#neo twewy aesthetic
shittykinaesthetics · 10 months
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Shitty Uzuki Yashiro aesthetic: girl you could be used as a fucking cautionary tale about giving your all to a company that truly does not care about you. karl marx's ghost is watching you and screaming
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heibon-hiroo · 10 months
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Quite late but twewy still on the back of my mind
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itsashowtime · 2 months
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( UkuShou / ECHO AGAIN )
The other side of the receiver Connected to the night sky We were looking at the same moon
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fxdeawayyouth · 2 years
// tag dump //
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In which I describe the maths of how to attack and dethrone God (per Minamimoto)
So in my evergrowing post thread (which I know I'm already gonna have to add to that essay fml) I did make ref to...well, a thing that literally has made my jaw drop since when I played TWEWY the first time (and keeping in mind this was a game friends forcefully insisted I play because "there's a char Sho Minamimoto who's just like you fr", and after I'd nodded "yup" re the SI unit obsessions and the compsci refs to Heaps and Crunching (and later, as I found out, "crashing" in JP), and the aesthetic, and, and...)
Namely: Sho Minamimoto literally uses (or tries to use) a very famous maths formula called Euler's Identity to take out the Composer as an example of Forcefully Applied Mathematics. :D (This may have also been the moment when I was like "Yup, he just like me FR")
So. First off. Euler's Identity.
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It's kind of difficult to explain why this particular equation is considered one of the true Chef's Kisses of Mathematics to non-mathematicians, but part of it is elegance, and part of it is that it includes five of the foundational variables that show up in mathematics all the time (and really even more functions if you break it apart): a) the natural logarithm e or Euler's number which is roughly 2.71828182845... and which is zetta important in a lot of fields including finance, biology, medicine, and calculus functions, and (as we'll get into) antennas and field strength measurements and pretty much a Shitload of functions related to growth b) the imaginary unit i or the square root of -1 (which turns out to be extremely useful in a lot of contexts, including electronics (seriously; AC electricity and functions relating to that are *heavily* dependent on the imaginary unit) and graphing and arguably how Cartesian graphs work especially once you get into calculus c) Pi (π), everyone's favourite circle ratio of 3.141592653589793238462643393279 (is pulled away from keyboard before I can draw a Taboo Noise Refinery Sigil in Paint) and which is Important in many, many contexts d) 1 (yes, 1 is considered a constant! Specifically "A quantity exists") , and
e) 0 (yes, 0 is considered a constant too, specifically "a quantity does not exist", and reducing Euler's Identity results in e^(i*pi)+1=0) To make it even more Minamimoto-esque, you can technically also express Euler's Identity as a reduction of "e^(i*x) = cos(pi) + (i * (sin(pi)) (aka Euler's Formula), and cos(pi) =-1 and sin(pi)=0.
And really it's kind of a beautiful way of how things all fit together in a lovely function that is almost a kiss from the Math Gods and if plotted traces a lovely circle.
So after that little tangent, here's how this all relates to W2D7 of TWEWY, and Minamimoto's forcefully applied mathematics. * * * So, first we end up at Pork City (Mark City if you're watching the anime; Tokyu Group liked the TWEWY tourism and by the time the anime and NEO came around decided to take advantage of the advertising), and...Joshua and Neku start having a very interesting conversation on why there's So Much Damn Noise at Pork City anyways:
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Neku asks if this is the work of Pi-Face, Joshua notes "Probably" and then goes on to note that it might not all be JUST Minamimoto:
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In other words: Pork City is effectively acting as an amplifier or at least an antenna for Noise. (I am not the only one to have noticed it and not even the only one on Tunglr, for that matter; Voice From The Corner also picked up on this as well though I'll freely admit I'm diving a bit more into the STEM portions of this.) TWEWY:tA is even more blatant about this imagery in ep 6, where Joshua explicitly notes that all the emotion in Shibuya collects at Mark City (remember, the animation uses the RL name) and then "crashes into Mark City and shoots up into the sky. That emotion flows back down and keeps building up here." (Shortly afterwards, Joshua also mentions the Imaginary Noise Plane as the inside of Mark City warps, similarly to a sine wave flow--or the flow of energy into, or out of, an antenna. (You do not know how loudly I screamed seeing this, as an aside) So, this is where we get into piece one, e (and where a healthy interest in radio and electronics hobbies helps!)
