#naruhina one shot
powerful-niya · 8 months
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The Tell-Tale Heart
❀Fest No Jutsu 2023❀
Naruhina Oneshot Available on: AO3 | Wattpad | Fanfiction.net |
Prompt claimed fulfilled for @wickermayne 🥰
❀Naruhina RomCom❀
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Summary: The Fourth Great Ninja War ends and Konoha is at peace; Hinata Hyuga contemplates Naruto Uzumaki's unexpected desire to spend more time with her.
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Tags: Blank Period • Canon • Canon Divergence • Declarations Of Love • Drama & Romance • Fake Relationship Trope • Fluff • Happy • Happy Ending • Humor • Light Angst • Love Confessions • Mutual Pining • Naruto Universe - Freeform • No Smut • Post War • POV Third Person • Romance • Teen Rated  •Tooth Rotting Fluff •
Word Count - For Entire One-Shot: 8.4k.
Word Count - Tumblr Post: 3.3k.
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Today in Konohagakure, the temperature was moderately warm.
The shining sun rose high in the cloudless, blue heavens, beaming with happiness where it took center stage above.
The residents of Konohagakure, enjoyed every moment of the new day, a day of peace and fun, as the sun smiled down on them with warm but pleasant beams.
The summer breeze flowed through the busy streets of the village, sweeping green leaves within its gentle wake where they carried on powerfully, just as the ninjas, Konoha's defenders, have done each and every day.
A year had passed since the conclusion of the Fourth Great Ninja War, allowing Konoha as a whole to at last settle down.
The streets were alive with laughter and chatter, with kids flying kites and pretending to be the ninjas they idolize, racing full speed through the crowds with their arms thrust behind them as if soaring.
Smiling villagers of all sizes and ages filled the streets, setting up their businesses and outlets to cheerfully trade their produce and wares with one another.
All around, structures and residences stood tall, having all been rebuilt from the devastation that numerous battles, particularly the Pain onslaught, had wreaked upon them.
Konoha was now endowed with brand-new structures, fresh possibilities, and new beginnings.
Ninjas, villagers, and children alike were all beaming and renewed—all appreciative of the timeless peace they had gained by never giving up, by consistently standing up for what is right, and by moving onward no matter what.
Konohagakure was now at peace.
Aside from Hinata Hyūga.
In the midst of the happiness that beamed all around her, the young kunoichi found herself having quite an episode: fingers twiddling together, her breathing escalated, cheeks red, and her mind in scrambles.
Hinata traversed the streets of Konoha dressed in her typical ninja garb, accompanied by her longtime team members and companions, Kiba and Shino.
Kiba, her loud, ferocious friend, shot her a glance with his slitted eyes, lifting an eyebrow as he sensed his shy friend's worried state.
After all, it was Hinata's idea to get together so the three of them could go for a walk through the village, get some fresh air, and just spend some time in each other's company.
However, Kiba and Shino have observed Hinata to be extremely fidgety and quiet the entire time, appearing to be preoccupied with a problem that both ninjas were overly conscious about.
Hinata was unable to stop talking about it after all.
Kiba groaned and shook his head, causing his brown curly hair to tussle about, brushing against the nape of his neck due to its increasing length.
To lighten the mood, the cheerful canine ninja gave Hinata a gentle shove with his elbow—just with the side of his folded arms.
He laughed as he caught the surprised squeak that flooded out of her lips, her body jolting as a result of being shoved out of her troublesome thoughts.
"Come on, Hinata-chan, stop overreacting already. It's not that bad." Kiba remarked with a gruff tone and an amused grin, his lips stretched wide to show off his razor-sharp canines.
Due to his delighted smile, the red triangles on his cheeks raised just a touch, his features quite robust and well-defined given his maturing age.
His voice, which had become deeper over the years, was emitted in a halfhearted manner, with little worry detected within, which did absolutely nothing to calm Hinata's anxiety.
Hinata's predicament was only made worse because of it.
Her pale cheeks grew even redder, and she found herself hiding behind the curtains of her long, midnight-blue hair, unable to meet Kiba's gaze.
"No, th-this is..."
"It's just Naruto, Hinata-chan. What does it matter whether the knucklehead wants to spend time with you? Big deal."
Kiba muttered impassively once again, simply shrugging his shoulders as if everything was normal—and especially normal for Hinata.
She shook her head. There was nothing normal about her situation.
Hinata took a glimpse at her brown-haired pal through the strands of her dark hair, only to be struck by the nonchalant expression found on his tanned face.
Kiba didn't seem bothered by her predicament or even able to understand why she was feeling the way she was, for the matter. It was certainly a sight she just couldn't comprehend.
It was quite obvious why she was so worked up.
Hinata bit her lip briefly, to deal with her nerves.
"B-But every day?" Hinata exclaimed, apprehensive.
"A-Am I the only one who finds it strange that Naruto-kun is suddenly spending so much time with me? It's s-so odd."
Hinata's meek voice broke through the gaps of her delicate lips, bursting into the village's midday hum. Such comments of hers would have been drowned out by the din of the crowd, but Kiba's keen hearing picked up on her words flawlessly.
He heard her loud and clear.
Kiba shrugged.
He genuinely did not perceive anything wrong with her current "situation."
Kiba thought Hinata was acting rather ridiculously, in fact. Every time Naruto was brought up in their many conversations, she would just revert to her usual flustered self.
The mere mention of the goofy blonde ninja always causes her to flush red all over and sends her into a stuttering frenzy. Even in her primary years, she would faint just by being in the blonde's presence.
Hinata has always been a flustered mess around Naruto, but even now, after having Hinata as a teammate for so long, Kiba has never been able to understand the immense anxiousness she would feel because of the blonde.
Apart from the fact that Naruto was now regarded as a war hero as a result of his heroic deeds during the Fourth Great Ninja War, Kiba still saw him merely as a hyperactive, dense, brainless knucklehead.
He just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that anyone would feel immense anxiety around someone like him.
It was all quite ridiculous.
Kiba found nothing odd or different about Hinata's frenzied behavior nor about Naruto's desire to spend more time with Hinata. After all, they were all growing closer to one another—every single one of their friends—now more than ever.
Nothing's strange there.
Shino, on the other hand, saw a different picture.
He let out a hum of curiosity, bringing to light his presence as he walked alongside Hinata.
His eyes were shielded from the sun by black shades, so others couldn't see his facial expressions as well.
One hand of his was buried in the pocket of his long jacket, while the other lifted to stroke his chin.
"Now that you mention it. That is strange."
Shino's voice emerged from his mouth, somber and monotone, phasing with the pleasant breeze around them. He too joined the conversation between Kiba and Hinata, voicing his concerns about the current situation at hand.
Hinata's dilemma.
All in all, it shouldn't really be a dilemma.
Hinata was aware of this.
Her predicament shouldn't be one that keeps her up at night, sends her in a tizzy, and leads her to become a hot, stuttering mess whenever she thinks about it.
Naruto was her dilemma.
Since the war has ended and all of Konoha has spent its time relishing the peace, Naruto has been exhibiting a variety of behavioral shifts—shifts that were pretty different and quite apparent—particularly because they diverged from the customary behavior tactics he has always demonstrated.
Such changes were all very unusual to Hinata, changes that she was unable to interpret or understand.
To put it simply, Naruto's been acting quite strangely toward her.
How strange you might ask?
For starters, Hinata thought it was somewhat odd of Naruto to unexpectedly develop the longing to devote every waking moment with her.
It seemed weird to her that he wanted to see her every day at the same time at Ichiraku Ramen in order to spend time with her.
Hinata bit her lip a bit harder.
She could hear him now.
"Let's eat out again, tomorrow, Hinata-chan. At Ichiraku, same time, same place. I had such a great time with you, dattebayo!"
Hinata could still clearly remember what he said to her almost a day ago when they shared a meal together at the Ichiraku Ramen Shop.
Even then, he showed signs of immense eagerness for her that she had never seen him show before.
Hinata recalled how he constantly barraged her with many subjects of discussion, even as he spoke to her while stuffing ramen noodles into his mouth.
He told her several of his own tales, including mission experiences that actually made her laugh quite a lot. More than she's ever done in her entire life.
It was all so... strange.
Don't misunderstand Hinata; Naruto's excitement was refreshing, albeit a little overwhelming.
Indeed, Hinata has always wished to spend time with Naruto, and she can't stop herself from enjoying those moments when she gets to sit beside him, shoulder to shoulder, and share a meal and a conversation with him, especially after the war is all said and done.
Sharing such moments with him has always been her dream.
Hinata relished the moments when Naruto lavished her with lots of attention, gazing into her eyes with a true sense of joy and care, and wanting nothing more than to spend as much time with her as he could.
And maybe, she's just overthinking.
Maybe, she's just blowing the entire situation out of proportion.
Maybe she was getting ahead of herself, but she was unable to ignore Naruto's peculiar behavior toward her, including the very difference in the way he spoke to her. It consumed her mind and bugged her so much.
Hinata has made a constant effort to understand why Naruto's behavior has drastically changed in the way it did toward her and why he suddenly developed the urge to hang out with her so excessively.
This was a really big deal to her.
Hinata couldn't help but mull it all over.
In the immediate aftermath of the war, Naruto changed from scarcely recognizing her to having just fleeting conversations with her to obnoxiously craving her company all the time.
It's such a drastic change.
This cannot be a coincidence, she thought.
Hinata occasionally found herself questioning whether Naruto's motives were sincere; she wondered if perhaps he was merely allowing himself to be close to her out of pity.
Pity for her losing Neji.
Yes, the war was officially over, but even so, there were still a lot of wounds that needed to be healed, and Neji's death surely left a lot of them. A lot of wounds.
Hinata occasionally finds herself becoming very sad at the mere recollection of Neji being dead, no longer living in Konoha, but instead buried with the other valiant ninjas who fought in the war.
She would frequently experience severe depression as she recalled the events leading up to his death and once more realized that he had indeed left this world and never to return again.
Hinata often thought of such depressing memories and felt their suppressive effect on her throughout her day-to-day life, and thus, she often thought that is why Naruto wished to spend so much time with her.
Because of pity. Because of guilt.
However, she always dismissed the idea, labeling herself as ridiculous for having such negative thoughts about her dear Naruto-kun.
As a result, Hinata discovers herself becoming quite enthusiastic about the alternative reason she came up with for Naruto's behavioral changes toward her.
And that was a result of authenticity.
Maybe, just maybe, Naruto has come to want to be close to her from a genuine standpoint.
Maybe he secretly yearns to be close to her, yearns to learn more about her, or, better yet, just genuinely enjoys her company.
Maybe, Naruto has come to yearn for something more.
But just as Hinata thought of such a thing, just as she allowed her fantasies to intertwine with her thoughts, she was quick to shake them off.
Hinata squealed, covering her eyes with her hands due to her lewd thoughts.
'No, no, that can't possibly be it!" Shaking off the idea, Hinata exclaimed in a frenzy fit in her mind. It was absurd for her to think that the frequent outings she would have with Naruto were anything romantic.
Yes, Naruto yearns to see her virtually every single day.
Yes, he genuinely offers to pay for her meal at each and every get-together.
Yes, he regularly gives her his jacket whenever she grows cold, without her having to utter a single word.
Those were merely the acts of a friend, Hinata thought, a friend that truly cares.
'There's nothing romantic about that.' Hinata dismissed once more, hysterically shaking her tomato-red face as she hurried on carelessly, her open-toed shoes kicking up dirt every step of the way.
However, she was interrupted from her thoughts when she once more heard the voice of her enigmatic friend, Shino, speak after a little period of silence between the three of them.
"Hm, it almost seems like the two of you are dating. Maybe that's what Naruto wants."
It was only hearing those words from Shino that led Hinata to completely lose it.
She began to feel lightheaded. Terribly lightheaded.
'Me? D-Date Naruto-kun?!?' Hinata practically screeched in her head. She was going to faint, she just knew it.
It was only a matter of time now.
She whipped around to face Shino, in an effort to quickly dismiss such a ridiculous notion from his head. She couldn't bear it.
Hinata sweat dropped, her cheeks flushed red, "No, no, Naruto-kun and I aren't d-dating. Dating o-or romance, for that matter, isn't possibly the reason for all of this. There has to be a-another explanation..."
"Hm." Shino rubbed his chin once more, "It's quite obvious what's going on here, Hinata-chan. Naruto's sudden and enthusiastic yearning to spend more time with you when the war is over. All of it seems to be pointing towards the possibility that his eyes may have opened after all this time." Shino hummed.
"The evidence is right in front of you." Shino expressed with a nod, as he tried to piece together the situation and come up with a solution.
Kiba, in contrast, just shrugged. He merely found the two humorous, trying to solve an issue that was so clear.
He shook his head, "Hinata-chan, come on. You gotta stop overthinking."
He brushed his shoulder against hers yet again, doing so with a groan, "Good kami, all of this Naruto stuff is getting you ridiculous, Hinata-chan. Come on, think about it. Isn't this what you always wanted?" He asked, blurting out what he knew had to be said.
With wrinkled brows, he gazed down at the midnight blue-haired woman beside him, watching as her lavender eyes widened at his remark.
He tilted his head, his expression somewhat solemn, "Isn't this time spent with Naruto, or rather, him wanting to spend time with you, something you always wished for?"
Hinata's eyes widened even more. Even her heart skipped a beat.
It was. It's all Hinata has ever wanted.
She's spent her entire life walking behind Naruto, always staring at his back, longing for him to turn and notice her.
She had yearned for him to realize her presence, to recognize all the times she had followed him, supported him, been influenced to become stronger by him, and even risked her life for him.
She yearned to be by his side, showering him with her affection and reverence.
She wished so badly he would one day look at her the very same way she looked at him.
That is all she has ever wished for—Naruto to notice her.
And now...
Hinata's breath caught in her throat as Kiba's words flashed through her mind, finally waking her up and causing her to realize what a blessing this entire situation was for her.
The sudden acts of Naruto wanting to spend time with her; and the genuine smiles he showers her with.
The big, warm hugs he gives her the moment she arrives at Ichiraku Ramen.
The jokes, the laughter, the smiles.
Hinata finally considered every bit of her situation, and she used the opportunity to take a step outside of herself, away from the troubling emotions that were stifling her, and instead take in the situation as a whole.
Her breath hitched.
Indeed, she has always wanted this.
And now, with her eyes opened, she has realized how silly she has been.
She has done nothing but speculate about Naruto's motives, questioning herself as a whole for liking his behavioral shifts.
She was so worried and anxious about the whole thing, as well as flustered and embarrassed by being so close to Naruto so suddenly, that she entirely failed to notice the positive elements of her predicament.
But now...
A smile arose on Hinata's face and in that moment, she felt a weight lift from her shoulders. She suddenly felt the worries she's been dealing with for a couple of weeks now set sail and fly away.
She finally sensed herself becoming free from her worries; free from it all. All thanks to her friends; Kiba and Shino.
She really needed this chat.
Because now, Hinata could finally see the situation from a different perspective, a more positive approach to her situation, and now she finds herself a little bit more...
She bawled her fists tight by her chest, biting her lip briefly, "Y-Yes, this is what I have wanted." She whispered, finally voicing out her own wants for a change, voicing that she indeed has always wanted Naruto to notice her, just in the way he has recently.
Kiba and Shino exchanged a joyful grin, both ninjas flawlessly catching their bashful friend's answer even in the midst of the raucous outside noises around them.
It was undoubtedly like music to their ears, and they were both comforted by the fact that their friend's sentiments of embarrassment and worry were no longer clouding her judgment—no longer keeping her troubled.
The two men were pleased to find that their efforts had been successful and that their words of caution and contemplation had not been merely ignored or overlooked.
Kiba and Shino were certainly pleased to see Hinata finally diverted from her mental woes and the clamor of her irrational thoughts, which had previously blinded and hampered her. And ultimately, keeping her from finding happiness with the one man that almost everyone in the village knows can greatly comfort and increase Hinata's level of contentment.
Peace was now assured.
Kiba exclaimed joyfully, "See, there you go! So I say, quit your overreacting and relax! Enjoy the peace already!"
He shoved her shoulder again which actually caused Hinata to giggle, her body swaying a bit.
"Kami, if you're so worried about Naruto spending time with you, why don't you just ask him? Who knows, Shino might be right, your precious Naruto-kun might have finally woken up." Kiba teased with a laugh.
Hinata instantly gasped, her head space once again flooded by overwhelming thoughts, her body riddled with feelings of flusteredness.
Throughout Kiba's entire speech, one particular detail caught her attention the most.
My precious Naruto-kun.
Hinata's blush rushed back to engulf her whole tenfold, "H-Hey don't call him that!" The flustered kunoichi exclaimed in embarrassment before reaching over to slap Kiba's folded arm.
But her gesture of getting him back due to his teasing only pushed the brown-haired male to laugh and tease her even more.
"Oh, Naruto-kun! My precious Naruto-kun!"
"St-Stop it, Kiba-kun!"
"No! You make it so easy, Hinata-chan!"
Hinata grumbled, her heart racing in her chest as she was teased by Kiba but soon comforted by Shino.
After all was said and done, however, and after a much-needed conversation with her good friends, she found herself looking forward to the dinner get-together with Naruto.
Now, more than ever.
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sessakag · 3 months
Round Robin Smut Fic!!
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In Naruto's Embrace is a round robin fic written by @opal-chan @wickermayne @bunny-hoodlum and myself! We each took turns writing a part of the story, passing it around between us until it was complete! This was our first time, hopefully not the last, doing this and it was a blast! Give it a read and tell us which part you think belongs to which writer! XD
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dayseternal-blog · 4 months
hi days the recommendation queen in NaruHina fandom☺️ I am looking for a fic one shot but a multiple chapters have the same prompts like the "tale of two ninjas" by magmawrite I already scrolled my 3 accounts but I couldn't find it😭 thanks in advance for the help days😘
hmmmm same prompts as magmawrites's Tales of Two Ninjas? I don't know about the SAME prompts since magmawrites's fics weren't exactly prompted by an event. So no fic would have all the exact same prompts as magmawrites's stuff.
