b0y-artist · 10 months
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I think because Mono has powers with electricity if they cuddle, or kiss, or even hold hands, Seven's hair would stand on end (idea shown inside the first panel). But he's not too burley either, it's more like peach-fuzz.
Seven can't help but always think Mono's cute, he doesn't even think about it intentionally at this point.
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popsickkl · 10 months
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more for the soul, I love LN and kirby so why not both tbh
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kiznaiveruuu · 10 months
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yes I like moven and what would you do with it
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mijcky · 9 months
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For People who ships Moven 😜‼️
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eeedoodlez · 1 year
Old sketches
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sondash-blogedition · 13 days
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i did this and i forgot to fucking draw half of it and the other half is either overexposed or flat
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andreamland · 11 months
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natures-uprise · 1 year
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raibres · 3 months
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Goofy ahh HotF drawinfs
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 months
We are about halfway to 'settled' in the new house but the lizards are using my desk because it was the only thing big enough that we had already brought over so updates and stuff are still delayed because posting from my phone is an absolute nightmare. I think we're setting up the kitchen table tonight but the plan may have changed, idk. So we'll see how far I get writing stuff on my phone (spoiler: not very far) until a surface I can put my laptop onto is acquired.
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papacopia-crucified · 2 months
Primum Movens pt 3
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Heya! It’s been so long that I wrote something… I just didn’t have the motivation really… and I’m so so sorry for that… here’s the continuation of Primum Movens🩷
As Terzo was tossing and turning in his bed, his thoughts were all around you, what did he done to you. He won’t forgive himself for that, for making you his Prime Mover, making you the mother of his progeny, but at that time he didn’t even know that the impregnation was successful.
On the other hand, you were still laying on the infirmary bed, unconscious. You were dreaming, a long and nice dream it was indeed that you didn’t even want to wake up. On your neck when Terzo bit you, there was the number „III” symbol which indicated that you’re a Prime Mover of Terzo.
Sister Imperator never really expected something like this to happen, never in a million years knew that his son would do something like this. Even if it was a higher power, what he did was brutal. Imperator was aware of Terzo’s feelings towards you and it left her mortified that Terzo made you his Prime Mover the most barbaric way. Papa Primo and Secondo already had Prime Movers, but their relationship didn’t start like this..
Maybe that’s why Imperator never really left your side, she felt responsible for what his son done to you. And after a short while she figured out that one of the Sisters of Sin casted a spell on Terzo, that sister wanted to Terzo to be hers, but she didn’t really realised that Terzo already loved someone, and it was you.
Imperator immediately banished said sister from the Ministry. But the end was bittersweet, the doctor confirmed that Terzo successfully impregnated you at the Ritual, so you’re bearing the younger Emeritus brother’s progeny. Imperator one eye was smiling and one eye was crying. She was happy that she’ll have a grandchild but she was devastated at what cost she’ll have a grandkid.
A few days later, you started to regain consciousness, little by little you managed to open your eyes and squinted them at the sudden lights of the infirmary. As you adjusted to the lights, you opened your eyes further so they were fully open now. Blinked a few times and finally looked around your surroundings.
“Ahh.. finally you’re awake Sister (Y/n)…”
You almost jumped out of your skin from scare, but as you looked to your side you saw Sister Imperator sitting down on a chair next to your infirmary bed, she smiled at you reassuringly and you just broke down in tears, as you remembered back what Terzo did to you. Imperator became sad and placed her hand on yours on the bed next to you and squeezed it.
“I’m so sorry my dear… I know you remember what happened to you. My son…. He wasn’t himself at that time…. He was bewitched by a Sister of Sin… I know I cannot ask for your forgiveness in his name…”
You sat up on the bed and just stared at Sister imperator in disbelief, your breath caught in your throat and you started to cry again uncontrollably. She was caressing your hand and tried to calm you down.
“Don’t cry my dear. It’s not your fault that happened…”
You cut Imperator off immediately, and didn’t really care about what she wanted to say to you.
“He marked me…. Had sexual contact with me against my will… Do you have any idea how I feel right now?! My supposed to be best friend just made me his Prime Mover!”
“I know my dear.. and it’s a horrible thing, what my son did to you.. but you have to trust me on this Sister (Y/n), he wasn’t himself. He was possessed by Satanas himself, I’m afraid… that’s why he was acting the way he did.. one of the sisters put a spell on him.”
You couldn’t even say a word, just listened to her words. Tried to understand what really happened a few days ago, but your thought were all over the place. But finally you managed to speak to Imperator in a somewhat calm voice even if it sounded more shaky.
“Where is he now?”
There it was, the question Imperator wanted to unanswer. She sighed and began in a sad tone.
