#minute of agonia
machinefetishist · 6 months
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♡ minute of agonia
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dipolardruid · 1 year
The Mad Scientist
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Agonia Hoid: 41 years old;Mad Scientist
Agonia Hoid is one of The Most Wanted on the Top 3 list considered by far to be extremely dangerous and not to be engaged with under any circumstances if found it is to be reported immediately to law enforcement if failure to report to the proper authorities in a timely manner lawful action will be taken against said witness.
You never did see your Mother how the reporters described her while she could be tempermental and a perfectionist she only did so as a way to ensure that you were always one step ahead of everyone else.
It never did bother you, you always did as you were told without question even at the expense of your own well-being, she always seemed to be very happy with how well you did everything so you worked much harder to impress her even going as far as to excel at things she struggled with.
This is where the issues began as you grew taller, stronger and smarter you noticed a glint in her eyes one that showed caution, Despite you never giving her a reason to be, As a way to make up for upsetting her you would put out two times the work which only worked to upset her even more than she was.
It confused you, why was she always so upset? she always seemed proud when you did well on things but now she scorns you.
It wouldn't be until that faithful day when she said she simply wanted your help only for you to end up tied up and in pain feeling as if your body was burning inside out.
Had it not been for your strength you doubt you would've survived, you hoped it was a simple mistake that she made, it had happened before, when those times happened she always made sure to care for you giving you a bright smile while doing so but that day was different.
The cold hard gaze she gave you showed you otherwise, she really did plan on killing you, She wanted you dead but why?
You knew if she continued on you would soon enough give into what she wanted, In a last ditch effort you played dead and hoped she wouldn't notice.
Fortunately she believed your act, After you had slowed your heart to point you could last without breathing for a couple of minutes along with paralyzing your body to prevent you from instinctively fighting back you saw your chance of escape and took it.
Running off while she was distracted ignoring her yells, the bullets piercing your body and the extreme uncontrollable burning in your body, had it not been for a elderly couple finding you a couple of days after and calling the authorities even going as far as offering to take you in without a doubt you'd be roadkill.
In return for their kindness you took care of everything such as outside and inside chores even going as far as to assist them with their daily needs such as a shower or getting up from bed, you felt loved and cared for as they hugged you, kissed you, saying how you reminded them of their grandchildren who no longer visit.
At their insistence you began taking classes to help for the future and with your intelligence it was simple to find a college that would ultimately accept you, everything was going great until she found you again this time with a smile and open arms.
"I missed you, Mother made a horrible mistake you can forgive me right? I promise to never make such a mistake again, come back home let's be a family again."
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Request are open!
A requested OC that took a bit to think about but suffice to say this one is much more darker compared to all the other yandere's.
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the-wild-ego · 1 year
Little Darling - Part Two
Requested: No.
Fandom: Jacksepticeye
Paring: Reader/Antisepticeye
Pronouns: They/Them
Warnings: Cursing, Violence, Drugs, Gangs, Guns, Fake Blood
A/N: Keep in mind that this is fanfiction. It’s an A/U of a place I like to call ‘The Underground’. If you have any questions let me know. This is only part two, part one can be found here.. Enjoy! 
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One Hour After Birdy's ‘Death’ 
“It’s been an hour and forty-five (45) minutes, where are they?” A growled as he paced in the back room of the empty bar. The woman, Agonia, remained leaning against the bar. She was busy reading a book that she had with her. When he went unanswered, he slammed back another shot of bourbon. 
"Easy there buddy, if we have to hunt down Birdy, then you'll need to be sober." Agonia scoffed, sipping her virgin martini- she was one for the looks rather than the feel of alcohol. If anything, the taste of alcohol brought up unwanted memories for her. Though she enjoyed a good vodka cranberry during her torturing sessions. 
"Quiet." came a gruff voice from the back. Their leader, a 5'8 male who didn't look like much- but was notorious for his brains. He created most of the drugs within the underground. His most popular was a variation of some kind of psychedelic made from mushrooms you could find up top. And of course his most popular drug up top was his pure, uncut cocaine. The cocoa trees down here provided darker, more bitter tastes, since their sunlight was limited. And their product was stronger. 
"Gear," a nickname that derived from his machine-like brain, "Birdy hasn't returned and our men lost sight of them after they stepped into that Serpent's brothel." 
"I've heard you two bickering about it for the last twenty minutes, I said be quiet." Gear huffed out, sliding his coat over his arms. It seemed as though he planned to look for them himself, but that wasn't the case, "Agonia, A, I am going to meet with Dark. There were reported shots at one of the Serpent's brothels. If what's suspected turns out to be true, we'll need to strengthen our ties with the Spiders." 
"Don't tell me the Serpents took out our Birdy?" Agonia groaned, marking her place in her book and moving to stand with her leader. Gear shrugged, knowing just as much as the other two did. 
"Maybe they ran off with the money." Apocalypse grinned, pulling his jacket on as well. The jacket was dark brown leather with the gang logo on the back. Every member had one, which included the gang's name and the head of a Dire wolf on the back. The color of the eyes determined ranking. Red was for the leader. Black for the second and third in command. Brown eyes for the fighters. Blue eyes for the smugglers. Green for the rest of the crew. Every tailor in the underground knew better than to recreate any one of the gang's insignias without explicit permission. 
"Let's not get too hasty," Gear hissed out, checking his .40 S&W before stuffing it down the band of his pants. "If it's true that they ran off with the money, then I want them back here alive so that I can pry the confession out of them myself." 
Apocalypse nodded, the look in his eye begging for blood to splatter from his hands. That's why Gear liked A so much. The man was crazy, crazy enough to kill and deal without question. That's what you get when you grow up in a kill or be killed world. 
The sun peeked through holes in the Underground, what little sunlight was had, had been fought for. The victors basked in the sunlight whilst the losers went to lick their wounds. It truly was a kill or be killed world down here, where only the toughest come out on top. 
Dark's part of the Underground was much nicer, to say the least. Closer to the Topside, where Dark had control of the merchants that came through. The Spider Bandits traded with the slimier of the merchants, information and stolen goods for weaponry and drugs. Cocaine was the biggest seller on Topside right now, which is why Gear was so jaded that he had lost his product and his money. 
Agonia was the first to approach the door. She was usually the informant that Gear sent out to do the dealings, A was too reckless and Gear simply did not have the time to do deal with the lessers from other gangs. Gear only came out to play when there was something to be won from a deal, otherwise his lackeys did the harder work. 
One knock. Two. Thre- the door opened to a young man in a khaki jacket, both eyes were covered with a bandage that wrapped around his head. Don't let this fool you, he was one of Dark's most trusted, they were brothers after all. Host's inability to see let him smell and hear liars from a mile away, having lived in the Underground he trained his hearing to pick up on the most subtle of noises- including heartbeats. He took a deep breath and a brow rose from beneath his bandages, "To what do I owe this pleasure, Agonia? The boss isn't looking to see anyone right now." 
"Yeah, good to see you too, Host… Tell your boss that something has happened and we need to know if he has any information." Agonia smirked, knowing that would pique his interest. Host hummed softly, closing the door in her face. Before A could say anything, Agonia held up a hand, silencing him. Only a few moments passed before the door opened once more, this time wide enough for the three of them to walk in. 
The house Dark resided in, was a house big enough to contain all of the upper members of the Spider Bandits. A feat that could only be accomplished by building into an unstable wall of dirt and stone. The front portion of the house was visible to outsiders, while the house inside the wall stretched on, for what seemed like forever. Tall ceilings on each level of the house, two-stories, six rooms to each floor. The walls were red, to hide the bloodstains-- or that's what you'd been told a long time ago when you had visited Dark's mansion on a job. The representative, Wilford, said he was ‘too exhausted’ after ‘such a loooong day’. 
A small entryway gave way to a large foyer, a grand staircase curved its way up to the second floor. To the left of the staircase was the kitchen, where something with rosemary and lemon had been cooked, as well as the bathroom and another room used for training. To the right of the staircase were the other three rooms, members residing in their respective locations. Those weren't important to the three headed up the staircase. They wanted the conference room, a place that anyone that was anyone had been in a time or two. After all, Dark was the most powerful in the Underground. When asked about his success, he would laugh and state that 'knowledge is power'. 
"Gear, Apocalypse, Agonia," Dark greeted, appearing at the top of the staircase a vodka martini, with a twist, in hand. The theatrics that some leaders would put on, for show, "To what do I owe this pleasure?" 
"Let's wait until we get somewhere more… private." Gear responded in a soft hiss, his anger having grown since walking over. 
"But of course." Dark smiled, gesturing with his free hand and dipping into a mock bow. The hallway seemed to stretch on forever, but that was nothing compared to the architectural vastness of the conference room. Despite its innocent and kempt appearance this was some of the nastiest men, women, and others had met to discuss the darkest things you could think of. Dark didn't get his success from handing out roses, after all. 
Once the door clicked shut and everyone was seated, Gear and Dark at the head of the table. A sat to Gear's right and Agonia to Gear's left, "Right then," Gear started, fixing the sleeves of his jacket, "Let's get down to business." 
- - -
Just After Birdy's Death
Zombie was the first one to enter the room after the shots rang out, the scene before him nearly made him lose the lunch in his stomach. Anti sat with your head in his lap, careful not to get blood on him. The man had stumbled to catch you before you fell, but hadn't been successful because of the amount of blood you had on you. For a split second, it looked as though you had really been shot. 
"Boss?" Zombie questioned softly as DeadShot pushed past him into the room. Zombie approached his leader and crouched next to the man. Anti looked to be in shock, his fingers gently running through your hair. Maybe it had been too real for him, and now, before Anti could even check to make sure that you'd be okay, you needed to be whisked away to safety. 
"Some of the call girls are already spreading the information, Anti, we've got to get moving." DeadShot stated, always Anti's voice of reason. Those words were enough to have Anti getting up, resting your head gently on the ground and stepping back. 
"Right," Anti's voice sounded rough, like he had been holding back tears before the boys arrived. However his face was void of any emotions at all. Turning his attention to Zombie, he asked "Did you bring it?" 
