#modern!victor criss
idkiwillfindone · 2 years
Modern au where Reggie gets Patrick to download Pinterest but it backfires because he start to chat only whit cursed meme
Victor: what i’m doing whit my life
Victor: it’s 3 am and i’m cooking eggs instead of sleeping
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Victor: can you stop sending this shit and comunicate like a normal human being
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xenogendersgalore · 1 year
Blog Introduction!
Hello lil ghouls! We’ve finally decided to try and write fics for the fun of it. This specific post will include;
Alter Introductions
Characters we write for
Taken anons (will change over time once we get more anons)
Rules / DNI stuff
01; Alter Introductions!
So since we are a pretty big system, there will be different alters to write different fics. That means there will be some changes in how people write. Here’s a lil introduction of the alters who will probably write on here! (We are a DID system)
Skully | Ageless | They / Xe / She / It / Static | Signs off with; - 🎞️
(Is most likely to proof read since they don’t like spelling errors / Tends to take longer while writing fics since xe is very precise / the one most likely to be writing a lot of the fics)
Jules | Ageless | It / She / They / He | Signs off with it’s name
(Adores writing for the slasher flicks / tends to forget to proof read so there may be a couple spelling mistakes / tends to write Headcanons more than full on fics)
Characters we write for!
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
- Bubba Sawyer
- Drayton Sawyer
- Nubbins Sawyer
- Chop Top Sawyer
- Thomas Hewitt
- Sheriff Hoyt
- RZ Michael
- Michael in general
Bowers Gang - It
- Patrick Hocksetter
- Belch Huggins
- Henry Bowers
- Victor “Vic” Criss
House Of Wax
- Bo Sinclair
- Vincent Sinclair
- Lester Sinclair
The Lost Boys
- Marko
- Dwayne
- David
- Paul
- Michael Emerson
- Billy Loomis
- Stu Macher
- Randy Meeks
Sometimes They Come Back
- Richard Lawson
- Vinnie Vincent
- David North
Misc Horror Characters
- Billy Lenz / Black Christmas
- Brahms Heelshire / The Boy
- Chromeskull / Laid To Rest
- Asa Emory / The Collector
- Norman Bates / Psycho
- Jack Torrance / The Shining
- Doomhead / 31
- Rusty Nail / Joyride
- Harry Warden / My Bloody Valentine
- Jason Voorhees / Friday The 13th
- Jeepers Creepers
- Hush “The Man”
- Jeff The Killer
- Ben Drowned
- Eyeless Jack
- Homicidal Liu
- Ticci Toby
- Jason The Toymaker
- Laughing Jack
- Glitchy Red
- Lost Silver
- Bloody Painter
- X - Virus
Marble Hornets
- Tim
- Brian
- Jay
- Alex
- Masky
- Hoody
- Skully
- Evan
- Jeff
- Vincent
- Habit
TribeTwelve (We Don’t Support Adam Rosner!!)
- The Observer
- Firebrand
- Noah Maxwell
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2!
- John “Soap” MacTavish
- Captain Price
- Simon “Ghost” Riley
- Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
- Gary "Roach" Sanderson
- Phillip Graves
- König
- Kim “Horangi” Hong-jin
- Nathan Explosion
- Toki Wartooth
- Skwisgaar Skwigelf
- Pickles
- William Murderface
- Charles Foster Offdensen
Taken Anons!
None currently but will be listed if we get some!
Rules / DNI Stuff!
DNI Stuff!
- System Fakeclaimers!
- Homophobes
- Basic DNI criteria’s
- Haters In General
- Only send requests to ask box plz! (We won’t get upset if you slip up tho)
- No heavy gore
- No NSFW things
- No suicide, racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, zoophilic type stuff, pedo stuff, grooming, anything like that, no smut at all!!
Blog will be updated if there are new characters we like!
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Bro the boy who sits in front of me in study hall legitimately looks like a modern Victor Criss, and the boy who sits next to him looks slightly like a modern Reginald Huggins, like TF?
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roguegypsyetsy · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage 80 Victor Costa Silk Taffeta Plaid Ostrich Feather Strapless Dress Tea.
