#modern valar
lamemaster · 4 months
I Dropped College to Become a Dark Lord
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Genre: Crack, Modern guy in Middle Earth
Pairing: tbh
Summary: At first look, Melkor’s form seemed to be devoid of any sort of essence. A chill ran through the Valar as they considered the possibility of his escape. Tulkas and Orome had almost packed up for their adventure to Middle Earth. But then they had felt it. A sudden surge of life.
AN: I think I am kinda funny. Nothing more.
PART 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
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“So, am I the bad guy?” Derek asked. They had somehow managed to reign in the emotions that ran wild in everyone’s mind. Introductions had been made and Derek got to know that Melkor is the name of the body he currently finds himself in.
“Yeah, no shit Melko- “
“Mandos!” the sky bluish light, who he had come to know as Manwe exclaimed.
Much to Derek’s dismay both the Vala switched back to the horrid Valarin. For beings who were the very source of music, one would expect a language calming, soothing, and sweeter than any other. Valarin…was horrendous. It stung in his ears like the noise of thousand nails scratching a blackboard.
He could understand it but trust him it was not worth it. It was the worst culture shock…worse than finding out his body’s origin.
Melkor, the body he entered, is none other than the ultimate bad boy of this world. A criminal who just barely got his parole on nepotism basis at that. Too bad he isn’t here to rejoice or anything. Derek wondered if the dark lord died or the worse possibility, Melkor switched bodies with him.
It was an amusing thought to imagine the dark lord as an engineering student. If there was anything worse than the endless void, it had to be the dark alleys of STEM. Well, he was glad that the report due the next day was not his problem now.
A distant, saner, part of Derek’s mind was still in the midst of processing the fact that he might indeed be dead in his world. His parents, his siblings, or roommates would find out and they would grieve for him. Or if they would delight in the chance of meeting his dark lord version.
The name Illuvatar had remained in Melkor’s memories, the only name that remained. All else was gone with him and so Derek tried it. ‘Umm…excuse me…Illuvatar are you there?’ Derek tried to talk to the possible god and his creator in this world. He had to be the one who must have had any idea of the stupid situation. ‘Am I still Derek? Or am I truly Melkor with an identity crisis or wait am I future Melkor and I time traveled back here. I mean it would be quiet a fall for Melkor to end up as an engineering student but hey it is a possibility.’ he tried asking, only to ramble and sound stupid in his inner monologue. None replied. Head empty no thoughts.
Well damn. This one’s got to have some daddy issues for sure. Derek wondered as he telepathically tried leaving a message for Illuvatar (don’t ask him how. He’s new to the whole thing. Trust the process).
‘ To Illuvatar, I do not know if this is you or not, but I must tell you I am not Melkor. Like I am in his body and it’s super weird. I don’t know if your feral son is dead (if he can die…) or not. I am just kind of in his body. I hope you can like tell me something about this all.’ P.S.- it's kinda urgent.
Hanging up the metaphorical phone Derek became aware of the quiet room. Manwe was staring at him again. It was the same look. Those puppy dog eyes just screamed of younger sibling energy. The look that siblings got seconds before they burst into tears. A precarious look for any older sibling ever.
Manwe was…bright. It was difficult to imagine how he was related to Melkor. Long white hair, glimmering blue eyes, and blue robes to maintain the angelic aesthetic. Manwe was pure innocence and uncorrupted power at the same time.
Melkor on the other hand. Well… Derek kinda could see himself without a mirror or anything. It was a Valar thing. A perk some would say. Just closing his eyes and he could see his form. He had almost screeched at his own reflection.
Melkor was…handsome. Sexy in the ‘I’ll be your fall from grace’ way. Dark black hair, the darkest there could be. Eyes bright like Manwe’s yet, there were glowing golden with the fervor of molten lava buried in the depth of the Earth. And contrasting such stark features was the palest skin ever. It was unlike Manwe’s healthy and flush tan. No Melkor was the supreme edge lord.
“Brother can you still not hear it?” Manwe asked. Derek, who had zoned out, realized that the focus from the previous quarrel had shifted back on him.
“Hear what?” Derek questioned. Was he supposed to hear something? Oh shit! Did someone call Melkor? It was hard remembering to respond to people when they called someone else’s name. Plus, he wasn’t that keen on the idea of discussing this weird possession with the guy who quite literally was a major simp for his brother. The idea of Manwe finding out his brother’s soul was gone was something scarier than Valarin.
