he understood all too well. The darker sides of their lives, the stains of blood on their hands, it was a common denominator they carried, silently.
Without a word, Seven moved to throw himself sideways on the oversized chair in the corner. It seemed an unusual act for a man mostly made of machine parts, but there was a certain ease to his posture. He leaned back, one arm resting on the back of the chair, the other resting casually on the armrest.
Thor glanced over absolutely indifferent to the ilm that the mech had on him, though confessional to the curiosity that mingled with a hint of wariness. He took in the horns and massive tail, wondering how much au ra remained within. "Dare ah ask why tha hell yer in mah room?" he inquired in low rumble.
Seven's visor shifted slightly, waist length black hair spilling down over his shoulder with the turn of his head, as he considered the question before responding. "You need protection. I was hired."
Brows furrowed and Thor scoffed a cloud of smoke in the once Au Ra's direction, "Ah think ah can take care o' mah self."
"From, yourself," Seven served back, watching Thor's eyes returning to the ocean view as if that somehow hid all the newly replaced furnishings.
He sighed again, tapping his cigarette on the window seal. "Grey's doin', no doubt." There was a moment of silence, followed by another, before the duskwolf turned and leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes. "Do ya ever feel like yer jus' a shadow o' who ya once were?"
Seven said nothing at first, perhaps processing if it'd been a rhetorical inquiry. "We... are still functional." That had to count for something.
"Is that so?" Thor replied, the embers of his cigarette painting his face in a soft glow as he inhaled once more.
Their exchange hung in the air, an unspoken understanding. It was the start of a peculiar but interesting friendship.
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
Good News From Israel
In the 13th Nov 22 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Israeli nitric oxide device helps hospitalized Covid-19 patients recover.
Israeli surgeons repaired the heart of a Syrian baby flown in from Cyprus.
Huge number of Israeli climate-tech and food-tech innovations.
Record number of tourists return to Israel.
Israeli technology powers UK retail giant’s autonomous stores.
Israeli runner is NYC Marathon runner-up.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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In the Book of Ecclesiastes, it states that there is nothing new under the sun. While that may be strictly true, Israeli innovations are certainly making good use of the sunshine to generate pollution-free energy and grow food to feed a hungry world.
This week's positive Israel news includes using solar energy to produce hydrogen from water, generate water out of the atmosphere, power buildings using solar paint, and create zero-emissions Israeli factories. Israelis are designing solar power plants on the Moon, installing solar panels in farms, and creating solar water heaters that operate in cold climates. Israelis are using the sun's rays to grow micro-algae, create natural sugar substitutes, and boost crop yields. They even allow impoverished Lebanese farmers to harvest Israeli olives. To maintain clear skies, Israeli technology reduces the fuel used by ships, creates "green" ink for printed circuits, cuts methane emissions from cattle, grows coral reefs, and converts CO2 into minerals for the glass industry.  It is therefore not surprising that the improved environment has attracted more rare, endangered species to the Israeli coast.
The photo (TY Sharon) is of olives ripening under the Jerusalem sun.
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nowegood · 11 months
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One Grain One World: Peking University Particle Art Exhibition
Preface to "One Grain One World: Peking University Particle Art Exhibition" Touring Exhibition at Today Art Museum, Beijing--Particle Art Manifesto
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Grain is the language through which we create art. It is the medium of art and wood that everyone can use, and can be found everywhere in life, if you pay attention.
It is also an art product that can be made by everyone's hands, a unique memento of each maker, who has turned their limited time of life into infinite time of art.
We, a group of people who love art, are students, teachers and researchers. We are travelers who simply indulge in "aesthetic walks", and thinkers of art boundaries and art ontology.