I will take this opportunity to now list every single one-shot collection that I can find/think of. This will be very long.
One-Shot Collection NaruHina Fics
"Naruhina Month" by NaniMok - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. Fluff, fluff and a little bit of something else. One shots written for Naruhina Month 2014.
"Sunbeams" by Mangospoons - Rated T, Canon-Divergent AU, Related one-shots. Someday Hinata would know what it was like to run that hair through her fingers, liquid gold. Sunbeams - A continuation of Moonstruck. Drabbles of Naru/Hina Based on the DA 100 Themes
"Postscripts" by Waterrolls - Rated T, mostly Canon-Divergent AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. Drabbles of the NaruHina kind. A collection of unrelated short stories prompted by the wonderful and creative readers of tumblr, FFN, AO3, and Wattpad :) Mostly humor but will have occasional drama. Slice of life, romantic fluff, family bonding, what-ifs, AUs, angst.
"On Being Brave" by Mintacia - Rated T, Canon-Divergent AU, Series of unrelated one-shots (mostly). Honestly, Naruto thought Hinata's nervous behavior was kind of cute. He liked the way her cheeks turned pink and her eyes widened. Slowly, he starts to realize it's all because of him. / ONE-SHOT COLLECTION; let's explore how love develops; NaruHina.
"Of Parallel Lines and Intersections" by mysterious intentions - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. No matter the time, place, or world, their parallel lives always found an intersection. A series of NaruHina AUs.
"Between the Trees" by @utsus - Not Rated, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. A collection of naruto prompt responses I have written, and will continue to write. These and a few other stories I have not published on ao3 are all originally posted on tumblr. The stories here are all NaruHina in different times, places, situations, and understandings of one another.
"People Like Her" by @happyocelot - Rated T, Canon-Divergent AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. ...were super weird. Naruto didn't know why Hinata was so shy all the time, why she always covered her mouth when she laughed. He wished she wouldn't. He was sure she had a nice smile. (Just a bunch of NH drabble requests.)
"A Book He Desperately Wanted to Read" by Happy_Ocelot - Rated T, Canon-Divergent AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. Never in his worst nightmares did he ever imagine that he'd be watching a live-action adaptation of Icha Icha Tactics with Hyuuga Hinata of all people. She was a book whose contents he could not decipher.
"When I Look At You" by Happy_Ocelot - Rated T, Canon-Compliant, Series of unrelated one-shots. ...I get an intense feeling in my heart. For NaruHina Week 2021.
"Sunny Days" by Happy_Ocelot - Rated T, Canon-Compliant/ Divergent AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. "Naruto sometimes couldn't believe that there was ever a time before he knew that Hinata could eat forty-six bowls of ramen without puking, before he went on missions with her and found out that shy, dark weirdos were actually kind of cool and brave and awesome. It was like a seismic shift." One-shots for NaruHina Month 2021.
"Still Falling For You" by @chloelapomme - Rated M, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. All written for the NaruHina year 2020 event
"Switching Positions" by ChloeLaPomme - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. A collection of 10(0)1 NaruHina short one shorts. Broke into several parts for a better understanding.
"Some Type of Love" by ChloeLaPomme & Imanga - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. All written for the NaruHina month 2022 Tumblr event.
"Small Doses" by ChloeLaPomme - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. All written for the NaruHina month 2021 event
"With You in the Future" by ChloeLaPomme - Rated E, Canon-Compliant, Series of one-shots. Back at Konoha from their moon mission, Naruto and Hinata learn to know each other, how to live with each other, how to solves problems together, and how to start a family. With their past behind them, their future is right before them.
I just want to take a pause here to admire all of the one-shot series Chloe has written 😮
"The Little Joys and Sorrows of Everydayness" by Imanga - Rated M, Canon-Divergent AU, Series of one-shots. A series of unrelated one-shots about domestic life, written for the NaruHina Week 2021 event.
"Lips, Tongue, Teeth" by @wickermayne - Rated E, Canon-Compatible, Series of unrelated one-shots. One month of wet blowjobs, messy pussy eating, and all other sorts of oral fixations. Welcome to Sucktember. All NaruHina.
"naruhina oneshots" by @powerful-niya - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. I will look for you in every lifetime until we finally stay.
"when love lasts - 2022 naruhina month" by Powerful_Niya - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved is everything.
"kiss me, thrill me - naruhina" by Powerful_Niya - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. An inside look at Naruto and Hinata's lives as they navigate the complex world of sexuality and grow more intimate than ever.
"heartbreaks & heartaches" by Powerful_Niya - Rated M, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. Welcome to the NHPrompts22 Tumblr Event! I have created several different one-shots according to the prompts listed within this event! All are different in their own way. But they can either make you leap for joy or weep in sadness. I truly hope you enjoy.
"NaruHina Month December 2022" by @sessakag - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. A collection of one-shots written for the NaruHina fair on tumblr!
"NaruHina Month 2023" by Sessakag - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. A collection of one-shots written for the NaruHina fair on tumblr! Enjoy!
"secret lovers" by @quirrrky - Rated T, Canon-Compliant, Series of one-shots. After the Fourth Shinobi War, Naruto was gradually falling in love with Hinata and the whole village of Konoha knew it…Well, aside from him.
"star vessel" by quirrrky - Rated T/M, Canon-Compliant, Series of one-shots. From a jealous boyfriend to missions together, honeymoon, overprotective husband, nightmares and reveries. Everything from the moon and back.
"eclipses" by quirrrky - Rated M, Canon-Compliant, Series of one-shots. A Collection of NaruHina and/or Sunshine Family Drabbles, One-shots and Headcanons
"Orange and Lavender" by ReadingBennie - Rated M, Various AU, Series of one-shots. A collection of one shots for Naruhina month 2016.
"Oranges and Lavender" by @journalist298 - Rated M, Various AU, Series of one-shots.  A series of oneshots for the NaruHina fan needing a fix of their favourite pairing. Whether Narutoverse or AU, there should be something for everyone.
"Celebrating the Festivities" by journalist298 (Wandering Wonderer) - Rated M, Canon-Compliant AU, Series of related one-shots. It was to be the most eventful time of her life. Her favourite festivities, Christmas, Birthday and New Years just got a whole lot better. From first date, to first love, Hinata finds happiness.
"NaruHina Erotica Oneshots" by Makuro767 - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. No summary.
"The Wonderful and Heartfelt Times of NaruHina" by @journalsofagoddess - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. Today we celebrate the month of our canon ship, NaruHina. And as a way to celebrate, I present to you thirty one prompts all filled with lovely tender moments, hilarious, and heart warming NaruHina. [2015]
"A Love Story Like Never Before" by jojo07 - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. To be loved by someone you love is the most beautiful thing you can ever experience. No words can describe the magical experience you're going through. And who's better to prove this than Naruto and Hinata? 31 prompts of their love will never be enough-but it'll show how strong and amazing their love really is. For NaruHina month [2016]
"My Name on Your Lips" by katarinahime - Rated M, Canon-Compliant, Series of related one-shots. Hinata calls Naruto a plethora of different names, some he enjoys more than others.
"Proud Failures to Proud Parents - NaruHina month 2016" by xHinaLovex - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. My contribution for NaruHina month 2016. Some cute, some not so much, some canon, and some AU. Just a smattering of stories to celebrate my favorite couple.
"A Celebration of All Things NaruHina" by xHinaLovex - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. My contribution to NaruHina month 2015.
"A Story of Extraordinary Love" by petrichorlullaby (Stillers) - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. A series of one-shots for NaruHina Month 2k15.
"NaruHina 2020" by @angelicalixx - Rated E, Canon-Compliant, Series of one-shots. A collection of short NaruHina fics for NaruHina 2020.
"NaruHina Week 2017" by @hinatamyqueen - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. Little and silly drabbles for the Naruhina Week of 2017.
"The sweet, shy, innocent, Kunoichi" by @tjtheanimelover - Rated E, Canon-Compatible, Series of one-shots. See Naruto's point of view as he and Hinata partake in some naughty activities
"NaruHina Oneshot Prompts" by TJtheanimelover - Rated E, Canon-Divergent AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. Series of Prompts for the NHPrompts2022 event on Tumblr. There will be angst, smut, and fluff. Pairings are Naruhina and MenHina
"NaruHina & MenHina Lemons" by Veradux - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. First time writing NaruHina & MenHina smut one shots.
"Tales of the Seventh Hokage and the Byakugan Hime" by Nihal Tonks-Lupin - Rated E, Canon-Compatible, Series of one-shots. Short stories about Naruto and Hinata's love and sex life, this is my contribution for NaruHina Smut Month! [2015]
"love incredible" from @ellaroundpanda - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. A collection of seven oneshots for the naruhina smut week event by @browniefic
"They Define Us" by gl22 - Rated M, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. For NaruHina Month 2015. There will be drabbles, short one-shots, and long one-shots. Some will have spoilers to Naruto: The Last. Some will also feature the future generation, mostly Boruto and Himawari.
"Endless lemons" by agitosgirl - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. This is just a bunch of lemony oneshots rolled into one story! From a foxy Naruto, to a cute little bunny Hinata! Do you have an idea for a lemon that you want to see typed out? Well then, come on in and you just might find it!
"Walking Beside You" by @spyder-m - Rated M, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. My contributions to NaruHina month. Individual summaries inside. [2016]
"All the Rage" by spyder-m - Rated M, Various AU, Series of related and unrelated one-shots. Naruhina oneshots and drabbles of all shapes and sizes, inspired by articles of clothing. Fluff, citrus, humour, family, friendship and angst. Canon compliant stories and AUs. Individual summaries inside.
"Day After Day" by spyder-m - Rated T, Canon-Divergent AU, Series of one-shots. Oneshot series exploring the day to day life of Naruto and Hinata post-The Last. Headcanons about them dating, living together and starting a family.
"Your Hand in Mine" by spyder-m - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. My contributions to Naruhina Week, 2017. Individual summaries inside.
"In your eyes" by @char-lotteral - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. "I feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything. Maybe we’re from the same star." -Emery Allen. A collection and series of Naruhina One shots, drabbles and snippets for Naruhina month 2021
"Sol and Luna" by charlotteral - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. a collection of one shots and drabbles for NHWeek 2021
"Shorts" by breakfastinbed - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. a collection of naruhina shorts.
"Nice Legs, Daisy Dukes" by Star-Child-Yeci - Rated T, Various AU, Series of related one-shots. One Shot, Drabble Collection / Because Menma is strangely territorial and Hinata has better things...people to do.
"you still get my heart racing" by mellieforyellie - Rated M, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. i've spent my whole life trying to put it into words. — naruhina month 2015
"Sunshine Snippets" by Szajnie - Rated M, Canon-Compliant, Series of one-shots. bits of pieces for my OTP
"Lives of Konoha's Couples!" by Satoorihoya - Rated M, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. Short stories written for the Konoha couples. Some AUs, some Naruto centric.
"Sunshine Tales" by blossomdreams - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. Naruto and Hinata fell in love with each other in different ways that only strengthen their bond through time. The bond that follows them through their life in the village and at time different universes. With appearances from their friends and family. My entries for NaruHina month. [2015]
"The Sun and The Moon" by MoonPheonix - Rated M, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. A series of short stories involving Naruto and Hinata
"Lost and Found" by @matchaball - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. We could meet a thousand different ways in a thousand different times but I'll always know I'll find you.
"Pearl Eyes and Moonlight" by MateriaFlower1-1 - Rated T, Canon-Divergent AU, Series of unrelated one-shots.  A collection of one-shots, detailing the life, times, joys, and troubles of Naruto and Hinata. Follow them from their youth to their old age, seeing how their relationship evolves over time, peace and war. This will follow several timelines through non-sequential one-shots.
"Working Class" by unfitpuzzle and LovelyLori - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. A collection of one-shot's featuring NaruHina in the workforce; inspired by cup-of-hot-coffee's Job AUs on Tumblr.
"A Collection of Stories (NaruHina)" by HoneyWriter78 - Rated E, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. A collection of Stories involving my ultimate favourite pairing.
"Closer" by Lynns - Rated E, Canon-Divergent AU, Series of related one-shots. Relationships are slowly built from the ground up and it is something that you simply do not rush into. Naruto was flattered after hearing Hinata's confession and the two of them will take the small baby steps that will lead them closer together.
"True Sight" by hinatasgreatestfan - Rated M, Canon-Divergent AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. This is my series of NaruHina drabbles.
"One Small Step" by Shawny Wong - Rated T, Canon-Divergent AU, Series of related one-shots. What if Hinata had actually found the courage to approach Naruto at the Academy? How would befriending him change their lives? Drastic changes are the result of one small step.
"Ten Defining Moments" by Shawny Wong - Rated T, Canon-Divergent AU, Series of related one-shots. Fluff, angst, drama, and a whole lot of sappy romance. Stir well. A story that spans 10 special events in Naruto and Hinata’s lives. Written for the Thirty Kisses community on Live Journal.
"Lord Hokage" by EroPrincess - Rated E, Canon-Divergent AU, Series of one-shots. To commemorate NaruHina becoming canon in Naruto, here's my smutty contribution.
"NaruHina Oneshots" by OrenjiRabenda - Rated M, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. A collection of NaruHina one-shots and original art drawn by yours truly!
"A Month of Moments" by @tenney-shoes - Rated G, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. My submissions for NaruHina Month. Most will be very short little drabbles based on the prompt for each day. [2015]
"Tumbler prompts and dabbles" by @linisen - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. Collection of dabbles from my prompt list on Tumblr containing mostly NaruHina fluff.
"Bound" by suryass - Rated M, Modern AU, Series of related one-shots. Mafia AU-Collection of oneshots.
"it's only us" by monkkeyslut - Rated T, Canon-Divergent AU, Series of related one-shots. A series of kisses that Hinata and Naruto share.
"Blue and White Eyes" by kiiam - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. Some NaruHina drabbles written for people to enjoy.
"Walk with you: Naruhina month prompts" by theidealist21 - Rated G, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots.  A collection of stories I made for Naruhina Month. [2014]
"Naruto Drabble Series" by InTheMist032000 - Rated M, Various AU, Series of mostly unrelated one-shots. A drabble series of various ratings and characters. Mainly NaruHina and SasuSaku, Rating T-M.
"Moments" by Awkward Inc - Rated T, Canon-Divergent AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. We tend to remember our lives based on the most important events, but life is constructed mainly of insignificant moments.
"NH Month 2023" by @opttagoyeo - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. Scribbles/Drabbles for Naruhina Month 2023.
"NaruHina Month 2023" by @diyas-diaries-98 - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. No summary.
"Memories of NaruHina Month 2022" by diyas-diaries-98 (Narutos_girl) - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. These are my first works for NaruHina Month 2022 event.
"onsra" by niege1010 - Rated M, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. Onsra (n.): bittersweet moment when you love for the last time or realize your love won't continue. Drabble collection for NaruHina month
"idyllic" by niege1010 - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. Idyllic (a.): an idyllic place or experience is extremely pleasant, beautiful, or peaceful. Drabble collection for NaruHina month [2022]
here are all of mine:
"Shared Vows" - Rated E, Canon-Compliant, Series of one-shots. A series of one-shots concerning the highs, lows, and in-betweens of their romance, not in any chronological order.
"love letters" - Rated M, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. A series of very short concept fics.
"Perfect Clarity" - Rated G, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. A series of fluffy short one-shots of Naruto and Hinata making each other blush in Modern AU. Written for badluckbrebis (Imanga) for Tumblr's NaruHina Secret Santa 2020!!
I hope you already found the fic you were looking for or that the one you're thinking of is somewhere in this huge list!
31 notes · View notes
sunshinecherryblossom · 11 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
And the war between the ships has begun... sighs... Well, now I want to understand one thing: in the first case we have Minato who notices Kushina who is watching his training because she is worried about him and she approaches him (in all this we remember that she was already Minato's girlfriend at that time) while in the case of Hinata and Naruto she was secretly spying on him without doing anything concrete for him and he didn't even know of her existence in all that but ok! a similar setting is enough and we can already speak of parallelism obviously. Regarding the SS the situation is identical: both Sakura and Kushina show extremely worried about the person they care about at that moment given that both Minato and Sasuke were in the hospital and both were happy with their awakening but the main difference is the situation in which the scene takes place: Minato, in an attempt to stop Kushina's transformation, is seriously injured and seeing Kushina extremely worried about him surprised but also reassured him (note the sweet and calm smile he gives her as she squeezes him) while with SasuSaku we see Sakura extremely worried about Sasuke who hugs him when he wakes up but due to different circumstances. Furthermore, Sasuke has never reacted like Minato with Kushina and coincidentally, when Sakura embraces Sasuke, Naruto is seen with a smile similar to the one his father assumes. Now, the setting could also be the same but this does not mean parallelism. I urge these folks to look for the meaning of true parallelism before spreading such comparisons because comparing the SS or NH to the MK is just a disrespect to Kishimoto's own wife as Sakura is her basis while Naruto represents the author himself. Among other things, seeing so many likes on Twitter on such comparisons only leads me to think how toxic and illogical the Naruto fandom can be and how much people have to try to deny the evidence just to add grist to their own mill. This isn't about ship preferences, everyone can ship whoever they want of course, but about objectivity so please grow up 💀💀💀🙄🙄🙄
52 notes · View notes
mavda · 2 years
For  you
Summary: Naruto and Hinata are highschool sweethearts. Naruto has planned their holiday, and it must be perfect. Because he has a very importan question to ask. 
