#most of them will watch it! most of them will adjust their opinions!
uniquexusposts · 18 hours
Her || Charles
Main characters: Charles Leclerc x OC Genre: fanfiction, fluff  Story type: novel  Part: 14/? Word count: 3144 Co writer: @mistrose23
Summary: This was Matilde Jørgensen, the newly appointed team principal of Scuderia Ferrari, about to face one of the most nerve-wracking challenges of her life. She tried to save the team from more disappointing results and put everything on the line to make them world champion again. There will be a big challenge to lead a historic team as 'newbie' and keeping her work and personal opinions apart from each other. The big question everybody will be asking: is she capable to do so?
Previous chapter
Chapter 12. You Don't Trust Me
The race on Sunday was a race that people were looking forward to. It was a perfect weekend for Ferrari so far; Charles qualified on pole, and Carlos would start from P2. Everyone had hope, hope that they could take the win home. But most importantly, Charles could break his curse. Unfortunately, Arthur was still affected with the Leclerc curse at their home Grand Prix, he had DNF'ed towards the end of the race.
There was pressure resting on Ferrari. They wanted to win, they were eager to win. It felt like they were in Miami again; the dynamic within the team was positive and energetic, but this time, it was real. They were one team, no one was left out.
Before the race, Charles almost couldn't control his nerves. The flawless weekend in Monte Carlo was new to him, he never got the chance to finish it flawless. If it wasn't a mechanical failure, it was a crash. He didn't want to let his friends and family down. He wanted to make them proud. He wanted to make the people of Monaco proud, and his fans, who supported him dearly here in Monaco. There was no way he could afford to fail. Again. Charles could make it, he was confident about it.
From the moment the lights went out, Charles and Carlos executed perfect starts. The Ferrari's roared to life, and they shot forward with precision, entering the first turn perfectly. Charles took the lead, showing his skills. As they navigated through the streets of Monaco, there was an air of confidence around both drivers that could be felt even through the TV screens.
The circumstances weren't too perfect, though. The weather played a big role during the Grand Prix. it threatened to rain multiple times, it could ruin everything. Matilde was monitoring everything closely, nothing would go wrong under her watch.
The team's strategy was spot-on. Pit stops were executed with military precision and exemplary tyre management. Charles and Carlos communicated succinctly with their engineers, providing feedback that allowed them to make real-time and quick adjustments to the cars.
Unfortunately, there was an incident with Carlos and Checo. Checo wanted to overtake Carlos, but his tyres locked up, and he touched Carlos. They both dropped down to the fifth and sixth position, behind Ocon. It was frustrating to the team, mostly because it wasn't a mistake from the team or Carlos, but a racing incident. Matilde was disappointed, but she had to keep her head up for Charles, who was delivering outstanding results.
As the laps counted down, the gap between Charles and Max grew. Every time the drivers passed the crowd, they erupted in cheers. The ambience felt special, it felt like everyone was eagerly waiting for this victory. Matilde felt the pressure coming up, just like the nerves. It would be amazing if she could deliver this home victory to Charles, but little did she know what was about to happen in lap 65.
"I want to switch to new softs," Charles said over the board radio. "I want to go for the fastest lap."
Matilde's eyes shot to the times and other data; he had no chance. Her eyebrows were slightly raised, and she bit her upper lip. She looked at Xavi, waiting for his answer.
"Negative," Xavi replied.
Matilde nodded, the only right answer. As much as she wanted to give Charles a grand slam, it was impossible to do so. Xavi's response was in line with their strategy, and she couldn't afford to gamble that would make a difference between a win and not.
"I'm gliding on these tyres," Charles mentioned again. "We're losing time as well."
"Negative," Xavi said again. "We will not take the risk. We stick to plan A."
"I am losing time because of the tyres."
"You're not losing time. Stay out."
"I am losing time. I want new softs," Charles clarified.
Matilde took a deep breath, and she looked annoyed. What part of the 'we will not take the risk' does he not understand?
"I want to take the risk and go for the fastest lap," Charles explained again.
"I'm coming in," Charles repeated, his frustration clear in his voice.
It was time for Matilde to stir. She felt a pang of irritation. She knew Charles was a fierce competitor, especially now he was about to win his home Grand Prix after a faultless weekend, but right now, he couldn't afford a pit stop. "Stay out, I repeat, stay out," she replied on the board radio, her irritation subtle creeping into her tone.
"I am losing time!" Charles protested.
"We do not have a free pit stop." She looked at his position on the track. "If you pit right now, you will end up behind Max with a gap of five seconds. There will be no chance to overtake him in the time that is left," she sternly said. Her eyes shot to the data; yes, Max was gaining time every lap, but Charles didn't lose time. By the time they finish, Charles would still be far ahead of Max if he stayed out. Matilde's eyes darted to the pits, the Ferrari crew was ready with fresh tyres. "If you come in, you will lose your chance for a victory. Stay out," she mentioned again, her patience wearing thin. "Abort this pitstop."
The pit stop crew were stepping inside the garage again, exactly what Matilde told them to do. She looked back at the screens again, Charles was pushing, exactly what he needed to do if he wanted a free pit stop. Seconds passed, and everything looked great again.
"... I'm already in."
Matilde's face straightened, and she looked at her screen; indeed, he had entered the pits. She turned around and saw a red car approaching their garage. "Are you serious?" she mumbled to herself, looking disapprovingly at Charles, who now stopped. She ignored his rant over the board radio, letting it all happen. The pit crew panicked and ran out with the fresh tyres. Matilde looked down, seeing how the guys struggled. Malicious pleasure, this was an almost malicious pleasure.
To make matters worse, the right rear tyre didn't want to go on. They were struggling. Matilde could only look at it and think how unnecessary this was. After a good twenty extra seconds, the tyre was on, and Charles drove away. It was silent, completely silent. Matilde's eyes followed the car to the exit. She turned around, facing the data and standings.
"No, no, no! Fuck!" Charles yelled.
Consequences of his own actions, she thought. This hurt. She couldn't help but feel annoyed at how a possible win had slipped away. The camera filmed how the crew in the garage reacted: they were bummed. She felt a camera on her, filming her reaction; she wanted to laugh and yell at the same time, but she told him not to come in, and this was not her mistake.
The data continued to roll in. Carlos moved a position up, making him a podium candidate. He was pushing, closing the gap with Alonso, trying to take the second position from him. Charles was pushing hard, trying to regain his lost positions during the disastrous pit stop. However, time was running out, and the gap between the cars in front of him was significant.
As the laps ticked away, Charles managed to close the gap with Ocon, but he couldn't pass him. It was a bummer that the victory that had seemed so certain earlier in this race had slipped through his fingers. Charles finished fifth, and Carlos was third. It wasn't the result the team hoped for, but the third position was the best they could accept this weekend. Matilde thanked the entire team for their performances and left the pit wall.
On the way to the podium, Matilde ran into Sylvia. They made eye contact.
"Expression," Sylvia said, pointed at her face and passed her.
Matilde straightened her face, trying to keep it neutral. She knew she had a face that was easy to read, but she had no idea it was that obvious. And apparently, her face showed what she thought during the race. When she entered the track, many people were already applauding Max, who got out of his car. Matilde decided to stand in the back, she didn't want to face the media and show her face. She wanted to give the team the celebration, they were standing in the front for Carlos.
"So, eh..." Christian found Matilde in the crowd and stood next to her. "What happened?"
"The Monaco curse," Matilde casually replied.
His eyebrows raised.
She crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked in front of her. "It's a circus," she concluded and shook her head.
He leaned closer to her. "They can read lips, you know," he whispered.
"Consequences of his own actions."
"You can't really say that as team principal, Matilde. You can think it, not say it."
Her eyebrows raised, and she looked at her former boss. The man was known for openly sharing his opinions. "I'm saying this as Matilde, a supporter of the sport, to a friend. You will not hear me say this in the media or in front of the team."
Christian looked at her; he was impressed. He knew her as a sweet woman who barely shared her thoughts. Now she turned into a confident woman with an opinion, she showed no insecurities. A real leader.
"Nothing," Christian said.
"But, eh, what was that? With Checo?" She looked unamused at him. Christian's eyes widened. She shook her head in disappointment. "It's a shame. Again."
"We haven't had a chance to speak to our drivers yet. It's too soon to speak."
"Yeah," she mumbled. "We will talk." Matilde looked at him, sharing a waitingful look before snorting when she saw his smile, a playful smile, he still couldn't accept the fact how much she had grown into a leader in a couple of months. "No, but for real, I don't accept this - professional-wise."
"We will talk," he repeated. "But hey, I wanted to ask if you want to join us for dinner tonight. Toto and Susie are coming as well."
Matilde let out a smirk. "You and Toto?" She turned to him. "Secret bromance?"
"Get out of here," he responded immediately. "No, Geri and Susie organised something. We are just being good husbands."
She nodded. "Thank you, but I will have to pass. You have no idea how much trouble I got into the last time I went out with you."
"Was it that bad?"
She blew up her cheeks and looked at him with a 'you don't want to know' look. "Maybe next time, but I really appreciate it." Matilde gave a nod to the front. "Go to your team, celebrate the victory."
Christian padded her shoulder. "Have a good word with your team before leaving."
Matilde looked at him when he walked away. Of course, she would have a good word with her team. Her eyes shot to the podium, she clapped and smiled proudly when Carlos entered the podium, she was still satisfied with the result. It may not be the win they were hoping and aiming for and definitely not the position, but at least one of the Ferrari drivers ended up on the podium after a difficult battle. When Alonso entered the podium, she also clapped. As a supporter, she liked to see Alonso on the podium - she grew up watching him as one of the best on the grid. And then Max, she smiled again and clapped. She grew up with Max at Red Bull, they were close friends, and she was proud of him. The Dutch and Austrian anthems blew through the speakers; once, they were anthems, Matilde lived for.
After the ceremony, Matilde went to Carlos to congratulate him on the podium. They had a brief chat about the race and the slightly disappointing result. Matilde said she was still satisfied with his performance and how helpful he was to the team throughout the race. Then, she told him to go to the media pen for the interviews. Once she arrived in the paddock, she got stopped for an interview with Sky Sports Italy.
"Matilde, there was a dramatic moment when Carlos collided with Checo. Can you tell us something about it?"
Matilde's expression was serious. "The incident was unfortunate, especially in the position Sainz was racing in. He lost some positions, but he managed to make it up and ended up on the podium. We still have to talk about it during the debrief, so I can't share much."
The reporter then asked about the disastrous pit stop. "What happened? How did it go wrong? It seemed to create a lot of tension between you and Charles. Can you talk us through the moment?"
Matilde maintained her professionalism, but couldn't hide a glance of disappointment. "Unfortunately, I cannot give you a comment on it. That is something the team and I have to talk about first."
"But how did it go so wrong? Charles was leading the race, having an outstanding race, a fantastic weekend... And then this?"
"As I said, the team and I have to talk about it before we can share any thoughts," Matilde gave the people a nod and stepped away, not wanting to participate in the interview if they only wanted to talk about the pit stop.
She was forced to stop for another couple of interviews. She stayed professional and refused to share anything about the pit stop. Matilde returned to the hospitality and let out a deep sigh; it was the tension she was holding in. She ran both her hands through her hair; this was a disaster. The potential for the Monaco victory had been within reach, and it had slipped away. Matilde knew that as the team principal, she needed to remain composed and focused on the path forward, but in this private moment, she allowed herself to acknowledge the disappointment and frustration she felt.
