isildurreborn · 2 years
they shouldve ended up together.
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freegreatmovies · 2 years
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Born on the Third of July! Happy 60th Birthday to Thomas Cruise Mapother IV! #tomcruise #bornonthe3rdofjuly #riskybusiness #topgun #daysofthunder #thecolorofmoney #bornonthefourthofjuly #jerrymaguire #ethanhunt #missionimpossible #vanillasky #minorityreport #topgunmaverick #rainman #interviewwithavampire #franktjmackey #eyeswideshut #jackreacher #alltherightmoves #afewgoodmen #happy60thbirthday https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfip4zpOeGH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alejandromogollo · 2 years
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A ballpoint sketch I did in 1995 of birthday boy Tom Cruise around the time he was promoting his film Interview with the Vampire. He's turning 60 today! Happy birthday Tom. Are you a fan? #tomcruise #topgun #topgunmaverick #interviewwiththevampire #missionimpossible #afewgoodmen #jerrymaguire #minorityreport #fanart #alejandromogolloart https://www.instagram.com/p/CfjWq4JskWe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tolum · 4 months
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I just watched Minority Report (2002)
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luigiviazzo · 8 months
11 settembre quiz perché ci aspettiamo che indoviniate titolo e autore del romanzo del quale andiamo a narrare con un breve sunto e una succinta presentazione.
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vipnoviny · 8 months
Americká vláda nyní používá AI k odhalování „myšlenkových zločinců“ na sociálních sítích
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Americká vláda začala používat umělou inteligenci (AI) k odhalování „myšlených zločinců“ na sociálních sítích. AI pak nahlašuje tyto osoby orgánům činných v trestním řízení k zatčení. Americká celní a Pohraniční hlídka (CBP), pod záštitou ministerstva pro vnitřní bezpečnost (DHS), spolupracuje s technologickou firmou Fivecast  na nasazení AI softwaru pro sledování sociálních médií, kde bude detekovat „problémové“ myšlenky a emoce uživatelů sociálních médií a následně je nahlašovat policii k případnému potrestání. Na základě žádostí v souladu se zákonem o svobodě informací, nezávislé médium 404 odhalilo různé marketingové dokumenty Fivecastu, které popisují užitečnost jejich softwaru pro vymáhání práva: "Americká celní a Pohraniční hlídka (CBP), která je součástí ministerstva pro vnitřní bezpečnost, koupila software v hodnotě milionů dolarů od společnosti, která používá umělou inteligenci k detekci „sentimentů a emocí“ v online příspěvcích, vyplívá z dokumentů… Podle jednoho dokumentu od CBP zjistil deník 404, že používají technologii k analýze informací z otevřeného zdroje souvisejícími s příchozími a odchozími cestujícími, o kterých se agentura domnívá, že mohou ohrozit veřejnou bezpečnost, národní bezpečnost nebo legální obchod a cestování. V tomto případě specifická společnost s názvem Fivecast také nabízí rozpoznávání obličejů z obrázků a videí „s podporou AI“ a detekci „rizikových termínů a frází“ ve více jazycích." Pjmedia.com píše: Fivecast prohlašuje ve vztahu ke své AI, že jde o poslání jej „používat důvěryhodnými předními organizacemi v oblasti obrany, národní bezpečnosti, vymáhání práva, podnikové bezpečnosti a finančních zpravodajských organizací po celém světě“ a že „rozvine jedinečný sběr dat a analýzu za pomocí AI, což pomůže řešit nejsložitější zpravodajské výzvy.“ Tvrdí, že spolupracuje se zpravodajskými agenturami všech pěti zemí, které tvoří takzvanou alianci „Five Eyes“ – Spojené království, Spojené státy, Nový Zealand, Austrálie a Kanada. Mezi mnoha hrozbami, o kterých Fivecast tvrdí, že je dokáže pomocí svého softwaru detekovat, jsou emoce uživatele sociálních sítí. Grafy obsažené v marketingových materiálech ukazují metriky týkající se různých emocí, jako je „smutek“, „strach“, „zlost“ a „znechucení“ na sociálních sítích v průběhu času. „Jeden graf ukazuje vrcholy hněvu a znechucení například v časovém rámci na začátku roku 2020,“ píše 404. Ponecháme-li stranou logistické potíže umělé inteligence při posuzování lidských emocí, teoreticky by to vládě otevřelo dveře k tomu, aby sledovala a cenzurovala nejen podstatu řeči, ale také údajné emoce za touto řečí (což by v určitém okamžiku mohlo být u soudu přípustné k potrestání úmyslu/motivu obžalovaných). Dystopické použití této technologie, kterou ze zřejmých důvodů vlády po celém světě horlivě přijaly, připomíná film Minority report, kde jsou lidé zavíraní za své údajné "kriminální" myšlenky. Nezapomeňte také shlédnout zcela nové video Davida Formánka o lidech, kteří za "myšlenkové zločiny" již byli zatčení policií: Scifi a Orwellův román 1984 se stává realitou. Překlad a redakční úprava: Martin Kirschner (www.vipnoviny.cz), Zdroj: thepeoplevoice.tv Read the full article
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jitzbala · 8 months
Worldcoin: Unraveling the Dystopian Future of Iris Scanning and Cryptocurrency
Discover the future with Worldcoin's iris scanning and cryptocurrency. Co-founded by Sam Altman, the platform aims to create a secure digital identity using advanced iris biometrics and blockchain technology. While it sparks fascination, concerns arise about privacy, regulation, and public acceptance. Embrace innovation, but tread carefully into this sci-fi reality. #Worldcoin #IrisScanning #Cryptocurrency #PrivacyConcerns #BlockchainTech
https://www.reuters.com/technology/openais-sam-altman-launches-worldcoin-crypto-project-2023-07-24/ Introduction: If you’re a movie buff, you might recall the iconic 2002 film “Minority Report,” directed by the legendary Steven Spielberg and starring the one and only Tom Cruise as Chief John Anderton. In the movie, Chief Anderton goes to extreme lengths to avoid detection, resorting to getting…
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extractednews · 1 year
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sifytech · 1 year
Digital Oracle: When AI predicts crime
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The pattern recognition power of AI is being harnessed across the world to predict crimes finds Satyen K. Bordoloi as he discovers that despite their potential, these come with inherent risks. Read More. https://www.sify.com/ai-analytics/digital-oracle-when-ai-predicts-crime/
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nickgerlich · 1 year
In The Weeds
Happy Sunday, everyone! Today concludes five weeks of the Spring 2023 semester. Marketing, for all its warts and pimples, is probably the easiest topical area in the College of Business to find things to talk about. That’s because it’s going on each and every day. In second place I would put Economics, because the economy. I think you get that, too. The other topics are all important, but their appearances in the news are usually just tied to earnings calls and management problems. 

