#might add her to my shop as a print
jadalypuff · 1 month
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“I’ve had your little message to the universe on loop!”
High res version here: https://ko-fi.com/i/IL4L8XIKNR
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bella-rose29 · 2 months
April Fool's! ~ a DTH special
here's the first of (I'm sure) many Deck the Halls specials! in honour of April Fool's Day I figured it was the perfect occasion to write a lil something about our Schmoopies (who love to prank each other)
I did take a teeny bit of inspiration from @tangledinlove's heart eyes series (which if you haven't read then go now! also I recommend everything on love's master list) and wrote this special through the eyes of Holly, George, and Lucy!
edit: I should add in now that you probably could read this as a standalone? there are some references in there that might be teeny spoilers but tbh DTH is pretty formulaic so you could figure out the plot just from the summary 😂
Warnings: one or two swear words, and I think that's it? maybe a spoiler in the form of Holly being there?
Word count: 1.7k
anthony lockwood master list
enjoy the pictures of lockwood and Cameron being silly boys!
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“Where is he?”
Holly looked up from where she sat at the kitchen table writing a shopping list to study the girl who stood in the doorway. Y/n had her hands on her hips and a frown on her face, and Holly felt sorry for whoever she was looking for. No doubt it was Lockwood, having forgotten an important anniversary or something, who was provoking the glare that had settled over Y/n’s features. 
“Lockwood?” Holly asked, returning her attention to the shopping list. She tapped the pencil against her temple while trying to think of what she was missing. 
“Yep. Have you seen him? I’ve got a bone to pick with him, the little shit.”
Holly snorted, then a thought popped into her head. She wrote down ‘tomatoes’ in neat print with her pen. “What’s he done this time?”
The other girl huffed and moved further into the kitchen, pulling open cupboards with a little too much force. “He’s pranked me! Hid all the toothbrushes in the house and now I can’t brush my teeth!”
“I- he did what?” That was such a random thing to do, and yet it was very perfectly Lockwood. “Why would he prank you?” Holly’s colleague stopped in her tracks, arms spread open with the cupboard handles in each hand, and slowly turned around. Instead of the initial frustration that had been on her face there was now confusion. 
“You… you do know what day it is… right?” Holly shook her head, brows creasing. “It’s April Fool’s Day? First of the month?” Realisation dawned, and she rushed to stifle her laugh when Y/n started glaring again. “Why is that funny? Lockwood hid all the toothbrushes, Holly! How do I brush my teeth now?! I had Weetabix this morning and my mouth feels all gross,” she complained. 
“I think he went out for a walk or something,” Holly answered, finishing up her list. “That was a while ago, though, so he should be back in a minute.” No sooner than she’d stopped talking the sound of the front door opening made both girls look in the direction of the hall. Shuffling noises followed while the person moved around, then footsteps grew louder and the kitchen door was pushed open to reveal the head of the company. 
Anthony Lockwood was many things: a great boss, slightly suicidal at times (although the number of occasions that he threw himself directly into danger had decreased significantly after the Christmas holidays), an excellent swordsman, and a loving boyfriend to Y/n.
But as Holly watched Y/n she knew that he was also in a lot of danger. 
“Ah. Hello, Darling. Holly.” He was wary, gaze flicking between the two girls as he stayed holding on to the door handle. Y/n’s eyes narrowed, and Lockwood’s attention was suddenly solely on his girlfriend. His smile faltered slightly, and there was a split second where both he and Y/n sort of… hovered, the tension in the room palpable. 
Then the chaos started. 
Lockwood turned and fled the room, footsteps heavy on the stairs, and Y/n was hot on his heels, yelling as she thundered after him. Holly could hear their laughter echoing through the house, and she let out a chuckle of her own as she stood up and folded the shopping list, putting it in her pocket. 
Her boss was going to suffer dearly for the rest of the morning for withholding the toothbrushes, but he wouldn’t be physically harmed. 
A thump sounded on one of the upper floors, something that sounded worryingly like a body hitting the ground, and pleads of mercy followed immediately while mixed in with laughter. 
She was tickling him, then. Going for the feet if she wanted maximum effect or sitting on him and going for his sides if she was smart and didn’t want him wriggling away. 
Holly picked up a bag and her keys in the hallway, and made for Arif’s. Hopefully Lockwood would no longer be a hostage by the time she got back. 
George Karim was normally quite forgiving when it came to Y/n, but printing out tens of pictures of Penelope Fittes was a step too far for him. 
“Why do you even want to do this anyway? I thought after the whole… ‘fake-dating-turned-real-dating’ thing over Christmas you weren’t fighting anymore.” He was spread in front of the printer in his room, blocking his friend from accessing it. Since getting back from her family’s house in the middle of nowhere a few months ago, after snowstorms stretched out their Christmas, Lockwood and Y/n had been annoyingly cute and coupley.
“He hid all the toothbrushes, George. He’s having a nap right now because I tickled him into exhaustion, so I’ve not got much time before-” she broke off when George tackled her to prevent her from using the printer. 
“Okay… well why does that mean you’re printing loads of pictures of Penelope Fittes? The head of the company we hate?”
“… Because I’m going to cut them out and replace all the photos in the house with them.” The pair of them stopped squirming and George pushed his glasses back up his nose to stare in shock and confusion at her. 
“You… what?” 
“It’s April Fool’s. I’ve got like… two hours left before midday. Please, Georgie. I have to get revenge.” He sighed, then released his grip on her. 
“Fine. But when he gets annoyed, you are not linking this to me. I’m not getting dragged into all of this.”
The two of them spent the next fifteen minutes printing photos and cutting them out, and when it sounded like Lockwood was stirring, Y/n sent George to keep him distracted. He penned his boss in the library where he’d fallen asleep earlier, spewing facts about the next case they were going to go on to keep Lockwood there while Y/n snuck around the house. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been waffling on about murder victims and Type 2s, but when Lockwood’s girlfriend tentatively peeked around the door he had to stop himself from visibly sighing in relief. 
“You alright, Schmoopie?” Where the nickname had come from, George had no idea, but Y/n was the only one who used it and specifically only when she wanted to piss off Lockwood. Lockwood himself knew this too, and George could immediately see the suspicion creep in. 
“… yeah. Are you?”
“Hm? Oh, yep!” Her grin was wide, and looked rather like a shark, and George wondered why Lockwood was staring all heart-eyed at her despite being suspicious. “Just been… finding toothbrushes.” It was Lockwood’s turn to smile now, boyish delight making him perk up. 
“Get any?”
“Eventually. Took me a bloody long time though,” she mumbled the last part, but the boys still heard. George snickered. Lockwood’s smile grew. “Anyway… tea?”
“Alright then,” Lockwood replied, stretching out a hand and moving over to the doorway. Y/n took it, planting a kiss on her boyfriend’s cheek before pulling him out the room. 
She sent a wink over her shoulder at George as they turned the corner and disappeared. 
So far, the pranks were one each. 
Lucy had noticed Y/n putting photos of Penelope Fittes in all the picture frames around 35 Portland Row, and when her friend had explained why, she had gladly joined in. Any opportunity to mess with Lockwood was an opportunity that Lucy took. 
Around half an hour after Lockwood had reappeared from the library, he still hadn’t noticed that all of the photos had been replaced. He’d spotted one or two maybe, but that was it. Some were more sneaky than others, and Lucy knew that Lockwood would be finding Penelope Fittes photos for weeks after today. 
Now she was sat in the living room with George, Holly, and Y/n, sketching in her pad. There was near silence in the room, the clock ticking and what sounded like suppressed snorts of laughter outside the door the only noises. Lucy frowned, glancing at the door every few seconds. After another minute or so of stifled laughter Lockwood appeared, mouth pinched to hide the smile on his face as he walked in and sat on the arm of his normal armchair where Y/n was sat. 
“…Lockwood?” Lucy asked. “Why are you wearing a hat? You’re… indoors?”
“Oh! Just felt like it! Thought it would be nice to wear something a little more fun. For morale, you know?”
Y/n looked up then, and gaped at the top hat perched on her boyfriend’s head. “You’re ridiculous, Anthony.”
“Yep. We’ve had this conversation before, Darling.” All talk died down after that, Lockwood occasionally murmuring a word or two to help Y/n with her crossword, and the members of the agency were at peace. At some point Lockwood excused himself to the toilet, and when he came back around five minutes later (they’d all heard the toilet flush) there was something slightly off about him. He still had the top hat on, but something was bugging Lucy. 
The same process repeated, Lucy looking up at him every now and then to try and figure out what was different and Y/n doing the same (the two girls had shared multiple confused looks), and then Lockwood excused himself to get a plate of biscuits. When he came back, Lucy once again felt something was off. The biscuits were passed around, crossword helped, top hat still in place, then Lockwood came up with another reason to leave the room. 
It was the fourth time he returned that Y/n appeared to realise what was happening. “Ohh, I see what you’re doing, Anthony Lockwood.”
“Do you?” he asked, innocent as a child. “I’ve noticed the photographs - don’t think I haven’t.”
“Oh, have fun finding them all. Why do you have multiple sizes of the same top hat?”
Lockwood shrugged. “Disguises. Why did you have so many photos of the head of the Fittes company?”
“Does it matter? You’ll be finding them for weeks.”
They finished their friendly bickering in hushed tones, Y/n standing up to let Lockwood sit down and balance her on his lap, and Lucy smiled softly at them. 
After wrangling the whole story of what had happened over the Christmas holidays out of the two of them, Lucy had spent roughly the last two and a half months teasing the living daylights out of the couple for their antics, but she couldn’t deny how cute they were together. 
She just hoped that the current poking in the sides they were doing didn’t turn into decking each other instead. 
Cut scene (alternative prank):
Now she was sat in her room in the attic, one leg hanging off the edge with the other folded underneath while she drew in her sketchbook. The creaking of the steps up to her floor alerted her to someone’s presence, and after a few seconds Lockwood’s head appeared, followed by his body. “Ah, Luce, thought I’d find you here.” He had something in his hand, shiny in a crinkly plastic bag. “I need your help to-” he broke off, mid-movement while he peered at one of the pictures on Lucy’s bedside table. It was of the five of them, Lockwood, George, Holly, Y/n, and herself, except in the place of Skull sat on the sideboard was Penelope Fittes’ face. “Oh for fuck’s sake. Did she put some of these up here, too?” Lucy struggled not to smile.
“Must have done it when I was in the kitchen earlier.” That was a lie, Lucy had done it herself. “What did you need me for?”
“Ah!” He lifted the plastic bag and grinned. “Doubloons. Not real ones, obviously, I bought them from a cheap party shop down the road. I’m going to hide them around the house.”
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Tag list:
@strawberryloveyyy, @chameleon021, @genderfluid-anime-goth, @cottagecore-babe, @anthonylockwoodandco111, @a-taken-url, @ahead-fullofdreams, @aislinrayne, @anathemaloren, @anthgoldenhrry, @augustisintheair, @aysha4life, @briar-rose23, @curseofhecate, @dangelnleif, @edible-rat-vomit, @el-de-phi, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @ettadear, @fearlessmoony, @fudosl, @idkbubs, @imaginebeingmentallystable, @informedimagining, @karensirkobabes, @lady-ashfade, @light-23, @locklyebrainrot, @locklyle1kanij, @locknco, @magicandrosewaters, @mentallyillsodapop, @mischivana, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @newbooksmell777, @no-morning-glories, @novelizt, @phlooper, @ran23sblog, @reggiepeterss, @simrah1012, @somethingrandomwatzit, @star-of-velaris, @superpositvecloudshipper, @t2sh0, @taygrls, @tournesol77, @whistle1whistle, @whenselenefallsinlove, @wordsarelife, @y0urm0m12, @zoom1374, @asyouwish-fromcabin3, @rhysand-devorak, @a-candle-maker, @h0lyheck, @apple-bottom-jeans6, @icantwaittoliveandlearn
@neewtmas, @bobbys-not-that-small, @avdiobliss, @demigoddess-of-ghosts, @maraschinomerry, @lewkwoodnco, @uku-lelevillain, @oblivious-idiot
as always, if there is anybody who wants to be added to my lockwood tag list, then please go here!