One-shot: For you
The clock ticks, ticks, ticks, and Naruto can’t stare hard enough at it.The class is taking forever, and he knows he will have to ask Shikamaru for his notes next week. The last thirty minutes have only been white noise to him. 
At any other time, he would have left already. Hell, he would have left the moment his brain had decided to stop working properly, staying seated while being talked about shit he just couldn’t process was annoying as fuck. 
But he knows that it’s either him waiting here with his leg bobbing up and down in anticipation while sending daggers to the clock above the whiteboard, or him prancing around the hallways, checking at his cellphone every second just to make sure that the time is actually passing and keeping himself from leaving this place to go see Hinata.
Hell, he knows the moment the class is over he’ll sprint to her.
The bell rings, and Naruto grabs his stuff immediately, darting for the door before anyone else has even closed their notebooks. He says bye to Shikamaru without making sure if the man heard him at all and leaves with his bag still clasped tightly in his hand. 
He runs.
Along the way, he puts his backpack on properly while dodging the other students that have begun to pour out into the hallways. Their campuses are far away, so Naruto sprints over. His hair is in his face, and he feels the sweat starting to pool at his back and armpits. 
At any other time, he would have worried about this. With anyone else doubly so. But this is Hinata we're talking about. His girlfriend. 
His girlfriend who made the first move back when they were in high school. Thank god. 
He's sweaty, he knows, probably looking like a hot mess. He inhales deeply, trying to look a little less winded than he feels and looks around. 
Hinata always takes her time; she only begins to put her things in order when the bell rings, her laptop and notebooks and binders, all neatly ordered inside her bag. Naruto checks his cellphone again, no new messages. She has to be still inside the building. 
Some of the students leaving the place look at him like some sort of attraction, and Naruto ignores them. He knows what sort of rumors go around concerning him. An orphan who knew how to speak only using his fists, now the boyfriend of the heir to the Hyuga conglomerate. He has learned to tune it all out. It’s not worth it. 
He's trying to keep his hair away from his eyes when he catches Hinata’s form among the students. She's wearing the skirt Naruto himself chose last night through their video call. He waits at the end of the stairs for her, staring and hoping she will feel his gaze and look back. Her eyes find him midway through the stairs. 
She turns and says goodbye to the friend beside her, walks the rest of the stairs with a hastened pace, looking at her feet in order not to fall. It takes everything in Naruto not to grab her just before she reaches the ground and twirls her around. 
Patience. Patience.
Hinata reaches the ground and smiles at him immediately after. That is enough to make him melt. She rummages through her bag and brings out a purple handkerchief she uses to dab Naruto’s face, his forehead and neck, where the sweat pooled. 
“Sorry about that.”
She giggles, and Naruto is immediately entranced, “Did you run?”
“Yes.” Her touch is comforting and something he knows by heart, and yet he can’t help but lean into it, making her cup his cheek for a second. 
“Do you want some water?”
“Nah, I’m fine,” he pats the bag that slings over his shoulder, “got some water, too.” 
“I’m sorry you had to carry all that by-”
“I offered.”
Hinata looks at him and he stares. They gauge each other and then Naruto offers his hand in truce, “Let’s get going, I don’t want us to lose the train.”
Hinata gives him an amused look. He has been going on about this trip since forever, making plans and asking for him to be in charge of everything. She knows very little, and although she loves seeing him so excited, she can’t help but tease him regardless, “We have almost a full hour to walk a 20-minute walk.”
And Naruto makes it as if he doesn’t hear, shakes his head even. He tugs at her hand for her to start walking and Hinata starts to feel herself grow excited. She doesn’t want to think too much about it, but Ino and Sakura have been going on and about how this trip fits perfectly just before her birthday -which is just after Christmas- and how this whole ordeal must mean he’s planning something else.
Naruto isn’t one to shy away from a big celebration, so the possibility is there. But she doesn’t want to go into it, she doesn’t want to put pressure into this whole thing, and Naruto looks so excited she knows it doesn’t even matter if he didn’t prepare anything but the trip. They will have a blast. She can’t help but skip a few steps and smile at him when he looks back in question.
He crouches in a second before she can even register it, and then his lips are pressing on her and his breath is on her face, and then he’s walking again. Her feet follow after him out of habit and she brings her hand to her mouth. Naruto doesn’t look back, but Hinata can see his ears are red. He probably couldn’t contain himself. 
She understands. She wants to kiss him, too. 
Hinata feels the stares as they leave their campus. Knows the rumors going around. But Naruto just kissed her so she feels invincible and she presses herself to his side. 
Her boyfriend glances back at her -her hand on her mouth- and he has to bring his hand to cover his face, which is growing redder by the second. 
Hinata waits on the seats, with Naruto’s big ass duffel bag at her feet. He left her with a hot drink in one hand and a muffin in the other, and Hinata has not been able to keep her smile away from her face for a while now. 
Naruto has everything planned. The tickets are printed, he knows by heart the schedules of the trains they have to take and the stations they will go through -although he mutters them low enough for her not to hear-, and yet; and yet he goes to check with an assistant again, and yet he goes check the time he already knows on the board around the train station, and yet he checks on his phone to check he has already checked everything that needs to be checked. 
It’s endearing.
It’s adorable.
Hinata wants to eat him up for being so cute. 
He walks toward her with a frown on his face as he checks his phone. There are a few faces she recognizes around the station. It doesn’t surprise nor bother her, the station is close to their university, and today is Friday. People go back to their homes or, like them, go take a trip somewhere fun. 
What bothers her are the obvious glances some people give her boyfriend. They are somewhat famous in their own campuses, and more people that she likes to think about know about them throughout their university, but that also means that everyone also knows Naruto is kind of head over heels with her.
Obsessed, likes to tease Ino. But even Hinata knows that using that word is not fair. 
He has told her many times that she is the closest he has ever felt to family.
Naruto thinks that Iruka -the orphanage director- doesn’t count because he has to take care of his children. Even though Iruka has kept contact with him to this day. And his relationship with his schoolmates he believes to be some kind of mix between pity and camaraderie that relies on some sort of give and take. 
He has trouble believing he is good and enough just as he is, but Hinata believes he’s been making progress. He is very close friends with Sakura and Sasuke. Although Sasuke hated his guts -as he himself put it- and Sakura became friends with him out of duty rather than choice, being class president back when he transferred to their school and all. 
But time had been good to them, and although Sasuke was still aloof sometimes, they learned to make their friendship work. And then highschool started and Naruto shone with the light of a thousand suns, as he fought everything and everyone that laid eyes on him. With Sasuke in tow, who also wanted to see the world burn, and Sakura behind them, oftentimes cleaning up their mess.
Sasuke got some sort of free pass as his grades were astounding and people attributed his attitude to the horrific accident he witnessed when he was younger. But then Naruto got the brunt of it, being almost always held responsible alone for everything they did. 
Which was substantial. 
Iruka tried to fix things but Naruto was so angry at the world that nothing could stop him. Until due to his grades their teacher asked Hinata whether she could help Naruto with his studies. A pleading look and a tired sigh and Hinata was paired with him immediately after. 
Hinata was already in love with him at the time and he was blunt and a little too eager to choose his fists over anything else, but deep down he was kinder than most and it only took him a few days to warm up to the shy and quiet girl who repeated things time and time again without a hint of annoyance. 
He shared with her once that it drove him mad seeing people give up on him just because he couldn’t understand things at once. Hinata had been patient before, but after that she was also encouraging whenever he tackled something new and Naruto came to enjoy being with her. 
And just by being near a calming presence, and just by having someone who looked at him as if everything he said held importance, he felt his own fire subside. His grades rose and his innate ability to get along with people exploded.
When he single-handedly brought together every class in their highschool to organize a long lost school festival the people’s attention was on him immediately. His popularity sky-rocketed, and he grew anxious. 
He confided in his friends -Hinata now among them-. And seeing all the attention he was getting from the girls at school made Hinata so restless about their relationship, she called for him to wait until everyone left school and confessed to him with a hand-written letter in front of their classroom. 
His face had been even redder than hers.
Naruto reaches her seat and kneels in front of her, “What are you thinking about?”
“About our time in highschool.”
Naruto makes a disgruntled noise and looks away, trying to hide his shame, “Please don’t.”
“And how popular you were back then.”
Naruto whines. His arms to either side of Hinata’s chair, and he hides his face on his bicep. “Baby-”
“Remember how many love letters you received after your closing speech at the festival?”
Naruto nuzzles into Hinata’s lap, whimpering as he moves his head, “Why are you remembering that?”
There are still a couple of women who look at Naruto with interest, but now he has his arms around her torso and he’s asking for a peck on the lips with puppy eyes. 
“Just ‘cause,” Hinata answers, and then she brings her mouth to his. 
Naruto puts his duffel bag on the overhead rack and sits heavy in his place. Hinata is accomodating herself and her own bag right beside him as the train starts to fill up by the second. 
    He’s sure Hinata already has an idea of where they’re going, but she doesn’t say anything and he’s grateful for that. He wants this to be a surprise, he wants this to be perfect. 
His phone buzzes and he smiles the second he checks its content. "Baby, look."
Naruto pushes his cellphone to her and Hinata comes face to face with an excel spreadsheet full of grades. She searches for Naruto's name and then checks the latest addition. She does a little dance as a result. 
"Congratulations, baby!" 
Naruto looks at her with shining eyes and her smile makes him smile too. "Are you proud?"
Her arms circle his neck before he can finish his sentence. He has to crouch and bring his body down to accomodate to her height. "I'm always proud of you, silly."
And Naruto can't help the warmth that fills him. Because out of anyone ever, he knows Hinata’s words are true. 
    Even back when he was just a nuisance to those around him, even when his face was filled with cuts and bruises she would tend to. Even then, she had been proud. He was a failure by any and all measures, and yet she told him that trying hard enough and never giving up were strengths on their own. 
"I know," he whispers, and he revels in the way his arms fit around her body, in the way Hinata keeps on giggling as she kisses his neck before reaching his face. And then his chin, and then his cheek, and then his-
A man clears his throat loud enough for Naruto to startle and it takes him one look to know the man doesn't approve of such displays of affection. 
Hinata grows red on the face and Naruto accommodates himself, growing conscious of every part of his body. Until he realizes that the man is turned all the way to look at them and then Naruto looks back at him, confused at his need to be such a prick. 
Naruto motions with his hand for the man to look straight ahead and both frown at each other. The stare contest lasts just a few seconds, as Hinata is quick to grab his attention again. 
“Come on, don’t let him get under your skin.”
“Asshole,” he whispers and Hinata snorts before squeezing his hand again.
“Come on, let it be, we just have to wait a little before we can be alone.
“Oh? How so?”
 Hinata looks at him with an expression that Naruto mimics immediately. But she doesn’t want to say the place she thinks they are going to, so she tilts her head to the side, then to the other. Naruto follows her movements and also adds the flutter of his eyelashes in an annoying manner. 
“You’re insufferable, tell me about your classes.”
“Horrible, all of them, all I could think about was going to get you. I’m gonna have to ask Shikamaru for his notes.”
The train moves, Naruto forgets about the rude man in front of them and Hinata gets to stare at his face as he whines about teachers going on and on about a topic that can be explained in half an hour.
Naruto shakes Hinata up five minutes before they are scheduled to arrive at their destination. 
He is hoping for her to be surprised. She had looked at him with her eyes furrowed the moment they had passed the station she believed was their actual destination almost an hour ago, so he might still have a chance.
Naruto had to fight the urge to come clean under her gaze, to tease back, to give in and tell her everything. But he stared right ahead, kept his eyes fixed to the man diagonal to him. He was reading the newspaper and Naruto zeroed in on letters he didn’t care about.
Hinata had accommodated herself against his shoulder and slept the way they had left.
Naruto tried to follow suit, but his brain was filled with thoughts that swirled around. He could barely close his eyes before a thought made him nervous and he had to check information on his cellphone. 
He gave up midway through, and spent the rest of the journey asking Shikamaru for his notes and revising for an upcoming test after the holidays. He had given a date wrong on the last oral exam that still haunted him. He had memorized it immediately after, out of spite, but his frustration was stronger.
Hinata wakes up with the cutest of blinks and looks from him to the window. She can’t see much, night is falling and the scenery outside is the same as it has been for the last half an hour. 
“Are we there yet?”
“In a couple of minutes.”
Hinata nuzzles into his shoulder and breathes out heavily. She won’t fall asleep again, she hates waking up and being hurried into things. 
The moment they stand in the train station and Hinata realizes where they are she looks at Naruto with her mouth open and a mix of questions and worry in her eyes Naruto shuts with open arms and a loud voice. 
People around them turn their heads at his antics, but aside from shaking their heads or smiling at the couple they keep on their own way. 
Hinata can’t form words, and Naruto takes advantage of it and grabs her hand before her mind can go down the wrong path. 
“Come on, just enjoy this.” He nuzzles into her neck and her good humor comes back with a chuckle. 
“Naruto,” she says, with a tone in her voice Naruto knows very well. Is everything all right? Are you sure of this? 
And of course, of course it is. He kisses her lips and cups her cheek. “We are gonna have a great time.” A promise. 
Hinata melts into his touch and nibbles the palm of his hand, “Let’s check us in, then.”
The entrance to the resort is opulent and the room they arrive at is several square meters bigger than it even needs to be. 
“Naruto,” Hinata starts again, this time both scared and in awe of the place.
Naruto is beaming with joy as he realizes the place is even better than what he had hoped for. Now this is a place for an anniversary. 
Now this is memorable.
The windows cover the wall completely and Naruto drags the curtains out of the way to lay eyes on the asset he is most eager to try. A private jacuzzi just outside their room, with a nice view of the snowy mountains outside.
Hinata doesn’t miss the change in his demeanor. And it makes her immediately melt her worries away. She drops her bag on the king-sized bed in the middle of the room and runs to hug Naruto from behind. 
Naruto is chuckling, he searches for her hand and then brings it to his lips. “You like it?”
“It’s beautiful.” And whatever gripes she has about this whole outing she bites down, because Naruto’s face shines when he turns to her. 
“I swear I didn’t just blow up my savings.” Hinata is quick to smile and nod to reassure him, but he knows she worries. She always worries about his financial situation, and who could blame her? She was the one who accompanied him through whatever bureaucratic bullshit he had to face to ask for grants and scholarships, even loans when the need arose. Her father owns the city - though Hinata denies it- and although the man himself offered to sponsor Naruto years into their relationship, Naruto politely rejected his offer.
He won’t ask if it is not absolutely necessary. 
And Hinata honors his will. She adjusts to his spendings. Which is why they have never been to such a fancy looking place.
Naruto can’t say he doesn’t feel some type of remorse about the whole situation. But they know they are a unit, and Hinata has never made him feel less or lacking. 
And still Naruto can’t fight hard enough the need to explain. “I got the place at like half the price, and I think they upgraded for free, because- well, I paid for a good place but this is a whole other level.” Hinata snickers and Naruto feels his own nerves calming down. “You know I wouldn’t be irresponsible like that.”
“I know.”
His hands are on her face, cupping her cheeks. He leans over and lands a peck on her mouth, “Let’s have a good time, all right?” His voice is so sultry he surprises himself and prepares to have Hinata poke fun at him, but her hands reach his chest and they travel up and down his torso with an intention that travels all the way from his brain to his dick. 
“Let’s,” is all she answers, before biting her lower lip in anticipation. In the way that always makes Naruto want to gobble her up. 
They kiss. All tongue and without decorum. They are reaching the bed when Naruto thinks about the hours they’ve spent traveling and how, maybe, Hinata may feel uncomfortable. “Do you want to take a shower first?”
The back of her knees hit the edge of the bed and she falls on her butt. Her face now level with his stomach. Hinata grabs his legs, brings him closer to her, “No.” Her face gets lost in between his coat and sweater in an attempt to lay kisses down his body. She then reappears, looks up to him, “Do you want to take a shower first?” 
“Fuck no.”
Her hands find his waistband, and she giggles as she unzips and unbuttons Naruto’s jeans. Naruto’s jacket flies off into the distance. He is reaching for his sweater when Hinata pulls his pants down. 
He feels her breath before anything else. “You’re still not ready, baby?”
Naruto can feel himself growing harder by the second. He can feel his hair standing up in whichever direction when the sweater comes off too. “Just give me one second, love.” 
His hand finds her and Hinata nuzzles into it. “I can help,” she says, a soft smile in place, all cheeky. She dives right back into his stomach and Naruto lifts up his shirt with one hand, the other caressing her hair. 
Her lips leave kisses everywhere she can, a trail of saliva down his stomach. Her hands are cold and Naruto shivers as she cups his testicles. He lets out a moan when her tongue meets his shaft. 
Hinata pumps him up, slow movements she accompanies with her mouth. The sounds she gets out from the blowjob send a tingle down Naruto’s leg, his fingers curling up at the pleasure. “Babe.”
She hums back in answer, her mouth opens and then Naruto’s penis stands tall between her and her boyfriend. “Did I do a good job?”
Naruto chuckles. He lets his shirt fall down again and then gently pushes Hinata down into the bed, his legs kick off his jeans and underwear onto the floor. He pushes his erection against Hinata’s stomach, his mouth already covering her own. “You tell me,” he moans. 
Hinata smiles back at him. They undress her, her jacket and sweater first. Followed by Naruto licking whatever skin he can get to. Her shirt flies off and Naruto buries his face on her breasts. Her jeans next, they get tangled at her left foot, and both the garment and her underwear get left there. 
Naruto growls as his fingers find her entrance. Wet and dripping already. “Oh, love.” 
“Condom,” Hinata babbles. Her hand at his arm, in an attempt to keep him from overstimulating her. 
“Fuck.” Naruto rushes to his discarded jeans, fumbles for a second searching for his wallet and takes a condom from there. He tears open the package and steals a glance to his girlfriend as he puts on the preservative. 
