#natasha romanoff x buff!black!fem!reader
infernalodie · 2 years
𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 || 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐟𝐟
“𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘳𝘦, 𝘐'𝘮 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘺 𝘐 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘦“
Inspo: Meg Myers - Desire
Pairing: Succubus!Natasha Romanoff x Buff!Black!Fem!reader
Summary: You had heard stories of Natasha since you were a little girl. Growing a fascination for the Succubus queen and you were willing to get your hands on the ethereal creature at all costs.
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Warnings: Slight description of gore. Mention of dub!con, smut, fingering, choking kink, slight degradation kink, sub!Natasha, and Dom!reader.
Words 3342
War was a commitment most weren’t prepared to sacrifice their lives for. Only the strongest and bravest could consider themselves warriors. All they needed was a fearless leader willing to do anything to see the success they were going to bleed and risk everything for.
You’d seen many loved ones fall in the name of their lords. Fighting wars that did not concern them in the slightest. Perhaps some part of you knew that even as a child, the sight of bodies lining the streets of cities wouldn’t be your last. And it perhaps had solidified when King Barnes banished you from the city you had been born in and had helped in all your 26 years of living. He kicked you out like a piece of worthless waste.
That same city, the place you once called home burned and the streets were drowning in the blood of the innocent. Yet you found no sympathy for the unfortunate today. They did nothing but stand by and watch you be removed from your home and forced to live out in the wild like an animal. But only doing that had made you into an animal - a wolf looking for its meal. Its throne. This had been expected for years and it was only now you had decided to make your move. Had they forgotten about the warning you had headed to their king?
King Barnes had been a coward and as ruthless as you. It only felt like fate for his death to be by your sword. With his head to be removed from his body and placed on the highest peak in the city. Body to be hung in the city square where crows would eat on his corpse as the pathetic trash people knew him to be. He had been in no way fit to lead an army or a city. Power is only given to the ones that are willing to lower themselves to pick it up. And that man had been given everything he’d ever wanted on a silver platter.
But today… Today was the dawn of a new age. New beginnings with old ones dying out with Barnes.
“My Queen.” The monotone voice, muffled by the thick metals of armour covering his face gathered your attention. But not enough to make you look away at the city that burned from your throne room. “We have gathered all remaining survivors of the assault. Most have surrendered, but wish to have your ear.”
“And the rest?” You questioned, turning your head just enough for General Rhodes to see you. The flames below lightened your caramel skin, showing the dangerous black in your eyes.
The General pulled his sword from its sheath and stabbed it into the ground. Kneeling with his head bowed as you approached him. “I had them killed, my Lord,” he stated with a gruffness in his voice. “They spoke ill of your father. Anger took hold of my bones and I acted on rage.”
You inhaled deeply, hand resting on the hilt of your sword with your eyes shutting. It felt like a millennia before you exhaled softly with your other hand being placed on his metal shoulder. The dirt and dry blood stuck to your gloved palms as you shook your head. “You served with my father, Rhodes. Your anger is just as justified as mine is. I’m sure if he was here now, he would already be shoving wine into your hands, thanking you for your limitless loyalty to him.”
“As does it reach to you, my Lord,” Rhodes replied. “Whatever you wish for my punishment of insolence, I will gladly accept it with open arms.”
A groan fell from your lips, grabbing the man by his chest plate and forcing him to his feet. Beyond the slits in the helmet, you could see his eyes wide in surprise from your abrupt actions. Yet, his features were only made more apparent by you pulling his helmet off and revealing his grizzled beard and the scar lining the side of his face.
“Do me a favour and get the hell out of here. Celebrate with our men from the victory. Feast! Drink!” You exclaimed with an encouraging smile. “Do that for me and it’ll make up for your deed.”
The man nodded, offering a small smile before he sheathed his sword and marched from the throne room. But when you were going to turn away, you spotted one of your soldiers, Danvers carefully watching Rhodes exit the room. You were a woman, you could see the signs of the intentions from a person. So much so that it had rooted out the startings of rebellions in your own troops. Able to protect your strongest men from the snakes.
So, when you saw Rhodes leave, with Danvers starting to follow close behind, you spoke. “Danvers, stay! I would like to speak to you in private.”
She froze as your guards understood to leave. Shutting the doors behind them with a loud bang that echoed throughout the hall. The glass above allows the moonlight to shine through and create shadows along the floor. But still, you see Danvers stand at the end of the carpet that led to your throne, where you collapsed in with a sigh.
Danvers sighed, turning and walking towards you in quick and methodical strides. Each movement is calculated by you with weary and suspicious eyes. Picking apart each shift of her body, able to spot the nerves she was experiencing. From the way her body struggled to carry the armour strapped to her body to the rolling of her shoulders in an attempt to shake off whatever she was feeling at that particular moment.
You could see it all.
Stopping at the steps that led up to your throne, Danvers did the same as Rhodes by taking a knee at your feet. Head bowed and ears awaiting whatever words you wished to plant within her mind.
“What has got your mind puzzled, Captain?” You murmured, carefully taking off your gloves.
“Nothing, my Lord,” she replied. “I am just tired from the battling. I could sleep a hundred days and still not be refreshed.”
A soft chuckle tumbled from your lips as you slapped the gloves down onto the wooden armrest. “That is something we both agree on.” You sighed, looking down at one of your most trusted knights. Danvers had been there since you formed your rebel group. She was the third acting command of your army behind Rhodes and you. Still, she showed endless loyalty to you and that much you were grateful for.
