#nina got mail
broken-freedom · 2 years
This is probably too much but how would Eren handle the reader being on her period ??
Oh bestie your timing couldn’t be better because mine just started, and I wanted to write some nauseating cute boyfriend fluff exactly about this 🤭…
Eren's Random HC of the day (Menstrual cycle Edition):
The week before:
Your emotions are peaking in this time of the month, everything makes you angry, sad, happy, excited, uninterested all kinds of emotions at the same time and Eren has to sort each of them and act accordingly. Over the time you've been dating he learned that the mood swings are a part of the deal, and he managed to figure some patterns to the mood swings from the way you talk or your facial expressions. When you're sad he will hold you close to his chest so you let all the tears out and never let go until you are giggling again. When you are angry he knows you need space so he stays out of your vision's field but still close enough to rush to hug you when the anger turns into tears. When you are happy and excited he drops his gym's bag and pulls a chair from the dining table so he can sit and listen to you talking about your plan for the next weekend. It took him a while to get there, but he understands you more than you understand yourself during this phase. He also prepares for the up coming that he knows you'll face a couple of very bad days.
Heating pads are already out for a few days, snacks are restocked in the small baskets he placed around the apartment, fridge filled with the food you like, and also ingredients so he can cook for you warm soups and stews, and your favorite tea that helps with cramps and all of his hoodies are clean for you to wear because that's the only thing you would want to wear. He'll draw a warm bath the first couple days and massaging your back while you try not to pass out from how much pain you are in, he'll dry you and brush your hair and even try to braid it from the Youtube video he pulled to learn how to braid a hair this long, it's messy but his trys are cute and appreciated. He'll gather your form in his arms while you eat the stew he made and watch tv while rubbing your tummy for you. You used to take painkillers because the pain is a pain in the fucking ass, but with the way Eren pampers you like you are his most important thing in the whole world there's no need for that anymore. You pass out on the couch sleeping on top of Eren as he stroke your hair, but wake up the next day in bed still in between his arms.
Now that you are gathering your strength after two exhausting weeks, but also going back to your daily routine without the feeling that your insides are being stabbed by a thousand knifes, Eren is there to make sure you are eating and drinking well so your body can heal properly after bleeding for all these days. You'll wake up to find his side of the bed empty indicating that he already is out for work, but the sticky notes you keep finding around the apartment make you feel as if he is still around, same words but on paper instead. Let's not forget that your morning coffee, breakfast are waiting for you on the dining table and your lunch is already packed with a tiny neon green note on it:
Don't forget this one, you need to eat well. I love you *insert tiny scribble of a heart here*
A/N: Yes I make Eren a big simp because he is <3
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sister-lucifer · 2 months
Hello! I was just thought you should know I was super rock hard over the thought of stab wound scissoring from your fic idea list. It sounds so hot I was hoping you could go into more detail?
-Rock hard Anon
AAUUGGGHGH i so wish i could but it’s only the skeleton of a concept, i don’t have any specific plot ideas it was just such a good idea i didn’t wanna lose it
i think Nina would be a GREAT candidate…
shit. i gotta update my x reader rules.
i would totally do a wlw nina x fem reader for this bc it’s queer and as a dyke i love sapphics being fucking freaks
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sassymajesty · 1 year
I can’t help but wonder, did Lexa wear underwear under that nightgown with the slit, or did she go all in with the easy access thought and go commando?
my sweet baby anon, you have no idea the can of worms this ask opened.
i shared this in the clexa writers discord, because it got me thinking about fabric scarcity on the ground, then @butmakeitgayblog mentioned it'd make sense to vary according to clan, region and climate. we started talking about how the whole lore of the show falls apart when you ask the most fundamental questions and how, considering it's been only 100 years, they should have incorporated more things from current days that survived the fallout.
somehow we ended up on a grounder somewhere using a scavenged butt plug as a mortar and pestle. you're welcome.
ANYWAY TO ANSWER YOUR ORIGINAL QUESTION, i think our commander did go full commando ("commando commander" was something @dysco-lymonade said!). not so much thinking about it being easy access (i mean. that girl was shaking like a leaf when clarke kissed her. i don't think she'd be that forward) but more so because underwear would be something hard to come by, if she used them at all
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theharrowing · 1 year
To Collateral Namjoon:
Dude, you really are something else... Man should learn from you 💕 (Not the murders, torture,... We can skip that. Unless... 👀)
To Collateral Jungkook:
How does it feel to be high like that? Did you go with a plan or just went with the flow? Or were you able to follow a plan at all in that state? Just curious.
To Collateral Taehyung:
I was a bit surprised on this chapter about the short details we got from you. Shall we get ready to stomach something awful or you won't be showing us here?
To MC:
Are you sure 2seok aren't tricking you? Do you trust them? Be careful mobqueen. (I know you are but still...)
You got some self-control not to jump on Namjoon’s D BTW. (Maybe some of us are just hoes... 👀)
We 'like' you in this household.❤️
Trust me, you don't want men learning the kinds of things I can teach them. ;) — Namjoon
The only plan I had was keeping my bandolier of kunai knives and mouth guard in the same duffle bag, in case they would both come in handy. The pills were a pleasant surprise. …I should clean my knives... — Jeongguk
My, whatever could you mean? — Taehyung
Am I sure any of these men aren't tricking me? Not really. I'm doing the best with what I have, here. Believe me, there is something very off about Seokjin that I do not trust, but if there is a way I can get back at Ryujin for what she's put Jimin through, I might consider it. I'm not jumping into anything hastily, though. And Namjoon...well, I almost didn't resist until he freaked me out, talking about love and shit the other day. Who does that when you're about to fuck??? Since then, I've been waiting for him to make that move. He seems less pushy than Yoongi, and I want to respect his boundaries. (Does it make me crazy? Yes. He's so fucking hot, jesus christ.) — MC
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foreverwithtswift · 1 year
its hard to stop comparing yourself to others i guess, i struggle a lot! i think its realising every single person has different circumstances and every single person, no matter how much you admire them and want to be like them has something theyre struggling with (and they too are likely comparing themselves to other people) hang in there - 💛
true true, thank you!! 💕 rationally, i know these things and i know that everyone struggles with their own demons and baggage. i should be more patient with myself. but irrationally.......i let these struggles consume me more often than i would like.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 4 months
Peter Anderson: Hi, my name is Peter Anderson. I'm from Peter Anderson Studio and we created the title sequence to Good Omens Season Two. So this scene is quite literally a continuation from Season One.
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An interesting detail with this scene is the fly. The fly is significant because it stores Gabriel's memory.
