#no more elections
What we have learned from Minecraft roleplaying these last three-four years (yes it's been that long):
If somebody wants to run for presidency, no they don't.
If somebody says you need a government, no you don't.
If somebody wants to stage a revolution, no they don't.
If that somebody is the same person, no they weren't.
You don't need politics in Minecraft for the love of god-when has it ever ended well??
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hamartia-grander · 10 days
Every single day I live in constant fear that trump will become president again because you stupid cunts on tumblr with no ounce of intelligence think that not voting for Biden will do any good. I'm sick to my stomach seeing this shit. You think that not voting absolves you from the consequences you think that not voting will make things better you do not understand that republicans will vote for trump no matter what and your inaction will lead to him winning. He cannot win. He cannot fucking win.
Vote for Biden and shut the fuck up
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vordemtodgefeit · 8 months
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‘nobody wants a general election, obviously’, says second PM in a row that wasn’t voted in by the general public, wasn’t even voted in by members of the party let alone the people he claims to represent, and whose party is predicted to lose said general election
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it is. so weird to me that I'm having to say this again after a real-life cartoon supervillian already once ran for president on a platform of hatred & fascism and won, but.
it's November, please fucking vote
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segernatural · 7 months
sure it was a perfect storm of a pressure cooker but i promise destiel was about destiel
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leupagus · 7 months
On Voting in America
So one of the most profound comments on routine chores that I've ever encountered was, hilariously, the Pickle Rick episode of "Rick & Morty," where (after a lot of shenanigans have already ensued) this therapist absolutely lays Rick out:
"I have no doubt that you would be bored senseless by therapy, the same way I'm bored when I brush my teeth and wipe my ass. Because the thing about repairing, maintaining, and cleaning is: it's not an adventure. There's no way to do it so wrong you might die. It's just work. And the bottom line is some people are okay going to work and some people, well, some people would rather die. Each of us gets to choose."
I think about this at least once a week — usually while I'm doing my laundry or sweeping or some other task that needs doing and won't get me anything more than clean clothing or a dog-hair-free floor. There's no Pulitzer for wiping down your microwave or scrubbing your toilet; no one's awarding you for getting all the dishes out of the sink. At best you have the satisfaction of crossing it off your list.
Voting is very much the same (and I'm talking about the US here, as an American). Sure, you sometimes get a sticker; but nobody's going to cheer for you. There's no adventure here, no potential for anything more than crossing something off of a list. It's a chore, something that needs doing in order to repair, maintain, and yes even clean. So I get why people don't like doing it.
And I've decided I don't give a shit.
Do it anyway. Your country takes astonishingly little from you — taxes, the once-in-a-blue-moon jury duty, and a theoretical draft that hasn't been used in over half a century and likely will never be again — but it asks you (asks! not requires! not demands!) to vote once a year. It's not always easy; especially in conservative states, the impediments to vote can be ridiculous. But it is once a year and unlike in our nation's all-too-recent past, you will not die if you do it.
In fact, the worst outcome from voting these days is that the person or issue that you vote for loses — but you won't know if they lose until after the election. Polls are less accurate now, for a whole host of reasons; you cannot know until after the election who or what will win. This makes your vote more valuable than possibly ever before.
Use that power. Not because it's exciting or even rewarding, but because your vote is what keeps our country's metaphorical teeth from falling out and our metaphorical ass from stinking.
Brush, wipe, vote.
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kid-sid · 11 months
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rouges gallery
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duckiemimi · 4 months
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chapter 70 vs. chapter 251
the pinnacle of jujutsu vs. someone with no cursed energy. two sides of the same coin.
(edit: this was a tweet from a couple years ago that’s relevant. maybe i’ll rewrite it as an analysis post.)
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prima-donna-worm · 1 year
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support the strike :)
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liberalsarecool · 6 months
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House Republicans are useless. McCarthy was a joke. 3.7% passage. 724 performative votes, 27 laws.
Pelosi and Dems passed 45%, 248 laws.
That's ten times as many laws with a woman in charge. 248 vs 27.
Both parties are not the same.
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shedidntevenswear · 6 months
i just think there are so many valid critiques of public figures, especially when it comes to politics/use of platform for important issues, and ALSO that these critiques can live alongside your admiration of their art or their brand or their personality. the internet really wants to act like if a famous person is not 100% ideologically pure leftist and practicing that constantly then you throw the whole celebrity out, but to me i think if you are looking to pop stars and actors for leadership in geopolitics or economic policy then you seriously need a reality check.
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crabsnpersimmons · 1 month
thank you everyone for your encouragement!! 🥰🥰🥰 i read ALL your messages and they really cheered me up on my way to the exam!
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i'll be getting a youtooz plush (hot topic has been sold out for a while now...), and i'm thinking the chibi shoulder riders but i'm open to suggestions!
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formerly-evil · 5 days
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naivety · 5 months
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So long as the political and economic system remains intact, voter enfranchisement, though perhaps resisted by overt white supremacists, is still welcomed so long as nothing about the overall political arrangement fundamentally changes. The facade of political equality can occur under violent occupation, but liberation cannot be found in the occupier’s ballot box. In the context of settler colonialism voting is the “civic duty” of maintaining our own oppression. It is intrinsically bound to a strategy of extinguishing our cultural identities and autonomy.
Since we cannot expect those selected to rule in this system to make decisions that benefit our lands and peoples, we have to do it ourselves. Direct action, or the unmediated expression of individual or collective desire, has always been the most effective means by which we change the conditions of our communities. What do we get out of voting that we cannot directly provide for ourselves and our people? What ways can we organize and make decisions that are in harmony with our diverse lifeways? What ways can the immense amount of material resources and energy focused on persuading people to vote be redirected into services and support that we actually need? What ways can we direct our energy, individually and collectively, into efforts that have immediate impact in our lives and the lives of those around us? This is not only a moral but a practical position and so we embrace our contradictions. We’re not rallying for a perfect prescription for “decolonization” or a multitude of Indigenous Nationalisms, but for a great undoing of the settler colonial project that comprises the United States of America so that we may restore healthy and just relations with Mother Earth and all her beings. Our tendency is towards autonomous anti-colonial struggles that intervene and attack the critical infrastructure that the U.S. and its institutions rest on. Interestingly enough, these are the areas of our homelands under greatest threat by resource colonialism. This is where the system is most prone to rupture, it’s the fragility of colonial power. Our enemies are only as powerful as the infrastructure that sustains them. The brutal result of forced assimilation is that we know our enemies better than they know themselves. What strategies and actions can we devise to make it impossible for this system to govern on stolen land? We aren’t advocating for a state-based solution, redwashed European politic, or some other colonial fantasy of “utopia.” In our rejection of the abstraction of settler colonialism, we don’t aim to seize colonial state power but to abolish it. We seek nothing but total liberation.
Voting Is Not Harm Reduction - An Indigenous Perspective
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mikaikaika · 11 months
Cellbit's plan today
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"AND WHY THE F---- SHOULD I???" Edition
Because the EU has a meh to fucking excellent track record on the following topics and can do good work if you send the right people there:
Data privacy
Queer rights
Women's rights
Culture and Education
Green policies (I know, I KNOW, but still)
Consumer's rights
Food safety
And it's got a shit track records on the following that will keep on getting worse if you do NOT vote:
Immigration and asylum
Authoritarianism and democratic backslide
Fiscal policies
Lack of democratic input
Because you may not be sure if it's worthy it, but we know exactly WHO will be VERY motivated to go vote, and they are not exactly putting a green ballot in the box.
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