#mr love dream date fanfic
thedummysdummy · 1 year
Given the Opportunity...
A request of a request. You know who you are ;)
At no point in the year would more fame and fortune be found in a single room. Soft music floated from the string quartet in the northeastern corner of the room and over the guests, mostly ignored and definitely underappreciated. Smartly-dressed waiters carried trays of tiny hors d'oeuvres and cocktails in and amongst the glittering, glistening, and glamorous guests. A low level of chatter lay like a blanket over the scene, as warm and inviting as the golden lighting. 
Victor really didn’t care for any of it. 
The businessman sat at a table in the corner, welcoming those who approached, but making no moves to approach anyone else. He’d been invited as one of the sponsors of this year’s entertainment awards; duty got him through the door, but little more than that. If the girl had been there he might have actually managed to enjoy himself. However, she currently stood behind a camera in Bali. Without him. 
“Have fun, okay? Maybe not as much fun as you had last time I told you to have fun, but I don’t want you to just sit in the corner and pout the entire party. Goldman swore to me he’d get you home safely.” 
His sweetheart’s words echoed through his mind and Victor began to chuckle. She sure did know him, didn’t she? He stood and forced himself to approach the center of the room where most of the party was occurring. A waiter wandered past with a tray of scotch, which Victor happily reached out and obtained. The fiery liquid rolled down his tongue into his belly where it warmed him from the inside out. 
“You’re Mr. Li of LFG, aren’t you?” an unfamiliar voice called out. Victor looked up from his drink and found the voice attached to Ms. Elnora Vaughn, one of the most highly acclaimed actresses of the year. He nodded and her face lit up. “I thought so! My, you are even more handsome in person, I must say.”
Victor lifted his cup to hide the eye roll. He recognized blatant attempts at flirtation when he saw them and had no intent to give anyone the wrong idea. “I’m in a permanent relationship. But thank you for the compliment.” He finished his drink and placed the empty cup on a passing tray, then disappeared into the crowd. 
The first drink had him feeling quite pleasant and Victor soon reached for another. And another. He had a high tolerance, after all. And a few drinks definitely made a room full of high-and-mighties much easier to bear. There was no way he would over drink. 
Such were the thoughts of someone more concerned with avoiding a certain Ms. Vaughn than with keeping track of how much alcohol he had consumed. Each went down easier than the last until he had to sit to avoid becoming better acquainted with the floor. 
This had the unfortunate consequence of making him a sitting duck. 
Within minutes, Ms. Vaughn seated herself in a chair only inches away from Victor. “Mr. Li, you are a hard man to keep track of! Glad to see you’re finally stationary for a moment. I wanted to get to know you a little better!” She scooted her chair a little closer to Victor as if testing his limits. 
He scooted his chair a little farther away. 
“Why don’t you tell me a little more about yourself, Mr. Li? It’s so rare that you’re available for conversation! What kinds of things do you like?” 
Victor turned his head a little slowly, feeling like his brain was sloshing around in his skull. It probably was, honestly. “I like my girlfriend. She’s the most beautiful woman on the face of the planet.” His words held just the slightest fuzzy edge, but really didn’t reveal the extent of his drunkenness. “I love my girlfriend. She should be here, not in Bali. She should be here with me where she belongs.” 
A slight sigh of frustration slipped from Elnora’s lips and she seemingly felt the need to try another tactic. She scooted closer to the table and hiked up her chest just enough to ensure her assets were displayed to their full size. She then leaned over toward Victor and looked up at him through her lashes; he didn’t even glance at her display. “I hear you’re quite the romantic. That girlfriend of yours better appreciate you! You’re the entire package, you know.” Elnora fluttered her lashes and smiled, though her eyebrows narrowed when this still seemed to have no effect. 
A vacant smile spread across Victor’s face and he closed his eyes, picturing the girl behind his eyelids. “She deserves the entire world. And I’ll give her the entire world. She’s the only person in the world.” 
“Isn’t she just some producer or something? You deserve more than that, Mr. Li. You could have any woman in the world. Why settle for some…nobody?” She reached out and placed a hand on Victor’s arm, which he whipped away with a scowl on his face. 
“Don’t touch me! My girlfriend is perfect. You should meet her. She would make your life better. She does that. Even though she’s a dummy, she makes life better.” Victor leaned forward in his chair and scowled, his soggy brain processing whether he had enough sobriety to stand up without making a spectacle of himself. Even in this state, he had the sense to get out of this situation. “Good night, Ms. Whoever. I need to go find my girlfriend.”  Elnora watched Victor stumble into the crowd, her eyebrows encroaching on her nose’s territory with how low they scrunched. Never before had a man so blatantly refused to give her even the time of day! Especially when they were as unsteady on the drink as Victor seemed to be. Was she losing it? That thought only made her more annoyed. She slammed the rest of Victor’s abandoned drink and wandered off into the crowd herself to make sure he was the problem in this equation.
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banenaz · 2 years
Eyy MLQCtober time ehe
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This year the we put less prompts to have more time .
Rules same as last year, just use mlqctober2022 instead. You can ofc choose whatever prompt you want from last year's mlqctober2021 .
Big thx to @victor-otherboys for designing the post ehe (go check her art on instagram it's so freaking gorgeous)
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ellie-winthrope · 2 years
Remembrance - [Kiro]
It is because separation is inevitable that we should cherish the moment and those dear to us.
Words: 3258 words
When the girl had reached home after work, she turned on her phone to quickly skim through the notifications, which had popped up in succession on her phone screen.
Without looking away from the screen, she habitually took off her shoes and placed them into the open cabinet by the entrance door with one hand, while her other hand was skillfully sorting through the list of notifications by swiping away the unimportant ones.
Eventually, her finger, which was actively swiping across the phone screen, had halted upon a specific notification. It was neither work-related nor was it from anyone she knew. It was a notification regarding a news that she had been following for months.
Without hesitation, she opened the notification by unlocking her phone’s lock screen. Her grim expression gradually darkened as she read the full news article. By the time she was done, she had seemed even more weary and dispirited than before.
“So, it’s really happening…”
Few months ago, the government had decided to redevelop the rural areas at the outskirts of Loveland City. The town, where the girl used to live together with his late father before they moved to Loveland City, had been selected as part of the areas for redevelopment.
Since the entire town would need to be demolished for the redevelopment to take place, this had incurred severe opposition from the townspeople, who had been living there for generations. Of course, the government had offered the townspeople monetary compensation, along with arranging for their temporary residence before they could move back into their new homes in the redeveloped town, but it didn’t help much in appeasing the townspeople’s grievances.
After all, sentimentality was something that could never be compensated monetarily.
Moreover, the idea of tearing down the entire place that was filled with memories just to remake it into a new settlement was a disconcerting proposal. Having been living there in peace all these years, the townspeople would prefer that everything stayed the same. Even the girl, who had moved away from the town around a decade ago, had felt wistful at the thought of the town that she remembered in her childhood memories being erased just like that.
Although she had expected this outcome, that it would be unlikely for the redevelopment project to be retracted, she still held on to the slim hope that things would somehow take a turn for the better. She supported the townspeople’s effort in protesting against the redevelopment project by signing the public petition they organized and using what little spare time she had to spread awareness about the matter in social media.
Even though she knew that those efforts might not have made any difference, she still couldn’t avoid being disappointed and sad when reading the news article.
After closing off the news article, a message notification had coincidentally popped up on her phone screen.
[Is everything okay, Miss Chips?]
She blinked twice while reading the message.
Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t spent much time with Kiro recently, despite the two of them being involved in the filming of a food show for the past two weeks. At most, they only exchanged fleeting glances with one another before she was called off to review the details of the show with the director, while Kiro would be dragged off by the make-up artist to get ready for the filming.
[You seemed down today.]
Was it that obvious?
It was true that she was feeling disheartened these few days because of the town redevelopment, but she thought she had done well in hiding her feelings and acting like usual while on the filming site.
If Kiro had noticed it, did that mean that everyone else on site was aware too but was merely keeping quiet about it?
That possibility had caused the girl to frown unconsciously. On top of being in low spirits, she instantly felt ashamed at that moment. The last thing she wanted was for others, especially her colleagues, to think of her as someone who couldn’t manage her emotions during work.