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Gabriel is hidden in every scene. This is the first time we see it.
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This goat is half bird, half goat, representing a mistake in a moment of transformation.
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In the pickled herring barrel, we have literally red herrings sticking out.
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A lot of the gravestones have hidden engravings, easter eggs, all written by Neil.
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[This one says: HERE LIES THE FORMER SHELL OF BEELZEBUB referncing Beelzebub having a new face in S2 :), another ones are: EVERYDAY, JANE AUSTEN, Here lies ADAM (the Adam from Adam and Eve is meant)]
Another hidden Gabriel.
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Our same character that was trying to escape Hell in Season One titles is also trying to escape here, moving in the opposite direction to the rest of the procession. Except this time he's apprehended and dragged back into the procession.
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Our Hell spider from episode four makes a little appearance in the background here.
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Can you tell where the bus is going? Director Douglas McKinnon selected Powell and Pressburger's Stairway to Heaven to put on the billboard.
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Another thing to note here is the type is all handmade specifically for Good Omens. The Alphabet only exists within the show.
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The big floating turnip is a nod to Azirafel's magic tricks.
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The Ladies of Camelot poster we pulled from the show.
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We added plaques to the back of the chairs and Neil chose who to honour.
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Saraqael made an appearance from Heaven.
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Our Space is back from Season One. Aziraphale and Crowley are having a little dance here. A moment of flirtation. There's a tiny planet in the middle that comes into existence at this moment.
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Our Scottish tartan hills make an appearance here.
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The aeroplane and the airline is a little bit of a clue here.
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It's raining love hearts in reference to Aziraphale's attempt at making Maggie and Nina fall in love.
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Here are elevators to Heaven and Hell. A wee thing to spot. Here is Gabriel in the lift arriving from Heaven.
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We've updated our flags to reference some of the plotlines in Season Two. For example, The Second Coming.
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The movie poster artwork changes every week, representing the episode plotlines and the minisodes. We made the posters to look like the time period and in this case we've got a Good Omens version of Buddy Holly.
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[The posters are:]
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In the snack bar some of our popcorn is actually communion wafers.
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There are specific characters from Season One in the boxes watching the movie as the procession goes by. This includes some of our original concept art from Season One.
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The duck playing the accordion is from a newspaper headline that someone is reading in The Dirty Donkey from one of the episodes.
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[this is also from the Good Omens book :): "Daily Mail. 'Letter From America.' Um, August the third," said Newt. "Just after the story about the woman in Worms, Nebraska, who taught her duck to play the accordion."]
Each episode is showing a new movie on the screen, each one selected by Douglas, and has clues about what's to come.
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The season one phone box tumbles in the background.
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The big mountain is made of all the ingredients from Season Two and a couple of remnants from Season One. We are heading towards the biggest Easter Egg, which is the lift. We're heading towards the Second Coming..
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could try out ai somnium files since those two are made by the director of zero escape and team danganronpa, they're q bit different from those two but still very fun to play imo
I've heard good things about somnium files! it's been on my list so i'll have to check it out soon :) thanks for the rec nonnie!
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paradiseismine · 13 days
Short skirt - Trevor Spengler x reader
Pairing: Trevor Spengler (Ghostbusters Afterlife/Frozen Empire) x f!reader
Warnings: smut; slight spanking; cum fetish I guess (?); boyfriend Trevor.
Love note from Nina: this is inspired by my +18 Trevor Spengler Headcanons post, sort of an extension to that.
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Trevor has always had a thing for skirts and dresses - he likes girls to be girly, that’s all. He loves frilly lingerie and delicate sleepwear, specially when he gets to take them off your body (or at least slide them to the side a little).
You had bought the shortest skirt you could find on the internet - think Sabrina Carpenter on her concerts, minus the leotard underneath. Skirts that short weren’t even your style, you probably wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing them out on the street. But inside the house, with the sole purpose of seducing your boyfriend… That was a whole different story.
Trev was supposed to come over to your house in the afternoon, so you could spend some time together and maybe watch a movie (or leave some movie as background noise while you two made out). At 3 p.m., your doorbell rang.
- Come in, it’s open - you yelled from the couch.
Trevor opened the door, closing it gently behind him after entering your living room.
- You shouldn’t do that, you know? What if it was some pervert on your doorstep? - he approached you, lightly kissing your lips to greet you as you stood up to do so.
- I knew it was my pervert - you chuckled, hugging him tightly. You could smell cologne from his neck. He knew you loved it, so he’d always wear it when you were together.
As you two let go of the hug, suddenly, Trev’s eyebrows raised in a weird way. He took your hand and made you spin around so he could take a better look. You laughed softly in response.
- What’s this, Trev?
- May i repeat your question, love? What’s with that skirt?
- Don’t you like it? - you put your hands on your hips, jokingly posing for him. - I just got it, it came in through the mail this morning.
- It’s beautiful, princess - he nodded, sincerely. - Looks great on you. It’s just that I’ve never seen you wear anything like that, I mean, it barely covers your ass - he chuckled, giving your butt a light smack. - Where are you gonna wear that?
- Uhm, at home… - you answered, as if it was obvious, then put your arms around his neck. - To you…
- Y/n… Did you buy that skirt just to tease me? - he tried to contain himself, but couldn’t help biting his lip at the sight of your upper thighs.
- Hm… What if I did?
- You can’t be serious… - he had already put his arms around your hips. Trevor’s hands slowly creeped up under your skirt, groping your ass in a possessive manner. He felt your smooth skin, but couldn’t find your panties until he reached closer to your pussy. You were wearing the smallest thong you owned: his favorite. - Babe, are you…
- I’m what, love?
- Are you wearing those tiny panties underneath that skirt? The ones that I like?
- I guess you’ll have to see for yourself… - you smiled and Trevor grabbed your chin.
- You’re being so naughty today, what should I do to you?
- Spank me, Trev - you asked, your lips pouting and your eyes pleading while looking up at him. You loved how tall he was.
Trev bit his lip. You could see it in his eyes (and in his pants) how much he desired you at that moment. He let go of your chin, sat down on the couch and tapped his own thigh gently.
- Get on my lap - he ordered, his voice lower than usual. You had never seen him like this. The skirt really awakened something in him.
You got on his lap as fast as you could, sort of lying on your stomach, so your ass was up and in the perfect spot for him to spank you.
Trevor gripped your hips and your butt again, harshly; then lifted up your skirt and slowly lowered your panties down to your thighs, just to get them out of the way. As he removed them, he could see a clear string of your arousal stretching until it stuck to the frail fabric of those minuscule panties.
