#not a real ep if you couldnt tell lol
topazpearl · 5 months
So remember my big sbg theory doc? forget that existed, heres the new one
Discusses up to Ep 61. Fast-pass spoiler FREE
Content discussions about death, mental illness, sui.cide; yknow. Heavy Thriller webtoon stuff (tm)
[Hamilton chorus voice] NUMBER ONE: Giant freakin phantompedes and how to escape them
-I was right about the football field lights to try to kill them idea yippee
-HOEWVERR, theres so many attacking the school rn and its freaking collapsing?? I literally dont know how they’re gonna get outta this
-Unless (unless) my Phantom Ashlyn theory is relevant, ashlyn can talk to them and tells them to go away and they… do! idk lol it's stupid but maybe ash has enough girl boss energy to convince them. or theyre so shocked by a human talking to them theyre like "dang ok". Could still happen! 
NUMBER TWO: Phantom Transformation Theory
So it’s Basically confirmed: 
If you die in the PD, you start to turn into a Phantom.
Of course we wont know for sure until we actually SEE it but like, Aiden’s creepy af smile and basically coming back to life in ashlyn’s arms after DYING it’s like, basically confirmed. 
Ash wonders why Aiden snapped out of his seizure so fast compared to Tyler. Severity of injuries could definitely be a factor (tho like, im assuming Aiden got freaking blunt force trauma brain damage which, to me, is just as bad as being impaled). Another factor could be that Tyler died only about 30 minutes into the Time, while Aiden died almost right when it ended. And… we saw how fast Aiden started to “turn”. Red technically never shows us Tyler during those hours after he died. He very well… may have completely phantomized, but when he woke up in the real world, the transformation reverted. I'm very scared abt what Aiden’s gonna be like next night.
SUB THEORY: The Power of Human Connection and Phantom Reversal
Remember how Jasmine (the gang tour girl) asked if it was alright that all the kids got sucked in w/ ashlyn? This implies that 
1. They usually expect 1 person/their target to get sucked into the PD
2. The origami gang has never dealt with a group being sucked in at once
- I believe (and the evil gang doesnt know this) that the kids being together is an integral part of their future survival. Tyler snapped back to consciousness in the hospital after Taylor had her PISSED moment. This moment was similar to Logan’s freakout, in that it tugged the phantom world to the real world, for a second. I think these intense emotions (taylor’s specifically out of anger and worry for her twin), pulled tyler’s “soul” out of the PD and into the RD. 
- Now, you may ask, “what abt if a random person got into the PD and died and went into a seizure/coma? Why couldnt their loved ones “bring” them back?” thats a good Q idk. Perhaps the kids all being in the PD together is what creates this flow, a two-way street, between the two dimensions. 
- Anyway also while Ashlyn and co didnt didnt get into an angry freakout moment when Aiden died, but we all know Ash and Aiden got something developing/going on thats special ♥, and thats what tugged Aiden back (its cliche but its the power of love there i said it). 
- Also NOT saying that the other kids’ concern over their friends doesn’t matter or count (Ben and Aiden are Fam too), but like, i’m wondering if it needs to be a REALLY INTENSE love (familial/romantic/whatever) in order to basically bring someone back from the dead. idk
-interestingly, ty WAS essentially in a coma-like state, like how the spy said, which supports that it’s expected that ppl die in the PD eventually, and go into comas. I’m wondering if those who normally get sucked into the PD and die, theyre dealing with it by themselves, have no one to “pull them back” like taylor and/or ashlyn did, and they stay in a coma. 
-rlly hope the boys arent like “possessed” or smn. Maybe the soul is like, tainted? Those big black eyes man… (ALSO THAT PREVIEW IMAGE WITH LOGAN AND THE BIG BLACK EYES??? WHAT??)
-going off the dead PD ppl turn into phantoms theory>> If a phantom is killed, their connected person in the RD who was in a coma dies fr permanently
NUMBER THREE: Ashlyn and the Phantoms (cool new band name) 
we know the kids are getting influenced by the PD, making phantom noises (further supports phantoms were people theory) but with Ashlyn's "really strong" connection to the PD, she's in special danger. If one can turn into a phantom without dying, it's gonna be her. Ryan the spy said that "the girl" – assumingly ashlyn– should be "especially" at risk of danger. This could be bc she was the one who interacted with the rift, or bc she already has a higher level of phantom influence on her. 
-when ashlyn told the phantom to let go, and her friends to calm down, both times she spoke with a black speech bubble WITH PHANTOM NOISE LINES NEAR IT. this is different than characters who have also spoken with black bubbles (aiden, logan, taylor). obviously these have been with threats/malice, but they didn't have the red lines. These times ashlyn has spoken, the phantom acknowledged her voice, and her friends' spell-like violence trance was broken. Theory: ashlyn not only can hear phantoms, but she can speak their language sort of
-when ashlyn was born, a phantom like touched her in a blessing/cursing sense which is part of the reason why she can hear phantoms and her strong PD connection. possibly even possession???? 
-tldr i want ashlyn to enter her monster girl era 
The evil gang seems confused why the kids have lasted so long. maybe Ashlyn's PD connection goes both ways. she provides a strong anchor to the RD. Maybe the PD is USUALLY all desolate with the pillars that we saw in the finale (maybe it's even an afterlife of sorts?), but Ashlyn makes a huge radius (~30 miles! (assuming kids were driving at least 60mph for 30 minutes)) of the PD around where she wakes up mirror the real world, creating a safer space for her and the kids. meanwhile a normal person that gets sucked into the PD gets thrown into a desolate hell world different from the RD (also maybe stuck there permanently), causing them to die much quicker. 
-maybe this influence is even part of the reason why RD tyler is awake (And aiden)
-Ashlyn's influence extends to jamming the recording devices like some kind of weird phantom static.
-Broke: Ashlyn's parents wanted her to learn self defense and have a knife bc they're in the military. Woke: they want her to be able to protect herself after the phantom scare when she was a baby
-Also THANK GOD she’s finally acting on her intuition. Sm times she’s been like “this feels bad!” and doesnt do anything. Almost makes me wonder if it’s a supernatural intuition based on phantom stuff. Like shes WAY OFF from the hospital and the drama and is like “HMM! Smn going on” 
NUMBER FOUR: Origami gang and Co INC. 
-The gangs symbol is an origami crane (orizuru). the crane in East Asia has longevity as one of its symbolisms, with some myths saying it flies souls up to paradise. there's the popular myth that if you fold 1000 cranes you get a wish.
Heres where the evil twist comes in. The gang boss believes that if he traps 1000 people in the PD as like, a sacrifice, then he'll get a wish and he'll ask for eternal life or whatever. this gang is a cult and he's tricked everyone saying that they'll also get a long life but really it's probably only gonna be him 🤫 So they go around to different haunted places in America and pick ppl they sense can open these shadow rifts and get sucked in. the phantoms may be ppl they trapped in the past and they've turned into phantoms
-Ryan, the guy who's spying on the kids, maybe is ALSO "Mr. thomas". he just puts on a wig and is a good actor lol. this is the reason why he asks about "Mr. Thomas's" fate. What goes against this is that Ryan seems to know all about the PD mechanisms, which doesn't fit Mr. Thomas being confused abt ashlyns hair. Unless he wasn't expecting it
– or "Mr thomas" could just be Ryan's friend or brother or smn. A low ranked guy in the gang that got stuck with roping Ashlyn into Savannah, but doesn't know the truth/details about the PD. 
-the gang mentions that "both sides" are trying to track them. either the government and a supernatural hunting group, or even some force in the PD like some Alpha Phantom like the devil who's like "Where's my dead people quota hello?" or better yet "you're messing with MY domain and I'm gonna Get You". 
-This is based solely on the Boss' appearance and smiling countenance: the gang Boss is Aiden's uncle, his dad's brother, his weird, estranged brother who's also evil probably. I'm really hung on this idea don't mind me 
-you have to be able to make a paper origami crane from memory to be an official gang member /hj 
NUMBER FIVE: Gen story/Character arcs and futures
-ready for a “power of love and friendship” aesop. these kids are gonna be so Bonded now after these traumatic experiences
-i had come up with an elaborate “death order” but thats now completely jossed now so im ignoring that
- SO NOW that all the parents know, and like, have seen all the phantoms and everything and BTW WILL PROBABLY GET SUCKED INTO THE PD AT SOME POINT because they felt the shift like the kids did, they help the kids get to Savannah yippee!! a cool Big family squad force they all hop on a working school bus or smn and drive there. PLs
- the families getting sucked in would be HUGE cause they arent prepared. Logan’s grandparents and Lily are top targets 😭
So the kids are gonna get kidnapped. that's definitely gonna be a thing, either mid S2 or ending. up in the air whether the kidnapping is successful or not. (assuming the gang would be smart enough to get rid of the kids’ phones when they get them)
-actually I'm placing my bets now S2 finale will be them getting kidnapped and it just cuts off there for another awful cliffhanger.
-since it seems Mr thomas will be involved, he'll ask the kids to stay after school to talk abt their failing grades or smn, and then maybe they're hit with knockout gas??
OR the gang has been spying on them so they pick a time the kids all separated and jump them. 
-maybe this is when aiden knowing where ashlyns dance studio is is actually plot relevant!!?? like he (and Ben probably cuz they're always together) are able to escape their attackers and Aiden goes to help ashlyn cuz he wants to make sure she's OK. and she's either fine cuz she's a girl boss and can kick butt, or he saves her oo la la 
–lol imagine kidnapping is successful, gang tells kids why they were kidnapped, (if Evil Boss Uncle theory is true this helps facilitate this) but Ashlyn "goes off" on Aiden yelling and "attacking" him and stuff saying he's part of the gang, he planned it all along etc, but it's all a ruse to have the gang think she'll cause another energy spike (and Aiden gets this and plays along) so assuming the kids are locked up, the gang opens their cell to stop ashlyn, and that's when they escape lol
so like, i THOUGHT ashlyn/aiden was gonna be a slow burn but HAHAHA. i mean not as freaking slow obviously as like Miraculous love square lol, but like slow for thriller standards? But things are gonna be heating up between these two 😏 watch ashlyn be ~conflicted~ and ~in denial~~. And meanwhile poor aiden is a confused boy who doesnt know what ash wants like “b u told me to give u space and now here u are grasping my hand like ur life depends on it” 
Sorry back to character arcs:
Ashlyn: Learn to trust and connect with people, make friends, lean on others. Could be nice if she accepts and admits the kids are her friends by the end of S2, leaving the next season for Aiden/Ashlyn dev specifically? More development about her connection with the PD, which could put friendship to the test. [already getting this with her dad and Aiden so this is great]
Also she has the freaking GUILT like i expected! Watch her think tay hates her for like a week before tay is like “no?? I hate the ppl who did this to us instead” and then they hug it out 👍
Taylor: Willing to bet money the twins are unhealthily codependent on each other. She is on the edge bro. Unhinged feral. Is probably gonna be more angry in general despite it being a bad idea, like the top has been blown off. Bottled up emotions~! 
Still thinking she’ll get close to Ben too (whether anything romantic develops on top of it is debatable, but I can see it. theyve already got a cute little closeness going on)..
Tyler: Get this boy some ~THERAPY~ help he’s so depressed and angry. Learn to have hope again (like ben 😭). He has so much negativity inside him, i dont think that’ll help with whatever is going on with him rn like, hes probably in the THICK of the PD influence. He’s kinda like ash, needs to learn to rely on others.
