#rotb noah diaz
themanwhovibez · 5 months
Miroah in a nutshell:
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bluecounter · 11 months
noah and mirage is making me go crazy.. i have an elaborate fic idea where noah dates mirage’s holoform but didn’t find out till later. im not much of a writer so this is the best i could do
it would be amazing if someone else could rewrite/cleanup this idea because im honestly not doing it justice
Noah is a closeted gay man living in the 90’s and yearns to be with someone romantically. Mirage could tell by the way Noah looks at loving couples in public, especially during their leisure rides. A part of Mirage wishes he could be that for Noah but its hard especially since he is an alien robot much much bigger than Noah. He isn’t too sure how Noah would feel if he knew how he felt.
One day, mirage was looking through some magazine Noah brought and had an idea of creating the ideal holoform that could be with Noah. That could share comfort and love with.
It was all going so well. it started with a little meet cute and it became more, they started dating and sharing secret kisses in public. Mirage thought it was what he wanted. He thought he would be satisfied, but he never felt more lonely. the more time Noah spent with the holoform, the lesser time he did with mirage.
But he pushed through. he knew he couldn’t experience normal human dates with Noah in his alt form, so he took advantage of what he could.
He slipped up. He mentioned Peru during one of their human dates in his holoform and a sudden realization just hit Noah. Everything came crashing down. He left, trying to find mirage.
He was questioning everything they had went through together. Was what they had ever real? Was this some joke? Was he fated to never fall in love?
His head was spiraling into confusion and anger and he marched up to Mirage, eyes puffy and red as tears dripped down his cheeks He screamed and cried, begging mirage to explain why he did so. He wanted to know why. he wanted to know if this prank was funny to mirage. He wanted to know if it was all worth it, especially after breaking his heart.
After his rage has calmed, Mirage admits that he created the holoform with be with Noah, but it was not to play with his heart. He wanted to be with Noah, he yearned having Noah by his side and creating a holoform was the closest he could get. he admitted everything and assured Noah that what he said and did through his holoform was 100% genuine.
Noah’s sobs were calmer as he looked at Mirage with his tired eyes. He didn’t know what to say. Deep down he knew he had some feelings for the alien robot but it was already hard to process his feelings as a gay man, so he pushed those feelings away. Being with Mirages’s holoform, which he didn’t know before, made it easier for him to move on because it felt normal. But now knowing it was mirage all along..he felt a little confused.
Noah admits to himself that being with ‘him’ was the best thing that ever happened to his life. He wanted to experience that again. He wanted to love and feel loved, with someone real this time.
Someone who was already right under his nose. or perhaps above his head in this sense.
Meanwhile, Mirage waits for an answer. Despite what Noah will say, Mirage chooses to respect it. He understands and doesn’t want to push any more boundaries. He doesn’t want to lose his friend. his friend which made his life on earth more exciting than it has ever been during his 7 years being stuck on this planet.
Noah finally speaks. He asks mirage to lean closer with his meekly voice, quiet and dry after sobbing his heart out.
Mirage complies and waits for Noah’s rejection. Instead he received a soft peck on his lips, which made his engine fan whir loudly. Noah smiles earnestly as he places his hand on mirage’s cheek.
Noah rested his forehead on mirage’s and they both stayed silent as they embrace each other’s presence.
No words were said but everything felt right when they were together.
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It's been a minute since I made one of these long boi posts, so here goes:
Things I want to see in the next Steven Caple Jr/Knightverse Transformers G.I. Joe crossover movie:
Decepticons!!! Oh how I've missed them! I want to see some new badass Decepticons make an appearance and be scary af and cause drama for the Autobots, and what I assume will be their new allies, the Joes.
GENTLE TOUCHES BETWEEN NOAH AND MIRAGE! I don't give a FUCK if they're both dudes or whatever! GIVE US SOME GENTLE TOUCHES, GODDAMMIT! Remember the cute little finger grasping thing that Charlie did after she calmed Bee down when he went into his kill mode? Give us something like that where Noah wraps his tiny fingers around Mirage's HUGE digits.
