#mx drabbles
by-tea · 2 years
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author note: i saw these and thought of changkyun immediately. 
summary: changkyun gets his nails done. 
pairing: changkyun x gn! reader
word count: 723
Changkyun had to admit that painting his nails black was only a little impulsive. He just didn’t want to see the gunk that found its way under his nails. It became something kind of practical and soothing after a while. And although black had always been his go to colour, his interest in expanding his colour palate was piqued when he saw your little home salon set up.
Changkyun had been endlessly curious about your salon set up the moment he saw it. He had known you worked from home as a beautician of some kind, but the details hadn’t been addressed yet. He guessed they would be addressed now. He left you in the living room mid-way through the movie because he needed to use the bathroom, but stumbled into the home salon instead. With his curiosity piqued, Changkyun scanned over the room taking in the décor and the actual set up of the room. He walked further in, running his hand along the neatly tucked sheets on the foldout bed, while admiring the products you displayed on your shelf.
He was looking through the colour samples when the door creaked and you stood leaning against the door frame. Fond smile and resigned shoulders. It was as if you knew he wouldn’t be able to resist. You asked him jokingly, “are we finishing the movie tonight or do you want your nails done?”
His eye brows creased for a second. “Would you?”
“Do your nails?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Societal norms and expectations?”
“I’m honestly a little more afraid of your company and stylist’s opinions.”
“I’m cute enough to get away with it for a while.”
You snicker. Of course he was. Changkyun probably got away with a lot more than he’d consciously know of. “Are you sure though?” You definitely weren’t kidding about his management’s opinions though.
“Yeah, it’s fine. We aren’t promoting at the moment. They can’t dictate what I do during my break.”
You stand by your desk and pull out some nail tools from the steriliser, gesturing for him to sit on the chair across from you. His palms rest on the small foam roller as you inspect his hands. Soft. Much softer than you realised. His cuticles needed some cleaning, his nails were bare, but had a healthy sheen. You tapped and squeezed the ends and were rewarded with newfound flexibility and a satisfying tap. Changkyun’s nails were doing much better compared to the last time you had checked them.
“Did you use the oil pen I gave you?”
“Yeah. Twice a day like you said.”
You hummed in satisfaction, considering how soft his palms were. He definitely stole your favourite hand cream as well. You could forgive the slight though. His hands were just so soft. You hadn’t realised you were so excited until Changkyun poked your cheek, eyes questioning your sudden mood change.
“What’s that look for? Are you really that excited?”
“Yeah. I’ve got a few ideas I wanna try out.”
“You’re cute. Have fun, go nuts.”
You grinned at his permission and started. It definitely wasn’t the way you had expected to spend your Saturday afternoon, but the end result was definitely worth it. A majority of the time you had spent on the individual nail designs, with the cute smiley faces and sparkling stars being your favourites. Changkyun on the other hand, was a little mesmerised by the cute warped black and white checkerboard on his thumbs. He kept staring until you gently positioned his hands for a picture, fingers curled towards his palms. You had to post this on your account. The simple colour palate and pop punk designs would add more variety to your Instagram posts.
Changkyun continued to admire his nails even as you switched off half the room lights, and the smiley faces lit up. The neon yellow and orange are a stark contrast to the black nail polish. A childlike glee took over as he excitedly yelled about the UV sensitive nail polish. You barely managed a decent photo and video, before Changkyun had pulled his hands from yours to cup your cheeks as he dotted delighted kisses all over your face. He pulled away to quickly peck your lips, grin intact.
“Babe. This is so fucking cool.”
You felt your cheeks burn. Yeah. Definitely worth it.
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twisted-tales-of-all · 8 months
Summary: anon request- ‘73 & 75 with Dom Shownu!! thanks in advance 💕’
73 - "I wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it." || 75 - "You know, you look real pretty when you cry."
Pairing: Shownu x afab!reader Genres/tropes: non-idol!AU, coworker!AU, office!AU, boss and secretary!AU, smut, drabble Word Count: 633 Warnings: exhibitionism, office sex, clothed sex, unprotected sex, rebound, cursing once or twice, degradation (of a third party), cuckolding (kinda?), HR clearly doesn’t exist with the way Shownu speaks
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Despite the shitshow that happened last night, you make it to work on time and properly dressed. You make your way straight to your boss's office to ask for your tasks for the day. Unable to keep your normally cheery persona, he notices and asks whether you're alright.
Releasing a deep sigh, you confess, "Last night wasn't fun. I'm sorry for letting it affect my attitude at work, sir."
"Do not apologize. Life happens. If you don't mind me asking, what happened last night?"
Shocked that he's taking an interest in your personal life, you quickly explain that your now ex-boyfriend blew up at you and left you crying on the side of the road. You can see his agitation through his white knuckles and clearly visible neck veins, so you try not to mention that the man you're talking about is a coworker, but it seems he already knows.
"And he has the gall to prance in here happily like nothing happened? How dare he treat you this way."
Something about the care in his words makes you release the tears you've been fighting all morning. He nonchalantly passes you the tissue box and waits silently for you to finish crying before speaking again.
"You know, you look real pretty when you cry. Although I never want your tears to fall from heartbreak like this, I find it fascinating that you remain gorgeous despite being in such a vulnerable state."
Dissecting his words, you begin to wonder whether Shownu has thought of you outside of the innocent idea of coworkers. Your mind connects so many dots that may or may not actually mean anything - the proximity of your ex's desk to Shownu's office, your promotion from intern directly to his personal secretary, the number of tasks he gives that keeps you in his sight.
Without thinking, you blurt out, "Sir, do you like me?"
Caught off guard, he stands up and begins pacing the room. Looking out the window and seeing your ex-boyfriend sitting there, however, gives him the resolve to answer.
"Yes. I have for a while. Sometimes, I want you so bad it hurts. There are times where I've had to leave because my thoughts for you grew inappropriate for work." Without removing his glare from the man on the opposite side of the glass, he admits to everything.
Your curiosity getting the better of you, you question, "Like what?"
He turns around to look you directly in the eye as he answers, "I wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it. I want to show that idiot out there what he lost."
Looking out at the crew, you find most of the cubicles empty, with everyone out for morning meetings except for your ex. Eager to repay the pain he gave you, you smirk and ask whether your boss is telling the truth. After confirming with him, you take a step forward, take his hand in yours, and tell him to prove it quickly, before the meetings end. Without hesitation, he pulls your face to his and relishes in the taste of your lips. Turning you both around so your back hits the glass, he devours you, victoriously giving you an exhilarating session of rough, almost fully-clothed sex, right behind your oblivious ex-boyfriend, making it all the better for the both of you.
As his thick dick makes you cum, you fail to hold back your moans. With a smirk, Shownu looks at your ex and finds him wide-eyed at the situation, so he keeps eye contact as he pounds into you until he finishes.
Filling you with his warm cum, he mocks your ex, "I bet I'm much better than that asshole anyway. I doubt you screamed like that for him."
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alagaesia-headcanons · 2 months
imagining Morzan with a deep, gravelly voice. contrasted with the slightly less deep silky smooth voice I imagine Galbatorix with. men
Morzan's voice rasps subtly through its low tones, rough around the edges and underlaid with a deep rumble that sometimes rises to the surface. Selena's ears perk up the moment she first hears it. She talks to him so she can hear it again more clearly, spoken for her. The gravel gives his words force and weight even when they're quiet, commanding respectful attention. She's never heard anyone else speak with precisely the same quality.