- Oh, you’re wet already? - Trev asked, his right hand slamming against your ass. And then again and again. Those slaps would sting a little, but Trev would never hurt you. He knew how to use his force to please you without crossing the line.
You moaned, defenseless, trying to hide the grin on your face.
- Such a little whore - he bit his lip in an even more devilish way. He’d never talked dirty, that was news to you. Another slap hit your ass. - Putting on the sluttiest skirt I’ve ever seen and bending over me to give me a better view of this needy pussy.
He spanked you again, a bit harder this time. You couldn’t help but softly cry out his name and moan. He spread your legs just a bit, his index finger now reaching in between them to find your dripping pussy. He lightly touched your sweet entrance, but didn’t dip his finger in you. You shivered under his touch, wanting more than its feather light intensity.
- Do you think I should still make you cum, even after being so naughty?
- Yes - you moaned. - Please, baby… I know how much you love skirts and dresses, so I bought this one to wear just for you. So you can fuck me in it…
You shook your hips, trying to fuck yourself into Trevor’s long finger.
- One leg to each side of me - he ordered, his voice raspy with desire.
You quickly repositioned yourself, obeying him. He pulled you closer by your waist and kissed your lips hungrily, grabbing chunks of your hair, digging his short nails into your neck. You’d moan at his touch, whimpering and straddling his throbbing cock.
Trev put both his hands to your thighs, squishing them with desire. He gestured for you to raise your hips just a bit, then inserted two of his fingers into your dripping cunt. You moaned in his mouth, surprised and lustful.
- So hot and slutty with that tiny skirt, just for me - Trevor whispered into your ear, teeth nibbling on your lobes. His now slick fingers found their way to your clit, massaging it in slow, agonizingly delicate circles. He leaned in to kiss you once again.
Your eyes were rolling back in pleasure, you could barely manage to kiss him back as you moaned his name over and over, your arms around his neck for stability. You came undone shortly after, covering his fingers in your arousal, your legs shaking in uncontrollable spasms, higher moans escaping your parted lips. Trevor grabbed your face and kissed you one more time, biting your lips softly.
- On your back - he ordered, his eyes darkened as you opened your own to look at him.
You did as you were told, now sitting on the couch with your legs spread out. Trev kneeled in front of you, pulling you to the very edge of the couch. He pulled your panties all the way off, grabbing your thighs hungrily in each hand. Your skirt was still on, but all bunched up around your hips.
Without any further notice, Trevor dipped his head in between your legs and tasted you with his tongue. Your arousal, abundant, coated his lips almost immediately. He licked around your entrance, dipping his tongue in your hole for a second, just to feel you clench around him. You let out a soft whimper, and could hear him chuckle. As his mouth finally closed around your clit, your legs trembled in pure lust.
Even though the position would imply otherwise, Trev always felt very dominant eating your pussy on his knees. With each flick of his tongue and each soft moan you’d let out, the more his erection grew in his sweatpants. Your eyes were rolling, your legs were shaking, you were feeling that orgasm reach you slowly and deliciously, until your body finally shook in its climax pleasure. Your ears went deaf and your eyes saw stars - until they met Trevor’s hungry gaze.
He dipped his fingers in your pussy and curled them in.
- So wet and warm - he whispered, delighted. - It will be such a delight to cum inside your pussy today, love.
You grabbed some of his hair in your hand, guiding him to keep eating your pussy. His tongue was so fast and slick, he was savoring your taste so eagerly… It was impossible not to cum again with those dark eyes glued on yours. Trevor’s gaze was hypnotizing, and he wanted to make you dismantle in pleasure. So you did.
- I love making you cum - Trevor licked his drenched lips as you gasped for air. - I could do this all day if you’d let me, princess.
- I know you have your needs too, my love - you said, motioning for him to stand up.
As he did, you quickly unbuckled his belt and carefully unzipped his pants. His erection sprung free, and you took him in your mouth gently, lapping up the precum oozing from his tip. He let out a moan or two, before gesturing for you to stop.
- As much as I love how you suck my dick, baby, that skirt needs to serve its purpose, doesn’t it?
You chuckled as Trevor made you get on your hands and knees on the couch. He didn’t even lift up your skirt, just moistened his length on your arousal underneath it. His cock was thick and throbbing inside you as he slowly inserted himself into your pussy.
His thrusts were feral as he grabbed your clothed hips and slapped your ass as you moaned loudly with each movement of his. You reached for your own clit and started touching yourself while he thrusted, making yourself cum again in a couple minutes. Trev slid himself out of your clenching pussy and saw some thick white fluid splayed over his shaft.
- Did you just cream on my cock, baby love, yeah? - Trevor grabbed your neck softly. - Did you cream your delicious pussy all over me?
You could barely talk back. Your skirt was already covered in your fluids, your ass was red from Trevor’s spanking, and only one thing was running through your mind.
- I need you to fill me up, Trev - you moaned, your head spinning from such pleasure. - I need to you cum deep inside my pussy, love… Then we’ll put our clothes back on and go out… And I’ll have your cum dripping down my legs for the rest of the day… please…
- Do you want your pussy to be leaking with my cum, baby girl? - he slapped your ass, groping it harshly afterwards. His thrusts were even faster now. - Do you want everyone to know you’re mine?
- Yes - you cried out, moaning. - Cum inside my pussy, please…
Trevor let out a few grunts and moans that made your insides twitch around his thick shaft. Soon enough, you felt his warm cum shoot inside your pussy, filling you up completely. You loved this feeling, you always felt so dominated when Trevor spilled into you.
As you two came down from your highs, Trev looked at you, a cocky smile on his face.
- So… Now you’re gonna have to keep your promise, right?
- What?
- Now you’re gonna put those panties back on and we’re going out for dinner, miss y/l/n…
You bit your lip, feeling naughtier than ever. Ugh, you loved Trevor Spengler.
