#momo answers
minimomoe · 7 months
Hello - I absolutely love how you write Shunsui! Could I request a scenario that’s him and a female reader? Like him flustering her and not realizing it’s because she’s never seen him with his hair down before?
oooo this is real cute let’s break it down. slightly suggestive at the end, just a smidge. i also wrote this on my phone so i apologize in advance if there’s any mistakes i didn’t proofread lol
Shunsui pressed himself behind you, half teasing, half guiding you through the onsen. He hasn’t stopped grinning since you both arrived, and his infectious smile was spreading to you. You both giggled when he finally dropped your belongings on the floor next to the bed and kissed your temple.
You had offered the idea of coming to the onsen in the first place. Tasks in the soul society was piling up fast, persistent and complex problems that were chipping away from Shunsui’s usual playful behaviour. You felt like you hardly see your lover at all even though you both now lived together. It would be short meet up in the night, with you either half asleep or already snoring by the time he got back, and you leaving before the dawn after you found him snaked around your body just to kiss him goodbye.
You didn’t like it. Shunsui complained about it as well. The other captains were starting to get worried when he was no longer cracking jokes around them, or not teasing Nanao, or even worse, saying “no” to a nap so that he can finish his work earlier to spend more time with you. The statement had everybody clutching their chests and Mayuri wanted to run an experiment on the man when he heard that.
Jushiro, bless his soul, stopped by your barracks to see you in the same despondent manner and sighed. He was aware that physical touch and quality time were important for both you and his best friend, which is why he suggested for you to take a vacation and it was like the storm clouds cleared from your head. Why have you never thought of that? Were soul reapers even allowed to take breaks?
Apparently they were, and you and Shunsui made sure to take advantage of it. You reserved a couple of days and a room at the onsen and sighed wistfully. The view getting there was gorgeous, with green rolling mountains and puffy clouds of whipped cream. You made sure to get a private one, as you weren’t to keen on sharing Shunsui with everyone. Now in your room with the hot spring just outside you stared at the steaming water, already feeling more relaxed that you have in weeks.
“Don’t just stand there. I’m going to get cold all by myself,” Shunsui said behind you. Your turned around to roll your eyes but stopped short when you looked at him. Shunsui always had gorgeous hair. The soft, wavy locks beckoned you to comb your fingers through the strands and you did, all the time. His signature hairstyle was a low ponytail decorated with his hair pins. At most you’ve seen his hair without the pins, but never out of the ponytail completely.
It draped itself over his shoulder, molding around his face to enhance his features. It must’ve been the healing air of the onsen as his hair was shining like silk and the slight breeze from the open back door danced through his hair. It was like you were seeing Shunsui for the first time and found your tongue stuck in your throat. When you caught his eyes you felt your face heat up and then you quickly looked away from him.
“What? What is it?” It didn’t help that his top half was completely bare. His robes hung dangerously low off his hips and he held onto your waist, not letting your hide your face from him for too long. Now in addition to your face you felt heat pooling at your core, getting embarrassingly wet just from looking at him.
“It’s nothing! Just go— get in the water,” you gasped. He started to undress you the same, pushing your robes off your shoulders and kissing the bare skin. He looked up at you with those seductive grey eyes and smiled into your skin. “Without you? Why would I do that?”
You prayed that he couldn’t hear your heartbeat banging against your ribs. “Because I said so.”
“You don’t really mean it,” he pouted. His hand rubbed down your body, not stopping until he undressed you and his eyes lit up from your body unobscured.
“Let’s get in the water first.” He scooped you up with ease bridal style and walked into the water. It enveloped you both and you immediately sighed. You could feel the tension leaving your body and Shunsui positioned your legs around his body so you sat on top of him with nowhere to hide. You thought closing your eyes would calm you heart rate but the way his hands massaged your body only sped it up.
“Is there something bothering you?” It was an earnest question. You could hear the concern in his voice and you slowly peeled your eyes open. Once again you were taken by his beauty. You couldn’t believe that this was the first time you’ve seen him with his hair down.
“You’re gorgeous,” you mumbled, and a smile grew on his face.
“Is that a problem?”
“Yes. A big one.” You cupped his face in your hands and shook his face. When you couldn’t handle the eye contact anymore you dropped your head in his shoulder.
“You really like me.” You heard the shit eating grin that accompanied that statement and bit his shoulder. “I like you too,” he laughed. A real hearty laugh that you haven’t heard in a while and it filled your ears pleasantly. “More than like. Maybe I’ll go a little crazy and say that I love you.”
“What’s not to love?” You asked without missing a beat. You lifted your head off his shoulder and combed his hair back with your hands. Water dripped down his face that made him sparkle in the sunlight. You placed a tender kiss on his lips that had him following your mouth when you tried to pull away and smiled. “I love you too.”
thanks for the prompt! please keep asking i love to write them out <33
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momo-roo · 10 months
the way you draw dib is just. His nose is very boopable
especially etf/comics dib
I saw this about a week before (? but I hadn't had time to answer.
Mainly because I was trying to draw this:
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He's not used to attention, so let's not do that again.
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sillyzter · 3 months
you wonder why autistic ppl are babied and then type the way you do 💀💀
Momo know this probably bait but then, again, someone is might need listen this.