It's undeniably alluring to her, an attraction that greatly overshadows any other impression she gets from the timbre of him. But underneath that distraction, there's something particular about his voice, something it evokes- but even in the rare moments Selena manages to focus on that, she can't put her finger on what it is.
That is, until they're both far away from Carvahall, well and truly entrenched in the wide open world, on their way- as Morzan tells her- to regroup with some companions. Yet it's not a person that comes to meet them, but a monster, making the air throb on thunderous wings. Selena reels and cowers as the dragon descends on them, pulling desperately on Morzan's arm, but he doesn't budge. He gazes up at the creature with calm regard. Selena can only stare with him, flooded with horror, awe, and epiphany of what exactly she's gotten herself into.
A hand settles at the small of her back. "Easy there," Morzan says with a faintly mocking laugh. "If you bolt, he'll chase."
As she listens to him speak while staring up at the beast, it hits her, That's it. The earth shudders when it lands and she trembles with it. He has a dragon's voice. If it could, a dragon would speak the way he does. Morzan approaches and pats its jaw. This is why, she realizes. He learned from its growls and roars.
He smiles sharp. "Come say hello," the Dragon Rider rumbles.
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ponds-of-ink · 10 months
Short Ruin-Born Afton (Meme) ...Drabble? - “Always Coming Back”
My brain’s been juggling this idea ever since I realized that there was writing potential in this meme. Too bad MXES doesn’t share the same hype here...
The security rabbit glided towards the entrance of the power room. His usual glowing smile was all but gone now, as was the cyber-lines’ brightness. Though, given the current circumstances, this was to be expected.
Before he entered into the void-like rectangular passage before him, he stopped to scan his surroundings. The security nodes were online. Purple-tinted energy still surged through the hidden wires of the building. The only thing that one would consider being “off” were the traces of faint blue-and-purple handprints lining the walls. These handprints that actually made MXES perk up rather than fall into a deeper frustration. “Good,” he ‘thought’ to himself, but he really just sent a signal to his personal log. “He’s following me. Just as I intended.”
With a deep ‘inhale’, the rabbit shut his eyes and vanished into the darkness. A hiss of static buzzed his ears. Sign-laden pillars outlined with something akin to LEDs soon greeted him. The walkway before him was narrow, but there was a handrail always ready— And, given what could happen, he was actually thankful for it this time.
MXES floated past each server, checking the color of each outline. All clear for the main stage. All clear in the kitchen. All clear in the Daycare. Good. Now he could focus on more... pressing matters.
He stopped at the end of the hall and turned around. Settings in his program switched on and off. His throat sparked as a temporary voice measure kicked in. His stance shifted while his fighting protocol engaged. All connection to the animatronics severed. They couldn’t help him this time. Not with this threat.
Static lit the other end of the hall. He braced himself.
A second rabbit, skeletal yet unnatural, emerged from the doorway. It stalked around, twitching violently as it surveyed the area. Its bluish heart beat faster as soon as it saw its fellow creature.
MXES approached with a grim expression. “You shouldn’t be here,” he advised sternly. “You are supposed to be locked away in my code.”
The thing stared. “I am Ruin-Born Afton,” it said in a low, growly voice. “I always come back.”
“I am aware,” MXES replied flatly. “You’ve been saying that for the past couple of hours now.” He paused to observe his listener. It just stood there. Not really doing anything. “I would let you off with a warning, but you’ve thrashed plenty of objects here in this reality,” he explained, returning to a more battle-ready posture. “Besides, my protocol states that any threat to the nodes should be treated as such. You are no different.”
The skeleton twitched a little. “I am Ruin-Born Afton,” it stated again, though now somewhat agitated. “I always come back.”
MXES clenched his fists. All of his protocols argued within him. “I’m not sure if the Mimic’s gotten to you or you’ve come to that ‘conclusion’ on your own,” he continued in a stilted tone. “But believe me when I say that you are not the man known as William Afton. You are my beta design from eons ago. Please carry yourself in such a manner.”
Ruin-Born crouched. His heart-rate visibly pounded at an alarming speed. With a guttural snarl, he pounced on the cyber-bunny.
MXES swung the attacker off his arm. He reeled as it recovered from being flung against the floor. He had to figure out a good attack pattern. Fast.
Ruin-Born crawled back onto its feet. Its white pupils fixed on MXES. It lumbered towards him with its skull vibrating and arms swaying.
MXES pulled back his fist and swung it into a punch. His hand managed to knock off the tip of its ear, but it “regrew” within seconds. He uppercut the thing’s jaw, but its body corrected everything. Even body-slemming it only resulted in it being jumbled up for mere moments. This thing was unbeatable.
The other rabbit slowly neared its target. “I am Ruin-Born Afton,” it repeated arrogantly, though still keeping that harsh growl. “I always come back.”
MXES leaned against the railing. He peered into the abyss behind him. He, too, would be unable to “die” here– Especially if he jumped over it and plunged. Maybe he could...?
His ears raised slightly. With a look of resignation, he turned off his fight system. “Before I surrender, I want to ask a question,” he said in a somber tone. “Why do you insist on being the man known as William Afton?”
The other rabbit remained silent.
MXES shook his head. Of course it couldn’t explain that. “Let me ask a different question,” he responded darkly. “Who do you think you are? Answer honestly.”
Its heartbeat quickened. A low chortle emitted from its neck. “I am Ruin-Born Afton,” it answered as if the answer was laughably obvious. “I always come back.”
That answered one question that bounced around in his system. This was not the Mimic’s doing, by some miracle. This was something else entirely. MXES quietly “sighed” in relief as his system’s diagnosis of the creature updated.
...Then a new sensation overrode his code. Something humans would call “a horrible gut feeling”.
He refocused his attention towards his fellow creature. “Then let me ask a second question,” he continued uneasily, though trying to maintain an agitated expression. “If you are ‘Ruin-Born Afton‘, then what am I? A copy of your ghost?”
Ruin-Born trudged forward. Its ever-glowing pupils scanned its anxious audience as it neared. After what felt like an eternity, it stopped a few feet away. It craned its neck to ensure eye contact. Its arm raised and its jaw opened. “I am Ruin-Born Afton,” he announced as he pointed at the security hare. “I always come back.”
MXES’ squarish pupils shrank. Every program froze. “Are you saying... I am the man known as William Afton?“ he asked weakly.
Ruin-Born’s arm lowered. “I always come back,” it emphasized, its twisted body straightening to its full height. “You... always come back.”
All of MXES’ programs broke. He tried to climb over the railing, but even that protocol was overridden by this new wave of information. His voice box attempted to utter some sort of counterpoint, but his internal searching program was too scrambled. To add insult to injury, Ruin-Born vanished right in front of him. The only comfort that this gave was the one good signal that was being logged into his database: Ruin-Born was now back in his original code.
Not that MXES noticed, as he was now furiously digging through the files of his own development history.
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dollydaisies · 4 months
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(՞߹ - ߹՞) wanna be able to navigate MONSTA X's section? take a look at this!
☆ - personal favorite ୨୧ - nsfw ♡ - fluff ᘒ - angst
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"do you just want, like, ALL OF THEM...?"
say hello to SOHN HYUNWOO (손현우)! y'know, SHOWNU (셔누)!
oh, look, it's LEE MINHYUK (이민혁)! ah, so charming!
it's YOO KIHYUN (유기현)! if i proposed now, would he say yes...?
wait, CHA HYUNGWON (채형원) is real? i thought he was an angel...
ah!!! LEE JOOHEON (이주헌)!! AHH!!