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shitouttabuck · 9 months
Do you have any buddie fic recommendations for me? Sweet fluffy smutty idc I need something good 🥺
hiya! these are some of my faves off the top of my head and you’ve probably read most of them and if you’re like. nina. these are eighty percent fics by your mutuals. well i BECAME pals with them by adoring their writing and bullying my way into their lives about it <3
stitch my soul 30.5k by @onward--upward (soulmates au that genuinely changed my whole life i think about it daily—fair warning it’s a little heartachey, but in the best way)
it’s nice to have a friend 6.4k by @colonoscopys (a little domesticity i love this with my whole heart it’s so soft and sweet)
drench yourself in words unspoken 26k by @eddiediazes (everything is the same except eddie secretly writes romance novels and i reread this like once a month it makes me so happy)
the side effects of eating too many clementines 3k by @forthewolves (idk what to even say, no one writes love like amanda writes love, it’s a bigger-than-your-chest kind of feeling)
(this kiss is) something i can't resist 7.9k by @clusterbuck (family curse where eddie has to kiss his true love in one year or he’ll die, i laughed so much, EXACTLY the kind of romcom shit with a side of ridiculous i adore)
growing sideways 3k by @housewifebuck (extremely evan buck buckley is christopher diaz’s parent and you WILL cry about it)
left your mark on this heart 5.8k by @anxieteandbiscuits (buck thinks he has post-lightning heart complications but he’s just That stupid in love)
slip like freudian 4.4k by @jeeyuns (eddie diaz gets jinxed and is Extremely entertaining about it)
sundae kind of love 18k by @rewritetheending (okay this was the first morgan fic i ever read—and maybe one of the First buddie fics i read actually—and i think about the pier scene all the time! au where buck works at an ice cream shop by the beach)
maybe fall in love 1.8k by @try-set-me-on-fire (brick’s writing is just. unfailingly gorgeous but also 8 out of 10 times the most devastating thing you’ll ever read so this is a sweet, minimal emotional damage first kiss one???)
there’s always been a rainbow hangin’ over your head 8.7k by @alyxmastershipper (just the heartwarmingest of coming outs feat. the mug of my dreams. so so soft)
i think it’s my body wanting it the most by @transboybuckley (post-date that they’re not sure is a date, this is under a thousand words and i could not stop beaming i come back to it all the damn time)
you shaped this heart of mine 5k by justhockey (i haven’t reread this because it was such an enormous ache—in a good way—when i read it the first time, but god. god i love it so much. domestic sickfic)
i’ll scrawl it on every wall i see 29k by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (loosely a you’ve got mail au???? which is simply my favourite romcom in the whole world. this is so fucking funny as is everything they write and i adore it)
there ain’t language for the things i feel 1.8k by calvingseason (eddie buys buck a plant at the farmers market it is. so unbelievably soft)
i’ve almost certainly forgotten a bunch of faves so let me trawl through my bookmarks later and round some more up!!!!! highly rec ALL of these guys’ fics though SOME OF YOU are hell bent on breaking my heart these days and anon asked for “sweet. fluffy. smutty” and not hole-in-chest-in-shape-of-author's-fist, so
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licially · 7 months
Frepper - Follow Suit
// I got no idea how this came into fruition, I've only completely wrote this out before I realised what I was doing. Anyways enjoy this tiny fic I wrote for myself and/or anyone else who are enjoying the awkward dynamic between these two.
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The evening flaunted itself with a merrier than usual crowd down at Lackadaisy, and most opted to swing by the stage and dance to their heart’s content between stanzas, sung by a backup singer for the night as the jazz band winds down for the week ahead. Within the crowded mess, only messier given the fact that it is littered with alcoholics, some more drunk than others, and the music proved exacerbating to both him and his mental state. It was overwhelming, yet he had to persevere, as he waddled his way through everyone. 
He wanted to find Ivy here, after she invited him back to another night at Lackadaisy just a few weeks after she gave him the pin of clubs. A message, written in a note, found Calvin on the day just before the night. It sat in the mailbox in front of his house, and it stood out to him since most mail that was directed to the household doesn't normally have a daisy flower pinned onto it. Reluctantly, he picked up the letter for himself, yet he’d never want to explain the true meaning of this letter to his mother.
He took a precarious approach into the household; he didn’t want to be perceived by his mother after the incident down Route 94, which essentially made him in even more trouble than his cousin. Through the front door, he quickly ran down towards the bench near the kitchen. Nina had been upstairs, but even she heard Calvin’s attempt thanks to the creaky wooden floor from their house. 
“Calvin! Is ever’thin’ alright?” She screamed, from atop the stairs.
“Yes mom- everything is fine!” He replied, with a shrill in his voice from the initial jump scare of his mother’s scream. After he’s done putting his mother’s mail on the kitchen bench, he quickly ran upstairs and into his room where he gently tore off the envelope of the letter that was meant for him. It wasn’t entirely heavy, save for the daisy, and the message inside also proved to be even tinier on his paws: 
I hope this note finds you before your mother does, but you should come back to Lackadaisy, I need to talk to you about something just between the two of us privately. Rocky won’t be there, I promise.  Bring the pin I gave you, just in case. Horatio tends to check for the pins for the newcomers, but for the most part he knows you well enough. to let you in.
See you there!
Ivy Pepper
Surprised, he set out for any fancy suits in his closet. When he first stepped into the speakeasy, there were patrons with more grandeur and complicated suits than the simple bow tie that he was so accustomed to wearing. Rarely had he put together an actual tuxedo for the occasion, given his last one was just Sunday church service, yet he feels that any suit would do fine for this place. After all, he wasn’t bound for formalities, but fitted himself with whatever was necessary. Albeit it made him uncomfortable at times, he squeaked through.
Usually, tuxedos are worn by combining a waistcoat, laid over a bright white shirt, with a jacket’s lapel distinguishing the features of someone who would wear such an outfit, but he didn’t know any better. Fact of the matter is that he hid himself trying to get the note towards his room, and now he had to justify the choice of clothing he chooses to wear on a Wednesday night to go somewhere even more discreet. This time, his cousin won’t back him out into the wilderness.
As the day soon turned into the afternoon, and into night, Calvin mustered up little to no courage to talk to Nina about the night that was ahead. His chores really put him out of commission from even talking, from mowing the lawn again to trimming the hedges to spring cleaning the household. Every task was grueling, not just towards his physical health but his mental. Every moment he had the chance to talk to her about the night, it was instead interrupted by the workload that each of his jobs offered, or she was too busy minding her own business, and that he didn’t want to interrupt given her temperament.
At the dinner table that night, they both slowly enjoyed a pork roast, with baked potatoes and carrots and peas, a mishmash of gravy, and a glass of water on the side. During the silent clash of silverware, they both chewed silently with Calvin dwelling on his thoughts just as much as he did with his food. Chewing through his thoughts, again, was that letter’s contents; What did she want from him so much that it needed his attention? And why Lackadaisy specifically, instead of anywhere else? Why did she mention the fact that Rocky will not be there? What happened to him? Is he hurt that badly again, to the point where he’s not able to be there? Questions, comments, and possible theories demonized and dominated his headspace, since he had worried Rocky would end up hurt again. He may have been kicked out of the house, but still doesn’t mean that he could entirely dismiss him.