"Yes, of course." Zombie nodded, tossing his duffle bag down on the ground. He rummaged through it for a second before pulling out two thin, pale, sheets. The Serpents needed to look sloppy, like they were struggling to cover up that they killed Birdy. 
Zombie was gentle with you, under the watchful gaze of his superior. He laid the thin sheets out on top of eachother, picking you up slowly before placing you down on the sheets. Your 'blood' was already soaking through the sheets as Zombie wrapped you up. He left the sheets loose around your head, so you wouldn't panic too much if you woke up. 
"Good. Take her to the car." Anti had bought one just for this purpose. Cars and phones weren't a thing in the Underground and only the elite could afford them, though phones were useless down here. 
Zombie nodded, lifting your body once more, giving a soft grunt as your bodyweight shifted over his almost healed hand. He moved quickly, ignoring the gasps and scattering patrons, right out the back door where the sleek black car was waiting. He placed you down in the back seat and moved the sheets down to just below your nose, so you could breathe. 
Up in the room DeadShot and Anti were cleaning the extra blood up and the blanks as well. To make this room spotless, for show. Though no crime had occurred, they had to cover up just like there had been. Which is why they put all of the duffle bags into the back of the car. They had to make it seem like Anti killed Birdy to keep his money and the drugs. It was all part of a plan. Anti just hoped that the plan wasn't for naught. 
As the trunk of the car was shut, Anti caught movement out of the corner of his eye. He whirled, drawing his gun and aiming it at the... kid. A boy, no more than ten years old. Anti lowered the gun, seeing the fear in the boy's eyes, and the piss running down his legs, "Get out of here, boy, and forget everything that you just saw." 
The boy nodded, but both of them knew that the boy wouldn't just 'forget', how could Anti expect him to. Everything that the boy saw would fetch him a nice price with the Spiders. How could Anti deny the boy something as simple as enough money to eat on and a shower. Something that everyone in the Underground deserved. That's part of what this war was about, he wanted to fight for more territory, to offer the people of the Underground a fair chance at life. Something that he and his brothers had never seen before. 
Zombie took the passenger seat, allowing DeadShot to drive. Only Anti and DeadShot had seen the inside of a car, Zombie was simply just amazed at how they purred. Still, now was not the time to lament over the 'coolness' of a car. Zombie understood that, his head lifting to look at your body through the rearview mirror. How could someone he watched for weeks, someone so full of life, look so… dead. Surely this wasn't right, there must've been another way to keep you alive. You had a life down here, friends that will mourn your death, loved ones that would go aloof without your presence. 
"Zombie, did you hear me?!" Anti's shout startled the teen from his thoughts. Zombie looked to Anti, his leader looked pale, like he might be getting sick. Zombie knew better than to comment on this, "I said once you're up Top, don't leave their side until you know they're safe… please." 
The softness of Anti's voice had startled Zombie, the lack of hope in his voice. Anti knew that this war would cost him his life, and many of the Serpent's would die… but this way, now it made sense, Birdy was too important to him for them to continue to live in the Underground… and if anyone ever found out. 
"Of course, Boss." Zombie nodded, and the two men slapped palms twice before DeadShot climbed into the car and they were off. 
- - -
Timothy 'Tiny Box(er) Tim' Iplier
The little boy with the light blue eyes and fluffy brown hair crouched behind a crate in the back alleyway. He was little, even for only being ten years old, but he was smart and fast. The way he could bob and weave in the ring, it seemed like he had the fastest footwork in the Underground. He had to be smart and fast, though. His father was dead and his uncles were notorious Spiders. 
These skills of his made him the perfect spy for the Spider Family. He was their pet fly on the wall, and Timothy understood well enough. He knew that Spiders liked to eat flies, and that they would gobble him up at any moment if he were to lead them astray. And this is how he ended up crouched behind ‘The Serpent Den’, a notorious brothel in the Serpent’s Districts. Dark had wanted him to keep an eye on Birdy for a little while, one of the members of the Jaded Serpents was seen following them last week. He wasn’t there for too long when a sleek black car roared into the alleyway, Timothy only knew one other person that had one down here, and that was Dark. Said Serpent appeared as if on queue, along with two others he hadn’t seen before. The Serpent was carrying a body, that was certain, especially due to the mysterious red stain that was still bleeding through the sheets. 
“They shot Birdy.” Timothy whispered to himself, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. Even more so when one of the unidentified Serpents turned his head in Timothy’s direction. Acting fast, Timothy moved to run, but the snake struck quicker. Frozen in fear, Timothy couldn’t help when the piss trickled down his leg. 
"Get out of here, boy, and forget everything that you just saw." the man said, embarrassed at being caught, and then urinating on himself, Timothy could only nod before running off. 
He went straight to Dark, after changing of course. The King of the Spiders was very pleased with this snippet of information. Not only had Birdy been killed, but the Wolves had lost two very valuable resources. And who was the culprit, none other than the King Cobra himself.
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15 questions and 15 mutuals
thank you for tagging me @gilliandersons!
were you named after anyone?
not exactly, but my dad and mom did like the name Mary Anne. my brother has two names and they wanted it for me too but my dad was very religious and wanted 7 letters. thus, Mariane.
when was the last time you cried?
a few minutes ago. a short cry over tedbecca. this morning a longer cry over my life.
do you have kids?
do you use sarcasm a lot?
not as much. there are certain timings with it to make it come off as a joke or, unfortunately, as an insult.
what's the first thing you notice about people?
in personality, their pride or humility. in appearance, their eyes.
what's your eye color?
dark brown
scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings. shall not watch a scary movie unless super ultra much recommended or with a friend.
any special talents?
dunno how ‘special’ as they may fall into the hobbies question down below. i guess i like creating melodies from poetry and making them into songs. or a silly thing as making my thumb appear like it’s weirdly not part of my hand from one angle.
where were you born?
what are your hobbies?
playing the piano (chords), playing video games, sometimes drawing, watching films, reading fanfic
have any pets?
yes, two old smol dogs: a pomeranian and a shih-tzu.
what sports do you play/have you played?
running (baton relay), table tennis, basketball, softball
how tall are you?
tall, i am not. 4′10.
favorite subject in school?
in high school i really loved math. there’s always just one answer, and multiple ways to get to it. then college math came into play and i am confusion.
dream job?
if not stunted by fear, singing/acting/dancing. otherwise, someone that helps improve things for the better.
tagging: @hobgoblinsandpeachfuzz @toas-tea  @bethesdaglitch @ununpredictableme @ledtasso @existential-labrador @dani-clayton @selina-meyer @bloodsired @regresso-com-agonia @queenincrimson @salzrand @mrsreginagold @devilsbrokerank @idiotwithabox
at your discretion my lovely mutuals!
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ponds-of-ink · 8 months
Notre Dame AU Chapter 11: “Chattering Under The Castle”
Was going to have this be in the last chapter, but I felt like Chapter 10 had a good stopping point.
And now, onto the calm before the...
Hm. Could calling something a “firestorm” be a vague enough spoiler?
After a few minutes of searching for a resting place, all three were sitting on various cushions. Agonia kept watch, Cassie brightened the area with her flashlight, and Vanessa fooled with Cassie’s walkie-talkie. “So, you’ve had this for a while?” Vanessa asked Cassie as she pried the screws off the back.
Cassie nodded. “I got it the first time I came here,” she explained simply. “It was a birthday gift from Roxy Raceway.”
“Not a bad gift,” Vanessa half-smiled as she removed the batteries. “Too bad it might’ve been bugged.”
Cassie looked at Vanessa. “‘Bugged’?” she echoed, moving closer. “You mean it’s been hacked too?”
“Probably,” Vanessa responded. “Ago here’s thinking you’ve been talking to the wrong ‘Gregory’.”
Cassie’s eyes darted between the two adults. “So if he isn’t Gregory,” she said slowly, “then who is he?”
Agonia and Vanessa exchanged looks. Who was supposed to tell her?
Vanessa’s eyes aimlessly shifted. To explain her side would take time they didn’t have.. But Agonia might not be willing to talk about his situation. Not after everything that’s happened.
Agonia, meanwhile, heaved a deep sigh. “I have reason to suspect that Judge Glitch may be responsible,” he answered, piquing the interest of both listeners. “I could hear him talking to you, Cassie. Pathetic cadence and all.”
Cassie’s expression turned distraught. “You mean the rabbit that locked up Gregory?” she asked, looking at the robot with fear in her eyes.
“Among other things,” Agonia replied grimly.
All three went silent. They soon returned to their original duties, but Cassie was more thoughtful than before. Her ponderings gradually changed from the horror of almost being captured to the pressing worry right in front of her. Why were her new friends so... sad? It wasn’t the mention of the crazy rabbit— That topic made them more grouchy than sad. So what exactly was the matter?
She eyed the two of them closely. Vanessa had the gaze of someone who had seen plenty of frightening things. Things that, unfortunately, Cassie felt like she couldn’t chase away. They were too out of her reach, even with all the scary things she herself encountered.
The bellringer, meanwhile, struck a chord. It wasn’t completely apparent, given his alert posture, but she could sense it. That gloominess she felt at that birthday party. The same feeling that made her run off into a dark part of the Raceway and sob her heart out.
Agonia wasn’t that willing to do any of that, of course. But the point still stood in Cassie’s mind.
”Hey, Ago,” she spoke up at last. “Would it be okay if we left together?”
The hare’s ears raised. “Do you mean all three of us?” he asked slowly. “Or just Vanessa and you?”
In spite of her current circumstances, Cassie couldn’t help but laugh. “I meant all three of us, silly,” she giggled before putting a hand to her mouth. “Why would you think we’d leave you behind?”
Agonia’s eyes went wide. He sat quietly for a few moments. “I…” his voice trailed briefly. “I have no idea. I just assumed that would be the case, since…”
He stopped. His mind went blank.
They weren’t there during those days. The days when all of Judge Glitch’s words were applicable. The days when he had every right to be called a monster.