KIM CHANGKYUN (임창균)! he is so heartwarming.
lee hoseok (이호석)... WONHO (원호)... come home...
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laysdimplesareillegal · 11 months
still not having many girl friends after moving to korea you spent a lot of time with changkyun and the rest of the monstas. doing “girly” things with pillow princess hyungwon like watching fun movies, doing each others nails or seeing what he looks like with your makeup on etc to have fun without needed to go out. meanwhile changkyun starts coming out of his room more and more often to see what you guys are up to and talking about without him. until hyungwon notices, and as always encourages teasing his maknae
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queerofthedagger · 2 years
Merlin knows when Kilgharrah dies.
Camlann has barely paled in memory, the winter day as ashen as Merlin feels.
Through the numbness, the thread of warmth flickers out.
He finds the snow-covered mountain days later, weariness oppressive in the anticipation of fresh grief.
The grey-gold scales are distinct against the barren landscape. Merlin presses his nose to Kilgharrah’s forehead and weeps for the first time since Avalon.
Hours later, he finds Aithusa watching him, mistrust sharp in her eyes. When he offers her a hand, she breathes a faint trill.
Merlin smiles—brittle, and all the more fitting for it.
-> on ao3
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mykpopficblog · 4 days
my kingdom for some fresh monsta x fics
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bowlofsoob · 9 months
yeonjun x gender neutral reader
ceo yeonjun x secretary reader drabble, he needs to marry due to his father’s wishes so he chooses the first person he sees, aka you
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“What do you mean I need to marry somebody?”
“Mister Yeonjun, I’m merely relaying the message your father sent me. He said you must marry someone to keep the company and produce an heir.”
Yeonjun drops his pen on the desk, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. The young CEO just got here, and his father is already jumping down his throat with things to do. Shit, he learned all of his employee’s names only last week. And his father already wants him to knock up a girl? The fucking balls on the guy.
“Mister Yeon—“ his father’s representative begins.
“Just call me Yeonjun,”
“… Yeonjun, I’m sorry but this is non-negotiable.” his father’s messenger continues, nervously pushing his glasses up.
“I’m going to marry the next person that walks through my office doors. Woman or man. How does that sound,” Yeonjun concedes, lolling his head back to rest on top of his desk chair.
A sigh of relief escapes the man in front of Yeonjun. “Your father would prefer a woman but that’s fine by me, I can negotiate.”
As if on cue, you—his ever so sweet and ever so responsible—secretary swings the door open, two coffee cups in hand.
“Yeonjun, I have your—“ you stop in the doorway, eyes flickering back and forth between the young CEO and the business man standing in front of his desk. “Am I… interrupting something? I can come back.”
Yeonjun almost feels bad for how clueless you’re going to be when he drops this bomb on you. “Actually no, your timing is perfect. I have something to ask of you, Y/N.”
Suspiciously eyeing him, you take a few tentative steps forward and place the coffee on Yeonjun’s desk. “… Yes?”
“Well, Mx Y/N—“ the nervous businessman next to you begins.
“Ah, allow me, if that’s okay.” Yeonjun cuts the man off and he merely lets out a sigh of acknowledgment, scribbling things down on the notepad in front of him.
“If this is about making another powerpoint with everyone’s headshots and names, I already emailed it to you. You need to work on your memory, old man.” the playful smile on your lips from calling Yeonjun old even though he’s only a year older than you quickly disappears as you furrow your brows. What could you have possibly forgotten that he’d asked you to do? “And I set up your lunch with Soobin. Is there anything I’m missing?”
Yeonjun almost has to laugh at your innocent face, wholly unprepared for what’s to come.
“Y/N, let’s get married.”
“Excuse me?”
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sangoqueenkoko · 3 months
"it's not what you think it is"
Drabble prompt: page 1: #50 = "it's not what you think it is."
Warnings? Nope! At least, I don't think so.
Contains Furina, Charlotte and Neuvillette of course!
757 words.
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Well, well, well...
Look what we have here.
(Y/N), one of Fontaine's best lawyers.
The lawyer every caught criminal wishes to have as their defence, but Celestia forbids it if you are on the opposite side. They will certainly go to jail for whatever crime they committed, no matter how good or bad their alibi. If they're guilty, you will easily find that out. And vice versa.
But here you are, in the Iudex's office, standing in front of his desk as he sat with some paperwork of a court case that had just concluded. You were on the prosecutor's side of a robbery where the criminal took every piece of valuables they could hold and ran.
"Great work today, (L/N), as per usual," Neuvillette said approvingly and nodded as he put the current paperwork on the desk before him. Before he stood up and walked over to you with his usual soft eyes and smile.
You looked up at him as he lightly kissed your cheek.
Yes, you read that right.
You and Neuvillette have been secretly seeing each other without anyone noticing, not even Furina. Every 'date' you both go on is something subtle. It could just talking, he loves listening to you talk. He’s a great listener. And you love listening to him talk, his voice is smooth and calming. If you were to go out on a walk through the city or eat together, you would eat in his office where no one would suspect it, rather than in public. If one were to be let into the office simultaneously, one would think it's an important meeting… somehow, that may last a while, considering if you both eat there.
But when no one is there, things are different. Very different.
Neuvillette isn't one for physical affection, but he likes the kisses on the cheek and the back of the hands. And if he's in a good mood, a small kiss on the lips. Maybe. But that depends on both parties: him as well as you.
Aside from that, another case you were working on was significant; it reached all corners of Fontaine via mouth or The Steambird. Charlotte, whom you had gotten to know more about the more you spoke to her about cases and general day-to-day life. But in terms of work, she was due to talk to you and Neuvillette about the now-concluded trail to write in The Steambird, as the rest of Fontaine want to know what the Iudex and Jurist think of the whole ordeal.
But the two of you talked enough to make you friends.
"Not bad yourself, Monsieur" You smiled in return as you stood on your tiptoes to quickly return the light but sweet kiss. He liked it when you called him that. Not because it is a part of his title, because it is, but you just like saying it. As you aren't from Fontaine, you've never really had to say it, but now you can, you think it rolls off the tongue. "I think it's interesting how you, a stoic yet gentle being, can hold such trials like that yet not let your emotions slip."
"Ah, mon amour, but it's all with time past. I have done this for centuries; I have been used to this routine for a while now," he says as he gently lifts your chin to look at him with his index finger. His soft blue moonstone eyes meet your stunning (E/C) ones.
You both got lost in each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity, but it was only for a few short seconds.
The space between you two closed as he then pulled you closer by your waist before pressing his soft lips against yours. Both of you are immersed in the moment~
FLASH. Followed by a short CLICK.
"Monsieur Neuvillette!" the both of you hear towards the door. You two broke away from the moment before looking in that direction. Only to see an utterly shocked and flabbergasted Furina. Charlotte is standing beside her, Kamera in hand. That would be where the flash came from, "Mx. (L/N)! U-Uh-! What is the meaning of this??!"
Good luck trying to get Charlotte to not write about this in The Steambird this week.
"Lady Furina..!" Neuvillette began in a mild panic, his usual calm and collected demeanour slipping as you gently pushed yourselves apart and away from each other. Both your faces are different shades of blush.
"it's not what you think it is."
