#not everyone has money to make this an expensive hobby. not everyone has a car to aid them with that hobby.
beeseverywhen · 11 months
I just think that if someone's paying their rent and they are using the land you rent to them for its intended purpose (growing food and flowers for my households use) what does it fucking matter how they do it. Like please. What is the point. Chill the fuck out
#gardening is one of those hobbies where you meet people you'd never have reason to spend time with otherwise#which is great! i love that i get to meet ppl and have reason to socialise with ppl who are largely of a different generation.#it's interesting to meet people different to you!#but in the same hand. oh my god i have met some of the worst people. and they arent the worst cause they are bad ppl. they are#just oblivious. not everyone gets to have a healthy working body till they hit 60! not everyone has outdoor space at home#not everyone has money to make this an expensive hobby. not everyone has a car to aid them with that hobby.#not everyone has the time and energy to follow stupid rules that serve no purpose. if it isn't hurting anyone do you need to rule against it#on allotments you find 2 types of hobbyists: ppl who like gardening. and ppl who like dictating how other ppl garden#some ppl are honest to god in it for the rules. like. it irritates me to no end cause they put so many ppl off! diversity is good actually#i like seeing someone a few plots over doing something bizarre and inexplicable. tell me more. please. i love that you are doing you#I'm a big believer in knowing every rule and knowing why it's a rule. don't dump shit cause that makes the land unusable#don't damage the soil because that'll have a lasting impact on the next tenant. look after the soil &#don't turn it in to a dustbowl for the same reason#you cant sell shit because we have a legal entitlement to land to grow things for our own use not commercial use. if you use this land for a#different purpose than intended. everyone's entitlement is threatened. they'll say we don't need it and take it away. use it or lose it#you can't have a cow here cause the land isn't big enough to treat that cow fairly. so restrictions on animals are fair#as tbh are restrictions on trees (tho i badly want trees. i want them so bad.) a tree is a commitment. if you don't commit and tend to it#it'll limit space to grow other stuff. as it can shade/ take water from veg beds which can produce more food#limits on what chemicals you can use make sense! I'm not even against the no dog rule. some dog owners are super annoying & cause problems#but some of these rules are for the sake of making up rules. if someone can argue a way they can do something without being a disruption#to others or causing lasting damage. you should be able to say 'oh OK yeah. in this case that's fine'.#its not reasonable to ban stuff cause you don't personally like how it looks. it's not OK to decide someones wrong cause they arent doing it#as you would. you need to accept that ppl are different and not everyone wants to do things in the same way you do them#not everyone's doing them for the same reasons
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soxcietyy · 5 months
Racer Yuta Au
Yuta x fem reader
Part 2
Your dragged to a car meet up by your uncle and you have a wonderful time. Though you and your babysitter keep getting under each others skin.
˚₊‧꒰𓆩 ♱ 𓆪꒱ ‧₊˚ forbidden love, brat, 5 year age gap. Illegal activity’s,
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"Uncle Gojo, are you sure it’s okay for me to tag along? Isnt my dad going to get mad?" You yell as he turns on his loud car. The exhaust roared loudly in the garage making it echo. Gojo was a illegal street racer, number one to be exact. He would drag race anywhere anytime. He used to work under his dad but having so much money made him pick up an expensive hobby like this. Your dad was currently in a buisness trip trying to recover lost data from the company. He might of agreed to let you explore the underground racing world when he was younger but now he retired from that. Ever since then you were to not go anywhere near such thing and he made that clear.
"Geto isnt here, plus it’s not a race it’s a car meet up. You’ll just be my plus one for the night. Cant really afforded to miss it." He says as he opens the door to his dark blue Supra.
You mumble that it’s going to be his fault if your dad found out about this as you got in. He rolls his eyes and closes the door as you got comfortable. When he got in you tightly grip the seat knowing this wasn’t going to be a smooth ride. You’ve seen your uncle drive and it did not look safe nor fun at all. Your dad would always talk about how many tickets Gojo has gotten and the cars he’s wreaked. All you could do was hope for your safety and not complain. As he drove out the garage you held your breath and with a hard step on the gas you guys were on your way.
When you arrived you reached inside your black purse and popped a mint into your mouth hoping it would relieve your anxiety. You weren’t sure if it was due to the terrifying drive or the amount of people starting to surround the car. You look at Gojo to see him smiling wide. This probably fuled his already exploding ego. You know he loved the attention and loved being the best at everything. He loved the girls, the money, but most importantly he loved crushing peoples hearts. That dream of destroying Gojo in a race might never come true for some people.
"Relax, don’t be scared nothing is going to happen to you. Nobody will lay a finger nor look at you dirty once they know your with me. Just make sure to stay clear from a few folks around here." He said before stepping out. You watch as people cheered and were asking him to rev his engine. He said a few words before coming to your door and opening it. When he did the noises from the crowed silenced. They’re probably not used to seeing him come with a plus one. From what you hear at get togethers was that his relationships are not allowed near his hobbies at all. So who knows what could be run in through these peoples minds.
When you appeared you saw that everyone had their eyes on you. Scanning you up and down to see what was good about you. Your clammy hand grabbed your other arm as you stood there shyly. Maybe you should have stayed home. Why did your dad think it was a bright idea to let Gojo babysit you. You were 18 for crying out loud.
Before you could ask Gojo if you can go back inside the car you saw someone emerging from the crowed. You watched how a tall guy with black hair and dark eyes approached your uncle and gave him a hug.
"Gojo, I didn’t think you were coming today. You told me you had business to attend to." He said as he backed up and looked at you. "Oh" was the only thing he said at you.
"Yuuta this is my niece, y/n this is Yuuta. He’s also a street racer and I guess you could say my pupil. Not trying to brag but I don’t think he would be the second best racer without my guidance." Gojo said all smug.
You’ve heard of this guy before, Gojo talked about him here and there. He’s 23 years old, one of the best drag racers, your uncles pupil, calm, friendly, but had a scary aura around him. He was in your dad’s last race, Yuuta ended up coming second meaning he beat your dad. Then your dad simply retired, not because he lost but because he knew it was time to look for something new.
You give him a small wave as you stepped behind Gojo a bit. This guy was pretty scary looking, not only because of his hight but you could feel something off.
"So is she also a far distant relative to me?" Yuta asks bringing his attention back to Gojo.
Ah that’s right they were related in someway now that you remember.
Gojo laughed and shook his head. He leaned towards Yutas ear and whispered something only you could hear. "She’s Geto’s daughter."
Yuuta looked at him shocked before looking at you again to see if he could spot the similarities. You glare at Gojo knowing that your dad wouldn’t want these kinds of people knowing about his daughter.
"Hey now that you’re here, I kind of have to talk to Sukuna for a bit as much as I hate the thought of it but it’s about the next race. Can’t have y/n around or Geto will kill me if people know who she is. Can you watch her for me? She’s a good kid and won’t be a bother." Gojo said as he pushed you towards him.
"Oh yea that’s fine." Yuta said as he looked down at you to make sure you were okay with it too.
Not like you had much of a say since Gojo smiled and gave you a thumbs up as he left. You both stood there for a minute until Yuuta spoke up.
"There about to start doing doughnuts want to go look?" He asks.
You give him a nod and follow him to where a crowed was forming. Pushing your way through to the front you could see a large space in the middle. You could see burnt tire marks from past meets on the road. You were so excited when you saw a mustang come out from the crowed. It was bright orange with black streaks. It had custom rims and such cool details on it. The crowed started cheering as the show started. The car started going in circles leaving skids on the floor. You could hear how it screeched at sharp turns and how the rubber burned. This was way better than seeing it through social media. You look behind you to see Yuuta smiling but he wasn’t looking at the car. He was looking at you.
After that finished he took you around the lot to look at other cars. So many different models, so many different body kits. No car looked the same and some were exotic. You met so many new people and had great conversations about how they managed to get there car to look at that. Yuuta also spoke to people but you didn’t pay much attention nor did he pay much attention to yours or so you thought. A guy came up to you and started to flirt with you. Saying how he would love to take you on a date and talk more. He said he loved your energy and style. He then proceeded to ask for your number but Yuuta stepped in and put a stop to that. You were kind of irritated by it seeing that he just cock blocked you.