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《生命的螺旋》 Author:Han Haima, Xu Tianxiao, Li Shuning Materials: sterilized test tubes used in biological experiments, acrylic paint Size: 160cm x 220cm Particle ratio: 1: 300 Best viewing distance: 12m (using cell phone is better) Best viewing distance: 9.5m in front of the work (5m with a cell phone)
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《源》 Author: ZhangJing Size: 1.2m x 1.2m Materials: Stretch mesh tube Particle diameter: 1.2cm Best viewing distance: 3m Particle ratio: 1 : 250
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《王楠自画像》 Author: WangNan's friends Size: 1.2m x 1.2m Materials: Pin Best viewing distance: 4.5m to 6.5m Particle ratio: 1 : 500
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《相由心生》 Author: Chen Yanlei Size: 9m x 4m Materials: Oil stick Best viewing distance: 2m Particle ratio: 1 : 242.42
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《逝去的科技》 Author: Tianchen Tang Size: 1440mm x 2200mm Materials: Electronic chips and desktop motherboards Best viewing distance: 5m to 7m Particle ratio: 1 : 60 to 1 : 120
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《青锈山水》 Author: Jiashan Cao Size: 90cm x 450cm Materials: Copper rust, iron rust, copper flake, iron flake Best viewing distance: 5m Enter the forest, embrace the forest, green is the eternal pursuit of mankind, green mountains and water is the ideal home for people. The greenery in the city is becoming scarce as the tall buildings are getting taller and taller, and the big cities are always filled with the oppressive feeling of suffocating people. People need greenery to heal their tired bodies.
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《脐带》 Author: Siwen Liu Size: 100cm x 80cm Materials: X-rays, acrylic plates, light guide plates Best viewing distance: 3m Particle ratio: 1 : 300 The umbilical cord is the lifeline that connects the baby to the mother, the most basic connection between mother and child at the beginning of life, and is destined to be severed and separated. From the time I broke away from my mother's body, I also gradually broke away from her wings and grew into an independent person. However, every part of my body was given by my mother, and blood and kinship are inseparable no matter what. I disassemble the x-ray of my mother and myself to become the initial appearance of my own conception in my mother's womb, hoping to preserve the connection between my body and my mother's through art, to preserve the strongest and most sincere love between mother and daughter with this spiritual art umbilical cord, and to commemorate the harm my mother endured during pregnancy and childbirth.
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《孤城》 Author: Yuan Han Size: 120cm x 180cm Materials: Granular transparent capsules, micro-sculpted model figures Best viewing distance: 1.8m Particle ratio: 1 120 With a transparent capsule filled with a variety of dolls, the implication is that each role in society is an individual, all have their own small world, are an independent city, and seem to be like a cocoon chrysalis wrapped around themselves. Combined together and as a whole, the individual cannot be separated from the whole, and the whole cannot be separated from the individual, and together they create a pellet work based on the thinking person. This work reflects the widespread problem between people caused by modern technology - the disconnection of communication and connection, hoping to arouse the awareness of communication between people.
Among the many interesting and outstanding exhibits, I was most impressed by the audio-visual exhibit "Imagination of Six Lines".
Author: Wang Nan Size: 2.4m12m1.9m Material: mechanical metal, luminous device, fog Background music: Destination - Ocean L.
An accident made me play with death in my imagination, and my soul was taken out of the hyperbaric tunnel. I disappeared into the light and shadow as the medium drifted away. After awakening, I re-examined myself and reminded myself to keep my original intention, not to go to extremes, that what goes around comes around, and that six is Qian, the positive northwest, for Yin, where I live.
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scorbleeo · 2 years
Under the Skin | Drama Review
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Image Source: Google Images
The young painter Shen Yi resigned from the Academy of Fine Arts and entered Haicheng Public Security Bureau mysteriously. Interpol Captain Du Cheng was furious and said that he would never accept those who caused his comrade to be killed in the police force.
Five years ago, Shen Yi, who was still a student, was sketching on the street. A man took a picture of a child and asked him to draw what the child would look like as an adult. However, this painting caused Haicheng detective Lei Yi Fei to be exposed as an undercover agent and he was killed. And Lei Yi Fei happened to be Du Cheng's long-time friend and confidant. The strange thing is that, no matter how hard Shen Yi tried of recall for a few years, he couldn't draw the face of the man who asked him to paint the child's photo.
Five years later, the guilt became heavier. In order to find out the truth, Shen Yi accepted the invitation of Director Zhang of the Public Security Bureau and became a portraitist of the Interpol Team. Under Zhang Ju’s persuasion and arrangement, Du Cheng had to accept that he became a colleague with Shen Yi, but he was still full of annoyance and despised Shen Yi’s “drawing to solve cases,” and the two became the “ticking bomb” in the team.