She grabbed her stuff and joined everyone in the briefing room, waiting for Charles and Carlos. It was silent, an uncomfortable silence. A few minutes later, Carlos and Charles entered the briefing room. If looks could kill... They sat down next to their engineers.
The debrief started.
"Fire away," Matilde opened the debrief. She understood that the disappointment and frustration among the team needed to be addressed openly for progress to be made. People looked at her, not knowing what she meant. "Fire away," she repeated. "If something stays unspoken, it will lead to further issues. Speak, talk, share." She encouraged everyone to speak their minds.
Charles scoffed and looked away. He seemed sceptical and even dismissive of this approach. He questioned her seriousness. "Are you being serious?" He made eye contact and raised his eyebrows in disbelief.
She met his gaze with unwavering determination. "Very much. We can only learn from this." They glanced at each other for some time.
He shook his head and looked away again. "My goodness. I just want to go through the race and go home," he mentioned.
Matilde took a deep breath and looked around the room. "Anyone else?" It stayed quiet. "Fine, let's begin then," she mumbled, knowing this would cause trouble in the near future.
People spoke about the race, and feedback was collected. Tension hung in the room. Everybody said what needed to be said, but not one word more. Matilde looked around, this team was everything but open to each other. She rubbed her face with her hands and looked outside for a brief second; she had to stay professional, but she was close to losing it. Did she fail as team principal or did... She was failing. When she looked back, she noticed Charles looking at her with a 'if looks could kill' and a disappointing look on his face.
They reached the pit stop during their conversation. The words about the pit stop were being rushed. On to the next part of the race.
"May I ask why you called for a pit stop?" Matilde asked Charles. She crossed her arms and leaned back on her chair. No one dared to ask it, so she would do it.
Charles licked his lips and raised his eyebrows.
"I am just trying to understand. Because you didn't show any errors or slow laps. In fact, your lap times were consistent."
"I saw an opportunity for the fastest lap," he casually replied.
"Where?" It was silent. "You didn't have a free pit stop, and Max was gaining time, but not enough to overtake you before the end of the race." Matilde leaned against the table again. "We told you multiple times not to come in. And what did you do? You come in. When I tell you to stay out, you stay out."
"I saw a gap."
"We did not."
"With all due respect, Matilde, I know what I felt in the car. I knew I had an opportunity, and it was taken away."
"I absolutely respect your passion for winning, and I, and if I may speak for the team, want nothing more than to see you win or to see Carlos win. We aim to be the best, be at the top of the podium as many times as possible, and bring a championship home to you both. However, the decision was made regarding this race with the team's best interests in mind. And I rely on your input, but also on everyone else's input within the team," Matilde spoke, hoping Charles would also understand her point of view on this race and the disaster.
"You don't trust me."
Matilde's eyebrows raised, and she looked at him with a confused but hurt face. "You came in seconds after I told everyone to abort the pit stop. You only mentioned you were in the pit lane when you were already in the pit lane. If you still decide to come in, be kind and tell us sooner next time."
"I did tell you!" Charles raised his voice. "Didn't you look at your monitors?"
"When I say to stay out, you stay out, and I trust you to stay out," Matilde mentioned, remaining calm. "What did you expect?" She waited for an answer. "You know why we told you no? Look at the results yourself."
"I saw an opportunity-"
"And we didn't!" She cut him off. "There was no need to stop. We could not afford to take the risk to pit. If there was no risk, you were more than welcome to come in and change your tyres, but there was no margin to do it. We wanted to go for the win, a safe win, to bring home a win," she responded, overruling his statement. "Even with a perfect pit stop, you still would not be able to pass Max. What was your goal in doing this?" 
Taglist: @itsjustkhaos @crashingwavesofeuphoria @maryvibess @chocolatefartstrawberry @snzleclerc
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excitedrainbow · 8 months
so so excited for Burrow’s End and so so frustrated with the biggest parasocial fans telling anyone who was discussing what other TTRPG systems could be used that they should never question the expert GMs, please just leave us to our (loving!) conversations!
there are always going to be dickheads who talk shit and rudely tag in the people/performers they’re referring to, but most of the time any fan critique or discussion I see of D20 comes out of being big fans of both the show and TTRPGs, is super respectful, and no one is tagging in anyone involved with the show. yeah some of us get tired of how often DnD is used in the recent games, because it isn’t always the best system for the story and there LOADS of other TTRPGs that would be cool to use!
for this season, most of the discussion went DnD???? Again???? > wait it looks like there’s a bunch of combat and monsters > probably not suited for Wanderhome/other suggested TTRPGs > what other animal TTRPGs could work > Aabria is an incredible GM and she’s worked with other systems before so her choice of DnD for this story is interesting, let’s see how this works out for the story > oooh this is what Aabria has said about using DnD, ok cool, can’t wait to be emotionally hurt im so tired of seeing a loud minority of people increasingly butting in on respectful conversations to say “they like DnD! they play however they want to! they’re the performers why do you question their choices?” Or “omg how dare you have the audacity to question them” or other bullshit like that. if all you want to do is never have conversations about TTRPGs or cast/GM choices etc. and never want to hear any respectful critique or discussion then I think your fandom experience is going to be poorer, but that’s your choice. you don’t have to start shit with other people just because you can’t stand that they’re lovingly but thoroughly discussing/critiquing this form of media and not putting the cast on pedestals. parasocial attachments to vaguely famous people aren’t new things but god they are getting worse and making the experience of fandom more awful
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So Pretty | Bang Chan
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Summary: you give Channie the love he deserves
Notes: Channie's recent live has given me sad hours and I want you all to imagine what it would be like if bang chan could receive the love and affection he absolutely needs and deserves
Warnings: none, other than the fact it's too short:(
"You are so pretty," you coo to your lover. You adjusted your position on the couch so you could lean over, cupping his cheeks between your palms and squishing them together gently.
Chan's eyelashes fluttered closed as your lips pressed soft kisses to the eyelids. "You're the beautiful one in this relationship," he mumbles.
"Hmm, while I can certainly take a compliment, you also have to learn to accept my opinion. And that is: you are the most beautiful person to ever exist."
Chan giggles at your confession, finding the embarrassment to be too overwhelming. "What are you even saying?"
He opened his doe eyes to look at you, a little sparkle flaring in them as he caught the genuine love in your eyes. You smiled sweetly, placing another peck to his face. "As you know, I'm never wrong. So I couldn't possibly be wrong about this either."
Your lover couldn't fight you anymore. He knew better than to let the moment get pushed into a deeper conversation, potentially ruining the happy mood you intentionally set for him. Instead, he watched you carefully tuck tendrils of his hair away, enjoying the way you looked at him. Your smile always made his heart light up like the starry sky.
Chan dipped his hands down to grip your waist, tugging you into his lap to hold you properly. He watched you adjust comfortably, thighs on both of his hips. He rested his hands on yours before leaning down to lay his head on you shoulder.
"Tell me I'm pretty again," he mutters quietly, eyes closing to peacefully listen to your voice.
You play with the strands of his hair softly. "You're so pretty," you whisper, humming afterwards. "So, so pretty. I could stare at you all day long. The many different shades of brown your eyes can have when they glisten in the sun. The shape of your eyebrows," you paused your words as you thought about it.
Chan let out a short laugh. "My eyebrows?"
You nod. "Yes. Your right eyebrow sticks straight up after a really good nap! But the minute I go to smooth it out, it stands right back up. And yet, it's such a handsome feature. Because it's you all natural."
Chan hums softly, truly listening and hanging onto your every word. He never thought he could hear someone compliment him and accept it. Chan found himself compelled to believe your words, despite his own internal differences.
"I love your lips, and how you've learned to tilt your head for cute pictures because your smile curls more to one side. It just fills my heart with butterflies seeing you smiling so prettily for me. I love your curly hair the most out of all the styles, no matter how unruly it may get. The soft way it lays on the top but goes crazy on the sides, practically begging for me to play with it!"
The laughter bubbling between the two of you forced him to pull away. Chan looks into your eyes to ground himself again, his lips curling into that smile you loved. "You are so charming with words."
"I wasn't done-"
"It's fine!" He cuts off quickly, hand covering your mouth. "I'm fine. I love you, and I appreciate your words. I appreciate you."
"But?" You press, finding a mischievous glint behind his eyes as you remove his hand.
"But....I need a shower. My hair needs to be washed, actually."
"Curly Chan?!" You gasped.
He nods. "Curly Chan. Please order some food because we are about to have a long night in." With a wink, your lover set you back onto the couch and ran for your shared bedroom, swiftly closing the door behind him.
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ast4tarion · 7 months
hi!! hope you’re having a good day:)
i was wondering if you can write a smut where mike is a nerd in college and the popular girl needs to bring her grade up so he tutors her. she would always flirt with him and make him get all nervous. she repays him by giving him a blowjob and you can add anything else to the story if you want!! thank youu
ooooo i havent written anything like this, thank you for a new idea :D ty for the kind words too i hope everyone reading this day is a good one too <3 (god this is way longer then i meant for it to be)
cws; sub!mike, slight dom!reader, virginity taking, blowjob, gender neutral reader, a little messy
“Have you ever had sex with a girl before?”
The question you ask Mike is completely genuine but he stops writing in his tracks, his face visibly flushing red.
The two of you are studying for midterms (actually, more like Mike guiding you through the subjects) together in his dorm, books and papers strewn everywhere at his table.
“I—what?” He really wasn’t expecting you to ask that and he looks almost nervous.
“Have you?” you ask it like it’s the most casual question in the world, flipping your pencil around in your hand.
“Uh….no,” he looks very embarrassed, it’s cute on him. “I haven’t gotten close to anyone like that before, and no one was particularly interested in the guy hiding behind his engineering book.”
You were quite surprised to learn this, in your opinion he was quite the attractive guy.
“Would you be up for an offer then?” His eyes widened, and he let his pencil slide out of his grip completely.
“What kind of offer….?” He said it, but the implication after the topic of conversation was understood between the two of you, but he clearly didn’t believe it.
“Well I’d really like to do something nice for you in return for tutoring me, we’ve already talked about this but I really wish I could pay you but everything’s going to food and tuition right now and I couldn’t ever ask my parents so I was wondering if you’d let me make you feel good instead?” You said.
His entire face was visibly red now with blush, and his gaze dropped and avoided yours as he processed what you were saying. He seemed in total disbelief, his hands tapping the table which you knew was a nervous habit of his.
“I-um, but I-I’ve never done that with anyone? I wouldn’t wanna, um, somehow do it wrong.” He was incredibly sincere and it was quite endearing.
You leaned back in your seat, trying to catch his nervous eyes.
“I’m cool with that, I could even teach you if that would make you feel less nervous? Think of it as…….a tutoring session. Only if you want too though.” His hands found themselves, wringing and thumbing his palm. He was clearly deep in thought and given permission you wanted to wipe that stress from his face. It would be an honour to teach him, after all the exams and quizzes he’d helped you pass.
“Alright…I think I’d, uh, like that. When?” You smiled at his confirmation of consent, excitement and arousal already beginning to build up inside you. You stood up, walking around the desk and sitting on one of his thighs.
“We’ve been studying for a while now, I think this would be a good opportunity to take a break and learn something new.” You put your hands on his chest, your voice dropping in a suggestive way that earned a shiver out of him.
“O-Okay,” he gulped, finally gathering the courage to look at you in front of him. “What’s the first step?”