“What do you think of our success today?” You mused curiously. “Do you think we could have done anything differently?”
There was something in your voice that the Captain couldn’t distinguish. A hint of amusement or mockery, neither she could confirm without getting a look at your face. But she brushed it off, keeping her head down and eyes focused on the floor.
“I- I do not know, my Lord.”
You hummed, clicking your tongue as you stood to your feet and began to undo the buckles of your sheath. It was there that Danvers felt oddly hyper-aware of her surroundings around her. Her anxiety slowly increased as she saw just barely the leather straps be tossed to her side.
“That is quite odd, Captain. Because I specifically remember you fighting with me about something.” You carried yourself with ease as your loud boots thudded against the cement steps. There was no lie in the fact that your stature and hulking figure gave you the extra weight that transformed into the defined muscles that riddled your body. You were an intimidating woman that could strike fear in the bravest men to face you.
You walked around her in circles, ruining her sense of knowledge of where you were. “Can you remind me?” There and then, you saw the woman freeze. You held your sheathed sword in one hand, grabbing the handle with your other and pulling it free.
Pressing the sword to the woman’s throat, you gently used the side of the blade to tap the underside of the woman’s helmet. “Take that off, gorgeous.”
With shaky hands, the knight grabbed the helmet and pulled the piece of metal off her head, placing it down with a loud clang. Still, you saw the beautiful blonde woman’s face and long hair. But you were no fool.
“Take off your mask, sweetheart.” Your lips curled into a large grin. “You could be beautiful.”
Those familiar blue eyes stared up at you fearfully. Searching your expression, hoping you might’ve been joking and not have caught on. But when you only pressed the tip of your sword to her throat, her hopes died out.
It only took a moment, but you watched as Danvers’ body morphed, skin and bone restructuring to the true identity of who posed as your captain. Those crimson orbs staring up at you with the long luscious red hair resting upon the silver armour strapped to her body. That smirk of yours only widened as you lowered your weapon, crouching down in front of her with a smile. “Why isn’t it, Natasha.”
You had heard stories of the succubus since you were a child. How she and like the rest of her kind, prayed on men. Having said men fuck them that would lead to their death. But Natasha had been infamous in the stories told. Such as her long red hair that you had heard could hypnotize a man without fault. Or the way she used her words and how her touch could control the body that she wished to claim for extra power.
She was just as beautiful as you had suspected her to be. You had run into many Succubi in your time. Many you have killed and many you have kept for toys. They had all told you about their dear sister like she was a God. Describing her to the very small details like the small scar on the edge of her jaw. A perfect picture they all painted of the creature, but nothing did it justice now. It almost made you regret ever sparing them their lives after you had your fun with them.
But now, she looked like any other human or animal that is under the grasp of a predator. Fearful for their lives, which made you think that she must know of you. It wouldn’t come as a surprise since you left an impression on her kind in the small-time you kept them under your roof in a dark cold corner where the sun only became a far distant memory. And truthfully, you already had the same ideas appearing in your head with this woman.
Natasha’s crimson eyes stared up at you. Full of fear as you tilted your head in fascination. Your eyes carefully run up and down her body. You were calculative in each piece of her that you took in.
“I must say-” Your hand softly grasped her jaw, turning her head and scanning every little detail. Hoping to find or see something new about the woman that you hadn’t been told. “-you are quite a beautiful creature, aren’t you? None of your sisters could do you any justice.”
“Are you going to kill me?” The whimpered question fell from her lips with a shaky exhale as you had her look back up at you. Barely able to get a breath out before she moaned at the sensation of you grabbing at one of her horns. Her face heated up in shame as you forcefully yanked her towards you. The armour she wore caused clinking to sound out through the hall.
“Well, there are worst things than death,” you stated. “I am sure your sisters have already told you all about that, huh?”
There was utter amusement in the question you handed to her. She knew of the stories. Of the pleasurable nightmare, you had brought to Yelena, Maximoff, Hill, and far too many others. Every single one of them had the same experience and always said you asked about her before you let them go. Which only created a far more dreadful feeling in Natasha’s stomach as she wondered what you might have planned for her.
“Y-Yes,” she shakily answered. “You take them, lock them up like dogs, and use them. All they get to know is the pleasure you give them.”
You couldn’t contain the laugh that fell from your lips as you shrugged with pursed lips. “You make it sound like a gift more than a punishment.” You squinted at the Succubus with a flash of curiosity. “Do you know why that is?”
She shook her head, biting her bottom lip as your thumb softly brushed across the bone extension of her. A shuddering breath fell from her lips as you closed in. Face getting close enough to hers that she could feel your warm breath on her lips. Fanning her face blissfully allowed her to think that she was under the warm sun instead of the unknown fate her decisions had led her to.
“The reason is quite simple actually, darling.” You forced her to look up at you. Her eyes flickered open, finding the lust swimming in your alluring eyes as you smiled. “It's because I fuck them so good that they start to regret ever existing. I make them realize how women can fuck them better than any man could.” Tilting your head, tongue pressing to your top left canine. A sight that left Natasha’s core (that was already soaked) gushed with arousal. “Do you want to feel what your sisters felt, Rose?”
Something about the nickname shook Natasha as she shakily stared up at you. Her sisters told her all about how skillful and alluring you were with not just your words, but the simple glances you had sent their way. They all couldn’t explain how you knew of their identities or how you could easily wrap them around your finger.
What she knew was that when each of them came back, they were changed. Their bodies are never able to be satisfied by any man, so they left their home to find a woman to satisfy the hunger they had. So, perhaps, your words did hold some truth other than your clear intentions to bed her.