Have maybe wonder WHY blame own autistis for something ableists do? So hmm by logic if am dress with short clothes is ok others sexualize momo????
Momo not "baby" self. Momo just type in way is most comfortable with. Momo is have very hard time with proper grammar since is am not native speaker + am have ID and is dyslexic + is have hard time think about proper gramar special in english.
If YOU is baby down autistis that is YOU issue not issue with how we speak/type/act in general.
Please think better before speak!
Hope anon have great day still ^_^
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tigerpeachs · 1 year
I hope you know I was thinking about that yuuta fic the ENTIRE. DAY. I read it like three times today. My god
Ahhhhhhh that makes me so happy! ヽ(愛´∀`愛)ノ I was literally sweating over Scummy Yuuta by myself and I'm glad I'm not the only one in his chokehold.
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spiritonadventure · 2 years
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14dayswithyou · 14 days
The 14DWY brainrot is real... >_< were ypu planning on sharing koi ren's design here too or is it discord only for now? remember to drink lots n lots of water today 🐸☔️
i don't rmbr if i included this but can you share any koi crumbs too?
✦゜ANSWERED: aaaaa I'm 14 years late to this ask (/silly), but thank you for reminding me!! I'll add the new Mer Ren design to da queue >:3
I'll also put the Koi Ren (I'm rocking with this new name!!) crumbs under the cut!!
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"Stop rocking the boat, Ren." Without sparing a glance in his direction, you continue to stare out into the vast, open lake. "You'll scare away all the fish."
Had you turned around, you would've seen the faux-deadpan look on his face as Ren takes in the irony of your words. As if to prove a point, he gently swishes his tail in the water, which causes small ripples to form and (eventually) disturb your bobber. "I don't think the boat is the problem here."
"Okay, how about this... One more fish, then we can go back." You finally look back at your scaley companion — who was still leaning against the edge of your tin boat with a lazy smile — and give him a resolute nod. "Promise."
"Sure," Ren casually reaches into the boat to pick and pluck at some of your live bait. "But you said that about the last three fish."
"This will be the last one. I swear."
"You... swear?" You try to ignore the way Ren swallows up one of your minnows as if you weren't using them for bait as he continues to speak, "Like... curse words? Humans sure are weird creatures."
As if realising his comment, Ren's ocean-blue eyes widen slightly and shift towards your form. "N-Not... Not you, though."
With a laugh, you playfully try to nudge him off of the boat. All it does is cause it to tip slightly, but Ren steadies it when you show signs of losing balance.
"Alright. One more fish, then?"
You nod and cast your attention back to your rod once more. You don't even notice the silence — nor Ren slipping away — until you suddenly feel a tug on your line and call out to your companion in excitement. "That was quick!"
Quickly reeling it in, you wonder what kind of fish you'd just caught — it's definitely stronger than you anticipated, given how the rod drastically bends and snaps at every movement from the fish. And just as you see the shadow from the murky depths get closer, the ripples get bigger and cause a stir underneath your tin boat. Standing up now, you try with all your might to reel it on board...
...Only for a mess of black hair to emerge from below and peer up at you with a smug look.
"Looks like you got a big one."
"C'moooon." You practically whine, though you allow Ren to haul himself into your tiny boat and rest his head in your lap. You can still feel his body shake from underneath your touch, no doubt still laughing at his poor attempt at a joke. "This doesn't count."
A beat passes before your fishy companion responds. "...Hm? Fine then."
Another moment of silence follows before he slithers back into the water without another word. Half of you worries that you might've said something to offend him (there was still the tiniest hint of a language barrier between you two). Still, it ultimately leads to nothing as Ren soon emerges once more — only this time, he's hauling the biggest largemouth bass you'd ever seen into your boat.
"This good enough?" He looks at you with wide, blue eyes. "If not, I can probably find a sturgeon and—"
"It's bigger than my boat!"
"Is this what your kind calls... exaggeration? Because your boat is big enough even for me to—"
"—Arghh! It's getting water everywhere! Put it back!"
It was almost comical how Ren tossed the fish over his shoulder and back into the water without breaking eye contact with you.
Another wave of silence hits, yet neither of you seems to move or break the awkward staring contest you'd somehow started. It's then when you notice Ren's grin get bigger — most likely at your resignation and embarrassment — which causes you to fall back into your seat in defeat.
"Fine. Enough fishing for today. Let's head back." Busying yourself with the bucket of fish and tacklebox in front of you, you secure your gear and pack everything away. But it seems Ren had other plans, seeing as he took it upon himself to climb back into your boat and rest his arms on your legs. No longer able to move as freely, you have no choice but to indulge in his carefree whims.
"But you caught me. Aren't you going to bring me home too?"
"As much as I want to," Truly, you do. You've always wanted to show Ren the world outside of Lake Bluemoss. "There's no way I'm carrying you all the way down the mountain."
"You never know until you cry."
"Try." You correct him. "Until you try."
"Your kind sure are funny." Ren nuzzles himself closer. "Perhaps another time, then... Stay here tonight."
Your body pricks up at his words, and you spare a glance at the abandoned boathouse near the dock. Despite its rough and rugged exterior, you and Ren actually made it quite comfy. It had some of your old blankets and sheets thrown over one of the boats to make it comfortable to lounge in — alongside a giant empty tank that you and Ren filled with water for him to sit in as well. Despite the lack of human traction, the place still felt homey and well-loved.