However, in several collaborations, Shen Yi has repeatedly cracked the "dead end" of cases with his "three-year-old painting", "drawing based on audio," "micro-color discrimination" and other stunts, which slowly started to impress Du Cheng. More importantly, the truth of Lei Yi Fei's death is still buried in Shen Yi's memory. On the way to find out the truth of Lei Yi Fei's life and death, the two people who were pursuing alone gradually untie their knots and rely on each other. In the end, "the heaven-matched partners" work together to uncover the dust-covered secrets and create a new world for each other.
Source: MyDramaList
My Favourite Chinese Drama!
Crime, mystery, thriller, these are common genres you see in dramas, TV shows and movies. However, I loved that in Under the Skin, it's the portrait artist that gets the spotlight. There is always be a portrait artist in shows like this but they are never the main, which makes Under the Skin more unique than other crime-related dramas. It's a rather refreshing take in watching this team solve cases based on Shen Yi's godly artistic skills. It also made me realised just how important a portrait artist is as well, in spite of technology advancing rapidly these days.
If you are planning to go into Under the Skin thinking this show is going to blow your mind with its cases, don't. The cases might be constructed and portrayed really well but there's nothing special about the cases in this drama. What makes Under the Skin more extraordinary is the the chemistry between Shen Yi and Du Cheng. This is not even a BL drama but our two main leads have more chemistry with each other than some BL couples. I absolutely loved watching Shen Yi and Du Cheng work together to solve the cases, their skills are on different parts of a spectrum but boy do they make their skills match each other so well! I really have to applaud Tan Jian Ci and Jin Shi Jia, these men were what made Shen Yi and Du Cheng so charismatic and admirable. Moreover, if you know what these men's personalities are like, you would be blown away by the amazing talent that is their acting. Absolutely mind-blowing.
Honestly speaking, I think it also helped that Shen Yi's artistic style is right up my alley. I have watched plenty of shows where one or a few roles are artists but I was never impressed by their art. Shen Yi's drawings though, that's the style I love.
It is an understatement when I say I am very impressed by this drama. The story, the cast, the roles, the cinematography and the flow, they were really what I appreciate in a drama. Under the Skin kept me at the edge of my seat the whole time and I just could not stop watching it. I would also like to add that even though that was a cliffhanger ending, the drama actually wrapped up what needed to be wrapped up.
To wrap this review up, please let there be a second season with the exact same cast, thank you very much.
Rating: ★★★★★
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hardpacker · 2 years
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SIGGRAPH Computer Culture Art Show August 4-7th, 1981
selected excerpts
cover Zsusza Molnar: Ragtimey
Aaron Marcus: Noise Barrier
James F. Blinn: Uranus from Voyager
David DiFrancesco: Chrome-Hedge
Paul Heckbert: Eye Planes
Joanne P. Culver: Next Wave
Dan Franzblau: Oils 1 & 2
Darcy Gerbarg: Computer Design 3/81
Copper Frances Giloth: DSO10X2
Turner Whitted: Still Life with Bottle
In coordination with the 8th Annual Conference of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics of the Association for Computing Machinery, there is an exhibition of high technology art at City Hall in Dallas, Texas from August 3 to August 28, 1981. The exhibition will be open to the public from 9 to 5, Monday through Friday. A wide variety of styles, techniques, media and equipment are represented in this show. Styles include formalism, expressionism, impressionism, photo-realism, constructivism, synthetic-realism and more. Subject matter includes planets, landscapes, figures, mathematical representation, as well as intellectual and intuitive abstractions. The product of these artists has taken many forms, including sculpture, painting, printmaking, drawing, ceramics, photography and filmmaking. The equipment used by these artists includes main-frame, mini and micro computers, pen and ink-jet printers and plotters, digitizers, numerically controlled tools, electro­static recorders, etc. and represents the most sophisticated computer graphics technology. The common ground upon which these artists stand, the thread which ties this show together, is the shared utilization of high technology. The interdependence of art and science has been fundamental to the development of this computer graphics technology and the realization of the art in this show. The collaboration between art and technology seen in this show represents a continuing cross-fertilization process which results in innovative concepts of the world around us.