With a barely concealed wince, Manwe replied “Do you not hear the music? The song of Arda? What about Illuvatar can you sense him?” Yikes, am I supposed to Derek wondered? To say or not to say, that is the question.
“I think don’t he can Manwe.” Another one of the Vala spoke instead of Melkor. If Derek remembered correctly, he was Ulmo. The Vala of seas, oceans, and rivers was visible in every facet of his personality and looks. Dark blue hair in the very predictably wavy in the fashion of waves, not that Derek disapproved of it. His first impression of Ulmo was that of the quiet kid who actually turns out to be really smart. The quiet kid you should not mess with. ‘Poseidon, Aquaman,’ Derek’s brain unhelpfully listed.
By the looks of it, Ulmo’s words did not sit well with Manwe. “I mean it is not difficult to see Manwe.” Mandos, the Vala who hated Melkor the most, added in support of Ulmo. It was surprising that even Derek felt the heavy animosity. And Derek was nothing if not dense.
Manwe continued to ignore Mandos and Ulmo collectively. “Can you truly not hear it Melkor?” he asked with an uncomfortably consistent eye contact. From his peripheral vision, Derek could see Varda take a step towards them.
“No,” Derek replied. “I cannot hear music or the song you speak of,” and the air in the room stilled. Everything fell silent as Manwe nodded in acceptance. However, Derek was not done. It was time to rip the bandage.
“I don’t remember anyone. I don’t know you or as matter of fact myse- “
“YOU MORON! WHERE IS MY MAIA?” before Derek could have completed his sentence he interrupted and was then promptly strangled by an unseen force. He truly had not seen it coming.
Put back the bandage he distantly wondered.
The room erupted in Chaos as Varda jumped in to save Manwe, who jumped in to save Melkor, who was attacked by Aule who was simultaneously being pulled away by Yavanna.
Chaos came to Valinor. Yet not the chaos that rained destruction but the chaos that mingled with the order to retain the world.
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“He…he has returned.”
In the darkest canopy of unvisited forests, a voice whispered with a trace of hysterical joy. The sole existence of those woods. A shadow that lamented in unlit lands.
Once glazed eyes caught the first reflection of the light they once held. Ashen gray hair ignited as if a fire rekindled. Hair that now changed into the blistered red shade of flames. Gone was the lament and mourning.
Mairon had come to life.
“Master Melkor returned,” the silent trees of bleak woods shivered with fear as the fire captured them in its grasp.
With a crazed smile, Mairon wondered if it was time to go get his master back to their lands. Utumno would be rebuilt, and order would be restored.
So, it began as Mairon started making his way to Valinor.
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archiveofthelibrarian · 6 months
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Manwion had hair of silver, which at night, reflected the starry sky yet glistened gold when Laurelin waxed. His long silver waves was adored by all, Quendi and Ainur alike, rivaled only by the gold-silver hair of Artanis which was said to have captured the very essence of the Two Trees.
Love and Glass
Inspired by my conversation with @animatorweirdo as anon here.
I have conflicted feelings about this. One one hand, I love the idea and can't get it out of my head. On the other, my execution of this is questionable. So I am throwing it into the void of internet.
I tried to mimick the style in which Tolkien wrote to convey this idea's whimsical and dreamy feel in my head. Alhtough I am not sure I have succeded. Again, this is not beta read, so feel free to point out any mistakes. I
Masterpost for the fic can be found here.
DISCLAİMER: I do not own anything you recognize. This is a fanwork for entertainment purposes and should be regarded as such.
Word count: 432
Long ago, before the rising of the Sun and the Moon, all newborn elves would be brought before the Valar so that they may receive a blessing from those who crafted Arda.
With time, there grew a great love for elflings in the hearts of the Valar. And though they all loved the elves, there was no greater love than the one Manwë and Varda bore.
Their love was so great, that they wished to love a child of their own, and though they knew it was against the vision of Eru, they set out to work.
With the help of Aulë the smith, Manwë and Varda took their love, poured it into Aulë's work, and then shaped and molded it into their desire.
Finally, a child resembling an elfling came to be from the work of the Valar. Though he looked as any elfling would, he had no free will or fire of his own.