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it’s exactly what you think it is lmao
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Yuu is Tired
So idk what this is but I just had an idea for a drabble yk?? A bit angst. Yuu snaps and is GN and is on meds and stuff. I'm get back to reqs afterwards so enjoy
This is also kinda backstory for one of Juatclems reqs I'm working on and potential mean Yuu lore??? Anyways @blushing-concubus since u liked RSA Yuu
The Housewardens along with their vices all sit in Crowley’s office for an annual meeting. By some miracle, Malleus was there, probably because Lilia dragged them, however. As everyone settled in, Crowley took his seat, ready to start the session. “Alright, everyone so today-“
A knock at the door interrupts all of them, “I’m here headmaster, coming in.” You opened the door and visibly stiffened in surprise at everyone there, before giving Kalim a friendly wave back. Your eyes locked with Malleus for a moment, surprised to see your friend here, but a voice snaps you out of your thoughts, “Mx. Yuu, what are you doing here?” Your small smile dropped to confusion. “Did you forget, Headmaster Crowley? You said today you were available to talk to me… You know… About my situation…”
Leona sighed, just wanting to get this meeting over with, he hated prolonging these boring discussions, even more since Malleus was here. Riddle also huffed, such poor planning is making everyone waste their time. Trey put a hand on Riddle's shoulder to calm him. Vil wore the smallest scowl, glancing at the papers in your hand. Crowley looked around at the members there before clearing his throat.
“Ah… Aahhh yes, I totally remember! It was about your way home, yes? Terribly sorry Mx.Yuu but we are having a meeting right now, can’t this wait later.” You paused. Don't get upset. Don't get mad. “Well… I am also a prefect. Maybe I can join in until the meeting ends?” “Yuu, I’m afraid your dorm doesn’t have any other students, this meeting is for actual housewardens.”
Your heart sank at that. Putting off everything yet again. “Well can I just ask you the one question I have? It’ll be quick I swear!” “Mx.Yuu. I am going to have to ask you to leave.” “Right…” You sounded dazed for a moment.
You’ve been trying to have this conversation with him for a full year now. A year has passed with no information regarding your situation. And there has been no support for you as a foreign student both mentally and academically. You've spent a year here in total darkness with no support. “Sorry but uh… I’m not leaving until we discuss this.” “Pardon?”
"I mean…” You refused to bite your tongue now. “It’s not like you would have considered anything they say anyways. You would just drop all your work on me again like you usually do after threatening my basic right to food.” Besides Ruggie choking back snort, the room went deathly silent. “Mx. Yuu…”
“No. None of that. If I dont bring this up now, it’ll never happen.” Your voice was stuttery and a bit wobbly. “I-I I mean- I’ve been trying to talk to you about my situation for a year now and just- every time it gets dismissed or something. I can’t even talk about my problems or get help with my stay here.” Azul and Jade perked up at this, cogs spinning in their mind to create the perfect contract.
“Like, for example, I am always laughed at or humiliated for asking basic questions. I’m new this this entire world and yet everyone expects me to know everything! People are always upset when I dont know of some obscure wizard from a few hundred years ago or old trends that were popular.” 
Crowley sighed, making your blood boil. Your voice sped up, used to being cut off. “It’s really impacting my grade and there's no support for students with similar problems.” Crowley interrupted, “It sounds like you just need to study harder.” You didn't hide your irritated expression. “I did! I have been! I’ve been trying my absolute best but I don’t have a phone and the library doesn’t have anything beginner friendly! I-I mean—``''There are plenty of books in the library and teachers to help, you have no excuses.” 
Your voice trembled, a year's worth of frustration building up, finally coming out. “Okay then, tell me who Nikola Tesla is! Explain to me what Thomas Edison did! If you don't know them surely you must know of Julius Caesar or Cleopatra right?! You see? It's not that easy! And no matter the explanation I give you, you would still need to know more about my world to fully understand anything! And not only that but Grims grades can impact mine? It's not fair!”
You were breathing heavily and you seemed panicked. Crowley tensed up, trying to diffuse the situation. Trey and Riddle both cringed, this wasn’t going to be good. “No, no. Listen to me. I know nothing of this world that I was dragged into! On top of that I have no basic necessities— I barely got my own toothbrush a month ago— and I dont have the medications I need to be mentally okay even though I’ve been requesting them for over a year now! I-I just! ... On top of all of this I need to worry about food and do your job for you. I-it’s just not fair. It’s all taken a toll on my mental health and I just want to go home.”
You locked your eyes with Crowley “Please for the sake of my mental health tell me you have found something. Anything. I need to go home. I need my medication! I can’t be here anymore, I can't take it- I'm scared. I'm scared to even be alone with myself now. I see no way out besides…” You choked back a sob. “Please. Please tell me something. Anything. I can't take it anymore. The stares. the judgement. It's so… suffocating...”
Everyone turned towards Crowley, giving him a few judgemental and wide-eyed stares. Crowley cleared his throat “Mx. Yuu… Finding you a way home is going to take a while. We still don't know what dimension you even—``''Bullshit!” You snapped, glaring at him.
“Bullshit! I had visions about coming here before I did and you were there. Hell, I've been having visions and hearing voices and seeing things since my time here. I don't know if I've officially lost it or what, but…” You paused, to take in a breath. “I mean- You think I managed to deal with all these blots by myself? Don’t get me started on how you expect me to somehow be okay with them after everything too, I have fucking scars on my body that no magic can fucking heal, and you expect me to act like everythings okay?” The housewardens and a certain Vice-Housewarden looked away, guilt building up inside when they watched you pull up a sleeve to show your damaged arm.
“Do you not hear how insane it sounds— And-and-and— you guys don't even have a therapist here to talk to! Fuck, it seems I’m the schools only therapist having to deal with everyones problems and of course no ones there for me because why would they be!” Your voice was getting louder. “I’ve been predicting everything so far! I've been the one having to just… deal with all of this, all while being hungry! It's not fair!” 
You gripped the sleeves of your oversized and dusty uniform. “And I know you have to know something from what I’ve seen. I've reached out to RSA!” Rook’s eyes lock with yours for a moment and you swear you see his expression seem sad for once in all the time you’ve known him. You feel everyones staring at you. Some angry, some guilty, some sympathetic. You can especially feel the shock, most notably from your horned friend along with the floating tablet now on mute.
“RSA, says they know shit about interdimensional magic. I've told them about my situation and they actually offered to take me in and help! Fucking Chenya even said they offer help for foreign students! I don’t know if your just that incompetent or just scheming Headmage, but I am not leaving until you sign these transfer papers. And you are just to transfer me, not Grim. I am still pissed that you dropped him on me and consider us half a student!” Your breaths steadied as you calm yourself.
“I am done, Crowley. I am leaving, and you are going to approve of it.” You stared into the yellow orbs that peaked from behind his mask. Your voice cracked. “Please.” You can't imagine how they would’ve reacted to you foreseeing the future long before you came here. Where NRC is in ruins and the housewardens had to fight a very familiar looking cat…
You don't care if they called you selfish. You e been selfless your entire time here and that got you nowhere. So maybe you have to be selfish...
