#shanks shamelessly flirts
sevs-corner · 2 years
One Piece (Reverse Isekai)
>BEACH ARC (Part 1: "You genuinely thought that waking up was a whole new responsibility in of itself." )
Narrator: Aah, goo-not-so-lagoon. To think that by retelling a story from your childhood would get the others to plead on their knees, tears at the brink of their eyes as they begged you to know.
Humming at the tune playing from your phone's speaker, you sliced some meat and vegetables as Sanji heated a pot filled with water.
"We're gonna cook a lot today Sanj!" You playfully bumped hips with the cook who chuckled amused.
"Of course!" He confidently claimed while twirling knives in his hands, "I'm pretty sure everyone's going to get hungry from all the energy they're going to spend at the beach today." 
You couldn't help but sigh in exasperation, already imagining Luffy running around with Usopp and Chopper everywhere without a care in the world.
"Why don't you relax today too Sanji?" you offered. "I did promise to take over since it's your day off and all that," placing a hand on his shoulder, Sanji smiles at the action, grabbing your hand and leaving a quick but soft kiss on it.
"I appreciate the offer honeybun," he rubs your hand with his thumb, "but I'd rather work more so that you wouldn't burn yourself out."
You couldn't help the blush that rushed to your cheeks by how his words made your chest feel warm.
"Thank you," hugging him in gratitude, you let go and began working on the chopping board once more. "I'll make sure to give you extra servings!" Winking at his direction, he laughs and shakes his head.
You we're simply too adorable for his poor heart. "Zoro~!" You whined, flopping on top of the muscled man that is-somehow- still knocked out on the couch. From all the noise to the streets and in the house, you would think that someone would have waken up by now but NO- you underestimated the power that is sleeping within Zoro, the three-swordsman user.
"Can't wake him up like that."
You turn to Usopp who calmly sipped on his own coffee with Chopper, sitting on his shoulder and was rubbing the sleep from his eyes, nodding along.
"How then?" Huffing, you moved out of the piles of pillows on top of Zoro to stare at him beside the sniper. He hummed to himself, thinking back to the one time he had to simultaneously wake up Sanji, Luffy, and Zoro. He could use the same strategy but knowing Zoro, he already built a resistance to his bullshit. "Ah!" A lightbulb lights up on top of his head and you looked at him, questioning….many things.
"Just," he grabbed your shoulders to pull you closer, "mention anything Luffy related." He snickers with a whisper and you deadpanned at him.
There was no way he was that predictable…right? Shrugging, you decided to shot your shoot, "Zoro." you poked his cheeks, "Luffy said he wants to make you his pirate queen." "hUh? The fuck?!" So he is predictable. You three shared a laugh which made the swordsman- still half-asleep- glare at you all while ruffling his hair to sit up. "Couldn't you wake me up more peacefully?" "Maybe if you actually did-" pointing at the pillow surrounding him- "I would." you scoffed. Huffing in annoyance, you turned away to go and wake the others up around the house. There was still more to go around and you couldn't help but look forward to it. "Be thankful she even woke you up Zoro," Usopp comments which made Zoro look back at him confused. "She's been up even before dawn to help Sanji and the rest prepare." Sipping his coffee, he could feel the embarrassment radiating of the swordsman. He swears that he could even see a slight twinge of color on his cheeks. "Right," Zoro nods, now standing from the mess he called his sleeping area. "I'll go and see what I can do." Usopp smiles that Zoro caught his message and he nods, "see you later then! Tell the rest I'll be back before we head out."  "Hm?" Zoro turns to him in question but nods nonetheless, "where you headin' to?" "Just gonna grab some stuff from the tindahan that we might be able to use in our trip," he grins with a glint in his eyes that made Zoro just hum along. He already knew what his friend was probably getting into so he just left them to it. "See ya' then." "Law," you pouted and stared at the doctor who refused to step out of the bathroom. "you gotta hurry up." You could hear the man grunt, probably frustrated that his precious alone time is being disturbed. "Let them damn wait!" "Fuck you!" Kidd swears back, "I've been waiting for more than 30 minutes already!" You had to hold back the fiery buff guy as he seemed to attempt to kick down the door. You had to replace it many times now and you couldn't afford to buy new bolts for the door every time someone hogs the bathroom. "Kidd please," you begged, "go to the other one for now?" you suggested, giving your best puppy eyes. You hoped that it would at least appease the two for now. Looking back and forth from you to the door, Kidd couldn't help the frustrated sigh come out of his mouth. He knows that you didn't have time to deal with this, and he knows that you're trying.
For them.
So he decided to just let this go… for now. "You better hurry your ass up next time Trafalgar," he seethes, turning out of the room and downstairs to where the other bathroom resided. You- now relieved- pressed your back on the bathroom door in exhaustion. It took all of your strength to hold back the big muscle man and it definitely took some years out of your life as you tried to step up to the guy. "You know," your ears perk up at the muffled voice behind the door, "I would've gone out already." Falling backwards with a "oof!", you glare at a smirking Law who was drying his hair with a towel. "Well, I wanted to give you some time for yourself," you explained, now sitting up as you stare at the towel-wearing doctor who strutted his way to his own closet. Shuffling through his piled of clothes of what could be appropriately worn for the trip later on. "Why?" He inquired but you knew he already knows the answer to that, so you merely clicked your tongue and stood up, about to leave from the room for him to change privately. "You already have gotta deal with a lot from work," you chided, "so I took pity to the poor ol' chap!" you slammed the door, avoiding the possible comeback Law might have for you from teasing him. Though, Law didn't have one. Just a smiled painted on his face as his sighs. "What to do with you really…" "Breakfast!!" Luffy cheers, he excitedly slides onto his chair as he stares at the food in front of him in awe. His previous sleep deprived state long forgotten as he raced to the table. "Don’t eat too much, alright?" You ruffled his hair as you passed by, placing another dish on the table which everyone stares at in awe. "You might just end up surprisingly floating on the sea by how bloated you are." "Is that how it works?!" Luffy gasps and you chuckled at his naivete. "Mhm!" At your confirmation, he nods, now determined to actually test that theory- but before he could, his head was smacked by Nami and Sanji who yelled at him for being an idiot. Reminding him that he was still a devil fruit user who couldn't swim. "Aw~, I really thought I could swim again." You wanted to comfort Luffy by explaining how he could with floaties but decided that you would surprise him instead later on. "Did you make this dessert?" You hear Chopper excitedly ask across from you and you nodded with a smile. "Yeah! But I couldn't have done it without Sanji's expertise, of course." Sanji shakes his head, "you give too much credit honey bun." "Its SUPER~ yummy!" Franky hums in delight, appreciating the cool taste of the dessert as it goes down his throat. It felt more refreshing in stark contrast to the heat of the early morning. "It definitely cools you down," Robin adds and you couldn't help but wave your hands in embarrassment. "Y'all are too nice!" "Just sayin' how it is, pipsqueak," Kidd ruffles your hair, but you didn't mind how it messed up your look. You actually smiled at the action, feeling warm in the chest. "So," Law started, "what's the itinerary for today?" "So professional," you rolled your eyes with a teasing tone, making the others share a chuckle. "First of all," you counted on your fingers, "we'll be there at around 7 or 8am so that y'all can enjoy the whole day trip!" Everyone cheers at that, even some of the adults who were eating at a separate table perked up in some form of joy. "Can we drink?" Shanks immediately asks and you sigh, turning to him and the others beside him who practically had this same begging look.