Feeling frustrated and burdened by her train of thoughts, the girl tossed her bag down at the side of the coffee table before plopping herself face-down onto the couch in the living room. She felt tired, so very tired, be it physically or mentally. She could already feel herself drifting in and out of consciousness just by keeping her eyes closed.
How nice would it be if the next time she woke up, all her worries were merely a passing dream.
Just when the girl was on the brink of dozing off on the couch, the smartphone that she had unknowingly clutched within her right hand had vibrated twice while emitting a ‘ding’ sound. She would have ignored it, if she hadn’t suddenly remembered the most recent message and how worried the sender would be if she were to remain unresponsive. So, she reluctantly rolled over onto her back and held her phone above her face as she read the message notification on the screen.
[If Miss Chips ever needs someone to talk to, superstar Kiro is always ready to hear you out.]
The corner of the girl’s lips had curved upwards involuntarily when reading the message. She held her phone close to her lips as she whispered softly.
“Thank you.”
Even though Kiro didn’t know about the source of her unhappiness, the girl had felt a little better from reading his message. It was like a gentle reminder, telling her that she didn’t have to bear everything on her own.
Having promised to never hide things from each other, the girl had initially planned to talk to Kiro about the town redevelopment matter, but there hadn’t been an appropriate time for that due to their respective jam-packed work schedules. As the days passed, she gradually hesitated to talk about her problem as she felt that it was trivial and insignificant when compared with other more pressing matters. Believing that she will eventually get over it after a while, she hid her feelings and acted like nothing was amiss.
In the end, Kiro still noticed it.
The girl knew that he wouldn’t belittle her problems and he would listen attentively to her until she was done, but she didn’t want to trouble him with her insignificant issues when he barely had time for himself.
Nonetheless, he had currently taken the initiative by messaging her and offering to be her listener. It would be impolite and hypocritical of her to refuse and insist on keeping the matter to herself now, especially when she was the one who had always asked him to tell her if there was something troubling him.
Nodding to herself, the girl sat up properly on the couch and started composing a message to Kiro. After several repetitions of typing and deleting her words for the past few minutes, she eventually delivered a short and simple reply to her intended recipient.
[Kiro, do you have time next Wednesday?]
While shielding her eyes from the glaring sun, the girl gazed up at the cloudless blue sky. It seemed unlikely that it would rain today, which was great since she would be able to make full use of the entire day for her plans. With a resolute smile, she held the digital camera tightly with both hands and strode towards Kiro, who was currently adjusting his disguise, which consisted of a cap, a pair of sunglasses and a face mask.
To be honest, she didn’t think that any form of disguise would be enough to prevent the celebrity from being identified, but it would still be safer for Kiro to have disguises on than for him to go out without them. Even if the town was situated at the outskirts of Loveland City, it wouldn’t be surprising for his fame to have reached this rural town or even the possibility of stumbling upon his fans during their exploration of the town.
Having noticed her approaching, Kiro stopped fiddling with his disguise. Although his expression had been fully concealed by the sunglasses and mask, the girl could still sense that he was beaming at her.
“Decided on where to go?” he asked while stuffing his hands into his jean pockets.
Before their arrival at the town, the girl had told him about the rural town’s significance to her and the redevelopment project that will be carried out soon. She had also informed him about her plans on visiting the town to preserve the last scenes of the memorable places there with her camera, which Kiro found to be meaningful and was enthusiastic to be involved in her little project.
“Mmhm.” The girl hummed with a firm nod. “There are a few places I planned to visit today, but I am not sure if there are still there since it’s been so long since the last time I was here.”
“That’s okay. We have the entire day to explore this place. So, just take this as our little adventure.”
The girl smiled and nodded in agreement.
The bit of melancholy feeling that she was feeling ever since she decided to visit the town had dissipated at that moment, making her heart felt lighter. Kiro had always been adept at lifting one’s spirit simply through his words and cheerful vibe. It was no wonder that he was regarded as a “little sun” by his fans.
After keeping her digital camera in her handbag, the girl pointed at the street ahead.
“Since it’s close to lunch time, let’s go check out if the family restaurant is still there. I remember they made the best pork buns in town.”
“If you said so, then I definitely have to try it!” exclaimed Kiro with evident excitement in his voice.
The girl had giggled in response before she reached out to grab Kiro’s hand.
“In that case, we better be quick before it’s sold out!”
Having said that, the girl turned and ran ahead while pulling Kiro along with her.
Kiro, who hadn’t expected that, was initially surprised. Behind the black-tinted sunglasses, his bright blue eyes had widened when the girl initially took hold of his hand. However, upon seeing her bright smile and their intertwined hands, he found himself gradually breaking into a grin while being pulled along by the girl.
As they held each other’s hand and ran down the old cobblestone street, he felt liberated, as though nothing else mattered.
As though it was just the two of them in the whole wide world.
For the entire day, the girl visited several places in the rural town as she followed the traces of her vague childhood memories together with Kiro.
Much to her relief, the family restaurant that she remembers was still up and running. It was still managed by the same owner from before she had moved out of the town a decade ago. The most surprising thing was that, even now, the owner still remembers her and her father. After exchanging words with the owner about the changes in their respective lives during this past decade, the owner had given her and Kiro extra servings of the pork buns to takeaway for free as a gift of their unexpected reunion.
Seeing Kiro with his cheeks stuffed full with the pork bun like a hamster, the girl giggled while suppressing the urge to poke his cheeks. Having been stuck on a strict diet after completing the shooting of the recent food show, the girl could understand Kiro’s current bliss in being able to enjoy flavorful and hearty food without any regards about his diet.
Of course, for Kiro’s sake, she would be keeping this hearty meal a secret from Savin.
After they were done with the pork buns, the girl then brought Kiro along to look for her primary school, which was still there. The most noticeable differences from her memories would be the addition of a small athletic field for outdoor sport activities and the once plain white walls were now covered with various colorful but faded murals.
While admiring the faded murals on the wall from outside the school compound, the girl caught sight of a group of primary school students from beyond the adjacent wire fences. The students were shrieking excitedly while running around the school field in their gym clothes. It took her a moment of observation to realize that they were playing a game of tag among themselves.
The sight made her smiled as she recalled the time when she used to play tag with her friends after school. Back then, the whole school was like their private playground after the classes were over. They would run along the school hallways and hide in the empty classrooms.
“This is where little Miss Chips used to study?”
Snapping back to reality, the girl nodded at Kiro before she looked back towards the students at the athletic field.
“Since I moved into town a few months after the school semester had started, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to catch up on my studies or that I couldn’t fit in with the other students in class. It didn’t help much that I was a timid and socially-awkward child back then.”
“Eh? Little Miss Chips being socially awkward? Really?”
“It’s true! That’s why dad was always worried about me.”
At the mention of her late father, the girl slowly lowered her gaze to the floor. After a moment, she lifted her head and turned towards Kiro, the momentary gloom from before had dissipated as she continued light-heartedly while smiling, “Fortunately, everyone was nice and considerate towards me. They help me catch up with my studies and they even accompany me when dad was late in picking me up from school.”
“Those are nice friends you have there.”
“Yes, they are.”
After the trip to the primary school, the girl visited the community library and then the playground. Those were places where she used to spend her weekends with her late father. At each location, she would retell the fond memories of those places to Kiro.
It was truly strange.
She had expected that by reminiscing about those times that she had spent with her late father in this town will inevitable brought back the grief and sadness that she had over his death. It was for that reason that she had avoided visiting the town until now, but now that she had visited those places with Kiro, she didn’t feel as miserable as she had anticipated. Although there was still a tinge of pain along with melancholy when recalling those past childhood memories at each of those familiar places, she had felt more warm tenderness than heartache.
Was it because the current her had grown to be able to cope with the grief from that time?
Did this mean that she had matured from her past self?
Honestly, she wasn’t sure.
While looking through the pictures that she had taken with her digital camera throughout the day, the girl noticed that the sun had already descended, which allowed the stars to make their appearance along with the crescent moon on the violet-tinged sky. Thinking that the view of the sky was beautiful, the girl instinctively directed her camera at the sky and took a picture of it. She spent a moment to examine the picture that she had taken before eventually nodding in satisfaction.