You leaned in to kiss his neck and he gasped loudly. “First the ground rules. One, if you decide it’s too much we can always stop, alright? Two, tell me if you’re going to cum. Three, listen to your body, Mikey, tell me what feels good.” You purred into his ear, trying to take things slow so he could adjust to them. He quickly nodded, and you starting leaving light kisses down his chest.
As much as you wanted to grind down on his thigh you had an objective: make him cum. You moved off his lap and he watched you the entire time with a mix of nervousness and curiosity in his eyes. You slid to the floor in between his legs as he was seated at his desk.
Your first step was massaging his thighs, getting closer and closer to his dick. Your hand settled over the fly of his jeans, palming the denim and smirking when you felt the bulge it held.
You began unzipping it, speaking as you worked. “First step is to relax, this parts all about you baby boy.” He felt the urge to whimper and aggressively bit it back.
Just the tiny amounts of friction and sultry words you provided had began to work him up. You pulled down his boxers enough for his cock to be freed, hardening at every touch.
He was fairly big, your fingertips just barely met around it when you gave it a couple experimental jerks. He made a little noise at this, and you smiled.
You spit in your hand, spreading the wetness across his length to make it easier. It was clear he was unuse to his own boner, his mouth agape and his hips beginning to shift in the chair.
You started by giving the tip a tiny kiss, followed by short little licks to the head. You flattened your tongue and swirled it all around the head, running your tongue over his sensitive slit.
This gained an immediate reaction, another little noise escaping his mouth followed by his hands gripping his own thighs. You were barely touching him and he was already panting at the sweet sensation.
You took it a little further, pumping the base and farther into your mouth. You were licking the underside of his dick, dragging hot wet stripes further and further down each time. You were halfway down his length, finally taking it all into your mouth and pushing it in until your lips reached your loose fist.
His pants were evolving into full blown moans, his hand white-knuckles gripping his desk. He spread his legs further, hoping to give you more access. Every moan is music to your ears, coming out in little “hnngs…” and “mmmfng…..”
The tip almost reached the back of your throat and there was spit dripping down your chin, mixing with whatever slick he was leaking. You moved forward and back, your tongue sliding wetly and stimulating him. You repeated this, grinding into the floor for any ounce of your own friction.
His cock was a wet mess, and the sounds coming from your mouth became more and more vulgar. Slick-filled wet slaps of skin on skin as your fist pumped faster and faster and your tongue swirled around his girth.
He was getting closer and you could tell because he was absolutely loosing control of himself. He’d been reduced to drawn-out moans and whimpering at how fast you were going; his hips had also started bucking forward, pushing more and more of it into your mouth until you were almost completely swallowing him.
Your own desperation made it even more wet and messy, you drew back and a long string of precum dripped from his tip to your tongue thinly connected. Your gaze was driving him crazy, the combination of your eyes locked on his and the slurping wet kiss you licked up his shaft again.
When your mouth dove back on it you could tell he was getting incredibly close to finishing. His thrusts were becoming sloppy and so pathetic that it was hitting the walls of your cheek and the very back of your throat.
It was ultimately your groan that sent him over the edge, the vibrations sent through your mouth felt all over his cock and it felt so good, so wet, so overwhelming that he barely had time to whimper “fuck, I-I’m going too—!”
His cock throbbed and pulsed as you licked his slit once more, taking it out of your mouth absolutely cockdrunk. It barely took a single pump for him to explode, thick white ropes bursting from his tip and all over your chest.
His head was thrown back and he was panting hard, his cock head was flushed a pretty pink like his blush and it kept twitching, smaller streams erupting until it came to a slow stop.
Your face was a mess of his hot cum and your underwear absolutely soaked through. His eyes were closed and he was still gasping, sighing as he slowly loosened his grip on the desk as he rode out the end of his orgasm.
“Fuck, holy shit, thank you.” He mumbled, still coming down from the adrenaline of finishing. When he did look down he swore he could’ve came a second time, the way your face was lit up by a smile and absolutely drenched in his sticky white seed.
“Of course, if I wanted to teach you about sex I had to make sure you’d at least get to cum before you made someone else do it,” You stood up, standing close to him and running your hand through his pretty brown hair.
“Tomorrow after we finish calculus, I’ll show you how to eat someone out~”
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am-i-interrupting · 3 months
Hello! I'd like to request a little scenario thing with all the hazbin hotel characters you write for. This will probably sound stupid, but I just got my nails done for the first time ever, and I was thinking about how the hazbin crew might react cause I have been so excited to show them off!
If you don't want to do all of the characters, then I totally get it, I mainly want Husk and Vox. (And angel dust, but I'm not sure if you write for him)
Romantic pls!!!! Thank you so much if this is considered!!
You’ve unknowingly poked at an interest of mine. If ya care to know, I’m actually about to start school to become a nail technician next month.
(Part two— the gals)
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Alastor noticed immediately and was curious.
He’d grab your hand and carefully examine each fingernail.
He’d compliment the color and design.
He might question the shape and length, mainly for function purposes.
If you got acrylics, he would question how you planned to get things done and laugh during your adjustment period.
If you ever poked your eye (especially if you got stiletto nails), he would smile and say something along the lines of “Well, what did you expect, my dear?”
He does love how they make you happy though.
Not enough to not make fun of you when they cause you to fuck something up, but enough to accompany you to the salon a time or two.
He’d hover over your shoulder and watch everything the poor nail tech did, questioning everything with a genuine interest.
He would not help you if your nail broke off despite this though.
His interest is just fleeting and a want for knowledge and once again, “What did you expect, my dear?”
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Husk looked at people’s hands a lot.
He’s a gambler and a slight of hand expert. It’s second nature.
He picks up instantly and makes sure to give you a gruff comment about how they look.
He didn’t expect you to light up and stick your hand in his face but he wouldn’t complain. He likes seeing you happy.
He will be honest with you when you ask for his opinion on the color or design.
Don’t expect him to sugar coat it. If he thinks the colors clash or the design isn’t good past a first glance, he lets you know.
Over time he becomes sort of casually knowledgeable about the subject.
At least to the point where if you ask him for a design idea, he’d give you a pretty damn good one and even be able to decide between if matte or gloss top coat would look better.
His favorite shapes are the coffins.
They’re blunt enough to not scratch but sharp enough to itch.
He will be just attention seeking enough for you to notice when you get him.
Give him scratches between the eyes and bridge of his nose with them and he’s a fucking goner.
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He probably wouldn’t notice at first unless you told him or until he grabbed your hand while cuddling.
It’s not that he doesn’t care. He very much does care. However, he’s not the most observant unless it’s an obvious change.
As soon as it’s come to his attention though he is fawning.
He will absolutely gush over your nails.
Compliments everything, the color, the shape, the design, the length. Just absolutely everything.
He’s asking you how they make you feel and listening to you with a love-sick smile.
He would be willing to go get his nails done with you.
Very surprised at how relaxing he found it and how much he liked it. Will go with you again.
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He notices something is up almost immediately.
If you didn’t burst into his office as soon as you walked out the salon, then he noticed when you went to bed. Or more accurately, he went to bed.
He works a lot of late nights to maintain his image so in all likelihood, you were probably asleep when he got home.
Crawling into bed with you, you roll over to cuddle with him, give him a kiss, and rub your hand down his arm or chest.
He’d grab it, feeling something different immediately, even if you just got polish, but you were already back asleep.
The next morning he’d mention them as you both got ready for the day.
I can see him drinking coffee as he watched you talk about your nails, absolutely smitten.
He would always demand to see your nails when you got new ones.
“Alright, what have you got this time?”
He would give his honest opinion on what he thought.
No holding back with this man.
Would provide you with the money to get any style, design, whatever you want.
He just loves seeing you happy.
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phntmeii · 10 months
♡ Dating Bo and Vincent Sinclair Headcanons:
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❝ She always said your talent would make up for what God took away from you. ❝
[SFW Headcanons]
Pairings: Artist!Reader x Vincent Sinclair. FemBimbo!Reader x Bo Sinclair.
Warnings: Slight pervert!Bo Sinclair, Mentions of kidnapping+murders, Manipulation.
A/N: Sinclair Twins are some of my new favs. They are so delectably made I can’t- So here are headcanons BUT with describing what their specific types are instead of keeping it vague. Also, I view Vincent as a selective mute who’s vocal chords are a bit fucked up so he only speaks a few times a day so not a complete mute.
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Vincent Headcanons:
✎ Vincent hasn't had any dating experience so much of what he knows is from what Bo has told him which didn't make it interesting in his eyes. But when he sees you, all he wants to do is admire you for whatever reason.
✎ He’d specifically go after you and be the first victim he’d kidnap rather than outright kill.
✎ He tries to convince you he isn’t dangerous (to you) and does little things to prove it. Showing off his drawings, playing music for you, writing notes and letters to you.
✎ Vincent would honestly come off strong because he doesn’t understand how fast or slow a relationship to go. The moment he spotted you, you were already his in his mind.
✎ When you fall for him despite his masked face and silent behaviors, you adjust and get used to him. After all, he wasn’t bad at all. He’d keep you in his room which was tidy and neat as his mother taught him, he’d make sure you were completely taken care of and he was sweet in his little notes.
✎ Vincent’s handwriting is perfect as he was taught to do. His notes would be a little formal but adorable things to find before he slinks away to his studio. “Hello, Y/N. I hope you are adjusting well. :) I wanted to know what foods you like so I can tell Bo to make them. Please write back before lunchtime.”
✎ When he discovers you were an artist as well, he was giddy and excited! Someone who knew what it was like to cycle through ideas and fixate on a project for hours on end.
✎ His few words he’d speak a day would be regarding your own art. No matter what it was, he’d tell Lester to get you the supplies for it and watch over you as you worked.
✎ His ragged and hoarse voice spoken into your ear. “Beautiful…”
✎ He’d randomly gift mini wax sculptures of your favorite animals each week that he worked on between sculptures. Each one better and better than the last.
✎ Vincent thrives on your praise. Sweet boy can’t help but lower his head and blush under his mask at each compliment.
✎ His favorite thing about morning routines were when you’d touch and brush his hair. The massaging at the scalp and tingly feeling he’d get as the brush ran down his black strands felt all too good. He’d also let you do whatever hairstyle you wanted.
✎ Vincent would draw you constantly in his sketchbook. He has pages and pages of different angles of your face, what clothing you wore on a certain day or how you posed during breakfast.
✎ Any and I mean ANY sketches you give him in return? He’s holding onto it like it’s pure gold. He hangs it in his studio where he’s at the most to view it all the time.
✎ Trusts your critiques and observations more than anyone else’s and often asks for your opinion on his pieces.
✎ Doesn’t believe that you like his face without the mask but when he sees you present him with a sketch of his half-mutilated face, he’s stunned. To see him, the truest version of him, as something you deemed worthy to spend time depicting absolutely melts him. He starts to become more willing to remove his mask around you especially if it means he’ll get more drawings like that.
✎ Bo would want so badly to tease Vincent for how he acts around you since Vincent is absolutely infatuated but Bo and Lester find it adorable and are happy Vincent found someone despite everything.
✎ He would definitely want to do those heart hands or hand holding wax molds with you and keep it on his desk.
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Bo Headcanons:
> This man’s perfect woman has to be a bimbo, I’m sorry. Someone who is perfectly stupid to overlook some toxic qualities to him and won’t suspect any of his more… violent hobbies.
> Doesn’t have to be the stereotypical busty, all-pink wearing bimbo but just a pretty but airheaded girl.