"...I guess I could."
"Then what are we waiting shore?"
You had to roll your eyes at his attempt at a pun.
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alcoholfreenayeon · 1 month
damn you spoil us but just some smut with the bondage you talked about and everything.. without g!p, like there needs to be more motzu fics ngll
Momo x Tzuyu
CW: Smut, Bondage, NSFW, strap on, fingering, pussy eating, moments of fluff
Word count: 3150
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A/N: I’m sorry it took so long to do this😭I had a phase where I just didn’t feel like writing smut. Hope it was worth the wait.
“Well why not”, Tzuyu asked Momo, pestering her because she wanted to do part of her mission but Momo had figured it out and was not going to fall for it.
“You know why”, Momo replied, rolling her eyes, continuing to scroll through her phone.
“Please please please”, Tzuyu asked again, shaking Momo dramatically, “I’ll do anything in return”, she promised in a hurry and accidentally ended up knocking Momo’s bottle of water over, causing it to splash over Momo’s shirt and hands. “Oh!”, Tzuyu gasped in surprise.
Momo had her mouth open in disbelief as water begin to soak into her shirt and drip off her arms. Momo took a deep breath and slowly got up, rolling up the bottom of her shirt, exposing her abs before turning to look at her.
Tzuyu had her arms folded, a defiant look on her face and she looked away, pretending that she didn’t really care but her eyes kept glancing back to Momo, specifically her abs.
Momo stood in front of her, looking down at her, “You’ve become really annoying and disrespectful you know. Never listening to me or anyone else anymore.”, saying this, Momo grabbed Tzuyu by her arms and dragged her to her room before making her sit on the bed.
Tzuyu still being a brat, just sighed and rolled her eyes, “It’s just some water….and it wouldn’t have happened if you just listened to me.”
Momo couldn’t believe what she was hearing, “Is that so….I see. Well, I’ll listen to what you said and you said you’ll whatever I wanted so now”, Momo said, going through her drawer while Tzuyu curiously watched, wondering where this was headed, “I’ll do what I want….with you”, saying this Momo grabbed Tzuyu’s hands and handcuffed them quickly.
“What….”, Tzuyu panicked at the suddenness of Momo’s action and the restraining of her hands for a moment before relaxing again, still unsure what Momo would do.
Momo pushed Tzuyu on her back causing her to yelp and climbed on top of her, straddling her before whispering in her ear, “You wanted me to do your challenge, well first you have to do mine. Don’t scream.”
Tzuyu felt her heart beginning to pound, “is…is that it?”. Momo nodded and then before Tzuyu knew it, Momo tied her handcuffs against the headboard. “What are you….”, Tzuyu began again but Momo silenced her by putting a finger against her lips.
“Your challenge has already started…do not scream until I am done with you.”, Momo said, her thumb pressed against Tzuyu’s chin. Then she began to trace her finger down, lower and lower until she reached Tzuyu’s top, threatening to pull it down.
Tzuyu watched in anticipation, curious about how far Momo would go. She was even a bit excited and when she unconsciously bit her lip, Momo smirked and pulled it down roughly, exposing Tzuyu’s tits causing Tzuyu to breathe in sharply.
Momo wasn’t done yet, in fact she didn’t even start, she moved her hand lower onto Tzuyu’s pants now, unbuttoning and pulling it off along with her top, leaving her only in her panties.
Tzuyu couldn’t help but squirm a bit, feeling quite exposed and vulnerable but stopped and softly gasped when she felt Momo’s cold finger on her navel.
“Now. We. Shall. See.”, Momo said gritting her teeth as her hands began to linger over Tzuyu’s waist and thighs, touching her lightly, sending shivers all over her and causing her to inadvertently close her legs tightly.
Momo smirked and forced her legs open, a finger tracing her pussy from the bottom to top, softly through her panties, “Close your legs again….”, Momo warned, her tone stern. She continued to gently rub, top to bottom, bottom to top, watching Tzuyu’s reaction carefully, doing this for a minute or so before suddenly adding another finger and pressing against her pussy causing Tzuyu to take a sharp breath. Momo smiled smugly, already enjoying her power over her junior immensely.
“Ah, you are doing well for now….lets see how long it lasts.”, saying this Momo slips her hands inside Tzuyu’s panties causing Tzuyu to gasp and begins to play with her clit which makes Tzuyu squirm again.
It’s getting more and more difficult for Tzuyu to not vocalize her feelings, the situation went from thrilling to arousing to straight up pleasure much too soon. It didn’t help that Momo was so good at it. The pleasure kept building up forcing Tzuyu to bite her lips and she realized just how close to cumming she was, just a moment away, so close and then Momo stopped abruptly though her hands were still on Tzuyu’s pussy, making Tzuyu whine in frustration.
As Tzuyu’s breathing began to calm, she looked up at Momo in confusion and frustration who looked back at her with a satisfied expression, “You’re doing really well so far. I guess you’ll win at this rate so I’ll just”, she begins to move her hands away, “stop.”
“N-no, please!”, Tzuyu blurted out quickly and then looked away, her cheeks coloring as she herself couldn’t believe she said that out loud.