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humanbug · 1 year
Inky Hearts pt. 1
Modern!Ellie is a tattoo artist and you just became her lovely little muse.
a/n: hellooo! okay i am actually kind of obsessed with this. I'm not sure how many parts of this i am planning on making but definitely more than one. as always feedback and comments are more than welcome!! all of the pictures i included do not belong to me and the tattoo was found on Pinterest. the two songs mentioned are C.R.E.A.M by Wu-Tang and Come A Little Closer by Cage the Elephant. enjoy lovelys!!
warning(s): mentions of cigarettes/smoking/weed, i think that's it but please let me know if i should add anything
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You drum your fingers on the steering wheel anxiously waiting for the light to turn green. You had no reason at all to be anxious! This was not your first tattoo. You had too many to count off the top of your head. However it was your first time at this shop and new places have always made you anxious, always preferring routine over spontaneity. 
You had seen one of the artists at the shop on instagram and instantly became obsessed with their work. Their page is full of stunning tattoos. Her name was Ellie. Cute. She seemed to mostly do plants and flowers, sticking to a traditional style. Seeing a few videos of her tattooing herself, you couldn’t help but notice just how attractive she was. Doing some light-hearted stalking you managed to find her personal page and she had a disappointing lack of posts. Her profile picture was her standing holding a skateboard behind her head…original. She only had a few pictures, mostly with other people. Deciding against following her, figuring that might be creepy.
‘Fuck it! Her style is perfect for the exact tattoo that I’ve been wanting on my hips. It's just a major plus that she’s super hot.’ You think as you send a message to the tattoo parlors page saying you’re interested in booking an appointment. 
So just like that, a month later you’re sitting at a red light, anxiety pulsing through you. Parking your car in the lot across from the shop you gather your things, giving yourself a once over in your car window, you walk across to the shop. The bell above the door jingles as you open it. The classic smell of green soap wafting through the parlor. C.R.E.A.M is playing low in the background as you make your way to the front desk. A young girl with thick black hair is sitting on a stool at the counter typing away at a laptop. You realize you recognize her from Ellie’s instagram page.
You take a few anxious steps toward her, “Hi! I’m here for a four o’clock appointment with Ellie? Sorry I’m a little early!” 
“Hey! No worries! She’s just finishing up with someone and then she’ll come out and get you. Feel free to have a seat.” She gives you a warm smile, going back to typing away.
Placing your purse and water bottle on the coffee table in the middle of a few sofas and loveseats you flop into one, fiddling with your fingers. You take a look around the shop, admiring the welcoming vibe. Flash art is hung all over the walls, along with pictures of tattoos and piercings that customers have gotten. Art and posters are also placed around sporadically. The artist stations have curtains on either side of them with a walkway in the middle. 
A voice coming from around one of the curtains snags your attention. ‘Oh my god. She’s even hotter in person. This is gonna be a long day.’ Your face flushes as your mind shuffles around. 
She rounds the front desk, chatting with her client while accepting her payment. Her client leaves and she turns to the dark haired girl who welcomed you, she nods her head in your direction and you quickly look down realizing you’ve been staring at them. You fiddle with your fingers as a pair of beat up converse come into your view. Looking up as she asks your name.
“Yeah! That’s me!” You look up giving your best casual smile.
“Sweet. Give me one sec to clean up my station and print out your stencil and I’ll come get you.” She says as she steps back.
“Okie dokie!” 
She chuckles at your response, walking towards her station.
“Okie dokie!? Jesus fucking christ I’m such a dork. Just be cool! You know how to be cool!’ You scold yourself and take some deep breaths.
About twenty minutes pass before she’s walking back with your stencil in hand, nodding her head at you to follow her. Gathering your stuff as quickly as possible you shuffle after her. She walks to her station, pulling the curtain closed behind you guys and sits in the rolling chair, cutting the excess edge off of your stencil. You stand there, shifting on your feet, awaiting direction.
Your eyes wander and you realize her station is a great insight to her personality. She’s got a tool cart covered in stickers and a low table shelf where her rolling chair sits. She’s got several shelves with collectable action figures and pictures. You notice more of her flash art taped to the wall, a Savage Starlight poster catches your eye. 
“Alright so you want these on the front of your thighs and hips right?” She looks up at you and you nod giving a small hum.
“Perfect, so if you just wanna pull your shorts off – or you can just lower them. Whatever you’re comfortable with.” 
You blush even though you knew you’d have to take your shorts off. Purposefully wearing your cutest high cut underwear, however now you feel embarrassed at doing that. You shuffle out of your shorts and fold them over your bag. Hopping onto the chair with a small huff you lean back into the backrest. 
She stands, slipping on her black gloves. Glancing down at you and asking if you're ready, you nod your head with another hum. 
As she makes work of sanitizing your skin and running the disposable razor over your thighs and hips, you subtly admire her own ink. She has a beautiful fern with a moth overlaying it on her left arm. On her right arm she has a collection of flowers and plants from her wrist disappearing into the sleeve of her white t-shirt. She also has several patchwork pieces filling in the blank skin on her arms, neck, and some tattoos disappearing to her covered hands. Your face flushes and the thought of seeing the pieces that are not currently exposed. 
As Ellie is prepping her canvas she is trying to be as subtle as possible as she looks you over. Feeling embarrassed at her lack of professionalism she scolds herself as she ogles you. Admiring your tattoos, she feels giddy at the thought of adding to all the beautiful pieces covering you. She glances up at you as you seem to be dazed while staring at her arms. Giving a small smirk at your face flushing, she wipes your skin with the wet paper towel once more before grabbing your stencil from her table. She presses them both down with gentle hands, making sure they’re even and not smudged. 
“Okay, hop up and take a look at it in the mirror. If there’s anything, anything at all that you don’t like about the placement or size let me know.” She steps back, rolling her gloves off and reaching for clean ones.
Scooting off the chair you move over to the mirror and admire the beautiful stencil, already obsessing over the temporary blue ink. Shifting your hips and rotating your body to make sure you like it from all angles, you swivel around with a grin.
“I love it! It’s literally perfect. Oh my god it’s so perfect.” You gush.
Her face flushes at your praise and she nods before turning to her workstation to fill the ink caps and get her tattoo gun ready.
You hop back into the chair, giddy with excitement. Fingers fiddling, this time with excited energy. The buzz of the gun causes adrenaline to fizzle through you and you take deep breaths, preparing for the sweet pain. She rolls her chair to you and presses the pedal underneath the chair causing it to lower to her sitting level. 
“Alright, you ready to start?” She dips the needle of the gun into the ink, bringing her attention back to you. 
Taking a deep breath, you look into her green eyes and give your best confident nod, “Ready as I’ll ever be!”
She smiles at you, finding you absolutely adorable and places her left hand firmly on your thigh, gun in her right hand. 
Always being surprised by the pain, for some odd reason. You take a deep breath at the hot sting and try to focus on the music playing in the parlor. Come A Little Closer plays and you drum your fingers to the melody. 
“Alright, outlines are done. You wanna take a break before we start color?” She asks as she sets the gun down, stretching out her arms and neck. Looking incredibly hot doing something so simple.
“Yeah! A break would be good.” You stretch out your legs before moving off the chair with great caution trying to avoid the painful feeling of creasing your skin. 
“Sweet. Lemme just cover you with saran wrap and some medical tape” She rolls over to you covering your outline gently. You slip on your shorts, zipping them up and leaving the button undone. You shuffle in your bag for your smokes, turning around with the pack in hand. 
“You- Uh- You wanna join me for a smoke?” You offer sheepishly. 
She says sure and grabs her water bottle, walking out behind you. You lean against the brick wall, pulling your lighter out of the pack and two smokes. You place one in your mouth, lighting it and lighting the other with the tip. You blush feeling Ellie’s eyes on you the whole time.
Passing it to her you try to make small talk, “It’s a horrible habit…I’m aware. I usually prefer a joint over a cig but ya know.” You say with a small laugh. 
She chuckles with you, “I’m not one to judge. Besides, you can get away with smoking.”
“What do you mean by that?” You exhale and glance up at her in confusion.
“Pretty girls can always get away with smoking. Trust me.” She says with a dramatic exhale of smoke, looking borderline edible at this point. 
‘Fuck how can someone look that hot smoking a cigarette!?’ 
You turn a bright shade of red, “I- I’ve never been told that before…” You say quietly, stubbing your cigarette out on the ashtray placed outside. 
Smirking at your shyness she stubs her and pushes herself off the wall, stubbing her cigarette on the ashtray, “C’mon pretty, let’s get back to work.” She says, holding the door open for you. Your body brushes against hers as you walk through the door. Face aflame.  
You both settle back in her workspace and she starts coloring your piece.
Pulling off her gloves and leaning back to stretch, “And you’re done. Let me know what you think.”
You scoot off the chair, skin much more tender, you wince when you crease it, dreading the drive home. You step over to the mirror ogling at the artwork that decorates your skin.
“It’s-” You spin around bouncing on your toes, “It’s amazing! You’re fucking amazing! Oh my fucking god!” You practically scream, feeling pure elation. 
Her freckles become prominent as her face flushes a concerning shade of red. Your praise clearly has an effect on her. She rubs the back of her neck sheepishly, feeling her blush all over her body. 
Clearing her throat, “I- I’m glad you like it. You took it like a champ. That’s a big ass piece, I don’t know if I could've done only one session.” She rambles, wanting to get the attention off of her. 
She stands, hands stuffing into her pockets, “Anyway! Let’s get that covered.” 
She covers both your hips in saniderm and you pull your shorts on, wincing as the fabric rubs against your skin. 
“Hey! Uh- Do you have a personal instagram? I found the shop but um- was hoping to follow your personal one!” You ramble nervously, shuffling with your phone.
Letting out a small laugh she takes your phone from you, opening instagram and typing her handle. She takes her phone out of her back pocket, following you back. You try to hide your smile and grab the rest of your things.
‘Just be cool. Play it cool and casual.’
Making your way to the front desk she leans on it, “So for today it’ll be an even $200.”
“What? What- No, that’s- that’s way too cheap. Here.” You hand her four hundred, knowing that she’s undercharging you. This tattoo is incredible and huge. You also hand her a single hundred for the tip. Having had enough tattoos that you know you always pay in cash and always be prepared to tip generously. 
She shuffles through the cash, shaking her head and trying to hand you back two of the five hundred that you handed her. You raise your hands and shake your head, “No! Ellie! C’mon, don’t undercharge me!” Looking her in the eyes to insist. 
“C’mon pretty girl. Reason with me. Take two back. I won’t accept five.” She says as she stands taller, hands leaning on the counter, tilting her head as she speaks to you.
‘Let me just…casually get on my knees for you. You look so fucking hot right now. Oh my fucking god.’
You let out a dramatic sigh and say quietly, “Fine! Fine…but you’re keeping three!” You concede, not happy at all with her undercharging you.
She smirks, pushing herself off the counter folding the cash and pocketing it, “Good girl. Was that so hard?” She mocks you.
Your body is burning with embarrassment and lust at this point and you are grateful the dark haired girl from before is gone. Feeling mortified at the thought of anyone witnessing her flirtatious teasing. 
Tucking your hair behind your ear, you take a step back gripping your bag.
Clearing your throat you manage to get out, “Well- I Will be seeing you. Thank you, Ellie. This piece is- it’s incredible. I’m obsessed with it!” You gush out like a fangirl.
“Thank you…that means a lot.” She says and stuffs her hands in her pockets, an obvious tell of when she’s nervous. 
Parking your car in the parking lot behind your apartment building you pull your phone out from your back pocket, feeling it buzz with a notification. 
ellie_wills03 : hey pretty girl
ellie_wills03 : you get home safe?
You bite your bottom lip as you smile. Thumbs hovering over your keyboard.
love.bug.222 : Hi! Yes, I just got home 🩷
ellie_wills03 : good, have a good night gorgeous 
love.bug.222 : Okie dokie! You too! I’ll talk to you tomorrow :) 
Ellie smiles at her phone, chuckling at how sweet you sound even over text.
You are a blushing mess, admiring your tattoo for the rest of the night.
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seirette · 2 years
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Scenario Descriptions, Rambling & Art Notes
Read more about what's happening in the photos, and some technical notes, under the cut!
Original Artwork this is talking about is here.
Winter Notes - You are here. For individual cropped photos, see Ko-Fi Post
Spring - TBA (Maybe if Kofi goal is reached, or if I get bored)
Summer - TBA (Kofi or if I get bored)
I'll update the links once everything is up!
Notes from Twitter
(Selected notes from my Twitter.)
This takes place after the events of the game. Susie, Noelle, Kris and Berdly have all started to change, either an obvious way or not. Change takes time. Sometimes you regress. Or sometimes you remain at a certain stage and that's fine for you. Whatever, that's life.