These photos would be the last mementos that she had of this town before the redevelopment effort, which would be taking place in less than a week later. Even though the only changes to the rebuilt town would be the addition of more facilities and everything else would merely be made anew in their respective locations, it was still fundamentally different from the town before the redevelopment. Thus, she intended to preserve the current perspectives of this town in her photographs.
All in all, today’s outing had been a fulfilling one for her.
Aside from fulfilling her main objective in visiting all the places in her memories, she had managed to lift her spirits as well. While she couldn’t say that she was feeling completely fine, she had at least been able to come to terms with the town’s inevitable redevelopment and the memories related to her father. Honestly, if she had been on her own today, she doubted that she would have been able to accomplish all that she had achieved today.
After tucking the wind-blown strands of hair behind her ear, the girl looked over her shoulder at Kiro, who was resting at a distance away from her. He was gazing up at the sky while sitting on the one and only wooden bench at the small playground. Ever since the sun had descended, he had taken off his face mask and sunglasses, which revealed his captivating blue eyes. Having noticed her gaze, those bright eyes were filled with unconcealed joy as he waved his hand in her direction.
Seeing him in such a jovial mood had made her felt the same. Keeping the camera back into her handbag, the girl walked towards the wooden bench and sat down on the empty space next to Kiro. After a moment of silence, she turned towards the celebrity.
When he met her gaze, she had suddenly felt self-conscious. Even so, she didn’t look away from him and resumed her words.
“Thank you … for always being there for me. I am truly glad that you are here with me today.”
Upon hearing that, Kiro’s face had lit up brightly.
“I am the one who should be thanking you for the invitation! Besides getting to know about Miss Chip’s childhood, the fact that Miss Chips is comfortable with sharing those precious memories with me makes me super proud and delighted!”
The girl felt her cheeks burned up, but she still managed to spoke in a steady voice without looking away from him, “Just like how you have entrusted me with your secrets, I trust you too. Besides…”
If there was anything that she realized from today’s outing, it would be to not take things for granted. Just like the rural town, just like her late father, no one knew how long would things remain or when they would disappear. It might be years, months or they might even be gone on the very next day.
Even for Kiro, who was she to be certain that they would always be together in the future?
Hence, the constant reminder, “to cherish the moment and those dear to you”.
Seeing the questioning look on Kiro’s face, she hesitated on continuing her words for a moment. Since she wasn’t certain about how he felt towards her, the girl couldn’t help feeling cold feet all of a sudden. Although he had always been kind and cordial towards her, that didn’t necessarily mean that he felt the same way as her.
Moreover, words that had been spoken could never be taken back.
However, when she thought of her past regrets that was due to her indecisiveness, she regained the determination to carry on with her words.
“You’re the dearest person to me.”
No matter the outcome, she didn’t want to regret it when the opportunities had passed and she was left with an unchangeable outcome.
So, she will tell him this now.
“Kiro, I love you. I love you very, very much.”
Instead of gazing from afar, this time she will reach out to grasp her beloved star.
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lunarswritings · 2 years
Hello!! I was wondering if you could write something fluffy with Gavin like maybe a kiss in the rain with his gf?? Thank youuu ----I'm so looking forward to see your writing acct grow 🥰🥰🌸
Oh my god thank you 😭😭 sorry I’ve been so busy with school and had to brainstorm some ideas, I did a bullet form and at the end a little bit of writing since I can’t write a full fic for the life of me- but thank you so much for being my first ever request!! 🤍 hope I did average at least ^^
In Wind and Rain
Gavin tries to set up the perfect day, but everything seems to go wrong..
warnings: fluff, maybe a bit of ooc? And a kiss
-It’s been a week since Gavin had to leave on another mission
-Gavin decides to set up a date for you after being away for so long and wanted to suprise you
- So Gavin had set up a plan:
1. Visit your favorite reasturant for lunch
2. Take a walk to a nice garden
3. Take you out for dinner
4. fly with you while watching the night sky
-Gavin had even made reservations and checked all the websites to make sure everything was perfect, the weather even said there were no chances of rain too. So it would be a perfect sunny day
-so he texted you the night before and went to sleep
-you were super excited that his mission was over and you could finally see him again
-you and him both meet at the reasturant, he suprised you with a back hug and you both were so happy to see eachother <3
-kisses everywhereeee
-you both go to the reasturant and sit down
-only to find out they were out of ingredients to make your favorite meal :c
-Gavin is kinda upset since he knew it was your favorite thing on the menu
-you assure him it’s fine and you order something else
-only to find out that the thing you ordered tasted terrible… where’s the seasoning?? And why does it taste kind of burnt at the bottom…
-But hey, at least the waiter apologized and gave you a refund!
-Gavin is even more upset but it’s okay! Surely the garden will cheer you up!
-hahaha no
-Gavin holds your hand as you both walk to the garden
-Only to find out that the gardens closed due to some issue found in the garden.
-But that wasn’t on the website??
-Gavin is panicking on the inside, but you have him the idea of just simply going to a cafe for now to order some drinks!
-As you both walk to the cafe and order your drinks you both relax and continue chatting
-before you both realized it, it’s already time for dinner
-As you and Gavin began walking, it started becoming a bit cloudy..
-Gavin thought this day couldn’t. Get. Any. Worse.
-suddenly it started pouring and both you and him were running to find shelter, with Gavin’s jacket being used as an umbrella for you both.
-you find a bus stop area and sit there, waiting for the rain to stop, having to say goodbye to that dinner reservation.
“I wanted this day to be perfect… But everything seemed to go wrong. I’m sorry [Name]..”
You put your hand on his shoulder as he looked at you.
“It’s okay Gavin, you couldn’t predict this at all, in fact. I didn’t mind any of it at all since It was with you. I missed you a lot.”
You smiled as you got up and pulled Gavin out of the bus stop and went onto the sidewalk, trying to get him to dance with you.
“You’re going to catch a cold like this.” He laughed softly.
“It’ll be fine, Cmon dance with me?”
He couldn’t say no to you.
You danced for a while and finally, after you did your last twirl, Gavin pulled you in and gave you a soft kiss.
A day with your boyfriend is never truly a bad day.
Requests are open!
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my-mr-love · 2 years
So I've had this idea for an original fanfic AU of Mr. Love. Basically, MC/Youran is a nine tailed fox or a huli jing (九尾狐) in Chinese.
The plot is the same as in-game except Youran is a huli jing with firebending who has to become a superhero to fight Yaoguai and other Chinese mythological monsters who've "escaped" from a sort of underworld. That's the most basic summary of my idea for this AU.
The problem is.....Mr Love Dream Date is dead. It shut down before I could even finish season 1. The last chapter I was on was halfway through chapter 18.
I have downloaded Queen's Choice once it became available in SEA app stores but considering it took me almost 2 years just to get to through to half of season 1, I can only imagine how long it would take me to finish it let alone season 2 just to find out more of the original plot.
However, that's not the only problem. The other reason why it took me almost 2 years to get to chapter 18 was because I would often take breaks from the game. I mostly played the game first thing in the morning because for the rest of the day I would be busy with school work and family related things.
There is also another problem....I don't know if I have the guts to write said fanfic, let alone be able to finish it. I have written fanfics before but they're usually one shots. I would often imagine scenes but when it comes to actually writing it down, it doesn't exactly live up to what I imagined.
A large part of me does want to write the fanfic though. I felt even more encouraged when I first heard this quote by Toni Morrison,
"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."
I have had countless thoughts of just writing at least a prologue of it and publishing it on Wattpad. As of now, I'm unsure. Who knows, maybe I will write it.