Logan: Seems to be overcoming his fragility well if the arcade scene is any indication. Still has self-worth issues to overcome due to his parents' abandonment. Maybe we'll learn more about that in S2. That could be a rumor and the real reason he lives with his grandparents is that his parents died but idk why that'd be hidden unless their death was suspicious (like, drug ring?? His gpa got the GOODS APPARENTLY). 
Ben: Still needs to find a new passion for life, i suspect playing musical instruments like the guitar will be the answer (thank you tyler). Tho maybe learning to love his altered voice could happen? (tons of dudes have a rough/husky singing voice that ppl love) But this is probably unlikely.  
Aiden: Good Lord like, Aiden being (most likely) suic.idal in the past (and possibly even still NOW?) has floored me. I figured his loneliness and suspected parental neglect was bad but IT’S BAD. Dude wants to feel alive and not depressed… frick. AIDEN ARE YOU going to therapy??? Do your parents KNOW??? Is that why your parents finally settled down?? Guh. this on top of probably untreated ADHD.
–I’m assuming now Aiden started dying his hair to try to get any fragment of serotonin. 
– Kinda wondering if he grew up in a "toxic positivity" mentality home, where his parents are like "we're so privileged we shouldn't complain" ?
– im actually THIS close to beating Aiden’s parents with a stick.
NUMBER SIX: Miscellaneous predictions, wants, musings & hypotheticals.
-guessing now that the twin’s dad had cancer or smn
-hey uh what about the photo Logan took of the phantom back at the sorrel-weed house?? surely he still has it? can he show the parents?? will they be able to see it?
-Logan saw the whole Aidlyn hug from the roof from his snipper position, change my mind.
-Another “death” will happen in S2, possibly even two deaths. (GOD I WAS RIGHT)
-Mr thomas switches sides and helps the kids, gives them info
-Ryan (the spy) switches sides and helps the kids
-the tour lady Jasmine and the Boss are a hot evil couple 
also kinda want them to have a Rourke & Helga dynamic where he throws her under the bus at the last moment and she's Bissed 
-I want the boss to die by his own evil plan. 
–i doubt a redemption arc will happen but I'd be down for it if done well.
-*grabs your shoulders until they bleed* listen. Aiden saved ashlyn, now I need her to save him. I need this. 
-Taylor and Ashlyn girl time please!!!
-Logan and Aiden becoming closer would also give me joy. big Freckle and Rocky energy. 
-this doesn't have to happen but I think it'd be really funny if Aiden somehow gets the IDEA that Logan has a crush on Ashlyn when Logan doesn't, causing a stupid silly short jealousy arc.
-actually I really need a "can skydive from 10,000 ft but can't confess to the girl he likes" Aiden Clark 
-I've got a bad feeling smn will happen to Ashlyn's parents, specifically her dad
-if any of the gang/cult members hurt the kids or their fam fr irl im gonna >8) lose it
-the Origami gang fails to kidnap the kids and they accidentally create a huge "energy spike", making phantoms appear everywhere in town.
-if the kids DO get kidnapped successfully, I want Ashlyn to be an awesome girlboss and use her knife shoes to help them escape.
-if my puppy fic became Canon that'd be swaggie actually.
-let Ashlyn have a dog 2023
-pov you're in Georgia in the fall and a hurricane hits, knocking out solar power for a few days. what then? :)
-when all this garbage is over and they hopefully all live in the end, I want them to have a fun stargazing party led by Logan cause they can finally enjoy the night (And maybe aidlyn have their first Kiss?? 🙈)
-If there ISNT a "group goes to see Ashlyn in a ballet performance" scene then I'm WRITING IT MYSELF 
-At the end of all things, Aiden and Ashlyn will become a couple, or at least have reciprocal romantic feelings. This is not just my shipper heart talking. I feel it in my brain, in my soul. 
-So we know one or both of Aiden’s parents are writers. If anyone knows if that trophy Aiden’s dad is holding in that photo is a real award, hmu
-a kid going into an angry protective phantom mode to protect another(s) 😳 (aidlyn on the brain but it could be anyone)
-if I had a nickel for every time I've imagined Aiden dying in Ashlyn's arms, I'd have many nickels (IT BASICALLY HAPPENED! GREAT! 👍😭)
-what if having a good singing voice ran in Ben's family? haha jkjk…unless??? but they don't sing like ever cuz they don't want Ben to feel bad 
-man what if an sbg kid “died” by a phantom pushing them down a set of stairs.. 
-Rlly hope that Aiden's parents don't get scared seeing phantoms in their house and hearing other families having phantoms in THEIR houses and thinking the whole town is haunted, and they consider moving which they don't wanna do bc Aiden finally has friends but what else can they do!? angst. 
-John 15:13 for Ashlyn with the others except it's not permanent (I'm not saying ash is a Jesus figure tho WHWKEJEJDJ)
-I rlly wanna see ashlyn laugh
-Taylor actually using her mechanic skills. like maybe the jeep gets damaged [HAPPENED] and she fixes it. I dont want that jeep gone bro its already iconic (update: it’s probably gone bro.. sad)
-might be nice for Logan to have a reflection moment where even though all this horrible stuff is happening some good came out of it like he's not a slave to bullies anymore 
-I want to see Ben happy. well actually I want them all happy pls
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trinkerichi · 2 years
im thinking abt osomatsu 
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he’s almost nobody’s favorite character right off the bat, and then everyone who has him as their favorite is SUUUPER heavily introspective about the show because even though he’s the title character he’s probably the hardest to distinguish from the rest when you’re new to the show. He’s the main guy. he’s the default model and all the others are variations. he doesn’t really have a gimmick or a trope to his personality besides maybe gambling and being a jerk. 
BUT its kinda perfect because he Defines the show. he’s the entire reason the rest of the brothers are the way they are. he’s the leader and they all know it and they can’t escape him. and its KINDA SAD. 
OF course they never dwell or focus on any of the incredibly well built up character traits they establish in this show, i could go on forever about that. But for once I really feel like the majority fandom interpretation of Oso isn’t really reaching at all. He holds onto his childish persona and absolutely refuses to grow from it, because that’s what he’s comfortable with. He has a low image of himself, but doesn’t show it or introspect like Ichi does. I’d argue having a shaky sense of identity is kinda the basis of every matsu’s character flaws, but that’s the most true for this guy. He didn’t have to worry about that stuff as a kid. He was the only one with a personality and the rest just followed along. He didnt HAVE to be anything more than that. If he resented being seen as one of six, he didnt realize it until he grew up, and only now does he realize how much it messed him up. And instead of trying to work on it, he’s just desperately trying to maintain the status quo as long as he can. No matter how much the other brothers try to change themselves and become their own people, in either a jokey or serious way, Oso ALWAYS drags them back down to his level again. Even if it hurts them. 
HE HAS GROWN FROM THIS OF COURSE. Very very slowly over the course of the 3 seasons and the movie you can tell he’s a little more willing to try new things and become a little more mature. I mean he couldnt get much worse than ep 24, actually physically hurting the youngest brothers and completely emotionally shutting down when Choro left. But he still kinda does this in less obvious ways in later eps. 
I really loved the analysis they did with him in the episode where he goes on a date with Nyaa Chan. He was joking like “haha im gonna score with her lol” but then she actually asks him out for real and he’s SO TERRIFIED. and it’s hilarious and adorable he’s just hiding under the couch and they have to drag him out kicking and screaming for an hour. He’s so afraid of change. He doesn’t trust himself enough to be a “real adult” and do all the things he’s supposed to do. That’s why he tries to lower everyone’s expectations of him, but when THAT doesn’t work he has no idea what to do. 
While the other’s dilemmas are that they HAD no identity until they became adults, and are desperately trying to compensate by roping themselves into tropes that they don’t even really fit, Oso is the only one who’s stuck with the same role he’s always had, and it doesn’t fit anymore. It’s because he’s grown up now, and because the others dont need him to define the group anymore, and being the big brother doesn’t really matter anymore. so who IS he? 
i didn’t have a point or conclusion to this i just think he’s a very developed and interesting take on a grown up version of a very simply written classic cartoon character and the show gives juuuust enough hints at this for me to be satisfied but i want MORE and i want this for all of the characters cuz im in too deep. thank you for attending my ted talk. next I’ll discuss the “jyushimatsu and concepts” skit and how that boy’s secretly the smartest out of all of them ok bye 
*edit: i forgot i didnt even mention Tougou. I mean he’s not canon to the new show so it doesn’t matter but HONESTLY if he was i wouldn’t even be surprised. With all of Oso’s surprisingly intense baggage, him having some kinda childhood trauma would make a LOT of sense. Especially with how clingy he is with his family and how he hates the thought of them leaving. His comfort in dwelling in the past, sabotaging chances to change their lives. IM JUST SAYING it would make sense. 
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lumity-poggers · 1 year
My thoughts on Watching and Dreaming
I watched the episode when it premeired last night but i hit post limit so couldnt post about it. Spoilers under the cut. sorry if anything is out of order lol im sick and im just throwing everything i thought last night down on this post.
-Luz being attacked by Amity genuinely made me cry
-"My girlfriend is too big a nerd to misremember an Azura quote" -luz probably
-Lilith having the haircut from For the Future but color scheme from season 1 is a nice touch
-"Dont you recognize your siblings" Ok damn man didnt need to go THAT far
-The giant stone Flapjack in Luz's nightmare killed me and not in the good funny way but in the sad crying way
-in the words of @minty-creator "BELOS FUCKETH OFF" (We were both watching the ep and screaming to each other about it)
-at first I thought belos was gonna try and possess king but then I realized no he's going to possess the fucking boiling isles titan
-I actually kinda liked that The Collector had no concept of death. They're a kid, an IMMORTAL GODLY KID. Of course they wouldnt know what death is
-Pacman Collector will haunt my nightmares
-The Collector needs a hug. I want to give them a hug.
-"You know this cant last forever" that was said to the collector but it feels like it was also aimed towards us
-The Archivists 🤝Pink Diamond "Wanna play a game?" *leaves them lonely*
-ok no but seriously the archivists telling Collector to play with the titans only to wipe them out leaving Collector all alone is just fucking cruel
-The Collector is just a lonely kid LET ME HUG THEM
-Me seeing Raine fight back: YES YOU GO
-Goo Belos in this episode looks like William Afton. Like- Remember that fucking fnaf 3 image where the springtrap head was open showing William? Thats what Belos looks like. Or burntrap from SB take your pick.
-Raine my beloved
-The Belos possessed Titan looks like a fucking dragon holy shit
-"Now that's a spinoff I'd watch" You and me both Luz
-The Collector picking up Raine's earring and realizing that the Raine talking to them wasnt actually Raine, and then looking upset is just AAAAAAAA LET ME FUCKING HUG THEM
-I LOVE that when the collector uses "Kindness and Forgiveness" on Belos IT DOESNT WORK. I FUCKING H A T E THAT TROPE OF POWER OF FRIENDSHIP REDEMPTION. It was one of the few things I genuinely hated about Steven Universe (SU is still a good show tho they just kinda overused villain redemption. And yeah yeah you could argue MLP overuses that too but MLP was ABOUT friendship)
-Luz, Eda, and King's expressions when The Collector hugs Belos is so funny tho. Literally just 👁👄👁
-I literally screamed at Luz's sacrifice. S C R E A M E D.
-Gaster Blaster Belos Real
-"Eda, King, looks like we're going to be split up again. I feel like I should be used to this feeling by now, but I still dont know what to say" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
-I like that Luz becomes lights. Not only was the light glyph the first one she learned but her name literally means light.