Not pictured: whenever they all had a fight
I started drawing the image set (4 images) 2 weeks before it was finished, so I didn't get to add the other HomeTown kids as cameos (Jock in Summer, Catti & Tem in Spring, MK and Snowy in Winter). I wanted more scenarios but I just blew up what I had to fill up the canvas more. But the hands in the original image block out so much anyway.
Scenario Descriptions
As some people have noticed, each Lightner has a season assigned to them.
Winter - Noelle
Spring - Susie
Summer - Berdly
Autumn - Kris
I chose Winter for Noelle. I like to imagine she can handle the cold. In the game it says she stands in front of the fridge in Sans' shop often, and she probably likes cool air. I took that at face value. But, in the game, it's Autumn and she wears a sweater-vest like thing. And some people said she might be staring at the fridge in Sans' shop because they print Missing Children on milk cartons (Dess).
At the very least Noelle seems to like the pretty snow things in the Cyber World. It's fun to imagine things about characters, isn't it? It also makes writing very tough.
Anyway, Noelle decided for her part of the trip, she wanted to see a snow festival somewhere outside of HomeTown. Kris and Berdly suggested snowboarding or skiing. Susie agreed to snowboarding (because it's close to Skateboarding...?). I didn't really get to draw a snow festival in the end... oops.
Extra scenarios I wanted to draw:
Ice Sculpture festival. Noelle sees some creatures and thinks about how some of the more artsy sculptures remind her of Cat Petterz 2. There is a Drinks Bar made of ice.
Snowball fight. Susie is defeated immediately purely due to having a larger hitbox. Kris is the smallest and good at dodging (or are they just good at deflecting?). Berdly comes up a bunch of mid-tier tactics, all of them fail but the last one works so he considers himself a winner anyway. Also Snowy and Monster Kid are here too. Snowy's head is a snowflake shape, each 'leaf' is loaded with a snowball each, and they are used like a chain gun/snowball machine gun like RATATATATATA...
Ice skating. Noelle is tries to teach Susie. Kris watches from afar while talking with Monster Kid and Snowy.
Quiet moments in the snow with friends watching the sunset. Just as a reminder I don't ship anything (I only explore friendships). So all the relationships/crushes that are in the game as of Chapter 2 are still intact, I haven't changed that part.
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Photo 1
Do you think Susie and Berdly will become better 'friends' after Deltarune? At least in the timeline where you don't Kill Berdly, anyway. I think they could have some good slapstick moments. Honestly anything involving Berdly is great, unless you hate Berdly.
Anyway in the first photo, Kris, Susie and Berdly have decided to snowboard/ski down from the top of the mountain. Noelle is on a break. Susie is impressed by the scenery. She's with her friends, she's getting better at snow boarding. She's happy. They take a break together to stare at the mountains as the snow falls and melts on their noses. They don't mind the cold.
Kris takes the photo to preserve the moment for Susie. Also because if Berdly and Susie ever have a fight they can all stare at this photo together and remember the good times.
Photo 2
The gang reunite with Noelle at the bottom of the mountain. It was Noelle's idea to take the photo. Noelle also says she 'wants more photos with "everyone else"'. That doesn't happen, because if you look at the background, Berdly has fallen on his arse. They wait for him to travel down the mountainside, just to tell him they caught his epic fall on film.
The stickers on the snowboards don't mean anything - it is rental gear, the rental shop has a lot of duplicates of the same design. The stickers are just for the customers to tell them apart from other customers with the same design... I wanted to put funny numbers like 420...
Photo 3
On another trip down the mountain. It's just a cool shot of Kris. Berdly's about to stack it again. I'm sure Berdly isn't that bad at sports, but he's just not going well today. Despite the protective gear and snow goggles, you'll notice something about his glasses later.
Do you think Susie and Noelle also stacked it on this hill? Do you think Susie kept asking everyone to go up the mountain "one more time" so she could ace this hill? How do you think Berdly felt about having a bad day with Sports?
Clothes Part 1
For the clothes, Kris and Susie are wearing rentals. Originally they were both going to be wearing red. But I thought Kris wearing blue like their Dark World outfit was nice. I was thinking of giving Kris a custom outfit but I thought "Kris has some money after Deltarune but not THAT much money, so I'll give them a rental outfit". Actually none of these kids should have the money for 4 trips in a single year, OR a sabbatical, but I decided to stop thinking about that because I just want to see blorbos enjoying themselves.
Also I had to give SOMEONE overalls, so Berdly gets his custom bought overalls with a green neck warmer. Even though snowboarding looks cooler, he chooses to ski this trip. Noelle is also skiing. They're the
Super-Elegant Skiing Duo of HomeTown High
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Photo 4 & Photo 5
Berdly's glasses are botched. I wonder what happened? Don't you think it's a good metaphor for something? You should think about what it means to you, because I can't do that for you.
Anyway, what's Kris doing? Sometimes you banter with Berdly, sometimes you help him build his dream body in a snowman. Originally the beak was going to be broken, and the whole statue was botched, with Kris snickering at Berdly.
But I decided Kris is so tired from snowboarding the previous day that they've decided to just chill out the day this photo was taken.
Susie snuck away past the trees. She misses Lancer. Kris and Noelle find her and insist on take a photo next to her masterpiece.
Photo 6
Noelle - food pic! It's not a very interesting food item, though. Some gimmicky food cart selling shaved ice with dark colored sprinkles that look like the hairy mountain behind them.
It's actually seaweed sprinkles. Kris eats moss in the Dark World, but they're not sure how they feel about seaweed on shaved ice. There's other syrup flavors in the cup too. It just tastes like an average savory-flavored sweet.
Susie was starting to feel cold, so Noelle and Kris gave her a beanie. But Susie loses the beanie somehow, shortly afterward. Susie, running low on cash, asks if she can share with Berdly. Once purchased, Noelle sees them sharing the shaved ice and wishes she offered to share first.Kris regrets buying a whole serving at all.
Clothes Part 2
Berdly: He gets surprisingly neutral clothes. Also I thought earmuffs would match the ear things he has in the Dark World. Also a bird needing earmuffs but the human not wearing them is hilarious to me.
Kris: I like it when people paint Kris' Dark World scarf as a pink scarf with purple shading, or vice-versa. But it wasn't obvious enough so I just went for the other fandom interpretation of "stripy scarf". By the way, I think it would be REALLY COOL if the scarf was actually a sweater. Like, when you take off the sweater but you didn't actually take it off completely, so it's just stuck around your neck. Anyway that's why Kris has a Stripy scarf and grey mitts. I also took some time to think about what would look 'gender'. But I'm no good at fashion. I'm going f*cking insane over Kris Dreemurr.
Susie is wearing the same pants here, but she has thermal wear underneath. She just gets the cheapest warmest jacket possible (the type that old people all seem to wear).
Noelle (see below): I'll talk about it more in the Spring Anniversary image, but I have a hard time thinking about what kind of clothes Noelle would pick. Like, in the game, is she wearing clothes that her mom picked for her? Anyway she's wearing a skirt and turtleneck here. She wears the same skirt in Spring.
Overall I wanted to give them all neutral/normal looking clothing.
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Photo 7 & Photo 8
Last part of the trip. They have dinner at some place that gets lots of pictures and reviews on social media. Also, I was going to draw them drinking mulled wine. I have always heard of stories of people going on ski trips and drinking mulled wine at a random house. I've never drunken mulled wine. But the imagery of being red faced and merry in the snow seems very warm to me.
I decided not to draw them drinking alcohol because if it turns out any of these Lightners have bad experiences/memories of it, I'd be pretty sad... By the way, in Australia you can legally start to drink alcohol at 18. Please consume alcohol safely. Anyway, now the Lightners are just waiting for food in this picture
The cat and rabbit in the background are dating.
Photo 9 (not pictured in above image, scroll to top)
The main picture is the last photo of the trip. Noelle's expression seems flustered, doesn't it? Originally Noelle was going to be tipsy and "OH SUSIE YOU CAN'T LET MY MOM SEE THIS PHOTO" but I changed my mind with the alcohol. Now she's happy Susie's taking a photo, but also been caught off-guard. Okay but she's holding a cup, she could totally be having a sippy. The reality is that I drew this picture but I still don't know. I'll let you decide.
By the way, just to let you know, Berdly is doing most of the driving in these trips. Kris can drive a little but isn't able to drive internationally yet. I don't know about Susie and Noelle (I don't think Susie could have afforded the lessons, but I do like the idea of Susie driving Kris around in college due to REASONS). If it turns out I'm totally wrong... whatever, I don't care, it's not shown in these images anyway so you can assume they took public transport.
I think the most "drama" is in the Spring set of images.
Art Notes
First off let's look at the thumbnails.
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My handwriting is passable here. Usually it looks like squiggles. The main ideas are pretty much the same, but you can see that I changed Susie's hairstyle back to her default hair style. Also Kris was originally laughing at Berdly's broken snowman.
Most of these thumbnails (background photos) were drawn in Cartoon/comic style - to save time... more on that later.
Row 1 (see below): For the main image, I drew 2-3 passes (Thumbnail, rough sketch, maybe extra for clothes, then line art). Berdly looked awful at first so I redrew him a few times. Actually I'm not so happy with Susie's snoot but since this was the first canvas, I was worried about time and didn't want to deal with her snoot blocking out Noelle, and I wanted Susie's face to still be in frame... so I left it.
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Row 2: Left - without color filters, Right - with filters. (It might not look that different... oops)
Since I use grisaille, it's kind of like shading with black... nothing wrong with that if you want that look, but if I want the colors to pop more, I add a gradient map...
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Row 3: Nothing special. Just two layers of gradient maps... I literally just downloaded whatever the popular gradient map packs were, flicked through a bunch and picked what I liked. The first one is set to overlay, the second one the instructions in Japanese roughly says "Set this gradient map to ~20% Color" so that's why I've set the layer to those settings.
Row 4: Left most Susie - this is the original painted image with the color gradient maps, before Tone Curve and Level Correction.
I wanted to imitate the coloring in photos. The polaroid photos I've seen, the first thing I think of is "Flash was used so all the highlights are blown out", and that the black shadow areas are never #FFFFFF amount of dark... so that's why, in the Tone Curve, I lifted the leftmost (axis at 0) up a notch. Anyway you can see the effect is lower contrast by a bit. Instead of using a Tone Curve you can also just use some layer effects (e.g., Exclusion layer blend mode or whatever). It doesn't really matter just do whatever you feel like doing, I can't stop you.
The next step I added Level correction (just to play around, honestly). Actually this added back some contrast. Whatever, I just did what looked nice...
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Row 5: This is the layer composition.
Characters (By the way Berdly looks great without glasses).
Lights (1 layer of boxes of random colors, then I duplicated, blurred, and set to glow/light blend modes)
Trees with snow clumps
Smog (used some smoke/cloud brush set for this)
Main background flats
When I do paintings like this, the characters are always painted in grisaille. I have a few posts with WIPs on this blog showing grisaille stuff, but anyway I'll talk about it in the Spring Anniversary image details. If you want to see that, and also what the hell is going on in the Spring photos, you can donate to my Kofi to reach the goal.......
A nice thing to note about the Anniversary artwork as a whole is that the characters are mostly close to the camera, so I can just wing the background (i.e., I don't have to draw buildings or architecture TOO detailed). This is great because I was in a rush!
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For the remaining images, I knew they were going to be blurred. So I just drew the characters in cartoon comic style that I use. This means for the characters I can just grab the palette I already have (don't have to spend any time picking colors).
The backgrounds were still (roughly) painted.
Row 6: Some images without the filters and layer effects. You can see the characters don't fit well into the background without them...!
Row 7 (Left): Polaroid layers
Polaroid Frame
Multiply - shadow layer of the Polaroid frame
Background - I just winged this
Set - Lineart and flats.
Multiply layer - shadows for the Set above. I have 2 shadow colors which are just light and dark purple (you can see my palette in Row 6).
Row 7 (Right): Photo layers - not much to say here, same as previous, just a more background oriented photo...
Details I really wanted to add but skipped them due to time shortage:
Extra lighting (highlights)
Blurring items (e.g., far away background images, whatever is 'not in focus, and so on...)
Drawing other Lightner characters into the scenarios!
Fixing wonky anatomy (even the 'chibi' anatomy)
I think I wrote too much. If you got this far, thanks for reading so much :)
Also if anything I make (comics, etc) makes you happy feel free to tip me/buy me a coffee 😊
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Hi! I love your Blackwork patterns, and the one with the acorn and leaf garland especially is PEFFECT for a project I'm currently working on.
only thing is, I have about 5m of edge to embroider, and also shipping internationally is pricey.