So antennas, interestingly, have how well they pick up a frequency measured in a logarithmic scale, and basic field strength measurements (and a lot of other "wavey" things, including earthquakes, including, well, literal background noise) get measured on logarithmic scales too. It's rather more common with antennas and earthquakes for this to be measured on log-10 scales (hence the Richter scale for quakes, or decibels for antennas and sound). There's a particular group of measurements (physical field and power measurements), however, that actually uses log-e, aka the natural logarithm, and especially for voltage or current and "root power quantities"--the neper. And, in Euler's Identity, e is taken to powers...and Pork City is basically acting as a huge antenna. Also in info engineering aspects, there's another aspect--the nat, which is considered a unit of information or info entropy...also based on e. (I told you Euler's number comes up a lot of places!)
Let's continue... So now we come to i, the imaginary unit, and that's called out blatantly by Joshua:
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This, too, is based on math--from Final Fantasy II, specifically, and how the Flare spell worked. Flare is an area-effect spell and it hit based on (Enemy's HP/Flare level), i.e. enemies that had HP divisible by 2 could be hit by a Flare level 2 spell and could deliver damage based on that spell's level, etc. So a level i Flare, based on how complex numbers work, could hit just about anything (assuming, of course, that the Composer is not a Fractal Bastard and promptly yeets himself into a PokeYugiBeyBladeVerse). But...that's not the ONLY part where things imaginary come into play. So, one of the interesting bits of lore that came out in (of all things) the NEO:TWEWY Field Walk RPG (alas, JP only, but a delightful source of lore, and thankfully the fan community preserved almost all of it) is actual canon on how Tin Pins and Psychs work including the actual formula on how they work in a convo between Minamimoto and Fret:
Fret: Soooo, these psychs and pins and stuff… how does it all work? Minamimoto: The pin is charged by the Imagination of the user. Fret: Uh huuuh. Minamimoto: The pin itself is just a medium. Fret: Mm-hmm. Minamimoto: “Power” is calculated from the numerical limit of the pin, using your will as a coefficient. Fret: Yeah. Minamimoto: But that formula alone means nothing to me!
(Emphasis mine: props to Pavaal on the Dead Bird App for initial translation, and to multiple others for confirmation from the FWRPG script.) So basically how Psychs work is functionally as an athame, using formula Psych=Limit^Imaginatio. (Secret Report 1 in TWEWY also confirms Imagination is important in making a Psych work to begin with; the formula) Of note, Minamimoto also has a canonically high Imagination, as detailed in the Secret Reports. To even become a Reaper to begin with (as noted in SR7) those who survive the week who have enough Imagination become Reapers, and even among Reapers Minamimoto tends to stand out (he is canonically the youngest Reaper Officer ever, and apparently had quite the rapid rise to power). SR15 in TWEWY notes (even keeping in mind that in this instance Hanekoma is being a bit of an Unreliable Narrator in covering his own butt regarding the Taboo Thing):
The sigil Minamimoto drew was one of the undecodable types. Was that a mistake on the Fallen Angel's part? Or was it a transcription error by Minamimoto? Either way, with that design, he stands little chance of reviving himself. However, Minamimoto is driven, and his Imagination strong. Perhaps strong enough to make a Taboo sigil work, even in the Underground... If so, the specific result would be impossible to predict.
And in SR19 (again, covering up just a bit for his own helping hand):
I've detected an energy spike here. It would seem Minamimoto has returned. I judged his revival unlikely after spotting his Taboo refinery sigil on the first day, but it appears Minamimoto's Imagination is much stronger than I'd anticipated. The Fallen Angel must have completed the array for him. A troubling thought. Who can say what impact this will have on the Composer and Conductor's Game?