-Eda, King, and Luz are such a found family I love them
-"I should have thanked them" SCREAMING AND CRYING
-I love that King's dad basically said "Fuck gender"
-I also love that he has a bad girls coven shirt
-Eda makes alchoholic apple blood confirmed?
-Titan Luz is so gender
-Camila best mom
-Luz and King doing the WEH together is so fucking cute.
-For some reason I thought Luz was gonna die again when the titan magic was fading. Like I thought that was keeping her alive.
-Anyone gonna talk about the fact Eda gave Raine a little kiss when saving them from the Belos goop
-the entire episode was so anime but the fight scene between Titan Luz and Belos was just anime as fuck and the smooth animation makes it even better
-Look at how fuckin anime this is I love it so much
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-Luz looks so badass btw idk if I mentioned that
-Belos trying to bullshit his way out of this and Luz having NONE OF IT is so great. I hat the "[insert curse/supernatural thing] made me do it so im innocent" trope if it's done poorly or with a character like Belos. Love that they smashed that into the ground with Luz having fucking none of it.
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-I like the touch that Titan Luz isnt affected by the boiling rain
-King's dad is A PUN MASTER
-the reuniting. oh my titan the reuniting. I cried. Gus doing a little illusion with his dad, Amity hugging Alador (with Odalia rightfully in the sidelines), Hunter telling Darius about wolves, Willow and her dads!
-Darius and Eber so want to beat the shit out of Terra, Vitmir, and Adrien.
-Camila pulling Eda and King into a hug with Luz is just. YES.
-Yassified Hooty go brrr
-King giving The Collector Francois was so sweet
-All the kids as adults are so fucking gender. GIVE ME YOUR GENDER.
-All the photos on Luz's bulletin board are so amazing. Especially the one with Hooty dropping from a tree that one made me laugh so hard. Also the Bi Pride pin next to the graduation photo was amazing.
-"Stringbean's Corner" AWWWE
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-ik im doing two screenshots in a row but LOOK AT THIS PICTURE OF STRINGBEAN
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-When I tell you I screamed with joy when I saw there was a working permanent portal to the Boiling Isles I mean I SCREAMED WITH JOY
-I love Willow's leaf headband. It just fits her so well.
-I love that Hunter is a palismen carver and carved a Blue Jay to be his new palismen (according to Dana on twt the name of the palismen is Waffle. I love it.), but I also love that Hunter was (or maybe still is) Dell's apprentice by the looks of things
-The grave for Flapjack made me sob. And then the "Thank you for finding me" on it im just. I need a moment.
-Also I just realized now they all have matching Flapjack tattoos. Im gonna cry you guys.
-The way Darius just slides over after shaking Alador is the most tsundere anime thing ever.
-Theres a little abomination in Alador's pocket :0
-Raine with white hair is actually so fucking cool
-Gus looks so cool you cannot tell me otherwise.
-Everyone thought Eda would have like a robotic/abomination arm but no SHE HAS A HOOK AND IT'S AWESOME
-King had a growth spurt lets go!
-The quinceanera being called a king-cenera is just perfect. King is mastering the art of puns just like his father.
-King having his own glyph shapes is just perfect I love it!
-Collector making fireworks shooting stars is amazing
Im going to miss toh. It was one of the best shows Ive ever watched.
Edit: I hat the new post editor istg
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mig15faggot · 1 month
okay tumblr heres the deal. im a real dipshit. a real idiot. i really didnt do this on purpose. i lost my keys to the bottom of my purse for about a week and got them replaced so i have a backup set now but i ended up in the psych ward the second time this ramadan and its so hard to observe ramadan in a goddamn psych ward they want you fasting when the suns down its absolutely insane how christian this "laique" private military hospital is. the fort i have to volunteer at again. monfort. they think im a doctor or something but i have a bs degree in philosphy is what i keep telling them
either way i lost my wallet on the bus going to cash a cheque that was a refund for fucking hockey equipment. i bought a helmet, a bunch of tape, and other gear in time to get to play this winter. the sticks i bought out of pocket i had to buy sticks again lol cause i got rid of them during a move at some point along with my mothers walking stick. i cant keep all your bullshit alive mom and dad. sorry.
so basically donations from the internet are no good and i need a brave asshole in or around ottawa to offer me tissues toilet paper and a pack of smokes. i have weed and idc im the queen of france and everyone is too scared to try anything against me. its the middle of the night and id rather bug tumblr than keep texting my best friend.
sorry im like this i swear i didnt lose the wallet on purpose. theres no money on the card theres small change and the guitar pick i used to make my only lp in high school. it sucks cause i had to rush it and produce it all on my own but its lost media now afaik. idk where my hard drive in is this mess.
i dont wanna put my shit out on bandcamp because i hate the culture of asking ten bucks to download ones music. i get it its only ten bucks but this money is quite precarious around my ass and i dont care about getting tied to a wage. sorry my time is worth more than a wage or a salary and im a communist. i dont want to be the bitch asking a toonie for more eps and lps if i ever go back to the god damn studio. i dont want to be the bitch screaming about labor conditions and space jam bullshit in ottawa. this place is cursed and im like the devil or something. the aliens dont want to tie us up to our own bullshit labor contracts. im sorry the $12 million contract from the aliens is just as bullshit dont take it lmao dont offer it either bozos.
the french owe friendship and solidarity to the anishinaabe and im deeply ashamed no ones been brave eough to play the devil king or queen of france at the end times and end the occupation in palestine already. jesus fucking christ youre all assholes here stop playing jesus all of you little martyrs everywhere anyday we couldve had this.
my problem is im friends with joan of arc and anne frank and my mom is journaling my life because she thinks shes doing me and anne franks crowd a favor by being a zionist. forreal my moms a canadian idiot and i kind of hope she killed herself in shame 15 years ago because oh my god i dont want to talk to her for a couple months again fuck off mom the old regent queen of france needs to go back to bed it isnt even six in the morning the birds are singing but its dark af outside i should eat something
zior park made me cave to kpop again go check out christian and ghost sound of the summer. i miss kpop sorry i had to avoid kpop forever hi christian idiots over on the south side stop playing jesus omg youre such communists anyway wake up bozos.
im like the devil or something. im gonna play fma to get my mom back on october 3rd because i didnt forget, tumblr. i didnt forget you guys. idc if i lose an arm or a leg at this point. my brothers safe in his shell already dont go bugging alexandre. "dont call my name alejandro" means dont blast alex too and lady gaga failed that one so im blasting her. my family couldnt shut up about being work acquaintances and sharing family stories with her? sorry i have to blast my family like this theyre all assholes who wanna find out what happened to my mom anyway. and whoever else died.
and idcc lemme live my life holy shit its so structurally impossible to be myself as an autistic trans woman and the funniest bitch on the planet year after year whats my problem? im an ottawa citizen and i have to live a human life as lucifer. lucina. whatever its lucy now. i liberated hell as a child. they taught me ego death as a fucking toddler. amos daragon escaping hell as a teenager and being anxious? thats really cute that was my last airbender shit before nickelodeon caught on to something really special.
go check out amos daragon and berskerk already. and awakening. i wanna bring back pokemon. the real shadow games. fuck yugioh lol
ive got the madoka wish to end suffering in my pocket and ive had it for a long time. i cant believe we lost lauren. she was my homura. im so sorry lauren. rest in peace. please dont try to stop me its okay. ily. no shit i thought i was sayaka all along im like that. ill throw my soul gem into traffic watch me. i hate saying that line so much especially in this town its worse than inshallah. thats trudeaus dad saying hell put security on every mp during the october crisis. enjoy 2024. i hope the leafs win the cup in four years so hell can freeze over already i miss my odrs!! bring back the canal for more than a few days at a time! please?? anyone!? wake up!
#fire emblem#pokemon#montreal to madrid#lady lamb#anyone wake up!!!!#alison from orleans you devil someone go bug ali she showed me this website#this is her backyard i took over hello the internet you needed a special corner and i fucking found it tysm tumblr ily tumblr i cant lose u#ali wake up you might be the more restrained jealous wrathful bitch here but i think the war on ukraine is on you and i dude#forreal stop it with russian agent bullshit wake the fuck up and read lenin#whats the story with anastasia and the shotguns do you want me to tell it id rather ask her in person you know how it is#pokemon go to the polls? that was funny#lemme show you#pokemon go conquest#ottawa#montreal#toronto#cataraqui#idc ill make it a fan game with my friends if nintendo doesnt offer it to us anyway#watch the awakening cutscenes on youtube if you havent played awakening#im lucina wake the fuck up ali and i wished marth would get to be a chick already that was amazing thank you kyubeys at nintendo#that was alisons wish. the ukranian from my siblings school. the lesbian i was bearding with in college. yeah of course#she showed me tumblr how do you think this was gonna end anyway im not letting go of this thing and i bet neither is she#find her!! shes with the fire emblem crowd#lucina was her wish and shes a magical girl and a half this one. shes got a degree in translation now#we met learning german together at uottawa#lady lamb at lamoureux already fuck off other ali we were in arts thats the stairwell to hell#pokemon go conquest alreadyyy#from the malbaie to gaspé to winsor and thunder bay! give us pokemon already!!#(im handing out pokemon cards like no tomorrow joan of arc likes pokemon more than yugioh the king of games is back motherfuckers)#i cant wait to play the rat deck on my friends three blue eyes white quacavals or whatever the fuck the duck starter is called
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e2019 · 5 months
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anyone got any idea why i (USAmerican located in a major city) called 911 but no one ever came? is it possibly because i just dialed the number, pressed the call button, then didn't interact with my phone again in any way at all until after the call was over? no idea how/why the call end btw cuz i'm pretty sure i didn't do that, but also i was so out of it i almost thought i might have either dreamed/hallucinated calling 911 or perhaps dialed the wrong number, bc i also remember my vision was so fuckin blurry i had a really difficult time trying to unlock my phone, find the phonecall app, navigate to the number pad, and enter 911 (shaking so badly + couldnt hardly read so for all i knew it could just as easily have dialed like 877 or something like that).
also, fun fact is you can tell i must have been fucked all the way out of my mind because i would have called 999 instead if i had been at all able to think straight. like, to put into perspective just how dire these straits must have been, just know that in the past when people called 911 for me, the very first thing i did when i came back to (still unable to move or remember anything or think/speak clearly etc) was to berate them for not calling 999 instead.
anyways, that was my first time calling 911, so i'm not personally intimately familiar with the exact process. however other people have called 911 for me multiple times (always with an arrival time of like 5-10min give or take fwiw), and from what they recounted to me of the event(s), i know the first thing that happens after you dial/call 911 is you get an automated menu with… idr how many choices, but i know it's at least 2 (something like “press 1 for police” or “press 2 for ems” & now that i think of it, i'd bet there might also be something like “press 3 for fire department” too maybe, idk). anyways, the point i'm trying to make here is i wonder if maybe the call automatically gets dropped (almost as if it had never been placed to begin with) if you don't select any input(s) at that menu?
another possibility i just thought of rn is maybe 911 did come out to my general area, but they weren’t able to pinpoint my exact location? i notice that gps devices tend to struggle to pick up on any detailed data in this neighborhood that i recently moved to, like you often can't even see any houses or streets, nada. on top of that, i now live in a duplex which i can only imagine must be the world's most confusing construction of its kind because 9/10 delivery people are unable to find my side of the place. you'd think 911 would be equipped with more advanced technology, or at the very least that they'd put some real thorough effort into their search for an emergency, but idk maybe not.
man i even remember stumbling over to the front door, barely able to walk, to unlock the damn thing so that the police/ems wouldn't have to kick the door down or whatever in order to get in. i really did NOT wanna have to pay to fix or replace the door/locks/frame or whatever lol. literally this was incredibly urgent to me, even during what i genuinely believed may very well be my very last couple of seconds or minutes Alive here on this earth. uh huh, proud to say i am certifiably to remain a cheap bastard right up until my bitter end. that's 1 of maybe 2 total good qualities that i inherited from my father, so i'll take it!