Hinata is touching herself. Her mouth slightly open, her legs propped up and ready, waiting for him. Her eyes are on him and Naruto practically jumps back into the bed. Sloppy kisses against sloppy kisses. His hands on her body, squeezing at every inch he can get to. 
She positions herself under him, her hand slithers between them, grabbing him and guiding Naruto inside. Naruto pushes, his mouth open in a silent moan Hinata gobbles. They find their rhythm. And it helps them ride into their climax. Naruto’s shirt gets bothersome sometime after and he bites into the garment to keep it away. Hinata’s hips shoot up, seeking more pressure, and Naruto stands on his knees, his hands at her waist.
He can feel his testicles pressing against her bottom. He can feel himself sinking deep into Hinata, the sound of their bodies colliding filling the room. 
Hinata digs into his arm, into his thigh, her nails bite into Naruto’s skin, but the pain only makes the pleasure shine brighter. Naruto can feel himself tightening up, angles himself to apply pressure into Hinata’s clitoris. He earns himself the sight of Hinata’s head pressing back, her whole face contorted, seeking the same relief as him. 
He hugs Hinata’s legs with one arm, and his other hand finds her sex. Their fluids coat her thighs so he swipes it off with his thumb and then starts circling her. Hinata screams and brings her own hand to her mouth, she whimpers as she tries to keep herself from crying out. 
Naruto doesn’t stop any of his ministrations. Hinata tries to get away, her hand pushing at his knee, the other at her mouth. Her teeth leaving marks on her skin already. 
“Ahhhhh.” Her muscles tighten around Naruto and she grabs hold of whatever she can grab onto. Her whole torso turns to the side, her face pushing against the mattress, yet Naruto keeps her in place. She screams his name against the bed, a sight he loves to see.
He’s close. He hugs her legs to him with both his arms, his hips thrust and thrust and he can feel himself closing in on his own climax. Hinata is grabbing at his arms, her cries rising in volume as he drills into her. 
His lungs are going to explode and he doesn’t fucking care. Just this is important. Just his dick going in and out of Hinata. Just finding release.
Sweet sweet fucking release.
His hips push hard, then harder. Once and twice and he spills himself into her. His chest raises and he is out of breath and Hinata lays in front of him, her eyes lethargic, her legs trembling and her pelvic muscles squeezing into his penis.
He feels himself spilling. One and two little spurts after his big release. He sits on his ankles and Hinata reaches her hand to him.
Naruto grabs hold of her hand. He wipes the sweat off his forehead with his shirt and then he takes off the condom. He walks on his knees to his girlfriend, her bra all the way up to her collarbone. He lays his condom on her stomach, with some of the semen inside dribbling down onto her skin as she breathes in and out. 
Naruto leans into her, one hand on her breast. He squeezes as he lays his mouth on her neck, making a trail up her mouth and face. “You all right?”
“In heaven,” she whispers.
And Naruto snickers as he brushes her hair off her face. 
Then he remembers. “Shit. What time is it?”
“I have no idea.”
Hinata lays unmoving, basking in her afterglow. Naruto makes an attempt to leave her side and check on his phone but Hinata doesn’t let go and whimpers for him to come back.
“Don’t go.” Her pouty lips are adorable enough for Naruto to stop whatever he’s doing immediately. 
“I just want to check the time, baby.” Her lips look plump and full and are now red enough for Naruto to imagine his cock on her dainty mouth. 
“There’s a show at 11 today, you’re gonna love it.”
“I can think of something else we both are gonna love.”
Naruto looks at her, an accusatory look in place, “I could keep you in bed for the whole weekend, you know that.”
Hinata squirms, her other hand reaching his used condom, her fingers playing with his seed. “I wouldn’t say no to that.”
Naruto has to will himself out of his fantasies. “No,” he says, out loud and with conviction. “We’re watching that show -we so are-, go get washed.”
Hinata blinks prettily at him. She raises and then gets real close to him, her breasts pushing against him. “We could have some fun in the shower.”
Her smile is mischievous and she leaves the bed first, bare and with their fluids still coating her inner thighs. Hinata realizes she still has her underwear and jeans caught at her ankle. 
She doesn't hesitate. Down in one swift motion, her buttocks exposed to Naruto in plain view. She leaves her clothes on the floor and then walks to the bathroom while taking off her bra. 
She can hear Naruto muttering to himself at her back. 
He reaches her just before she can open the door. His hand across her torso, the other at the handle in front of them. His breath is heated and still labored. 
"I'm gonna rail you against the wall."
Hinata giggles to herself. Can already feel her stomach heating up at his words. 
When Naruto promises something…
Her chest is pressed against the bathroom wall. The water pools between her breasts and her hair sticks to her skin. Naruto nuzzles behind her neck, one hand across her stomach -holding her in place- and the other digging at her bottom, angling her to help him inside. 
She doesn't feel the floor. Her fingers are tiptoeing, but she's not the one keeping herself up. 
"Ah, fuck." 
Naruto bites into her shoulder and the pain makes Hinata curl her toes. He's close. His hips hit against her with a vengeance and he moves his hands to encircle her waist. She’s floating. 
One hand on his arms, the other to the wall -in a useless attempt at stabilizing herself. Naruto's breath warms her shoulder and the moment his hand travels up her stomach to squeeze at her breast Hinata can feel herself wanting release. 
She lets out a lengthy moan that echoes inside the room, barely drowned by the water falling around them. She feels Naruto coming inside, the condom expanding. He muffles his own voice against her skin, but his hands keep at work, one at her center, circling her clit, the other keeping her anchored to him. 
"Ah, Naruto. Naruto."
Her release soon follows. A scream that shakes her body, her legs tremble as they close, trapping Naruto's hand inside. The little strength she has leaves her body and it's only his arm around her body that keeps her standing. 
"You all right?"
Hinata hums a yes. Still feeling the pleasure coursing through her body. "I don't feel my legs."
A dry laugh fills the bathroom. "Good." Naruto crouches one second and the next he has Hinata in his arms. "Now you won't egg me on."
Hinata feels her body growing tired by the second. The bed seems like a great place to be right now. "Maybe so." Whatever to let him know that she's still up for it. 
They keep up the good humor inside the bathroom and Naruto manages to help wash her and himself and get them out of the bathroom in record time. 
Hinata dries herself up while Naruto hurries around her, picking the clothes they discarded around the room and leaving them in a somewhat neat pile on one of the fancy chairs. He then rummages through his duffel bag to put on clothes. 
His hair is still dripping wet. He looks handsome. 
He stands tall then, his cellphone in his hand, his blue eyes stuck to Hinata.
“Yes?” she asks. His eyes still drilling holes through her skull. 
“Would it bother you if I left now and came later to get us to the show?”
Hinata barely takes time to think about his question. “No?” She takes the towel she’s using to dry her hair and puts it on her lap, “You’ll come get me, right?”
“Of course.”
“You do know we don’t have to go to the show, right?”
Naruto squints his eyes. “Sure,” he then insists, “but I want us to go.”
“Then we will, love.” Hinata is quick to add. “Go and do what you have to do, I’ll be here drying myself and getting ready.” Hinata sends a kiss his way and Naruto makes a show of catching it and saving it inside his jacket.
“Don’t move from here, all right? I’ll come and get ya.”
“I won’t move a centimeter.”
Naruto runs to her, steals a peck, grabs her hip with more strength than necessary and leaves. “Just don’t leave the room! I’ll be back!”
Hinata sits there. Still naked and with her hair still sticking to her skin. She laughs to herself and as she keeps on drying her body remembers that she left her cellphone on mute to sleep while on the train. 
Her screen lights up and a bazillion messages show up. 
Are you dead or sumthng? CALL BACK, MAAM
I say she’s having the time of her life, let the woman breathe
Due to the urgency in their messages, Hinata calls Hanabi first. Her sister picks up after two rings.
“Hanabi, we arrived already at the resort.”
“Good. Everything all right?”
Hinata blushes as she remembers how all right everything was. “Yes. Naruto brought me to the Suna Resort.”
“Whaaaaat.” Even aloof Hanabi can’t hide her surprise. “Did he sell a kidney or something?”
“He told me he didn’t.”
“Knowing his luck he charmed some high-ranking dude and they handed him a spare ticket or something. Don’t worry I’ll get it out of him when I see him.”
“Am I allowed to tell Father?”
“Yes, of course. Tell him everything’s fine and we’re having a grand time.”
“I bet.” Her tone is playful and Hinata has to keep herself from falling into her sister’s trap.
“So yeah, I’ll call you when we are on our way back.”
“Aye, aye. Maybe then I’ll finally be able to call Naruto brother-in-law.”
“Shut up.”
Hanabi’s laugh cackles through the phone. “Whatever, as if this is not the perfect opportunity for him to get on one knee and pledge his undying love.”
“Shut up, I said.”
“See ya, then. Have a good one.”
“Thanks, take care.”
“As always,” Hanabi finishes and her voice still carries mirth that annoys Hinata.
The chat screen opens up and Hinata is in her undies as she types an answer.
Got here all right, everything’s fine. Were having a great time already.
Her pants are halfway up her bottom when the video call gets through. Sakura’s pink hair covers the whole screen.
“Hinata!” she screams. 
Hinata is trying to put on her shirt as quick as she can, because she knows Ino-
“What!? Why are we looking at the damn ceiling? Babe, we want to see your face!” Ino whines and Ten-Ten’s voice carries through immediately after.
“Are you alone? Or is Naruto with you?”
“I’m alone, I’m putting on my shirt, give me a second.”
They all howl at the same time and Hinata can’t help the blush that covers her face.
“Gotta say,” Hinata can see Ino being all smug and proud, “my boy gets the work done. You raised him well, Sakura.”
Sakura cackles. “He’s in love, Ino, I bet he wants to do our Hinata all the time, wherever he can.”
“Have some tact.” Hinata raises the phone to catch her face on the camera and her friends all raise their hands in celebration.
“Babe, it’s so nice to see you!” Ino claps at her words and Hinata can only shake her head at her enthusiasm.
“We saw each other today.”
“Don’t mind her, she’s drunk,” Ten-Ten quips, earning herself an elbow from Ino.
“So are you, bitch!”
They scuffle in the back and Sakura quickly brings the camera closer to her, “Don’t mind them, we’ve been drinking and you know how they get.” Their laughs get louder and Sakura shakes her head. “Everything all right, then?”
“Yes, everything.”
“Where’s he, though?”
“Oh, well, he left to check on the show we’re going to see now. He’s coming to get me after.”
Sakura raises an eyebrow, her mouth a line. “Interesting.”
“Oh, come on. Not you, too.”
Sakura can only keep her face as plain as possible. “I’m just saying.”
“Shut up.”
The phone gets taken and Ino’s nose appears. “Babe, if he doesn’t ask for your hand in marriage then I will.”
Hinata rolls her eyes. “We’ve had getaways like this before, all right. It’s not meant to be different this time.”
“Really?” Ino tilts her head, confusion evident. “Hinata, sweetie, you can’t believe Naruto-”
Ten-Ten takes the phone this time, Ino trying and failing to get it back. “Out of all of us, I would say I’m the most ‘feet on the ground’ person in the group,” Ino is heard squabbling with Sakura in the foreground and they both stop a second to add an ‘agree!’ to support Ten-Ten’s statement. “And even I would say this time Naruto means business.”
“Oh, come on!” Ino cries. 
“I don’t mind either way, all right! If he does then fine and if he doesn’t we’re gonna have a grand all time anyway.”
“Oooooooooh,” they tease. 
“Well, if he does, are you gonna say yes?” Ino asks and Hinata gets embarrassed all of a sudden.
“Of course I’m gonna say yes,” she mumbles.
Their squealing fills the room and Hinata has to hide her face behind her hand.
“Shut up, we’re still students I don’t think-”
Naruto opens the door and his blonde hair appears a second later. “Babe, are you ready? We’re just in time to catch the show.”
Hinata squeaks, her phone falls from her hand and bounces off the carpet. 
“Naruto!” her phone screams and Naruto looks confused for just one second.
“Hey, girls!” He walks closer as Hinata frantically tries to grab her phone and finish the call. “Do you need more time?” he asks Hinata, who can only shake her head no.
“Naruto, my boy, go get-” Ino screams and Hinata can hear Ten-Ten and Sakura keeping the blonde under submission. 
Naruto is none the wiser and only laughs, “Ino! Hey!”
Hinata manages to grab her phone and like never before has the hardest time turning it towards her. “Was good talking with you all, bye!” She presses the button to end the call and can hear Ino’s struggle to keep on talking behind Sakura and Ten-Ten’s measured goodbyes.
Naruto kneels beside her, a hand to her back. “Babe, you all right?”
“Yes,” Hinata squeals. 
Naruto can only laugh. “Are you ready? The show is on in 10.”
“Yes, yes,” Hinata stands, her heart beating out of her chest.
“Were they teasing you?” Naruto remembers how the girls would leave Hinata a blushing mess whenever he was to go closer to his girlfriend. He never got the chance to hear what they were talking about, but he knew he was the main topic of conversation and well- they had a lot to bring up if they wanted a blushing Hinata.
Hinata bites her lip and nods, but makes no attempt to keep on talking about it. “Let’s go see the show.”
Naruto can only smirk. He puts his hand on Hinata’s lower back and guides her out of the room. “Let’s.”
The show is colorful. Dance and magic and some public participation events. Naruto doesn’t seem to be able to lay low. He is asked to participate and Hinata can only sigh and appreciate Naruto’s witty remarks that earn him a room full of laughter and the warm pats on the shoulder from the performers. 
Naruto can’t help but shine in a room of people. He just attracts attention. 
He jogs to his seat and people look at her with interest the moment he kisses her cheek and starts whispering in her ear. He just doesn’t realize people are still looking.
And even if they were, she's sure he would do it anyway.
The show is engaging and fun but the moment she catches Naruto stealing glances at her she leans towards him, one hand on his thigh. “This is so much fun.”
He turns to her completely, “Are you having fun?” His eyes twinkle and he’s trying so hard to keep his face under control Hinata can’t help but get closer and kiss him on the lips. 
“I am, thank you.”
Naruto still tries to keep himself from smiling too hard, but he scoots closer to his girlfriend and reaches for her hand. The rest of the show her hand is intertwined with his, right over his thigh.
His other legs bounces up and down, nervous. The lights of the show hit his face and he’s beyond relieved to see Hinata from the corner of his eye laughing and smiling as the performances come and go. 
He can do this.
He for sure can do this.
Naruto blinks and realizes the people around them are standing and grabbing their sweaters and coats. Whatever they brought to fight the cold on the way to see the performance. Hinata’s face is close to him and she smiles as he looks at her.
“Caught you out of it, didn’t I?”
Naruto laughs and shakes his head, “I was just mesmerized by your beauty, love.”
Hinata laughs in return and she’s the one that stands and tugs at his hand. She doesn’t press further, her sister and friends have messed a little with her and she does not want to expect things that may not come to happen. 
“Let’s go back, then.”
Naruto is fast to comply. He grabs her on the way out inside his coat and Hinata giggles as she feels his hands traveling around her body. 
The people are slowly getting out of the room and Hinata doesn’t realize the attention they’re getting until Naruto rounds his arms over her body -covering her under his coat-, and he stands to his full height, his attention elsewhere. 
A couple of young men are quick to duck their heads and look ahead. 
His mouth falls to her ear, “They were ogling at you.”
“No, they were not!” Hinata snickers. And though Naruto keeps his arms where he put them before, his smile comes back to his face.
“I can’t wait till we go back to our room,” he purrs, and Hinata can feel her cheeks grow hotter. 
“Stop it.”
His hands rest on her belly as they make their way outside and the moment they leave the mob of people he brings his hands up and squeezes at her breasts. Hinata catches the moan that tries to escape her and she turns to Naruto, trying to hit him with her elbow. 
He snickers and Hinata can hear the noise getting farther away. Until he closes in on her. “Shall I carry you so we get there faster?”
“Naruto,” Hinata starts, but his groin is now pressing behind her and his hands are pressing on her body with more intent. With hunger. And her own body responds. 
She can’t help the moan that escapes her. 
And she wiggles out of Naruto’s grasp with a hand to her mouth, her eyes looking around to see if someone else-
“We’re alone, baby.” He whispers, his hand still at her back.
“You-” she starts, and Naruto’s face changes slightly, worried, “you asshole,” Hinata slaps his arm and starts chortling. “Gods, I was getting so embarrassed for a second!”
Naruto snorts, “Baby, you know I wouldn’t,” he tugs at her waist and Hinata falls back to him, “you know I wouldn’t do that with- you know, people around us,” he gives her a knowing look, “unless… you wanted that.”
Hinata falls back with laughter and steals a kiss before running down the hallway. She calls for the elevator and the numbers barely blink before Naruto catches her, her whole body up in the air.
Her laughter is high-pitched and Naruto grabs her ass as he settles her back into the ground. His eyes are filled with lust and Hinata rounds her arms around his neck before kissing him. He moans this time. And he doesn’t seem to get close enough to her, the way his hands press her into him.
People turn right into their hallway and Hinata pushes back immediately after. Naruto lets her get some distance, but he grabs her hand and he pushes her to him. 
He’s blushing and his voice is low as they greet the people coming for the elevator. Hinata is the one who twirls inside his arms, and Naruto hides his reddening face on her hair. 
The other group takes the elevator downwards and It takes everything for Hinata to keep a straight face until their door closes. Their elevator is coming slowly and Hinata loses it the moment she takes a peek towards her boyfriend.
He has his mouth pressed into a line, his body rigid and his gaze stuck to the floor. 
“Do you think-?” Hinata starts.
“Oh, god, I hope they didn’t hear me moan, jeez.” He covers his face with his hand and Hinata can’t help the laugh that comes out of her mouth. Naruto grabs her and he hides his whole face on her neck. “Babe,” he whines, and it only makes Hinata laugh harder. 