Darcy Gerbarg and Ray Lauzzana, from the overview
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govindhtech · 20 days
AtomMan X7 Ti, Minisforum’s New Intel-powered elite Mini PC
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AtomMan X7 Ti mini PC
The AtomMan X7 Ti is a high-end micro PC with a 4-inch touchscreen display and Intel’s Core Ultra 9 processor, which was unveiled by Minisforum. The X7 Ti is designed to appeal to a wide range of users thanks to its impressive specifications, which include a 16-core CPU, an 8-core Arc Iris Xe iGPU, and numerous connectivity options like OCUlink for eGPU compatibility.
The AtomMan X7 Ti, the newest Intel-powered high-end small PC from Minisforum, is set to go on sale officially on May 20 at 19:00 PST.
Driven by Intel’s Core Ultra 9 185H CPU, which has a maximum boost rate of 5.1 GHz and 16 cores and 22 threads, the X7 is quite powerful. Ten efficiency cores based on the Crestmont architecture and six performance cores based on the Redwood design make up the 16 cores. The way the system manages its heat, which Minisforum has addressed by using triple copper heat pipes in conjunction with a cooling fan, will determine how well this CPU performs. Independent testing, however, will paint a clearer picture of how well it performs in actual use.
The Arc Iris Xe iGPU, which has 8 Xe cores (128 EUs) and 8 RT cores for hardware-accelerated ray tracing, is the only graphics processor used by the X7 Ti. Although it’s not primarily intended for gamers, its performance, similar to that of an RTX 2050 laptop GPU, may fall short of their expectations, even though it’s impressive for an iGPU. However, consumers looking for more GPU power can turn to eGPU solutions like the OneXGPU 7600M XT eGPU (curr. $835 on Amazon), as OCulink offers transfer speeds up to 64 Gbps.
Memory and storage options include dual M.2 2280 PCIe 4.0 slots that can hold up to 4 terabytes of flash storage and dual DDR5 5600 MT/s SODIMM slots that can support up to 96 GB of memory. Numerous connectivity choices are available, such as three USB 3.2 Type-A connections, one SD card slot, two 5G RJ45 ethernet ports, HDMI 2.1 and DisplayPort 2.0 for up to four 4K external monitors, and a 3.5 mm headphone socket. Additionally available is an integrated 1080p camera that supports Windows Hello.
Regarding wireless connectivity, the X7 Ti has both Bluetooth 5.4 and Wi-Fi 7. Remarkably, the device also has a 4-inch touchscreen built into the chassis that provides features like personalised themes and system monitoring, adding to its overall attractiveness even though it is a bit of a gimmick.
AtomMan X7 Ti mini PC features
Intel Ultra 9 185H CPU Al Mini PC
4-inch flexible touch screen LED display
Fast Network 72x5G RJ45 WiFi
Quad-Screen Display DP2.0+2xUSB4 + HDMI 2.1
Video Conferencing Assistant with Dual Audio and a 1080P camera
Cold Wave System: 65W TDP Phase-change cooling
Independent OCuLink eGPU with high performance
Windows Hello Fingerprint | Face ID
Generous Capacity Dual M.2 SSD | SD Card
Native Al Core Power IntelCore Ultra 9
Impressive characteristics characterise the new IntelCore Ultra 9, which offers considerable power and efficiency for high-performance computer operations.
Process Technology Intel 4
22 Threads
Maximum Frequency: 5.1 GHz
65W TDP maximum
3D high-efficiency Hybrid Building Design
16 Cores
24 MB L3 cache
The new Intel Arc graphics can significantly speed up operations for live streaming, video editing, 3D rendering, and creating masterpieces for 3A games.
Eight Xe-cores
Eight New Ray Tracing Devices
Two-Time Graphics Performance
AV1 Codec
128 EU
Super Sampling with XeSS
The low-power operation of Al apps is supported by the new AI NPU. Together, CPU, GPU, and NPU make up the three main Al engines that propel creators into the AIGC age.
20 billion or more parameters LLM
Text-generated Maps in 1 second
365 Copilot AI PowerPoint
Gigapixel Al Topaz Image Enhancement
System of Cold Wave Cooling
With the help of three cooling copper tubes, a large-diameter silent cooling fan, and an exclusive patented compact phase-change cooling module with small size, high efficiency, and long lifespan, it can achieve a stable 65W performance release, giving consistent power for demanding creative work and high-performance gaming.
