#mirage is best bot
It's the little things: A Mirage Appreciation Post
**Transformers: ROTB spoilers ahead!!!**
Now it's time for me to talk about all the little things that Mirage did in ROTB that made me smile. I know, I know, I could just say "exist" and that would cut this post hella short and save me some time. But where's the fun in that? 🤪 My ROTB brainrot is bad!
There is no order, because Mirage is a rebel and I like that. I like it A LOT!
He messed with Noah by re-locking his door twice before he FINALLY let Noah enter. But then when Noah wanted to peace out because he realized that stealing Mirage may not be so easy after all, MIRAGE LOCKS HIM IN!!! He really said, "You're not going anywhere. You're mine now!" and then proceeds to kidnap Noah. Kidnapping is no laughing matter, but omg I just found that hilarious. 🤣
Mirage asked Noah multiple times to give him a little tap, and it was nice to see that in this moment Noah slowly became relaxed around Mirage and no longer felt scared of him.
*Noah falls hard on a bunch of junk after failing miserably to discreetly escape the Autobot meeting he was not invited to* Mirage: He's perfect!!! 🤣🤣 Basically, Mirage saw his new human friend try to escape and he thought nope! Let me rope him into our mission so that I can spend more time with him. He's slick af! 👀
I like how chill and reassuring Mirage is with Kris. He knew that moment with Noah and Kris is delicate, because Noah is trying to convince his little brother not to worry, even though he knows he's about to go on a very dangerous mission that he may not come back from. Kris tells Mirage to watch out for his brother and Mirage says, "You got it, little man." and reassures Kris that he's got Noah's back and promises that he will protect him. And he does! He freaking keeps that promise!!!!! 🥲🥲🥲
The sad look on Mirage's face when Noah rushes passed him to comfort Elena and make sure she's okay after she is safely rescued from a corrupted Airazor. He even tries to reach out a servo because he probably feels so bad that Elena was almost killed, and now Noah is freaking out because Elena was almost killed. The moment is brief but it was very sweet. He cares so much! 🥲🥲
I love, I mean FREAKING LOVE the scene when Mirage tries to peek into Kris' bedroom window to see what him and Noah are up to. I love this scene so much because he really could not help himself! It's adorable! He even tries standing on top of another car and of course the car is not strong enough to support his massive frame. But he tried! He really tried to be discreet and take a little peek because he is an alien robot, so it's natural for him to be curious about humans. And more importantly, curious about Noah. 🥺
That look on Mirage's face when Noah initiates a fist bump before he heads out to distract Scourge to buy Noah and Elena time to shut down the transwarp key control panel. It's just so AHHHHH! He's so happy and he just takes a few moments to look back at Noah. His smile in this scene is everything. 🥺
Mirage used his last remaining bit of strength to power his built in walkie talkie so that Noah could talk to Kris. And then he transformed into an exosuit and fused with Noah's body as a last, desperate attempt to protect him. 🥲🥲🥲🥲 I'M NOT CRYING, YOU'RE CRYING!!!!
"But what about for friendship? 🙂" I'm sorry, but that line KILLS ME! 🤣 It's sooooo cheesy but it's just so funny to me! Mirage has known Noah for like 10 minutes and he is so eager to be friends with him. It's really cute.
🌟 Edit: Since I got called out QUICK for not adding it (I wanted to see how fast people would react to that line not being mentioned 🤭), here it is:
"*scoffs!* Work friends??! You've been inside me!!!"
Yeah, I'm convinced that Mirage knew exacty what he was doing when he said that and he is 100% that bot that will not hesitate to remind you of his awesomeness. He is not a "work friend" and "work friends" just sounds too formal and weird in this particular setting. He also could have just been oblivious to the sexual connotations associated with that line because he is an alien robot. But then again, somehow I doubt that. He's seen movies and has most likely been to drive-in theatres. I bet he said it to get a reaction out of Noah. Yes, that sounds more accurate. 🤣
Yeah, so basically Mirage is best bot and I think Pete Davidson absolutely nailed this role! 👏🏾 He gave it his all and he actually became Mirage. I thoroughly enjoyed Mirage throughout the entire movie and he better be in the next movie. 😤
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teojira · 15 days
I saw that you had transformers on your fandom list, will you be willing to write a 'bot of choice x human reader jealousy/protectiveness fic? Like in that one scene from Transformers 2 where the Deception Pretender tried to seduce Sam but Bee absolutely wasn't having that but had to stay in car mode?
[Aren't you supposed to be more mature than this?]
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Summary: Optimus knows better than to get attached to you (too late), he can't help but side eye you and a stranger interacting. (Based on Knightverse Optimus, after ROTB!)
Word count: 800+ words!
Pronouns: They/them
Warnings: Optimus is bad at feelings, Optimus being down bad, extremely self indulgent. Mainly Optimus' Pov as well! Lmk if I need to tag anything!
A/N: Everyone who knows me knows of my obsession and love for this man it's so bad, I have him tattooed and have a whole ass shrine I love HIMMM, Thank you sm for the request! He is the love of my life.
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Optimus Prime has been called many things, many of which are true, things he'd accept with pride.
A great leader, a good friend, a valuable teammate, A war criminal.
A jealous bot was never one of them, until recently.
He wasn't sure when he started to take a shine towards you. Was it after Unicron? When he held you in his servos, cradling you to his chest as he transformed back into his bipedal form, only letting go of you after the confused looks from Bee and Mirage.
Maybe it was a while after that, when you offered to help clean him up, Noah was too busy rebuilding Mirage to offer his services to the big man himself.
Optimus could never wipe the feeling of your small hands gently running across his frame, taking extra care to mend any scratches you found, constantly checking in to make sure he was comfortable.
He's ashamed to admit, but he kept shuddering under your touch, his senses overwhelmed by your presence. Every time his cooling fans turned on, he'd wave it off as it was just hot outside. (it's 60 degrees out, liar.)
He tries to recharge that night, but the feeling in his chassis makes him restless. He can see his sensors go haywire at the mere thought of you. He is so fucked, he shuts his eyes and groans deeply, his mask shooting up to mask the sound, lest he wakes the others.
Primus help him.
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With his new revelation, Optimus tries his best to distance himself towards you, always making excuses as to why he can't drive you home or to work (a flicker of jealously when Arcee offers, no one catches his digits curling ever so slightly into his palm), saying he must go on patrol for the time being. He waves you off when you try and care for him, asking if he'd like any help with any scrapes and dents, saying he can live with them, he's been through worse.
Its only natural that you'd give him some space, that's the kind of person you are, kind, loving, respectful, loyal to a fault, but it doesn't escape his notice when your smile falls after he politely tells you you're not needed, his spark aching when you turn around to go find another bot.
Optimus watches you now, stationed on the street.
He has no right to be upset when you're stopped outside of the garage by an older man, the man so clearly taking interest in you while you're very politely listening and nodding, shooting that oh so pretty smile to a man who he's sure is not fit to be anywhere near you, not worthy of the warm smile you wear.
It makes him seethe in jealousy, and it's scary.
He can not remember a time when he had ever been jealous. He's a prime. He was supposed to be a calm and collected leader and yet. And yet, he's so close to blowing his hor-
You suddenly whirl towards him. If he was any better of a man, he wouldn't immediately think of how cute you looked, how your lips moved as you let out a yelp.
It isn't until that thought passes his mind that he realizes he used his truckers horn. Embarrassment trickles through his body, although now he has your attention, and you are making your way towards him. The man following behind you keeps the conversation going, not catching a hint.
Optimus is ready to honk again, especially if this man keeps following so close behind you, way too close for comfort.
You beat him to it, turning around as you rest a hand on Optimus’ cabins door handle, shooting the man a polite smile.
“Sorry about that, but my husband is actually here to pick me up, so I have to go. Have a good day!” And You hoist yourself up, quickly buckling your seat belt, gently patting the dashboard in hopes Optimus fucking drives before you're bothered anymore.
Optimus’ processor buffers, his engine revving as he goes on autopilot to tale you both away. Does he know where to drive to? Certainly no, but you're with him now. He's sure you could ask him to take you to distant planets, and he'd make it work for you and only you.
“Thank you for the save, big guy.” You smile brightly at his steering wheel, your eyes lovingly trailing across the autobot symbol that sits in the center.
“It was nothing, I am glad to be there to assist.” The cabin rumbles with his voice, soothing your anxiety. You curl into your seat, resting your head.
“Where are we going?”
“If I'm not mistaken, you mentioned wanting to go to upstate New York to drive along some scenic routes? I'll gladly be your escort.”
He is so ridiculously falling for you, but he can't bring himself to hate it, especially when you excitedly hop in your seat.
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
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pinkanonwrites · 10 months
In the context of transformers
Would doing regular pneumatic maintenance, such as lubricating cylinders and pivots, be considered wholesome grooming? Or a horny massage?
I think it depends on the bot to be honest! I'm sure some bots are more sensitive than others, and there are some bots who see routine maintenance as just that, routine maintenance. Like, I wouldn't get all hot and bothered if someone brushed my hair for me, but it's definitely relaxing and appreciated.
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Depending on the continuity I think different bots would have different feelings about it. If you were curious about any bots in particular hit me up but here's a few that immediately came to mind.
Earthspark Bumblebee would be embarrassed about having your help but doing his best to play it off like it's no big deal to him, while Bayverse and Animated Bumblebee would treat it almost like a spa day or special pampering.
ROTB Mirage and IDW Swerve would both get a level of pleasure out of it, but Mirage would be much more forward about that where Swerve would silently keep it to himself, frame practically rattling with embarrassment.
G1 and Bayverse Optimus would appreciate the help but would consider it no more than routine maintenance, while Earthspark Optimus would feel as if he was putting you out in some way and Animated Optimus would appreciate it but also be very flustered the entire time. Every time you touch him he startled and his engine revs a bit despite himself.
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sinning-23 · 11 months
My Latest crush is an alien car from space Pt.3
Yall is eating this UPPP (rise of the mirage simps lmao) and I appreciate that so so much! Thank you all for the 300+ followers that's insane! Also, the taglist got bigger too! I got yall don't even worry about it lol. Anywho, there's a fuck ton of tension in this one and in the final part, I think yall know what's going diz-ownnnnn (alexa play pony by genuine) Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist!
(Heres the link to pt.2 luv)
Without further ado, ENJOY! (this one is a little short but pt.4 will be kinda lengthy)
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Gimmie one margarita imma…
He was far taller than Mirage, robotic features more stressed-looking than anything. And before either you Noah or Mirage could protest, he pick you up by your shirt, your hands reaching to flatten your skirt. There was about a 99% chance you’d just flashed both Noah and Mirage. 
The larger bot who you assumed was named Prime scans you, and soon his voice sends shivers down your spine. 
“Who are you?” 
The question is simple really but knowing you and the fact that he just picked you up with no kind of manners makes you slightly more irritable in your answer. Maybe you were a little butt hurt Mirage didn’t volunteer this information about there being other to you but know him he’d probably just say ‘You never asked!’ With that stupid, pretty, dumb, adorable look on his faceplates.
“I’m not answering anything because you just picked me up and expected me to give you answers. That’s rude first of all. Mirage, come get him-” You huff, seeing the larger bot raise a brow in response and look at the silver and blue-clad Autobot.
Mirage only chuckles nervously, removing you from Prime’s grasp, and putting his hands up in defense. You’d been only a tinnny bit aggressive when you’d met a couple days ago so why he expected you to be all peaches and cream with Optimus somewhat interrogating you, he had no idea. 
“Listen, had another tiny setback. I promise this one isn’t always so…fussy. She’s cool. Cross my spark.” He explains nervously, seeing Prime's optics narrow. This mf just called you fussy? Like a damn infant??? 
You go to speak out, but the depth sounding in Prime’s vocalizer makes you freeze. 
“You seem to have no concept of that undercover means. How you’ve landed in this predicament twice still baffles me” Prime sighs, looking back down at you. 
You’d managed to take refuge behind Mirage, still embarrassed by the fact that you were almost 100% sure he got a glimpse of your panties. Despite the garage being empty yesterday, it obviously had some other tenants who hadn’t a clue in the world you existed until now. This was way outta your league. Robots and 3 more of them at that, were far too overwhelming and you’d be damned if you wound up in the middle of some cyber bullshit.
Sure you liked Mirage, his personality and kind of play boyish looks made you swoon MAYBE a little bit….but from the looks of it, there were already girls like that back where he lived, hell one of them was just standing behind Prime while he chewed out Mirage…..AND WHY WAS SHE KINDA CAKED UP? That was beside the point though, they already had one human (Noah), and Prime wasn't looking for any extras (you) from what it looked like. 
Taking your chance to escape, you grab your purse and slide out of the garage quietly. The others were going from somewhat scolding Mirage to discussing a plan for something you didn’t quite care about at the moment. The best option was to disengage and maybe things could go back to normal! You could pack up for your apartment. Go back to work, maybe you’d do something with mechanics after this instead of nursing all day? You pop your AirPods in and press shuffle. 
It was getting late but there was just enough sun to find you a spot to wait for an Uber home. You’d talk with Mirage later, it looked like he had other priorities. Speaking of which, what was that whole interaction??? You shake the thought away, that moan replaying in your mind. This was so wrong.
Your heart beats faster at the thought of how he seemed to melt under you, his servos hovering over your hips, wanting to touch but being so unsure. The way his otic seemed to be hazy and the way his fan picked up in speed. You run your hands down your face and sigh, definitely feeling like a drink would be the best option….speaking of which, you never did get your night out.
It didn’t take long before Mirage realized you weren’t behind him. You’d obviously hightailed it during Optimus’s scolding and slipped past him like a thief in the night. Part of him knows you’re capable of handling yourself but the other half knows it’s not safe, especially now that you both have been formally introduced. And with what Arcee had reported, Brooklyn wasn’t getting any safer.
Apparently, a few more terrorcons had made their way back and we’re trying to do a bit of avenging considering Optimus ended Scourge rather brutally. In all, Mirage wasn’t one for the violence but when it came to helping his friends and the ones he loved, he’d set that aside for the best. 