Eru, who saw the great love Manwë and Varda bore for this creation for their's, allowed him to live and have a fire of his own.
But this wayward behavior of Manwë and Varda could not go unpunished, so he allowed the child no name of his own, save for Manwion, meaning son of Manwë, so that he may know when he is called.
Blinded by their love for the little child they would call their own, Manwë and Varda paid no mind to it.
But everyone else did.
The rest of the Valar pitied him, the Maiar shed tears him and the Quendi looked at him oddly, for the Quendi valued their names above all their possessions.
But Manwion understood none of this, for he was a being of innocence and wonder. He could not understand any darkness or malice.
But that did not matter in a world pure and untainted.
What none of the dwellers of Aman, save for Fëanáro, understood was that nothing in this world could last forever.
Soon, Melkor was released from the Halls after his three ages long imprisonment and he started his plan for revenge.
No one noticed as he sowed lies and discord among the Noldor. No one until he stole the holy light and the precious prince.
Melkor, who was renamed into Morgoth, destroyed the Two Trees with the help of the spider Ungoliant and kidnapped Manwion.
As the Valar and the Vanyar wept for their loss, the Noldor took action. With their spirits ignited by Fëanáro's passionate speech, they started their journey to the eastern lands of Beleriand.
The dead bodies of the Trees stand in Ezellohar still but no one knows what happened to their joyful, pure prince Manwion.
Not even the Dark Lord himself.
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junk-whunk-punk · 1 year
I'm amazed at HOW EASY it is to push me into something crazy. But the random dialogue of @melkors-big-tits and @cilil made me come up with something about my beloved bromance hehehehahahahhehsh..... .. . . . ow... .
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Well what)) as great people say, "what is friendship is not condemned" and they are punks, so they may, they can. As always bazen Sauron, fucking Melkor. It's just like people.
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I'm not sorry😎
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 5 months
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For the @ainursecretsanta side event, and inspired by these prompts created by @cilil
Pairing: Modern! Námo x Modern! Vairë
Themes: Soft/Fluffy
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 300+ words
Summary: Námo surprises his wife with a gift he made with his own hands.
Minors DNI
Divider by @estrelinha-s
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Vairë huffed in frustration, for she was unable to see a thing because of the thick strip of cloth covering her eyes. Námo was insistent on her wearing it. It was all for a surprise, he declared, and it was all for her. She waited and waited, brimming with impatience and eager to see what her husband had in store for her. Námo did not keep her waiting for much longer. After having escorted her to her weaving room, he removed her blindfold and gestured to two mannequins with an elaborate flourish of his hands.
“Ta da!” He cried, both satisfied with what he had created with his own skill, and terrified by his wife’s possible reaction. Vairë was more skilled at her craft than he was, and yet, he hoped his offering would please her all the same.
“I knitted them myself,” Námo continued, wringing his hands. “Whenever I had free time between trials. Do you like them?”
Vairë studied the mannequins intensely, but more importantly, what was on them. Woolen sweaters graced their wooden forms, all too colorful and more than a little uneven around the sleeves and the collar and the bottom. Ugly sweaters, some would call them, but in Vairë’s eyes, they were the most beautiful things she had ever beheld.
He made it with his own hands, she thought to herself. While at work, and probably for weeks on end.
“They are beautiful,” she murmured, and she stepped forward to caress the sweater meant for her. The wool was soft, and there was no denying the love and dedication that had been poured into their making. It touched her in a way she did not think possible. “Perhaps we could wear these when we take photos for our Christmas cards?”
Námo flushed, and a rare grin spread across his face.
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tags: @asianbutnotjapanese @3dragonstar @stormchaser819
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edensrose · 2 years
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SO finally finished that modern!námo drawing for my fic sweet escape (18+)
When I tell you I have been simping HARD while drawing this heck zjxjx
I was initially gonna draw him with his tie fastened but then I was like. . . Okay but what if — tie loose?? So here we are
ALSO can you tell I'm trying a new art style?? Haha I may stick to this ~
@a-chaotic-dumbass @rurifangirl @spoopy-fish-writes
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ryoalouette · 2 years
Maglor, from modern Middle Earth: out of curiosity, has anyone talked to uh, the Maia steering the moon lately? 