Their elevator arrives and there’s no one inside. And only Naruto’s heavy sigh and Hinata’s snickers echo as they make their way to their room. It’s already late and Naruto can feel the tiredness from their travel catching up to him. He lets himself fall into their bed, face first. He hears rustling around the room, before Hinata’s hand comes to rest up at his back.
“Are you tired, baby?” 
Naruto only manages a groan. He can feel her smile. 
“Should I help undress you?” His face turns before she can finish her sentence and Hinata snorts. “I said it with no ulterior motives, I swear.”
“Sure, but now that you said it…” 
Hinata has to fight the laughs that threaten to spill from her mouth as she begins taking Naruto’s clothes, his whole demeanor lusty to the point of being humorous. 
She unbuckles his belt and Naruto wiggles his hips. “And here I thought you would offer me a drink at least before taking my pants, ma’am.”
“Sir, you are drunk.”
“I am very sober, thank you very much,” he says, mock hurt lacing his voice. “Maybe I could demonstrate?” 
“Yeah? And how would you do that, sir?” 
He only has his shirt and underwear left on his body and then Hinata lets out a yelp as he sits and tackles her to the bed. His legs straddling her. “I can think of a few things,” his mouth is on her ear and Hinata slaps at his back.
“Sir, I have all of my clothes on!” 
“That can be easily fixed.” He kisses her. 
Her laugh slowly transforms into slow breaths. And when Naruto sneaks his hand under layers of clothes and reaches her breast Hinata is already feeling hot and bothered herself.
“Wait,” she breathes and Naruto stops and stares at her, as she sits on the bed and takes off her own coat. The garment flies away and then she turns to Naruto, presses her hand on his chest and pushes.
He falls and bounces, his brain immediately catching up where this is going. A smile forming on his face. “Should I take off my underwear?”
Hinata is taking off her jeans, “No,” they also get thrown to the distance, only one sock  covering her lower half now. “I’ll do it,” she says, her hand reaching for Naruto’s pants, looking for his wallet.
“My coat. My wallet’s on my coat.”
Naruto rests on his hands behind his head, admiring the visual of his half-naked girlfriend looking for a condom for them. She turns to him with a black square on her hand, and then her whole body covers his. 
“Should I keep my hands behind my head?”
Hinata considers his offer, a kiss to his mouth, and then nods as she travels down. Her hand cups his balls and her mouth feels his shaft. Naruto’s hips raise and he can already feel the tension filling his body. Her mouth covers his groin and Naruto feels her tongue through the fabric, wet and eager, Hinata swirls her tongue around his head and Naruto’s body jerks upward. He groans and closes his arms around his ears, his hands still at the back of his head. 
Her fingers move up and down his length, the fabric sticking to his skin. She whirls her index finger around his head and lets her breath wash over him. The change in temperature and her touch make him whimper. “Love.”
He can feel her smile. She takes a while longer teasing him before caressing the line between his skin and his underwear. Naruto is almost turned to his side completely by the time Hinata raises his waistband and lets his erection free. He can feel his precum leaking, falling down his shaft. He presses his elbow to have a better view.
Hinata gives his head a kiss before blowing air over his groin. “Hands,” she reminds him.  
“Oh, fuck.” Naruto whines and he falls back again, his hands now interlocked behind his head. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, can I move my legs at least?”
“Yes, sir.”
Naruto opens his legs but his underwear stops him. Before his frustration rises too much, Hinata lets her hands trail down his thighs before dragging his boxers down. 
Naruto sees his underwear fly into the distance and then he settles again. This time his legs wide open, letting Hinata-
Her mouth gobbles him up and Naruto rises his hips to meet her, his breath catching on his throat. Hinata meets him, one hand on his thigh as an anchor, the other at his testicles. 
“Holy fucking shit,” Naruto hisses. His heels dig into the bed trying to push him forward, his whole body tense, and the noises he hears coming from Hinata’s mouth are enough to drive him to the edge. 
Hinata starts pumping his shaft along with the bobbing of her mouth and Naruto just lets his dick follow the rhythm. He comes into his girlfriend’s mouth with a breathless moan. 
Hinata lingers at his dick. She swallows and licks him all over, he falls limp against his thighs and he can only snort as he feels Hinata’s mouth leaving kisses over his groin. She bites at the space between his thighs and a shiver runs down his body.
“Oh, fuck me,” he swears, and Hinata rises from her position. His cum dripping from her chin -surprise on her face- but then the sweetest smile appears.
“Oh, that I can do.”
She climbs on top of him and Naruto chuckles as he finally brings his hands forward, one grabbing at her hip and the other cupping at her face. “Just give me a minute, baby.”
Hinata settles on his stomach and Naruto can’t help the way his muscles tighten at the feeling of her on top of him. Wet and slippery. Her face falls to his and he can taste himself on her. “I can wait,” she whispers, her tongue licking at his upper lip, “I’ll wait all you need.”
He is in heaven and Hinata’s hand roams through his torso with an intention that blurs the thoughts going on inside his head. She looks like a goddess, her black hair looking almost blue under the light, her ample breasts swinging with her every move, her mouth slightly open, a shuddery breath leaving her. 
He wants to be inside her so bad it hurts. 
His hands roam her body. Her hips, her waist, her chest. His hands dig and he feels his fingers sink, eliciting moans he is mesmerized by. His hips shoot up, his whole body intent on entering hers, even though his own dick lays limp near his thigh.
It’s Hinata who sets the rhythm, who grabs his hands and brings them to her back, who doubles over and kisses him with such passion he lets himself get lost on her tongue. 
He barely registers the time passing but he can feel his blood rushing down, his dick rises and rises and then stands proud between his legs. Hinata lets her bottom fall to it, her hips riding his pelvis. She coats his cock with her heat and leaves unceremonious kisses down Naruto’s chest as she straddles his thighs. She fumbles around looking for the condom and Naruto hands it to her with a smirk on his face. 
“Here, love.” 
His hands play with her thighs as she puts the condom on him, his hips rolling under her. She laughs. 
She loves him. 
The feeling of him inside her in this position is marvelous. He feels thick and she feels him deep and most of all, the way he looks at her… like she’s the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. 
In between the taste of him in her mouth, the way his sweat pearls at his neck and the grunts that escape him as he jumps his hips to meet hers, she comes undone fairly quick. She feels herself squeezing Naruto, and his own face scrunches in exquisite agony. She rides her high with his kisses on her hair, his hand on her back -his fingers barely touching her sensitive skin. 
She still feels him hard inside of her and the sound of his heft leaving her body is bubbly and wet. Her own body clenching in search of Naruto is enough to make her blush, but she doesn’t let it take over. Naruto has long told her he finds it extremely hot and flattering. And as he carefully lets her rest on her side, his fingers tracing her body, he sits at her legs, moving them in order to look. Stare, really. 
He kisses her calf, lets it rest over his shoulder and he moves closer. His erection still wrapped in a condom. His hands hover over her body and when his breath hitches again, when his penis looks harder than before, he takes off his condom -lets it fly wherever- and then grabs himself and pumps. Slowly at first, his fist squeezing hard, as if choking himself, but then the air grows thin and his mouth bites against Hinata’s leg. Her own hands touching herself, opening herself for him to look and Naruto looks and stares and eats her up and then he grunts and moans and feels himself spilling. Over her sex, over her stomach, some of it even reaches her breasts. And her chest rises and falls almost in tandem with him, as if she’s come again. 
“Come,” she breathes, her hands beckoning him and Naruto almost but throws himself at her. His mouth nuzzling against her neck.
“Do you want to shower?”
“We can shower tomorrow.”
He drags his semen over her body, lets his hand rest over her stomach. “Want me to move over?”
But her arms just squeeze him harder and he chuckles. He falls asleep soon after, tired and blissfully spent. 
Naruto wakes up with a start. He didn’t check his alarm before sleeping and he’s somehow scared he has overslept, so he wakes and rises and jumps out of the bed. 
Hinata wriggles on the bed, and he grabs his cellphone with his heart on his throat.
Please let it be early. Please let it be early.
It's 9:48 and he sighs and rakes his hand over his hair. It’s fine. Everything’s fine.
Things are still going according to plan. Thank fucking god. If they don’t make it in time for today's lunch… fuck, if they had to run to get there it would have been so fucking embarrassing. Horrible. Terrible. 
“Baby?” Hinata’s voice is full of sleep and Naruto wants to kick himself for being such a dumbass. 
“Yes, love, I’m here.”
“Are you all right?”
“Yes, baby, I was just worried and wanted to check something on my phone.”
She chuckles. And Naruto can feel his body relaxing, good, he hasn’t fucked up everything. 
“Are we good, then?” Her hair is all tousled and the sheets fall from her chest, her breasts in plain view.
“Yes, I just got scared thinking I overslept. Sorry if I woke you.”
She smiles back, shaking her head. “No, it’s all right, means more time for us, right?”
Naruto pouts. He loves her. HE LOVES HER. He runs to the bed and jumps over. Hinata’s shrieks fill the room and he makes a show of kissing and blowing raspberries over her skin. 
They let the sun wash over them -seeing as they never closed the curtains back-, and Naruto stretches, letting his hands roam over Hinata’s body with intent.
“Just stretching, just stretching.”
She looks so happy Naruto just stares. And it’s her hand that finds his. “So,” she starts. “Do we have some time?”
He raises an eyebrow.
“You know, yesterday you were pretty eager to try the jacuzzi outside, so-”
Naruto smirks back and his body starts to be pretty enthusiastic to go to the jacuzzi asap, too. Images of Hinata’s body over the jacuzzi, her bottom to him, his body drilling into her and-
His mouth is salivating so he has to gulp down first. “Well, yes, but- and believe me when I tell you that this is a tough decision to make,” she slaps his shoulder in laughter, “I would rather we start preparing for our lunch, if that’s okay? I would love to take a short stroll around, you know, take in the view?”
Hinata reaches for him and she kisses him with such care Naruto follows her as she sits back. “Let’s get ready then, okay?”
They clean up the mess they made the day before. Naruto in only his boxers and Hinata wearing his shirt. It’s big on her and it always makes Naruto want to pound on her. So when they have tidied their clothes and Naruto has thrown away his used condoms, he walks to Hinata with intent and humps her body. 
She gives him one of her sultry smiles and they end up having a quickie right against the window. Naruto doesn’t even take off his underwear, and he bites a little too hard on Hinata’s body, as she ends up with a bright red bite mark on her shoulder.
“Sorry about that.” He washes the soap off her skin.
“Don’t be,” she covers the bruise with her hand and he can see her blush from here. “I liked it.”
Naruto groans, because they can’t keep on getting derailed from getting out of their room, and Hinata finds his suffering hilarious, because she makes a show of shoving her ass to him. Her bottom soft and inviting and-
Naruto just concentrates and takes off the edge by grabbing harder and kissing and biting whenever he has the chance. Hinata rewards him with squeaks and yelps he eats right up. And her eyes- oh, her eyes are telling him she really has no problem staying inside this room the whole weekend.
And in any other outing, he might have given this train of thought some chance, but now he has a very important mission. The most important mission of his entire life. So his dick will have to wait.
He’s sure it will be thankful along the way.
He washes the shampoo off Hinata’s hair and takes the time to wash his hair as Hinata puts on her conditioner. Naruto blows dry her hair as Hinata puts on her make-up and when they are ready he can feel his hand trembling. 
“I’m ready,” Hinata sings. Her energy eager and soft and everything he has ever loved. 
He breathes out, pats his jacket to make sure the box is there -inconspicuously, while HInata checks her purse before leaving- and then beckons for her to grab his hand.
He wonders whether it’s a good idea the moment he feels his hand sweating way too much, but taking it back now would be more suspicious so he sucks it up. Hinata says nothing as they walk down the hallway, making small talk about the show from yesterday and the beautiful architecture of the Suna Resort. And they fall into a rhythm- their rhythm and it helps Naruto calm down.  
The Suna Resort is beautiful, and Naruto feels genuine curiosity at its design, so they go take a round through the ginormous gardens. They walk hand in hand and marvel at some flowers and trees they see. Going out of their way to watch them closely, and take actual photos with them. 
They have a weird obsession with plants, sue them. 
They are taking the piss by guessing which of their friends would kill a particular plant the fastest and between Sasuke and his snooty attitude and Kiba and his need to show himself capable they guess they would end up killing them at the same time but for completely different reasons. They laugh out loud as they come up with the excuses they would give and time just flies away. Like everytime they are together. 
They are walking back to the resort with time to spare, because though Naruto has tried to seem nonchalant Hinata can feel his anxiousness. She doesn’t say anything, though.
Bless her soul.
Naruto does try to make Hinata go on first -he wants to check with the clerk at the entrance if everything is ready-, but he had forgotten that Hinata does hate leaving him behind. All his fault, of course, he had once shared with her how that was one of his worst fears.
Being left alone, but you know, like being left behind for mundane shit, just, people not realizing you’re not there when you stop to tie your shoelaces and they keep on walking, or people just being entranced and not realizing you’re not part of the conversation anymore, that type of stupid stuff. Being left behind and seeing that you really didn’t matter that much anyways.
It’s dumb.
It’s not that he cares that much anymore either. He had shared that with her back when they were literal children, 12 and shit, and Naruto was really fucked up about being abandoned and being an orphan and not really feeling like he belonged anywhere.
It’s not like that anymore. It hasn’t been like that since he got actual friends, and even less with Hinata. 
Fuck, his relationship with her is one of the things he would swear by, put his neck on the line and stuff. So he doesn’t have it in him to keep on pushing and he just hopes that the talk he had yesterday with the dude is enough. He has bothered them enough, what with the calls and the emails and him checking again yesterday. He has to believe everything’s going according to plan. 
They sit and they eat beautifully arranged food that Hinata seems to be delighted by. When they wait for the next course she scoots over to him and takes a couple of photos of them, Naruto looks slightly nervous so he makes it a point to smile naturally. The food is tasty, so Naruto lets himself be absorbed in it, it’s not hard. Hell, he’s so glad for all this he’s going to grovel and kiss Gaara’s metaphorical ass when he goes back -Gaara will look at him dry and refuse anything, of course, so Naruto will whine and thank him harder-, the dude has been so pivotal to this whole ordeal…
They’re onto desserts now and Naruto has to put his hand over his knee to keep it from moving. Everything’s fine. Dandy. Good. 
Hinata loves him and she- 
She wouldn’t-
“That was a lovely meal.” Her hair flutters along as they walk to the gardens again -Naruto insisted- and she looks so pretty he somehow, stupidly enough, begins to think that maybe, just maybe, Hinata is not ready for this. 
He is sure of this. This is the most sure he has ever felt about anything in his life. But he’s him and Hinata has a life… that doesn’t really need him in it. If she were to turn around and give him the cold shoulder he would probably never recover from it. The mere thought of it- 
He knows the thought anchored itself as a pretty common nightmare back in the day. When she made herself at home in his tiny, horrible apartment, and then when she would shower him with love he didn’t believe he deserved. He has buried those fears and those feelings but sometimes they just spring forth, you know? Like maybe if he wasn’t in the picture she could have a boyfriend with actual money and she wouldn’t have to live like he does. Worrying over finances and fearing the future. 
She is an heiress and she’s filthy rich -though she doesn’t flaunt it-, and she’s hot as fuck, too. The mere idea that he, in some way, somehow, deserves her is funny.
Ridiculous, even. 
Fuck, maybe he should wait a little more. A couple more years, till he has some more concrete offers in life. A good life. The life she deserves.
She crashes into him and Naruto has to catch her in his arms to keep himself from staggering. Fuck.
“What’s wrong?”
She always knows, somehow. Appears when he needs her, says just the right thing at the right moment. Pushes him to better himself without actually making him feel less or lacking or inadequate or defective or poor or orphaned. She squeals when he hugs her back, all his body around, her back curving. FUCK.
“I love you so much.” And maybe that’s all he needs and all she wants. If she’s stayed with him all these years.
Years, jesus. She has been with him for literal years. And the only time they even had the tiniest semblance of a fight was when he wouldn’t let her father lend him money. And sure, they had said their pieces and tried for the other to understand. 
And then they did. 
And that was it. Naruto took most of the opportunities he could without relying only on being Hinata’s boyfriend to get them. And yes, he still somehow felt guilty, but he wanted this life with her so…
He wants this life with her. And- 
It had been once, Naruto was cleaning around his apartment -it wasn’t nice and having it being messy made it look atrocious, so he had to be at least fucking tidy- and Hinata had stirred in his bed. And it had looked so surreal, that moment.  
The woman he loved, who somehow loved him back here in his apartment. Here in his little, mediocre bed after having sex. And the cup noodles in his hand and his own fucking body made him feel so inferior. So unsuitable. He had kept on cleaning and his thoughts were awful, and it only made him feel worse. 
When Hinata finally woke up, naked and beautiful, Naruto just stared. Told her he was preparing something for them and kept on brooding. And she- 
She had put on one of his shirts and kept on tidying around, came up to him with a smile on her face and made a show of smelling the beat-up pot and making as if the smell was wondrous. It broke him.
“Are you sure you’re happy with me?”
In hindsight, it had been a dick move. They had become acquainted with their bodies only for a couple of months then and they were in his fucking apartment. She was naked and it was late at night, the thought makes him feel so fucking stupid now.
Her face had fallen and her body had gone rigid. She had pouted, frowned at him. “Yes,” she had breathed, and then everything fell silent and she went to sit at his bed. And he hadn’t had it in him to go to her and kneel, ask for forgiveness -beg for it. He still thought he was somehow doing her a favor. Dumbass.
Then he felt his eyes prickling and could he be any more of a fucking piece of shit? Sure, bring forth that dumb question and then get sad for it. He had sniffled and served the noodles in two bowls. And she had been dressed. All her pretty clothes on her pretty body and he had frozen. He had frozen. The nerve. 