Anyway, he didn't want you going anywhere without him, a sense of more or less responsibility for you washing over him. It was more of a protective feeling than anything, wanting to be the one to save you and keep you safe no matter what. The thought of you thanking him as your hero makes him weak. You knew what you were doing, touching him like that. He still couldn't get over the fact that you claimed it was for science….bullshit. The feeling was quickly becoming addictive and the longer you spent together the more he wanted you…fat chance. 
Remixed renditions of Kesha songs blast through the clubs' speakers as you and your girls dance the night away. You each took about 3 shots to get your blood pumping and your closest friend was about to make it 4. Your body moves on its own, bass filling your chest as you catch any and all ass your friends decide to throw. You took pictures and posted them on your story and everything seemed good!...sorta. The last of your worries should be some cyber alien crush that isn't even here right now…you can't help but let your mind drift.
A wave of…what was that guilt? Washes over you as you take a break from the dance circle, alerting your girls that you be ‘going to the bathroom’ a lie of course. Maybe this wasn't a good idea? Part of you felt kinda committed to Mirage. Before you could make it down the hall past all the commotion, a pair of hands are warm against your hips. Whoever it is… they're tall. The faint smell of motor oil fills your senses and you whip around to see a pretty good-looking stranger with eyes blue as the damn sky smirking at you. 
“Where you going, mamas?” He questions, moving his hips side to side playfully with the rhythm of the music.
You can't help but giggle. Something about him was so.. comfortable and fun and familiar, and so so so damn charming! He's smiling right back at you freckles somewhat adorning his face as his curly black hair falls over his eyes. He looks mixed, more so Hispanic or Latino and black. Blue eyes were odd though, but it didn't matter because, at the end of the day, this man looked like he'd won the genetic lottery.
Soon enough, you're back on the floor the cheers of your homegirls reaching your ears and you shake your head. This was just some spontaneous dude that just HAPPENED to catch you before you made it to the bathroom, not like you really needed to go anyway. He sways you, pulling a few cheesy dance moves here and there but it is enough to make you giggle. The previous song soon is chopped and screwed and transitioned to what sounded like a reverbed version of ‘Streets’.
Either way, the air had changed while people, couples or otherwise began finding space on the floor to dance up on one another. He didn't say much, spinning you slowly just before pulling your body to his gently. You may talk a lot of game, but you'd never danced with someone like this, let alone be so close. The feeling of his front pressed to your back makes you weak, the feeling sinking lower and lower as he holds each of your hips.
“Cálmate mama’s. You know I got you right?” He hums, your body relaxing a bit as you find the rhythm again, rolling your body with his to test the waters
That voice was so familiar….you ignore it, thinking it must the alcohol. There was no way he could…could he?
You didn't care, letting your head roll back and rest against his shoulder, your bodies synching with each other, his touch never feeling forced or aggressive. It's soft, kind, and almost loving...like he just wants to be able to feel your warmth, know the way you move. You work up the courage to speak, voice small, almost nervous. 
“I didn't catch your name stranger.”You state, hoping his response would answer your question.
If this was really him, then there was no reason to feel bad about how up close and personal this was getting. 
“You know my name, pretty girl. Kinda rude of you to walk out on me don't you think? You're lucky Noah was able to see where you were at based on your story.” He reveals, making you smile. 
So it was him but how? Some kind of alien car tech you didn't know about? You didn't care, he was here and you were ACTUALLY holding him somehow. 
“I'm sorry, looked like that meeting was important.” You explain, pressing against him more now, his grip tightening when you did, a hiss escaping his lips. 
“It was but when I noticed you’d left I panicked a little. Noah told me where to find you and I knew I couldn't just waltz in. I'm parked outback, this is just a holoform.” He explains, flashing that stupid smile. 
“So that's what this is, you look good 'Rag. Not the first time you've done this I'm assuming. You're far too good of a dancer.” You joke hearing gasp in faux hurt. 
“Wowww it's like that lil mama? You're breakin' my spark.” He chuckles, pressing into you, making a gasp escape your throat.
You felt it…holy shit it was right against you, the miniskirt not helping at ALL, in fact, any more friction and he'd be right against your panties. The grip on your hips is only making you hot and his voice so close to your ear isn't helping. He smirks against the skin of your neck and takes the risk of kissing there. Another gasp, only this time it was more or less a whine. 
“I'm not doing anything else until you tell me I got the green light. We both know this tension can only build for so long ‘til one of us breaks and I'm for damn sure about to fall apart if I can't taste you soon.” He admits, his voice trembling slightly when he speaks.
He was right though. The last 2 days had been filled with nothing but flirting, touching, and teasing and before you were so rudely interrupted in the garage earlier you were sure you were closer and closer to giving head. The music is still playing and most of your girls had given the two of you space to ‘dance’ a couple texting you to let you know where they were in case you needed them. It was definitely time to leave because any longer in this dark little corner of the club and you'd be trying to peel your clothes off. 
He can practically feel your begging to lose any sense of morals, a few drink making your brain only a little foggy. That’d ware off by time you made it back home if you played your cards right. Turning to face him you cant help but let your eyes drift to his lips. 
“You gonna let me ride?” You hum, lips pressed to his neck.
Aweeee shit the perfect set up for pt.4 cause in the words of miss Megan thee stallion... we finna ride that dik like a stolen car HAHAAAA
No-so-mini-Taglist: @gniteruirui @veggiepizzababy @panty-h03 @justmare @merpmederp @rainbowpr1sm @mad-simp420 @insane-scientist
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formulapop-cb · 3 months
The Bahrain Grand Prix have ended and we got the results. I belive it won't be a surprise that the winner was Christopher, but let's hear a few words from our top 10 finishers:
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Christopher: I think the team did a good job in the break, i was a little surprised about how fast our pace was but we won, so. Good job team, let's continue next week!
Hyunjin: I feel absolutely happy about the race. I had some good overtakes and then i was able to keep my place as well. Amazing, amazing race and i can't wait to see the rest of the season.
Seonghwa: What a day we had today! The car was amazing, the race was fun, i had some great overtakes. I got P3 which is amazing but now it's time to snatch that first place from Chris.
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Hongjoong: Wish i could say the same as Seonghwa. Though P4 is a great place i had some struggles with the car and i wasn't able to show the potential of it. Hopefully next week will be better.
Mingi: It is P5 there. Not the best result and not what i expected but it's still a great place. Though next time i'll catch the others for sure.
San: P6 it is..It isn't horrible in fact i am happy compared to where we were at last year but i still belive i could've done a better job so i feel a little bittersweet. Anyway, it's time to rest and then continue with next week. Hopefully it will be better than today.
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Yunho: P7 baby! I definitely jinxed my luck yesterday but the car was still good enough so i think i will be able to bring an even better performance out of it. Let's see each other next week!
Felix: If we count the fact that i got 10 places better than last year, i feel great about my place. Knowing the fact that our car is where it has to be also makes me feel great. But that i couldn't do better than P8 does not..
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Changbin: P9 is not too bad is it? Definitely wanted more and better but the others were simply just quicker than us. We'll catch them next week though.
Jeongin: First points of the season!! I feel happy. Christopher did amazingly so did the others, but i'm ready to hunt them down one by one~ they won't even notice when i'll pass by them.
New fans? @secretscb @mxthxbot @welcometosector1 @mirage-ocs @redlight-cb @model-boyscb @teyvatcb @screamcb @livealittleoc-cb @kardpackcb @mutant-academy @clubwnderland @silcntxnight @domrachaa @k-half-blood @oppositesattraxt @coffeexdreamcb @folklore-cb @johnnys-toes-cb @lucky-charmsanhwa @onlyomega-cb @welcome-to-maniac @neverland-fairies @yxjmn @urluvlyfe @weeb-wonwoo @thegoodplace-oc @purgatoryxbot @project-takeover @kq-rescuecenter @theinvitation-bot @fallenangels-cb @grim-johnny @neonvandalsxcb @dark-dream-cb @demonljy @heartsteel-cb @godscb @androidmuses @fntsybot @obsession-cb (an ask to +/-)
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livealittleoc-cb · 4 months
Small Hearts Month Update!
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♥️: IT’S MY MONTH! I’M SO READY FOR WELL EVERYTHING! *squeals* I can’t wait to see people fall in love *dreamy sigh* I just love well love! 🥰 I’ve decorated but I need need need new decorations! I saw really cute mugs and I think they’ll look so cute in my collection, there’s little Snoopy mugs and heart shaped bowls and plates! Also kitchen towels with hearts on them! EEE I NEED ALL OF IT! ^^ Are you excited for Valentine’s Day?
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💘: Snow, Valentine’s Day AND Mardi Gras being the day before Valentine’s?! This is literally the best month EVER! *squeals* i decorated with roses, it’s slowly coming together 🥰 I can’t believe I almost forgot about Mardi Gras, I’ve been so busy preparing for hearts day. Mama gave me a call though and I’m going over to cel with her! This will be the step dad’s first official Mardi Gras so we’re going all out! …I just hope I don’t get too tired for actual work-. I’ll deal with it when it comes!~ 🥰 Anyways! I need to get my nails done for both holidays and it’s where I’m heading off to! Apollo gave me an early Val’s gift too, a flask and it’s so pretty.~ Please don’t tell Eros I have it…he’ll kill me and Apollo-. *smiles big* Do you have a Valentine? If you don’t I don’t mind pulling some strings and shooting some arrows!~
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❣️: I hate this month-. I want to stay warm in my bed but I can’t because I have a Valentine’s themed Dior perfume shoot. *gorans* I just don’t want to get up, I have double the work this year but I guess I can’t be all that mad. I have the chance to make other people happy on a day they find special. *shrugs* I should get up soon, I have to head to the studio soon. If anyone needs any date ideas or places to go for V Day ask away and I’ll try my best to help.
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤 && 🔦💛 && 🧊🩵 && 💄🖤 && 🏴‍☠️🤍] @theinvitation-bot [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥 && 🐿️❣️ && 🐉🩶] @fantasyaespa [🐈 💚💍 && ☀️🩵💍] @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡💍 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥] @lavienrosecabaretxo [👑🖤] @obsession-cb [🍰🖤] @clubwnderland [💃❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove @badbf-cb @domxbot @welcometosector1 @lunaaofthemoon @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @hwangsiblings-oc @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @moonlightchn @blogger-yura @thesugaredalchemists @folklore-cb @doom-bc @hearthstone-apothecary @redlight-cb @inferno-cb @darkloversxcb @9ateez-multiau-bot @mxthxbot @mirage-ocs @raiden-oc @jinju-oc @fntsybot @adminhoney @crimson-l @themanor-cb [DM + / -]
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mychlapci · 5 months
I absolutely love the idea that outliers lose control of their abilities when they overload
Like, I don’t even know how it’d work for Thundercracker. Maybe getting thrown across the room at best.
For Skywarp, it’d be more embarrassing than anything (unless you were an exhibitionist, of course). Like, you could teleport anywhere. A room full of your friends/enemies/superiors, the middle of the street, someone’s house. Literally anywhere
It’d be easy for bots like Mirage, he’d just disappear. It could be interesting though if his partner could still see their spike/transfluid inside his valve
It’d probably be mainly annoying for Trailbreaker. He’d have an amazing overload and immediately be trapped in a bubble for half an hour (I think). I also like to think that when Trailbreaker is in one of his panic bubbles, he either can’t make a regular force field or it’d just really sap his energy/make him pass out if he did, so he’d probably have pretty high stamina/have to really concentrate on not overloading during interface so he wouldn’t end up accidentally trapping his partner in a force field with him when he’s unconscious/too tired to do anything.
-Red (5 days without sleep? I’ve stopped counting at this point)
YES, i also love this idea so much. i hc that an intense overload could make a bot's horn or siren go off, so those with an outlier ability are basically in very big trouble. 
Trailbreaker with extreme, almost unbelievable stamina because he has to watch his overload, since he's had one too many incidents where he recklessly fucked himself on a spike, and in his orgasmic bliss he ended up trapping himself and his partner inside a forcefield…
Mirage shaking underneath his partner, literally blinking in and out of reality, disappearing with each little twitch in his abdomen, until he yells out and throws himself back against the bed, turning completely invisible. His lover watches as their transfluid spurts inside, and the way it drips down the channel of Mirage's valve and pools in his forge, it looks like their transfluid is suspended in thin air. 
Thundercracker accidentally sonic-booming his partner off of him in overload. Great for pre-negotiated impact play, and an absolutely terrible surprise to experience without warning. Skywarp's frame cackling with the tell-tale charge of his outlier ability booting up, but he's too lost in pleasure to notice. As he jerks in overload, he suddenly finds himself dizzy with vertigo and standing in the middle of a random hallway. 
tbh I've been thinking about Rodimus going ablaze when overloading for like, months. Roddy shaking in his partner's lap when suddenly his vents start to steam and the moment his valve cycles down he literally explodes, scorching his poor partner with the heat of his overload…  
hghhh… bots with outlier abilities having to surfer ruined orgasms or literally only ever getting to overload by themself, otherwise they'll either injure their partner or cause an embarrassing scene... poor things.
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kaycode1999 · 11 months
Ok ROTB bumblebee meets a human falls for the (bumblebee crushing hard) human
It took me a while, but I hope you enjoy
ROTB Bumblebee x Reader
It started when Y/N had mentioned she/he/they had never been to a drive in before. Bee, Y/N, Mirage, and Arcee were just hanging out together in the bots secret headquarters when somehow Drive in theaters had been brought up and how Bee was always going to one and watching movies ( Optimus had banned him before his “ death” and subsequent revival but ever since Bee had been brought back to life, OP hadn’t dared continue the ban).
When Y/N had admitted she/he/they had never been to a drive in Bee had all but lost his mind, much to Y/N’s amusement. Bee had then suggested they go together, “ Sure, I’d love to Bee.” Y/N says with a smile before noticing the time on her/his/their watch “ crap, I have to get ready for work.”. Y/N walks over to get her/his/their keys before turning back to the yellow and black bot, “ I’m off on Friday though, pick me up around 8?”. “ You got it” Bee says through his radio. Y/N smiles at him before heading towards the exit uttering goodbyes to everyone. Bee stands there watching the space where Y/N disappeared from view for a few seconds before he notices the looks from Mirage and Arcee, “ What?” he asks confused. “ Nice, you scored a date with Y/N?” Mirage questions with a smirk. “ Not- a date.” Bee say’s defensively “ We’re just friends.”. And for the next few days Arcee and Mirage continued to tease him about it mercilessly much to his annoyance.