But now? Now after all the years of his confidence and his evil deeds fading away in tandem? …To be honest, he wasn’t sure if there could be a reason. Not with these two, anyway.
Unless he did something horrendous by mistake, of course. That was always an—
“Since… what?” Cassie inquired, breaking him out of his trance.
“I am.. not sure,” he answered with a shrug. “In fact, I think I may need a minute to think on it.. If that is fine with you, of course.”
“I guess,” Cassie shrugged in turn. “We’ll let you know if we see Eclipse.”
Agonia just gave her a motion of acknowledgment. An absolute shame that he was too deep in thought, or he would have given a proper “see you later”.
Vanessa, meanwhile, had just set the walkie-talkie down on the floor. “Just let him wander around for a while, Cas,” she suggested with a much more casual air. “He’s probably trying to shake off Glitch’s influence.”
The girl nodded, but then scowled. “Is Glitch really that strong?” she questioned. “When it comes to playing with your head, I mean.”
“Ohh, yeah,” Vanessa chuckled nervously, brushing back a loose strand of hair. “I’ve seen it first hand too.” Her attempt at a smile failed. The haunted look returned, but only for a moment. “Trust me, kid,” she added, putting on a much more expression. “You don’t want to cross him. You don’t even want to be in the same room with him. He will find a way to mess you up whether you expect it or not.”
A nearby Agonia winced. While Vanessa was correct, he most likely had no choice in that matter. If this “Eclipse” fellow didn’t return soon, then the Judge would find them instead. And, with that, Cassie’s question would have a more definitive answer.
Not wanting to dwell on this grim scenario, however, he resorted to scanning the entire room. The stony walls decorated with ratty tapestries and colorful blankets. Little toys and props set up much like how The Courtyard above looked in its glory days. There were even two Bonnie plushes standing on a towering stack of boxes— No doubt alluding to his former situation.
Somehow transfixed by this last scene, Agonia approached the “castle”. The closer he got, the more details he noticed. Stonework represented by crayon scribbles. Flickering LEDs took their place as candles in and out of the building. The bell tower itself reconstructed with cardboard tubes and paper mache roofing. To his even greater surprise, the Bonnie plushies managed to squeeze inside the strange contraption.
With an extreme amount of care, Agonia tugged out one of the poor bunnies. The other Bonnie, despite his efforts, still fell onto the cold stone floor. “Sorry,” he muttered to it, weakly waving out of some long-engrained habit.
He would have bent down to pick it up, but something about the one he was holding caught his eye. He stopped to inspect it further. It was an older-model plush with many, many stitches. Including one that went right down the middle of its face. A black button eye replaced the one that undoubtedly went missing. A little cloak covered the rest, but one could infer that the damage underneath was still the same.
Agonia patted the doll’s head. “A bit worse for wear, aren’t you?” he smiled at it gently. “Don’t worry. I’m sure someone will take care of you.” He then glanced at a chattering Cassie and Vanessa. “Maybe one of them can give you a good home,” he continued, keeping his attention on the doll. “You could get some repairs, get along with the other toys, or even go out on adventures!”
The Bonnie doll, of course, did not respond. All it did was look at him with wide and curious eyes.
Even so, a question started to reform.
Why was he assuming the same wasn’t being offered to him?
His eyes quickly bounced away from the doll. They redirected to the other rabbit on the floor. In the metallic fabric, he could see his own marred reflection— His true reflection at that. Not that robotic shell he’d been wearing all night.
His focus shifted between himself and the Bonnie in front of him. His mind spun. Was he still continuing to see himself as a monster when, in reality, most truly saw him as this pathetic little mishmash? Had Glitch really warped his perception of the here-and-now that badly?
Flummoxed beyond words, Agonia trudged towards his companions. He opened his mouth to say something about the doll, but the conversation made him halt.
“…Well, don’t thank me for figuring all this stuff out,” Vanessa remarked cheerfully, unaware of her friend’s crisis. “Thank my pal Agonia. Without him, I don’t think I would’ve found you at all!”
“Nor would I,” a new voice coldly interjected.
All three turned to face the exit Eclipse left through. Instead of Eclipse, however, a familiar shadow lurked.
Agonia dropped the Bonnie in his hands. Vanessa shielded Cassie. Cassie clung onto her protector’s arm.
The Judge had arrived.
”Come now, Vanny,” he said with a click of the tongue. “You shouldn’t stress your bad shoulder like that. You could make your wound worse.”
And as much as she hated to admit it, he was right. A stabbing pain coursed throughout her body until she lowered it. Cassie, meanwhile, instinctively hid behind the woman entirely.
“As for you, little girl,” the Judge resumed, pulling out a second walkie-talkie from his robe’s inner pocket, “I believe there is someone else who wants to say ‘Hello’.”
Static crackled from the device. A shrill whine emitted from the speakers until something broke through. “Cassie, I’m not in the Pizzaplex!” a boy’s raspy voice cried out, fluctuating in volume as if he was shaking his transmitter. “You have to get out of there now!”
“Gregory!?” all three exclaimed in turn, each having their own tone of confusion.
Cassie peered from behind Vanessa’s shoulder. “How do I know if it’s him?” she asked, trying to keep her voice steady. “Like, really him?”
Judge Glitch smiled. “Oh, there’s an easy way to prove that,” he said before tossing his device over to Agonia. “Agonia, would you do the honors?”
Unsure of what his master meant, the flustered robot pressed down a side button on the device. “I’m sorry, Gregory,” he said morosely, eying his approaching master closely. “I’m afraid it’s too late.”
An outcry of several voices pierced his ears. None of them had a trace of the Judge’s voice lying underneath.
Agonia winced. He looked at Vanessa and Cassie. All he could do was nod distraughtly.
Glitch snatched back the device. “In case you’re wondering, that’s not a lie,” he explained to his unseen audience, standing tall and proud. “I already have Cassie in my possession, which means that your little ‘rescue plan’ has failed. However, there will be a wonderful bonfire after her punishment tomorrow and you’re all invited.”
Instinctively, Cassie grabbed her mask and slipped it on. Instead of it sending her to her usual ‘alternate reality’, however, it just put her in a daze. Vanessa tried to drag her away, but both were now pulled towards the glowing bunny.
“I also wouldn’t worry about her.. reluctance,” Glitch added smugly, giving the pair a knowing side-eye. “She gave herself up willingly. Unlike you, Gregory, she knows that she should admit when she’s done wrong.”
A low grumble was all Gregory could muster.
”Unless you want to do the same,” Glitch snipped, gripping the radio. “You know, apologize for making such a mess of the Pizzaplex… twice.”
“‘Twice’!?” Gregory angrily repeated, spiking the speakers.
“Ohh, that’s right,” Glitch replied in a mock-innocent tone. “You don’t remember that one. Silly me. Don’t worry, it’ll come back to you later. I’ll make sure of it. See you at sunrise, ‘46’.”
As a barrage of furious complaints flooded in, Glitch shut off the walkie-talkie. “Now that I’ve made your final arrangements,” he resumed, lifting Cassie’s masked head, “let’s get you back upstairs. We’ve got a big day tomorrow, and I don’t want your last hours of peace to go to waste.” He looked up at Vanessa as if to plant the thought of “that goes for you as well” into her head.
Unfortunately for Vanny, the glare worked. The three walked away in a single file, none really caring to move the fabric that blocked their path.
Agonia, who had honestly been too stunned to move by this point, now felt the urge to act. He hurried into the exit and joined the line. “Master, please!” he yelped out, grabbing his fellow rabbit’s shoulder.
Glitch struck the bellringer’s outstretched arm. Purple and green sparks flew out as the latter rabbit reeled back. The arm quickly went dead.
The poor thing lingered there as the rest marched away. Letting the whole event sink in until it plunged his heart with it. He lowered his head and sighed darkly. Once again, his instincts had failed him. They always did.
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dreamer-souls · 8 months
Simt, simt totul de 100 de ori mai tare, simt durerea, simt agonia și mizeria ce îmi mănâncă sufletul zi de zi, oră de oră, minut cu minut.
Câte mai poate îndura un suflet? Câte durere și judecată se mai poate abate asupra lui? Am răni adânci, ce nu mai pot fi vindecate, urme de uzură pe sufletul meu plăpând,el încearcă să lupte, dar l-ai oropsit atât de tare încât debia mai are suflare.
L-ai mânjit cu răutatea ta, cu prejudecățile tale, cu toate cuvintele pe care le-ai scos pe gură. Mai făcut proastă, idioată, handicapată și multe altele, le-am asimilat pe toate, rând pe rând, am înghițit și am mers mai departe, departe de tine, cu fiecare cuvânt se adaugă un kilometru între inimile noastre și poate așa e mai bine, cine știe.
Acum, sufletele noastre sunt la kilometrii departare, al meu e negru și greu, al tău la fel de jovial ca în totdeauna.
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i have to go to work in about ten minutes, but if i don't write this down i'll forget:
been thinking a lot about hildr/darth agonia and how she fits into the classic SI sl, and also as my *alternate outlander. with sek'nos, while he may or may not be a dark council member, he would have had a very different way to get there. but va'rika and agonia are absolute ghost munchers and i just randomly was like, why couldn't they have both been zash's apprentices at the same time? and what if (very toxic*) sister dynamics??
and what if because they're both poly and use sex to feel somethin---
my ride is here, tbc :')
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needleadult30 · 2 years
KLASA VIII - Młodzieżowy Ośrodek Socjoterapii W Waniorowie
Stworzyła dla Was kilka porad, jak kreatywnie spędzić w budynku czas ze naszym dzieckiem, maksymalnie wykorzystując czas wolny. Łączy się czas wystawiania ocen. sprawdzian uczniowie z ostatnich tematów dowiedzieliśmy się że obraz na ziemi wymienia się w relacje od wielkości energii słonecznej przychodzącej do jej wielkości od temperatury i opadów. W analizowanej prasie układ tematów potwierdza wpływanie tego gatunku selekcji. Kolorowanki toż zdrowa baza do ćwiczeń plastycznych. W niektórym dniu nie ma dobrych Cię zajęć. 80% nauk to występowanie programów bez użycia rozprawka . Celem lekcji będzie powtórzenie relacji z zakresu. Zlizywanie w jak najmniejszym okresie miodu z talerzyka bez pomocy rąk. Czas ten zawiera także zjawiska finansowe oraz życie - bez uwzględnienia wytworów o oddziaływania ludzi. Wspiera również w osiągnięciu, kiedy również życiu erekcji, poprawia funkcje seksualne, zwiększa przyjemność podczas stosunku, a dodatkowo pozwala wydłużyć seks nawet o 30 minut. Zachodnia Europa bawi się naszymi lasami, bo jednak jesteśmy ich jako widać niewiele, toż są wśród nich obszary bardzo wysokie. Z góry solnej możemy osiągnąć dosłownie wszystko, w zależności z wieku małego artysty - już roczne dzieci mogą spośród niej wykrajać modele z foremek do ciastek, starsze i mogą wyczarować rozmaite figurki i dekoracji do domu takie jak np. świąteczne bombki czy wspomnienia z wakacji nad morzem.