Any ways, moving on to my next point of confusion, i'm sure we've all seen how in the movies sometimes if a character gets seriously injured or w/e, then uses up all of their remaining strength to call 911 before passing out without ever hanging up the phone or making any noise loud enough so as to be audible to the 911 operator, well it doesn't matter bc 911 is able to trace the location of the call, and they show up anyways just to check everything out at least. for ex: i recently watched the ep of sopranos (end of s5/start of s6, idr exactly?) where tony gets shot and then both he & 911 do exactly as i described above.
i asked my mom about all of this, and she just seemed to get a little mad at me and said "911 always comes no matter what. you must have been hallucinating. why didn't you call me instead. i would have been over there right away if you called me but didnt say anything." well my call log sure don't lie do it mother fucker!
well, to wrap this up, in hindsight i am actually really fuckin glad that nothing came of this. still now i'm gonna always wonder what if i really had been unable to recover without medical assistance that day? it just doesn't seem right to me that if you're so unwell that you're physically incapable of speaking or seeing or controlling your fine motor functions well enough & for long enough to get thru the 911 door boss, then it's too fuckin bad for you, your sorry ass is gonna get left to die like a dog convulsing & gasping on the floor in a pool of your own sweat, piss, shit, tears, mucosa, & whatever else i can't all remember. i mean come on, if you can tell 911 your location & describe your emergency, then it can't really be all THAT urgent, now can it?
and now i'm always gonna have that in the back of my mind, wondering what if something bad ever happens to me in the future, but i don't get so lucky again? all i know is what happened to me the other day would have been such a horrible death to die, and that's not even to mention the equally horrible state in which my body would have been found (common paranoia of mine btw, y'all don't even wanna know how many times i've found myself trying to decide whether it'd be more humiliating to die in the shower or on the toilet like elvis. i typically seem to prefer the shower/bath tub personally. how about y'all? weigh in in the comments below, and let's settle this once & for all! please god, before it's too late for me).
however & whenever i die, this experience has left me hoping that i will, at The very least, not be aware enough of anything whatever might be happening to me for any such panicked & ashamed thoughts the likes of which ran thru my head so uncontrollably that scarcely any of them were fully comprehensible at the time. i tried to imagine just how wild of a case study some doctors might write about my death, the kind of thing you read & say to yourself, "i can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to try that in the first place," or perhaps something along those lines.
but looking back on it, let's just say one thing i learned is that if the events of the other day serve as any indication at all, then what i'll regret more than anything when (and if) i'm old & laying down to die in my death bed when my life suddenly flashes before my eyes will be neither some cliche like "missed opportunities" nor any of the plethora of poor life choices that i've made (not to mention all those that i likely have yet to make). my biggest regret is bigger than any of that. that i now must live with the memory for the rest of my days (however many or few i may have left is anyone's guess, apparently) is a fate worse than death, despite the fact that i was the sole witness (and hardly a true "witness" at that, considering that i was at least halfway blind and more than halfway out of my fucking mind thru it all) to the event.
i'm deeply ashamed to admit this, but i keep no secrets here on my tumblr blog, so here it is: my biggest regret is shitting my pants and then calling 911 without first taking a shower. thank fucking god no one came to check on my call. i think i genuinely may have died that day had that happened, of embarrassment that is. if not, certainly would have been suicide at my next available opportunity. there's some shit (pun intended, of course, haha) in this life you just can't ever come back from.
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glassesandkim · 3 years
ok so anon sent me a rant that i asked for and I want to answer it but under a cut so we don’t have to spam the dash. 
Click under the read more if you want to read me and anon’s rant on grey’s anatomy s17 finale
anon said: “Magston... what the hell lmao. They literally had a whole plot in 1716 about postponing their wedding so they could do it right (with family) and then winston was getting all mad about it and thought maggie was backing out (even though its a pandemic and theyve only been engaged for like what? 3 months tops). Then they flew their older parent/grandparent out (in the middle of a pandemic and severely affects old people), only to have them object to the wedding at the ceremony and then they postpone anyways???? What???? They couldnt have done that over the phone lmao like I liked the idea of magston a lot in s16 but their arc this season made me hate them so much lol. Sometimes I think theyre less developed than schmico (like which writer decided to marry them this season ????? Fireable offence imo considering they have no previous relationship history Im pretty sure and Im pretty sure they were only dating/engaged for like a year???? Even if the show was ending a moving in together/dating/engagment endgame would have worked for them? Anyways).”
First of all: what the fuck is grey’s obsession with marriage?????
It might just be me, but take it from someone who worked in the wedding industry for 3 years, and lemme tell you: weddings are fun, beautiful, amazing, but they’re also hella for the privileged. YOU KNOW IT CAN COST UP TO $700 CAD TO HIRE AN OFFICIANT??? So the job Richard had? He could’ve made an easy few hundies. 
I really hate how fucking fake and badly acted that scene was when Maggie’s dad and Winston’s grandma objected to the marriage. Why did they wait until then and EMBARRASS both of them???? Like you said, what the hell was the point of last episode’s whole debacle???? They could’ve just not done that plot in ep 16 and had them get married anyway in ep 17 and had someone object to their marriage. 
Can’t believe Maggie flew two old people around the country during a goddamn pandemic. How irresponsible is it???? Again, I don’t know if it’s because they’re just way more relaxed in the states than where I’m from but wth....
anon said: Okay and then amelink. I LOVED how amelia was written this episode, but in the context of the time jump it was kind of weird? Like amelia was feeling this way about marriage/more kids for 8-9 months and never even hinted to link that she wasnt interested? And I like to think link respects amelia a lot, so why didnt he bring up marriage again before proposing? Or ask mer/maggie what they thought about him proposing? I can understand her not talking to link about her concerns but I find it hard to believe she didnt bring it up with mer/maggie once in that time frame? Idk it was just rushed and weird. And amelia clearly wasnt okay with the fostering thing and he still went with it anyways lol.
I can’t remember and I don’t care enough to go watch the ep, but did Amelia and Link move out of Mer’s house? 
The only good thing about this episode was Amelia, especially her conversation with Richard (in that not very Seattle courtyard rofl HONESTLY GREY’S PUT SOME EFFORT IN YOUR SETS. YOU KNOW YOUR ENTIRE SHOW IS SET IN SEATTLE RIGHT/???? LIKE MAKE IT RAIN IN THAT COURTYARD TO REFLECT HOW AMELIA FEELS IDK GAWD)
I also can’t believe Amelia would just be like, welp! I guess I’m a double mom now of my own child and this random crotch child that my baby daddy promised to his best friend. And oh ya, I don’t want anymore children but shhh its a secert.
I mean, I know Amelia technically fostered before but ............. (i’ll continue this in the next segment)
anon said: And the fostering thing... Jo’s plot was weird this ep too lmao. Like maybe Im just dumb but they never explained why she failed her background check? Idk this plot would have been a much better season long arc than a one episode arc lol. Although I think the single parent thing might be fun next season (the weird jo/levi friendship will be worth it if we get schmico babysitting)
They didn’t really explain why she failed her bg check. I also don’t know how money can fix her failed background check.
Also how fucking shady is it that Link and Amelia fostered a child? Wouldn’t the foster people want to give a child to a stable family who, let’s think, ARE MARRIED and HAVE A HOME OF THEIR OWN?
Who’s the dumbass in the writer’s room that thought of this ludicrous convenient solution for Jo? Only people with that much money and power can steal children. 
I really thought Jo’s fight for Luna should’ve started earlier and when it didn’t start, I thought it would bleed into next season. It’s not easy to adopt a child. 
anon said: Also is our last jackson appearance on this show really a random facetime with jo? Would have much rather had a face maggie to congratulate her on her marriage (why wasnt he there???) 
Maggie’s kind of his step sister or whatever the f they are. Jackson could’ve taken a break from solving racism to attend his family member’s wedding, right?
anon said: Okay and then the interns... we never actually saw mer teaching them? Im hoping that theres a bigger intern/resident focus next season because of mers new job but now Im not optimistic haha. And why are the residents and interns grouped together? And why was levi so involved with mer’s patient that he wasnt pulled from the wedding to help???????? Its a double lung transplant get the upper year resident in there PLEASE!!! Or at least let him take over the surgery when mer passed out. Cristina would have been doing this shit in her intern year. I assure you he would much rather be at the surgery than the wedding of someone he has never interacted with. And Surely that surgery would have been better if more than 2 surgeons were working on it?????? my ONLY hope is that the time jump means we’re getting helm and levi aged up to 5th years and we get some chief resident/specialization/boards plots for them next year.
i hate grey’s and their ridiculous time jumps and blatant disregard to HOW THIS WILL AFFECT THE CAREERS OF THEIR RESIDENTS. 
I bet, like Teddy’s child, Levi and Helm are gonna be residents for 10 years and never choose a speciality. I want to revoke grey’s rights to call themselves a medical drama. There’s nothing medical about this show.
(Okay, I’m also sure the basin would be sterile but I can’t. I can’t believe in real life, they’d have the same hands hold a basin and a human organ. Someone who’s a doctor or works in the OR, tell me if I’m right. I need to know. )
Also, Bailey taking off her mask when she’s hugging Mer after the surgery. Right TO JAIL!
anon said: And finally... not half of maggies wedding guests ditching the wedding to go stand in a hallway and clap for mer LMAO like they couldnt have done that the next day??? Like I said before, most of this episode was comedy lol.
it’s COVID. Why are people going into the hospital unnecessarily??????
Yes, but you’re right. I gotta watch these eps like it’s a comedy or I’ll LOSE MY FACKING MIND
anon said: Redeeming parts of this episode: merhayes still has potential, need them to stop having the same scene over and over again though. Nico ily and alex get that cheque for sitting there, dancing, and clapping for ellen. Jo selling her shares to koracick... lmao. Bokhee and the other nurse getting their vaccines :’)
LOL @ merhayes having the same interaction. I was telling some people that I’d love for Hayes and Owen to have some scenes and for Hayes to kick Owen’s ass. Because like @schmico-ing said, Owen is a child collector and Hayes would absolutely fucking hate him.
YES ALEX LANDI GETTIN’ THAT DOUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. What an amazing job. I hope he gets paid in the 6 figures for his time at grey’s.
I don’t know how I feel about Koracick. I love caring Koracick. I hate asshole Koracick. I feel like they’re two different people. 
Anyways, love your rants. I look forward to them when s18 starts or even whenever you have the odd urge to rant!