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spitonderry · 1 year
IT STARTED with the yelling.
it continued with every wager in his voice. every fluctuation in his tone. yet once his fingers curled in tyranny in casted the paper of her hopes apart— he had been done for.
from an outside point of view with all the inward knowledge one might think the exorcism would be the breaker of the two. however it wasn't. a stresser? yes. but not large enough a rift to have maika — criss — bates do what she would.
with no power to file for a divorce, maika resorted to old fables and magazines. ones that were crinkled in classrooms and spit on to teach about proper morals. right and wrong.
in there maika found her holy grail. the idea that gleamed in a golden hue begging for her to consider it. and, she did more than consider.
the fifth commandment never chimed as holy in her mind as it did now.
thirty dollars eased in her bank account and in her possession was now insulin.  following this possession was a blurred memory.
it happened at dinner.  norville running his mouth wherever it desired and not paying any mind to it. casting words down upon to his wife regarding sanity and holiness, both of which he doubted she had until the 'fortunate' exorcism.
it took a second or so before his mouth slowed down. the motors reeling shakily with croaks here and there. the best part occurred over night.
maika turned over on the serendipitous sheets to a flatline.
following suit was an anonymous call to the local sheriff that in the middle of nowhere rumors bedazzled the tale of a body being underground. the sheriff for once listened and pulled out the rusted shovel.
however was the news that a rumor is just a rumor returned, maika set the plan further into motion. a girl with a petite frame dragging a heavy set man was no exception of a suspicious sight. thus she dealt with her work at night.
norville is currently tucked away in a nice, shallow grave.
in the middle of nowhere.
this time when maika's fingers touched the phone the sheriff would not be speaking to a stranger. it would be maika bates speaking hysterically with tears flooding in reckless waterfalls down her cheeks.
upon her notice of norville's death the secrets of an affair with another woman arose. maika was not aware of this. but her heart felt nothing, not even a little pang.
all her life she had been dubbed as dumb, worthless and idiotic. a blonde baffoon who couldn't even get into cosmetology school even if she tried. and with all the tyrannous words maika soaked up came a shocking silver lining.
the town believed her to be too dumb, too idiotic to be capable of murder. so her name never was chalked onto the suspect list.
boy did she run after hearing her name with the word clearance. she ran to maine, in her car of course, but ran. dashing on the backroads to reach the closest place to what she called home.
only once in the following years would she visit the late victor criss' grave. and that was when she arrived. a grave without a body but nonetheless a grave. her woes and confessions were whispered to a careless brother.. who probably even now turned his cheek when she spoke. though murderous now, she was just as naïve as ever.
never again did she visit victor criss. and never did she get the family nor the nuclear comfort of america that she so did desire. never thrived inside of a norman rockwell painting. perhaps she lived in beautiful sorrow within the sun flows of van gogh.
she resides now, alone, with three dogs and three cats with a capybara, making her money by illustrating linguistically the strange occurrences of that 'party clown'
but for certain once the modern age swooped her away, she did all she could to hide the scars victor left on her calves from the day he decided barbie's could be blades.
let the record show and the lord know,
maika criss is not dumb.
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patrick-hockstutter · 4 years
Modern!Bowers Gang:
Really into cinematography and photography of the unsettling
Never captions his Instagram posts
Goes live on Instagram a lot, even though people really wished he wouldn’t
Makes art out of dead animals or animal bones he finds
Think Banksy, but with roadkill
He’ll take some (somehow) tasteful photos of them, post them, then leave the scene there for some unexpecting bystander to find
Has a nosering (fight me)
Never uses incognito mode
If someone happens to stumble upon his search history, he’s not paying their therapy bill
He likes reading smut more than he likes watching porn
A ps4 guy
Loves spooky games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Until Dawn and Death Stranding
He’s not really into school, but he surprisingly reads a lot when he’s alone in his room
Only about things he likes though
Abnormal psych, criminal psych, and sometimes some zoology (u kno y)
Watches serial killer documentaries like he’s paid to
Listens to grunge, nu metal, and 80s alt
Won’t admit it, but sometimes listens to Joji
He’s not super into emo music, but he’s the only one who will listen to it with Victor (he fckn vibes to Brand New)
Ironically uses a Zune
Has an Android but lowkey wishes he had an iPhone
Doesn’t have a computer, just jailbreaks/hacks the school issued laptop
Has a black line tattooed around some of his fingers, one of his wrists, and the shell of his ear
Has a foot tattoo
Has a fucking Juul
Watches LeafyIsHere on YouTube (tell me I’m wrong)
Spends too much time on Reddit
Wears flannels, skinny jeans, and Vans (a beanie if he’s cold)
Mostly cycles through the same three or four outfits
Wears the same pair of Vans every single day
Big into aromatherapy
He uses lavender soaps and has an essential oil diffuser in his room
Uses incognito mode to watch Vampire Diaries
A Nintendo ass b i t c h
He has the gray Switch Lite
He brings his Switch with him everywhere (yes he’s that guy)
But what else are you gonna do when you wanna ignore Patrick?