> He’d originally plan on killing you when you showed up saying your car broke down. You were pretty but so were some other victims who had come through Ambrose. But that dumb factor? Oh, now he’s all in.
> Absolute charmer and reels you in and away from the rest of your group. He’d keep making up reasons as to why you should stay for longer than lie about where your group went.
> He’d keep you sat in the gas station, seeing you so easily entertained. He’d put on that charming smile and tuck your hair behind your ear. “Seems like everyone left you behind, sweetheart. How about you stay jus’ a bit longer, hm? Still need to fix up that car a’ yours, don’t we?”
> He does absolutely use your ditzy and air-headed nature to his advantage to tease because who is he if not a teasing charmer?
> “Aww, sugar, there ain’t much goin’ on in that pretty little head a’ yours, is there?”
> He has purposefully done something to make you trip so he can catch you and make it into a whole romantic scene.
> Absolutely brags to Vincent and Lester about how perfect his girlfriend is.
> He cannot get enough of you at the end of the day. He may have gone into it looking to just use you but consider yourself a charmer as well because he’s soon completely enraptured.
> He enjoys watching you get ready in the morning. Bo will get distracted himself and end up just watch you do your makeup for ten minutes, admiring how pretty you look for him.
> NOTHING BUT PRINCESS TREATMENT!!! He can be toxic and a tease but he likes to be a gentleman too.
> He’s kneeling to put on your shoes on for you, kissing up your leg as he does. He keeps a hand on your back to guide you as you two walk together. Don’t even think about paying for anything because his hand is already in his pocket, ready to pay.
> Bo spoils you rotten. He can’t help it when you smile so sweetly at him that it’s honestly unfair. Sometimes it’s stuff at the store other times it’s stuff he stole from a victim before they met their end. You wouldn’t know, of course, so it’s always a sweet thing.
> If he’s buying you clothes, he’s picking out the tightest options so he can see your body constantly. He’s already turned on constantly by you but he wants to have you all dolled up for him always.
> Although sometimes it can be annoying to have you be so oblivious, he resists any direct insults or rude names since he knows you’ll take it to heart. He never wants to see you upset.
> He knows how much you love his Southern accent and dials it up to 11 with sweet pet names when he needs you for something.
> “Sweetheart, do me a favor an’ pass me the wrench? S’got the blue handle, honey, you know which one.”
> Favorite thing he’s seen you do is when you stole his clothing and became a mini-Bo. Wearing his hat and a jumpsuit all proud of yourself and he couldn’t help but chuckle and claim you should dress like that more often so people know you’re all his.
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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hamzahthefantastic bf headcannons sfw+nsfw
-you guys are long distance at first and he would always facetime you telling you how much he misses you and how pretty you are
-he would put his facetime with you to the side while he plays video games and you occasionally join him
-you were planning to move out anyway so when you visit him in canada, you decide to stay
-he drives to pick you up at the airport and the first thing he does is hug you and take in your perfume
“i missed you so much, you smell so good”
-sharing an apartment with hamzah is easy and boy is this man needy
-he has to be by your side all the time, also because he hasn’t seen you
-as soon as you lay on the couch he is getting his head between your thighs while he watches videos on his phone
“baby give me a head massage pleasee?”
-you will play with his hair while he gives you kisses on the inside of your thighs
-he loves giving you hugs from behind dont ask me why
-always playing video games together ESPECIALLY fortnite and overwatch
-if you ever get too full after eating he will vacuum that shit up
-always makes time for you and loves cuddling when theres nothing to do
-calls you baby or babe all of the time and gets you matching satire funny shirts when you go shopping
-loves touching your ass
-he will slurp up your pussy like tomorrow doesn’t exist and try to suck the soul out of you
-not a big fan of receiving hickeys but gives them to you when he feels like it
-favorite position is wherever he can see your face and how much he messes you up
-loves every part of you: boobs ass thighs everything that man is golden
-he will forcefully push you down onto his face and keep you there
-literally always DTF
-a good 6-7 inches in my opinion which leaves you choking on his dick sometimes
“cmon baby you can take it”
-will take however much time you need to adjust because he loves you so much
-always kissing you during sex and mostly holds your hands to keep you in place while he fucks you
-LOVES when he lifts one of your legs up on his shoulder to get even deeper inside you
“fuck you like that huh?”
-most of the times are passionate but he can fuck you roughh and only does quickies if you guys have somewhere to be later
-loves watching his cum drip out of you or on your boobs
-loves giving you praises and when you talk dirty to him
“such a good fucking girl for me”
-tries to holds his moans in but eventually gives up halfway through and LOVES hearing how good he makes you feel
-teases you with the tip all the damn time
-used to watch porn so much, but now that he has you he doesn’t have to!
THANKS FOR REQUESTING give me more now
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Tia Tana II
Magdalena Eriksson x Hardersson!Reader
Aitana Bonmatí x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Tia Tana takes you to meet Spain's keepers
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Alexia smiles at you as you and Tia Tana approach.
You smile back.
She nudges both of the girls in Keeper shirts. "She's going to be better than both of you when she grows up."
"This is y/n," Tia Tana introduces," Pernille and Magda's daughter."
"The little girl in the hallway at the final against Chelsea?" One of the non-keeper girls asks," She's grown."
"Kids do that Jenni," Alexia says with an eye roll.
"Yeah but she was so little then and now she's like a teenager."
"I'm still little," You say," Because Morsa and Momma still pick me up."
It's the girl with the tattoos on her arm. She's a very vague figure in your mind. You think she took one of your Ahlgrens Bilar during the break of that match.
"y/n," Tia Tana says," This is Jenni. She used to play for Barca."
"Hi," You say before tilting your head to look at the keepers. They don't look like Zećira or any other keeper you know. But that's okay though because Momma says everyone is different and that's good because otherwise the world would be boring.
"This is Misa," Tia Tana says," She plays for Real Madrid. And Cata, she plays with me and Alexia at Barcelona. And I think you must have seen Ona before too."
"Briefly," Ona confirms," How can I forget the assistant coach of Chelsea?"
You decide that you like Ona. She has a fun accent that's different to Momma and Morsa's when they speak English. She also recognises you as the important person you were for Chelsea and that's important too.
"Used to be," You say," But now we're leaving for Germany to Bayern."
You must make a face because the girls all laugh.
"You don't like Germany?" Jenni asks.
"I like Germany because of Wolfsburg," You say," Bayern's okay, I guess, because they've got a red jersey like Arsenal. Arsenal's my second most favourite. I'm going to play for Arsenal when I'm older."
"As a keeper," Tia Tana continues, adjusting her grip on you. She jerks her chin at Misa and Cata. "That's why she's going to be better than you too."
Misa and Cata laugh and Misa gets a bit closer to give you a fist bump.
"You know," She says," If you really want to be the best keeper in the world, you need to come to Real Madrid. We're the best!"
There's outrage from the rest of the girls and Alexia easily plucks you from Aitana's arms to speak to you. You know it must be important because Momma does this sometimes too.
"Don't listen to Misa," She says," Barcelona's the best and don't let anyone else tell you differently."
You think for a moment. "Daan says Lyon is the best."
There's more outrage.
"Van de Donk thinks Lyon is the best," Alexia says," She's entitled to her own opinion."
"But it's wrong," Cata appears over Alexia's shoulder," Because Barcelona is the best and you should definitely come over and join us when you're older."
You tilt your head to the side as you think. "Tia Tana, is Barcelona good?"
"Very good," Tia Tana promises you.
Misa scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Don't indoctrinate her! She's just a baby!"
"We can't help it if Barcelona outclasses Madrid every match," Jenni chuckles.
"How many El Clásicos have you won again?" Ona teases and Misa shoves her away with an eye roll.
"Watch it, Batlle," She says," You'll see when you come back this year. We've been working on some stuff."
Cata scoffs but doesn't get involved with the little squabble. She strips her gloves. "Here," She says, pressing them into your hands," It's probably poor taste since I just beat your mum with them but, here. Every keeper needs a good set of gloves."
You beam at her. "Thank you!"
"I don't know how you guys came into custody of my baby," Morsa's teasing voice says from behind you," But I'd like to get her back now, please. Pernille would kill me if I let you take her back to Spain."
"I'm sure we could come to an agreement," Tia Tana says, smiling a wide smile at Morsa," Fifty-fifty custody? We've got Frido in Spain too. It's not like she'll forget her Swedish."
"I think Pernille's more worried about her losing her Danish than her Swedish," Morsa says. She takes you from Alexia. "And I'm actually quite fond of her."
"I got new gloves, Morsa," You tell her, holding them up so she can inspect them.
"Very nice, princesse," Morsa says," But I think it's time to say goodbye to your new friends. You look very tired."
A crinkle appears between your brows. "I'm not tired."
"Yes, you are." Morsa's chuckling now. "Come on. If we head back now I promise you can have a sleepover with Frido and Amanda."
You look at her suspiciously. "And I get to bring Rocky?"
Morsa sighs deeply. "Yes, you can bring the rock."
"Say goodbye."
"Bye!" You wave at the Spanish girls happily, blowing a big kiss for Tia Tana before turning back to Morsa. "Momma lets me have sweeties when I sleep over with the Denmark girls. Can I have sweeties with Frido and Mandy?"
"Can't you just be happy that I'm letting you bring the rock?"
"Rocky would have come anyway. Can I have sweeties?"
"Fine, you can have sweets."
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kittykattysstuff · 18 days
When mom's away, it's time to play!
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Warning: Stepcest.
Stepdad!Toji x fem!Reader
WC: 2.2K
Summary: Your mother won't be home during the weekend due to a business trip. With her gone and the entire house to yourselves, you and your stepdad Toji get to know each other in more intimate ways.
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"Bye, dear. I'll be back Monday morning." Your mom gave you a kiss on the cheek as she left the house.
"Keep Toji some company, will you? This can be a great opportunity for you two to have some father-daughter bonding time."
She smiled, giving Toji a peck before she climbed into the driver's seat of her car. You gulped. Sometimes you wondered if your mother was either too oblivious to notice the furtive glances Toji threw your way whenever you were in the same room, or if she actually noticed them, and simply didn't care, confusing his inappropriate behavior for affection.
Well, it didn't matter what your mom thought. Her opinions wouldn't change the fact that you would be spending the whole weekend alone with Toji.
"Don't worry, love. I'm sure Y/N and I will have a lot of fun together."
You pretended not to notice the sexual innuendo behind your stepdad's words. God, this was going to be a long weekend. You and Toji waved as your mom started the car and drove away.
"Finally home alone. "Toji smirked, following you inside the house. You didn't need to turn to know he was shamelessly checking your ass. "Any plans for the weekend?"
He asked before you walked up the stairs to your room.
"Not really." You shrugged. You were more than ready to get this talk done and over with, but it seemed like Toji wouldn't let you off so easily.
"I intend to study for my upcoming exams."
That was a lie and Toji knew it. He knew you had already finished all your exams and didn't have any more classes until the next semester, since your mother had told him before you arrived from college at the beginning of the week.
"That's lame. Even Megumi's going to his friends' house. You should live a little, doll. How about we follow your mom's suggestion and have some father-daughter bonding?"
Toji's smile was so sweet, you could almost mistake him for an angel if you didn't know him. However, you did know him, and you knew that behind that sweet smile, were actually the most evil intentions. You felt yourself getting hot. You didn't want to admit it, but ever since you met Toji Fushiguro, you felt attracted to the man. His broad shoulders, thick thighs, and captivating emerald eyes made him look like a Greek god.