The title of this fanfic AU would probably be called,
Mr. Love: White Fox
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jeonride · 11 months
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joshua reading list / fic recs !
don't forget to like + reblog the fics that you like to support the authors <3
FICS ! ✧*
Hoax (smut, angst, mafia!shua, strangers to lovers) by @lovelyhan
Isohel (modern royalty au, prince!shua, smut, angst) by @toruro
Eyes Meeting, Hearts Apart (mild angst, prince!shua, smut) by @lovelyhan
Mr. Nice Guy (smut, neighbor!shua) by @toruro
Under The Rose (fluff, smut, frenemies childhood to lovers, kinda historical au) by @just-come-baek
Honeyduke Lovers (hogwarts au, unrequited love, hufflepuff!shua x slytherin!reader. yep this is the story of how slytherin becomes undyingly soft for hufflepuff) by @http-mianhae
Steamy (smut, next door neighbor!shua) by @duhnova
written by @onlyhuis :
Cranberry Concoctions (smut, a little angst & fluff, 1920s, prohibition au)
Leaning on The Everlasting Arms (angst, smut, some fluff, bible college au)
Fine Line (fluff, smut, angst, figure skater!shua) by @heartkyeom
Prove it, You Won't (fluff, angst, humor, tattoo artist au) by @leejungchans
Oceans and Engines (fluff, exes to lovers, a lil' angst) by @renjunphile
Lover Boy (regency era romance, commoner!shua x aristocrat fem!reader, historical drama) by @starlightxsvt
Gentleman (angst, fluff, sugar daddy au) by @starlightxsvt
Wildest Dreams (bestfriends to lovers, fluff, humor) by @viastro
The Type (smut, fluff, college boyfriend!shua) by @bitchlessdino
Your Gentleman (smut, camboy!shua) by @wonwussy
Fighting for Your Love (smut, threesome ft. jeonghan) by @rubyreduji
Half Past Five High The Series (ft. mingyu, smut, angst, minor fluff, rich people au, love triangle, cheating. supermodel!gyu, photographer!shua x influencer fem!reader) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
Paint Me Numbers (fluff, shallow angst, guitarist/bandmate!shua) by @chocosvt
Domino (fluff, crack, smut) by @universecorp
Nasty (smut, fluff) by @soonigiri
Menace (smut) by @jeonghantis
You're All That Matters (fluff, bf!shua) by @heartsfromia
Be My Date (fluff, minor angst) by @heartsfromia
Mine (smut) by @luxekook
Meant for Each Other (fluff, soulmate au) by @slytherinshua
Golden Hour (best friends to lovers, fluff, slice of life, summer vacation au) by @dkfile
An Interview with An Angel (meet cute, fluff, reporter!shua) by @hannyoontify
Our Fairytale (smut, fluff) by @zuhacore
at every table, i'll save you a seat (fluff) by @suhnshinehaos
bad habits (exes with benefits, smut, mild angst) by @lovelyhan
pretty when you cry (smut) by @cheolhub
quiet time (smut) by @number1mingyustan
acouasm (smut) by @angelwoozi
when you can't sleep but shua is right next to you (fluff, comfort) by @wonwoonlight
one-up (smut) by @sluttywonwoo
golden boy's mercy (smut) by @bitchlessdino
17. 12 (smut) by @lovelyhan
14. 13 (smut) by @toruro
after a long day (smut) by @sevngmin148
title (fluff, established relationship, ceo) by @leejungchans
relax (fluff, smut, established relationship) by @playmetheclassics
shower (fluff) @husbandhannie
stay up (fluff) by @bitterie-sweetie
about you : valentine's special (fluff, angst, friends to lovers) by @shuawonie
fruit (smut) by @onlyseokmins
i love you, always (fluff, comfort) by @monnn
10.32 (fluff, bf!shua) by @elysianeclipxe
clingy (fluff) and smitten (fluff) by @slytherinshua
we won't change because we're engraved in each other's heart (fluff) by @wooahaes
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tojisun · 5 months
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simon and childhood bestfriend!reader reuniting
this genuinely fits the magpie fanfic (never to be told) by mikaello!!! BUT IMAGINING THIS WITH READER WHO ISNT IN THE ARMY??? [sobs]
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thinking about simon coming back home but you’ve long moved on—something he doesn’t hold against you because simon knew it was impractical for you to wait. it was impractical for him to keep you waiting.
thinking about simon who runs into you while you’re out with an afternoon date with your five year old daughter.
thinking about simon being introduced to her—“wanna say hi to mr. riley, sweetie?”
thinking about simon crouching down to the eye-level of your daughter as to not frighten her, smiling softly when the shy little girl waves at him from behind your legs.
thinking about simon and you awkwardly greeting each other, stilted hello’s and how are you’s spilling in the space between, not knowing how else to talk now that the years have crawled by.
thinking about simon who used to dream about your confession twelve years ago—“i love you, si.”
thinking about simon who used to dream about what could’ve been his reply; how, in his mind, he doesn’t say i’m sorry. he doesn’t say i can’t. doesn’t say i’m leaving. instead what he says is-…
thinking about simon who waves a goodbye to you and your daughter, knowing that somehow, even if you invited him to your home after today, this feels more permanent.
thinking about simon who tries and tries not to regret.
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this is me rn srs! also me. another me. and me fr!! i am heartbroken <333
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oracle-of-dream · 10 months
Fanfic Masterlist
Started: 08/17/2023
Updated: 05/06/2024
Total Works: 43
Accepting Commissions: DM for requests!
Photo Finisher Yechan - 82Major Jeno - NCT Dream Woong - AB6IX Mingyu - SVT
Appreciation Posts Jeno, Jaemin, Soobin, Wonbin, Riwoo, Shinyu, Matthew, Juyeon, Sunwoo, Riize
Yandere TXT
Soobin The Palm of His Hand Your Admirer
H. Kai Dumb Bunny
Yeonjun Boy Toy Getting Close
Taehyun We're Even
Jay Something Special
Jake A Bedtime Message Dinner Date
Jungwon Jungwon's Birthday Gift
Heeseung Working Hard
Jake DSL Him or Me
Sunghoon Frame by Frame Cocky Guys
Jay Favorite Seat Slow Day
Enhypen Under Pressure A Desperate Drink
TBZ (The Boyz)
Sunwoo The Cuite At The Carwash
Eric Regular Maintenance
Jisung Snapshot
Jeno The Boy Next Door The Boy Next Door pt2 Photo Finisher
Anton Love 119 Sungchan Unexpected
Anton x Wonbin Alone Together Pt. 1 Wonbin Hotel Hookup Sungchan Mr. Trainer
OT7 Sweetness, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
BND (BoyNextDoor)
Leehan Under the Nite Lights
Leehan Home Sick
Leehan Nothing but Bad News
SKZ (Stray Kids)
Lee Know A Dark Opportunity
ZB1 (Zerobaseone)
Taerae Submissive and huh?
Winwin Dinner with Friends
Xiaojun Never Really Alone, 2
SVT (Seventeen)
Wonwoo Stress Relief
Mingyu Photo Finisher
MISC Idols
Myungho - 8Turn Stuck
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classicslibrary · 1 year
Seventeen Fic Recs: Volume VII
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Indigo’s Note: Here’s round seven (how did I even get here omg) of my fic recs. As these fics may contain both SFW & NSFW elements, minors dni. Happy reading, and show these amazing authors some love!!