“He had to go on tour.. and he won’t be back for two weeks, he deeply regretted everything he’d done.. He was devastated and disappointed in himself, but Papa Nihil gave him no other choice but send him on tour.”
A pleased sigh left your mouth and closed your eyes for a moment to gather your thoughts. For you it was good news that Terzo wasn’t in the Ministry, but it ate Terzo alive, to be so far away from you. Even if he had to perform on stage and pretend everything was alright, behind the scenes he just wanted to dive in self loathing, all he couldn’t think about was you. He often messaged his mother about asking how were you, and Imperator still lied about your pregnancy. You saw that Imperator’s face was a little bit sad so you decided to ask what was wrong.
“Sister Imperator? What’s the matter?”
She sighed and gave you a mirror and pointed it at your neck, a loud gasp left your mouth as you recognise Terzo’s number (III) on your neck where he bit you during the Ritual. It was a deep red in colour and it was like it was written in a beautiful calligraphy, you looked at her in a horrific manner.
“But that’s not all that I’m afraid Sister (Y/n)… The Ritual was successful.. you’re bearing Terzo’s progeny.. his child my dear..”
Your eyes widened in shock and surprise, mouth hung open and you couldn’t even form a word, Sister imperator saw your face and placed a hand on your shoulder, gently squeezing it to calm you down, but it didn’t help much.
“I…. I am pregnant?! I am bearing Terzo’s child? I… I am gonna be a mother?”
You asked in a shaky voice and began to cry again, but it wasn’t from happiness as you were supposed to do, it was all from anger and sadness.
“Yes, my dear…. You’ll indeed become a mother..”
You laid back down on the bed cause you were afraid that you’d faint from shock mostly. That’s when you realised that this is indeed real, you’re bearing Terzo’s child, his progeny… but maybe it was because you wanted to take revenge on him or maybe for another reason you didn’t want him to find out.
“We can’t tell him…. I… I don’t want him to know… Sister please… I beg you.. I can’t… He shouldn’t know about this…”
Sister Imperator was surprised by your behaviour and didn’t even know what to say to that, she didn’t understand why you don’t want to tell Terzo about his child, maybe it was the shock speaking from you, she thought..
“Why? Why don’t you want him to know about his child?”
Sister Imperator wanted answers, right now.
“Cause I don’t want anything with him… I am willing to keep the baby… but don’t expect me to be next to Terzo in this.. I want you to help me… Help me get out of here, He’ll have another chance at finding a Prime Mover, as the Papas can have multiple.. So please I beg of you…”
Imperator’s eyes were wide open from disbelief, you asked something from her that was not for her favour, she could finally have a grandchild, but you wanted this to be a secret. But she seemed to think about everything you’ve said.
“You’re right… a Papa can have multiple Prime Movers, but Terzo only wanted you my dear. You see…. As his mother I always saw how he was acting around you. I know what he did is unforgivable. It’s even hard for me to believe but I agree to this.. I only want one thing… to see my grandchild regularly.. nothing more..”
You seemed to crack a smile on your face and nodded.
“Yes Sister… I know it’ll break Terzo’s heart… but… he already broke mine, yes I’m selfish but I have every right to be… and I want to thank you for everything..”
You placed your hand on Sister’s hand and patted it gently, your infirmary bed was rather comfortable and you involuntarily placed your hand on your belly, smoothing it gently, you couldn’t wait to feel your child kick, but it’s too soon for that..
“You’re welcome, my dear…. I know a place where you can stay, it would be all free of course.. we would pay for everything… and before you could say anything.. I insist on that my dear.”
You were stunned for a moment but quickly recovered from it and replied to her.
“I….. Thank you very much Sister… I.. I’ll raise my child fairly and teach him or her everything… but I have an intuition that it’ll be a boy…”
“Well let’s hope for that my dear…. Don’t worry. You can be charged from the infirmary tomorrow and we can arrange your next moves. Just try to rest now… have a good night…”
Sister Imperator patted your hand one last time and then she left you in your room, with all your thoughts and feelings, Terzo did call his mother today too, to get some information about you. Imperator told Terzo that you didn’t get pregnant and that you’ll leave the Ministry because of what happened, Terzo on the other hand was devastated by the news, he started to cry, his papal paint was now all smudgy from all those tears he shed. It broke Sister’s heart to hear her son react like this, but she promised you that she’ll be by your side, even if it meant that she’d have to lie to his own son. After the phone call Sister was crying also, for what she’s done with her son, lying to him and then to everybody.
Just as Sister Imperator promised, she lent you one of the houses she owned close to the Ministry cause she wanted to be as close as possible to you. You didn't mind at all, cause she was the only one who knew about your pregnancy, not even the previous Papas and sisters knew about the baby.
