#no one can be cuter than aaron
mydearesthrry · 11 months
sweet nothing - h.s.
a/n: TOTALLY LOST THE PLOT WHILE WRITING THIS. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BASED OFF OF THE PICTURE BELOW BUT I GOT DISTRACTED. pls listen to sweet nothing by taylor swift for the full experience!!!
🎀 warnings/cw: none, most tooth rotting fluff ever.
🐇 pairing: fem!reader x harry styles
💐 wc: 1.6k
summary: taking care of a very sleepy harry in an ice bath, and in the car.
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“H, the bath is ready, bub.” Harry heard his girlfriend call quietly to him. He was slumped on the couch, this show particularly draining. He was quieter than usual, and instead of being glued to Y/N’s side like he usually was, he let one kiss to her full lips suffice before he decided to rest. 
“Mm, thank you, lovie. I’ll… I’ll be there in a second, jus’ don’t have the energy to go there right now.” His limbs were sore, almost every part of his body completely lost of energy, and he found it hard to even entertain the thought of getting up. 
“Okay… y’know what, just let me help you, H. The faster we get you into this bath, the faster we can go back to the hotel so you can sleep.” He knew she was right, and because he knew she was right, he allowed her to help (though not really at all since he already had felt bad that she ran the ice bath for him) him get to the bathroom. They walked slowly to the connected bathroom, Harry walking zombie-like in her arms. 
“Ready, sweet boy?” She tried to be as quiet as possible, the fact that Harry probably had a headache in the front of her mind. He nodded softly, stripping down to his boxers before letting her help him balance as he stepped into the bath. 
A wince immediately left him, Y/N whispering out ‘I’m sorry’s, knowing how shocking the bath was at first. She lowered herself with him, and sat on the floor next to the bucket when he sat down, submersing himself fully. 
“Okay bubs, y’know we’ve gotta do this so you don’t fall asleep on me. You ready?” Y/N says, pulling out her phone to pull up the trivia questions she’d pre written for the late night ice bath trivia that had become a tradition for them. Harry hums, and she flips to her notes to start. 
“Pick the category, my love. We’ve got pop culture, or the Marvel Cinematic Universe.” She asked, looking up at him, heart breaking a little at the exhausted expression that was obvious on his face. 
“Marvel.” He mumbles, sinking himself lower until his neck up was the only part of his body above water. 
“Okay… Timer officially starts now. Who played the character Pietro Maximoff, also known as Quicksilver?” Her tone was soft, almost at a whisper. 
“Umm… Aaron Taylor Johnson?” Harry questioned, racking his brain to try his hardest to stay awake. His body had now gotten used to the stark cold that he’d slowly started to get used to over the times he’s done this on tour. 
“Good job, baby. What was the name of Peter Parker’s love interest in Spider-Man: Homecoming? This one should be easy, it’s one of my favorite movies.” She giggled, a serene sense of peace overcoming her at the domesticity of it all. 
“It is easy, she’s called Liz, right? Liz Allan, or something.” His eyes were now closed, feeling the tension in his body slowly disintegrate from the cold of the water. 
“Perfect! Though the both of us know that Peter and MJ were the better couple, they were entirely more in love and cuter.” She smiled. 
“Oh, really? Like us then, hm?” Harry hummed. 
“Yes, H, exactly like us.” A few more questions had passed, and Lloyd had now come to join them in the bathroom, his camera hung around his neck. They’d anticipated him coming anyway, knowing that he would come to snap some behind the scenes pictures. Before they’d even left to go to his dressing room, they’d told Lloyd when to come in so that he could come talk to them. 
“Hey guys, sorry for intruding, but I need one of you to pick a few pictures for tonight so I can get them edited by tomorrow.” Lloyd tried to keep his voice quiet too, knowing the kind of atmosphere he was entering before he even came to meet the two in the bathroom. 
“Oh yeah, of course, did you want some pictures too?” Harry smiled, a tired but polite look on his face. Harry had built a great relationship with Lloyd over the months that they’ve been on tour, and they’d gotten more comfortable with each other than they’d anticipated. 
“Only if you’re comfortable, H.” Lloyd smiled. Y/N and Lloyd talked for a second, scrolling through pictures and picking out a few for him to edit. The time they took allowed Harry to rest in the cold for a little, before pushing himself up and folding over, dipping his head into the ice cold water. He could faintly hear Lloyd’s footsteps move to the front of the tub, along with the flicking of the camera shutter going off as he lifted his head out of the tub, ringing out his hair from the nape of his neck to the front of his scalp. 
A couple more flutters from the camera shutters were heard when Harry was rubbing his eyes with the pruny tips of his fingers, and he failed to see the smile on Lloyd’s face. 
Lloyd pulled the camera from his eyes, looking at the digital screen that held a preview of the picture. In the corner, slightly blurred because of the harsh focus that was set on Harry in the center, say Y/N with a soft smile playing on her lips, a moony gaze in her eyes. He made a mental note to send it to them later, and to also crop her out in the final edit in an attempt to salvage their private relationship. 
“Perfect. I’ll let you two rest now, think I’m gonna head to the hotel now myself. Sleep well, you guys, I’ll send you the pictures in the morning.” Lloyd smiles at them, sharing goodnights before closing the door behind him as he walked out. 
Harry’s now damp hair was combed back by his fingers and rested on the top of his head, save for the rogue curl that shriveled in a tiny curl on his forehead. Y/N rested her arms on the side of the tub, a gleam in her eyes as she watched Harry’s relaxed expression. Her timer, however, had different plans for the relaxed couple, and went off with shrill screams, notifying them that it was now time for Harry to leave the bath. 
“Alright sweet boy, time to go.” She tapped on her screen to stop the ringing, standing up to grab his black and white striped towel. She met him in the middle, her boyfriend already standing on the towel that laid outside of the tub, water droplets falling from his body in a soft cascade, small shivers shaking his shoulders slightly. Wrapping the towel around his shoulders, she pushes herself up onto her tiptoes to meet the level of his face, pecking soft kisses onto his cold lips. They stayed in that position for a bit, waiting for Harry’s skin to absorb the rest of the small water droplets. 
She led him with a soft tug to the main space in the dressing room, taking the outfit she’d gotten ready for him while he was on stage from the makeup chair and placed it onto the couch. Leaning down a bit, she took the towel to let him remove his now soaked briefs, before passing him a pair of boxers, tossing his towel onto the back of the couch. She passed him his clothes as he dressed himself slowly, humming at the words of love and admiration he sleepily spewed out. Once he got his last article of clothing on, she took his hoodie strings into her hands and tugged it down softly, making him lean down a bit to meet her lips. 
Their lips connected in a soft caress, his bottom lip wedges in between her two lips, a sweet hum emitting from his throat from the taste of her coconut flavored chapstick, one that was his favorite. Something that could only be described as love seemed to fill the room whenever they had these kinds of moments. Moments that was completely and purely their own. 
They broke away from the kiss, and when Harry went to say something, a yawn cut him off, mouth opening wide making him resemble something of a lion, making a giggle fall from her slightly swollen lips. “Let’s get you into a bed, sleepy boy.” 
“M’kay.” Harry didn’t put up a fight, wanting to get into bed with her to snuggle more than anything. 
They walked through the halls of the venue, pushing through the back door where their driver was already waiting for them, engine started and purring softly. Y/N opens the back car door, stepping in and moving to the side since she knew Harry would follow her. The driver muttered that it would take them about 5 to 10 minutes to get to the hotel before taking off without another word. 
Y/N snapped her seatbelt on, a confused twinge on her face when she didn’t see Harry do the same. Instead, he scooted over to the middle seat, laying into her sleepily. “H, you gotta put on your seatbelt.” 
“Noooo, s’not even that far, and I jus’ wan’ y’to hold me right now.” He mumbled, slightly muffled from the way he burrowed his face into her neck. She sighed in slight exasperation, saying nothing and just letting him completely collapse and rest into her. He was almost laying completely in her lap, her hand in his hair, a soft smile playing on her lips as she looked out the window and into the city. 
She let out a tiny giggle when she felt the slight tickle of stubble on her neck, followed by sweet kisses on the expanse of it. “I love you, love y’so much, it hurts.” 
“I love you, H.” She intertwined their fingers together, bringing up his hand to her mouth and pressing featherlight kisses onto his knuckles. 
“I love you,” Harry whined, making the smallest of smiles cover her face since knew how clingy and lovey Harry got when he was tired. She tried to relish in these moments as much as possible. 
“I love you, sweet boy, the Peter Parker to my Michelle Jones.” A sweet giggle sounded from Harry as he remembered the conversation from earlier. 
“Entirely in love and cute. I agree.” 
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boldlyvoid · 10 months
I Can See You | Part Two
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18+ Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader | Part One
Summary: While away in California working on a case, Aaron needs his Media Liaison's help. When she gets there, she realizes that being in the field is a lot harder than she ever imagined... she leans on Aaron for support so much that when they get home, their relationship is so different from when she left.
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence (case involving rape and murder) flirting, falling in love, emotional heart-to-heart chats, car sex, public sex, angst, miss understandings. love confessions. making love, unprotected sex, creampies, dirty talk
a/n: thank you @hotchsdoormat for making this post and giving me an idea for this one <;3
word count: 9.1k
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Facilities management gets her office completely cleaned out by the end of shift on Friday, they turn the phone in that room back on and set it to her extension. They get a nameplate for her door and slide it into place and then the room is officially hers. 
She sits down at her new desk with a sigh. It smells like paper and dust, the shelves are empty, and it lacks character. She’s requested new, more natural lights, but she knows that changing the fluorescents from blue to yellow is still going to give her a headache. She asked for her own fax machine and this weekend she has to clear out the filing cabinet in order to reorganize it with updated cases. She’s going to have her hands full but that’s good.
Maybe keeping busy will keep her mind off Aaron Hotchner and all the amazing sex she’s been having with him. 
She thinks about him all the way home, in bed before she goes to sleep and even when she wakes up early on Saturday. She makes her way back to the office, it’s only Anderson, a couple of the assistants and herself that are in. She can’t pass Aaron’s office without thinking about how intense her orgasm on his desk was… but she makes it to her own desk with a sigh. 
She’s sitting for maybe 30 seconds when the phone rings. “Agent Y/L/N.” 
“How fast can you be in California?” Aaron asks. “I need you here.” 
“Oh, why?” She can’t help but smile. 
“JJ and Kate are interviewing all the women so that they feel safer and more comfortable but with JJ busy I don’t have anyone here who can speak with the reporters and the Colleges PR people,” he explains. “I really need you here.”
“Uh, yeah, I can come… get Penelope to find me the best ticket out there and I can be at the airport within the hour.” 
“Thank you,” he says with a sigh of relief. “Text me when you get there, let me know when you’re on your way and when you land. I want to know you’re safe.” 
His voice is soft and quiet, he might be alone or at least not around the main team. She loves this voice, he’s so sweet with her sometimes it makes her melt.
“I will,” she smiles. “i’ll see you then.” 
“Bye,” he says before he hangs up. And then he’s gone. 
She brought her go bag home with her last night, repacked it with better outfits and cuter underwear and brought it back to the office with her. This was the last thing she expected when she packed it. She grabs it and her tablet, she has her phone and records an away message for her office phone before she heads out of her office. 
“Anderson,” she calls, getting his attention. “I’m headed to California to help with the media frenzy, I don’t know when I’ll be back. Can you make sure that everything that’s faxed to me gets filed and organized and left on my desk?” 
“Absolutely, have fun,” he says with a roll of his eyes, knowing she’s going to be stressed out more than anything. 
“Can you drive me to the airport?” She asks. 
“I can, I’ll meet you in the garage in 5.” 
She heads right down to Penelope's office and knocks gently before entering. “Did hotch call?” 
“He did, I have your boarding pass here,” she says, reaching to the printer and pulling the paper out as it finishes printing. “This is your fist away case, isn’t it.” 
She nods, “any advice?” 
“Take a moment to yourself whenever you can. It’ll get overwhelming and seeing the horror upfront will suck, so, maybe take this,” Penelope explains, looking through all her little gadgets and toys, she finally picks a little pink unicorn with a clip on it. She reaches out and clips it right onto her go bag. “She’ll keep you company.” 
“Thank you,” she does genuinely appreciate it. 
“The plane leaves in an hour and 45 minutes, I called ahead and said you’re a federal agent and It’s imperative that you make this flight even though you’ll be there in the middle of boarding and they will hold the plane as long as they can for you, so you better skedaddle,” she explains. “Go on, boss lady.” 
“Okay, okay,” she laughs, “I’m going, I’ll probably talk to you later!” 
And with that, she’s gone. Anderson drives her to the airport, she texts Hotch from the car and when she arrives at Ronald Reagan National Airport a half hour later. She still has an hour to spare before taking off, the staff are all incredibly kind to her and she’s handed some complimentary snacks and water at her seat. 
It takes 5 and a half hours for them to fly all the way across the county. She’s on her phone the second she de-boards the plane, she’s about to text Aaron to say she’s arrived when she looks up at the gate and see’s him.
“Hey,” she swoons, she can’t believe he’s there to pick her up. 
“Hi,” he opens his arms and she gladly hugs him. “Garcia told me when you’d be landing and I wasn’t about to let you take another taxi to work.”
She just holds him tighter, appreciating how he smells and how strong he is, she sighs as she pulls back. “I don’t mind… but I’m glad you’re here.” 
He reaches out for her bag, offering to carry it to the car for her. “We’ve got to get back to the precinct. We have a lot to go over, the media is already catching on to this being the second college rape and murder, we need to figure out a way to break the story without causing panic,” he explains as they weasel through the airport traffic, towards his car. 
“I had some time on the plane, I’ve drafted a press release I just need you and the team to approve it and I’m going to send each of the colleges our profile so they can put it on their websites,” she explains. “Who do you want going in front of the cameras?” 
“We can do it together,” he suggests. 
His SUV is parked out front, the lights still going so that he doesn’t get a ticket, he opens the door for her first and then the second door on the passenger side. He puts her bag behind her seat and shuts the door at the same time she shuts her own. He rushes over to the driver's side and gets in quickly, he fastens his seatbelt and keeps the lights on so he can rush out with traffic as fast as possible. 
“You passed your weapons qualifications, right?” He asks, unable to remember off the top of his head. 
“I have… but I don’t carry a weapon.” 
He sighs, “I’m going to give you my second gun when we arrive, I need you to protect yourself. Once we put you on the news you could become one of his targets.” 
“Are you serious?” 
“Unfortunately, you’re around his age preference and you’re beautiful, he’s going to be upset hearing the words you use to describe him to the world and he could lash out,” he explains. 