Kiedy figurki całkowicie wystygną można podejść do malowania. Znalazłam dla siebie kilka inspiracji. Przyroda rodzi się do życia, a wraz spośród nią pojawia się mnóstwo inspiracji na kreatywne prace twórcze! Po każdej burzy, na niebie, pojawia się tęcza. Na blogu Joanny znalazłam całą żabią rodzinę! Żonkile z papieru już nawet pisałam i sugerowała się na blogu z dekoracjami Wielkanocnymi. Każde dziecko uwielbia jajka niespodzianki! Czy zajączek wielkanocny przyniósł Wam w prezencie czekoladowe jajka? Mega inspirujący post! Na pewno z moją Melką przetestujemy Twoje oferty, bo ostatnio po sposobach w Akademii Sensorycznej w Odróżnieniu moja pięciolatka jest zawsze ochotę na imprezy plastyczne! Każdy, kto spędził wakacje nad morzem w bliskim resorcie przekonał się, że zajęcia plastyczne nie muszą istnieć nudne! Zajęcia Plastyki dla dzieci w Warszawie wtedy nie tylko ćwiczenie wyobraźni, kreatywności czy zdolności manualnych, ale jednocześnie pewno to być kierunek przyszłej kariery dziecka! Pomysły na stanowiska artystyczne dla dzieci w domku to szczególnie też gotuj na własnoręczne stworzenie kącika zabaw, które poza tym posłuży jako dekoracja pokoju.
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Ukończyłem Akademię Muzyczną (stąd mgr sztuki, jednolite studia magisterskie), a jednocześnie Uniwersytet (na punktu Informatyka, kolejny mgr, także jednolite studia magisterskie). Zestawy malowanek są każde elementy potrzebne do zmalowania własnego dzieła sztuki, co zapracowanym rodzicom oszczędza momentu na poszukiwanie idealnych przyborów. Można nożyczkami, ale szybko będzie ostrzem lub nożykiem do tapet wyciąć elementy ze materiału. Zawartość akwarium to również kwestia swej myśli - możemy sprawić papierowe wodorosty, poprzyklejać na dno muszelki, prawdziwe kamyki a nawet wysypać dno piaskiem. Chronimy nasze akwarium wodą - propozycji są nieograniczone. 09.01.2020 czwartki godz. 22:00 (odc. 3 października 2016 godz. 13 kwietnia 2016 godz. Agonia wywołana pasożytami, jest jak z horroru- wypęczniały brzuch zajęty przez masę glist, wybierających się wszystkimi możliwymi otworami, opuchnięte strasznie nogi i więdnące, chude ciało… W tym wpisie znajdziesz wskazane przeze mnie najlepsze produkty muzyki relaksacyjnej, która uspokoi Twoje ciało i rozum w chwila minut. Wiosenny ogródek ozdobią nie tylko kwiaty, ale także kolorowe, wesołe doniczki. Kiedy zdanie nadrzędne jest w okresie przeszłym, czasownik w przekonaniu podrzędnym pragnie stanowić też w toku przeszłym. Za taki kącik posłuży tipi, czyli współczesna wersja bazy. By i Wam pozwalała wyjść gra te ramy. Mimo to, nadal chętnie wchodzicie do ostatniego tekstu. 5. Mimo iż mam niewielkie doświadczenie, posiadam pełen potencjał.
Ugniecione ciasto winno stanowić na końcu plastyczne, aby dało się spośród niego stworzyć odpowiedni kształt, i przy obecnym nie przyklejało się do dna i rąk. Żeby się nie denerwować, nie będę obecnie o tym wspominał. «Pragniemy, aby rodziny chrześcijańskie oddawały się uroczyście Boskiemu Sercu Jezusa, i toż już od dziś. Do 2017 r. Google automatycznie skanował prywatne e-maile użytkowników, aby wyświetlać sugestie dotyczące witryn i zapewniać kierowanie informacji do użytkownika. Zapisz w zeszycie definicje dotyczące rozwijania i skracania ułamków ze str. 70 -71 - Proszę odpowiedz na pytanie w istot zadania na str. 4.Rozwiąż działania z zeszytu ćwiczeń str. Nagle obudziło je brzęczenie pszczoły - najpierw ciche, a wtedy coraz głośniejsze. Mogą Wam się przydać do zrealizowania wesołej pszczoły! Zumba łączy w sobie trening obwodowy i latynoski styl tańca. Co toż zbyt kłębuszek-w liściach sobie jest? Kapłan: Czy wyrzekacie się szatana, jaki jest podstawowym sprawcą grzechu ? Jego pierwszym atutem stanowi obecne, że nie więdnie! Z wskazówki na ostatnie, że zdjęcia "Dziwnego Pana ze Stocku" są przeznaczone do użytku komercyjnego, często ważna je przyjść na wag witrynach w Polsce. Lecz to niewątpliwie wskazuje na ostatnie, że moja ulubiona pora roku rozgościła się na odpowiednie! Innym elementem, który zdecydował o tym, że wybrałem Reja stanowi to, że krążył tu do nauki oryginalnej i znałem nauczycieli i charakter jaki tu panuje.
Dajcie znać, który pomysł najbardziej przypadł Wam do rodzaju! Antonio (później sir Anthony) Panizzi, włoski emigrant, który w 1836 r.zaczął funkcjonować w British Museum również w latach 1856-1866 zajmował stanowisko głównego bibliotekarza, stworzył tu podstawy naukowego bibliotekarstwa. Dziękuję 🙂 Mam nadzieję, że będziecie się świetnie bawić. Jestem jednak nadzieję, iż te tutaj podane, zajmą Wam niejedno popołudnie! Jednakże nie wyrzucajcie plastikowych opakowań! Kurs w relacji z poziomu zaawansowania jest od pół roku do dwóch lat. Zatem w układzie ostatnich 25 lat nie miało prawa dotrzeć do żadnej rewolucji, bowiem te sporty w zmaganiach na dużą gamę występują tak długo, że rewolucyjne pomysły już wtedy zostały sprawdzone (czy toż źle czy dobrze). Jeśli zostały Wam niewykorzystane styropianowe jajka, bardzo szybko przerobicie je na biedronki! Twoje dziecko to wulkan energii? Zamiast kolorować setną kolorowankę, Twoje dziecko będzie mogło wyżyć się plastycznie na płótnie, na jakim numerki podpowiadają mu, jaki kolor w przyszłej kolejności wybrać.
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sunseekerdeluxe · 2 years
Music for Mondays 85
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Also heard this week:
Amenra - De Doorn (Alternate Mix) Big Wreck - Bag of Tricks Cloakroom - Dissolution Wave Dessiderium - Aria Dream Theater - Train of Thought Instrumental Demos (2003) The End Machine - Phase2 Heart Healer - The Metal Opera by Magnus Karlsson Ironflame - Lightning Strikes the Crown Jethro Tull - Live at Tanglewood 1970 Khirki - Κτηνωδία Korn - Requiem Lastera - From the Ashes Lionville - Magic Is Alive Tony Martin - Thorns Maule - Maule NorthTale - Eternal Flame Papangu - Holoceno Paradise Lost - One Second Piledriver - Metal Inquisition Redemptor - Agonia Saga - Images at Twilight Slowbleed - The Blazing Sun, a Fiery Dawn Tension - Decay Tombs - Under Sullen Skies Twilight Force - Dawn of the Dragonstar Two Minutes to Late Night - Covers Vol. 10 Urne - Serpent & Spirit Wolftooth - Wolftooth
Backlog: 295 albums | 3,681 songs | 13:06:03:08 running time
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darkwolf-98 · 3 years
My knees... they don't look fine
Has the land changed?
Is there an earthquake I didn't feel?
Or just my knees didn't work?
I ask because I don't understand how I ended up here... on the floor in the middle of the room
I who never knelt to anyone out of pride
Now i fell alone
No one to see my fall or help me up
But it can't be me...
I'm not sick, I always take care of myself... I'm strong and resistant
So why is my vision confused?
Was fine and now I see only black and blurry colors, like the light has been corrupted
Among my symptoms is a heart problem.
I even think I'm having a heart attack
It's the only explanation for the pain that tears through my chest
For this anguish that twists and tears my flesh and bones and makes me want to rip my most vital organ out, with my bare hands
This pain does not go away
My vision doesn't improve
My body does not react
I just want it to stop
But nobody comes to help me
Because the tears that wet the ground will not be seen by anyone else
And the scream that comes out hoarse from my collapsed lungs is lost in the emptiness of the cold room.
Has it been hours? Minutes? I can't tell
But at one point my body stopped struggling and writhing in agony
All that was left was exhaustion, loneliness and my injured hands...
From the cracked wood and the blood from my fists, I must have beaten my demons
Or they had to have spanked me until I drew blood
I don't know... I don't remember anything... Only the pain and loneliness
And now that all fighting has left me, I'm going to embrace what's left of it, curl up in my demons, and sail to the comfortable ship of dreamless sleep.