Give us some hugs! I want to see Noah and Mirage hug affectionately, not minding the size difference at all. Either a full body hug or a face hug works, or both. Both is good.
Can we please have Noah boop Mirage's nose as a joke or for funsies? 🥺 I would love to see how Mirage would react to that touch.
Noah placing his tiny hand on Mirage's faceplate! Gahh! If Charlie can do it, so can Noah! 😤 Could happen in a reassuring/comforting scene.
Hand holding or grabbing. Like Noah grab's one of Mirage's digits with his tiny hand or Mirage holds Noah's tiny hand in his massive servo. Just hand touching in general please! 🥺
More teasing and flirting from Mirage. Since the PCS basically hinted that Miroah is a done deal, I would like to see how Mirage would up his game. Like what if he increased his teasing and flirting with Noah and says something even more outrageous than, "You've been inside me!"? What if him and Noah are having a casual convo (ideally in front of a small audience, like other Autobots for dramatic effect and added wow factor) and in response Mirage says something like, "That's not what you said last night, babe. 😉" Imagine Noah's reaction and the audience's reaction. 🤣🤣 Though, considering how hard the studio had to fight to keep the inside me joke in, that particular line may be "too spicy" for Hasbro. But something more mild or along those lines would be greatly appreciated.
MIRAGE'S KILL MODE!!!! I WANT TO SEE MIRAGE GO INTO BERSERKER MODE because someone had the audacity to harm or attempt to harm Noah!!!! Battle mask on and weapon charged! I want to see him absolutely enraged and start shooting up the place. But in a controlled rage like Bee had where he aimed at vehicles instead of people. Maybe Mirage could aim at Decepticons or some other enemy. Point is, I want to see Mirage use his battle mask and go to town blasting! And then I want to see Noah gently calm him down and give him a gentle touch or say something soothing to help calm him down.
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Give us this Mirage right here! Battle mask on, weapon charged and ready to fight everybody!
Or instead it could be Mirage just naturally protecting Noah from an enemy that triggers his kill mode. But this could be Noah's first time seeing Mirage like that, so we could still get that delicate, gentle moment between those 2 once Mirage calms down.
CHARLIE AND BUMBLEBEE REUNION!!!! I had a dream recently about Charlie playing a sort of game of tag that was an extension of the ending scene in Bumblebee, when Bee scans his new alt mode and Charlie is amazed by it and then Bee drives off. In my dream Charlie is running in front of Bee laughing while he drives very slowly behind her to chase her. I have no idea where that dream came from since Miroah has been living rent free in my brain for months, but it makes me want a Charlie/Bee reunion extra bad now!
More Mirage and Arcee sibling energy! I think we were absolutely ROBBED of Mirage and Arcee moments in ROTB, so I want more in the next movie! Big sister Arcee scolding or teasing Middle child Mirage about something. It would be glorious! 🤩
Mirage introducing Noah to new Autobots and being all proud like. Like, "Yup! That's my human! He's mine." or whatever the robot equivalent would be. I don't know why, but every time I read a Miroah fic that has Mirage refer to Noah as his human, my heart swells a little. It's just so cute. It's giving cat owner energy for some reason. 🤣
A Mirage and Noah mission scene where they're officially partners. All the jokes, all the teasing, all the flirting, just all the general Miroah shenanigans. But now they are officially on an Autobot/G.I. Joe mission together.
I want Breanna Diaz to meet Mirage! I need to know if she will pull out a chancleta and try to strike Mirage with it. 🤣 'Cause you know the Diaz family loves to resort to violence whenever they first see Mirage. Noah with the metal pipe and Kris with the baseball bat. I need to know what Breanna's weapon of choice is. 🤣 But also, I want to see her warm up to Mirage and him being all charming and kind towards her.
I would love to see some Mirage and Bee shenanigans. The 2 Autobots with human companions need a scene together! Maybe even give us some Mirage and Bee sibling energy. And maybe even a double team up with Mirage and Noah as partners and Bee and Charlie as partners.