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yibo-wang · 3 years
🥺 let's rename saturday to yiboday <3 btw have u watched squid game 👀 and if you did, did you like it? 👀👀
we're getting better, my sister started work again today and my mom's meds are really helping her 🥺👉👈
you thinking about me when people talk about genshin >>>>>>>>> OHHH BTW HU TAO RERUN IN 2.2 OMG AKSKKSKSKSK basically hu tao is one of the strongest dps in the game and KAKSJSJSK I HAVE HER GUARANTEED!! also thoma will be on her banner and he's new!! he's a pyro polearm who has a shield 🥺 from what i calculated sayu will have her rerun on hu tao banner soooo 👀
also a new character got leaked to be one of the banners in 2.3 !! we can't trust this leak for sure (but tbh when can we) but it's apparently itto !! he's supposed to be a geo claymore aka i'm falling in love w him. claymore users are my absolute fav, idc if he might be bad i'll get him anyways !! CLAYMORE USERS ARE JUST ASKKSKEKKSKSIDIDIDIJ people say they're too slow or feel too heavy but imo they're just really cool. their playstyles are all very cool and unique?
eula's is very fast and elegant for a claymore user, beidou ABSORBS damage and multiples it when she deals it out, chongyun makes all your attacks cryo which is a good combo if u have a cryo dps or he's ur dps, diluc is pretty good at applying pyro, noelle is a shield/healer (tho i don't like her) and xinyan & razor, actually eula too, are physical dps who excel at dealing damage without relying on elemental reactions. idk they're all just so cool???
anyways i'm a bit tipsy so aksksk not everything might make sense i-
oh also look at my babies 🤧🤧 i took these pics yesterday and sent them to chai on discord sooo 🥺
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the white one is navi, the grey-ish one a-zhan and uh well the other one doesn't have real name rn bcs i keep changing it-
but yeah i'm rewatching squid game rn while drinking wine sooo 🤧 ily aamna <33 i hope ur exams go well 🥺❤❤❤
Jfjfjf 100% here to make saturdays yiboday. I did! I kinda got spoiled for the last few ep tho lol so I gave up after that fjfkfk. I watched it for hoyeon jung ngl and I wasn't disappointed apart from like.. *spoilers* what happened to her 😔
I'm glad to hear that! <33
Jdjfkfk you're literally the source of all my genshin knowledge 😂 anything I know I owe it to you haha
The new guys sound cool, glad you got you the one you wanted! Tell me how itto turns out to be when (if) he does get released.
aww horses 🥺 babies also 'the other one doesnt have a real name rn cause I keep changing' djfk me when I couldnt decide on what to name Oreo
Ahh I hope the rewatch goes well (pain aside 🤧) ly2 bb! take care of yourself! 💛
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sapphosclown · 3 years
hsmtmts 207 spoilers !!
felt like rewatching it here’s me thoughts 🤪
the 2 seconds of gini content love to see it
ok nini said the song means so much to her and then repeatedly tells ricky it means nothing 🤨
ej and ricky talking in the beginning 🥰
kourtneys like cut away where she’s giggling ab howie i love her
i love her except keep ur phone on silent queen 😚
“i… have.. abs???”
“i also padded the tush for you” “aw thanks i actually needed that”
“i would” LMAO
nini why are those heart eyes at gina so aggressive 😏
“we have to get even… right?”
why are they all so stupid i love them
everyone was so shocked gina volunteered to be look out
ok but don’t leave nini and kourtney unsupervised either bc they actually stole ginas stuff too 😁
ginas so pretty
Anyways kourtney is also cute as hell in this ep
sorry i don’t like miss jen romance plots
“what’s your name” oh shit oh fuck oh shit what do i do- “diane”
north high extra making gina uncomfy for 1 minute straight
that’s the face of a lesbian who doesn’t wanna talk to this man if i’ve ever seen it
“can i get your snap” is so funny to me
it’s the way they’re bad lookouts
why the fuck did they make nini wear a tie under that shirt
that’s literally just mean whyd they do that
if they dressed me like that i’d probably wanna leave the show too /j
the only connection to hsm they have now is still calling them wildcats
i think they should’ve incorporated more hsm songs instead of periodically calling then wildcats when that’s not even their real mascot
“oh yeah? what isle we BOP TO THE TOP” good try babe
ej and gina being the only ones excited
don’t fucking talk ab ashlyn like that
gina standing up for ash so true
“miss jen said not to dance with the enemy” miss jen: 💃💃
sorry don’t care much for this performance
in the mean time i was eating a cheese pizza lunchable and both of the cheeses taste the exact same
rickys like fuck ur compliment… what is the compliment
it wasn’t even a compliment that was so bitchy
ricky doesn’t even like her but he looks back at her later
ik theyre just trying to break up the couples but i like that ashlyn is the center of a love triangle
plot twist red is jealous but also has a crush on antoine
tom holland on stilts
no ash loves him so much aw
also how can anyone see ej in that shirt and think straight man ik that’s stereotyping or something but COME ON
he knew damn well he was being rude
EJ “yesssss” LMAO I LOVE HIM
it’s ok ej i think the mob song is great (this version at least i haven’t heard the og sorry)
he didn’t have to be bitchy telling nini to leave
sad she didn’t perform but also i think she would’ve looked goofy lol
i’m gonna watch the performance cause i like it but here’s what i remember
ej shouldve gotten a solo
why does ricky have a guitar
ashlyn absolutely ate that blonde bitch up
red too absolutely ate
yk who else ate. carlos
also kourtney and gina advancing so true
although their dancing looked kinda weird cause it was just them idk anyways
um yeah this performance is fun i’m watching it now
i didn’t notice when i watched the first time but whyd the captions spoil it was howie 😐😐
jealous red looked so funny
also east high won sorry
seb that’s what i said they should’ve had a judge
nini really said oh well we’ll do it anyways like no queen you’ll literally be disqualified
rickys kinda right the song doesn’t really fit it’s too much of a pop song not musical theater
look back
i can’t believe the mf teacher took the mask. how fucking pathetic.
i don’t like that nini won’t fucking talk to ricky about how she feels even when he tries to talk to her like guys you could fix your relationship very easily
also anti romantic portwell it makes me so uncomfy
although howie being the beast i- plot twist idk how i didn’t see that coming
i like that her music she’s going by nina i think that’s kinda fun
also the preview… i stg ej and gina are gonna have some sort of moment and i’m gonna hate it
if ej doesn’t have a good amount of screen time i’m rioting
the preview pictures looked like ricky and nini make up
ok that’s all i think thank you
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daisugababy · 3 years
Idk why but it kinda rubbed me the wrong way this ep that levi had his big “im a doctor” moment in an episode that dealt with racism, BLM protests, and a covid denier. Like I dont think that moment for him could have been overshadowed more. In a show based on the development of residents into doctors, you would think levi, as the only resident lead, would be a great character for them to explore that with ... like Im cool with then doing racism and covid stories but like this levi plot couldn’t have been in one of the other episodes? They couldnt have gone halfsies on the teddy episode? Or they couldnt have fit it in the 2 eps where teddy was on leave and levi with mer might make sense? The tie in with lexie (died while still a resident) was literally right there?? (Greys has lowkey done a shit job incorperating mer this season too like all her cut scenes are just teddy saying “mers condition is getting worse” and then cut to mer on the beach lol)
ok so i might be putting my foot into my mouth, but i gotta try saying it:
the way grey’s approaches real life societal issues is just bad. just really really bad. the writing is shit, it’s slapped in your face via two half-assed preachy monologues and that’s it.
grey’s didn’t have to make a full blm protest episode, smacking in every headline they remembered from the last year. it feels exploitative. watching it made me so uncomfortable. not bc the issue is uncomfortable, but bc the way they present it feels so icky. 
the writers should know their abilities in writing such a storyline and then think long and hard about whether they want to go all the way with it, or not. in my opinion, it would’ve been better for them to stay the fuck away from it and instead, have their characters be actively anti-racist!!
don’t exploit the traumatic experiences of black people to come up with a storyline if you then combine it with other plots. it’s gross. they should’ve just stayed away from it OR at least fully dedicate the episode to it. it was a very weird dynamic this week.
maybe i’m being ignorant tho and this was a good episode. i don’t know. tell me if i’m wrong.
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enchanted--realm · 3 years
When Calls the Heart Live Ramples
S8 ep 11 Changing Times or something like that
Omg the opening!! Nathan at Elizabeth's house in the morning. First of all, kind of scandalous (even my mom was like 😉) And then all those lowkey kinda highkey sexy inclinations. 'Take off your red serge' 'warm you up'. That was a heated scene, I-- 😏I loved it. And yes he did the most adorable thing with the flowers! That was so cute how he presented them. I also loved the easy references about Jack. It's become much easier for E to talk about him in passing without all the emotion hitting her and it's especially nice that it doesnt cause lots of discomfort between her and Nathan. I loved the way she automatically went to button his serge. They are so married. Ugh that scene was just the best and I can't believe that we actually got something like that. I was not expecting anything remotely similar to that so it was real treat tonight.
Lucas definitely sees the love between her and Nathan. And from his talk with Carson I suppose he's already started to move on. And yo Lucas finally took himself out of the equation and told Elizabeth he's setting her free! Boy beat her to it and left with some dignity. I felt for him though in this episode and want him to find happiness with someone else. Hopefully when they write Lucas as a romantic interest with someone else (as they most likely will do at some point) they wont write his character to be so rude like he's been lately.
Moving on, I like how with the school inspector, he isnt some enemy that's easy to hate. It's actually very clear that he's a man who likes his job in the education system and he just wants what's best for the students. Honestly, when he was walking with E and explaining his point of view, I had to agree. I mean, Angela would require so much more attention from E and she's only one person. There's no way she could teach her class at the speed she's been doing, while also teaching Angela and at the same time learning how to read braille herself and teach a blind student for the first time. That's too much for one teacher to handle. I wonder, since Ned's daughter is a teacher in Hamilton, would she come and assist Elizabeth? I doubt it since she seemed to really like her life in Hamilton, but it's a theory. I guess this school inspector drama will be s9 plot bc how can they solve that in one episode left of the season? It's being set up very well I must say.
Ok. Clara. Very quickly, her shirt was way low cut for the times. Quite the scandal that was. Second, I really liked her crying scene when she was talking to Lee. The way she took those sharp inhales, and her change in voice. I really believed it. 👏 Applause for Eva, well done. That whole plot with the business man wanting to build a factory!! It was really good. I mean, how annoying, but it makes for good plot so I like it.
Ah! And Rosemary! The way she fell off that horse! I was kind of scared for her when she was facing those men alone. Ohhh I was really feeling for Rosemary in this whole episode. I thought it was so funny the way she was taking over Lee's office. And oh yay she wants to start the newspaper that's wonderful. I really need her and E to make up. I dont like watching either of them being sad and hesitant around each other. And omg the police that Rosemary ran into at the property. I mean, wow. That man. He was so BIG. Don't mess with him. You run into him down the street you go the other way bc that guy looks like he can take anyone down lol. His face and voice were so intimating too, just overall, dont mess with that guy.
So glad that Carson is moving on from Faith. Omg I couldnt take anymore of them. It was kind of annoying the way Faith kept saying she didnt want Carson to propose, and yet whenever she was with him she was all smiley, like. Girl, talk to the man and tell him you dont want to be with him anymore. Yeah that's my only complaint. Glad that's all done with.
I loved how Elizabeth asked for Bill's help with the school board situation. That whole plot is looking really good and well developed. Oh and the way Elizabeth looked at Nathan from a far when Lucas visited her at the school *spoken in true Hope Valley fashion* 'Oh!' She so loves him.
And I absolutely LOVED the late night rainy scene with Elizabeth holding baby Jack and singing to him😭 That was so beautiful and loving❤ one of the best parts of the whole episode and there were many tonight. I love it whenever people sing on this show, especially when it's a truly heartfelt moment. I just---* deep sigh* It was a good episode tonight.