“Do you keep a second gun in your bag or something?” She asks, having no idea he even had one. 
He smirks, “No, I keep it holstered to my ankle. It’s discreet in case I’m in a situation where they’ve taken my weapon and haven’t patted me down, or when I’ve had my Glock knocked out of my hand. I like to be prepared.” 
“God, you’re so hot,” she says under her voice, shaking her head slightly. 
He laughs, “if you say so.” 
“Aaron,” she can’t believe he doesn’t think he’s hot. “You’ve gotta know you’re one of the most handsome men on earth, I mean come on?” 
He blushes, “I don’t have terrible self-esteem, but I’m also not full of myself.” 
“I’m sure as hell not full of you right now, either, but I still think you’re hot,” she teases. 
He laughs, reaching over he places his hand on her thigh, “You’ll be full of me soon enough, sweet thing. We just have to finish this case, first.” 
“They’re going to catch on,” she reminds him. “We have to be careful.” 
“Even if they figure it out, they won’t say anything unless I bring it up first. They’re still pretty respectful,” he assures her. “But I think we can keep it a secret a while longer.” 
“I hope so, 'cause this is fun.” 
“You think so?” 
“I really do,” she smiles at him. She takes ahold of his hand, interlocking their fingers, appreciating this little amount of affection before they arrive and have to act professionally again. 
She goes on national TV at 6pm with Aaron by her side while the rest of the team delivers the profile to the local cops. She’s nervous, but she gets through it without a stutter and she even answers a few reporter's questions. They expect the unsub to see the new reports and act out, either by killing again or by sending them a taunt. Either way, it’s going to be an interesting night. 
They get dinner as a team, enjoying takeout in the back room of the UC Davis police department, and she feels like she made it. When she joined the FBI she always wanted to see some action, she wanted to help in a real way and now she was getting her chance. She reviews the case with them, she gets to help Spencer organize the murder board and she even gets to put in her two cents about who she thinks this guy is. The team is proud of her, they praise her contributions and pat her on the back for a job well done with the media. 
The only hard part is seeing all the gore. The photos of the two dead girls are hard to look at, and the rape kit photos of the other 4 girls are even harder to see. They have to live with this for the rest of their lives… all of them are in the police station, too, all waiting for this to be over. They have 4 cots set up, and a police officer sat outside of the room at all times. They’re as protected as can be now, but not when it would’ve counted. It breaks her heart. 
By the time it hits 11pm, nothing has happened, everyone is tired because it’s 2 in the morning back in D.C. so Aaron calls it, “Let's head back to the hotel, they’ll call us if anything happens.” 
“Sounds good,” Derek is the first to agree. 
They all head out to the parking lot, splitting up to ride in two separate SUVs, she sits behind Aaron's seat because of course she’d want to ride with him but she’s not important enough to call shotgun. Spencer’s sitting beside him, tired and quiet, and JJ is beside her. Derek, Kate and Rossi are in the other SUV, just behind them. 
“Do we have another hotel for Y/N?” JJ asks. 
“I called the hotel and had my room switched to a double queen,” Aaron announces. “I thought it would be easier this way, now the bureau won’t get mad at us for changing another $400 to the credit card.” 
It doesn’t look that weird either, with JJ sharing with Kate, Derek sharing with Spencer and the leaders normally alone, partnering with Hotch isn’t too suspicious. She wonders if it’s even true, if he switched the rooms to have two beds or if that’s just what he’s telling people. Either way, they’ll probably end up sleeping in just the one. 
“Smart thinking,” JJ praises him. “I hope you don’t mind his snoring.” 
Y/N laughs, “I’m used to it— my ex snored a lot. Like so bad we took him to get a sleep study done to see if he had sleep apnea or something? But he didn’t, he just snored like mad. It was annoying,” she quickly makes up a story. Covering for the fact she’s already slept beside Hotch before, she heard his snoring. She didn’t mind it, she actually found it cute. But JJ didn’t need to know that.” 
“If you were still with him I’d suggest mouth taping,” Spencer suggests. “I’ve been reading studies about it, apparently it works.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind if I see another dude who snores, thanks.” 
“No problem,” Spencer says with a smile. 
It doesn’t take long for them to arrive, they park, grab their bags and all head inside. Y/N and Aaron head over to the main desk to switch room keys and the others head on up to their floor. The teams on floor 3, Y/N and Aaron on the other hand, they’re on floor 6. It was the only double queen that was available. 
They head to their room quickly, she’s actually exhausted and ready to sleep even if they were joking earlier about having sex again. And if she’s being honest… she’s a little too sad to do anything tonight. 
He opens the door for them, lets her inside and she places her bag right down on the closest mattress. She sighs as she undoes the zip and searches for her sleep shirt. 
“You tired?” Aaron asks. 
She nods, placing her shirt on the bed, she kicks off her shoes and starts to undress. “I’m so ready to go to sleep.” 
Aaron places his bag down on the other bed, also searching for something to wear but he turns back to her just in time to see her take her shirt off. He smiles at her, she’s just in normal underwear this time, nothing too fancy and cute because she didn’t expect to see him today. “You’re beautiful.” 
She can’t help but smile, “Thanks…” She tosses on her sleep shirt and takes her bra off from inside the shirt. She unclips the back, slips it off both arms and then pulls it out from under, putting it into her bag right away. She pushes her skirt down, takes off her nylons and shoves them in the bag too. 
Once she’s done changing, she grabs her makeup bag and heads into the bathroom to take off all her makeup. Aaron shows up beside her, in just his boxers and a shirt as well, ready to brush his teeth for the night. They get ready for bed silently, both clearly exhausted. He finishes brushing his teeth and watches as she takes off her makeup and applies her nighttime moisturizer, mesmerized by her beauty, he smiles at her through the mirror. 
“did you want to sleep with me?” 
“Like sex?” 
He laughs, “No, I mean do you want to sleep beside me?” 
“Oh, yeah, I’d like that… but I’m not in the mood at all after everything today.”
“Understandable,” he wraps his arm around her and rests his chin on her shoulder, staring at her through the mirror still. “You did a wonderful job today.” 
“Thank you,” she leans into him with a sigh. “can we go to bed now?” 
“Yeah, come on,” he takes her by the hand and walks with her back to the room. “Pick a bed.” 
She picks the one closer to the window, gets in on her normal side and lays back against the pillow. Aaron takes a moment to plug in his phone, moves his bag over to their spare bed and then he turns off the lights. He gets into bed beside her and snuggles in real close, resting his cheek on her chest and his arm slung around her stomach. 
“I’m really glad you’re here,” he whispers. “I slept like a baby on Thursday night.” 
“I know, I did too, I didn’t even hear you leave…”
“I’m sorry about that,” he apologizes again. “I had to be there when Jack woke up 'cause Jess had an early morning meeting with her boss, I kissed you before I left but you didn’t even stir.” 
Her heart melts at the thought of him kissing before slipping out, they had such a wonderful night that night, it’s hard to believe it was even real. “Hey, you’re a good dad. I’m never going to get upset with you for wanting to spend time with your son. I bet he’s incredible, too.” 
“He is, he’s doing this summer gifted program and at the end, he’ll have a certificate that he can put in his college applications, he wants to be an engineer,” he shares, pride just spilling out of him. “He’s so amazing.” 
“He gets it from his dad,” she teases. 
“It’s his mom's side, Haley was always good with science and math, her sister Jess is a computer engineer, and their mom was a nurse for 50 years,” he shares. He’s never opened up like this before. 
“What did your parents do?” She asks, taking advantage of how soft and honest he is late at night, she wants to know all about him. 
“My mom stayed at home with us and took care of the house, my dad was a defence attorney. He was good at telling a lie.”
“Oh,” she can tell there’s issues there. “And you have a brother, right?” 
He nods, “Same dad, different moms, but my mom raised him. My dad got his assistant pregnant and she was going to give the baby up so my dad convinced her to let us keep him.” 
“Wow… that’s intense.” 
He just sighs, “Yeah, it sucked being related to him.” 
“I’m sorry—
“No, no, you don’t have to be, it’s been a long time since he died, I’m not haunted by him or anything, I’m good with where I’m at in life… but you, you’ve never told me why you joined the FBI, or really anything personal?”
“There’s not really much to tell. I went to college and got a degree in criminal justice and took media and communications for fun and then applied to the academy and somehow made it to your team. I guess I’m just lucky,” she shrugs, not thinking too much of it. 
“Your grades were amazing and you were in the top 5 of your class at the academy, it certainly wasn’t luck,” he assures her. “You were the best pick for the team, Cruz was so excited to add you after he saw your application. We were severely lacking without a communications liaison, having you on the team has been so nice… and not just because we’re sleeping together.”
She laughs, “This is a bonus.” 
He sits up slightly to look at her in the darkness, “I think you were right before… about me being lonely. I didn’t realize how much I missed this.” 
She leans in and captures his lips against her own, sharing a sweet kiss with him. “I’m glad you did something about it. I thought with your job, with how often you see power dynamics gone wrong, you would never sleep with a younger co-worker.” 
“I didn’t think I would either,” he admits. He rests his head back down on her, caressing his cheek along her shirt. “It's not because you’re younger that I like you… I can’t even really place why I do. I don’t want to sound crazy, but something more powerful than your looks or your age drew me in. You’re so smart, you’re incredibly kind. This just feels right, doesn’t it?” 
“Aaron Hotchner, don’t make me cry,” she tries to make a joke or else she really will cry. 
“Sorry, I just hope you know this isn’t just a fling. I’m not going to get what I want and toss you aside. I thoroughly enjoy your company, if I met you anywhere else, I’d still want to be with you. It’s just tough when I’m your boss and you’re my employee. If you weren’t, I wouldn’t have asked to keep this a secret. I don’t want you to think I’m ashamed or hiding you. I just want to keep this as pure and just between us as possible. If I file the paperwork and we make it known with Cruz, then Penelope will see it in the file, and she’ll tell Derek and you know how they are. They teased you because I was careless and left a mark where they could see. I don’t want you to go through that. I don’t want people to think you’re doing better than them just because we have sex. I don’t want anyone to diminish your work simply because you’re close to me.” 
“The fact that you care, like genuinely, wholeheartedly care, means a lot. Not a lot of men would think this far ahead or want to protect their mistress,” she hates to use the word, but that’s how she feels. “I know I’m special to you and to this team… and it feels so good to know that. It’s all I wanted for so long, I have tried so hard to be good at everything I do, I try too hard sometimes. It feels so wonderful to know I’m appreciated for my hard work.” 
“you’re not my mistress,” he says, rolling onto his back and pulling her over to cuddle into him instead. “I’d have to have a wife for that.” 
She wants to ask what they are then. But she can’t bring the words to her mouth, they stay in her mind, rattling around and wreaking havoc. “Still, thank you.” 
He kisses the top of her head, resting his lips there longer than she thought he would. He runs his hand up and down her back in a gentle motion, soothing her. “You’re welcome.” 
He’s so warm and delicate with his touches, it makes her even sleepier. Her eyes get heavy to the point she can’t keep them open anymore, and before she knows it, she’s sound asleep against his chest. She twitches a few times as she falls deeper, her breathing changes, and she gets heavier, too. 
He knows she’s asleep now. Knows she can’t hear him. So he says it. 
“Goodnight, sweetheart… I love you.” 
Neither one of them set an alarm last night before bed. So, at 7:30am, someone knocks on their hotel door. They’re cuddled into each other, spooning, facing the window when Aaron hears it. He’s quick to rub his eyes and get out of bed, heading towards the door. He squints as he looks through the peephole to see Spencer, fully dressed and ready for the day. 
“Did something happen?” 
Spencer looks at him and then into the room to see Y/N sound asleep in her bed… but the other bed hasn’t been slept in. Not a crease to be found on the comforter, his eyes go wide but he keeps this newfound revelation to himself. “Uh, yeah, it’s almost 10 in Virginia, Penelope got a CODIS match on a set of fingerprints we picked up at the last murder, the guy's name is Michael Hawthorn, we’re just waiting on warrants to go through the courts. We’re supposed to meet with the state police in 45 minutes about it all.”
“Shit,” Aaron realizes they’ve slept in, “okay, you all can head in with Derek, Y/N and I will be leaving in a few minutes.” 
“Sounds good…” 
“Don’t,” Aaron points at him. “It’s not what it looks like. She was having a hard time dealing with guilt after speaking with the victims yesterday, I offered her some comfort, and we fell asleep in the same bed. Nothing more.” 
“Okay,” Spencer takes his word for it. “I’ll keep this between us… just be glad it was me who drew the short straw to come up and get you.” 
“Thank you, Reid,” he gives him a small smile. “Seriously, we’ll be leaving shortly.” 
She wakes up to all the talking, she sits up and rubs her eyes just as Aaron closes the door again, “what’s going on?” 
“We never set an alarm,” he simplifies it. “The team is headed to the precinct right now, they have a CODIS match on a fingerprint.” 
“Oh, shit, okay,” she gets out of bed quickly and grabs her bag, “can I use the bathroom first?” 
“Go for it,” he doesn’t mind, heading into his own go bag to get ready for the day. 
He wears the same suit pants and jacket, he gets a new dress shirt and tie from his bag and quickly puts it all on. He adds deodorant and a little cologne, he combs his hair and waits for the bathroom to be free again so he can brush his teeth. He holsters his gun to his belt last and checks his pocket to make sure he still has his wallet, badge and cuffs on his person. 
When she comes out, she’s in a pants suit as well, his gun holstered to her hip and everything. She looks amazing. He looks her up and down quickly, wishing they had more time so he could properly show he how much he likes this outfit, but they don’t. “Wow…” 
“Oh, hush,” she says with a smile, clearly appreciative. “Finish getting ready, I’m going to head downstairs and get us some coffee from the continental breakfast and I’ll meet you by the car.” 
She goes to walk by him but he stops her, pulling her in by her suit jacket until their chests touch, he takes her jaw in his hand and directs her attention to his eyes. “If I don’t get a chance to tell you again today, just know I think you’re beautiful.” 
He leans in and kisses her, too. She pulls away with a smile, she’s never kissed him with 2 days of scruff on his face, before, so it tickles her upper lip. “Go finish getting ready, the faster we get this guy, the faster we can go home and spend some time together…” 
“Okay,” he agrees but steals one last kiss, he lightly smacks her ass as she starts to walk away, “I’m going to show you what this little number does to me when we get home.” 
She just laughs, “Oh, I can’t wait… but we have a killer to catch, so chop-chop.” She grabs her bags and heads out after that. 