But whatever small amount of dignity or pride Natasha had left, she saw this as her final chance to use it. So, snatching one of her horns from your grasp, which you found extremely amusing, she looked up at you defiantly. “Are you going to kill me or not?”
You raised a brow at the challenging look you had gotten. A tiny chuckle came from you as suddenly grasped her by the throat. It caused Natasha to yelp with her hands grabbing ahold of your wrist and whimpering. You didn’t use any pressure, but just enough that allowed her to recognize you were capable of killing her with your bare hands.
“That depends, Natasha,” you growled. “Where is my Captain?”
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Natasha’s body shook from the pounding of your fingers inside her cavern. Endless cries of pleasure tumbled from her lips. Her back ached from the wooden throne you had placed her in and stripped her clean from all your dead Captain’s armour. Leaving her bare and ashamed of her glistening folds that were a result of you.
Her eyes were rolled back into her head, body shaking under the countless orgasms you had put her through. Yet, she couldn’t get enough of it. She might’ve been considered the strongest Succubus, but she fell apart just as easily as the rest of her sisters.
“The All-Mighty Natasha.” You mocked, grunting from the strain in your arm. “I can’t tell if I am disappointed or glad you gave up so easily.”
She could only respond with choked whines and moans as your large fingers stretched her out unbelievably. So much so that she thought that if you pushed in a fourth, she just might burst. But she was so full of ecstasy, your fourth digit was sound like heaven right about now.
You couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful creature, sat whimpering and withering on your throne. Her long red locks and crimson tail stood out from her pale skin that had a fresh sheen of sweat covering it. She was a sight to behold. And with the additions of jewels on the head of the throne, this was scene was deserving of a painting to be made in this woman’s honour.
The cracking and snapping of wood could be heard from the throne. This only put things into perspective for Natasha who now realized how hard your fingers were slamming into her. Your calloused thumb rubbed harsh circles on her aching clit. You were fucking her with purpose. That purpose she was still unknown about. But had the smallest guess of what it could be.
But that didn’t matter when your three fingers curled inside of her. Pressing against her velvety walls that squeeze your digits into a vice. Yet, it did nothing to stop you from continuing to fuck her ruthlessly. Treat her like some pathetic piece of trash like you had done with Barnes and the rest of her kind.
Her throat was growing hoarse from the cries falling from her lips. The tears streaming down her face and her flushed cheeks did nothing to stop you from continuing your assault. In fact, it only made you go harder to spite her from taking one of your comrades. And from the way her sharp fingernails were digging into your flesh, drawing blood, you could tell she was reaching another precipice.
Leaning down, your lips ghosted over hers in pants. “Gonna cum for me again, darling?” You inquired, lips curling in amusement when you saw the Succubus frantically nod with babbling words falling from her red lips. “Such a needy slut, aren’t you? Makes the wait I’ve put up with much more worth it.”
Natasha was then left to wonder if all this time, you had been simply fascinated by her. Possibly even aroused by her existence. Maybe you even felt something for her. But that was up for mere speculation and at the back of her mind as she felt her legs tense up with her climax.
Just like the past four, her entire soul left her body for a period of time. A breathtaking sensation ran throughout her body that left her tingling with glee. Euphoria leaving her grinning dumbly with her eyes rolled back and legs shaking on either side of you. No man has gifted her with such a feeling.
And when she finally started to come down, that familiar ache was noticeable again with your fingers slowly thrusting into her. Eyes reaching up to find one of your hands holding her smooth legs. Placing delicate kisses from her ankle down to her knee. The sensation was enough to leave her wanting more as she shifted in the uncomfortable throne with a mewl. Lips forming an almost drunken smile as you chuckled softly at the sight of the woman. She understood what her sisters meant now and understood why they left. No man would ever be capable to bring the pleasure you give them.
“Is that all you got, Y/n The Barbaric Queen?”
The new title made a grin appear on your lips as you stared at the creature in awe. Bracing your hands on the armrests and your shadow engulfing the Succubus completely. For Natasha, this alone was the most dominating and sexy sight she had ever seen. Just from the darkness in your eyes, clouded with lust, she wanted more of what you were willing to give to her.
“I have many things planned for you, darling.” You leaned down, pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth and kissing the edge of her jaw. “The world is not prepared for us.”
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once-upon-a-thigh · 2 years
Servicing and Inspection
Summary: Y/n brings lunch to the garage for her girlfriend, but it seems Nat is craving something else. REQUEST. 18+
Pairing: Mechanic! GP! Natasha Romanoff X Fem! Reader.
Class: Drabble; smut
Warnings: Swearing, daddy kink, fingering (r receiving), vaginal sex involving a penis, belly bulge, masturbating, degradation.
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Oh my god ^ right?
Closing my car door shut with a bump of my hip, I walked into the open garage where my girlfriend works as a mechanic. Her co-worker is off sick so she has been covering all of the work herself the last few days, and so being forced to work overtime. I miss her so much, not used to being way from her for so long. So I decided to make her favourite sandwich and take it to her work for a surprise.
“Baby?” I called as I walked in to the seemingly empty garage, eyeing the walls lined with tires and the car parked in the middle. It’s a- well, I don’t know. It’s grey?
Just as I was about to check the office, I heard her call my name. Rolling out from underneath the car, she removed her gloves and stood up to greet me.
