#nct scearios
kpopmalereader · 4 years
scared ; kim doyoung
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• summary: you turn to doyoung for protection as you watch a scary movie together • pairing: kim doyoung x male!reader • word count: 610 • to do
The popcorn bucket in Doyoung's lap is half empty. And not from you grabbing a handful every two seconds just to have something to do with your hands but because you spilled most of it when the movie's first jumpscare came around. He asked you once again if you wanted to watch the movie or if you wanted to see something else. But you're stubborn and said you wanted to watch the movie too.
And now you're sitting with one of your knees pressed to your chest, handfuls of popcorn being shoveled into your mouth. Your eyebrows knit together as you watch the dark screen, concentration evident on your face. Doyoung reaches out to rub your thigh and offers an affectionate smile. You nod your head without any questioning. Your smile at his worry falls back to a frightened stare at the screen.
Over the next two minutes, you slowly begin to take over his armrest. Your head ends up in front of his shoulder and Doyoung wordlessly pushes you to the side and moves the armrest off.
“You're allowed to move closer to me.”
You nod your head, eyes not moving from the screen in fear of something being visible out of the corner of your eye. Doyoung moves the bucket to his other leg as you lay your head on his shoulder.
A tiny gasp comes from you as the screen goes pitch-black. “What happened?”
Dramatic music starts up and you grab his hand, wiggling his fingers back and forth.
“I'm still here.”
“I know.”
You sound out of breath and Doyoung resists the urge to fawn over you in the middle of a horror movie. You groan and dig your feet into the carpeted ground. You mumble, covering your face with his arm. “Stupid.”
The tension in the movie could be cut with a knife and with every passing second, you retreat further and further into Doyoung. The villain pops into the frame with blood dripping off of his forehead, followed by screams from the characters and a few moviegoers. You jump and turn your head, blocking your eyes with your hands.
“Oh, that's the worst.” You say, shaking your head. “Horrible, awful.”
Doyoung wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head. “It's alright. It's just a movie.”
“That doesn't change anything.” You mumble, aiming one eye to the screen.
You shudder at the screen and bury your face in his chest. Doyoung pats your back and leans to whisper in your ear.
“Do you want to leave? I understand if you don't like this.”
“You wanted to watch the movie.” You state.
“Honey, your voice is shaking.” Doyoung rubs your back and begins to push you up. “Come on, I'll rent the movie when it comes out.”
You shake your head, still not looking anywhere near the movie screen. “It's okay. I can make it.”
“No, come on, we'll take our popcorn and we'll go watch another movie or we'll go home and watch some Netflix.” Doyoung stands you up, leaning over to stick the candy into the popcorn bucket. He hands you your drink and grabs his own. “Let's go buy another ticket. I'll buy you some more candy to make you feel better too.”
You pout at him and follow him out of the theater. “I'm sorry, I know you wanted to watch that.”
“You tried to stay calm that entire time, hun, it's okay. I'll finish watching it later or force some of the boys to come back and watch it with me.” Doyoung kisses your cheek and smiles. “And I'll force them to sit through the whole thing.”
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kodabears-world · 5 years
Better in colour - Jung Jaehyun soulmate au
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Plot - You believed soulmates were real, heck you knew they were. The only problem was you didn’t know where yours was. (Y’all see in colour when you meet the eyes of your soulmate.)
Jung Jaehyun was a quiet boy, he was in love with the way things looked through a camera. Yearning to see in colour he took pictures of everything that he loved, so no matter what he would be able to see them in colour some day.
You were a book loving romantic, longing to meet your love, just like in the stories and just like your parents. You couldn’t wait for the day that life came to the covers on your books and flowers didn’t look as dull.
As usual Jaehyun lugged his camera and bag around the campus, trying to capture anything and everything at the same time.
“Hey Jae!” Johnny screamed in his usually loud voice, pulling along his soulmate Yeri.
“Dude there’s this party happening tonight and you should come and take some pics.” he suggested, slinging his arms over Yeri’s much smaller frame and resting his chin on her head.
“Yeah sure just text me the address and time man and I’ll be there.” Jae replied, a small smirk playing on his face as he looked at the couple.
“Jae do you want to come to lunch with us? Were checking out that cute cafe just off campus, I’m bringing my friend Y/N, maybe you guys could finally meet.” Yeri spoke, in her usual soft voice, whist playing with Johnny’s fingers.
“I’d love to guys but I have to get home and edit some photos for an assignment, but I’ll see you both later at the party.” He replied and waved a quick goodbye at the couple.
Meanwhile you had your nose dug into your newest book, waiting for Johnny and Yeri, they had texted you not to wait up and order and that they would be there soon.