"It's only 4am right now," You pointed out. "Yeah! :D" You both stare each other down, your glare matched even the carefree stare of the red-haired emperor who refused to back down. 'Don't give in!' You told yourself as Shank's slowly started to bit his lip and give you this look. You know that look, you were weak to that and you know he knows.
You lock eyes. He mouths, "you can't resist me." With a wink, you blew up. "NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER!" You ran away from the crime scene, bolting out the door to catch some cool air- ignoring the loud bouts of laughter that echoed from inside the house. "I'm taking that as a yes," Shanks laughs, clinking his glass with Mihawk's who simply chuckled. He was quite amused at how easily flustered you can be but still stand at the same level as them. "What a sight indeed," Doflamingo sips his wine, already on the notion of drinking on the wee hours of the day. He, too, was intrigued by you and the this 'day trip' of yours. He hopes that it matches the expectations he has… Well, you better take a deep breath of that cool air while you can.
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giurochedadomani · 8 months
I feel that this belongs in the mishanks tag, too
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tinfairies · 8 months
Hey! :) Can I request some headcanons for Shanks and Mihawk when they have a crush on someone!? (jealous? xD) Cause I feel like there are not that many around for those two.. Thank you!
Dracule Mihawk, Shanks x GN!Reader
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He definitely acts completely indifferent towards you. To the point where you'd think he hated you.
Quite the contrary however, he's madly obsessed.
He absorbs information about you like a sponge and quickly learns the things you like.
Jealous jealous jealous
Mihawk hates when you talk or flirt with other people, and finds ways to scare them off.
He'll start to warm you up to you, and finds reasons to strike up conversation.
It's difficult to ask you out, but he swallows his anxiety one day and just tells you that he's taking you on a date. Doesn't even ask, he just assumes you'll say yes.
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He doesn't hide from his feelings, at least not in the traditional way.
When Shanks has a crush, he doesn't hide it. He shamelessly flirts and teases.
He tries not to get jealous but sometimes it's hard not to place himself between you and the person that's trying to flirt.
It really doesn't take long for him to ask you out on a date.
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magpietyy · 7 months
Wouldn't it be neat if Buggy was a Ren Faire performer and Shanks was, like, the local carpenter or something hired to fix one of the stages after some performers -- Mohji and Cabaji, probably -- put a hole through the floor. And it just so happens to be Buggy's stage, too, and Shanks bumps into him and just becomes absolutely smitten...
Like, Buggy absolutely chews Shanks out for being in the way while he's trying to practice, or for him leaving tools scattered around, or, really, anything and everything even if it can't really be helped. Buggy finds a reason to be annoyed, anyway, and makes it a point to complain in the most over dramatic way possible, like Shanks was deliberately trying to ruin his show. And Shanks, just... Finds it endearing? Maybe even likes it? Too much? He likes this funny man with the big red nose and vibrant blue hair who can simultaneously cuss him out with his sharp tongue while juggling equally sharp knives...
And even after the work is done on the stage, Shanks just keeps finding reasons to come back? Like, "Oh, these boards are awful loose wouldn’t want anyone tripping," or, "Those support beams are a lawsuit waiting to happen," and, "Ya know, there's like half a dozen code violations here, actually. Maybe I can just..." All the while he's already brought his tool bags and sometimes Benn, who is torn between annoyance and awe at the increasing level of stupidity of the excuses Shanks seems to find and that the production keeps fully believing and paying him for, all so that he can shamelessly flirt with a glorified clown.
And when that clown starts to flirt back -- albeit with violence and insults -- and things around the Faire end up broken and in need of skilled labor. Well...
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mamamittens · 9 months
(don't worry, I'm like, halfway done with the next shake date so watch out @pebbsie 😜)
Oh no! You're in trouble! Harassed in the streets! (Gasp!)
What does (X) do?
Depending on where y'all are relationship wise, Ace responds a bit differently. Don't get me wrong, he still intervenes if he determines it's necessary, but the... pizzazz changes a tad.
Yearning Ace acts a tad explosively, pissed that some creeps thinks they can slide in for a piece of that action. Fire exploding in their face and sending them flying.
Newly confessed Ace is probably already there and giving them the most unimpressed look and offers a boot up their ass free if charge.
Settled Ace probably already moved you to the opposite side of him and flicked a small explosive burst at them, not breaking his stride cause he could care less about them. His eyes are on you.
A yearning Marco likely either is watching you already just to be safe or has someone watching you. Assuming it's him there already, he slides in and casually throws his arm over your shoulder. Really flexing his status and possibly his devil fruit to intimidate the fool.
A newly confessed Marco is probably still settling and just wants to spend quality time with you. So this interruption is not handled with grace. But it is handled with a razor sharp talon threatening to shatter their skull. He's got better shit to do than entertain weirdos.
Settled Marco is... more amused now. He still won't tolerate the disrespect but he is a tad more forgiving. You're a catch after all. He gets it. The more uncomfortable you are though, the more likely he still sends the perv flying. He's got limits after all.
Yearning Thatch is probably clinging or nearby so he's there to react fast. Probably turns the table and gets in the creeps face with uncomfortable, over the top flirting. A taste of their own medicine as it were. And once he's driven them off he turns to make sure you're alright. Hopefully he got you to at least laugh.
Newly confessed Thatch is likely walking side by side with you at the time and is quick to commander any weird compliment into a much nicer, more well received comment.
"Nice ass, sugar!"
"Thanks! I think theirs is cuter though, isn't that right, honey bunch?"
Push too far and Thatch is a little faster to drop the pleasantries to just throw them into the nearest trash can. He's not afraid you'll get scared off and probably takes it as an opportunity to show off his muscles. Didnt he look good effortlessly taking out the trash? 🥰
A settled Thatch immediately breaks their line of sight and probably throws a knife at them to shut them up. He wanted to try out this restaurant with you and no creep is taking even a moment more of his time than needed.
A yearning Shanks is shamelessly right on your heels and probably states down anyone trying to bother you. Not even hiding it unless it's to assist in his persona as a goofy pirate captain to put you at ease. Any persistence is solved with a bit of haki. If anyone is going to be perving on you, it's him damnit.
Confessed Shanks is just about hanging off of you or otherwise physically attached. Any attempt at perving is loudly ignored by Shanks. Really takes the wind out of their sails when this goof comments on how crude people are while immediately following it up with his own crude comment.
Settled Shanks flicks rocks really hard at pervs before they can speak. He worked hard at his lewd compliments and refuses to be beaten by weirdos in the street. He recognizes that look instantly and ain't having it.
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doctorgerth · 3 years
Hello! Could I ask please for promt 14 (Shanks, Benn Beckman, Law), theme 10, fem!reader. Oh i`m new in your blog, sorry if I did something wrong! (Hope i will have a time)
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❥ “Seeking Warmth” - Valentine’s Day Event Scenario [ 5 / 14 ]
❥ prompt: “Your lips are really warm.”