Indigo’s Note 2: 
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🍒 Crossing Boundaries by @wonusite (18+, smut, fluff) 🍒 Wedding Night @onlyhuis (18+, smut, fluff) 🍒 Ex's and Oh's by @toruro (18+, smut, fluff, angst) 🍒 Unholy by @multi-kpop-fanfics (18+, smut) 🍒A Challenge by @duhnova (18+, smut)
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😇What Lovers Do by @gyu-effect (18+, fluff, angst) 😇Pathetic Series by @leejihoonownsmyheart (18+, smut, angst, fluff) 😇Sweater Paws by @duhnova (18+, smut)
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🦌Wound Up by @peachybun-bun (18+, smut) 🦌Mr. Nice Guy by @toruro (18+, smut) 🦌Prove It, You Wont by @leejungchans (18+, fluff, angst) 🦌Late to the Party by @sluttywoozi (18+, smut, fluff) 🦌17:12 by @lovelyhan (18+, smut, fluff)
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😼 Wedding Present by @duhnova (18+, smut)
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🐯Five Dollars & a Dream by @horangkwon (pg 15, fluff, angst, social media AU) 🐯The Thing About Love by @gyuswhore (pg 15, fluff, angst) 🐯Bluff & Nonesense by @thepixelelf (pg 15, fluff, angst)
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🐱Introduce Me to a Good Person by @taeyegu (pg 15, fluff, angst, social media au) 🐱A Boyfriend for Christmas by @junkissed (pg, fluff) 🐱Most Ardently by @hoeforhao (pg 15, fluff, mild angst) 🐱Danced Around an Impossibility by @dropsofletters (pg 15, fluff, angst) 🐱The Other Woman by @idyllic-ghost (18+, implied smut, angst, fluff) 🐱Bittersweet by @number1mingyustan (18+, smut, angst, fluff) 🐱X+Y=You and I by @angelwonie (18+, smut, fluff, mild angst) 🐱19 Signs You're Unofficially Dating by @honeyhypen (18+, fluff) 🐱Bloodily Safe by @starlightxsvt (TW, 18+, smut, angst) 🐱A Challenge by @duhnova (18+, smut) 🐱Silk by @angelwoozi (18+, smut) 🐱Tongue Twister by @sluttywoozi (18+, smut)
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⚔��Fighting by @onlyseokmins (18+, smut, fluff) ⚔️White Noise by @honeykyeom (18+, smut, fluff, angst) ⚔️We Have Chemistry by @seungcy (pg15, fluff, social media au)
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🐶In Your Corner by @onlymingyus (18+, smut, fluff, angst) 🐶Good Dad, Better Daddy by @bitchlessdino (18+, smut, fluff, angst)🐶How To Win Hearts for Dummies by @gyuswhore (pg 15, angst, fluff) 🐶The Other Woman by @idyllic-ghost (18+, implied smut, angst, fluff) 🐶Bittersweet by @number1mingyustan (18+, smut, angst, fluff) 🐶This Is How We Fall by @bitterie-sweetie (pg 15, fluff, angst) 🐶Worth the Wait by @cheolhub (18+, smut) 🐶A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing by @rubyreduji (18+, smut)
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🐸All Mine by @cheolhub (18+, smut) 🐸To Love Easily by @minghaoyoudoin (18+, smut, angst)
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🍊All My Love by @shuadotcom (18+, fluff)
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🐢Divorce Child by @lovelyhan (18+, smut, fluff)
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🦕Promise Ring by @lovelyhan (18+, smut, fluff, angst)
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love-islike-abomb · 8 months
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I guess I can update this now! If you haven't figured out by now I love Roman Reigns! I'm also pagan (some prefer the term polytheist because they see pagan as offensive but I don't) and a witch (not wiccan) I post about it regularly on my blog along with Roman. I write fanfics whenever I get the urge. I make gifs and post a lot of pictures.
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I DO NOT give permission for my works to be translated or posted elsewhere! I DO NOT give permission for my stories to be fed to AI!! I don't own any wwe or any of their characters only my OCs. I cross post my fics on AO3 and Wattpad. I don't have fanfiction.net so if any of my stories are there that's not me!
I am no longer taking requests from anyone who isn't one of my mutuals that I talk to on a regular basis and I only write for Roman.
They can take away our lives...... But they can never....take.... OUR METAL!!!!!🤘
Im Also a very loyal metalhead! I use it in my stories A LOT!! That metal growl is music to my ears!! I love it!!
I listen to 80s music and some 70s as well!
Do not watch ^^ if you're photosensitive!
🫦 - smut
🪶 - fluff
💕 - romance
🤗 - comfort fic
😘 - hint of smut
🗡️ - violence
😤 - angst
Renegade - Au story (slow updates) 😤🗡️💕🫦
Part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part 11 part 12 part 13 part 14 part 15 part 16 part 17 part 18 part 19 part 20 part 21 part 22 part 23 part 24 part 25 part 26 part 27 part 28 part 29 part 30 part 31 part 32 part 33 part 34 part 35 part 36 part 37 part 38 part 39 part 40(last chapter)
Cyborg series
Mr roboto 🫦😤💕
Iron man 🫦😤💕
Steel commanders 🫦😤💕
May 200 word challenge
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Hail to the king 🫦
Its all coming back to me now 🫦😤🪶💕
The perfect drug 🫦
Save a horse, ride a tribal chief 🫦
Simply irresistible 🫦💕
Girls, girls, girls 🫦
Holding out for a hero 🫦 🗡️🪶😤
Anyway you want it 🫦
Bück dich 🫦 😤🪶
Hot for teacher 🫦
Rocket 🫦
Sexy santa 🫦
Ho hey 🫦💕🪶😤
Magic man 🫦💕
Push it 🫦
Wild side 🫦, 💕
Slow ride 🫦
War pigs 🫦
Lovin every minute of it 🫦,🪶
Kickstart my heart 🫦
Crazy little thing called love 🫦
Lick it up 🫦
Dreams 🫦💕
The stroke 🫦
Demon's are a girl's best friend 🫦
Hysteria 🪶💕😘
Comfortably numb 🤗, 🪶
Wind of change 🪶, 🤗
Kiss the go-goat 🪶
I can't help falling in love with you 🪶
Home sweet home 😘, 🪶
Scream with me 😤 🪶🤗
The sound of silence 🪶🤗
Winged hussars 😤, 🪶
The first soldier 😤 🪶
2 part stories
Wellerman: part 2 🫦💕
Sick like me 😘
Sick like me: part 2 🫦💕
⚡ Thunderstruck⚡
⚡ Thunderstruck ⚡: part 2 🫦
❤️You're in love❤️
You're in love: part 2 - coming soon
Head cannons:
What I imagine Roman proposing would be like
Valentine's Day with roman
First date
Armageddon it
These dreams
Shake me
Lord Loki, defender of the outcasts, protect us from those who would do us harm.
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pascaloverx · 4 months
Rewrite The Stars
Chapter Seven (rewriten)
Summary: One photo changes your whole life, when you accidentally bump into a celebrity and the world starts to believe that you are a couple.
Author's note: Hello my readers. Anyone who follows this fanfic knows that I made a seventh chapter before. I personally didn't like the chapter written so I rewrote it. I hope you like this new one.
chapter six chapter eight
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"I wish you would go away. And yes, I realize that you are my boss in a way but tonight was not what I expected. In fact it was worse than any nightmare of mine." You speak without ceremony. Frustration is the word that most defines your night.
"Well, I'm not leaving here until my girlfriend tells me what happened at the awards show that made you mad at me." Pedro speaks and I wonder why he called me his girlfriend.
"I'm going to go into this apartment and forget what happened last night and I suggest Mr. Pascal..." — you get closer him as if he were going to tell a secret — "do the same." Pascal seems impressed with you. But right now you just want a shower. A good bath.
"Well, I won't. I won't leave here or around you. Not at least until you say what's bothering you." How lovely. In your wildest dreams this discussion would have a much sexier twist but now You can't think about it.
"Okay, Pascal. I'm going to come in, be my guest to stay as long as you think necessary, but I warn you that I won't answer any questions I don't want to and that my main objective is to take a long bath." You open the apartment door, letting Pedro enter and then lock the door.
"What happened?" Pascal asks, looking directly at you, as you walk to the bathroom without saying anything. Thinking about how to change the subject, you try without success; take off your dress.
"Mr. Pascal, could you help me?" You look at him in the corner of your eye, seeing him smile sideways. He then gently unzips the dress.
"Since I'm helping you, could you give me a clue as to why you're like this?" He speaks behind your ear, which sends a shiver through your body. You close your eyes tightly to keep from letting out the soft moan that is stuck in your throat. The truth is that Pedro Pascal's hand is cold, and it is still touching your skin. His body wants to react to his touch but you're afraid of looking crazy.
"There were people looking at me like I didn't belong there. And people who made me feel..." You want to speak but it seems like admitting what you're about to admit is wrong. You feel like you've already spoken enough so you enter the bathroom leaving the door closed.
"I'm not leaving, so could you tell me what people made you feel?" Pedro speak a little louder so you can hear it as you get into the shower. The sound of the water drowns out Pascal's voice but you realize that maybe it's the best way to answer his question.