Adaptable Touch Display
Has the most potent 4-inch touch screen in the business, making it user-friendly and feature-rich. To help you understand the host’s operational state in real time, support features including system monitoring, performance adjustment, time display, and personalised theme switching are available.
Assistant for Videoconferences
The X7 Ti boasts a 1080P HD camera that can be turned on and off physically to preserve privacy. It also supports studio effects and Windows Hello. Moreover, it can be tilted using a stand that has two digital microphones for superior sound quality, making video conferencing a highly collaborative experience.
Big Storage and Memory
Two memory slots, two M.2 ports, and a slot for an SD card An extensive array of resources for filmmakers and artists
Supports up to 96GB of DDR5 5600MHz high-frequency memory via dual-channel DDR5 SODIMM slots.
Two PCIE4.0 M.2 M.2 SSD slots 4TB SSD storage maximum.
One slot for an SD expansion card Plug in and go at up to 100MB/s.
Quick Networks
With link aggregation capabilities, the dual 5G wired connections provide fast and constant connectivity for network storage and online gaming.
Four-Screen Display
Four 4K@120Hz screens can be linked concurrently to two USB4 ports, an HDMI2.1 interface, and a DP2.0 interface to create a four-screen display and reveal a new, more productive office concept.
Separate OCulink Port
With support for up to 64Gbps of transmission bandwidth, the Mini PC can be quickly transformed into a workstation to handle the computational demands of high-end gaming, professional production, and Al work. It is also simple to enhance the higher performance of additional desktop graphics cards.
Does not take up any M.2 interface space.
Next-Generation WiFi7
outfitted with Intel’s upcoming WiFi-7 wireless card, which has a 320MHz channel bandwidth and a maximum theoretical peak rate of 5.8Gbps.
Minimal Latency
Lower WiFi latency with a larger channel bandwidth
Accelerated speed
With a maximum theoretical rate of 5.8 Gbps, the BE200 can achieve speeds more than twice as fast as existing Wi-Fi 6E modules.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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atilinearactuators · 21 days
Dive into Pneumatic Linear Actuator Tech
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In the realm of automation and industrial machinery, the quest for efficiency, reliability, and precision is unceasing. One of the crucial components enabling this pursuit is the pneumatic linear actuator. These robust devices have become indispensable in a wide array of applications, from manufacturing and robotics to automotive and aerospace industries. Let's delve into the workings, applications, and advancements of pneumatic linear actuators, and explore how they're shaping the future of engineering and automation.
Understanding Pneumatic Linear Actuators
At its core, a pneumatic linear actuator is a mechanical device that converts compressed air energy into linear motion. The principle behind its operation is relatively simple yet effective. Compressed air is directed into the actuator's chamber, exerting force on a piston or diaphragm, which then moves along a linear path. This linear motion can be used to perform various tasks, such as opening or closing valves, lifting loads, positioning components, or actuating robotic arms.
Versatility in Applications
One of the key strengths of pneumatic linear actuators lies in their versatility. They find applications across a broad spectrum of industries
Manufacturing: In automated assembly lines, pneumatic linear actuators play a vital role in precise positioning and manipulating components. They ensure smooth and efficient operation, contributing to increased productivity and throughput.
Robotics: Pneumatic actuators are commonly used in robotic systems for tasks that require rapid and precise movement. Whether it's pick-and-place operations, material handling, or assembly tasks, these actuators provide the necessary force and speed.
Automotive: From automated welding and painting processes to assembly line operations, pneumatic actuators are integral to automotive manufacturing. Their reliability and robustness make them ideal for handling various tasks in the production of vehicles and their components.
Aerospace: In aerospace applications, where lightweight yet durable components are paramount, pneumatic actuators offer an excellent solution. They are utilized in aircraft systems for functions such as controlling flaps, landing gear, and cargo doors.
Medical: Pneumatic actuators play a crucial role in medical devices and equipment, such as surgical robots, patient handling systems, and diagnostic instruments. Their precise control and sterile operation make them indispensable in healthcare settings.