Momo smirked, “Oh? Ok if that’s what you want.”, Momo slipped her hand back inside Tzuyu’s panties and got to work again, bringing Tzuyu to the brink very quickly.
Tzuyu was whining and moaning as Momo rubbed her, she almost couldn’t believe how good Momo was, how quick she was to making her cum. She stiffened her body, focusing so hard on not closing her legs after Momo’s warning, she couldn’t have Momo stop, not again, not right now, not when she’s so…so close to cumming. Her hands fought against the cuffs but it was of no use, Tzuyu felt her waist rise as she was getting closer and closer, her eyes closed as she braced herself for her release.
Momo smirked seeing Tzuyu act like this, knowing very well the reason for it and slowed down for a second, Tzuyu opened her eyes immediately, ready to protest but just as quickly Momo thrust two fingers in, causing Tzuyu to cum, her eyes rolled and her mouth remained open, unable to make a sound as she experienced a mind numbing orgasm, her lower body thrashing around while she was cumming. After what seemed like ages, Tzuyu finally came down from her high, panting hard, her vision blurry and she blinked slowly several times to clear her eyes.
As she began to relax, Momo wiggled her fingers against the roof of her pussy causing Tzuyu to sharply gasp and look at Momo who could only grin at her as she started to push her fingers deeper inside Tzuyu until they were knuckle deep. Tzuyu could already feel her pleasure build up rapidly, she was still a bit sensitive and it wasn’t going to take much to make her cum. And Momo was figuring that out as she began to finger her expertly. Soon enough Tzuyu began to writhe in pleasure as she came again.
Panting, she struggled against her cuffs futilely trying to regain any sort of control back, swallowing hard, she looked at Momo who had a smug expression.
“You are so…”, Momo grins, “sensitive and easy to figure out”.
Tzuyu says nothing, still trying to calm herself down, averting her eyes from Momo.
Momo chuckles, “Ahn…you’re ignoring me…that’s how you want to play right now? Okay”, she smugly grins and suddenly takes Tzuyu’s panties off, “I’ll make it so that you can’t ignore me…”, Momo decides, slowly fingering Tzuyu, almost teasingly, “but I can’t decide whether to make it so that you can’t ignore me from desperation or pleasure”, saying that Momo starts rubbing her clit with her other hand while beginning to properly finger Tzuyu.
Whining and sighing heavily, Tzuyu grits her teeth hard and tries not to focus on Momo but it’s impossible. She can’t even keep her focus off for a seconds before she’s losing her breath. Having cum a couple times already she was quite sensitive and Momo was figuring her body out so easily. As Tzuyu’s third orgasm approaches, Momo moves her hand away from Tzuyu’s clit which causes Tzuyu to sigh in relief, she’s still close but suddenly it doesn’t feel like she’s on fire. Atleast that’s what she thought for a few seconds before she felt Momo tongue on her clit instead. She let out a strangled cry as Momo sucking on her made her cum instantly. Her whole body thrashes around as she cums, experiencing new heights of pleasure as Momo doesn’t stop, continuing to finger her and suck on her clit. Tzuyu couldn’t breath anymore, it felt like her orgasmic high was never going to end. She had barely finished cumming when she was already approaching another orgasm. She couldn’t think anymore, her hands jerked around helplessly while her legs were squeezing Momo’s head involuntarily. And moments later she came again. It was overwhelmingly pleasurable now, Tzuyu’s body wasn’t prepared to handle this much stimulation at once and for a few moments Tzuyu went numb, she could think to a certain extent and wondered what happened but before she could reach to any conclusions, she was brought back when her feelings returned just in time for her to cum yet again. This was too much. Going from being numb to feeling herself cum in a matter of seconds knocked the wind out of her. She screamed in shock and pleasure as she cummed her brains out, she could feel her pussy throbbing and contracting so hard. And then Momo finally withdrew her fingers, slowed down her licking, lapping Tzuyu’s juices around slowly as Tzuyu’s legs slowly loosened around her head and Momo moved her face.
She was grinning, her face a mess from all of Tzuyu’s juices. Meanwhile, Tzuyu was breathing hard, she felt like she’d never be able to catch her breath again, her legs feeling wobbly and weak…
“You lost, you screamed…”, Momo pointed out grinning smugly.
Tzuyu said nothing, closing her eyes and focusing on breathing, her face was sweaty and flushed now.
“And because you lost. You will face your punishment”, Momo stated with finality, a hint of excitement in her voice.
Tzuyu didn’t pay much attention, she heard Momo say she lost the challenge but it didn’t matter to her right now, she just wanted to rest and relax a little right now. She felt Momo get up and mess about near the wardrobe but she didn’t care enough to see.
A minute later, Tzuyu had stopped panting but her breathing was still a bit heavy, she heard Momo come closer again and opened her eyes just in time to see Momo’s hand closing in on her face and Tzuyu panicked and jerked, trying to get up but having hands tied just made her fall back.
Momo chuckled, “Relax Tzuyu, it’s just a blindfold….”
Tzuyu stopped, unsure of what’s happening, “why..?”.
“You’ll see-or find out soon enough anyway”, Momo teased and put the blindfold on her.
