#nanking massacre
boricuacherry-blog · 1 year
I am being sued for defamation for Okinawa Notes. During the Battle of Okinawa, the Japanese military ordered the people on two small islands off of Okinawa to commit suicide. They told them that the Americans were so cruel that they would rape the women and kill the men. They said they were better off killing themselves before the Americans landed. Each family was given two grenades. On the day the Americans landed, more than five hundred people killed themselves. Grandfathers killed sons, husbands killed wives. I argued that the leader of the defending troops stationed on the island was responsible for those deaths. Okinawa Notes was published almost forty years ago, but about ten years ago a nationalistic movement began that seeks to revise history textbooks in order to erase any mention of the atrocities Japan committed in Asia, during the twentieth century, such as the Nanjing Massacre and the Okinawa suicides. Many books have been published about the Japanese crimes in Okinawa but mine is one of the few still in print. The conservative faction wanted a target, and I became that target. Compared to when the book was published in the seventies, the current right-wing attack against me seems far more nationalistic, part of a resurgence in emperor worship. They claim that the people on the islands died out of a beautifully pure feeling of patriotism for the emperor.
-Kenzaburo Oe, 2007
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During the Nanking Massacre in the Sino-Japanese War, the U.S. Gunboat Panay Was Attacked and Destroyed by Japanese Warplanes in Chinese Waters. December 12, 1937.
Image: The U.S. Navy river gunboat USS Panay (PR-5) sinking after Japanese air attack on Nanking, China, on 12 December 1937, in what became known as the Panay incident. (Public Domain) On this day in history, December 12, 1937, during the Nanking Massacre in the Sino-Japanese War, the U.S. gunboat Panay was attacked and destroyed by Japanese warplanes in Chinese waters. The American vessel,…
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For everyone who does not believe a leader would kill 15,000 people, I invite you to google
The Parsley Massacre, in which Rafael Trujillo ordered troops to murder as many as 20,000 Haitians.
Augusto Pinochet, whose regime was responsible for the torture and/or murder of over 40,000 people.
The Rape of Nanking, where Japanese forces murdered 200,000 people and tortured more.
The Bodo League Massacre, where South Korean troops killed HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people.
The 15,000 people in Iran are still very much in danger, whether an official sentence was given or not.
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shihlun · 1 year
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Ken Akimoto
- Nanking 戦線後方記録映画 南京
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ayx79 · 6 months
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All of a sudden I wanted to post here multiple times a day now holy crap
oh btw I like Polandball
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So yeah.
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flysafepapi · 2 years
okay who had “unverified pictures of the aftermath of one of the worst atrocities in human history are illegally posted on Twitter” on their 2022 bingo card?
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gudguy1a · 3 months
Alabama – Separation of Church and State – Violation – Invoking “God”
It seems we have a judicial member, a very senior member who seems to have not performed well in law school. This Alabama Judge (Tom Parker) should be removed (finally) from the bench with his IVF ruling disqualified. Why you ask? So glad you asked. It is because, as far as many of the rest of us know, there is “supposed” to be an EXPLICITLY clear delineation between adding personal religious…
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boricuacherry-blog · 1 year
Japanese armies invaded China's northern provinces and quickly captured the ancient Chinese capital Peking (now called Beijing), where Pamela Werner was murdered in 1937 [before the Japanese invasion - the case is still unsolved]. In this war, the Japanese enjoyed overwhelming superiority in numbers, training, and weapons.
While fighting was happening in Northern China, the Japanese launched a second front on the city of Shanghai, on the eastern coast of China. They captured Shanghai also in 1937. They were then able to move up the Yangtze River and lay seige to the Nationalist capital Nanking (now called Nanjing).
By the time of Nanking's capture, the Japanese already controlled large sections of China, and war crimes against the Chinese became commonplace.
This all took place during the Sino-Japanese War, in particular, the second Sino-Japanese war between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan, with the first war having taken place in 1894.