Quick last thing, where's Ned? He didnt come back with Florence? Weird. Also Florence looked beautiful in that outfit, I loved her shirt. So beautiful.
Overall, such a good episode. So many scenes central to Elizabeth and her plotline, which apparently even though she's the main character I need to be grateful for bc she doesnt get enough screentime normally. That preview for next week was just too much. Omg the way they present the love triangle I-- how cliche and cringe could they be. Whatever I'm still so so sooo excited for the finale!! Hearties for the win! Team Nathan for the win!!
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Tma season 2 notes baybeee
I made myself take several breaks so I could give my frie d who is listening to it at the same time as me a chance to catch up. Honestly just posting them so I have them saved somewhere but whatever.
ep 41: real graham wrote keep watching before he was replaced. Jon feels like he's being watched. But they werent replaced by things related to the eye. It's the web that's on the box that replaces them. Endless hallways and doors to nowhere. I bet nicholas will have ideas what entity this relates to. If it even does. They're like the tunnels in the one with the builder guy. Tunnels closing in etc. Also like the cave diving one. He's assuming it's just one
ep 42: so 100 gecs? (IM SORRY I LIKE 100 GECS BUT LMAO) so there's some entity related to music right? There's the piper episode and the 27 w/ the calliope. Ah yes, this season is gonna be the season of Paranoid!Jon
ep 43: section 31? fucking books. god no. smashed lights? cult lady did that. covered the lights too. she mentioned a spooky clown doll. thats not random.
ep 44: is this that same circus that got mentioned before? it is! the pipe organ! pop off organ! pipe off! mouth on the stomach! yes! mouths in unusual places my beloved!
ep 45: antiques! like that one ep!
ep 46: every time books get mentioned i sigh. hhh sus smells. it got brighter. I get the vibes occasionally that the dark and the eye are sorta at odds with eachother. GRRR BARK BARK LEITNER. ayyy ex altiora. entity go brr. which entity do we thing it is? my guess is The Dark. The book buyer's name is Mike. He has scars? Electricity? The childhood friend of the guy who got it later on perhaps? The Vast? its formatted like an entity idk. This happened before the other one. He got trapped in the wood carving. a win for the web lol spiders go brr
ep 47: did i hear spiral? ITS THE NOT THING FROM THE EPISODE WITH NOT GRAHAM "it didnt move, it shifted" is like the exact same sentence as before. ay john's starting to remember. the laughing woah thats weird. is "michael" one of the entities? "you make it seem like theres a war" supports my theory that theres a struggle between a couple of the entities. I said i thought it was the eye and the dark i believe but im not sure. its whatever entity michael is vs the worms? what did nicholas say the worms were again? The Corruption? still dont know which one michael is tho.
Had to take a break after that episode. smth about the quality of michael's voice makes me feel like im gonna slip into one of those states where it feels like nothing is real, so i got a nice cold glass of water.
ep 48: jesus ok this one's kidna corny. you're telling me love made the crowd go away come on now. Ur losing it big J. also shouldnt it be more sus that "sasha" is so unaffected by the worm incident/ finding of gertrude's body
ep 49: haven't we heard hector's name before? oh is he the crime guy? fucking jared... so it's a throat? chompa chompa. (it's just a little bit hot) the good part about these episodes is that we know whoever's telling the story isn't gonna die. even if it's a close call, they're not dead. hotworth? ok not jared keay. it bothers me how theres so many repeated names, can they not come up with other names? "sasha"'s computer is breaking... sus. Elias our favorite weed man! jon ur so paranoid lmao
ep 50: robert smirk, at it again. this is like that one episode with the old dude who locked his door. who said idle beforehand? was it smirk? fingertips. thats so weird lmao. bahahah tim
ep 51: simon fairchild. im sure jon will mention the name at the end i cant remember where we've heard it. this is just like the cavediving episode. a hand? there was a hand in the last one right? the scalpel! and an eye thing. she's trying to throw them off.
ep 52: thats the guy from before! with the hearts! god i hate this guy writing the statement hh. lights blowing, and brackish water. we know how this ends but its still tense. rainer? reigner? rain man. we've seen him before
ep 53: pls not a leitner. oh boy mans scratched out his eyes. rip skelly. why would gertrude have had this statement off the books? jon stabbed himself?? bruh im? big man are you okay
ep 54: cockney boys! ayy its our favorite delivery men. she cut out their eyes. she knew that the eye was a thing?
ep 55: oily residue like the retirement home!
ep 56: worms? no. spiders?? bruhh. aaah yelling :(( aww martin anyways yeah i called it about paranoid!jon he needs to take a nap and drink some hot chocolate and calm down for once please
ep 57: just remembered, i think theres an entity called The Lonely?? This feels pretty lonely idk. fairchild, lukas/ lucas, some spooky place in norway idk. "sasha" knew he was recordinig hmm suspicious cmon jon figure it out. Sasha and tom. hm sus. for records sake i feel liek i should note here that I did have it spoiled to me simply that that's not sasha, but thats really all. i assumed it was like the thing that happened to graham in S1
ep 58: i feel like i recognize the name eustice (?) wick. someone please tell me im not just watching jon's descent into madness over the course of this podcast. im hoping it isnt so but, (and pardon the dsmp reference) im getting real wilbur vibes from this one.
ep 59: oh dear ok account from the fielding house. swirling designs? Spiral time? oh boyy. oh wait! 6 inch hole in the middle! is it not a spiderweb type design on the table? thats what i had assumed but that description sounds more like a spiral thing. cobwebs is a Web thing. ayy nicholas was right! the box goes in the table! the place that she kissed him was burning. Raymond is an avatar of The Web and agnes is the burning one. Lightless Flame! Why did she save him? i guess she was against this guy eating ppl or wtvr but why was she at the halfway house then? I think she's like michael.
ep 60: the eye go brr
ep 61: breacon and hope once again. tom. sasha's boyfriend. vampires sleep in coffins. the guy just walking in seems similar to the mind control of the vampires
ep 62: bones! its that one leitner. is this mother keay? the mom of gerard? this is what happened to her right? her skin was found on hooks? oh yeah thats what i thought the pages are made of skin. yeesh. The End!! sounds like an entity. phrased like one, and i think i remember it. are the people trapped in the pages? or... kept?
ep 63: eaten by the darkness! cavediving episode! (just like eaten by the sky) did my brain make up one called The Vast? it feels like it should be one, and all these episodes have some similar description about their feelings when they do whatever chosen hobby they have. ok now this one kinda feels like the dark. lights going out and all that. ok so not really a The Vast thing, its more of a Dark thing. feckin smirk gah.
ep 64: dice! the death guy! the death game thing! the person tricked somebody else into becoming death and then they were immortal? but if the egyptians wanted to kill him or punish him or whatever couldnt they just kill him? it worked in the end when he had the person giving the statement stab him, that did the job and actually killed him
ep 65: finally jon is actually acknowledging something is wrong.
So we know Mary Keay was revived most likely with the book by gerard.
Gertrude was way more aware of the entities than Jon. mary keay referenced The End openly and she cut the eyes out of her magazines and all that which makes me think she was aware of The Eye
ep 66: please not buried alive pleeaase not buried alive. lukas of the tundra? didnt we hear the name lukas before? she wanted it to be difficult to find important files because that way bad people couldnt find them?
ep 67: agnes... the girl in the hilltop house? agnes poppin off!! he's really not gonna question how she knew where he lived?? oh no D: the tree. were they the ones working on the house? aww they kissi- OH DEAR. why did she kiss him? it seemed like she cared about him? also she could kiss that other dude on the cheek and he was fine, but maybe it was cuz she was younger? lightless flame go brrrrr.
ep 68: oh god books. yup its bitchboy leitner. mans said "this seems supernatural, its a werd book!" bruuh.
ep 69: heh nice. aw cmon jon listen to martin. gahhh spiders. is that the class we heard about in the other doctor one with the teeth apple? some kind of psych class? oh dear. fucking spiders. aaaah. web do be goin brr. it's like the girl in the homeless shelter! who made the guy leave and she took his bed.
ep 70: is this gonna be the book that mary keay had? Most likely a leitner no matter what. Oh boy latin. Why did it start in latin then become old English? I'm guessing people put them in the book? He cant burn it. Phrophecies go brr. He says eh it's a decade in the future it's fine. Its gonna have changed. Ayy called it. Just accept it, it's a magic book. His death is getting closer. Leitner didnt make them but just collected them? Gertrude burned the book! She burned them down there so no one would know.
ep 71: oh boy tunnels. Our favorite thing /s. is The Buried a thing? Idk this seems pretty buried. Oh dear he's trapped here isnt he. "Not enough space to move, never enough to breathe" is that from the computer episode? With the guy who uploaded his consciousness? Somebody living down there. Hmmmm. Guesses: tom, sasha's boyfriend. Gertrude herself? (Though I doubt it)
ep 72: sweeney todd moment. Meat. The slaughter? Idk we'll see what the supernatural part is. Meat is meat. Similar to the slaughterhouse episode. Is it fucking Jared I swear to God it better not be. Hooligan teenagers, you know how it is. Meat is me lmao. Is the kid gonna be in the freezer. Ok that's good. OWW. Oddly textured candles. Made from people? Human fat or smth? Tom from the meat processing plant!
ep 73: outer bay shipping. Bet it's a subset of breacon and hope delivery. The Dark go brrr. Uh oh mans is gonna die. Leo or whatever. Cult ppl go brr. The people's church of the divine host. Who is the divine host? Is it reigner or whatever his name is? I dont think Jon can quit tbh. Probably an anonymous tip but from who?? One of the entities?
ep 74: fucking teeth hhh. I dont know which entity is related to teeth. Spiral. Isnt the spiral an entity. It feels like it could be related to many things idk. Yeah this sounds like the spiral. Heart attack at 29? Jesus... michael! That's kinda what I was thinking. Sasha goin in the tunnels. Hmm sus. They move the floor. Wack. Bet its tom.
ep 75: Man with a lightning scar. Has one of the leitner books. The childhood friend of the one who first introduced us to leitner. Oh my god that sounds terrifying. Michael crew.
ep 76: scalpel? Hmm spooky. NotSasha... think jon think.
ep 77: another double! NotThem, The Stranger. Not related to the table?
ep 78: what was that at the beginning? Question mark?? Oh boy more NotThem. Decker... what is the deal with the table. Does it contain the creature? Fucking Michael. Bitchboi himself.
ep 79: yes pop off martin. Ugh fucking Michael just leave man. I hate that dude. New person. Hmm. No idea who it is.
ep 80: shitener himself! Ok sir tell us the entities. Ayy The Spiral. Ok we know what that one is. The Eye is the beholding! Oooh. The Stranger. Did elias just kill leitner? Popping off honestly.