Tzuyu couldn’t use her arms or see anything now, it brought out a sense of panic in her, like she was in danger, vulnerable and wanted to immediately tell Momo to stop all this and just let her go but she then she felt Momo stroke her hair and cheeks and then whispered in her ear, “It might be feeling scary right now but trust me I’m going to take good care of you”, Tzuyu then felt Momo press her lips and kiss her intensely, it caught her by surprise and she gasped but then relaxed quickly as Momo kept rubbing her cheek. They made out for a few moments before Momo pulled away. Tzuyu felt herself blush, it felt weird, feeling so restrained, not be able to see and also for Momo to kiss her like that. She kinda liked it, it made her feel strangely safe with Momo, especially when she was stroking her so gently. She didn’t want to admit it but she wanted more. Her thoughts were interrupted when Momo spread Tzuyu’s legs once again causing her to squeal in surprise and held her left leg down, strapping her thigh and then her ankle against the bed and then doing the same to the other leg.
Tzuyu was feeling embarrassed now, her whole body was practically tied up or rather, restrained and she was even blindfolded, she was so exposed…but why was that now starting to turn her on a little, she bites her lips in anticipation waiting for Momo to do something. But instead it sounds like Momo is either taking her clothes off or she’s putting something on, Tzuyu frowned as it didn’t make sense either way. Momo then got next to her, her hand brushing against Tzuyu’s waist when Momo kissed Tzuyu again, her hands cupping her cheeks and Tzuyu felt giddy and giggled.
She liked it, she really liked being kissed by Momo , she admitted to herself as she felt Momo sit infront of her legs, especially with the way Momo was cupping and rubbing her cheeks and….wait…if Momo was cupping her cheeks then what was touch her waist-
Her thoughts were brushed aside when she felt something that was most definitely not Momo’s tongue or hands begin to spread her pussy, she gasped out loud and breathed in sharply, if she wasn’t blindfolded, her eyes would have popped out of her sockets. Her fists clenched and her mouth stayed open.
“Mmmm…are you ready for it Tzuyu”, Momo said smugly as she looked down at the helpless girl. She had put on her strap on which was 6 inches long and 3 inches in girth and was poking at Tzuyu’s entrance, grinning as she knew what she was about to make Tzuyu experience.
“Ah-w-what is…”, Tzuyu whined, gritting her teeth.
“It’s my friend….who will deliver the punish on you for losing”, Momo chuckled, “Don’t worry though, I’ll be in control the whole time and make sure you don’t…suffer too much”.
Before Tzuyu could take all of that in, Momo began to push and make her take something else in, stretching her entrance and pushing the strap in making Tzuyu gasp and moan more as Momo slowly put it in, inch by inch. Tzuyu helplessly thrashed about as Momo filled her up, she couldn’t believe how full she was feeling, it was hard to breath and not being able to move or see only made everything feel more intense.
Momo gave Tzuyu some time to adjust, not moving her hips and instead used the opportunity to play with Tzuyu’s tits while Tzuyu calmed down a little. It wasn’t easy when she was filled like that and having her tits played with but Tzuyu eventually stopped breathing hard and Momo began to slowly move, thrusting slowly, giving Tzuyu all the time to get used to it and as Tzuyu’s moans got louder and more insistent, Momo started to move a bit faster, pulling out almost the whole strap before ramming it back in. It was mind numbingly good for Tzuyu, it felt like pleasure was literally being injected straight into her which it was in a way. She could only moan and whine, calling out Momo’s name every now and then as Momo now began to seriously rail her roughly.
Momo had grabbed Tzuyu by her arms and was pounding her relentlessly, enjoying the moans Tzuyu was letting out. Tzuyu was in 7th heaven, she didn’t know Momo could do any of what she had been doing to her and now she was wishing she experienced it sooner. Her toes were curling hard as she was getting close to cumming, she had lost track of how many times Momo had already made her cum today. “I’m…I-I-I’m..” Tzuyu cried out trying to let Momo know she was close.
Momo smirked, “Do it, cum for me again Tzuyu, I’ll stop if don’t do it soon.”, she kept fucking her hard, deep and rough until she heard Tzuyu cry out as she started to cum and pushed in as deep as she could while Tzuyu nearly lost her mind cumming that hard.
Tzuyu’s whole body jolted and shivered as she came from Momo fucking her, she could feel each little and big movement Momo made in her and she felt like she was cumming forever. She wanted to scream so bad with how overstimulated she felt but couldn’t because the orgasms were draining her energy and making it hard to focus. After nearly a minute, Tzuyu finally came down from her high, breathing heavily and feeling at peace, Momo’s strap still inside her.
Momo smiled and took the blindfold off of her and Tzuyu blinked hard, the lights seeming very bright and it took her a few seconds to adjust before she looked at Momo’s smiling face and then down at her own body to see Momo in her and she blushed but before she could look away, Momo kissed her passionately and Tzuyu felt blissful again, she couldn’t help but smile shyly when Momo pulled away. Momo grinned at her and began to pull the strap out, taking her time, grinding a bit even causing Tzuyu to inhale sharply and gasp before she groaned as Momo pulled it all out. Tzuyu took a deep breath and sighed, feeling a bit annoyed that Momo made such a show of pulling out that she felt somewhat horny again but she was never going to say that or admit it.
“You were such a good girl, you took it so well”, Momo teased.
“Sh-shut up…”, Tzuyu said quickly as her face flushed while Momo began to undo the restraints.