When Nanking fell to the Japanese troops, they immediately slaughtered thousands of Chinese soldiers who had surrendered to them, as well as civilians. For six weeks, life for the Chinese in Nanking became a nightmare. Bands of drunken Japanese soldiers roamed the city, murdering, raping, looting and burning the city at whim. At least twenty thousand Chinese women were raped in Nanking during the first four weeks of the Japanese occupation, and many were afterward mutilated and killed.
**Warning: Disturbing Content**
When the bodies of murdered Chinese turned the gutters and the Yangtze River red with their blood, the Japanese were forced to refine their methods of slaughter in the interest of preventing the spread of disease. Batches of Chinese civilians were sent to slaughter pits, where they were buried alive, hacked to death with swords, used for bayonet practice, or poured with petrol and burned alive. The Japanese even posed with their dead victims - burned corpses, bayoneted babies, headless bodies, and disembowled women. Sons were forced to sodomize their own mothers and then were usually murdered. Unlike the Nazis, who tried to hide or at least obscure the scope of their atrocities on civilians, the Japanese flaunted theirs in full view of horrified foreigners with cameras, most of whom tried futilely to stem the slaughter, even as they recorded it on film.
"The Japanese took souvenir pictures of what they did, particularly to the women. Many were forced into pornographic poses before, after or during mutilation and death," said Iris Chang, the author of bestselling book The Rape of Nanking. "I had to omit the worst pictures from my book because I feared they might cause it to be banned from school libraries. And school libraries are where I want it most to be."
In fact, the ritual gang-rapes perpetuated by the Japanese Army would have only been hearsay if not for the photographs the soldiers themselves took of their crimes to send back home as souvenirs.
Though her grandparents managed to escape just before the Japanese entered Nanking, Chang found herself consumed with documenting the massacre before the last of the survivors passed away. In Nanjing she located 10 survivors, including one who was a pregnant teenager when the city was sacked.
"She actually fought off the Japanese soldiers who tried to rape her," said Chang. "They bayoneted her 37 times. She was photographed afterward at the hospital. She lost the baby, but somehow lived through it. She's obviously a very strong woman."
One woman, who was eight at the time, remembers her father being shot, and she and her mother being raped by soldiers. She still suffers to this day from the brutal attack.
Following the massive destruction of Nanking, China's capital was left in ruin. The Japanese government installed a puppet government headed by General Matsui Iwane (who declared the attack on Nanking) and his lieutenant, Tani Hisao, to rule over Nanking, where they maintained power until the end of World War II, after which both Matsui Iwane and Tani Hisao were tried and convicted of war crimes, leading to their execution. Unfortunately only a few Japanese were tried for their crimes against humanity in Nanking, with Japan refusing to even acknowledge the massacre even happened, as well as most people outside of Asia never having heard of it.
One week after the surrender of Japan on September 2, 1945, General Douglas MacArthur - the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers - ordered the arrests of Japanese suspects, including General Hideki Tojo. Twenty-eight defendants, mostly Imperial military officers and government officials, were charged. Seven defendants were sentenced to death by hanging and 16 defendants were sentenced to life imprisonment.
The defendants were:
Sadao Araki
Kenji Doihara
Kingoro Hashimoto
Shunroku Hata
Kiichiro Hiranuma
Koki Hirota
Naoki Hoshino
Seishiro Itagaki
Okinori Kaya
Koichi Kido
Heitaro Kimura
Kuniaki Koiso
Matsui Iwane
Jiro Minami
Akira Muto
Osami Nagano
Takasumi Oka
Shumei Okawa
Hiroshi Oshima
Kenryo Sato
Mamoru Shigemitsu
Shigetaro Shimada
Toshio Shiratori
Teiichi Suzuki
Shigenori Togo
Hideki Tojo
Charges were dropped for Shumei Okawa because he was found to be mentally unfit for trial. Two defendants, Yosuke Matsuoka and Osami Nagano, died of natural causes during the trial. Six defendants were sentenced to death by hanging. One defendant, Matsui Iwane, was sentenced to death. On December 23, 1948, the defendants were executed at Sugamo Prison with Allied Council as witnesses. Six defendants were sentenced to life in prison. Koiso, Shiratori, and Umezu died in prison while the other 13 were paroled between 1954 and 1956.
