#my grandparents are dead or disowned so I think this is what they do
brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
AU - Ra's al Ghul being a grandfather to all of the Wayne kids
During their ongoing petty battles, Tim makes the mistake of calling Ra's "grandpa" as an insult. He meant it as a term to call the man old.
Ra's did not take it this way.
After being called "grandpa" by his rival/desired heir (pt. 3), he starts to wonder if all of Bruce's kids consider him to be their grandfather (they do not).
Cue Ra's al Ghul picking up grandparent guidebooks and trying to implement the advice. Because he's so out of touch with reality and society (he's a 600 year old assassin cult leader), he doesn't implement them correctly.
His go to method for hangouts with any of the Wayne kids is kidnapping. They don't know he's just trying to spend time with them. There's a ton of miscommunication.
Ra's quickly learns that if he has grandfather-grandchild time with Damian by himself, the Waynes.... overreact (they're not overreacting. They think Ra's is kidnapping Damian for some nefarious plot). Ra's then starts kidnapping Damian with one of his siblings for group hangouts.
He also will have grandfather-grandchildren days when Talia visits Bruce. He wants them to be able to spend time without the kids interrupting (even if the kids are in another country from Bruce, Ra's still kidnap them. Talia is also going to Bruce to beat him up for Damian instead of a date. Ra's thinks it's just their relationship dynamic).
The old man also spends a lot of time debating what makes someone a Wayne kid. Bruce's adoption habit makes this needlessly more difficult. He eventually lands on only considering those Damian claims as his siblings as his grandchildren.
It gets to the point that Ra's al Ghul even starts lecturing Bruce when he's being an ass to the grandkids.
How Ra's spoils his grandkids:
Damian - Ra's sets up a bunch of animal sanctuaries around the world. He takes the kid to all of them and seriously implements all of his ideas. He also sends him expensive, rare art supplies that can double as weapons (Damian thought the paints doubling as poison were fun to use).
Jason - The Outlaws get access to a bunch of weapons and gear. He also occasionally provides assistance or information.
Tim - Ra's doesn't do anything different. They already "hang out" a ton when Tim is in a petty and vindictive mood (Tim tries to fuck up Ra's day and the ancient bastard sees it as a bonding activity).
Cass - Ra's, after seeing that Cass sometimes experiences issues communicating with civilians, starts funding organizations that increase accessibility. He also attends every single recital she has.
Duke - Ra's provides access to his research material so that Duke might be able to find a way to help his parents. He also buys him really expensive glasses and blackout curtains to help with his migraines
Steph - The old man will gift wrap people who were shitty to Steph so that she can beat them up or get revenge. Her many hobbies (gaming, gymnastics, music, etc.) get funded as well.
Dick - Ra's either kidnaps Dick with a sibling he hasn't seen for a bit (allowing Dick to have quality time), or he'll enforce self care days for the acrobat.
Barbara - She is helped by the same organizations that help Cass, but Ra's usually just provides her with information the Birds of Prey can use.
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jeonsweetpea · 5 months
Moonstruck (14)
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Werewolf & Vampire Hybrid!AU, Supernatural!AU | Hybrid!Jungkook x Hybrid!Reader | Werewolf!Taehyung x Hybrid!Reader (ft. BTS)
genre: angst, e2l, supernatural, thriller, slow burn
rating: mature
description: Ari wants to see who truly loves you by pitting your lovers against each other.
word count: 6.3k
warnings: contains SPOILERS!!! kidnapping, cussing, fight scenes, betrayals, blood, dark magic, attempted assault, (temporary) deaths, 
a/n: The series is almost over! Just one chapter and I hope you’re enjoying reading as much as I am writing. Hope to hear your thoughts. Thanks for sticking around so long and giving my series a chance. <333 It's also on AO3 if you prefer reading over there!
Moonstruck Series Masterlist
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“It’s a pity our own granddaughter has to die,” a gentle voice said. 
Your eyes slowly opened, revealing the old couple from before. An immediate realization dawned upon you as you noticed the chains, bounding you in the shape of an X to the cold stone wall. These were no ordinary chains—every wriggle, every struggle, intensified the pain. Wolfsbane and vervain were laced into the links, sending stinging sensations to your wrists and ankles. Your body felt groggy, so it was certain you were injected with something beforehand.
Last thing you recalled was falling into the frozen lake. The freezing water filling up your lungs… oh right. Jimin had killed you too. Just your luck.
Looking around, it was evident this wasn’t the lake. But it wasn’t the underground cellar or cave in the mountains. Where exactly were you?
“Don’t get soft on her now. She’s awake,” a gruff voice responded. 
“Granddaughter?” The question hung in the air, escaping your lips in a hushed whisper. Another whiff of your mother’s familiar perfume triggered a sudden realization. “You’re…” 
“Your grandparents? Yes, dear. It’s sad we had to meet this way, but we had to make sure you died once these stupid 100 days were over,” your grandfather replied. “Frankly, we should take matters into our own hands.”
“We can’t. We don’t have the stake and that witch girl is frightening. They’ll kill her at the end of the day anyway,” your grandmother assured. “Besides, it’s nice not having to get our hands dirty.”
“100 days?” you breathed, unable to form a coherent sentence. It was difficult battling the drowsy state forced on you.
“God, she sounds delirious. Yes. Because you sired that other abomination and Jimin and that Ari girl are so insistent in breaking that bond first before killing you.”
“Honestly, it doesn’t matter,” your grandfather retorted with his arms crossed. “As long as you’re dead in the end, all the hybrids you’ve sired will cease to exist too.”
The weight of this revelation jolted you out of your drowsy trance, and you shot them an alarmed glare.
“What did you say?”
“Oh? You didn’t know? When you create those repulsive hybrids and sire them, you form a sireline. It’s like a family tree that never goes away. So if you die, then all the non-Original hybrids you created will die too. Even if the sire bond is broken.”
“Is that true?”
"We didn't dedicate our lives to learning everything about you just to lie now."
"Then... does Jimin know about this? He'd never let Jungkook die," you questioned, sensing the answer in the subtle withdrawal of their body language.
“Of course he doesn’t know. He’s too hellbent on killing you to realize he’s gonna kill his lover too,” your grandmother sneered. She approached you and bent down eye-level, analyzing your features carefully. “Remarkable. You look just like your mother.”
You spat in her face and she wiped it away immediately, taking a few steps back. She chuckled at your feisty behavior, a dark amusement in her eyes.
“Mom will never forgive you for doing this!” you exclaimed.
“Do you think we care? We disowned her when she eloped. Who would’ve thought she was pregnant with you…”
“You’re my family. Why does it matter so damn much to you?” you asked, your voice teetering between anger and disappointment.
“Blame your mother and father. They were never supposed to fall in love, much less have a child. Your existence is a loop in Mother Nature and unnatural!” your grandpa exclaimed. “It took us an eternity to track you down. Imagine our surprise when Jung Dawon showed up to the hospital where we worked.”
You held your breath. “She was your patient?”
“I think her name is Jiwoo now, honey,” your grandma reminded with a pat on her husband’s shoulder.
“Ah, right, right. What would I do without you?”
The two of them started to snuggle their noses together, their display of affection making you want to vomit. 
“Hey! Don’t ignore me! You two treated Jiwoo during her coma?!” you asked.
“Yes. That’s how we crossed paths with Jimin, H.O.P.E.—shame they’ve disbanded now thanks to your professors, no doubt. And then the Jungs had to die or Jimin wouldn’t have upheld his deal in the bargain,” your grandmother informed.
“You killed Hoseok’s parents… You deserve hell.” A past memory suddenly resurfaced to the forefront of your mind. “Years ago, Dad said you reached out. Said you apologized and wanted to meet me. Was that all a lie?”
Her gaze met yours, an expression of feigned pity playing on her face as she nodded, and your grandfather, reveling in your naivety, let out a cynical chuckle.
“You’re lucky your mother was so stubborn and unwilling to meet us. She even went so far as to make you move homes time and time again. It’s like she knew we had cruel intentions,” the old woman remarked.
“Cruel? Is that what you call it? This is diabolical, I deserve to live just as much as you do! You call my existence unnatural, which is hypocritical considering none of us are human!”
“She talks too much,” the old man interjected.
“Yeah, let’s shut her up.”
“No, no! I’m going to reveal everything! You won’t get away with—”
It was futile. Your grandmother held your head still while your grandfather retrieved a ball gag from a nearby table. Your nose picked up wafts of vervain and wolfsbane, causing you to whimper. As the straps secured around your face, your skin ignited with pain, and you couldn't contain the sobs that escaped.
Your relatives walked away from you once the task was complete, heading for the stairs. The last words you heard were from your grandmother.
“It was a pleasure meeting you, darling.”
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Meanwhile, back at the dimly lit cellar…
Cage 1: Jungkook, Taehyung, Sunghyun
In the first cage, Jungkook stood tall, his back against the bars. Taehyung was standing on the opposite side, muscles tense, while Sunghyun minded his business and rested on the cot in the middle of the two. 
Cage 2: Namjoon and Yoongi
In the adjacent cage, Namjoon lay unconscious, sprawled on the cold floor. Yoongi sat with his back against the cage, observing their surroundings with a calculating gaze.
Cage 3: Jin, Hoseok, Jiwoo
The third cage housed Jin, who gazed through the bars with a mix of determination and worry. Hoseok stood tall with his sister Jiwoo sitting beside him, a protective arm wrapped around her. 
No one dared to utter a word. Each person bore the weight of their own struggles in the metallic confines, the atmosphere oppressive and thick with tension. The silence broke when Taehyung got down on all fours.
“What are you doing?” Jungkook questioned.
“I’m getting out of here. [Y/N]’s in danger.” He closed his eyes, narrowing his focus while using his werewolf instincts.
“Turning won’t work. These cages were built to withstand supernaturals,” Jungkook recalled, his arms crossed in a display of frustration. Taehyung, irritated by the diversion of his focus, furrowed his eyebrows and then opened his eyes. 
“Well, it worked for Hoseok. Didn’t it?” he declared as he stood up, hands planted firmly on his hips.
“I was set up by you and Jimin! You tainted my food!” Hoseok argued. 
“Are you sure it wasn’t your lover over there?” Taehyung smirked, his words a venomous tease.
“Go to hell, Taehyung!” Yoongi exclaimed.
Chaos reigned as accusations flew, each member of the imprisoned group hurling blame and calling out their short-comings. Only did the sound of the creaking cellar door garnered their attention. The unexpected arrival turned out to be Ari, who was descending down the staircase in a frantic scramble. 
“Oh my god, what have I done? You all have to get out of here!”
A collective confusion lingered, yet none dared to question Ari's sudden change of heart. Retrieving the keys from her pocket, she approached the nearest cage—Taehyung's. Nervousness interfered with her attempt to unlock the padlock properly.
“Come on, Ari!” Taehyung yelled.
“I’m trying here!” 
In an unexpected twist, Ari fell to her knees, clutching her chest and breathing heavily. She let out a pained groan, followed by an unsettling expulsion of water. “Oh… that can’t be good.”
“What the hell is happening to you?” Professor Jin asked, gripping the cage bars for a closer look. “The dark magic is killing you!”
“It’s not that. Jimin’s trapped in the frozen lake. He’s drowning and dying over and over.” Struggling to stand, Ari's focus remained on the stubborn padlock. “I’m running out of time. She’s going to come back soon.”
Moments later, the padlock clicked open. She swung the cage door open, urging the boys to escape.
“Where do you think you’re going?” A dark, menacing voice emanated from Ari's lips, her face contorting as if an evil force sought to break free.
"Let them go!" The familiar, authoritative tone sounded like the Ari they knew, yet beneath the surface, a fierce battle between the light and darkness waged.
“No. You’re too weak to stop me!” 
Ari threw up some more water as she collapsed to the floor with a thud. She reached her hand out to the boys and whispered. “Run…”
Her hand dropped and she was unconscious. The shock of it all left everyone frozen when her eyes suddenly fluttered open, pitch black, and she scrambled to her feet at lightning speed. 
Taehyung, Jungkook, and Sunghyun rushed upstairs but it was too late. Ari used dark magic to telekinetically rip out Sunghyun’s heart, permanently killing him. His remaining corpse fell down stairs as Jiwoo shrieked. Hoseok shielded his sister away from the sight in a tight embrace, trying his best to calm her down.
“Now… you two. Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. We still have to go talk to your beloved [Y/N].”
She knocked them out with the snap of her fingers before teleporting them to your location.
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You gave into exhaustion and surrendered to a nap for however long possible. Nothing mattered anymore. You were trapped and because of your reckless plan, so was everyone else. Your grandparents wanted you dead and at this point, you yearned for an end. 
What stirred you from your slumber was the sound of groaning. You slowly opened your eyes and saw Taehyung and Jungkook lying on their stomachs a few feet away. They were chained to the floor like animals. 
Jungkook was first to fully regain his senses, sitting up right away at the sight of you. “[Y/N]! You’re alive—oh fuck. What did they do to you?”
The ball gag and restraints didn’t aid in your efforts to communicate as the only sounds you could make were whimpers. Taehyung, driven by desperation, got on his knees and tugged at his chains madly.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you out. It’ll be okay!”
In the heart of the room, Ari manifested from the ceiling and floated down like an angel. A dark one, that is.  
“What is it about you, hmm? You have not only one but TWO suitors who are willing to do whatever it takes to save you. To love you. Meanwhile, I can’t even have one…”
She landed gently on the ground as she circled around Jungkook, eyes locked into yours. “You said Jimin never loved me, but what about you? Do you really think Jungkook loves you? He admitted feelings for another.”
You bit your lip to fight back tears. This was too painful to deal with.
“[Y/N], don’t listen to her. Listen to me,” Jungkook begged. The sadness within your gaze caused a pang in his heart. “This is the truth. There were times I spent the night at his dorm because I couldn’t stand watching you with Taehyung. I got to bond with him on a deeper level. He was the first friend I had outside of you that didn’t judge me. Didn’t make me feel like a loser. Like I was weak.”
“So you kiss him,” Taehyung remarked. “A little heart-to-heart and you’re all tongues.”
“He kissed me!” Jungkook snapped at him. He refocused on you. “During the sparring session. I was trying to get information out of him. Promise! Of course I felt something; it was a kiss. It surprised me. But that doesn’t mean he’s the one I love.”
“Excuses, excuses,” the werewolf said with a dismissive hand gesture. 
“You don’t get to judge something you don’t understand. The sire bond affects emotions and it’s almost broken. I’ve been living my life through a filter! I don’t know what’s what anymore.”