"Let’s head to my car, I need to make sure nobody is messing with it. We have to be more careful and make sure nothing is tampered with now that Sukuna is here." Yuuta says as he leads you through the crowed. It was a bit hard for you to keep up seeing how he took long fast strides. You were wearing heels didn’t help the situation either. People looked shocked seeing Yuuta with a girl. Did these men lack in women or is their a rule to not bring a female to such gathering? Though when you took a good look in the crowed there was a good mix of everyone.
Eventually you made it to a white Nissan GTR. It actually quite suited him but you also took him for a Subaru type of guy.
People surrounded his car too, taking pictures of it and while looking at the details. "Alright I’m going to chat with these guys for a while so just do whatever 16 year olds do. Also don’t accept anything that isn’t from me, understand?" He says,
You looked at him in disbelief that he thought you were younger. "I’m actually 18 sir, we’re not that far apart according to Gojo. Five years to be exact." You say as you walk to the back of his car. He stood there shocked, probably trying to figure out how old your dad was when you were born. Spoiler alert it was when he was 15! Usually people think you’re joking when you say he’s your dad.
Suddenly a girl grabbed his arm taking his attention from you. She was tall and had short hair, almost like a greenish black hue. They seem to be fond of each other if they’re smiling and hugging. Maybe that was his girlfriend.
You sigh as you lean on his car while you scroll through social media. The car meet was going great but you didn’t appreciate being passed around to be babysat when you were a grown adult. The breeze blew making you shiver. Maybe it was a bad idea to wear a tight skirt with a small top. While you cursed under your breath everytime the wind blew someone was getting closer.
"Got bored of watching your boyfriend flirt with another girl?" You hear someone say. You turn to see a guy with blue hair and Heterochromia eyes.
"He’s not my boyfriend but I am bored. Came to entertain me?"
You lift up a brow curious to know why he came up to you. He makes up a small conversation that had you actually happy to engage in. Finally someone who didn’t belittle you nor treat you as a kid. He was somewhat surprised that you knew more about car than he initially thought. All those hours of watching your dad nerd out about cars payed off. He offered to give you a free ride around the block but you declined knowing Yuuta would freak out about it. Though you were interest what ride he had. Could it be a classic? Or a newer car that was modified.
"Hey don’t you think wearing something like that is too scandalous? Such a short skirt for this cold weather too." He says looking at your body.
Your hand touched the tiny goosebumps on your leg.
"Yea I was kinda rushed out the house so I didn’t really plan this outfit out. Are you trying to say you don’t like it?"
He held his hands up in defense, "no no I quite love it. It suites your body so well and- oh it seems we might be in some trouble. Seems your guard dog has finally payed attention to you." He says nodding his head to the person walking behind you. "Glad we could exchange contact information. Here just in case you get parched. Seems like you’re not being well taken care of right." He says as he hands you a water bottle.
You happily accept it as you watch him walk away. He was right about not being taken care of right. You have yet to eat dinner and would have loved if someone handed you a jacket. Bringing the bottle to your lips you take a sip. The cold water made you shiver a bit. You suddenly felt your body be pulled by the arm. Then shoved to the side of the car. You look up surprised to see a not so happy Yuuta over you. You back pressed hard against the car as he looked at you with thoes dark eyes. He ripped the bottle out of your hand and poured it onto the floor.
"Did I not say to not accept anything that isn’t from me?" He says.
You let out a sigh as you cross your arms and look away. "I’m thirsty, at least someone cared for me. Your busy chatting with a girl and left me alone."
"And what the do you know about being treated right? This place isn't safe for innocent gullible girls like you." He sighs as he runs his hand through his hair. "Get in the car, clearly you can’t be trusted to follow directions." He says as he opens the door next to you.
You couldn’t believe Gojo said this man was calm and friendly. That was an absolute lie, he was such an ass and so much more.
You stood in your spot refusing to do what he says. He looked at you with such a demanding look but that wasn’t going to make you break. Your dad taught you to be strong. No man was going to tell you what to do. You both stood there for a minute before he slammed the door closed and grabbed you. In a quick second he lifted you up and sat you on the hood of the car. You gasp as he spread your legs open causing your skirt to slowly lift up. He then proceeded to put his body in between you.
"Didn’t think Gojos niece was such a brat, listen I’m in charge of you and your going to do exactly as I say even if you don’t like it, it’s not because I hate you but this is for your safety." He said as he placed his hands on both of your sides.
He was so close that you could see the turtle neck under his black leather jacket. The veins in his neck that pulsed as he grew more irritated. You could smell the cologne that he was wearing and feel his warmth. You couldn’t help but notice how good looking he looked like this as much as you hated him right now.
Okay maybe he was a little bit too good looking right now. All of a sudden you felt too shy to meet his gaze. "I don’t want to go in, I want to stay out here with you." You say as he sighed sounding unconvinced.
He looked down as his watch before responding to you. "Fine, but you better be on your best behavior. I don’t like girls who don’t listen." He says as he takes of his leather jacket and wraps it around you. You have no idea why but those words did something to you. For the rest of the night you stood next to him listening to him talk. You looked at the way he spoke, the way he laughed, how his Adam’s Apple would move up and down, how the veins in his arms showed when he opened his hood and showed the inside work. You were almost like a dumbfounded little puppy looking at its owner. Sometimes he would smile when he caught you looking at him.
you weren't embarrassed to admit to yourself that you've grew a crush on him just in the few hours that youve spent with him. It was normal for a girl to fall for a guy this fast right?
You end up falling asleep in his car by the time Gojo decided to appear. He lazy strolled towards Yuta who was getting ready to go for the night.
"Sorry I took so long, kind of got into an altercation. Hes not so easy to talk too." He says as he points at his busted lip. "Oh I see she fell asleep, tired the little brat out huh?" Gojo says as he looks at you snooze from the open window.
"So you knew she was a brat but painted her as an Angel huh?" Yuuta smirked.
"She’s my niece, obviously I’m going maker her seem like that. Hey you didn’t do anything funny right? She has a tendency of somehow getting what she wants." He said looking at him serious for a minute. Yuuta knew what he meant by that and simply shook his head.
"I respect you too much to lay hands on her." Yuuta spoke as he walked to the door and opened it.
"Good, I’ll take her from here then, also the next race i-" a crowed of running people caught Gojos eye before he could finish. Both of the men watched in silence waiting to see what was the cause of chaos. The second they saw red and blue lights they looked at each other.
"On second thought you keep her for now. She’s going to slow me down if I take her right now. Meet up at your house." Gojo said as he started running to his car that was across the parking lot.
Yuuta quickly ran to his car as people began to yell that 12 was in the area. Cars began to turn on to escape causing the place to light up. Yuuta reached for your belt and tightened it on you, soon after he pressed on the gas and left the area speeding. This wasn’t his first run in with the police so he was confident in not being caught. That was until he reached sudden traffic causing him to break hard, both of your body’s lurch foward and then back. This waking you up with a panicked expression.
"What’s going on?!" You say looking at him.
"Just going out for a ride.” He says trying not to freak you out.
"Oh that’s really lovely did the police department also decide to tag along? You have four of them a few cars behind us by the looks of it." You say.
The second the light turned green he accelerated, weaving through the slow traffic. You squeezed the door handle as he easily went over the speed limit. You were too young to already have a criminal record. You may not get charged as bad as he does but they will still charge you as an accomplice. How would this affect you college application? The car swerved every sharp turn he made until he made it to a dark neighborhood. In one go he turned the wheel completely to the right and drove up to drive way. He quickly turned the car off and unbuckled his belt.
"We need to get off now." He says as he opens his door. You proceed to do the same but by the time you get out you could see the cops patrolling the area, shinning there flashlights to every car. Yuuta quickly grabbed you and pushed you on the floor behind some bushes. His body laying low on top of yours. Both of you are breathing heavily as you could hear someone approach the car. Shinning the light inside the car to see if he could find anyone. Those few minutes felt like eternity and while you should have been worried about being caught all you could think about was the body over you. You look up at him to see his serious face looking around. Trying to figure out if the coast was clear. His face was dam from all of this. Sweat slowly rolling down his face even if it was a cold night.
