#narcissistic pd
maegamists · 2 months
woke up in the middle of the night mumbling something about how npd supply is basically "getting your narcussy slonked" and i don't think i've mentally recovered from that yet
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mischiefmanifold · 5 months
Narcissism and NPD may not be the same thing, but the terms and their histories are so similar and intertwined that they are inseparable. With that respect, you cannot in good faith separate the term narcissist from NPD and use terminology like "narcissistic abuse".
Additionally, anyone acting in good faith to the NPD community will not use the term "narcissistic abuse" BECAUSE of the horrific ableist history of the term and the ableist ways it is being used now.
I, as someone who has NPD and ASPD, will never trust someone who claims to support people with NPD while using the term "narcissistic abuse" because I can guarantee that as soon as we show symptoms they don't like they'll call us abusers.
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autopsyfreak · 21 days
being incapable of guilt and having someone try to manipulate you via guilt-tripping is so funny.
because they’ll just be like ‘i’ll kms if you ____’ and it’s just ok? that’s your decision, not my issue.
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faehalfwit · 10 months
If you call yourself an empath with you whole chest I hope you know believing that you understand others emotions and take regular offense to others actions towards you…… you may actually be a narc in denial. That’s a delusion of self righteousness. Symptom number one you fucking idiots
Narc abuse isn’t real
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personalitysystems · 7 months
i feel like what a lot of people dont understand about npd + avpd comorbidity (or even npd + social anxiety) is that they are not opposites. they can function like opposites for others or they can just be an addition to someone's npd or someone's avpd.
i am someone with covert npd, however i have very overt avpd. i am so timid and anxious you wouldn't even think i would have npd, and for the longest time i didn't think i had npd either. so many of my npd-like behaviors were covert to the point i didn't even realize i did them until someone pointed out to me.
i would try to subtly nudge people into believing i'm really good at things. i would practice so hard just to be better than everyone. i was so competitive because if i wasn't the best then i was not good enough. but it was all unnoticeable. no one knew anything about why, they just thought i was really that good. i wouldn't brag, i wouldn't overtly show any of this, it was just something i subconsciously did. i didn't even believe i was good.
but it felt good to be admired, i liked when people would tell me how good i was at something. i was so happy with every good grade i got, i was happy to even follow the rules because i was then labeled as a good student. it was the only thing that made me feel like i was actually someone worth something.
but overtly, i struggle to make friends. i'm scared to talk to someone to order something, i show feelings of inferiority, i don't have any friends besides from two, i can't talk to strangers and other than very close people (and/or safe people) social interaction is basically impossible.
i didn't realize i had npd for so long, even after my avpd (and other disorders) had been apparent to me for years, because i felt like i was "too scared of people" to have npd. my partner who also has npd with social anxiety disorder had felt the same way, despite when we both looked into why we did some things we did, it was very apparent that it was npd.
npd and avpd can act like a cover for each other, in my case it was avpd covering the npd, but it is very possible for npd to cover avpd, or social anxiety, or any disorder. disorders can cover up others to make you look more neurotypical than you actually are.
the point really is that npd and avpd can present a lot differently than others with just npd or just avpd present, and that goes with every disorder. the more disorders you have, the more differently your symptoms will present from other people with that disorder.
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phantomhunt · 2 months
hey, I don't know if any of you support lawbymike (I watched his stuff on YouTube but I'm sure he's on other platforms)
But I hate to say it, he's an ableist.
He uploaded this video about "how to know if you're dating a narcissist" and it's full of misinformation about npd
Sure, it does mention NPD comes from trauma, but it ignores how NPD actually works.
I highly suggest you all stop supporting him.
(I'm not usually one for 'cancel culture' stuff but I want all my fellow pwNPD to stay away from ableists)
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Hi guys! I made BPD and NPD emo playlists in case anyone wants them! ^_^
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hi!!! I don’t have anything to add to cluster a culture (npd) just wanted to say cluster a folks are literally so awesome. shoutout to everyone having a cluster a disorder
cluster A 🤝🏻 cluster B solidarity
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grotesque-illusion · 11 days
I'm unfortunately aware I wouldn't be able to handle having someone close to me who is also a narcissist. I'd pick fights w em cuz I NEED to be better
But also I RLY want someone to think of me as their superior n for sum reason only other narcissists would give me the world if I asked, but I can't give it back
I need someone to worship me n treat me like their God. Treat me like royalty if not the divine. Tell me how much you crave me in all the different ways, send me hornii messages saying how badly you want me. Literally WHATEVER comes to your mind. Jus say it. I will adore it~ ❤️
However, I will treat you badly. I'll love-bomb you n then when I'm bored of ya I'll discard you~. I'll give you special attention n then act like you don't exist unless it's for my personal gain~
I WISH I could provide something bacc sometimes, but unless I already care abt you it won't happen. N cuz we're a system I can't afford to put us in a situation where I'm jus using another person
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adoraboy-moved · 10 months
narcs who r nice to get supply i love u and ur not bad for it. ur putting good into the world and that's all that matters. sometimes i have to do the same just to get supply cause im not able to get attention in other ways.
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avpdpossum · 1 year
ah, the neverending cycle of disappointment of finding a person who makes good autistic content only to find out that one of their most popular posts talks about how evil narcissists are, my beloathed
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clusterrune · 1 year
fellow narcs i have a question
what is your narc supply? what things give you a narc high?
it would be great if i could compile a list to better help people understand what a narc supply is and what a narc high is like.
i know people tend to misinterpret it as an emotional high, sometimes i myself even tend to misread my emotional highs as narc highs sometimes because of overlapping factors.
i mostly see compliments given as a narc supply, but generic compliments like "youre so cool", "i like your hair", "you did a good job" and so on dont exactly do it for me because my bpd automatically reads them as disingenuous at times. instead things like "youre so good at x i need advice from you", "i know you like x so i wanted to ask you", "you know/did xyz and thats so cool of you!" and so on seem to be more of a "narc supply" for me.
i'd love to hear from others what its like from them so i could make a list/post to help people supporting narcs understand what we need. /np /g
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whackacole3 · 7 months
i need to stop emotionally/mentally self-harming by going through the "narc(issistic) abuse" tags on various websites. it is deteriorating my already horrible mental health. it just makes me feel like a monster and that i'm bound to be a horrible person because of my trauma response. these people would probably love the fact that they're causing a pwNPD harm and i don't want to give them that, but for some reason i can't stop.
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autopsyfreak · 9 days
i need my supply to wake up because how tf am i supposed to function under these conditions without constantly being told how great i am?
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empyrangel · 1 year
Did we make creatures for cluster b’s like the tbh creature because if not that needs to be a thing
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mentoillnesspolls · 11 months
*Enhancing one's own self-esteem by assigning an idealized value with whom you associate; e.g. considering the school you go to the absolute best or a person you associate with being the smartest
Curious about this one! I actually hadn't heard of "mirroring" in NPD until I read up on the DSM 5 criteria!
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