“It doesn’t matter. You didn’t believe her when it mattered most. Nothing’s worse than not being believed. She must’ve been crushed.”
Taehyung’s right. You were.
“You watch your mouth!”
“Or what? We’re all chained because that bitch of a witch can’t stand the fact her boyfriend is in love with you! This is all your fault!”
Ari cackled and rushed over to Taehyung’s side like a devil whispering in his ear. “That’s right. Rile him up.”
“Get the hell away from me,” Taehyung huffed in disgust. “You killed Sunghyun.”
Your eyes widened, devastated at this information. Professor Jin was right. The Ari you knew was long gone; she would never murder someone in cold blood. 
Your ex-best friend paced back and forth and then shrugged. “Oh, please. You don’t care about him.”
“Yeah, but I don’t want you near me.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re lucky you’re not dead. Sunghyun was asking for it by trying to escape. And he showed Jungkook my journal.”
Jungkook’s ears perked up at this. Ari smirked and continued, “Yeah. I know about it. My old self had a tendency to jot everything down and then spelled her drawers, so I wouldn’t be able to see it. That is, until you and Sunghyun used his amulet to bypass it. Thanks for that.”
She snapped her fingers and the journal in question appeared in her hands. She flipped it open and hummed in amusement. 
“Hmm… wow, I really did not hold back. Lots of juicy information in here. But,” she closed the book, “she didn’t write everything down. You really want to know the truth, Jungkook? The whole truth?”
“What is your end goal, huh? Where’s Jimin?” Jungkook questioned. Ari replied with nothing but a smirk. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“Let me talk to him. I can stop all of this. He can have me as long as he lets [Y/N] go.”
Ari grabbed his neck in a chokehold and he wheezed, powerless against her unexpected strength. “You really are stupid, aren’t you? Jimin is mine and mine only. There was a time when I’d share him, but not anymore.”
She released him with a fierce anger, and he coughed, struggling to regain composure on all fours.
“Turn,” she commanded and Jungkook snapped his neck up to look at her. 
“It’s the last day of the sire bond. You have to turn one more time, right? So do it.”
“You’re delusional. I’m not doing anything you say.”
“Come on. Amuse me. You might be able to save your precious [Y/N] by turning.”
Ari fumed at his response, kicking him in the stomach and forcing him to fall on his back. She stomped on him multiple times, your muffled screams rendered useless. The air was charged with tension as Ari spoke, her voice tinged with frustration and jealousy.
"Do you have any idea how infuriating it is, Jungkook? Watching you and her, with your damned sire bond, risking everything for each other. It's sickening!"
Jungkook grabbed her foot to stop her from crushing his ribs any further. “Ari… this bond is beyond our control. It’s not something we asked for.”
Ari scoffed at his response. “So why won’t you turn? End it. End this stupid connection you have with her. Show everyone your love was conditional, a hoax!”
She left his aching body and went up to you, a clawed hand in front of your face with a malevolent black glow. 
“Turn or I’ll kill her,” she threatened, the White Oak Stake presenting herself in her grasp. Panic gripped you at the sight of the weapon. “That’s right, bestie. This is the one and only stake that can kill an original hybrid.”
“Don’t lay a finger on her!” Taehyung roared. She turned around, tapping the stake against her palm in a rhythmic cadence, reminiscent of a stern ruler used for chastising children in the past.
“Ah, yes. The other lover is vying for your affection. God, you just can’t catch a break with these two!”
“This doesn’t have to end this way. We both want the same thing. I’ll talk to Jimin, we’ll figure something out. As long as Jungkook is out of the picture, it’ll be worth it! We can still be a team.”
“Team?” Jungkook questioned. 
“We?” She let out a chuckle. “There is no ‘we.’ You and Jimin have dictated everything from the start. He strung me along like a fool. All I wanted was his love. I was willing to risk it all only for him to want someone else and cast me aside entirely!”
She faced Jungkook. “My journal revealed all of Jimin’s plans, but not Taehyung’s. I think you’ll find this interesting.”
Taehyung's gaze narrowed, a subtle intensity flickering in his eyes as he shook his head slowly.
“You’re making a big mistake.”
“Where do I start? Oh. Taehyung is the one that ordered H.O.P.E to attack you that dreaded day. You know, the day that started it all.”
Ari reveled in the chaos she had orchestrated, the atmosphere thick with tension and despair. Jungkook's eyes burned with fury as he faced Taehyung, betrayal and anger intertwining in the lines of his furrowed brow.
“You planned this? The attack, the kidnapping?”
Taehyung, unapologetic, met Jungkook's accusatory gaze with a stoic expression.
“[Y/N] could’ve died! We all could’ve!” Jungkook exclaimed. 
“The plan was only for you to die. That way [Y/N] would find comfort in me and only me. But then you survived. Stupid sire bond.”
“Oh yeah, the whole scavenger hunt thing was also Taehyung’s idea. Jimin pretended to be a hunter to kidnap [Y/N],” Ari added. Jungkook’s confusion was blatant.
“What on earth could that possibly accomplish for you, Tae?”
The werewolf shrugged, reluctant to answer. Ari, the puppeteer of chaos, was more than willing. 
“He was betting on [Y/N] saving him with her blood. Then he was going to kill himself to become sired to her like you.”
“You crazy bastard!” Jungkook roared, chains rattling as he attempted to pounce on Taehyung but couldn’t. “All of this pain and suffering, all for some twisted desire to be bound to her?" This isn’t love, it’s obsession! You don’t deserve her!”
Taehyung held his ground. “And you do? I actually want to be bound to her for life. All you’ve ever done was taken her for granted! Just turn already!”
“If I do turn, it’s to rip you to shreds!”
“Yes~, yes~!” Ari cried. “Indulge in your anger! Let the beast out!”
She ripped his clothing off with no remorse, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. Seeing him stripped against his will left him vulnerable and the humiliation almost killed him. He punched the ground, the concrete pulverized into tiny pieces and his knuckles bloody. 
Clapping eagerly, Ari urged for him to turn. You hated seeing him in such a vulnerable state. When your gazes met, there was nothing but shame and heartbreak. You didn’t know what to expect once the 100th day arrived, but this definitely was not it.
“Maybe one isn’t enough,” Ari remarked, striding over to Taehyung’s side and tearing his clothes to shreds. “You turn too. Fight each other. You want Jungkook dead and [Y/N] all for yourself, right?”
“Fuck you, I’m not some pawn for you to toy with!”
“Aw, come on. I’m actually helping you out here. I know tonight’s not a full moon, so it’ll hurt like a bitch. But don’t you want [Y/N] to see how sexy it is for you to turn anyway? You said you love her.”
She sauntered back over to you, the White Oak Stake dangerously close to your chest. 
“Either you guys turn and battle each other or this goes through her heart.”
She casted a spell and had the stake hovering in front of your chest and the boys roared with anger, but had no choice. The air thickened with an impending sense of dread. You, restrained and unable to look away, watched as Taehyung and Jungkook grappled with the impending transformation, a painful struggle that unfolded before your eyes.
The first tremors wracked Taehyung's form as his body contorted with the agony of shifting. Bones cracked and muscles rippled beneath his skin, the visceral sounds of transformation echoing in the confined space. His anguished groans reverberated through the cold, unforgiving walls. Without a full moon, this process was far more difficult to go through, but he persevered thanks to the emotional intensity of his love for you.
Beside him, Jungkook's transformation mirrored Taehyung's torment. The once-human features distorted, replaced by the primal visage of a werewolf emerging from the depths within. Claws unsheathed and black fur sprouted, a physical manifestation of the feral power coursing through him.
You’ve watched countless transformations over the years, but none were as painful as this one. It was as if your heart was being incinerated, the connection between you and Jungkook severed. A part of you cherished the pain because it’d be the last time you two would feel each other’s emotions. 
Ari watched with a sadistic smile, leaning close to your ear. 
“This is fun, isn’t it? Love versus obsession. Or maybe love and obsession are the same. They’re trying so hard to save your life.”
Your silence earned a “tsk” from her.
“Don’t feel like talking?” she taunted. “Well get this. Remember how my grandmother was the one who taught me magic? She visits me in my dreams sometimes. Do you want to know what she told me?”
Jungkook and Taehyung’s combined screams of agony made it difficult to focus on her voice, but she leaned in even closer, whispering ever so softly.
“My grandma delved into dark magic once. Your father made a deal with her. He paid her to make your mother fertile. With you.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. You clenched your fists in disbelief and whined, not wanting to hear more.
“That’s right. You were conceived with dark magic. You always told me it seemed like the universe was against you and now you know why. Darkness follows you wherever you go; you’re not meant to be happy. That’s how you were able to use my dark potions. That darkness lives inside you. And it’s your father’s fault.”
Tears welled up in your eyes before cascading down your face. She giggled at your suffering, adding salt to the gaping wound in your heart.
“It must hurt to know every single person in your life has betrayed you in some way. You have no one left.”
The transformations were nearing completion. Sounds of bones snapping and muscles contorting filled the basement, a symphony of agony that echoed the torment of Taehyung and Jungkook’s dual existence. Taehyung's body convulsed, his once-human features now obscured by the emerging gray fur, streaked with haunting shades of white. Jungkook's transformation mirrored the shadows, his form engulfed by inky blackness as he fought against the pain that laced every fiber of his being.
As the final moments of the agonizing metamorphosis approached, the chains binding them groaned under the strain, holding firm until the transformation reached its peak. 
“One more thing,” Ari whispered. “The stake has been spelled to kill Jungkook once he finishes transforming.”
“No!!!” you screamed, although muffled. “Jungkook stop!!!”
Jungkook, having more experience, finished his transformation before Taehyung’s. Ari turned to you with a wicked smile. 
“Enjoy the show, [Y/N].”
You watched in despair as the spelled stake launched through the air straight for Jungkook when Jimin emerged from the shadows, his silhouette cutting through the dim light. His eyes, determined and resolute, locked onto the impending threat aimed at Jungkook. He leaped in the way, the impact of the enchanted stake against Jimin's body resonated through the basement. 
His shoulder had been hit, but it was not a fatal wound. In the stunned silence that followed, Jimin's eyes met Jungkook's with an unspoken understanding. 
The next few minutes were a blur. Taehyung completed his transformation and was liberated from his chains seconds after Jungkook. Ari, relentless in her pursuit, launched another attack at Jungkook, but Jimin intercepted with a spell of his own. You squinted and recognized the blinding glow of Sunghyun’s amulet around his neck. 
The black wolf and Jimin united forces and the two of them battled Ari together. 
Meanwhile, Taehyung sprinted to you, using his teeth to pry the chains from your limbs. As the metal links fell away, you fell on top of the beast’s body. Using his agile speed,. Taehyung bolted out of the building as fast as possible, leaving Jungkook, Jimin, and Ari behind to hash things out.
You clung onto his back as he navigated through a common neighborhood with the veil of nighttime, your fingers tightly entangled in his fur. Though a bit groggy, you could feel whatever was in your system was wearing off gradually. It dawned on you that you were held captive in the Jung family’s old house, specifically the secret basement Professor Jin and Yoongi had uncovered months ago.
Taehyung kept running until he reached the secrecy of the woods. As he eased to a stop, you rolled off his back, laying on the forest floor and taking deep breaths. The wolf nudged your cheek with his nose, a comforting gesture, followed by a few licks to your face, as if to ease your worries. 
As much as you loved the notion, you couldn’t erase the truth of what he had done. You swiftly got to your feet and shook your head.
“Stop. I know what you’re doing.” He lowered his head and let out a whine. Human or wolf form, he had mastered the puppy dog eyes. He nuzzled his head against your side, desperate for solace, but you rejected him. “Taehyung, no!”
As you retreated, your foot came into contact with something, kicking it further backwards. Turning around, the moonlight revealed the mystery object buried in the snow. The sight pulled an involuntary scream from your lips, causing a startle strong enough to make you fall on the cold snow.
There laid your grandmother’s decapitated head and with little effort, you spotted your grandfather’s nearby.
Taehyung had reverted back to his human form and wrapped his arms around you in a protective embrace.
“Shhh, shh,” he cooed in his deep, soothing voice. “It’s okay.”
You pushed him hard enough that he fell onto the snow. “Did you do this?”
His eyes widened as he stared at you, shocked. “I’ve been spending the last few hours TRAPPED because of you. How the hell would I have time to do this?!”
You sat criss-cross, hands on your head in distress. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
He grunted, rising to his feet, and offered you his hand. You peered up, finally registering he was without clothing in the moonlight. The soft glow accentuated every chiseled feature of his handsome face, rendering you speechless. Staring at his hand, you contemplated taking it. 
“No,” you finally said, getting up by yourself. “I don’t even know why I’m apologizing. You brought the hunters here. You were working with Jimin. YOU wanted Jungkook dead.”
“I promise when I conspired with Jimin, he didn’t tell me he was going to kill you. He wanted to be with Jungkook and I wanted to be with you. Believe me, darling. I had no clue of his true intentions.”
You were sick of crying, but that was all you wanted to do. Angry tears were slowly dripping down your face as you used hand gestures to convey your frustration.
“I can’t just forget it all.”
Taehyung cupped your face with both hands, his eyes full of hope and desperation. “But what if you did? Let’s run away together. Start over and forget all this misery.”
“I can’t.”
“You can,” he murmured, placing a chaste kiss on your lips to seal his words. “You and me.”
He continued to kiss you despite your feeble pleas for him to stop. Your tone lacked conviction, perhaps due to exhaustion. Maybe you found a glimmer of belief in his words. Or maybe deep down, you craved his touch to momentarily replace your ache. 
The warmth of his lips, the weight of his breath, the hand on the small of your back—you melted for a fleeting moment. In the end, you had to force yourself to pull away.
“Allow me to tell you my offer before you make a choice.” He placed his hands on your shoulders, staring deep into your eyes. “If you allow it, I will whisk you away to where you will only experience peace and be loved the way you deserve. In the daytime, I will be your loyal companion, a listening ear, anything your heart requires to feel at ease. Soft kisses, warm candlelight, watching your favorite show on repeat,” he said with a chuckle. Then his eyes darkened with lust. 
“Later deep into the night, I will be your source of release, making love to you for hours on end until you’re drowning in pleasure that humans wish they could experience. Passionate kisses, lingering touches, our sweaty bodies pressed together.”
He squeezed your shoulders with gentle pressure and brought you closer until your chests were touching.”
“I don’t want nobody else. You are all that matters. Not your fertility, not your history. Just you.”