A Mirage pamper scene or flashback or mention of how Noah pampered him up real good to make him look all shiny and brand new. A perfect chance to slip in some flirting from Mirage praising Noah for a job well done. 😏
MORE ELENA!!!! Elena is also a queen and I want her in the next movie coming in with that artifacts knowledge and general warm-hearted and caring Elena energy that we all know and love! 🥺
This might be a stretch, but what about Arcee becoming fond of a human and she ends up getting her own human companion? It could be Elena or another female character. That would be so cool!
The main reason why I made this post is because A LOT of the stuff I wanted to see in Transformers EarthSpark S1C actually happened (I still need to make a post about that) and it makes me feel like if I keep making these long boi posts, I can continue to manifest my own desires and head canons. *cue maniacal laughter* No, but for real, can we please get a Noah/Mirage centric animated series?? It would be wonderful! 🙏🏾
Okay, that's all for now. If I can think of anything else, I will definitely edit this post. Thanks for reading! ~
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okogeno77 · 6 months
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We really need more Doctor Mirage/Patient Noah fics. But ones that end in smut! There is just something amusing and wholesome about Mirage going all Mother hen and Doctor on Noah for such a minor injury, and Noah slowly getting turned on by how gentle and attentive Mirage is.
Mirage would be doing his best to fix Noah up and Noah would try so hard to calm him down and reassure him that it's not that serious. But Mirage would have none of that and insist on tending to Noah's tiny injury. It would create the perfect "You inadvertently turned me on. Please fuck me!" kind of scenario. Or...am I just projecting my hcs onto this fandom? 😅
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cayenneexe · 10 months
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Kris tries to snuggle closer to Noah. Usually cuddles make him feel better but when he tries to move, nothing happens. He’s just tired again. The orange tries to move but his body doesn’t obey. Noah feels his struggles and pulls him close, tight to his chest, shaking a little bit. Kris lets his body go limp, feeling the entire embrace of his brother and the sleepy feeling taking over.
His eyes flutter to a close before he hears Noah’s broken voice.
Under his last breath, Kris mumbles, “Hometeam.”
Drawing of one of the saddest scenes from my fic The World According to Kris
and it only goes downhill from here
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atomeja · 11 months
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HI OOPS i disappeared for like 6 months sorry
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j-em-g · 10 months
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Drawing stupid shit to escape my real life
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maikhiwi00 · 11 months
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Man, they didn't treat E.T. like this.
TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS 2023, dir. Steven Caple Jr.
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ihatebrainstorm · 4 months
Someone save Isami... please
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I almost choked and died watching the first two episodes of Bang Brave Bang Bravern holy crap- If the Lost Light crew was a headache to Megs, Bravern would single-handedly cause him to have 2 spark failures and put him into 4 year long coma
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diviously · 1 year
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I return to Tumblr after a deep slumber just to post this shit you're welcome
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themanwhovibez · 4 months
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This might be my best Miroah piece so far, ain't gonna lie!
The base I used is one of those praying poses that's been heavily popular on TikTok! I'm extremely unsure of the og artist though and I've been unable to find them 😭
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bloominglegumes · 1 year
still vibrating from watching rotb forgive me as i spout incomprehensible trash for a little while
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✨️Miroah cuddles!!!✨️
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I just really like the idea that Noah and Mirage would end up seeking comfort in each other. The idea that Noah would cuddle up to Mirage's chassis and listen to the sweet noise of his spark, slowly drifting into a peaceful sleep while Mirage gently wraps an arm around him is always on my mind. 🥺
Close ups!
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gwifirusu · 1 year
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hello noah/mirage nation
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🎄Merry Miroah Christmas, everyone!🎄
Lmao I don't even like Christmas, but I felt like the Miroah nation could use a little spice during the holidays.
🔞 Spice is undercut. NO MINORS PLEASE!!! 🔞
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Ignore the cheesy ass dialogue. I had no idea what to write to give this pic a sort of kinky Christmas vibe. 😅😅
Close ups!!!
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