Advancements Driving Innovation
In recent years, advancements in materials, design, and control technologies have led to significant improvements in pneumatic linear actuators
Materials: The use of lightweight and high-strength materials, such as aluminum alloys and composite polymers, has resulted in actuators that offer better performance while minimizing weight and energy consumption.
Miniaturization: Miniature pneumatic actuators are becoming increasingly common, enabling their integration into compact and space-constrained applications, including medical devices, consumer electronics, and micro-robotics.
Smart Actuators: Integration of sensors, feedback systems, and advanced control algorithms has transformed pneumatic actuators into smart devices capable of precise motion control, adaptive performance, and self-monitoring capabilities.
Energy Efficiency: Efforts to improve energy efficiency have led to the development of pneumatic actuators with reduced air consumption and optimized performance characteristics, resulting in lower operating costs and environmental impact.
Future Prospects
As industries continue to embrace automation and robotics, the demand for pneumatic linear actuators is expected to grow. Advancements in materials science, sensor technology, and artificial intelligence will further enhance the capabilities and performance of these actuators, opening up new possibilities in areas such as collaborative robotics, wearable exoskeletons, and autonomous vehicles.
In conclusion, pneumatic linear actuators represent a cornerstone of modern engineering and automation. Their ability to convert compressed air into precise linear motion makes them indispensable across a wide range of industries and applications. With ongoing innovations driving their evolution, pneumatic actuators are poised to play an even more significant role in shaping the future of technology and industry.
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9035330175 · 1 month
Retro Reflective Sheets: Revolutionizing Signage and Traffic Management
Introduction to Retro Reflective Sheets
Retro Reflective Sheets have emerged as a sport changer in signage and traffic management. These specialized documents play a vital role in ensuring visibility and safety in load handling from road signs and markings to action grid pages What they mean, and their copies are critical to their greater visibility all recognition and impact.
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History of Retro Reflective Sheets
The adventure of Retro reflective sheets lines returned to the mid-twentieth century whilst modern minds sought answers to improve nighttime visibility on roads. Initially evolved for military purposes, unfashionable-reflective materials gradually found their manner into civilian applications, mainly in visitors signage. Over the many years, improvements in technology have propelled the evolution of retro reflective sheets, making them imperative components of modern-day infrastructure.
How Retro Reflective Sheets Work
At the coronary heart of retro reflective technology lies the precept of unfashionable reflection, wherein mild is directed returned towards its source. This phenomenon is finished via the strategic association of micro prisms or glass beads at the floor of the sheet. When illuminated by headlights or other mild sources, these microscopic structures jump the light lower back to the observer, making sure most visibility even underneath low-light conditions.
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Applications in Signage
Retro reflective sheets locate massive use in numerous signage packages, which include road signs and symptoms, lane markings, and hazard indicators. Their excessive-visibility houses lead them to essential for directing motorists and pedestrians alike, especially at some stage in midnight or damaging weather conditions. Additionally, retro-reflective sheets are employed in creation web page signage to alert people and motorists to capacity hazards.
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Role in Traffic Management
In the area of Traffic Management, Retro reflective sheets serve as priceless tools for reinforcing safety and efficiency. Whether applied to site Traffic cones, barricades, or delineators, those sheets significantly improve the visibility of transient traffic manage gadgets, thereby lowering the threat of accidents and site visitors congestion. By making sure clear demarcation of lanes and hazards, retro reflective sheets make a contribution to smoother traffic go with the flow and less collisions.
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Advantages of Retro Reflective Sheets
One of the number one advantages of retro reflective sheets is their fantastic sturdiness and durability. Unlike conventional signage substances, including paint or vinyl, retro-reflective sheets withstand harsh climate conditions and extended publicity to daylight with out fading or deteriorating. Additionally, their lower maintenance requirements translate into savings for municipalities and transportation agencies. From an environmental perspective, the retrospective paper offers sustainability benefits by reducing waste by reducing the need for appropriate replacement.
Challenges and Limitations
Despite their several advantages, retro reflective sheets are not without challenges. Maintenance is a essential aspect, as amassed dirt or debris can impair their reflective homes through the years. Additionally, intense weather situations, which include heavy rain or snow, might also briefly lessen visibility, necessitating proactive cleaning and maintenance efforts. Additionally, ensuring compliance with safety requirements and guidelines creates a situation that requires planning for those involved in signage and site Traffic management.