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nanaslutt · 4 months
MX NANANANANNAANAAAAAA!! Hey I hope ur doing well <3 I’ve been following u for a while but I was wondering when did u actually start writing for this blog and what was the first story u posted? I’m pretty sure the first one of ur works I read was either perv geto or the aphrodisiac chocolate with gojo! lol I’ve been hooked ever since. Also also! Is there anything ur really itching to write and just haven’t gotten around to it yet? I love ur big brain so so much I hope u have a great day and ur taking care of yourself!! Mwah!
i could be wrong… i think it started as like a 100 word drabble abt nanami and it got a lot of interaction so it made me wanna write full fics and here we are :) // I LAUV UU THANK U MUAH <3
about fics i wanna writeeee, here’s a couple sneaky peakies of ideas ive been itching to write……
- heian era sukuna x reader n she comes from a very well known sourcerer clan, sukuna learns of her and sees her beauty, wants to yknow… get to know her a little cos he’s curious. i also wanna add something abt readers dad hearing about sukunas infactuation abt u somehow and is very resistant to you going but that only fuels your curiosity so you sneak out and meet him aaaaand :3
- another is reader being some kinda curse enigma like sukuna and they are ‘friends with him’, they take a liking to uraume and do anything they can to get them to like them back, eventually ending with uraume getting absolutely fucked out of their mind by reader of course
- yuki comforting you once you get out of a breakup by dicking you down with her strap when she finds out he never made you cum tehe
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jaylleoo14 · 27 days
A little Azul brainrot I got when I was thinking about the lion funnily enough
(If you want to be more fully immersed try listening to “My September” by Nastyona :D it really set the mood for me and vibed nicely along throughout the read<3 It may be a difficult read but keep in mind that there are two separate things going on at the same time and it goes back in fourth.) 
Amnesiac Asphyxia- Azul drabble
TW: slight gore, Amnesia, stalking, obsessive behaviors, manipulation, implied power abuse, drugging. All characters are aged up and this is a work of fiction
Thinking of something where you're on your way to go get groceries but then suddenly you get into a car crash. Waking up in the hospital you find yourself with a nurse and a complete stranger across from you. With a sigh of relief the nurse quickly leaves the room to inform the other doctors and nurses while you're left in a state of confusion as to what's going on. The light from the window looked shallow and a low contrast of clear yellow, the room looking clean with tile pattern walls, a pattern of scorpion grasses decorating the border of the room. A light breeze falls through and makes the blue-to-white curtains swift in the air. You can hear noises of carts and wheels being heard and the sound of cars leaving and coming outside the window. To the corner of the room near the window you spot a man sitting on a cushioned chair. He looked so pale and worn out, few bandages scattered across his face. Suddenly, the man gets up and goes over to you, hugging your hand with the most tear relieved smile ever. You could feel that his warmth seemed to radiate a sense of relief in this mellow room you both were in while your eyes adjusted to the light of the room. 
"What... Happened? What's going on here?" Barely managing to let out a clear voice, raspy and lower than usual from the lack of using it constantly for it to sound like how it did consistently before the accident. 
Your head is throbbing and your body is in so much pain, the feeling of your aches soaring through your bedridden state. "Ah everything's alright my love. I'm so glad that we could get you to the hospital quickly enough. I'm so happy you're alive, my angelfish." His voice was so shaky, so full of emotion yet it was as if he was holding himself back from letting it all out. 
Noticing your hand is being tenderly squeezed as it lays beside you, you give him a look of hard confusion. "Who are you?" Your voice sounds on edge and nervous, unsure of who this man could be. It soars and scratches against your neck as you speak, feeling pain reverberating hoarsely.  So suddenly calling you all these pet names in such a comfortable manner. His expression displays one of shock and distraught, his grip on your hand loosening as if at a loss. Outside, the trees sway from a light breeze, yet so many leaves fall down. The breeze, although light, comes hitting in for a long and continuous time; the curtains moving in motion as it dances along to the music the wind provides and the melody of your interaction plays out.
"Dear? Excuse me? Please be joking right now, you…. You can't be serious, right?" His expression was one of wide eyed horror, getting up closer to you. Flinching back, you withdraw your hands and the nurses and doctors come back into the room. "I don't know who you are sir." Your words of sudden hostility and confusion were like a knife and it looked as if you just physically and visibly stabbed through his chest, and all he can do is just stand there and freeze from the sudden injection. The realization that he was stabbed, not yet registering in his brain. Letting go of the knife, it clattered down on the floor and you looked at him like he was a stranger. Staring back at you, he holds the gaping deep cut of the imprinted knife injury you bestowed upon him while giving you a frozen look.
"Thank goodness you are awake, Mx. (L/N), you were caught in a car accident a couple of hours ago." The doctors are catching you up in the events, but the man standing there is left struck with tears in his eyes. His hands clenched tighter where his heart burns, where blood seeps out of the wound and he looks down to stare at his bloodied hands. Hands that were already stained and tainted.
"Sir? Are you okay? Is everything alright?" One of the nurses comes over and pats his back, but he only comes back up to you and kneels down in front of your bed. He snaps back out of his frozen and dead state, placing his hands firmly on the hand rails making up the bed. The nurses share a look of concern and sympathy, already understanding the situation and feeling of dread he must be feeling at the moment. 
You look at the man continuing to bear those confused eyes, staring at his bandaged face. Those pale lips of his open, as if a pot full of trickery only lied in them. "I'm… Azul.” A moment of silence as he pauses to recollect his voice, a hardened look in his eyes as he stares at you in a heartbroken manner. “Azul Ashengrotto. Your boyfriend."
"If it weren't for your boyfriend then we wouldn't have been able to get you here quick enough."
You stare at this man who calls himself your boyfriend. You don't remember anything. Nothing at all. Nothing leading up to the accident, nothing on what you were going to be doing today, nothing about a boyfriend. "I... I don't remember anything." Azul lets go of his chest, letting his blue blood slowly stain and soak his shirt, almost looking like a soaked wet rag. He falls to his knees and droops his head, staring ahead at your standing figure that looked down on him. 
The doctors all share the same look of deep concern, saying in a firm but gentle voice. "Your name is (y/n) (l/n), it seems that due to the car crash you suffer from amnesia right now. But with the help of your boyfriend I'm sure you will be able to regain your memories."
"Oh, I see. So... You're my boyfriend?" You turn to look at the man who seems visibly stricken to his core. But with a desperate nod he comes over to you with his hand over his heart as if he means well and true. Slightly standing up as he used the railing for support despite not needing it. 
“Yes, I've been your boyfriend for two years now.” He says it so surely to calm you down that he’s known you for so long now. Such truthfulness in his heart as he cant help but give out a worried look. Yet the uncertain and warry expression on your face doesn’t ease him one bit. He sits back down on the chair, bringing his hands to his face with a low drooped sigh. He was devastated. Really. 
To think such a tragedy like this could happen to you so suddenly, how was he able to process all this information. “I informed them that you were okay. Your parents that is.” He speaks up once again, his face remaining buried. The medical professionals in the room start to get busy, the wind picks up and instead of leaves falling a bird flies away from the tree.
“They have been worried sick about you since I made the call, but I assured them I would take care of you for the time being.” You notice his shaky and shallow voice, as if he was on the verge of just breaking down. But it gives you a sign on how serious and how real this all was. Even though you didn’t know this man, it felt like all that he was saying was true. He contacted your parents, his claims, and his raw emotions all led you to the conclusion that you in fact do know this man. 
Don't remember.
The tree is starting to become less filled around its branches as more leaves start to fall and sway off due to the gradual wind. Azul gets on his knees, crawling towards you in a pitiful manner as a slow trail of blueberry juice follows behind him. “Azul… Was it?” You say softly as you try to familiarize yourself with his name. It comes out so smoothly, the way you say his name, he wants you to say it all the more just to hear you as if you were calling out to him. He crawls more desperately towards you, his hands shaking as you give him a hardened stare. The blue stained knife gleaming a little as if it were a shell on the seashore of a cold beach day. 