Eleven countries came together to form the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE), convened on April 29, 1946 to try the leaders of Japan for joint conspiracy to start and wage war.
*Japanese History*
Before the massacre, Japan had recently been Westernized and modernized - but in weaponry alone - as they themselves were less than a century out of their Samurai past, with each soldier still reeling from the harsh authoritarian regime under which they served. Japan was an extremely isolated country and the general attitude was overwhelmingly nationalistic.
Living in isolationism for hundreds of years, the old world Japan of 1853 had been shocked into modernization by U.S. Navy Commodore Matthew Perry, who - with just four modern steam warships - had entered Tokyo harbour, trained his canon on the Emperor's place, then demanded and received from the Japanese government precisely the trade treaty that American politicians had long required. Japan's highly militaristic Imperial culture spent the next few years importing into their island as much Western weaponry as they could, taking advantage of the new Western technology to revive its Samurai informed ultra-authoritarianism both at home and abroad.
Right before the Japanese captured the Chinese city of Peking, overt hostilities were felt, due to the Marco Polo Bridge incident of 1937, when shots were exchanged between the Chinese and Japanese on Peking's outskirts. Thereupon full-scale hostilities began between the two nations.
There were the Nationalist Chinese and the Communist Chinese. Nationalist Chinese leadership had been holding their forces in reserve for a future struggle with the Communist Chinese, which hindered them in repelling the Japanese. By contrasts, the Communist Chinese, from their base in North Central China, began an increasingly effective guerrilla war against the Japanese troops in Manchuria and North China.
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fleshblight · 1 month
Just finished reading a book about the Nanking massacre and uhh it’s jarring how much of it resembles the news leaking out of Gaza
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potteresque-ire · 2 years
Meta Series on "Propaganda Reblogs"
With political tensions re: China reaching a near-unprecedented high, the Chinese state propaganda machine will likely go into overdrive over the next few days, if not until autumn, after it'll be made official whether President Xi will extend his term for another five years.
This means, as turtles, we may expect to see many more "propaganda reblogs" — posts that look like these:
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I'm humbly presenting this meta series, which dive a little more into what these posts are about. I confess, I do have an ulterior motive — based on the provided info, I hope I can make a case of why these posts aren't the most suitable for fandom fun, and appeal to fellow fans to please consider refraining from using these posts for joking, for making candies, for making light of them in any way.
Given the length, this meta series is composed of 5 sections: 1) Introduction: why I am, for once, waving my candy-washing soap 2) Anatomy of a propaganda reblog, Part 1: the midnight timestamp 3) Anatomy of a propaganda reblog, Part 2: the ultrashort response 4) Beyond the propaganda: the significance (and tragedy) of events remembered by these posts 5) Conclusion: The Li Jiaqi Paradox
(Below the cut: Part 1: Introduction)
As a fan, I never feel it's my place to tell my fellow fans what they should or shouldn't do. I'm also customarily hesitant about washing candies. Fandom is about having fun, and our corner of fandom, in particular, has always been about imagining, clowning, not taking ourselves too seriously.
It's very nice. A very good thing.
However, given the unique political situation in China, and the fact that Twitter material has, on multiple occasions, been screenshot and imported onto Weibo, I'm appealing to everyone reading this to please consider refraining from playing with these "propaganda reblogs".
This includes joking about them. This includes making candies from them. This includes making light of them in any way.