Would it be okay if I copied the pattern off the pictures you posted and sent you like $15 for it?
(if in the future you'd ever consider pdf patterns I'd also be very 👀)
I have some GREAT news for you! What you want is actually already out there, perhaps beyond your wildest dreams.
The acorn border you like is not actually my design. I'm using it with permission from its designer, Kim B. Salazar, who freely shares a lot of patterns online in addition to having published many books of patterns. Her terms are that they may be used for free by any person making a non-commercial craft project for themselves.
Here's the PDF the acorn border is from. (It's in the second column from the left.) Take it, enjoy it, go wild, send back pics (optional).
What copyright means on these patterns is that the designer has the legal right to say who can make and distribute copies, or use them to make money. I'm allowed to use her patterns in my shop because I emailed her and worked out a license arrangement where I can sell a certain number of copies; once I've hit that limit, I'll have to go back and make a new arrangement. I am guessing I got a different deal from her than a factory wanting to print off 10,000 of them might.
So yeah, the pattern is already free for you! The idea behind my shop/the value I add to the equation when I'm using someone else's designs like this is being the person to acquire the interfacing and ink, prepare the computerized pattern layout, print, cut, package, and ship the results.
I will think about selling PDFs of my own patterns. Safe to say, copyright in these matters is intensely complicated, and I need to have all my ducks in a row before I really dive in.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Hello olderthannetfic! I have a research question and I bet you/someone in your network might know - fanzines in other languages, pre-internet. Did they exist? In which languages? Were they preserved? Any leads at all would be super neat!
(Context: getting my PhD in fan studies, working on a paper for publication that dabbles in international fanfic)
An excellent question!
The people I know who research and preserve zines have made an attempt to add every old zine ever to Fanlore. If it isn't there, they likely don't know about it.
My sense, broadly, is that a lot of eras of fanfic zine really required a critical mass of people to cover the costs of printing. It seems unlikely that nobody made any not in English, but there was definitely a huge barrier to entry. (This is as compared to a punk zine or the like where somebody's hand drawing it and then going to the copy shop to make 10 copies.)
But even with that issue, pre-internet covers the rise of photocopiers, not just the era when everything was perfect bound. Surely, there's something...
(Obviously, there's Japan's doujinshi culture, which includes textual stories, not just comics, but I assume you don't mean that.)
One impediment is, of course, that oldschool zine culture was heavily in-person in addition to through the mail. The people I know may just never have had cause to know any fans outside of certain geographical areas. Also, a lot of aspects of "Media Fandom" came out of SF cons and both TV sci-fi and fanfic fandoms splitting off from that. I have no idea how much of that history was replicated elsewhere. If fic zines existed, they may have had a very different trajectory. Perhaps you'd find a canon-like gen story or two in a more general SF fandom news and opinion columns publication?
Surely, somebody was writing Winnetou hurt/comfort in her diary back in ye olden days, but were there zines?
I suppose I might start by investigating SF zines, non-fic fanzines with information or letters, Sherlock Holmes pastiche, and that kind of thing. The general state of amateur fannish publications in place X might give you a lead on whether there were also fic zines.
What say you, readers? What languages and decades do you think had fanfic zines? Where would you look?
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firespirited · 2 months
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Spirit the horse 15", found in the trash, no before pictures (yep i've been terrible at that lately), fixed up hair (saran!) scuffs and stains.
-- Donated to the charity shop.
Elsa by Jakks Pacific 14" found in the trash with the horse : snapped arm, hair a ball of frazzle, body stained by the teal dress. I've taken her apart to fix her arm and her electronic-filled dress to clean, done a basic but tedious comb-though and face clean + reblush. Not sure she's worth the destaining and full detangling as that hair will frazzle again the moment it is touched.
-- Pending
Cali Girl Lea: long term wishlist gal. Thought she might be super wonky but she just had different sized pupils and slightly off-centre smile: needs tidying with a light and magnifying glass for those pruned hairs and eyes.
-- She stays!
Translucent pink glitter Barbie scooter can actually sit a Barbie! I'm impressed.
-- That'll be going to charity.
//// This is where I got a single hit of dopamine from Monique Verbena and lost the usual choice to sleep on it and think it over: yeah I just smashed "buy it now" a few times ///
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Alwayz Bratz Sasha bald: I thought i'd made a stupid rash decision out of FOMO - I don't like the promo pic or any of that stock, I wasn't sure I even liked the aliexpress head! The facial screenings on the repros have been so obviously off or different (Except surprisingly, for the GCDS and Kylie Jenner). Maybe I got lucky with a misprint that somehow clicks with me.
The coral lipstick is garish but with a hint of shimmer for dimension and with the matching eyeshadow and a choice blush, she's making it work. The eyes are a nice dark khaki in person. Aside from some black smudging, she's well printed.
-- She stays.
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Rainbow High Scarlet Rose: What's wrong with the picture, looks like a couple of smudges on her head right?... Somehow I missed the off-centre and misprinted eyebrows plus a disk shaped chunk of lashes, eyeliner and blush missing.
I need to fix that single lash to be symmetrical with the other side and add a teensy bit to the brow but did a seriously decent job matching pastels and using melamine sponge on a toothpick.
Her stock, hair colour and skin tone is so me (okay okay I had to re bleach my hair from that gorgeous prune tone back to pale peach earlier this year because I looked too ill)
-- Going to fix her up before deciding, but it's probably a no.
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Daiso yukatas and Ellie, I thought I was buying just the clothes for $7 and sent the seller a message saying I was happy to cancel when I realized it would be more. Thankfully economy shipping was just €4.20 for them and €4 import fees for me. Ellie is a blow molded, pp hair flimsy doll in a near paper like dress, the rainbow dress is a hot glued see through thing but Daiso's yukatas are fabulous and well worth it.
-- Ellie, the dress and shoes will go to charity or just pay postage.
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aloneatpeace · 9 months
Fall Of Empire
Change Of plan '4'
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Summary: 𝓯𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓼 𝓪 𝓯𝓾𝓷𝓷𝔂 𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓫𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓱 𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻. 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓪𝓵𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷 . 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓭𝓮𝓷𝔂 𝓸𝓻 𝓵𝓲𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓼.
Disclaimer - this is pure fan fiction it's not real. I mean no disrespect to any of the members. The story is fictional it's doesn't have anything to do with the real-life members of bts.
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“Forgive me for entering, its rather getting too crowded for my liking” Ameon said as he walks up to the both of you. Even though his words addressed to you and Hoseok, his eyes were trained on your foam he had seen all the women in the town but he never seen you it is not like he forget a face more over a maiden face.
Hoseok really would like bash Aemon’s head with the large pots, internally he done it couple of times but its not satisficing as he thought it would be maybe he let that happen in reality it might be. Should he, do it?
You glance at the intruder with confusion, it is clear that the man does not belong to local class men or townsmen, his clothing does not resemble that of the three knights’ but the find vermilion and golden printed dragon on his left chest side a clear symbol of Royality and authority.
Hoseok reluctantly bows to the man; he glances at you and you copy his stance although bit awkwardly and stiff.
Aemon grin at the sight of your shyness, with an arrogant look on his face he stands Infront of you “Allow me too formally introduce myself. I, Aemon son of Thaddeus Theron administer of the king of vadrnoia”
Hoseok internally role his eyes at the man no boy who only live the shadow of his father’s position in the royalty. His eyes twitches when he sees him taking your hand pressing a kiss on it why can’t he commit crime, if he did, he might never see you again he reasons with himself.
“Who might you be?” Ameon asks you finally dropping your hand.
You glance at Hoseok before answering the man Infront of you, he hums unexpectedly he turns to Hoseok “is she yours?”
Hoseok’s whole body stops functioning his inside was screaming ‘yes, she is mine, she is my girl, my lover, my only one, you are his girl and he is yours till the end of times’
“She is my friend” Hoseok said
Ameon pinned him with a calculating gaze before a charming smile blossom on his face and turns to you “will you have the patience to listen to me, its regarding the royal family”
Even if it’s asked politely with an option to decline you both know there will consequences waiting if didn’t compel.
Hoseok squeezes your hand silently providing the courage you nod at the man “privately” he adds.
Jungkook hands was filled with all sorts of sweets as the trio walks jimin is in charge of guiding him as he solemnly focused on the delicious goods that he had while yoongi walked ahead of them.
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Yoongi paused when he saw Hoseok sitting down the steps of his flower shop with a depressed look on his face. Yoongi single jimin to look at where Hoseok is siting with his head and jimin nods at him pulling his friend with him.
“Who has taken away your food?” jimin asks sitting beside him pulling Jungkook with him as well the younger was still in his own world as yoongi stand Infront him.
Confused Hoseok turns to the male “what?”
Jimin shrug “you just look Jungkook when he is denied any food”
Yoongi glance inside Hoseok’s shop through the yellow tined glass he sees you and Aemon chatting more like the male beside you talk up your ear and your forced to sit there.  “More like his women was stolen from him”
“I don’t own her.”
“Y/n was stolen?”
Jungkook pause devouring the sweets when he heard your name “who stole her?”
The two Knights look at him when he finally broken out the sugar induced trance, with Surprise.
“Glad we finally have your attention” jimin was seconds away buying a cold beer, a strategy that would defiantly making Jungkook to listen him.  
Hoseok rolls his eyes at them “No one stolen her from me, how can it happen when she wasn’t even mine to begin with” his shoulders drop eyes losing its focus as he finally letting them know how serious the situation is.
Before he can drown in his sorrow the door open and Ameon let you step out holding the door for you like true gentleman from some this might be sweet or kind even caring but some felt disgust at display particularly the four men that stand Infront of you.
You smile at your friend and the three knight when you see them making the males drop the disgusted face cade. You let a chuckle when your gaze fall on the knight who had white crushed sugar on his face hands filled with all kind of sweets.
Aemon acknowledge the knights “Are you enjoying the festival?” for your ear it appeared friendly but the trio know it was all just part of the young charming man act that he put up to gain what he wanted.   
“Yes, we are, hope you are as well” jimin answered he know yoongi was not going to answer the prick and Jungkook was chatting up with you while Hoseok watch like a hawk.
Ameon turns to you give you final goodbye for now, before leaving.
“You have a little…” you point towards your side of lips while looking at Jungkook, he transfers his treat to his other hand and wipe his face but it did not work as the hand he used had more crumbs and now his half face is covered with it.
You let a giggle at that and his ears turns pink when he sees that along with Hoseok side eyes and yoongi and Jimin’s unimpressed look not embarrass him any further you lift your wrist to wipe his face with your sleeves.
Hoseok scoot closer to Jungkook “I got it, we don’t want the dress get dirty now do we?” he said with a sweet smile and take piece clothe from near table and wipe Jungkook’s face aggressively that made him wince and you look at him concern as he continued rub the clothe all over his face.    
Jimin laugh was threatening to come out his mouth, yoongi find the whole thing amusing which made him smile.
“Aww you have the cutest smile I have seen” the sudden exclamation form you made them look at you see you; looking at yoongi with a soft smile the knight who was used to compliment about his skill in fight and his bravery, feared by royals and people for his exceeded skill in fighting was not prepared or even thought that a day would come when someone let alone a young maiden call him cute, his smile cute.
Yoongi quickly let his smile fall and you made a protesting sound form the back your throat “No, bring back that gummy smile”
 clearing his throat, he glances away form your face, a pink hue prominent on his pale cheeks, jimin wrap his hands around yoongi shoulders “is the big bad knight is blushing?”
yoongi groan pushing away “stop it. what did he said” he asked you hoping the change the conversation topic and it worked.
Everyone turns to you Hoseok comes to stand beside you, urging you to speak “he said about, how he castle was in need for maids and stuff and wanted to know if I would like come as well”
“What.... what did you say? You said no right?” Hoseok murmured with difficulty
You hesitate for a bit looking at him “I did not want say yes, but this royal family we are speaking. Denying them only cause trouble and I thought it be best since winter will be coming soon, last winter almost killed me remember?” you end with a chuckle
For some reason the three knights did not find your death funny along with Hoseok who still remembers the days he wished to erase from his memory.
“So, you said yes” jimin state and you nod in conformation.
“Seems like we will be seeing each other more” you cheered in happiness but it quite down when you how forced and uncomfortable is Jimin’s and Jungkook’s smile is Hoseok did not even smile or shared the same enthusiasm.