❥ theme: Kiss
❥ pairing: Benn x F!Reader
❥ warnings: brief mentions of one night stands and Shanks x Makino
❥ word count: 1.1k
❥ a/n: hello! welcome to this disaster blog! 😃 gahhhh I love this man an unhealthy amount considering we know hardly a thing about him. he has no business being so attractive 😤 this was my first time writing a scenario for him, I hope I managed to pull it off! this one also ended up not really having anything to do with Valentine’s Day, whoops...
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You shivered as you made your way across the ship, choosing to ignore the way your teeth chattered and how the wind chills seemed to seep to your bones. Most of the crew were hidden in their cabins, bundling up from the cold, enjoying hot stew in the mess hall, or drinking to warm their spirits. Not you. You were from a summer island and had only witnessed snow once in your lifetime. It hardly counted as your island only received about a half inch, but you vividly remember being utterly captivated by the silent snowfall; how perfect it laid along the grassy hills, the purest white you had ever seen.
You’ve waited, rather impatiently, for the ship to traverse through wintry oceans. As a newcomer on the Red Haired Pirates ship, you’ve witnessed many interesting places, but this was your first time since you were little seeing snow. Of course you weren’t going to pass this opportunity up, no matter if you were beginning to lose feeling in your toes.
A tall, dark figure leaning against the railings of the ship caught your attention in the blurring white. You drew closer out of curiosity, trudging through the blanket of snow, and were genuinely surprised to see the crew’s first mate, Benn Beckman. You’d recognize that lean figure anywhere as you’ve grown quite accustomed to it from staring at him longingly from across the room, silently tracing the lines of his masculine figure, observing with adoration as smoke clouds encircled his head, and wishing oh so pathetically to be the cigarette that hung from his lips. You hesitated to join him, until he felt your presence and turned around to greet you.
“Hey there.” He drawled, using his pointer and middle finger to retract the cigarette from between his lips, mouth forming a lazy ‘o’ as he blew a quick air of smoke that danced with the snowflakes.
“Sorry to bother you, I was just-”
“Not a bother at all. Come here.” He notioned you over with a jut of his chin then turned back to face the ocean.
You fought the nervous smile that was eager to spread across your face, instead biting your lip as you joined him against the edge of the ship. The two of you stood there, silent as the snow falling into the sea, simply enjoying each other’s company. Benn always had a calming aura about him. No matter how much his close proximity made your heart race, he made you feel at ease. He wasn’t much of a talker, and neither were you, so it was always nice to just be with him. 
“You’re not cold?”
You gripped at your shawl tighter, fighting the shivers, and smiled up at him, “I’m fine.”
Benn scoffed with a light roll of his eyes. You attempted to pay no mind, only sneaking a little peek, as he removed his cloak, shook off the collected snow, and handed it to you.
“Oh, you really don’t have to, I-”
“Just take it. Please.” 
He offered you a look of sincerity, and one of stubbornness. You reciprocated, “Won’t you be cold?”
He shook his head, “It’s been years, but…” He draped the cloak around your trembling body, nonchalantly wrapping his arms around you to secure you in it, “I’m used to it. I’ve experienced much worse winters than this.”
As his hands grazed your body, a blazing heat radiated within you that was surely enough to keep you warm for hours, even in these unforgiving temperatures. His cloak smelled just like him; aftershave, gunpowder, and cigarettes. It was intoxicating, like your entire world was consumed by him. You selfishly prayed he wouldn’t ask for the cloak back any time soon.
“Thank you.” You muttered, burying yourself further into the warm fabric as your body thawed. Your senses welcomed him, and with enough imagination, you could pretend to be held in those burly arms.
He chuckled, bringing you out of your embarrassing thoughts. It was silly, but you begged the heavens that he didn’t secretly have the ability to read minds. You eyed up at him, a silent questioning of what made him so amused.
“Nothing.” He flicked the butt of his cigarette over the edge with crinkled eyes as he smiled and you could feel your heart thumping in your throat. “You just look really cute in that.”
Your own eyes widened as you buried your entire head in the cloak, “Don’t tease me, Benn!” 
You tried to steady your breathing as he laughed. Such comments were common to come from your captain, who quite honestly would flirt with a potted plant. But Benn? He had always been aloof, hard to read. It took weeks for you to understand his mannerisms, and still, he was never an open book. You’d witnessed his more lax side a handful of times, mostly when around friends and when he was drinking, but you’d never witnessed such a playful side of him. 
Come to think of it, you’d hardly ever seen him act in a flirtatious manner around anyone, even those who were clearly interested in him (not that you could blame them, of course). Your fellow crew members have all flirted endlessly in bars and markets, some even bringing back one-night-stands to the ship. Why not Benn? Shanks of course had his own reason to avoid physical relationships in the form of a certain green-haired bartender, but what was Benn’s reason?  
He peeled back the collar of his cloak to reveal your face.
“Not teasing. Just being honest.” Smiling was such a good look on him. It was truly rare to see such a genuine small along those worn lips, it felt like finding gold when he did.
You were so mesmerized, you’d hardly noticed how the two of you suddenly stood mere inches from each other, his large hands still on the collar of his cloak as he stared down at you.
“Your lips look warm.” Benn smirked, thumb reaching up to brush gently along your jawline, “Can I kiss you?”
You choked on your answer, simply nodding in bewitchment. His hands let go of the cloak to cup both of your cheeks. He admired how soft your skin felt under his rugged hand and he was more than eager to feel the softness of your lips against his. Benn had been hiding from his feelings for far too long, and as embarrassing as it was to use his one of his captain’s lines, all that mattered was showing you how he truly felt about you. 
Your lips collided, moving against each other in heavenly motions. The fire of your lips mingled with the freezing snow made for comfortable weather. Your hands reached out from underneath the cloak to grasp at his shirt, smiling as he held your face gently within his hands, embracing the taste of you. You took note of the way his lips moved lovingly against yours, tongue curiously grazing your own. His years of experience was evident, yet he took his time with you, exploring you.
The two of you pulled away, puffy clouds of your heated breaths fluttering in the air between you.
“Your lips are really warm.” He muttered, eyes shamelessly staring at your aching lips. High on cloud nine and garnered confidence, you pulled him closer as you sought his lips once more. Your heart leapt as you felt his lips stretch into a wide smile, hands comfortably dropping to wrap around your waist and pull you impossibly closer.
Benn wasn’t much of a talker, and thankfully, neither were you.
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needwholesomeness · 3 years
My favourite ships and the dynamics I imagine for them: (part 2)
3. Zoro/Sanji
For me, personally, this ship peaked pre timeskip so I imagine them being in an unspoken relationship during that time and then they slowly grew apart after the two years(but they do still love each other alot). Since neither of them had ever claimed each other before, they had no reason to do so after meeting in Sabaody after two years when suddenly they stopped being close or whatever. It sure didn't help that they were separated almost as soon as they started sailing into the New World. This is also when Sanji suffered alot and it obviously affected him. Wano is a new opportunity though. Honestly I see them getting back together but this time more earnestly and openly. Zoro hates what happened between them over time because the time they spent together almost seems like a dream, but he doesn't understand what exactly happened in the first place or what the problem was so he doesn't go forward to fix it. Sanji acts like he doesn't care but he also feels the same as zoro; he's trying to figure out what went wrong. All the while neither of them actually does anything about it.