There are two reasons. One has to do with the nature of the events they address, which I'll touch on later (Section 4). The reason I'd like to focus on first is as follows:
Despite the ubiquitous, "everyone reblogs" nature of these propaganda posts, the ultrashort responses our favorite stars often offer to them, these posts are, by far, the most politically-sensitive material on their blog. The close-to-synchronous timestamps, the similarly-worded responses, are actually the consequences and reflections of the posts' political sensitivity and more importantly, perhaps, of the care the stars and their team have put into them.
Stars in the public eye — particularly, "traffic" stars who garner lots of attention — have little choice but to put in such care: their responses are heavily scrutinized not only by anti-s, but by "melon-eaters", by non-fannish, nationalistic trolls looking for their next famous victim to make an example of.
It's not fun when these stars make a mistake.
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Screenshots from an article on SOHU 搜狐, tallying which star reblogged CCTV's "propaganda post" on the anniversary of the 1937 Nanking Massacre 南京大屠殺, also known as the Rape of Nanking, a brutal mass killing of Chinese by the Imperial Japanese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The article noted the timestamps the reblogs were made, pointing out that Gg and Dd, who reblogged at 00:01 and 00:02 respectively, were behind other stars including Cai Xukun 蔡 徐坤, Zhou Shen 周 深, and Meng Meiqi 孟 美岐, who reblogged at 00:00, the same minute the original post was posted. The Chinese state propaganda has been using Japan's war crimes during World War II to fuel its people's nationalistic sentiments, despite the dissolution of the Empire of Japan in 1945 (and the formation of the modern state of Japan, in which the Emperor only occupies a ceremonial role). Reactions of Chinese public figures to propaganda posts related to Japan and WWII have therefore been heavily scrutinized by nationalistic / bored / mean netizens seeking for the next "traitor" in their midst to judge, to "cancel".
The "Propaganda Reblog" Meta Series: 
1) Introduction < YOU'RE HERE 2) The midnight timestamp 3) The ultrashort response 4) Beyond the propaganda 5) Conclusion: The Li Jiaqi Paradox
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davekat-sucks · 2 months
Honestly the rhetoric of “Japan isn’t a perfect place” is so hollow at this point because of how obvious Japan’s societal problems are. Yes, Japan does have low birth rates, yes Japan has a harsh and unforgiving work culture, yes Japan does not have a society that reaches out to or discusses mental health of its population, creating a drive towards the growing hikikomori culture where you just stay inside your house all day and ROT. And finally, yeah many Japanese people do not like immigrants, immigration, or foreigners. This is a mix of European tourists being inconsiderate of their culture (it’s getting so bad tourists are getting banned from some districts of Japan for repeatedly taking pictures of geishas even though there are signs with visual clues of stick figures taking pictures of a geisha with a BIG CIRCLE WITH A SLASH THROUGH IT and this also applies to even simple stuff like ignoring the painted rows for getting on trains in a filed line, and a lot of little cultural divisions that you gotta learn before stepping into Asia’s biggest cultural exporter.
Of course, it’s not just the tourists, Japan also hates immigrants mostly because of the continuous cloud of Japanese nationalism that remains in the nation even after the war, which at best preserves landmarks and iconography of old imperial Japan (the naval flag hasn’t changed since 1868, even though the rising sun flag is now associated by Americans, many Chinese mainlanders, and Southeast Asians as a flag of oppression and war crimes since WWII, unless your Thailand, because Japan let Thailand keep their king and even join the Axis powers as an independent state) and at worst racism against Koreans and Chinese people that denies the terror at unit 731 and the massacre of Nanking.
Finally a lot of societal pros and cons of Japan come from 2 things:
1. America is Japan’e sugar daddy, it raised the country from rubble after WWII and created an economic miracle that modernized it so fast that by the 1980s it was developmentally ahead of countries like Italy and France.
2. Japan is dominated by one party since WWII and it only lost that majority for about 4 years after the economic crisis in 2008. It was Shinzo Abe that got the party’s grip on Japan, and economic state, back in the groove.