Why? It was you wasn’t it?
As you repeat his name again to try and regain a sense of familiarity, Azul looks up from his hands with his head lifted. A hurt look splays across his face as you look at his reaction, though it makes you feel suddenly guilty as he softly smiles at you. Well despite how you acted towards him, isn’t that to be expected? You don't know this man, but the past you did. The you before the accident. However you can tell how deeply hurt Azul was and yet he still tries to accommodate your loss of memories and feelings. 
The past you did know him. You knew him for two years and he shared a love life with you. He would walk with you hand in hand. You two would watch movies together in your apartment as you snuggled in your blanket together. Taking showers together and sharing loving touches with each other, sharing intimate and passionate nights together. You’ve known him a bit longer than two years, only two years of that lovely dating life that is. 
“I’ll go let your parents know that you’re awake though. I’ll inform them of the situation… Hopefully, you remember us soon y/n…” His voice is gentle, as if he just cried his heart out and just recovered. He gets up from the chair, and makes his way out the room while the nurses and doctor work next to you to go through specific procedures regarding your condition.
All so suddenly Azul quickly grabs the knife laying next to your foot and makes a stand. As he suddenly jumps up, you jerk back to try and dodge his sudden attack. You can't see his face because he still hung it low, a groan escaping his lips. Hands suddenly grab at your shoulders to prevent you from moving back any further, instead pushing you forward. The sharp pointed end of the blade can be felt inside of you as you fall into the knife. He holds it firmly as he ensures to sink it into your stomach and you can only let out a bloodshot cry of pain, the feeling of flesh and skin bouncing and tearing seamlessly. You can barely turn your head back due to the amount of agonization you’re feeling in your stomach, feeling frozen stiff as ever. Your clouded and teary eyes are met with a sharp and tall figure with a toothy grin, a shadow covering his face from which all you can see and make out. Turning back to face your attention on Azul who stood firm in his position, you can see your red cherry blood spilling out of you from where the knife stays plunged into you. 
I love you, you know that?
The nurses make sure to change out your iv bag and adjust anything in particular if needed. As you sit there on the medical bed, dressed in those polka-dotted hospital gown you actually come to focus on one thing in particular in the room. Zoning out from all the questions the nurses were asking you, your eyes stayed glued to the scorpion grasses pattern bordered around the walls. It was like something that just stook out to you in all of this clean melancholy room. Outside the room, Azul walks away a good amount of distance to ensure his call isn't heard and that he is not disturbing anyone. After a few good long rings, the phone can be heard with a click as someone on the other end picks up. “Why didn’t you pick up right away, Floyd?” 
As you sniffle and sob due to the pain, Azul then lets go of the knife. Blue hand prints marked on the handle. In your hot tear-filled eyes you see someone walking up behind Azul, lifting him up to help him stand on his feet. Before you could fall down and hit your head on the floor, the same hands that pushed you into the knife catches you and keeps you still and standing. It hurts. It hurts so bad, blood seeping out of you much more than the amount of blood Azul was spilling when you had stabbed him. You watch. Watch as the person from behind places his hand on Azuls stab wound, and when he removes his hand it was like you had never stabbed him at all. It had disappeared as if it were magic. Or as if it were planned all along. You can see it so clearly yet the quality of your sight was so blurry and fuzzy. Finally, you can see Azuls face.
I hate you.
Azuls voice sounded firm and stern as ever through the phone and Floyd only clicks his tongue, seeming to sound slightly passive. “Why's it even matter? I still picked up.” Floyd sounds uncaring as ever as he holds the phone loosely in his hands, looking like it could slip out of his palms anytime. Though his long fingers ensure that isn't the case as they hold it securely in contrast. “That doesn’t answer my question, I need you to be more quick with it next time. Especially for this case in particular.” His eyebrows furrow a bit as he stands against the wall, your room being a while away down the hall. Sounds can be heard nearby but not close enough for him to worry for anyone to hear. “Yeah yeah I got it already, so hurry up n’ tell me what ya want already Azul. If you don't, I'll just hang up on ya.” Azul can hear him yawn on the other side of the phone and he can only sigh in annoyance, shaking his head slightly. “Did you and Jade take care of everything already? The cameras? The car?” 
“Ya wanna find out? I’m kinda bored right now so why dontcha come by and check for yourself? Leave ya little “lover” for a bit since they’re awake, it's why ya called isn't it?” Floyd definitely was playing around with Azul, but he wasn’t having it. Not now, not in the mood to deal with him at the moment. “No need to worry Azul, Floyd is just messing around as per usual when he’s bored. In fact, he only is because we indeed have already finished everything as you requested of us.” 
As you coughed out a bit of blood, you looked up to see Azul. A tall grinning figure behind him as a shadow looms across its face. So quickly, Azul pulls out the knife from you and another blood curdling scream is ushered out of you. Sobs and hot tears leak down your cheeks as Azul gives the blue and red knife over to the figure behind him. Swiftly, it grabs it and proceeds to wipe the knife clean away and free from ever being soaked in cherry and blueberry juices. The hands holding you up lets you go once again, and you fall into Azuls open arms. He holds you so tenderly and closely as you continue to cry and weep, crying so hard from the pain that it was getting harder to breathe. He was smiling. Even though he was there shushing you as one would to soothe a baby, brushing your hair with his fingers and holding you lovingly, you saw the look on his face. He was smiling. He looked so happy. Happy as you continue to suffer and become languished in his arms. You can't breathe.