Meus joelhos ... eles não parecem bem
A terra mudou?
Houve um terremoto que eu não senti?
Ou apenas meus joelhos não funcionaram?
Eu pergunto porque não entendo como vim parar aqui ... no chão no meio da sala
Eu que nunca me ajoelhei diante de ninguém por orgulho
agora eu caí sozinho
Ninguém para ver minha queda ou me ajudar a levantar
Mas não pode ser eu ...
Não estou doente, sempre me cuido ... sou forte e resistente
Então, por que minha visão está confusa?
Ela estava bem e agora eu vejo apenas cores pretas e borradas, como se a luz tivesse sido corrompida
Entre meus sintomas está um problema cardíaco.
Eu até acho que estou tendo um ataque cardíaco
É a única explicação para a dor que rasga meu peito
Por essa angústia que torce e rasga minha carne e ossos e me dá vontade de arrancar meu órgão mais vital, com minhas próprias mãos
Essa dor não vai embora
Minha visão não melhora
meu corpo não reage
Eu só quero que isso pare
Mas ninguém vem me ajudar
Porque as lágrimas que molham o chão não serão vistas por mais ninguém
E o grito que sai rouco de meus pulmões em colapso se perde no vazio da sala fria.
Já se passaram horas? Minutos? Eu não posso dizer
Mas em um ponto meu corpo parou de lutar e se contorcer em agonia
Tudo o que restou foi o cansaço, a solidão e minhas mãos feridas ...
Da madeira rachada e do sangue de meus punhos, devo ter vencido meus demônios
Ou eles tiveram que ter me espancado até eu tirar sangue
Não sei ... não me lembro de nada ... Só a dor e a solidão
E agora que todas as lutas me deixaram, vou abraçar o que sobrou dela, me enroscar em meus demônios e navegar para o navio confortável de um sono sem sonhos.
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New Inquisition from Agonia records. Been too long, but understandably so. The new 7 minute track is quite great too. Hope you’re well Miss Infernal.
bet the album will be released december 24! loved the video. music reminiscent of ominous doctrines, vocals a bit different too. i was so happy 🥰
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machinefetishist · 9 months
album recommendations from bands/artists i’ve never seen anyone talk about [part 1]
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socialized hate - atrophy
slaves to the grave - rigor mortis
chopping block blues - blood feast
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endless life circle - minute of agonia
all that died was my innocence - sorry…
with black branches.. scars and wounds, the painful memories… - left alone…
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antichrist rise to power - departure chandelier
pitiless black emphasis - revenant marquis
the confessor - dumal
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A shipwreck happened in the Portuguese coast on October 27-28 of 1892. The steamship named Roumania departed from England in direction to India with 115(?) passengers and ran aground near one in the morning of 28th close to the mouth of Arelho in Caldas da Rainha. Stuck and in the middle of a storm the ship was destroyed by the enormous waves that crashed into the boat. Around 106 passengers died and only 9 survived. The captain of the ship was last seen in his pajamas on the bridge of the boat before being pushed out of the ship by a wave. 
The Times journal published the testimony of two survivors: 
Captain Hamilton
“I had been in bed all day, for I am not a good sailor, when, about 1 o’clock m the morning, Lieutenant Rooke, who was sharing my cabin, came down. He had undressed, and was just about to get into bed when the vessel struck. I jumped up at once, and then the vessel struck again, and the engines stopped working. Hastening into the passage, which was already crowded with passengers, I saw my wife, and then I went forward up the companion and across the bridge to amidships. I saw none of the officers there, but only some Lascars who were trying to lower a boat on the port side. It was drizzling at the time. I saw that I could do nothing, so I found my way aft again. The sea now began to break over the ship, and some of us went into the saloon. Soon after this the skylight of the saloon was broken, and we all moved up the passage further aft. My wife asked me about the life-belts, and I went into three cabins, but did not succeed in finding any. I had just found an ulster for my wife when the third officer came down and told us to remain below. The water began to put the lights out one by one until, at last, only one solitary lamp was left. At length that, too, went out, and we were left in utter darkness. From that moment the scene almost beggars description. So long as I live I shall be unable to efface from my memory the awful horror of that time. Volumes of water came crashing through the cabin walls, and the agonized shrieks of the women and children rang through the darkness. We were dashed about the cabins, and were unable to offer any resistance to the power of the waves. Then I felt a terrible blow on my head, and I became insensible. I remember nothing more until I found myself floating on the water on the seaward side of the ship. I succeeded at length in getting a desperate hold on a board which had been driven against me, but the force with which I was dashed against the wreck compelled me to relinquish my grasp. I floated about at the mercy of the waves; and, in order to allow of freer action in swimming, I cast off my clothes. I was tossed about for some time, and at length a wave carried me on to the beach. When I got ashore it was low tide, and the waves on the shoreward side of the vessel were by no means strong. I am thoroughly convinced that if there had been any organization on board the boats might have been lowered and the passengers saved. Our inability to find life-belts in the cabins deprived us of another means of escape. I should like to mention that the ladies behaved in a splendid manner. Until the last light was extinguished in the cabins not a sound escaped their lips.”
lieutenant Rooke
“Since our start we had experienced nothing but strong head winds, accompanied by excessively rainy weather. On Thursday, however, the wind abated and we all thought we were in for a good time. In Friday, about 1 in the morning, the weather was what I may describe as squally. We had all turned in to our berths, and I was undressing, when suddenly the vessel, which was proceeding in a leisurely fashion struck. Thinking some accident had occurred in the engineer's department I put on my dressing-gown and went on to see what was the matter. I found that the ladies had all rushed out of their cabins, in a wild state of alarm, eager to learn what had happened. I tried to reassure them by saying that it was, in all probability, nothing serious, but they remained unconvinced, and I was unable to avail their fears. I then hailed the bridge, and, as no answer was made to me, I went on deck. By this time enormous seas were breaking over us, and tons of water were pouring down the companion ladders. I found, to my horror, that the foot-bridge communicating with the hurricane deck had been already smashed to pieces by the action of the waves. Descending to the main deck I watched my opportunity and then, by making a sudden rush, I succeeded in reaching the hurricane deck.
Then, for one brief moment, I saw the captain standing on the bridge, clad only in his pyjamas. The next minute he was washed overboard. In a few seconds, as it seemed, the bridge, too, was washed away. The Lascars lay about the deck moaning in their terror. Three English sailors made a desperate attempt to launch the forward boat on the port side, but their efforts were useless, and they were compelled to abandon the attempt. From where I stood I could distinctly see that we were close into the shore, for there were was no fog or rain at the time, and the night was not particularly dark. As I heard no orders given I resolved to return to the cabins and tell the passengers that I feared all was over with the ill fated ship, and that each must do his best to reach the shore. On my way, however, an enormous wave washed me overboard, and, although I am by no means an expert swimmer, I soon felt my legs touch the ground. In a few seconds I was standing on the shore. I must then have fallen asleep, for on coming to myself I could see no trace of the vessel. I went along the beach to try and find some of my comrades in distress, and soon came across a Lascar, by whose side I sat down and rested. Afterwards I continued my search and found six more Lascars. We all sat down and waited anxiously for the dawn, when we were able to make a complete search. We found Captain Hamilton and a second Lascar, who had been severely injured.
I think the reason of the others not escaping death is that they could find no life-belts. Then, again, they were so knocked about in their cabins—where they were all told to remain by one of the ship’s officers—that they had no strength to swim ashore.
Another reason was that the ship had heeled over seawards, so that as soon as they were plunged into the water they were probably dashed back again against the vessel’s side.“
Many of the body were buried in a cemetery for English people. 
On this month, in the mouth of Arelho was found a carcass of a ship that some investigators believe to be from Roumania. 
Um naufrágio ocorreu na costa portuguesa no dia de 27-28 de Outubro de 1892. O navio a vapor Roumania partiu da Inglaterra em direção à Índia com 115 (?) Passageiros. Perto da na manhã do dia 28, o mesmo navio encalhou próximo da foz do Arelho em Caldas da Rainha. Encalhado e no meio de uma tempestade o navio foi destruído pelas enormes ondas. que chocaram contra a estrutura. Cerca de 106 passageiros morreram e apenas 9 sobreviveram.