So Japan is a complex society with many people, a long history, complex politics (did you know Japan is one of the only countries in the global north to have a communist party represented in its parliament?) and it has problems, very human, and some of it does stem from the free-market Conservative politics of the country, and some of it was practices and cultural norms translated to the modern day.
The issue is the phrase “Japan ain’t a paradise ya know” does not address any of this, it more or less just attacks a superficial belief that people who like anime and complain about “wokeness” in western media like anime because anime generally does not explore or address social movements or political philosophy that deals with LGBTQ rights, racism, economic inequality, social justice, or political theory compared to modern american media which has integrated many more openly queer main characters and usually fights a villain who is a megalomaniac aristocrat who wants to get rid of some “other” to return society to “the good old days” and take power as this “great man” which must do what the unwashed masses could not stand up to. The assumption is since anime, and generally in genres like slice of life and shonen (and even beyond the scope of anime, tokusatsu) does not cover topic of modern political and social climate, it’s because Japan doesn’t have to deal with these issues, and is to the anime viewer, a harmonious, enriched, and bountiful society where there’s no crime, no poverty, and everyone is proud to be Japanese and accepts their place in society no matter how trivial their job or position in their community is.
The thing is: NO
Many popular anime and cartoons in Japan can cover modern social issues or political philosophy, it’s just that not all of it is going to get so popular that it gets dubbed or shipped to translation publishers like Crunchyroll or Viz media. The other thing is some Japanese media can cover older or more personal struggles in their works, it can get popular, and that’s alright! Not every piece of media that avoids talking about modern issues is anti-woke! Sometimes a fine story is a fun break from reality, a way to ease your stress from a day at work.
I think when people say “Japan isn’t a paradise you think it is” I think they’re saying that Japan has active movements that fight for more modern political causes like LGBTQ rights and economic reform, and that inevitably, they will win. Some courts in Japan are already considering same-sex marriage to be a right. That’s great.
The thing is, what the nu-fan is also saying is that the pressure of the American audience, and the growing progressive movement in Japan will reform the production and distribution of Japanese media that will introduce a new wave of authors, writers, and even animators who will be more woke than any previous generation of Japanese artists that preceded them.
And when Japan’s media landscape goes woke, where will you turn to to “escape the nu-fans” South Korea?
As if there’ll be 2 Koreas within the next decade.
Then there's Western companies that are trying to ask JP creators to change, edit, and censor their works in order to fit the standards for Western audiences. If they don't try to persuade them, they do it in more subtle ways through localization without their knowledge. And they will take that advantage that the creator will be fine with it because most don't understand English or Western culture. Sites like Pixiv that is limiting US and UK NSFW content because they don't wish to change the rules for other countries for a site that was exclusively made for Japan. It's why people are starting to accept AI translations as a new way to translate anime/manga/video games over localizers like Crunchyroll. I also think there is a difference in addressing Japanese's political and society issues over policing their media and having to alter it in order to make a quick buck. It's just as bad as Disney removing one gay reference since it isn't part of the big plot to get dem Chinese bux. At least stuff like Apex Legends is having some balls to not LGBT+ shit for Saudi Arabia release without fear of losing money or being killed.