"They made me feel important, Pedro. As if I deserved an award, or had won it. As if I were a role model. For staying with you, for having conquered you. And the worst part is that it's all a scam." You talk and when you don't hear anything, you decide to continue showering and venting.
“I'm not used to being praised for something I'm pretending to do. Don't get me wrong, falsely dating you is an honor. But it's strange to see people idolize me for a lie." Your mind is heavy. The conscience hurts too much, but admitting this vulnerability to Pascal. You finish the shower swearing that Pascal must not have heard what you said. You wrap the towel under your body and leave the bathroom a little embarrassed. You was in such a hurry that you forgot to grab a second change of clothes.
"Y/N..." Pedro says as soon as you came out of the bathroom surprising you, you almost fell but then Pedro held your waist helping you stay balanced.
"Thank you for your help but I think I'm a little inappropriate." You say pointing to your body, since you're just wrapped in a towel. Literally.
"What you said in that bathroom, I... I don't want you to feel bad. This is my shame, so don't carry this feeling with you. And I would like to add that you smell really good." Pedro speaks softly, getting closer and you feel an enormous need to do something. Something insane.
"Pascal, will you allow me to do something to ease my conscience?" You speak curiously about what answer he will say.
"You are allowed to do anything that will ease your conscience, Y/N. Of course, anything that involves me." He says this in an amused tone and then he is surprised by a kiss. You kiss him like you really love him, like you really are his girlfriend. As if you could really be the object of Pedro Pascal's desire. Because what hurts the most is that every time someone congratulates you on your relationship, you remember that it's all fake.
tag: @wanniiieeee , @hungrhay and @leilanixx
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ALL My Fanfic
Hi!! Seeing as I now have banished so many post from deleting my account I figured it would be best to post the fanfic links all together so, here you go :3
Maxim/VR-LA Long Fics:
Are you my Lighthouse or the Storm - Canon compliant, angst and healing, slow burn, from Maxim’s POV
Let’s Make This House A Habit - Post campaign but no longer canon compliant, domestic fluff and some hurt/comfort, also slow burn
VR-LA/Maxim Other:
Sea Meets Earth - Pre campaign, first meetings, mostly just platonic, developing friendship
“Yes. Me.” - That one moment where Noir and at least half the audience called Maxim hot, from VR-LA’s POV
The Fall - VR-LA POV, feelings realisation, flustered VR-LA, arcanobabble
Farewell for now, Friend - Post Finale goodbyes, fluffy, hopeful ending
Mistletoe in Mechanus - Christmas fic, robit kiss, pre relationship
My Silence is my Self Defence - Angst and pining, separation, preemptive mourning
Camellia & Carnation - Courtship, declarations of love, nervous Maxim, getting together, flowers
Did it hurt when you fell tripping over your own scarf? - Silly, gay panic, awkward flirting and fluff
Please Don’t Do That - Stealing clothes, light angst and misunderstandings, fluff, Maxim has an Oh No he’s adorable moment
Hot Day, Hot Damn - Coffee shop Au, fluff, slightly suggestive flirting, pining
It’s not Romantic I Swear - Coffee shop Au, Valentine’s Day fic, pining and fluff
Sanguine - Vampire Au, vampire maxim and human VR-LA, a lil spicy, lazy morning
Wander, Wonder - Canon compliant, Maxim and VR-LA’s totally not a date night walk in Sigil
Painted with the Blood of Somebody you Love - Big angst, dark fic, possession and temporary character death, eventual healing
We’ll Write Our Names In The Stars - Emotional hurt/comfort, VR-LA has self confidence issues, MR-SN is a good captain, friendship/love
Sweet Dreams - Denial, oblivious MR-SN, fluff in dreams, snuggles
Word Left Unheard - Angst, final goodbyes, love confessions, copious apologies
Mi Capitán - Pre campaign slow burn, pining, feelings realisation, developing relationship
I Shine Only With The Light You Give Me - Kyana and Ione, romantic or platonic, character study of Ione sort, moon/sun dynamic
May I Have This Dance? - MR-SN/VR-LA, Maxim/VR-LA, they dance, mutual pining, first chapter is pre raid
What is Waiting in the Dark - Pre campaign, Ione and Kyana, blood and gore, child soldier
My RWD Brainrot - Unfinished oneshot series, currently just has a silly one with VR-LA and Dani, mechanites can purr headcanon
Threads That Bind Us - My first fandom fic, VR-LA’s first meeting with Mystra, hurt/slight comfort
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idkyouyet23 · 23 days
‘On My Mind’
~ a LITG Max fanfic ~ 
Chapter Four - Boy Of My Dreams 
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 💌:
I’m loving writing this little fanfic so far and I’m hoping that you guys are enjoying it as much as I am making it,
I decided to not write smut at the end as writing it makes me cringe as I’m not very good at it  but it’s implied,
Thank you for reading and for the kudos,
I love you all so much 🫂❤️‍🩹
As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts & feedback in the comments!!!
you can read below or on AO3, whatever you like :)
𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞’𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯:
The next morning, just as Max and I are finishing our smoothies that we made together, the text comes in about the Mr & Mrs challenge.
𝘐 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸,
‘We know a lot about each other considering that we’ve only known each other 2 days Jazzy’, Max reassures 
‘Yeah I agree, I’m confident that we’ll do well in this’ 
‘I’m glad that you’re confident about us’
‘Of course I am, I’m very confident about us’ 
I lean in just as Max does the same,
I hold his face as I press our lips together,
we smile into the sweet kiss and the two of us pull away after hearing a cough
‘Sorry to interrupt but the challenge is about to start!’
Claudia announces and with that, 
we run off to the challenge
‘Where were you two?’, Bea inquires but before either of us could answer, 
Claudia says
‘They were kissing in the kitchen!’
‘Aww isn’t that sweet’, Bea beams as Liam chimes in 
‘Not as cute as you Bea’
The challenge goes smoothly until Emel wins the challenge, a text pings from her phone 
‘Ooh I can pick anyone here to take on a date’ 
I notice Kyle’s eyes light up but Emel is giving a flirty look towards Max
𝘌𝘮𝘦𝘭 𝘪𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘔𝘢𝘹 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘩𝘦?
‘Who are you going to pick Emel?’
Bea asks her and Emel glances in my direction 
‘I’m gonna pick Max!’
Kyle frowns and Max shifts uncomfortably 
𝘗𝘰𝘰𝘳 𝘭𝘢𝘥 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘌𝘮𝘦𝘭 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘭𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘺 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘒𝘺𝘭𝘦
‘Max, I’ll give you a date that you’ll never forget’, Emel winks at him as she leaves to go get ready,
Max wanders over to me 
‘Can I pull you for a quick chat Jazzy?’
‘Yeah sure’
Max leads us over to the swing seat
‘I just want you to know that my head is fully with you Jazzy, Emel can try but she’s not you’
I can’t help but smile at him.
𝘔𝘢𝘹 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘢𝘺
‘I’m so glad ‘cause my head is with you too’
‘You have no idea how happy I am to hear that!’
Max smiles fondly at me but then he sighs
‘I better go get ready, we’ll talk later gorgeous’ 
𝘔𝘢𝘹 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘰𝘶𝘴?!,
he truly does know how to make my heart melt 
After getting ready for the evening,
Kyle and I decide to have a chat about the date 
‘So you seemed upset when Emel didn’t pick you for the date’
Kyle nods 
‘Yeah I was gutted, still am to be honest.
How are you feeling?’
‘Max told me that his head is fully with me so I’m trying to not worry too much but I still am a bit worried’
‘Max is a great guy, from what he’s been saying he really likes you Jazzy so I wouldn’t be worried if I was you’ 
I feel relief after hearing that
𝘚𝘰 𝘔𝘢𝘹 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘺, 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸!
After Emel and Max’s date, 
he asks to talk to me at the terrace
‘To be completely honest, I didn’t enjoy the date, it was very awkward’
‘I could sense the awkwardness between you two when you came back’ 
‘I honestly just wanna forget about that date and focus on us’, Max glances at me
‘Yeah let’s do that!’