Your resolve was crumbling. Taehyung knew all the right things to say and knew how to make you feel good. You wished things were different but at the moment, you wanted no one. You just wanted things to end.
“Tae… I can’t. I need… I need to be by myself. This is too much.”
“Too much?” Taehyung’s grip on your shoulders suddenly felt tighter. You didn’t even register how fast he pinned you down, hands held above your head. “Was it too much when I fucked you?“
“Stop! What are you doing?”
“Answer me!” He started to grind his cock against your thigh unashamed, the heavy pants causing chills to go down your spine. “Didn’t it feel good? Didn’t you enjoy it?”
He slipped a knee between your legs, pressing down hard enough to elicit a whimper from your lips. 
“Let me take you again. I’ll make sure you feel good.”
He placed searing kisses along your neck much to your dismay. You refused to lay still, squirming around to avoid contact, but you were still too weak to retaliate. 
“S-Stop,” you sobbed. 
He removed his hands from your own and grabbed onto the column of your throat, admiring your struggle. “You always did like it rough. So beautiful. So sexy…”
To your relief, he didn’t choke you but caressed your neck gently like it was the most beautiful thing in the world. Realizing his true intentions behind that action, you summoned every ounce of strength to act quickly. Planting your feet firmly on the ground, you arched your back, utilizing the leverage to break free from Taehyung's hold. In a swift, well-timed move, you twisted your body and managed to flip the situation.
Now he was the one pinned down and you swung at him once. Twice. Then once more to ensure he was unconscious. You let out screams of rage while doing so, hating everything he’s become.
When he no longer moved, you rose from the cold ground, your steps heavy in the snow. That was when he grabbed at your ankles, forcing you to stumble forward.
“There’s no reason to stand,” he said in a venomous tone, “I like you better on all fours.”
The sounds of your struggles entwined with his grunts as he scrambled to lay on top of you, clawing at your body with his greedy hands, not caring how he was shredding your clothes or how you were getting bloody scratches from his nails. He wrapped his arm around you in a secure chokehold and you began to lose vision.
“You sure pack a punch. I’ll bite.”
Taehyung’s eyes shifted to a fiery goldenrod as he bare his fangs, sinking them into the side of your neck harshly. You let out the most blood-curdling scream as crimson dripped down and tainted the snow. It was like the world stood still, the betrayal amplifying the unimaginable pain. 
He finally released you after he got his fill, making an obscene lip-smacking sound after having tasted you. 
“You know, you always look so much better when I mark you up. I always claim what’s mine, [Y/N]. And that includes y–”
A sudden blast of magical energy knocked Taehyung off your back and his body landed far away, rolling in the snow until it came into contact with a tree. You’d be sure to thank your savior if you made it out of this alive. All you desired was to fall into a deep slumber, hoping this was a simple nightmare. 
You felt someone’s hand rolling you onto your back and you saw the shiny amulet around his neck. 
“Jimin… what irony…”
“I’m not saving you,” he said, holding the White Oak Stake above you. Seems like he was going to end you for good. “I just needed him out of my way.”
You didn’t have it in you to explain why you deserved to live. Not even for Jungkook’s sake, considering your lives are linked. You closed your eyes and accepted your fate. Jimin watched you carefully, his hand trembling. He couldn’t do it. 
When he was drowning in the lake, the amulet fortunately collided with his body and ended up saving him. He then had an encounter with your grandparents, overhearing them talk about the sire line. He was left in the dark, hating that if he ended you, he’d lose Jungkook too. So he murdered them out of spite for hiding something so crucial.
And now, when his plans were so close to fruition, he just couldn’t risk it. Part of him hoped your grandparents were lying, but what good would that do them now? Their main objective had always been eradicating hybrids. The thought of them going after Jungkook never crossed his mind and he felt incredibly stupid.
You opened your eyes after some time had passed. Jimin was quick to notice, so he raised the stake up high, forcing himself to express determination to kill you. Underneath his facade, you could see the internal struggle raging within him.
“You can’t do it, can you?” you breathed. 
“Shut up!”
“You know about it. The sireline. That’s why you’re hesitating, isn’t it?” Your question reignited the conflict burning within him and he snapped, bringing the stake downwards with force, aiming towards your chest. 
However, your moonstone necklace blazed with intense light, stopping Jimin in his tracks. You couldn't help but notice the eerie similarity to the glow emanating from his amulet when they were in closer proximity. No matter how hard he pushed, the stake wouldn’t budge any further. 
That’s when Taehyung pounced onto Jimin, sinking his teeth into his neck. A struggle unfolded in the snow, but Jimin finally overthrew him. Blood spurted from Jimin’s neck and mouth as he fell to his knees and then collapsed completely. 
You stood up, mirroring Jimin by clutching the side of your neck as you walked toward him. There was no way he was going to survive a second werewolf bite. Not this time. 
Silence lingered between you and Jimin, an unspoken exchange of emotions, a complex tapestry of anger, sadness, and spite colliding with exhaustion, frustration, and burnout.
But the ordeal was far from over.
Taehyung ran over to you, shaking you by the shoulders. 
“Do you fear me? Do you hate me?” His eyes gleamed with madness, a wicked smile on his lips. “Nothing is going to stop us from being together. I want you to do it. Kill me!”
You were tortured by his existence and he knew it, exploiting it to his advantage. But if you ended him, that would be falling right into his twisted trap. With his blood in your system, he’d become a hybrid. 
“Kill me, [Y/N]! I know you want to! Do it!” He roared, forcefully grabbing your hands and pressing them against his neck. “Strangle me! Rip my heart out!”
“You’re being crazy, stop!!!”
A snarl in the distance froze both of you. As Taehyung looked over his shoulder, a black wolf emerged, lunging at him. Taehyung was jovial in his struggle against the wolf, elated to have his wish granted.
“That’s right. Take your anger out on me. She doesn’t love you anymore! Your love was a sham!”
Jungkook growls intensified, clawing him to a gruesome death. You ran over as fast as you could, desperate to stop him.
“Jungkook no! Don’t do it! He bit me!”
As if your words reached him, Jungkook transformed back into his human form, staring at his blood-covered hands in horror. Seeing your neck wound, guilt consumed him, and he fainted.
"What have I done?" he whispered before collapsing. You caught him just in time.
"Jungkook? Jungkook, wake up!" You patted his face urgently. "No, no. What's going on?"
In the distance, you spotted someone crawling through the snow toward Jimin's dying body. Marching over, you grabbed Ari by the collar.
"Ari, what the hell is happening?! Fix it! You're a witch, you're strong. Do something!"
She shook her head. "I can't… I'm dying too. Jimin and I… we're linked."
“The night of the banquet when we took shots of alcohol… I spelled it to link our lives forever.”
“Oh my god… what about Jungkook? He’s not waking up!”
“Why do you think?” she said in a hoarse whisper. “He and Taehyung are linked too.”
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zaddyazula · 10 months
i am actually very, very worried for kids today who have grown up on this internet. when i was younger i was watching people play fucking yandere simulator and 60 seconds and the sims. now they’re watching andrew tate say they need ten thousand super cars to be successful in life.
my 11 year old brother (with access to tiktok the dreaded thing) is watching these sigma giga chad males and thinking that is who he should be. he is consuming insane amounts of homophobic, transphobic, racist, islamophobic, anti-semitic, fatphobic and misogynistic media, and openly repeats a majority of it to me. seeing him make highly inappropriate jokes not only for his age but in general is not cool or entertaining, as he thinks they are completely acceptable. he parrots this shit with his friends, who all share the same viewpoint as him. when i was his age, i was discovering bisexuality existed. i used to keep a diary for a short period of time when i was in year 5 (10 years old) and one line in it was: ‘i don’t know if i am gay, lesbian, bi or trans’ (bless my 10 year old self). i had no hatred for people in the lgbtq+ community, because i was largely unaware of it, outside of a couple people i knew. there wasn’t tiktok to tell young kids how to think or how to treat people. the amount of shit my brother has come out to me with, even insulting me with. literally last night my 11 YEAR OLD brother called me a whore. ELEVEN (11). multiple times he’s called me a dishwasher, told me to get back in the kitchen, called me a slut, a whore, etc. etc. i used to take it as a joke, and not think too much of it, but i’m starting to think it’s not a joke at all, just genuine misogyny. he’s come up to me and called black people monkeys, called muslims suicide bombers, and every time i tell him to not say that because it’s extremely offensive and even threaten to take his xbox off him and tell our mum or someone at school, he doesn’t care. he literally just does not give a shit. and to be perfectly honest, the school system to tackle discrimination is fucking horrendous. when i was at school a (white) girl in my year called someone the n word, and what did the school do? absolutely nothing. people confronted her about it (rightfully) which came off as ‘bullying’ and she didn’t have to go to any lessons and got to stay in the building where the nurse was. at my brother’s school this year, a boy in his year (another white 11 year old) called someone the n word. he got moved into the other class. that’s it. both of our schools claimed to be “diverse” and anti-xenophobia (even though my school had a maximum 3 poc staff). like how do you even deal with this?
my (white cishet) brother thinks it’s okay to say the n word. he thinks it’s okay to be islamophobic. he thinks it’s okay to be misogynistic. i actually have no idea how to deal with him, or the other kids his age. when i was his age i don’t even think i knew the n word existed. i certainly didn’t know the word misogyny.
as soon as you try to stand up to these fucking devil children, they will hurl some sort of slur at you. some insane insult which leaves you standing there like ‘how the fuck do they know that’. i doubt my brother or other kids his age actually understand what some of the things they say mean, and just say them because they know they’re bad words.
what the fuck do i even do with him. we come from a white irish catholic family. if my grandparents knew i was some inkling of lgbtq+ they probably would’ve disowned me. my own mother outed me to my uncles and her boyfriend’s daughter and her boyfriend. when i started crying when she told me this, she didn’t understand. she thought i was just upset about the fact that my nan was dead. one of my friends nearly outed me to a very homophobic kid in my year when i was 12. and it sort of leaves me wishing i had never come out. life would be so much easier if people just assumed i was cishet. but that’s not possible. i thought people would be supportive. though my own family and friends have openly been homophobic and transphobic around me, seemingly forgetting about me.
my brother calls me gay as an insult, and despite the fact i insist i’m not gay (i am) he just laughs and moves on until the cycle repeats. i don’t really want to be some saviour white person who thinks they can solve racism by wagging their finger at someone and then forgetting about it. i actually want to help my brother realise he should stop fucking saying what he’s saying. if that means me fucking taking his xbox off him and putting it in the loft then so fucking be it. i genuinely have no idea how to help the younger generation who have grown up on racist tiktoks rather than beheading videos on early youtube.
so yeah. this isn’t what i usually post but whatever. i am genuinely worried.
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cheemken · 10 months
Hey Knight I noticed you barley talk about the Champions parents besides Diantha’s mom and sometimes her dad
So, what’s your interpretation for the rest of them? Are they good parents, abusive, or the “I’m going to the gas station to buy cigarettes” type?
Besides what canon gives us of course (e.g. Leon’s mom, Steven’s dad, etc.)
Pfft sure I did say I should write more abt the other champs so have more angst abt them owo
Cynthia's parents are dead. Idk, I've read like, a few fics abt her and usually they'd write in how her parents are dead and ofc I added that to my hcs bc I live for the angst hahaha I wanna say like,, in my own hcs, her mom died while giving birth to Cyn's younger sister, and her father died during an expedition, leaving their grandparents to raise them. Ofc, Cynthia couldn't really fault her sister for what happened to their mother, it wasn't her fault; the expedition her father went to went downhill and they couldn't even find his body. But idk, as much as she wants to care she just really,,, couldn't. She wasn't even that old when her mother died, maybe she was like,, two at most, and when her father died she was three. So she never got to bond w them much, and if she tries to think abt them, well.. her grandparents would always come to mind instead. She never thinks abt them really, never even visits their grave, she just,,, she really just kinda forgot abt them if she's being honest, but ofc people expect her to like react in some way whenever she's asked abt her parents, so she'd just fake being hurt and missing them when she really doesn't. How could she even miss people that she didn't even know that well.
Wallace's parents are the most homophobic pieces of shit to ever walk Hoenn, so you can only imagine how rough it was for him. Not only that but they also kinda held him up in a high standard compared to his own sister as he's the older one between them, thus he's going to be the next Guardian of Sootopolist. They honestly didn't support him on his career on contests, instead they insisted he'd be Sootopolist's Gym Leader, and while being Gym Leader was an item in his bucket list, he also wanted to join contests and be a coordinator. That didn't sit right w his parents ofc, berated him for his interest, his father even beat him up, they ended up disowning him and he went to live w his sister for a bit, promising her that when he gets back to his feet he'll make it up to her. And ah, yknow his sister has always been such a sickly kid when they were younger, and that didn't change when they got older, after Lisia was born, a few months later his sister died, leaving him w his niece. His parents blamed Wallace for the death of his sister, but he ignored them, opting to take care of Lisia instead, as a way to make it up for his sister. He has to fight long and hard so he'd have custody of Lisia, and he ended up taking the title of Guardian from his parents too, saying that it was his right and he was next in line, and his father was in no way shape or form to do his duties anymore. Ofc, their relationship is as strained as ever really, he doesn't let Lisia visit her grandparents in fear of what they'd do to her, so he's like,, he's really trying so hard to be a Guardian, Champion, and even a father figure now to his own niece.
Lance's parents were pretty absent most of his life ngl, same goes for Clair's folks really, which left them at the care of their grandfather, the Clan Elder. He knows they're still around, he just doesn't mind them really, rather he's just trying his best to be the next leader of their clan. If they talk to him, he just talks to them too, and it's not like there's really any conversation other than them asking how he was and if he's doing well. He's like.. he's indifferent towards them. Like, it's cool they're still around, but if smth happens to them he really.. he really wouldn't turn his head to help them. Why would he? They were never there for him too. He does hate his grandfather tho, mfer had too much expectations on them and he hated it, so he really broke the chain after being the new leader of their clan, and did a lot of things he knew would piss off the elder. He almost never calls the elder as his grandfather, it's always been elder, he doesn't feel like family to him.