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catdotjpeg · 10 months
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August 6th is the day of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony, which commemorates the victims of the atomic bombing and offers prayers for peace. While the actual military use of atomic bombs was witnessed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the scope of the victims extends beyond these cities, encompassing nuclear test sites like New Mexico and the Philippines. Research indicates that the casualties resulting from atomic bomb drops exceed 250,000 people, and the fatalities related to U.S. testing surpass 200,000 people. In the context of World War II, various nations engaged in inhumane acts. The Holocaust in Germany, the Nanking Massacre in Japan, the atomic bombings in the United States... Both Axis and Allied powers have been held accountable for war crimes; no nation is exempt. So, who were the victims of these wars? Jewish individuals, women and girls of Nanking, ordinary citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki... In every conflict, the greatest impact is felt by civilians, particularly those who are socially vulnerable. Are you familiar with the poem “Ningen wo Kaese” (to Poems of the Bomb) by Mitsuyoshi Toge, who was an actual survivor of the August 6th bombing? Always, it is the civilian population, not the decision-makers of war, who suffer the most. Today, Japan stands as a democratic nation. Unlike during World War II, we have the capacity to raise voices against war. To avoid repeating past mistakes, shouldn’t we seek accountability and express our opposition to war? We stand against the military use of atomic bombs and against participation in war.
-- "Hibakusha, Victims of Nuclear Tests, Second Generation A-Bomb Survivors, and the International Convention on Nuclear Weapons" from Voice Up Japan, 6 Aug 2023
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I appreciate that, with its release and relative prominence coming at the height of pop culture's weaboo phase, Battletech included a Japanese-inspired faction, complete with samurai-themed mechs, bushido, super honorobleness, and their mechwarriors regularly being at the top tier among their peers. And also they were founded by in-universe weebs in the same way that all other historical-themed factions were, and also they're IJA-in-Nanking-tier massacre-happy psychotics
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I freakin HATE Humans in Marvel. Buncha arrogant FLATSCAN MUGGLE RACIST TRASH.
Where do they get the AUDACITY to DEMAND ANYTHING from Mutants!?
Seriously!? After all the MASACRES, brutal experiments, SLAVERY, GENOCIDE humans commited against Mutants,
Humans still have the F-ing AUDACITY to DEMAND things from Mutants,
As if the Mutants owe them anything. WTF.
Its like if Nazis DEMANDING Free Healthcare from Israel.
How F-ing dare they!?
The SHAMELESSNES of Humanity is F-ing irritating.
Are we gonna be THIS ARROGANT when we meet Aliens IRL? Are we gonna DEMAND that they give us their tech?
Ah, We're gonna try GENOCIDING THEM FIRST, and make the survivors APOLOGISE for not worshipping Humanity.
And then DEMAND them to hand over their tech as if its our RIGHT.
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Mutants owe Humanity NOTHING but revenge. Any Alien species would NOT tolerate humanity's continued existence if humanity treated another species the way they treated Mutants. if An Alien race that got treated like that by Humans, those Aliens would have EXTERMINATED Humanity, and they would have that RIGHT.
I really WISH I could say the Humans in real life arent gonna be this ENTITLED racist pieces of Human Supremacist sons of whores, but judging by the FACT that the MAJORITY of the MCU fanbase are PRO TONY, PRO ACCORDS, PRO REGISTRATION ACTS sons of Bitches, I guess, yeah, IRL Humans are MAJORITY Racist against anyone who isn't a FLATSCAN Muggle. The MAJORITY are OK with shoving NonMuggles in Concentration Camps and Gulags , NO TRIAL, just Prison, experimentation, Concentration Camps for the crime of EXISTING. Through the MCU, we find out that TRULLY , Humans are totally gonna put Mutants to Gulags and to extinction. The MCU presented the Fambase with the Sokovia Accords, and these sons of bitches AGREED with it. This is not a fanbase that will be welcoming the XMen.
Magneto was and is RIGHT. Humans are SHIT, in the Marvel Multiverse and in real life.
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and Tony, jeezus fucking crust, you hypocritical bastard. Can EVERYONE have your Ironman suit?? no? What happened to Extremis Tony? Did you share THAT with everyone? no? then SHUT THE FUCK UP, you hypocritical FLATSCAN MUGGLE TRASH Pro Registration BASTARD.
And mentioning Reed as if Reed was right in using CONVERSION THERAPY to his own son so that he'd stop being a Mutant? Tonys defending his racist anti mutant buddy?