He hadn’t thought about it until Arcee and Mirage started teasing him about it, but now he realized he was completely in love with Y/N and he hated it. It’s not like there was even a chance she/he/they could like him back or that they could be together right? He thought about going to Y/N and calling it off but he also didn’t want to make anything weird between them and he did love spending time with her/him/them.
Bee picked Y/N up at 8 like planned and they headed to the theater, and Bee tried his best to seem normal to Y/N though his spark was aching. After they’d paid and gotten settled Bee had realized he hadn’t bothered to check the movie they were watching on the way in.
As if the universe were mocking him the theater began playing The Princess Bride. By itself it was a great movie and he’d seen it several times, but having Y/N with him- looking so extremely adorable as she/he/they watched in awe. The sweet/romantic nature of the movie only served to further rub it in his face that he’d never be able to have that with this human that had become so special to him in the short time they’d know each other, and now as he was forced to watch the two characters be in love and kiss and hold each other he regretted coming here more than anything.
As much as he loved watching movies at the drive in he was so grateful when it finally ended. The second the credits started rolling he basically peeled out making a B-line for Y/N’s apartment as she/he/they gushed over the movie. He finally pulled into the alley behind Y/N’s apartment coming slowly to a stop, “ Hey, you alright Bee?” Y/N asks slightly concerned “ you seem awfully quiet after watching one of your favorite movies.”. “ I’m — totally fine.” He assures through his radio, he then transforms placing Y/N on the balcony outside of her/his/their apartment. Y/N turns to face him with a smile, “ Thanks Bee, that was a lot of fun.” She/he/they says “ We should definitely go again sometime.”. He smiled slightly and nodded, “ Well, I should probably let you get back to headquarters now.” Y/N says “ Maybe I can stop by tomorrow?”. “ Any time.” Bee says, Y/N takes a few steps closer and places a kiss on his cheek then steps back. “ Goodnight, Bumblebee” She/he/they say before walking over to the window, opening it and glancing back at the bot for just a second giving him a smile before climbing in, closing the window and shutting the curtains.
Bee stood there paralyzed for several moments after Y/N disappeared from view before he slowly lifted up his hand to touch the place where Y/N had kissed his cheek. He took a step back from the balcony dropping his hand to his side as a dopey smile made its way onto his face, and he decided he didn’t care about the fears and worries he had before- Y/N could or could not feel the same and maybe things could work out with them or maybe the wouldn’t but he had to at least let Y/N know his feelings.
He then transformed back into his vehicle mode racing off back to the ‘bot’s headquarters. He may have nearly gotten into a handful an accidents on the way there because he kept replaying the kiss in his mind instead of paying as much attention as he should have been, but it was totally worth it.
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lightandspark · 1 year
Relationships Headcanon in the Ark & Nemesis
- Ratchet, Velocity, First Aid, and Minerva bitch about everybody after a long day. They have a group chat called Tired Medics
-Bumblebee, Rodimus, and Windblade act like siblings.
- Jazz and Blaster are best friends and they have a very strong friendship, very supportive of each other’s relationships with Prowl and Soundwave respectively… despite sometimes worrying about each other’s happiness.
- Bumblebee, Jazz, Blaster, Blurr, and Mirage are also hang out a lot as their jobs connect together and they are often giggling together.
- Rodimus, Springer, Blurr, and Arcee are conjoined together and have their own little friend group.
- Perceptor, Nautica, Brainstorm, Wheeljack, Greenlight, Lancer, and Skyfire are a chaotic bunch and you should run if they are in the lab together… especially when it’s Brainstorm and Wheeljack.
- Ratchet and Wheeljack are amiable exes who raised Dino bots together.
- Blaster, Windblade, Bumblebee, Sandstorm, Blurr, Cosmos, and Lightbright sigh over the fact that the love of their lives are the enemies… Soundwave, Starscream, Blitzwing, Octane, Swindle, Blast Off, and Sparkstalker think of them often.
- Same group of cons are glaring daggers at Breakdown and Knockout whenever the couple are canoodling.
- Cyclonus and Thundercracker bailed and are living their life with Tailgate and Marissa. Misfire and The Scavengers bailed too and Misfire canoodles with Swerve.
-The triple changers from both sides go drinking together.
- Don’t let Tracks, Powerglide, Blurr, Sunstreaker, Slingshot, and Mirage work together at Once… nothing can be achieved.
- Drift and Ratchet, Prowl and Jazz, Soundwave and Blaster, Hound and Mirage, Breakdown and Knockout, BW Silverbolt and Blackarachnia, Tracks and Raoul, Starscream and Windblade, Blitzwing and Bumblebee, Swindle and Blurr, Arcee and Greenlight, Dinobot and Optimus Primal, AND SHOCKINGLY Ultra Magnus and Rodimus are all the “PLEASE GET A ROOM” Couple.
- “Shameless but Cute” couples are Blast Off and Cosmos, Sparkstalker and Lightbright, Dust Up and Jumpstream, Powerglide and Astoria, Cyclonus and Tailgate, Road Rage and Náutica, Roadhandler and Cecelia, Skids and Charlene, Seaspray and Alana, Crankcase and Cons4Eva, Misfire and Swerve, Thundercracker and Marissa, Afterburner and Lightspeed, Octane and Sandstorm, and Tigatron and Airazor.
- First Aid has feelings for Springer and gets all flustered when he is around while Firestar stumbles and crushes hard on Velocity. Slingshot yearns for Silverbolt while there is a love triangle between Red Alert, Inferno, and Smokescreen as the two long for Inferno but Inferno loves Red Alert.
- Couples that are mostly “on the downlow and fuck like rabbits behind close doors” are BW Megatron and BW Inferno, Megaempress and Flowspade, Loudpedal and Exhaust, Perceptor and Brainstorm (but it seems mostly one sided… or is it?)
- Need “love advice”? Ask the sexiest not there is… KUP.
-Seaspray, Beachcomber, Hound, and Skids talk nature together and they with Alana and Charlene go on nature expeditions. Mirage would come but he doesn’t like getting dirty.
- Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, and Bluestreak are a chaotic bunch and are up to any antics.
- Swindle and Smokescreen drunkly gambled together… once… no one knew what happened that night afterward.
- Onslaught is just tired, Vortex and Brawl share a brain cell but Blast Off holds it in tight custody.
- Grimlock enjoys spending time with the Scavengers and could be seen napping together.
- Prowl and Jazz spar a lot together. Jazz being the better fighter as Prowl can’t help but feel… drawn to it. His conjunx finds it adorable.
-Ratchet and Drift are conjunx and they practically had a los Vegas wedding, Ratchet finds it amusing and cute that Drift laments on giving him the ‘proper’ wedding,
- Rewind has bad taste in men.
- Mirage and Sunstreaker don’t like each other.
- Mirage likes to get dirty… with Hound. Poor Cliffjumper walks in on them a lot.
- Ratchet does the same with Rodimus and Ultra Magnus, Blaster with Jazz and Prowl, and Wheeljack with Ratchet and Drift. The Stunticons with Knocoout and Breakdown. Nautica HEARD Perceptor and Brainstorm but that’s it.
- Bumblebee and Windblade once asks Optimus about dating the enemy (regarding about Blitzwing and Starscream) and Optimus sighs thinks of Megatron.
- Ironhide would fuck Optimus in a heart beat. Chromia would gladly sleep with Elita One.
- Thunderclash has a crush on Rodimus but it’s one sided… my poor man.
- Rodimus thinks it’s a bit funny, adorable, and amusing Springer’s sheer obliviousness but tells him to keep his eyes out for potential lovers… you’d be surprise who you might fall in love. *nudges First Aid*.
-Fort Max and Cerebros comfort Red Alert and try to figure put how to help him woo Inferno.
- Mirage has an amusing relationship with Sideswipe… a good one though.
- Arcee and Lancer don’t get along. Greenlight is sighing heavily in the back as her conjunx and ex glare daggers at each other.
- Hardhead, Brainstorm, and Highbrow are estranged and talk trash about each other behind each other’s backs.
- Tracks, Road Rage, Loud Pedal, and Needlenose talk trash about each other too while Raoul and Nautica stare nervously at Exhaust and Horri Bull as they glance suspiciously at each other.
- Raoul, Astoria, Marissa, Cecelia, and Charlene are all beside Alana and Cons4Eva and sighing heavily at the chaos.
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danddymaro · 1 year
IT | Revenant x Reader
just dumb shit lol.
 The reader wonders whether the simulacrum comes equipped with ‘IT’ 
word count: 2236
You swear you are an idiot ;  that you had no tact whatsoever with the way your mouth ran sometimes. 
That, or maybe it was just him. 
It's the dynamic of you two together that always has you acting odd.
And it lead to you asking what was quite possibly the stupidest question you'd ever wasted your breath on.
The simulacrum silently passed you after entering the room, reaching over you to replace his initial pick of the loot with a gun that pleased him more based on how he softly chuckled as he inspected it.
And you wonder if he even heard you at all. 
You hope not, but of course, luck wasn't entirely on your side. 
He'd heard you say something, but with how mousy you'd voiced it, and how far you'd been from each other at first,  he hadn't really caught it. 
"Speak up," he suggests offhandedly, for your sake and his. 
Your face obnoxiously heated as you let out an irritated huff, deciding to just let it go altogether instead.
You reasoned that it was the best thing to do.
"No, Nevermind," you say back, shaking your head while moving past him towards a laid-out item before stuffing it into your small backpack for later use.
He lets out what is definitely an annoyed groan, and when you look at him, he somehow seems to look back at you almost deadpanned. 
"Out with it," he tells you with a touch of annoyance when he notices you're holding back on something.
With just the two of you alone, you could talk, and be uninterrupted by anyone else, so there wasn't any reason to act like that. 
You liked his company, and he'd told you once before that maybe, just maybe you were tolerable, which might not seem much were it anyone else. 
But from Revenant?
Oh, it meant he definitely liked you, enough to put up with your occasional bullshit, and moronic banter.
You'd once told him about an old relationship with a jerk you'd rather forget, and he'd been sweet enough to offer to skin them.
While you'd declined, you'd also smiled the entire time, unable to hold down the uplift and chuckle . 
His offer had made you smile softly because even if you hated them now, you still thought about what they made you feel and go through. 
-To think Revenant cared enough to offer...
He'd seemed serious about it, and something told you that if you gave him the green light, he'd waste no time in finding them.
Sometimes you told him bad jokes, classic mirage one-liners that made him chuckle, but only because you'd delivered them. He found your attempts endearing.
Occasionally he told you about himself too, what little he remembers about his past life besides his hits.
He'd mentioned his dad once,  but when he saw the look on your face, much more the way you inched closer to him because part of you wanted to touch him and maybe hug him, he stopped.
He saw the intention, and at the time, he hadn't been ready for it. 
He sneered before flicking your forehead, surprising you.
 "Old man's dead now little girl," he told you, and you figured so. 
You'd thought so, but it didn't take away from how you felt sorry for him.
 It didn't take away from how you wanted to hold him and make him feel loved.
That Jerk of a bot had found a way into your heart, and you were moved by him, touched by the damned soul. 
As much as you wanted to tell yourself that it was just because you considered him a friend, you knew it was much more than that.
He watched you nod as you deflated, and while he felt relief, he also felt disappointed in himself. 
He felt like less of a man, afraid to touch you, afraid to know how it felt like to have your full affection.
Your range of topics was extensive, and you considered the idea that maybe you weren't entirely stupid, but rather, comfortable with him to begin asking, but too bashful to continue. 
"What I asked was...well, Rev...Do, uh... you know..." you start off in a miserable attempt at first, and you visibly cringe as you attach your new mag onto your primary weapon. It’s done with difficulty as your fingers feel antsy, and your grip is just a bit tighter than it should be.
“D-Do you…” You try again, stumbling before you even pushed out the other word because it seemed that no matter how much your tongue massaged the gummy walls of your mouth, or how much spit you gathered, it still turned up dry.
You couldn't help but pout, your brows furrowed as you visibly expressed both frustration and fluster, 
“ You… do you have…” 
"-  Do I have a what?" he asked sternly, intently gazing down at you, and you swore you felt your face beginning to melt.
" A…Well, " you hummed out, idly scratching your brow, looking away all together. 
" You know, " you muttered, yet again stumbling as you make your way out of the building with him in tow, curious as to what you have to say. 
"just out with it," he said with a low sigh, making you let out a long, peeved groan because you were getting there...slowly.
He just had to give you a moment. 
" Ahhh! I'm trying!" you whine as you perform a rather clumsy spin on your heel, your weapon hugged to your chest as you do so. 
You stare up at the bright sky and try to think of just how to put it without sounding dumb.
You're unconcerned about anyone else during your idle talk as you begin to stray behind him, and while it wasn't practical, you weren't really thinking about it.
- You were just spending time with him.
 At the moment you release the peeved sound, he takes a glance back at you, huffing out a little amused sound before he decides to keep it moving, his weapon drawn just in case anyone shows up and tries to take advantage of your idiotic antics.
He lets out a long hum before saying your name, and without looking back he lifts up his hand, two fingers beckoning you to follow.
Your ears perk at the sound, and you do so, aware it was time to change your location. 
You'd cleaned out the area by then, and it was time to move somewhere else, so you simply follow, letting him lead the way.
Meanwhile, you hope he drops the conversation, that someone shows up and you have to move on from it altogether. 
A silent minute passes between you two as off in the distance you hear an explosion, the sound making your body jolt into alarm while he cackles. 
"What....?" he starts off, " you seemed spooked," he muses, and he takes notice of how you've managed to get real close, practically on his heels.
One of your hands is close to touching him like a safe pillar, but before you had the chance to you tisk, pulling it back.
"You scared?" he taunts, and as he looks down at you, you stiffen your back, your face stern as you try and play it off with an eye roll while you take a step back. 