Yoongi let out a loud sigh “I am in need of drink, excuse me.” With that he walks towards the town bar Hoseok too leave with him mumbling he needs one too.
 “Seems like he does not like me very much. I did not mean you have to entertain me at the castle, forgive me I did not intend to make you uncomfortable with my presence” you apologize sincerely.
Jimin frown deepened when he realizes you did not understand the actual reason behind their reaction to the recent turn of events.
“You misunderstood us…it is not that he does not like or we do not enjoy your presence…it’s the…life. In..” jimin trailed off he cannot tell you the truth that would only lead to pure chaos.
“The chores in the castle are hundred time tiring and awful… “jungkook give you a sad smile “all the glitter is not gold right”
You move your head up and down in understanding, you three walks in search of a place where you all could sit and talk.
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Hoseok gulps down the third drink faster that yoongi raise a questioning eyebrow at the male state he goes back to drinking his taking a sip allowing his thoughts flow freely.
What happened at castle was strictly prohibited to reach any outsiders, everyone is controlled and tormented in one way or another, form the queen to the maid silenced and abused insides the walls. Yoongi knows that humans can more animalistic and venomous than any creatures on the surface on earth. And them who also hold power can be worse than any demon, trying to eliminate them would be is equal to signing a death warrant. He also knows with accurate calculating and effective method and ignited ideas and patience he can do with along with some help and he have everything all he need is the right time and moment.
But that does not mean he do not feel guilty of letting the innocents fall in hands of evils, just like you but like he narrowed down bad things happen to good people and this is something he knew he should let it happen in its own.
Fate, its all a mystery game of fate what mend to happen should happen will happen.
“God hates me” Hoseok mutter head placed on bar table “or else why would this happen huh? I supposed to let her know my feeling but it always gets disturbed and now she is going to leave me here alone cold and alone! How could I live knowing that she is far form me out there also alone and cold and most importantly without knowing how I feel for her…do you even hear what I’m saying?” Hoseok turns to yoongi
Yoongi sigh “yes, I did. What do you want me do about it. its your problem deal with it yourself”
“Why did she even say you’re cute. Mean and rude that’s what you are” Hoseok leans towards the male with threating look but yoongi looks bored “you better not fucking smile when your near her” Hoseok think for minute before letting out a cry “I…don’t know who should be worry the one who all act shy and cute or the flirty one …. God…why do you hate me so much”
Yoongi is never had this much of entertainment in his life the way Hoseok switch his mood was hilarious but the walling was annoying
“How will I see her if she is no longer here…” Hoseok takes yoongi drink from his hand and gulp in down in one go and lay his head down ignoring his glare. Suddenly he lifts his head with a bright smile “unless… I am with her”
Yoongi sat unbothered as Hoseok give a innocent smile his whole personality shifts already knowing what he thinking.
“You are royal knight “Hoseok put his hands on the table holding his chin by his palm
“Glad you realized that now” the sarcasm did not go unnoticed
“Must be well trusted and ranked” Hoseok continues “that mean you can get me inside, that way I can be with her”
“You should tell him about that not me but I do not think there is many spaces for men though” Hoseok knows the who is the he in question and his demeanor changes
Hoseok face twisted into disgusted “I might hit him with a vase if I saw him again”
“Crime against the royal family? The aftermath would be not pleasant”
He grins “I know I’m not the only one share that emotion so do not fool me my friend”
Yoongi throws a grin back at him “there is time and moment for to show that, you need to have patience for that, Hoseok I will see what I can do”
Hoseok hums in satisfaction lifting his now refiled glass he lifts it towards yoongi “to the right moments” yoongi clicks his glass with him and both take Chung down the liquor drink.
Series masterlist
@uniquetravelerone @bangtan1325
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upthewitchypunx · 5 months
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I finished the Zine for the GoFundMe folks who helped me get to the Viridis Genii Symposium last summer. It took forever to find time to do it, but I finished last night. I'll be sending a request for addresses out today and hope to get more printed today and have them in the mail within a week.
I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. There's bits and pieces I might pull out to add to my next witchcraft zine, just stuff I thought about at the event. It was really a great experience and I hope I can figure a way to go again this year. I know there will be an extra day and that it will be more expensive, so I need to start saving now.
Thanks to my friend Kim who supported the GoFundMe, allowed me to use a photo of her walking the labyrinth, add her spells from her lecture and work shop to my zine, and let me tag along during the weekend, and for being a part in the Venn Diagram of friends.
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abellaheart-blog · 2 years
Heyo! Love your blog and your work!! I was wondering if I could pls request a Bucci Gang with a s/o who switches between having a cute colorful aesthetic (like a classic sweet lolita style) to just completely gothic/punk goth (I do a similar think irl lmao) I hope it isn't too many characters to ask from! ^^' ♡
Omg thank you, thank you!! 💞💕💞! I appreciate the support. I adore this request! I simply had to write it. Lolita and goth fashion look so amazing and I’m no stranger to punk fashion since my bro is one. Hope you enjoy this, your patience is much appreciated 🖤! I didn't add Trish since these were already long but I don't mind writing headcanons for her too if requested to.
Bucci gang x S/o Who Dresses in Both Sweet Lolita & Punk or Goth Styles
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Bruno Bucciarati
He will admire your style for what it is, fashion. Bucciarati is quite knowledgeable about fashion and will love any of your looks
Before dating you he noticed your changes in fashion but he thought they all suited you nicely.
When you dress in sweet Lolita outfits he thinks they’re adorable. You look so cute he wants to carry you in his arms bridal style.
He’ll often compliment your Lolita outfits. For your Lolita fashion he’ll gladly take you out shopping to buy more accessories and clothing.
Your goth/punk style is pleasing to the eyes. It makes a strong statement he respects.
He compliments anything new you might wear (Goth boots, or punk accessories, etc) if you’ve got on makeup he makes an effort to compliment it as well
When you have a punk look he is sure to admire the look (especially your hair or accessories)
Your Goth look also receives compliments. He hopes he receives a lip print from you if you happen to be wearing lipstick.
When he’s shopping for you he’ll ask Abbacchio to help him
He’ll let you online shop for clothing/accessories with his card. He know it isn’t easy finding specific clothing for your style
All in all he admires it and wants to spoil you by shopping for your fashion
Giorno Giovanna
Yet another man of Fashion. He too will admire your fashion statements. He understands the time it takes for the looks you go for. He is sure to compliment you often due to this.
He doesn’t think much of you switching styles/outfits. He pays more attention to you and your well being but he makes sure to pay attention to the changes subtly. For example he’d kiss a skull ring or offer to hold your frilly umbrella for you.
He adores Lolita fashion and would like to have tea parties with you. Perhaps tea dates in his garden?
He calls you something sweet, along the lines of: dolcezza, presioza/prezioso, gorgeous, caro/cara, principessa or principe
When you’re in punk or goth fashion he makes it known he’s yours by holding your hand and not caring if your dark lip prints are on him (if you wear lipstick). He’ll often wrap his arm around you, admiring your clothing as he does so. Sometimes he’ll want to match and wear his black suits. He has a variety of them.
He’ll let you paint his nails black or help you paint them dark colors or greys if you’re into it
He will want to spoil you rotten and allow you to shop online with his card as well. Giorno will even make it so new stores are in the area for you to shop at. They’ll have punk and goth clothes for you. Sometimes he’ll let you do a shopping spree. He’ll gladly compliment any outfits you choose. Anything for his precious partner.
Giorno will notice any small effort you put into your punk or goth look. He’ll be sure to compliment you.
He calls you dark empress/emperor and kisses your hand
When he compliments you he hopes you want to make out with him in his limo in private later
He’ll use his stand to create crows and ravens for you to befriend or perhaps black kitties if you like. Whatever your heart desires.
All in all he likes your style and he’s supporting it like a good boyfriend
Narancia Ghirga
He thinks it’s awesome! You look absolutely amazing, he’s blushing.
He didn’t expect the change between your fashion at first. He didn’t recognize you at first but once you tell him he’s impressed.
“Whoa you look amazing!”
He’s going to be so bashful when you’re in your Lolita look. He can’t help it, he thinks it’s so cute.
He will call you cutie or pretty
When you’re in your punk or goth outfits he’s so impressed.
He’s carving you wooden skulls and bats in hopes of impressing you.
Narancia hopes you still want to dance with him if you’re wearing tall punk or gothic boots. He wants an opportunity to catch you and impress you.
He loves to dance with you, he won't mind what music you play
He gets bashful if you wear fishnets or corsets
If you spike your hair he’s hoping he has permission to touch it. He'll even help you with your hair
Narancia will buy you accessories or make up products
He'll do all he can to help you with your fashion: new accessories, shoes, tying corsets, placing badges or safety pins on clothes, perhaps adjusting dresses.
All in all he’s feeling lucky to be dating you and he likes how you dress
Panacotta Fugo
Fugo admires how you express yourself with your clothing. They all make such strong statements which he respects.
He didn't think much of your change in wardrobe. All he would think is how much they suit you.
He too gets bashful around you. He can't help it.
Fugo loves taking you to cafes or picnics when you're in lolita outfits. Your umbrella or outfits remind him of alice from wonderland.
He'll get extremely bashful if you include strawberries to your wardrobe since it matches his look
He also gets bashful about your punk or goth look since he thinks you look so amazing. He's secretly swooning, at least he thinks he's secretive about it.
If you ask him to adjust or fix something he'll blush about it but do it
He enjoys dancing with you. He doesn't mind any type of music you play
Fugo will take you on dates to see your favorite bands or take you to see horror movies if you're into them
He'll buy you accessories or new clothes
He'll bring you black rose bouquets
Fugo will compliment any new outfits he hasn't seen you wear yet
He's mega soft when he gets to lay his head on your lap and admire todays look
Fugo admires the way you dress, also very much supportive
Leone Abbacchio
He loves how you dress. He'll compliment a lot of your outfits or accessories.
When you wear lolita outfits he thinks you look good and might suggest a goth lolita look. Your lolita outfits are overall supported by him.
He likes when you sit on his lap and he gets to feel the material of your lolita outfits
Your goth outfits will surely make him smitten, he's complimenting you left and right.
He'll want to wear coordinating outfits. He'll gladly shop with you if you'd be into it.
Coordinating outfits or not he's still shopping with you, telling you his favorite stores and taking you to your favorites
He'll gladly help you with your makeup or hair
He'll let you do his hair and makeup as well. He'll let you pick out his outfits too
He loves when you get lips prints on each other, gives him smug smirks
Your punk look is respected by him since he understands the statement. He'll compliment it as well
He likes the spikes, badges, band t-shirts, etc. He's buying new accessories or shirts often
He also has a plethora of pet names for you: Prince/princess of the night, his little vampire, lil voodoo doll, his gomez to his mortica or vice versa.
He'll like to exchange music and listen to your playlists. He'll allow you to barrow his CD's
You two are going to raves, goth clubs, concerts, and music stores for many dates.
Abbacchio loves how you dress, out of the entire gang he's admiring it the most
Guido Mista
Mista is totally for it. He thinks you look sexy and he's telling you too
He's into all your wardrobe. He respects it and admiring them with flirting comments or eyes.
When you're in sweet lolita outfits he makes it his business to compliment you. He'll have the funniest pick up lines.
"Are you a princess/prince? Because I'm about to take you to the ball."
He will try sneaking his hands under your skirts/dresses to feel up your thighs and ass
He's calling you cutie pie or sweetheart
Your goth looks are complimented by him. He's wrapping his arm around you as he does so
He's hoping you return the admiration for fashion. He wears leather pants a cashmere sweaters
Any thing new is complimented by him. He wants to let you know how good you look today
Mistas stand also compliments you. They also help with makeup and hair
His reaction to your punk look is no different from your other wardrobe since he's complimenting it as well
Mista doesn't mind taking you on shopping sprees. He hopes he earns a kiss on the cheek or cuddles later
He'll like taking you out on dates and eagerly awaiting to see what look you're going to choose today
All in all Mista is very supportive. He is wanting to show you how much he appreciates you and your awesome taste in fashion
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Lo-Fi: Part Three
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.3k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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You head to the hotel close to the FBI building, and you notice that there are newspapers about today's shooting already printed. Emily grabs one to read it, and you pause when you notice someone waiting in the lobby.
"JJ," you whisper and gesture to her visitor.
She turns to see Will sitting there, and when he sees her, he immediately heads over.
"Will, what are you doing here?"