“What are you doing here love? I am so happy to see you!” She took me into her strong arms, laying a chaste kiss on my cheek. She smelt of a mix of her cologne and diesel, just as she did whenever she came home, and yet I never grow tired of it. What was different this time however, was the black oil and grime smudged on her arms and cheek that she usually washed off before leaving work.
“You look so hot like this.” I couldn’t help but blurt out, dropping the bag of food to clutch at her tank top covered chest, peering down at her grey sweatpants where a slight bulge was visible.
She laughed, taking my hands in hers and smirking. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” I bit my lip.
She didn’t entertain me any further though, too distracted with opening the bag I had dropped on the floor.
“My sandwich!” She exclaimed, a cute excited grin replacing her smirk.
“Yeah, I thought we could have lunch together, are you not too busy?”
She glanced back at the car she had previously been working on and shrugged. “Nah, it’s just a servicing and inspection.”
“I could do with a servicing and inspection.” I mumbled to myself with a quiet giggle, taking the sandwiches out of the bag and setting them down on a nearby counter.
“What was that?” She gloated, grabbing at my waist and pulling me flush against her.
I snaked my own hands around her neck, I played with the loose strands at the back that had slipped out of her ponytail.
“I think you heard me.” I whispered seductively against her lips, desperate for her to put those fingers to good use for something other than fixing cars.
With a growl, she wrapped her buff arms around my thighs. I let out a surprised squeal, giggling as she carried me to the car, setting me down on the bumper.
“Wait, here? What if the customer comes in?” I grew nervous as she hastily pulled at the buttons of my jeans.
“Then they get their car fixed, and a show.” She panted, managing to undue the buttons and pull the jeans past my hips. I leaned back on my hands, lifting my ass up to help her remove my trousers off fully, ripping off my shoes in the process.
A moan left my lips when she brushed over my clothed slit with long fingers. “Oh babygirl, already so wet for daddy.”
Surging forward, she sloppily kissed my neck, biting at my pulse point as she ground the growing tent in her pants against my soaked panties.
“Please daddy.” I whimpered pathetically, grabbing hold of her muscly shoulders.
With a grunt, her lips moved to my own as she moved her hand up and slipped it past the band of my underwear to cup my sex. Whines slipped past my lips as she brushed over my clit before dipping two fingers into my pussy straight away, parting them to stretch my walls for her cock.
“Fuck, you’re such a needy whore coming here to get your pussy fucked. Couldn’t wait for daddy, hm?” She pouted condescendingly, bicep tensing as she pounded her slender fingers into me so fast my juices sprayed over my inner thighs with every clash of her knuckles.
“Mm.” she sucked in her bottom lip, pulling out her fingers and using them to rub over my clit aggressively, causing wetness to sound alongside my moans.
She pulled her sweats down as well as her boxers, leaving them to fall to her knees as she jacked herself off with her hand still covered in my arousal. Once she deemed her pulsing cock wet enough, she leaned over me and brushed the head up and down my sopping slit.
“What do you say baby?”
“Please daddy, I want your cock!” I practically screamed, wrapping my legs around her ass in an attempt to entice her closer.
“Fuck, that’s right.” She screwed her eyes shut, jaw dropped open as she penetrated my pussy with a sharp thrust and settled into a steady hard pace.
Moving back with the force of her thrusts, I laid back on the cold hood, hands spread out in an attempt to steady myself. She used me as leverage, taking hold under my knees and folding my legs against my chest as she drove her cock into me deeper, pounding me into the metal.
My screams filled the garage, hitching with every hit of my cervix. Her thick shaft massaged my walls, filling me to the brim to the point of the bulge created by her large dick being visible.
“Fuck look at you, taking all of me so good.” She pushed her weight onto me more, watching her slick cock disappear past my folds. “Are you going to take daddy’s cum like a good girl too?”
Nodding desperately, my mouth fell open as I reached my high. She grinned, feeling my walls squeezing her cock as I came to her relenting pace. Coming down, I slumped my head back on the car and let her continue driving her cock into me, using my body to get herself off.
“Shit, shit.” She gritted her teeth, hips stuttering as her abs tensed at the sensation. “Take off your top baby, I want to cum all over your tits.”
After I used the last of my strength to lift my shirt over my head, she pulled her cock out of me with a gushing sound, pulling me closer so she could quickly fist at her cock over my chest.
Pushing my tits together, I circled my nipples for her visual enjoyment as she towered over me, watching with blackened eyes.
“Fuck!” She grunted as spurts of cum left her tip, landing in splatters over the voluptuous mounds.
Slowing down her hand, she panted and wiped the sweat coating her top lip with the back of her other hand. As she began to soften, she pulled up her pants and tucked herself back into her boxers before helping me dress myself, as I found myself to be too sore to move much.
Pulling me off of the car with a laugh, she gave me a sweet kiss on the lips, completely opposing the dominance she exhibited moments ago. When she pulled away and glanced behind me though, her smile dropped.
“Oh shit.”
Turning around, I gasped at the sight of the dent, about the size of my ass, that had been pounded (literally) into the hood of the car.
Sighing, she set her hands on her hips. “I’m going to have to fix that for free.”
Please note that I will only ever write a GP fic if it is requested and approved by a friend of mine that is part of the transgender community. So I will not be taking requests for these!
Enjoy horny bastards.
Love, Meg
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anubvs · 3 years
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AirMail Cocktails
[ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 ]
Summary: You work at a restaurant frequented by mafia members, so why have you never met the boss until now?