He’s quick to brush his teeth, check himself in the mirror and then he’s out too, barely 5 minutes behind her. He rushes down to the car, only to see Y/N has dropped her bags and the coffee, she’s got someone at gunpoint beside the car.
He drops his bag too, raising his go as he makes his way closer. “What’s going on?” 
“It’s the college rapist,” she says through gritted teeth. “I know those eyes from the drawing. He was waiting here by the car, he—
“I just wanted to ask for your number, you’re pretty!” The guy cuts her off, hands in the air, he looks scared. “I’m not a rapist!” 
“What’s your name?” Aaron asks. 
“Mike what?” He asks again, getting closer and lowering his weapon so the man trusts him a bit. 
“Michael Hawthorn,” he states his full name. “I promise, I was just walking to my own car, thought she looked pretty, that’s all man.” 
He knows he’s lying. He knows this is the man the team is currently looking for. Maybe sleeping in was a good thing. Giving Y/N his second gun was even better. He can’t believe she recognized his eyes from the sketch of the unsub. She was quick to draw her gun, quick to defend herself, too. 
Aaron drops his gun, reaches out for the guy and gives him a fake smile, “I get it…” and then he has him pinned to the SUV and starts to cuff him. “But, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me any further?” 
“I didn’t do anything!!” 
“Call Morgan,” he says to Y/N, “tell him we have Michael Hawthorn in custody.” 
“Aaron… we don’t have enough evidence,” she worries, holstering her gun again. 
“We do. That CODIS match that Penelope got this morning, the fingerprints matched a Michael Hawthorn. They’re about to issue a warrant for your arrest, anyway,” he explains. “You just couldn’t handle the fact that she went on the national news and started talking shit about you, could you? You’re such a weak little man you have to rape girls to feel control. You have to corner them in a parking lot to feel the power. You’re just a loser and you’re going to prison.” 
Y/N steps away and takes her phone out, she calls Derek right away and tells him everything. Hotch still has him pinned to the SUV, waiting for the inevitable slue of cop cars to come rushing to the scene, to take this man into their custody. 
Michael knows he fucked up. He got cocky, he thought he couldn’t get caught but here he is, cuffed and pinned to a fed’s SUV. “What were you even planning to do? Just talk to me?” 
“I’m not speaking without my lawyer,” he says. It’s probably the smartest decision he’s made today. 
“Derek said they are just waiting on the judge to pass the search warrant, it should happen in the next few minutes. That includes his car, which I imagine is here?” She explains. 
Hotch pats him down and finds his keys in his pocket. He hands them over to her. “When it goes through you can have the honours.” 
It doesn’t take long for them to hear the sirens approaching, and once they’re heard, they’re seen just as quickly. 4 cop cars and Derek's SUV come whipping around the corner and into the small hotel parking lot, surrounding them. They hand the unsub off to the police, Aaron advises them that he’s already been read his rights and they take him off to the jail to be booked. 
“how’d this happen?” Derek asks. 
“I came down to get us some coffee before we head out and he was waiting for me, he walked up to me and said ‘You’re just as pretty as you are on TV’ and I saw his eyes were just like the sketch that Amy drew, so I pulled my weapon and luckily Aaron was right behind me and was able to get his name and cuff him,” she explains. 
“if it wasn’t for Spencer telling me the guy's name, I would’ve just told him to fuck off,” Aaron adds.
“Why were you guys late to begin with?” JJ asks, it’s honestly unheard of for Hotch to be late. 
“We were talking when I was getting ready for bed and I never set an alarm,” he admits. 
“I was having a hard time sleeping knowing I get to live the rest of my life without the trauma these girls will have for the rest of their life,” she adds. It’s more than she told Aaron yesterday, but it’s the most believable because it’s true. 
Derek pulls her in for a side hug, “This job sucks sometimes but you saved a few more girls from going through it with your quick thinking… I didn’t even know you carried a gun?” 
“It’s Aarons…” she explains as she pulls away, referencing the small revolver at her hip. “He had a feeling this guy would see me on the news and contact me. He was right.” 
“He’s hardly ever wrong,” Kate teases. Having been on the team just a few months now, she knows everyone on the team is so good at their job, they could’ve all predicted this. 
Once the warrants go through, Y/N and Aaron check the unsubs car and the others head back to his house. She finds his rape kit but nothing else. “His souvenirs must be back at his apartment,” Y/N sighs, shaking her head. “I can’t believe how fast you got him pinned to the car?” 
“Why?” Aaron smirks. “You know I’m always going to protect you, right?” 
She nods, stepping in closer to him so none of the crime scene cops hear, “Yeah, I know… but it was hot. Like, really hot…” 
He takes off his plastic gloves and looks over to the cops, “are you guys good here without us?” 
“Yep, we’re basically done, we just need to take some photos and get his car towed,” the main detective explains. “Thanks for bringing him in, the colleges are going to be pleased to know their girls are a bit safer now.” 
“Anytime,” Hotch waves them off and has Y/N follow him back over to the SUV. 
She gets buckled into the passage side, watches him put on his seatbelt and throws the car in reverse, he peels out of the parking lot and she thinks they’re going to catch up with the others at the unsubs house… instead, he takes them down some random street and parks them in the ally behind an unoccupied storefront. “How hot?” 
“What?” She laughs. 
“How hot was me throwing that guy up against the SUV and cuffing him?” 
Heat rushes through her body as she realizes what’s happening, “Aaron…” 
“Answer me.” 
She unbuckles her seatbelt and kneels on the seat, unbuttoning her suit pants, “You know, if you’re going to be so sexy on the scene you should at least do it on days when I’m wearing a skirt.” 
His laugh is deep and dark, he undoes his belt and pushes the seat back so there’s enough room between his chest and the steering wheel for her to sit. He watches her push her pants down and as soon as just the one leg is free he hauls her into his lap. He helps her out of her suit jacket and tosses it onto the passenger seat, “I told you this outfit was doing something for me.” 
“Show me,” she begs. “You said you’d show me?” 
With one hand on her hip, he pushes her button-up shirt up to see what she’s wearing. It’s a 1 piece of lingerie, white to hide under her shirt and lacy as hell. “I will show you…. Just let me appreciate this a bit. I know you spent too much money to get these for me, I’m going to make it worth it, baby.” 
He doesn’t want to unbutton the whole shirt, he wants her to still be partially dressed if they get caught… he knows they won't but he’s careful, nonetheless. He unbuttons the first 4 buttons, allowing the shirt to cup her boobs. He leans in and kisses her neck, one hand on her back, helping her arch so he can press kisses down her chest as she grinds against him. 
“Please, Aaron,” she pleads. “Just move it to the side and fuck me.” 
He hums against her, “Take me out?” He whispers, moving up to kiss her on the mouth again. She reached between them, pulled his zipper apart and reached into his boxers. He was hard, so hard that as soon as he was free his erection slapped against his stomach and he moaned into her mouth. She stroked him gently, causing him to buck his hips up into her, clashing his teeth against hers as the kiss gets rougher. 
He pushes her panties to the side, and brushes past her clit which makes her gasp. Not wasting any time, Y/N moved back so she could angle her hips over him and slid right onto his cock. The feeling of being filled and the grip Aaron had on her waist was mesmerizing. Aaron took her face in his hands and pulled her in for another kiss, it wasn’t as rough as before but still full of want. 
Y/N started to rock her hips forward, picking up a rhythm as their mouths moved together as well. He’d never felt this way while having sex with another person, maybe it was just really good, or maybe this is what making love felt like… even if they were just having a quickie in a borrowed FBI SUV. 
Aaron’s never felt this many emotions during sex, never once had he got butterflies thinking about sleeping with someone, let alone had his stomach flip when he turned a corner and merely saw someone… Something about Y/N and all the things they did together was different. Even a week into sleeping with each other, it was all so different than any relationship he’d ever had with anyone in his life. 
He really loved her, he was sure of it. 
That thought rocked though his body like someone had punched him in the gut. He stopped moving and pulled away from Y/N’s mouth. Eyes wide and staring at him.
“What? Are you okay?” She asked in shock.
He blinked a few times and shook his head, “No, yeah, sorry I thought I heard something sorry.”
She kissed him again, lightly this time. “We can stop if you want?”
Aaron simply gripped her hips tighter, bit his lip while looking her dead in the eyes, “I really don’t want to stop.” 
“Good.” She moaned, pulling him in again and kissing him some more.
She moved one hand to be in the back little tuft of hair at the base of his neck, tugging gently. 
Y/N could stay in these motions for hours, the feeling of Aaron inside her, lightly hitting her G-spot. The feeling of his big hand on her hip as the other roamed around to the front to rub her clit, getting her closer to the finish. It was the best pleasure one could experience. All building to one massive crescendo. 
Y/N felt herself getting close, her hips bucking more erratically. Aaron’s breath on her mouth was a sign he was feeling it too, his breathing had picked up when he started to get close the last time as well. 
She breathes heavily into his mouth, moaning slightly as everything builds and builds and builds and “Oh,” she tosses her head back and rides out her orgasm over him. 
Her cunt flutters, sucking him in even deeper, he’s not that far behind her. He buries his face in her neck and sloppily kisses her, he grips her hips with both hands now and uses all his strength to keep her bouncing on his cock. He mumbles against her neck, “Feel so fuckin’ good, baby, oh my god, I’m right there….” 
“Please sir, cum in me, fill me up, I want to go back to work and feel you slowly dripping out of me for the rest of the day,” she eggs him on. 
He groans, deep from within himself, he had no idea something like that would get him going but here he is, finishing deep inside her. He kisses her neck again, up to her ear and then grips the back of her head, pushing her lips against his own. It’s hot and heavy again, still inside her, he wishes he could stay in her all day long… but then his phone rings. Bringing an end to their fun.  
He pulls back and brushes her hair off her face, looking deep in her eyes, “You’re nasty… I love it.” 
She simply smirks, “I know.” 
She reaches into his suit jacket and takes his phone, answering for him. “SSA Aaron Hotchner's Phone…”
He can’t believe she, answering his phone for him while sitting on his softening dick. He starts rebutting her shirt for her, pressing a kiss to the centre of her chest before doing the last button up 
“Yeah, he’s just driving right now, yep, sounds good, Derek. We’ll Meet you on the tarmac,” she smiles, hanging up on him. “They found his trophies, Hawthorn is royally fucked, now.”
“Good, now let’s get you home.” 
Agreeing to go to the bar after work with the main team wasn’t her smartest decision. You see, once Derek Morgan gets a couple drinks in his system, he’s even more of a teasing little shit than normal. 
So far, she’s been able to avoid his questions, he’s been kidding around with Penelope, asking JJ and Will about what it's like to have a sex life with a kid in the home and even teasing Kate about getting knocked up around Valentine's Day… Savannah seven shows up around the time gets a 3rd drink and she thinks the coast is clear, he’ll be too busy with the love of his life to ask Y/N any questions. 
She was wrong. 
“So,” he announces, letting everyone know he’s about to go off on another tangent. “Tell us about this new thing you’ve got going on, who is he… or is it a she?” 
She just laughs, “I’m not seeing anyone.” 
“Ooo so some random dude gave you a hickie on a Thursday night?” 
“What is with you and making the whole Thursday night thing such a big deal? I had free time after work, sue me!” 
“I’m not trying to be mean, I just wanna know what’s happening in your life! You’re hot and young, you’ve gotta be doing something fun with your time.” 
“You’re a poet,” she teases him for rhyming. “But no, it’s nothing serious. It's… a situationship at best. We fuck to blow off steam, it’s nothing more.” 
She hopes that that will get him off her case, she says exactly what she knows he wants to hear and nothing more… but then she turns to Aaron. He’s taking the last sip of his drink, he frowns and checks his phone. “Excuse me, everyone, I have to head home, Jack needs me.” 
“Oh, yeah, no problem boss man, have a good night,” Derek taps his shoulder as Aaron pushes through the crowd. 
Her heart breaks. She fucked up. Spencer looks at her, knowingly. He’s probably the only one on the team who’s clued in on them sleeping together, and it’s only because he was the one who came to their hotel room to fetch them during the case. 
“Um…” she’s so thrown now, she just stares at the door feeling like shit. “I think I should go home, too.” 
“Yeah, okay,” Derek rolls his eyes. “Go get dicked-down.” 
“Derek,” she stares him down, trying to stand her ground. “Please stop. I don’t like when you do this.” 
“Okay,” he backs down. “I’m sorry, I was just teasing—
“If it’s just you laughing, it’s not funny,” she snaps back. “Please, stop asking about it, stop teasing, stop digging. I’m not someone who likes to share.” 
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, genuinely,” he truly means it. 
“I’ve gotta go,” she grabs her purse and all but runs out the door. She runs down the sidewalk all the way to the parking lot and blocks the exit so he can’t drive out. “Aaron!” 
He rolls the window down, yelling, “are you crazy?! I could’ve hit you?” 
She rushes around to the passenger side and reefs on the door, “Open up!” He clicks the unlock button and she gets in quickly. Cars honk behind him so he has to keep driving, rolling out onto the road, he follows traffic out. “I’m so sorry!” 
“No, it’s fine, I get it—
“No. You don’t. I only said that because then they’d stop asking about it! You’re more to me than some stupid guy that I just fuck for fun, I promise you, you mean so so so much to me.” 
He pulls the car over to the side of the road and looks at her. “How much?” 
“I-I… Aaron?” She pleads with her eyes, not wanting to embarrass herself by saying it if he doesn’t love her back. 
“Say it.” 
She opens her mouth, trying to say it but she can’t. 
“Fine,” he shakes his head and gives in. “I get it if you don’t feel the same but this isn’t just sex for me. I only started it as a sex thing because I couldn’t handle asking you out on a real date and romancing you and you just getting bored of me… I thought if we had sex, maybe, just maybe, you’d love me back too.” 
“It’s fine if you—
“I do love you!” She shouts. “I love you so much it makes me feel fucking insane! I never imagined you loving me back…” 
“Why not?” He doesn’t understand that. “You’re everything to me? I haven’t felt this way about someone since I was a teenager. When I thought my first wife was going to be the love of my life…” 
She softens up, completely, looking at him with her whole heart in her expression, “Oh, Aaron, I-I… I’m sorry, I just never thought you’d love me, you’re so important and I’m just—
“You’re a crustal member of my team. Without you, we’d all be lost… but you’re so much more than just the media girl,” he admits. “When I rehired for that position I hoped I’d have someone who would help me but you’ve done so much more than that. You make me feel special. You make me feel handsome again… you make me feel loved and appreciated and like I’m good. I don’t often feel like a good person. You make me not only feel like I’m worthy of happiness but you bring me so so much. I love you. I don’t care if that affects how we do our jobs. I love you. And I don’t know if I can stop.” 