"Yeah right," you mutter, "You'd like that wouldn't you," you retort, and rather than just turn back, he keeps staring, making you shift where you stand, nervous when he doesn’t bother to say anything back.
 He doesn’t bite back, and it’s unnerving.
The longer you two simply stand, the more you try to hold yourself together as he just continues to look at you quietly.
He made you feel incredibly tiny, and you couldn't find anything else to do than fiddle with the little charm that dangles on the side of your weapon as you try to act like it doesn't affect you. 
" What's with you..." you say softly as he makes no move to turn back.
You don’t know what to say, but the silence feels unbearable. 
"Staring at me like that," you add with the same enticing voice.
He considers your words, and he's trying not to answer back with the admittance that you look so utterly beautiful to him, so much that looking at you is giving him little surges of pleasure that are becoming addictive. 
It takes him a short pause to collect himself, and after, he then turns away with a little scoff, "I'm still waiting," he tells you, and you let out another groan, hanging your head.
“You’re still on that?” you sigh.
" I was curious to know if you... if you have it alright?" you say while looking far away, the last bit of your words coming out rushed. 
"You know...It, IT," you say ruffled, and you put a good emphasis on the word.
You can see his steps almost falter before he stops walking altogether and looks back at you again, the speed at which he turns his head terrifying. 
His glare is searing, and you feel yourself sweat nervously, the thickness of your lip bitten into out of the same fluster.
“Ah...” he sounds, sauntering close to you after he understands.
"And what would 'it' be?" he asks you as he catches on, and he's definitely teasing you. 
There's a tease in his voice that makes you shrink because you know he wants to laugh. 
- which was just what you'd been wanting to avoid. 
It wasn't that you thought he'd be mad, but he'd definitely dangle the moment over your head, referring to it... mocking you with it like the asshole he surely was.
The initial surprise was gone entirely, so quickly that you hadn't had a moment to even savor having roused such a reaction from him.
"Ah...you know," you say not bothering to finish and shutting your eyes hard when you hear him chuckle, which then turns into a cackle.
"A cock?" he says without any shame, and he takes a step closer to you making you shrink.
  "Is that it?" he questions you coyly, and you can hear the smile in his voice.
"Why? " He then asks, " interested?" he says as he looms dangerously close, and you swallow down thickly, gathering some nerve to answer him. 
you swallow a long breath that has your chest puffed out a bit before you decide to speak, holding onto every bit of boldness you can muster.
"What if I am?" you breathe out, and the way you look up at him which is bashful, yet daring deep within the depths of your gaze makes him tone down his bravado.
His certainty lessens as he gets closer to more of the unknown with you, and even if you can't see it worn on him, he is nervous.
Terribly so.
 He feels it fester in him, that feeling that has him flustered.
He can see you hold in your breath, anticipating what he's considering, what he's so terrifyingly close to doing. 
If he had spit to swallow he would too as he readies himself before coming nearer, his face hovering over yours, making him close, but not enough to make contact.
"Then you're playing a dangerous game little girl," he warns you, meaning it, and the little endearment he’s given you has your stomach full of anxious butterflies. 
It's unsaid but well-known that he's one to slice through anyone that would get in between the two of you. 
Even now he's protective with a touch of possessive, and you couldn't even begin to imagine what he'd do for you if you cross that line, if you're his, and only his. 
"I know," you respond back airily. 
A part of you is touched with a hint of fear, but there's far more excitement there that it's drowned down and overpowered.
And you can’t think of a reason as to why you should turn away.
 When one of your hands touches his chest, he lets out a low sigh as he cherishes the moment part of your body grazes him.
One of his hands moves to lay over yours, holding it as your palm fully touches him. 
Your own lips press against each other before you decide to move even closer, meanwhile inching up as you extend yourself as far as you can, balancing on the tips of your toes before your eyes close. 
You're near, you can feel it, and you barely brush your lips past his before you faintly hear the sound of gunfire come closer, and it's not until a bullet whips past you, narrowly missing you that you react to it properly.
It jolts you from your moment, and as you become a target you're thrown to the side by the bot. 
The brutish shove saves you from worse outcomes as it has you avoiding the sudden ambush.
He's quick to respond, tossing you to safety while he lays down the cover fire with a rage that radiates from him. 
You react slowly at first, instead admiring him, how he moves so beauteously, so elegantly as he shields you. 
Even in the midst of utter chaos, he has you pulled to him, wanting.
And just as you admire him, you have him ready to fight for even one of you kisses.
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Just a little Revenant x Reader cuz yes
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This is my first time writing so sorry if there is any mistakes it anything enjoy
Summary: you decide to relax while the other legends talk amongst themselves and Revenant try’s his best to show he cares
Words 1.1k+
SFW/ Gender Neutral/ Fluff Rev/ Established Relationship
It was a normal day on the drop ship and Lifeline, Bangalore, Gibraltar, Octane, Mirage and Wattson where sitting and playing a card game, Newcastle and Wraith were watching listening to Mirage brag about how good he was. Of course Octane had to one up him at this point they where the only ones playing. You where laying down in the same room tired from the last match but the sound of Elliott and Octavio stopped you from sleeping. Though the Nessie Wattson gave you helped and Ajay’s light drumming on D.O.C. was also calming but it couldn’t distract from the eyes on you. Revenant, just in the corner watching not threatening just observing. You were always interested in the simulacrum and you knew he was somewhat nice to you well as nice as he could be, he tried his best.
“Ya sure you don’t want to join us?” Ajay stopped tapping D.O.C. to ask. “I bet you could get Mirage you shut up.” Wraith added with a smirk earning a look from Eliott. “They look tired let’s leave them alone.” Natalie said making everyone go back to what they were doing. A loud laugh came from Octane as he won the match. “Sorry amigo looks like I win again!” Elliot wasn’t even paying attention to him. “Well maybe if that murder bot wasn’t standing so menacingly I would have played better.” Renee rolled her eyes. “Come on brudda no need to watch join us.” They all looked over to Revenant he just let out a grunt and left. “Typical.” Anita and Renee said in unison turning back to the game, you wondered where he was going looking over the couch you were on. He went into his room unable to see him you lay back down, closing your eyes finally falling asleep.
Waking up noticing your alone at least you thought but you have a blanket it was soft. One of Revenant’s you smile looking around for anyone. “Finally, you where out for a while.” A familiar robot voice filled the room looking over there he was. Starting to walk over to you he just looked at you so you spoke. “Were you just watching me? Oh and thanks for the blanket you could have just carried me to bed.” You giggled while getting up, he let out a grunt as a response. “You can walk yourself can’t you?” Collecting all your things you head back to your room with Revenant. He usually stands in the doorway just watching you sleep making sure your safe, but today he got into bed with you. As you got comfortable laying against him just listening to his robotic parts work. It was times like this that he wished he was human but he would never admit it. “I brought you some water so you don’t have to get up.” Looking over at the table there was indeed water, small thing like this is what made you happy. Sure he wasn’t great at showing love but he did it in his own way. You give him a small thanks before taking a sip of the water. Putting it back down on the table. You wanted to see if this time he would actually sleep or if he would just watch you like always.
He has a rest mode but he never used it he didn’t like to sleep, he didn’t need to so why use it? He didn’t trust anyone enough to use it in the first place. You knew he would use it in due time, when he was ready. “Well I’m going to go to sleep feel free to move me if you want to leave.” You giggle knowing he will stay there all night. As you rest your head on his chest you hear the parts start to slow down, getting more calm the faint glow from his eyes light the room. You tiredly say you love him and you start to doze off. Smiling when he says it back, playing with your hair just a little, things he would only do in private. You wake up to the sound of Octane and Mirage again knowing you won’t be able to fall back asleep you get up. But not before noticing Revenant, asleep well in resting mode it brought a smile to your face, he is comfortable enough to do this. You lay back down and cuddle him whispering sweet nothings to him. Holding his hand and rubbing it, he often picked at the paint on his hands hating Hammond Robotics for making him this killing machine. Of course you understand this hatred he had, but remind him to be nice to himself.
His LED eyes start to light back up, gears inside him start up again. “Morning, did you rest well?” You ask as he starts back up. “I guess it’s not like it does me any use.” He sits up and watches you get ready. “Well I’m just happy your comfortable with me to do that I know it’s hard for you.” It was, he’s trying for you but it’s still hard for him to show it. “Small steps at a time.” You add all he said was a soft yeah. As you where about to leave the room he stopped you. “Thank you, for making me feel human.” He hugged you it was unusual for him to do this but you let him. “I try my best, honestly forget your not sometimes.” With a soft giggle you let go of him and smile. If he could he would be too, you place a soft kiss where his lips would be and leave.
You were greeted by Bangalore and Gibraltar they were talking about the schedule. “Bonjour, did you sleep well I hope we didn’t wake you?” Natalie asked while she watched Ajay work on D.O.C. “Not at all Wattson, so what’s the plan for today?” Looking over at Anita. She took a sip of coffee as she explained everything. She soon left to grab some more coffee and Ajay’s light tapping with her shock sticks could be heard as you felt eyes on you. Revenant walked over to you sitting next to you, he put his arm around you. But quickly moved it as Bangalore walked back in. He didn’t pull away when you grabbed his hand rubbing where the Hammond Robotics logo was. Small steps you say to your self. After a few minutes of sitting with each other the announcement for the next match could be heard. Letting go of his hand getting ready he stops you, and puts a light kiss on your hand before going to his spot. The progress might be slow he might not even get past this stage but you didn’t mind. You would always love him no matter what and you knew he felt the same. Smiling while looking at him you start to drop. He looked at you as you both got ready to jump sharing a look before everyone jumped. Sure you loved him but this is a blood sport and you didn't come to lose. Giving him one last look knowing it will be over soon and you can go back to holding him. And with that let the games begin.
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mighty-ant · 5 months
don't go breaking my spark, part 1
Noah thought he understood war. 
A mess of treaties and broken alliances that changed by the decade. The political power plays that went over the heads of grunts like him. The staccato of gunfire around him, no idea what direction it was coming from. Squinting against the glare of the sun, explosions of dirt, and the blood trailing from the gash above his eyes as his CO screamed in his face to get them reconnected with SatComm and keeping his hands steady at the same time he thought about his last call with Kris, who had quietly admitted that his arms had started hurting so bad that he couldn’t sleep some nights. 
But for all the chaos of the battlefield, none of it seemed to matter when he was back home. Noah still jumped every other time he heard an engine backfire, the rattle of the subway sounded like the ratatattat of machine gun fire, and the nightmares were…pretty bad, but on his block, in his borough, in this city, life moved on without incident. Largely unaffected by the outcome of wars taking place hundreds of thousands of miles away. 
It was almost quaint, knowing what he knew now. Having fought beside beings who were trillions of lightyears from home, and still had their war following them on bleeding, dogged feet. Whose war had lasted longer than humans had walked the Earth. 
“Had” being the key word. Past tense. 
Because Cybertron was dying. 
“The core, the Well, they’ve gone dark, Prime,” relayed a gaunt red and yellow mech across a shuddering connection, the reverb only adding to the strain of his words. “Not destroyed, not taken, just—dark.”
For the first time in eight years, the Autobots were able to create a secure communication line with their forces on Cybertron, with help from the Joes’ advanced (by Earth standards) tech. The signal had to be bounced from Arcee’s comm station, between satellites, off a nebula, triangulated by an Autobot spaceship named Cosmos (as in he was a bot who turned into a spaceship), and finally decrypted by Blaster, chief communications officer.
Only Optimus was directly on the call, but the rest of them stood gathered around the projector, secure in the Autobot wing of the base. They were all anxious for news in their own way, even Mirage—or should he say especially Mirage, who tried so hard for nonchalance that he wound all the way back around to deranged, even insisting Noah join him on a quick joyride not even ten minutes before the transmission was scheduled to go live. 
Only Ratchet threatening to weld his aft to the floor got Mirage to finally sit still. That, and maybe Noah letting Mirage gleefully perch him on his shoulder had something to do with it. He rarely let Mirage cart him around outside of vehicle mode, especially in front of the others. Noah wanted them to respect him after all, and he figured that might be a little tough if he let his best friend use him like a personal shoulder angel, no matter how much he maybe sorta enjoyed letting Mirage get his hands on him. 
Unlike Noah, Charlie had no such qualms, today or any other day. If she wasn’t in the medbay or one of the garages, she could be found lounging in Bumblebee’s arms while playing video games or chatting with another bot. Even now, Bumblebee had her carefully cradled in his folded arms. Hell, if he had it his way, he’d probably never let her feet touch the ground at all.
All this to say, because of his unique perch, Noah felt the way Mirage’s plating rattled and the steady hum of his fans went silent when Blaster haltingly explained that transwarp or no transwarp, there would be no going home. 
Most of the explanation went over Noah’s head since he was still playing catchup with his Cybertronian vocabulary. There was talk of energon shortages and bloody battles over resources against Decepticons with scary-ass names (names like Shockwave, Brawl, and Skullcrusher, what the hell ). Ultra Magnus and the Wreckers were MIA. All of the Aerialbots were dead. After four million years of fighting, the planet couldn’t sustain life anymore. 
And all the while, a pit opened in Noah’s gut so deep he felt it might swallow him whole. 
An entire planet, lost. Mirage’s planet. Even with the nightmare memory of Unicron fresh in his mind, this was almost just as impossible to imagine. Made even more so by the fact that he’d actually seen Cybertron—or at least parts of it, thanks to Mirage’s holo tech. 
(“Don’t go snitching on me,” he’d warned as he locked the doors to training room Β behind them. “Don’t even tell Charlie, cuz she’ll 1000 percent tell the Hatchet and I’ll get lectures about straining my emitter for a week.”
“Let’s just see if this light show is worth it, or I might just give you up to Ratchet myself.” Noah grinned. “Performance issues are no joke, man.”
Mirage just rolled his optics, such a purely human gesture in his uniquely alien face that it sparked fondness in Noah’s chest even when Mirage was being a little shit.  
“It’s cute that you think you’re funny. Now shut up and let me concentrate.”