His thoughts soon kind of took him out of his headspace, as Nina quietly catched on. She hoped that this was just poor Freckle being burned out by today, but her realization struck as much as the gravy did, as the food on his fork slid off and onto his shirt, staining it with… that lukewarm gross stuff. Surprised, she called out for his name, with no answer to boot. As Calvin dangerously, and mindlessly, and slowly, raised his empty fork towards his mouth, Nina raised her voice at him.
“...Calvin. CALVIN.” Nina’s screaming proved effective, as he immediately snapped away from his mindless acting, and set down the fork towards the table of food. The lukewarm sensation down his shirt finally reached him, as he stood up to let the food fall towards the floor, he stood there in absolute disgust, and faced that same disgust from his mother, who now stood up with a revolting and confused look on her face. It reflected in her words too, mixed in with anger after all of the cleaning that she didn’t even do.
“You’re going to clean that up, finish your food, and go to sleep immediately. Understood?” She hissed out, strutting past him and into a closet with all of their cleaning equipment. He stood there, still wondering if he should really tell her about it or just not go. He heaved a sigh, as Nina came back with brooms and mops, to a slightly more distraught Calvin, who reluctantly cleaned up his mess. With that, he ended the night on a sour note. The dinner was the thing he did look forward to, after the day went from bad to worse, with nothing in between that made him any better about himself.
That night, as he laid on his bed, he had a final decision. Either he sat at home, and explained to Ivy later that he couldn’t commit himself because of his strict mother. Or he needed to find a way to sneak out of the household, and finally meet up with her without the other interruption that was always in his ears. He had always wanted to get back at Ivy for her sudden moves with him, especially secretive and behind Rocky’s back. He figured this was a good reason to confront her about it.
So, he set out that night. Being the same as the last time he did it the first time to get to Lackadaisy, this time carrying a suit on him to be extra cautious about: the jacket has wide satin peaked lapels with the point of the lapel pointing upward, with large and rather solid shoulder pads and curved sleeves, a single button closure and four button cuffs. 
The jacket has a breast pocket and a jetted pocket at either side and is lined in black satin fabric on the body and white satin in the sleeves, and a black bowtie to finish off. To him, this had been the first time this suit had ever been worn outside of formal events, and it still had some dust on it as he silently creeped out of the room and down the stairs. Finally, as he stepped outside towards greener grass, he walked slowly towards the city center, and soon caught a taxi towards the Little Daisy Cafe.
The slow, yet endearing tune whistled its way to his lover, as he weaved towards Ivy in the distance. It didn’t seem like he knew about this whole place being this packed, as he did hope for the place to be less packed as it was, but it seemed all the more busy than usual. Horatio even mentioned briefly that “Wick’s party showed up again. Pardon the loud noise.” He quietly, yet deeply regrets not heeding to his advice, holding his hand towards his ears as he found himself surrounded by the constant loud music, the equally as loud chatter from everyone, and the-
“Found you!” A familiar voice caught him off guard, as he felt a hand on his shoulders that complimented the voice of surprise.
Behind him stood Ivy Pepper, who was dressed for the occasion from head to tail. A feather that was essentially in her hair, a necklace of pearls that accompanied the orange-ish dress that covered itself scarlet form the lighting of the place. Ivy smiled at Freckle, now holding his hands as she got closer and closer, Ivy being the most energetic to the confusion of Calvin.
“Uhh- hi?” He said, a slight smile across his face.
“You finally made it!” Ivy heartily said, her smile full of glitz and glamor as her dress. “Oh wait- the music’s about to start!” 
As the two held each other, hand to hand, shoulder to shoulder, they danced onwards and to the slow lover’s tune that resonated with most. Calvin steered himself quietly towards a  slow dance, something Ivy taught Calvin before. To Calvin, it felt more new and oftentimes he’d stumble between steps, accidentally hold Ivy’s hands a little too hard and/or soft, but Ivy withstood the clumsiness. She’s been used to more stubborn people, one of such notoriety is Rocky, yet Calvin’s case is different. He had put in efforts to do whatever she had asked him to do, albeit nervously, but he was capable of doing so with determination. 
The two kept at it, often exchanging positions, and occasionally twirling one another around with an added awkwardness to it. To him, this felt like traversing through this unknown terrain, but to her it’s improv practice. It makes sense, only to her, that he was just playing around with Ivy to get her to come up with newer ideas. As the music faded, the two hastily finished up the last movement to the dance, before mellowing it out towards a standstill.
Face to face, where the two suits of clubs met, they stood at the wooden floor of the dance floor in front. They didn’t wanna move from the spot, at least for a bit, because the night’s sting finally caught up to them. Maybe the dancer’s reprise could bring them both back, but for now they held each other, a moment in time where they exchanged both looks and smiles.
“I… have been meaning to ask you something.” Freckle stuttered, finally wanting to address the elephant in the room.
“What is it, McMurray?” She curiously asked, in a fit of tiredness.
“Why did you bring me here? Alongside Rocky… I mean. Why did you give me the pin?”
“Well… I’ve already told you, have I not? It’s for your own sake.” Ivy replied, seemingly covering something up. “You wanted to get away from your mom, right?”
“I–” He stuttered, a bit confused. On how exactly she read his mind like that.
Ivy giggled, slightly gesturing towards Calvin’s face. “That’s my guess, I might be wrong, you know?”
As the three of clubs brought himself forwards at the request of Ivy, soon one away from the four of clubs. Ivy sighed. She didn’t have an ounce of clue on how he felt, but judging from his soon flustered face, she hit a soft spot in Calvin somehow. Some way. She leaned closer and closer towards him as well, as they spoke to each other, almost following suit of what they had said before.
“My hands aren’t shaky anymore.” She teased, even though it was just shaky, but not enough for Calvin to notice.
“I… I mean, now I know how to kiss.” He laughed back, awkwardly.
“And you still have that mortal terror on that face of yours, McMurray.” She smiled, now they were only an inch away from each other.
Soon, they converged on each other, and finally delivered the kiss on the dance floor.A kiss that left the fourth mark on his suit, as they both embraced it like the last time around, in much better conditions than that pig truck, and in a much better place than that confrontation with Fish and Wes. Slowly, they pulled themselves a tad bit apart, as they both shared one more look between each other. 
“This is when you should say ‘I love you’, Calvin. I’d thought I’d let you know.” 