Future Trends and Innovations
The future of retro reflective era holds promising traits aimed toward similarly improving performance and functionality. Ongoing research seeks to validate best practices and manufacturing processes to improve product sustainability and efficiency. Additionally, blending retro reflective sheet with smart technology, as well as connected cars and IoT systems, opens up new possibilities for enhancing visitor management and security.
Case Studies
Numerous case research exemplify the actual-global impact of retro reflective sheets in enhancing street safety and site visitors management. From busy urban intersections to remote rural highways, those examples highlight the versatility and versatility of pre-assessment signals Whereas reading successful resource management and satisfactory practices, stakeholders can gain valuable insights to optimize their individual signal management and investment in projects.
Regulations and Standards
Adherence to hooked up rules and requirements is paramount inside the deployment of retro reflective sheets. Government organizations and industry stakeholders collaborate to increase pointers ensuring the steady software and performance of retro-reflective signage. Compliance with those standards no longer handiest ensures the protection of avenue customers however also mitigates legal risks and liabilities related to non-compliance.
Environmental Impact
In an era of growing environmental focus, the environmental impact of retro reflective sheets warrants interest. While those materials offer durability and durability, end-of-lifestyles considerations, including recycling and disposal, are vital for minimizing their environmental footprint. Initiatives promoting sustainable practices, which include recycling applications and green substances, play a critical role in mitigating the environmental impact of unfashionable-reflective signage.
Comparative Analysis with Traditional Signage
A comparative analysis among retro reflective sheets and traditional signage substances highlights the superiority of the previous in terms of visibility, durability, and value-effectiveness. While conventional paint or vinyl signage might also provide preliminary price financial savings, the long-time period blessings of retro reflective generation a long way outweigh  the upfront funding. Moreover, the enhanced visibility and protection furnished by means of unfashionable-reflective sheets justify their good sized adoption in modern signage programs.
Educational Initiatives
Educating stakeholders and the general public approximately the advantages and right usage of retroreflective sheets is critical for maximizing their effectiveness. Public focus campaigns, education packages, and academic materials help disseminate information approximately the significance of retro reflective signage in enhancing street safety and site Traffic management. By empowering people with information and resources, those tasks foster a lifestyle of safety and duty at the roads.
Market Trends and Growth Prospects
The market for retro reflective sheets is poised for substantial boom within the coming years, driven by increasing investments in infrastructure and transportation tasks international. Emerging economies, mainly, are witnessing fast urbanization and growth of transportation networks, fueling call for for first-rate signage and traffic management answers. Innovations in materials and era are anticipated to similarly stimulate market increase, developing possibilities for producers and suppliers inside the retro reflective industry.
Retro reflective sheets have revolutionized the fields of signage and traffic management, supplying unparalleled visibility and protection benefits. From road signs and symptoms to site visitors cones, those specialized materials play a vital function in guiding and protective street users, in particular at some stage in nighttime or destructive climate situations. As technology continues to advance and infrastructure wishes evolve, retro-reflective sheets will remain integral gear for making sure green and safe transportation structures worldwide.
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jonejasteel · 1 month
Joneja Steels Group (JSG) is diversified group of companies having 6 manufacturing plants in Faridabad (NCR Delhi Region), India with expertise in manufacturing different engineering products such as Bright Steel Bars, Steel Wires, Hydraulic Cylinders, and Precision Auto Components.
Joneja steel is one of the leading Spring Steel wires Manufacturers in Delhi as it is one reputed name in the field of steel industry. Being in the market for more than 35 years makes Joneja steel more trust worthy.
Joneja Steels Group (JSG) is diversified group of companies having 6 manufacturing plants in Faridabad (NCR Delhi Region), India with expertise in manufacturing different engineering products such as Bright Steel Bars, Steel Wires, Hydraulic Cylinders, and Precision Auto Components.