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donaeis · 4 years
simmer - get to know
by @cupcakegnome​
i was tagged by the amazing @whyhellosims​ and couldn’t pass up on this awesome opportunity to allow yall to get to know me a bit better! 💖
your name: I went on discord a few years ago for some sims help and just named my account Figaro after my favorite horse without really thinking about it... then I actually got hooked on discord and my friends started calling me Fig, so... fig it is! here’s the real fig, though, for those who are interested:
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hes more amazing than i could ever dream to be.
languages you speak: dutch, english, german (i'm gonna go as far as to say dutch and german are mutually intelligible, and tho this gives a bit less of an incentive to actually learn german when germans will understand ur dutch just fine, it also makes learning german significantly easier). I tried to learn greek but even after years and years i just couldnt get past the alphabet LOL. the only greek I know are the bits and pieces I learned from my time spent there, but id have 0 idea how to actually spell that stuff out.
are you a mermaid: if only!! i do feel a very strong connection to water, though—my dad built his own sailing boat and traveled the world with it, and during his travels me and my sis been visiting a lot, living on his boat with him while we did
your play style: so, so story-driven... even when I tell myself I just wanna play the game without a story for once I end up with one by the end of my play session anyway.
your selfsim picture:
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stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: I do stories most of all, but also like regular gameplay, my stories will for a very large part be game-driven, and from time to time ill post some builds. ive done a lookbook too. basically the only thing that wont have too much of a focus on my blog, despite my using it, is cc
your favorite age state: YA
your favorite season: winter
your favorite holiday: talk like a pirate day!
how was your day: actually absolutely terrible LOL. hungover, lost my temper on both a customer as well as a coworker... at least i got through it. 😂
your favorite career: admittedly, I rarely actually play careers cause my sims are way too busy or too dumb to actually be able to go there. if I had to choose any, though... I might actually go with the military
your favorite aspiration: the one that the most of my sims have completed is Friend of the World, cause I like for my sims to be sociable so it doesnt take too much effort to complete it anyway, and the reward of relationships never decaying is great
your favorite EP, SP or GP: vampires will always hold a special place in my heart, but I also absolutely love strangerville! if I had to choose any one favorite, id go with that one.
how old is your simblr: I posted some stuff in march last year but havent been active since, like, november? december? something like that
have you woohooed: yes
your favorite skill: charisma, cause theyll develop it automatically as I play
the size of your mods folder: 2.77 GB
your 3 favorite mods: mc command center, npc control, and personality please (links) are the three mods i absolutely couldn’t play without
your interests (other than sims): writing, dancing, creating (i love things like character creation), horse riding & anything involving animals, really.
your favorite sim (picture if possible): this is actually incredibly difficult for me cause im not sure i have 1 favorite. a lot of sims of mine will always hold a special place in my heart. my favorite sim to play fluctuates a lot... but god, if i had to choose any favorite sim whom i really completely made through sims and who was not a non-sims character already precious to me turned into a sims character.... itd probably be tika. hes an asshole but man, do i just love him and especially his story.
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which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): the sims 1, 2 and 4
propose a crazy scheme: the sims community actually coming up with some GOOD sims 4 qualities for once 
best part of simblr: the amazing people I got to meet on here!
worst part of simblr: hmm... though i feel its much much less toxic than places like youtube or even the official forums, there is still some negativity here sometimes
what other games you play: im kind of a noob with other games, honestly. I used to play a whooole bunch of horse-related games (am a total horse girl), and I played the battle for middle earth (also looove me some LOTR). used to go to my childhood best friend's house to steal her brother's xbox and play gta iv on it, and I bought gta v for myself but sadly, I suck too bad at games to actually progress any with it
other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): im on wordpress (here). i also mod a sims-based, lgbtq+ discord server called simsclub 
are you single: very happily so, yes.
im tagging @wesunnysimmer​, @nyteroseshadowthorn​, @amuhav​, @chaosxsims​, @silverspringsimmer​, @polishsimmersblog​ and well, uh... basically anyone that wants to do this! feel absolutely free to ignore this if you dont want to. 
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
back at it again w/the hxh, heres my recap of the last few eps 
ok so i totally forgot to recap that one ep at the end of the hunter exam arc lets see what i remember from like 3 wks ago lollll
i thiiiiink i left off in the middle of ep 21 lol. i really dont remember much tbh so im gonna skim the ep to refresh
exposition time! its so wild that if you lose ur hunter card That It like u cant get another or retake the exam hgabjdfuhasjf Ls 
also the fact that you can sell it is rlly interesting 
leorio & kurapika backing up gon as he confronts illumi again :’) good lil family 
illumi u fool. gon is a shounen protag. he can do anything he sets his mind to
the fact that gon thanks illumi for telling him where killua is....hes literally THAT polite like...what a perfect boy 
hisoka just fuckgin stepping out of the shadows....ok bitch 
the fact that gon fucked up illumis arm that bad with one hand....boi is STRONK 
ok but like is illumi implying that hisoka is a fr p*do bc uhhhhh thats so nasty oh lord. pls stay away from gon, and killua, and like everyone as a matter of fact 
no but rlly what IS hisoka gonna do now. im assuming he’ll show up p soon (tho probs not in the zoldyc arc like i thought bc its shorter than i thought) 
ok the fact that they have the internet is hilariously wild to me for some reason....it just seems like this would be one of those fantasy shounen worlds with very little tech (a la one piece) but lol nope we can just google shit hvbhjdhjdfks
gon: it was fun when you beat me up for 3 hours and broke my arm! seeya dude!
i love gon he is so chill and doesnt seem to hold grudges except when it really matters (like hisoka and illumi) 
hanzo has.....ninja business cards....thats amazing hvbhsdjkujfnd
dont worry pokkle, leorio was basically carried thru the hunter exam by various people and also won by default. he still deserves his license tho
an exotic game hunter sounds pretty cool! i wonder if we’ll see pokkle again. kinda doubt it? that sounds pretty firmly non-combat based, and therefore probably pretty far from any plot lol
so gons dad is a bigshot huh.....whatever hed be a bigger deal if he didnt abandon his son tbh 
gon swinging his feet on the bench....sooo cute 
so ging could restore a bunch of ruins but he couldnt raise his son...ok
im just gonna be bitter at this guy for abandoning the most perfect boy vhbhjfbsjhdhbfsk sorry dude but being a good hunter doesnt make up for being a shit father 
gon is so precious ;_; 
why does it look like theyre googling things on MS paint 
ah yes, padokea, on the continent of Africa But Sideways 
idk if i talked abt it before but the world map is WILD lmao i love how its all the continents/landmasses scrambled around.....im super curious abt that weird island in the top center of the map, thats the only thing that immediately sticks out as not having a real life equivalent 
the music in this show is so charming :’) i love the main theme sm 
gon is sooo precious i literally cant get over it. and his hurry to rescue killua is so sweet....and i love how naturally charming/charismatic gon is....pretty much everyone he meets likes him, especially leorio and kurapika, who basically adopted him after knowing him for like a day, and continue to be completely taken by him
ok wtf is satotz & co talking abt......do they know something abt ging that they arent allowed to tell gon???? shouldnt gon have access to the same info now that hes a hunter? i need ANSWERS
i bet this whole thing abt the hunter exam not rlly being over is a metaphor abt the hunter exam NEVER truly ending bc youre always being tested, or st
ok the ED continues to be So Much like especially the last shot where the 4 main characters look like theyre posing for a JC Penny catalog while the singer goes FULL metal-screamo
ok ruth and i just rewatched the next two eps woohoo
i love that there are tourist busses that take people to the front gates so they can like pose for pics and stuff vhbhjafdsfkj and its like ‘ah yes here are where the local assassins live!’ thats so funny yet it makes so much sense
i love that leorio passed tf out during the bus ride. big big mood 
gon is so cute...hes like ok yes i understand that we’re not supposed to go in but i think they can make an exception for me bc im very polite. 
those 2 dudes r so ugly and so dead god bless
that bigass buster sword....sir please 
ruth and i rlly thot that the old guard guy was gonna turn out to be grandpa zoldyk or st lol
the fact that the dog managed to eat All their flesh but left some clothes....skill 
also the dog is named mike but it sounds like the guy is calling him miku hvbjdfssk
this cant be the first time some morons have been killed here likeeee 
i cant believe nobody has visited the zoldyk estate in 20 years damn they all rlly b havin no friends. depressing 
the whole gates thing is wild. also that part where gon gets the math wrong on the weight.....BIG mood kiddo 
ok the part where gons on the phone w/the butler is soooo good oh man. i love how gon just calmly dials the phone again after hes hung up on the first time and then YELLS....and leorio and kurapikas faces r so good 
also the butler guy unfortunately has a point, it isnt foolproof that gon is here Legit....but he IS let him see his tiny bf :( 
as ruth pointed out, the butler guy is reminiscent of kuro from one piece. same vibes 
maybe if leorio was jacked like he is in the manga/1999 anime he couldve opened the gate that first time around....Ls 
god i love this shows approach to Everything so far,....as ruth put it, half the time its like ‘oh wow they should do [x]/i wish theyd do [x] but ofc they wont cause its a shounen’ but then they DO do [x] and its like damn thats dope 
anyways i love how gon is increasingly approaching situations with his Plucky Shounen Protag Attitude in full swing, and he pretty much gets shot down every time. BUT his general determination to see killua bc killuas his FRIEND and hes gonna RESCUE HIM is still a good and pure motivating force 
like here, when hes climbing over the wall and hes like whatever i dont wanna have to deal w/being tested thats bullshit, i wanna see killua, my intentions are pure, im gonna try my luck with the dog....i was like ok yeah he’ll get over and like tame or defeat the dog and the guard will be suitably impressed bc nobodys ever done That before, and then gon will continue on to get killua 
but NOPE instead the guard calls him down and explains that gon Will Die if he tries that, and then the guard will die too for letting that happen. and gon is like oh shit my actions have consequences for people other than me, wow. 
and THEN the guard takes them in to meet the dog. and hot DAMN that is a scary creature. not even really a dog tbh. they did an excellent job making the dog Legit Scary and not just like, big and flashy looking....those eyes are so soulless, and the proportions are freaky 
and the guard says exactly what i was thinking - that gon would use his Country Boy Woodland Creature Skills to workaround the dog....but then the subversion - this creature is NOTHING like the woodland critters gon is probably used to dealing with. theres no way gon stood a chance here. the guard just saved him from a really unfortunate death 
i love all the Super Heavy Stuff in the servant house that seems so inconvenient vbhjdkfasjfld. also forgot to mention earlier but the guard guy being Absolutely Ripped was wild and kinda funny 
training montage! gon continues to be so cute. and i love so much how leorio and kurapika are like no, you rest, we’ll take care of this. good parents!!!!
and then!!!! they sync up and use the power of gay love to almost open the gate. but then gon uses the power of Improbable Shounen Protag Healing Speed to toss that arm sling off and help out
i feel like leorio was side-eyeing gon like w8 a sec u broke that arm like a few days ago that aint right.....
oh man i almost forgot abt that scene with the zoldyks torturing killua :( :( this poor kid he doesnt deserve that 
also mom zoldyck seems truly awful but i must say her aesthetic does fuck. the victorian-lookin outfit paired with the futuristic cyclops visor thing....excellent. also im betting this face bandages are from killua cutting her face 
this family is so fucked up hvbsjdhjfbakdfn
killua telling his mom that gon is definitely gonna make it there :’) hes got such unshakable faith in his bf thats so good.....
back w/the gang, and immediately they run into more trouble in the form of the young girl butler, whose name i dont know, but i love her....her design is SO good oh man. a non-caricature black person? who also isnt sexualized? in MY anime??????
 i love how gons approach to conflict is currently ‘let more powerful person beat me up for hours straight in hopes that they get tired or something idk bro’ like....i love him lol, is it in an effort to show how determined he is? he doesnt even try to dodge her blows or get around her....id be tryin to hop that fence lol 
oh shit the tiny zoldyk kid from earlier is spying on them....she was w/the mom so im sure thats not good
when he punches the rock part and it breaks....strong boiiii 
oh man that little flashback from when killua first came back and told her that he made a friend ;_; bruh 
i love butler girl :( she wants to let gon but knows it isnt allowed....and as soon as she starts to waver BAM here comes mom zoldyck JFC that was so sudden and jarring....im assuming butler girl isnt dead cause that would be lame and anticlimactic 
also IS THAT NEN??? NEN>>>??? NEN??? HM? NEN????????? 