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broken-freedom · 2 years
Trying to stay up to read a book or play a game or watch a movie but Eren's not having it. You need your rest and he's gonna make sure you get to sleep.
“Good night Ren!” You place a kiss on Eren’s forehead and proceed to walk out of the room.
“Woah woah! Where do you think you’re going?” He lifts his head up to look at you with a raised eyebrow.
“I want to read a little, I won’t be up late I promise” you try to convince him. But he pushes the blanket away from his body hopping of the bed muttering “that’s what you said yesterday, I am not falling for it again ..” and he passes you at the door frame to go to the living room to get your book.
You follow after him confused on what he’s doing before he gives you the book to hold, and picks you up and throw you on his shoulder. “Eren put me down!” You giggle when he tap your bottom next to his head.
He places you on the bed, turning the table lamp on, circling around you and leaning his back on the headboard, and gathering you in his arms laying your back on his chest and lazily throwing the blanket over your lower half “gimme that book, I will read for you.” He snatches the book from your hand and opens it on the page you stopped on last night and starts reading while giving your head gentle massages.
A few pages in and you feel your eyelids heavy with sleep. The combination of his soothing voice reading to you, his body keeping you warm, and the movements of his other hand that’s not holding the book on your head are helping you to drift off to a peaceful slumber. When he notices the steady rhythm of your breathing, he closes the book and sits it on the bedside table and extends his hand to close the light.
“What a baby” he whispers collecting your body in his arms and burying his head in your neck so he can sleep now knowing you’re resting <3
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ell0ra-br3kk3r-writes · 3 months
The Phoenix and the Crow
part thirty-one
pairing: kaz brekker x fem!reader
genre: neutral with a angsty underlining
el's thoughts: i'm back to writing again! hope yall like itttt
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“Thank the Saints, Djel, and your Aunt Eva,” Jesper said gratefully and slid down the rope, followed by the others.
The roof of the embassy was curved, probably to keep the snow off, but it was a bit like walking on the humped back of an enormous whale. It was also decidedly more… porous than the prison roof. It was pocked with multiple points of entry—vents, chimneys, and small glass domes designed to let light in. Nina and Inej were tucked up against the base of the biggest dome, a filigree skylight from the dwindling rain, but should any of the guards on the ring wall turn their attention away from the approach road and onto the rooftops of the Court, the crew would be hidden from view.
Nina had Inej’s feet in her lap.
“I can’t get all the rubber off her heels,” she said, as she saw them approaching.
“Help her,” said Kaz.
“Right,” Jesper said as he crawled over to get a better look at Inej’s blistered feet. “Saints,” he muttered.
Inej grimaced. “That bad?”
“No, you just have really ugly feet.”
“Ugly feet that got you on this roof.”
“But are we stuck?” Y/N asked. The Elderclock ceased its ringing, and in the silence that followed, she shut her eyes in relief. “Finally.”
“What happened at the prison?” Wylan said, that panicked crackle back in his voice. Jesper gave him a quick reassuring glance. “What triggered the alarm?”
“I ran into two guards,” said Nina.
Jesper looked up from his work again. “You didn’t put them down?”
“I did. But one of them got off a few shots. Another guard came running. That was when the bells started.”
“Damn. So that’s what set off the alarm?”
“Maybe,” said Nina. “Where were you, Kaz? I wouldn’t have been in the stairwell if I hadn’t wasted time looking for you. Why didn’t you meet me on the landing?”
Kaz was peering down through the glass of the dome. “I decided to search the cells on the fifth floor, too.”
They all stared at him. Y/N felt frustration bubbling up in her chest.
“What the hell is this?” Jesper said. “You take off before Matthias and I got back, then decide to expand your search and leave Nina thinking you’re in trouble?”
“There was something I needed to take care of.”
“Not good enough.”
“I had a hunch,” Kaz said. “I followed it.”
Y/N’s expression was pure disbelief. “A hunch?”
“I made a mistake,” growled Kaz. “All right?”
“No,” she fired back. “You owe us an explanation.”
After a moment, Kaz said, “I went looking for Pekka Rollins.” A look passed between Kaz and Y/N. Everyone else shared a look as Kaz cleared his throat. “I screwed up. I made a bad call, and I deserve the blame for it. But that doesn’t change our situation.”
“What is our situation?” Nina asked Matthias. “What will they do now?”
“The alarm was Yellow Protocol, a sector disturbance.”
Jesper pushed at his temples. “I don’t even remember what that means.”
“My guess is that they think someone’s attempting a prison break. That sector is already sealed off from the rest of the Ice Court, so they’ll authorize a search, probably try to figure out who’s mission from the cells.”
“They’ll find the people we knocked out in the women’s and men’s holding areas,” said Wylan. “we need to get out of here. Forget Bo Yul-Batur.”
Y/N waved a dismissive hand through the air. “It’s too late. If the guards think there is a prison break in progress, the checkpoints will be on high alert. Right?” she looked to Matthias in a quick question. “They’re not going to let anyone just walk through.”
“We could still try,” said Jesper. “We get Inej’s feet patched up-”
She flexed them, then stood, testing her bare soles on the gravel. “They feel all right. My calluses are gone, though.”
“I’ll give you an address where you can mail your complaints,” Nina said with a wink.
“Okay, the Wraith is ambulatory,” Jesper said, rubbing a sleeve over his damp face. The rain had faded away to a light mist. “We find a cozy room to bash some partygoers on the head and waltz out of this place decked in their finest.”
“Past the embassy gate and two checkpoints?” Matthias said skeptically.
“They don’t know anyone escaped the prison sector. They saw Nina and Kaz so they know people are out of their cells, but the guards at the checkpoints are going to be looking for hoodlums in prison clothes…” Jesper’s voice faded to a buzz in Y/N’s ears.
She came on an assignment. A world-changing substance was out here somewhere and if it were to get into the wrong hands, it could reach and poison all Grisha. She had a duty to her people and fellow brothers and sisters. If she were to get caught then she would be caught trying to finish the mission. If she were to die then she would die on her feet as a Ravkan soldier.
“Forget it,” she said. “I came here to find Bo Yul-Bayur, and I’m not leaving without him.”“What’s the point?” said Wylan as he watched the Inferni with concern. “Even if you manage to get to the White Island and find Yul-Bayur, we’ll have no way out. Jesper’s right: We should go now while we still have a chance.”
“You are more than welcome to leave if you see it best. I came here with an assignment and I intend to see it through, even if it means I have to cross to the White Island alone. I will.”
“That may not be an option,” said Matthias causing her to turn her sharp gaze in his direction. “Look.”