After Tzuyu’s body was free again, she stretched her limbs with a sigh and fell back down, taking a deep breath and laying peacefully but then noticed Momo staring at her.
“What…?”, she asked.
Momo rolled her eyes, “You’re really selfish you know, I did all that for you and you haven’t even thought of doing something for me”
Tzuyu blinked and then smiled, “I was just resting for a moment, of course I’m going to make you happy too. Just give me a second while you lay down too”
Momo sighed rolling her eyes and laid next to Tzuyu, she closed her eyes for a second and then immediately opened them when she felt Tzuyu climb on top of her pinning her arms over her head and holding them there with one hand while she reached for the handcuffs with the other and put them around Momo’s wrists.
“What are you doing???”, Momo demanded
Tzuyu bit her lips and grinned, “Unnie, I didn’t like how smug you were the whole time, taking advantage of me like that…I’m just going to show how it feels like…don’t worry though I’ll make you feel nice and happy like you did to me…..”
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idlesana · 5 months
For HC requests— Who would GP Momo let 3 way with her and R?
ooooohhh you alr know what i’m gonna say… hope u enjoy!
3way with sana and momo HCs ; smut + g!p
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momo was never one to share-- never ever
she went beyond the jealous type trope, not even wanting others to lay a finger on you
but, obviously, everyone had their acceptations-- and momo's happened to be her lovely 'best friend' minatozaki sana
it all started when momo was drinking with sana, wrapping up their hectic week filled with endless schedules-- mina opted out to be pampered by nayeon for the night
at some point, maybe 2 drinks too many in, momo started talking about her sex life. mainly, about how satiated she is, and how happy she is to have you to come home to
sana was, intrigued, maybe even a little more so
which, she, a little more sober, took it upon herself to try and squeeze her maybe only chance with you, who she may have had a fleeting crush on, in
"ah-, must be lucky," sana groaned, throwing her head back onto the cushion of the couch behind her, "i just can't seem to get it in recently, swear."
if momo had had those 2 less drinks, she would've been quick to callout the lie, she knows sana can pull, she's not blind after all
but momo in her dazed state, took a pause, a long swig off her bottle, and that's where she proposed what sana had craved so badly. sana expected more of a fight, but this was okay too.
"well, y/nnie thinks your cute-- fuck, maybe a little more than cute," momo traced her eyes over sana's figure with a tilted head, lingering around the bulge printing at her pants, "i mean," she looks back to meet sana's eyes, "i do too."
sana flushed in her seat, because this, this was not what she was fully expecting, not that she'd argue it.
and so, on their flight back the next day, much more sober and much more hungover, they planned their next move, after momo had texted you for consent, obviously
momo had let sana ride with her to your shared apartment, where you sat on the couch, trying to dissolve whatever eager feeling was arising in you via watching some boring drama
when the door opened, however, all of your training was long forgotten, you now fully eyeing sana down, which she reciprocated
momo opted to follow through with some pleasantries, sparking up a meaningless conversation, all 3 of you trying to act like you didn't know the reasons you were there
it was when sana's tone had dropped exceptionally mid convo, her leaning into her seat, manspreading, bulge on a clear display as she had her hands resting at the back of her head, that's when you couldn't hold back anymore, immediately pouncing on the older girl
your eagerness was quickly returned, sana maybe more so than you, kissing you all sloppy while tugging your hips down to cant your core on the tent in her pants
momo only chuckled, shaking her head at the both of yours lack of patience, the jealousy she expected to feel was nowhere to be found, instead a feeling of neediness drowning her own senses as she watched her two favorite girls get it on
and from there, everything blossomed on its own
expect to be fully tag teamed by momo and sana, and also expect to see momo and sana finally give into their wants and attraction to each other— kissing sloppily and fighting for dominance
you’re shocked to see momo give in to submission, but you don’t comment, only watching beyond turned on
also having sana moaning so pretty while fucking you from behind while you are sucking momo’s cock which is impossibly hard at sana’s sweet sounds as you are impossibly wet at them
nevertheless, at the end of the night, when you’re dead asleep and fucked out, best believe momo and sana exchange a couple soft kisses and promises that they would be doing this with you again.
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originalartblog · 5 months
do you think Dazai would just call Chuuya "angel" in his mind or whatever, and then call tiny!chuu "cherub"(not based off the the biblical ones, but the baby ones with chubby cheeks and stuff from those church murals) so he doesn't get confused or smt? please i need to know someone elses opinion before i self combust
While I do enjoy the thought of Dazai making up small equivalent of Chuuya pet/nicknames for Tiny Chuuya very much, I don't like it when Chuuya is called anything relating to godhood :[ My boy spent so much time angsting about his origins and was convinced for so long he was nothing but a container for a fake "god" that couldn't truly be called human. I don't want to even remotely allude to that when trying to be cute. "Angel" specifically is also a loaded word in the context of bsd (many characters were placed on an unwanted pedestal through being nicknamed or compared to an angel) so I personally wouldn't throw that one around carelessly with any pairing.
Tiny Chuuya nickname suggestions: (the) slugling, (the) dust bunny, Chuu-chan (condescending)
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
When I went to university, there was a guy a year or so above me who was famous across the whole department because he was super nice, super gorgeous, and went jogging regularly while shirtless and wearing very tiny very short bright red shorts. And so everyone called him Beautiful Dave. Genuinely! Not an insult in the slightest. He was Beautiful and people needed to know!