You wanted him so bad, you wanted to pull him in and kiss him, you wanted to make him yours. You could just imagine being with someone like him. So mature, so tall, so protecting. His chest rose up and down quickly as he tried to catch his breath. He looks at you once again and leans into you.
"What are you looking at like that?" He whispers into your ear making you burn up.
"Nothing! Im just scared, this is a first for me." You say sitting up as he backs up.
When you guys tried to look for the officer you noticed he was now gone. You flatten your skirt down and brush off the dirt from yourself. He proceeded to stand and helps you up by grabbing your soft hand.
Walking to his car he reaches inside to grab something out of it. You follow behind intrigued by his actions. When he gets back to you he’s holding your purse in his hand that you must’ve left. Seeing a big guy like him holding your tiny hand purse made you feel like he was your boyfriend. You could just imagine how that would be like. You shyly thank him as he hands it to you.
You ponder weather you should drop a hint of you being interested in him or just dropping the bomb. You debate until you decided not to drag things around. "Have you ever wanted something bad but knew you had no chance?" You ask him.
He stood there for a second. Hands in his pockets as he thought about the answer. You guessed he did have something like. It made you wonder if he was able to achieve it. "What has you feeling that way? From what I heard you have a tendency of getting anything you want. So I really wouldn’t be worried about it."
You laugh as you lean onto his car. Looking at him in the eyes as you smile. "If I tell you want I want, will tell me if I’m capable of achieving it?"
He gives you a nod signaling for you to continue. You put your purse on top of the car as you approached him. Wrapping your arms around his neck and getting onto the tips of your toes, you whisper three simple words.
"I want you."
You say as you pull back to look at him. You could see the tips of his ears turning red from the dim light his house provided. His cheeks than began to flush. You were astonished seeing him act this way, you’ve seen him interact with girls today but he didn’t act like this. Did this mean he also had some interest in you?
"You don’t want me y/n, I’m not the type of guy you think I am, you don’t know me." He grabbed your arms from around his neck and put them down. "Well I’m going to get to know you." You intertwined your fingers with his.
"I’m a very jealous, serious, and aggressive guy. I wouldn’t want to ruin your innocence and take advantage of a girl like you. To top it all off your Gojos niece, and your dad wouldn’t want to see you with a guy involved with illegal things."
"I have a feeling that it’s because of our age gap." You cross your arms. You were disappointed in being turned down like this.
"Listen Angel I could give less fuck’s about being five years apart. I just don’t think I’m capable of maintaining something so pure and innocent. It’s like giving a tiger a bunny. He’s just going to eat her alive." He said holding your chin up so you could look at him. "So run while you can and find someone better."
You push his hand away "and what if I don’t run? What if I keep crawling back to you? You have no idea what you’ve done to me Yuuta. I’ve never felt so desperate for someone before." You say as you hug him.
"I need you so bad Yu." You bury your face in his chest.
"Y/n we can’t, I- what about Gojo? If he finds out he’s going to kill me." He says trying to fight off the urge to embrace you back.
You let go of him and look at him with your puppy eyes. You were begging him at this point to give you a chance. You just needed him to see that you were worth his time. He slowly runs his hands through his hair stressed.
"Fine but don’t make me regret this."
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xanaxspritz · 4 months
✨my headcanons of how each jjk sugar daddy would take care of you ✨
likes to show off not only his expensive cars but his beautiful lady as well. babes you are PAMPERED with spa days, vacations, and private shopping at Dior and Hermès. most of the time he's not even looking a price tags.
not only is he independently wealthy, but he's got that gojo clan money 💴💴💴🤑 so of course you get dibs on the expensive family heirlooms. you spend most of your time in his Tokyo high-rise penthouse pursuing your creative hobbies while gojo is out being the strongest sorcerer in the world.
not as flashy but he's makes sure you're taken care of first. he pays all your bills: rent, utilities, car, and hair and nails. he loves seeing you in lingerie so he's constantly gifting you the cutest La Perla and Agent Provacteur. when he has a good amount of down time between meetings, he loves a nasty quicky in his car behind his work building.
you never carry a wallet with him, minus having your ID on you. living together, don't mind doing the cooking and cleaning in his luxury apartment, as long you two still get to take your bi-annual all expenses paid vacation to the 4 Seasons in Bora Bora. 🏝️
even though he's runs a cult, not many people know how exactly loaded he is. a few weeks after dating you find a large black box inside your studio apartment along with a bouquet of flowers. to your immense shock, the man literally gifted you a classic Chanel flap bag. he's quick to snatch away the bill from you when you two go out to eat.
geto is possessive, he insists on hiring a private driver for you to come from your apartment to the temple, as well as a private security detail. "to keep you safe from those monkeys" he says. you eventually move into the temple with him though. to make sure everyone knows that you're his, he gifts you a custom Tiffany necklace, adorned in yellow diamonds that spell out suguru. 💎
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
Hi author I had a request English isn't my first language so please excuse me for bad wording.
A modern spy Aemond x reader when he's slightly possessive yandere for her and he's undercover when he meets her not sure about the details do I'll leave it to you .
Also, I love your work, and if you don't like this idea, feel free to delete it 🩷
Hi love!!! I'm so happy you're enjoying my work and your English is wonderful, don't even worry about it!!! This was such a cool idea, and it gave me a chance to try out that headcanon style of writing! I know it's probably not exactly what you had in mind, but I hope you like it!!!!
Modern Spy!Aemond Headcanons
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You weren’t his target, not even close, and yet he couldn’t stop himself from following you. He was one of the agency’s best, known from his perfect aim, and intimidating aura that kept the authorities at a distance.
You’re just a normal florist, who goes about her day, never noticing the man with mismatched eyes and a scar down his face. You feed the stray cats in the alley behind your shop, and visits your grandmother every Tuesday, content and happy with your peaceful life.
His target works in the bank across the street from your shop. The bank that’s definitely protecting more than just its customer’s money. Intel tell him the man has ties to the cartel, but his gut tells him it runs deeper than that.
But his target is smart and stays within the building, never leaving unless escorted by guards, too many for Aemond to dispatch in broad daylight without causing a scene. So, he waits, and while he’s waiting, he bumps into you.
In a floral sundress, with a bright smile on your face, you’re carrying a bouquet of sunflowers, and don’t see him until you’ve collided with his hard chest, dropping the blooms.
“I’m so sorry.” You say sweetly, eyebrows drawn together in distress as you scramble to brush any petals or pollen from his shirt.
“It’s alright.” Aemond says, bending down to help you collect the fallen flowers. “Only a fool would be angry to run into such a beautiful woman.” The smile on his face is practiced, smooth and charming, his voice low, and wraps around you like velvet.
Your face flushes and, you stutter out a “thank you, and again, sorry.” Before you take one of the sunflowers out of the bundle along with your business card and hand them to him, rushing past him and into your shop.
He catches the sweet floral scent wafting off you, and he’s hooked. He’s in your shop constantly, first under the guise of wanting to get his mother flowers then his sister flowers, then he drops the excuses and spends half the day following you around the store and making conversation.
You don’t mind, you like the company, and he’s a handsome man. It feels…nice to have his attention focused solely on you. So, you buck up the courage to ask him out, and he says yes.
He takes you to an expensive restaurant where everyone seems to know him, and by the end of the night you’re in his lap. Back pressing into the wheel of his sleek black sports car that probably cost more money than you’ve ever made in your life.
He says he works in finance, a job too boring to talk about, he only wants to hear about you, your dreams, interest, hobbies, every detail of your life is utterly fascinating to him. It’s flattering, and you bask in his devotion.
Aemond is split between completing his mission and wanting to spend all his time with you. He’s had the head banker tied up in his apartment for days now, hesitant to turn him in because then the mission would be over, and he’d have to disappear.
He doesn’t want to disappear, not after he’s gotten a taste of you, there must be someway to keep you by his side. He strokes your hair, watching you as you sleep, cuddled into his side. Maybe he’d suggest you both take a trip, settle in Essos and continue working from there. You could set up a new flower shop, or if you wished, you could stay home and wait so pretty and patient for him to return.