And even in the NEO Secret Reports it's noted his second trip through Coco's version of the Sigil actually ramped up his Imagination even more (in NEO SR 7):
Minamimoto, on the other hand has all but vanished from the proxy’s side. His Noise refinery sigil drastically heightens his Imagination, which may be why he can clearly recognize the proxy’s abilities. I have an idea of what he’s planning. It’s dangerous, but I have no way of stopping him.
And again, TWEWY:tA also makes it more blunt that Minamimoto was selected explicitly because of his Imagination and his connections to Shibuya as Hanekoma's Plan B. So there's imaginary units (in the sense of literal level i flare), and imaginary units (in a Reaper whose Imagination is already in the stratosphere). And in regards to pi? Well, Pi-Face, he has very much a rep of being....numbers- and math-obsessed even BEFORE he throws 156 digits of pi in the Composer's face:
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But pi (as a number) is actually meaningful as HELL to Minamimoto, he engages in saying pi to himself drawing the Taboo Noise Refinery Sigil (goroawase in Japanese which relates to literally an obstetrician going to a foreign country and a woman giving birth at night as insects make a lot of noise which can almost be seen as a minor ritual to Make It Work, a little happy pi rhythmic thing in English in the game, actual spoopy sounding pimetry in the anime that sounds very sorcery-y). Looking (for far too long) at the Taboo Noise Refinery Sigil, pi is encoded in it in at least four or five places (multiple times as functionally a magic binding circle, at least once where he draws the symbol for pi in such a way that when it's turned upside down it literally spells "pi"). It's important. It's meaningful. It's His Number and transcedential and irrational and beautiful and unrestrained :D So now y'all are wondering, "OK, smartass, where's the -1 at?" As I noted, another way you can write Euler's Identity is specifically as "e^(i*pi)+1=0", so that can be expressed as a way to null the Composer (who is probably the 1 in question). Euler's Identity would be used to subtract 1 from the equation, in other words (as Minamimoto was intending to come back from Erasure by literally integrating himself via Taboo Noise Refinery Sigil). There's one other interesting bit of symbolism, one that's deep enough that I'm not even sure the writers of TWEWY intended, but if so...it's such a chef's kiss that I have deepest admiration.
So Euler's Identity can be expressed in terms of a formula, and as a reduction of sine and cosines involving pi and i, but it can also be mapped as motion--specifically as how a function evolves. (I tend to be a pretty visual thinker, and there's an extremely good discussion on Euler's Identity here that goes into the whole "mapping the function" aspect to show how Euler's Identity works in practice.)
So typically when you're doing a non-negative function or a zero function, generally there's an assumption of "right-hand" rotation or movement. Complex functions, you get into fun things like circles, and curves, and even some very beautiful fractals (like with the Mandelbrot set) with the right iterative formulas. Euler's Identity...is literally a left-hand-path function:
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(And those of you who were writing about the Cyclic Nature of Minamimoto are probably all screaming right now) Anyways, wanted to share in full one of the things that was a jawdropper for me in TWEWY back when I found the game at a glorified skateshop that sold games in 2011. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, zeptograms :3
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regallibellbright · 1 year
"Equipment stats tied to clothes are an in-universe thing that characters are at least loosely aware of, even if they don't understand it mechanically the way we do" is the TWEWY headcanon I will die for because you can get SO MUCH out of it. Like, for humor, if you want to treat any given character as actually dressing in the completely uncoordinated equipment you've put them in for stats, it's very easy to do it with "yeah, they know these clothes make them stronger somehow and they decided to put that above 'not looking ridiculous'." Fun as hell. But it's also really interesting when you think about it with Shiki, especially in the context of Neo and Gatto Nero as the replacement brand for Gatito.