Watches conspiracy theories about ghosts, cryptids, and aliens
Also big into podcasts (mostly true crime and conspiracy ones)
He listens to them on his headphones while he takes walks or draws
Posts his drawings on Tumblr
Does art streams on Twitch when he gets really bored
Has an eyebrow piercing (but it’s a small stud one, not a ring)
Has little tattoos on his hands
Wears bomber jackets, skinny jeans, joggers, army jackets, converse, and combat boots
The boy has style okay
Had an emo phase but still listens to the music (especially Tiny Moving Parts)
The emo phase was pretty short because Henry made fun of him so much
He just fucking liked MCR and Taking Back Sunday a lot, okay?
And Pierce The Veil and Sleeping With Sirens, but he doesn’t readily admit that
Now mostly listens to new wave, synth pop, and lofi hiphop
His favorite bands are Drab Majesty and Choir Boy (look up their new album btw)
Has a black iPhone and a space gray MacBook Pro
Uses Apple Music
Vapes, but only fruity flavors
Watches BoJack Horseman
Doesn’t really eat fast food but never passes up an M&M McFlurry
Paints his (and Patrick’s) nails black
One time Patrick caught him doing a facemask, so Patrick put one on and started chasing him around screaming as a joke
Cue: hmm… this feels kinda good tho
So now Victor and Patrick have secret mini spa days
Drives a Subaru
Makes Spotify playlists like he’s paid to
He’s just really good at putting songs together
He tried to get into music theory, but he wasn’t one for actually making his own songs
Really into metal (obvi) but also likes some classic rock and punk stuff
Has records hung up side by side all around his room where the wall meets the ceiling
Still buys CDs
His Instagram feed is full of vintage cars and custom import cars
Fast and Furious is his favorite movie series
His favorite shows are Sons of Anarchy and The Walking Dead
But he also loves early 2000s comedies
Has a mini projector to watch movies on his room wall
Wears band tees, flannels, jean jackets, Carhartt stuff, d a d  h a t s
Really wants a tattoo but always gets nervous
Uses incognito mode to watch porn and buy some of his band tees from Hot Topic
Only one in the gang that uses Facebook (Mama Huggins made him so he could keep in contact with family)
Follows a few meme pages but also some cooking ones so he can send his mom any cool recipes he finds
Victor lowkey makes fun of him for actually using the Facebook page
Invests money in really good headphones and car speakers
Has a black iPhone
It’s always at 20% battery cause it’s always connected to his headphones, Bluetooth speaker, or car stereo
Him and Victor FaceTime when they’re bored
Sometimes they won’t even say much, they just like the over the phone company
Doesn’t smoke, but sometimes hits Vic’s vape
A social vaper if you will
Watches Idubbbz and Filthy Frank on YouTube
His favorite fast food place is Wendy’s
Not really into video games but fucking slays at Guitar Hero
And when Rock Band came out nobody saw him for like two weeks
Has a black Hydroflask with band stickers on it
He plays a lot of Xbox
Mostly Halo, COD, Destiny, any first-person shooter really
Baits people on Xbox Live cause he thinks it’s hilarious
He’s also a fucking cyberbully but we all expected that
Has Victor’s old iPhone
Never fucking charges it
He’ll text you back in 3-5 business days (if at all)
And if you try to call him he’ll block your number
Plays iMessage games like cup pong and 8 ball with Belch
The only social media he uses is Snapchat and Tinder to look at girls
In one of his Tinder photos he’s holding a fish (srrynotsrry)
Doesn’t really listen to too much music
He doesn’t dislike music, just usually prefers to do things in silence
His mind is chaotic enough, he doesn’t need background noise
But he will listen to Cigarettes After Sex and TV Girl on a really low volume when he goes to sleep
Uses incognito mode to pick and choose random soft or angsty songs that he likes to put into a bedtime playlist
Otherwise just listens to whatever Belch listens to
Has a tattoo on his wrist