She unclips her seatbelt and reaches over, cupping his face in her hands, “I don’t ever want you to.” 
He presses their lips together a bit roughly and she smiles into the kiss, “take me home,” she whispers against his lips. “Please?” 
“Put your seatbelt back on,” he teases as he pulls away. He makes sure she’s safely buckled in before he merges back out with the traffic. He moves his light hand over to rest on her leg, rubbing circles with his thumb, he just likes to touch her all the time. 
She reaches down to the button of her suit pants and pops it, she pulls at the fabric making the zipper hiss as it’s ripped apart. She grips his wrist and redirects his hand into her panties. Sometime between the flight home and heading to the bar, she changed her underwear… what she was wearing got a little ruined from their previous antics in the car, but she didn’t care. 
“Eager, are we?” 
She nods, “Please?” She holds his wrist with her right hand and wraps her left around his bicep, holding onto him as his finger makes contact with her clit once more. “Oh, thank you,” she moans, relaxing into her seat finally. 
He smirks, watching the road but he can see her head lulled back in his peripheral vision. “Let me hear you, baby, it’s just us…” 
“I’ve missed your fingers,” she admits through bated breath. “Oh my god, Aaron,” she pushes her hips up into his touch for more, feeling him press into her harder, he uses his forefingers to rub her clit now. She’s so fucking wet he can hear it alongside her whimpers and moans for more.
“You’re just so desperate for me,” he teases her.  
“Feels, oh god, feels so good, I— oh,” she bucks her hips up against his hand he knows she’s close. She grips his bicep harder, “I wanna cum, please? Please? Can I cum?” 
He smirks, turning onto her street, he could either let her cum now or make her hold off until he’s inside her… “cum for me, baby,” he lets her go. She’s going to be so much more pliant and overstimulated once he gets her through the door, now.
Barely over her orgasm, she points at her usual parking spot and tells him to take it. He pulls in and parks, he takes his hand out of her pants and sucks his fingers clean. She doesn’t even bother buttoning her pants back up, she simply throws off her seatbelt and opens the door. He follows her lead, into the building and towards the elevator. 
Once the doors are closed he lunges for her, kissing her deeply he cups his hand at the back of her head to protect her as he slams her up against the wall. Her hands go inside his suit jacket, scratching at his skin through his dress shirt. The elevator dings on her floor, opening its doors, they pull apart and he holds her hand as she drags him down the hallway towards her apartment. She digs her keys from her purse and unlocks the door as quickly as possible. 
Once again, he gets her inside, she tosses her things to the ground and has her turn to push him up against the wall. He pushes her suit jacket off her shoulders and she undoes his belt, pulling it through the loops and then she tosses it to the floor beside her purse. He starts to walk he backwards, still making out, he follows the floor plan of her apartment and leads her towards what he assumes is her bedroom. She simply pulls away and laughs, “Taking me to do laundry?” 
“Sorry, I don’t know where we’re going?” He laughs, too. Smiling at her, he keeps both his hands on her hips. “Show me the way?” 
She takes his hand and tugs him the other way down the hall, into her bedroom she flicks the light on and feels a bit embarrassed, “Sorry it’s a mess in here.” 
“It’s fine… I’m going to end up making a mess of you anyway,” Aaron teases. 
He pulls her in close again and starts unbuttoning her dress shirt. She does the same for him, pushing both his shirt and his jacket to the floor once she’s done. She takes her own shirt off too and then starts pushing her pants down. She kicks her shoes off and once she’s in just her underwear she gets into bed. She watches him kick his shoes off too, he makes eye contact with her as he pushes his pants and boxers to the floor. 
Oh, she’s getting ruined tonight. 
He gets on the bed between her legs, “come on, get naked with me,” he says as he reached for her panties. He tugs them off and she reaches behind her back to unclasp her bra. As soon as she’s completely naked, he hovers over her, and runs his hand from her cheek down her neck and between her breasts, “you’re so beautiful.” 
“You’re not too bad yourself,” she teases, leaning in to steal a kiss. 
He drops his chest against hers, wraps his arms around her and completely engulfs her with himself. She wraps her legs around him, grinding his hardening cock against her core. Holding his face in her hands. He trails his hands over her stomach, along her sides up to cup her boobs. He grinds his hips against hers, cock pushing between her folds the head collides with her clit, making them moan into each other's mouths.  
“Aaron baby,” she runs her fingers through his hair, “make love to me?” 
He grips himself at the base of his cock and taps the head against her clit with a smirk, she moans slightly, reaching out for him to come back to her, equally just as needy as him. 
He slips into her slowly, pushing in little by little while his tongue explores her mouth. With her hands now in his hair, his all over her body, she wraps her legs around him as he bottoms out. He pulls his lips away just enough to whisper, “I love you.” He kisses her jaw, up to her ear as he starts to thrust lightly. 
“I love you,” she moans back, grinding up against him. His pelvis rubs against her clit, he’s so deep inside of her, he’s so tender with her and her body. He wraps an arm around her, under her back, and the other cups the back of her head while he kisses her neck, fucking into her with so much passion she could cry. 
Other than their subtle moans and the headboard hitting the wall again, they’re mostly quiet. She’s so close, her stomach is a flutter of fireflies, twinkling as they swirl around inside of her. “Please?” She mumbles, gripping his back like her life depends on it, “fuck, go a little harder, please?” 
He hums against her neck before pulling back, he settles on his knees, spreading hers apart as he fucks into her with more intent. He shoves a pillow under her lower back, getting even deeper inside than before while at a beautiful angle. He reaches between them, rubbing her clit for added pleasure and boy, does she love it. Her back arches and she writhes in the sheets with only one thought in her mind. 
“I love you, oh I love you,” she reminds him. “Right there, please, baby?” 
“Cum for me, my love,” he can’t help but smile, the sight unfolding under him was a dream come true. 
Her orgasm hits her suddenly, spreading through her body while she shook and trembled under him. “Holy shit,” he stumbled forward, resting against her again as he rutted his hips into her with vigour. She wrapped herself around him again, relishing in the pleasure that filled her body.
His rhythm falters, “I love you, baby, god, I’m— oh fuck, I love you,” he pants against her neck buried so deep inside of her, he lets go and finishes with a deep groan. 
He slumps against her, fucked out and exhausted. She holds him close, running her hands up and down his back. “I love you… I’m so glad I can say it now.” 
“I’m glad too,” he smiles against her. He snuggles in, not resting as much weight on her but still there, on her chest and still inside her. “I’m going to tell you all the time.” 
“Should we go see Cruz tomorrow?” She suggests. “I don't think I can keep it a secret anymore.” 
He nods, “Yeah… and you can tell everyone when you want to. I want you to be respected no matter what.” 
“Which is why I love you,” she teases. 
“We’re going to be okay,” he assures her. “I know it.” 
“I do too.” 
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@dim-i-try @mrs-ssa-hotch 
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violetrainbow412-blog · 8 months
Day 5: dancing together
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
Reblog if you liked it!
After the horrible case you guys had just solved, JJ and Will's wedding was a relief for the entire unit. You thought that after what happened with the hostage situation that Will was involved in, the two of them reflected on the time together that their risky jobs could threaten and then the kind and gossiping Rossi made their work a little easier, which led you to that moment.
After the entire ceremony and when the newlyweds opened the dance floor, the first to go towards it were Beth and Aaron, still going through the honeymoon phase in their relationship, until little by little the others joined them. Morgan and Garcia were another obvious couple, Rossi asked Strauss to dance as a favor to an old friend, and many other agents were looking for a partner to enjoy the waltz. You hesitated for a moment whether it would be appropriate to look for a candidate to take you to the track or whether it would be better to sit and talk with your godson Jack or Henry, until you decided on the second option. You were only playing with them for a few minutes until there was a clearing of the throat behind you that forced the three of you to turn around.
“Hi, Uncle Spencer!” Henry greeted him happily. The agent looked gorgeous that night, with his black tuxedo and his bow tie messy as were his ties, and the shy posture he adopted made him even cuter.
“Hello, guys, can you allow me to steal a moment from Aunt Y/N to dance with me?” He asked both boys and Jack, whom you had confided that you liked your coworker, looked at you with a knowing smile and encouraged you to accept the hand he offered. “I thought you would come with the others”
“I'm not very good at dancing”
“That's lucky, because neither do I,” Spencer laughed. His hand felt warm and soft during the short walk to the dance floor, where the rest of your companions smiled at you when they saw that the doctor had found a partner.
His free arm wrapped around your waist to close the distance and both of you began to sway back and forth to the music, looking at each other with a smile.
“I think you look very handsome today,” you admitted, with some fear of making him uncomfortable, but to see the blush that invaded his cheeks and the pleased smile that he put on, that fear dissipated.
“You look beautiful too. And I like that color on you, it highlights your eyes”
"You think?" you asked flirtatiously, raising the hand that you had resting on his shoulder until you gently pinched the tip of his nose. “You are very kind.”
“Have you thought about how quickly time flies?” he murmured, looking you directly in the eyes “I mean, I still remember when Jack was born, I remember when JJ introduced us to Will, then when Henry was born and… look at us now. In the blink of an eye our godchildren are so grown up and now they're getting married and the rest of us are just getting older and older” you laughed and he did the same, the corners of his eyes crinkling until they were almost gone "I'm sorry. Weddings always make me sentimental”
“Me too,” you admitted. “And you're right, each year feels shorter than the last and time seems to be just a breath”
“Turn,” he warned you quickly, turning you on your own axis with one hand and hearing you laugh again. When you hugged him face to face again, he continued “Sometimes it scares me to think about it, but I guess that's what life is about, right? Of being terrified of the future”
“Or to love the present” you argued. A new song, even slower, resonated in the background and you dared to place both arms on his neck and guide his towards your waist, where he placed them without grumbling, “I'm glad you asked me to dance”
“I was debating whether to ask JJ's mom, but I was afraid she would do it better than me. At least you and I made mistakes together” he joked and you gave him a weak punch to the chest.
The whole time you were looking at him and although you thought that at one point his position would become uncomfortable, that moment never came. Everyone around you could notice the loving glances that the two of you gave each other and when JJ threw the bouquet and it fell into your arms, the rest of the guests could imagine who would be the ideal candidate to fulfill the tradition.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @vivian-555 @r-3dlips @rhiannonhippiegirl
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
aaron hotchner x reader where aaron helps reader in any way he can after the loss of her sister? bc i recently lost my big sister too and haven’t felt whole since, i just need some fluffy aaron comfort🥲
my love, i'm so sorry for your loss. i'm sending you all my love and the biggest hug in the world. i love you so much and so does aaron <3
cw for grieving and loss
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Nightmare again?”
“More like a sad dream.”
Aaron nodded, stretching out his arm to get you into his embrace.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” he said, softly, as you rested your head on his chest. His fingers started scratching you scalp - and at the tenderness of his touch - you let the tears finally fall down your cheeks.
“I miss her.”
“I know, baby.”
“And I keep dreaming about her. All the time.”
“I wish I could take all the pain away,” he said, with a sweet kiss on your forehead. “But I’m right here. And I’ll never leave you.”
“I love you, Aaron.” You buried your head in the crook of his neck, breathing in as much of his comforting scent as was possible. “Thank you for always being here.”
“Always, my love.”
Your boyfriend loved you; that was the one thing in the world you were absolutely certain for. And that meant that he also knew you better than anyone else.
“Should I go get Jack?” he asked.
“No need to wake him up,” you tried to stop him. “It’s late.”
“He’ll be fine,” he argued, pressing a gentle kiss at the top of your head. “I’ll go get him.”
Aaron was your family, but so was Jack. He was like a son to you, and his presence always brought you comfort; being the kind and sweet kid he was.
Only a minute later, you heard Jack’s sleepy voice, “Y/N?”
He crawled on your bed and was soon in your arms.
His face was even cuter than usual, his eyes puffy from sleep, just like his cheeks.
“Are you sad about your sister?” he asked, innocently, when he noticed the redness in your eyes.
You saw worry written all over Aaron’s face. He was probably scared that his son’s question had made you uncomfortable, but you didn’t mind.
“It’s okay,” you mouthed at him, and turned your attention back to Jack.
“I am, sweetie.”
Aaron quietly moved under the covers, joining you and Jack in a big hug.
“I cry too, when I miss mommy,” he admitted. “But daddy says it’s okay.”
“Of course it’s okay. That means we still love them, right?” you said, moved by his words.
“Right,” he smiled. “Maybe your sister is up there with mommy and they’re looking at us right now.”
“I bet they are, honey.” You smiled and closed your eyes as Aaron brought you and Jack even closer to him.
You’d be okay.
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ironm4n · 1 year
wait I already asked for sum but I'm asking again — haha sorry
fem werewolf reader x garroth - my street location but after all the chaos so garroth is a werewolf too
nobody knows reader is a wolf as she got bullied for it when she was young, way before high school and she learned how to hide her ears and tail so she always did and eventually it became about of an afterthought at times although it was a topic she hates thinking abt
reader is Katelyn's best friend as they used to play volleyball together in pdh, garroth and everybody else obviously knows her too but Katelyn was closest with her. She always kept her friend group smaller than most and she was knows to be sweet, although she had an attitude and a sarcastic tone at times, which Katelyn loves most about her. tldr garroth and reader become close but he feels detached from everyone, as if he's keeping them at arms length, due to his trauma. Garroth has a breakdown in public when hanging w everyone (for reasons you can think of sorry Juliet 😭) and idk things happen and reader opens up to make him feel better and smooch they're baes
a/n this is such a fun request i LOVE this !! and tysm for requesting <3 i have a few other requests which I'll definitely get to eventually :)
not proof read !!! sorry, wrote this at half 2am and i really didn't wanna read it through😭
also the pic is from Pinterest:
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Garroth Ro'meave x fem!Wolf!Reader.
A social construct made up by lonely people who find sorrow in their isolation. Yet, no matter how much versatility love had in the eyes and, most importantly, hearts of people, the pain and adrenaline and even the dependancy love can cause is seen as a fundamental process of loving and being "normal". Now, I know this sounds pessimistic and something that a typical single, and way too desperate to mingle, person would say, I adore the idea of love and the feeling it gives us. Sometimes, life feels so meaningless and unnecessary, so the feeling of love and even the hurt or happiness it can often bring can make us as people feel so much less alien.
