#mihawk is amused
sevs-corner · 2 years
One Piece (Reverse Isekai)
>BEACH ARC (Part 1: "You genuinely thought that waking up was a whole new responsibility in of itself." )
Narrator: Aah, goo-not-so-lagoon. To think that by retelling a story from your childhood would get the others to plead on their knees, tears at the brink of their eyes as they begged you to know.
Humming at the tune playing from your phone's speaker, you sliced some meat and vegetables as Sanji heated a pot filled with water.
"We're gonna cook a lot today Sanj!" You playfully bumped hips with the cook who chuckled amused.
"Of course!" He confidently claimed while twirling knives in his hands, "I'm pretty sure everyone's going to get hungry from all the energy they're going to spend at the beach today." 
You couldn't help but sigh in exasperation, already imagining Luffy running around with Usopp and Chopper everywhere without a care in the world.
"Why don't you relax today too Sanji?" you offered. "I did promise to take over since it's your day off and all that," placing a hand on his shoulder, Sanji smiles at the action, grabbing your hand and leaving a quick but soft kiss on it.
"I appreciate the offer honeybun," he rubs your hand with his thumb, "but I'd rather work more so that you wouldn't burn yourself out."
You couldn't help the blush that rushed to your cheeks by how his words made your chest feel warm.
"Thank you," hugging him in gratitude, you let go and began working on the chopping board once more. "I'll make sure to give you extra servings!" Winking at his direction, he laughs and shakes his head.
You we're simply too adorable for his poor heart. "Zoro~!" You whined, flopping on top of the muscled man that is-somehow- still knocked out on the couch. From all the noise to the streets and in the house, you would think that someone would have waken up by now but NO- you underestimated the power that is sleeping within Zoro, the three-swordsman user.
"Can't wake him up like that."
You turn to Usopp who calmly sipped on his own coffee with Chopper, sitting on his shoulder and was rubbing the sleep from his eyes, nodding along.
"How then?" Huffing, you moved out of the piles of pillows on top of Zoro to stare at him beside the sniper. He hummed to himself, thinking back to the one time he had to simultaneously wake up Sanji, Luffy, and Zoro. He could use the same strategy but knowing Zoro, he already built a resistance to his bullshit. "Ah!" A lightbulb lights up on top of his head and you looked at him, questioning….many things.
"Just," he grabbed your shoulders to pull you closer, "mention anything Luffy related." He snickers with a whisper and you deadpanned at him.
There was no way he was that predictable…right? Shrugging, you decided to shot your shoot, "Zoro." you poked his cheeks, "Luffy said he wants to make you his pirate queen." "hUh? The fuck?!" So he is predictable. You three shared a laugh which made the swordsman- still half-asleep- glare at you all while ruffling his hair to sit up. "Couldn't you wake me up more peacefully?" "Maybe if you actually did-" pointing at the pillow surrounding him- "I would." you scoffed. Huffing in annoyance, you turned away to go and wake the others up around the house. There was still more to go around and you couldn't help but look forward to it. "Be thankful she even woke you up Zoro," Usopp comments which made Zoro look back at him confused. "She's been up even before dawn to help Sanji and the rest prepare." Sipping his coffee, he could feel the embarrassment radiating of the swordsman. He swears that he could even see a slight twinge of color on his cheeks. "Right," Zoro nods, now standing from the mess he called his sleeping area. "I'll go and see what I can do." Usopp smiles that Zoro caught his message and he nods, "see you later then! Tell the rest I'll be back before we head out."  "Hm?" Zoro turns to him in question but nods nonetheless, "where you headin' to?" "Just gonna grab some stuff from the tindahan that we might be able to use in our trip," he grins with a glint in his eyes that made Zoro just hum along. He already knew what his friend was probably getting into so he just left them to it. "See ya' then." "Law," you pouted and stared at the doctor who refused to step out of the bathroom. "you gotta hurry up." You could hear the man grunt, probably frustrated that his precious alone time is being disturbed. "Let them damn wait!" "Fuck you!" Kidd swears back, "I've been waiting for more than 30 minutes already!" You had to hold back the fiery buff guy as he seemed to attempt to kick down the door. You had to replace it many times now and you couldn't afford to buy new bolts for the door every time someone hogs the bathroom. "Kidd please," you begged, "go to the other one for now?" you suggested, giving your best puppy eyes. You hoped that it would at least appease the two for now. Looking back and forth from you to the door, Kidd couldn't help the frustrated sigh come out of his mouth. He knows that you didn't have time to deal with this, and he knows that you're trying.