(about pre timeskip zosan)
Their personal time was fixed to being after everyone went to bed. They'd meet in the kitchen and just talk and sit close. Zoro with the excuse of taking nightshift and Sanji with the excuse of having more work to do. During day they loved fighting for no fucking reason. Everyday they'd throw insults, butt heads, and they'd give their all in the fights with intention of winning (post timeskip their fights became more of something obligatory that they just had to do since it was their entire thing). Zoro obviously loves Sanji's cooking and tells him so whenever he can, Sanji loves the dumb faces zoro makes when he eats or sleeps or laughs (literally anything he does basically). Only Zoro has permission to move Sanji's bangs out of his face. They also hate each other just as much as they love each other?? If that makes sense? Would shout at each other that they'd kill them if they died; also encourages enemy to kill the other.
4. Shanks/Makino:
It's the love at first sight kinda thing but believe me Shanks and Makino fell for each other in one second and it's fucking beautiful. Shanks made Fusha his crew's base solely because he wanted to spend more time with Makino. You cannot tell me that Shanks just randomly stayed at Fusha for weeks and called it their temporary base for any other reason. They have baby. They have rings. It's all fucking there, so yes they are also married.
Shanks religiously wears his ring even if it's on the wrong arm he doesn't care. Their rings were bought hastily in some place so they aren't all that expensive but to them it's real fucking important. Shanks flirts with her all the time and it's all very very cheesy and Makino loves it. He didn't just leave her all alone with a baby; he regularly visits her in Fusha (he's a yonko he can go where he wants, when he wants). Their kid's name better be some cheesy shit like their names combined or the name of someone they used to know I don't know. Shanks shamelessly uses the yonko card to make sure no one is able to harm the village much less even go near Makino or her shop. Makino loves joking around and teasing shanks but she's actually oblivious to how cute it is to Shanks.
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nyasha-of-germa-66 · 4 years
Hello! Welcome to tumblr. I'm the admin of skys-op-imagines! Can I request shanks, Marco and ace jealousy headcanons? (I.e. if someone is flirting with their s/o and they don't outright stop the person but just continue a normal convo)
Well hello, admin of skys-op-imagines!~ Thank you so much for the welcome! I had fun with this request, but I feel like I ended up turning it into more of a scenario type of thing, rather than headcanons. Sorry about that. If this isn’t what you were hoping for, please let me know so that I can give you some proper headcanons.~  =)
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It’s been some time since the Red Hair Pirates and his S/O have been on land, so Shanks decides it’s time to take a break from the sea and enjoy life out on the town of a nearby island. As a group, they collectively decide to go to a pub to grab some food and enjoy some drinks.
Shanks is such a fun-loving guy, he has the entire pub laughing and partying alongside his crew as if he and his crew weren’t pirates but regulars in this small town pub.
He leaves the party to take a quick restroom break, stealing a quick kiss from his S/O before he leaves. When he returns emptied and ready for more booze, he’s a little surprised at the group of people congregating around his S/O.
Nevertheless, he approaches the group and reclaims his seat next to his S/O and simply listens. What else can he say? He loves people almost as much as he loves parties and booze.
As he’s listening, he can’t help but notice how much praise is being directed toward his S/O, and he feels a sense of pride wash over him. He knows he’s got the perfect partner, and it makes him proud that everyone else sees it, too.
However, that sense of security slowly begins to dissipate as the patrons surrounding his S/O begin to make some rather strong advances toward his partner. At first, Shanks thinks they’re being overly-kind and hospitable to his S/O, but some of the comments are far too out-of-place to not be overt flirtations.
“Your lips look so soft, I just wanna kiss them!”  “You’re so good-looking! What are you doing with a bunch of pirates?”  “Forget about going back to sea! Stay here with me!”
All the while, Shanks couldn’t help but notice how nonchalant his S/O responded to their flirting, almost as if they were oblivious to it or as if they were simply ignoring the patrons. They either downplayed their advances by denying the patrons’ claims or by continuing on with their story as if nothing happened. It had Shanks feeling a little confused as he didn’t expect his S/O to be so unbothered by it.
Now, Shanks is not someone who gets jealous as he’s usually such a carefree guy, but he was stunned by the amount of attention his S/O was getting, especially since Shanks has been holding and kissing his S/O several times since they’ve been at the pub. How could the patrons not have noticed that his S/O is already taken?
Shanks isn’t upset, though. Maybe a little irked, but not upset. As long as they weren’t aggressive with his S/O, he didn’t feel the need to worry. But despite his head telling him that he wasn’t jealous in the slightest, his body language told a different story.
As his arm snakes around his S/O’s waist, he lets out a boisterous laugh and pulls his S/O closer, making them smile. He gives the patrons a knowing look, and it seems that they’ve all had a change of heart.
“Wow, (Name), just look at how popular you are! It almost makes me jealous.~”
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Marco can be rather busy at times since he’s a doctor and doctors tend to always be on the job, but he doesn’t want his S/O to ever feel like they’re second-best to his occupation. So, he decides to take them out to lunch at a nice café.
On their way to the café, Marco takes his S/O’s hand into his, and the two have a pleasant chat along the way.
Once they’re at the café, they place their order and take a seat at a table near the window and Marco couldn’t be any happier to spend time with his S/O.
It’s not long before the waitress brings out their order, and the two start on their plates. Everything in this moment is peaceful, and Marco makes a note that he should take his S/O out for lunch more often.
They’re not even halfway through their meal when the waitress swings by to drop off a rather fancy-looking dessert, insisting that it was for Marco’s S/O and saying that it was from the person sitting on the other side of the room. The stranger waved at Marco’s S/O, who politely waved back, and the whole interaction seemed very odd to Marco.
Nevertheless, Marco brushes off this peculiar feeling believing that it was just a random act of kindness, and he shares a laugh with his S/O about the awkward situation before resuming their conversation and carrying on with their lunch.
Not long after the incident, another interruption comes along that involves the stranger strutting up to their table and boldly asking to join them. Marco and his S/O look at each other first, unsure of what to say until Marco reluctantly agrees to let him join. Perhaps, they were lonely?
Delighted, the stranger pulls up a chair, and they all share introductions before getting into some casual small talk. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary until the stranger begins slipping in compliments here and there and asking some rather flirty questions.
Marco isn’t one to jump to conclusions right away, but if his intuition was correct, he has strong reasons to believe that this stranger might be flirting with his precious S/O. But he’d wait it out first and let the stranger test the waters first.
Sure enough, the stranger’s advances soon become more aggressive and anyone could tell that this person was shamelessly flirting with his S/O. Calling them gorgeous, making empty promises, and even making lewd comments about his S/O in hopes of winning their heart.
Marco’s not exactly surprised as he assumed that this was the stranger’s objective from the start. But what he is surprised about is the lack of a response from his S/O who continues to dodge questions and picks up the conversation as if this stranger wasn’t trying to woo them.
He knows his S/O is too loyal to fall for this person, and he knows that they’re too kind to tell the stranger to go away. But that doesn’t stop the sinking feeling he gets in his stomach.
At this point, Marco is no longer smiling like he once was. First, this weirdo interrupts their lunch, and then, they think they can make passes at his S/O and not face any consequences. His S/O obviously wasn’t interested.