He hums lowly as he considers his options, and pulls you closer, breathing in your sweet scent. Regardless of what he decided, no one was going to take his sweet girl from him, he’d make sure of that.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @dc-marvel-girl96, @shintax-error, @bellameshipper, @the141bandicoot, @the-phantom-of-arda, @haydee5010
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thatdykepunkslut · 1 year
Because I wrote an entire essay for some guy on discord and I figured might as well put it somewhere someone might actually read it (some things are lacking context but just keep reading the arguments I'm refuting are mostly kneejerk reactions that will be evident from my response):
Capitalism does not address scarcity. It vastly, VASTLY overproduces cheap consumer goods (christmas gift type goods are made in the billions months or even years before the year they're to be sold in, completely divorced from market predictions) while completely neglecting or making unattainably expensive essential goods like high density housing, public transit vehicles, life saving medication, quality food, etc.
Capitalist profit-seeking drives unnsustainable food practices like intensive animal agriculture, monocropping, industrial fertilizer and chemical weeding. Causes cities to implode by building endless suburbs whose tax income does not cover the costs of road and utility maintenance as well as moving industry to areas with cheaper labor and destroying ecosystems with illegal or unregulated dumping and pollution. Insulin is VERY cheap to make and the patent was sold for $1 decades ago. It has gotten more expensive even relative to other expensive medications, soaring dozens of times faster than inflation would imply. After WW2, car companies that made absurd amounts of money off of building tanks and planes then bought up public transit across the US and literally stacked it in a pile and burned it. There's photos of hundreds of burnt out streetcars with Henry Ford (who inspired parts of Mein Kampf and profited off of Jewish slave labor before the war btw) smoking a cigar and looking rather pleased with himself in the foreground. These are just off the top of my head
[9:41 PM]Now for how non-capitalist economies differ:
When removed from the stress of having to earn a living and the desire to accumulate enough to give their children a better life, most people are often very willing to help each other out for free. Under the stress of capitalist workdays (which are literally designed to make you too tired to think, shorter workweeks and workdays have been proven to significantly improve productivity in all sectors), people don't have the energy to spare to help their neighbor. However, pretty much everyone expresses some desire to make the world a better place if they were able. What would you personally do if you didn't have to worry about rent or your next meal or clothes or transportation ever again? Maybe play video games and [redacted] for a week straight but after that? Pretty much everyone is gonna say "hang out with loved ones and cook food."
All necessary forms of labor/work are enjoyable or at least bearable in the name of the greater good to some people. There are people who fucking LOVE picking up trash, like being a sanitation worker is literally the only job they ever want to have. A pretty sizeable chunk of the population enjoys growing plants and taking care of animals and there are methods of farming that require remarkably little effort. Pretty much everyone has a hobby they either currently enjoy or would love to pick up that is required for people to have comfortable lives, but cannot dedicate themselves to it because it would not be profitable enough to live off of
[9:56 PM]decommodifying goods and services fixes this, everyone can do at least one of the things they like doing because there is no threat of violence if you don't work (violence meaning eviction, starvation, freezing to death, etc) In addition to refocusing labor on what actually makes people enjoy their labor, it makes it pretty easy to keep up with demand. "Oh we need more food? Ok well go give people some seeds from the seed library and tools from the tool library. Now we have more food." "We need more clothing? Ok tell the sheperds to let more of their flock have kids and the textile mills to work an extra thirty minutes a day for the next month" (side note, there's finally been developments in automating clothesmaking. Tailoring will be more important after capitalism to ensure clothes are better fitting and last longer but the general forms won't need slave waged third world workers anymore soon)
[9:59 PM]Without states or capitalists to bicker over resources, there's no reason for wars. There will still be some interpersonal violence but without needing drug money to make life bearable (or like, baby formula bc apparently it's violent crime for someone to shoplift baby formula) how often do you think there will be THAT much violent crime? (although various other forms of hierarchy will need to be torn down in order to stop hate crimes like lynchings, mass shootings, and rape)
honestly really the only refutation needed for this as you have worded it is paleontology. Some of our most ancient ancestors have signs of living decades after debilitating injuries that would have rendered them utterly useless to family and unable to care for themselves. This necessitates that they were cared for at great inconvenience for upwards of fifty years tens of thousands of years before the earliest hints of civilization, let alone the currency to pay for a hospice nurse
[10:07 PM]Also, even in the context of mineral mining, without the need for phone companies to sell phones every year, electronics will become much longer lasting and more selectively repairable, meaning less minerals will be removed from use and fewer minerals will be needed to support all the products that are never actually bought in the first place. Even more so with cars, public transit vehicles carry orders of magnitude more people for relatively similar requirements and they don't even NEED conflict minerals in some cases because of overhead electricity being a solution to the tyranny of the battery equation (has someone coined that phrase yet? it seems like a very obvious parallel to the rocket equation now that I think about it but anyways) ok I think I've completely poured my remaining braincells for the day into this I'm gonna take a nap now
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citrusstone · 1 year
The Dunamis
It is a story about an innocent girl and a boy who holds unlimited power to the world. What happens when both of them meet?
A girl who's gullible, a troublemaker, clumsy and yet kind to everyone. But she is a manipulator. She can be deceived when it comes to the brand of a thing, or things related to expensive things but when it's schemes, you can hardly make her fall into it. She'd either play dumb that she doesn't know their schemes and let them taste their own medicine after math. Another side of her is that she is innocent, to the point she doesn't even understand the hint a guy would give to her. When you want to confess, say it. Dont give her hints cuz she'll never get it or more likely because she doesn't care. She's focused on academics and never played in any sports yet the school thinks she is a cheater that's why she is never considered as a honor student. She's intelligent in the field of medical Science. Her hobby is watching anime especially the adventurous one, that's all she wants, to watch. Now she is currently in 4th year college, 22 years old and about to graduate from Medical school.
A boy who has everything he needs and wants. He has everything that people dreamed for, the cars, the house, the company and all, But for him there's something that is missing, he can't determine what it is. Therefore he starts to find it.
He has anger issues, but he has a longer patience. He would only burst when he is already fed up, has a muscular build, with broad shoulders and chest with a lean waist. At a young age he already owned a company, a lot. At the age of 21 he already owned 3 main companies in different countries. At the age of 23 right after he graduated from college he went straight to handle his company.
After a month he hit the top chart of companies. By then he held more than 70 different branches of his company. By then he now hold the "unlimited" access to money and the world.
F.L - Cypress Amoureuse
M.L - Xiao Lixin
S.L - Chao Jicheng
Antagonist - Cheng Linze
Info of the main characters.
Xiao Lixin
Age: 23
Height: 194 cm
Weight: 84 kg
Bday: Oct. 3
Cypress Amoureuse
Age: 21 1/2
Height: 154 cm
Weight: 48 kg.
Bday: Dec. 3
Chao Jicheng
Age: 22
Height: 189 cm
Weight: 81 kg
Bday: Nov. 13
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queenofgraveyards · 1 year
ok so picture this: ivy briefly mentions being interested in something that you have classes for (yoga, painting, etc) literally just bc she saw a post on twitter about it and it piqued her interest. harry being the lovely sugar daddy he is takes this to mean buy her like a years supply of that class at the best place (which is obviously just the most expensive place) ivy goes once and HATES it but of course she can’t tell harry this bc he spent all this money and was so happy she found something she liked doing she would just feel way too guilty. so she’s spending like weeks going to this class trying to figure out a way out of it and one day she’s just so frustrated with herself like why can’t she just like the dang class that a few tears slip out on the walk to the parking lot where harry’s picking her up. she hides them but ofc he sees and demands to know what’s wrong. she tries to get around it but he knows she’s lying and gets her to tell him everything and he goes full daddy mode and sits her down for a lecture on not doing anything she doesn’t want to do, money doesn’t matter don’t feel guilty, i just want you to be happy yadda yadda yadda… sex to make her feel better
SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!! she really would be like this too!!!!! you know what she’s like and you know what she’s like about him spending money on and especially this time around bc like it was so much money and h was so happy that she found something she liked and hey who was he to complain abt her getting into yoga bc Ivy had suddenly become a lot more…flexible but really he just wants her to be happy and have her own interests to keep her happy and active like he does and ofc those yoga leggings are something he enjoys seeing her in when she gets into his car when he picks up and hey they fuck a lot and more often than not don’t make it back home when he’s ripping them apart and ivy knows this as well which only ADDS to her guilt and she just likes seeing him happy and she also loves the sex so she doesn’t want to give that up either!! but man yoga actually fucking SUCKS? and she hates how she always end up next to some old woman who fucking FARTS every class and idk but she’s pretty sure she’s getting a fucking infection from the tight leggings and shorts and she’s always fucking SORE now and everyone in the class is rude and she hasn’t made a single friend to day drink with and everything sucks and she just cries and shes so worried h is going to be disappointed in her and that’s worse than everything else COMBINED!!!! but h is as always, just h who only ever wants the best for her bc he cherishes her and how she never ever has to do anything she doesn’t want to do no matter what it is, food, activities, relationships you name it she’s in control ALWAYS and hey so this one thing didn’t work out, there’s hundreds more hobbies for her to try and he’ll be there every step of the way!