Ik we got Steven's dad and such, but I wanna think that his mother died when he was like,, five. And if he's being honest, he was closer to his mother than his father. She was nice yknow, she was so supportive of him, and was the one to give him his Beldum, telling him that hey even tho he's not ten yet, she's sure having the company of pkmn wouldn't make him that lonely while she and Joseph are out on meetings. But ofc, his mother got killed, it changed his father, got every reminder of her in their house hidden from sight, as he didn't want more reminders that the love of his life is gone now. That kinda messed Steven's relationship w his father, but like, yknow years later, they finally had a talk abt it, so it's kinda,, it's kinda good now at least hahaha
Leon's dad,, idk, I imagine him as the type to tell his kids he's just gonna get some milk from the store and hasn't returned since. Mfer doesn't even know Hop is his kid💀 so ofc Leon doesn't like him, he just left him and his mom while she was pregnant w Hop, and before Hop was born he already left. I do wanna say when Leon became more and more famous, his father tried to reconcile w his family, but Leon didn't accept him ofc he didn't, he knows his father is just back bc Leon has the fame and fortune now.
Hau's mom is dead, but his father is still around he's just pretty neglectful. After the death of his mother, his father started avoiding him like the plague, leaving him w Hala. Hala didn't like how his own son just left Hau, but if he won't take care of Hau then he will, he'd rather not want his own grandson to follow in his son's footstep. Hau never really thinks abt them much, not like it matters anyways, he knows nothing will change, so he's just living w it. He has to admit tho, whenever he sees others being w their family he gets kinda jealous, but he just has to swallow his sadness, he'd rather not want to feel it.
Iris' parents left her in Blackthorn do I have to explain this hahahah like, mfers really saw their kid and dipped the fuck outta there. Idk,, idk if this is too angsty, but I also imagine that her parents were young. Like, late teens maybe, or just early twenties, when they had her, and ofc they didn't want to be parents just yet so they left her in Blackthorn, leaving behind their kid who they believed they couldn't take care of. Iris never knew them, she didn't care much, she's happy rn w Drayden and the Unova League, they're her family now, even the other Champions are her family. But if her actual parents did recognize her, and told her they're her actual parents idk,, I want her to be mad at them, and like,, avoid them as much as she can too. Like maybe they changed, yknow, but for Iris it's already too later, maybe they just wanna be close to her now bc she's the Champion.
Geeta's parents are smth bc they're both really supportive but also extremely judgemental of her. Like, they support her on becoming a trainer and even supported her dream in becoming Paldea's first Champion, but they also don't fucking like how she's friends w what they call commoners. Dia is probs the only friend she had that they ever thought would be perfect for her, bc ofc, Dia was also rich. But yknow, the more Geeta defied them, the more expectations they placed on to her, and the more she was bending over backwards to reach those expectations, the more pissed her parents became. Like, telling her that if she won't cut ties w her friends, then they'd just give her her inheritance and make her leave their own home, letting her provide for herself, and they'd just watch as she'd waste the money they gave her. Ofc, Geeta never wasted it, she knows how to handle money, and became a bit more successful than her folks. They really don't talk much anymore, they'd pass each other a few times, but Geeta would never talk to them. I also wanna add that they're kinda the reason Geeta has troubles w empathy and sympathy and all that, bc they taught her to look down on people who aren't in their level, and she kinda internalised that to the point she really couldn't feel much for a lot of people. She is breaking that chain tho, she knows it's not a good mindset, but sometimes she just slips and falls back, but still, she's trying.
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vixendoe · 10 months
personal rant abt transphobia
when i came out to my mom she was like 'your great grandparents were the last people on earth who could have possibly loved you, but now they never could bcz you're something so disgusting' and it hurt a lot at the time. but i'm over it now. they probably wouldn't have liked it. maybe they would have. idk. i won't put words into the mouths of the dead. but they loved me when they were alive and that is good enough for me. no more worrying abt what-ifs.
i feel like i shouldn't love them after learning what bad people they were when they were younger, but it's hard not to. i guess that's why my grandmother still speaks to my mother after learning the evil things she's done to me. it's hard to truly hate your kid. for most people, anyways.
but even if they would have disowned me, i think it would be alright. they loved the version of me that's dead now, and i suppose i do the same to them.
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skitskatdacat63 · 23 days
💙💜👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 for the oc ask? I wanna know about the worldbuilding
Hellooo sorry for this taking a bit, I had to think! Tysm for the ask!! Again, i'll go with Eclipse lol. These were pretty complicated and a little dark, so I put them under the cut
💙 — does your oc have any cool/special powers and/or abilities? how are they with magic, if it exists in their world?
I guess you could say there's magic in my au but it's more the inherent ability of gods, so Eclipse rly has nothing to do with that. However I'd say that she does have some abilities. She was blinded in one eye so since then she really has to compensate with her other senses. She's from a "pedigree" family, which is something she really resents for many reasons, but she can't deny it's made her able to compensate better, because she's predisposed to being agile, adept and quick thinking, among many other things.
💜 — what is your oc's ancestry/genetic background?
She is mixed Japanese-Chinese-Korean. She is mixed Pluto-Neptune, a fox and a cat(I had a poll the other day with planets, here to explain!) However her mother is Japanese and from Neptune, so I guess you'd say she has higher percentages of that ancestry!
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
She has two sisters and she is the youngest! Her family situation is very weird. Every generation has a matriarch and produces an female heir with a family selected partner from Japan, China and South Korea. All the kids(with their respective parent) all compete, not directly, to become the next matriarch. Since she's the youngest, she already had the least chance of becoming matriarch, and since a young age showed a lot of resentment of the system and the formality, as well as being pretty mentally ill. This caused her primary mother to resent and abuse her because she pretty much gave up all hope in Eclipse since a pretty young age. Her mother basically put all of her hopes and dreams into Eclipse before she was even born, and then soon came to see Eclipse as ruining her life. Eclipse's other mother is somewhat well-meaning but incredibly aloof/oblivious to Eclipse's plight and ended up focusing a lot of energy into her first born, Ember, from the start. Here is a family tree if it's a bit confusing.
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She is estranged from both her mothers, but for different reasons. She was never really close with the matriarch just due to bad luck, but is estranged from her other mother because any hopes for a good relationship were pretty much destroyed from a young age. She has not really directly talked to her since she was barely 18 when the big thing happened.
However, she has a bit more of a complicated relationship with her sisters, Echo and Ember(they're all nicknames technically okay.) She'd always been close with Echo, because as previously stated, they both really never had any chance at becoming matriarch and did not really want to anyways. Ember is extremely kind and friendly but due to the family situation, she always felt like a very distant and lofty figure to Eclipse and Eclipse couldn't help but resent her, so they never really got close, even though Ember wanted to. She has a lot of trouble connecting to Echo after she was disowned though, because any connection to her family makes her feel bitter and on edge, and she doesn't like that Echo is still close with them all. Both sisters think she is missing or dead for a while but cannot really do anything about it. Eclipse avoids Ember at all cost when she eventually starts visiting Echo again, because Ember to her represents the worst part about their family(the whole succession system.) It takes a while for her to get close with either of them
Her found family, if you'd even call it that, is her girlfriend Noir, and Noir's close friends and family. She eventually gets close with her sisters , but her relationship with them isn't comparable to how much she trusts Noir. Even if Noir and her have a very complicated, tumultuous relationship, that deep trust is at the center of it. She reliably knows Noir likes her for she truly is and there's no powergrab involved. She does not really like the idea of family at all, because family to her is just a corrupt power structure that pits everyone against each other. I think she'd be very hard pressed to admit anyone being family to her, because she has her own concept of closeness. She is very solitary, so her letting anyone in and being close with anyone is pretty shocking. Noir is a family person so she definitely has a big influence on Eclipse in that way, but it takes a long while. Eclipse is basically a pedigree house cat that became a stray and then has to be lured in to being domestic again.
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my grandfather disowned me. this is an old story, rusted at the joints and weather-worn. the details as to why matter less than its effects, malignant roots that poison my psyche even years after the fact. The fact of it sits in the folds of my brain like stagnant pond water; he is dead and six feet in the earth. the love is lost, like rainwater after a drought.
i started hospice volunteering for possibly the worst reason: as a resume filler. empathy, crisis counseling, patient interaction. the golden opportunity to become a competitive applicant.
i was scared to visit my first patient. truth be told, i haven’t interacted much with “old” people in my life. three of my grandparents died before i had the chance to meet them, and the last left an acrid taste in my mouth. my volunteer coordinator ensured me i would love her, and i figured she said this to all of her new volunteers.
and still, my first visit with P was a joy. as it turns out, she lived for 20 years in the trailer park I grew up in. the thought of P watching me, 15 years in the past, walk to the bus stop each day filled me with an unknowable emotion. did she ever figure that little girl would hold her hand as death crawled up her neck?
P made it abundantly clear in our relationship that she was, in her words, not a good person. she spent more of her life under the influence of drugs and alcohol than she did sober, and she didn’t have a speaking relationship with her children.
i found it hard to hold the disdain for her she thought she deserved. she told me stories from her life, of pain and trauma and forgiveness. she laid herself bare for me, telling me how her stepfather abused her and how her mother would hit her for accusing him of such. she told me of how the first 25 years of her life were spent in anger before she eventually numbed herself with alcohol. she told me of how each night, her mother would enter her room and beat her with a broomstick, and she would hold in her tears until she left, too ashamed to cry in front of her mother.
I could relate to the anger. why, i'll often ask myself, did the bad things happen to me? what is so wrong with me that i could ever deserve it?
maybe, i like to think, P thought the same thing when she was 23 and scared and alone.
as hospice patients are prone to do, P eventually began to die. i sat by her bedside and watched her fingers swell and chest rattle as i played her blues, her favorite music. she saw her husband, who had died 5 years prior, standing vigil in the corner of the room.
she rallied, in the end. i visited her today, and she was more lucid and alive than i had ever seen her. i start a new job tomorrow, a volunteer coordinator with another hospice agency, so i'll have to quit volunteering with P. she held my hand and looked me in my eyes and told me she loved me.
i felt my heart loosen, right at its roots. maybe, not all love is lost.
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I am sometimes surprised to be reminded of how fundamentally moralistic I am. I was talking, this morning, about parents who call people who accept their queer children "groomers", and found myself overcome by a wave of disgust. The possible reasons for this disgust interest me.
First and most obvious reason: It's patch day. Let me change my patches out and then I'll pick this back up.
Ah. That's better. I read a study once that claimed that disgust was one of the ways in which conservatives differ from, I don't know. Normal people? Can I say that? That seemed to be the implicit bias of the study, that people who felt disgust were somehow morally maladapted.
I'm not sure I buy it. I think it has more to do with the way people express their feelings than what people feel in general. I still feel the same things now, but having addressed my immediate physiological need - to get some more of that good good E in me - it doesn't give me the same subjective sense of acute distress. I can talk about these things without going into high moral dudgeon.
My immediate feeling of disgust was at the general category of "parents who don't love their children". I've been feeling this for a little while now. When I really drill down into it, though, this is basically an excuse, a justification. Lots of parents don't love their children. I don't really believe that parents have an obligation to love their children, any more than I believe children have an obligation to honor their parents, should those parents behave dishonorably. Parents who don't love their children are shitty parents, sure, but do I feel disgusted at people who are shitty parents? Not really. My dad was a shitty parent, and mostly what I find regrettable is that he let his guilt and shame over being a shitty parent keep him from talking to his kids.
Nah, I'd say it more comes back to my mom. I love my mom, but her behavior disgusts me.
I guess it's fair enough, at this point, for me to say that my mom is a monster. Not, like, Hitler or anything. Just someone who behaves terribly, consistently and increasingly obviously, and who lacks insight into why her behavior is inappropriate.
The vogue nowadays is to call such people "narcissists", and I guess that's appropriate in some sense, but "narcissist" to me implies individual guilt, individual responsibility, and I think with people like my mom, there's something more going on. Some sort of generational or cultural narcissism.
This is a trend that's been marked in Boomers for a long time, and dismissed as prejudice and bigotry for just as long. Tom Wolfe in the 1970s famously described Boomers as the "me generation", a label that became more prevalent in the 1980s. We are now, perhaps, seeing the final fruits of that mindset, the ultimate results of that social contagion.
People who work in healthcare settings are well aware of just how nasty the dying are. Well, yes, they're in pain and dying, but a lot of people die alone and unloved. I expect my mom to die this way - alone, rich but believing herself to be poor, unable to comprehend why she is so isolated.
At the same time, it's not some unique generational manifestation. I know it isn't. My aunts have told me that their mother was the same way towards them, express a sort of low-key horror at seeing my mother repeat that pattern, repeat that cycle. My grandparents both abused their kids. My grandmother would have disowned me for being queer. My family doesn't want to talk about this stuff too openly. We were taught not to speak ill of the dead. Maybe I go too far in the other direction.
I talked to my youngest sibling last night. I don't know what to do with my siblings. I don't know what to say to my siblings. Hell, I don't even know how to refer to them. "Do you think of yourself as a man?", I ask. They tell me there's the gender the world has put on them and there's how they see themselves. That they see themselves as "queer". That no matter what they do, though, people see them as "masculine". They put on nail polish and people think it's "macho". My sibling, the women's and gender studies major, the Good Ally, they feel the obligation to use their privilege for good. They say they have trouble connecting to their own emotions, that they feel tremendous guilt and shame, that they feel broken.
What do I say to them? They live in Indiana. I felt the same way, when I lived in Indiana, and then I moved out here, to PDX, and things are different. I didn't believe things would be different. I was just desperate. I know, and I have to believe they know, but won't say, that there are things they could do, things that would help them connect to their own emotions, things that would make it so that people wouldn't see them as "macho". They have to go their own way, though. It just hurts me to see them hurting. It hurts me to see all my siblings hurting.
What I tell them is the thing all of us need to hear. I tell them that when I look at them, I don't see someone who's broken, who's deficient, who's flawed. I see someone who is whole, who is sufficient. To me, this is just simple, basic stuff, but none of us have heard it. Certainly me and my siblings, we never heard that from our mom, we'll never hear that from our mom. It's appalling, in some sense, to me that we didn't, but in another sense it's just bizarre. It's such a simple, obvious, fundamental thing, but all of us, over and over again what we were told was the exact opposite. It's fucked up.
They thank me. They don't cry or anything. My transfem friends, when I tell them, they usually cry. Before I started on estrogen, I couldn't cry. That's why I started estrogen, I wanted to be able to cry but I couldn't. Anyway, they thank me, and I tell them that I love them, that they're family to me, and I don't just mean blood family, that they're found family. They are. When I transitioned, I lost a lot of people out of my life, but I found them. I hope they'll find themselves, one day.
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generalobi · 3 years
Hey. Not the original anon, but can we maybe have some more of the Obi Melida/Daan and Jango one? But this time with Jaster and other Mandos reaction to the kids?