Gatto Nero is a really interesting brand mechanically for two reasons. The first, obvious one is how it's the mechanical successor to Gatito, not just filling the same zodiac role - both brands’ pins come exclusively in sets. Gatito's the only brand that uses sets in the original DS version, along with the unbranded Crimson Kingdoms set added in Final Remix. In Neo, quite a few other brands make two-pin sets, but the only bigger ensembles are the Unbranded Stop and Go ensemble and Gatto Nero's Year-round and Black Cat sets. This is something we can just assume characters know and understand by default - pins are special, pin sets are super strong and good.
The second is less obvious: Gatto Nero has a LOT of items that have character-specific abilities, relative to the other brands. There are obvious reasons why Shoka and Neku both have items there (and Rindo and Minamimoto both have aesthetics that fit well with the brand,) but it's still interesting. Adding up all of Gatto Nero's items, eight out of nineteen are character-specific, or about 42%. The second is Hog Fang, with seven out of twenty three items, and third is Monocrow with five of seventeen, both just under a third. Other brands have three, maybe four character-specific items. It suggests Gatto Nero’s a brand where the people who like it LOVE it, and connect hard to specific pieces in particular. (Just look at Shoka’s love of her hoodie.)
So. Taking my headcanon that the characters know clothes have power, I don't think they'd recognize it the same way the players do, with numbers and stats and knowing various status effects. But they could in-universe notice something like HP Drain, and they might recognize "oh I never get stunned when I'm wearing this," or "this feels like attacks hurt less," or "it seems easier to sync in this for whatever reason." I also think they'd notice when something they like seems to work better on them than their Partner, especially when Neku played for three weeks with three different people and could compare.
In other words, the aspiring fashion designer could realize that clothes that people LOVE, things they connect to specifically and deeply, would be particularly valuable in the UG. And I can’t imagine Shiki wouldn’t keep that knowledge in mind while designing once she gets back, and try to impress that knowledge on Eri, because “the thing I love and want to do with my life is psychically vital to people fighting to come back to life in a purgatorial death game” is uh. Probably the most validating thing one could ever learn about their chosen vocation. This is something she’d probably be thinking about no matter what.
And then A New Day happens. For most of the time between games, one of Shiki’s most important people is missing, and they have no idea where Neku is beyond "probably the UG." But maybe she can still help him, if her clothes can get his way. Maybe, if she tries to make pins that are especially useful to him, he’ll find them. (This also gives an easy way for Shiki and Joshua to know each other come Neo if you like that headcanon - Shiki doesn't have any special knowledge of pins, Joshua as Composer has to know at least a few things about how they work. Cue grudging alliance-turned-eventual-friendship as Shiki grits her teeth and asks him for help for Neku's sake.)
There's just SO MUCH room to play with the game's equipment system being something that characters know about and try to work with in-universe, especially with Shiki.
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sho-minamimoto · 6 months
6 20 23 Sho
1 7 8 23 Shiba!