Word Count: 1.6k
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x (Fem)Reader AU
masterlist | requests: closed
You worked at quite an esteemed restaurant, you were the hostess during the day and ran the bar sometimes at night. It was a restaurant for the 1%, meaning only high rollers, politicians, and the local mob attended. That was part of the reason you took the job, not because of the risk but the risk allowed for a higher pay. And you couldn’t complain about the tips, being one of the best (and youngest) bartenders, you got tipped a lot and quite well. At only 21, you couldn’t complain. It paid the bills and gave you a bit of a cushion to be able to treat yourself every now and then.
You rarely got called in, being that you worked long days and liked having your days off. So when Lauren, your boss, called you when you had just sat down with a TV dinner to come in because you were requested by some of the mob men that were regular tippers, you knew you had to.
You did your usual bartender hairstyle of a sleek long ponytail, put on your black button up and black slacks that made your ass look great.
As soon as you pulled into the employee lot in back, Lauren came out and gave you a hug. “Thank you so so so much for coming in on short notice.”
“One of the guys requested me?”
“Not the guys, they came in with the big boss today, requested the entire building tonight, and you.”
“Something big?”
“I don’t know but please, just do what you do and make them happy? I’ll pay you double for this overtime and I’ll give you this whole week off after.”
You just smiled and chuckled a bit at the back door. “Like I would ever leave you hanging on a night like this. I’m taking you up on that week off though!”
As you walk in you notice your usual crew, the big buff guy-Steve-who you had previously assumed was the boss, a smaller guy always with a gun-Clint-who looked too small to actually be in a mob, then of course another large buff guy with longer blonde hair who is constantly drinking, you never really learned his name.
Then you saw her.
She was beautiful. Sparkling green eyes and soft waves of red hair. Probably the girlfriend of the boss, best to treat her well so she will give the big man a good word. So you walk up to the table and get everyone’s drink order considering they were the only ones in the entire building.
“And for you Miss..?”
She looked up at you, dangerously, and gave you a sly grin. “What do you think I’d like, sweetheart?”
The room felt eerily quiet, like she was challenging you to get it wrong. So you tried your best.
“Well, you look like a vodka and wine kind of drinker but I think you’ll like our AirMail cocktail. It’s a dark rum cocktail, with lime, a bit of honey and sparkling water.”
All the crew looked at her with baited eyes and waited for her response.
She seemed to eye you up and down, as if she was hoping you would be afraid of her. “If you think I’ll like it then let’s do that.”
“Alright, I’ll be right back with your drinks.”
You didn’t notice the way she watched you walk back to the bar, or the way she kept her eyes on you the entire time you made the drinks.
You did wonder however when the actual Big Boss would come in. They did say he was here right? Sneaking only a single glance over you noticed the woman talking and all the men almost seemed scared of her. Then Steve left, you assume to go get the big boss. Good. You could just place the drinks down and only come back when he would ask.
Carefully placing all the drinks on the tray, grabbing the blow torch for added flare, you rolled the drink cart back to the table. You passed the 2 drinks to the other men on the table and put Steve’s drink where he was sitting before. Then you got her drink order. You did your usual bar tricks, the shaker behind the head, the long pour, then for the final touch you ran a lime around the rim of the glass and set the drink on fire. Placing the still flaming drink in front of the woman, she looked at you curiously but with a quirked eyebrow.
You looked back with a nervous smile. “Blow it out and try it.”
So she did. She blew out the flame and took a sip, not once looking away from you.
She swirled it around a bit before swallowing, making the time in silence more tense.
“This might be my new favorite drink. Thank you.”
“Of course.” Letting out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “Is there anything else I can get for you?”
“We’re all set here, sweetheart.”
You walk back to the bar away from the table when you notice Steve coming back in with another man in his grasp, one you recognize as the sleazy regulars you get sometimes that Lauren usually has to kick out when he gets too friendly with you and your coworkers.
Lauren is a sweet woman in her late 40’s and became somewhat of a mother figure to you and makes sure all the girls running the bar feel safe.
He looked you up and down a bit too friendly coming in, and he was rambling about a debt he was ‘absolutely’ going to pay. “Hey-hey little cutie, you wanna get me a stiff one?”
The woman’s voice was deep and demanding, and she had instantly become more intimidating than before. You were missing something.
“No, she does not serve drinks to scum in this place and you don’t deserve a drink when you owe me a lot.”
“Aye-hey l-look, boss. I said I’d have it for you soon, I just need a little more time.”
That’s when it hit you. She was the boss. The big boss everyone was scared of was this gorgeous redhead in front of you, looking at this sleaze like she knew everything that came out of his mouth was a lie.
“Sweetheart, does this man bother you?”
You try to shake your head, not wanting to make a bigger deal.
“You need to be honest with me, you don’t need to worry. Now tell me the truth.”
At this point you feel so small with her now standing next to you, hand on your shoulder like an overbearing aunt, so you nodded yes, not quite trusting your voice.
“He does bother you, hm. Now speak up, sweetheart, I’m here to protect you. Plus anything he’s done I already know, so just tell me.”
Well that’s the nail in your coffin. If she’s a mob boss of course she knows everything that happens in a mob frequented bar. “We’ve had to kick him out a few times for making the other girls uncomfortable.”
She smiled. “Thank you, sweetheart. Be a doll and go ahead and clean up the drinks for tonight, I think we’re done here.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“None of that ‘ma’am’ stuff. When I’m here, you can call me Natasha.”
You immediately begin placing all the glasses, half full and full back onto your cart and the water glasses as well before wheeling it back to the dishwasher, ignoring the sound of the beating that man was now getting. That’s when you noticed the three 100 dollar bills in your back pocket.