Myles dodges the fist to his face a second too late, and the force of it sends him sprawling to the floor. Maybe he should’ve knocked.
“Oh shit.”
Standing in the doorway of the room Myles could’ve sworn was his, is Minister Kenobi in his nightclothes with his fists up. 
“I am so sorry,” he says, reaching out a hand to help Myles up, “Is this a diplomatic incident?”
Myles grunts, “I think this is on me, should’ve knocked. I thought this was our room.”
Minister Kenobi sighs, “We should probably put signs up. I really am sorry, can I at least get you some ice?”
“You don’t have bacta?”
He grimaces, “Only in the hospital, and only for major procedures. Ice will help with the swelling, and it will numb the area. I can even make you tea.”
Myles supposes it would be in bad taste to say he has bacta in his room specifically for bruises. Icing injuries is… almost primitive. It’s effective, but had been brushed over during his first aid course. Still, it would be rude to refuse such gracious hospitality. Even if his host was the one who caused the injuries.
Minister Kenobi’s quarters are small for a politician. And simple. While Kenobi putters about making tea, Myles browses his shelves. For a politician of a poor Mid Rim world, he sure has a lot of books.
“Here,” Kenobi hands him a cup of tea, “I’ll get the ice, just sit there.”
He gestures at the rather nice sofa in the middle of the room, and disappears back into the kitchen. Myles obeys, as much as he wants to snoop some more. From the rather nice, very comfortable sofa, he scans the rest of the room. It’s plain, white wall occasionally interrupted by a plant or another bookshelf.
Kenobi emerges from the kitchen with a cloth in hand, “I didn’t have any ice packs, but this should help. Sorry.”
He grimaces apologetically as he presses the ice to the injury, and Myles winces as he takes over holding it in place, “It’s alright, Minister. You have a strong punch, not many people could knock me out like that. But, maybe don’t mention this to Jango? He will never let me live it down.”
“What? Being taken down by a twenty-year-old stuffy politician?” Kenobi smirks, “Don’t worry, so long as you don’t tell Daria I accidentally punched our newest ally in the face I won’t breathe a word to Prince Fett.”
Myles laughs, “Cheers to that.”
When MelidaDaan reached out for a trade deal, and ally ship, Jaster had agreed for two reasons. One, he felt he should help out a planet in the same situation as his. Two, they have building materials Mandalore needs.
It was supposed to be simple. 
He’d done the basic research, read over the deal extensively and sent his son to negotiate. It should’ve been simple.
But, of course, nothing ever is.
He’s negotiating with a planet run by children. On Mandalore, children come of age at eighteen in wartime and twenty-two in peacetime. On Mandalore, leaders are adults with fully developed brains and fewer hormonal fluctuations.
There’s only one article on the children of MelidaDaan. Jaster hopes it isn’t true.
The centuries-long civil war between the Melida and the Daan has finally come to an end. My mothers parents' grandparents fled that war more than one hundred years ago. She tells me we are Daan by blood. Those words mean nothing to me. I never knew what it was to be Daan. 
I do now. There is blood on my ancestor’s hands. The blood of innocents and children. I have asked people from every side of the war, none can tell me how it started. But everyone knows how it ended.
The Young were a wild card in a war that nearly destroyed their planet. Children from both sides of the war, sick of the fighting. They came together, with one goal. To end it. And they did.
I don’t know the details, the only people who could give me them are busy rebuilding a world. The Young had three leaders, only two of them survived the war. The leaders of the Melida and the Daan are dead. The factions have settled into a peace, orchestrated by children who already have eyes far too old for their young faces.
Yesterday, I met a six-year-old with battlescars. Two weeks ago, I sat with three catatonic seven-year-olds who saw death too young.
The galaxy does not know the story of these children, and they probably never will. But it deserves to be told.
The Young were just kids, and no one protected them. They threw themselves into a war with the sole goal of finding peace. They fought and starved and died for a world that gave them nothing.
I am Daan by blood, but my mother would never have disowned me for wanting peace. My mother is Daan, and she fought for me with all her soul.
I came here to find peace with my heritage, to understand the customs I learned at my mother’s feet. I will leave with the knowledge of my people’s sins and more questions than answers.
“They don’t have bacta, Jaster,” Myles looks unusually serious, “Or not nearly enough.”
Jango watches as his buir runs a hand through his hair and thinks he looks older than when they left. This place just gets more and more confusing.
“How old is Minister Kenobi?” Jaster asks, eyes fixed on something on his desk.
“Force,” Jaster breathes, “Fuck, I’d hoped…”
Jango frowns, “He’s an adult by Mandalorian war standards. And they have been at war.”
His buir shakes his head, “The war ended seven years ago. And six years ago, MelidaDaan appointed one Obi-Wan Kenobi as Minister of Education.”
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queenofarathia · 3 years
What happened to Ron’s grandparents?
Ok, theory time. What happened to Ron’s grandparents? Specifically, Molly’s parents.
I do think both Molly’s and Arthur’s parents are dead in present day because no grandparents are mentioned at Bill and Fleur’s wedding. Vague “relations” are mentioned, but I think grandparents would have been singled out if they were there since they would be a closer relation than Muriel, who was singled out.
So the question is, if Ron’s grandparents are dead, what happened to them? How and when did they die?
In the Sorcerer’s/Philosopher’s Stone, Hagrid tells Harry about Voldemort:
“No one ever lived after he decided ter kill ’em, no one except you, an’ he’d killed some o’ the best witches an’ wizards of the age — the McKinnons, the Bones, the Prewetts —”
At this point, we don’t know Molly is a Prewett and we don’t know about Gideon or Fabian. So we can assume that a few people with the surname Prewett died the last time Voldemort was in power.
I think the context is really important here though. Hagrid is talking about the Potters, who Voldemort personally killed. It stands to reason that he killed at least some of the McKinnons, Boneses, and Prewetts personally as well.
In Order of the Phoenix, these families are mentioned again when Moody gives Harry the picture of the original Order:
“Marlene McKinnon, she was killed two weeks after this was taken, they got her whole family.”
“That’s Edgar Bones... brother of Amelia Bones, they got him and his family too, he was a great wizard...“
“Gideon Prewett, it took five Death Eaters to kill him and his brother Fabian, they fought like heroes…“
If Gideon and Fabian were killed by Death Eaters, then Voldemort didn’t kill them. Hagrid could of course have meant that Voldemort’s people killed them, not necessarily Voldemort himself.
I think it would make a lot of sense if most of the Prewett family was wiped out. The McKinnons were entirely wiped out. Edgar Bones was killed with his wife and children, though we know that Amelia Bones and whoever their other brother was (father of Susan Bones) survived, though we know that Amelia Bones was later killed in Half-Blood Prince. Maybe Death Eaters killed the Prewett brothers but Voldemort killed the parents.
This would be interesting as the Prewetts are more respected by the pure-blood community, and therefore Voldemort’s followers, than the Weasley family. Cedrella Black (Arthur Weasley’s mother) was disowned for marrying Septimus Weasley, whereas Lucretia Black was not disowned for marrying Ignatius Prewett (Molly’s uncle). But, as far as we know, none of the Weasleys were part of the original Order, meanwhile, not one, but two Prewetts were members.
We don’t actually find out that Molly is a Prewett until Deathly Hallows, and even then it’s never mentioned in any other the books that her maiden name is Prewett. When she gives Harry the watch, she mentions that it belonged to her brother Fabian. As Fabian Prewett is the only Fabian we’ve heard of since the start of the series, we are left to assume that this is the same Fabian. (There is also the connection of Molly having brothers named Fabian and Gideon and twin sons named Fred and George.)
So there is my very long winded theory (and now headcanon) that Voldemort murdered Molly Weasley’s parents.
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acreativeme · 3 years
Generational Trauma
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Generational Trauma 
Clinton Skye x Reader 
Y/N snuck down onto the floor of her bathroom, positive pregnancy test sitting on the sink. They couldn’t be pregnant, she thought. They weren’t even supposed to be together. Y/N and her partner, Clinton Skye, grew up thinking that the other was an undomesticated beast or at least that is what their parents taught them. 
“Baby? Everything alright?” Clinton asked, sensing something was up with her.
Y/N coughed, quickly brushing the tears away. “Yeah, everything is fine.” She got up and opened the door. “I’m pregnant.” She blurted. 
Clinton’s jaw dropped. “Are you serious?”
She nodded her head. “The test came back positive.” She held it up to him. “I need to meet with my doctor to confirm.”
He tossed the test onto the counter behind her as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Yeah!” He picked her up, which made her laugh. “We are going to be parents!” 
Once she was back on the ground, Y/N sighed. “Speaking of parents, when are we going to tell ours about us? I mean we’ve been together for years and we are going to be parents ourselves.”
He caressed her cheek, trying to distract her. “I don’t think now is the best time to tell them, my folks are still mourning Angelyne’s death.”
Y/N froze, knowing that was not the complete truth. “Clinton, she’s been dead for over a year now. Don’t you think that learning they are going to be grandparents again will make them happy?” 
He gave her a skeptical look. “I don’t think so..” 
She nodded in understanding. “You don’t think them finding out who the mother is, is going to help.” She stepped around him, moving towards the closet. “I get it.” She threw some clothes into a suitcase. 
“That’s not what I meant…” He tried to back track.
She held up a hand to silence him. “That is exactly what you meant.” She moved around him to get some things out of their shared bathroom. “I think that I am going to visit my parents.” 
He grabbed her wrist. “That’s not necessary, baby.” he was practically begging her not to go.
She looked down at his hand, not having the mental strength to deal with this anymore. “Let go, Clinton.” She muttered, not looking up to meet his eyes.
He let her go, not saying anything as she walked away from him. His own tears began to fall as he heard the front door shut.
Y/N sat in the driveway for a few moments, hoping that Clinton would come after her. But he didn’t. There was no movement at the windows from the living room or their bedroom, so she took that as a sign to leave. She brushed away the tears as she put her car in drive, not wanting to break down.
She wanted to get to her parents before day break, but had to stop after only three hours.  She pulled into a gas station, needing gas and a bathroom break. There was no one else at the station other than the clerk, a young edgy looking woman with headphones in. Y/N sat in the bathroom, crying into her hands. She briefly glanced at her phone, not seeing anything from Clinton. A part of her had hoped that he would come to his senses and reach out to her, but he didn’t. I guess he doesn’t care as much as I thought he did. She thought, wiping her tears away. She finished up quickly, wanting to get some snacks and go. 
She grabbed a couple bottles of water, two bags of BBQ chips, and a king size pack of Reese. The clerk didn’t say anything to her other than the price of her snacks-- didn’t even offer her a bag or anything. Y/N gave her a small smile, not wanting to come off as rude, and wished her a goodnight. Y/N tossed her items into the passenger seat, so that she could get gas. She got back on the road quickly, putting on music to distract her from the fact that the person that she loves has not attempted to make contact with her. 
She made it to her parents home by 6 am, having only stopped to reach out to her employees about opening the shop without her for a few days. 
Her father was standing on the front porch as she got out of her car. “Alskling, what are you doing here?” His baritone voice was laced with sleep. 
Y/N choked back a sob. “Pappa, I made a mistake.” She walked closer to him.
He stepped down off the porch to wrap her in his arms. “It is okay, pappa is here for you.” He slowly began ushering her into the house. “Tell pappa what has happened.” 
She stepped away from him. “I am pregnant, pappa, with Clinton Skye’s baby.” 
Clinton’s POV…
He snuck to his knees as Y/N walked out of their shared room. He didn’t know why he let her walk away from him, but he couldn’t make himself go after her. 
Or even get up from the floor. He sat there all night, just staring into space. He was startled awake from his daydream by his phone buzzing in his pocket. 
In a panic, Clinton fumbled with his phone. “Y/N?”
Jess frowned on his side of the phone. “No? It’s Jess. Is everything okay?”
Clinton sighs upset that it wasn’t Y/N. “Yeah, everything is fine. What can I do for you?”
“We’ve got a case, how quickly can you get here?” Jess asks worry, burying itself in his chest. 
“I can be there in 30 minutes.” He hung up without furthering the conversation that he knew Jess wanted to have. 
He changed out of yesterday’s clothes, not bothering to fix his hair or put on deodorant. His heart ached as he moved through the house in silence. He was so used to hearing Y/N humming in the kitchen, cooking breakfast for them. She would dance along to whatever was playing in her head, without fear of judgement.  
He didn’t linger too long in the house, knowing that he would lose all composure. He was quick about getting in his car and going, not wanting to think about their driveway without her car.
Y/N’s POV…
Y/N sat against the headboard of her childhood bed, knees pressed to her chest. Her father had spent the first two hours of her visit yelling at her about the bad choices that she was making. And how he couldn’t believe she would sleep with the enemy. Her mother had come down, still in her night clothes and rob, as he was forcing Y/N to sit on the couch. Her mother had started to chastise him, but was stopped by his raised hand. 
“What is going on, Hugo?” Astrid asked, coming to stand behind her daughter.
“Our daughter has been keeping a secret from us.” He crossed his arms, eyebrows furrowed. 
Y/N sighed. “Mamma, I’ve been dating Clinton Skye for nearly ten years. We moved in together last year, that is why I haven’t invited you all to my new place.” Y/N turned around to make eye contact with her mother. “And I am pregnant with his child.”
Astrid gasped, clutching her heart and covering her mouth. “Oh, Alskling. Why did you do this to us?” She turned to her upset husband, “where did we go wrong?!” 
This continued for another hour and forty-five minutes, before her mother sent her upstairs to get some rest. They wanted to talk about everything that she shared with them, disappointment displayed clearly on their faces. Even though Y/N is in her early thirties, her parents still have a lot of control with her life. They had immigrated from Sweden right after they got married, barely 20 years old, to escape a family feud of their own-- which makes what they are doing hypocritical. Y/N never questioned her parents disdain for the Skye family, until she met Clinton Skye and he turned out to be nothing like what her parents told her.
Y/N was subconsciously rubbing her stomach when her parents walked in, both looking stern and upset. “Alskling, we’ve decided to send you to Sweden for a few months to stay with family.” Her father stated, not leaving room for discussion. 
Y/N gasped, standing up from the bed, “you can’t do that, pappa. I am an adult. And I’ve got a business to run, I can’t just leave for a few months!”
Her father puffed up his chest, “Either you go to Sweden like we have said, or you will be disowned and will never be allowed to talk to us or your siblings again.” His tone was serious and hard, which threw her off as she had never heard him talk like that.