“Maybe I should go back home,” she had whispered. Her eyes red and her face stricken with dried tears. 
“I’m sorry.” He can’t remember where he left the bowls of noodles, and if he ran to her or walked to her slowly. He only knows he was standing one second and then on his knees the next. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have- Sorry.”
She hadn’t cried. She had stared at him, her mouth a thin line, her face hard. “Don’t…” she had struggled for words, maybe she had wanted to slap him, that would have been good. “Don’t doubt my feelings for you.” He nodded, his hands hovering over her, as if he wasn’t allowed to touch her. “Ever.” Her voice had been final. So full of hardness his mind had gone blank. 
“Promise me.”
It had been the roughest he had ever seen her, the angriest she had ever been. And his heart had been leaping with joy. And then he began crying. “I promise. I swear, I’m sorry, I just- you’re so good and you’re so-,” he waved his hand around, encompassing her. Hinata had looked pained. “I am nothing,” he spat, “I have nothing to offer but hardship and you don’t deserve that.”
And then she began to cry and Naruto just let his hands rest at her thighs, his thumbs caressing her in an attempt to fix what he had done. Why the fuck had he brought that up? “I’m really sorry, I don’t know why I brought that up,” only he did, so he backtracked immediately, because, shit, if he was gonna lay his feelings then at least take the fucking shot, right? “No, I do, I just- I’m terrified of you realizing down the line that, you know, I’m fucking baggage- or that you can do better, so much better than me.” His face to her legs, because fuck it if he was gonna watch as she finally realized this truth. As she finally started to look at him like… others did. 
She brought his eyes to hers, and the fire in her eyes, the strength in her hands just made him feel worse, he had broken this, all his fucking fault because he had been scared.
“Naruto,” her voice serious, low, echoey. “You really don’t know how great you are, huh?” She had chuckled, and the spell was broken. Her kisses all over his face, her bubbly laugh all he could hear. “I love you, too,” she shared, “and I also worry, Naruto, that you'll find me too much work, you know.”
“Yes,” a laugh, “I also worry, haven’t you seen how people look at you? You’re hot.”
“What? No.”
“Yes, yes.”
He had laughed, dried his tears on his shoulder and hugged her. Hard, like he could make them forget this whole moment. Bury it. And then her voice had been so soft. So very soft.
“Please don’t ever doubt my feelings, please.”
“I won’t, sorry, I never will.”
“But you know, also let’s have talks like this every now and then, all right?”
So maybe Naruto ought to remember those things he said and keep them at the forefront of his mind. He had promised not to doubt her, so why was he doing that now?
Hinata is still giggling from his impromptu confession and he fills up on courage from he doesn’t know where. But he’s ready now. 
“Shall we-,” he gulps, “shall we go to that gazebo over there?”
His intentions don’t go unnoticed, that’s for sure, but as they walk there he realizes it doesn’t matter. The flowers are visible from afar and the gazebo looks like a dream with some lace hanging and fluttering with the wind. It’s perfect. He could kiss the clerk right now. 
Hinata stills a second and yes, the cat’s out of the bag and she hasn’t run. So that’s good. He’s sweating and he worries whether he should let go of Hinata’s hand, but she grabs onto him so he soldiers on. His hand goes to his pocket, where the solid presence of the ring box helps him focus. 
He is a man on a mission. 
He steals a glance back to his girlfriend and her eyes are glued to the gazebo, her hair billowing at her back and Naruto has to force himself to keep on walking and not get on his knee right there and then. 
There are a couple of people looking at them curiously and Naruto even catches an old couple smiling warmly at them. He catches a clerk somewhat hiding between the trees and maybe doing this out in the open wasn’t the best of ideas…
He’s already nervous as is, he doesn’t know if he needs the extra attention. 
But then he’s in front of the gazebo and Hinata lets go of his hand, taking the few steps before them and turning to him. She looks like a painting, like a memory he wants burned right into his brain. He can only smirk, huff even, because he forgets everything but her and this place, what do they matter. He walks to her, a hand to her back. 
“Do you like it?”
“It’s beautiful.” Her voice is filled with awe and Naruto has to remind myself that he has to give her the flowers first, talk to her and tell her how much she means to him and his sorry life before actually popping the question. 
“Will you marry me?”
Her eyes grow big and she looks flabbergasted. And then Naruto remembers he fucking skipped like 8 steps to this whole scenario. “Wait,” he hurries, reaching for the table and grabbing the soft bouquet he has prepared for the occasion -his hands are shaking-, “I have this for you, should have given them first.”
Hinata’s eyes fall to the flowers and he sees the tears pooling there. They are the same ones they had talked about -ages ago-, when talking about hypothetical scenarios, Naruto had had the brilliant idea to sneak in the question of which flowers should she want for her wedding bouquet, followed by the ‘well, then, what about for when you’re being proposed to?’
A beautiful arrangement of purple and white for both of them was the answer. And judging by the way her tears are already falling, he feels pretty proud of himself already. He squares in front of her, his hands to her, covering her -also trembling- hands over the bouquet. “Hinata,” he starts, and he gulps down the lump in his throat, “I-” he smirks. Hinata’s chin is trembling slightly and she’s thinning her lips to keep herself from crying harder. “I love you.” It’s that simple, actually, the whole truth. “I love you more than my life, I-” he gulps again, “I love who I am when I’m with you, I love our routines and our secrets and our jokes and I- I don’t think I want to live without you ever. I want to- to grow old with you and hopefully die before you do because- because,” and now he’s crying and biting his lips in order to keep his composure, “just being without you is torture and I don’t want that, so- uh,” he reaches for his pocket and brings out the ring box and Hinata gasps, he falls to his knee and looks up at her with the box open. A simple engagement ring, because he couldn’t afford the more luxurious ones, not without being irresponsible about his money and that’s something Hinata worries too much about. “Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
There’s a second of silence, but he’s not worried. Not even when the wind picks up and the lace and Hinata’s hair swirls around, and time seems to still a second too long, as if minutes pass, but he somehow knows now. He’s sure she will accept, so he’s not scared, nothing like the turmoil he was feeling just a second ago. The tightness that had been following him for weeks now. Nervous and anxious and filled with thoughts he knew were unfounded.
Now he is sure, he knows, he is certain. So he smiles, taking in the way Hinata’s hand grasps at her bouquet, the way her other hand stands between them -the trembling of her fingers visible- as she nods, almost imperceptible. He feels his cheeks hurting now. 
He chuckles as their hands touch, their trembling hands trying their best to let Hinata’s ring fall right into her finger. She reaches forward and lets the ring rest snuggly against her skin. It looks beautiful.
“It’s perfect,” she whispers.
Naruto smiles, he stands as he clasps her hand on his. It’s not perfect like he wanted, but if Hinata is happy with it, then he’ll roll with it. He will buy her another one down the line, if she wants, he will do his best, try his best and give her the life she deser-
“It’s perfect,” she jumps to his arms and he only hugs her closer. Yes, she’s right. “Thank you, Naruto,” and Naruto only snorts, because really he should be the one thanking her for being in his life. 
“I love you.” That ought to suffice. He gives her another squeeze before putting distance, relishing the way her face brightened and is now beaming. He ducks and kisses her, hard. And when they return to their room the clerk that was hiding behind the trees reaches them and hands him an envelope. 
They spend the rest of the afternoon laughing at their faces in the pictures and touching and reaching for each other around the small table. 
Hinata singles out a bunch of photos -the best ones- and spends more time on one of them, the perfect shot of them just before Naruto kissed her. Their bodies are curved and their foreheads are touching, the love is obvious and their smiles shine with the sunlight reaching them. Naruto will have it framed. 
“You know,” Hinata starts, Naruto still engrossed in the photos before him. “This holliday was just perfect for me, you know?”
Naruto gives her a radiant smile. As if hearing her say this was the best thing he could ever hope for. 
“Which is why,” she continues, “I believe you deserve a reward.” And then he perks up, his attention on her. She giggles. “What do you say we use the jacuzzi now?”
It’s a flutter of laughter as he begins undressing himself and working the jacuzzi and then coming back and undressing Hinata, all the while whispering sweet nothings that intermingle with his “you make me so hard, look,” which only make Hinata’s laughter grow lusty and her touches more intent. She pumps him when he’s too close. 
“Ma’am, I want to blow inside you, please.”
“I’m sure we can make both happen.” 
So he comes on her breasts first and then ravishes her on their bed. His tongue all over her body, her legs hooked against his shoulders, giving him an anchor to let her soar in ecstasy. They laugh again as Hinata’s moan echoes inside the room.
“What a great day,” Hinata sighs.
“About to become even greater, come on.”
It’s the joy of their commitment, the relief of their union that makes them seek the other. As if confirming, as if consecrating. When they get into the water Naruto lowers Hinata while peppering kisses on her skin, a string of I love you’s flowing from his mouth.
They make love slowly. Their skin sliding against each other, creating delicious friction. Hinata moans into his ear and Naruto comes undone soon after, the knowledge of his ring on her hand, its roughness against his skin a new feeling he welcomes with intense pleasure. 
Hinata slips into the tub and Naruto catches her midway, his arm strong as he sits on the steps, resting her weight against him. He hides himself on her neck. Her body the only thing he truly feels, the only thing he ever truly wants to feel.
So when their fingers trace patterns on the other’s skin, they remain silent. The water bubbling around them, moving Hinata’s hair in the water. 
Her whole body against his chest. “I love you.” Her declaration of love.
“I love you more,” he bites her skin and then it’s her bottom playing against his body. His blood singing already. “I only brought one condom.”
“You can pull out,” she turns to him, her eyes indecipherable, “or not. I would love a family with you.”
Naruto wants to cry. He lets his erection rub against her. “I’m gonna pull out, but just because we’re still students,” he stands, letting Hinata grab hold of the edges in order to steady herself. Her back to him, her ass against him. “The moment we get married…” He sinks his fingers against her body, leaving marks when he lets go. Hinata moans. He bends over, his teeth leaving marks where he can, “You’ll look so pretty with my child in your belly.”
Hinata mewls as she pushes back against him, his name leaving her mouth as a moan. 
He feels he can’t breathe. The water sloshes and the sound of their bodies is lascivious. Hinata ends up with her body out of the jacuzzi, resting on the wood around it, Naruto drilling behind her, his hands white as he grabs the edges. She drags her nails at his forearms as she comes, red flaring up. He meets her body a couple more times, his grunts growing frenzied, and then he leaves her, with an audible pop that only makes her miss his touch and his pressure. She feels the warmth raining on her back and his ragged breaths against her wet skin. 
“What a great day,” she mumbles. Her mind still groggy.
Naruto cackles.
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spaciousignatius · 2 years
TBDOE Chapter 4 update
okay so im working on it and i'm really excited about this next chapter, however I was listening to music last night, inserting naruhina into the situations of the song (we all do it and you know it) and I had a really fun idea for a NaruHina jealous ex boyfriend fic ft. Toneri (normally i'd exclude the Last as much as I can for the sake of keeping my own ideas but it works so well with toneri that I cant not use him) so I think im gonna write that first and post it before I update the dark between our eyes again. The new update will still come soon I just really love this one shot idea! Thanks to everyone who reads my fics and looks forward to the updates!!
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vibinglikethat · 1 year
watching naruto for the first time in 2023 is something that can be so personal,
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sasukeless · 15 days
Fans that act like sns are downplaying platonic relationships because we ship naruto and sasuke are irritating
lol. most of ppl that say shipping narusasu is downplaying platonic relationships are 99% of the time homophobes or just sasusakus/naruhinas mad ppl don’t like their badly written ships. naruto itself has dozens and dozens of friendships examples and platonic relationships and ik there’s people that multiship but some don’t and view those friendships as they are.
it’s funny also only queer ships get this argument and never straight. why is nejiten such a popular ship despite barely having scenes together yet there’s no one nagging the shippers telling them all the time how wrong they are for turning their friendship into a romance? i wonder
you can not ship narusasu that’s whatever idc but acting like narusasu has not canon backup is just plain denial. they literally parallel canon couples, they have the symbolism, the subtext, the MUTUAL feelings and development from both sides (which certain ships lack), and even actual attraction as well. like ik every queer ships always use this argument but if narusasu was an het ship people wouldn’t deny the romance—OH WAIT that already happened, who else read kishimoto’s mario one shot 🤨 mario and saori never kissed or got together either and yet everyone knows they are a romance.
narusasu is not even a “fujoshis” ships only. general public, dudebros and just casual fans all agreed there’s something in there even if they don’t like it. meanwhile ss and nh fans need to make ten analysis why sasuke and naruto not liking or caring for sakura and hinata Actual doesn’t mean they don’t like or care for them and you have to watch a filler or read novels kishimoto didn’t even write and that contradict each other AND manga canon to understand their relationships. even though you don’t have to do that with other canon couples with less than 10 panels like minakushi, shikatema, dan and tsunade or narusasu
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sasukesun · 11 months
kishimoto literally said in an interview that neji died as a cupid for naruhina, not that it’s not clear enough by the manga, but the creator said that himself. how can anyone take his death seriously? and when you look at the writing it’s just clownery after clownery.
as this post says, you have the wooden spears being fired, enough time for not one, but two people to jump in front of the attack, but not enough time to use a jutsu to break them, nor to push who’s getting attacked, and the spears aren’t even powerful enough to impale multiple people, just one. so neji, a jounin, end up taking the shot.
and then neji starts his final words with this:
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it seems that he is trying to push hinata to naruto, which makes no sense of his character to do that. of course he continues with this:
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and that makes a bit more of sense considering that if hinata’s life is at risk, it means his is as well, because, you know, he is her slave and must do that. but still, neji and naruto’s relationship has never been about hinata, it’s out of character of neji to do that, in his final moments above all.
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neji isn’t dying for naruto, he isn’t dying for his comrade, the wooden spike would only kill hinata, neji is dying for her, it makes no sense of him to say this either, they tried to push this idea that neji was dying for naruto because “he was called a genius” but i can’t buy any of that when it just looks like he was used as a cupid (and confirmed by kishi after).
and then what happens after obito mocks neji’s death? hinata says this:
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pushing some guilt trippy will of fire discourse onto him, and not only that, but the content itself sounds similar to naruto’s speech to his dark self only to repress it, that he needs to be the man, the hero, people expect him to be, which we know it’s bullshit, another part of the story that doesn’t look like it’s taken seriously by kishimoto either.
(would also like to comment about hinata saying “what inspired neji and carried him this far were those very principles” because they are again trying to mask how neji died for hinata as her slave, sweeping things under the rug much).
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hinata’s speech to him, which is complemented by kurama for some reason (why is everybody out of character in this moment oh my god), isn’t even that romantic if you look at it, it has a lot of “will of fire” content, and it makes waterfall of truth and boruto (and naruhina consequently) even more ironic and goofy imo. incredible how the parts of naruto’s character going wrong at the ending are all tied to boruto huh.
and if you look at naruto holding hinata’s hand… it’s still not shippy on naruto’s side… he had just thought about everybody “who’s been on his side” (those people… wtf really), and says it’s because of all of those people, not just hinata. even after all this bullshit, naruto can’t genuinely reciprocate her lol.
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just can’t wrap my head around how unserious this entire moment is, how damaging it is to the ending and naruto’s character, how it was set up only to push for the cash cow that is boruto, the level gets so low when the own writer doesn’t care about the writing.
disclaimer: sasusaku shippers dni, your ship is just as bad
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mixelation · 2 months
Thoughts on canon ships: NaruHina? SaiIno? ShikaTema?
send me a ship and i'll give you my brutally honest opinion on it
Having only read the manga for much of part 2, Hinata is not heavily featured as doing much at all, and this ship came off as pretty shoehorned in. As I've talked about before, I like Hinata's ~aesthetic~, but I don't find her very interesting. I additionally don't really find teen/adult Naruto that interesting. So like.... this ship is just very boring to me lol.
Their canon marriage did Hinata less dirty than Sakura, at least. Like I know Boruto is mad his dad isn't around more, but adult Hinata seems to have enough of a spine that I think she and Naruto have probably worked out compromises for his insane work schedule.
This ship also has barely any canon development and yet somehow makes perfect sense to me. They are the mean girl couple. They talk shit about you in front of you. They have matching midriffs. I also think Sai and Ino are weirdly compatible. Like, Sai is someone who seems to yearn for connections with other people, but he needs how relationships even work clearly laid out for him. He needs his partner to be able to very clearly communicate their emotions and how they want to be treated. Ino is both self-aware and confident enough to do exactly this. And I think, besides canonically finding him hot, Ino would find Sai's uncomplicated approach to interpersonal relationships to be a relief. He's mean and catty in a way that's fun, but also she can just go "when you say X, it makes me feel Y" and he will actually engage with that and have an honest conversation about it.
This might be the only canon ship that felt developed besides SasuNaru. Like, the new one-shot I think did a lot for MinaKushi, but their original backstory was just kind of like, "Okay?"
Shikamaru and Temari have a certain edginess to their interactions that Compelled me when I was like 12. He impresses her in a fight and then forfeits and says she would have won, and everyone should know that. She shows up to save his ass in the Sasuke retrieval arc. When we see them again, they're working together on official Chunin Exam business. It really did feel like their relationship was built up purposefully. I don't remember ever actively seeking out content (probably because canon was enough for me), but I was on board as a baby teen.
That being said, now that I've grown and matured, I'm not really compelled by this ship any more. I don't really like the way Shikamaru's role in the manga kind of turned into "genius favorite character can do no wrong," and I don't like the way Temari was treated in her match against Shikamaru. Like, even though she won, it's painted sooooo firmly as Shikamaru being cool and mature. Given Naruto as a manga is very bad at giving any women agency, it's kind of annoying. But it is developed in canon. I'll give it that.
I do think I might click on a fic that was less about the ship itself and more about, like... navigating Temari's bizarre family. How does Shikamaru interact with her brothers? Do they ever visit Suna and have super awkward family dinners? What was integrating into Konoha like for Temari?