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vapehk1 · 17 days
The Ultimate Guide to AirBar Vape: A Flavorful Journey to Vaping Bliss
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If you’re tired of the same old vaping experience and looking for something fresh and exciting, let me introduce you to the AirBar Vape. This little marvel promises to revolutionize your puffing routine. Whether you're a seasoned vaper or a curious newbie, the AirBar has something for everyone. In this guide, we'll dive deep into the world of AirBar Vape, uncovering its secrets, features, and why it's quickly becoming the go-to choice for vape enthusiasts. Grab your favorite vape juice, sit back, and let's embark on this flavorful journey! What Makes AirBar Vape Stand Out? A Burst of Flavors One of the most striking features of the AirBar Vape is its incredible range of flavors. From the tangy delight of Red Mojito to the refreshing burst of Aloe Blackcurrant, there’s a flavor for every palate. Imagine savoring a juicy Watermelon Ice on a hot summer day or indulging in the creamy richness of Banana Ice as you unwind in the evening. Each flavor is meticulously crafted to provide a unique vaping experience that’s both satisfying and memorable. But wait, there’s more! The AirBar Vape doesn’t just stop at traditional fruit and dessert flavors. They’ve got some truly adventurous options like the icy kick of Cool Mint or the tropical paradise of Pineapple Ice. It’s like having a gourmet vape shop right in your pocket. Who needs boring, one-dimensional flavors when you can have a carnival of taste sensations? Easy to Use and Dispose The AirBar Vape is designed with simplicity in mind. No complicated settings, no messy refills – just pure, hassle-free vaping. Each AirBar comes pre-filled with e-liquid and is ready to use straight out of the box. All you have to do is take a draw, and you’re good to go. And when you’re done, simply dispose of it responsibly and grab a new one. It’s that easy! For those who are constantly on the move or simply prefer a fuss-free experience, the AirBar is a game-changer. Its sleek, portable design makes it perfect for slipping into your pocket or purse. Plus, with no need to worry about charging or maintenance, you can focus on enjoying your vape without any distractions. It’s vaping made simple and delightful. The Benefits of Switching to AirBar Vape Healthier Alternative We’ve all heard the debates about vaping vs. smoking. While no one is claiming that vaping is a health elixir, it’s generally considered a safer alternative to traditional smoking. AirBar Vape takes it a notch higher by offering a cleaner, more refined vaping experience. With no tar, ash, or lingering odors, it’s a breath of fresh air – literally! Switching to AirBar Vape means you can still enjoy the nicotine kick without exposing yourself to the harmful chemicals found in cigarettes. It’s a win-win situation. Plus, your clothes, car, and home will thank you for not smelling like an ashtray anymore. Embrace the change, and your lungs might just throw you a gratitude party. Cost-Effective Vaping Vaping can sometimes feel like an expensive hobby, especially when you factor in the cost of high-end mods, coils, and premium e-liquids. However, AirBar Vape offers a cost-effective solution without compromising on quality. Each disposable vape is affordably priced, and since they come pre-filled and pre-charged, you won’t have to worry about any additional expenses. Imagine the convenience of not having to buy separate e-liquids or replacement coils. With AirBar, what you see is what you get – a high-quality vaping experience at a fraction of the cost. It’s like getting gourmet coffee at a fast-food price. Your wallet will thank you, and you’ll have more money to spend on other fun stuff, like trying out all the different AirBar flavors! Exploring the Unique Features of AirBar Vape Sleek and Stylish Design Let’s face it, looks matter – especially when it comes to gadgets we carry around every day. The AirBar Vape doesn’t disappoint with its sleek and stylish design. Available in a variety of colors and finishes, it’s as much a fashion statement as it is a vaping device. Whether you prefer the minimalist black or the eye-catching neon hues, there’s an AirBar to match your style. The compact size and lightweight build make it perfect for on-the-go vaping. Slip it into your pocket, bag, or even tuck it behind your ear (okay, maybe not that last one), and you’re ready to vape whenever the mood strikes. It’s like carrying a tiny piece of art that also happens to deliver delicious vapor. Long-Lasting Performance Despite its small size, the AirBar Vape packs a punch when it comes to performance. Each unit is designed to deliver up to 1000 puffs, depending on your vaping style. That’s a lot of vaping for a disposable device! This means you can enjoy your favorite flavors for longer without constantly worrying about running out. The high-capacity battery ensures consistent performance from the first puff to the last. No more frustrating moments of weak vapor or burnt hits. With AirBar, you get a smooth, satisfying vape every time. It’s like having a marathon runner in the body of a sprinter – impressive endurance in a sleek package. Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your AirBar Vape Store Properly for Maximum Freshness To ensure your AirBar Vape stays fresh and flavorful, proper storage is key. Keep your vapes in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. This helps maintain the integrity of the e-liquid and ensures you get the best possible flavor with every puff. Treat your AirBar like fine wine – proper storage makes all the difference. Additionally, avoid carrying your AirBar in tight pockets or bags where it might get crushed or damaged. While the design is robust, it’s always a good idea to handle with care to prolong its lifespan. Remember, a happy AirBar means a happy vaper! Experiment with Flavors One of the joys of vaping is the endless variety of flavors available. With AirBar Vape, you have a smorgasbord of options to explore. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You might discover a new favorite that you wouldn’t have considered otherwise. Whether you’re into fruity, minty, or dessert-like flavors, there’s an AirBar waiting for you. Mix and match different flavors to keep things interesting. Who knows, you might just become the next flavor connoisseur in your vaping circle. Remember, variety is the spice of life – and vaping. Conclusion The AirBar Vape stands out as a game-changer in the vaping world, offering a hassle-free, flavorful, and cost-effective experience. With a wide variety of meticulously crafted flavors, from Red Mojito to Pineapple Ice, it caters to every palate. Designed for simplicity, each disposable vape comes pre-filled and ready to use, making it perfect for those on the go. The AirBar not only offers a healthier alternative to smoking but also boasts a sleek, stylish design and long-lasting performance. With up to 1000 puffs per device, it ensures consistent satisfaction. Proper storage and experimenting with flavors can enhance the vaping experience, making AirBar a delightful choice for both new and seasoned vapers. FAQs What is an AirBar Vape and how does it work? An AirBar Vape is a disposable vaping device that comes pre-filled with e-liquid and is pre-charged, ready to use right out of the box. It operates on a draw-activated mechanism, meaning you simply inhale through the mouthpiece to activate the vapor production. Each device is designed to deliver a specific number of puffs, typically around 1000, before it needs to be disposed of. 2. What flavors are available for AirBar Vape? AirBar Vapes come in a wide variety of flavors to suit different tastes. Some popular options include Red Mojito, Aloe Blackcurrant, Watermelon Ice, Banana Ice, Cool Mint, and Pineapple Ice. The brand is known for its diverse and creative flavor profiles, offering something for everyone from fruity and refreshing to creamy and indulgent. 3. Is the AirBar Vape a safe alternative to smoking? While no vaping product is completely risk-free, the AirBar Vape is generally considered a safer alternative to traditional smoking. It eliminates the harmful chemicals associated with combustion, such as tar and ash, and does not produce secondhand smoke. However, it's important to note that vaping still involves nicotine, which is an addictive substance. 4. How long does an AirBar Vape last? The longevity of an AirBar Vape depends on the user's vaping habits, but on average, each device provides around 1000 puffs. This can vary based on how frequently and deeply you inhale. For many users, this means the device can last several days to a week, making it a convenient option for on-the-go vaping. 5. How should I store my AirBar Vape to ensure maximum freshness? To keep your AirBar Vape fresh and maintain the quality of the e-liquid, store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Avoid carrying it in tight pockets or bags where it might get crushed or damaged. Proper storage will help preserve the flavor and performance of the vape, ensuring a satisfying experience every time. Read the full article
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mite75 · 8 months
What do you consider to be a middle class salary and amiddle class life in 2023? Is class related to income or is it on birth/accent/last name in your opinion?