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Hmm.... hard to say since Sho is just. completely batshit. I guess the easiest and most obvious answer would be that we're both artists and like to find beauty in aesthetically strange things. But I dont think i have a single thing in common with him personality wise LOL
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I think susukichi and sho have extremely similar temperaments + quirks and if they weren't on opposite sides of The Conflict they'd get along great. I said once before that Susukichi would be the Sho Minamimoto of NEO if sho literally wasn't also already in the game. Their vibes are super similar and they both want to have a fun time.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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This one marketing image from when the anime was airing is the funniest thing in the world to me. like. why the fuck is sho even here. he is in no way buddies with anyone in the hachiko gang (during this specific timeframe anyways) there is literally NO logical reason for him to be posed alongside this specific group of characters here. This image from sho's pov is just him + guy hes actively trying to kill + guy he's stalking only bc he's joined at the hip with the guy he's trying to kill + guy he met twice and beat the shit out of one of those times + 2 people he's never met or interacted with before ever. On a marketing level its clear they just wanted to include him with the main characters simply bc hes a super popular character among fans but it's makes for the most unintentionally hilarious image ever.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
First. he's extremely funny and dresses like a harlot. Second THE LAYERSSSS Shiba's primary motivation is like a puzzle that the narrative gives you all the pieces to and then invites you to solve. Not in that the game doesn't tell you what it is At All, it says as much that he's on a powertrip towards ascension, but it's difficult to wrap your head around Why until you deliberately examine and unravel each of his relationships with the other shinjuku reapers: how they affected him, what their side of the story is, why they're emotionally estranged but still sticking together, etc. I enjoy that you have to take the time to put it together yourself, but also the full picture you get once that puzzle is complete is one that i enjoy immensely. The fact that the core of shiba's plight is rooted in his relationships (or lack thereof) is very true to the spirit of twewy and I greatly appreciate that they applied all this to the game's main villain AND gave him a chance for redemption on top of it. His final scene is one of my favourites in the game and really sticks with me.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
The memes. Shiba's so easy to meme on its great. I have a folder of shiba memes on my desktop whenever i see a new shitpost or edit i Have to save it. im glad he gets clowned on so hard. Shi Basuks Cok lives in my head rent free. I wish shiba's va did small comms like I've seen other voice actors do sometimes bc i would pay him money to hear him voice act that post as Shiba for real. But i can dream
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I know i like Just finished talking abt how much i love the shiba memes but i also dislike how Majority of what i see of shiba is Just the memes and jokes. I wouldn't go as far as say i despise them at all (or i wouldn't have a folder of shiba memes) but I think its disappointing that i hardly see anyone actually take him seriously as a character or give him any consideration for analysis. Or not as much as I'd like to see, anyways (when i do see it it fucks hard though.) I also get the impression sometimes that some people take delight in the memes + clowning on shiba specifically bc they think he's just Not well written or interesting which bums me out a little.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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this clown shiba edit i made a yearish ago. i hold it close to my heart.
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drizzileiscool · 2 months
my experience in neo: the world ends with you
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spoilers for both twewy and ntwewy btw
woo I finally beat this game. The story was.... Eh. I didn't like the story. throughout the game I was wondering when it was gonna get good and then... it never really did. shiba becomes a twist good guy. shoka is a gamer girl for some reason. tsugumi does nothing despite being hyped up 10 years before the game was announced.
I think it's cool that they brought back old characters, but did they really need to bring back the ENTIRE twewy cast?
Beat being a party member was fine. Minamimoto is there but only for the first few days and then he's gone until week 3. Why the hell are joshua and shiki here as well when they contribute nothing to the plot? AND WHO THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO BRING BACK LITTLE MIS MICRO TRANSACTIONS?? You can keep neku in though he reminds me of a friend and I always like when he's on screen.
So about shoka being swallow.. I don't think that was a good plot twist at all. First, they teased swallow was in the game by showing someone in a hoodie that looked nothing like shoka, implying that beat was swallow. Okay, good start, now we know swallow is in the game. Next, swallow reveals that they're in the game, but won't say anything else. Ok cool, now the characters know. Finally, all the other teams die but swallow still reads messages. Now we have reason to believe swallow is a reaper and on the ruinbringers. AND THEN THEY THREW ALL THAT OUT THE WINDOW AND HAD SWALLOW BE SHOKA WHY. THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE WASN'T SHE LOCKED OUT OF HER ACCOUNTS AFTER BEING KICKED OUT OF THE REAPERS?? WHY WOULD SHE BE ABLE TO READ MESSAGES?? AND EVEN IF SHE WAS ABLE TO READ THEM WHY DON'T THEY GIVE OFF THE NOTIFICATION SOUNDS?? THEY SHOULD'VE NOTICED BY THEN THAT SHOKA'S PHONE MYSTERIOUSLY VIBRATED WHENEVER RINDO SENT A MESSAGE.
sorry. I think that plot twist sucks.
Kubo being an angel had no fanfare at all and I don't like that. He was literally just like "oh also I'm an angel prepare to die"
Joshua. Bud. Why are you here. Joshua shows up at the end just to ask neku to be composer and then teleports shoka to cat street and never shows up again. Why.