im so annoying abt nen i need to make one of those ‘is this a pigeon?’ memes w/’is this nen?’ bc thats me anytime anything remotely weird happens lmao
i do think its rlly nen this time tho
anyways shit is wild, cant wait to meet the full zoldyck family 
as i said above i doubt hisoka will show up now bc this arc is a lot shorter than i anticipated. also im doubting that illumis even gonna show up honestly 
i think we’re gonna have this OP for a while, as the part just at the end shows gon and hisoka fighting in what looks to be an arena, and ik the next arc is the heavens arena arc, which im assuming is the tournament arc....
also i have no idea what that weird building in the OP is but my guess is that its the building w/the heavens arena in it bc its tall and,,,,heaven 
i predict there wont be much fighting in this little arc bc how tf else is it so short. at this point i rlly think gon is just gonna grab killua and go lmao. im super curious abt how thats gonna go down, considering that killua is currently strung up just bc he wont apologize...so i cant imagine his family would just let him leave w/gon. i wonder if killua will fight them, or if gons determination will impress them and then theyll let killua go (doubt it)
thats basically it....we’ll see abt the next few eps holla
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bluescarletdiamond · 4 years
Tharntype the Series: Ep 10 Review
I had a good day at work today so Tharntype BETTER NOT DISAPPOINT (they never do but still)
Section 1
Jesus I got scared even tho I saw that coming lmao
I saw that slick action Tharn 👀
“You’ve got to pamper me” ugh such a mood
Kinda surprised Type didn’t hit or make a shit remark at Tharn lmao
Lhong ayyyyy I love him
He’s being a little sketch tho lmao
Look at how happy Type looks being able to talk about his relationship with Tharn haha
The music gave me a bad feeling
The music makes it seem like everything Lhong is saying is deceiving 🤨
Lhong is so cute and I love him but this music makes him seem like a villain
He really doesn’t know Type because Type is capable of a lot of things lmao
Section 2
Writing songs for Type maybe 👀👀👀
Awwww his cute smile HES SO CUTE
Let him talk to you please bro
Lowkey they’d be cute 😉
WORD he really said that
oh that shit lowkey cute not gonna lie
Son that doesn’t help you lmao you have to tell him or he’ll never understand
He wants forgiveness duh
Type is so adorable in such weird ways lmao
Tharn is so cute WHY IS EVERYONE SO CUTE
We love an understanding developing Type
Gosh dang it Tar JUST TEL HIM DAMMIT
Tharn really said “AND THATS ON PERIODT”
That shit was bogus as fuck Tar not gonna lie wtf
No pal i dont like liars
Bruh is my mans Tar getting depressed again :///
Section 3
Tum pal he’s probably not in there
Bruh mans is showering
He needs to get him a paper bag mans CANT BREATHE
Damn this got real sad real quick
“You’re the most important person to me” wow get you a mans
He got that food quickity quick
Unknown number??? Hmmmm
Lmao I love that
That’s such an interesting question lol
They’re so cute lol
Tharn’s messy hair gives me life
I love them sleeping together it’s so cute too
Omfg what is Type up to
did he like turn caller ID off or somewhere? Is that why that number came up as actual numbers when actually it was like Tar or something? Do y’all know what I’m trying to say ?
Ugh Lhong is so cute I hope he’s not a bad guy
Oh Tum tum tum...
Lhong’s facial expressions are everything
Lhong lowkey does look like he likes Tharn
I hate people who act the way Tum is acting... like bitch just accept it and go damn
Jokes on you whore because it’s Tar that’s meeting up with Tharn
Did his phone actually ring or was it fake 🤔🤔
I knew my boy Type wouldn’t be waiting around :)))
section 4
I wonder if he’s meeting Tar
Oh they’re gonna talk? Hm....
Bitch where else is he supposed to sit? At the bar?
Straight up I like that! But don’t make him cry :(
If he doesn’t say why he broke up with him imma fight
Woah this shit is intense
Tum needs to FUK OFF
But like what are they saying tho?
If I were type it just kind of looks like Tharn is comforting a friend tbh
Jeed being a queen
Brooooo if If Tharn doesn’t answer imma be sad
I hope he tells the reason some day
Damn bro that shut hurted
Does he look okay bro
He is a whole liar and a deciever oof
Type really came for blood lol
this does not look food for you Tharn
Poor type
Why is everyone just chilling in different locations lmao these types of camera shots are always super intense but idk how I really feel about them
Tar still has them as his home screen on his computer woahwoahwoah
Type crying is something I never thought we would see
I knew it would end there smh
Or not oh ?
Tharn is really being painted as a villain but mans is just trying to save his relationship
Fucking type always has to do too much lmao
NOW it ended lmao
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 4 episode 11
Notes by me
- daniel: i am trying to translate a tablet we found on P30 255
Sam: I am working on sending a malp to P5X 3D7
Tealc: I was in the middle of meditating
Jack: I was sleepin
- some random dude calls the sgc and has 45 pages of conspiracy theories ready to throw at them
- "I know about the lizard people" jacks smile lol
- maybe they have a mole in their midst. Giving out stargate info
- Chef Tealc™
- big fat old fashioned computers im crying
- daniel: we need snacks
- a little man claims he knows much
- hes lost his marbles
- hes an alien!!! Didnt see that coming
- well if he has a ship then that if proof
- Jack is using every ounce of patience for this
- what do they have in common?
- Sam's denim outfit. Fashion queen
- I swear this show was made just so they could put tealc in silly hats
- prop of thor!!!!!
- alright medication doesnt mean you automatically insane. Come on guys
- ppl watching him? Pls dont be the NID I cant stand them
- they took a scan of tealc and saw that hes preggers!!
- when the dr said he's delusional. Quite a delusion when half of it is real!
- tealc using the bed vibrator
- being prescribed 75 different drugs is kind of a red flag guys
- tealcs make up on point tho
- he has the address to his homeworld??? Thats huge proof
- the dr works for the bad guys doesnt he
- caught in civilian clothes Sam smh you should always have your gun on you
- 3rd time Daniel has been kidnapped this season btw
- visions~
- jacks got a booty in this ep
- bad guys: we know what youve been doing
Daniel and sam: you couldnt fuck with us if you wanted to
- Headless Alien Found In Topless Bar
- "can I come out now"
- you get locked in the bathroom for tryna fight tealc
- he remembers his ship! He just needed a good blow to the head
- so was the dr supressing his memories?
- when he finds his ship he has grass on his head
- "we" ???? The bad guys???
- when they show the picture of junior to Sam and Daniel and Daniel pretends to think its photo shop. "Thats a duck isnt it?"
- they are being super calm for hostages
- when tealc shows him his forehead and lists everything the goaulds did to him 😭😭
- *john mulaney voice* the doctor is a bitch!
- laying out torture devices trope
- dont hurt Marty we like him
- "nice van! What would you call that color kind of a grayish green huh?" What are you talking about hes perfect for the sgc
- maybe dont tell the bad guys that earth has a stargate!
- why was Daniel passed out when they found them
- everyone jumps and does dramatic rolls away from the building and it doesnt even blow up
- they defected. They were hiding on earth from their planet. Doesnt excuse drugging ur friend and keeping his memory supressed
- his homeworld all destroyed this poor guy cant catch a break
- so those other dudes just got away? And theyre out there somewhere....
- we have another alien adoptee!!! Welcome to earth Marty I hope you like it!!!!
Daniel jackson whump: held against will, tied to chair, passed out(less than a minute)
Sam carter whump: held against will, tied to a chair
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astralshipper · 5 years
alright spn s15 spoilers from here on!! just gnna type as i watch and i wont be looking @ the screen most of the time so sorry for typos lol also m gonna talk abt sam a lot bc babey
oh we’re bringing becky back huh??? oof not sure abt that
hey how abt we dont remember the fact that my fave demon boy got killed yeah? yeah. 
what the FUCK wdym BENNY??? why are we LOSING HIM AGAIN-
i have a very bad feeling this is sam. a very very bad fee- oh okay that answers that yes it is hello sam i love u pls stop this... okay why is evil sam highkey hot as shit like yeah id do anything for u oh shIT OKAY BYE DEAN SAM BABY I LOVE U BUT DONT DO THAT-
okay dreams alright well dream shit is back pls tell me this isnt a premonition
VEGGIE BACON? i call bullshit
sam baby please stop acting like youre okay
i knew i called bullshit for a reason, poor baby sammy awww doesnt like baconnnn. 
sam is fuckin disgusted w these parents GOOD
FUCK sam is so down and he doesnt believe in normal anymore and this is so upsetting i love him so much i just wish he could be happy,,,, i know he doesnt like the whole ppl being dramatic thing but i wish he still believed...
WOW BECKY IS SUDDENLY MY HERO!!!! maam im proud of u.... yes we DO wanna see sam and dean just chilling and having fun ur so right.... pls dont listen to chuck hes a dickwad and you dont need to deal with him... oh HELL YEAH U TELL HIM!! omg i love her now??
why is sam so pretty. this could go anywhere in this lineup and will probably be said again but the wind was blowing and his hair looked pretty so heres the first one
of course it’s the creepy ass annoying normal family 
fuck becky is really calling me out with the writer not writing talk this is really personal now. update i would like to trade chuck for becky as god pls i trust her more now
when sam and dean are all confident and are like fuck yall we know u did it im like hell YEAHHH BOYSSSS!!! also sammy taking care of ppl is so soft.... sammy seeing ppl in distress and just the soft look and when he gets all concerned holy FUCK HE’S SO GOOD!!! maam if u continue pointing that gun at sam im gonna be forced to fuck u up im sorry thats how this works
pls tell me sam and dean can tell this dudes a lying POS
yo howd he finish writing smthn that fast.,,, becky really be out here beta-ing god how powerful... okay becky maybe DONT DO THAT lol okay fuck CHUCK NO DONT DO THAT SHIT WE DONT NEED DANGER-
alright so update dean doesnt know but SAM IS A SMART BABY!!! sir they just lost their child how abt we dont bring up being a father..... YO THIS KID... HES THE REAL MVP.... kid i am v v v proud of u u deserve better!!! FUCK OKAY WHY YALL GOTTA PLAY THAT SONG IM GONNA CRY OVER THIS VAMPIRE I DONT EVEN KNOW IM GONNA CRY OVER TWO VAMPIREES TONIGHT FUK U 
okay so through the whole impala scene i literally just couldnt type so im just gonna recall how that felt: FELAUHEWAILFRHLEWUGHFYOEAWFKAESDFGILUH????????? NO! NONONONONONNONONONONO!! that’s how it felt. im genuinely so fucking upset for sam and i feel like a BABY for being upset for him bc hes not REAL but hes hurting so bad and i just. hhhh. he deserves so much better. he deserves to feel happy and safe and free and he doesnt deserve to have all of this pushed on him. im so emo. im so damn emo for this moose man. i wanna hug him so bad
the previews for the next ep are just making fun of dean and yeah i feel that!!! also, agents ford and hamill??? are yall even TRYING anymore??? just bc it’s the end of the world doesnt mean u gotta get sloppy
also lemme just say: there is one (1) mention of cas this episode, and it is literally becky STATING that chuck only mentions cas one time in his story and i feel like that just really explains how the writers treat cas in a nutshell
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