I'm not entirely sure buddy, depends on where you live because cost of living is different everywhere. I would assume its enough to cover rent in a safe enough area, food, transportation to work, and enough extra to bring home for retirement and at least a little tiny bit of recreation like trips/ hobbies. I'd say 60K might do it in my area, but in places like LA or NYC you might need more because its so expensive there. A middle class life is different for everyone, we all have different ideals on what a normal/ average life is. Mine is to be able to cover my basic needs food/shelter/health/transportation, be saving enough to retire at a normal age ~65, with the added ability to put like at least 100$ aside a month for fun things like trips, games, a new sketchbook, classes, a boba tea or 2. It would be an added lovely bonus if my work would allow for me to not be severely hurt by retirement because of the labour i put in, but if thats what it takes for me to be able to live comfortably while im young i would work anyway.
That second question is one I'm super not qualified to answer. I'm an artist by study, and a retail worker by practice. I don't know a lot about or have thought about that very much. My opinion is subject to change with the information i learn because right now i am very ignorant. This is my uninformed ignorant opinion:
Personally when saying something like "middle class" in the context of I live in America and this is how i have seen it used. It usually is not showcasing your ancestry, but the actual money you take home from work. slightly dependent on the amount of expenses you have, through choice or obligation. I can also see the other side though, I think there becomes a point in which your influence in a field or just life can let you ensure your children have a place somewhere where they will also carry that influence/automatically get things that others struggle hard for but will never obtain. (like a big house, career path opportunity, or just money in general) I can also see that if you grew up in a family who launched you into debt, caused an addiction, or started you off in life poorly "working hard" still might never get you out of the hole thats been dug. But when i think classes in 2023 im thinking this person has X amount of money after basic expenses and X amount of expensive recreation (boats, summer home, huge house, fancy car, ect) Not this person is middle class because their mother and father were middle class, which i am living proof that that is not always the case. Theres also tons of other factors that go into your ability to make money or get a job that may or may not play a part in your ancestry, but like,,, I dont study this kind of thing and I'm poor so my only resource is the free part of the internet (people would tell lies on the internet!!!???) and my own life experience. So I dont know and i might never know because this is def more complex of a topic in reality than what i mean with my own words ^^;
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anthonybialy · 9 months
Dissent Spent
As with making money and avoiding being controlled by guns, liberals can’t conceive of opposition.  Determining there is exactly one acceptable side only seems not very open-minded to those unsophisticated enough to believe in individual autonomy and arresting criminals.
It would be nice if rank hypocrisy represented the worst crisis.  But conditions are even worse, which is how this particular ruling party signs its work.
Demanding action that will achieve the opposite won’t work this time, either.  Democrats won’t shut up about gun control while trying to silence anyone who notices gun-free zones and Chicago-style areas feature an uncanny amount of defiance.
Enemies of items never ponder the possibility that the name doesn’t come true.  They spoke their vision into existence, didn’t they?
Crime must now be classified as rampant.  It’s about the only standard being obeyed.  Taking just happened to become a popular hobby when blamers of law enforcement and incarceration got to try Their beliefs should be criminal considering how much harm they cause.
An unwillingness to arrest or prosecute led to rampant offenses if you can believe.  At least one of those is necessary to halt felonious behavior.  The honor system doesn’t seem to be keeping grabby brutes in line.
Inspiration takes the form of removing barriers that prevent barbarians from stampeding through in these advanced moments.  Democrats have created motives in what the suspicious would note seems like a rather screwy manner.
Punishing profiting while refusing to do the same with thieving only seems like a joke.  Taking stuff and lives is the bad one, which apparently needs reiteration.
Liberals compassionate to everyone but casualties and those feeling threatened.  The criminal class grows increasingly comfortable.  Seeing police and prisons are oppressors instead of those harming others is pre-emptively parodic.
The only possible solution to communalizing goods by force is endless recession.  The public will finally be safe when every business has shuttered.  We won’t have to fret about icky decadent shopkeepers ripping us off by selling what we want at a price deemed fair.
Conceiving of a system that delivers health care more efficiently than the government is one easy cure.  By agonizing contrast, removing human motives doesn’t heal others.  Decreeing it’s selfish to want to keep what you’ve been given is an illness with no cure.
Pretending to fight greed has caused exactly the diagnosis anyone paying attention to this world would expect.  Amateur observers don’t need to attend medical school to notice symptoms.
You’re either spending more or in favor of spreading suffering.  Life is binary, according to those who insist gender isn’t.  A stubborn refusal to let commerce purr is curiously popular amongst civilization’s reshapers who think waiting hours for coal to charge a puttering car, banning cooking with a clean fuel, or prohibiting working dishwashers. Throw money as a break from banning everything else.
It might just be conceivable that traders will work shrewdly while unsupervised.  They can keep an eye on each other.  I’m sorry if self-regulating makes bureaucrats feel even more useless.
Some firings would help others thrive.  The terminations in mind would only involve federal employees who use their positions to drag down the useful, so there’s no worries about losing productivity.  Fretting about reducing the federal workforce is like equating prosperity and empathy to making debt even more unfathomable.  Victims of muggings by IRS agents wouldn’t just offer the higher wages they constantly demand or anything.
Filling by draining just takes drilling more holes.  Tapping kegs everywhere they can is a bit unhelpful during a time we could really use intoxication as a distraction.  Freeloaders who expect richer kids to cover their entertainment expenses are never going to feel grateful.
The economy wonders what it did to make liberals loathe it so much.  Excessive criticism is how they express love, which is an outlook as screwy as letting politicians seize your money to spur abundance.  Constant harm on multiple fronts makes it tough to defend.  Battery through taxes, minimums, and regulations reduces power even more than coal-powered puttering cars.
But how else would business work: by participants using and retaining their own money?  Your trust of humans belongs in Ayn Rand novels.  Show your love for fellow people by presuming they can’t do anything right.
Making sure there’s nothing worthwhile to steal constitutes the selfless approach to crime.  The obsession with material goods has met its match in an environment when nobody can afford products nobody works to manufacture.
Like all Democratic designs, nothing presently ever works properly.  There sure is a lot of crime for an era bereft of acquisition.  Fiends don’t seem deterred despite receiving every incentive.  Prowlers have to pilfer quite a bit of cash to make crime worthwhile, which is the closest aspect to a deterrent.
There’s also not much to grab.  Washington’s gargantuan cut is exactly what’s expected from a true mob boss.  Taking through intimidation is compensation for not being helpful.  Protection money is easier to collect with a legal sheen.  The truest gangsters get elected.
Psychology is booming if you thought liberals had ruined every industry.  The definition of cognitive dissonance could have been created to classify their beliefs.  Normal people disagree because they see what happens upon enactment of silly doctrine.
Professional government dispensers consistently churn our amateurish results.  The ironically intolerant are not even good at their alleged calling.  Doofuses ordering others around are held back by not knowing where money comes from.
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arsconarts · 11 months
I am Kerby Ariscon and i want to share something about exploring the World on Two Wheels: The Joy and Benefits of Cycling
Cycling is more than just a means of transportation; it is a lifestyle, a sport, and a form of recreation that has captivated millions around the world. Whether you are a seasoned cyclist or considering taking up this activity, there are numerous reasons to embrace cycling as a way to improve your health, reduce your carbon footprint, and explore the world around you. In this blog, we'll delve into the joy and benefits of cycling and why it's worth considering as a part of your life.