That was way more than your usual tips and you don’t remember who or when it got in there. The only person who got close to your backside was Lauren and Natasha.
The beautiful redhead had a name. Natasha. The woman you now knew was the big boss of the mob you saw almost every night. All you could hope was that you wouldn’t have to wait too long to see her again.
You finished cleaning your bar cart and wiping it all down to go put back, noticing the noise had stopped. When you got out to the front again you noticed Natasha leaning against the bar, running her fingers against her knuckles. “Thank you for coming in tonight, I know it was your day off. I hope my tip makes up for your time.”
“It was more than enough, too much for me to accept really. H-how did you know-?”
“Sweet girl, this is my family’s restaurant. I know everyone’s schedule. I also know you are one of the hardest workers here and one of the most requested. I had to see for myself. I’m impressed, and I like what I see.”
“Thank you miss-”
“No ‘miss’. Just Natasha. I’ll be around more often, I’ve been away for a year on business, so I hope to see you more. I’ll talk to Lauren about getting your schedule changed so you will be moved to be my personal bartender when we have meetings. Keeping your usual schedule of course with a bit higher pay.”
“That’s more than necessary Natasha, I can work with my pay just fine.”
“Absolutely not. You do exceptional work here, you deserve to be paid for it.”
You just keep your eyes trained on your work, putting away the items from the cart. “Thank you.”
“Have a good night, sweetheart.”
“You too.”
She walked away with a little swagger in her step and you gathered your personal belongings and headed back to your car, where Lauren was waiting for you. “Whatever you did, she loved it. You have the next week off as promised so, I figured I’d tell you thank you now.”
“Hold off on my week vacation,” you say, getting into your car, “I’ll take it later.”
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To Go
Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader
Content: Fluff
Warnings: None
Request: Would you consider writing a Natasha Romanoff x female reader story?
Hello, for the female reader x Natasha can you do one where the reader is a barista and every time Nat orders something the reader writes a cute pickup line on the cup?
Okay, so I suck at pickup lines, to be very honest. So I tweaked it a bit and worked something with the barista setting. Hope you like it.
Word Count: I wasn’t able to meet my best friend today because health so that sucks. She’s going back and I won’t be able to see her any time soon :(
A/N: This is my first time writing for Natasha. I hope I did a decent job because I wanted to give them more than this scene. I wanted to see where they go from here. Let me know how you found it. :)
It is one thing to come by a superhero at the coffee shop you work, feeling lucky to have the universe bestow the honour upon you to serve the people who protect the city you live in. It is completely another thing to be transferred on special request by the boss- who you are sure just owns that one little cosy corner of business in the vast city- to the Avengers facility to be at the service of all those heroes. Why? Because one day Tony Stark landed in your workplace through your tiny café's window while fighting some really buff bad guys evidently using alien technology and you happened to have the vagina to get down on your knees near Iron Man and offer him your special work-shot for a bad day.
"Coffee, Mr Stark?" You had mechanically spoken. "On the house." Before putting it down on the ground next to him because you were no fool. You know that intellectual billionaire had a thing against being handed things.
Stark had given you one good look before picking up the coffee and gulping down the first shot, forcing an involuntary 'woah' out of him which, though you were quite used to, made you happy to have such effect on one of your favourite heroes. And between that day and today, someone had changed your fate with a galactic sharpie as you looked at the huge square space you were supposed to manage in the Avengers Facility's lobby. Decorating the white walls on the ground floor of the main building into a cosy corner was fun though you had your doubts if anyone from the team would actually be interested in spending time here when they practically had their own rooms-probably double the size of what you were working with- in the same building. Nonetheless, you fashioned the walls with wood wallpaper, stacked up old records for the jukebox- especially for your blue-eyed serum enhanced soldiers- set up your personal Spotify playlists for every mood for your customers, and brought in the coziest furniture you could find under the budget defined by your boss- though Stark had been more generous than that. It was just coffee, you would hear yourself say every time the realisation would dawn on you that you were miles away from home, inside the most secure grounds, putting final touches to the little abode you were about to open for the superheroes you could have only dreamt of meeting at one point in your life. . The first few days were the usual business. The enthusiasm of working right next to the Avengers diluted as the only crowd you would gather would be the staff, security guards and sometimes a visitor or two. All the orders would be to-go, that you let the new hires handle. It was nice to occasionally see Happy. He felt more of a friend than head of Stark's personal security detail. He would always compliment your custom coffee for him and often take one for the boss when he knew Tony would need it. Once Happy took a dozen orders, saying it was for the Avengers who were 'about to sit through one hell of a meeting'. Whether or not they'd liked the coffee you had made for them, you had no idea but your staff of two- a guy and a girl working under a scholarship program while interning at Stark industries- had loved to watch you work so diligently and were quite curious to know how you could know what to make and for whom. You promised to let them in on the secret but not till they had tried to do it at least once on their own. . Today had been one long day because the staff had been busy clearing off the aftermath of the latest mission the Avengers had come back from, buzzing in, out and about the grounds, the coffee pouring out like water every ten seconds for the people who were running purely on the beans now. You were into your second week and were