Thranduil, realizing what Maglor is about to ask: (well then, here’s a form of entertainment ig)
Finrod: You mean Tirion?
Maglor: Yes him, Tyelko’s ex-buddy. Did he say anything odd while up there?
Finrod: Hmmm. I dunno, we can ask?
Finrod: Wot??
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aemiron-main · 1 year
“The Silmarillion” aka “Copyright Dispute GONE WRONG”
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ainur-confessions · 2 years
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❪ ♡ ❫ ── modern!námo | doggo things
breaking up with námo or taking a small break from your relationship with him — only to have gorgumoth run all the way to wherever you are, tug at your sleeve and try to lead you.
eventually, you discover that he's leading you back to námo's home. why? because 'dad isn't acting the same without you around, please come back'
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spiced-wine-fic · 2 years
Chapters: 15/? Fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, Dark Prince: Vanimórë Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Fëanor | Curufinwë/Fingolfin | Ñolofinwë, various, Others to be added Characters: Fëanor | Curufinwë, Fingolfin | Ñolofinwë, Sons of Fëanor, House of Finwë, Vala | Valar, Vanimórë, Lucien Steele (Vanimöré), Original Characters, Indis (Tolkien), Nerdanel (Tolkien), Ingwë, Eönwë (Tolkien), Canon Characters, Edenel, Coldagnir, Morgoth Bauglir | Melkor, Blaise Worth/David Balfour, James Callaghan, Eru Ilúvatar Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Slash, Valinor, Summerland ‘verse, Dark Prince, Magnificat of the Damned, Apollyon Enterprises, The Monument, Portals, The Mirror of Worlds, The Flame Imperishable, Alternate Universe, gods and powers, The Outside, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Multiverse, Urban Fantasy, Post-Canon Series: Part 3 of Blood Harvest Summary:
Sequel to ‘The Once and Future Kings’ . There are rebels in Valinor but Fëanor knows they have not the power to defeat the Valar. They have to leave. Yet more sons are born to he and Fingolfin and they will not subject their children to the probable dangers of a wild and unknown Endor.
Fëanor, however, has touched the totality of the Flame Imperishable and more wonders and brilliance are born from his mind and hands.
And now is the time for Melkor to be released, apparently penitent. Or does his probation serve a different purpose?
In the modern world, Vanimöré means to return to the Monument to track down everyone involved the child trafficking ring but Edenel and Coldagnir are concerned that he will never return.
These are Times of Thunder
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kiatheinsomniac · 1 year
So, if you would prefer not to provide Sweeter Than...grrr...Perhaps headcannons for Melkor, Mairon, Thranduil, Legolas with a S/O modern day writing about them....
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: a chapter of Sweeter Than Poetry and headcanons request back-to-back for the writer of my fav fic ♡ Also this is sort of an AU I guess?? With the modern reader being isekai'ed into Middle Earth?
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: Thranduil, Legolas, Melkor | Morgoth, Mairon | Sauron
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: suggestive headcanons (3rd for each character)
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♡ he won't let you know it but when he first finds your writing about him, he's flattered. Is this how you see him? You describe him like an ethereal being and a part of him thinks it's deserved. He's beyond happy with how you capture him as a character.
♡ it's touching to read about you falling in love with each other over and over again and it really gets to his heart and he truly does find himself falling in love with you all over again.
♡ he finds himself moved by how you've created so many heart-wrenching stories with him as the reader's love interest and how many other people have read your work and enjoyed it too! (Please come humble him a little tho bc it's really feeding his ego sobs). Oh but if you write those fics about the reader still loving him when they can see his scars? He'll love you for eternity, it might even bring tears to his eyes to know that he can still be loved not only despite it but because of it.
♡ nsfw edition: it really strokes his ego to find all the smut you've written about him. Are these your fantasies? He'll keep them in mind and try them out on you and only afterwards will he tease you for having written such things about him
♡ he's a blushing mess, right up to the tips of his pointed ears. All of this about him? He has this dreamy smile on this face the whole time he's reading through all your fluffy works about him.
♡ like Thranduil, he's enamoured by all these stories of the two of you falling in love over and over again in all sorts of scenarios, it makes him feel like you truly do love him no matter what situation the two of you find each other in
♡ he's so caught up by the AUs!! He's quite confused by all these words he doesn't know but it's like a glimpse into your world!