Now, the reason i'm so fixated on the topic of romance is due to the current predicament i find myself in. In high school, my friend Aphmau fell desperately in love with Aaron Lycan, it was cute. What was even cuter was the fact they stuck it out and are even currently engaged! Sure, we lost a figurative single soldier who ended up being taken but that was fine, it was fun fos us to gossip about and hope we could have what they have. Kawaii— no, Nana got into a relationship with Zane which was... unexpected to say the least, but it was nice to know Zane had opened up to someone other than Aphmau and that Nana finally had something she had always wanted. Katelyn broke up with Jeffory in high school too, she went through a tough time but i knew my best friend was going to be okay, and soon enough she was. However, what was NOT okay was that she ended up in a relationship too! I mean, of course she's an adult and i want the best for her and i truly am happy but wow, now i have the least amount of relatability, even to my best friend, all because Travis finally wooed her. I hadn't expected to be the only one on mystreet that was single.
Well, only single female, that is. There was Dante, who still had yet to manage his own love life but he recently went on a journey of self discovery and trying to be happy with who he is and not feel as though he had to change himself in order to be loved romantically. Kim and Lucinda were also single, although they never showed much interest in getting into a relationship, well not Lucinda at least. Kim seemed like she might just be too awkward to even try. But they didn't matter, i wasn't all that close with them, even though Lucinda and Kim felt closer than Dante due to the events of what had happened at the lodge... yeah, those experiences definitely brought us closer.
There was also Garroth...
Garroth Ro'meave, what a character. He's somebody that is incredibly attractive, objectively of course - i personally don't have feelings for him. He has this gorgeous head of sandy blonde hair, long enough to tie up into a tiny ponytail but still short enough to have tendrils of a mellow gold sticking out at the front. His skin was a pretty tan colour, he went outside alot and although he put on sunscreen, he never really bothered to apply more throughout the day so especially after coming back from holiday, his skin was lovely, sunkissed even. And although i could go on and on about his muscles and peculiar yet endearing fashion sense - I've yet to mention his best feature.
His eyes.
They were Sapphires, beautiful gemstones that shone with such luminosity that only the most expensive crystals could achieve. Although, the colour of his eyes moreso resembled Aquamarines, or perhaps even Blue Agates. His eyes were even more radiant when he smiled or laughed, and oh my god was his smile charming to say the least.
Everything about him was just - wow..
But again, don't get an ill idea, I simply see him as a friend. Maybe even a close friend. After the lodge, we had all gotten closer, especially as the feeling of loneliness often felt deadly at times.. Garroth and I had gotten much closer after the lodge, especially at Starlight as many tensions had eased between everyone and people had finally relaxed. Even now, we hang out much more often as we are some of the only single ones out of our close friends so we just gravitate towards eachother.
Unfortunately, I had grown a bit more distant from Katelyn, my ultimate best friend. After coming back from the lodge, we all spoke of course but there was so much.. uncertainty and lack of trust. It was as if we needed to reevaluate our friendships and see if they were genuine and not just Ein somehow hurting us again. We were broken. And of course the others that were not at the lodge didn't understand the change. Katelyn was never truly in touch with her emotions nor how to handle them, let alone other people's emotions. Of course she had realised there was a slight shift in my behaviour, especially as it wasn't just me. Everybody had noticed Aphmau's depression, and Katelyn was growing more confused. She wasn't able to speak to me as seriously as she wanted to or as deeply as she wanted to, so i managed to undermine how i was feeling each time she had asked. But, we both knew that a lack of much needed communication can cause cracks or gaps in friendships. Although it was obvious she felt guilty for not "getting through to me", I knew i was at fault.
Katelyn hasn't tried asking about the lodge or anything else about the time period of which we all came back from there since. She must realise how much of a sensitive topic it is. And, although I sometimes feel lonely knowing she's out having fun not missing me and instead replacing our hangouts with dates with Travis, I'm happy she's happy and I'm happy i have Garroth now too.
Truth be told, Garroth went through unforgettable things, specifically being turned into a werewolf via excruciating pain and suffering. He doesn't like talking about it, and while his ears and tail are always out, he doesn't like people mentioning them or bringing them to everybody's attention. He wasn't ready for the kinds of conversations he knew he was bound to have with everybody if he allowed them to talk about them or even just acknowledge them.
He just wanted to be Garroth, it seemed. And he was never not Garroth to me. I wish he realised that I of all people would understand.
I, too, am a werewolf - well, a wolf at least, but I've always hidden it. Nobody knows, I always intended to tell everybody but i was so so scared.. I was bullied relentlessly in my younger years for being a wolf.
I never had it easy, I was adopted by humans that didn't know i was a pup right away, so when my ears and tails had been shown after they had already signed the adoption papers, they kept me. They didn't know how to raise a pup so they brought me up like they would a human and unfortunately sent me to a human school.
I went to human schools up until high school, so until i was 14. Needless to say, it was the worst. I got beaten physically and verbally, jumped, stolen from and some people even tried to light my fur on fire, so i forever have had a burn scar on my left ear. Although i seemed brave and string after those experiences, i never got over them. Sure, i moved forward, but i dont think i ever truly moved on. Yes, Garroth and I have different experiences but I so desperately sympathise with him as i understand the pain these transitions can cause, and even just what being a wolf can cause. I want him to let me in, but there's no way in hell I'll force him into that. So for now, my friendship with him is enough.
I care for him deeply, and although i said i didn't have any interest in him, it was a pretty obvious lie.. I don't know if i would say i love him yet as its incredibly early to say such rash things but I definitely like him more than anybody should be able to like someone. But after what he's been through, I doubt romance is even on his mind, let alone me.
I turned on my side, staring aimlessly out of my window that resided next to my bed. The sky was an endless sea of midnight blue which was littered with glimmering stars.
I sighed.
I checked my phone around 10 minutes ago, so it was currently around 04:48 am if i had remembered correctly. It was getting harder and harder to sleep, and it didnt help that i kept thinking of Garroth.
Helping Garroth. Hanging out with Garroth. Liking Garroth. The beauty of Garroth. Just Garroth.
It was like a fever dream, only thinking of one person in millions of separate scenarios, i sound like an obsessed fan. I cringed, knowing i had to get up at about 11am tomorrow at the latest as I had to be at Aphmau's house by 12. She was having a hangout with everybody on mystreet as she felt like everybody had been so tense after recent events, she was always so sweet and looked out for everyone.
Well, I guess I need to at least try to sleep.
Yawning, my clenched my fists and rubbed my eyes with them, i looked beside me at my bedside table where my digital alarm clock was.
I was kinda proud of myself for getting up at a somewhat reasonable time and getting at least 5 hours of sleep. I had some pretty bad eyebags from having sleepless nights often, but i always hid it with makeup.
I got ready within around an hour and a half leaving around 20 minutes to walk to Aphmau and Aaron's place. I was actually really pleased, i felt nice today. I sprayed myself with my favourite perfume and left my place, grabbing my phone and keys before i left. I saw Zane ans Nana holding hands as they walked into Aphmau's house a few houses down, they were super adorable to be honest.
I walked to her house and hugged Aph as she greeted me. I sat down and glanced around the room, immediately realising i had been the last to arrive. I sat down next to Garroth which was one of the only seats not occupied by a couple. Everybody was chatting loudly in a fun light hearted manner, clearly happy to feel free of any tension towards one another. I turned to Garroth, wondering why he had kept so quiet.
Immediately, I had a good idea of why.
His normally honey toned skin looked pastey and blotchy, his eyes were red and tearful and his hair was unkempt. Had nobody else noticed the support he clearly needed??
He turned to me and attempted to give me a sweet smile and whilst he looked pretty like usual, it was disingenuine and full of melancholy.
"Yes, Y/N?"
I just looked at him, and my sympathy must have been misunderstood as pity as he suddenly stood up and spoke, "Don't do that."
"Do what?" I got up too, wanting to be on the same level as him.
"Give me that look o-of pity! Don't pity me, Y/N. I'm strong."
"I know that Garroth I just—"
"Just stop!" He exclaimed and although it wasn't loud enough for many other to hear, thank god, it had left me feeling scared for him. I just wanted him to be okay, dammit.
He left Aphmau's house, i quickly ran to the kitchen to say goodbye to Aphmau. I felt no need to expose Garroth to her so i came up with the classic "family emergency" excuse. Somehow, it worked and she allowed me to leave in my hurried state. Assuming Garroth went to his house, I ran over there as quickly as I could, which wasnt too hard considering I was a wolf, and knocked on the door. Unfortunately, it had been left open anyways so I peered in, seeing Garroth curled up on the couch, his ears drooping.
I walked in quietly and closed the door, although his long distance hearning abilities due to his new werewolf attachments heard me.
"Y/N please, i don't want your pity." I sat down on the floor just below him so i could see him face, although his eyes were looking at anything but myself, "Good thing I'm not here to give you pity, then."
His gaze softened and he spoke in a murmer, "Sorry for raising my voice." Tears were threatening to fall down his face, something he unfortunately looked like he was used to. I held his hands in mine, "Don't apologise. You're allowed to be upset, hell it would be abit odd if you weren't. No matter what ears you have, human or otherwise, or if you have a tail or not, you're always going to be my Garroth. This hasn't changed a thing."
His face tensed as tears cascaded down his cheecks, "You're too sweet to me... but no matter what you say, i know you don't understand. Not as well as you think you do. I'm never going to be the same Garroth i was because nobody will see me the same way. But i cannot handle the looks of pity i get..."
I kissed the backs of his hands, rubbing my thumbs soothingly against them, trying to add some sort of comfort that wasn't too invasive or overwhelming. The last thing i wanted was to drive him away. "Garroth, i understand more than you think i do."
He was still refusing to look at me, closing his eyes as he tried to prevent more tears from spilling. I allowed my ears and tail so show, I don't do it often so it felt foreign and hinestly, it was uncomfortable and way too vulnerable for my liking. But i knew it might help Garroth, and i was willing to take the chance.
"Look at me Garroth."
He didn't reply and instead jjst kept his eyes closed, "I said look at me." I tried to command, although it came out quietly and softly as I didn't want to add fuel to Garroth's fire.
He opened his eyes and — "what is this?"
"I.. am a werewolf. Well, a wolf. I was born one."
He was in a state of shock, "I didn't know.." I laughed uncomfortablely, "Yeah.. nobody does. I was ashamed, i got bullied by humans as a kid so much that my fear was domineering and I never really showed them. Having human parents adopt me didn't help either and they didn't understand me."
Garroth looked at me with a look that finally meant he understood, "You understand me because...you went through the lonliness and shame too." I nodded, "Garroth, I care so much about yoy to the point I can't sleep sometimes because of worry or out of happiness knowing I'll see you the next day or even just staying up thinking about how cute your stupid goofy smile is but—"
He gasped and I had thought i said too much and overstepped a boundary, "You think my smile is stupid and goofy?" He inquired dramatically and for the first time in a while, I laughed wholeheartedly, "Shut up, you know thats not what i meant!" "Well thats what you said!"
I smiled at his as our bickering dulled, "But seriously. I like you Garroth, more than a friend should, and you had me worrying so much but in reality, you're always going to be my Garroth to me, ears and a tail aren't gonna change that. Although they are devilishly cute."
He blushed and I removed my hands from his and wiped the tears off of his face. I kissed his cheek as he stuttered in response and merely kissed mine back. We didn't speak after, because words were not needed, the only thing were needed in that moment was eachother.
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4townie · 2 months
Road to 4☆TOWN
part 41
“Olivia?” Taeyoung knocked on the door. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah, I’m almost done packing. I just—…” Olivia froze. “You called me by my name. Like my full name. You never do that.”
“Yeah, well…we kinda need to talk.” Taeyoung shut the door behind him. “Aaron—my Aaron—brought to my attention last night that the way you’ve been acting towards me lately is…different than I interpreted it. I just kinda thought you were paying attention to me because we’re chaos buddies and you wanted me to teach you again.”
“Oh no.” Olivia’s entire face flushed. “No, no, no. He told you about my crush, didn’t he?”
“Yeah, he did.” Taeyoung smiled awkwardly.
“NO.” Olivia whined as she sank to the floor. “I wasn’t ready for that yet.”
“Awww, Livvy, it’s okay.” Taeyoung sat beside her.
“Why?” Olivia looked at him so fast she could’ve gotten whiplash. “Do you like me back?”
“Uh, no.” Taeyoung averted eye contact. “For one, I’m too old for you, and also I’m…not interested in people like that anyway.”
“Oh my god, this is so embarrassing.” Olivia buried her face in her knees. “This is stupid. I’m stupid. How ridiculous is it that I was flirting with you all this time when really you just saw me as some dumb kid?”
“That’s not true.” Taeyoung put a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. “I don’t think you’re a dumb kid. You’re really sweet and goofy and fun to be around. And you’re a great chaos apprentice which means a lot to me.” He sighed. “I don’t want you to think I don’t like you, cuz I do. A lot actually. But like in a…non surrogate sibling best friend kinda way.”
Olivia looked at him in confusion. “A what?”
“Listen, T isn’t nearly as sensitive as your brother, but he takes pride in being my number one. He’ll feel a disturbance in the force if I don’t clarify.” Taeyoung rolled his eyes. “The point is, Squirt, I really appreciate our friendship. I mean, you’re like a little me except maybe not as cute.”
“Oh as if.” Olivia nudged him. “I’m way cuter than you when we first met.”
They both laughed.
“So are we good?” Taeyoung asked. “Can we move past this whole crush thing and just be bffs?” He offered a charming smile.
Olivia stared at him for a moment before blushing and giggling. “Okay, I’m sorry.” She caught herself. “That was just a little slip up. I’m totally over it.” She looked back at him. “I’d like that a lot.”
“Okay, good.” Taeyoung sighed with relief. “I was really worried you’d hate me for this. I didn’t wanna lose you.”
Olivia started giggling again, but she stopped. “Sorry again. I’m just—it’s still a little—…” She smiled at him. “If I don’t have a heart attack right now, I really wanna just be friends.”
Taeyoung was quiet for a second. “Are you sure this isn’t gonna be too weird for you? I mean, I can practically hear your heart racing.”
“Shoot, I was trying to get that under control.” Olivia averted eye contact. “Chill out, Livvy, we’re totally over him.”
Taeyoung hesitated. “Well. I guess I’ll leave you alone so you can calm down.” He got up and headed towards the door. “I’ll see you around…eventually.”
Olivia watched him sadly. “Hey, Tae, do you think you can call my brother in here?” She asked with a halfhearted smile. “Just tell him Niagara. It’s a code, he’ll understand.”
“Yeah, sure. Anything for you.” He nodded with a very crooked smile and shut the door behind him. “Hey, Z, code Niagara, whatever that means.”
Z glared at him. “What exactly did you—”
“Babe, we talked about this.” T stood in front of Taeyoung protectively. “You go take care of Olivia.”