"Well, what do you have in mind?"
Against your better judgment, you indulged in his ideas.
"We could binge watch some of those rom-com movies that you like so much."
"You? Watching "girly" movies?" You asked, quoting the way he always complained about the films you and your mom liked to watch.
"Anything for you, doll."
Oh, you were definitely screwed. It took all your willpower not to jump him right then and there. Instead, you found yourself agreeing to his offer.
"Sure, why not."
Two hours later, the credits of "10 things I hate about you" appeared on the TV screen.
"This one wasn't so bad."
Your stepdad commented, stretching his huge arms, which were conveniently bare, given he was wearing a tight black tank top. You watched him put an arm on the back of the couch, getting dangerously close to you as he adjusted in a more comfortable position.
You were starting to seriously regret your choices today. You'd been doing a decent enough of a job trying to avoid Toji ever since he and your mom got married, almost one year ago. Because as soon as he stepped into your home in all his glory when they were still dating, two years ago, you knew you were in trouble.
The man was literally sex on legs, all your teenage dreams personified right in front of you, and the worst part is, he knew the effect he had on you. He knew it and he purposely took every chance he had to get closer to you; from accidental touches that started to linger more each time you both were in the same vicinity, to the hungry looks he sent you, not even trying to hide them.
You thought that once Toji and your mom got married, things would stop. But it was quite the opposite. Taking advantage of the fact you wouldn't be able to actively avoid him, since Toji and Megumi moved in with you and your mom after the wedding, Toji was everywhere. And he was driving you insane.
Your only solace was college. Your college was considerably far from your home, so as soon as you were accepted, you opted to live on campus rather than commute back home. The reprieve was great, especially because now you could be alone with your thoughts, without your step dad's presence everywhere you turned. If you didn't see nor think about Toji, then you were safe from the ever growing attraction between you.
However, now that the semester had finished and you wouldn't have classes for three weeks, your feelings were more and more difficult to ignore. Especially now that it was only the two of you in the house.
"What's next?"
Your step dad asked, though he didn't really seem interested in the answer whatsoever.
"Legally Blonde." You replied, selecting the next movie.
For the most part, things were going well. You were so concentrated on the film that you almost forgot about Toji's presence. That is, until his hand started to softly caress your shoulder. You held your breath as your step dad started rubbing circles on your skin delicately.
In hindsight, you know you should've stopped him instantly. But you were tired, Toji's touch was warm and honestly, you were craving some affection lately. So yeah, you let him touch you. After all, parents and their children touched all the time, that was normal, you rationalized. Except, there was nothing innocent in the way your step dad was getting closer to you.
His hand was now on your hips, massaging them expertly. You could feel his thigh pressed to yours. Before you noticed, a low moan fell from your lips. From your peripheral, you could see your step dad smirking.
"You're so far from me. Come closer, angel, I won't bite."
He didn't expect an answer from you, already pushing you to sit on his lap.
"This okay?"
Toji asked, his chin on your shoulder, his hot breath on your neck. You moaned again.
"Yes." You managed to say in a whisper.
"Y'know, this movie's getting boring, dontcha think?"
Toji said before sucking on your shoulder. Your breath caught in your throat.
"Toji, we shouldn't..."
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to touch you, doll."
Before you could protest, Toji captured your lips, giving you a bruising, passionate kiss. You opened your mouth, and he wasted no time to shove his tongue down your throat. He nibbled your lower lip with deliberate boldness, hearing a soft moan of pleasure in response, making his arousal sensually painful. As you kissed, Toji wanted to drink in your moans in sweet tremors of sinful pleasure.
Toji and you separated briefly, his sharp gaze locked on yours as you both struggled to regain you breath. Before things could get even more physical, he pressed his forehead to yours, inhaling deeply. You caressed his soft dak locks, reveling in the texture against your fingers. For a man as big as he was, Toji could be surprisingly endearing when he wanted to.
"Do you want this?" He finally asked, moving so that you'd be able to see each other in the dark room illuminated only by the dim light of the TV.
"If you say yes, I won't be able to hold back."
You knew that if you went further than this, there was no going back. You nodded, smiling. You had made your decision. You had wanted him for so long, you wouldn't miss the chance of having him all to yourself.
"I do, Toji. Fuck me."
"Damn. You're gonna drive me crazy."
Toji didn't waste time, ripping off your white buttoned shirt and your tight shorts to reveal your underwear.
"So perfect." He muttered as he unclasped your bra, immediately latching his mouth on your nipple, while he played with the other.
"All for me."
He said reverently, before sucking hardly, which elicited a gasp from you due to all the pleasure he was giving you. You kept your hands on his hair, in a tight grip. Toji's mouth and his finger kneading your tits felt magical.
"Yes, daddy, l'm all yours."
You didn't even notice what you had said until Toji stilled his movements, looking at you like a hawk. Instantly, you felt self-conscious, a blush on your cheeks as you mistook his sudden halt in his movements for rejection.
Toji mumbled, licking his lips and watching you with a lust-filled gaze.
"Say that again."
Your shyness gave way to pure pleasure, the carnal desire consuming the two of you.
You repeated, feeling his arousal as his dick twitched. Your step dad looked an animal, his expression was so filthy you almost came on the spot. He changed positions, laying you down on the couch, his firm, muscular chest pressing against your body.
You took his black tank top off, and kissed every inch of skin you could find. His shoulder blades, his abdomen, his chest, everywhere. Toji moaned, fueling you to continue.
"I know you're eager to play, baby, but I can't wait."
Toji took your hands off his body as gently as he could. Understanding what he meant, you moved your hands to his pants, ubuttoning his leather belt. Toji wriggled out of the fabric of clothing, throwing it away haphazardly. You could see the white patch of precum in his black boxers.
"I've dreamed about fucking your tight little pussy for so long, you've no idea."
Toji kept muttering as he got rid of the rest of yours and his underwear, the last remaining clothing between you two.
"Whenever I fuck your mom, I imagine you. I have to keep myself from moaning your name".
"Daddy, please, I need you."
"You want daddy's cock, little girl? Don't worry, daddy's gonna make you feel so good you won't want any other dick anymore."
"Yes, daddy, please, I need you so badly! Fuck, me daddy!"
Your stepdad kissed you again as he entered you without warning, giving you no time to adjust to his size. Toji sucked your mouth, bit your lips, swallowed your taste as if it were the last kiss he would give in his life. The kiss made you forget the slight discomfort you felt when he first penetrated you.
Toji buried himself to the hilt inside you, making you moan loudly. You wrapped your legs around his waist, so that he could reach even deeper.
"So tight. Perfect little pussy, was made for me."
"Only yours, daddy."
The position allowed him to explore all the curves of your body as he moved frenetically inside you. God, he was amazing. You couldn't fathom why you tried to resist your stepdad in the first place. Now that you had a taste, you would certainly become addicted.
You pressed your hands on his taut abdomen, feeling his strong chest, buffy arms and prominent collarbone. Holy shit, his body was a masterpiece. You moved in sync, lost in the pleasure of the skin to skin contact. Toji started rubbing his fingers over your clit, sending you over the edge.
"D-daddy, I'm close."
You mumbled, breathing heavily.
"Cum, baby. Let it all out for daddy."
You felt all the tension explode from your nerves, relaxing all your muscles at once and clouding your mind in the most genuine relieved ecstasy.
"Will you let daddy cum inside you baby?"
"Yes daddy, please! Cum inside me, need you!"
Your words made Toji cum inside you in full force, your insides creaming his cock deliciously. Toji pulled you to his side, letting you lay on top of him.
"That was amazing."
You smiled, turning your head and resting your chin on his chest. He smiled back at you, stroking your cheeks lovingly. You leaned on his touch, letting yourself enjoy this rare soft side of his, knowing that this could very well be the first and last time you two were so intimate.
"Well, I'm glad. Now stand up."
He urged you, leaning forward on his elbows and creating some distance between you. You tried to hide your disappointment with a fake smile. That was the problem. You held back so much because you knew that when you caved, you wouldn't wanna let him go. Swallowing, you reminded yourself that it was only natural. After all, he wasn't yours to begin with. He was your mother's. Putting on a brave face, you finally stood up, gathering your clothes and attempting to cover your body the best you could. Before you could stray too far, however, you felt a tug in your hand.
"What is it, Toji?"
You asked, feeling irritated. He told you to go, but still kept bothering you. Classic Toji.
"Hey, I thought it was daddy. And where do you think you're going? I was gonna ask you to take a bath. It's only the beginning of the weekend, darling, we still have lots of time for father-daughter bonding moments. And I intend to enjoy it as much as I can."
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amomentsescape · 6 months
I'm dead, its finals for the semester at my school. Could you do a different slashers x reader were the reader has finals and is burnt out, emotional, and overwhelmed and they hate to see the reader that way and maybe some even get mad at the school for causing this and do somthing about it like making it shut down for a while?
Slashers with Stressed! Reader During Finals Week
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! Please, make sure to take care of yourself during this time. I wish you the best of luck on your finals! :)
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Freddy Krueger
Anything but smiling is basically a no-go in his book
The fact that he also hasn't seen you in a while only makes him more frustrated
He's aware of the all-nighters you've been pulling recently
Your head buried in numerous books and pages
He decides enough is enough and shows up in your world instead
Your desk is a mess, and he can see the slight puffiness under your eyes from your most recent breakdown
Yeah, he needs to end this
He gives you a reassuring hug and disappears again
He finally comes back about an hour later, a smile on his face
"There won't be school for a while"
You look at him confused
However, all the lack of sleep was catching up with you, so you don't argue as he leads you to bed, tucking yourself under the sheets
The next morning, you wake up to several notifications on your phone, all of them saying that several students were found dead in their beds last night
The whole school was going to be shut down for a while as an investigation ensues
You could practically hear Freddy's laugh echo in your mind
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Michael Myers
He doesn't understand why you're so stressed out
It's just a few tests
If they're bothering you so much, just skip them
But as he watches your desperate attempt to explain why you have to take them and everything that's on the line if you don't, he finally gives up
He hates seeing you so upset about something so trivial
So he heads out that night while you're snoozing on the desk, having passed out on accident
You finally wake up a couple hours later, you eyes slowly adjusting to Michael in front of you
He's changing out of his dirty clothes, trying carefully not to wake you
However, when he notices you looking at him confused, he just walks over to you
In his hands, the bloody school ID's from every single one of your professors
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Jason Voorhees
Jason has been practically begging you to go to sleep or eat SOMETHING
But you keep refusing him, too overwhelmed at the amount of studying you have to do
You are hoping that by using every possible minute you have, you'll be able to at least pass these finals
But Jason feels like you're just torturing yourself
So while you're drowning out the world with your headphones, Jason is slipping out to your school
He somehow manages to destroy most of the campus's electrical supply
This gives you a couple extra days to prepare and actually take care of yourself
When you find out the news, you can't help but jump onto Jason
He's just happy to finally see a smile on your face
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Thomas Hewitt
You had to explain just what a final was and how it affects you by not passing
He understands why you're so stressed now, but it doesn't make the situation any better in his opinion
He tries to tend to you as much as possible
Drinks, food, back rubs, blankets, etc.
Literally anything that he feels would make you comfortable in the moment, he brings to you
Will stay up with you too, waiting for the minute you need something
He really enjoys taking care of you too, so none of it feels like a chore
As much as he would like to make dinner out of your professors for overwhelming you this much, he knows that it would only stress you out more
Plus, he's confident you'll do well on your finals!