I wouldn’t be able to write every day in those fields. So thank you, Marketing. You make my job all too easy. 

Sunday is also the day that I allow for wandering off into the weeds a bit, with topics that stretch the imagination and at first may make my students wonder exactly what is the connection to our course. Today’s is no different in that regard, but when you think about the topic I’m going to present, I think you will see very clearly how all of this ties in to Digital Marketing. Actually, Captain Obvious would raise his hand in a New York second. This one is that easy, but at the same time gives us reason to ponder the significance.

I hearken back to 2002 when Tom Cruise starred in Minority Report. Tom did not know this, but this film was made pretty much in the middle between his stints as a fighter pilot. Maybe we should just call him Maverick and be done with it.
Sorry. I drifted a little too far off into the weeds.

We all know how advertising has entered the digital arena. Heck, we just looked at Amazon Ads yesterday, and recalled how Google and Facebook became advertising companies. A few days ago, we looked at livestream shopping, yet another application.
But the digital arena is a far bigger stadium than just what we see on our phones, tablets, and laptops. It’s easy to say that all of those devices are the unreal world, which leaves behind every other thing we do in public, in offices, and at home.
What if digital marketing reached beyond those devices and into our everyday life? What if everything we saw and heard were a carefully curated experience based on—who else?—you? The audience of one concept is already established on our electronic devices, but imagine a world in which you were recognized while walking or driving, and marketing messages appeared out of nowhere aimed specifically at you?
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Yeah. This sounds a lot like Minority Report when our star strolls through a shopping mall. He is greeted by name; he is beckoned come hither to peruse and spend. And all because of ubiquitous cameras that can recognize faces. It’s almost like I need to use this film at the start of the semester instead of that old grainy A.D. 1999 I have been using for a long time.
Turns out it has been happening for a few years already in somewhat limited form, but today is really taking off. And it has privacy advocates in an uproar.
I have long argued that Google and Apple Maps could do a much better job serving up shopping and dining destinations on our phones, based on our location and proximity to such destinations. But what if there were cameras attached to digital billboards, those sometimes-annoying yet always changing screens we are seeing alongside the freeway and city streets?