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Health Benefits
Cycling is an excellent cardiovascular workout that helps to strengthen your heart, improve lung capacity, and lower the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. As a low-impact exercise, it is gentle on the joints, making it suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. Regular cycling can also boost your immune system, improve mental well-being, and reduce stress and anxiety levels.
Eco-Friendly Transportation
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With increasing environmental concerns, cycling stands out as a green and sustainable mode of transportation. Choosing a bike over a car reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps combat air pollution, making cycling a meaningful contribution to preserving our planet. Additionally, cycling lanes and bike-sharing initiatives in many cities are making it easier for commuters to embrace this eco-friendly alternative.
Cycling can save you a significant amount of money compared to owning and maintaining a car. Once you've invested in a bike, there are minimal ongoing costs, with occasional maintenance being the primary expense. This financial freedom can be a game-changer for individuals looking to cut down on transportation expenses and allocate funds to other aspects of their lives.
Accessibility and Inclusivity
Cycling is a sport and hobby that knows no boundaries. From urban areas to remote countryside, bicycles offer access to places that might be difficult to reach by other means. Furthermore, cycling is an inclusive activity that brings people of diverse backgrounds and abilities together, creating a sense of community and camaraderie.
Exploring Nature and Cities
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Cycling is an ideal way to explore and appreciate the beauty of nature. Whether you're pedaling through scenic countryside landscapes, along coastal routes, or through lush parks in the city, the experience on two wheels can be incredibly rewarding. Additionally, cycling provides a unique perspective while touring cities, allowing you to discover hidden gems, historic landmarks, and local culture at your own pace.
Varied Styles and Disciplines
Cycling offers a wide range of styles and disciplines to suit individual preferences and goals. From leisurely rides along bike paths to high-intensity mountain biking, road racing, and even BMX, there is a cycling style for everyone. Engaging in different disciplines can keep the sport exciting and provide opportunities for growth and skill development.
Commuting and Healthier Living
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Cycling to work or school not only benefits the environment but also contributes to a healthier lifestyle. Commuters who bike to work often experience increased productivity, improved mental focus, and reduced stress levels. It's a great way to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, helping you stay fit and energized.
Cycling is an enriching and fulfilling activity that offers a myriad of benefits for individuals and the planet alike. Embracing cycling as a regular part of your life can improve your health, reduce your carbon footprint, and create memorable experiences while exploring new places. So, hop on a bike, feel the wind in your hair, and embark on a journey of adventure, wellness, and sustainability. Happy cycling!
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wanderingsoul · 1 year
money and love
i recently saw a podcast clip talking about how we often feel the same about money as we do relationships. if we’re in a scarcity mindset, its most likely affecting these two areas of our lives in similar ways. 
my first reaction was to balk at the comparison, knowing that money stresses me out beyond belief and feeling that i’ve “hacked” relationships at this point and they don’t really cause me a lot of anxiety anymore. mostly due to an extreme amount of self-evaluation and need to have everything packed away neatly, but i digress. 
ever since i was young, i felt money was something that i always craved but never had enough of. my family grew up poor, and so there was no room for extras or fancy things. my mom says i was cursed with expensive taste, and i actually agree with her. i am drawn to designer clothes and shoes, expensive events and hobbies and really a luxury lifestyle. i started working when i was 13 years old, and from the get-go, i never got into the practice of saving. anything that i made babysitting would be spent at the mall or online within a few weeks or months. my parents would force me to donate money to our church, or a charity every month but that was the only time the money i made was not mine to use entirely. once the pattern was created, it has stayed fairly consistent over the past 10 years, with increasing paychecks, and increasing spending. i’ve paid almost every bill ive had early, and was able to save enough to buy a few cars, and a house, so you would think i would have some sense of security in that. or security in my job, where i make more than the median household income in america. but somehow its never enough. every check is spent paying off student loans and my credit card debt, which is from the last check where i spent more than i made. and i am fully stuck in the cycle. it feels like for years now, at least 1-2 years, that has been my life. bi-weekly stress of paying off bills and loans, and over-drafting my account several times a year. you would think at some point, i would start saying no, learn some impulse control and stop buying things. and some months i do, but most months i don’t. so lets look at the mindset i have when it comes to money, which is “it comes and goes easily”. i say this often mostly joking but truly do feel this way. i am able to make much more than i ever though possible, and am able to afford things and experiences i never thought possible. i hardly every say no to things regardless of the cost because i know i will be able to manage it. i still manage to pay my credit cards off every month so in my mind i am fine. i still stress every single paycheck, every month about money, but also am having the most fun of my life. 
when it comes to relationships, i can see some sort of patterns in my early experiences. i really did not have any notable relationships until college, and felt that attention was not something that i got very often. i had been single for a very long time, and did’t care to compete to date someone like most everyone else did. so when i did attach, i would become a bit obsessive. i would think about them all the time, want to spend every waking moment with them, and for the first notable partners, they did not feel the same. but as i’ve matured and expanded my dating pool, i have come to realize that i am the commodity. i am the prize and i can put in fairly minimal effort to get the attention i want. however, the attention that i get is never from someone that i see as an equal, or someone i would consider as a serious partner; it often comes from lonely guys looking for a good time. my mindset is a bit more protective of myself when it comes to dating, i am not going to invest my time in something i know won’t lead to where i want, and when i do invest time into someone, its at my pace, on my timeline, when works for me. i do not chase love, and i truly believe what is meant for me will be for me. 
after looking at both areas of my life, i realize that i do have some sort of trust in the universe that i will be taken care of, and i will be able to do achieve all my dreams. but for some reason, that peace doesn’t carry over as easily into money as it does in relationships, even though the stability i have in money is arguably much more than in relationships. i think with money i feel out of control and irresponsible, whereas in relationships i almost always feel in control. i would like to shift my thinking about money away from the scarcity mindset into one of abundance. 
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positiverolli · 2 years
The accidental news explorer
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I’ve spent ungodly sums of money climbing big mountains all over the world. But dig a layer deeper and the stories reveal differences, and different paths. Sure, the basic tenants tend to be the same – spend way less than you earn, invest the difference, don’t be a consumer sucka. Everyone who made it to FI or FIRE has a different story. If people see it’s way more than just MMM and a few others who have done this, the more they’ll understand that it’s achievable. A mix of anger, disbelief, pissy-ness, with a smattering of “I could never do that!” Every time a story of someone going FIRE gets picked up by a more mainstream media outlet you see it in the comments section. But the perception of the general population seems to be that we’re outliers or that we have trust funds. Not that the ones out there have any deficiencies, actually they’re awesome. You’ll have to tell me, but I think we do. But now I have the safety-net to try that. I never had the balls to forgo a regular job and start a business, too much risk. Full retirement is in my future, probably sooner than later but we’ll see how the story plays out. I’m fully FI with a good deal of extra buffer based on my current spending. Money Mustache and well, the rest is where I’m at now.Īs my happiness at my job continued to decline, and my realization that my outdoor hobbies are hard to pursue in an office, I started to look into going part-time at my job, which I did a little while back. I managed to make it to upper management at my job, the Director of a large office, Around that same time I discovered the Trinity Study through Mr. And again, the money just multiplies and you don’t have to do anything!! I kept on the straight and narrow path of building wealth, but never consciously had the intention of retiring early since I was too young to think about it. This too shall pass, I’ll never be able to time the bottom…. All my friends were switching their 401k money from stocks to cash, but I held out. Always.ĭuring the 2008 crash, I didn’t sell. I shunned new/expensive cars, and expensive rents/mortgages. As my salary kept going up, my lifestyle intentionally didn’t, or at least not as much. I always stashed those extra paychecks right into my mutual funds. I took a second job on the faculty of a large university as an adjunct instructor, even though I didn’t really ‘need’ the money. I switched from a dot com company to a Government job and worked my ass off, moving up quickly. Long Distance Bikepacking Trips Are A Favorite I figured everyone else was doing it too because why wouldn’t you!? It GROWS! Who doesn’t want more money? It takes no effort! I kept doing this, and never looked back. I opened accounts with Vanguard and a few other companies and plowed my savings into mutual funds. Then I stumbled across an issue of Money Magazine. After my first job I started wondering what to do with the excess money in my checking account since I wasn’t blowing it all on beer (but I was blowing lots of it, trust me). As a kid I didn’t go without, but my parents didn’t have much money and what they did have paid the bills with little left over. Growing up lower-middle class instilled some values in me that have served me well. I got my first credit card in college and to this day have never carried a balance once. The delayed gratification did not apply to beer. I also started cultivating a habit of delayed gratification, although that didn’t come until my college years. I would lay on the basement floor with my coin collection – not a historic collection at all, they were just plain old nickels and dimes – and line them up, categorized by the year on the front and count which years had the most coins. Multiple news sources to the browse headlines.From my early childhood, I liked to save things.Start your journey with the latest news headlines.Instapaper and Pocket integration - save articles for reading later.Once you've browsed the suggested articles taken from hundreds of news sources, tap the “related topics” button to discover connected topics, which in turn leads to more articles.Įach article leads to new things the more curious you are, the longer your journey will be. The Accidental News Explorer is a new type of news app that celebrates serendipity and chance encounters. “It’s a lot like surfing the way I used to, starting somewhere and ending up somewhere else relevant but much more interesting. ANE is one of those applications.” - waxpraxis (US App Store review) “The Accidental News Explorer for iPhone will completely change the way you get your news!” - a rare application that changes the way you view the world. *** Featured as new and noteworthy on the US App Store! ***
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stmaryslibraryios · 2 years
Hardcore Twenty-Four (Stephanie Plum 24)
For every book I read or listen to there are loads of books that I desperately want to read or listen to. After a heavy book or a particularly hair raising murder mystery, I tend to go for something light next time. If I’m reading a book for research purposes or study, I’ll usually have a novel on the side at the same time for when my brain has turned to mush or I need a break from the subject for a while. 