But Marco doesn’t want to make a scene or ruin his time with his S/O, so he asks them if they’re ready to head out. When they say “yes,” he asks if they could wait outside real quick while he pays the check. He waits until his S/O is out of earshot before pulling his glasses off and staring coldly at the stranger as blue flames flickered around his hands.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’re together-yoi… And I better never catch you with (Name) again-yoi…”
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Being the second division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace technically has permission to go on little voyages of his own from time to time as long as he lets Whitebeard know ahead time, and he does just that. His plan is to treat his S/O to a picnic lunch, followed by a day at the beach.
Once they arrive at the island, Ace helps his S/O off the boat and leads them to the shore where they would be spending some quality time alone.  
The sensation of the soft sand between their toes is delightful as Ace and his S/O walk barefoot along the shore, holding hands and keeping a leisurely pace as they enjoyed each other’s company.
When they finally pick a place to rest for a while, Ace begins to lay out the picnic blanket and set out the little sandwiches and side dishes that Thatch had packaged for them. Ace couldn’t believe how perfect the day was turning out to be, and he was truly excited.
Over lunch, Ace and his S/O bask in each other’s company, telling stories, making jokes, and even playfully flirting with each other.
As soon as they’re finished, they decide to play a bit of catch with a frisbee, but before they can get started, another beachgoer comes along. They seem like a regular and they greet Ace and his S/O warmly, so the couple decide it wouldn’t hurt to let them join their game of catch.
All three are having a good time tossing the frisbee back and forth, talking about anything and failing at doing trick tosses. It’s still a good day, Ace thinks.
His mood suddenly changes when the beachgoer offers to take Ace’s S/O to enjoy the water, saying that they couldn’t go to the beach and not enjoy the water.
Ace explains that he can’t go into the water, but the beachgoer insists that his S/O be allowed to enjoy the full extent of the beach, anyways. Feeling bad, Ace agrees, yet he can’t help but feel left out. So, he takes a seat in the sand, pouting his lip.
As his S/O and the beachgoer stand in the ankle-deep seawater, Ace feels his body grow warmer and it’s not because of the sun beating down on him. He regrets letting some stranger join them since he now feels that the day is ruined and so is his mood.
That should’ve been him making his S/O smile. That should’ve been him giving his S/O beautiful seashells. That should’ve been him playfully splashing his S/O. That should’ve been him standing in the water with his S/O if it wasn’t for his Devil Fruit’s side effect. It only it wasn’t for that stupid beachgoer.
But his S/O’s having fun. He’ll be the bigger person and he’ll be selfless for his other half.
This thought is short-lived as Ace picks up on the beachgoer saying his S/O had the most beautiful smile, and a gorgeous laugh, and that they were the most attractive person they’ve ever met. His S/O would shake their head and continue to talk casually as if they weren’t burdened by this stranger’s attempts at flirting.
Yeah, Ace admits he’s jealous. There was no way in hell that that jerk was going to say those things to his S/O, so he stomps his way over to them, feeling his body grow weak as he stepped into the water. He wasn’t that weak, though, as he was still able to shove the beachgoer into the water and bring his S/O closer.
It didn’t matter who it was, if you were bold enough to flirt with his S/O, Ace would straighten you up.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve! (Name)’s taken, and I’m not going to stand by and let you get in our way.”
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pigeontheoneandonly · 5 years
I saw a reply to a post over @ao3commentoftheday suggesting it’s impossible to write a slow burn in less than 10k words.  My dumbass brain took this as “challenge accepted”. Who knows if I hit the mark, but I’m pretty happy with the result!  This baby clocks in at 2487 words.  Tucked under a read more, because that’s still a lot for tumblr.
Fandom: Dragon Age
When we met, I couldn’t see any part of you beneath the mud you’d earned trying to kill me. I don’t know why I took you with us, except that you were an elf without anywhere to go, and in Ferelden an elf with no home was good as dead, and we just don’t do that to each other. Naturally none of the shems understood. I bound up your wounds alone, thinking it would’ve been easier if you’d just fucking died.
The first prick of sympathy came when we arrived at the Dalish camp.  You called me my dear warden, mocking the double-meaning of my title and your technical captivity.  You flirted shamelessly with me the whole way, undeterred by my gender or my cold silence, and put me in a bad mood because I couldn’t tell if it was genuine interest, or something you felt you had to do, offer yourself to me, to stay in my good graces.  With a man for sale it could go either way.  But I saw how your ears went red and your tongue fell silent, when our wilder cousins sniggered at your tattoos, your so-called “city vallaslin”.  It’s horrible to be an in-between, unwanted alike by the society that spawned you and the one you live with, to be lumped in with those who keep you in squalor and kill you at will.  Watching their whispers subdue you angered me more than all the flirting put together. And fuck, wasn’t that annoying.
I bought you a pair of gloves.  I don’t know why.  They didn’t deserve my money, you didn’t deserve my kindness, but you looked at their tooled leather like you were reading a secret map, and I had to know what you saw written there.  You didn’t say thank you.  But you told me your mother was Dalish.  I told you mine had died.  I told you how she died, even though that’s a thing I don’t tell anyone, because my mouth moved before my mind could scream stop.  
You made a joke.  I shoved you hard into the underbrush and stalked away before I killed you.  We never talked about it again.
In fact, we barely spoke at all, the whole long, rainy road to Orzammar.  We didn’t speak through the political battle, we didn’t speak cooped up for days in a king’s mansion, and we didn’t speak as the heavy stone gates of the deep roads clanged shut behind us.  
I had been a Warden for all of eight weeks.  Alistair warned me that Wardens Joined in a Blight always were more sensitive, and all my newfound awareness remained raw as a fresh-hewn board.  In the deep, I could hear them everywhere. Feel them, crawling through my skin like worms; smell them in the still and sour air.  I could fucking taste them when we stopped to rest and I had no distraction.  
The dwarves told me this was where Wardens went to die.  I hugged my knees in the weak torchlight of our camp, feeling myself lost in the dark with them pressing in all around me, until they tore me apart, and for the first time, I hoped the Blight would kill me.  Sleep was a fantasy.  It showed, more and more, the deeper we went.
I didn’t notice the first time you offered to carry my knapsack, so tired I gave it over without question, numb to anything but the need to keep walking.  The occasional darkspawn nest was a respite. Better to fight them than sense them waiting, a constant pressure of millions of eyes on the back of my neck.
I didn’t notice when you started staying up with me.  I figured you weren’t tired, either.  I still wasn’t speaking.  But you rambled, about your childhood, about your exploits with the Crows, reciting snippets of awful Antivan poetry and singing bawdy songs you couldn’t quite remember.  But it came as a shock when I woke up, the first I’d slept since we entered the roads, curled up against the cave wall, beside you.  You smiled, still awake.  Wished me good morning.
We fucked for the first time the first night we camped above ground again, drunk on dwarven ale and being out of that thrice-damned hole, that endless crushing darkness.  In the morning we agreed it didn’t mean anything. Just the mindless choice of two bodies almost sick with relief.
You flirted less, after that.  I talked more.  I told you about coming up to the sealed gates of the Denerim alienage, hearing the word purge from the indifferent shem guard, and how I still didn’t know if my father or Shianni or any one of  these people who’d been my entire world were alive.  The ridiculous story I made up for those two kids, because elves survive on hope.  My absolute disaster of a wedding, doomed long before the kidnapping; I was all my father had left, and the truth, that my  inclinations were not reproductively compatible, would have crushed him.  That if I closed my eyes, I could still feel a ghost of euphoria remembering my sword plunging into Vaughan’s gut, that I was only sorry I only got to do it once.