Z was quiet as he fought back a growl.
“Aaron.” T narrowed his eyes.
“I’m good.” Z backed off. “We’re good. I’m gonna check on Livvy.” He said before heading into her room.
Taeyoung finally exhaled and dropped to the floor. “That was torture. I don’t ever wanna do that again.”
“That bad, huh?” T asked as he sat beside him.
“I mean she took it well, but then she was still all blushy and giggly and stuff.” Taeyoung frowned. “I could tell she was trying not to make me uncomfortable. It’s making me worried that our friendship won’t be the same after this.”
“Only time will tell.” T shrugged. “But hey. I’m proud of you for clearing this up. I half expected you to chicken out and run away before she woke up.”
“Gee, thanks for the faith.” Taeyoung rolled his eyes. “But also…thanks for helping me with this. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Of course, Tae. What are brothers for?” T smiled. “Now let’s get you out of here before Z’s done with her. Code Niagara means “I’m about to cry and I need support”.”
“Oh.” Taeyoung sat up. “Yeah, no. I’m not sticking around for that.” He practically ran to the front door. “Get my stuff, I’m catching the first elevator out of here.”
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pantherastevens · 7 months
Something Sweet
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If you told Panthera from the first day that she met Miles Gonzalo Morales that he was the needy type of boyfriend, she would've called you a dirty liar to your face. The boy was antisocial as they came and looked like he would break out in hives if someone even hinted at getting too close to him (that wasn't his family, of course).
But nope. 
As they became friends, she found that Miles welcomed her hugs and touch. When they finally got together (to the joy of Aaron and Rio), the boy forgot the meaning of personal space. 
Don't get it twisted; Miles knew there was a time and a place for everything, and he didn't like many people in his business like that anyway. But... that doesn't mean he's not ready to pounce on his girlfriend when they finally have a bit more privacy. And Panthera was by no means a frosty lover. She doted and babied the Afro-Latino.
Kissing, hugging, and taking care of her man. And Miles loved it.
...though maybe a bit too much. Panthera unknowingly created a whiny, needy, and clingy monster.
And that fact became a daily reminder for her almost every time she and Miles were together. 
Today, they decided to walk around the safer parts of Brooklyn as a little impromptu date. It was during the summer, so the couple had ample free time together. They had stopped by a corner store for some snacks, seeing how Panthera would be having dinner at the Morales residence later that evening. The girl had been in the mood for something cookie and cream-related and was delighted to find some Pocky sticks in the flavor she wanted. With some chips, a bit of chocolate, candy, and some drinks, Miles paid for their items, and they went to the park. After finding a clean bench, Miles sat down, pulling his girl into his lap. In the early stages of their relationship, Panthera would've put up a fight by trying to sit next to her boyfriend and not on him, but Miles proved to be very stubborn.
Now, she goes willingly, allowing the boy to curl around her and nuzzle her neck and shoulder.
The pair shared earbuds as they listened to music on Miles' phone. The young couple were listening to a shared playlist filled with love songs or songs that filled them with good vibes.
"i'm yours" by Isabel LaRosa echoed in Miles' head as he stared at his girlfriend. 
This wasn't something uncommon for the boy to do. He couldn't help the fact that he had a literal angel for a girlfriend. Everything about her was just so pretty.
Her dark complexion that was nicely complemented by her dark blue camo dress. Her lovely long sunbleached locs, mostly tamed under a gray and blue silk beanie. The sound of her voice humming along to the beautifully haunting voice of the artist. Those gorgeous dark brown eyes lit up as she eagerly opened her box of Pocky sticks. Her glossy, plump lips wrapped around the treat-
"Mami..." Panthera glanced over her shoulder at her boyfriend with a raised brow. She knew that tone. The "you've been ignoring me for too long, and I want some of your attention" tone. The girl finished chewing on the candy before addressing her lovesick boyfriend.
"Yes, Mi?" Miles wrapped his arms around his girl.
"Can I get one," he asked sweetly, leaning in close. Panthera stared back at him with an unimpressed glare. There were very rare occasions when the girl wasn't in the mood to share her favorite snacks, especially if she hadn't had them in a long time. This was one of those occasions, plus she knew that Miles was just using her snack as an excuse to get her attention.
She will not be fooled by those puppy dog eyes that made him even more cuter than he already was-
'Focus, Panthera.'
"C'mon, please," he whined, pouting a little. Panthera took out another stick, slipping it between her lips, staring pointedly at the Afro-Latino. Before she could turn away, Miles pulled her flush against his chest.
"Don't be mean, mami... lemme get a taste," Miles smirked, leaning in to take the remaining end of the stick that poked out of the stunned girl's mouth. With a soft kiss to her lips, Miles bit down on the treat before pulling away with a satisfied grin.
"Sweet, just like you," he said as he licked his lips. He could taste the cookies and cream from the candy and the blackberry flavor of Panthera's gloss. Panthera blushed, trying to brush off his sudden move with an eye roll.
"You had enough, Mi? So I can go back to my snack," she asked. Miles chuckled, leaning in for another kiss.
"I could never get enough of you, mi dulce gatita. And I think it tastes better if you share, don't you think?" Panthera felt her initial annoyance wane as she felt her boyfriend's plush lips against hers. 
She created a lovesick fiend... and part of her can't be mad or annoyed at this.
She thought it was kinda sweet.
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skylarmoon71 · 8 months
Savitar (Flash) : Fanfiction - Chapter 7
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The visit to Washington was exactly what you needed.
You’re all packing up to leave. You give your goodbyes, hugging and laughing with your friends.
“It was nice seeing you again.” Hotch says. 
Your cheeks are once again the shade of cherries. You nod.
“Y-You too Aaron.”
Is it possible that he’s consciously emitting so many pheromones? 
Savitar’s lips form a straight line but he says nothing. He just waits for you to get done.
Garcia moves to his side.
“You know you’d be a lot cuter if you smiled more often. You’re handsome, you should let people see that rather than this stone cold barricade.”
He means to tell her he doesn't need the baseless flattery, but her eyes only show sincerity.
“It’s not my place to ask what you’ve been through. But I can see you care about her. She cares about you too. I don’t need to be a profiler to see that. Stop trying to keep her at a distance because if you’re not careful someone else is going to see how special she is and take her.”
Garcia gestures to Hotch and Savitar observes. 
As much as he would like to deny it, she’s right. You are special. 
Would he be able to handle it if someone were to indeed take you?
At the back of his mind, he knew it would not sit well.
“I’m not someone she should be involved with.”
“Why because you’re a bad boy? I don’t buy it. Your eyes tell a different story.” 
Garcia walks over to you before he can get a word in to rebuttal that.
It takes maybe twenty minutes and you’re both back on the road.
“We’re going to stop at a gas station. I’m low on fuel."
“You do realize I can just run us there.”
“Thank you (Y/N). You’re so considerate worrying about me and my powers. I can’t imagine something more charming.” You mimic his voice. 
“I would never say that.” He speaks flatly.
You pull into the gas station, parking the car as you get out and pump gas. You step out of the car. You’re sending silly faces to Savitar who is doing his best to ignore you. You’re about to go around but you run into someone. You grunt, feeling a bit ridiculous.
“I-I’m sorry! I wasn’t paying attention.”
“It’s fine.” 
The deep voice causes you to look up.
You blush at the sight of this man. He’s at least six feet tall. Green eyes, dirty blond hair.
Your car door opens and you barely acknowledge it, because you’re taken with this handsome guy.
“You’re huge..”
It leaves your lips before you can stop it and you feel embarrassed.
“I didn’t mean to offend you, I'm sorry!”
He just smirks.
“It’s alright. I get that a lot.”
Savitar walks up behind you.
“Do we have a problem?”
The stranger’s eyes turn to Savitar.
“No problem, your girl was just apologizing. But it’s not needed. No harm done.”
“Oh we’re not together. I’m single! Perfectly and completely single.” 
You flash a smile, one the man returns. He extends his hand.
“Reacher, Jack Reacher.”
“Reacher? I can’t say I’ve heard that name before. It’s nice to meet you.” You shake his hand.
Even his hand is big. 
This guy is a different breed.
“If there is anything I can do? Maybe pay for your gas."
“That’s not needed. You can run into me anytime.”
You might just faint. 
Savitar is anything but pleased.
“I should get going.” He pulls his hand away slowly, and you nod.
“Of course, have a safe trip.”
“You too.” 
He moves to his car, getting in and driving off, not before sending a small wave. When he’s gone, Savitar turns to you.
“I didn’t realize you were such a flirt.”
“W-What! I’m not a flirt. I ran into the guy. I was just being polite.”
“Mhmm. I’m starting to detect a pattern. You have a thing for bad boy alphas. First that agent now this Reacher guy. I need to be careful around you.”
“Oh shut it! I’m getting gas!”
Your face clearly displays your bashfulness as you walk off. Savitar holds in a grin. 
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cursivebloodlines · 10 months
☎️ - lydiaa <3
Send ☎️ And I Will Tell You:
What My Muse Has For Your Muse’s Contact Info:  Aaron 😻. Why the cat hearteyes emoji? Well, even if she doesn't fully admit it, she is absolutely heart eyes over this man fr. And the normal person one is too boring - she thinks the cat is cuter. Sorry Aaron but you won't get much more than that because Lydia finds it inefficient to change contact names around! It would only mess up her list and she likes her orderly, easy-to-find list to access when she needs it :)
What Their Ringtone Is:  She doesn't really go with ringtones either - no, I lie. She does. But they're usually just a random song from a soundtrack in a movie score or video game soundtrack (regardless of whether or not she is familiar with the material, lmfao!). For Aaron, she has him set as Treasured Times from the NieR Automata soundtrack. Even though she doesn't really know the game, she likes the soundtrack and she thinks Treasured Times is a fitting title because she always treasures their time together :) also it sounds like there's someone maybe a kid going lalalalalaaa so if her phone goes off in work, it creeps people out lmfao!! Imagine if she's out at a crime scene and he doesn't realise (just assumes she's in her office!) and he calls her. and like she's working doing her thing and they're sorting stuff out and all you can hear is a childlike voice going la la la la. But she likes the song title and thinks the music is pretty. So it's a win/win really. But that part that's like in the middle of the song, that's def the part she has set for him. :')
The Last Text They Sent Your Muse: So I went into the staff room and someone asked what hours you worked/what your job here was! Congratulations! You are now officially hired as my food provider and seat filler <3 also on another note, Maggie was asking about you. Which is 1) weird, because she never engages in ordinary chitchat with me. Ever. Which leads to 2) I think she has the hots for you <3 don't blame her. Get in there ;-) (Or not. For the record, I saw you first.)
What Image My Muse Has For Your Muse In Their Phone: Hahahaha the first one was an impromptu one Lydia probably took when they went to catch a movie! God knows what movie it was, probably something random. And you know they probably wouldn't be watching the movie anyway, would probably be too busy talking to each other. Or making fun of whatever was on screen and Lydia stating any obvious scientific inaccuracies. They provide their own sources of entertainment! And then the second one? Well. They probably took a trip to the beach just because fun stuffssss. and well. She was clearly looking respectfully <3 a perfectly framed photo if you ask her :') Lydia has no chill lmfaoooooo!!
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Accepting | @overnightheartbeats
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yesimwriting · 2 years
Sneak peak: Steve Harrington x reader fic
Summary: Sneak peak of this idea that was meant to be a blurb but seriously got away from me. Reader is Dustin’s cousin, who has just moved to Hawkins. During her last visit to Hawkins, nearly 2 years ago, she met Steve. Briefly. But because she was always with her cousin, he saw her as just another kid despite their small age gap. Now, though, Y/n’s back full time, and things change almost instantly. 
A/n: (not so) lowkey inspired by the general concept of ‘the summer i turned pretty’ 
idk if there’s any interest in this, but if there is pls lmk!!
“Back it up a bit: One, we’re going to the park. Two, your friend is picking you up, meaning you have a friend that can drive?” 
“Yeah,” Dustin replies, not looking at his cousin. He crosses the room, grabbing his walkman from the night stand. “That’s what the sandwiches are for. There’s a skating ramp in the park and--ugh, batteries are almost dead.” Dustin shakes his walkman, banging the side of it against his open palm. “We go more often now that the mall’s gone. Steve drives ‘cause he’s older.” 
“Okay,” Y/n mumbles. “For the record, I’m more focused on the ‘older friend Steve’ part than the park part. You get why, right?” 
Dustin walks around his room, opening a desk drawer. “Wait, wh--ugh, Y/n!” Dustin cringes, finally looking away from the object that’s held his attention. “It’s not a weird thing! He’s not that much older--he’s like your age.” Dustin visibly winces. “You--you’ve met him. Steve Harrington.”  
Y/n pauses, thinking back to the only Steve she can remember meeting. He was only a little older than Y/n, and had been referred to as more of a babysitter than a friend. At one point, he had seen her while at Dustin’s house and made a joke about not knowing he was in charge of another kid. She played it off with an eye roll and a quippy insult before disappearing back into the Henderson’s guest room, but that comment had broken her heart. 
“You mean the babysitting guy?” 
Dustin lets out a sigh as he continues to look through his junk drawer. “Yes. Babysitting guy that you were totally in love with.” 
Y/n scoffs instinctively. Her face is hotter now than she remembers it being. “I was not in love with him.” 
Shutting the drawer in defeat, Dustin turns. He grins before opening his mouth, “Oh, Heather, he’s so cute. Like so cute I don’t even think you’re picturing him right. Like--he’s cuter than Aaron H. from homeroom.” 
Hot embarrassment courses through Y/n’s veins at the sound of Dustin’s high pitch impression of her. “I knew you were listening to my phone calls that trip, you weirdo.” She crosses her arms in front of her chest, glaring at the ground because she can't quite look at Dustin. “So I thought he was cute, that doesn’t mean I liked him or anything.” Dustin says nothing, but somehow that feels worse. “Y’know, I might ‘look like a girl now’ and wear skirts, but I can still kick your ass.” 
Dustin opens his second desk drawer and rifles through it for a moment before finding an already open pack of batteries. “Everyone likes him, he’s Steve.” That comment does the opposite of ease Y/n. If anything, it makes her just want to camp out in Dustin’s room for the next few days until her mom closes on the new house. Dustin tosses his walkman into his backpack along with a couple of tapes. He zips up the bag and begins to approach the door. “You coming?” 
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Daily reminder: Elf Aphmau is taller than Aaron
When Aphmau and others played D&D she had forgotten to put a height on her Elf character and stressed that her height was supposed to be taller than Aaron's but Garroth had already decided her height which was her Canon (4'11)
So now Imagine Elf Zoey and Elf Aphmau together, but they don't even know eachother! I hear you say.