You were the only person who was on my mind during that date, also can I just say that you’re looking absolutely breathtaking this evening Jazzy’
‘Aww thanks! You’re the sweetest and honestly you’re looking so fine right now’
‘You definitely do! I can’t resist you’
I blurt out and Max smirks,
the two of us share a few passionate kisses
‘To be honest I can’t resist you either’
Max winks at me 
‘Ooh is that right?’ I tease 
‘Yeah that’s right’
I begin to play with the waistband of his jeans, I stare at Max who has a massive grin on his face 
‘You’re a total worldie! You know that?’
‘I suppose I must be, now can I have you Max?’ I ask once again staring at him 
‘You better believe it baby and you can definitely have me’
And with that, clothes are flung around the terrance immediately,
𝘔𝘢𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴.
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rainbo-selfships · 2 months
HI BO!!! you should :3 tell me about your simpsons selfinsert!!!!
HIHI AJJJJ!!! Thanks for the ask! I would love too omg I was actually working on an art piece of paw!! (And also a few fanfics). Prepare, you are in for a ride
SO BASICALLY, Bo was an anthropomorphic kitty cat who was born to a family of humans sometime in the 50s maybe. He grew up as a female cat, but when he was about 13 he realized he was happier using masculine terms to describe himself, but for a while only his family knew.
Their dream was to be a cartoonist for the Itchy and Scratchy show, but he knew he would be denied because of his identity, so he resorted to working at the Springfield Power Plant as a janitor.
That’s where he met Homer. He and Homer bonded over their shared hate for their jobs and Mr. Burns, and found that they had a few things in common personality wise.
Bo started coming over Homer’s house and he got along very well with the kids, and Marge too.
Over the months, Bo, Homer, and Marge grew closer. Sometimes Marge and Homer even let Bo third wheel their dates. Bo began to catch feelings for them, and he hated himself for it because he knew that relationships like that were greatly frowned upon at the time and they would never like him back. :[
Finally, one fateful night, about a year into their friendship, Bo decided to confess his feelings anyway so he could finally get them off his chest.
The three were sitting and looking at the stars at the park together when Bo confessed, and, much to his surprise, Homer and Marge gleefully reciprocated his feelings, and they got together. ^^
Seven and a half years later, Bo now lives with Homer and Marge, and they all love each other very much. Marge and Homer have Maggie, and they let Bo be the secret third parent for her.
Personality wise, I would say Bo is a cheerful fellow, who is also very spunky. He’s kinda like Homer in the fact that he loves to eat a lot, but he’s also kinda a softie, he cares so deeply about those around him, especially his partners and (step) children and he cries easily. He’s autistic, and he loves to do art and watch theatre! Sometimes he’ll do cat-like things, since he is a cat, like growl, purr, hiss, swat at things, and even walk on all fours if absolutely necessary.
Anyway that’s about it for now, Obviously, there’s WAYYY more depth to the whole thing than just that, but that is the baseline! I’m definitely going to write and draw about him a lot :D I also have some angst ideas for him, that I have not shared in this post but I will in fact write about in the future, as well as ideas for how he might play into certain episodes >:]
Once again, thanks for asking! See ya soon! :3
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So I screamed from the moment Crowley grabbed Aziraphale by the collar and pulled him in for a kiss and couldn't stop screaming until Aziraphale pulled away with a devastated look on his face.
I am in love with season 2 of Good Omens. All hail every single cog in the machine that allowed this miracle to happen (and like a greedy thing, I'm now eagerly anticipating a third season).
But with as much joy as this new season brought me, as much as I cherish each new CANON interaction of the Ineffable Husbands like a luxuriously decadently bitter dark chocolate... this new season was Fanfiction from the very first scene with Crowley being an angel of a higher station and having a hand with the creation of the universe, to the very last frames as the credits rolled through.
Don't get me wrong, this felt like it was Great Fanfiction. The kind that you find after refining AO3's filters down to within an inch of their lives, sorting by word count, carefully reading each tag, noting the amount of kudos, double checking the Last Updated date, and peering into the very soul of the Author's Notes for any unexpected surprises. Fanfiction, none the less.
This is not a rant, this is not a complaint, and I apologize that my memory recollection abilities are so subpar that I for the life of me can't provide any fic titles, (but if there are any GO fanfic readers with minds like steel traps....please help a poor girl out in the comments) but:
There are amazing fics where Crowley was a high ranking angel. He was either part of the team that hung the stars or he's even the Archangel Raphael.
I remember reading a fic where Aziraphale and his fellow Soho shopkeepers (granted, this was back when nearly all of the shops were of the eyebrow raising variety, not just Mrs. Sandwich) were a rather tight knit community.
There's a few decent fics with Outsider POVs helping Crowley or Aziraphale realize they love the other. Obviously with the limited amount of characters available to play with, those outsiders tended to be either Madame Tracy, Anathema, or Adam Young/The Them when it wasn't an OC.
We saw the Gabriel/Beelzebub pairing and loved it and never imagined it seeing it become CANON holy shit yes! but I distinctly remember a fic where Crowley was much more female presenting, and Gabriel bought them a dress. Anyways, Gabriel was on Earth and was comfortable with earthly things because he kept having very hot, very steamy encounters with Beelzebub in Mexico (I think), that started out as clandestine meetings to figure out the next Apocalypse.
I remember this perfectly lovely and indulgent fic where Aziraphale closes his bookshop and Crowley sells his flat and they take the Bentley and retire in the South Downs. And Aziraphale joined the local theater and Crowley grew an amazing garden and they raised ducks by the beach and they had the opportunity to be an "us" 😭. And obviously that doesn't happen in the show but us avid fanfic readers, we knew what it could be like for them and so that moment when Crowley confessed and the fight and the kiss I was a mess an absolute mess, but also:
We fans love the drama, love the hurt, love watching the hope leaving our favorite pairing's eyes, so there are quite a few fics where those two fighting after a confession is as emotionally charged as that scene. But to have David Tennant and Michael Sheen really act that out the way they did gave me heart palpitations, it really did.
And last, but not least, this is not main character related but our OCs- I mean, Nina and Maggie- are actually living out a Coffeeshop AU.
Like I said, I'm not ranting or complaining or anything. I am so happy we got more GO content of this caliber on the tv. But it did not feel wholly original. It felt like dipping myself into that 1000th fic with that same trope that you are willing to read about for the rest of eternity (for example: I will read every single fic created about how Hob rescues Dream from the basement in The Sandman, and I will do it with the same enthusiasm I had the first time I read the first rescue fic. It scratches an itch that feels oh so satisfying to scratch.)
Anyways, yeah. Those were my thoughts.
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himevampirechan · 4 months
"Part-Time Job" 
Thanks for the great welcome to this fanfic. i really hope you enjoy the new chapter. I must add this is a kind of AU fanfic but you will find canon subjects in it. Please, enjoy.
Chapter 2 
"That's all for today, don't forget to study for next week's exam" The teacher picked up his notes and left the classroom.  
Once the sliding door closed the students jumped out of their seats to gather around and chat. Anzu began to hastily put her things away, the class had gone on too long.  
"Mazaki!" shouted one of her classmates waving her hands at her "Some of the guys in the group are planning a karaoke outing would you like to join us?"  
"I'd love to Tachibana..." Anzu smiled touched at the girl's friendly face "... But I can't, sorry". 
Tachibana, whose appearance was more that of a girl with huge green eyes and black hair, dropped her shoulders sadly.  
"But Mazaki You hardly ever go out with us!" She exclaimed looking at Anzu with a downcast pout "You don't like us?"  
"No, it's not that!" Anzu rashly denied in shock at the tears beginning to form in her little companion's eyes. The brunette panicked, feeling the rest of the students watching them interested in the conversation. 
"It's just that... I have an engagement" She clarified, turning her gaze back to Tachibana. The little black-haired girl opened her eyes in interest.        
"A date?!" she shouted excitedly changing her mood drastically. Anzu felt herself blush.  
"No, it's not..." She tried to explain averting her gaze and trying to put away the rest of her belongings with trembling hands.        
"Do we know him?" the brunette continued to ask, unaware of the curious glances around her.  
"It's not that kind of date!" Anzu exclaimed increasingly embarrassed. 
"No problem!" Crooned Tachibana clapping with both hands and smiling sweetly "If Mazaki has a date, we understand."  