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powerful-niya · 9 days
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— (вяєαкιиg вσυи∂αяιєѕ.)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚hαppч nαruhínα mσnth єvєrчσnє!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟿: 𝚂𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝚘𝚛 𝙶𝚢𝚖 𝙰𝚄 + "𝙸 𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝚊 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙸 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞." - (𝙽𝙷𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝟸𝟹)
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Link to Oneshot below ↴
Part #1: Wattpad | AO3
Part #2: Wattpad | AO3
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Pairing˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Naruhina
Synopsis˚ ༘♡ ⋆。The very idea of stepping into a gym has always been intimidating for Hinata, with its bustling crowds and the watchful gazes of others.
However, driven by the goal of getting fit, she finds support from her best friend, Sakura, leading her into the capable hands of Naruto Uzumaki, a highly skilled personal trainer. 
With Naruto's guidance, Hinata feels like she's finally on track to achieve her goals, both physical and personal.
Yet, as their relationship evolves with each training session, Hinata can't help but wonder if their relationship is becoming something more than just professional.
Content Tags˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Affirmations • Angst • Body Acceptance • Body Appreciation • Body Positivity • December 19 • December 31 • Feel Good • Fitness Journey • Forbidden Love • Gym AU • Gym Anxiety • Gym Romance • Humor • Love & Fitness • Mutual Pining • Misunderstandings • Mixed Signals • Modern AU • New Beginnings • Nhmonth • Nhmonth23 • Personal Trainer • Power Differences • Public • Self-Discovery • Sexy Naruto • Shy Hinata • Touchy-Feely Romance • Trainer X Trainee • Unexpected Love • Unrequited Love • Working Out • 2023 •
NSFW Tags˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚  Accidental Stimulation • Body Worship • Cock Bulge • Cock Worship • Come-Marking • Cunnilingus • Desperation • Dirty talk • Dom/Sub • Exhibitionism • Explicit • Fantasies & Fantasizing • Foreplay • Freaky • Groping • Gym Sex • Intimate Training • Kinky • Lewd • Loss of Control  • (Major) Size Difference Kink • Marathon Sex • Masturbation  • Messy • Muscle Kink • Multiple Orgasms • NSFW • Overstimulation • Power play • Praise Kink • Pussy Worship • Rough Sex • Scent Kink • Secret Desires • Semi Public • Sensual Touches • Sensual Workouts • Shower Sex • Spanking • Squirting • Strength Kink • Sweat Kink • Teasing • Tryst • Unprotected Sex • Vaginal Sex • Wandering Hands • Yearning • 2023
Overall Word Count˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
💪Part #1: 15.9k
💪Part #2: 18.9k
Tumblr Post: Word Count˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚3.9k
Preview ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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"I shouldn't have done this," Hinata muttered to herself, her voice barely audible over the bustling activity of the gym she found herself in.
It was a place she had never truly been a part of, an outsider peering into a world she had never dared to enter before.
The gym.
Hinata shook her head.
What was she thinking?
Rapidly, like a schizophrenic patient, her lavender eyes darted hesitantly across the area, cringing at the sight of numerous bodies of all sizes–scattered throughout the place.
Her gaze swept over the multitude of people, each one deeply engrossed in their workout routine, contributing to the rhythmic ebb and flow of the gym's energy.
The people here, sporting wide ranges of colorful fitness gear, moved with a comfort and ease that she envied, effortlessly blending into the hustle and bustle of the gym without a single worry in sight.
Conversations merged into a low murmur, punctuated by the occasional clank of weights, the whir of exercise machines, and random music from someone's headphones nearby.
The air was thick with the unmistakable scent of sweat, enveloping her like a heavy blanket, each breath saturated with the pungent aroma. It clung to her slightly dewy skin, mingling with the heat radiating from the bodies all around her.
To say Hinata was overwhelmed would be an understatement; nerves currently coursed through her so intensely that she felt like she was seconds away from barfing.
She felt queasy.
The gym was so packed!
Hinata wasn't one for crowded spaces, but the thought of pushing herself through intense public workouts amidst all the hustle and bustle of a crowd definitely takes the cake.
All those people.
All those eyes.
Watching her.
She shuddered.
Let's just say, going to the gym has never been on the top of her bucket list.
Hinata smacked her forehead in frustration.
Then, why did she choose to listen to Sakura?
Why did she actually go through with her advice?
When Hinata expressed the desire to kickstart the new year by shedding a bit of weight and getting fit, she hadn't anticipated finding herself in a packed gym, surrounded by sweaty bodies, waiting, what seemed like an eternity for her new personal trainer.
No way.
"Yep, this is a bad idea." Hinata groaned, feeling the very reason she had dreaded coming to the gym materializing all around her.
"Oh no, you don't! You're not backing out, Hinata-chan. I've done wayyy too much for you to chicken out and leave now."
Sakura Haruno.
Hinata's best friend.
The pink-haired woman's voice burst through the phone pressed against Hinata's ear, shattering the brief silence that had settled on her end.
Her voice startled Hinata, only adding to the anxiety that practically permeated every inch of her being.
Anxiously, the midnight blue-haired woman began to bounce her leg up and down, her eyes continuously scanning the area.
She occupied a sad, empty cushioned chair tucked away in a corner of one of the gym's lounge areas, her fitness bag and water bottle claiming the seat beside her.
Hinata shook her head, her messy bun growing even messier.
"No buts, Hinata-chan! There's nothing to worry about, it's just nerves. You'll be fine, I promise."
Hinata let out a whimper, surveying the crowded gym once again. Yet, no matter how many times she glanced around, the feeling of being out of place lingered, refusing to go away.
She bit her lip nervously, "I-I don't know, Sakura-chan."
"Hinata-chan, you've got to stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize, girl. Aren't you determined to achieve those New Year's goals you keep pestering yourself about?"
Sakura's encouraging voice bombarded Hinata with questions, urging her on.
"And what about working towards that healthier lifestyle you've always wanted, huh?"
"H-Hai, demo..." Hinata hesitated, her thoughts muddled.
"You want to get toned up, don't ya? Wanna get snatched?
"W-Well yes, that's, um, one way of putting it..."
"Okay then! Just imagine all the attention you'll get from men when you finally get that body all plump and fit. You'll have them lining up for you, even more than they already do-"
"Sakura-chan!" Hinata protested, feeling the heat rising in her cheeks due to Sakura's bold and certainly unexpected comment.
A mischievous giggle bubbled from Sakura's lips from her end of the phone, the sound teasing and light-hearted, as she relished in Hinata's reaction.
Hinata shook her head, "Y-You know th-that's certainly not what I want!"
On that remark, Sakura's giggle tapered off into a chuckle, clearly hearing the embarrassment in her best friend's tone.
"Relax, Hinata-chan, I'm just messing with you."
Sakura spoke, her tone softer now, trying to ease Hinata's embarrassment.
There was a brief pause before Sakura's voice arose again.
"You did check in at the front desk, didn't you?
Hinata nodded nervously, stammering, "H-Hai. I-I checked in-"
"Then there's nothing to worry about! Just take it easy until your personal trainer arrives. You'll really appreciate it once he does."
Sakura quipped, the excitement in her voice evident. She made sure to stress the word "really" in that sentence.
"The trainer I've set you up with is seriously top-notch—he was actually recommended by my own trainer. He's seriously amazing, gets five-star ratings, and he really looks out for his clients. I'm sure he'll take great care of you too, Hinata-chan!"
Hinata hummed, intrigued, to say the least.
With Sakura's words, they actually managed to alleviate the weight of anxiety from Hinata's shoulders.
Momentarily anyway.
A glimmer of relief washed over the midnight blue-haired woman as she sat and mulled over Sakura's assurance.
For a fleeting moment, Hinata permitted herself to entertain the hope that everything would turn out fine, that she was indeed in capable hands.
She desperately wanted to believe in Sakura, and in her words, to cling onto the reassurance she offered.
She tried to fight the anxiety.
She tried to fight the doubt.
She tried to push down those annoying feelings with all of her might.
But she couldn't keep them down for long.
Because just as she tried...
Just as she tried to think positive, other plaguing thoughts began to creep into her mind.
The most prominent one being the lingering issue at hand:
Her late personal trainer.
Once again, doubt and uncertainty came flooding back in, gnawing at her confidence and relief. And before she knew it, her mood shifted once again, simmering irritation bubbling up within her.
Now, she was annoyed.
Hinata couldn't help but feel as if her emotions were fluctuating as wildly as those of a pregnant woman, leaving her feeling completely disoriented.
She just wanted to go home.
Hinata gave her head another shake, her lavender eyes wandering around the gym yet again.
"I'm trying to believe you, Sakura-chan, I really am, demo..." She muttered into the phone with a groan.
"Gomen, Sakura-chan, I don't mean to offend you, but... I'm just not buying it " Hinata blurted out under her breath.
She was met with silence on the other end, so she continued.
"All the ex-excitement you're expressing about this 'mysteriously great' personal trainer doesn't convince me, especially since, let me remind you, he's running late," Hinata muttered impatiently.
"So unprofessional." She groaned under her lips.
Hinata has to be honest.
She actually harbored certain... preconceptions about personal trainers.
She actually saw them as intimidating military generals that barked constant orders at their trainees, permitted them no rest, and perhaps even pushed them past their breaking point.
It was her first experience with a personal trainer, and she wasn't quite sure what to expect.
Especially since her trainer is male!
It was all Sakura's fault.
She set her up—specifically assigning her a male personal trainer and deliberately not accompanying Hinata to the gym in person.
It was Sakura's idea of "treating her" to something nice for a change, but Hinata perceived it as nothing more than a tease, a curse, some form of punishment!
Sakura certainly knew that Hinata had always struggled with interacting with boys; now, as a woman, men were no exception.
Hinata hasn't dated anyone since high school, where she fooled around, experienced her firsts, and participated in all the awkward things typical of teenagers—experiences that, as an adult, tends to come back and haunt.
She blushed in embarrassment at the many memories that came to mind.
Now, as a woman, a busy woman to be exact, actively functioning with a demanding schedule in her daily work life, it seems she has neglected intimacy for so long that she doesn't even know how to approach men anymore.
She was a complete klutz around them, always making a fool of herself, stumbling over her words, and just being a total embarrassment to both herself and everyone around.
Now, with the knowledge that her initial trainer would be a man, possibly examining her body as she exercised, touching her, talking to her, only intensified the overwhelming feelings she felt. Such feelings tore her up inside and threatened to make her want to just drop everything and run straight out of the gym.
If not that...
Then, Hinata was certain she might faint.
She whipped her head up once more, scanning the expansive area, shifting her gaze beyond equipment and moving bodies.
"Ugh, where could he be?"
As if things couldn't get any worse, and her nerves couldn't intensify further, Hinata has been seated in the same spot for forty minutes now. Not once has she laid eyes on her personal trainer, at least, not the man that matches the description Sakura provided.
Blonde hair.
Blue eyes.
Sexy as hell.
Hinata rolled her eyes.
She was well-acquainted with her best friend's tendencies, almost an expert on them given their long history together.
Having known Sakura for just about her entire life and regarding her as an older sister figure, Hinata knew that Sakura could over-exaggerate at times and, not only that, but also be quite over the top.
Yes, she was pretty proactive, Hinata has gotta give her credit for that.
Initially, she actually recommended Hinata her regular spot in Tokyo—Konoha Sports Club—to get her into the gym.
But Sakura didn't stop there.
She went above and beyond by securing a personal trainer for Hinata and adding her to her gym membership plan, generously covering all the expenses for her fitness plan.
Once again, Hinata couldn't help but roll her eyes.
Typical Sakura, always so over the top.
For months, Sakura had been on Hinata's case about joining the gym, pushing her to quit hiding in the comfort of her home, to just give up on all those failed attempts to work out using her TV.
But given Hinata's clear disinclination, the gym wasn't exactly her comfort zone, and the idea of having a male personal trainer didn't align with her usual preferences.
Nevertheless, against all odds, Hinata found herself here, in the gym.
Her New Year's resolutions were now on the brink of transforming from mere overly optimistic thoughts dismissed on a day-to-day basis—into tangible reality.
Hinata groaned.
But... with her personal trainer nowhere in sight, she started to see it as a sign—an opportunity to rethink her rather bold decision.
Initially, she had doubts, but now she was finally giving in to those... doubts.
Hinata sighed, lifting her hips from her seat, "Ah well, he didn't show. I guess that means I'm leaving now-"
"No, no, no! Don't you dare!"
"Why not, Sakura-chan," Hinata snapped, flopping back down in her seat, "Obviously, the personal trainer you've recommended isn't top-notch, or he'd be here—on time." Hinata snapped.
She shook her head in frustration, her patience worn thin.
At this point, her lips began to move almost involuntarily, frustration blinding her to her surroundings. Words began to just slip out of her mouth now.
"Besides, isn't working here at the gym his job? Shouldn't he be here instead of slacking off-"
"Hi... nata Hyuga?"
Hinata's words came to an abrupt halt, as did her entire world, as an unfamiliar husky voice broke through her concentration, interrupting her phone call and well, her entire train of thought.
Hinata's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly whipped her head toward the culprit who called her name.
To her surprise, she found herself gazing into the bluest eyes she had ever seen.
It was a man.
But not any ordinary man.
From the instant Hinata set her eyes upon him, she found herself breathless.
The male newcomer bore a resemblance to a living, breathing statue. No, scratch that.
He looked like a model plucked from the glossy pages of the gym magazines prominently featured throughout the establishment.
A professional hottie.
And there he stood, towering above her.
He stared back at her, and she stared back at him.
At that moment, as their eyes met, it seemed as though time momentarily stood still for both of them, and the commotion of the gym faded into the distance, reduced to nothing more than background noise.
Hinata's lavender eyes remained fixed on the man before her, carefully observing the nuances of his features.
The stranger's hair was a vibrant shade of blonde, like that of sunlit wheat fields.
It was spiky too, each spike standing with confident defiance, outlining his whiskered cheeks, strong jawline, and even perfectly complementing his sun-kissed tan complexion.
Blonde hair.
His eyes, a mesmerizing shade of blue, glimmered with a touch of curiosity as he peered down at her, exuding a warmth that caused Hinata's breath to hitch.
Blue eyes.
Hinata found herself unable to resist marveling at the handsome stranger standing before her.
Her eyes attentively traced the details of his appearance, from the subtle smirk gracing his lips to the sleeveless black muscle shirt that literally hugged his toned body like a second skin.
His pecs and eight-pack were clearly visible through the black fabric, each contour coming together to resemble a washboard along his abdomen that seemed to sink in with every powerful breath he took.
She couldn't help but let her eyes wander lower, but what she saw there nearly caused her to faint.
Oh my kami.
Hinata noticed it right away.
The bulge.
The bulge in his shorts.
The generously sized, mega bulge found in his shorts, where his cock...
Hinata cleared her throat.
She meant his penis, was constrained, tucked away from view.
The major hunk of flesh protruded noticeably, resting along his right thigh in his shorts. His mighty companion created a noticeable bulge that asserted its presence proudly through the black fabric of his fitness attire.
Hinata had to remind herself to close her mouth, and stray her eyes away to avoid looking like a pervert.
The blonde was packing.
Not to mention, he smelled really good too.
Hinata could distinctly smell the sandalwood cologne that enveloped her nostrils the moment he stepped before her.
The scent bore rich wood essences, much like luxurious woods such as bark or pine cones.
His cologne was subtle, not overwhelming at all, yet it exuded a warm, lasting presence in the air between them.
Very masculine.
Hinata also observed the orange duffel bag he had slung along his shoulder, which slipped down his frame, following his every moment.
She even noticed that he was currently holding his phone, one large hand cupped around its base, making the device seem tiny in his grasp.
It's him.
Her trainer.
"Oh my kami," Hinata whispered, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.
The realization of the descriptions Sakura had provided hit her hard, and she found herself utterly captivated by the living embodiment of those words; right there, standing before her.
And as the initial shock subsided, Hinata couldn't escape the immense regret welling up within her as she remembered the less-than-flattering words she had uttered just seconds ago–words that the attractive blonde male standing before her most definitely heard.
A snicker escaped Sakura on the other line, relishing the silence.
"I take it by your abrupt silence, he's here, huh? What did I tell ya? He's fine as hell, isn't he?"
Another snicker escaped her.
"You're welcome, bestie. I hope you enjoy-"
"Eeek! M-My trainer is h-here now, so byeee!" Hinata blurted out in a nervous fit before hurriedly tapping the hang-up button with her thumb, removing the phone from her ear, and tucking it into her yoga pants pocket.
Her gaze snapped up to the blonde male before her, catching him chuckling in response to her flusteredness.
Her lavender eyes widened, and she swiftly rose to a stand, "Oh my kami. G-Gomen, I didn't mean to s-say..." She cut herself off, covering her eyes with her hands, shaking her head.
"Oh kami, this is so embarrassing."
Another chuckle escaped the blonde, a hearty one that caused his chest to rumble.
His deep chuckle, along with the smooth richness of his voice, sent a barrage of shivers racing through Hinata's body, like a machine gun firing into her flesh.
The sound of his laughter hung in the air, teasingly so, intensifying the crimson blush that spread across her cheeks with each passing second.
Hinata peeked at him through the spaces between her fingers, attempting to hide the effect his captivating voice had on her.
His voice was so sexy!
Kami, she's not gonna make it.
The spiky-haired blonde shook his head, gesturing dismissively.
"Ah, don't sweat it, love."
Placing his free hand on his chest, he gave it a pat. However, Hinata couldn't help but focus her attention on his hardened nipples poking through his shirt.
'Oh my kami! Why are male nipples so hot!' She thought in a hysterical fit.
Hinata stole another quick glance lower, a mere shift of her lavender irises, and caught sight of his bulge once more.