For them.
So he decided to just let this go… for now. "You better hurry your ass up next time Trafalgar," he seethes, turning out of the room and downstairs to where the other bathroom resided. You- now relieved- pressed your back on the bathroom door in exhaustion. It took all of your strength to hold back the big muscle man and it definitely took some years out of your life as you tried to step up to the guy. "You know," your ears perk up at the muffled voice behind the door, "I would've gone out already." Falling backwards with a "oof!", you glare at a smirking Law who was drying his hair with a towel. "Well, I wanted to give you some time for yourself," you explained, now sitting up as you stare at the towel-wearing doctor who strutted his way to his own closet. Shuffling through his piled of clothes of what could be appropriately worn for the trip later on. "Why?" He inquired but you knew he already knows the answer to that, so you merely clicked your tongue and stood up, about to leave from the room for him to change privately. "You already have gotta deal with a lot from work," you chided, "so I took pity to the poor ol' chap!" you slammed the door, avoiding the possible comeback Law might have for you from teasing him. Though, Law didn't have one. Just a smiled painted on his face as his sighs. "What to do with you really…" "Breakfast!!" Luffy cheers, he excitedly slides onto his chair as he stares at the food in front of him in awe. His previous sleep deprived state long forgotten as he raced to the table. "Don’t eat too much, alright?" You ruffled his hair as you passed by, placing another dish on the table which everyone stares at in awe. "You might just end up surprisingly floating on the sea by how bloated you are." "Is that how it works?!" Luffy gasps and you chuckled at his naivete. "Mhm!" At your confirmation, he nods, now determined to actually test that theory- but before he could, his head was smacked by Nami and Sanji who yelled at him for being an idiot. Reminding him that he was still a devil fruit user who couldn't swim. "Aw~, I really thought I could swim again." You wanted to comfort Luffy by explaining how he could with floaties but decided that you would surprise him instead later on. "Did you make this dessert?" You hear Chopper excitedly ask across from you and you nodded with a smile. "Yeah! But I couldn't have done it without Sanji's expertise, of course." Sanji shakes his head, "you give too much credit honey bun." "Its SUPER~ yummy!" Franky hums in delight, appreciating the cool taste of the dessert as it goes down his throat. It felt more refreshing in stark contrast to the heat of the early morning. "It definitely cools you down," Robin adds and you couldn't help but wave your hands in embarrassment. "Y'all are too nice!" "Just sayin' how it is, pipsqueak," Kidd ruffles your hair, but you didn't mind how it messed up your look. You actually smiled at the action, feeling warm in the chest. "So," Law started, "what's the itinerary for today?" "So professional," you rolled your eyes with a teasing tone, making the others share a chuckle. "First of all," you counted on your fingers, "we'll be there at around 7 or 8am so that y'all can enjoy the whole day trip!" Everyone cheers at that, even some of the adults who were eating at a separate table perked up in some form of joy. "Can we drink?" Shanks immediately asks and you sigh, turning to him and the others beside him who practically had this same begging look.
"It's only 4am right now," You pointed out. "Yeah! :D" You both stare each other down, your glare matched even the carefree stare of the red-haired emperor who refused to back down. 'Don't give in!' You told yourself as Shank's slowly started to bit his lip and give you this look. You know that look, you were weak to that and you know he knows.
You lock eyes. He mouths, "you can't resist me." With a wink, you blew up. "NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER!" You ran away from the crime scene, bolting out the door to catch some cool air- ignoring the loud bouts of laughter that echoed from inside the house. "I'm taking that as a yes," Shanks laughs, clinking his glass with Mihawk's who simply chuckled. He was quite amused at how easily flustered you can be but still stand at the same level as them. "What a sight indeed," Doflamingo sips his wine, already on the notion of drinking on the wee hours of the day. He, too, was intrigued by you and the this 'day trip' of yours. He hopes that it matches the expectations he has… Well, you better take a deep breath of that cool air while you can.
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reineydraws · 2 months
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this ask got me thinking about the body swap au again lol here's a wip for what is eventually going to become a sketch dump post for the au aha. whenever i finish that.