And listen. LISTEN. That's Steve.
Hot college student who loves to get up early and go jogging shirtless and in his old basketball shorts.
Him, Robin, and Eddie all move up to Chicago together. Robin studies languages, Steve studies to be a paramedic or a physical therapist or something, Eddie fucks around and gets a job bc he has had enough of academia. They all get a shitty apartment near their college campus together and Steve finds he likes academia a lot more when it's something he cares about. He joins the swim team, he makes friends, and he finds out one day that people have started referring to him as Beautiful Steve.
He worries at first that it's another King Steve thing, but it's not!  People genuinely think he's absolutely beautiful and super nice and friendly. And so he kind of... goes along with it. He'll go jogging in his short shorts and people will greet him as Beautiful Steve and he responds with a smile and a wave.
Robin and Eddie find out while on campus one day when a group of people call him Beautiful Steve and he responds. Steve tells them that people started calling him that and It's the best day of their lives. Because that's their Steve! Their Steve is Beautiful Steve!! And they're nice about it because I want fluff and silly happiness and people are too mean to Steve
Robin and Eddie FULL SCALE endorsing beautiful Steve!!! They get so into it they get the student to eventually treat him like a cryptid in that there’s sticks and badges of ‘I believe in beautiful Steve’ and it’s over a pair of illustrated red shorts. It’s a fun way of making some side income for them all and Steve gets a kick out of it.
Campus legend Beautiful Steve but it never becomes a creepy or uncomfortable thing. Everyone just enjoying what has organically grown from it all. He ends up as a ‘wheres Wally’ situation on the campus brochure. Never centre stage, always in the background and happily so.
He goes out on placement for his course and get a warm welcome on his return. Getting nods and waves and feeling like he has a Place here in his own way. Eddie and Robin observing it all and delighting at the smile it brings to Steve’s face every time. He may be Beautiful Steve to the uni but he’s Their Steve first and he won’t let them forget that
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writerswhy · 22 days
Self-care for the Soul: Hinamori's Edition
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(Or, my 2am rambles on Hinamori that briefly touch on nonviolence while I lightly express some fandom guilt ft. one mention of Frankenstein and some Tobiume hc 🫠 Thank you @bleachbleachbleach for your encouraging words on this post! <33)
TL;DR: Much of Hinamori’s external life has been chosen for her. She thrives at exercising a form of internal non-violence of the spirit, where despite the lack of tools (as a Rukongai ghost) and later in spite of the master’s tools (the Seireitei), she asserts her power through choice - choosing to love, defend, create - through which she fights back against the institution that created and enabled the violence inflicted upon her. This is in her nature, always has been since she befriended Hitsugaya to rescuing Hisagi.
"Be like the bird that, passing on her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing that she hath wings." -Victor Hugo
Sometimes I feel like such a fake Hinamori fan because I worry that my interpretations discredit her character, which isn't what I want at all! With regards to Aizen and forgiveness, I get a sense that the popular belief is that it is in Hinamori's nature or best interest to come to reject everything about their relationship, that she would even hate him, want to enact some form of violence on him. And that's all fine! I mean, anything is believable if you come at characterization from the lens of “what would make a character do XYZ?"….but I just can't help but feel like this is us (or at least me) moving on without her - which is how Hinamori canonically felt post-Winter War (and I would go so far as to say she's been feeling like this for a long time, since before leaving for the academy).
Like, would it help Hinamori to hate everything about him? To reject all of him? What is she, someone who deeply values her relationships and what she gets from them as much as she gives, choosing to leave behind by doing so? So much of her (external) life happens to her: she has to enter the academy because her powers awakened, she was pre-selected to join the 5th division for a plan that started decades before her and would be put into motion a few decades later, and of course both stabbings.
Given this, I think Hinamori is someone who appreciates making a choice of what she's given, often internal, often against the status quo, and gains exactly what she needs. She chooses to befriend Hitsugaya despite the village's rejection of him (and finds herself a lifetime partner); she stays behind to give Hitsugaya a proper goodbye even though it'll make her late to the academy on her first day (to keep Rukongai close which feels especially important given Seireitei wants to neglect, forget what's outside their walls); she chooses to save Hisagi against his orders (and years later she can look back and know she's brave); she chooses to defend Renji despite Byakuya's authority and Kira's acquiescence (and realizes that to stand up for what she believes in she may be the only one in the room left). And if she chooses to hold close the fond memories she created with Aizen and the lessons she learned from him, she'll know that under all his power laid her power too.
These choices she made are all born from her internal character and I think that's something she tries to hold onto (even when it feels like everyone is moving on without her, that the narrative is moving on without her, that fandom sometimes moves on without her).
And it's not because of the naivety or delusion that's so often attributed to her. It's this instinct to create, to save, to love, despite the lack of tools (and then in spite of the tools). I don't think it's far-fetched to believe that she, an artist who spends her free time reading (about history and fantasy, about the past and the future) would try to create what she needs, imperfect as it is. Hinamori has always been a "be the change you want to see" type of person.
Unlike Hisagi who fears his power in his own hands, Hinamori fears her power in the hands of others. In a way, it's a rejection of the Seireitei. In a way, it's a rejection of the institution that created and enabled the violence inflicted upon her.