"I took a shot and flew to DC, but that didn't work out. I figured a train ride to New York was only a few more hours. I'm sorry for showing up like this. I know you're working, but I can't stand you being on this case and me not being there. Not with what's going on."
He's talking about her pregnancy, which she has yet to tell the team about. Will's words are enough to plant concern in Hotch's mind, and she'll have to come clean now.
"Is there a problem?"
"I'm pregnant," JJ says after a beat.
"Oh, my God! JJ! Congratulations!" Emily grins and hugs her.
Spencer and Hotch are happy for her, and you grin because you've known before everyone else.
"We'll give you both some privacy," Hotch says, a bit upset.
He walks off, and JJ follows after him to talk. He might be upset that she didn't tell him because he would have understood, but he'll get over it soon. When JJ returns, you give her a warm hug.
"When we have time, I'm definitely taking you shopping. Will, she's all mine then," you joke.
Everyone leaves them to talk, and you and Spencer head to your shared room. Hotch trusts you two to share a room since you've been dating for two years, but hotel walls are thin. You're not confident they won't hear anything if you two decide to get rowdy in the sheets.
Instead, you two change into pajamas and settle comfortably in bed.
"What if I got pregnant?"
There is nothing but silence from Spencer, and you look at him who sports wide eyes and a gaping mouth.
"I asked, 'What if I got pregnant?', but based on your reaction, it's clear how you feel about it," you laugh. "Don't worry, I'm not. I'm actually on my period now, but good to know where you stand."
"I'm sorry," he laughs with you. "If you were pregnant, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world."
You lean up and kiss him, eager to get to bed since you have a big day tomorrow.
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Like Hotch requested, Derek and Emily are at the NYPD precinct to give the profile out while you, Spencer, and Rossi are at the FBI office to give it to the agents.
"Okay, let's start with what we know. With these unsubs, it's not personal. It's not about sex or greed, which is why we think there's something bigger at play here. This isn't random. There has to be a motive," you begin.
"Our first theory is that we're dealing with a team. In the case of the DC snipers, there was actually one intended victim. John Muhammad wanted to kill his ex-wife, but he knew if he did, he'd be the prime suspect, so he created a spree in order to mask his primary motivation."
"Muhammad and Malvo also left a death card at one of their scenes, just like this unsub," Kate adds.
"We believe our unsubs have studied that case. They're opening a line of communication."
"Hold on," an agent interrupts. "Now we got these guys playing games just because you're here?"
You sense some resentment from him, but you keep a professional front.
"We're just saying the unsubs are sophisticated enough to study other crimes."
"That doesn't answer the question."
"Easy, Joe. Hear them out," Kate backs you up.
"This whole city's about to go off, and we all need to deal with that."
"You're right," you speak up. "If the card was left because of us, then they are playing games. What that tells us is that one of them has some intelligence. Like I said, they know about other cases. They've also studied the placement of the surveillance systems well enough to avoid detection."
"Most teams have a dominant and submissive member. Because of the relative intelligence of these unsubs, and the fact they stick to a set time pattern, we believe at least one of them has a steady job," Spencer says.
"We've asked the police to canvas their precincts and check businesses that open and close around the time of the shootings. We're hoping someone will be able to identify a father-son or coworkers that fit the dominant-submissive profile. They will be going undercover as well." Rossi says.
"What's the other theory?" the agent says.
"It's less likely, but it could be some sort of gang initiation," Spencer answers.
"These are all of the known gang members in Manhattan," Spencer says, passing out the files that were printed last night. "Most of them are out of Chinatown and Clinton. We'd like you to study these and keep an eye out for anyone who looks suspicious."
"I'll also be detailing a number of you as well. Stay behind when the agents have finished and I'll give you your assignments," Kate says, retreating to her office.
The police officers and undercover agents canvas the streets, and Derek makes his way back to the FBI building. Kate doesn't want to put you on the streets, so the only thing you can do is wait and hope that one of the officers grab them before they strike.
Fate is not on your side because as soon as it hit midday, another murder happened. Penelope calls Hotch immediately, but it's too late.
"Does it look like he could be one of our guys?" Hotch asks over the phone.
"What's going on?" Derek asks.
"We've got eyes on one of them. He's on the subway platform at 59th and Lex."
"59th? We could have been right there!"
Derek is getting pissed, and it won't do anyone good if he exploded on anyone here. Kate leaves her office to join Hotch as he talks to Penelope. She grabs the phone and dials someone, clearly not in a good mood.
"Where the hell are the police? This is Kate Joyner with the FBI. We have a murder suspect on the subway platform at 59th and Lex."
"He's getting away," Penelope says over speakerphone.
"Garcia, can you get eyes on him above ground?" Rossi asks.
"He's heading west on 59th Street."
"If he makes it to the park, we've lost him," Kate sighs.
"Are the police on the scene?"
"We could have had that guy," Derek scoffs.
"Even if we were on that platform, odds are he would have moved on to somewhere more isolated."
"Maybe, but it was worth taking a shot."
"We had every available man on the street."
"I suggested to you that you use this team," Derek glares at Kate.
"Second-guessing doesn't do us any good right now," Hotch tries to diffuse the situation.
"Hotch, how am I supposed to look these cops in the eye and tell them that we're actually here to help them?"
"We're here to present a profile. That's what we need to do."
"I said to put us at express stops which are at 14th, 42nd, 59th, and that's exactly where they hit."
"It's not your place to have this discussion. You need to back off," Hotch warns.
"My place?" Derek asks, offended. "We have seven bodies!"
"Which is exactly why we need to stay focused."
"Focused? From where I'm standing, all your focus is on her," Derek glares, and Kate looks down in shame.
"Take a walk. Now," Hotch says, leaving no room for arguments.
Derek has no choice but to listen. He's clearly frustrated because no one is listening to him, something you're very familiar with. Rossi is about to go after him, but you silently tell him you're going to do it instead. He knows you're more than capable of doing it, so he lets you go.
You follow Derek to a nearby bar, but he isn't drinking. He ordered a beer, but he hasn't taken a sip of it. You take a seat next to him, rejecting the bartender from taking your order.
"I know," Derek sighs. "I was out of line. I just felt like Hotch was taking her side."
"Yeah, I know how you feel. It's frustrating knowing the best possible way to do things, and no one listens. I feel that on a daily basis. It's hard knowing you know all the facts, but because you can't count your 'feelings' into evidence, then no one wants to listen. I see everything, Derek, and it's hard for me to make you guys see what I see and feel what I feel. I understand."
"How do you do it, then?"
"Take this case for example. Brustin and Cooper didn't believe me when I said we could be dealing with two people. I had to let them come to the same conclusion I did on their own. Sometimes, people are like that. If Kate wants to keep her men out of the field and not utilize us, then that's on her. They have to learn for themselves sometimes."
"That doesn't mean I like it any less," Derek sighs.
"Plus, I hear they are considering you for Kate's job if she gets fired. So, would you take the job?"
"I don't know. it might be nice to finally be the one making the calls."
"Yeah, it would be. You want to know where I see you in a year, maybe five? Out in the field taking down the bad guys. An office job is not meant for you."
"The BAU wears people out, Y/N. Look at Gideon. That man was the best, and in the end, he simply ran away. I mean, Hotch hasn't even thought about cracking a smile in over a year. That man has to take a personal day just so he can have a conversation with his own kid. What about you? The amount of death and destruction you see has got to mess with your head. You're lying if you said it doesn't."
"You're right, it does. If I'm being honest, I hate it. I love that I can help people, but I hate how I have to help them. It's draining, but whether I'm walking in the park or investigating a murder, it's all the same. I can't run from it.
"You know damn well Gideon gave it his all. Frank stripped him down to nothing, and then he took the one person who mattered most to him. If Gideon wanted to truly leave, he'd have left the pictures behind. Hotch has always been intense, and I think he carries the BAU on his shoulders when he shouldn't have to.
"My point is, a desk job is not meant for someone as great as you. The fact that you haven't touched your beer tells me you want to get back out there. Derek, there are times when you have to apologize even though you weren't wrong. Kate is overwhelmed and is scared, and she did what she thought was best. Don't beat her up over that.
"Apologize to her, and see where that gets you."
Derek knows you're right, so he abandons his untouched beer to follow you back to the FBI office. Hotch, Rossi, and Kate are in her office, and you can tell by her somber look, that whatever she is going to say, it's not going to be good.
"Listen, about before--"
"You spoke your mind," Kate cuts him off. "I respect that."
"Where are the others?" you ask.
"JJ, Reid, and Prentiss went to the crime scene with the detectives. This is the first time they've killed two days in a row. They're speeding up."
"Your analyst went over the latest footage. This is a different shooter from the last two," Kate reveals.
"There's three of them now?" you gasp. "Who the hell are these guys?"
"I want you all out on the street tomorrow," Kate says, locking eyes with Derek who appreciates that.
"What are we missing?" Rossi asks.
"When we first saw this case, what did it remind us of? The Son of Sam. This is the same kind of unsub with random shootings, not need-driven, and no sexual component."
"True, except that the Son of Sam admitted he would return to the scenes of his crimes days later to masturbate."
"Exactly. Get Garcia to study the footage and see if the same person keeps returning to the crime scene in the days following the shootings. All we've been looking at are the immediate aftermaths of the crimes."
"It's worth a shot."
"We'll hit the street tomorrow. Dave, will you grab Reid and go over the profile to make sure we didn't leave anything out?"
"Are we absolutely sure this isn't an act of terrorism?" you suddenly ask.
"It's a possibility, but let's not come to that conclusion just yet."
The following day, much like Kate said she'd do, she put every available person on the street including the BAU team. You're paired with Cooper, of all people, but you don't mind him much. Spencer and Rossi are the only ones left at the FBI office with Detective Brustin to go over the profile.
"Okay, people, talk to me," Penelope says over your earpiece. "Roll call time. 14th Street?"
"Check," you say and look at Cooper who nods.
"Herald Square."
"Check," JJ and Derek confirm.
"Chambers Street?"
"Check," Emily and Hotch say.
"72nd Street?"
Penelope goes down the line to every FBI agent and officer on the street. With this many people out in regular clothing, you're hoping to catch one of the guys doing this. If there are three, then there could be more. If this is an act of terrorism, then there could be dozens more.
The only thing bugging you about this whole case is that the Son of Sam constantly checked in with the police, and played mind games with them. The only form of communication these unsubs made is through a Tarot card left on one of the bodies. Just one. Nothing else.
It doesn't fit the profile. The unsubs are organized, use pre-surveillance, and strike in the middle of the day. Yet they haven't done anything to seek out media attention. You profiled the card that was put there is to tell your team they know you're here. If their goal was to create panic with the card, then they didn't achieve this.
These unsubs are more disciplined than the Son of Sam. The fact that they haven't tried to contact the police means the Tarot card is meant for the FBI and only the FBI. These unsubs are ramping up to something, and they want your team to know that they're watching you.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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sea-owl · 2 years
Gothic!Pen just oozes confidence. I love it.
She's not married yet simply because she refuses to accept anyone less than what she deserves. And nobody in the Ton was truly aware of her dark and alluring charms until she decided she was ready to finally put more effort in looking for a husband.
Anon asked: I love the Addams Featherington family au idea! I love how Portia seems more supportive and laid back. I can see Penelope just going for a walk at night in the dangerous part of London to deliver her latest issue of Whistledown, poisoned knives at her side. But lord the fit Colin has when he follows her one night, and she’s just so chill about it. Oh would his temper come out.
Penelope is still her generation's wall flower, but this time it's because she's bored by the men of the ton. None of them bring any passion that her family desires. Penelope has more fun gathering gossip for Lady Whistledown.
The only one of her sisters that has married thus far is Phillipa who found a passionate man in Mr. Finch. Though his passion laid in cheeses, but he won their mama over when he brought manchego curado and viejo as a courting gift.
Of course she still loves Colin and should he ask she might marry him but she has yet to see any real passion from him. If only she fell in love with Anthony or Benedict, she's seen passion from them. Eloise too. Maybe it skips every third sibling? Francesca is pretty mild mannered.
A marriage without passion or love? Penelope was at a conundrum. Was it selfish for her to want both in her marriage?
She was still debating this as she walked into the church. There was a last minute edit she wanted to add to the next column and she unfortunately didn't have time to make her way down to the print shop tomorrow. She had tea with Gen she absolutely could not miss.
Letter in place, Penelope turns to leave, only to see the man she was just thinking about, half hidden in the shadows, and stalking towards her.