now used to the volume that came in, working on the standard orders on the rhythm of the music of your choice. The interns had elongated their shift to help you out with the madding crowd. It had nearly been one on the clock of the deadly hour in the night when you'd forced them out and went back to cleaning up and readying the stack for the next morning. Next morning. Today. Just four more hours to go. Your apartment was basically on the other end of the grounds and it took thirty to forty minutes by foot to cover the distance between the two. A tired huff left you as you counted the time it would take you to go back, get ready for bed, get out of bed, and come back, realising you barely had any to sleep. Screw you and your coffee making skills. The windchime by the entrance clinked as someone opened the door, sending an irritating wave down your spine that you controlled before heading out. Your watch read five minutes to two. "I'm sorry th-" You stopped. So you thought did your heart. And every other thing in your vicinity. Natasha Romanoff, the world's deadliest assassin, stood in front of you in black Avengers Chibi pajamas. "Oh," a smooth yet raspy voice filled your ears, melting whatever frustrations lay in your mind, "I saw the lights on and thought you were open." The green in her eyes shone brilliantly under the golden lights; you were sure you had stopped breathing a long while ago. Before you could fully take her presence in, you saw her turn away. "No," you nearly shouted, making her turn back and giving yourself a chance to compose the elation building inside you, "not yet. What would you like to have?" You felt your ears heat up as she looked at you for a good moment before walking towards you with the grace of a ballerina and sitting down on the bar stool right in front of you. Be still, my fluttering heart. But the smirk at the end of her lips- that looked like carefully aged wine from grapes that was perfected under the scrutiny of the Gods themselves- sent all your logic through the window. "Tony said you are good at making a concoction for the moment," she cooed, almost making you let go of the reigns on your wavering breath. "I did like what you made me five days ago during our mission briefing." "You did?" You heard yourself say with a hint of pure joy, making her smile. Her smile! How could her smile leave you so week in the knees? That's it. That's how I want to die, you declared to yourself as you tried to hide the blush heating up your face by turning around and setting up the basic ingredients to start with. "So, Miss Romanoff," you announced, finally composing yourself a bit before turning back to her smaragdine eyes that were swirling with a light if their own inside them, "what is your need for the moment?" You realised the underlying meaning of your words after they left your tongue, trying your best not to give away on that. "Let's see," she put down her elbows on the counter top, her chin resting on her palm as she closed her eyes for a moment and you felt her movement send her intoxicating aroma towards you. Sweetness covered beneath a layer of something you would describe as a heavy whiff of the ocean in a storm, which itself was veiled under a citrus-y flavour. How could a scent be so complex yet so delicate to your senses? "So," the familiar coarseness brought you back to her sparkling emeralds, "I came back from a mission that drained me quite a bit. I would say I am in need of a good pick-me-up. In every sense of the word." You felt a smile creeping over your lips as you tucked back your hair behind your ears, nodded in confirmation and brought out a few more ingredients. Placing two decent pieces of dark chocolate over the kitchen board, you presented one to your guest, who gladly took it from your hands, her cold fingers sending a spark through yours on the lightest touch. "Were you the one who drew a black widow with a Halo and googly eyes on the coffee cup for me?" The knife in your hand slipped a bit, stabbing the chocolate, sending the chunk flying to the jukebox. Natasha clearly suppressed her laugh as your heated fingers tried to put rest of the chocolate back in its place. "Y-Yeah. I uh ahem tried to mark the cups for everyone." "Clint liked his Hawk with goggles by the way. I think he still has the cup lying somewhere." She took a crackling bite of her chunk between her teeth, making you steal a look at the way her flaming tresses curled at the ends and allowing your mind to pass through a dim corridor to wonder what it would feel like to explore the fiery strands between your fingers. "Would you like something to help you sleep as well?" You asked abruptly, dropping the knife- clearly not ready to handle two dangerous things at once- and moving up another board with lemon slices, mint leaves and some spices. "Not if there's good company," Natasha suggested matter-of-factly with a tilt of her head. Clearly not making this any easier, darling. "To be served or to go?" The barista in you came up when everything else was beginning to swirl inside your head. "To-go," came the quick reply, pinching you a little in your heart. You were clearly expecting her to stay till the drinks ran out. A little disappointed in yourself, you mentally stroked your sullen heart and proposed it to make the best drink she had ever had so she would come back for more. Switching on the 'Oh involuntary thought of mine' playlist and tying your hair back, you got down to business, placing two cups- one for a hot drink, one for cold. The clear spherical ice cubes adjusted themselves in the transparent cup with the lemon and mint finding their space between them and a slowly heated mixture of spices cooled to a thick consistency drizzled all around them generously before the tea came and coloured the ingredients in the nest golden hue. "Have this first while I prepare your other drink," you asserted, placing the finished part of your heart's work in front of her before turning to ready the coffee. "Two?" Natasha questioned as she picked up a straw from the holder and took a whiff of the cold drink, ending in a spontaneous smile, making the just built up wall inside your heart crumble a little. "Couldn't decide on one." I'm trying to flirt with you through my tea and coffee skills with zero ideas whether you are into someone like me, so, yeah! Couldn't decide on one! But that's not the only reason. "Oh, God!" Came a moan from behind you, inviting a smirk on your lips. That. That was the real reason. You shifted back to her, catching her with