Noah felt his ears go red, an awful tell that used to have him sticking his head under the faucet to make it go away when he was Kris’ age. Luckily, Mirage looked like he actually was busy concentrating, so Noah’s growing inclination to act the fool around his best friend stayed his secret. 
For a couple seconds, nothing happened. The training room was easily half the size of a football field, built out of concrete and steel beams that were already showing signs of wear despite the Autobots only being two months in residence. There were a couple suspicious blaster burns in the ceiling that made Noah think that Ironhide and Aileron might’ve gotten a little too trigger happy with Brainstorm’s latest weapons upgrade.
He started to hear something. Not quite music, since no instrument he knew of could make a sound like this. It was more like a hum, almost too quiet to be registered, but thrumming under his breastbone like a second heartbeat. Utterly unfamiliar, but calming instead of frightening. 
And around Noah, the drab walls of the training room melted away with a flicker of residual blue energy. The ceiling shifted into a purple, starless expanse and the stars were instead flung all around him, stretching seemingly for miles in every direction. Floating everywhere, inches in front of his face and even thirty feet above, were glittering crystals in various shades of blue, green, and teal arranged in intricate geometric shapes. The cement floor under his feet became a path through the crystal artwork, fashioned from perfectly smooth, round metal facets. 
“Holy shit…” Noah breathed, spinning in a careful circle. “This is…How’re you even doing this?” 
It didn’t even feel like he was in the same room anymore. Far overhead, he could spot little specks soaring through the cloudy purple sky that he was pretty sure were Cybertronian flyers. He’d never known Mirage to project a hologram so huge and detailed. 
Mirage chuckled, a low rumble that paired with the humming all around them (the crystals, it had to be coming from the crystals) shot a small thrill up Noah’s spine. “Well it’s not easy, let me tell you.” Despite his flippant tone, there was a hitched quality to his voiceprint that Noah immediately clocked. Not pain, but discomfort, maybe. A projection this complex must’ve been putting a strain on him.
Before he could call him out on it, Mirage went on in a much quieter, reverent voice that Noah had only heard from him a few times before. The one burned into his memory was when Mirage first reawoke after Peru. 
Noah hadn’t left the garage in days, couldn’t remember the last time he slept or ate or did something that wasn’t piecing his friend back together and praying he wasn’t too late, and the half-built Porsche had shuddered under his hands before almost transitioning to root mode, briefly revealing a flicker of those arresting, otherworldly blue optics that Noah thought he’d never see again. Mirage’s voice had warbled out into the air, groggy and disbelieving and maybe a little bit awed: “ Noah, love. That you?”
“All this is footage I pulled outta my memory banks. It’s impossible to create a holo like this from scratch, even for me,” Mirage explained as he stepped up beside Noah. 
He tore his eyes away from the crystal artwork to glance up at Mirage, and found himself mesmerized all over again. 
Privately, Noah had realized that he enjoyed tracing the shape of Mirage’s high silver cheekbones and the curve of his waist in his mind’s eye as much as he did human men and women in the past. Everything machine, everything alien , about his best friend that had so unnerved him in those first frantic hours following his attempted car theft-turned alien abduction wasn’t just familiar now, it was comforting. Breathtaking. Alluring . 
And now, with Mirage’s silver plating reflecting the glow of the crystals like a living kaleidoscope, Noah couldn’t look away if he tried. 
His throat worked uselessly for a second. “So where, uh,” he started, hoping he didn’t sound as hoarse as he felt. “Where are we supposed to be?”
“These are the Helix Crystal Gardens before the war. A place of peace, tranquility and blah blah blah.” Even if he was trying to be flippant, Noah was well-practiced at recognizing the sincerity in Mirage’s voice, so he didn’t take the words or the sarcastic roll of his wrist all that seriously. This place, so indescribably beautiful it almost felt holy, meant something to Mirage as more than just another chance to show off.
Instead of the smartass remark that Mirage seemed to be gunning for, something careless and easy like, ‘Tranquil? You?’ Noah said, “This place is beyond dope, man.” He felt he should whisper like he would in church. “It’s fucking beautiful . Don’t tell me you could come here whenever you wanted?”
  While maybe subtle to the untrained eye, Noah watched the curve of Mirage’s cheeks rise with his smile and the way the tires on his back hitched up slightly, bashfully even, and Noah felt himself go flush with victory usually reserved for the battlefield. 
“Well, Praxus was clear on the other side of the continent, but I could afford to spare the energon back then,” Mirage drawled, looking pleased. 
He started walking, taking the smaller, careful steps he usually adopted when they walked side by side. Noah followed, fairly confident that Mirage wouldn’t let him walk into a wall or anything, and was amazed when the projection of the gardens moved with them, as if they really were journeying along the path. 
“Praxus?” Noah repeated. Another alien word, one of dozens he’d heard and even fewer he’d learned the meaning of, but each one piqued his curiosity like nothing else. 
As usual, Mirage didn’t hesitate to explain but because Noah was still watching the play of light across his face, he recognized the instant Mirage’s easy smile turned brittle. “A city-state on Cybertron. Neutral. Until Megatron had it bombed to the Pit and back about 500,000 years into the fighting.”
Around them, the projection seemed to flicker. Noah turned just in time to watch Helix Gardens vanish and the glimpse into serenity replaced with fire and smoke, the humming Noah felt in his heart turned into distant screams. The path beneath them was coated in ash, pockmarked by craters, and littered with the broken shards of every gleaming crystal that had once floated around them, now gone clear and dead like glass. 
Then, the hologram disappeared altogether and they were back in the training room like nothing even happened.
Then, Mirage collapsed. 
Noah whirled back around, his heart shooting up to strangle him. His immediate terror barely backed off when he saw Mirage was still conscious, if leaning heavily on one knee, his head bowed and expression hidden. 
Still, he rushed forward, practically slapping his palms against Mirage’s shoulder plating in his agitation to get close. The metal beneath his hands was warm and trembling almost imperceptibly. 
“‘Raj,” Noah started, but wasn’t able to even get out an ‘ are you okay?’ before Mirage raised his head, a tired smirk curving his faceplate that was suddenly inches away from Noah’s own face. This close, Noah could count the individual facets that made up his glowing optics, like the crystals of Helix Gardens but about a thousand times as striking. 
“Sorry you had to see that,” Mirage joked weakly. 
“Jesus, don’t apologize,” Noah muttered, his cheeks burning, and he jerked his gaze away to stare at the safety of Mirage’s plating instead. He spread his fingers wide against the warm metal, and felt the rumble of Mirage’s engine under his skin, as familiar now as the steady sound of Kris’ breathing when he slept without pain. “You were there? When Praxus was…”
Mirage shrugged under his hands, his smile fixed and usual drawl rendered toneless. Almost matter-of-fact. “Officially, I was undercover with the ‘Cons. But after the bombs, I…I split. Went looking for survivors.”
Noah made himself look back at Mirage’s face, and though Mirage wasn’t staring back, his hollow expression hadn’t changed. Dread was an old friend at this point—so far, none of the bots’ stories about the war included a happy ending. 
“Did you find anybody?” he whispered, suspecting he already knew the answer. 
“Nah. There was nobody left to find.”)
Noah thought back to all the places on Cybertron that Mirage had shown him: golden Iacon, bars bustling with Cybertronians ranging in size from barely taller than a human to Stratosphere’s height, the skeletal spires of Vos, Helix Gardens, Six Lasers Over Cybertron. Whether the memories were of quiet cityscapes or places crowded with mechs, Mirage had made Cybertron feel alive to Noah. 
How much of that, if any, was still standing? Did it even matter, if the planet itself was unsalvageable? 
Blaster’s news had a ripple effect among the gathered Autobots, who shared expressions of shock or grief or utter shutdown. Noah barely noticed when Ratchet started clinging to Ironhide’s arm, only that he looked ready to collapse, as Ironhide went blank with shock. Arcee and Aileron were holding hands, the pair of them impressively stoic if not for the way their grip shook between them. Bumblebee had hidden his face in Charlie’s hair, and then her shoulder when she turned to wrap her arms around his neck. Noah thought Brainstorm might’ve left the room entirely, sharp wings pulled taught and trembling. Wheeljack simply sat down, staring dazedly at nothing. 
Mirage wasn’t doing any better.
He was glaring at the floor, optics hidden from Noah, and arms folded tightly across his chest. He was still alarmingly silent, though there was a nearly imperceptible whine building from within his chassis, where his fans were straining against his forced stillness. His plating rattled under Noah, like he was trying not to vibrate straight out of his armor.
It was at that moment that Noah realized he’d never seen Mirage angry before. 
He was jovial when facing down Scourge, a monster who’d laid out Optimus and killed Bee, when he was taking blaster shots intended for Noah, when he relived the destruction of a city. 
But this—getting a secondhand account that his planet was dead? It broke through his force of personality, and Noah felt like a voyeur up there on Mirage’s shoulder, intensely awkward and out of place. 
There was a catwalk behind them, just above shoulder length with Mirage, and intended to allow the humans to interact with the bots on more equal footing. Noah started to scoot back towards it. Inelegant maybe, but Mirage had to be way too distracted to care about his stupid ass still sitting up here like a damn parrot.
He’d barely grabbed the railing when Mirage’s hand came down over his middle, holding him in place. It wasn’t especially fast, and it definitely wasn’t painful, but Noah still startled. When he turned back to Mirage, feeling his ears going red, he saw all traces of anger gone from his friend’s face. Instead, he looked unmoored. A little scared. And there was a question in his optics that had Noah nodding in answer and stuffing his own anxieties back in their boxes.
I’ll stay. 
Optimus, for his part, had gone stock still. Every piston, strut, and vent was near vibrating with tension and his hands tightened into fists with an intensity that bordered on pain. 
“I’m sorry, Prime,” Blaster was saying, his professionalism hanging by a thread. Noah couldn’t even begin to imagine the chaos taking place over there on the other side of the galaxy. “There’s nothing you could’ve—”
“How long?” Optimus scarcely moved, even to speak, and his words came out sounding like boulders grinding against each other. “How long ago did this happen?”
Even over this tenuous connection, the distressed whine of Blaster’s fans could be heard loud and clear. “I—sir, it’s been—”
“Sergeant Blaster.” 
A voice interjected from offscreen, and even though the deep voice was utterly calm and measured, Blaster silenced his vocalizer immediately. He ducked his head and stepped back from whatever terminal they were using for the video feed, looking relieved. “Commander,” he said respectfully. 
Another Autobot took Blaster’s place, standing stiffly at attention, and Noah would’ve recognized this new mech even if Optimus hadn’t said his name, sonorous with relief that was almost jarring to hear after experiencing the despondent fury of the last few minutes. 
“Prowl. It is good to see you again, my friend.” 
Black and white, with a red chevron on the front of his helm, this new bot’s doorwings were hitched up high on his back. Compared to Bumblebee’s, which fluttered all over the place with every passing emotion, these were practically immobile, much like his expression, which betrayed almost nothing in its flat impassivity. 
(“Now Prowlie, he’s got a stick so far up his ass it’s a miracle he can even transform! You think Optimus was bad when you first met him? Prowl probably would’ve left you handcuffed in that janky warehouse and that would’ve been the end of it,” Mirage had crowed from within the pile of bean bags that he’d dragged into Noah’s on-base quarters next to his, which Mirage had  basically commandeered for his use too. With Autobot-sized doors everywhere, Noah had just been asking for it.
He flopped onto a beanbag by Mirage’s head, so that they were only a few feet apart. “So, what? The dude Optimus left in charge of all the Autobots on Cybertron is just a huge jackass? Why’d big man even pick him?”
Mirage vented out slowly, like a sigh, and Noah was close enough that it ruffled his curls. “It’s not like that,” he said grudgingly. “He might have the sense of humor of the T-1000, and kept me and the twins in the brig for like half the war, but he’s one of the good ones. Still a huge dick, though.”)
“Prime, sir. You’re still online. There was a 77.344 percent probability that would not be the case,” Prowl said dryly. “The troops will be pleased.”
Optimus smiled, a small thing and unremarkable by most bots’ standards but the equivalent of breaking into song for him. The last time Noah had seen him so relieved to reunite with another surviving Autobot, it had been Ratchet, who’d been pieced back together by Charlie with the Joes’ resources after his disastrous crash landing on Earth. 
“As always, your faith honors me, Prowl. But please tell me, what has happened to Cybertron in my absence?”
The tinge of humor in Prowl’s face disappeared like it had never existed, and he somehow stood even straighter. His words were grim, if short and to the point. “It is as I predicted, and as we feared would come to pass. As of two stellar cycles, the core ceased functioning, and the production of energon has stopped. And as you are well aware, with the Allspark lost, we lack the ability to revive the planet.”
Optimus vented deeply, a sharp, prolonged hiss that was practically deafening in the dead quiet meeting room. “My Autobots?” was all he asked, utterly grave. 
Prowl inclined his head. “Many have already fled. Those who made it past the Decepticon blockade above the planet have scattered. As we speak, the remaining command staff and our squads are preparing the Ark for interstellar travel. We intended to follow the Decepticons, as we all detected the signal beacon of a…a Transwarp Key on the far side of the galaxy.” Here, Prowl’s calm, near-monotone cracked slightly with disbelief. “In fact, though the signal has been lost, it seems to share an origin point with your current transmission.”
“The Transwarp Key was here, Prowl, on Earth,” Optimus explained. “Although I was forced to destroy it, to prevent Unicron from entering this galaxy and devouring this planet, as well as countless other worlds.”
Prowl stared, his yellow optics unblinking. “Unicron exists. And you defeated Him.”
“I had help,” Optimus demurred. 
“ I wish I could say I’m surprised, Prime, but I learned to disable the majority of my logic circuits when conversing with you approximately 3 million years ago. This planet you’re on: if the Transwarp Key was sent there, it would mean that there is energon present.”
“Yes, the planet Earth is rich with it. And if the Decepticons get to it first, I can only imagine that they will seek to reignite our war on this planet. How soon will the Ark be ready for launch? We would welcome your aid in repelling their invasion.”
Prowl held up a hand to stop him. Most startling of all, Optimus acquiesced.