Yeah once more. Continuous improvements in cameras and software have made it possible to recognize people coming along, to the point of discerning age range, gender, and even race, as well as number of occupants in a car.

It’s far from perfect or up to Minority Report, but even with limited demographic information, highly targeted ads could be deployed. I can only imagine a fictional conversation back at some corporate headquarters: “Hey, here comes a mature male traveling alone. I bet he could use a beer!”
At which point I would say, “Where?”

|While they may not be able recognize me just yet—unless they can read my front license plate and tap into Texas’ DMV—I can see that day coming. We are approaching it with Amazon’s Just Walk Out technology, although that is more app-recognition than facial. For now.
Of course, this is all allowable because in the US, there is little if any expectation of privacy. This would meet significant resistance in Europe, where the GDPR—General Data Protection Regulation—provides far more personal protection than we have in the US. In fact, the GDPR is what caused websites to have that annoying pop-up asking us if we accept cookies. I’m not sure whether to say “Way to go” or “Thank you very much.”
I’m good with it, though, because I want my life to be ever more curated. It keeps making my life easier, from the music and shows I stream, the books I read, the foods I eat. It allows me to cut to the chase, and if in the process of these exchanges I have allowed them to look far behind the curtain that might otherwise shield me from others, I’m good. It’s on me. It’s the price of living in the 21C. I’m just not sure how it will all work for those who despise all this, though.

In any regard, it is coming soon to the US, unless new laws were enacted similar to GDPR. The day is coming soon when we will be recognized not just as a mature white male driving on I-40, but me. Yours truly. And you truly.
Because digital marketing is not limited to just the devices we own. It has now spread its tentacles to the entire public sphere. And just like Tom Cruise, we will here marketing messages designed for us. There’s that audience of one thing again, but now in the whole wide world. Or in the weeds.

Your call. Happy Sunday, y’all.
Dr “Waiting For That Beer Call On The 40“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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hahacinto · 1 year
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Jokes, Drinks, Q&A, & Funny Fun! #standup #standupcomedy #jokes #wakandaforever #kanyewest #childsupport #black #brown #minority #minorityreport (at Rudyard's) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl6gDPgp3UD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raurquiz · 1 year
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#happybirthday @mr_kenneth_mitchell #kennethmitchell #actor #kol #kolsha #tenavik #aurellio #startrekdiscovery #lowerdecks #captainmarvel #jericho #miracle #theastronautswivesclub #switchedatbirth #frecuency #notorious #minorityreport #ghostwhisperer #startrek56 @startrekonpplus https://www.instagram.com/p/ClZAPKXOLr-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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talktomeguy · 1 year
"All of the above is possible thanks to the fact that the plate is in constant communication with a server. That also means the plate might also get embedded tracking features"
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average-guy-reviews · 10 months
My Favourite Actor....
I have been asked over the years who my favourite actor is and, until now, I've always struggled to choose one. After watching a recent video about him, it occurred to me that I have enjoyed more of his movies than any other single performer. @tomcruise has starred in some outstanding one-off films as well as some fantastic franchise movies.
Has everything he's made been great? Gods no (the mummy, I'm looking at you here), but overall, he has far more decent films than bad. The films I've chosen the posters for are obviously some of the most well-known (franchise films are for the franchises not single movies) he's made, as well as some of my favourites including TAPS and Legend. His film catalogue is huge and spans over 40 years, at this point.
When Top Gun: Maverick came out, I was hit with a realisation. It felt like the beginning of a long goodbye letter from Tom to his fans, and this, along with the MI Franchise finally coming to an end, makes me feel that he is preparing to retire. I honestly believe that by 2033, at the age of 70, he will say goodbye to making movies. I may be wrong, and I hope I am, but if he does retire, he will hopefully go out on top, and go down in cinema history as a true giant of the silver screen.
#top gun #cocktail #legend #rainman #missionimpossible #taps #jerrymaguire #afewgoodmen #minorityreport #movies #star #classic #franchises #giant #silverscreen #cinema
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tolum · 4 months
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I'm watching Minority Report (2002)
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pandabytes · 5 months
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Herbeleef het actiegenre in 2002 met onze top 10 films. Van James Bond tot Spider-Man, ontdek waarom deze klassiekers nog steeds de moeite waard zijn om te bekijken. #Actiefilms #2002Films #Filmretrospectief #JamesBond #SpiderMan #BourneIdentity #MinorityReport #TheRock...
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