They gathered around the base of the glass dome. The rotunda below was a mass of people, drinking, laughing, greeting each other, a kind of raucous party before the celebrations on the White Island.
As they watched, a group of new guards pushed into the room, trying to form the crowd into lines.
“They’re adding another checkpoint,” Matthias said. “They’re going to review everyone’s identification again before they allow people access to the glass bridge.”
“Because of Yellow Protocol?” asked Jesper.
“Probably. A precaution.”
It was like seeing the last bit of their luck drain from a glass.
“Then that decides it,” said Jesper. “We cut our losses and try to get out now.”
“I know a way,” Inej said quietly. They all turned to look at her. The yellow light from the dome pooled in her dark eyes. “We can get through that checkpoint and onto the White Island.” She pointed below to where two groups of people had entered the rotunda from the gatehouse courtyard and were shaking the mist from their clothes. The girls from the House of the Blue Iris were easily identified by the color of their gowns and the flowers displayed in their hair and at their necklines. There was another pleasure house that took Y/N a moment to recognize. It was a house located in Shu Han that Y/N had business with years back.
“I have a friend whom I met briefly while traveling with Sturmhond. She could help us get inside.”
“Inej-” Kaz started.
The Suli quickly interrupted him. “I can get two of us in for sure.”
The guys shared a silent look of hesitation while the girls wordlessly discussed who would go.
Nina spoke up, “I’ll go with Inej.”
Matthias had opened his mouth to argue but Y/N cut him off. “That’d be the smartest choice, a Heartrender would be a better fit than an Inferni. It’s likely you both would need a bit of tailoring as well…” She trailed off as she continued to observe the swarm of people below.
Inej nodded, “Then it’s settled. We go in with the pleasure houses.”
taglist: @katherinereid @littlecat21 @jahayla-parker @maliciousbrekker @brekkershadowsinger @brekkers-desigirl @clunaes @wonderland2425 @bookloverfilmoholic @karensirkobabes @bookworm-center @el-de-phi @so-get-this-sammy @skittleabyss @crispy-croke @cometsghost @auttumnsayshi
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sassymajesty · 1 year
We are not gonna wait another year for oifan aren’t we :):)
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skuleighrose · 7 months
I always have to remind myself they were only stuck in the apartment for 3 months. While that feels like a long time, it's not. It's long enough for the food they currently had to run out but short enough for their parents' abandonment to be fairly fresh. While also leaving room for Andrew to neglect his relationship—because he's focusing on not starving—culminating in Julia's phone call.
I wondered how Ashley could leave so many voice mails with each one escalating without Andrew knowing at all. Especially in the ones where she's practically screaming.
But then it occurred to me that it probably had been going on for quite some time before we met the siblings. And I bet three months of silence from one's partner will leave lots of time for reflection.
Now this is my speculation for ch 3, I know a big fan-theory is meeting Julia in the next part and if it were to occur I think it would be Andrew & her trying to be friendly and skirt around the awkwardness of their last conversation while Ashley is livid they came into contact with her, moreso if its Love Burial; Ashley feels like she had finally won and got her Andy all to herself just for the one floozy who could take it all away to reenter their lives.
While Andrew would likely want to keep it cordial for the sake of not drawing suspicion, the tension will eventually break; whether it be Ashley having enough of Andrew speaking to his ex, Julia going off on Ashley/Andrew for the harassment, or Andrew feeling hurt by Julia ditching him and making no effort to help them while they were quarantined.
I could see all three taking place, and more!
& with the voicemails in mind, I could then see Ashley slipping in that taunt about Nina and her not too subtly indicating her death was foul play.
So many possibilities!!!
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foreverwithtswift · 1 year
sharing the love - i love seeing you on my dash 💛
omg!! this is so sweet, thank you! 🥹💕💕
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meatballlady · 1 month
Thoughts/Questions about ambiguous wording in GOS2: Looking Where the Furniture Isn't (somewhat unorganized) (also biased towards episodes I rewatch more)
PSA to not tag/ask Neil about any of this!! Metas/speculation are for the fans, not for the writers/production team.
Episode 1
"I worked very closely with upstairs on it" what/who is "upstairs"?
Why does Aziraphale have so much more knowledge than angel Crowley? Aziraphale has seen the plans and knows about the Earth and humans and Crowley doesn't at all (is this future Aziraphale with og Crowley? going back in time)
"Most of it [isn't] visible from earth" this implies there's more that Crowley knows about than we do, but does this mean anything?
Misspelling of urgency - This must mean something, otherwise why dedicate screentime to it?? Is Maggie possessed? I always get caught on this.
"I got your note" is that the same note we read?
Why aren't Maggie's internet orders not coming? What is that?
Why hasn't Maggie brought this up before? It doesn't seem urgent. Is she angling for an invitation? a welcome?
Shostakovich symphony is not 21 minutes, yet Aziraphale calls that out.
Repeated line - "i brought your mail"
"Hell doesn't care how jobs get done" "yeah I remember, they just care that somebody does them" look this whole scene is a book reference, but this line does it mean Crowley has been helping Shax out?
Crowleys "it's all rather pointless" line. It... I mean we know he thinks this already. It sounds very out of place. Is he trying to get a read on Shax's opinion? Is this a future scene? Is there a separate plotline that's hopeless that we're missing?
"Something's going down in the up" - weird wording, never addressed.
"Through your contact in the bookshop" who is the contact? Which bookshop?
Beginning of last movement is when Gabriel knocks - when is 21 minutes before that?
"Where here is and who you are and who I am" is this significant?
"I'm not saying anyone is complicit... if anyone is found helping him..." Then just says "book of life" - maybe those are two separate things?
Also! Michael never specifies Gabriel. "helping HIM" could refer to anyone.
Why tinking sound coming from Aziraphale so much? Pocket watch or something else?
No really, what is the Something Terrible?
"Terrible" and "Awful" used to mean... AWE full. like Great and Terrible. is that something?
What thing does Jimbriel have to give Aziraphale? Aziraphale only assumes it's the box but what is it?
"arms were aching because I had to carry that box for so long" 1. How long? are we missing something? 2. Is this the same box we see, or a different one?
When Aziraphale says "you aren't Gabriel" Jim responds, "then WHAT am I?" not who am I?
later he asks "what box?" and much later Aziraphale asks the same thing. Maybe they mean "which box of the ones we know about" and not "box, what do you mean, box?"
"something CLEVER you did before you pop" vs "it's nice to tell someone about the GOOD things I've done, now that I'm not reporting to Heaven" which one is it - clever or good? Does it matter?