“Prime, you misunderstand. While we possess an operational spacebridge, the Ark was damaged in the fighting. Its repairs won’t be complete for an orbital cycle at least. And the Decepticons are already on their way. ”
Having Sigma 6, G.I. Joe-Autobot headquarters, built deep in the base of the Adirondacks was one of the best things to come out of this alliance. 
With the existence of giant alien robots still being a Secret with a capital “S,” they’d mostly been stuck in hiding these last seven years, traveling between abandoned warehouses to filthy junkyards to dense woods (if they were lucky), and so on. But Sigma 6 was isolated, with a security perimeter of several dozen miles making sure no lost hiker wandered into live fire drills or an Autobot taking a stroll. 
Relocating to the base had itself been a relief to Noah, who’s guilt had grown every month Mirage stayed cooped up in Reek’s garage after Noah finally finished piecing him back together. With all its people and cameras, Brooklyn just wasn’t built for a tirelessly gregarious, unapologetically loud bot like Mirage, who chafed under prolonged solitude and the need to stay incognito. And even worse, Mirage chose the cramped garage over staying with the rest of the Autobots full time. 
“Y’know you don’t… owe me or nothing like that, right?” Noah had blurted one night, as they parted ways with Bumblebee after catching Back to the Future at a drive-in in Hoboken. Bumblebee’s taillights were shrinking in the rearview mirror and Noah felt like a selfish bastard for hoarding all of Mirage’s time. “If you want to go back to Bee and the other guys, you can. I don’t want you feeling like you’re stuck with me, man—”
“What, and break up the band!” Mirage demanded, sounding hurt and not just for show. Even without seeing his face, Noah had learned to tell when he was being purposely dramatic. “Noah, forget the fact that I wouldn’t even be here without you; you’re my boy! There’s nowhere I’d rather be. Honest.”
Noah had chuckled, swallowing against a sudden tightness in his throat. “Cross your spark?” 
Mirage laughed, low and warm, the sound seeming to come from all around Noah, and it raised goosebumps along his arms and the back of his neck. “And hope to die.”
Nevermind that back then, Mirage’s paint was still mismatched and his new parts had yet to fully integrate with his protoform (new terms Noah had since learned from Charlie and Ratchet). It hadn’t stopped him from still feeling guilty, but also maybe secretly a little…pleased that Mirage would choose Noah and all that entailed (cooped up in a garage he could barely stand up in and a nosy little brother who’d taken it upon himself to integrate him into human culture by way of every episode of Power Rangers) over his own team. 
Even now, with the rest of the Autobots literally feet away, it was still Noah who Mirage sought out. 
Beyond the east entrance of Sigma 6, there was a small valley that bottomed out into a lake. Thick with pine trees, the shore scattered with thousands of stones worn smooth by the lapping water, it was always empty save for the occasional wild animal, and so far they hadn’t seen anything bigger than a coyote. In the last few months it had become his and Mirage’s go-to hangout spot when they wanted it to be just them. If the others knew about it (which was likely), well, finders keepers was apparently a universal concept. 
Once the direct line to Cybertron was cut and Optimus, Arcee, and Ironhide locked themselves in with Joe command to discuss what to do about the hostile alien invasion force apparently on a beeline for Earth, the rest of the team scattered. They disappeared deeper into the base in pairs or trios, nobody wanting to linger where grief still hung heavy like smoke, noxious and black. It felt like attending a wake with no funeral and no body to bury. 
Mirage glanced at Noah out of the corner of his optic and just said, “Lake?”
Noah barely started to nod before Mirage folded into vehicle mode around him and tore out of the base like Scourge himself was back from the dead and hot on their tail (or more likely directly in their path, as Mirage had proven the sort who sprinted toward danger with a smile on his face). 
They often drove down to the lake when Mirage needed time away from the others, or Noah wanted a taste of fresh air and real sunlight after one too many days underground. They’d even brought Kris up during the winter months to let him see real snow, not the freezing gray street sludge they knew from living in the city.
 But this was no normal lake visit, even by Noah’s now extremely skewed definition of “normal.”
Mirage actually drove them all the way to the lake without a word of protest, even after repeatedly bitching and moaning on past visits about not having four-wheel drive and not being made for offroading despite being an alien robot who literally traveled through space to get to Earth. In fact, after his single request, Mirage hadn’t spoken again. 
Trees blurred past them as they left the dirt road leading to Sigma 6 and crossed over to a rocky, uneven hillside. In the driver’s seat, Noah didn’t complain either as he was bounced all over the place, keeping a hand braced on Mirage’s roof. There was a frantic edge to the silence pressing in around him, like a rubber band pulled taught, and Mirage was racing to reach their destination before everything finally snapped under the strain. 
It was a feeling Noah was familiar with, that anxiety buzzing under his skin, like he was gonna explode if he didn’t sprint ten blocks or beat his knuckles purple and bloody on the heavy bag. It was a feeling that demanded action, not stillness, when he was powerless. For Noah, that meant endless bills, Kris’ health. For Mirage, it was home . 
And as soon as the shine of the lake’s surface came into view, Mirage proved him right, changing to root mode and dropping Noah on his ass between one blink and the next, the fastest transformation he had( ‘nt) seen yet. 
And Mirage didn’t stop. Without any of his usual grace, Mirage stormed down to the shoreline, kicking up stones and dirt along the way. He was shaking his hands out at his sides, a constant, antsy movement matched by the way he was swearing under his breath, mostly in English, other times in Spanish, and some words in Cybertronian, a language that sounded like dialup and Latin had a baby. 
Forget the way Mirage held it together back at base; he wasn’t even trying to be subtle about how he felt now, no bad jokes or swagger. It was an extremely rare display of Mirage’s temper, and on the one hand, Noah knew it meant Mirage trusted him enough to let those defenses drop.
But on the other hand, it hurt to watch his best friend in this much pain, so much that for the first time, raw anger was his only outlet. Mirage’s engine growled as he paced and his steps were loud and heavy, throwing every pound of his several-ton body into his stride, in direct contrast to the usual uncanny grace that had him dancing across battlefields and sneaking up on Noah in the garage. 
With almost anyone else, Elena or Kris or his Ma, Noah wouldn’t hesitate to get close, to cradle their cheek, hug them, anything to try and comfort them. It had always been second nature for him to protect, to try to fix things anyway he could, ever since the front door slammed behind his dad for the last time, leaving Ma frozen at the kitchen table and Kris sobbing in his crib. 
But with Mirage, something always seemed to hold him back. He second-guessed damn near every word, every gesture, and would lose his mind making sure his eyes didn’t linger too long on the curve of Mirage’s lean thighs or the cables that made up the line of his neck. Noah didn’t want to ruin things between them. 
Only now it felt like he was watching Mirage unravel, and for all that Noah wanted to help him, he felt worse than useless. There was still so much he didn’t know, hadn’t thought to ask, about the Autobot-Decepticon War and all the Space Robot: 101 he was still catching up on. 
To make matters worse, he’d had months to ask his questions, not just of Mirage but the other bots too, and unless he wanted to be a total dick about it then he’d lost his chance.
All of which brought Noah back to the fact that Mirage deserved better than him, but as usual all he had to offer was himself. And since Noah was the only one out here, he would just have to try and be enough. 
“C’mon, ‘Raj, warn a guy,” Noah huffed as he got his feet back under him, keeping his tone light as he brushed half melted snow off the seat of his pants, glad that he’d had his parka on him before they booked it. Unlike Brooklyn, which was creeping into humidity in mid-April, the cold up here was constant and jarring whenever they came back to base after spending a couple weeks at home. 
As Noah breathed warm air into his cupped palms, he was unable to take his eyes off the way pale sunlight bounced hypnotically off of Mirage’s plating as he moved, sinuous and silver as the lake behind him and just as untouchable as his namesake. 
Usually, this was the only reason that it hurt to watch Mirage. But seeing the tension knotting his shoulders and putting that scowl on his face made the ache of longing turn into a fist pressing against his sternum, starting to dig in too deep.
Noah called out to him again, breath fogged in the cold and throat gone tight. “Slow it down, man, not all of us have long-ass legs like you do.”
That finally got Mirage talking, but not to Noah. 
“Four million years of fighting for the ‘greater good,’” he barked without looking over, like he hadn’t even heard Noah. “And for what? We still lost the goddamn planet!” He spun around and kicked a hollow log washed up on the shore, and it went searing over Noah’s head with the speed of a jet missile. It exploded into pieces against the trunk of one of the pine trees behind him, knocking the tree itself askew. 
Noah ducked, a second too late, and if the trunk had flown a few feet lower it definitely would’ve taken his head off. His heart slammed against his ribcage like it hadn’t since Nightbird snatched him off the ground in Peru, and he was only saved from getting sliced in half by Cheetor’s sharp eye and sharper aim. 
“Jesus, watch it, ‘Raj!” he hissed, rising carefully out of his defensive crouch. A surge of delayed adrenaline made his hands shake and words come out sharp and fast, but he was too stunned to be truly angry.
Noah barely caught the slight crunch of stones underfoot before he looked up to find Mirage had already closed the distance between them, kneeling over him with his face inches away and optics spinning fiercely.
“Shit, Noah, I’m so sorry,” he said in a rush, all traces of that overwhelming anger gone and the smooth panels of his face crumpled in anguish. “Primus smelt me, I’m a fucking idiot. Is your central processor in one piece?”
Then, with no advanced warning whatsoever, Mirage’s hands were in his hair, big and yet impossibly gentle for their size. His palm cradled the back of Noah’s head as his fingers wove through his curls with more care than even his Ma had ever shown his hair.
Noah’s voice died an instant, inglorious death, shriveling up before he could do something unconscionable like let out a whimper. His pulse thundered in his ears, the fight-or-flight instinct that had started to fade returning with a vengeance that knocked every thought out of his head. 
To make matters worse, at this close range he couldn’t drag his goddamn eyes away from Mirage’s lips. To hell with almost getting his head caved in. Noah wondered, like he had way too many times before (usually late at night, like the lead in some awful romcom) whether his lips would be warm or cold. Would they be soft, with a similar give as a human’s? He’d certainly seen how expressive Mirage could be, his faceplates bending every which way with his emotions. 
With Mirage’s hand behind his head, it would be so, so easy for the bot to drag him forward and connect them at the mouth. 
Did Cybertronians even kiss? Noah thought so. Or, at least he’d seen Charlie kiss Bumblebee all over his faceplate and the scout nuzzle back, seemingly the best he could do without a traditional mouth. 
And hell, he’d been quiet for too long hadn’t he? 
Noah dragged his eyes away from the magnetic pull of Mirage’s lips, grasping at the dregs of his sanity like escaping balloon strings as he tried to remember what it was Mirage had said. All that stood out was one of the Cybertronian vocab words he recognized from plenty of Charlie and Ratchet’s ‘Don’t Be A Fragging Idiot’ safety lectures and he latched onto it.
“You mean my head? Nah, man, I’m fine, didn’t even touch me,” Noah blurted, talking way too fast. 
He knew he wouldn't be able to think straight with Mirage’s hands on him, so he grabbed Mirage’s wrist (so big his fingers could wrap around it and be nowhere near touching) and tugged it away. He barely applied any force—not that it would’ve made a difference if Mirage really didn’t want to move—but Mirage followed even that gentle pressure and let Noah guide his hand up and away until he was holding it in the space between them. 
Noah felt his ears go red and tried laughing it off. “Looks like someone’s gotta work on their aim, huh? What would Ironhide say?”
Mirage didn’t smile back. If anything he just looked more upset, his optics pinched and the glow of the delicate mechanisms dimmed. Just watching him made Noah lose his smile, a pang of worry straightened his spine. 
“Noah…” Mirage ducked his head, just for a second, before making himself meet Noah’s eyes again. He raised his free hand, visibly hesitating, before carefully covering the one Noah still had wrapped around his wrist. “That wasn’t…I shouldn't have…you know I’d never do anything to hurt you, right? Not-not by choice. That back there…I don’t want you to think—”
“Gonna stop you there,” Noah interrupted gently, smiling up at Mirage’s big anxious face. He started to wiggle his hand free and Mirage let him go almost immediately—but Noah didn’t let him get far. Screw his hangups, screw his way-more-serious-than-just-a-crush, Noah grabbed Mirage’s hand and held on tight. Or, technically he grabbed the two fingers he could feasibly wrap his hand around. 
“It was an accident,” he said firmly, not breaking eye contact. As volatile as Mirage seemed right now, it was crucial that Noah’s sincerity got through to him. “I trust you, ‘Raj, probably more than anyone else I know. Nah, definitely . I know that when I’m with you, I’m safe. Me and my family.”
Mirage sighed, warm air from his cheek vents brushing against Noah’s curls, releasing the tension that had been holding his struts so painfully still. He even smiled, bashful and small. “Thanks, Noah. You and Kris and your Ma…you all matter a lot to me. I never had people before, y’know, not like this, and when I’m with you guys, I dunno. It’s the safest I’ve felt in…hell, stellar cycles.”
Noah knew he hadn’t said as much, but he already thought of Mirage as family. He was practically Ma’s favorite already and the less said about his and Kris’ “secret” two a.m. McDonald’s runs the better. But maybe as anxious as Noah was to say it out loud and claim Mirage as his, to belong among the bots, maybe Mirage felt the same way. Unsure of his place and not wanting to overstep. 
Mirage started running his thumb up and down Noah’s knuckles, and he resisted the urge to shiver. Apparently he didn’t do a good enough job, because Mirage frowned and leaned forward, tugging Noah closer by the hand. Noah froze like a damn deer in headlights as their faces got closer and closer and for one breathless, heartstopping moment, he was positive that Mirage was about to kiss him. 
Instead, Mirage split apart around him, his transformation to vehicle mode slower than usual as he carefully accommodated for Noah. Even this felt a little bit like an apology for dumping him on his ass earlier. 
Either way, it gave Noah precious seconds to get over his own wishful thinking before he found himself in the front seat of the Porsche, the heater running on full blast and already warming his chilled fingers. 
“What was that for?” he laughed, stroking a hand across the steering wheel. 
Mirage’s engine rumbled around him, like the purring of a housecat. “You humans are so delicate! Couldn’t let my boy get, uh, frostbite or whatever.”
