#ninjago chaos
random-chaotic-bitch · 6 months
ninjago characters as things my friends and i have said
"Use Miracle Grow, it does wonders! You'll have a beard in no time!" Jay to Lloyd (prob just before the merge) (iykyk)
"People who put their crocs in sports mode are walking red flags." Cole to Zane
"I support women's rights, but I also support women's wrongs." Jay, about Nya
"Show the angles." Kai. On a daily basis.
"It's official, seagulls are the spawn of Satan." Nya, pissed that a seagull ate her sandwich (this actually happened to me... fucking beach pigeons)
"Don't die of boredom, I would hate to have to give your eulogy." "Going to your funeral would be inconvenient for my schedule." Kai and Jay to Cole
"Oh. I wasn't aware of that information." Zane
"Daddy long legs" Jay to a very confused 6'4" Zane
"Oh no not the crusaders." "Oh yes yes the crusaders." Cole and Nya
"I HAVE NEITHER THE PATIENCE OR THE CRAYONS TO DEAL WITH THIS!" Lloyd. Specifically little Lloyd (pre-tomorrow's tea)
"Do me up, I dare you!" "I'll do you up! Oh, goddammit!" Cole and Jay (while Nya is on the floor laughing)
"Find another animalistic queer identity, this one is mine." Cole, Lloyd, or Kai
"It's me, hi. I'm the problem, it's me." Lloyd
"I just love giving Cole anxiety attacks." Jay
"Do you think that after we physically die, a part of our soul gets trapped wherever we died?" Cole (joking about the whole ghost thing)
"I've fingered the middle!" "... Fuck you." Kai and Lloyd
"I thought charity was about giving, not bitching." Nya
"We got you two for a buy one get one deal." Cole to Nya and Kai
"You're the child, Sora is the cousin that comes and goes as she pleases, and Wyldfire is the rabid cat-like creature we found on the side of the street." Lloyd to Arin
"I have a little bit of karma in my back pocket!" Kai
"I have a joke, but if I say it, you might actually kill me." Jay to the team
"We wouldn't kill you!" Lloyd ^
"Okay then." *tells the joke* Jay ^
"... You have five seconds." Lloyd ^
"Give it back you- you rat!" Nya to Kai
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lloydgaymerdyke · 2 months
“plasmashipping is top tier” i say into the mic.
the crowd boos. i begin to walk off in shame, when a voice speaks and commands silence of the room.
“he’s right” they say. i look for the owner of the voice. there in the fifth row stands: vincent tong himself with michael adamthwaite nodding beside him.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 2 months
Just a little funny idea but the overlord can change his shape/form right? Imagine if he makes himself look like lloyd and he just looks like one of those shadow mario clones from super mario galaxy
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Definitely not where you were going with this but I was inspired
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general-yasur · 1 month
The days blur together while Lloyd sits on the front porch of the monastery, and waits for the sky to split open and bleed purple so he can nurture it back to the beautiful blue he admires
72 hours after the merge and cell towers were still down, and access to the internet was but a dream. If you wanted to talk with someone, you had to get up on your own two feet and go looking for yourself, not knowing if the person you were looking for was a neighborhood or a realm away.
He marched into Ninjago City in his brilliant green gi looking for his family, only to be bombarded with panicked crowds of people. Many scrambling to find loved ones or raiding stores for supplies. He was shoved and pushed around and for a moment he didn’t even recognize the city he grew up protecting. He was instantly recognized and adults and children alike ran to him for answers, for help…. And hope.
He sweated, choked on his words, and cowardly fled the scene. He couldn’t lead them, he couldn’t bare to be a figure head when he himself had so many questions and feelings left unresolved.
Hours turned into weeks but he couldn’t tell if it felt like days or months. He hesitated when he couldn’t remember if Kai left the monastery to search for their family three days ago or a week ago. Shame was written over his heart, much like when he abandoned his duties after Nya’s passing.
He passed the time by cleaning, it was always the thing that gave him a sense of normalcy whenever he craved it. His home was filled with bittersweet memories and keepsakes from his family, he felt a responsibility to protect their home, it was the least he could do.
72 hours after Kai left the monastery, Lloyd found a camera after digging in a closet. He powered it up and dug into the footage, reliving the days from his past, the ones before the merge. It was all too bitter and sweet all the same, and his tears fled from his eyes.