Her mother, who had been silently standing by the door, spoke up. “You will have no help with the baby and no inheritance to be able to support you and the baby.”
Y/N laughed, brushing her tears away, “you think I care about money? I make good money on my own, if you hadn’t noticed.” She looked down, knowing her choice. “I will go to Sweden, but I need to make arrangements for my business.” She wasn’t going to be able to raise this baby without help and without Clinton, her family was all she had left. 
Clinton’s POV…
He couldn’t focus. His heart ached as the hours passed without word from Y/N. Even though they were fighting, he still hoped that she would reach out to him and let him know that she was okay. His withdrawn behavior was worrying the team. 
“Clinton, can we talk for a moment?” Jess asked, pointing to a door that led outside.  
He looked up, nodding, “yes.” 
Jess led him off to the side, trying to make sure no one else would overhear them. “I am concerned for you, Clint. It is not like you to be so unfocused, especially on a case.” 
“Nothing is wrong, Jess.” He tried to deny it, but neither believed him. 
Jess reached out and patted his shoulder. “You should call her.” 
Clinton looked up at him. “What?”
Jess sighed, “you should give Y/N a call. You haven’t been yourself for the last couple of days and it is starting to affect your work. And we can’t have that, especially not with this case.” 
After taking in what Jess was saying, Clinton nodded and went off to call her. He had tried her phone twice, but was sent straight to voicemail--which he found odd. He dialed the number for her shop, silently hoping that she was busy there and wasn’t ignoring his calls.
After three rings, a female voice answered. “Stargazing Sweets, this is Melinda. How can I help you?” The voice was cheerful and sweet.
His heart sank. “Melinda, it is Clinton. I am trying to get a hold of Y/N. Is she there?”
“Oh hello, Clinton! She didn’t tell you, weird? She is going off to Sweden for a little bit to visit a sick relative!” There was a pause and a rustling noise, “from the email that she sent me, I think that her flight should be leaving in the next couple of hours.”
His breath caught in his throat. How could she not have told him that she was leaving? “Thank you, Melinda. I am going to try and give another call.” 
“No problemo! Have a good one, Clinton!” Click. She hung up on him.
Clinton sighed, anger burning in his chest. How did their relationship go from laughter and bubble baths to her leaving the country and not telling him? In frustration, Clinton punched a tree. In hindsight, it was not a very bright move because now his hand hurt. He stalked back into the building, needing to find information on her flight.
Both Kenny and Hana were sitting at a computer, so he decided to ask them for help. “Hana, Kenny. I need your help getting information about a flight.” 
The pair shared a look, before nodding. “Sure, if it means you’ll be returning to normal.” Kenny jokes.
Uncharacteristically, Clinton glared at him. “This is not a time for your jokes, Crosby. Her name is Y/N Y/L/N and her flight is heading to Sweden.” 
The pair nodded in sync, not wanting to piss Clinton off further. Hana was the first to find anything, so without hesitation she sent it to his phone. “I found the information and have sent it to your phone. If you hurry, you might be able to catch her.” 
He smiled briefly, “Thank you.” Without any further words, Clinton walked out of the office. 
As he was opening the door to his car, he dialed his mother’s number. She picked up right away, “Hello, Mom? Is dad around, there is something I have to tell you both?” He was finally ready to share his truth.
Her parents left her at the airport, not wanting to see her off-- hell, they didn’t even say goodbye. Though she had made the decision to go to Sweden, they were still giving her the silent treatment. Clinton had called her twice as they were driving to the airport and she had to decline both of them right away, so that her parents didn’t turn around and see. As she was walking away from the luggage drop off, she received a text from Melinda that said Clinton was looking for her. She sent a thumbs up as a reply, signaling that she is aware. 
As she walked through security, she made the decision not to call him back. She knew that if she did, she’d allow herself to be talked out of leaving. And she couldn’t allow that to happen. She needs her family… but she needs him too.  She found her gate fairly easily, only stopping to buy a drink and a sandwich. Her father wouldn’t allow her to have breakfast before they left, so her and the baby were starving. 
She took a seat by a window, wanting to watch the employees work. She slipped her headphones in, wanting to keep strangers from interacting with her. She wasn’t feeling music, so she turned on the latest episode of her favorite podcast, Ladies & Tangents (which is an actual podcast that I love!). Y/N picked at her sandwich, zoning out as Jeri and Ciara joked about shitting in a closet. She was so focused on the podcast that she didn’t notice someone walk up to her, which is something that Clinton had taught her not to do. She nearly jumped out of her skin as the person bent down in front of her.
Pulling off her headphones, Y/N shook her head. “What are you doing here, Clinton?” She asked, both equally shocked and happy about him being there.
He reached forward to hold her hands. “I heard you were going to Sweden and I wanted to see if I could get you to stay.” He squeezed her hands, voice cracking. “I am so sorry. I messed up. I was so worried that my parents would hold you in the same regards as your family. I was scared and I let that fear affect our relationship, which is something I should’ve talked to you about and not kept to myself.”
A tear ran down her cheek. “Oh, Clinton. I have to go…” She trailed off, not really wanting to admit why.
He tried to brush the tears away, heart aching at how broken she looked. “Why do you have to go?” She looked away from him, which caused him to try and turn her face to look at him. “Y/N, what aren’t you telling me?” She took a deep breath, trying to build up the courage to tell him the truth. “My parents threatened to disown me and keep me away from my siblings. I told them about us and they threatened to disown me.” She blurted, not being able to hold back.
Clinton froze, feeling every ounce of pain pouring out of her. “Oh, baby.” He pulled her to his chest, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “I told my parents about us. I told them that you were nothing like your parents, that you made it your mission to learn about our heritage.” He whispered.
She pulled back, shock evident in her eyes. “You did?” 
He nodded, “and they would like to meet you, but only if you want.” 
She looked over his shoulder at her gate, trying to decide what she wanted to do. “I think..” flashes of her parents judging her and not listening to anything she tried to tell them popped up, making it an easy decision. “I think I would love to meet them.”
Clinton grinned, happy tears falling down his cheeks. “Good,” he stood up, “because I’ve already had the airport pull your luggage from baggage claim…” He stated bashfully.
She smacked his chest as he helped her up. “How could you be so confident that I would say yes to coming back with you?” 
He shrugged, throwing his arm over her shoulder, “Baby, I just know you so well.” He pecked to the side of her head.
They both laughed at that, happy to be together again.
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Unattainable Things (Luke Patterson) Part 1
Summary: Luke's girlfriend had found out she was pregnant hours before they had died. 17 years later, their daughter is friends with Julie.
Words: 1.5k
A/N or Warnings: Hey! So I had to tweak the time frame a bit in order for this one shot idea to work. I hope you enjoy it.
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You were pregnant.
You took a look at the multiple pregnancy sticks on the counter and all said you were pregnant. You didn't know no idea what you were going to do. You didn’t have a lot of people in your corner only your boyfriend and his best friends. You didn't even know how he was gonna react to that the news that you're pregnant seeing as his band was about to blow up. He doesn't really have a support system either, because he left home when he was seventeen and is now twenty. You put your hands on the countertop and stared at yourself in the mirror. You don't know how long you stayed there till you heard the bathroom door knock. "Babe?"
You snapped yourself out of it and grabbed the test and hid them under the towels under the sink. You got up and closed the counter doors prior to turning around and opening the bathroom door. Luke looked at you with so much worry that filled his eyes. "Are you okay? You were in the bathroom for a really long time,"
You faked a smile and gave him a quick peck. "Yeah, I'm good,"
He watched you walk over to your shared bed. "Are you coming with us for rehearsals?
"Don't I always?
He smiled and walked over to you, kissed you and smiled at you again. "Yes,"
He walked out of the room and you sighed and laid down on your bed. You've heard footsteps, but you haven't turned your head and looked. "So are you?"
You turned your head to look at Reggie. "According to the test, that's a big y-e-s yes,"
Reggie leaned against the doorframe. "So when are you going to tell him?"
"I don't know. You're all having this big concert tonight and I don't want him to be distracted, but I don't know if I can keep it a secret".
Reggie nodded and remained silent for some time. "Every time you feel like telling him, scratch your arm and I'll do something,".
"Like what?"
"I don't know caw like a bird,"
You laughed at your boyfriend's best friend, who was more like your brother. "Yeah, you do that,"
You walked into the hallway to see your daughter walking downstairs with her music sheets and wearing her dad's old Rush shirt. You smiled every time you had seen her wearing it. Luke, Reggie and Alex have been dead for 17 years, and after they died, you made up with your parents. Her parents were a bit more sensitive because they lost their son, but they always liked their granddaughter, but your daughter really didn't want anything to do with them after she learned how they treated Luke what they said to her. She didn't really want to talk about his father because she said that although she didn't know him, talking about him was painful. "Yeah?"
"I'm gonna go over to Julie's today after school is that okay?"
Julie was one of her closest friends and she'd just lost her mother, so your daughter spent a lot of time with her. "Of course, Hunny, if you decide to stay overnight, send me a message,".
She nodded and gives you a quick peck on the cheek, says she loved you and runs out the door. She looks just like you but she is just like her dad. She inherited his talent and his love for music. She loves old bands more than the new bands. She is his mini me. Luke would have taken such pride in her.
Emily's POV:
As Emily was heading to Julie's house, she could hear music from the den, which was weird, because Julie was the only one who stayed in her house to play music, but she hadn't for a long time. You left your way to Julie's house and went to the den. You had knocked on the door and the music immediately stopped. No one answered. You opened the doors, you looked around and there was no one. "Julie?"
Emily jumped and turned around and looked at Julie walking into the den. "Where you playing music from your speaker or something?"
Julie looked as if she was thinking for a good answer. "OH yeah. I saw you walking up and I had turned off the music from the house,"
You didn't buy it, but you still ignored it. "What were you playing? I've never heard it before,"
She shrugged. "I don't know, I had it on a random station,"
"So I heard you killed it the other day,"
"Yeah, I did,"
"Sorry, I missed it, but had to stay after in a class to retake a class,"
"Let me guess. Mr. Kingsley?"
Emily just nodded.
"He has it out for you. Every day, he calls you out for something that you didn't even do. 'Emily, stop talking,; 'Why are you laughing, Emily?"
Emily just laughed. "No idea,"
Emily didn't noticed the guy that was standing in front of her until he had said something to her.
Luke's POV:
The boys were playing a few chords, waiting for Julie to come back when there was knocking at the door. They knew it wasn't Julie so they stopped playing and then the door opened. Reggie, Alex and Luke all stared at Emily with total shock. Reggie's the one that talked first. "Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing? Does she look like-"
Alex was next. "Like Y/N?"
He saw Julie enter and started talking with the girl. Then the boys got to know Emily's name. Reggie took a look at the girl's shirt and realized it was Luke's shirt. "Oh,"
Luke didn't hear Reggie. He was too focused on that girl and how she looked so much like the girl he loved wildly seventeen years ago. It couldn't be Y/N. Is that her daughter?
Without thinking about it, he vanished and reappeared beside that girl. At first, she didn't notice anything until Luke said something that caused her to jump and trip over herself.
Julie reached out to help her get up and once she helped her and looked at her. "You can see them?"
Emily, obviously still freaked out nodded. Julie looked around at the boys and then back at you. "Am I not supposed to? What kind of question is that?"
"They're dead. They're ghosts,"
"There's no way. Wait? They're?"
The other two boys appeared beside Luke, who was still paying close attention to this girl. "Hi,"
Emily shook her head. "I'm losing it. I'm really losing it. This isn't happening,"
"No, it is. They're a band from the ninety’s called Sunset Curve that died,"
"This is some kind of-wait did you say Sunset Curve?"
Luke stepped forward at this time. "You know us?"
By the time Emily had a chance to say something, Reggie beat her to it. "Emily, do you happen to know Y/N Y/L/N?"
"You mean my mom?"
Luke took a couple steps forward to Emily which she took two steps back. "How old are you?"
Before she could even say anything. Reggie sighs, walked up to him and places a hand on his shoulder. "Luke, meet your daughter,"
Luke removed Reggie's hand from his shoulder and looked into his eyes. "What?"
"Yeah....haha. Do you remember when Y/N was taking forever in the bathroom before we left to go to the Orpheum?"
Alex, who hadn't said a word for some time, didn't play with Reggie being slow. "Get to the point,"
"She did pregnancy tests and all of them were positive..."
Luke grabbed Reggie's shirt. "How long did you know?"
"Right after you left the bedroom after checking on her. She was gonna tell you after the show,"
Luke didn't tell Reggie but shook his finger at him, but turned to watch the girl he had just discovered was his daughter. He looked at her and for the first time noticed that she was wearing one of his old Rush shirts and one of his necklaces. He smiled at her, said she wore something of his. Then it hit him. She did not recognize him and it could only mean one thing... Y/N did not speak of him. She didn't, talk about him to their daughter. "Since, you didn't recognize me. I'm guessing your mom didn't talk about me?"
Emily shook her head. "No. She wanted to, but I told her no, because I didn't want to hear memories of my father I couldn't meet".
Luke wanted nothing more than to get to know his daughter. To know everything about her. To know if she's into music like he is or well was. Or was she like her mother who was more into writing? Was she close to her grandparents? He was going to ask him the same question aloud, but she got ahead of him. "I have a question,"
He took a step forward and went to reach out for his daughter, but stopped when he realized he couldn't. "Yes, anything?"
"How are you back?"
"We don't know. All we know is that Julie played our demo and it brought us back,"
Luke noticed that she was trying to figure out how to word this and almost looked like she was trying to hold back her tears. "So a girl, who didn't even know while you were alive, plays your CD and you come back, but not the cries of your girlfriend who basically disowned her family to be with you, and you were so in love with or the wishes of your daughter that you never got to meet? Dad of the year, huh?"
With that, she grabbed her backpack and took off running out of the den, tears flowing. "Emily!"
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theaviskullguy · 3 years
since yall need to see it
i have a coroika fantasy/dnd au (it has some dnd elements but its not directly a dnd au) so have this
Goggles: Chaotic neutral human rouge
Noble background
he a stealy boi
but he’s got a heart of gold
back when he was a noble he saw that there was a lot of people that needed help that his family didn’t even think about helping
so goggles took to stealing from his family and other’s riches and giving them to the poor.