The door chimed and in walked the giant himself Johnny and a tiny Yeri following. You waved your hand and they walked over and sat down, greeting you and picking up the menus.
“Alright babe, I’ll go order for us, be back in a bit.” Johnny spoke, giving her a quick kiss and walking away.
“So Y/N, you coming tonight?” She asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“Well you wouldn’t believe it but yes actually, I finished my assignment so I can actually leave the house for once.” You replied, leaning your face on the palm of your hand, watching Yeri’s facial expression change into a much more surprised one.
“Ugh, it’s about time you got out of the house.” As she said it you both nodded in agreement.
“Be ready by 7 and Johnny and I will pick you up. Ok?” You flashed a quick thumbs up and Johnny returned changing the subject by talking about what he was thinking of wearing tonight, if you remembered correctly he said he was a ‘fashion evaluator’ of some sort now and apparently he had to be best dressed.
7pm rolled around way faster than you expected. You through on a nice skirt and top and added a denim jacket, knowing that you were probably going to sweat a bucket load you only added light makeup.
Yeri spammed you with messages when she was out front and you grabbed your handbag and phone and ran out the door.
Jaehyun arrived to the party late, he loved capturing people in their element and that usually came after they had some booze.
Everything seemed like a normal party, nothing caught his eye until he saw you.
Your face stuffed in a book, in the middle of a party, he was not only shocked but impressed. I mean he doesn’t know a lot of people who can read with this much noice and distraction.
He positioned himself perfectly and snapped a few shots of you sitting their peacefully amongst the chaos of the party.
You didn’t hear the clicks of the camera but you sure as hell felt the flash. You covered your eyed in an attempt to recover from the bright light that illuminated in what seemed to be a constantly dark room.
You opened your eyes and they were met with possibly the cutest and guilty looking boy you had ever seen.
“Hi, um I’m Jaehyun, I’m a photographer, sorry for the light. Also I’m pretty sure your my soulmate because everything just became so much more ooft, you know?” He stumbled out, a dark blush climbing up his neck.
“I’m Y/N, I forgive you, and wow ooft is about right. I do have to ask though why were you taking pictures of me in a room full of poeple?” You asked, tilting your head to the side.
He just stared at you, his eyes filled with so much awe and love.
“How bout we head somewhere more quiet and get to know each other better? I know this great cafe that’s open till late.” You smiled and he grabbed your hand leading you out the door.
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alessascrapbook · 6 years
When u cute but still a thot
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kyufiber-main · 7 years
30 Question Tag
Rules: answer 30 questions then tag 20 blogs you would like to know better.
I was tagged by: @multifandom-hoes hiss hiss
1. Nicknames: Ellie, ele, 12.5, green apple elena, elena the cactus SMH
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Cancer
4. Height: like 155 cm/barely 5′1″
5. Time: 10:58pm
6. Birthday: July 4th
7. favorite bands: a sHIT ton, but specifically nct, victon, bts,
8. Favorite solo artists: jay park, dean, melanie martinez, the weeknd
9. Song stuck in my head: eyez eyez by victon
10. Last movie watched: pride and prejudice (2005)
11. Last show watched: me7nam if that counts
12. When did i create my blog: a year ago in June I think
13. What do I post: reblogs of like 23547654 kpop groups
14. Last thing googled: “virtual villagers origins cheats” .......
15. Do you have other blogs?: yes lmao like 5, @multitrash-texts (my texts blog) @neo-citizen (my nct blog) @wanna-request-one (wanna one sceario blog) @sleepyseob (pd101/wanna one blog) and @rookiereport (rookie/underrated male idol blog) plus a personal one lmao
16. Do you get asks?: nO liKE NEVER & ITS RLLY SAD bc i want them T.T
17. Why did u choose your url?: bc of an inside joke with my best friend
18. Following: 294
19. Followers: 253
20. Favorite colors: Aquamarine/teal blue, white, pink
21. Average hours of sleep: like 7-8?
22. Lucky number: 154
23. Instruments: none lmao i wish
24. What am I wearing: a peach and white striped shirt and jeans
25. How many blankets I sleep with: 1-3
26. Dream job: Translater
27. Dream trip: somewhere pretty like fiji or hawaii
28. Favorite food: sushi, pizza, scalloped potatoes, goldfish crackers LMAO
29. Nationality: American
30. Favorite song now: What 2 Do by Dean and So Bad by VICTON
I tag: @hwaiting-hoe @swoojin @baejinie @jinguos @extraongdinary @swaggybyeongari @cinderflamewc @jeo-jang @dxnghyuns @godkimsamuel @jiminie-fiminie @lovinsoftboyz@memeseoul @memesonwang @pajamabird @sichoeng @daeswhis @joohurt @our-kpopreact @minsbugi
IM SORRY you don’t have to do it lmao
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