"That would be Colin," Colin said, now standing in front of Penelope.
Penelope looked everywhere but the pew she left her note. It would do her no good to lead him to it. She settles her gaze just over his shoulder. "What are you doing here?"
"I could very well ask you the same thing," Colin shot back. "Your family was never the church type."
"Well not during mass we don't, all the best ghosts come out during confession."
"Penelope!" Colin exclaimed.
There was a change in Colin's tone of voice that caused Penelope to look directly at him. This was new. For once Colin did not have his charmer's smile on. He was staring her down, his mouth set in a frown, eyebrows arched inward, and his arms crossed. His body screamed angry, but his eyes also showed a hint of fear.
Penelope was fascinated. Gone was the man with a silver tongue, in front of her was now just raw emotion.
Penelope glanced away.
Damn it, she accidentally glanced at the pew where her note was hidden.
"You know I'm suddenly developing a taste for prayer."
Penelope raised her eyebrow. "Prayer?"
"Yes, but not for me. For you."
"Yes, because prayer is the only thing that is going to save you!"
With that Colin dove for the pew and her note. Successfully grabbing it and holding it above both of their heads.
"Colin no!" Penelope exclaimed. One hand gripping his arm, trying to pull it down, while the other is reaching for her note. "That's my note! It's a secret!"
Honestly how rude can he be opening up something that doesn't belong to him?
"A secret worth risking your life?"
Penelope debated stabbing him with one of her knives, but sadly she doubts he has the poison tolerance that she and her sisters do.
Colin ripped open her letter. Penelope ran out of the church. She had to examine herself, while she was not too happy about him ripping open her private correspondence like that this new side of him has piqued her interest.
They argued in the carriage. He was confusing her. One minute he is angry, the next worried for her and her secret of being Lady Whistledown, then he's back to angry when Penelope says she is proud of her accomplishments.
"I'm proud of what I've done, of the business my passion has built! I do not expect you who runs and does not even feel passion to understand," Penelope bites back.
Colin grew silent at that. "You think I don't feel passion?"
"You are a silver-tongued Colin," Penelope said. "A snake charmer. While I admire that, it does not breed passion."
Penelope isn't sure who kissed who. All she can feel is Colin lips on her lips, her neck, her breasts. Her hands running through his hair, and then under his shirt scraping down his back.
Was this the passion her mother said to find in a match? This all-encompassing fire that sings through her body that grows with every new touch she or Colin make to one another.
They stop in front of her house. Colin is insistent on coming inside with her. Penelope said if her family sees her she can just tell them she was wandering the graveyards again looking for new names. It's not the first time one of the ghosts tripped her.
Colin, already out of the carriage, reaches for her hand.
"For god's sake Penelope are you going to marry me or not?"
Well Penelope did say if Colin asked she would consider it. Maybe she can get both passion and love in the same marriage.
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Welcome to Sapphire Falls - chapter 17 ❜┊˚̥۪͙۪◌
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Basketballer!Chris Evans x Abigail Syverson (plus size!ofc) & Farmer!Syverson x Livia Darmandi (Asian ofc)
Summary: Livia has finished her short story and asks Sy to read it.
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: None
The Advent Calendar (a.k.a. the masterlist)
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Okay, so the first few chapters of my short story are finished. No, wait, that’s a lie. The entire thing is finished, but only the first few chapters are readable. I called Sy, wondering if he could offer me a lift and he gladly did. Driving me to the copyshop went by faster than the navigation predicted, but that is all thanks to Sy’s “chased by the devil”-driving style.
‘So please, wait here, okay?’ I ask him. ‘Don’t drive off.’
‘I wouldn’t dare.’
I grab my hand bag, before I hop out of the truck. I make my way to the copyshop, quickly give the print order and within ten minutes and only costing me two dollars, I’ve printed out fifty pages of my short story. Securely tucked away in the handbag, I walk back and get in the truck. 
Sy nods. ‘Ian called. Again.’
‘For fuck’s sake,’ I exclaim, really getting tired of his stupid antics. I grab my phone that I apparently left in the car and block his number. ‘I should’ve done that sooner,’ I note. ‘Blocking was the answer to everlasting peace.’
When Sy drives back, he asks: ‘How did you meet Ian?’
In the time I’ve been back in Sapphire Falls, I’ve mentioned Ian, but I never told him the details about my tumultuous relationship with him. Especially not how I met him. ‘I met him at a bar during college. He was a bit of a… What should I call it… The loveable nerdy friend of the jock.’ I turn to the side and add: ‘If that makes sense.’
‘Oddly specific even.’
‘Well, we hit it off, started dating, broke up, got back together, and repeated that cycle a few times. You know, the on-and-off relationship cliche. Really, it’s not even worth talking too long about. What about you? Did you ever date?’
Sy shakes his head. ‘I got no time for dating,’ he says.
‘Well, if it’s true love, you make time,’ I note. 
I wonder what Sy did in the years we spend apart. He might not have dated and pursued relationships, he must’ve done something. 
However, that thought makes me feel oddly jealous, so I push the thought of Sy and other women aside. 
‘Well, you’re not in a rush, right?’ I ask him. ‘Unlike the rest of town by the way. Your truck was spotted and everyone inside the shop started drooling. It’s borderline pavlovian.’
Sy smirks. ‘What did you print? Or am I still not allowed to ask about it?’
‘Well, I printed out the first fifty pages of my short story. I finished the entire thing, but the rest is not readable yet.’ I turn to the side and take in Sy’s attractive features. The small bump on his nose, the thick beard and the deep frown. ‘Do you want to read it?’ I ask him.
The frown becomes deeper. ‘Why do you want me to read it?’
‘Because I want your opinion on it. Please, Sy, would you? It would mean the world to me.’
‘Ah, even from the corners of my eyes I can see that damn pout of yours,’ he says. ‘Stop that.’
‘Only if you read it.’
He groans. ‘I’ll read it. Fifty pages is doable,’ he says. 
‘Yeah, that’s the spirit. Thank you.’
He nods with a smile. ‘Sure thing, Liv.’
I spend my time on the farm, gently petting the sweet goats. At first I thought Sy was exaggerating when he said the goats didn’t like them, but I saw the way they looked at him and I realized he might be right. 
I walk over the large landscape and I see Sy sitting in the shed he built when he was younger. The shed where I have one of my most hidden, yet most beautiful memories stored with him. Part of me wants to bring it up, wants to tell him how much I loved that night and therefore how much I loved him, but I don’t.
I can’t.
That next morning, after we woke up in the shed, we pretended like nothing happened. I handed him back his shirt, quickly put on my own pajamas. We sauntered back to the house. The last thing we sort of said about the matter was when he brought me to my room. He stopped in the doorway and gave me one soft kiss on my forehead. A brief smile was toying on his face, before he nodded, squeezed my hand and walked away.
I wonder if he remembered that night as clearly as I do. I kinda wish he did.
I look up, to see Sy jogging up to me, my partial manuscript in his hand. 
‘You’ve got more, I hope,’ he says.
I let out a shy chuckle. ‘Because you thought it was good or because you want to smack me with a thicker pile of paper, because I suck?’
‘What? Liv, this is absolutely amazing.’ He smiles and says: ‘I love your writing style. It’s quick, yet poetic. Not dragging at all.’
I take in the compliment. I love people talking about my writing, but a compliment from Sy just hits different. ‘I have more. Just have to give it one more check.’
‘If you are done with that, I’ll drive you to the copyshop again.’ He looks at the papers in his hand before he asks: ‘Oh, and the handsome farmer is totally based on me, right?’
I smack his chest. ‘No,’ I mutter, though that is totally a lie. ‘Maybe.’
Sy laughs. ‘Well, you dragged me along to the copyshop, now I’m gonna drag you along.’
‘Where to?’
‘To my bedroom.’
Don’t do this to yourself, Livia. Do not let your mind wander. 
‘Why?’ I manage to choke out.
‘Because…’ He awkwardly scratches his beard. ‘I’ve got your books there.’
I’ve heard from Abigail that he bought my books, but he hasn’t mentioned it himself just yet. It’s almost weird to hear it from him. ‘Oh… Did you read them?’
‘Every single one of them,’ he says. ‘Mom was obsessed and always forced me to go buy them. I bought copies for myself while I was there.’
I know how Sy has never been the type of guy who would read. He never appreciated books in the way I would. I remember when we were younger, we had to read a book for school. Sometimes I’d force him, but other times I would read them to them, while he was working on the farm. Whether he’d be cleaning the stables, organizing logs or building the shed, I’d be near him, the book in hand and I’d read it to him, adding ridiculous voices and what not.
It was the only way to get him to read a book, so he wouldn’t fail class.
But that was back in high school. I thought that after I had left, he’d never pick up a book again. 
And now I hear it from him.
He read my books.
I follow him inside, into his minimalistic room. ‘You liked them?’
‘I loved them,’ he says. ‘I always knew you would make it as a writer, but these books were amazing.’ He pushes some things aside and grabs all the books I’ve written. ‘They were my only connection to you.’
‘Sy,’ I whisper. ‘That is… So sweet.’
‘I can see your main characters are like you,’ he says with a gentle smile, placing the books on his desk. He plops down on the bed and adds: ‘Mags from the Game Over series managed to wrap everyone around her finger.’
I frown. ‘Mags had the gift of manipulation.’
Sy shakes his head. ‘You don’t. You don’t manipulate. You… Ah shit, how do I say this?’ 
Realizing he is trying to word it correctly, but can’t seem to find the right words, I decide to help him out.
‘Mags does it on purpose, I don’t?’
He nods. ‘That’s right.’
‘What about Roxy from Verified?’ 
He smiles. ‘Roxy is fearless.’
‘I’m not fearless.’
‘You are, Liv. You moved to New York City of all the places in the world. By yourself. I call that pretty fearless.’
I grab the chair of his desk and say: ‘I’m not fearless, Sy.’
He lets out a deep sigh. ‘To me you are.’ The words linger in the air and I try to find the correct words, but now I’m at a loss. ‘And this new main character, Alyssa, she’s just as magnificent as you are. Kind, sweet and patient.’
Sy’s eyes are vulnerable, open and I wonder what I should say to him. 
‘People change,’ I say. ‘I changed.’
‘You grew up,’ he says. ‘You matured. Of course you changed, but who you are to the core, that will never change.’ 
My mouth is dry and then I feel a tear burning in my eyes, followed by many more. ‘I’m so sorry,’ I whisper. ‘I’m sorry for disappearing.’
He pushes himself from the bed, before he crouches down in front of me. His hands on my thighs. ‘Don’t apologize.’
‘You kept up with me, while I never kept up with you. I thought about you, I have my first suitcase with daisies, stored with memories, but… I never came back, because the more time went by, the scarier it became. I’m a horrible friend.’
‘No, you are not,’ he says. ‘Because you did come back.’ In his own rough way, he brushes the tears from my cheeks. ‘And we’re going to do better now, the both of us. Come on, I could’ve gotten on Instagram and found a way to message you. This is not on you, this is on us.’
I hold his face in my hands and I nod. ‘We’ll do better.’
I already part my lips, wanting to tell him something, when we hear the doorbell. Judging from the absence of Abigail’s truck, I know he has to open the door. I let go of him and he hesitates for a second, before he gets up. ‘You go sign the books,’ he says.
‘Come on, the author of my favorite books is here.’ He chuckles and says: ‘And you better make it personal.’
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notachaconne · 2 years
So on Friday I went to this fascinating lecture which puts the "THANK YOU FOR MY PORNOGRAPHY" scene in a historical context which I think makes it more interesting.
Dr Wickstead is a senior lecturer in Museum and Gallery Studies at Kingston University, an archaeologist and forensic scientist. You can see her research listed here.
If you're interested in the history of prohibited publications as material culture, I suggest you download the preprint of her article on which the lecture was based, which you can at the bottom of the university page. I think a lot of it would be interesting to fan writers, illustrators, and binders as a history to compare and contrast with the history of fanfiction, and especially zines. An important contrast being that although the Soho Typescripts were handmade, they were also very much a commercial and profitable illegal business.