As a result he was disowned and cast out from his family and earned the name “Blue Bandit” due to his thieving habits and his blue hair
Rider: Neutral good human barbarian
Soldier background
Basically Rider was born into a magic-using family but was known as the family disappointment by his parents and extended family since he had none of his own (his siblings were chill about it)
So he thought that he could make them proud by joining the military and becoming a hero of his village
And he did but his parent’s still hated him simply because he had no magic
So, Rider left his village to find something else to do
Army: True Neutral half-elf warlock
Noble background
Patron: Actually one I came up with named Phyria. She’s a fiend patron but she give extra fire spells
anyways, Army comes from a line of kings, each worshipping Phyria, known as the Blaze Kings.
Army’s father was the first to act as a Tyrant. He wanted to rule the world and groomed Army to do the same.
Basically, Army was manipulated to believe that he was the only one who was “pure”. Everyone else were filthy wrongdoers.
When Army’s dad died, it wasn’t made public, and Army ruled as The Blaze King with people still believing his father was the ruler
He got news of a rebellion (basically the gang having decided to go and stop him) and decided to go down and masquerade as...well, himself kind of.
As he traveled with them he began to question all he was taught to believe. 
So basically the gang lead him through an unintentional redemption arc.
Aloha: Chaotic good human bard
Entertainer background
of course aloha’s a bard
anyways, his parents died when he was 5 and he was taken in by his uncle, who ran a tavern.
As he grew up he learned how to make food, serve drinks, and became pretty well-liked in the town
But what Aloha really liked was the traveling bards that came and went at the tavern. He’d learn their songs by ear and sing along.
It came to the point where he was gifted a lute by one of them and his uncle sent him off to learn how to be a proper bard
And when Aloha came back ten years later his town had been burned down. Literally no one was left, and everything was just in ashes
Other than this one knife that had the tavern’s symbol on it.
So, Aloha took it with him in his travels.
He still has it and he still uses the lute given to him by the bard so long ago.
Mask: Chaotic neutral undead drow necromancer
hermit background
“Dude you made him an accidental lich” -My DM friend when I was explaining my idea to them
Basically Mask always had a close connection to the dead
He’d be mourning people he didn’t even know, he would talk to seemingly the void whenever at a grave, and he was always pretty close to death himself, being a pretty sickly person
So when he became an adult he hid himself in a cave, practicing his craft of necromancy
He brought back a sick cat he named Ash who decided to follow him around
Anyways as for the undead part
One day Mask got a nasty infection and he went to the market to get a cure
and he was scammed, getting a nasty poison instead
so Mask drank it and died, but somehow he came back as an undead himself
he decided “fuck it” and went off adventuring along with Ash
Skull: Lawful good Drow-Wood elf ranger
Urchin background
So basically Skull was born to two moms; a drow huntress and a wood elf archer.
He tends to look more like a drow though
anyways, he learned how to fight, hunt, gather, and shoot a bow and arrow thanks to his moms
he was also raised in a really pretty forest
his parents do be living the cottagecore dream...
anyways one day skull came back home after hunting (he had caught a raven all by himself and wanted to show his moms) when he found-suprise suprise-that his house had burnt down
his moms were alright and sent him to live in the city with his grandparents, while they go on a mission to find out who did this
problem is his grandparents hadn’t seen him before and don’t really like drow
so they kicked him-a 12 year old in elf years btw-on the streets
he taught himself to survive in the city-he didn’t know the way back to the forest-and after a few years of begging on the streets, and occasionally stealing, he finally had enough for a bow, quiver, and arrows. And he knew he could sustain himself by hunting for his own food and selling what he didn’t need
so he did just that
he commissioned a bow, arrows, and quiver and in the process met aviators- a wood elf who really loved crafting of any kind-who took on the job and made him a beautiful bow
as thanks, even though he payed, skull always made sure to give avi and his family extra food he collects.
and as time went on he and avi fell in love because aviskull supremacy
But later avi was relocated to a different city, so Skull and him made a promise to get married when they next saw each other
since then, skull joined the gang, took down a tyrant, and is now just searching for avi along the gang’s adventures
Prince: Lawful good High elf cleric
Acolyte background
basically-this is also emp’s backstory too-prince, emp, and prince’s twin regent are royals of a magic-based kingdom
but you see regent didn’t really like non magics, and thought they should be slaves under his rule
Prince and Emperor didn’t like that, so Emperor challenged Regent to a duel
you see, in the case of multiple heirs to the throne, the strongest one would ascend to become the ruler.
it would be prince, seeing as in addition to being a healer, his patron had given him a spellbook, filled with plenty of dark and powerful spells
but clerics and priests are forbidden to take on positions of political power.
so regent and emperor fought in battle and regent won, becoming king and his first act was exiling prince and emperor on the spot, not even letting them take the things in their rooms.
regent thought that, since prince had left his spellbook in his room, that he could now have access to the power his twin had, but prince was clever
when he had received the book, he placed a curse on it so only he may use it without repercussions. Anyone who even so much touched it would get a nasty curse only Prince or his patron can lift
 anyways so now regent’s paranoid that prince would somehow return, take the spellbook, and kill regent
also prince has a familiar with him; his kitten, kia.
Emperor: Lawful neutral High Elf Sorceror
Noble background
basically same backstory as prince tbh not much to say
Gloves: Chaotic Good halfling Druid
Outlander background
Basically, in the village they lived in, pink eyes are considered bad luck. so when gloves opened their eyes to show pink, their parents left them to die in the woods
jokes on them
Gloves was found and literally raised by wolves until they were 10 in halfling years
Then they got found by two human hunters and was taken in
Gloves just. ran away from them. They hated being constrained and punished for even mentioning that they missed the pack
They never found the pack again, but after years in the woods, they learned how to transform into a wolf themselves.
Nothing too big after that, just the bab joins the group and now the gang has a wolf enby!!!
And i dont have anything for Vintage...suggestions are welcome!!!!
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Draco Falling in love if you were in Gryffindor Pt2
Warnings: Swearing. Angst.
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You were there for the last trial and some anxiety just fucking hit you like a bus
Something was wrong. You knew this and you tried to voice that.
Draco could tell you were nervous for your two friends that were in this
Most of the trial was spent trying to calm you down, Fred and George also trying to distract you
That's when Harry came back and you stood up and saw it
"No." You whimpered.
Draco couldn't see what made you react like that until he realized that Harry was on top of Cedric.
You buried your face in Draco's jacket and just sobbed
Fred and George couldn't believe this happened.
Hermione and Ron watched as Mad eye Moody walked away with Harry sobbing
You were left to hear Cedric's poor father screaming over his dead son's body.
The next few days were hard
No one dared to separate you and Draco.
Which finding him asleep on the couch with you in his arms in the Gryffindor common room was now a regular occurrence.
Mcgonagall never questioned shit.
You helped Harry through his grieving and he helped you with yours.
You spent the summer again with the Weasleys
Fred and George's business was surprisingly well
Something strange happened though.
Mid-day, all of you were sitting around having lunch and there was a knock on the door.
Draco was standing there with this shocked look.
"Draco? Sweetie what's wrong?" Molly asked.
"I've uhm..." He walked in and ran a hand over his face. "I've been disowned." He said making everyone stand up.
"What!?" You asked.
"My uhm.. my family called me a blood traitor for being with you and uh..." Draco blinked a few times.
"They disowned me." He repeated.
"Good lord!" Arthur gasped and you hugged him.
"You've got us Draco... We're not going anywhere." Fred said putting a hand on his shoulder.
"If I see Lucius in public can I kick his balls?" Ginny asked making everyone turn to her.
"What? I'm just saying! A swift kick to the--"
"OKAYYY GINNY!" Molly said putting a hand over her daughter's mouth making you all laugh.
Draco stayed with all of the Weasley's too.
Molly found him sitting outside one night and she sat next him.
"Are you alright?" Molly asked.
"Couldn't sleep. I give Y/n so much crap about staying up late but I'm the one who can't sleep." He chuckled.
Molly put a hand on his shoulder and he sighed.
"We love you Draco. Just the way you are and we wouldn't change a single thing about you. You're not a blood traitor." Molly said.
Draco hugged Molly and she gained a son that day.
The school year started with Umbridge.
That damn woman and cats. What the fuck was with her and cats!?
You hated that woman more than anything and when Fred and George pulled a bunch of fireworks out you were like "Right on!"
Course when they were expelled it pissed you off more than you could possibly say.
For some reason Draco was loved by this woman though and he used that to his advantage.
When he found out about her hurting Harry you actually had to restrain him from killing her.
When centaurs took her you wouldn't stop smiling.
You kept singing "ding dong the bitch is gone" and everyone couldn't stop laughing.
Draco's parents did try to convince him to leave you and come back home to which he responded with a simple "No. Fuck off."
You guys joined the order
You stood by Harry every step of the way and when Arthur nearly died Draco was pissed.
Like he had some murderous rage in him
You all worked with Harry and Sirius though
Sirius actually loved Draco
Like yeah, the kid's dad is an unbearable asshole but damn this kid's got a spark!
Draco actually thought Sirius was awesome too.
When he found out the two of them were related they were like "Hey! Disowned buddies!"
But everything came to a screeching halt when you helped Harry
and ended up in that battle.
Shit hit the fan and of course Draco's father was there.
It all happened so quickly, flashes of light going by you as Tonks tried to get you and Draco to safety.
Then you heard it.
Bellatrix's killing curse.
You turned around and saw Sirius stumble and your heart dropped.
You broke away from Tonks, sprinting to Harry.
You had to pull him back as he let out this hauntingly sad scream.
When you finally got out of there Harry was of course having a meltdown.
Draco was there for him though listening to it all
It was almost hard to believe that Draco hated him at one point.
Draco made him laugh at one point
"Did you see my father's face when the thing actually broke though? I think he almost cried"
Harry was glad he had this guy as a friend
The school year was of course hard on Harry
Ron could see the poor guy's mental state just deteriorating
Draco no longer had to worry about things getting back to his parents, so you bet your ass Harry sat at that table every fucking day.
"Wait wait wait. You're telling me that his cane is also his wand?" You asked about Lucius's cane.
"Yeah he pulled out at the ministry, that's why he carried it with him? I always figured it was because he was a pompous ass who wanted to look official." Harry said making you all laugh.
When Albus died all of you were in this state of shock
Like holy shit this is bad.
Like it was bad before but now it's bad.
When Snape took over Draco genuinely could not tell if he was evil or not.
He was literally the only one in the group who was automatically like "He's evil dude"
You guys didn't realize how bad this would get until you had to bust into Bellatrix's vault
You were more of a look out of sorts
And uhm
All of you ended up at the Manor.
"Seriously, is your dad goth or just a fan of black?" You asked.
"Personally I think he takes the whole evil thing too seriously." Luna said.
"See Luna gets it." You said.
Then they chose a prisoner... Or two.
They figured the quickest way for information was to ask Draco while hurting you.
And boy it almost worked
You screamed bloody murder as she carved into your arm
He had to restrained by two people as you screamed.
Even Lucius thought this was too extreme, for fucks sake you were children.
Harry finally got free though and you all left
You were crying like crazy, you couldn't catch your breath as Draco held you.
The two of you were so scared then and damn it only got worse as that final battle approached.
You told your family to run and do not fucking look back and they did
Molly hated seeing you come home that day
You looked so exhausted and you just hugged her crying.
Fred and George both hated seeing you like this.
I mean: yes you spent your past few years here in the burrow but damn it that was your family.
You finally got to that battle
You fought strong and hard the whole time
Any death eaters near you or your friends went down in seconds
Draco saw Fred in danger and saved his life.
"You just saved my life!" Fred panted.
"Anything for a friend." Draco said also out of breath.
"We're not friends Draco." Fred breathed. "Sorry I--" "We're brothers." He finished.
And damn it Draco fought even harder because the Weasleys became his family.
When Ginny and Molly were in trouble he was not having that shit.
"GET AWAY FROM MY MOTHER YOU PRAT!" he said before fucking destroying her.
Molly managed to find a smile in such a tense situation.
Ginny also thought "This guys an asshole. But he's my brother so it's fine."
You and Draco fought together at one point against his parents
Oh God Draco was a wreck as he was arguing with his father.
"I JUST WANTED YOU TO FUCKING LOVE ME!" Draco answered, knocking Lucius on his feet.
"Go. Don't you ever show your face again!" Draco told him.
And Lucius booked it with his mother.
Then the battle reached a halt when Harry was dead.
Draco took it hard, burying his face in your shoulder as Hagrid held Harry.
Hermione and Ron both couldn't believe this was happening. This was their best friend.
You listened to Neville's big "Fuck you" to voldemort before noticing Harry's leg twitch.
You touched Draco's shoulder and Harry finally fell out of Hagrid's arms and Draco grabbed the wand and threw it to Harry
The battle was so bright it looked like the light from it was fucking melting
And then Harry won
It was over.
Everyone was cheering until their throats gave out
You hugged Draco and the Weasleys hugged you guys.
When you finally let go Draco let out a laugh.
"Y/n I have a question." He finally said.
"What is it?" You asked.
"Will you marry me?" He asked.
Everyone in your vicinity went dead silent before you said
Your wedding was awesome by the way
Molly made the cake
Later down the road you had kids
And you spent every holiday at the Burrow because the kids loved their grandparents
Course they also loved their uncles who gave them free stuff from their shop.
Everytime you went to King's cross you and the group would get dinner together.
You became a journalist, Draco worked at the ministry alongside Arthur
You absolutely loved the people sitting at the table.
Because damn it: This was family.
And it wasn't going anywhere.
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swanlake1998 · 3 years
Article: Julie Felix: the brilliant Black ballerina who was forced to leave Britain
Date: March 3, 2021
By: Steve Rose
(CW: racism, anti black racism, police brutality, violence, murder mention)
She was told there was no room for a ‘brown swan’ in the London Festival Ballet, so she went to the US. There she found enormous success, dancing for everyone from Michael Jackson to Prince
The turning point in Julie Felix’s career came in 1975. A student at Rambert ballet school in London, she was selected to dance in Rudolf Nureyev’s production of Sleeping Beauty with the London Festival Ballet (now the English National Ballet). Nureyev was the god of British ballet – and he lived up to his reputation on the first day of rehearsal, Felix recalls. “He was late, but everybody said he was always late. All of a sudden, the doors flew open and in he came. He was well renowned for these big boots he used to wear, and a big fur coat. He took the coat off like a matador and threw it so it slid across the dance studio floor. Everybody jumped up and stood to attention. He was there for probably about half an hour.” At the time, 17-year-old Felix was awestruck. In hindsight, half a century later, she is less impressed: “Talk about unprofessional.”