♡ nsfw edition: he can't read the whole thing. The room feels too hot and he's a blushing mess and stumbling over his words and, oh valar, please help him when you find him in a state with your phone in his hand.
。・:*˚:✧。melkor | morgoth
♡ now I could go down a basic route and say that Melkor's ego inflates to an astronomical size because that's exactly how he acts when he confronts you about it but inside? The only things written about him have always been how evil he is and how terrible and irredeemable he is. You don't shy away from his worse traits and yet you write about loving him without trying to redeem him too?
♡ he honestly finds it strange (not weird strange, just unfamiliar strange) that you've depicted him as he is and yet you're writing about loving him? He's not sure how it feels (surprise, Melkor, this is how it feels to be loved, I know it's been a while since you've felt it-)
♡ his favourite parts about the AUs is that it's a world where Eru doesn't exist- no, jokes aside, he really likes the ones where not only are you ok with all his plans, you're actively encouraging and participating in them. Loyalty, obedience and utility are all important to him so these sorts of plots are his favourites.
♡ nsfw edition: will 110% tease you about your fantasies. Awe, this is what you want him to do to you? Beg. Beg as desperately and prettily as you can and once you're pleading for him through frustrated sobs and tears, maybe he'll consider fulfilling all of these filthy fantasies of yours (the begging is just because he knows how badly you want it now, he's more than keen yourself and it's a test of his own patience to hold back).
。・:*˚:✧。mairon | sauron
♡ he's reading everything with a big cat-like smirk on his face. You really are obsessed with him, aren't you? Good. He likes to be adored. He also likes knowing that you truly do love him and you're not just using him for something. Like Melkor, he especially likes how you write about loving him without redeeming him.
♡ he lives for any valar slander and he feels really validated by you admiring his perfectionism instead of criticising him for it. Really, he never thought he'd find that validation from anywhere other than Melkor so it's pleasantly surprising.
♡ he gets too confused by the AUs and ends up just skimming them out of frustration, sorry. He really likes the ones where he's in command of everything around him (he's slowly beginning to realise how much he likes your admiration and validation lol) bc he thinks you've characterised him well there
♡ nsfw edition: he'll initiate all of your fantasies without telling you that he knows. Then, halfway through he'll start teasing you about how all these dirty things are exactly what you wanted and you're nowhere as innocent as you make yourself out to be? You could have been writing love letters and yet you chose to write about him fucking your lights out instead. Cute. He thinks you're adorable.
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nyarnamaitar · 2 months
Do you think melkor is the popular vala in fandom because sometimes the fans project some qualities into him- is it because they like the idea of doing anything without consequences? Like how he is vala of creativity, change etc. How he gave freedom to sauron?
Mmm, it’s possible, but I think Melkor’s popularity has more do to with the fact that he’s a well-rounded villain and people like villains. :’)
That being said, I do have to say that I vehemently disagree with the idea of Melkor as the patron of creativity and freedom. In fact, he is the opposite! He had so much potential, yet he squandered it all for power. He could have helped the Valar in creating a beautiful world for the Children, but he did not, because he wanted to be crowned the king of all. And rather than fighting for freedom, he was a constrainer of freedom. Mairon did not become free when he joined Melkor; instead, he was doomed the minute he did so.
Melkor is Milton’s Satan in the sense that just like Early Modern readers of Paradise Lost, fans of the Silm turn Melkor into something he is decidedly not.
Sorry for the rant, Anon, this just happens to me a particular pet peeve of mine. 😅
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thegreatzombieartisan · 6 months
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Beyond an orc attack that spurs her premature departure West, very little is known about Galadriel’s only child, Celebrian.
Because our modern culture prizes visibility — or alternatively, surveillance — “taking action” is often narrowly-defined as what happens only in the public domain. Contributions and outcomes within subtext or done in private is “passive” and therefore often overlooked or devalued.
Interdependence is a strong theme in legendarium because it breeds humility. Pride, as Tolkien defined it, swells within those who forget that everything they have, ever achieved or thought originated from Iluvatar. And through Him, that of one’s contemporaries and ancestors.
Most events in history play-out off stage and within the seemingly mundane: private conversations, letters, intercession, covert alliances, influences, and decisions that will never, and perhaps be never, be known.
Tolkien, accordingly, wrote many characters whose significance can only be deciphered by applying narrative causality. And Celebrian is one.