"I told you it's not that kind of commitment" She smiled grabbing her stuff and running out of the classroom.  
"Good luck with your boy Mazaki!" her classmate effusively dismissed her. Anzu laughed self-consciously and shook her head slowly, that girl had a reputation for being nosy. 
Once outside the university, Anzu thought how nice it would be to have the afternoon off. It had been a long time since she had taken a break, she had been going from job to job for more than two years now, she knew she would need a lot of money if she wanted to accomplish her goals. 
"I don't have anyone to support my dreams after all," She thought. 
She gave a long sigh knowing that if she kept reminiscing she would only ruin her afternoon, and the last thing she wanted was to do her favourite activity in a bad mood.  
"It doesn't matter if no one supports me" Anzu smiled once she made it to her destination stopping to take a breath "I won't give up!" 
She pushed her arm against the glass door above which read in elegant cursive handwriting: 
"Do you have any questions?" Sugoroku asked finishing filing some documents.  
"Not really" replied the boy shaking his head "Marik already took care of explaining everything to me yesterday."  
Sugoroku smiled softly, he liked the boy. At first he had doubts as he didn't seem to be the best choice for a security guard, but he had proven to have a lot of enthusiasm and physical strength, so the older man was sure he would be helpful.  
"Remember also that there will be a girl working with you." He mentioned for the tenth time that night, and once again the boy seemed oblivious: he hummed a tune, tossing the keys to the workers' quarters over and over again.  
Mr. Mutou sighed as he saw him slump back in his chair trying to catch the keys.  
"I'm sure she'll be able to control you," he whispered softly as he watched the boy writhe on the floor in a fit of giggles, "Besides..." 
"Looks like you've piqued his curiosity too" he thought watching out of the corner of his eye as a shadow entered the room. He recalled for a moment the events of fate involving the new museum workers.  
"It was a relief that Miss Ishizu showed up" Mr. Mutou spoke with a huge sigh "Marik is a good boy, but sometimes he's a bit of a beast". 
Anzu laughed loudly cheered by the hope of a new job.    
Mr. Mutou continued to chat as he guided her through the museum. The brunette looked around with interest.  
"Until a few years ago the museum was focused on the history of Shogunist Japan and the Meiji period, however, little by little the museum grew and now we have sections on different civilisations," Sugoroku explained, pointing to a room that was filled with European paintings and armour.     
"A couple of years ago a friend of mine passed the museum on to his grandson and as he was always obsessed with Egypt, he was the one who brought the latest exhibition. He and Miss Ishizu have been partners ever since," continued the old man up two flights of stairs.  
"It must be wonderful to be able to inherit a museum!" Anzu exclaimed, following closely behind him, focused on observing the design of the ceiling and walls "He's a very lucky man". 
Mr. Mutou stopped abruptly not caring that the girl was so close to him, Anzu crashed against his back and lowered her gaze in confusion. The man was staring at her as if she had said something unthinkable.  
"Mr. Mutou?" the girl asked, tilting her face to one side "Are you ok...?" 
Sugoroku began to laugh uproariously, his laughter forcing him to fold in on himself and he had to hold on to the railing to keep from falling.  
"HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA!" Snorted the old man noisily. For long seconds Anzu watched as the old man struggled to regain his composure, once the laughter turned to small giggles the old man looked at her.  
"I'm sorry, Anzu," he exclaimed wiping away the tears that had come from laughing so hard, "It's just that the owner of the museum is about your age."  
The old man had to hold his breath to keep from laughing at her expression. The girl's mouth had fallen unhinged.  
Laughing quietly Sugoroku averted his gaze from the girl and sensed a presence walking behind him. 
"It seems Anzu has piqued his curiosity" He thought smiling over his shoulder at the unseen presence.   
"We'd better hurry" He exclaimed quickly turning his gaze back to the girl and snapping her out of her astonishment. "You'll get a chance to meet that useless Ryugi later." 
"Oh? Yeah" the girl replied still a bit blankly, blinking amusedly. 
"I'm sure you'll get along well, because you're the same age" commented the old man as he started to climb the rest of the stairs "you just have to be very careful, the guy's a real casanova!" 
The old man's affectionate laugh made Anzu smile. Surely Mr. Mutou was fond of the boy.  
"And you Mr. Mutou?" she asked following him again "How did you end up working here?"      
"Mmmmm well..." Started the old man leading her this time down a long corridor that seemed to no longer be part of the exhibits. There were lots and lots of doors and Anzu was sure they were offices.  
"As I told you before, the old owner of the museum was a good friend of mine," he said quietly. "We knew each other for years, so when it was time for me to retire from the excavations, Otogi simply offered me the job." 
"Excavations?" the chestnut asked rather interested. She watched as Mr. Mutou stopped in front of the last door in the corridor and slowly opened it. 
"Well..." He smiled waving him into the room "...we archaeologists age too." 
Anzu smiled back and entered the room. The room was huge. It smelled of old wood and ink.  
Anzu slid her eyes along the shelves lined to the ceiling with books and encyclopaedias, walked to the back of the office and gazed in wonder at the window overlooking the central garden of the museum. There was a solid wooden desk and behind it a red leather chair in which her next boss would sit. It was a nice, tidy room, nothing like the dingy room where the manager of Burger World sat yelling at her.  
Anzu's face lit up as she noticed a painting hanging on the wall to her right. She could have recognised it anywhere, that image was one of her oldest memories, she had always liked how they had captured the beauty of ballet in it.    
"Chernikova" she whispered unconsciously reaching out to touch the painting.  
"You like art?" someone whispered behind her back snapping her out of the reverie the painting had lulled her into. 
Embarrassed she spun around quickly finding the young brunette from a few minutes ago smiling kindly at her, she blushed as she saw that Mr. Mutou was hiding a chuckle at her expression.  
"No... Not really" she stammered lowering her eyes self-consciously "... But that specific painting I like". 
No one said anything else but when Anzu raised her face she found the young woman inviting her to take a seat with a smile.  
"Please take a seat Miss Anzu" She said rounding the huge desk and sitting on the leather chair "Let's talk about the job you came to ask for".  
Anzu smiled and took a seat across from her. Mr. Mutou bowed slightly and left the room quietly. Once outside he could sense the presence that had followed them from the stairs.  
"She's quite a pretty girl don't you think so?" he exclaimed smiling hugely, a slight air moved his hair and he felt the presence leave. 
"I never imagined you were shy Your Highness" He shouted into the air laughing loudly. 
"Mr. Mutou" called the boy sitting up with a hand on the blond head, snapping him out of his memories. "What is the other matter Miss Ishizu mentioned?"  
Sugoroku felt the presence pause and was almost certain it was watching him.  
"Well..." he replied scratching his beard in a distracted gesture "...We'll talk about that when your companion arrives."  
Almost immediately they could hear someone approaching with hurried footsteps towards where they were. 
"Speaking of the king of Rome" (*) smiled the old man walking towards the door with the intention of greeting the newcomer "Get up boy! What manners are those?" 
The blond frowned and grumbled in obedience. Once on his feet he dusted off his clothes and waited with his hands in his pockets for Mr. Mutou to return and introduce him to his companion. 
For an instant he felt as if someone was staring at him but there was no one else in the room and that sent shivers down his spine.  
"Ghosts" he thought turning pale, he shook his head energetically trying to convince himself that it was just his imagination. Suddenly he heard the door open and with it came the voice of Mr. Mutou.  
"Well little one, it's about time you met your new co-worker" exclaimed the old man excitedly. The girl's voice was too low so the boy couldn't hear clearly what she was saying.  
"Of course he already knows that you will be working together" Sugoroku laughed "In fact we were waiting for you because there is something else I need to explain to you before you start your shift."  
There was no response, but the blond deduced that the girl had agreed. The door opened giving way to the old man and with him entered a young girl about his age.  
"Well I'd better introduce you..." The old man began, but fell silent once he saw the faces of both boys. They were frozen and several seconds passed in which they looked at each other in surprise.  
"JONOUCHI/ANZU?!" they shouted at the same time pointing at each other as if they couldn't believe it. 
Until next time :D
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