In the fairytale version of Felix’s life, having acquitted herself on stage with Nureyev, she would have joined the London Festival Ballet and become the first Black British dancer to begin her ascent through the ranks of a British ballet company. Instead, she was told she was a “lovely dancer”, but was not going to be given a contract, “because of the colour of my skin. I would mess up the line of the corps de ballet, because you can’t have a whole row of white swans and then there’s a brown one at the end.”
Felix was stunned: “It hit me like a thunderbolt.” Her mother was white British and her father African-Caribbean, from Saint Lucia. She had never thought of the refined world of ballet as being what we might now describe as institutionally racist. “It sounds ridiculous, but because I didn’t experience any racial issues or difficulties before that, I didn’t think there was anything wrong with the colour of my skin. I thought that I was talented and that would be enough.”
Having grown up in Ealing, west London, in the 60s, Felix certainly knew about racial difference. She rarely saw any faces that were not white in the neighbourhood or at school, she says. After her parents had met on a bench in Hyde Park, her mother’s family disapproved. “They said: ‘If you marry that man, we’re going to disown you.’ And my mum just said: ‘Well, fair enough, I still want to marry him.’”
Her father, who worked as a foreman at the Hoover factory, was quite the charmer, says Felix. “He was the proudest man. He would paint the front door a different colour every year. He was always up the ladder washing his windows. He would grow fruits and vegetables in the back garden. But I would say my dad had a big chip on his shoulder.”
She describes how he would dress like a dandy, in 40s suits and spats, even if he was just going to do the shopping. “He would always berate the grocers and say: ‘You’re picking the bruised fruit and vegetables because I’m Black. You think I can’t see this?’” She laughs. “Why would you move somewhere if you’re going to spend your life being concerned about the way other people look at you and your colour?”
There was an incident when she was eight or nine, when her father returned from work very late, his shirt ripped and covered in blood. A colleague had attacked him outside the factory gates with a meat cleaver on a chain. “He didn’t like, one, the way my dad spoke to him and, two, because my dad was Black,” she says.
Culturally, the Felix household was “100% British”, she says. She had no connection to her Saint Lucian family, although she would see her British grandparents in Essex regularly (relations had thawed when Felix’s elder sister and she were born). Musically, her father liked American crooners such as Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole; her mother preferred classical music and had once aspired to be an opera singer. “So, when it came to my wanting to dance, there was a local ballet school around the corner in Ealing that I would go to, and Mum said: ‘Well, as long as you keep working hard and you’re enjoying it, I will fund it for you.’ She wasn’t a pushy, stereotypical ballet mother, but she knew that I loved it. And because she’d been stopped doing what she wanted to do, she was there 100% for me.” When she passed the audition for the Rambert, her parents could not afford the fees; Felix won a grant from the Inner London Education Authority, which paid 75%.
Felix says no one is “born to dance”, but, as a student, her passion for ballet was boundless. “I can remember the feeling of waking up in the morning, earlier than I needed to, getting on the underground and going into Notting Hill Gate, where the school was. I was the first one in the door. The cleaner was still there.
“I could not get enough of it. My friend and me would stretch and practise our fouettés in the lunch break. We’d be the last ones out of the building. Get back on the train, go home. My feet would be bleeding. I’d have blisters all over my toes. And I didn’t care. I just knew this was what was required. I soaked my feet in salt water, dabbed surgical spirit on them to get the skin to heal and get them dried out so that I could get up the next morning and get on that train again.”
After all her dedication, being rejected for her colour was devastating. “It didn’t last long, mind you,” she says. “Part of my personality is: sink or swim. And I thought: ‘I am not going to sink here.’ So I just flipped it around and just said: ‘Watch me. I’m going to show you I can do it.’”
She didn’t have to wait too long. The previous summer, the Dance Theatre of Harlem (DTH) had come to perform in London. This was a pioneering Black ballet company founded in 1969 by Arthur Mitchell, the first top-flight Black dancer in US ballet. While they were in town, Felix went along, auditioned for Mitchell and was immediately offered a contract. She declined. When her teacher at Rambert found out, “she absolutely hit the roof”, Felix recalls. “She said: ‘You can’t pick and choose. You’ve been offered a job!’” Fortunately, the DTH returned to London a few months after her Nureyev experience. Felix auditioned and was offered a job a second time. She did not turn it down.
This time, Felix’s skin colour was to her advantage, although working with an all-Black company in the US was a curious reversal: “I’d gone from all of my ballet training, and growing up not really being aware of anything to do with Black people, to going to New York and there’s no white people.” Before relocating to New York, Felix had never had a passport, left the UK or flown in an aeroplane.
“Within two weeks of being there, Arthur Mitchell said to me: ‘We’ve got to knock the British out of you.’ And I took umbrage, because I’m really proud of being British,” Felix says. In retrospect, she knows what he meant: “It was the wishy-washy way I approached my technique and my ballet training. But it wasn’t just about that; it was everything that Arthur Mitchell taught and portrayed and wanted us to portray within our work. He wanted to show that Black people really can do this.”
DTH’s sense of purpose aligned with Felix’s own. She stayed with the company for 10 years, earning her place as a soloist and touring the US and beyond (including a satisfying return to the Royal Opera House). Life in the US put British racism into perspective, says Felix. In her first week in New York, she witnessed a young Black man being shot dead in the street by two white police officers for shoplifting. A touring performance in Mississippi in 1978 had to be cancelled because the Ku Klux Klan staged a protest outside the theatre, in white hoods, burning cross and all. “No words can describe that feeling,” she says.
There were more good times than bad, though. Felix shared the stage with, and danced for, luminaries from Ronald Reagan to her hero, Luciano Pavarotti. She danced with Lionel Richie to All Night Long at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics closing ceremony; visitors to her shows included Michael Jackson and Prince. Jackson wanted to cast the dancers in his ill-fated Peter Pan movie, she says. He came to a matinee in Pasadena, California, supposedly incognito, but in full Jackson regalia: black sunglasses, Jheri curl and military-style outfit, with a complement of bodyguards. “I was annoyed, because I was there to deliver the performance, but you had all these girls screaming in the audience,” says Felix. “Anyway, after it finished, he came backstage and said to us, very, very quietly: ‘I really enjoyed your performance. I just think you’re fantastic.’ What a humble man.”
A year later, Prince came to a show, by coincidence at the same theatre. He was similarly “incognito”, in a sequined, hooded purple cape. He never took the hood down. “At the end of the performance, he got back in his limo and left and didn’t say thank you, hello, anything. Really quite rude.”
By 1986, aged 30, Felix was beginning to feel the physical toll of ballet life. She also missed home. She returned to the UK and became a teacher and remedial coach for Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet, first in London, then in Birmingham, where the company relocated when it became Birmingham Royal Ballet, in 1990. She married and had three daughters (none of whom followed in their mother’s footsteps).
She then became head of dance at a local school. Now it was her turn to “knock the British out” of her students. “They don’t seem to know how to really push themselves,” she says. “Ballet is really painful. If you don’t feel that, then you’re not doing it properly.” Ballet has also always required a highly specific form of physicality, Felix points out. “It needs very arched feet, it requires good natural rotation of your hip sockets, a slender body, long, lithe muscles, long neck, small head.” Regardless of talent or musicality, she says, dancers who do not conform to this body type will struggle. Perhaps it is this inherent discrimination that has made other forms of prejudice easier to disguise.
British ballet has made some progress since the 70s, but it could do more. Birmingham Royal Ballet, for example, had a successful workshop programme with local schools, whose pupils were often from Black, Asian or minority ethnic backgrounds, but such programmes seem to have “fizzled out” as a result of local authority budget cuts, Felix says. On the other hand, there are institutions such as Ballet Black, which advocates for diversity in professional ballet. At the time of its founding in 2001, there were still no women of colour performing in any British company. The Royal Ballet recruited its first Black, British-born male dancer, Solomon Golding, only in 2013.
Felix is not convinced British ballet has turned the corner: “I still believe that we’ve got ballet companies who will take a few people of colour just to be politically correct.” However, she was heartened by the appointment of the Cuban-British dancer Carlos Acosta as director of Birmingham Royal Ballet in 2020, although the pandemic has so far curtailed its activities. While all British arts are vulnerable at the moment, ballet – with its high demands for time, labour, space and personnel – is especially so. Now based in Cornwall, Felix has made do teaching over Zoom for the past year. She is not complaining: “It really is a lovely place to be locked down.”
Felix’s skin colour began as a factor that counted against her, but it became an animating force in her career and led to a wealth of experiences and successes she might otherwise not have had. With that satisfaction, the anger she feels for her 17-year-old self being told her brownness would “mess up the line” has mellowed a little. “Their choice of not accepting me enabled me to find something within myself that I probably would never have known was there,” she says. “And then to open up this whole world for me. So I can say that hatred was turned to gratitude.”
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wrathandgreed · 3 years
Hi! Hope you're having a good day.
For your ask game may I ask 🎨& ⚡?
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Okay, so Tumblr ate my first response when I was alt-tabbing between this and Docs. Thanks, Tumblr! But thank you for the prompt, @evierena !
🎨 - Show us a WIP
From “Horn Maintenance” (short fic, fluff, Asmo x reader)
“Hey!” You boop him on the nose with the flat end of the file. “Let me work here.”
A great sigh. “But darling, you’re right here in front of me, and you’re cute enough to nibble on!”
You almost give in. But you want to see if you can bring Other Asmo back. So you settle yourself down in his lap and give him a kiss - not one of passion, but one of gentleness. Then you kiss the tip of his nose and smile right into his eyes. “Azzy, just let me just be affectionate for awhile. Let me take care of you a little.”
“Affec -“ For the briefest of moments, Asmo looks confused and it makes you really sad. You wonder if anyone’s ever asked to ‘take care of him’ without it being a sexual reference. You give him another kiss simply because you can’t stand seeing that look on his face. And then, without looking at him again, you turn back to his horn splinter and get to work.
From “The Seven Brothers Detective Agency” ( I did some googling into the “hard boiled detective” genre, and it’s fascinating. Apparently, in the early 1900s, it’s not that there was a lot of police corruption, it’s that the basic job of the police was enforcing things FOR the mob and/or politicians (basically the same thing back then). In the 1920’s, thanks to Prohibition, the mob began having so much money and power on their own that they didn’t need the cops anymore, and the alliance began to fracture. Enter, now, stories about this schism - people wanted justice, and they wanted stories about people to defend them from organized crime - AND from the cops (again, basically the same thing). So we wind up with the noir detective, usually a cop who disagreed with corruption, and is now jaded and cynical about their fall from the organization. Usually also dealing with shell-shock from WWI. )
(These are currently more like notes than full-on HCs)
Lucifer (The Boss)
Son of Old Money
Served in the Great War, very much against his father’s wishes. Men of their status do not sit in trenches and eat canned muck and get shot by German snipers.
Almost died more than once, saw some Major Shit.
Had a lot of trouble adjusting when he came home. Beds were too soft, everything glittered and sparkled and was too wide-open.
Also too boring. He spent two years facing life and death, and sitting back at his father’s desk with a cigar felt too simple.
So he decided to become a policeman. One of the **good** ones. He truly wanted to make a difference.
The day he enrolled, his father disowned him. Lucifer still had money left to him by his mother, but everything from his old man, including controlling interest in the company, was given to….someone else.
And for the first time, Lucifer felt free.
Rose in the ranks, thanks to charisma and intelligence.
Knew about the corruption, refused to participate, but felt he was too junior still to do anything about it.
By the time he was a senior detective, he’d gotten used to it. He wasn’t tempted by bribes himself, since he had more money than he would ever need. 
If he was actually going to help people, he needed to stay on the force. To stay on the force, he had to turn a blind eye.
At least until the murder.
A young Black singer, the daughter of one of his father’s servants. 
He’d grown up with her, their servant’s kids were as much his siblings as his actual sister. 
This girl was younger than him by a few years, but her voice had been heavenly. 
She sang in speakeasies, throaty voice singing the blues.
And now she was dead - brutalized and strangled for telling a rich white kid “no”.
The bastard was caught with blood quite literally on his hands. He fucking confessed.
But the boy’s father was a major contributor of the Chief’s - so her death was ruled an unsolved homicide.
Enraged, Lucifer did what he swore he would never do - he fought the system.
And lost.
And those who supported him - whatever their reasons - were kicked out of the force right alongside him.
So, with too much money on his hands, too much grief in his heart, and too many junior officers looking to him for leadership, Lucifer starts the Seven Brothers Detective Agency.
He saw his juniors - his friends, his **brothers** - and realized that, for most of them, they hadn’t just lost a job, they’d lost a reason to get up in the morning. So he gave them one.
He’ll never admit that he needed a reason to get up even more than they did.
At this point, he’s low key a functioning alcoholic.
He uses big-money cases in order to fund helping the disenfranchised.
Will always help people in real trouble, even if they can’t pay at all.
He spends most of his time on paperwork in the office, and occasionally bailing his juniors out of jail. 
Or paying off their mob debts.
Kind of the same thing, anyway.
When he does go out into the field, though, he’s formidable. 
He seems to have this otherworldly charm, and people find themselves talking to him, telling him things they maybe shouldn’t.
He’s an expert at questioning someone around in circles until they don’t even know what they’re saying.
He’s also an expert at asking such direct questions that people become uncomfortable. You can learn a lot from someone’s discomfort.
⚡️ - Biggest fear
What really scares me is uncertainty and insecurity. I grew up pretty poor. Not like super poverty, but the type of poor where you start working off the books at 11 and you eat dinner at your grandparents house for a few weeks because your own parents can’t afford groceries because something happened that sucked up available funds. Also, my mom was sick most of my childhood, so I wound up being her caretaker and between that and the whole getting-a-job-at-11 thing, I didn’t really have a childhood or teenage-hood. I’m a lot older now, and I’m in a pretty secure financial place, but I’m still desperately afraid of that one accident or emergency that will send me back into eating at other people’s houses or having to borrow money from my parents to afford to fix my car.
I’ve also got some of my mom’s conditions - plus a few mental illnesses - so part of my fear of uncertainty is what’s going to happen to me in the future. By the time she was my age, my mom was going blind and suffering mini-strokes. I’ve managed to avoid all of that, but for how long? We survive on my salary, so if I become unable to work, we’re screwed. Not to mention I can only be as healthy as I am because my job provides top-tier health insurance. What happens if I lose it? I’m not having children, so how will I be looked after if I actually live to be old?
So, short answer, I guess, is just “the future” - I’m always afraid of things taking a sharp downturn, because my childhood was nothing BUT thinking things were fine and then everything exploding in your face.
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