JSG originated in 1987 as Joneja Bright Steel Private Limited (JBSPL)it had dedicated manufacturing plants with advanced equipment, Automated Combined Drawing Machines, Draw Benches, Wire Drums, Inverted Bull Blocks, Peeling & Grinding Lines and Bell Annealing Furnaces. Over the years, JBSPL has grown to be the one-stop shop for most requirements of General Engineering Wires, Spring Steel Wires, Hard Bright (HB) Wires, Half Hard Bright (HHB) Wires, Wires for Spring Washers, Circlips, Cold Heading Quality Wires (CHQ) &Profiles, Shaped Bars, Cold Drawn Bars, Centre-less Peeled Bars and Ground Bars.
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In 2020 under Prime Minister of India, Atmanirbhar Bharat (Made in India) initiative JSG established world class technology plant, Joneja Hydraulic Private Limited (JHPL)for manufacturing of Hydraulic Cylinders catering to all type of Construction Equipment, Fram Track and off Highway Vehicles. It has up to date CNC &VMC Machines, Welding SPMs, Automated Assembly, Washing and Paint Lines.
In 2021, JSG acquired and upgraded 100% Export Oriented Company, Greiner Engineering Products (GEP)with State of Art Technology CNCs and other Machineries for manufacturing of Precision Auto Components for Trucks & Trailers, 4 Wheelers, Cars and others.
JSG has its own Independent Testing Laboratory Unit Accreted by NABL having Spectrometer for chemical analysis, Tensile Testing Machines, Rockwell Hardness Testers, Micro scope image analyzer, salt spray and all related testing equipment’s required for Mechanical Properties Testing.
JSG boasts a team of qualified professionals dedicated to produce high-quality products with precision and adherence to quality systems Joneja Steels Group is a well established and technologically advance company with a strong focus on quality, innovation and diversification in its product offerings. The Strategic initiatives align with the make in India and self –reliance goal set by the Indian Government.
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utopianadaosophy · 1 month
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Designing a robotic hummingbird that can hold a tiny easel and deposit miniature paintings as it flies is a complex but fascinating project that combines robotics, aerodynamics, and art. Here’s a conceptual guide to creating such a device:
1. Design Overview:
The robotic hummingbird will mimic the size and flight capabilities of a real hummingbird.
It will carry a miniature easel and a mechanism to deposit paint onto a surface as it flies.
2. Components:
Microcontroller: Acts as the brain of the robot, controlling flight and painting mechanisms.
Motors: Provide the necessary movement for the wings and tail to simulate flight.
Sensors: Gyroscopes and accelerometers to stabilize flight; proximity sensors to avoid collisions.
Battery: A lightweight power source to fuel the motors and microcontroller.
Easel and Paint Mechanism: A small frame to hold the canvas and a system to hold and deposit paint.
3. Flight Mechanism:
Wing Design: Flapping wings that can change angle and speed for maneuverability.
Tail Control: A movable tail to help with steering and stability.
4. Painting Mechanism:
Paint Reservoir: A small container to hold the paint, possibly using a replaceable cartridge system.
Dispensing System: A precision pump or micro-valve to control the flow of paint onto the canvas.
Easel: A lightweight structure to hold the canvas, attached securely to the robot.
5. Programming:
Flight Patterns: Pre-programmed maneuvers to simulate the hovering and darting flight of a hummingbird.
Painting Algorithm: Software to control the dispensing of paint, creating patterns or images.
6. Construction:
Frame: Build a lightweight frame using materials like carbon fiber or 3D-printed polymers.
Assembly: Attach motors to the wings and tail, connect sensors, and install the microcontroller and battery.
Testing: Conduct flight tests to ensure stability and adjust the programming as needed.
7. Safety and Maintenance:
Safety Features: Ensure the robot is safe to operate around people, with fail-safes for power loss.
Maintenance: Design the robot for easy access to replace batteries and refill paint.
8. Final Touches:
Aesthetics: Decorate the robot to resemble a hummingbird, with bright colors and patterns.
User Interface: Develop a simple interface for users to start and stop the painting process.
This project would require expertise in robotics, programming, and aerodynamics. It’s a challenging endeavor but could result in a beautiful blend of technology and art. The robotic hummingbird could be used for entertainment, educational purposes, or even as a novel method of creating art. Remember, this is a high-level conceptual guide, and actual product development would involve detailed engineering and design work.
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