Takes a lot of drives into the countryside/national forests/mountains with Belch
Takes a lot of scenery photos, but never posts them anywhere or shows anyone except Victor
Still smokes cigarettes (he thinks vaping is douchey)
Watches South Park and American Dad
If he’s willing to spend money to go see a movie, he’s going to an IMAX theater
Sometimes he likes 3D, but most of the time it just hurts his eyes after a while
Longboards everywhere
Needs prescription glasses but refuses to wear them
They’re mostly for reading, which he doesn’t do anyway
But he does listen to audiobooks sometimes
Likes Frappuccinos but will kill you before you find out
He orders them through Uber Eats under a fake name so nobody will find out
BONUS: all four!
Victor still has his childhood GameCube that they play Mario Party, Mario Kart, and Melee on
Henry is banned from playing Mario Party after breaking a controller while beating Patrick with it
Patrick only ever picks Waluigi in Mario Kart and everyone is sick of it
When they play Rock Band Patrick is on bass, Henry plays guitar, Belch absolutely slays the drums, and Vicky boy sings his lil heart out
One night a week they order a shit ton of Dominos and make a drinking game out of watching Vine compilations
Victor does everyone’s birth charts
They collectively made a fake Tinder account on Patrick’s phone and catfish guys with it
They all try to one up each other doing vape tricks yikes
They buy bags of chips and candy from Costco and lounge around eating them on weekends
They’re banned from the city metro busses because Belch’s car was in the shop for a week and that week was hell for every bus driver in the city
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misszura · 2 years
Hdjdjd I just dreamed about an it modern AU.
I was so sad waking up, so let's write it down, so you can be sad with me.
So it was comic starting showing some mountain chalets "this story is about a winter camp"
So in this au, pennywise is the... Guardian (?) of the camp. "in this camp, penny has to keep an open eye* (we only see his foot, from the back, the comic is in black and white and his foot is slightly glowing blue).
I don't really remember why, but basically he has to keep an eye on the Bowers gang who's probably bullying some kids.
There was a cute panel of them sleeping, Henry on belch shoulder, and Vic on Henry's lap, they're glowing blue too, a panel of a smiling peny (probably bon grey form)
Then a panel of a bunch of kids playing. All glowing blue.
"they all find occupations, but sometimes they're bored, no one come visit here, except once a year" panel of a guy, see from the back, walking in the snow, with a big backpack. Then panel of the front door of the camp, we can see it's old and broken, as if no one had visited it for a long long time.
Panel, the guy walking, we see his face, it's Patrick, older.
"sometimes he wishes he was better, he wishes that he wasn't grounded that day" he walks in the camp, he does not see the glowing blue kids that run past him. He goes through the camp, remembering his memories from the past (like he sees his past self with his friends) then he sees himself getting grounded, not allowed to go skiing with the group, then him learning that they all gone wanted after an avalanche, probably dead. He remembered trying to kill himself, seeing his friends during his short comatose.
We see the Bowers gang walking with him saying things like "wow you're old!" "you can buy beer without fake ID now" they're happy, his face is still frowned (?) he keep walking in the mountains "sometimes he wishes he was still in coma, to see his friends again" he keep walking deeper in the mountains, he knows the place.
He stops in a caves, and start to undo his backpack, Vic on his shoulder, asking questions, no answer. He takes some things out, a bunch of material.
"maybe today is the day"
You see him running to the edge of the mountain, by another exit, then jumping from it.
You see him falling, little panels with him becoming more little every time. Then you see a parachute.