Os depoimentos de dois sobreviventes foram publicados no Jornal Times:
Capitão Hamilton 
"Eu tinha estado na cama o dia todo, porque não sou um bom marinheiro, quando, por volta da 1:00 m da manhã, o tenente-Rooke, com quem partilhava a minha cabina, entrou. Ele tinha tirado a roupa, e estava prestes a ir para a cama quando o navio tocou no fundo. Levantei-me logo, e então o navio tocou de novo o fundo, e os motores pararam de funcionar. Correndo para a passagem, que já estava cheia de passageiros, vi minha mulher, e depois subi a escada do convés e fui pela ponte até à meia-nau. Não vi ali nenhum dos oficiais, mas apenas alguns lascarins que estavam tentando fazer baixar um barco a bombordo. Na altura, caía chuva miudinha.  Eu vi que não podia fazer nada, por isso voltei para a ré. O mar começou a então a bater forte no navio, e alguns de nós entrámos no salão. Logo a seguir, a clarabóia do salão foi quebrada, e fomos todos para a passagem até à ré. Minha mulher perguntou-me pelos cintos de salvação, e eu fui a três cabinas, mas não consegui encontrar nenhum. Eu tinha acabado de encontrar um impermeável para minha mulher quando o terceiro oficial desceu e nos disse para nos mantermos em baixo. A água começou a apagar as luzes, uma a uma,  até que, por fim, ficou apenas acesa uma lâmpada solitária. Depois, também essa se apagou e ficámos em completa escuridão. A partir desse momento, o cenário tornou-se indescritível. Enquanto eu viver, serei incapaz de apagar da minha memória o horror daqueles momentos. Ondas enormes batiam nas paredes da cabina, e os gritos de agonia das mulheres e crianças soavam através da escuridão. Éramos atirados de um lado para o outro dentro das cabinas, incapazes de oferecer qualquer resistência ao poder das ondas. Então senti um golpe terrível na minha cabeça, e perdi os sentidos. Não me lembro de mais nada até que me encontrei a flutuar na água junto do navio do lado do mar. Consegui finalmente agarrar-me desesperadamente a uma tábua que tinha vindo contra mim, mas a força com que fui atirado contra os despojos do barco, obrigou-me a largá-la. Eu flutuava à mercê das ondas, e, de modo a permitir maior liberdade de acção na natação, tirei a minha roupa. Fui arremessado de um lado para o outro por algum tempo, até que uma onda me levou para a praia. Quando cheguei a terra era maré baixa, e as ondas no lado de terra do navio não eram fortes. Estou plenamente convencido de que se  tivesse havido alguma organização a bordo,  os barcos poderiam ter sido baixados e os passageiros salvos. A nossa incapacidade em encontrar cintos de salvação nas cabines retirou-nos um outro meio de escapar. Gostaria de mencionar que as senhoras se comportaram de um modo esplêndido. Até que a derradeira lâmpada luz se apagou nas cabinas, nem um som saiu dos seus lábios "
Tenente Rooke
"Desde a nossa partida havíamos tido fortes ventos de proa, acompanhados por tempo excessivamente chuvoso. Na quinta-feira, no entanto, o vento amainou e todos nós pensámos que viria bom tempo. Na sexta-feira, por volta da 1 da manhã, o tempo era o que eu posso chamar borrasca. Tínhamos todos regressado aos nossos beliches, e eu estava a despir-me, quando de repente o navio, que estava a navegar normalmente, bateu. Pensando que algum acidente tivesse ocorrido no departamento do engenharia, vesti o meu roupão e fui ver qual era o problema. Descobri que as senhoras todas tinham saído das suas cabinas, alarmadas, ansiosas para saber o que tinha acontecido. Tentei tranquilizá-las, dizendo que era, com toda a probabilidade, nada de sério, mas elas não ficaram convencidas, e eu era incapaz de as acalmar. Eu, então, clamei para a ponte de comando, e, não tendo recebido qualquer resposta, fui para o convés. Por esta altura, vagas enormes estavam a quebrar em cima de nós, e toneladas de água caíam em cima da clarabóia. Verifiquei horrorizado que a ponte de passagem para a coberta superior já tinha sido feita em pedaços pela acção das ondas. Descendo para o convés principal, apanhei uma oportunidade e, dando um salto,  consegui chegar à coberta superior.Então, por um breve momento, vi o Capitão de pé sobre a ponte, vestido apenas de pijama. No minuto seguinte, ele foi arrastado pela água borda fora. Em poucos segundos, ao que parece, a ponte foi também destruída. O lascarins estavam deitados no convés gemendo aterrorizados. Três marinheiros Ingleses fizeram uma tentativa desesperada de lançar o barco da frente do lado do porto, mas os seus esforços foram inúteis, e eles foram obrigados a abandonar a tentativa. De onde eu estava, podia ver distintamente que estávamos perto da praia, pois não havia então neblina ou chuva, e a noite não estava particularmente escura. Como não ouvi que fossem dadas quaisquer ordens, decidi voltar para as cabinas e dizer aos passageiros que eu temia que tudo estava acabado com o malfadado navio, e que cada um deveria fazer o seu melhor para chegar a terra. No meu caminho, no entanto, uma enorme onda atirou-me ao mar, e, embora eu não seja de modo nenhum um nadador exímio, depressa senti as minhas pernas a tocar o chão. Em poucos segundos, eu estava de pé na praia. Devo então ter caído no sono, pois, quando vim a mim,  não consegui ver nenhum vestígio do barco. Caminhei ao longo da praia para tentar encontrar alguns dos meus companheiros da desgraça, e logo deparei com um Lascarim, ao lado de quem me sentei e descansei. Depois, continuei minha busca e encontrei mais seis Lascarins. Sentámo-nos todos e esperámos ansiosamente pelo amanhecer, quando pudemos fazer uma busca completa. Encontrámos o capitão Hamilton e um segundo Lascarim, que tinha sido gravemente ferido.Penso que a razão de os outros terem perecido foi não conseguirem encontrar cintos de salvação. Depois, eles tinham sido tão atirados de um lado para o outro nas cabinas – tinham-lhes dito para ali ficarem por um dos oficiais do navio -  que já não tinham forças para nadar até a praia.Outra razão foi que o navio se tinha inclinado para lado do mar e assim, logo que mergulharam na água, foram provavelmente atirados novamente para trás contra o lado do navio. "
Neste mês, na foz do Arelho foi encontrada uma carcaça de um navio que alguns investigadores acreditam ser deste naufrágio.
Crd: http://arlindo-correia.com/061010.html
folow: https://www.instagram.com/history_of_portugal/
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Jorge e Mateus - Um Dia Te Levo Comigo cover | Made with ❤ | #JorgeeMateus | #UmDiaTeLevoComigo from Two minutes to DATA on Vimeo.
Não dá pra esquecer teus olhosNem todos os beijos que você me dáNão dá pra esquecer o cheiroE o ouro do cabelo a me iluminarA vida passa tão sem graçaMas quando você tá perto fica tudo bemEu corro a 200 por horaMas se é pra te ver mais cedoEu posso ir bem mais alémSofro e morro todo diaVivendo essa agonia que me tira a pazUm dia te levo comigoE de saudades suas eu não choro maisQuem tem amor assim distanteNão tem o bastante pra sobreviverPra todo o mal da minha vidaPra curar qualquer ferida o meu remédio é vocêAdicionar à playlistTamanhoAACifraImprimirCorrigirComposição: Jorge Alves Barcelos. Essa informação está errada? Nos avise.#jorgeemateus #comigo #jorge #umdiatelevocomigo #mateus #jorgeemateusantigas #jorge&mateus #umdiatelevocomigojorgeemateus #jorge&mateus(musicalartist) #jorgemateusumdiatelevocomigo #jorge&mateusumdiaeutelevocomigo #antigasjorgeemateus #jorgeemateuslive #jorgeemateus2011 #jorgeemateusliveaovivo #ouvirjorgeemateus #jorgeemateuscover #jorgeemateusletras #jorgeemateuskboing #jorgeemateusagenda #jorge&matheus #jorgeemateu #jorgeemateusvagalume #umdiatelevocomigo #comigo #umdiatelevocomigojorgeemateus #umdiatelevocomigolucaslucco #musicaumdiatelevocomigo #umdiatelevocomigo(aovivo) # #comigo #lucasluccoumdiatelevocomigo #jorgemateusumdiatelevocomigo #jorge&mateusumdiaeutelevocomigo #live #comigo #umdiatelevocomigo(musicalrecording) #gustavomioto #levo #goiania #audiomix #vozeviolão #jorgemateusvevo #sertanejoantigo #jorge&mateusvevo #dia #novo #vivo #voce #piano #minas #volta #aovivo #oficial #jorgeemateus #umdiatelevocomigo #umdiatelevocomigojorgeemateus #jorge #mateus #comigo #jorgeematheus #jorgeemateusantigas #jorge&mateus #jorge&mateus(musicalartist) #jorgemateusumdiatelevocomigo #jorge&mateusumdiaeutelevocomigo #antigasjorgeemateus #jorgeemateuslive #jorgeemateus2011 #jorgeemateusliveaovivo #ouvirjorgeemateus #jorgeemateuscover #jorgeemateusletras #jorgeemateuskboing #jorgeemateusagenda #jorge&matheus #jorgeemateu#jorgeemateus #comigo #jorge #umdiatelevocomigo #mateus #jorgeemateusantigas #jorge&mateus #umdiatelevocomigojorgeemateus #jorge&mateus(musicalartist) #jorgemateusumdiatelevocomigo #jorge&mateusumdiaeutelevocomigo #antigasjorgeemateus #jorgeemateuslive #jorgeemateus2011 #jorgeemateusliveaovivo #ouvirjorgeemateus #jorgeemateuscover #jorgeemateusletras #jorgeemateuskboing #jorgeemateusagenda #jorge&matheus #jorgeemateu #jorgeemateusvagalume #umdiatelevocomigo #comigo #umdiatelevocomigojorgeemateus #umdiatelevocomigolucaslucco #musicaumdiatelevocomigo #umdiatelevocomigo(aovivo) # #comigo #lucasluccoumdiatelevocomigo #jorgemateusumdiatelevocomigo #jorge&mateusumdiaeutelevocomigo #live #comigo #umdiatelevocomigo(musicalrecording) #gustavomioto #levo #goiania #audiomix #vozeviolão #jorgemateusvevo #sertanejoantigo #jorge&mateusvevo #dia #novo #vivo #voce #piano #minas #volta #aovivo #oficial #jorgeemateus #umdiatelevocomigo #umdiatelevocomigojorgeemateus #jorge #mateus #comigo #jorgeematheus #jorgeemateusantigas #jorge&mateus #jorge&mateus(musicalartist) #jorgemateusumdiatelevocomigo #jorge&mateusumdiaeutelevocomigo #antigasjorgeemateus #jorgeemateuslive #jorgeemateus2011 #jorgeemateusliveaovivo #ouvirjorgeemateus #jorgeemateuscover #jorgeemateusletras #jorgeemateuskboing #jorgeemateusagenda #jorge&matheus #jorgeemateu#jorgeemateus #comigo #jorge #umdiatelevocomigo #mateus #jorgeemateusantigas #jorge&mateus #umdiatelevocomigojorgeemateus #jorge&mateus(musicalartist) #jorgemateusumdiatelevocomigo #jorge&mateusumdiaeutelevocomigo #antigasjorgeemateus #jorgeemateuslive #jorgeemateus2011 #jorgeemateusliveaovivo #ouvirjorgeemateus #jorgeemateuscover #jorgeemateusletras #jorgeemateuskboing #jorgeemateusagenda #jorge&matheus #jorgeemateu #jorgeemateusvagalume #umdiatelevocomigo #comigo #umdiatelevocomigojorgeemateus #umdiatelevocomigolucaslucco #musicaumdiatelevocomigo #umdiatelevocomigo(aovivo) # #comigo #lucasluccoumdiatelevocomigo #jorgemateusumdiatelevocomigo #jorge&mateusumdiaeutelevocomigo #live #comigo #umdiatelevocomigo(musicalrecording) #gustavomioto #levo #goiania #audiomix #vozeviolão #jorgemateusvevo #sertanejoantigo #jorge&mateusvevo #dia #novo #vivo #voce #piano #minas #volta #aovivo #oficial #jorgeemateus #umdiatelevocomigo #umdiatelevocomigojorgeemateus #jorge #mateus #comigo #jorgeematheus #jorgeemateusantigas #jorge&mateus #jorge&mateus(musicalartist) #jorgemateusumdiatelevocomigo #jorge&mateusumdiaeutelevocomigo #antigasjorgeemateus #jorgeemateuslive #jorgeemateus2011 #jorgeemateusliveaovivo #ouvirjorgeemateus #jorgeemateuscover #jorgeemateusletras #jorgeemateuskboing #jorgeemateusagenda #jorge&matheus #jorgeemateu
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eusiclaudia · 4 years
As vrea ca acesta scrisoare sa fi inceput cu draga... dar nu este aceasta scrisoarea care va incepe asa. Aceasta este scrisoarea in care eu voi incerca sa spun ce a insemnat pentru mine ziua de Sf. Nicolae si este prima din cele cateva povestiri pe care le voi scrie doar despre noi, despre mine si despre tine, despre ce cred eu ca sa intamplat cu noi, cu iubirea noastra. 