Onto the things about this game that I ACTUALLY like..
The music is phenomenal. They took everything about twewy's aesthetic and modernized it. They even did the same thing with the art style. The character interactions are great and I loved seeing beat and fret's dynamic. I love these dumbasses. I like that nagi finally started opening up to fret near the end. I like neku and rindo's interactions. I like that fret tried out elestra at the end because nagi told him to and thought that was really cute. That's it.
Final verdict: 6/10.
Ntwewy would've worked better as a reboot than a sequel to a 15 year old game.
I haven't unlocked the secret reports because I am burnt out on playing this game. I'm gonna go play a worse game now (bdsp)
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yue-muffin · 7 months
i really almost never pay attention to soundtracks in video games or dramas. i'm just not a musically inclined person, so i never really notice the music unless it's extraordinarily good.
so, i've gotta say, genshin impact has some of the most memorable tracks i've ever encountered. every region has its own vibes, reflecting the cultures the region was based on, but with a unique spin that elevates it above the generic. whoever does the music for this game is amazing.
(extra kudos to the inazuma ost. i rarely see anywhere outside of japan nail the japanese aesthetic in terms of music without sounding super generic.)
other video game osts that stand out are the persona games - super funky, very distinctive, not my type of music at all but they definitely carry a specific vibe and energy that i can appreciate nonetheless. neo twewy was similar - not stuff i would normally listen to but the music was a banger, fit the game very well.
special mention to the fire emblem fates/if conquest ost! western music is everywhere in fantasy, but conquest has a few really good tracks that stand out - either that or having to sit on the same level for 6 hours brainwashed me lol.
also a special mention to one very specific song from the final fantasy type-0 ost - zero by bump of chicken actually made me cry, in-game, TWICE. there are two versions, and the softer acoustic version was twice as devastating as the normal version...also, shoutout to Kaji Yuki who sings a few lines from this song in-game.
(...type-0 had an all-star cast of VAs. one of many reasons to play it.)
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xngelsinflight · 9 months
Hello and welcome to our personal aesthetic blog~
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This blog is owned by 3 system members (pro endo + tulpa btw). This is where we'll rb things that remind us of home, our source, and our friends. Our sources are TWEWY and Neo TWEWY. We are very connected to our sources and frequently travel to them.
The three of us are in a polycule with several others from our system (Josh is comfortable with flirtatious asks though. Especially if you want to worship/praise hymn~)
We don't necessarily consider ourselves angelkin, more like we are angels/nonhuman in our source & in our system; we feel connected to the kin/alterhuman communities since we are not humans. Most of our system is nonhuman in some form or another, and we collectively ID as nonhuman.
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Joshua Kiryu 🪽 He/They/It + He/hymn
Angel/Composer 🪽 Adult by both human and angel standards
Hazuki Mikagi 🪽 He/him/anything non-fem
Angel 🪽 Adult by both human and angel standards
Sho Minamimoto 🐈‍⬛ He/it
Reaper (former), demon (?) 🐈‍⬛ Adult by both human and any supernatural standards
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Some things we like: Angelcore, angel artwork, pictures of the sky, pictures of tall buildings against the sky, WINGS, godkin aesthetics (Josh), really anything related to twewy, JoshNeku, JoshHaz, JoshSho, monochrome fashion (Haz), mlm/nblm content, mizuiro (Josh), eldritch aesthetics, demoncore (Sho)
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scramble-crossing · 10 months
6 & 17 for the TWEWY ask game?
6. Favourite Brand(s)?
Tie between Croaky Panic and Tiger Punks :] There will be no aesthetic consistency here. Croaky's goofiness is just so charming, I love the anime man sword I love the maid outfit and the rainbow wig I love Sasai my beloved clown grandma I love how half the pins are just frogs going :p :p :p over and over again, they found peak design and ran all the way home with it. Takeshita Street is my favourite location in neo...probably both games honestly, so I love all the shops there, but nothing will top an off-colour variety store run by a woman who insists that her rainbow afro is 100% natural. Like c'mon what more can you ask for
And Tiger Punks is cool. Punk rules. Can't say I'm into the subculture a la the dress or music, but I am looking respectfully from afar and blowing kisses.