Not anymore
The past you did know him. You knew him for two years and he shared a love life had a one sided love with you. He would walk with you behind you, lurking in the shadows as he imagined the both of you hand in hand. You two would watch movies together in your apartment as you snuggled in your blanket while he hid in your closet watching with you together. Taking showers together and sharing loving touches with each other, sharing intimate and passionate nights together . Ḩ̵̛̘̤͙͔̝̫̖̻̦̞͙̺̅̿͘͝ë̸͓̮͉͈͇͍̖͎̩̞͈́́́̋̇̾͋̈́̾͆͑͘͘͜͠͝ c̵̛̥͊ǎ̴̯̀͠ǹ̷̨͍̮̥̹̘͙̗̻̬̬̜̥̮̃̒̈́̽͗̿̍̄̂̏͆͠͝ ŏ̸̡̼̺̫̥̻͈̞̍͆̏̓́͜͝ͅǹ̷̨͍̮̥̹̘͙̗̻̬̬̜̥̮̃̒̈́̽͗̿̍̄̂̏͆͠͝l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆y̶͔͗ i̶̹͈͎̳̞͙͖̾̂̀͑̀͆̑̓̽̉͐͘͘ͅm̵̢͕̫̓̔͑̊̈ǎ̴̯̀͠ǧ̷̡̟̲̹̩̱͉̮̭͇͚̮̖̟̽̓͊̔̓̕inë̸͓̮͉͈͇͍̖͎̩̞͈́́́̋̇̾͋̈́̾͆͑͘͘͜͠͝ s̴̹̀̎̇͗̍͗̾̋̏̈͐͒̕͠͠ͅŏ̸̡̼̺̫̥̻͈̞̍͆̏̓́͜͝ͅ m̵̢͕̫̓̔͑̊̈u̷̬̩̰̫͕̘̔́̃̄̍͋̓c̵̛̥͊h̸̽̂̓̀̍̋͋́̅̃͘͝ t̸̫̫̤͕̳̻̰̣̭́̌̉͝ͅi̶̡̹͈͎̳̞͙͖̾̂̀͑̀͆̑̓̽̉͐͘͘ͅl̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆ ḥ̸̨̧̗̮̖̽̂̓̀̍̋͋́̅̃͘͜͝ë̸͓̮͉͈͇͍̖͎̩̞͈́́́̋̇̾͋̈́̾͆͑͘͘͜͠͝ s̴̹̀̎̇͗̍͗̾̋̏̈͐͒̕͠͠ͅt̸̫̫̤͕̳̻̰̣̭́̌̉͝ͅǎ̴̯̀͠r̵̡͕͈͚͍͍̼͕̍̀̈́̽̎̍͗̍́̏̚͜͠t̸̫̫̤͕̳̻̰̣̭́̌̉͝ͅs̴̹̀̎̇͗̍͗̾̋̏̈͐͒̕͠͠ͅ t̸̫̫̤͕̳̻̰̣̭́̌̉͝ͅŏ̸̡̼̺̫̥̻͈̞̍͆̏̓́͜͝ͅ ǎ̴̯̀͠c̵̛̥͊t̸̫̫̤͕̳̻̰̣̭́̌̉͝ͅu̷̬̩̰̫͕̘͎̔́̃̄̍͋̓ǎ̴̯̀͠l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆y̶͔͗ c̵̛̥͊r̵̡͕͈͚͍͍̼͕̍̀̈́̽̎̍͗̍́̏̚͜͠ǎ̴̯̀͠ṽ̵͇̟̺̣͓̰̭̲̼̻̪̩̰͒̓̿̄̾̔̊͝ͅë̸͓̮͉͈͇͍̖͎̩̞͈́́́̋̇̾͋̈́̾͆͑͘͘͜͠͝ i̶̡̹͈͎̳̞͙͖̾̂̀͑̀͆̑̓̽̉͐͘͘ͅt̸̫̫̤͕̳̻̰̣̭́̌̉͝ͅ.
You’ve known him a bit longer than two years, only two years of that lovely dating life that is trying to escape from him. T̷̡̧̬̲̭̦̘̩̊̉͛̓̓̌͌̕ẃ̸̝̝̰͋͒ŏ̸̡̼̺̫̥̻͈̞̍͆̏̓́͜͝ͅ y̶͗ë̸͓̮͉͈͇͍̖͎̩̞͈́́́̋̇̾͋̈́̾͆͑͘͘͜͠͝ǎ̴̯̀͠r̵̡͕͈͚͍͍̼͕̍̀̈́̽̎̍͗̍́̏̚͜͠s̴̹̀̎̇͗̍͗̾̋̏̈͐͒̕͠͠ͅ, ŏ̸̡̼̺̫̥̻͈̞̍͆̏̓́͜͝ͅf̵̢̻͈̫̬̻͔̘̞͈̆̇̍̈̌͊ͅ ḥ̸̨̧̗̮̖̽̂̓̀̍̋͋́̅̃͘͜͝i̶̡̹͈͎̳̞͙͖̾̂̀͑̀͆̑̓̽̉͐͘͘ͅm̵̢͕̫̓̔͑̊̈ l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆ŏ̸̡̼̺̫̥̻͈̞̍͆̏̓́͜͝ͅṽ̵͇̟̺̣͓̰̭̲̼̻̪̩̰͒̓̿̄̾̔̊͝ͅi̶̡̹͈͎̳̞͙͖̾̂̀͑̀͆̑̓̽̉͐͘͘ͅǹ̷̨͍̮̥̹̘͙̗̻̬̬̜̥̮̃̒̈́̽͗̿̍̄̂̏͆͠͝ǧ̷̡̟̲̹̩̱͉̮̭͇͚̮̖̟̽̓͊̔̓̕ y̶͔͗ŏ̸̡̼̺̫̥̻͈̞̍͆̏̓́͜͝ͅu̷̬̩̰̫͕̘͎̔́̃̄̍͋̓ s̴̹̀̎̇͗̍͗̾̋̏̈͐͒̕͠͠ͅŏ̸̼̺̫̥̻͈̞̍͆̏̓́͜͝ͅ ṽ̵͇̟̺̣͓̰̭̲̼̻̪̩̰͒̓̿̄̾̔̊͝ͅë̸͓̮͉͈͇͍̖͎̩̞͈́́́̋̇̾͋̈́̾͆͑͘͘͜͠͝r̵̡͕͈͚͍͍̼͕̍̀̈́̽̎̍͗̍́̏̚͜͠y̶͔͗ m̵̢͕̫̓̔͑̊̈u̷̬̩̰̫͕̘͎̔́̃̄̍͋̓c̵̛̥͊ḥ̸̨̧̗̮̖̽̂̓̀̍̋͋́̅̃͘͜͝... T̷̡̧̬̲̭̦̘̩̊̉͛̓̓̌͌̕ŏ̸̡̼̺̫̥̻͈̞̍͆̏̓́͜͝ͅŏ̸̡̼̺̫̥̻͈̞̍͆̏̓́͜͝ͅ m̵̢͕̫̓̔͑̊̈u̷̬̩̰̫͕̘͎̔́̃̄̍͋̓c̵̛̥͊ḥ̸̨̧̗̮̖̽̂̓̀̍̋͋́̅̃͘͜͝.     
You’re discharged on the same day. You are to be given therapy to treat and help your amnesia, but with Azuls wealth he instead hires a personal medical professional to tend to your needs. Azul pushes your wheelchair, your legs not at all stable enough to properly walk yet due to the head damage you received. Along with your actual physical injuries as well of course. “Azul, do you think I'll come to remember you again?” You ask as the sound of the wheels roll against the pavement road, his shoes softly clacking as he makes his way over to the slanted curb. “I hope so… I hope you remember all the memories we shared during those two years we were together, though if not then we can start anew. I’ll do my best to make you fall for me once again my dear angelfish.” His voice is full of gentleness despite the rough situation you were in, it felt like he was just putting up a brave front and broken inside.
You’ll love me now.
As you lay in his arms limply, the pain still lingering though your body starting to become peppermint cold, placing a chaste kiss on your head. You cried so much you practically had a hard time breathing. No. This whole thing was suffocating. Because even after all this time of trying to escape from him, he still continued to persistently stuck close by like some sort of annoying parasite. Yet here you are, finally in his arms with those hazing lost eyes of yours. “I’ll make sure to take good care of you, I promise…” Laying still and motionless, your cold body is hugged tightly and longingly in his tight embrace. In the distance of this blank space, a set of scorpion grasses sway in the wind… “We’ll be together forever… Forget me not, okay darling?”... 
No response.
A black car with tinted windows eventually pulls up to the side where you and Azul were. As the car slows down to a stop besides you two, you are met with a man with sunglasses on and teal slicked back hair as the windows rolled down. “Came to pick ya up little guppie, ya missed me?” The driver tilts his head down a little as he pulls his shades slightly forward down his nose bridge and gives you a lazy smirk, waiting for an answer. Though you are only left confused and speechless. “Now Floyd, have you forgotten? Our dear friend Azul has a lover who suffers from an ailment traced back to an unfortunate incident.” Another voice can be heard coming from within the car yet you showed no new reaction. 
“This is Floyd, he’s a little fickle to handle at times but still all the more reliable.” 