"maybe not"
The Bowers gang is shouting encouraging things, they're exited, it's cool, they're proud that they're friend is scared of nothing.
Patrick is sad.
I really dreamed that, as if I was reading it on Tumblr, the author was giving some more information, like how they read an article recently, and that inspired this, giving they're discord to contact them, and saying that only one person (their friend) was allowed to write a whole fic about this AU. It seems so real. So here it is, if someone want to write it good, draw it or anything, it's for you.
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b0werzgang · 4 years
A king of Bowers gang cosplays on Tiktok created a soundcloud rapper bowers gang au. It is amazing. 10/10, chefs kiss, amazing content. PLEASE GO CHECK IT OUT. It is worth it I swear.
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m00nlitknight · 4 years
i feel like. patrick would ‘listen’ to kpop to EXCLUSIVELY annoy the other members of the gang. he doesn’t give two shits about the music itself as long as he gets henry into a screaming fit, vic to astral project, and belch to both drive and keep henry from launching himself out the window.
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boxx-cutterz · 4 years
vic in modern au would probably have tik tok
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idkiwillfindone · 2 years
The most random thought I had today
Modern au Victor that when is sad sends selfies whit the most lifeless expression and this filter
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And caption it whit “gotta be honest lads, i’m not in live laugh love mood today”
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silverbeech · 6 years
Modern!Bowers Gang Headcanons
Vic is a part of a dance group and the others always attends his performances
Henry still has a mullet and is refuses to believe that it’s not ‘cool’
The others pick fun of it every once and awhile but if anyone else dares they’re dead
Everyone hangs out at Belch’s house 
The only time they don’t is movie nights - they spend those at Vic’s, who has the largest tv and selection of movies
Patrick is very much still a weirdo but more as in he has strange interests than being a psycho
Belch works part-time at his parents’ autoshop and he adores it
Even though no one really approaches Patrick, girls seem to find him very attractive
Not that Patrick or the rest of them know that
On the Fourth of July the gang drive out to a secluded field and set their own fireworks
They want to avoid the crowds, Vic especially can’t stand being squished together with too many people
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bleachdpunk-a · 6 years
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verse: the devil’s at work and Trump is calling favors timeline: modern open to: modern muses, muses with a modern verse
Vic Criss, but slightly less of a dick! Social media and the more accepting culture of today makes for a far less phobic and hateful Vic-- it’s just too bad he’s still a leather-loving ruffian eager to cause hell for any authority figure in sight.
consider this a PERMANENT starter call for this verse. ♥ for a starter!
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star-child98 · 6 years
Chapter 2: Unwanted Guest
Second chapter to my modern day IT fanfic. As we all know I own nothing 
Warning: Swearing and Patrick being a fucking vert
I glared at the four boys in front of me. “Vic... You brought company... How nice.” I gripe sarcastically. He looks down at the ground suddenly becoming interested in his shoes as I moved to the side to let him in, as he moves past me I move back in front of the door as Henry and the others try to move past.
“And can I ask what the hell you three are doing here?” I ask, half expecting some asshole comeback from Henry but instead its Patrick that steps up. And as usual he is making me so fucking uncomfortable with that weird ass smile and long as fuck limbs. “We just wanted to know where our friend was trying to sneak off to, never thought he would end up here.” Patrick says before moving my body from the door way so he and the other two could come inside. Glaring at their backs I sarcastically say “Sure guys come right on in.” Slamming the door closed I go back into the kitchen to take the frying potatoes from the stove.
I stay in to cool down for a few minutes before going back out to find Vic on the couch and his friends spread around my living room, Belch sitting next to Vic, Patrick looking at Pictures in my grandmother's china closet, which also had  her crystals, bags of black salt and other things... I would have to check over that to make sure nothing goes missing. Finally Henry was sitting comfortably in my dad's chair. It turns out that I was staring too long as Patrick was now looking at me. “See something you like girly?” he asked with a smug smile on his face.
Turning my eyes back to him I mean mug him, “No bitch I was wondering who the fuck let you dress yourself. That shirt ugly as fuck.” I snap back at him getting a slight chuckle out of Belch and Victor, Henry was still fairly quiet picking his nails. Just as he went to retort I turn to Vic. “Would you like something to eat, I just got finished making dinner.” I asked. “Uh sure.” Vic said looking more than uncomfortable with our current situation.