^None of this is based on actual pin functionality btw I have never paid attention to pin brands before and I never will YES this includes Pork City in Another Day I was in the trenches man
17. Character(s) you relate to the most?
I have recently come to the horrifying realization that I have been projecting onto Sho this entire time.
Really, it should have been Neku. It would have been Neku if not for the fact that I watched the anime first and they did my poor boy's arc so dirty that I didnt care about him at ALL until I played the first game a little while later, and by then Sho had already sunk his grubby little paws into my brain and wasn't coming out. With him it also comes down to the fact that I had very little sense of how the series' writing usually treats him (his death in the anime being MUCH more generous than his canonical one for example), so I had high ambitions for him. I was in the middle of the loneliest, most isolated period of my life and instantly latched on to who I thought was a deeply flawed loner trapped in a cycle of self-sabotauge finding happiness and relief through acceptance by the people around him, in true and honest love and companionship. Just...the narrative of being stuck in liminal state for so, so long because you honestly don't believe that there's anything worth breaking out of it for, like a thick, murky-glass box with no light beyond it until one day, miraculously, there's a splinter and then a crack and then through it you can finally see clearly, and realize that there is something out there worth fighting for. It's a hamster wheel it's dead static it's a subtle yet persistent ache like a hole punctured or a tiny gear missing somewhere in your body its loneliness and I felt it so deeply I projected it hard onto Sho and made up a narrative in my head for him that isnt really there...or maybe is, kind of, but not to the degree that I've fabricated for my own personal reasons.
Now I NEED him to be happy and surrounded by friends it's pathological. Loneliness has been such a deep and pervasive pain all throughout my life and for some godforsaken reason I've decided to deal with it through this asshole. Of all characters. It was already bad in neo but then Josh decided to drop the line "Bored again? Or maybe just lonely" and ruin any chance I had and I KNOW I did it on purpose I KNOW he did the little BASTARD-
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thatoneguy031 · 10 months
Here's a character I've mentioned literally only once, waaaay back on this blog: Azure.
Screw it, I'm in the mood for a bit of writing, so why not talk about him, right? Besides, it's the 16th anniversary of TWEWY, and I unfortunately had nothing else planned.
For those that haven't seen this post, Azure is my TWEWY oc, who I have an unhealthy obsession with drawing as a dragon. Trust me, it's not real, I just think that it works for him, for aesthetic and in-story reasons.
(Also, if I got anything wrong about the TWEWY lore, please let me know. I just watched a Black Jupiter video and was reminded of this dude.)
Azure was just a normal guy. Introverted, but somewhat normal. Compared to Neku, who often went out of his way to avoid people when he could, and RIndo, who's my kind of introverted, if you know what I mean, Azure would snap at anyone if they did as little as breathe the wrong way in his direction(The comparison'll make a little bit more sense later on, I swear).
As for how he ended up in the Reapers Game, Azure was on crossing the street one morning on his way to school, and someone bumped into him. He turned around and began yelling at the buisnessman, and it turned into a screaming match.
They were standing there for about a minute, when Azure had saw a car coming their way. Of course, he tried to warn the other guy that he had to get out of the street, but they weren't listening. With no other option, Azure shoved him out of the way, just in time for the car to hit him instead.
Just like that, he was brought into the Reapers Game, right in the middle of the Scramble Crossing.
With that settled, let's talk about Azure's abilities.
Like the original TWEWY game and NEO, Azure is able to use basically any pin at his disposal in combat. It's partially explained in NEO that Shinjuku's Reapers Game made it possible for any player to do this, but here's the funny part.
Azure's playing Shibuya's version of the Game. Which means that the pins that can be used is yet again limited by how much Imagination you have.