Aphmau during D&D had also said that Elf Aphmau has gone or atleast lived in the Yggdrasil forest, so it's bullshit that elf Zoey and Aphmau hadn't met eachother.
(Also if they hadn't just use your imagination this is D&D after all, anything can happen)
And yes, you could also say that it's about time that aphmau can finally tease Aaron on being shorter than her but common Elf girlfriends are wayyyyy cuter.
(This is also an excuse for me to make a fluff about them spending their Immortality together)
I love the idea of elf girlfriends.
I think the closest we will get in one of my main rewrites (I’m 100% gonna rewrite the d&d series now you’ve mentioned it, but it’ll probably be short whilst the others get lengthened for my own sick and twisted reasons) is Mermaid!Aphmau and elf Zoey. Both tall, both immortal for different reasons, and we love this.
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ainews · 2 years
A new study has found that people who keep a stone in their pocket feel cuter than those who don't.
The study, conducted by the University of Sussex, found that people who kept a stone in their pocket for two weeks felt cuter than those who didn't. The study's lead author, Dr. Aaron Sell, said that the findings suggest that the physical act of holding a stone can increase feelings of cuteness.
"We think that the act of holding a stone may activate a 'caring schema' in the brain, which in turn makes the person feel cuter," Dr. Sell said. "This is in line with other research that has shown that caring behaviors can increase feelings of attractiveness."
The study's participants were asked to rate their own cuteness on a scale of one to seven after keeping the stone in their pocket for two weeks. The participants who kept the stone reported an average cuteness rating of 5.35, while those who didn't keep the stone reported an average rating of 4.95.
So if you're looking to feel cuter, consider keeping a stone in your pocket. Just don't forget to wash your hands afterwards.
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brynnwrites · 2 years
little league - aaron hotchner
summary: hotch coaches jack’s little league soccer team and you have to put up with one of the other moms
warnings: if your name is amber…I’m sorry
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a/n: I do not know how soccer works
When you found out Hotch had signed Jack up for soccer, you were beyond excited. You had always wondered what it would feel like to be a classic "soccer mom." Well, you and Hotch were still engaged, but Jack had started calling you mom long before that.
"They've asked me to coach," he chuckled, stirring his coffee in a to-go cup as the two of you prepared to take Jack to practice.
"Really?" You asked excitedly, "Aww, babe, that would be so cute!"
His cheeks tinged pink as he shook his head with a smile. He didn't quite understand why you were so excited over a little league sport, but he found it adorable.
Jack came speeding into the kitchen in his team's colored shorts and tee shirt. He had his socks on and his cleats in hand, nearly bouncing up and down with how excited he was.
"There's our little soccer star," you grinned, ruffling his hair as he stood between you and Aaron.
"Can I have some coffee too?" He asked.
Hotch was about to say no, but you gave him a quick, "I have an idea," look and he stopped himself.
"Sure you can, since you're so grown up now," you nodded, pulling down a small cup from the cabinet.
While Jack talked to his dad, you filled the cup halfway up with milk, taking the pot of coffee and pouring in just enough to make it look like coffee. Hotch laughed lightly as you handed Jack the cup.
"Smart one," he mouthed at you as Jack took a sip, "How is it, bud?"
"It's yummy," he said, turning to beam at you, "now I'm just like daddy!"
"Mhm," you hummed with a grin, "except you're way cuter than daddy."
Jack giggled before turning to Hotch, who was rolling his eyes with a small chuckle.
"Yeah I'm cuter than you daddy," he said braggingly, and it was taking everything in you not to die laughing.
"Is that so?" Hotch hummed, amused as he looked down at his son.
"Yup," Jack grinned, popping the 'p' for emphasis.
"Yeah well I bet I'm faster than you," Hotch challenged.
"Nuh uh!" Jack shook his head.
"We'll see about that," Hotch smirked, a playful glint in his eye, "cause I'mmmmmmm gonna getcha!"
That started a chase around the kitchen and out into the living room. Hotch was bent down, chasing Jack around the living room table, and they were laughing.
You watched from the kitchen, smiling at the sweetest boys you could ever have in your life. You loved them more than words could express.
Hotch eventually won, throwing Jack over his shoulder once he caught him. The boy cried out in glee, trying and failing to wiggle out of his father's grasp. He brought Jack to you, and you held out your arms. He plopped him down into them.
"You ready for soccer practice, little man?" You tickled his tummy and he giggled wildly.
"Y-yes!" He stuttered between laughs.
You set him back on his feet, "then we better get your cleats on and get going, huh?"
"Yay!" He exclaimed, running to the front door.
"I'll get your coffee, you help him with his shoes," you instructed, still giggling slight from the mornings antics.
He nodded, leaning in close to your ear, "I think we need to have a discussion later about how you don't think I'm cute."
You hummed as he pulled away smirking.
"I don't think you're cute," you shrugged, hiding your smirk as you picked up the coffee. You turned to meet his look of confusion, moving so you were next to him on your way out of the kitchen, "I think you're hot as hell, but I couldn't say that in front of Jack, could I?"
Your smirk grew as you moved past him, leaving him chuckling as he trailed behind you.
When you arrived at the soccer field, you unloaded the SUV. You grabbed Jack's soccer bag as Hotch grabbed the rolling cooler and bleacher seats. You had filled the cooler full of water, Gatorade, Capri-Suns, a couple pb&js, and some fruit-snacks. You took your new soccer mom role very seriously.
"Hey, Aaron!" One of the other dads called. He was the one who had asked Hotch to coach.
You took your stuff to the bleachers, picking a spot as Hotch talked to the other dad. You sprayed Jack down with sunscreen before sending him off to huddle with the other boys on his team.
Hotch made his way over to you, squinting in the sun, "they want me to try coaching practice to see if I'd be interested."
"That's great!" You exclaimed.
"I don't want to leave you by yourself though," he said with a slight frown.
"I'll be like 6 feet away from you," you teased, "besides, I can make friends." You gestured to the other moms who were already seated.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Yes, now go," you giggled, nudging him towards the field.
He gave you a small smile, "You're the best, you know that?"
"Noooooo," you gasped sarcastically, "it's not like you don't tell me that every day."
He shook his head with a grin, "Well I mean it."
Your heart fluttered, and you finally got him to go over to the team.
"Which one's yours?" Someone asked from behind you as you sat in your bleacher seat.
You turned to see a blonde woman in her late twenties, looking at you with a friendly smile.
"The one with the kind of sandy brown hair," you pointed, "he's next to his dad, the tall one in the blue."
Her face lit up, "oh my gosh, you're Aaron's girl!"
"You know him?" You asked curiously.
"Oh yeah, Jack and my son, Baylor, have been in the same class since kindergarten," she explained.
You smiled, "I think I've heard Jack mention him before."
She nodded, "Me and Aaron went on a couple dates, but gosh, that was like three years ago? I've always regretted letting that one go."
You tried to ignore the knot of jealousy tightening in the pit of your stomach.
"So how long have you two been dating?" She asked way too sweetly.
You mustered up a smile, "We dated for about a year and a half, we've been engaged for two months."
"No way!" She squealed, "Let me see!"
You held out your left hand and she grabbed, examining the glittering ring with wide eyes.
"Ugh, I'm totally jealous," she giggled, "You know, I would have never have guess when you sat down that you were with him."
"What do you mean?" You asked as politely as possible.
"I guess you just don't really look like his type," she shrugged, "he's usually into more athletic looking women."
You frowned, "I work with him, I have to be athletic."
"Oh, really?" She asked, her perfectly shaped eyebrows furrowing, "I couldn't tell."
You laughed fakely, "I guess I'll have to make myself more athletic looking by our wedding next month."
She smiled at you but it looked more like a grimace. You watched the rest of the practice, trying to muster up some of your earlier enthusiasm and failing. You knew you were too old to get jealous over this type of thing, but you just couldn't help it.
Hotch noticed how reserved you had become on the way home. When you arrived he instructed Jack to go take a shower before following you to the kitchen.
"Something's bothering you," he stared matter-of-factly.
"You're not profiling me, are you?" You asked teasingly, hoping he wouldn't push the subject.
But, of course, you were wrong.
He patted the countertop, "Up."
You sighed, hopping up on the counter as he moved to stand between your legs. He often did that when he wanted you to talk to him. He rubbed your thighs while examining you face to try and figure out what was upsetting you.
"Did someone say something to you at the field?" He asked knowingly.
"It's incredibly creepy when you do that, you know," you frowned.
"Am I right?" He asked.
"It was nothing," you shrugged, not meeting his eyes.
"If it was nothing, it wouldn't be bothering you," he argued, brows furrowed, "I'm your fiancé, you can tell my anything."
You sighed, giving in, "Some blonde, I don't even know her name, but her son's name is Baylor-"
Hotch groaned, "That's Amber...what did she say to you?"
"Well she asked which boy was mine and I pointed out you and Jack and she asked if I was 'your girl' and I said yes and she said you guys dated and then I told her we are getting married and she said I'm not your type," you ranted all in one breath.
His frown deepened, "Not my type?"
"Yeah, she said I wasn't athletic enough or something," you mumbled.
Hotch looked pissed now, "She said you're not athletic enough? Did you tell her you work with me? You probably do more athletic things in one day than she's ever done in her life."
You giggled, he was just too cute when he was frustrated, "Like I said, it's okay."
"But she made you doubt yourself, that's not okay," he said, looking into your eyes, "you know you're even better than any 'type,' I could've come up for myself, don't you?"
"I didn't know that," you whispered.
He kissed you deeply, his hands cupping your face. You were putty in his hands, letting him lick his way past your lips, tapping your tongue with his lightly. After a while you both separated, lips shiny and chests heaving.
"You are stunning," he began, "everything about your physical body is perfect to me. And you're amazing with Jack, you're the best mother figure I could've asked for. You work with me so you understand my schedule, and plus I get to keep an eye on you at all times to make sure you're safe. Your laugh that you hate for some reason is the best thing I've ever heard, especially after a long day. And I love that you're kind and gracious to people even when they don't deserve it."
You reached a hand up, patting his cheek, "you're really real, right? Just making sure."
He smiled wide and kissed you again, more gentle and sweet this time.
"Can you stop doing that so we can get ice cream?" Jack's voice interrupted. You broke apart laughing.
The next week at practice, Hotch made sure to kiss you very obviously in front of Amber. Needless to say, she didn't bother you again.
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hushedlove · 3 years
“Offline.” — Penelope Garcia
Summary: You’ve been offline for days. Penelope is worried.
Warnings: Slight angst, mentions of being ghosted.
Note: This was on my old account, but I deactivated and wanted to add this back since there isn’t a lot of Garcia content.
Last Online - 3 Days Ago
The longer the days went by, the more on edge Penelope was. Day one was hard enough without you, but day three had her in a completely different mood. The two of you were inseparable in your online cult, spending the nights in your cramped apartments shoveling food in your face and giggling until the both of you fell asleep on the microphone.
JJ was one to make fun of online relationships, and normally Penelope was one to brush it off but the fact you were miles and miles away and hadn’t entered the chatroom at all this week made her a shell of a human, and she was more than ready to stick it to whoever made a petty joke during her shift.
The somewhat aggressive keyboard clacks caused the rest of the team to eye each other, Hotch continuing with his speech after he cleared his throat to get Garcia’s attention, “You’ll be teaming up with another Technical Analyst while we work this case, it should only be a matter of weeks, but-”
“I work better and faster alone. I can get the job done in half the time, I don’t need someone coming in and messing up my work space.”
Hotch glanced towards Derek for a moment, his strong arms shrugging. Even though he seemed to be one of the closest one to her on the team, not even he knew what was bugging her.
“I’m aware you’re great at what you do, Garcia, but it wasn’t a request. They’ll be here this afternoon, make her feel welcome.”
Within minutes the meeting was over and to no one's surprise, Garcia was the first to leave, slamming her laptop shut and heading back to her workspace.
“What’s up with her? She doesn’t seem like herself today.”
JJ quickly answered Derek’s question, “That girl she’s been talking to online hasn’t responded for a couple days. I assume she’s worried about her. That, or afraid she’s ghosted her.”
“Ghosted?” Hotch asked, his signature furrowed eyebrow present.
“Ghosting happens out of nowhere. It’s basically rejection but happens out of thin air and without explanation on what and where things went wrong, usually through phone calls and text messages. In this case, it was their online chat room.” Spencer explained, earning a nod from Aaron in response.
The rest of the team left to do as needed, getting things ready for when the plane touched down. As funny as it sounded, Spencer’s current job was to sit in Garcia’s workspace to try and calm her down and make sure she got along with her new coworker when the time came.
“Not sure why he sent you,” Penelope looked over her shoulder at Spencer, “I could snap you like a string bean.”
“I would prefer if you wouldn’t.”
The nervousness you felt the entire plane ride was enough to make you physically ill. You were extremely guilty for cutting contact the past couple of days, but as soon as you heard the news from your Boss that you would be face to face with her instead of sitting behind a computer screen, your heart raced.
You’ve seen pictures of her online. You were on the microphone with each other every night, but without the game you two played in the background, you were anxious the conversation would run short. Penelope was far from boring, but you often fell quiet, and didn’t want to seem dull compared to her sunshine of a personality.
The file in your hands shook when you felt the plane coming to a halt. The elbow to your arm caused you to jump slightly, a laugh falling from your co-workers lips, “Hey. She’s gonna be happy to see you, don’t sweat it.”
“You don’t think she’ll be mad? I've been missing for days.”
She shook her head, grabbing her bag, “Of course not, relieved more than anything. I bet she misses her nerd buddy.”
The deep breath you took as you walked towards the computer room wasn’t quiet enough to calm yourself, and your voice came out rather shaky as you knocked on the already opened door, causing Spencer to look up from his book, “Is this where I’m supposed to be?”
“She’s uh, just kidding.” Spencer cleared his throat, sticking his hand out for you to shake, “I’m spencer. This is penelope. Welcome to the team.”
“Thank you.” You smiled, returning the gesture, “I’m Y/n.”
Penelope’s keyboard clicking stopped instantly, her entire body tensing and her mouth falling agape. Before you could process what was happening, her computer chair was pushed from her desk and her arms pulled you into a giant bear hug.
“You had me terrified! Why didn’t you tell me? I thought you were mad. I thought you weren’t coming back. I thought you DIED. I was going to start my own investigation on the side, I was-”
All you could do was giggle at her ramblings as usual, causing her to pull back and look at you, “That giggle is even cuter in person. I’m so glad you’re here and okay.”