You are the smartest person he knows, honestly
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Bubba Sawyer
He's also completely at your beck and call
He doesn't feel comfortable leaving home on his own, so he doesn't know how to help get rid of the source of your stress
But he's very much willing to alleviate it as much as he can
He makes you dinner, prepares some warm tea, and even gets the fireplace going for you
He also tries to clean and tidy up the area around you, hoping it will help you focus more
He's never taken an exam before, but he definitely knows it's important to you
And what matters to you, matters to him
He shushes everyone who walks by just a little too loud, earning a couple laughs from you
He does pull you away from the desk every once in a while though, making you lie down with him and cuddle
He assures you that taking breaks is good for you, but you're starting to think the cuddles are more for him than you
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Brahms Heelshire
Grades were pretty important to his parents growing up, so he understands the pressure
But taking 5 huge exams in the span of a week?
That's actually ridiculous
Will play some classical music for you, telling you that it always helped him focus when he was younger
Will be a little more lenient about you following the rules
But he still expects you to give him attention
If he feels you haven't given him enough affection in the past hour, he will be all up in your business like a neglected cat
He isn't helping your focus much unfortunately
But he eventually makes a deal with you to help you study
This way, you're still using your time wisely, and Brahms is still receiving your attention
Will ask you questions from flashcards to see if you're answering them correctly
Gives you a kiss every time you get one right
He honestly has full faith that you'll do great on your finals
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Norman Bates
Norman is trying his best to relax you, holding you tight while you explain your worries and frustrations
But the moment he hears your voice break and sees the tears running from your eyes, his memory goes blank
All he remembers is feeling an intense rage settle into his body
Not at you, but at your school for making you feel this way
He finally comes to a few hours later
It's already dark out, and he's standing over your sleeping form lying on the couch
He tucks you in quietly and helps tidy up your papers a bit
When you wake up the next morning, you have different notifications from your school and fellow classmates
You pull up a news report stating that the school was basically in shambles, and they even found a body of one of the professors in an empty classroom
This meant that your tests were going to be pushed off for a while until they sorted everything out
Norman looks just as confused as you do
"It's okay, dear. You should go back to sleep, okay?"
You simply nod and tuck yourself back in, thankful that you have some time to finally rest
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Billy Loomis
Billy has thought this through for a while
Because he's also needing to take finals with you
He kind of just shrugs them off, being fortunate enough to ace every test he's ever taken, with or without studying
But you on the other hand, were barely holding yourself together
You were basically surviving on just caffeine and adrenaline, the fear of failing being enough to keep you awake late into the night
Now, as much as Billy would love to kill off half the school's population, he knew better
Graduating was important to you, and he didn't want to risk prolonging that
So he went with plan B
He threatened the school
He did the second best thing he knew how to do, and that was making a phone call and telling the school that if professors or students showed up during the next two days, they were going to end up killed
This was enough to put everything in lockdown for a few days
How he managed to not get traced was unbeknownst to you
But you were still incredibly thankful, finally relaxing in his arms for the first time in days
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Stu Macher
Now Stu didn't really think this through like Billy had
He just went in for plan A
He didn't want to take these tests either!
But he also didn't want to put in a lot of work to prevent them
He just wanted to stay by your side as much as possible, hating to see you so worked up over these finals
So he did the "bare minimum" in his words
He went to school, killed a couple teachers, cut the phone lines and major electrical units, and went on his merry way
And of course, the school was immediately shut down as a huge investigation ensued
But Stu was happy with his decision
Now, he could spend the next few days with you AND see you relaxed for once
It was a win-win
Although murder may not have been your first option, you still gave him a big kiss as compensation
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Eric Draven
Of course Eric being Eric, murder is not the first solution in his book
He's taken plenty of finals in his day
He knows the pressure and the stress
And as much as he hated seeing you this way, he knew that the storm would blow over soon
But that's not to say he can't make you as comfortable as possible during it
He dug out an old heating pad and gave it to you, happy to see the wide smile you showed him once you grabbed it
He also lit a few of your favorite candles, trying to keep the atmosphere as relaxing as possible
He ordered take out for you both, got you your favorite drink, and even played some good studying music for you
He knew he wasn't going to be able to prevent you from pulling an all-nighter, so it only made sense for him to join you!
He ended up turning the whole night into one big study sleepover
He even helped you stay organized and provided a few study techniques that always worked for him
He's truly the perfect man to have by your side during this time
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edenfenixblogs · 7 months
Thank Your Jewish Friends Trying to Educate You Right Now
If you’re a leftist, and you have had a Jewish friend reach out to you to try and tell you that you’ve said something alarming or harmful or antisemitic: listen to them, learn, and say thank you.
I am VERY lucky in that all the friends I’ve personally reached out to have taken the opportunity to learn and grow and adjust their behavior. I have never told them that they should not advocate for Palestine. I have told them I want to advocate for Palestine WITH them, but I need to feel safe in order to do so. I need to feel like the people I’m advocating with don’t want me and my loved ones dead. Thank HaShem that they have listened to me. From the bottom of my heart, my friends are a blessing.
But I’ve seen an incredibly disheartening number of fellow Jews who have had the opposite experiences—being expelled from their queer communities and activist communities and book clubs and any space they once found community. This is horrid but it’s especially horrid for Jews. It’s a reminder that we are only accepted if we conform. We are only accepted if we accept abuse. Our presence is always tolerated, never wanted. Our views are not to be trusted. Our opinions are always suspect. Our motives are always sinister. Our acceptance is always conditional. And I think that hurts even more for us than you’d imagine, because our own spaces are no longer safe. We are already in diaspora. And now our synagogues and homes and other community buildings are being vandalized and attack. We are cut off from our own cultural community and now many of us are being cut off from our personal communities as well. It is a loneliness that most people outside of a diaspora will never know.
Im willing to bet that if you have/had a Jewish friend who you considered close but who seems to have disappeared from your life, it’s because you either didn’t reach out to them after 10/7 or you have failed to acknowledge the stochastic threat to Jews or the Jewish connection to Israel. Why is it important that you do this? Because we are your friends and loved ones. And when friends and loved ones tell you they are hurting, you should listen. When you say you care about someone, you should be willing to listen to them when they say you’re hurting them and then you should apologize. It is more hurtful than you can possibly imagine to watch people you thought cared about you decide to listen to people across the world who they have never met rather than simply have a conversation with a friend, because they assume that friend will dismiss the pain of Palestinians.
Many of you are assuming what your friends are feeling about Israel and Palestine, but you haven’t actually asked them. Many of you think that expressing sorrow for Israel or jews in the world, that means we cannot care about or want a better future for Palestine.
If you are lucky enough to have a friend who has tried to reach out to you, that means they are willing to forgive you for neglecting them in this time. They are willing to talk with you and try to explain their emotions in good faith. They want to find a way to advocate for progress with you. They want to keep you in their lives. They want you to understand our culture and history—not at the exclusion of anyone else’s culture and history—just at the inclusion of our own.
Because here’s the other thing: they won’t forget that you denied them understanding and respect and the benefit of the doubt. That’s not a threat. That’s a cultural feature of Judaism. We have famously long cultural memories. We remember the people and places we can trust and those who refused to give us peace and safety and basic kindness. We remember the people who targeted us, your friends and loved ones, simply because other Jews who we have never met behaved in ways you don’t understand and of which you don’t approve. You are blaming the sins of others on people you claim to love.
If someone is giving you the chance to undo the damage you have done on this, you should take it. And if you have expelled Jews from a space you once shared or failed to acknowledge their pain in this time—find them and apologize.
I am not Muslim, but I wouldn’t doubt that something similar is happening in Muslim spaces. Islamophobia and antisemitism are at terrifyingly high levels right now. And if you think you can’t support Jews without condemning Muslims or you can’t support Muslims without condemning Jews, you’re not only part of the problem—you’re the biggest part of the problem.
What we all need right now is unity, peace, solidarity, understanding, and education above all else.
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Flower Crowns.
masterlist || ask my anything <3
anniversary masterlist here !!
authors note - hi!! this is the last post ill be doing for my anniversary week and this is one of my most favourite little one shots ive wrote in my opinion so i hope you enjoy, it’s a little bit dark so if that’s not your cuppa then feel free to skidadle ☺️
word count - 1k
in which, harrys your body guard because your father is a mafia boss and instead of him taking a bullet for you, you end up taking a bullet for him.
warnings - mentions of guns and shooting, mafia, vulgar language and blood.
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With your books hugged close to your chest and your backpack thrown over one shoulder, The campus is bustling with students, the energy vibrant and contagious. You and your best friend Rayleigh chat animatedly, caught up in the ease of your conversation.
"I can't believe Professor Thompson assigned us another case study," Rayleigh groans, rolling her eyes. "Does he think we have no other classes?"
You laugh, adjusting your grip on your books. "I know, right? As if we didn't already have enough on our plates. But I guess it's good practice."
Rayleigh nods in agreement, her expression softening. "Yeah, you're right. Still, it's going to be a long night. Coffee later?"
"Absolutely," you reply, grinning. "I wouldn't survive without our study sessions."
As you walk through the corridors, you spot Harry leaning casually against your locker. His presence is striking, a mix of calm and vigilance that makes him stand out from the crowd. He's dressed in a plain black T-shirt and jeans, his tattooed arms crossed over his chest.
"There's your shadow," Rayleigh teases, nudging you gently.
You chuckle, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and amusement.
Rayleigh gives you a quick hug. "See you later."
"Bye, Ray," you say, waving as she heads off.
You approach your locker, where Harry straightens up as you get closer.
"Hey," you greet him, opening your locker and starting to put your things away.
"Hey," Harry replies, his voice steady and calm. "How was class?"
"Busy, as usual," you say, glancing over at him. "Professor Thompson assigned us another case study. I'm starting to think he enjoys watching us suffer."
Harry chuckles softly. "Sounds intense. Y’handling it okay?"
"Yeah, it's all part of the deal," you shrug, organizing your books. "How about you? How's standing guard duty treating you?"
He smirks. "S’a bit different from m’usual assignments, but I don't mind. Keeps me on my toes."
You finish putting your things away and close your locker, turning to face him fully. "I appreciate it, you know. Having you around makes me feel a lot safer."
Harry's expression softens slightly. "S’the goal. M’here to make sure nothing happens to you."
You nod, feeling a sense of comfort in his presence. "Thanks, H. It means a lot."
He nods in return, his gaze steady and reassuring. "Anytime. Ready to head home?"
As you walk towards your car, chatting with Harry about inconsequential things, a sense of normalcy begins to settle over you. The campus is still busy, students milling around, completely unaware of the tension that shadows your every step.
Suddenly, you notice a red dot flickering on Harry's chest. Your heart stops. Your mind races, realizing the implications—someone knows Harry is protecting you, and taking him out would make it easier for them to get to you.
Without a second thought, you push Harry out of the way. "Harry, look out!"
A gunshot rings out, splitting the air, and you feel a searing pain in your shoulder. You scream, falling to the ground in front of him.
The world spins as you hit the pavement, agony spreading through your body. Students around you scream and scatter, the chaos erupting in the once peaceful campus.
Harry is at your side in an instant, his face a mask of panic and horror.
"No, no, what have you done?" he cries, crouching down next to you. "Silly, silly girl."
A tear slips down his cheek, and your heart aches at the sight. You've never seen him cry before, not once in all the time you've known him. The anguish in his eyes is almost too much to bear.
You manage to smile weakly through the pain. "Harry... you're too pretty to cry."