In the kitchen I grabbed a plate for Vic and myself and behind me a felt a presence, it was Patrick. Placing the plates down on the counter I look at him with a dull expression. “Can I help you?” I asked trying not to let on to how uncomfortable I actually was. He shoved my back causing the counter to dig into my lower back as he moved in closer and held my face in one long slender hand.
“You have a lot of fucking nerve you little bitch. I don't take to kindly to people mouthing off to me.” he snarled in my face. “You forget we're in my house and it won't take my daddy or my grandmama much time to get here so you might want to back the fuck up.” I bit back trying to glare in defiance, which wasn't working with my squished face.
Patrick looked more amused, “I could have a little fun with you until than.” he says pervishly moving his face in even taking a large sniff as his face was buried in my neck.
“Alright Hockstetter that's enough. Let's get out of here.” a voice came from the door way. Patrick turned from me to look over his shoulder and there stood Henry. Feeling the tension in the way they stared at each other I didn't move. Patrick wasn't one to listen to others and Henry was someone who didn't like to be disobeyed.
Huffing out a laugh Patrick let me go before walking towards the exit of the kitchen, but not completely leaving before tossing me one last look and licking his lips. Fucking gross....but also kinda hot... wait what no. Henry stood there a second longer “We'll be seeing you around later bitch.” He says before leaving out with Belch and Patrick.
Shaking myself back into the right mindset I get Vic food, not feeling all that hungry anymore. Immediately he tries to apologize, “Eden I am so sorry I tried to tell them I was busy but they just followed me.” He ranted but I just waved him off. “It's fine.” was all I said before giving him the plate. He pushed the food around on his plate and took a few bites here and there.
The door opened breaking the slightly awkward silence and in walked my grandmother Vivian and my baby sister Alana, behind them I see my dad come through the door looking slightly tired. Hopefully he was still up for this talk.
“Hey nana, hey daddy.” I greet as I stand to take my grandmother's bag and help Alana out of her light jacket. Giving my dad a hug I pull him to the living room where Vic was still sitting. “ Dad you remember Victor.” I say as Victor stands to shake hands with my dad. “I do. Good to see you again Vic.” My dad said with a kind smile on his face. “You too sir. I don't mean to be a bother today but I was wondering if I could be any help at your shop this summer.” Vic jumps straight to the point. My dad looked thoughtful before looking to me, silently asking for my opinion. “I mean I could personally use the help. I think we both could.” I shrug.
Dad gives another thoughtful look and Vic seems to be holding his breath. My dad finally grinned and nodding shaking Vic's hand again. “Well Vic Welcome to the company. Just make sure to be there early tomorrow morning around 8:00 so we can start training. The shifts won't be that long, I know it's summer so I want you kids to have time to enjoy yourself.” Dad says. Smiling I turn to Vic who looks relieved. “Thank you sir, I really appreciate this.” He says.
Saying his goodbyes to my family I walked Vic to the front porch. “Eden thank you so much I really need this job.” He says as he pulls me into a tight hug. “Um yeah no problem.” I say awkwardly. He still held on. Seeming to realize this he pulls back and puts some space between us. “Uh yea so I'll see you tomorrow morning.” He says rubbing the back of his neck. I nod and he walks off the porch and walks down the street. I watch after him until he's out of view, turning my eyes to the rest of the street I look to the surrounding trees feeling as if something is watching me. Looking up I thought I saw a something yellow and glowing through the under brush of the the tree, blinking once it disappears, shrugging it off I move back into the house and lock the door.
Unknown to me this summer was going to be wild.
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boopboopbitchie · 7 years
Modern Victor Criss would know the entire choreography of Bad Romance and even though Henry would consider that way too gay he would still get caught tapping his foot to the beat of the song while Vic was dancing and Belch would be like "is it gay to tap your foot to the beat of a Lady GaGa song, fellas?" and make the mullet boi blush and roll his eyes
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patrick-hockstutter · 4 years
hii!! can you please do some modern! bowers gang headcanons?
It took me like 2 years but they finally here :’)
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