I don’t know why you listened.  Put together, the whole thing rang absurd, not very sane and certainly not much like a Warden.
I do know that when the sloth demon snared us in nightmares, and I saw you stretched on that rack, my vision went red.  When I came back to myself, your brother Crows were in pieces and you were gone. A little of whatever-the-fuck that was lingered when we woke; I took two running steps toward you, so damn happy to see you without joints popped and bruised.  You stumbled one step back, on instinct, a portrait of humiliation.  I faltered and the moment died.
You moved back to your own tent.  We’d taken to sleeping side-by-side.  The nights grew colder as the season waned, and the Blight spread, and the presence of another body in the night was an affordable comfort.  I stared at the large space you left behind, startled to miss you this much.
Things stayed like that as we marched back to Denerim for the Landsmeet.  Cordial, but distant.  Hurt without reason and annoyed over it, to the point that Leliana warned me that compelling a Landsmeet as an elf would be hard enough without a pissy attitude.  Maybe that was why it was so easy for Anora to betray us, because irritation makes me impatient and rude.  But you snuck and charmed your way through the most heavily fortified prison in Ferelden to get us out— to get me out.  And somehow I was still annoyed.  
I said you must be really hard up for protection.  You crowded me into the wall.  For a wild moment I thought you’d shank me, and then for an even more terrifying one, that you’d kiss me.  Instead, you told me to consider your blood debt paid, and shoved off down the street. Angry as I’d ever seen you.
And what was worse, you stayed angry, and I stayed on edge, and maybe that’s how we got jumped by a dozen Crows in a dead-end alley, one of your bad decisions come home to roost in earnest.  Their leader offered to wipe your slate, to take you back to Antiva, make up a story and let you go home.  Not like an order, but like a friend, offering you a way out.
You looked at me.  Months on the road, and I couldn’t read your face.  And what I remember isn’t thinking I was about to die, but that I was about to lose you to this smug shem jackass, of all people.  
Then you said no.  And the shit hit the wall.  
We lived, somehow.  Your old friend went down last, and hard, your Crow-hilted dagger quivering between his ribs as his heart pumped itself out.  You fell down beside him.  Uninjured beyond a few nasty scratches, curled into a ball on the cobbles like you were dying, too.  
I asked something that amounted to what the fuck.  And it all came pouring out.  You grew up together, you and him and some girl named Rinna, a little family inside the unending terror of Crow education.  If you couldn’t love the Crows, you could love them, and for a time the comfortable rewards of your harsh training were made sweeter by their sharing.  Until Rinna betrayed you to a mark.
He killed her while you watched, you told me, your head in my lap.  While she begged your help, you taunted her.  She died with her love for you on her lips.  You both went forward with the job, a loose end to clean up, and discovered there proof of Rinna’s honesty, her fidelity. You killed her together and now you’d killed him, too.
The silence stretched as the torrent of words finally stopped.  Feeling your face damp on my leg.  There was nothing to say, but that silence was a wounding kind, so I told you the stupid story about the bluebird in the vhenadahl. Recited rhymes we used to sing as kids, playing hopscotch and tag in the dirt.    On and on, until the sun slipped below the buildings, and you were able to sit up, and we left.
It never came up between us again.  In fact, very little had changed.  A mild thaw in an undercurrent neither of us wanted to address.  It seemed impossible we’d be able to swim it; diving in could only lead to drowning.
Returning to the alienage put it out of my mind.  My family spared by the purge, but still not safe.  Murder and disease and hints of darker things make good distractions. When we discovered elves were disappearing, you volunteered to scout, as you had so many times before.  I thought nothing of it.  Until I was sitting up alone at my childhood dinner table, more than a day past when you should have returned, too paralyzed to do more than stare at the door and plead with the Maker or the gods or whoever might be listening for you to walk through it.
Sometime after midnight, you finally did.  You caught sight of me, and tendered a look of exasperation.  My dear warden, you said again, chiding this time, and before you could continue I flung my arms around your neck, too tight for you to get anything else out.  And we stood still there, like that, because if I let go I’d slap you. I hated you.  You were the most important person in my world, and if you died it would change me, and I hated you for it.
We went into that warehouse together, and pulled people— my people— out of cages together.  We read the manifest of those already sold away.  You put your arms around me, when I stepped into an alley after it was done and screamed and screamed and screamed into my own hands, because even if we somehow got justice this time, there was no undoing it, and no way to stop it happening again.  Because this was the Black City we all had to live in.  You told me then that you’d been sold, too, into a different fate but one ugly in its own way.  And my hand slipped into yours where it wrapped around my chest, just for a moment, until someone called us back to the mess we’d made.
You watched as I took the bastard Loghain’s head, and if it didn’t feel like justice for my kin, it did feel good.  You stood beside me as I promised a collection of the most powerful people in Ferelden, shems all, that I could save their country, and hours later, when I was sick back at the manor where we stayed.
You weren’t there when Riordan told me I was going to die.  It’s hard to remember now how out-of-our-minds, slap-happy with relief Alistair and I were when he showed up, fucking finally a senior warden who knew what he was doing.  That went up like a matchstick when he explained a grey warden giving their life to contain the archdemon was the only way to end the Blight.  He said some other things after that, but I didn’t hear them over the sound of one solitary thought:  I cannot put Zev through that again.  I can’t, I can’t, I can’t…
And you weren’t there when Morrigan caught me as I shambled from that room, weak with shock and grief.  You weren’t there when she told me there was a way out.  You weren’t there to see my revulsion— not at what she suggested, but at myself, because I knew my answer immediately.  I could not do that to you, not even with the entire world in the balance. That whatever the consequences, whatever pain this brought on me or on the child to come, if it spared you another heartbreak, the price felt fair.
I stumbled to your room no more than half-dressed.  You smelled the sex on me immediately.  Your face twisting with hurt and rage, until I fell down at your feet, my head on your knees, and told you everything.  What waited for us in the heart of the Blight.  The blood magic Morrigan wrought.  That I’d done it for you, that I begged your forgiveness, that if you left now I’d never be the same and please, please, Maker, please stay.
Your hand lifted my chin.  Your expression like I’d never seen before, tender and fond and something else. Something electric.  Your voice a whisper.  “My dear warden…”
“I love you,” I said.  It was what I’d been trying to say through all the incoherent babble.  Maybe for a lot longer than just this night.
You bent and kissed me.  And in the softness of your mouth, every worry and doubt melted away.
We’d seen each other many times before.  But you never trailed your thumb slowly across my every scar, from the faded wounds of Ostagar to the scrape from just this morning.  I never traced over the swirls of your tattoos with my tongue. We never drifted back to each other every other moment for a lingering wet kiss, never burrowed a face into a neck or tangled our legs or clung so close together that we seemed more one person than two.  It never felt right, not like this.  
And as I looked into your face in the dying firelight, brushing my fingers over your cheek, I thought about you covered in mud and pain and waiting to die.  Maybe the world didn’t care about us, but in its making, if there was just enough serendipity to let me find you, maybe that was all the care I needed.