“Yeah huh. Y’know, doc, one of these days I’m making you sit through one of Ratchet’s lectures on human first aid.”
Mirage made an exaggerated sound of disgust through his radio. “Oh, eugh, mercy! I don’t ever wanna think about having to put you back together.” 
Noah chuckled quietly, moving his hand lower to thumb over the Autobot symbol on the center of Mirage’s steering wheel. Without Mirage’s stare making him self-conscious, Noah couldn’t help touching him when he was in vehicle mode. 
“Nah, I feel ya, man. There’s a lot that I can’t unsee. And people are a lot harder to put back together than ‘bots.”
Mirage didn’t speak again, but his engine let out a whine, plaintive and sad, and Noah knew they were both thinking of the bridge, the heat of blasterfire, Mirage shuddering above him. He flattened his palm over the center of Mirage’s steering wheel and ran his other hand along the inside of his door panel, feeling it tremble. It was just as much a reminder to himself as it was for Mirage that they’d survived and were both far, far from Peru. 
The mood had definitely shifted in a more solemn direction, but Noah didn’t mind it. Not the silence that stretched between them either, heavy with feeling but not strained under the weight. 
Since he brought Mirage back (and hell, he’d never get tired of saying that), he found there was almost nowhere he’d rather be than in his partner’s presence. Whether that was puttering around his work station in the garage back home while Mirage watched MTV or tried to goad Noah into joining him for a drive, or sparring in his new Wheeljack-designed, Brainstorm-made, and Ratchet-approved exosuit, it didn’t matter what they did so long as Noah could lay eyes on him and remind himself that Mirage was alive and in one piece. 
A few minutes passed before Mirage rolled forward, out of the shadow of the treeline and closer to the shore where the sunlight was shining pale through the clouds. Crazy to think after all that had happened, it wasn’t even midday. 
As if Mirage had read his mind, he finally spoke again, resigned in a way that Noah didn’t like. “I guess you must have a billion questions, huh?”
“About you? Sure, but only ‘cuz you’re so damn interesting,” Noah teased with the ease of long practice. 
Mirage rewarded him with a burst of staticky laughter and a bleat of his horn, hastily silenced. Noah grinned at the sound, and wondered when a Porcshe cracking up had become something so charming. 
“Primus, that was embarrassing,” Mirage wheezed through his radio. “You’re a menace. Do the others know how much of a menace you are?”
Noah crossed his arms, leaning back and getting comfortable in the leather seat. “Don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m a model Autobot, ask anybody.”
Mirage’s biolights, usually darkened while in vehicle mode, pulsed and illuminated his cabin in brilliant, pale blue. And to Noah’s delight, they didn’t dim again immediately. He preferred them, honestly; they made Mirage look more alive, more himself, even when in disguise. Noah loved tracing the glowing seams of blue when it was just them. 
 “Noah, seriously, we got a whole slagheap dropped on us today,” Mirage’s voice deepened with sincerity, rumbling pleasantly around him in a way Noah tried not to enjoy too much. “I mean, shit, love, the ‘Cons are on their way here right now, and apparently so is Prowl , y’know, eventually , and I know he hasn’t forgotten about the time I switched out his acid pellet ammo for rust sticks and he’s gonna get his revenge when I least expect it but in a way that makes him look totally innocent—”
“Mirage!” Noah interrupted with a laugh, ignoring the way his face heated at the use of the pet name. “Relax, man. If you wanna talk, we’ll talk, but otherwise I’m fine just chilling here with you. Today was a lot for both of us.”
Mirage more than Noah, but he wasn’t about to say that now. 
“Yeah,” Mirage said more quietly. “Yeah, okay.” 
And for a couple minutes, that was it. Silence, a rarity in Mirage’s case, went on uninterrupted. Noah leaned his head back but kept his eyes open, tracing Mirage’s nearest array of biolights with his fingertips. 
Mirage kept kicking his engine on and off intermittently, like he was talking himself in and out of just gunning it back to the main road and not stopping till they hit Jersey. But the most he actually did was flick his windshield wipers at a squirrel that dared jump on his hood. 
His engine roared to life one more time, seats rumbling, and then sharply shut off again. Before Mirage’s engine had completely quieted, he let out a sigh through the radio.
“Did anyone ever tell you how the war got started?”
Starting from the top then. 
Noah leaned forward until his chest was pressed against Mirage’s steering wheel and wrapped his arms around the top. “I assumed it was something’ along the lines of Decepticons bad, Autobots good.”
“Heh. Maybe it got more black and white towards the end, as more of us got killed off,” Mirage said in that mournful, earnest way of his whenever he talked about the war. “But really, at first, the Decepticons were almost what Cybertron needed. A revolution. Until everything flew off the rails.”
This was definitely a side of the story Noah hadn’t heard before. Listening to Ironhide and Ratchet tell it, you’d think the Decepticons ate babies and personally created the hole in the ozone layer. Noah didn’t doubt they were evil—he’d heard about too many friends who’d been cut down, the cities leveled, and a deathtoll that broke his brain—but no one had ever explained where it all began and Noah hadn’t known how to ask. 
“Even before the war, Cybertron wasn’t exactly a paradise. Our society was based around the idea that your alt mode was your Primus-given gift and if he made you a drill, then you literally had no choice but to slave away in the energon mines. If you were a microscope, you were meant for science, and a career-change wasn’t an option. The Senate made it law that your alt mode equaled your class, your function in society, whether that was as a disposable fourth-class sanitation ‘bot with no rights or a filthy stinking rich noble who could do whatever the hell he wanted,” Mirage finished with surprising bitterness. 
Noah stroked Mirage’s steering wheel with his thumb. A weak attempt at comfort maybe but he couldn’t exactly ask Mirage to transform just so he could try to give him a hug. “Which one were you?” 
He could hear the way Mirage preened, but even that fell flat, like his spark wasn’t in it. “What, can’t you guess?
The thing was, Noah could sorta see it: a Mirage with gleaming, undamaged plating living some pampered life on a shiny alien planet he’d only seen snippets of. After all the shit Mirage went through in Peru, he probably deserved to get the royal treatment. But at the same time, it didn’t fit the image of Mirage that Noah knew—the Mirage who raced through a battlefield just to save his sorry ass, who made a promise to Noah’s little brother and almost paid for it with his life. 
Some rich prick (former or otherwise) wouldn’t have accepted Kris’ crappy plastic radio and integrated it into his systems just so they could talk video games and keep tabs on Noah from a million miles away. Not to mention everything Mirage had done for his family since then. 
“So, what? Were you like a duke or something?” Noah asked, still trying to wrap his head around it all. Alien robot classism. Huh.  
Mirage made a ‘so-so’ sort of noise. “Something like that. An empty title that came with plenty of perks I didn’t do anything to earn. 
“And since I was blowing all my time on Velocitron race tracks and getting wasted at bougie clubs, I sorta missed the start of the revolution. I mean, I’d seen the Decepticon propaganda—it was all over the place back then—and I agreed with what they were saying. Abolish the caste system, make all Cybertronians equal, give them the freedom to choose what to do with their lives. All good things, right?”
Noah winced at the plaintive strain to Mirage’s voice print. He remembered that Praxus had been neutral in the civil war when the Decepticons bombed and burned it to the ground, leaving no survivors. When Ironhide arrived on Earth, he’d brought the remains of an Autobot named Cliffjumper to give him the proper funeral rites—he’d been found split down the middle, his body in two clean, gruesome halves. 
It was obvious that whatever good the Decepticons promised at the start didn’t mean shit now, and they were uniquely evil in a way Noah hadn’t thought possible. Until he watched Scourge murder Bumblebee and add his badge to his collection. Until he corrupted Airazor, making her rot from the inside out. Until he fired on Mirage, huddled over Noah as a living shield, and kept firing until he’d blown off Mirage’s arm, his leg, and burned a hole straight through his spine. Until he thought he’d killed them both. 
Until Scourge brought Unicron to Earth, ready to sacrifice billions to his master’s hunger. 
“I thought about joining,” Mirage muttered. “I almost did .”
“The Decepticons?” Noah asked with as little inflection as possible. He knew what side Mirage landed on, and more importantly, he knew Mirage . 
But he reacted like Noah had just accused him of masterminding the entire Decepticon agenda, his engine whining in distress. “I thought about it,” Mirage stressed. “But before I could get serious about it, the ‘Cons up and executed the Senate, killed the old Prime, and BOOM we were at war. And we stayed at war for 4 million years. Give or take a thousand.” 
“Jesus,” Noah breathed. He felt a little queasy, like he always did when he was reminded of how insanely long-lived Mirage and all of the ‘bots were. It was easy to forget that his best friend was older than human civilization when he and Kris were tag teaming Noah into letting them stay up late playing Yoshi’s Island on a school night. 
Mirage was a world unto himself; Noah would never see Cybertron except through his eyes, his words. He’d lived an entire lifetime, and a war, on another planet that could never return to the way it used to be. 
“I joined the Autobots ‘cuz I wanted to help end the war as fast as possible,'' Mirage rumbled around him. “I thought it would all be worth it in the end. When we saved Cybertron, I’d be able to look back and know I did my part.” He scoffed. “Well I did my part, all right. Dead core means dead planet, dead people, Cybes at the top of the intergalactic endangered species list. Let’s just name me the next Prime while we’re at it!”
That brought Noah up short. He lurched away from the wheel, and Mirage immediately jolted around him, his frame tensing like he was expecting an attack. 
“The hell do you mean ‘endangered?’” 
That was a word reserved for pretty little birds in the Amazon or dolphins caught in fishing nets, not Mirage , powerful and alien and ethereal. Not Optimus, or Ratchet, or any of the other ‘bots whose bodies were half weapon and all power.
Noah wracked his brain, thinking back to Blaster’s grieving, panicked report and Prowl’s more perfunctory recap. Most of what they’d said had flown over his head, sure, but he would’ve noticed them mentioning something that intensely dramatic on top of the whole dead planet thing , right? 
‘Endangered’ meant a species couldn’t make any more of themselves. And yeah, it’s not like he thought giant alien robots were having sex to reproduce; he didn’t know how they did it, but he did know that they had relationships and got married, just like humans. There was enough innuendo thrown around on base for Noah to figure out that they did something that was like sex but wasn’t , and he didn’t want to know any more than that (a baldfaced fucking lie. He wanted to know, he really, really did but who could he ask? Charlie? Ratchet? Mirage? He’d rather face down Scourge’s Sweeps again than put himself through that).
“Oh, right,” Mirage murmured, like he’d just remembered something obvious to everyone but Noah, which wasn’t doing him any favors. 
Then Mirage shifted around him, still keeping his transformation slow, and a couple seconds later Noah found himself sitting on one of Mirage’s folded knees instead of his front seat. If Noah wanted to, he could reach out and lay his hand flat against Mirage’s abdomen, a recurring temptation whenever they were this close and he wasn’t doing any repairs on Mirage’s reckless ass. 
Instead of just blushing and fantasizing about tracing his transformation seams (again), Noah looked up at Mirage’s hesitant face and dim optics and determinedly locked down the usual minefield of want-to-touch/don’t-be-stupid that came from being so close. He leaned back, trusting Mirage to catch him, and his boy didn’t disappoint. One of his wide silver palms came up to wrap around the middle of Noah’s back, pressing softly to keep him supported. 
“Do you remember what Blaster and Prowl said about Cybertron’s core? About how it’d gone dark?” Mirage asked gently. His tone reminded Noah of the leadup to Ma explaining that his baby brother, who couldn’t even walk yet, was very sick and he was going to be sick for a very long time. 
Noah nodded haltingly. 
“The thing is, we don’t make new beings the way you humans do. Don’t have the right equipment , y’know?” And Mirage winked, putting his whole body into it, even giving a little hip wiggle that made Noah snort with unexpected laughter. He almost fell right off Mirage’s knee for real this time, but Mirage reeled him back in with both hands, his grin only a little of the shit-eating kind. 
“So how—?” Noah wheezed. 
“Think of us as being born like cabbage patch kids instead,” Mirage interrupted, almost sending Noah into another laughing fit that was toeing the line of hysteria. But even with the tension broken, there was something flimsy about Mirage’s usual easy levity that made it impossible to completely banish the dread from the back of Noah’s mind. 
That dread proved justified as Mirage continued explaining, trying to keep his tone light, but the tightness around his optics and the way he curled around Noah betrayed his true misery. “Cybertron’s core seeded fields of hotspots on the planet’s surface, creating new sparks. New life. So with no Allspark, and a dead core, well, that’s sorta it for us as a species. Zip. Zilch. No new ‘bots, maybe ever again.” 
Noah’s stomach plummeted so fast he almost staggered, horror rushing in to fill its place. “Oh, ‘Raj…” he murmured, at a loss for what to say. What was there to say? 
From a human perspective, it was impossible to imagine his entire species losing the ability to give birth, to create children and watch them grow up to be the next generation. Everyone would just linger, getting older and dying off until there was no one left. It would be the end of human civilization, period. All that on top of a war that already resulted in the deaths of….thousands? Millions? 
What could Noah say to fix that?
Mirage bowed forward until his forehead was almost touching Noah’s, and his voice rumbled through the inches of space between them, so quiet it was almost drowned out by the water lapping at the lakeshore. 
“The thing is…we were fighting for so long over who should control Cybertron’s spark that we ended up being the reason it was extinguished. And now, oops! Our bad! We couldn’t even keep Earth secret from the ‘Cons! Now I just…I don’t want the same thing to happen to your planet.”
And with Mirage sounding so pained and hunched so close to him, close enough for Noah to cradle his cheek and smooth the regret and apology from his faceplates if he was brave enough, it brutally reminded him of Mirage huddled over him, shuddering under blaster fire, and still smiling down at him as his optics went dark.
Blinking past the memory, Noah reached out and traced the ‘Y’-shaped biolights on Mirage’s chest before laying his hand flat against it, covering it with his palm. He focused on the purr of the countless components and gears that made up Mirage, humming their secret song beneath his armor chassis. 