And this BASTARD still wont address Emma's point. WHERE WAS TONY STARK whenever Mutants were put in concentration camps and massacred, or genocided in Genosha. "WHERE WERE YOU WHEN OUR BABIES WERE BURNING?" Answer the fucking question, Tony. its been 17 years since Emma asked that question. FLATSCAN MUGGLE Bastard still dont have a response.
The Fucking Humans keep ignoring everytime Mutants mentions the massacres, brutal experiments, concentration camps, GENOCIDE that Humans committed against Mutankind. No Human ever apologised, No Human ever even addressed it.
But these FLATSCAN MUGGLE HUMAN TRASH still expect Mutants to obey them, still expect the Mutants to fight to save Humanity.
I fucking hate how these stories keep glossing over Humanity's sins against Mutants and Super Humans... but yeah, I guess it is REALISTIC that the People who committed slavery , EXPERIMENTATION, Racism, mass murder, GENOCIDE, more mass murder, they NEVER do apologise, do they. Holocaust Deniers, Slavery Deniers, Armenian Genocide Deniers, the Rape of Nanking deniers, basically the horrible shit the Japanese Empire did in WW2, more Nazi shit. etc.
This is what happens when most of the comics writers are white I guess. Even in a fucking Comics story, they dont like to be reminded of what their kind did in the past.
Solution, let NonWhites write XMen. Have Humans apologise and give Reparations to Mutantkind for the DECADES of racism, and genocides. Lets at least have fictional Humans who arent SHIT. I get that its an absolute FANTASY to expect Racist Mass Murderring Impirialistic bastards to apologise for past sins, but lets at least have that fantasy be written in the comics. Having Humans, the Species of Racists Mass Murdering bastards, be made to apologise for the attrocities they commited should be a common trope. maybe telling stories that make a Race of Racist Mass Murderring bastards be made to at least APOLOGISE for all the mass murder will lead to actual Imperialistic Mass Murdering bastards to feel pressured about apologising for all the Drone bombs and carpet bombs or Jim Crow Laws or Slavery. We NEED to keep telling stories that at least makes the Racist Mass Murderers apologise. But instead, we get stories where the MAJORITY repeatedly GENOCIDES a minority, and gets away with it, and even have the audacity to make DEMANDS of the Minority for resources. wtf.
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chronicallychroniko · 5 months
The material for tomorrows class consists of a cutesey, colorful depiction of the sino-japanese war, a manga series called Norakuro and a less colorful video of the very same depiction. The atemporality document refers to manga and anime's ability to render all the contextual, emotional, and physical dimensions of a moment to highlight a scene's impact when compared to more traditional films and novels.
In the Norajuro manga, I've noticed that it is more centered around visuals than dialogue. The dialougue is very consise, and though the reasoning could be that soldiers needed to convey information quickly, it also places a focus more on the background for the audience to more easily recieve and integrate themselves within the story, which is highly effective for propoganda. And not to mention the ensuing Nanking massacre, after this manga promoted the battle for "peace of Asia".
The Norajuro video features a less refined, more rigid story resembling that of those old american cartoons I've seen. The characters are less cutsey, and I noticed that the animation seems to be either drawn or cutout, which when compared to the technological advance of today, captures much less emotion and feeling than the atemporality of modern anime, which I will discuss now.
The document delves into the atemporality and high context space of manga and anime. It delves into the grammar of movement in manga/anime, and explores the difference between that of Japanese and western media, for example the visual expression of sexuality. The drawing is easier to produce and distribute than creating a video, likely reasoning behind it's popularity. It also delves into the more psychoanalytical, exploring Lacanianism in the context of how anime can delve into the human psyche, the symbolic and the real. An example of this would be the NGE human instrumentality project, the AT field, and the dissolution of ego. The angel represents the God in us, the AT field being the ego dividing people. We see the Freudian example of this in how the EVAs represent the projection of the mother into the psyche.
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We are all one
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