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laqualassiel · 4 years
So in Deep Blue Sea it seems like whenever Shanks flirts with Noir she responds by, cursing at him, throwing sharp objects, blushing, or some combination of the three. My question is, how would the other named members of Noir's crew react to someone who they might like but who they aren't in a relationship with flirting with them?
*snort* Well, you’re not wrong about Noir. Poor Shanks (not really, he has way too much fun riling her up).
As far as the rest of Noir’s crew, I’m gonna limit myself to just a few of them, because I’ve got a whole roster of people, only some of them who haven’t shown up yet.
-Cade: absolute gentleman. He might not look like it at first, but this man is the most charming and smooth person on the whole damn crew, and utterly sincere about his affections. He always makes sure to double check what the other wants, and is upfront about his own expectations. He is also very firm on turning down the advances of anyone so much as tipsy, no matter how much he’s interested in them.
-Rafi: the number of times Rafi is not the first person to flirt can be counted on one hand. If she likes someone, she will flirt. Shamelessly. Even if she knows the flirting won’t lead to anything, this woman will flirt just to flirt, because she finds the other person attractive. Rafi flirts with Noir, which probably tells you most of what you need to know about Rafi there.
Sile: Oh Sile. Takes very much after Noir in the sense that he’s got no idea how to handle anyone flirting with him. Of course, that’s assuming he even notices that someone’s flirting with him, because Sile can be a wee bit dense (there’s a running bet among the crew on whether or not Sile is being deliberately obtuse, and no one’s managed to confirm it one way or another).
Orion: Not interested in a relationship of any kind. Not because he doesn’t want a relationship, but because he has major trust issues that prevent him from being comfortable with any kind of intimacy. So anyone flirting with him is politely but firmly shut down. Orion is not ashamed to hide behind fellow crewmates in the case of the really persistant. Usually Rafi, because if the woman doesn’t redirect the admirers to herself, she’ll have no compunctions scaring the annoyances off.
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my-muses-in-op · 5 years
For the lbgt+ ask game, Izo: 1, 3, 8 and 10
Lgbt+ ask game
What do you identify as and what are your pronouns?
Brown hues gazed calmly at you. Izo had agreed to this interview, because he was curious after hearing it was abut being different when it came to genderidentification and sexuality. “I know I don’t look like it, but I’m a male, which I also identify myself as and therefor my pronouns is he/him.” In contrast to his feminine appearance, his voice was deep, leaving no questions that he was indeed a man.
Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it?
“Many times and I know it’s all because of how I dress and act. It happens whenever we come to a new island and I go shopping or into a bar. I’m treated as a woman, until they notice I lack breasts and when they hear my voice, they’re not in dubt anymore. First time we encountered Red-Hair Shanks, he too mistook me for a female and I let him flirt shamelessly with me. When he heard me speak, his face was priceless. Something that even made Marco smirk. However, it only had him stop for a moment with his flirting. It does please me that I’m not uinteresting to him, just because I’m male.” He hummed, though he had never and would never take it further than flirting with Shanks. First of all Shanks wasn’t his type and secondly, it would just cause trouble, as he was a rival to Oyaji.
Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
A smile played on his ips at our question. “My style is very feminine, though not bright colors. Soft colors, mostly purple and pink, is the colors I wear the most. My kimono is the one I wear more often than anythign, as I feel most comfortable in it. I still wear other styles, but kimonos are my main theme.” He gestured to the one he wore now and which he was mostly known for.
What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any?
An amused laughter slipped his red lips. “I rarely leave my room without make-up, so take a guess.” He chuckled. HIs face was white, due to his make-up, and with red lips, well, partly red, as it was only the center of his lips, so it formed a heart. The rest of his lips were pale and barely visible from afar, making it look like his lips were just an odd heart shape. Today he had also put on an eyeliner to make his eyes a little bigger and elegant.
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nakamaunite · 7 years
Hi there! I can't read your guidelines on mobile so if this goes against it, please forgive and ignore it :) May I have some dating HCs for Buggy and maybe some turn on and offs? Please. (I read your Shanks HCs and I love your writing style! So professional and well written! )
This fits right in! It was also a lot of fun to write! I haven’t written anything for Buggy yet, but I love him so much so thank you for giving me something I can post about him! 
And thank you so much, I’m so happy you like my writing style! this is the first time I’ve ever really published anything I’ve written so I’m happy people are liking it :)
Buggy Dating Deadcanons 
Buggy is very much a tsundere character when dating. He very much wants to be taken seriously, but it’s so hard sometimes because he’s so unintentionally silly! He tries to be very manly around his s/o but often fails humorously! It’s so cute and endearing when he tries though. He is especially guilty of this behavior when you both are around a bunch of people. He often will try to impress his s/o by showing how powerful and intimidating he can be, especially when they are on dates. His antics almost always fumble in some way, but Buggy somehow finds a way to make it work in his favor and impresses his date that much more!
With how humorous he can be when it comes to dating, he can also be all but silly! This is often shown in the quiet moments where it’s just him and the person he likes. When he has them in his arms during a quiet moment or if the two are out on a date, the way he looks at the person is filled with nothing but true affection and it’s can’t possibly be missed.
When dating or in a relationship, Buggy’s s/o becomes his biggest source of courage, or rather, his worry over them would trump his want to escape a situation as fast as possible. He will (admittedly begrudgingly sometimes) have their back if they chose to face something that he would rather get away from. No matter how scared he is, if his feelings are strong enough to be dating you, he will always have your back and be the most loyal person there is!
Now for the turn on/offs!
Let’s do the fun ones first!
Turn On
He secretly loves it when his partner plays with his hair. He finds it a nice source of intimacy when his s/o brushes or styles his hair.
On that same note, he also likes playing with his s/o’s hair! He definitely prefers if his s/o has longer hair, but he will happily just pet and run his fingers over the head of his s/o whether they have long, short, or no hair at all.
He loves being complimented and feeling special. Whether that’s from his s/o shamelessly complimenting him or just doing nice things, he enjoys knowing that the person he’s dating thinks highly of him, especially if it’s sincere!
Buggy also is a fan of some minor displays of affection, things like having his s/o sitting in his lap, or kissing/being kissed on the cheek. These little things make him feel wanted as well as show off that he has someone by his side that others do not.
Turn off
Buggy doesn’t like when people make fun of him, especially the person he’s dating. He doesn’t have the highest self-esteem so he is very likely to take criticism sometimes a little too personally. 
Buggy also doesn’t do too well with a shy s/o. Though Buggy is a very boisterous person, he’s not very good at making the first move or taking much initiative. He may pull his partner closer when he’s in front of people and playing up his accomplishments, but he won’t go much further than that. because of this, Buggy wouldn’t do too well with a super shy s/o.
He would also be a slightly jealous partner so he wouldn’t find a very flirtatious s/o attractive. He would love having a flirtatious s/o, but only if they flirt with him exclusively! He wouldn’t be able to handle it well if he found his s/o flirting with another person when he thought they liked him or had already committed to him.