You bit your lip, a small frown falling on your lips, “You’re not upset? I was just so nervous you wouldn’t like me once you met me. I feel it’s easier to be whatever you want to be online but in real life, I’m just me.”
“Just you?” Penelope gasped, hushing you immediately, “Sweetie, no no no. Don’t you ever say that again. What’s wrong with being you? There’s no one else in this world I’d rather eat microwavable meals at 2 am while kicking bad guys in the throats via the internet.”
You lifted your arm, showing her the famous gaming laptop that brought the two of you together that day many months ago, “Guess it’s a good thing I brought this then, huh?”
“Too bad we won’t get to use it much,” Penelope huffed, pulling herself back to her desk and patting the seat next to her, “We have real, less interesting bad guys to catch.”
You laughed as she rolled her eyes, sitting next to her and throwing on a headset, “Let’s kick some ass and take some names, Gar.”
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Title: Kiss & Tell
Author: Adib Khorram
Genre: YA Fiction | Romance | Friendship | Drama | Music | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: Homophobia | Racism
Overall Rating: 9.3/10
Personal Opinion: An incredibly insightful look into the pressures of being in the public eye while being queer. Too sexual, not sexual enough. Too gay, not gay enough. A great philanthropist, not doing enough. With Khorram’s unique story-telling in this novel, we get to see just how Hunter Drake gets treated by his label and perceived by the public and it is insidious. But also incredibly entertaining.
Couple Classification: Hunter Drake X Kaivan Andon = Artist/Jock X Artist
Do I Own This Book? Nope.
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- Maybe I have a bias toward Khorram’s writing but I really enjoyed this book. I especially love the format of alternating things like e-mails, text chains, tabloid articles, documentary transcripts, interviews, etc. between chapters to give us more depth into show biz’s inner workings and how toxic it can be. (As well as how insidious public perception can be.) From the way they tried to control Hunter’s image to the way they manufactured his dates, it’s insidious and chaotic. Especially seeing the articles that pushed all those contradictory narratives that Hunter was too sexual, he’s not sexual enough, he’s too queer, he’s not queer enough, he’s a philanthropist, he’s not doing enough. It’s no wonder he had a meltdown on live TV after breaking up with Kaivan.
- I think that’s the other thing, any time a character blew up, I understood why. The pressure of being in the public eye can be a lot. I mean, people were telling Aidan to kill himself and they didn’t even know the full story. Hunter was aware of the power imbalance too. He didn’t want to tell the truth because he didn’t want his fans to do even more damage to Aidan than they already have.
- I love the friendship between the boys. Ashton, Owen, and Ethan in particular all had some really solid interactions with Hunter that made them feel more real. Ashton’s deeper talks with Hunter and sharing the ice with him, Owen and him just jamming together, Ethan playing pranks and also revealing the racism that he (and his Black ex-girlfriend) had to deal with. It made their friendship feel more authentic. Also Ethan is just hilarious for constantly changing the group chat name. And also saying, “Hunter Middle Name Drake.” A whole comedian.
- The relationship between Hunter and Kaivan was also really sweet. I like seeing them get to know each other during the friend phase of their whole relationship too. When they would just talk about their hometowns and eat good food without having to play things up for the cameras. Then when they actually went on dates, I thought they were even cuter together because they had some solid chemistry. Even if the way Kaivan acted toward fans mobbing them was different from the way Hunter reacted.
- I mentioned that I understood why everyone did the things they did. That includes Kaivan saying all those things about boy bands. He name-dropped Kiss & Tell specifically which is wild since they’re labelmates but the thing is, I get it. Once he explained that it had been a defense mechanism and him straight-acting, I got it. Even if others wouldn’t have taken it to such extremes, I got it and I felt for him. I’m willing to bet that it’s the same for Callum with his whole “gay people can be just like straight people” mindset. He’ll grow.
- I love Janet and Nazeer too. They were like pseudo-parents for the band and I adore that. The way Nazeer wasn’t even mad at Hunter for running away like that and was just glad he was safe was so sweet. Same for Janet telling Hunter directly that they can say no to The Label if he wants. He doesn’t have to just go along with it just because he has a contract with them. Janet and Nazeer clearly care about those kids and I love it.
- Aaron showed up briefly, as in, one chapter. But he made quite the impact as a queer elder that allows Hunter to express himself when The Label was trying to “rebrand” him as bottom-chic. 
- Masha the dragtivist also showed up briefly but damn, what a monarch. I love them and how they said all queer people are doing their part in being a revolution. Merely by existing, we are liberating ourselves and it’s true.
- This is a personal thing but Overcooked being mentioned so much was hilarious and amazing. The addiction is real and the stress of putting out fires while throwing food across rivers is too real. It’s such a fun game though and I like how all of the characters were into it.
- I am really glad Aidan said he was sorry for his actions. And that he and Hunter were able to gain some semblance of normalcy before he flew back home. They clearly work better as friends anyway. Plus, I like that he was the one who told Hunter to try again with Kaivan.
- Okay, I get Hunter’s meltdown and his desire to be around queer folks, hence him going to BOIZ, the gay club. But him making out with an adult stranger (even if he is heavily intoxicated) just felt wrong to me. I don’t know, he spent so much of the book talking about how he didn’t want to be perceived a slut and he also didn’t kiss Aidan in his moment of weakness but then he does this? Mmm, it’s like the one action I don’t get. But I also saw it coming so maybe I’m just mad at him for not only having Kaivan on his mind.
- Fuck the tabloids and also the random internet folks that just drag Hunter (and Kaivan) every which way. Admittedly, Kaivan did raise some red flags for me when he seemed to really lean into the performativeness part of his relationship with Hunter. I was feeling very iffy when he kept on shrugging off Hunter’s laments about the production of their dates. Hunter does benefit from being white, yes, but to take it out on him and dismiss him at every turn just feels… minimizing. And coupled with everything he said about boy bands, it does make it seem like he thinks less of Hunter. Look at me preaching my “they should be equals” bullshit when I know the white hetero-patriarchal society is the real villain and not Kaivan. But it still bugs me regardless! Especially when he was talking down about boy bands and specifically Kiss & Tell when they’re majority POC and have an out gay member. I don’t know, I think they’re cute together but part of me also feels like they’re not a good fit together.
- Also, really gotta hate how toxic masculinity made it so Hunter never confided in his best friends before about his stress. Ashton and Owen certainly did their best to make it known they were there for him. Ugh, it bugs me that Hunter never realized easily he could’ve told The Label to back off from his life.
- I do also wish that Hunter said (to the public) that there’s nothing wrong with being sexual. But most important, Aidan should’ve retracted his statement. I know the damage would’ve been done but I do not like how people think Hunter was unfaithful when he was anything but! Like, who cares what the public thinks but also, I care. 
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darkblueboxs · 3 years
The Words that Cut
AKA "nine times Andrew was called pretty and hated it + one time he didnt"
Read here or on AO3
“I used to think it would have been easier,” Andrew says. The words cost him more than Neil can know, but Bee says it’s important to get better at these things. If he wants to keep Neil, anyway. “If I looked different.”
There's a lot he leaves out of that sentence.
“Just look at him! Isn’t he precious?!” The stranger’s hand comes out of nowhere, pinching Andrew’s cheek and tugging. Be on your best behaviour, his case worker had warned him. And maybe this time it’ll stick. Andrew isn’t sure he wants it to. He keeps his gaze fixed on his scuffed sneakers, shoelaces trailing because he still hasn’t gotten the hang of the knots. Until the hand pinching his face forces him to look up.
“And gosh, look at those eyes!” The latest in Andrew’s never-ending line of foster parents doesn’t look so different from the rest. Her face is too close, and Andrew can smell her breath when she speaks, sharply tinged with tobacco. He wrinkles his nose, and she frowns. “Now, now, none of that. We don’t want to spoil that pretty little face, do we?” And she punctuates the question with another hard pinch to his cheek. Andrew bares his teeth, and she smiles. “Much better. Don’t you look beautiful!”
Then Andrew sinks his teeth into her hand, and she starts to scream instead.
…and this is Andrew! He’s going to be staying with us for a while. You’ll make sure your new foster brother feels very welcome, won’t you? Now both of you stand together, I want to take a photograph of my two handsome boys…
Andrew’s hook-up tucks himself back into his grey prison-standard joggers, panting heavily.
“Fuck,” he says, which just about sums it up.
Andrew wipes his hand off, keeping his eyes fixed on the grey expanse of wall behind the other boy’s head.
“That was hot,” he continues, as though Andrew cares. He got what he wanted from the encounter: now all he wants to be is alone.
“Go away.”
He flicks a significant look downwards, smirking. “C’mon, you really want me to leave you like this?”
Andrew grabs him by the neck and shoves him back against the wall, forcing his gaze away from his body. “I said go away.”
Instead of showing any sign of fear, his pupils dilate as he leans into the pressure of Andrew’s hand around his neck. “Fuck, you’re hot.” He reaches for Andrew, and Andrew’s mind goes black with rage.
He does not lay a hand on Andrew again.
“Look. Over there, by the lockers. No, no, don’t make it obvious!”
“No way! He looks just like Aaron. But also kind of cuter?”
“Are you crazy? They have the same face!”
“Yeah, but he’s got like, a bad-boy mystique. You heard he just got out of prison, right? Think he has a girlfriend yet?”
“Ew, Tracy.”
“Ask him for me. Please? I’ll do your math homework for the rest of the week.”
A girl with curly brown hair and freckles appears at Andrew’s shoulder as he slams his locker shut.
“My friend thinks you’re cute.”
Andrew doesn’t even bother with a perfunctory glance in the girl’s direction. “Your friend can fuck off.”
She looks affronted for all of a second before her lips curl downwards. “Whatever, jackass.”
Andrew isn’t quite out of earshot by the time she returns to her friend.
“Forget about it, Tracy. His brother is hotter anyway.”
Andrew’s hands clench into fists of their own accord. When they try to approach Aaron after practice, Andrew makes it clear what happens to anyone who shows interest in his brother.
Andrew hears his cousin’s screams before he even rounds the corner to see him splayed on the cobblestones, his nightclub attire torn and muddied with boot prints. Men circle him like vultures, teeth bared, eyes shining with mad hunger. Andrew has seen that look before too many times. Nicky’s attackers smirk as Andrew approaches, but the slouch of their shoulders says they don’t see him as a threat. It’s the last mistake they’ll ever make.
“Andrew, run,” Nicky says, words thickened by puffy, bleeding lips. His face has been beaten so badly it’s not even clear where the blood is coming from.
One of the men laughs. “Who is this, your boyfriend? Come on, baby, we can make you look just as pretty as your bitch over there.”
Andrew steps forward, knife in hand.
“Huh,” says Nicky on Andrew’s first night home with meds swirling through his system. “You actually have a really cute smile, Andrew.”
Grinning, Andrew puts his fist through a wall, and nothing more is said on the matter.
“The Foxes’ deadliest investment.” The journalist thrusts a microphone so close to Andrew’s face he practically inhales it. “And certainly one of their cutest! Andrew Minyard, do you have anything to say to your growing legion of fans? I’m sure all the girls want a piece of you, and I can’t say I blame them!”
Andrew bares his teeth. False laughter bubbles up within him, and he clenches his jaw to keep it in his throat. “How do my fans feel about disembowelment?”
The journalist is less eager to take his picture after that.
“C’mon, Renee, you can tell us. Are you really just fighting down there? Or are you getting another kind of action, if you catch my drift?”
“Don’t answer her, Renee, she’s just trying to win her bet.”
“Can’t I just be interested? I mean, can you imagine it? I mean, sure, Minyard’s pretty in his own psychotic way, but the height. It’s gotta be an issue, right? Unless you’re really into small-”
Andrew knocks at the door, saving his ears from any more of their gossiping. “Renee.”
“Coming!” Renee picks up her water bottle, relief washing her features while Dan and Allison choke on their laughter behind her.
Hello, handsome, says an impossible voice at his ear. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
Oh, Luther, Andrew thinks as the bottle collides with the side of his head. I’m going to kill you.
He catches Neil poking at his scars in the bathroom mirror, digging his fingers into the darkened patches hard enough to scratch half-moons into the healing skin. His eyes meet Andrew’s in the reflection. All Andrew has to do is raise an eyebrow, and it’s as though Neil hears the question before he even has to formulate it.
“They’re distinctive,” he says by way of an answer.
“Not exactly anonymous,” Neil huffs.
Andrew steps forward until he is lined up along Neil’s back, glaring at his reflection over his shoulder. “You have no need for anonymity.”
“I know,” Neil says, still glaring at his reflection. “And I’m glad I don’t look like my father anymore, but…”
“Vanity doesn’t suit you, Josten.”
Neil sighs. “Easy for you to say.”
Andrew’s hands, which have come to rest on Neil’s waist, stop. He wills them not to clench. “What does that mean?”
The tips of Neil’s ears redden. “You know.”
“I don’t.”
“I mean, it’s not like you have anything to worry about. Not when you’re so-”
“No.” There’s no inflection in his tone, but Neil hears the urgency anyway.
“Did I say something wrong?”
Andrew lets his hands fall back to his sides, flexing the tremors from them.
“I used to think it would have been easier,” Andrew says. The words cost him more than Neil can know, but Bee says it’s important to get better at these things. If he wants to keep Neil, anyway. “If I looked different.”
There’s a lot he leaves out of that sentence. The burning after-effect of hands pinching his cheeks, pretty boy, pretty boy, pretty boy, over and over like a mantra that dug itself into his chest and festered there. The days where even the prickle of someone’s eyes on him made him want to vomit. The nights he considered turning the blades on his face instead of his arms in the hope of making himself too ugly to stomach.
He doesn’t say it, but the subtle shift in Neil’s gaze says that he doesn’t have to.
“Probably not,” Neil says. It isn’t offered as a consolation – Neil knows better where Andrew is concerned – but from understanding. “It’s never because of us. It’s because of them.”
Andrew leans into Neil once more, letting his chin come to rest on his shoulder. Their eyes meet in the reflection. “Probably not,” Andrew echoes, and Neil’s lips twitch. Something that has been tied up in Andrew’s chest for far too long pulls and untangles. “Distinctive isn’t necessarily a bad thing.”
Neil’s lips twitch again, the movement blossoming into a lobsided half-smile that does terrible things to Andrew’s self-control. “Are you calling me pretty?”
“Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to.”
“Oh.” Neil leans his head to the side so that it bumps against Andrew’s. “Well. You too.”
And, because it’s here and now and most importantly Neil, this time the words don’t cut. Andrew swallows them with a curt nod and leans into the kiss that follows, and everything that comes after. *
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