Here’s a non-exhaustive list of her role:
Celebrian’s departure instigates the Age of Men
By the Third Age, the world- and war-wearied Noldor in Middle Earth cling to the past. Compared to previous ages, they forsake innovation and mostly retire in sanctuaries. In essence, they become stagnate and reluctant to act.
But Celebrian’s decision to choose to heal, to choose joy is a catalytic event. In fact, it’s her primary narrative purpose because Elrond will naturally join her. As a renowned Elf lord and lady of royal lineage, their new future trajectory would tremendously influence others to heed the sea’s call. And so it comes to pass that Elven dominance in Middle Earth ends.
Celebrian helps bring Galadriel back to God (Ilúvatar)
Her daughter’s departure would prompt Galadriel to ponder her own future. When Frodo offers her the one ring, though momentarily tempted, she rejects it not only with humility but for love of Celebrian, longing for reunion.
If mightier the person, the harder the fall then a corrupted Galadriel may suffer her uncle Fëanor’s grim fate: forever sundered from those she loves.
In surrendering to love and the Divine Vision of the Music, she ends her rebellion against the Valar, and by extension, Ilúvatar.
Celebrian plays a crucial role in Aragorn's upbringing
In harmony with Elrond, her legacy is a nurturing environment in Rivendell, creating a virtuous upbringing that allows Aragorn to embody courage, selflessness, and loyalty. Additionally, a quire warrior and leadership skills, healing arts, and other valuable knowledge and wisdom of the Eldar. It is from this transformative power, he can become the King of Arnor and Gondor.  
Celebrian's has a hand in Arwen's “magic” standard
Arwen secretly weaves a standard (flag) for Aragorn that enables him to command the Army of Dead and achieve victory at Pelennor Fields.
Presumably, as Galadriel is a skilled weaver, Celebrian is too and teaches her own daughter. It’s the equivalent to the tradition of a father who teaches his son swordsmanship that later saves his life and that of others.
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archiveofthelibrarian · 5 months
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Manwion had hair of silver, which at night, reflected the starry sky yet glistened gold when Laurelin waxed. His long silver waves was adored by all, Quendi and Ainur alike, rivaled only by the gold-silver hair of Artanis which was said to have captured the very essence of the Two Trees.
Love and Glass
Chapter 1
Inspired by my conversation with @animatorweirdo as anon here.
I did not proof read this, so feel free to point out any mistakes.
Masterpost for the fic can be found here.
DISCLAİMER: I do not own anything you recognize. This is a fanwork for entertainment purposes and should be regarded as such.
Word count: 1.162
It was just like any other night.
You were on your couch, relaxing and catching up on that show you had neglected for the past month.
It had been a very hectic month at work.
You didn't even want to think, so Netflix was it.
The hours went on and you became more engaged in your show by the minute.
But suddenly, your attention was torn away from the show by a very suspicious noise coming from your backyard.
Cautiously, you took your gun and went to investigate the matter.
What you found was a creature of such beauty, it was otherworldly.
Though he was the exact same height as you and appeared human, he was anything but a normal human.
His hair was silver and it went down to his waist in delicate waves as it reflected the starry night as an ocean, calm and deep.
His face was drained and his complexion was of unsullied light.
His eyes were the darkest shade of blue, capturing the light of stars in themselves.
You were completely entranced, but through some miracle, you managed to keep your guard up.
"Who are you?" you asked, pointing the gun to his forehead.
The creature tilted his head in curiosity. His eyes shined with childlike wonder and innocence.
"What is that?" he asked with pure wonder and innocence. His voice felt like liquid gold to your ears.
"Answer the question!"
The creature flinched and took a step away from you, terrified.
It would be very unwise to trust him, yet it seemed the creature was genuine in his every behavior.
It was almost like he was untouched by malice and did not know of any ulterior motives.
Ignoring the screaming voice of reason in your brain, you lowered your gun and started speaking softly. "Hey, hey. I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
The creature looked you in the eyes, his very gaze piercing your heart. "Really?"
You nodded. "Yes, I was just trying to be cautious."
The creature seemed to have believed you in an instant as he lowered his guard entirely.
"Now, what is your name?"
"I don't have a name," the creature said. You felt a tinge in your heart. How could someone not have a name? You so desperately wanted to ask, yet knew better than to pry into a stranger's personal matters.