Revenind la ziua de Sf. Nicolae si ca sa pot sa te fac sa intelegi ce am simtit eu, va trebuii sa incep cu 2 zile inainte cand eram in drum spre un mare oras (nu voi spune care de dragul povestirii), de unde trebuia sa cumpar un echipament pentru firma la care lucrez. Ca sa vezi cat de defect eram, la intrare in supermarketul cu pricina am vazut un cuplu de tineri care tineau de mana o fetita, si atunci parca minte mea a luat-o razna si mi-am dorit ca aceia doi sa fi fost noi si ca sa nu uit aceasta imagine, am scos telefonul si am facut o poza,(ti-am trimis si tie acea poza mai târziu). Dupa ce am dus echipamentul la masina am revenit in superamarket pentru ca trebuia sa cumpar dulciuri de Sf. Nicolae si cum eu ma gândeam deja la tine, am inceput sa alerg dupa un ceva care sa iti aduca aminte de mine in aceasta perioada. Dupa ce am avut in mana poate cateva zeci de chestii unele mai mici, altele mai ciudate si cand incepeam sa imi pierd speranța ca voi gasi ceva care sa ne reprezinte pe noi si ceea ce avem noi, am gasit acea pisica... Nu stiam atunci ca nu va fi ceea ce așteptai tu... explic mai jos de ce...
Zis si facut, cu echipamentul, dulciurile si pisica in masina, am plecat spre casa si m-am gandit ca este bine sa opresc la firma unde lucrai tu, sa vad ce faci si sa intreb ce ai vrea sa primesti de Sf. Nicolae.  De aici a inceput declinul meu in abis... Din toată acea discutie am retinut ca tu vrei ceva mare si frumos an de an si ca ceri din timp si ca ai facut-o deja si ca anul asta nu o sa primesti pentru ca sa intamplat ceva, ceva rau. Eu deja simteam ca sunt in plus pentru ca nu mie nu imi cerusei inca nimic, dar am zis ca totusi vreau si dovezi, de asa e in dragoste nu crezi nici macar ceea ce vezi, dapai ceea ce auzi. In fine. Tot in aceiasi zi ai tinut sa precizezi inca odata, asa din senin, cum nu ne portivim noi deloc, atunci m-am intors cu spatele si m-am gandit ca ceva ai plănuit tu și ca sigur se va intampla... Nu stiam atunci ce anume, insa aveam sa aflu in urmatoarele 2 zile intr-un mod brutal. Ziua urmatoare am inceputo foarte prost, aveam un plan care nu sa ma concretizat, am venit mai devreme sa incerc sa pun acea pisca intr-un sertar cu un biletel insa am avut ghinion, la 1 minut in spatele meu a aparut o colega de-a ta, apoi un alt coleg si dupa si tu... Si uite asa am pierdut un timp in care trebuia sa scot la imprimata acel biletel. Cum insa acel mic cadou trebuia sa ajunga la tine cu orice pret, il cumparasem cu drag si vedea din toata inima mea, ti-am dat mai traziu un sms cu locul unde era si pana al urma a ajuns la tine insa eu nu am fost acolo sa te vad cald l-ai gasit. Tot in acea zi am ajuns si eu pe la tine si a inceput dezastrul pentru mine. De ce spun asta? Asta sa intamplat. Cum eu imi doream sa vad ce parare ai despre mica mea pisca, am intrebat daca ai primit ceva de Sf. Nicolae, ironic sau nu, am primit si raspunsul ca nu ai primit pentru ca sa întâmplat ceva si ca probabil nu o sa primesti. Ce oare a fost in sufletul meu, cand eu ma asteptam sa spui ca am primit si asta a contat pentru tine. Cum oare sa ma manifest eu cand vad ca persona care inseamna totul pentru mine regreta “ca poate” nu va primii nimic de la cineva care nu ar fi trebuit sa conteze. Cum oare sa ma prefac eu ca nu vad ca tie iti pasa mai mult de faptul ca nu vei primii de la el ceva in loc sa vada ca mie mi-a pasat și eu m-am gândit la tine. Cum puteam eu sa fiu atunci. Dezamagit? Pierdut? Nepăsător?  Si cum nu ma lamuream am ales sa iti dau un mesaj dupa program si lucrurile sau lamurit, tu ai raspuns simplu si sec "uite m-am certat cu cineva foarte rau..." Eu am facut ce face orice om indragostit care credea ca cearta cu acel cineva te va apropria de mine si am spus ceea ce credeam, ca totul va fi bine sau mai bine pentru ca lucrurile se vor aseza si pentru noi. Normal ca nu a fost asa! In loc sa spui “am incredere ca va fi bine pentru noi” tu spui exact invers, eu nu mai am incredere in asta. Uuuuu am ramas stupefiat, sti senzatia aia cand iti sta inima in loc... Probabil o sti! Nu credeam ca se intampla asta de Sf. Nicolae, si am inceput sa ma mint singur, maine va fi bine când se va liniști și ea. Nu a fost asta. Tu ai continuat sa dai in mine deși eu nu greșisem cu nimic, “maine nu vreau sa mai vorbescu tine pentru ca asa vreau eu. Punct!” Și eu iar ma întreb, ce am facut asa de rau? Cu ce am gresit eu? 
Si vine si ziua de Sf. Niculae, ziua in care m-ai tratat asa cum am meritat, cu spatele! Prost, naiv și cu o iubire de care mi-a pasat doar mie, îndrăznesc sa cer o explicatie seara si ea vine ca si clieseul cel mai folosit intro despartire "Imi pare rau! Nu vreau sa te fac sa suferi..." Cum sa nu vrei, vrei si o faci. Faci tot ce poti ca eu sa sufar. De ce? Inca nu am inteles. Mereu ti-a fost usor sa ma arunci la gunoi, cand ai vrut tu cum ai vrut tu. Poate nu am fost pe masura asteptarilor tale, nu te-am iubit cum ti-ai dorit, cum ai vrut, nu am fost persoana de care aveai tu nevoie, poate el a fost mereu mai bun, poate lui i-a pasat mai mult decat mie (desi nu cred asta, dar am scriso de dragul lecturii)... poate pe el il iubeai cu adevărat (desi decât sa iubești o persona care nu este deloc ceea ce ai vrea tu, nu mai pun încă o paranteza deși ai merita), poate ne iubeai pe amândoi si l-ai ales pe el (deși am întrebat dacă iubești doua persoane in acelasi timp și ai spus nu, tu ma iubeai pe mine...ha). Nu stiu si nu inteleg ce am fost cu adevarat in ochii tai!? Poate am fost doar o aventura, poate aveai nevoie de ea, nu stiu inca. Poate am fost doar o razbunare (probabil aveai motive sa te răzbuni)! Inca nu stiu si nu am inteles cu adevarat motivul pentru care ai renuntat la mine. Totusi imi pun zeci de intrebari in minte si tare as vrea ca tu sa imi raspunzi la ele. As vrea sa ma faci sa înțeleg! Poate as fi putut intelege multe lucruri… Aş fi putut înţelege că nu mă mai iubeşti. Aş fi putut înţelege că ai realizat că nu sunt eu persoana alături de care să îţi doreşti un viitor. Aş fi putut înţelege că te-ai schimbat, că nu mai mai vezi la fel, că nu mă mai preţuieşti la fel cum o fac eu. Aş fi putut înţelege că nu mă consideri destul de bun pentru tine, că îţi doreşti altceva ce nu sunt nici eu, nici el. Aş fi putut înţelege că vrei sa ramai cu el în viaţa ta. Aş fi putut înţelege că nu mai însemn nimic pentru tine, dacă, mi-ai fi spus toate acestea cu sinceritate şi cu puţină mila… cu acea mila cu care ar trebui să anunţi o persoana dependent de dragostea cuiva că-i iei totul. Că-l laşi fara sperante, fără niciun vis. Nu iar prin SmS! Aş fi înţeles totul, oricât de greu mi-ar fi fost să accept… Dar n-am reuşit să înţeleg de ce mi-ai facut astea. N-am reuşit să înţeleg laşitatea şi lipsa de demnitate de care ai dat dovadă. N-am reuşit să înţeleg lipsa de respect pe care mi-ai arătat-o. N-am reuşit să-ţi înţeleg lipsa conştiinţei şi cruzimea cu care mi-ai prelungit agonia desi ai văzut cât de mult rău îmi face atunci când ma faci sa ma simt nedorit, neiubit, în plus.