All of your belongings were not at your new house, it was clear and spacious as Imperator told you. On the walls in the living room were various portraits of the previous Papas, even Terzo was there and the first thing you did was to flip his portrait so you couldn't see it, it was hidden from your eyes. You didn't even want to see his face while you stay there.
As months passed by, the baby boy in your womb started to become very active, he was kicking you from the inside and you always placed your hand on your ever growing belly. Your child was happy and healthy as the doctors said it, they were hired by Sister Imperator, cause she was very cautious and worried about your little boy, and she was kinda worried about your health too.
As the little boy developed, your belly started to round more, Imperator often sneaked out of the Ministry just to see you and to feel the little boy's kicking. And of course she always told you about what's happening in the Ministry, and about Terzo.
"My dear, I am so glad that your little boy is healthy. Did you think about a name?"
Sister Imperator was rather excited about what name you'll give to the precious little boy.
"Hmm.... I thought about Abaddon or maybe Mephistopheles?"
"Ahh...Great names for an Emeritus heir. But the final choice is yours. It think you'll choose wisely (Y/n)."
Sister Imperator was smiling again, and you doesn't even remember when was the last time she smiled like this, and this much per se. She was waiting for her grandson to be born and truth to be told you couldn't wait either. Deep down, you missed Terzo and as the months slowly moved by, you placed his portrait back on the wall, you stared at it day by day, touched your neck where his number were. Inked in your skin as the result of the Ritual. Maybe..... Maybe you two were made for each other after all.
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It only took one step to the Ministry and......your water broke... Right there at the entrance of the Ministry, how ironic..
At your struggle a Sister of Sin walked out and immediately recognised you, her eyes were wide in surprise as she saw you very pregnant form, she helped you up and helped inside the Ministry.
"S—Sister (Y/n)? Are you—?"
The Sister, her name was Mariah, couldn't even finish her sentence as you screamed out loud from the pain of contractions. It was time for Mephisto to born.
"Take me to the infirmary... please..."
Your breathing was getting even more heavy now, panted even, your legs were shaking as Sister Mariah helped you thought the Ministry halls. The siblings of sin looked at you in surprise and started to whisper among themselves, as the rumours spread about Terzo making you his Prime Mover. But you didn't have time to think about that or anything else.
"Please (Y/n), we are almost there......"
Mariah tried to reassure you as she helped you walk towards the infirmary of the Ministry. Another Sister come to Mariah's aid and they managed to move you faster. Sister Mariah and Eve showed you how to breath properly, but you felt the sudden urge to push, it was only on your mind, to push...
"I—I can't.....I need to...AAHH!"
You screamed out in pain as the pain started to become more and more unbearable, The sisters were feeling sorry for you and tried everything to make you feel not alone. You were sweating and eyes were half closed at that moment, your legs could barely keep you up. But then they stopped......as they saw a presence in front of them. When you looked up, all coloraturas drained from your face (if that was possible at that moment).
You breathed out and then clenched your eyes shut as another contraction went through your body and moaned out loud in pain, Terzo on the other hand......he was looking over you, analysing what is really happening, He saw your pregnant belly and the state you were in and...it all clicked......He realised that at that moment... You are about to give birth to his child. He rushed to your side and dismissed the two sisters and they gave you one apologetic look and left right after that, Terzo wrapped your arm around his neck and his other arm around your waist to support you.
"I thought that I lost you forever! I thought I'd never see you again (Y/n)... And now..."
You couldn't help bu to interrupt him.
"Not a word....Ahh....Just help me... I need to....push..—"
You screamed out loud in pain as another wave of pain coursed through your body. You clung into Terzo for dear life. He didn't even hesitate to help you through the Ministry and into the infirmary. Once there the infirmary doctor immediately rushed to you and grabbed into your arm so he could help you into a room.
"I am sorry Papa but you cannot be here as Sister (Y/n) gives birth, you are not the relative of her nor her child.."
Said the doctor to Terzo, but he just stood there and looked at the doc.
"That child is mine, and there's not a chance that I'll leave my Prime Mover's side."
Said Terzo, almost threateningly and the doctor apologised to him immediately and let him inside the room. He approached your bed and sat down next to it on a chair, but you looked away, couldn't even bear to look at him anymore. He was devastated and disappointed, maybe even angry too. He just realised that he'll have a child.... A CHILD with you and he didn't even know about it....until now...
"Everything will be fine amore... I am here...."
Terzo couldn't bear to see you like this, in this state even if it meant that he'll hold his child in his hands soon. His thoughts were all over the place, as all of this became more and more real for him, your cries of pain as you pushed, his hand gripped yours in a comforting manner.
"I—It hurts Terzo... I—..."
He pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles and then your lips, made sure to put everything into that kiss, after he broke the kiss, his gaze never left yours.
"I am here Amore... We can do this together, ya hear me?"