"And you're too pretty to die," he replies, his voice breaking. "S’was never supposed to happen. S’my job to protect you."
He presses down on your wound, trying to stop the bleeding, his hands shaking. "Everything is going to be fine. Just hold on, help is coming."
You focus on Harry’s face, seeing the raw emotion and determination in his eyes.
"Promise me….you'll be careful," you manage to say, your voice barely audible.
"M’promise," he says fiercely, more tears falling. "But y’have to promise me you'll fight. Fight to stay with me."
You nod weakly, using every bit of strength you have left. "I'll... fight."
As the world around you blurs and fades, Harry’s face is the last thing you see, filled with raw, heartbreaking emotion. He leans closer, his voice trembling.
"I love you," he whispers, his words like a lifeline pulling you back from the brink.
You had always loved Harry, you can’t pinpoint a time when you first felt it, perhaps it was when you first met him, or when your lips first connected to his, but it was a feeling you had always felt and always would feel.
"I... love you too," you whisper back, your voice barely more than a breath. The pain is overwhelming, and you can feel yourself slipping away.
"Tell my father..." you start, struggling to get the words out. "Tell him I want a flower crown... when I'm buried."
Flower crowns had always been your thing, your mother had taught you how to make them when you were little and your father always had one in his office, as a reminder of both you at her.
His girls.
They were a symbol of your family.
Like a family crest.
Harry shakes his head fiercely, more tears spilling down his cheeks. "You're not going to get buried because you and I are going to get married and live forever. We'll have babies and grow old together."
You manage a faint smile at his words, the thought of a future with him a beautiful distraction from the pain. "Harry..."
"Stay with me," he pleads, his voice raw with emotion. "Keep your eyes open. Don't you dare close them."
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Beautiful Day
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Summary- Your relaxing day with Eddie is suddenly interrupted, but you’re not going to let it ruin your day
Genre- Fluff (?)
Warnings- None c:
Tag List- @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @munsonology @esme-viridian @gvf23 @wheels-of-despair @goatsmcgee
Word Count- 1.1k
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You let out a long, relaxed sigh as the heat from the sun warmed your body. Laid back against the flimsy plastic lawn chair, your legs crossed at the ankles as they were rested at the edge of the glass table before you. You could sense a presence next to you, gently opening your eyes and peering over next to you, only to see Eddie handing over the joint you had been sharing.
“Thanks handsome.” You said with a smile as you took the joint and relit it as it hit your lips.
“Anytime gorgeous.” He groaned out as he moved himself into the same comfortable position you were in, his hands resting behind his head as he took in the sun.
As you took a drag you sat up slightly, taking in the full scene around you.
The weather had finally started to brighten up.
It was the first day in weeks that had been higher than 65 degrees out, the sun was shining bright and it was just enough to keep you both warm without getting burnt. A pair of tiny shorts and a bikini top was the perfect outfit for the day, and Eddie had been relaxing next to you in a pair of faded blue jeans with no shirt to accompany it. The perfect outfit for him in your opinion. The sun was shining against his hair as it was messily thrown up with one of your scrunchies he had ‘borrowed’ weeks earlier.
He looked so perfect, and you knew he could say the same about you.
Days like these were what you missed the most when the cold weather had first started months earlier. It wasn’t the beach or amusement park dates, it wasn’t the nights spent at the drive in or the countless hours you would just walking around the forest trails with the guys. It was the days where you could happily say you had done not a damn thing and go to bed satisfied with knowing you were just enjoying each other’s company in the beautiful weather.
Eddie could sense your eyes on him for longer than normal and turned his head slightly, opening one eye with a squint as the sun shone into it, a smile at his lips as he watched you quickly try to turn your eyes away from him and take another drag from the joint.
“Something on your mind?” He asked, adjusting himself once more as he took his feet off of the table and reached forward to sip from the beer he had forgotten to open when he set it on the table nearly 20 minutes earlier. Too eager to relax again you supposed.
You shook your head gently as you glanced over to him, taking one last quick puff on the joint before passing it to him after his first sip of beer,
“No. Just missed this.” You shrugged and passed the joint back to him, smiling with him as he raised it to his lips.
“Me too.”
You giggled to yourself, settling back into your lawn chair as you heard Eddie sigh, his own chair creaking as he lay back.
You both took in the sounds of such a beautiful day. The breeze rustling the leaves of the trees, the birds chirping as they flew through the sky, a few kids laughing amongst themselves as they ran back and forth through the sprinkler on their lawn, and you could hear the gravel softly crunching beneath the tires of a car that sounded like it was approaching closer and closer.
You peeked your eyes open and saw that it was approaching the trailer. It was Jeff’s car and you could see that inside was the rest of the guys, watching the both of you with confused looks on their faces as you lay out in the sun.
“Hey Eds,” You said to him, grabbing his attention, “the guys are here?”
“Hm?” He picked his head up and saw Jeff park in the gravel driveway, him and the guys stepping out and wandering over to you two.
“Dude, what the fuck? We’ve been calling you.” Grant said, sounding quite annoyed.
“Oh, sorry. I’ve been out here with (y/n).”
You smiled to them and gave a little wave, earning smiles from them and a wave back from Jeff.
“It’s finally nice out,” Gareth started, “we were gonna get the garage open and practice, we tried calling you and got worried when you didn’t answer.”
“I mean, that does sound like fun…” Eddie glanced over to you, “But i’m a little busy right now.”
“With what?” Jeff asked.
“Not a fucking thing.” He chuckled to himself and took a quick puff from the joint between his fingers, “Sorry, i think today id rather just sit back and enjoy the weather.”
The three boys nodded, and you could tell that they were a bit upset that Eddie wouldn’t be hanging around with them today. You sat up slightly and called out to them,
“You can join us if you like!”
They turned to back to you and you smiled politely, wanting them to feel welcome to spend the nice day with you two, even if it was different than what they had planned.
“You’re sure you don’t mind?” Jeff asked.
“Yeah, we don’t want to intrude if you guys are doing your own thing.” Grant said as he stepped closer.
“Nah, you guys can join us.” Eddie leaned over and handed you the joint, quickly standing up from his plastic chair, “I’ll fix up my stereo inside so we can listen to some of those new tapes i got.”
Eddie made his way inside the trailer and as the boys stepped closer to the table you handed off the joint to Jeff,
“Here, you guys can finish that, i’ll grab you some chairs!” You smiled and wandered over next to the porch, a few extra plastic folding chairs under your arms, “I’m going to head inside and get some water, do you guys want anything?” You asked.
“Water sounds good.” Jeff said before taking a quick puff from the joint you had given him.
“If there’s any lemonade in the fridge i’ll have some, if that’s alright?” Grant asked.
“I think there’s a little left! Gareth, did you need anything?” You asked as they unfolded and sat in their chairs around the table.
“Water sounds good.” He said with a smile as he sat back.
“Perfect!” You smiled, “I’ll be right back.”
The boys smiled to themselves as you stepped back into the trailer, faintly heading the speakers of Eddie’s stereo getting closer as they watched him maneuver the speakers over to the window.
“Man,” Jeff laughed, “mom and dad sure know how to have a good time.”
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simplyreveries · 4 months
I noticed that you opened the requests. I wanted to ask related to staff (separated) with mc/yuu who had daddy issues in their world and who sees them as a father figure
i love this sm,,,, TY<3
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dire crowley
he is…. interesting- he does mean well but he just does a poor job executing that sometimes. he was never expecting to feel such a sense of protectiveness and being overly doting to you. it started when he couldn't help but feel pity for your own situation and watching you adjust to this world is tough.
you’ll find him randomly popping up out of nowhere in school and he’ll ask how you’re doing. a way as a check up on how you’re handling this world and school life so far, he’d tell you if you ask him. as soon as you ask him about home… "oh! is someone is calling me?" and just literally disappears.
In this case, I feel like his reluctance to figure out a way to bring you home stems from the fact that he really does care for you and doesn't want to lose that. so, let's just say, it'll take him awhile to figure that out. crowley seems to be trying to convince you how amazing, twisted wonderland really is! you could thrive and live so happily here! (minus the overblots… terrifying magic… creatures and more) he tells you how great it is for you already have a home, a whole dorm for yourself, as he’d say: “for i am so gracious!” that he’s done such a generous thing for you.
the first time you tried to give him a hug as thanks for something he was completely confused and didn't know how to react. he laughed and gave you the awkward pat on the back but once again, he means well i promise.
divus crewel
you have blatant favoritism from him… he seems a little less strict with you and if a student asks he’ll deny and tell them he doesn't do that or that he has to be since you’re not even from this world. he wouldn't expect you to know how to do certain things after all.
but still, ace and grim could groan because they got in trouble for forgetting homework or assignments but if you did he’d sigh and be like “bring it in tomorrow” and they are always so UPSET. it's also rare to get some compliments from him, but he seems to point out something well you did and give you a little “good improvement” and such. It's so obvious how he seems to care for you.
divus is literally the epitome of judgment when it comes to anyone having eyes for you or you tell him about even liking someone yourself… he is too protective and feels like any boy at this school is undeserving of you. he sees any attempt during class of one of them flirting or anything as them simply bothering you. If you mention someone like floyd he’d give you the most concerned look and be like “oh… him, how troublesome”. he doesn't really say what he thinks, unless you really ask for his opinion. he more so listens to you talk and he does genuinely try to give you some advice, even if it's a bit blunt.
mozus trein
now despite his strict and sternness, he can be a very calming person to be around and talk to. he will be pretty quiet, but he can become someone you just find if you need to talk as he listens and grades assignments, doing some work. if you really need to take your mind of certain worries and stresses, like finding a way back to your world- he'll offer you some tea and maybe even offer to play a game of chess with you (as he does with divus sometimes!)
trein is a father himself, he was very close to his daughters- so it actually is quite easy for him out of all of the staff members to develop a familial like relationship with. he enjoys having that feeling of looking after someone again and being someone, you could look up to in that sense. he would eventually notice that you do see him in such a way, he wouldn't say it, but it does warm his heart.
he'll let you play and pet lucius, it's just part of your special privileges. surprisingly, the cat likes you and always tries rubbing against you. since trein trusts you though, you will be given the duty to buy lucius cat toys from sams shop with money he gives you, he says its "in compensation" haha.
if you happen to be causing trouble with grim or some student in class, he'll scold you. but through it, he will remind and tell you he knows you're a good kid and doesn't want other bothersome students tarnishing your potential.
ashton vargas
oh poor you if you dread fitness or sports because he's always booming so loud, excited and pumped to get you involved more. even if you don't want to do something with others, he loves initiating one on one games with you and challenging you. he will not go easy though and laughs proudly whenever he wins. he'll still pat you on the back and tell you "nice job, kid!" or something of that sort. he's very supportive even if hes overly competitive at times.
sometimes you do have to hear his tangents on how he became so fit and strong... especially his "advice" on how great it is to consume raw eggs... this guy . he tries telling you it'd benefit you.
lowkey makes a big deal if you got hurt and needed to go to the infirmary. he always tries to keep a special eye on you in case and tries his absolute best to make sure you're alright. even after getting help, you needed from the nurse, still!!
he tends to keep a watchful eye on you... he would much prefer and even offer, saying you'd be perfect to be working beside him at his shop. he wouldn't want you resorting or going somewhere like the mostro lounge really. but other than that, he is a very carefree guy who you could easily find yourself talking to about problems or issues you're having. his attitude and approach to things can be a good help.
also, if you're in general in need of something from his store, because you're extra special to him he'll sometimes just give you heavily discounted or even be like take it, ("it wasn't selling anyways"). hehe. he cares. especially when it comes to like snacks or food he'll have, he'll claim it's your "employee benefits!" if you're working there.
sam is pretty much in the loop with anything interesting happening at school or things he may have overheard from students. you can easily get gossip out of him, just saying. but sometimes that just turns him into trying to discreetly warn you about certain students at nrc.