Some points that intrigued me:
the parts about the history of Soho bookshops, their physical division of space into front and back rooms, and how you could only buy illegal books if you were a certain kind of customer who had built a relationship of trust with the bookseller. (The article adds more information: women, for example, were not allowed in the shops at all. The footnotes refer to a Monty Python sketch satirising the negotiation process).
the deep, and repeatedly prosecuted, involvement of the police
the tagging system,
the notable rarity of depictions of male homosexuality in any of the surviving material despite there being a well-established tag for it (this might be explained by the previous point, especially as there was apparently no objection to depictions of minor girls)
the lending system
the story about a small number of Soho Typescripts being smuggled into the collection of the British Library, possibly without the knowledge of the trustees, and a much larger collection ending up at the Kinsey Institute in Indiana (where the article hopes it might be studied).
Dr. Wickstead brought some examples - now rare and valuable, and protected by plastic sleeves - with her, and handed them round. One of them had a cover design which made it look like a palimpsest, with a drawing printed partly over a perpendicular text. There's more in the article about the production process, but they were typed, mimeographed, stapled, and bound with a strip of cloth along the spine and greyish-brown paper covers with or without stencilled designs. They were about A5 size, and very flexible in the hand.
Anyway: the point of Aziraphale supposedly running a bookshop in Soho is that he does collect and, to some extent, deal in, various sorts of forbidden publications. And Gabe clearly knows this and is attempting, cluelessly, to cooperate with the cover. Even if he is deeply, deeply confused about what any of it means.
The talk was organised by the Museum of Sex Objects, which exhibits at the Horse Hospital until 29th September 2022.
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cupidstwin333 · 2 years
hi!! im in love with your account ahsjdbdjd. can i please get a romantic matchup for haikyuu &/or my hero academia (whatever’s best for you)? im 18, bisexual & use she/her pronouns btw :)
for my physical appearance, im 5’2, have long light brown hair with a lot of layers, light brown almond eyes, a button nose, beauty mark above my lip, & perpetually rosy cheeks. i think i have a pretty nice body?? i try?? for reference im basically built like mitsuri kanroji from demon slayer (i also kin her ahdbejeansj). i tend to dress in very cute but more comfy clothes, but when i’m going out i like to dress more showy :)
my zodiac sign is cancer, mbti is isfp, & im an ennegram 9w4! for my personality, i’d say im fairly bubbly and optimistic! i try to always take care of the people love, and i can be a bit oblivious and airheaded sometimes but i mean well! i go out of my way to be nice to people which sometimes comes back to bite me in the ass but i still want them to like me… ppl pleasing not fun! i really like nature, animals, makeup, fashion, sweets, beaches, & horror movies! i can be a bit of a scaredy cat sometimes but i still love horrors and thrillers!! they’re exciting! for my dislikes, i don’t know if there’s much— probably people that just go out of their way to make others feel bad about themselves, that’s a big no for me. my passions include yoga, gardening, makeup, adventures(going for walks wbdkdndjdn), baking, & shopping!
please and thank you my love!! i hope you have a great day :)
Note: I loved reading your information, it gave me Bubbles (from Powerpuff girls)vibes and I almost fell for you (gotta stay professional tho.)😭💘
After a long time of thinking 💭 your match is....
Akaashi Keiji
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You were a transfer student and it was your last year of high school. Finally! Your last year would be at Fukurōdani Academy. It was your first day and you wore the uniform, to add a pop of color you wore a blue ribbon tied in a bow to match your necktie. You even wore the right accessories and were ready to go. You entered the building and went to the helpdesk and explained your situation to the middle-aged lady. She gave you a reassuring smile and told you that you could take your time, because she dismissed you for your first hour, so you could explore the school building for yourself. After walking around for a while, you came to the conclusion that you were lost! This school was like a maze. You were looking for the library since you needed some books for your next class and you somehow ended up in the middle of…what looked like handball practice or was it volleyball? “Excuse me..” you asked and all the boys stopped and turned to you a black and white-haired boy around your age ran up to you “You must be here for the manager's position, right!” he looked down at you with a big smile. Another black-haired boy approached you two "Bokuto, leave her alone. She might feel uncomfortable." the boy looked at you and gave you a warm smile "I am Akaashi Keiji, nice to meet you." you introduced yourself by only responding with your name and realized how embarrassing it would be to admit that you got lost. So when Akaashi asked you why you were there you told him it was for the manager position. After all the paperwork was done you asked "Uhm…Akaashi could you tell me where the library is? I am new and have almost figured out where everything's located." he nodded and told you it was on the second floor right next to the staircase on the northern side of the building. You left and felt so stupid you really were an airhead! You got to the library and printed out your schedule and found your classroom and saw Bokutou and Akaashi sitting next to each other. Bokuto waved excitedly and told you to sit in front of him and you did.
How it started:
Being the manager of a volleyball team sure was exhausting, especially when disagreements occurred. You were quite a people pleaser and didn't really like confrontation even when there was someone clearly in the wrong. You also had to wash all the sweaty uniforms and towels, and memorize everything about volleyball so you could help them out better. And motivating Bokuto was also a full-time job. You really admired Akaashi, the way he was always prepared for when things didn't go as planned. He always had a plan B and if that failed C and after that well you know the alphabet. You were sitting next to the coach and were scrolling through your phone and saw that there was a new horror movie out. You already saw the trailer and were waiting for it to come out. You wanted to ask Akaashi out as friends. It wouldn't be weird, would it? You looked up and saw how they were cleaning up the gym which meant that practice was over for the day. You went to the locker room and changed into a pink sweater and a short jean skirt. You had no classes and wanted to go shopping and felt more comfortable in your own clothes rather than your school uniform. You ran out to catch your bus, but you saw Akaashi standing at the gate. "Hey Akaashi, what are you up to?" he looked at you and smiled "Nothing much, probably just homework and making sure Bokuto doesn't do anything stupid." "Would you like to go out with me.." you said it out of impulse and the both of you blushed "as friends of course!" you added quickly. "I don't want to go out with you as friends." he said softly, "You don't like me?" you asked sadly you really liked him and it did hurt you to know it wasn't mutual. "I do like you a lot, I'd rather go out on a real date than just as friends," he responded, his blush deepening with each word.
General headcanons:
💘He loves watching horror movies because you always cling on to him during jumpscares and suspenseful moments.
💘He always plays with your hair, it helps him think or calm down.
💘Loves to go to the beach with you. (it's like the typical beach episode)
💘You two bake a lot together and you teach him, he thinks you look adorable when you look so concentrated measuring the milk while your face is covered with flour.
💘You drag him to the mall for a shopping spree and he pretends like he doesn't like it, but in reality LOVES IT!
💘He gives you forehead kisses.
💘likes to lay his head on your boobs, I mean chest. 🍒
Other possible matches: Sugawara and Daichi
And Tomura Shigaraki
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You were at the mall and had so many bargains, this day couldn't get any better! You walked around with a bunch of shopping bags and needed a break, so you looked around for a good cafe until someone bumped into you. You bowed and apologized, and after that you walked off not realizing you dropped your school ID. The person you bumped into picked it up. A week later someone approached you on the street, they wore a black hoodie and red sneakers. "Hey doesn't this belong to you?" the stranger showed you your school ID "yeah! where did you find it, thank you so much?" You asked relieved "I started a new hero agency with a special training program and I saw on your school ID that you were a UA student, so I was wondering if you might be interested." the stranger said ignoring your previous question. "Oh really, you have an agency? what's your hero name?" "I am not that famous, but I totally get it. Since you're a UA student you prefer to work with a more well-known hero." he says in a defeated tone, you slightly panicked "that's not true!" Since that day you were surrounded by a group of strange people, but who were you to judge. They were all so nice to me, you thought to yourself but they did ask an awful lot of questions regarding UA and its security system and about the dorms, etc. But maybe they got curious since they didn't attend UA themselves.
How it started:
“Follow me Y/n I want to show you something.” Shigaraki says as he tugs your hand with his index finger and thumb only, not wanting to decay you. It had been a few months after Shigaraki had scammed you with his whole hero agency lie making you join his league of villains against your will. You couldn’t escape either, you were stuck. He threatened to decay your loved ones so of course you decided to comply with whatever he wanted you to do. You really had to stop trusting strangers and seeing the good in people no matter what.. it was a bad habit of yours. Shigaraki still lets you go to UA but only so you can bring him information from within, the students their quirks your schedule and other important information. He made you a traitor. You felt guilty towards your classmates and teachers, but sadly you had no choice. “Look Y/n I found this videogame that looks like so much fun to play.” Shigaraki’s raspy voice sent a shiver down your spine. “And you’re showing me because?” You ask confused not understanding why he was showing you this game. You didn’t even play videogames. “Well dummy I wouldn’t have made Kurogiri summon you if this was a one player game but sadly it isn’t so I need you to grab the second controller and play with me.” Shigaraki says annoyed as if he was answering the most obvious question. “Well then why won’t you just play your game with Kurogiri?” You say returning his energy. “Because I don’t want to play with him.” Shigaraki says with a huff. In that moment he looked like a spoiled brat to you. “Okay I guess this isn’t the worst you’ve asked of me.” You say as you grab the other controller. After a few minutes of Shigaraki winning and geeking out on you, you started to realise that he wasn’t so bad after all. It was really amusing to see his eyes light up after he accidentally started a new cut scene. Or the way he gasped when he found a hidden Easter egg. His reaction reminded you of a misunderstood soul that was finally getting the chance to heal their inner child. “You know I don’t think you’re that bad for a villain.” You blurt out before you could rethink your words. The confused look on Shigaraki’s face made you continue. “I mean I expected you to be more mean and scary, you know.” Shigaraki places his controller on the coffee table in front of him. “And I expected you to resent me more, but for some odd reason you don’t.” Shigaraki says with his head tilted to the side as if he was trying to read you. “You know Y/n you’re and odd one.” Shigaraki says almost sounding fond. You smile at his words. “I think you’re odd too Tomura Shigaraki.”
💘You two have a "girl's night" together where you watch horror movies, do skin care, and eat a bunch of snacks.
💘He uses his quirk as an excuse for you to hand feed him. (Such a brat) and you believe him.
💘He would kill anyone that’s mean to you (yandermode activated).
💘He is a picky eater and nags you about it. (“You know I don’t like this.” Or “You should have made me something else.”)
💘Loves it when you bake for him.
💘 You like to grab your makeup kit and draw Shigaraki a pair of eyebrows.
💘You also apply lipbalm on this man’s crusty lips.
Other possible matches: Tamaki Amajiki I'd appreciate it if you'd reblog this, and I hope you've enjoyed reading it <3
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onslaughtsixdotcom · 10 months
Cereal Box Hexcrawl
I was at my day job grocery shopping about two months ago when, on the back of a store brand Cheerios box, there was a hexcrawl.
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Okay, the box says it's a sudoku puzzle. I don't know shit about sudoku. It's a hexcrawl now.
The first thing I did was recreate the hexcrawl in Affinity Publisher. You could do this with any graphic editing software or even by hand on paper, I just used what I'm comfortable with. I counted how many of each number and wrote it on the side; I also created a blank template that you can use.
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I left the "region borders" out of mine because I felt like they restricted the creativity too much, but you can add them back in.
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The next step is to colour the hexes. I assumed we would need towns, dungeons, forest, hills and mountains, so I grouped them together based on what felt right and how many I had of each. I then split up the blank tiles based on mostly grasslands but went with what was around.
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Lastly, I added icons from Hexographer. I named some evocative dungeon locations, some crap 5 minute town names, and boom--we have an adventuring location ready for play. This took about an hour and most of that was graphic design!
The icon packs I used are here: https://welshpiper.com/packages/classic-hexographer-icons/?sfw=pass1685689538 https://www.hexographer.com/extra-icon-sets/multicolored-classic/
So, fine, I made a local area. But, my wife is also running a Spelljammer campaign, and needed her own local area. To the rescue: The Cereal Hexcrawl.
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We named a few areas and generated some interesting locations using the tables found in Stars Over Stormwreck by Mike Shea of Sly Flourish. I can't believe this kind of stuff wasn't in any of the books for Spelljammer!
After we had our locations, we just spread them out based on the numbers we had on our hex map. We might have moved a couple around. Then, I opened my hexcrawl up in Affinity Publisher and did the work doing graphic design (including the space background). I've got a print copy of the map on 11x17 paper coming from Printkeg right now!
Protip: If you are doing a space hexcrawl or other kind of space map, for personal use, Googling "planet clip art" or other things like that is a GREAT resource. High resolution transparent background graphic representations of planets? Gimme that shit!
So you can see how easy this is to pull off. I made my original hexcrawl in about an hour over my lunch break, and that includes finding all the icons and stuff. It's so easy to come up with a local area from this and the iterations and changes you could make are seemingly infinite.
Get out there and make your hexcrawl!
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