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vastwinterskies · 4 months
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so um do you ever contemplate how eerily similar some of your blorbos of old and their dynamics are
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
You know those videos of children getting confused/scared by their parent shaving their beard? I saw someone recreating it with a roommate and I need cross guild to do it for buggy. Crocodile records, Mihawk shaves and Byggy is confused and hides behind the door while they say
„hey it’s still him!” „Ohhh he doesn’t like it” „you don’t like it?” „Come out and see what I did” etc
Help 😭 Mihawk without facial hair is so weird to me nooo-- I would hide too
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savelatin · 2 months
i like when people draw mihawk as some sort of creature 👁️👁️ give him brown contacts etc .....
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softesttangerines · 7 months
Ok, idc how wrong of a theory it is that Rayleigh is Mihawk's dad but i'm obsessed with the fact that Mihawk probably didnt get to see much of his dad while growing up because of his pirate life.
And on the rare occasions when he gets to see him, he's constantly sulky because Rayleigh keeps talking about these two other kids that he adopted with his captain and how "You would totally love Shanks and Buggy, Hawks. They are trouble makers but i'm sure you would get along!"
And Mihawk isn't so sure he would love the kids that stole his dad from him so he just humphs his way out of the conversation everytime. He did ask his dad to take him with him on his adventures since it's kids safe (he's bound to think that when there are two kids, younger than him, parading on the ship) but Rayleigh always refuses because he wants his son to live away from piracy, an honest and safe life.
(Except, joke's on him. Mihawk had his rebellion phase and said fuck you, dad! Discovered his obsession with swords and went on his own adventures.)
Fastforward, post Roger's execution, Mihawk meets Shanks for the first time and the bitter feelings he had from his childhood resurface and he's full on grudge and salty so he challenges him to a duel to kick his ass. Except, to his surprise, Shanks is actually a decent opponent and instead of wanting to kick his ass, he relishes in the fact that he finally found someone that keeps up with him, so he keeps coming back asking for more duels.
On the other hand, Shanks sees this dark haired guy with magnificent yellow eyes and he knows him, he knows him from his bounty posters and because Rayleigh has spoken few times when he cameback to the crew from his short family visits about his stubborn son, and he wonders if Mihawk knows him or if the guy just randomly challenges people with no regard to his life.
Obviously, to no one's surprise he falls in love mid fight, with the sassy quips (now he confirmed that Mihawk does in fact know him and he does seem angry about something) the audacity to roll his eyes in the middle of a fight and he's absolutely breathtaking with a sword in his hands. Shanks wants to impress him no matter what since this guy seems to genuinely be onto the fight and ignoring his flirty comments. He figured he did impress him a bit, if the way that Mihawk said they'd meet soon again is anything to go by.
Mihawk took an immediate like to Buggy when he met him but he refuses to admit it to anyone ever, especially not the clown himself but he does enjoy teasing Shanks that Buggy was much easier to "tolerate" first, just to get a raise out of him.
Rayleigh is totally against two of his boys dating each other but Mihawk keeps telling him off ("You were barely ever here for me as a dad, you don't get to boss me around!") and Shanks is too busy being heart eyes to listen to any word coming from the man. At the end, he just ends up giving both of them the shovel talk.
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ask-the-shichibukai · 7 months
OPLA AU: do you remember that masterpiece of live action history we saw in ep 5 when Captain Usopp entertained Mihawk with his tales for Oda knows how long in the Baratie? That's my totally-ignoring-the-timeline take on that.
Karaibari island (Crossguild HQ), 5 a.m, Crocodile's office:
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Mihawk (carrying Usopp tied from head to toe on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes): Crocodile, I request you to enlist this young man in our ranks as the main source of my the crew's entertainment. Unlike the clown, he's actually funny.
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Crocodile: Oh, really? So it's true what they say about you going around adopting idiots like a duck-mom. That brat you brought here even looks and sounds like a drunk moron, so why should I oblige your request?
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Mihawk: Because if you don't I'll find another way to relieve my boredom that is not your precious organization. And then, just out of spite, I'll go free Doflamingo from Impel Dawn and send him your way.
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Crocodile (still severely sleep deprived): You can't keep on using this threat to get me to agree to your whims forever, you bastard! (a glare contest and awkward silence later) Okay strawhat's brat, you can start tomorrow! But forget about any form of payment until you'll have thoroughly proven to me that you are not a fraud!