"Then, how do your people call you?"
"Manwion," he said. "The Amanyar call me Manwion for I am the son of Manwë and Varda."
You felt as if someone poured a bucket of ice-cold water over your head.
"I am sorry, did you say Manwë and Varda?"
He nodded. "Yes, the King and Queen of Arda," he said tilted his head. "Do you not know them? How can you not know them?"
That was it. You had fallen into a coma during work and this was some coma dream shit.
You must have frozen since the creature gently took your hand, jolting you awake.
"Are you okay," he asked.
This was a dream. It had to be.
But the evidence was right here.
"Yeah, I am. Just, surprised..."
That part of your brain which has always been too kind decided to take matters into its own hands as you decided to go invite him in. Whether it was a dream or reality, you couldn't leave someone out here in the middle of the night.
"Why don't you come inside and then we can talk. It is quite a chilly night after all.
The creature smiled. "Okay."
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Throughout the entire night, you two talked and as the first light of the sun dawned on earth, it became clear to you that this creature was truly what he claimed to be.
He was the son of Manwë and Varda, the King and Queen of Arda.
He was Manwion, the Silver Prince of Arda,, who was made out of silver crystal and given life.
He was the embodiment of innocence and joy.
He could never know any evil or malice for his heart was untouched by any of it.
But it did not mean malice was nonexistent because he couldn’t know it. And this was a world full of malicious intent.
He was so vulnerable here.
If anyone found out about his existence aside from yourself, they would take him and turn him into a lab rat.
The images of this creature of pure light and joy being experimented on played in your head.
It was so horrible.
You could not let that happen.
So you decided to hide Manwion’s existence from the world, letting him stay in your house.
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Manwiom really wasnt hard to love with his cheerful and radiant personality.
He really was the embodiment of joy.
As days turned intp weeks and weeks turned into months, you found yourself liking Manwion more and more.
Looking at him when he wasnt looking, bringing him new things he had not known earlier so that you could see his face light up with joy...
You had fallen in love and you had fallen hard.
But Manwion was a divine being of another world, he was the Silver Prince of Arda and you were but a mere human from Earth who worked 8-5 and ran on cafdeine most of the time.
The thought of having your affection resipricsted seened like fever dream no matter how you looked at it.
But he did in fact return your affections. And he return them as much more beauty than you ever thought was possible.
And so began your days of bliss on Earth.
But it would not last as few things ever did.
Despite all your caution, the authorities managed to find out about Manwion and thus began a search for him.
With no other choice, you took the barest necessities for your survival and Manwion and you fled from your home.
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You held the hand of Manwion tight as the light from police cars threatened to blind you.
Manwion's hands were shaking from terror.
There were so many guns pointed at you.
The officer repeated his demand for you to turn yourselves in.
You were hesitant to speak as anything you said would render you in an even worse situation.
Just when you thought it was all over, the very fabric of the space-time was torn, revealing a dark tentacle.
The tentacle started wreaking havoc as it blasted the police cars away.
In the chaos, you and Manwion got separated.
The moment you realized he was not with you, you started to look around frantically.
And suddenly, your world narrowed to the sight of him screaming as he was captured and dragged into the depths of the void by the dark creature.
Without thinking, your body sprang into action taking a gun one of the officers had managed to somehow lose, you held onto the tencale and got dragged with him into the void.
The tear on the fabric fixed itself, trapping you, the creature and Manwion inside.
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sillylotrpolls · 7 months
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 8 months
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Modern! Tulkas would choose one of the following for a career:
🌟 Professional athlete involved in contact sports such as ice hockey, American football, boxing, or rugby. When he retires from his chosen sport, he takes on the role of mentor for up and coming athletes.
🌟 Gym owner. Tulkas would be big into fitness and open his own gym once he has the funds to do so.
🌟 Career soldier. Tulkas will sign up as soon as he is eligible to do so, often outdoing others in training. He will retire from the military after long years of service.
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Tags: @asianbutnotjapanese @cilil @edensrose
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ryoalouette · 2 years
Finrod: W-what is that sound??
Maglor, from modern Middle Earth: huh, didn’t expect to get an update of my social media.
Thranduil: you watched Attack on Titans??
Maglor: :D
Finrod: ???
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