N-am reuşit să înţeleg de ce n-ai făcut măcar un ultim gest de omenie şi să mă părăseşti frumos, cu eleganță, privindu-mă in ochii așa cum am vorbit! Fără amintiri urâte, fără să mă faci să te detest. Fără să-mi împovărezi sufletul cu regrete şi cu vini nemeritate. Şi nu, n-am reuşit să înţeleg de ce nu te-ai gândit măcar o clipă şi la mine, la faptul că deja de prea multe ori iti bati joc de mine si de tot ceea ce simt pentru tine.
N-am reușit să înțeleg de ce m-ai irosit, de ce m-ai risipit, de ce m-ai folosit. N-am reușit să-ți înțeleg egoismul și indiferența.N-am reușit să înțeleg cum ai putut să devii dintr-o dată o persoana nepăsătoare. N-am reuşit să înţeleg de ce ţi-a fost mai uşor să taci, să te prefaci şi să mă amăgeşti. N-am reușit să înțeleg de ce nu m-ai lăsat din clipa în care n-ai mai avut nevoie de mine, de ce m-ai lăsat să visez în continuare și să lupt inutil să te fac fericita. N-am reușit să înțeleg cum te puteai bucura in ziua urmatoare cu el la telefon si cu spatele la mine
N-am reuşit să înţeleg cum e posibil ca iubirea să devină indiferenţă atât de uşor…
Aş fi putut înţelege că asa ai decis TU ca povestea noastră de iubire să nu aibă un final fericit pentru mine, dar n-am reuşit să înţeleg de ce ai ales să îmi oferi un final nemeritat, plin de regrete şi durere.
Nu te judec. Stiu ca nu m-ai iubit si nu o vei face vreodata si nu iti port pica. Din contra, tin la fel de mult la tine ca si pana acum. As vrea sa nu ma mai sa ma gandesc la tine si la tot ce a fost, dar o voi face pentru ca asa sunt eu. Nu m-ai cunoscut niciodata cu adevarat si singurul meu regret din toata aceasta poveste este faptul ca m-am indragostit de persoana care nu avea nevoie de asta. Poate daca era alta persoana care sa aiba curaj... dar asta nu este ceva tu vei intelege vreodata. 
Imi pare rau ca ai fost tu, dar nu uita, viața nu iartă!
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ponds-of-ink · 1 year
Notre Dame AU “Chapter” 2: “Discussing and Defying
So, uh... Yeah, I got inspired to keep going thanks to *checks note count on last chapter* two likes and one response to my first chapter. We’ll see how long this lasts, but here comes the next section... Skipping the knight introduction, of course.
(Seriously though, thanks for the support on the last chapter. Really enjoying seeing y’all’s reactions to this AU and what I’ve got for it. Again, I’m not sure how long it’ll be before the fire of writing wanes, but I’ll see how far I can go with this.)
As the knight and the judge continued to discuss the order of the day, Agonia lingered on the bell tower. Watching the seconds tick by. Waiting for the top of the hour, as he should.
Not that he enjoyed the idea, of course. Not when the festival was almost ready. And, judging from the commotion below, it promised to be a genuinely fun time.
However, those words from Judge Glitch still rang inside his head. Remember what I taught you... Out there, they’ll revile you as a monster...
And, given everything that happened before this place was even built, those words still rung true. As well they should have, really.
Agonia carefully maneuvered from the bell tower to the Princess’ Perch. He landed as gently as he could, then made his way to the railing. His eyes slowly surveyed the area below. Sun excitedly chattered with some of the already tired workers. Some guests pointed out the colorful banners and most likely asked each other what it all meant. Most of the more unsupervised children ran around the area, waving foam swords towards opponents or discussing the event almost upon them. Only a select few followed a couple into the cathedral, either as a dare or a genuine attempt to see the stained glass from inside. All in all, a mix of busyness and stillness in one moderately large area. Just like Fazbear’s back when it was a just restaurant in a small town..
Agonia shut his eyes and sighed deeply. “He is right,” he thought in his mind as he rested his arms on the railing. “I should just stay here and do my duty. It is the best courtesy I can provide to everyone attending today.”
”And why’s that?” a girl’s voice asked aloud, causing the bell-ringer to grimace. He turned his head to see a translucent girl with long hair and a green jacket. “Charlotte, you—of all people— should know exactly why,” he mouthed, only letting his expression show how flat and somber he could’ve sounded.
“Okay, but that was years ago, Mr. Aft— Agonia!” Charlotte called out as Agonia retreated back into the main building. “And I’m pretty sure everyone agreed to forget it by the time—!”
A second ghost appeared in front of Charlotte, blocking her path. “It’s all right, Charlie,” he said in a half-snarky tone as he knelt down beside her. “Father’s just going through the same funk I did ages ago. Knowing him, clearing it up will either take five minutes or five hours.”
Agonia whirled around. “Mike,” he mouthed again, this time adding a foot stomp and a stubborn frown for emphasis.
Mike raised his hands in front of his chest, then lowered them as Agonia relaxed. “We’re just here to provide a little intervention, that’s all,” he insisted, gesturing towards something in the dark. “And not just Charlie and I, either.”
A little girl with a ragged bow in her hair skipped out from the shadows, followed close behind by a plaintive boy dragging a worn-down teddy bear behind him. The girl looked into the bell-ringer’s eyes while the boy just decided to sit beside Mike and Charlotte. “Please go to the festival, Daddy,” the girl pleaded, tugging on her fellow ghost’s pant leg. “It’s so bright and fun out there! Have you seen the balloons? The ice cream? The funny, sunny clown man?? There’s even going to be a dancing rabbit lady! And you love dancing and rabbits and all that fun!”
Agonia ruffled the bow girl’s hair, then shook his head with a half-hearted grin. “Sorry, Lizzy,” he said with a very weak tone.
The girl crossed her arms and pouted. “At least when you made me not go somewhere, you had a reason,” she muttered as she stormed over to the rest of her group. She sat down next to the teddy-bear boy and scowled even more. This action prompted the boy to look away from the others and towards Agonia. “Didn’t you say something to me about facing my fears?” the boy asked curiously, tilting his head. “Or was that my friend talking? I can’t remember.”
Agonia shook his head. “I did,” he answered, his broken voice finally becoming audible.
The boy nodded slowly as everyone looked at him with pleasant surprise. Then he got up and walked closer. “Can I... help you face your own?” the boy asked Agonia softly, stretching out his free arm once he was close enough.
Agonia timidly put his skeletal hand on top of the boy’s. “You can try,” he corrected gently, letting the child guide him back out into the perch. As soon as they reached the railing, the boy scanned the streets below as Agonia watched. “Are you looking for something?” Agonia inquired, forgetting his apparent vow of silence once again.
The boy didn’t respond for a few moments. His expression shifted from unusually stern to genuinely relieved. “I was looking for that rabbit,” he answered at last, finally letting go of his listener’s hand. “I think he’s gone, which means you can leave the tower if you’re fast enough.”
Agonia’s eyes widened. “A-Are you sure?” he asked nervously, double-checking the assessment with a glance. “But what if—?”
The boy held the bell-ringer’s hand again. This time, with both hands. “You’re a lot smarter than I am, Dad,” he assured, locking eyes to get the point across. “If you were me and if I were you, what would you tell me?”
The poor man bit his lower lip. His eyes focused on the stone floor as his mind raced. “I suppose I would tell you to grab your hooded jacket and watch the clock,” he said as processed his own words, feeling his voice smoothing and strengthening. “Then, as you finish ringing the bells, you should leap off from the north railing and use your ghostly powers to your advantage. Soften the blow of your landing with some levitating. Make yourself completely invisible by masking your descent as an electrical current running down some power cable like you usually do during emergency check-ups. Ha, you could even swing down the banners like a pirate if you want to have some fun with it!”
”And if the judge sees ‘me’?”
“Just tell him you fell off,” Agonia shrugged. “If you end up doing the second part on accident, then it won’t even be a half-lie.”
The boy smiled. “Thanks, Dad,” he responded cheerfully, letting go and backing towards the ironwood door. “Have fun at the festival..”
Agonia performed a double-take as the boy drifted away into nothingness. He rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his half-nose. “All of that was to help me form a plan,” he thought as he strolled through the white-and-gold door. “Well, I suppose there is no going back now. I have talked myself into this, and there is no way that I am going to let this opportunity slip.”
With an unplanned dramatic flair, he pulled off a dingy fabric cover from a towering pile of steel and fake gunk hidden in shadow. He gently patted it on the head, muttered an apology in “Vulgar” Latin, then slipped the makeshift cloak on. His feet fumbled as he hurried back to the bell tower, hastily tying the top half into a hood.
The next few minutes, though brief, now felt like an eternity. All he could think about was what he could do if everything went according to plan. He could actually go see one of Sun’s performances in person! Or meet those fellow employees he always sent those reports to! He could even participate in some of the festival’s games if he got brave enough! He just.. had.. to time this..
He finally peered up at the clock face. Only a few seconds to go. Ten seconds. Then five. Now three. Two...
With renewed vigor, he rang the third hour of Pizzaplex operations. The bells clanged eight times, with its final chime being the signal he needed. Because of his excitement, however, he leaped over the railing rather than onto it. This prompted him to panic as he tried to course-correct by gripping onto the nearest wire of colorful paper triangles.
Clumsy overshooting aside, he did manage to make a smoother entry onto the streets below. He rode the strand of twine like a zip-line until it was time to land. With the instincts of a circus performer, he hoisted his legs and swung himself onto some astroturf grass. He tumbled onto his back, then laid there on the “grass”. The bright bluish sky greeted him through square window panes as he took in what he just did. A warm, dazed grin grew on his face. Then, the grin turned into a fit of hoarse laughter. He clutched his sides and rolled onto his stomach. He did it! He was out! And, judging from the lack of concerned people crowded around him, no one even noticed his silly little stunt. An excellent way to start the Festival of Tomfoolery if there ever was one.
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