“Hiyaaaa~” Floyd waves in an amble manner, lazily waving his hand to give off a more lax vibe. His voice sounded playful and refreshing to hear considering the given situation as he props his folded arm on the open window seal, his elbow pointed outwards. 
“And you may refer to me as Jade.” A tall, well groomed, and neat looking man approaches you, his appearance was certainly something to take notice of. Something about these three, it bothered you in a quiet and lingering fashion. Despite their propper and civil introductions and interactions, they had this underlying and subtle adroit air around them that you couldn’t quite place your finger on. You give him a nod and Azul gently leads you over towards the car while Jade opens the back door for you. 
“How’s shirmpy doin’ back there, comfy?” Floyds voice is painted into the car as he speaks and tilts his head back to meet your eyes – though a dull response slips from your lips as you sit there blankly. A nod is the only thing you give to answer Floyd and he turns his head back, pressing the gas pedal to move the vehicle forward. 
“Where are we headed too?” Your voice still not entirely well, it sounded a little on the rougher end. Azul hands you a bottle and you drink it gratefully, while Jade and Floyd who don't move as they sit in front of your peripheral vision listen to the jazzy music playing from the aux. “Azul has a nice and comfortable residence to your taste. I hope it can help recall some forgotten memories.” 
“Shouldn’t I go see my parents first?” 
“They are rather a long distance away, my dear. For now you should rest up since our place is also quite the drive. I’ll wake you up once we arrive, alright?”
His hands soothe your hands in a comforting manner and you honestly did feel a little tired. Tired enough to lean against his shoulders and close your eyes. His smooth voice can be heard as a lullaby, humming along with the melody of the jazz playing at the moment. It was a nice and comfortable atmosphere perfectly conditioned to better your sleep. 
“I’m glad to see that the pills really do live up to its reputation. Maybe I should look into the ingredients myself and do a side trade.” 
“Bleh, imagine all the work for that. But it does sound fun, imagine all the sorts of people we’d run into~”
“A capitalist at heart I see Azul, but I agree. If it didn’t work as well as listed then we could have kept the pills for research purposes and have gained more from the sellers.”
The car is down the road, and as the hospital is slowly leaving the line of sight, the tree is seen with no leaves as a single bird is perched comfortably on its branch. 
A/N: I'm going to be honest, this has been in my drafts for a damn near a long time and I’m really impatient. I wish this could have had better quality work but I just rushed it off so I could post it, but I hope you enjoyed the little idea I had! And honestly if you have any ideas to continue or add onto the storyline and plot feel free to do so!
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laysdimplesareillegal · 10 months
Guess what I wrote today!!!
It’s a throw away chapter for my changkyun fic because I needed to feel something, it’s timed somewhere between the beginning and the end of the fic and could or could be considered canon depending on what your tolerance for gore is
I’m not posting it yet because I need to prioritize other things but
Think of it like a bonus chapter at the end of a manga! I’ll make sure to warn y’all so you don’t have to read it if you don’t like.
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kanthonyficrecs · 12 days
Collection: Pregnancy AUs
A Bolt From The Blue by WaterlilyRose Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Anthony and Kate share a night of passion that must never be spoke of again. That’s the end of the story. Right?
A Crumpled Up Piece of Paper by Moomin_94 Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Anthony Bridgerton and Kate Sharma were perfectly happy after their quickie wedding in Fiji Until (She thinks) he told her to leave
A Journey by anidlequeen Rating: NR Status: Complete Summary: Very simply, a Kate gives birth fic.
Anything You Can Do by Mx Kate B Rating: M Status: WIP Summary: A collection of fluffy HEA drabbles to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Couldn’t Say It To Myself by INTPSlytherin_reylove97 Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: When Anthony began dating Edwina, he knew she’d fit the bill. When the annual Bridgerton summer holiday rolled around, he had every intention of proposing to Edwina. He just did not expect her to bring along her meddlesome sister, Kate.
First Words by MiniM236 Rating: G Status: Complete Summary: Kate’s pregnant, and she and Anthony are ready and excited. However, the happy couple’s competitiveness rears its head when they are deciding what baby Neddy’s first word will be!
How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) by moresassythanclassy Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Kate and Anthony are desperate for some alone time, but having three kids and a million responsibilities makes it tough. One interruption after the next leads to one very awkward situation, an impromptu discussion about the birds and the bees, and a happy little accident somewhere down the line.
insomnia by starkswinterfelling Rating: T Status: Complete Summary: Kate and Anthony learn to deal with some of Kate’s more bothersome pregnancy symptoms.
Lockdown by Stars_of_Kyber Rating: NR Status: Complete Summary: Anthony and Kate Briderton’s family was having a relatively easy time with Lockdown. And then Mary Sharma, a nurse working in the front line of medical care, got admitted to the hospital and Kate’s pregnancy test comes back positive. Anthony must find a way to hold his wife and children together as they navigate these complicated times.
Swollen by hydriotaphia Rating: E Status: Complete Summary: He did not know how to say to her that it excited him, all of it: the radiant glow of her skin, the thickness in her ankles that she soaked daily; watching her grow and grow like a swelling drum, like a cathedral, around his child, their child. She was ripening like a flower and Anthony could not keep his hands or his eyes off his wife.
take my hand, wreck my plans (that’s my man) by yetanotheremptypage Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: If two months ago you’d told Kate Sheffield-Sharma that she would be sitting in her flat with Anthony, Viscount Bridgerton, on the couch across from her and a positive pregnancy test sitting on the coffee table in between them, she would’ve told you that you were insane.
The MILF in 2B by folklauerate Rating: E Status: WIP Summary: She’d hoped her new neighbor would be polite. Willing to water her plants if she paid them. Generally uninterested in her life. By her fifth brownie, it’s clear to her that Anthony is likely to not be that type of neighbor.
To Build A Home by WaterlilyRose Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Anthony Bridgerton is missing. His family hunts for him with the mounting certainty something terrible has happened to him.
Until I Found You by goldenluxfairy Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Dearest reader, The time has come to place our bets on the marriage mart of 1815. As the ton casts it’s discerning gaze on the budding romances of this year’s social season, we should not neglect to keep a watchful eye on the married couples of the past. It is true that no outsider knows what goes on in a marriage behind closed doors. Only time will tell - and of course, this author. Yours truly, Lady Whistledown
What We Have Together by DoodlingAwaits Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: the accidental sperm donor AU nobody asked for but got anyway
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s4turns-st4rs · 1 year
🎧 ﹐ ♡﹒ 𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘭𝘶𝘴 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵﹒ ᶻ ᶻ
𝐚/𝐧: a little regulus drabble after my short hiatus!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 0.16k
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regulus’ hair was nicer today, you thought as you gazed at the slytherin boy. his dark curls hung along his sharp cheekbone, as he lent over his page, taking notes with more elegance than you thought possible. his curls looked tamer than usual, and like he’d actually brushed it. 
from the seat beside you, marlene elbowed your ribs. 
“oi” she whispered. “stop staring at your lover boy, sluggy keeps side-eyeing you.”
you shook your head, out of your trance. “not my lover boy” you mumbled as you tried to pay attention to slughorn’s lesson. 
“mx l/n, could you stop whispering with youre friends and tell me how many drops of veritaserum do you need for it to work effectively?”
“oh, um…” you flushed, and looked around for help. in front of your table, regulus whispered at you. 
“oh… three.” you said, attempting to muster some confidence. 
slughorn frowned. “correct. next time try to answer yourself, without your boyfriend helping you.” 
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