'Oh gosh, why is his cock sooo huge?' She shook her head.
'Scratch that, kami, just why is this man so hot?!?'
She screeched constantly in her head, her cheeks burning crimson, and her senses going into overdrive.
But the male didn't seem to notice.
He went on.
"I should be the one apologizing to you," The blonde remarked, gesturing toward her, watching as her fingers dropped from her face upon his declaration.
"I never meant to keep you waiting or upset you. I'm afraid I couldn't exactly... find you. The client that assigned you to me," He glanced down at his phone again.
"Sa..ku..ra Haru..no."
He sounded out her name quite slowly, unfamiliar with it, before casting his gaze back onto her, "She sent me a picture with your hair down. So, I was looking all over this entire gym for a version of you with your hair down—a total doozy that was, let me tell ya."
He seemed to laugh at himself, and Hinata couldn't help the slight giggle that escaped her own lips.
"Then I thought to myself, oh, why would she have her hair down in the gym; it'll make sense for it to be up. Gah, you're such a baka," He chastised himself in the midst of his explanation, giving his forehead a slap with his free hand.
He shook his head.
"I even asked the receptionist where you'd gone, but uh," He leaned in, lowering his voice, "Don't tell anyone I told you this, but..." He trailed off, glancing around as though checking for any eavesdroppers.
Hinata giggled at that.
He turned back to her, "They were a little useless," He whispered with a groan, rolling his pretty blue eyes.
"And I'm just being generous by adding in the 'little.'"
"O-Oh," Hinata exclaimed, placing one hand over her mouth to hold back another giggle.
"Were they?"
"Yeah, unfortunately." The blonde gruffed.
"Receptionist couldn't remember if your hair was blue or black, or where you even went for the matter." He scoffed, "Complete bakas, I swear, the things I have to deal with," He playfully chastised, causing Hinata to burst into laughter.
"Eventually, I saw you, and your eyes, and well, everything started to make sense, haha!" The blonde boasted, running his hand back to nervously rub his neck, a sheepish smile playing on his lips.
"It seems my instincts were right, after all."
He nodded at her hair.
"Ya got your hair up."
Hinata's blush deepened.
But she couldn't ignore the twinge of guilt that lingered now that her trainer had actually explained why he was late.
He's totally innocent.
She felt terrible for badmouthing him.
The blonde trainer clicked his tongue, "So, the moral of my long and boring story is that I completely failed at making a great first impression."
He bowed low in respect, "Gomen, love."
Hinata had to bite back a smile upon hearing his words.
'Oh, I can most certainly disagree upon that.' She thought in her head.
The blonde male's irresistible charm, the warmth of his smile, the husky timbre of his voice, his self-assured confidence, his sense of humor...that bulge–they were all it took for him to leave a great first impression in her eyes.
In the presence of these elements, Hinata instantly forgot the reasons behind her being upset and the fact that she had been waiting for forty minutes straight.
That's neither here nor there now.
Instead, she faintly smiled, and she too, bowed her head, "Oh, you mustn't apologize; I totally understand. I should for all the tr-trouble, sir-"
"Call me Naruto."
"Eh?" Hinata questioned, straightening her posture in a flash.
His smirk widened, a confident expression.
"Naruto," The spiky-haired blonde repeated, his tone easygoing, "The name's Naruto."
He straightened his posture, gracing her with a warm smile, revealing his sharp canines.
Hinata's eyes widened.
"As your new personal trainer, it's my duty to make you as comfortable as possible, so feel free to call me by my first name, no formalities required."
"O-Oh okay," Hinata nervously replied, her eyes meeting Naruto's as he extended his hand.
With a shaky gesture, she reached out, her hand clasping within his warmth for a firm handshake.
Hinata stared at the massive hand that engulfed her own, experiencing the touch of a male's hand in hers for the first time in a long time.
She fell into a trance almost instantly.
'Sooo big,' She thought in awe, gazing at her blonde trainer's hand clasped in hers, the noticeable contrast making her own petite hand nearly disappear from view.
The blonde male gently shook her hand, rocking it up and down, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Hinata-san." He greeted, but he raised an eyebrow at her silence, her gaze seemingly stuck on their interlocked hands instead of meeting his own gaze.
He tilted his head, "You are Hinata Hyuga, correct?" His gaze bore into her, seeking confirmation.
Hinata jolted from her trance by such a question, her head snapping back up to face him.
At that moment, she became acutely aware of the significant height difference between herself and her new trainer, who completely towered over her.
Standing a full head taller than her, his torso loomed above her sad 5'3" frame, putting her height to shame.
She was forced to tilt her head back considerably to meet his gaze.
Hinata reciprocated the handshake, presenting one of her own sincere smiles as well.
Her flushed cheeks rose, revealing the natural warmth of her expression, and her pearly whites.
"H-Hai, I-I'm Hinata Hyuga."
Her lavender eyes sparkled, "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Naruto-san."
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Continue Reading On Wattpad Or AO3.
— (⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ 𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆)
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nikki-kitty · 2 months
Ever since the poll started of who had the best fight and sakura vs sasori won but In my opinion I feel like it was favoritism. Like it feels like they don’t care about the fight just Sakura, If they were another fight with sakura they will choose her because it’s sakura not because of they fight just sakura they care about. Sakura and Lady Chiyo was good but they were better fights than Sakura and Lady Chiyo vs Sasori, Like sakura failed to defeat and the only reason they won is because Sasor let them win or Sasori just killed himself.
One thing that really annoys me about some sakura fans(not all of them but some of them) say that Hinata vs Pain was weak and it was a filler fight
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While This scene of Sakura vs Sasori was also a filler fight because this part was never in the manga
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So I find it funny of how some sakura fans will make fun of Hinata for having a filler parts during her fight while their favorite character had filler parts during fights as well.
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In the manga hinata gets one shot by pain.
There’s sometimes Naruhina and Sasusaku stans arguing about which relationship is better or which relationship had filler episodes while in reality they both have filler episodes. Sasusaku Stans would make fun or shit on Naruhina and that they needed a movie for their ship while Naruhina Stans will shit on or make fun of Sasusaku for needing two or one novels for their ship but in reality Naruhina and Sasusaku are both terrible canon ships to ever exist because my personal opinion about this canon ships are two woman who doesn’t understand about their crushes and two guys who were traumatize and had a terrible pasts and were guilt tripped to be with them.
It’s funny of how some sakura fans get mad when people don’t like sakura and say they still in og Naruto or they will call you a misogynist for not liking her or say shit like “Sakura saved Naruto life many times”!!! Some sakura fans needs to accept that not everyone is going to like sakura, Same with Hinata fans. Just because you don’t like a female character from a show does not make you a misogynistic, Learn to understand that and accept it instead of attacking, harassing, and bashing them or trying to get them to like your favorite female character.
What also annoys me that whenever someone says they don’t like Sakura and have value reasons to dislike her but not because she’s useless, Some of the Sakura fans are like “How come you can like Bakugou but not Sakura”!! Like what does Bakugou have to do with anything not liking Sakura? At least Bakugou doesn’t play with his friends feelings.
(I don’t watch Mha(My hero academia) so I don’t really know about Bakugou much)
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dayseternal-blog · 5 months
Summary: Hinata meets her new neighbor in a very unconventional way.
Written for NaruHina Fair, NH Month 2023 Day 11: New neighbors - Thin walls.
Rated T.
"Proper Introductions" - Short One-shot (maybe part of a 2-shot?)
The next door unit at the end of the hall had been left vacant for so long, she thinks at first that all the thumping and yelling noises are happening right outside her own door.
Slightly afraid, she peeks through the door’s peephole, and…it’s some guys who might be around her own age…and they’re lugging boxes across the hallway and setting stuff down in front of that vacant unit.
A new neighbor!  Or neighbors!   She doesn’t know what to think.  On whether to be happy or concerned.  Despite the less-than-stellar living accommodations, she has at least been doing well with her neighbors on this floor.  She recognizes and trusts her neighbors, even if they don’t really talk.
Tenants have come and gone from a few of the units over the past year, but for whatever reason, the unit next door has always been left vacant.
Until now.
Rather than go out there and be friendly to some guys she doesn’t know if she can trust, she tests that her door is locked, backs away, and returns to her dinner preparation for the next week.
The energetic yelling, the heavy thumping…she thought it would all become background noise.
It really sounds like it’s coming from her living room.
“This apartment really is crap!  Check out his sink!”
She looks up from chopping carrots, attention at the wall where the vulgar speech is clearly coming through.
Her own sink is fine.  
She returns to her chopping, but now her curiosity is piqued.
“Why did you agree to this shithole?”  A different voice.  Some laughter and agreements.
“His stove is a burner.”  “The paint is peeling.”  “You’ve got, like, one wall socket in the living room.”
“I can afford it, and it’s cheap!”
“How did you even find this place?  I’ve been checking all the listings and I never saw this!”
“Oh, I didn’t tell you?  The landlady’s my godfather’s friend.  And yeah, the other units aren’t like this one.  It’s actually a part…”  Suddenly the voice gets muffled, and she can’t hear the rest of his sentence.
“Whaaaaaat??”  Laughter.  Scoffs of disbelief.  “Is that even legal???”
Frowning with bafflement, she dumps the carrots in the pot.  Grabs a potato, washes it, and starts peeling.
The masculine conversation turns to the furniture and what’s going where, and she continues peeling potatoes.
About twenty minutes later, she’s got all the vegetables and chicken boiling in the pot, the curry blocks are melting, and her stove’s vent is noisily fanning out some of the heavy aroma.
She’s settling into her old couch when she hears the grunts of exertion and occasional discussion become something else entirely, tearing her attention off her phone to the wall.
“AGH, FUCK!  Oh, shit!  Shit!  Naruto!!”
“Wha-, AH-”
A huuuge thunking, breaking sound.
And the top half of a shelving unit of some sort.
Is sticking through her wall.  Their wall.
That was apparently hardly a wall.
Utterly shocked and uncertain, she stands, and voices fill the air again.
“Oh shiiiiiiiiit.”
“Ugh.  Fuck.  Fuck.”
“Oh fuuuuuuuck.”
She's never heard so many swear words so frequently as today, but concern has her taking a deep breath for courage.  In the few paces it takes to get to the wall, she manages to ask the hole, “Are you okay?”
Deathly silence.
“Um.”  She tiptoes to try to look through the hole, and just at that moment, the “wall” crumbles some more, the weight of the bookshelf too much.
Pieces of “wall” fall to the ground, and she finds herself standing in front of the group of boys.  Guys.  Young men?  One is holding his shoulder and arm.  Another is holding his foot.  The others have their mouths gaping open in shock and maybe even amusement.
She stands there, taking in their interesting expressions, recognizing for herself how ridiculous this situation is.
“Oh, man.”  The rather tall, blond guy who had been cradling his arm looks like he wants the earth to swallow him up.  “I am so sorry.  I’ll fix it.  I swear.  I’m so, so sorry.”  Hands gesturing spastically, he’s the most apologetic person she’s ever seen in her life.
“Oh, it’s okay-”
“I’m really so sorry.”  He bows so deeply, all his friends begin copying him.
She’s never had so many people apologizing to her all at once before.  Pulling her eyes off the incredible sight of all these tall guys bowing to her, she quickly decides to pass the uncomfortable attention off of her.  “It’s, um, the wall’s fault.  I didn’t know it was so thin.  It shouldn’t have broken so easily.”  So really, this isn't his fault, but rather, the apartment complex's.
The blond one stands straight, obvious stress still lining his features.  “Ah, yeah-”
“I should call Senju-san-”
“No, don’t!”  He has his hands out to stop her, nearly lunging over his fallen shelf and the pieces of wall between them.  “Please, don’t call her, please!”
The begging has her take pause, and she recalls him talking to his friends about his personal connection with their landlady.
“She’ll kick me out if she hears about this!  She’ll end me for sure!  Please, please don’t tell her.”  He’s bowing repeatedly and has the most kicked puppy, begging expression she’s ever seen in her life, and she feels bad that he feels this bad.
She’s never had anyone groveling this much to her before.  “Okay, okay, I understand, I won’t tell her,” she soothes, and it’s such a relief to see him relieved.
“Thank you, you’re the best.  I have such a nice neighbor!” he gushes in such a sincere tone that it feels like an exaggeration.
His friends apologize and thank her repeatedly in turn, and just to get them to stop, she runs away to retrieve a broom, dustpan, and trash bags.
They insist on doing all the cleanup, so she pretends to be busy in her kitchen as they go back and forth in and out of her living room, and before long, it’s just them and a giant hole between the two units.
“Excuse me.”  That blond guy’s voice draws her attention up from her phone.  He gives her a meek smile from his side of the hole.  “I’ll try to get this fixed up as soon as I can… I don’t have the money for this right now, but-”
“I’ll help since it’s partially my fault!”  The brown-haired guy who looked like he might've hurt his foot raises his hand.
“Oh, okay.”  She nods her head, feeling the awkward tension still palpable in the air.  She decides to brave it and venture closer.  She steps out of the kitchen toward their shared wall.
They cleaned up really well.
She passes her scrutiny along the edges of the cracked wall, raises a finger, and feels the material.  “Walls are supposed to have framing, right?”  There’s none here.  She’s not quite sure, but this wall might only be stiff, thick foamboard.
“You should tell her.”  A guy with long black hair tied into a ponytail has his hands on his hips, looking at the blond one pointedly.
She turns a confused look at him.
Her new neighbor sighs heavily.  “Umm, well, to be honest… My unit is supposed to be a part of yours.”
She turns this piece of information over in her head, and despite the cautious and meek look on her neighbor’s face, she’s not angry or disturbed.  Instead, she feels interested, almost amused.  “What?  Really?” she asks, genuinely curious.  “Why?”  She ventures another step forward, and they make way for her to peek into his unit.
“Uhh…” he intones.
She spots the burner stove on a counter that looks like her kitchen counters.
“I’m not sure why.  I’ll ask my godfather.  He’s the landlady’s friend.”
She gapes at a toilet tucked in a corner of the room and one simple sink.
It’s like her living room and kitchen were supposed to be twice as big.  Instead, this area got cut in half.  His door should be her door.  Instead, it seems like her door was cut somewhere it's not supposed to be.  That closet next to his door should be hers...
“When you get a good deal, you don’t ask questions, you know?”
She knew her unit was cheaper than others.  She didn’t ask why.  “Yes, I know what you mean...”  She certainly understands now.
“Ahh, I didn’t get to introduce myself.”
She blinks up at him, realizing that they completely skipped over introductions in all the chaos.
“My name is Uzumaki Naruto.”  He bows and straightens.  “I’m 22 years old and just graduated from the University of Konoha.  I’m starting work at Representative Hatake Kakashi’s office next Monday.  I swear I won't be a bother to you anymore.”
She bows.  “It’s nice to meet you.”  She offers him a small smile.  “My name is Hyuuga Hinata.  I’m also 22 years old, but I graduated last year from Biwako Women’s College.  I work with Konoha Tourism Authority.  I hope to get along with you.”
He gives her an impressed look that she shies away from and without letting her stew in her awkward feelings, he rapidly introduces his friends to her in a blur of names, schools, and jobs.  A cry of “The smell of her curry is making me die!  You promised to feed us if we helped you move!” and, before she can even offer them any, Naruto and company practically run out the door, leaving her alone with her thoughts.
She stares at the massive hole in the wall.
She honestly has no idea how they're going to fix it.
After checking how much longer she still has to cook the curry, she settles back into her couch to finally relax, but her thoughts quickly return to her new neighbor.
Well, rather than a new neighbor... Nerves race up her legs, and a blush heats her face.
She thinks it might be more accurate to say she just gained a new housemate.
A housemate who's...a man!
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sessakag · 11 days
Honestly Hinata is super forgiving and nice and good so I feel like the groveler would feel inclined to grovel at max level out of their own sense of guilt more so than any grudge she’s holding 😂.
Right!!! This is my mindset! She wouldn't yell or hit or get mean, she'd do the opposite, she'd make them feel lower than dirt being kind and forgiving. Decent people, especially pure hearted Naruto would grovel twice as hard for twice as long to feel worthy of that forgiveness. If you read any of my fics where Naruto fucks up with Hinata, her kindness and sweetness about the whole thing absolutely KILLS HIM😂he WANTS her to be more mad at him because the guilt be eating his ass up!🤣my one-shot with NaruHina and their 7 child household shows that Naruto's fear of Hinata's easy forgiveness trickled down to their children because Kawaki and Boruto were fine taking Naruto's punishment for something they did but did NOT want to go tell their mother what they did, lmao! Like she has her own ways of getting the results she wants and she moves mountains without having to act an ogre about it😤and I love that about her so, so much! Hinata's playing 4D chess while everybody else is playing checkers😤😤😤😤😤making queen moves with a kind word is skill! Now I got the brain worms for my Hokage Naruto-First Lady fic😣the political power moves I'm gonna have this sweet, soft spoken benevolent woman making is gonna be ridiculous😣😣😣😣😣
Hinata is a "kill em with kindness" type chick! And ain't nothing wrong with that!
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littlemonstert-blog · 5 months
"Second Chances AU"
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inspired by the one shot "Flipping the Script" @sessakag from Naruhina month 22
This is my second mood board for the fic
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naruhinamain · 6 months
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your favorite content from them: Everything "I cannot choose just one story from you. One-shots, multi-chapted stories, everything is so special and unique. So many tropes, so many AUs, so much talent both in writing and drawing. Thank you for giving us so much NaruHina content because it brightens my mood every single time ❤️"
your favorite content from them: "I See You", "Love is Not a Cage", "A Little Fluff for the Fall" "You're one of my fave NH writers and I'm always looking forward to your stories! Thank you for sharing all your wonderful fics for the community!"
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LINKS: TUMBLR || AO3 || FF.NET @nightowl27-writer
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