Like Rindo and Neku, Azure also has a really high Imagination, which means that he can use pretty much any pin he wants. Which ones he uses are actually hidden from view of the average Player and Reaper. He keeps them tucked where his hoodie and shorts overlap, with the exception of the Player Pin, which he always has in his right shorts pocket if it's not in use.
In that post, I asked y'all to guess which pins he was using. These are the answers, I guess.
His favorite pin are the ones with the Shockwave Psych. On top of that, his favorite brand is Jupiter of the Monkey, so it was kind of a no brainer that he'd use Yoshimitsu.
Azure also uses Earthshake pretty often. The battles in this story take place the same way that they did on the DS version of TWEWY: Players and their teammates are taken into two different zones, yet their attacks are still connected. This means that Azure could go all out with this pin in particular without any worries of hurting his partner(I don't think it would've harmed her anyway, but hindsight's 20/20).
There's also... And I swear, I hate this name...
Sexy D.
I swear on the almighty Arceus's name that this is what the pin is called. Anyways, it's basically just Psychokinesis, and Azure can use it on objects ranging from small signs to whole cars.
Azure also uses Pamper Me Tether, which sends a few chains to wrap around opponents. From there, he can just wack them with whatever other pins he chose.
And then there's Pyrokinesis, which does as you'd think it does: Azure can summon flames from his hands to attack his opponents. Fun fact, during Day 1, when he was still not used to the idea of the Reapers Game, he didn't believe his partner when she said that these pins let them use their psychic powers. So, when he tried using Pyrokinesis, he burned the crap out of his hand. The scar he gave himself even persisted in life, reminding him of what he's been through.
I wanted to get this out in time for the anniversary, but I'll make a part 2 eventually, covering his relationship with his partner.
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kicktwine · 3 years
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anixdraws · 2 years
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(Hell yeah NEOn colors)
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▪︎¤×[[ GAME OVER: // NEO ]]פ▪︎
And now for a completely new case of self indulgence! I managed to finish this on Christmas so I guess you can consider this my personal Christmas gift 💝
Its Rindo and Sho in a set of neon outfits ive had in my head for months
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sweetpeauserboxes · 2 years
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[id: a black userbox with an orange border, and orange text that reads “this user loves rindo kanade.” on the left is an image of rindo kanade from neo the world ends with you. /end id]
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rena-te · 3 years
One of the things that rubs me the wrong way about the Shinjuku Reapers being involved in Shibuya’s game is that they (likely) don’t care about Shibuya.
I mean that in the sense of; Megumi believed in Shibuya so much he was willing to stake his life in a Game against the Composer, in an attempt to save a city he saw as precious. Hanekoma was so devout to Shibuya that he was willing to cross lines that angels typically do not (and accept the status of a Fallen Angel) in order to save a city that he saw was full of possibilities, even if it meant double crossing the Composer. Joshua learned the value of the people in the city after Neku refused to kill him, proving that even the worst people do have the ability to change, giving Joshua hope that the rest of the city could change for the better too. Hell, even Kariya loves the city so much he’s willing to stay lower in the ranking so he can be in the field and walk around the streets. (He’s shown to be very in-tune with the city as well, noticing that something was wrong even before things went bad.)
A lot of love for Shibuya was pushing these characters to act. Megumi was willing to die for Shibuya. Hanekoma would be banished (or worse) if caught to protect Shibuya. Joshua regained his own love for Shibuya by the end. Similar to Joshua, Neku also learned to love the people in Shibuya.
Shibuya is their home. They’re a part of the symphony of it all. Their actions will effect the city in some capacity, and that city will in turn affect them somehow. And since they love Shibuya it’s a positive cycle. It’s harmonious.
But the thought of these random Shinjuku Reapers coming in (and being a part of Shibuya’s Reaper’s Game) when they don’t really belong just....it’s a noticeable thing to me. Something out-of-tune in the song of Shibuya we’ve come to know.
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