Why isn't Aziraphale forthcoming about needing to discuss things outside of the bookshop when they're having coffee?
Why does Maggie leave her shop open when she goes to get a coffee?
Aziraphale's blinds are not closed during coffeeshop conversation, but it looks like a/c have only just walked in during next scene!!
Why is Crowley so careful to be ambiguous about talking about the execution, and then later just tells Jim? I noticed the bug (Real Gabriel) seems to be in the room with them during the e1 conversation. Maybe he and Jim are alone during the e5 conversation.
Why does Crowley get so publicly angry? Seems a bit ooc to me tbh
Why did Maggie/Nina's phones stop working?
"There is, of course, no question of replacing the surpreme archangel" Does that mean that they're definitely going to replace them or definitely not going to replace them??
"Heaven does not have a supreme archangel" ... "There is ALWAYS a Supreme Archangel" "Yes, and who is that?" oof. Yes who is the supreme archangel? why always?? they aren't in Heaven but they exist
Why didn't they think he'd gone to Earth before seeing the matchbox?
Crowley mentions Beelzebubs new face - he hasn't seen them since before they started dating Gabriel
Crowley does seem very convincing that he thinks extreme sanctions mean nothing
Crowley does do a Miracle on the traffic light
There are writing noises after Crowley comes in to apologize and says "you were right" for the first time. Also at the end of the dance there are shuffling noises.
Does Crowley really do the apology dance for trying to get away from Gabriel? A/C never specify. What was Crowley "wrong" about?
Crowley does say "let's hide him until we sort this all out"... "while we figure out what's *actually* going on"
"and now I have two friends" does Jim actually count Crowley in that or is he referring to other(s)?
We make sure nobody notices he's here while we "sort all this out"? Aziraphale is confused that he says "together"
move the miracle dials? Does this mean anything or just worldbuilding?
"short for James but people call me a lot of different things" ooh like what?
Aziraphale TOTALLY knows about Shax! Crowley's like, "you'll never guess who Shax asked about" They're 100% on the same page
Is the alarm the "awooga" noise????????!!!!?!!?
"There's a FORMER angel in this up to his bookshop owning neck"
So Mx. Anthony J'"compelled to walk on the grass instead of the path" Crowley respected the "This way up" sign for a whole week? 🙃
Episode 2
Gabriel personally witnessed Eve's birth? Does this have significance?
"absolutely I made an ass of myself" Are we missing something here? Is she just nervous? Or is.. like what??
Aziraphale gives a Look when Maggie says they were locked in the coffee shop last night. Was that significant?
"Right now I'm a bit out of miracles" - what?
There's a lack of using "bad" to mean good in hell, etc.
Love that Aziraphale implies that Maggie being his tenant has something with an obligation to be involved with her love life
Crowley also said they need to talk about last night's miracle. Why?
Aziraphale specifies the "Gabriel" miracle. idk is that something?
"we've got a problem and it's in your bookshop right now" is this the problem we know about? Crowley seems to think the love thing isn't the big deal
"amd there is an actual mystery associated with that song and That is the clue" i feel like this isnt exactly the same thing as what it actually is.? Does that mean the song is the clue or does it mean that the mystery itself is a clue? Does it matter?
"three nice people in the shop just now... they were in the shop. just now." like just now just now? like while they were in the pub??
"nah you can do better than that" has a miracle noise after??
Was Gabriel's first memory "when the morningstar sang together and all the angels shouted for joy"? or was their first memory God *saying* that? Also is it Gabriel we're talking to here?
Who are Keziah's "usual" angels?
love the detail that Job says "i loved my children" and immediately starts crying whereas sitis doesn't believe it at first. Job really does have faith.
Episode 3
Is their private discussion we see the same one Muriel is talking about?
"The miracle we seem to have accidentally performed" did they accidentally perform a large miracle, or was the miracle only "seemingly" an accident?
Do devices just bend to Aziraphale's whim like that, or is there another weird thing going on?
Aziraphale says "dr dalrymple" and Crowley corrects to Mr. Is that something?
when Aziraphale calls Crowley he says hes found "clues" plural
is it significant that Crowley hasn't done rain in a while?
"you have the advantage on me" does she? is Aziraphale humoring her?
Episode 4
Heating's knackered... girls won't go onstage because it's so cold... is this significant?
How do the zombies know to look in the bookshop? Do they think Aziraphale will be there or Crowley? Is it just that that's how they contacted him in the first place?
What's with the timeline on 1941? They're all out and about... is it a couple days later?
While demons like me... for hundreds and hundreds of millennia ???
Episode 5
Why is the big transporter out of service?
"If you're not him, then *what* are you?" Jim also says this ep 1. seems like a distinction.
The matchbox is still in Heaven.
When did Muriel meet Jim?
Jim leaves the window open after he stops jumping out the window
Crowley's test doesn't really prove much for me. If Jim was trying to get back to heaven to tell on them, death would be the fastest way
"If you aren't him, then WHAT are you?" again, what are you not who are you in reference to Gabriel.
"check in on Nina and Maggie and make sure *they* are on their way" does they refer to someone(s) else??
During the ball, where is Crowley between the Gabriel face thing and the dancing??
"I don't plan to harm you, only the humans in there with you" Why? Why isn't she threatening Aziraphale? Doesn't she want Gabriel? What is this line for??
After Jim comes back in after declaring himself to Shax, he's off screen for a long time. In a different outfit when we see him again
Aziraphale's box when Crowley starts bringing people outside. this is the same box that he leaves Nina and Maggie to fiddle with in ep6
might be a miracle blocker?? but Muriel brings back the elevator
Nina's questions for posterity:
what is happening? (not simple)
why is everything so weird? (not simple)
This all started last week when the power went out, didn't it?
no, this all started a very long time ago, but also, yes.
"last week when the power went out" that's a different timeline than portrayed in the show. What's that about? It could be a cleverly hidden time skip.
Crowley knows Muriel's a 37th class scrivener?? Do they tell him when they arrest him? Or do they hang out offscreen?
Muriel catches onto the bee metaphor immediately. "you look like a murder hornet, or a snake"
"I have to tell you: You can all leave now, and no one will be hurt" Does he *have to* tell them?
clock ticking in last intro
"Where's the cardboard box?" "What box?" !!!
"Apparently if we do a miracle together it all works a bit too well" Why say this?? Also. Apparently? As in "we discovered that..." or as in "in an apparent way, but not a literal way..."
There's stuff in the cardboard box. Why?
"every day, something IS getting closer" -beez - why??
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