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roseychains · 26 days
Make him jealous ~
A/n: entirely self indulgent.
C/w: written by a minor!, porn with minimal plot, marking, nipple play, fingering, oral (r!receiving), kissing, praise, gentle, idfk.
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2 weeks. That’s exactly how long it had been since your now ex had suddenly cut contact with you. A long relationship you poured your heart into for months, gone without a second though, leaving you void, unable to enjoy anything. It was like you were a shell of the fun loving person you used to be. The joy sucked out, and all that remained was a sad, confused girl who was all but betrayed by the man she loved the most.
You hardly made it through the day without tearing up atleast a little. Everything hurt. It hurt even more when your friend, shoko, has shown you photos of your ex and his new girl. Cuddling in bed, his arm around her waist it was sensual. Your frustrations came pouring out to her. It hurt that you meant so little to him, he could move on so quick, he wasn’t hurting like you were. You wanted him to care, to hurt, to be jealous.
The topic continued to your lunch break, where you met up with 2 more of your colleagues, Gojo and geto. Your frustration seemed to radiate to the rest of the group, the 3 of them vocalizing their distain for the man, that you deserve better, he deserves to hurt, it’s almost like they wanted him to suffer more than you. But in truth, you just wanted him to realize what he lost, to make him jealous.
The sexual tension was thick. Talking about how you needed someone to mark you up and post it on media, to be fucked till you forget, to feel loved again, right in front of your 3 friends, all eyeing you like hungry predators ready to devour their prey. They were so tired of seeing you sad, watching as you slowly lost motivation and will power for all the thighs you used to love. So if anyone was going to do something about it, let it be them. They will make you feel better, like friends do.
Eventually, Gojo took the initiative to finally offer up his services. “I mean, you know the three of us would be more than happy too, you just say the word it will all be yours~” you felt yourself twitch with excitement, almost like a fantasy, to be in between the most attractive people you know. It wasn’t just you, they wanted you too, maybe even more so. Anything for their dear friend.
Finally, the trio came to a plan. They were going to dress you up, take you out, feed you, and fuck you till you feel nothing but pleasure. Then hold you tight till you fall asleep together. It began Saturday morning, breakfast Gojo paid for. You ordered pancakes, that satoru ended up sneaking a few bites of. Next, you were off to the mall.
It was fun, riding the carousel, getting small snacks here and there, but the real event was when you made it over to a high end store with gorgeous dresses. The boys had ran off, but shoko kept her hand in yours guiding you through the store and picking out dresses for you to try. She even came in the changing room to help you sip them, and give you her opinion.
One thing lead to another, she found herself getting handsy with your delicate body, her hands that had previously helped you slip in and out of your clothes was now tracking down your abdomen and dangerously close to your heat, covered only by lacey panties. You gasped as she began toying with your clit through the fabric, her other hand coming up to cover your mouth. “You wouldn’t want to get caught right? Be a good girl and keep it down”, she’d whisper sensually in your ear.
Her words shot right down to your cunt, throbbing with need. She wasted no time to slip her long fingers inside the hem, now. Rubbing them along your slit, feeling your wetness. “Your so fucking wet, my fingers are drenched baby. I can tell you want this.” You felt your eyes roll back against your skull as she plunged two long fingers inside your hole, giving you only a moment to adjust before roughly curling them inside you repeatedly.
Her assault on your core had your legs weak, threatening to fall down. “Careful, baby.” As she helped you to the small chair, fingers still deep inside you. She moves her mouth to leave small love bites on your neck, proof of what the two of you had done in the dressing room. Your hands flew up to hold on her shoulders as you felt yourself reaching your high. “Are you close? Go on then. Let me feel you.”
Your legs shook as you came on her fingers, and your sounds where muffled by her hand covering your mouth. After you came down from your orgasm, dress long forgotten, you put your clothes back on and left with the dress that you and liked the most, face still red and flustered from your exchange in the dressing room. Shoko held your hand as you made your way back to the boys.
The marks on your neck where painfully present, “with out me?” Gojo whined, earning him a smack on the side from geto. “Today isn’t about you, satoru. Anyway, shall we, princess?” His gaze, now back on you offering a gentle hand as you continued your day, until yourself and the trio made your way to the club. After sitting at the bar for a minute, drink in hand you made your way to the floor with the boys, shoko content with her drink.
You were face to face with Gojo, and his hand caressed your face. “You look so beautiful tonight, you know that?” Brushing the hair of your face with his fingers. You giggled and thanked him. He grabbed your chin, and leaned down into your ear, “I can’t wait to show you just how beautiful I think you are~” you felt shivers run up your spine, ones that where only exemplified as you felt a second pair of hands meet on your hips, getos face on the other side of your face behind you.
You were sandwiched between the two large men, you felt your heart facing. There hands roamed your body as much as public decency would allow them, peppering you with gentle kisses on your jawline and collar. As the night went on, the two men could feel themselves losing restraint, shoko getting needy as well. And after a few hours, they escorted you back to the car where the three of you arrived at the closest house, gojos, and hurried inside.
As soon as all of you stepped in, Gojos lips where immediately on yours, practically moaning into your mouth. Geto pulled him off, “let’s take this upstairs. Tonight is all about you, baby.” He picked you up bridal style the other two close behind, and paced to the master bedroom, an Alaskan king easily enough for the four of you. Conferring with you one last time that this was what you wanted, their clothes were being tossed on the floor. You moved your hands to lift up your dress, but Gojo quickly grabbed your wrists. “Let us do it, you don’t have to move a muscle tonight for that?” You nodded, as geto grabbed your dress lifting it over your head, and shoko unclamped your bra, your breasts falling on your chests. You were then layed on your back, and your stocking pulled off your legs, leaving you bare in front of them.
Shoko was the first to move. She grabbed your face and kissed you passionately, tongue diving into your mouth. she then trailed kissed down your neck before reaching your tits. “Fucking gorgeous girl.” She popped one of your buds into her mouth, swirling it around while grabbing your other, fondling your chest.
Meanwhile, the boys layed down settled between your legs, your thighs on either side of their faces. With one hand, both held up your leg and started on your thighs, kissing and sucking on them before they both meet at your heat. Suguru went first, pressing a kiss too your clit before taking the bud into his mouth, “mmm s’ good” he mumbled into your cunt. Satoru took his fingers up to your hole, teasing your entrance before gently pushing in two fingers, making your back arch into shoko. “Careful, sweetie. Tell me if you need anything to change mkay?” Gojo reassured as he began pumping his fingers in and out.
Shoko continued her work on your chest, occasionally letting up to take your mouth in hers, sucking up all your moans, when she remembered your earlier words, reaching for her phone. She held it up enough to show off all the marks on your neck and collar, without getting your boobs in the shot. She snapped the photo, kissed your cheek and hit post.
Geto was making sloppy work of your cunt, eating you out like his life depends on it. His moth was ravenous, mumbling praises here and there relishing in your taste. “Could eat you like this forever, fuck.” Satoru was busy fingering you and kissing every inch of your body, his other hand rubbing gentle shapes into your thigh. “You’re so fucking pretty. We don’t deserve you.”
The combination of stimulation quickly accumulated, you tried to let out a warning before you came, shaking and arching off the bed. On nights like these, one time was enough, and you just wanted to sleep now.
“Do you want a bath? Something to drink?” Geto questioned. “No,” you murmured, “just get me some clothes and hold me till I’m asleep.” And so they did. You lay in the middle, shoko cradling you on one side, satoru the other, and geto holding onto both you and shoko.
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tac-the-unseen · 1 month
Poly!The Lost boys Nest Headcannons
Centered around Mate!Reader
Mostly sfw, but the last three are nsfw
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•Vampire Nesting is a traditional practice categorized as a mating/courting behavior
•When vampires meet their future/current mates a repressed part of their biology activates. This includes many different behaviors including nesting.
•Bats naturally use scent to attract their mates as well as fluttering their wings, vocalizing desire, and grooming each other
•This translated into vampires as Cologne/perfume scenting, gentle touches, romantic speech, purring, buzzing, and brushing/combing hair
•Once courting turns into romantic relationships Vampires begin to set up a nest for their mate to stay in
•When David, Dwayne, Paul, and Marko begin to experience these nesting behaviors they all connect and start the process for you
•Before they met you they were all just mated to each other and built a nest for each new attention to their partnerships.
•David built one for Dwayne
•They both worked together to make a new one for Paul
•And when Marko came along the three of them remade the nest for him too
•Now all four of them are deconstructing their old nest to make it new for you
•This involves a lot of collecting materials, making new materials, and, of course, shouting
•They all work together to construct the pile of soft fabrics and furs and shape it to hold all five of you with extra wiggle room
•They make it pretty clear that you're not allowed to help but you can contribute some clothes, blankets, and an occasional opinion
•They ask if you want to have the nest on the ground or elevated slightly
•Which basically means ‘do you want two smushed together mattresses on the floor? Or do you want two bed frames pushed together?’
•Marko will sew the mattresses together so they can't come apart
•Whenever you get too close to the area, you are kindly redirected somewhere else
•”You can watch Darling, but you can't step into the nest quite yet.” Dwayne would say softly while shuffling you off to a dresser or bean bag you can sit on
•It was quite amusing watching them shout at each other for being in the way of putting something in the wrong area
•”You can't put the blanket all the way down there! That makes it useless!” Marko would snap at Paul
•”You're putting to much of your stuff near the top! Leave room for the rest of us!” Paul would complain at David
•It was a complete back and forth, with even Dwayne raising his voice when Marko kick some of his contributions out of the way
•What was funnier was the tone shift when you spoke up. One moment they're yelling about some and when you chime in they become softer with you. That only added when they immediately start yelling at each other again.
“What if you just layed your shirts side by side instead of just throwing them out?”
“Good idea, Love! You're so smart!”
•All of them are in snippy moods, so it's best just not to get in the way
•Once everything is in place they finally let you into the nest. They wanted you to be the first one, so not only could you get your scent all over it, but to allow you to make adjustments.
•Once everything is to your liking they ask if they can join you. As soon as you say yes they're on all sides of you.
•Kissing, cuddling, purrs, and buzzing all around while they push you into the soft fabrics
•They also make sure to give you the rundown of nest culture and etiquette
•”I know we typically don't give a fuck about rules, but these ones we care about.”
•The basic run down is:
-No one is allowed in the Nest other then you and them
-No one is allowed to even touch the Nest other then you guys
-Things can be taken out at anytime for almost any reason but for the most part you should just leave that to them
-You have the right to kick anyone out of the nest at anytime
-This is a where you'll sleep when your in the cave
-The nest is basically your sanctuary and they'll treat it as such
•All of this told to you sporadically and in-between several acts of affection
•For the first couple of days of there being a new nest, whenever you're in the cave they want you in the nest
•They will actually pick you up and put your there (it's a bit frustrating at first but it only lasts about four days)
•You bet your ass the sex is spectacular too
•They will bring you food and water, read to you, massage you, and even go down on you constantly ‘just so the nest gets all of your scent’
•All and all royalty treatment
Thanks for reading <3
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