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eloarei · 7 years
words: 1,464 fandom: One Piece characters/ pairings: Makino, Shanks, Ben Beckman, Ben/Shanks, Makino/Shanks flirting tags: oneshot, minor characters, drunken flirting notes: I started rewatching One Piece, and decided I was going to write a short fic about each of my favorite less-popular characters and/or pairings. I’ve never written about any of these characters before, although Ben/Shanks has always been on my periphery as a ship I know I’d be head over heels for if I tried it. (lol actually, I have several doujinshi of them, so it’s weird that I never looked up any fic.) Cross-posted on AO3. ~*~  There was something charming about the red-haired pirate, and even if he hadn't shamelessly and drunkenly flirted with her several times, Makino thought she'd probably still think so.
She had no idea what made the Red-Hair pirates decide to camp out in their quaint little town, because Fuusha was neither a bustling port city nor a remote vacation destination, but she didn't mind. Well, she minded at first; like any other village maiden, Makino was aware of how terrible pirates could be, and she was as wary of them as anyone. But they ended up being truly alright sorts, and what was more: they paid for their drinks. As bartender, that was a huge step towards a good impression on her. The little island had bandits galore (they liked to hide up in the mountains for some reason), but pirates rarely stopped through, so Makino didn't have a good idea of what they were supposed to be like, except for hear-say. (And there was plenty of that, these days, since Gold Roger had gone and sent everybody into a frenzy.) People said pirates were loud and rude and took what they wanted and were generally to be feared, and the Red-Hair pirates proved that to be mostly true and yet very false. They were definitely loud. They spent hours at the bar, sometimes a week in a row before they went out again, and the place had never seen so much activity. Butts in every seat (and table, and empty bit of floor space) and drinks in every mug (and sometimes hats and boots and skulls and other places drinks didn't normally go), and laughter filling the air. They were truly a boisterous bunch. Bartending had never felt so much like attending a party. Admittedly, they were rude too-- but never to her, or the other villagers, or even the bandits. It was just how they treated each other, with a sort of casual violence and disregard that might have seemed alarming if you didn't pay closer attention to them. But Makino could tell that they all genuinely cared about each other, despite the pushing and shoving and punching and insults, or maybe because of them. It was their own special brand of camaraderie, how they showed their affection. Well, mostly. They were a drunken bunch, and free with their affections, which mostly meant fighting and insulting, but sometimes meant draping themselves over one another and pressing messy kisses all over each other's beer-reddened faces. Their captain (the eponymous red-hair, Shanks) was the worst offender. Makino could hardly count the number of times she'd seen him leaning heavily on some crewmate or another, periodically slobbering on their face like a big excited dog. None of them seemed to mind; even the ones who didn't respond in kind would only shove him away enough to get some breathing room, grinning still like it was just another quirk of their beloved captain. Shanks had even come on to her a few times. She remembered the first time in painful clarity, like she could still feel the burning in her cheeks. He'd been slouched happily at the bar and just reached over and grabbed her hand and started pressing kisses to it like it was something they did all the time. “Ah, Makino, you're my favorite! You're the best bartender in this town. No, no, in the whole world! Has anybody ever told you that?” Even in the faint reflections of the glasses she'd just been cleaning, she could see clear as day how the color had risen in her usually-pale face almost bright enough to match Shanks' hair. She wasn't sure what she was feeling: some volatile combination of mortification, irritation, and exactly what you'd expect to feel when a charming and attractive man starts lavishing affection on you. She didn't have the strength or presence of mind to pull away, but luckily Shanks' first mate was never nearly as drunk as anyone else, and was on captain-guard-duty that day. “Lay off the woman, you lout,” Ben Beckman told his captain in a low rumble that was maybe a bit menacing, but definitely full of exasperated affection. He reached over and pinched Shanks' arm when the man didn't seem to hear him. The captain had the grace to look a little sheepish, even through his drunken haze. He pulled back from Makino's hand (damp on top from his messy kisses, moist on the palm from sweating), and gave her as polite and charming of an apology as he could probably manage. “Sorry, Miss Makino. I was just so impressed by the spirits today I could hardly help myself!” She'd brushed it off, of course, laughing and brushing her hair back behind her ear in a nervous sort of gesture. It had left her a little preoccupied for a few days, but she knew it didn't mean anything. It wasn't even that she wanted to date Shanks or anything (women did, of course, sometimes marry pirates, or marry a man that later went on to be a pirate, but it didn't seem like an appealing life, always waiting for him to come home, hoping he hadn't gotten himself killed), it was just that it was hard not to get a little flustered in a situation like that, even if it was clear as day that he wasn't really interested in her. (Not as more than a friend and provider of booze, at least.) No, she was fairly certain that Shanks was already involved with his first mate anyway. Beckman always kept an eye on his energetic captain, and never seem terribly upset when the man started getting handsy with their other crewmates (or the bartender). But he was always there for Shanks to stumble back to, and Shanks did. As touchy as he got with the others, the captain always still seemed to be playing. With Beckman, though, he looked more serious. He didn't perch on his lap in quite the same haphazard way, and he wasn't always full of laughs and sloppy kisses. Beckman was the one he went back to when his mood had started to calm. He'd slouch next to the tall man, lay his head on his shoulder, fiddle with his long black ponytail, and gaze up at him with a deep considering look you only ever saw on people who were drunk, or in love. (Makino's bet was on 'both'.) All the while, the first mate would puff on his cigarette and act like he was pretending he didn't notice or care that Shanks had melted into him, but from Makino's front-row seat she could see the way Beckman shifted gently to bring them closer together. Also they had sort of told her. After they'd stuck around for a while and she'd decided she wasn't hoping they'd go away any time soon, she realized she didn't know all that much about them and had started asking the usual questions: Where did you come from? Which island has been your favorite? Why did you decide to become pirates? It was just the two of them at the bar when she asked, “How long have you been together?” and she didn't realize Shanks had misunderstood her until halfway through his answer. “Oh, since we were back on the Oro Jackson, I guess. First time I hit on him, he thought I was trying to bribe him or something, since he had more seniority with the crew.” He laughed at the memory. Beckman gave a smirk that, on him, might as well have been a grin. “You always were shameless.” Shanks slapped him lightly on the shoulder. “Hey now, are you really gonna talk about your captain that way? You're gonna have to make it up to me later.” Rolling his eyes at Shanks' playfully lewd (and hopeful) expression, Beckman turned and raised an eyebrow at Makino. “As I said: shameless.” The group stayed a little less long that day than they normally did, and Makino got the impression that Beckman didn't mind his captain's shamelessness one bit. She never did figure out how long the crew had been together (her original intention with that question), but she figured the answer was 'long enough', given how much each of them clearly adored their captain. Then again, maybe it didn't take very long at all for Shanks to inspire that sort of loyalty; she'd only known him a few months and already she'd be hard-pressed to deny that she sort of adored him as well. That charming man, there was really just something about him. The Red-Hair pirate crew did eventually decide it was time to leave their little island, and Makino was sad to see them go, but glad she had a chance to meet them in the first place. And who knew? Maybe when the Great Age of Piracy was over, the great pirates would come back around for another long vacation.
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ao3-onepiece · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2id8NB4
by Eloarei
There was something charming about the red-haired pirate, and even if he hadn't shamelessly and drunkenly flirted with her several times, Makino thought she'd probably still think so.
Words: 1464, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Piece
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Makino, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks, Benn Beckman
Relationships: Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Benn Beckman, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Makino
Additional Tags: Minor Character(s), POV Minor Character, Drunken Flirting
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2id8NB4
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