72 hours after he found that camera, he couldn’t bare to see it collect dust on the coffee table where Kai and Cole spend hours playing video games. He grabbed the camera, dressed himself in anything but green, and left the monastery for the first time in weeks.
He marched toward the city but was stopped in his tracks. It almost felt like possession, and in some way, it did feel like fear had possessed him.
He couldn’t bare to take another step, but he could raise his camera, and so he snapped a picture of Ninjago City in the distance. He hid behind the lense, and only then could he face what his home— his world, has become.
He kept his distance, out of sight out of mind he thought, as he snapped pictures of the city streets, raided stores, and crowds of people looking for loved ones.
He hid behind the lense for so long he nearly became a myth, and when Wyldfire came to him with a shoebox full of those photos, he brought his hands to his chest, instinctively wanting to snap a photo and remain behind those lenses.
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dontlookforme00 · 8 months
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Alt version and notes under the cut.
Hehehh more canon mind art. Anyways I love Savages, it's gotta be one of my faves in the new album! And I ALSO love drawing canon mind, so. I thought why not mix them?
Here's versions without text, and without text and hands.
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This was very fun! If you like it, please please reblog, it's very appreciated!!
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
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Hi @rarlkove :) gosh I loved this (but also omg this took so longgg), but like Zane angst and the composition and idea were very cool! Thank you for the challenge!! Hope you like it I’m really proud of this one!!
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iloveacronix · 17 days
Hehe... Noodle doodle request... Maybeee Cyrus again? Mayhaps? :3 /nf
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omgjayaaa · 5 days
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Blood moon gang has me in a choke hold helpppp
they’re besties fr :’) (if it’s not canon I’ll cry)
yes, these are low quality on purpose lol. I decided to really go for reaction meme style
Still trying to figure out how to draw Nokt
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heal2ninjagogirl · 2 months
5 days before all hell on the ninjago fandom breaks loose
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chaos-vulpix · 5 months
Olivia: So, how's married life?
Nya: It's good, but Jay got really drunk and tried to set our marriage certificate on fire.
Olivia: WHAT?!
Nya: He said "Good luck trying to return me without a receipt!"
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threemoonwatchers · 14 days
Lloyd’s favorite goose goose duck role is the pelican and I will not be elaborating
If y’all want an example here’s a video
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hiitsuninjago · 9 months
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It’s been a while hasn’t it? I’ve been planning a lot with my ninjago au story and I think I should start posting it here!
In my story, we have ninja ancestors! (Also known as the elemental ancestors). They’re meant to resemble Lloyd and his friends except they actually aren’t them, I’ll explain them later 👀
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The Temperance invites you to experience everything in equilibrium, especially in the matters of moderation and balance. Navigating through her paths of life, whether in the shape of a calming brook or the intimidating vastness of the ocean, may seem impossible...but all turbulent waters will have their moments to settle in time, if you’re patient enough to wait for it.
Upright, the Temperance represents Purpose, Patience, Tranquility, and Perspective.
When Reversed, the Temperance is indicative of Overindulgence, Discord, Hastiness, and Conflict.
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You know what else could make this fandom a little healthier? If he had more chances to go absolute APESHIT- So here's him having enough and summoning the illusion of the devourer for the sake of bringing fear into his enemies souls.
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dontlookforme00 · 9 months
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Has someone already made this joke
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honestmouse20 · 1 year
ough wait i just had a realization. I may be super late to this but like, what if part of the reason Lloyd was so fond of harmless pranks and ‘being evil’ (stealing candy) was because of his Oni side. It was chaos right, like he ran around looking for friends/attention yes, but he also was just having fun causing pure weird chaos. Maybe that’s why he wasn’t ‘evil’ enough for school, he was never evil. He was just part Oni and had a natural affinity towards causing mischief bc it made his Oni side happy. 
I also think he never fully Stopped pranking the ninja. He tuned it down because he was aged up and yk, they’re usually pretty busy saving Ninjago City from destruction yet again. But I bet he still does it. Maybe he doesn’t steal but I bet he’ll hide favorite pens/important tools from the others just to see their reaction. They all know it’s him. 
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