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Usopp (still drunk): Ehh where am I? Why am I tied? Who are you guys?? Heeeeelp!!!
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pointycorgiears · 6 months
There's a secret about my latest bughawk/cross guild fic, Dear Prudence, that I'm going to spill here.
The title of this fic comes from the Beatles song, which is also the main theme of the story.
This fic is also my Beatles opera. There are lyrics from multiple songs of theirs woven throughout the whole thing. I don't know if anyone has noticed them yet, but when it's done, I will post a master list of every song used. Also might include songs that lent some inspiration for it too.
Each of the main three also have their own special theme song that repeats and is alluded to throughout. Buggy's is Dear Prudence, since he sings it to Mihawk. As for Mihawk and Crocodile, I wonder if anyone can figure them out? :)
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gildedmuse · 1 year
Me: Everyone wants Zoro
Fandom: Except for Mihawk.
Me: .... Yeah....
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Me: Except for Mihawk....
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arlmy07 · 8 months
so I started watching OPLA....
i'm on episode 5 and the funniest thing to me so far??
zoro's challenge to mihawk.
like, it's all silly and goofy and sometimes serious but mostly seriously funny, as it should be
koby and luffy first meeting and their funny dynamic, zoro and luffy first meeting and their silly dynamic, nami and luffy first meeting and their silly dynamic, b u g g y, usopp and luffy being usopp and luffy, the frickin treasure tab, sanji and his amusement with luffy, zeff and sanji's dynamic, nami my sweet lonely lil' tangerine, all of it actually, all of it...it's just...G O L D
but this particular scene just...I kept rewatching it lol
Like tell me this isn't how it went down:
Mihawk: take me to your leader
Zoro: you're the guy
Mihawk: take me to your leader
Zoro: but you're the guy
Mihawk: *unimpressed stare*
Zoro: I've been watching you since I was a kid, old man(implied, heavily implied)
Mihawk: yes, thank you or whatever
Zoro: man it sucks but also I am going to enjoy kicking your ass
Mihawk: I beg your pardon
Zoro: My name is Roronoa Zoro, my friend died so I'm going to fulfill our dream for the both of us. Prepare to die.
Mihawk: You're nobody, I'm only here for your captai-
Zoro: They call me The Demon™ now, but soon they'll call me The Greatest™
Mihawk: *internally* wow, edgy *out loud* You're really serious about this, aren't you?
Zoro: Fuck around and find out
Mihawk: Fine then, your funeral. Don't come crying when I kill you and your captain. *stalks away dramatically*
Zoro: *squealing, jumping up and down in his mind*
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golgolfruit · 2 years
After the first dofuwani breakup Crocodile blasted Cher through Rain Dinners max volume for days. Miss All Sunday had to call Doflamingo and inform him he will be making up with Crocodile because if she has to listen to Strong Enough one more time, her bounty will increase astromically.
(Daz is honestly having the time of his life. He gets to slack off and chill.)
When Cross Guild is formed, Doflamingo goes to their headquarters and blasts Cher on Karai Bari's port in hopes it gets Crocodile to let him join.
Crocodile calls Robin and apologizes.
She just :)))))))))))
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umbrace-rambles · 6 months
They finally gave me the Cross Guild episode but I was completely thrown off guard by the fact that Croc has purple eyes now???? lol
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mugiwarafan · 1 year
btw cannot wait for mihawk to do his version of ‘divine departure’ and for buggy to get all the credit for it lmao
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ikkaku-of-heart · 1 year
It will never not be funny to me how grumpy, dark characters end up drawn to Ikkaku. She’s not even trying to endear herself to them most of the time. They just go “I’ve only known this sunshine, sassy grease monkey for a day and a half but if anything were to ever happen to her I would kill everyone on the island and then myself.”
The only problem is the potential custody battle between Law and Mihawk.
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unamused-kookaburra · 9 months
I'm committed to catching up to one piece so help me god and I've almost gotten back to where I reached in wano and I forgot how fucking HYPE the reverie/wg chapters were. I mean, Im? Vivi? Sabo? Disbandment of the warlords? The rocks pirates??? Insane.
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
Head cannon
The woodlands thinks buggy pulled to bad bitches (Mihawk and crocodile) because he’s super strong, but in reality he’s weak with no bitches
Ackchyually Buggy totally pulled them both but the majority of the world doesnt know because Buggy doesn't talk abt his exes
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