Terzo encouraged you as the doctor examined you, he eventually told the both of you that the baby's in the tunnel now and his head in barely out, so......you had to push on command. One, two, three push.....little Mephisto didn't want to come out, as it look like he's as stubborn as his dad.
"Miss (Y/n), you need to push! Push!"
The doctor encouraged you to push, with every might of your being, you complied and pushed as hard as you could, Terzo helped you to breath, inhale on the nose, exhale from your mouth. Beads of sweat appeared on your forehead and pretty much everywhere on your body, you felt like your body will rip apart, screaming out in agony at the end.
Baby Mephisto's head was out now, this should be the easy part now right?
"Miss (Y/n) you have to push this baby out right now.... you're losing too much blood... You. Need. To. Push! On one two and—"
You screamed out loud as you managed to push again, Terzo's hand was pretty much numb now from your heavy grip on his hand, but he didn't really care about it, he just sat there and helped with everything he could, wiped the seat away from your forehead and whispered encouraging words into your ear.
But after you managed to push little Mephisto out.....your body became numb, blood oozed out from your private area, it was a heavy flow and after you heard yours and Terzo's baby's cries, you smiled at Terzo. Your breathing was heavy, almost like if you ran a marathon, but it felt like it, I mean the while childbirth thing.
"It's a boy!"
Said the doctor as a nurse came and grabbed baby Mephisto gently and placed him on your chest. He is the most precious and most beautiful baby you've ever seen, but Terzo..... Terzo was mesmerised by the sight of his son..... his flesh and blood was finally born. The little baby started to search for your nipple, to be fed for the first time, Gently you placed him close to your nipple and he immediately latched onto it, making you hiss in discomfort.
"He is beautiful Cara mia. As beautiful as you, my precious Prime Mover. Love of my life...."
"Papa.. I have bad news...." Said the doctor unexpectedly and Terzo's smile faltered as he asked the doctor what its the problem. "Your Prime Mover has internal bleeding and we need to do a surgery. Right now or she'll bleed out.. You can hold your little one until we make the necessary operation ...." The doctor said in a calm tone.
"Do it.... save her... Make sure to do your job properly or I swear to Satanas..... I won't be grateful..." Said Terzo threateningly and you saw that the doctor was shaking a little in fear.
"Unbutton your dress shirt Terzo, Mephisto need skin-on-skin contact..." You told him in a weak voice and he obeyed, he unbuttoned his black dress shirt, revealing his body to you, if the circumstances would be different, phew...... You'd be all over him. The nurse gently placed Mephisto on Terzo's chest and he cradled him in his arms like a precious and fragile thing which could easily break...
"Mephisto.. il mio prezioso bambino (my precious little boy), what a fitting name for an Emeritus.." Terzo chuckled and kissed Mephisto's little head and sniffed him, to Terzo.... it was the most gorgeous smell he ever smelled. Then your lover looked at you, with love and adoration in his eyes, he was so proud of you, to give birth, to be able to be this strong for both yourself and Mephisto.
The doctor managed to stop the internal bleeding, and some time later you wee back in your infirmary room, there was an IV in your arm, little Mephisto was sleeping next to your bed on Terzo's chest, who was wide awake still, waited for you to wake up from the anaesthesia.
"Cara mia! You're finally up! I was worried sick! I— I mean we missed you...." Smiled Terzo
"You couldn't put him down, could you?" You chuckled and sat up on the bed, as best as you could in your state, you hissed at the sudden pain in your private area.
"Easy, amore... don't strain yourself, you need to rest, doctor's order.....and Papa's order..." Said Terzo in a teasing tone and Mephisto as he felt that you woke up, he started to cry. Terzo was a little taken aback from it and was lost in his thoughts, thought about what to do. You chuckled and pulled on your infirmary sleepwear, revealing your breasts for the first time, for Terzo....and for your little one...
"A—Amore what are you—?
"He needs to feed Terzo.... give him to me okay? Easy....He's still so very fragile..." Terzo complied and gently laid Mephisto down on your chest, he immediately stopped crying as he felt your presence and latched onto your breast, you hissed a little cause your breasts were really sensitive thanks to childbirth. As Mephisto ate, Terzo just watched the both of you, with.....adoration and respect, but most importantly....with love.
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b0y-artist · 2 months
Shadow Mono: "Stop that."
Mono: "Stop what? What am I doing?"
Shadow Mono: "You're falling in love with him."
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popsickkl · 10 months
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I love my boys sm arhrhhrehee MY BABIE PATOTIES
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kiznaiveruuu · 10 months
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chikinan · 2 months
Clapping my hands and shaking them about so hard my fingers smack against each other and banging on things. This is just what everyone does when they listen to Fleetwood Mac.
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eeedoodlez · 1 year
What am I thinking?
Obviously them
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