her eyes closed as she was letting the cold mix work through her entire body, the spices hitting her right where you wanted them to. Her muscles visibly easing themselves as the curing heat worked its way through her. You did this to the most lethal assassin on this planet. You made her moan, undoing her knotted muscles right in front of you. Watching her come down from the mini high she'd just felt gave you a sudden surge of confidence. "There's more where that came from," you suggested as you mixed few of the chocolate chunks into another spice blend. "What was that?" The assassin exclaimed in sheer amusement going back to taking one long sip; she did not even wait for you to answer, making you giggle at the child-like sparkle in her green tourmalines. "Can't tell you. It's a secret." You winked at her, making her cock her brow at you, her lips never leaving the straw. "You do know I can get it out of you without breaking a sweat right?" "Mhmm," you bit your lip before tilting your head, "all I can see right now is you nearly to the point of begging me for more." The straw made the slurps louder as she gulped down the last drops, her eyes not leaving yours. "You'll eventually tell me," she stated with a sly smile. "Make me," you retorted, enjoying the cheesy exchange till the ring of someone's cell phone brought both of you out of the beautiful trance. "That's my rooster's call," Natasha mentioned as she slowly got up from her seat, returning the sinking feeling in your chest. "Here," you presented her the hot beverage, ready to go, "drink it after thirty minutes. Let the cold one's magic work through you first." "Thanks," you heard her say as you switched off the music, the machine, and moved the unused, unsoiled ingredients back into their places. Natasha was already out of the café, her figure jumping under the dim ceiling lights, when you came out from the back to switch off the lights, take your jacket and lock up the place. The security personnel at the three am shift was having a hard time absorbing the Black Widow in PJs nearly making you laugh at the shock on his face. Checking the door with one final nudge, you tucked the keys in your jacket pocket and turned to go towards the entrance of the building nearly walking into Natasha. "Come on," she stated with a tilt of her head quite casually. "What?" "Come on," she said again, "you're not walking back to your place at three in the morning. You're staying over at mine." You- and definitely the guard eavesdropping into the whole conversation- stood there in shock for a moment. "I meant it when I spoke of good company." That wall that was building up somewhere again inside you just got blasted to smithereens. "Um, excuse me, ma'am," the guard brought your attention to him, "you don't have clearance for the upper levels." You were about to apologise when Natasha cut him right there. "Don't I look like clearance enough, Dawson?" She looked right into his eyes with a blank expression, not really sure to you what she was thinking at that moment. "Now, excuse me while I take her home." "Yes, ma'am," the guard responded sheepishly. "Wow, woman, buy me coffee first," erupted out of you from nowhere, your nerves heating up from head to toe. "Oh I plan on getting us dinner," she asserted, her hand coming for your arm, sending sparkles down your skin, "you clearly deserve more than just some ordinary coffee." "Huh," you heard yourself in between your unsteady heartbeat as you stepped into the elevator, "I wonder what it was that did it for you." "I'm not sure," she said, scrunching her nose and biting her lips, "I stopped evaluating after you gave that chocolate wings."
@greenarrowhead @magiclolipopqueen @choke-me-sweet-pea @classy-swiftt @smexylemony @hazzastyles2471 @lokis-lady-death @lokixme @l0kisbitch  @tarithenurse @hiddlestonstansworld @itheoneofmanyfandomsi @nalokoniloki @fuckidontknow @qualitynerdwasteland @cryinglots @unipanda1006 @literalangels @meganlikesfandoms @kcd15
(If you’d like to be tagged in future fics, have a request or just want to chat, DM me or send me an ask. xx)
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infernalodie · 2 years
Marvel Masterlist
$ = Smut * = Fluff ! = Angst
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Wanda Maximoff
($) The Wolf - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!reader
(*) A Sunday Kind of Love - Wanda Maximoff x Black!Male!reader
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Kate Bishop
(!) Opera House - Kate Bishop x Black!Male!reader
(! * $) Mark My Words - Kate Bishop x Male!reader Part One - Part Two
(! * $) You’re All I Want - Kate Bishop x Fem!reader Part One - Part Two
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Natasha Romanoff
(! *) Hurt For Me - Natasha Romanoff x Black!Male!reader
(*) Play With Fire - Natasha Romanoff x Black!Male!reader
(!) Everybody Dies - Natasha Romanoff x Black!Male!reader
(! *) Reputation - Natasha Romanoff x Black!Male!reader
($) Desire - Succubus!Natasha Romanoff x Buff!Black!Fem!reader (medieval au)
($) Flash - Jarl!Natasha Romanoff x Fem!reader (viking au)
(! * $) Gangs of London Series - Natasha Romanoff x Fem!reader
(! *) Consume - Vampire!Natasha Romanoff x Lycan!Fem!reader Part One - Part Two
($ *) Billie Bossa Nova - Natasha Romanoff x Fem!reader
(! $) Dracula - Vampire!Natasha Romanoff x Black!Fem!reader
(! $ *) Alkaline - Vampire!Natasha Romanoff x Black!Fem!reader Part One - Part Two - Finale
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Yelena Belova
($) For Your Love - Yelena Belova x Fem!reader
(! * $) I Can’t Go on Without You - Demon!Yelena Belova x Fem!reader Part One - Part Two
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Steve Rogers
(!) A Final Stand - Steve Rogers x Black!Fem!reader
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Jennifer Walters
($) Piece Of You - Jennifer Walters x Black!Fem!reader
(! $) Mount Everest - Jennifer Walters x Fem!reader
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Shuri Udaku
(*) Hide & Seek - Shuri x Black!Male!reader
(! $) Need You - Shuri x Black!Male!reader
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Gwen Stacy (Into The Spider-Verse)
(!) Ascenisionism - Gwen Stacy x Black!Fem!reader Part One - Part Two
(!) The Bridge - Gwen Stacy x Black!Fem!reader
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Miguel O'Hara
($) flowers & sex - Miguel O'Hara x Gn!Reader
(!) Multiple Endings - Miguel O’Hara x Black!Fem!reader
More coming soon...
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