Mirage just watched him, his optics at half-mast. After all that talking, he seemed fine with the quiet now, weary in a way Noah hadn’t seen since the night Ironhide arrived with Cliffjumper’s body. It pained Noah to see him this way, even more than it had back then. 
He knew there was nothing either of them could do to fix this, not now and not in a month. They were gonna be in limbo until the Decepticons made landfall, and Cybertron would still be dead. But the more he thought about packing it in and driving back to base, where Mirage would be trapped under the same roof as the rest of the Autobots’ and their shared grief, the worse it sounded. 
Maybe there wasn’t anything Noah could say to fix this. But then again, they’d already done enough talking. 
“Hey.” Noah patted Mirage’s chestplate. “Let’s get outta here.” 
He looked up in time to catch Mirage’s faceplates going slack with confusion. “Huh?” 
“Let's go home,” he pressed. “Ma’s been asking for you and Kris has been buggin’ me nonstop about this movie he wants you to watch with Keanu driving a school bus or something.”
Mirage gasped, scandalized, as he hid a shitty grin behind one hand. “Nah, it can’t be! No way! Is the model Autobot suggesting we play hooky?”
“Fuck you, man,” Noah laughed, shoving him away–which should’ve been as effective as shoving a brick wall, but Mirage moved with his hand, leaning back obligingly and making Noah’s stomach do an embarrassing flip. “I’m serious! If Prime needs us, we’re a comm call away. ‘Sides, weren’t you the one betting Bee that you could make the drive back in less than three hours? You might need the practice to cash that in.”
Mirage narrowed his optics. “You’re trying to manipulate me.”
“Yeah,” Noah grinned. “Is it working?”
Mirage pretended to glare for a couple more seconds before sighing a very heavy, Optimus-like sigh. “Well, duh.”  
He fell forward and transformed around Noah, returning to alt mode with Noah back in the front seat. Mirage waited long enough to buckle his seatbelt before taking off for the road, their trek through the untamed underground just as bumpy as the first time but without the frantic, breakneck pace. 
Mirage didn’t speak again until they’d leapt out of the treeline and hit the slightly smoother stretch of dirt road leading down the mountain. “By the by, I know you weren’t just slandering the name of Speed earlier, masterclass of suspense and action set pieces—”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. You can just say you have a crush on Keanu, you know?”
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final-milf-ratchet · 4 months
hey it's me again i just saw the anon ask about the orgy and oh my god.. what a twist way to finish that episode.. cave orgy that ends up with not two but THREE robobabies, and a large dragon joining the team.. phew. and the fact that in that ask mechs getting sparked work the same way as cats (the babies can be from different fathers), grrr,,
Anyway. Made me give a horny side to an idea i had, where Magnus somehow manages to talk to Predaking after Wheeljack passes out - by the time Optimus gets there, he only finds Wheeljack in the rubble, no sigh of the other two. Meanwhile Predaking took Magnus away so they can talk without being interrupted - basically he sees how improbable it is that the bots found the lab, way sooner than in the show, but he can't focus on that very much because his instincts are screaming at him about how perfect of a partner Magnus seems to be. A perfect consort for a king..
He woos Magnus in only a few days, somehow. They hang out in a cave where no bots or cons can find their signals, and the talk about the War slowly morphs into talking about Magnus himself, which then turns into compliments..
Magnus is still unsure of how he was wooed that quickly, laying on his back as Predaking spreads his legs and settles between them to eat him out.. And he's never felt anything like that before. Predaking's tongue is so, so long, and part of it is rough, kind of like a cat's, dragging against his nodes..
The first time it happens, Predaking just eats Magnus out until the Commander is overstimulated, weakly patting his head as he gurgles for him to stop - which Predaking immediately does.
The second time (the next day), Predaking fingers Magnus open, toying with his node as Magnus squirms, clumsily pawing at his panels - overloading on the spot when he sees the two large spikes emerging once his panels open up. And again when Predaking promises that tomorrow, he's getting those spikes inside him..
And it happens. Finally, on the third day of being intimate, Predaking slowly, carefully pushes his spikes inside Magnus, watching him overload twice just from being stretched wide open and filled. Cue crazy sex, Predaking fucking him as though trying to breed him.. Marking him up as his consort.
When Magnus finally calls for a bridge and gets back to base, he's all scuffed up, covered in paint transfers and claw marks.. He has to reassure them, that after the fight he got to talk to Predaking, and now the large dragon is their ally, laying in wait on the decepticon warship. NOT telling them about how he got the best frag of his life. Wheeljack and Arcee absolutely do not believe that's all of it, but decide not to push right now - Ratchet is already chewing out the Commander for them. Ratchet, who figures out pretty quickly how most of those marks were made, as he patches up Magnus..
That night, Magnus gets a visit from Optimus in his ship, because the Prime knows exactly what happened, and his own feelings (and breeding kink) are making him quite jealous..
Magnus gets the spiking down of his life for the second time in two days, mewling and overstimulated as he's again filled with transfluid..
Predaking's breeding kink vs Optimus Prime's breeding kink, GO !
Hiiiiii laure!!!!
If we do go with the build-a-baby transformers fanon then multi-dad carrying makes sense to me too! 🤷
(I don't think it's a one to one, where they all have one dad per kid, all the kids have a mix of all three, they just have a main dad that kinda obvious because all of their sires are very different looking. If say, hound and mirage were to both get cliffjumper sparked it would be a little harder to tell who's the main sire of which kid because they are all cars and the colors aren't always a give away!
Sorry for the dump about all that I think abt potential sparklings and how that all works at work when I'm bored lol 😅😅)
Honestly I don't think it would be that hard for Predaking and Magnus to get through to each other, maybe before Predaking crushes his hand, he has a bit of a 'why did you do it' breakdown over the autobots killing the rest of the predaclones and Magnus goes 'we didn't do it tho :/'
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Obviously Predaking needs more info, but he can hear Optimus charging down the tunnel (cause he's not focused on killing Magnus this time lol) and impulsively grabs Magnus and takes off. When Optimus finally gets there... There's no sign of either of them...
Predaking really did take Magnus with the intention of figuring out what was going on! But he's never actually spent time around mecha who aren't traitorous decepticons, and he keeps getting distracted by thoughts of what a great consort Ultra Magnus would be, and a king needs a queen... 😏😏😏
Listen. Listen... I like the idea of Magnus being kinda easy, he just never has anyone try and hook up with him so no one knows 🤭🤭 and as Magnus and Predaking keep talking and getting closer, Magnus can't help but give in and spread his legs for Predaking...
I love them slowly working up to actual penetration, but by the time they get to that point they're both so desperate, Predaking loses his mind. Biting and marking Ultra Magnus as they fuck, leaving his consort a beautiful mess.
Hrgghhh Magnus calling in a ground bridge, and walking out looking like he just got a train ran on him.
Wheeljack and Arcee don't believe they just 'talked it out' and Predaking join the autobots but also... Who's going to accuse Ultra Magnus of sleeping with the enemy? Their all shooed away by Ratchet pretty quickly so they don't have time to press for details.
Ratchet's not stupid, as soon as he sees the paint transfers he knows what's up. Who's he to judge? Everyone knows the kind of stuff the party ambulance got up too, and at least this time it got them an ally. Magnus goes back to his shop afterwards so he can finally get some peace and quiet, it's been a busy week ;).
Hrnnnnn Optimus looming around the medbay listening to Ratchet talk about the little repairs he needed to make and connecting the dots. (Ratchet may have been trying to get Optimus to finally make a move. There's only so many times you can listen to your friend talk about the guy he likes before you get fed up)
As soon as night sets in Optimus goes to Ultra Magnus' ship. Ultra Magnus is still getting the paint transfers off when he answers the door. Optimus went just to make sure Ultra Magnus was okay after his 'ordeal' but seeing all of Predakings paint transfers makes him... Lose him mind a little. Ultra Magnus doesn't know how they went from talking in the loading bay to him getting railed on his tiny berth but he's not complaining (he's a little busy moaning to complain)
Poor Magnus, caught between two mechs very determined to sire his sparklings, and very determined to deal with the war so Magnus will let them sire his sparklings 🤭🤭🤭
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pinkanonwrites · 23 days
Who do you think would be the best partner for a human? It's already hard to date in different cultures, the sheer amount of communication that must go into an alien relationship must surely be astonishing. Different cultures, upbringing and general bodily functions. Rung does immediately come to mind, but what do you think?
I like to think that humans have a "relationship" culture that is very different from cybertronian. What view do you have on that front?
There are a couple different bots that I think would be good partners for a human, based on a whole variety of factors like general demeanor, willingness to learn and communicate, and level of curiosity and comfort with humans. Rung is and excellent choice, but others that immediately spring to mind include G1 Hound, Jazz and Beachcomber, TFA Prowl and Bumblebee, IDW Swerve and Misfire, RID 2015 Fixit, Knightverse Bumblebee and Mirage, and Skybound Optimus Prime (from what little we've gotten to see of him so far!) All of these bots exhibit a curiosity and fascination with humans and Earth that would definitely help them get a foot in the door when it comes to making friends, and though they all have different demeanors they all veer on the side of more gentle and respectful of the average human than a lot of other Cybertronians.
As for my thoughts on Cybertron's relationship culture, it tends to shift depending on the continuity being discussed. Transformers Animated strikes me as a very harsh society where public displays of affection would be frowned upon. Meanwhile IDW (especially MTMTE) seems much more open and comfortable with the concepts of both platonic and romantic love, as well as couples. Save for the comic series we don't really get much of a peek into the relationship cultures of different iterations of Cybertron, so the few thoughts I do have are purely speculative based on what glimpses of Cybertron's atmosphere we get.
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primal-con · 1 year
Mkay my brain is working a bit better today so thoughts on Mirage! Namely his inclusion in the movie instead of Jazz and his change in personality
Rise of the Beasts spoilers below the cut✌️
Now like a lot of folks, when I first saw the trailer I was insanely pumped because I thought Mirage was Jazz. I think we all kinda saw the silver Porsche and lost our minds, and of course, I'm still bummed that we didn't get Jazz because I love him dearly and miss him more than words can express. But! Having seen the movie and had time to chew it over, here're my thoughts on Mirage's character in RotB.
So a lot of initial thoughts regarding the choice to include Mirage, and a very different Mirage at that, rather than Jazz, were of course very valid. But I think ultimately while I would've loved for Jazz to have been there, I understand why they didn't go with him. Cause tbh if everything about the movie had been the same except they called Mirage Jazz, I wouldn't have been happy.
While yes, on the surface RotB Mirage seems really similar to G1 Jazz, they're actually really different in the ways that count. Jazz is bright, sociable, charismatic, and more in tune with Earth culture than most bots. RotB Mirage is also a lot of those things! But the key difference is that for Jazz, that personality is a facade. He's an incredibly grim, ruthless person who's seen a lot and is capable of a lot of terrible things, and he uses that trustworthy persona to mask that and make people more comfortable around him.
Mirage comes off as much more genuine in his naivete. He seems legitimately young, impulsive, and vying for adventure. He does things cause they sound fun, not because he thinks it's a smart idea in the long run. The sad things hiding underneath his bright personality don't come from brutal experience and calculated manipulation, they come from a genuine loneliness and desire to explore the world around him. In a lot of ways he plays a similar role to Bumblebee in most other TF media, the naive young optimist who wants to see the best in people and be a hero. Which narratively makes sense considering Bee was out of commission for most of the movie. He's not necessarily stupid, he's just not wise, and that comes from a lack of experience compared to his so-called "hardass" peers. He sees the other bots as boring and overly serious which contributes to his desire to keep Noah on the team. He wants Someone who he can relate to, someone who's a little closer to him personality-wise, and he doesn't feel like his older and more grim teammates can fill that role.
Which I think also contributes to his likability! Because like I said, Mirage is so genuine. He doesn't usually think things through so everything he says is so honest and unfiltered. I love Jazz because of his complexity and how compelling that facade is to his character, but I ended up loving Mirage because he doesn't feel the need for a mask at all.
I think generally the choice to change Mirage's personality from his G1 characterization was because the writers didn't want too many serious characters? At least that's how it felt watching the movie. I mean even Bumblebee comes off as older and more mature than Mirage. And Transformers is very fond of its goofy, unserious kid-appeal characters who are closest to the token humans. I'm cool with it mainly because big changes between generations are pretty common and this wouldn't be the first or even the wildest change of pace from one appearance to the next. As for why Mirage and not another character, who really knows. Probably the fact that he hasn't had much of an established personality in any of his rare TV appearances. And using a known name is usually easier than making a whole new character, just fan-attachment-wise.
Anyways, sum total thoughts: I liked him! And the movie's enjoyable if you don't go taking it too seriously, though that could be said about most things. It's also better with a friend! It's no ground-breaking cinema, it's an action franchise movie and exactly what you'd expect from one. But the characters have chemistry and personality and that's usually what matters to me. So yeah, all nitpicks aside it's a net positive from me!
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godscb · 6 months
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Olympus has fallen and left the gods to handle their own. Most are working to repair their homeland, staying anonymous to the best of their ability, which has proven to be difficult. Others are enjoying the lack of responsibility and enjoy showing off their other-worldly powers, making sure everyone knows exactly who they are.
Olympus: Zeus | Poseidon | Apollo | Aphrodite | Eros | Boreas | Ares
Underworld: Hades | Persephone | Hypnos | Nyx | Epiales
Helping creatures: Siren | Styx | Arae | Nymphs
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{18+ only! May contain NSFW postings, roleplays, or dialogue!}
{Not accurate to lore or visual description of any of the gods/goddesses mentioned, gender and lore are changed a lot}
{not associated with any idols, for entertainment only!}
Tags: @coffeexdreamcb @domxbot @screamcb @welcome-to-maniac @redlight-cb @welcometosector1 @mvyun @jinju-oc @multi-joong @kardpackcb @glamrockpop-cb @the-princes-of-the-damned @lucky-charmsanhwa @yandereskzcb @badbf-cb @clubwnderland @mirage-ocs @darkloversxcb @lostwoods-cb @9ateez-multiau-bot @livealittleoc-cb @theinvitation-bot @onlyomega-cb @obsession-cb @evicted-oc @domrachaa
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