(Another reason why I feel like a fake Hinamori fan is because I don't think she needs bankai to tie up her arc or to prove/reclaim her power. Like I mentioned above, I think Hinamori does a pretty solid job of reclaiming her power outside of Seireitei's tools. Bankai feels almost like a resignation to me. It's hard to explain without needing 2000+ words and referencing Frankenstein, the internal/spiritual nature of nonviolence of a solider, and elaborating on Hisagi and Kaname because these two are very much part of the same conversation.
But anyways! My Tobiume hc plays into all of this. It's pretty much the same as the rest of the fandom's - some iteration of a phoenix + forest (I love the seagull cry when Tobiume releases and this imagery of being rooted deep in the earth with an expansive sky to soar above this middle space where the man-made sits), but I hc that she's never really been able to see Tobiume. That Tobiume always wants to keep just out of sight, perched high in the trees or a shadow over the sun to keep her wondering because Hinamori is an artist (who once had no brushes), a life-long learner (who once had no books), and I think it’d be neat if her inner world was something she created out of imagination and hunger for somewhere beyond her body and something beyond the constraints of their society. Another poem I associate with her is "Cherry Blossoms" by Toi Derricote:))
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mochiponadventures · 4 months
What's bedtime like with your trainer? You have separate beds, or do you all cram into the same one?
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Hello, this is the Trainer of both Ogi and Momo.
Since this question came up, i am more than willing to answer for these two since both are already asleep. A good time to introduce myself to this blog all things considered.
Since Ogi is older than Momo, she can stay up a little longer than him, their nighttime rituals are quite different as well, given their individual needs.
Momo for example gets a nice hot bubble bath every night before bed, because it helps him sleep better. After that i prepare him for sleep time, brush his teeth and massage his little rotund body gently which usually already makes him drowsy enough. What follows is Story Time and a bottle of well temperatured hot coco. His favorite bedtime story is Momotaros journey, go figure *chuckles*. After half of the story the bottle is mostly empty, he then just enjoys the suckling as its very relaxing for him(maybe because of his age, who knows)
He is in bed most days at about 8pm.
Ogi is allowed to have a little screen time before bed, around an hour, sometimes a little less, depending on her behaviour that day. After that, i send her to brush her teeth(and of course control if she really did it, because Ogi tends to fluke with this)and make herself ready for bed. Like Momo she gets a story. After that, around 9pm its bedtime for her as well.
Momo, Ogi and i share a room, both have their own beds, but little Momo prefers to sleep with me in bed. That is why i put a sort of attachable bassinet on my bed so that he can safely sleep there if he decideds to come to me at night. It´s also kinda practical because Momo often has nightmares and needs a lot of cuddling afterwards *smiles*
Ogi mostly sleeps in her own bed, but sometimes she gets jealous of Momo and crams herself in my bed as well, which...is cramped somewhat indeed..but yeah, it´s okay as it is. I wouldn´t change this for anything in the world x)
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momo-roo · 6 days
What can I give you in exchange for a cool drawing tip?
Tips don't have a cost in this profile, Merchuu 💕
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sillyzter · 3 months
Hi momo! So, I have a question on what are good terms to refer to someone who is regularly speaking but it's exhausting, sometimes cannot speak, and has a disconnect between their brain and mouth. I'm autistic, low-mid support needs, and I just had someone yell at me on tiktok for using nonverbal to describe those situations. I will say I did not take it well after they went from the comment section of a video to harassing me on my videos, just bc I've had people not take my disability seriously and I'm not in autistic spaces bc online communities stress me out most of the time. So, after reading through articles and posts on tumblr (which I feel more safe on), what do you think describes my experience? Bc I don't identify with selective mutism
Hello friend! First how is you? Hope is well ^_^
Ok so, first momo understand feel and think know what mean! Basically nonverbal people prefer we (semiverbal, full verbal, etc) use terms like "verbal shutdown" or "speechless episode"!
"Mouth and brain dissconnect" this sound lot like apraxia but apraxia is constant state as far as momo know! Could also be just shutdown/post-meltdown speech loss.
To describe verbality as whole momo would advice search up "demiverbal" or "verbalflux"! There some other verbal terms that momo not can recall right now tho, that may even apply :D
Momo not judge use nonverbal term in past specially if want learn because momo was like that too! Momo used be very stubborn about it actually :0 was tumblr friends who educate momo :)
Remember momo not professional or inside you head tho! So please reseach before :)
Hope is help, friend !
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tigerpeachs · 1 year
The Directory 
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the tags i use so you can find a post, all active tags are tagged on this post 
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my writing ❥ # peaches fic
my inbox/answered ask ❥ # momo answers
regular textpost from me  ❥ # mo speaks
fics i’m coming back to ❥ # run it back
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my mutuals ❥ # besties #(blog name)
post i’m getting rid of  ❥ # delete this
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14dayswithyou · 14 days
This angel has another question! \o
i also wanted to ask so if Ren knows everything about us then if we were a secret super hero would he help us fight crime in the shadows??
✦゜ANSWERED: If anything, Ren would give you criminals to fight so you don’t get bored!!
...And now I’m thinking about a hero x villain AU where Angel has a love/hate relationship with their #1 enemy (Ren lmao)
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