Often my go to books are the Stephanie Plum series because they make me laugh. This is the 24th book in the series and I have never yet read a Stephanie Plum story that I didn't have at least one belly aching laugh out loud moment. 
Stephanie works for her cousin Vinnie, a bail bondsman who is a mean spirited slimy creep. Her role in the business is to arrest anyone in violation of his bond. From the first book in the series (“One For The Money��), it becomes obvious that trying to arrest these offenders is never easy for Stephanie and always brings some kind of mayhem into her life and equally into the lives of those around her. 
Stephanie has an on-off boyfriend, gorgeous Joe Morelli, a plainclothes police officer in Trenton. The other man in her life is Ranger (Ricardo Carlos Manosa), who is an equally gorgeous and even more handsome man of mystery. Sometimes she and Ranger work together and he is always rescuing her from potentially gruesome situations - like having her brain sucked out through a straw by a man whose own brain has been fried by drugs and now thinks he’s a zombie. Yes, the plots are zany, the characters predictable - but I love them. 
Even Joe is happy that Ranger, who is the owner of a high-tech security firm watches Stephanie – from trackers in her bags to the vehicles that he frequently has to lend her, as her cars seem to get blown up or she has managed to wreck them in a variety of amusing ways. 
Steph comes from a close knit Italian area in Trenton, New Jersey, where everyone is related or has known each other for generations. 
In her family she has her Grandma Mazur who is absolutely outrageous and whose favourite hobby is going to the local funeral parlour to view the latest deceased in a hopefully open casket, a poor long suffering mother who looks longingly at the drinks cabinet or cooks and irons feverishly to alleviate the stress of her daughter’s scrapes and Grandma’s crazy schemes. 
All she wants is for her daughter to marry Joseph, have babies and work in the button factory like her cousins, instead of being the constant cause of gossip and speculation and risking her life trying to catch murderous lunatics. 
Then there’s Steph’s dad who sits at the dinner table looking wistfully at the carving knife as his mother in law Grandma Mazur’ regales them with her latest bizarre antics. 
Lula is Stephs sidekick. She used to be a ‘ho’ and is big, black and beautiful with a massive personality. She favours ridiculously expensive very high heels, extremely tight sparkly spandex in hideous colours with multiple fake designer accessories - totally unsuitable for the job.
Each book is like catching up with wacky friends and family. You know that five minutes with Grandma is going to send dad into the tv room in a murderous rage, the sport on very loud. Rex the hamster is still going strong - only dashing out of his nest in the Campbell’s soup can to stuff his pouch with Cheerios and rush back to bed. You know that when Steph has to phone Ranger after another trashed car, he is going to answer with ‘Babe! ”  You know that when needed, Steph’s revolver is still hidden in the cookie jar and that she has forgotten to get bullets. That Joe and Ranger will tell her to fetch the gun out of the jar and get some bullets. You know that at some stage Lula is going to refuse to drive her shiny red car into a dangerous area and will not even start the day without a trip to chucken chicken and the donut shop. But for me it never gets tired and always raises a chuckle.
In the latest adventure, headless mutilated bodies have started appearing across town in Trenton. At first, it's just corpses from a funeral home and the morgue that have had the heads removed. Then a homeless man is murdered and dumped behind a church.
If that's not enough, Diesel's back in town - a six-foot-tall, blond-haired hunk. So now Steph has 3 lush men to distract her. Trenton's hottest cop, Joe Morelli, isn't pleased at his arrival, nor is Ranger, the high-powered security consultant with his own plans for Stephanie.
Poor Steph, as usual is stuck in the middle with more questions than answers. Who is behind the startling epidemic of mutilated corpses? And is the enigmatic Diesel's sudden appearance a coincidence or the cause of recent deadly events?
In this book, Steph and Lula have the job of finding Simon, the grave robber who has skipped bail. They find him and his pet boa constrictor, Ethel, halfway up a tree. Simon says that he is too frightened to come down because of the zombies that are roaming around. Stephanie manages to talk him down, leaving Ethel still draped around the tree. She promises to come back and feed Ethel while Simon is stuck in prison waiting for his release.
So you can imagine the chaos this involves - trying to coax the snake back to Simon’s apartment with a trail of chucken chicken, and the demise of her latest car when she picks up a large road kill -to feed the snake - I  can’t remember what animal it was - but leaving it in her car in blistering heat, coming back to find it has exploded, ruining the interior. Babe! 
Yes, the plots are zany, the characters predictable.  But I so enjoy these books. Probably not for everyone, too silly, but I find them easy to read, relaxing and fun. I have loved them all. 
review by Ro
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sineala · 3 years
Are you current at all on Iron Man comics? Google gotcha'd me with a review for (apparently) the most recent issue and something...bummed me out. Idk maybe I have an idealized vision of Tony but this little excerpt irked me: "The people have cobbled together a small town and share what they have communally. Tony, the eternal capitalist, doesn't quite understand."
I just, I don't. I don't know. Am I nuts? (Yes, but that's unrelated lol)
I am current on Iron Man comics and this is honestly my least favorite Iron Man run I have ever read, so, yeah. I'm with you.
Putting some salt beneath the Read More.
I feel like there's been a trend in Iron Man comics in the past decade or so, in which Tony, who basically started as the fantasy of the One Ethical Billionaire (well, okay, it used to be Millionaire) who basically just wanted to be good to people and if anything seems to have seen his money as a tool toward accomplishing that and was generally very kind, very caring, very responsible and just wanted to make the world the best place he possibly can -- well, he seems to have turned into We Know What Billionaires Are Like, Don't We where he spends his money on fast cars and other expensive hobbies. That kind of thing. Doing Cool Things with money, and, I mean, not that Tony didn't do Cool Things before, obviously, but I'm not seeing a lot of comics these days about, say, Tony funding women's shelters.
The current Iron Man run has basically taken as its starting point the idea that Tony is a rich guy out of touch with how everyone else lives and that he needs a series of reality checks about pretty much everything. And in principle, that's not a bad plot for a story, but it's, in my opinion, a very weird choice as a plot for Tony because this has never been a problem for him before. So now he has to Learn Things that there's ample evidence in canon of him already knowing.
So we get plotlines where, like, Patsy tells Tony that he doesn't understand what it's like not to have money, because he's paying his own hospital bill and is upset about flying commercial. And, yes, he's accustomed to having money and doesn't have the experience of, say, growing up in poverty -- but he has definitely had the experience of having literally zero money. Patsy also tells Tony that he doesn't know what it's like to be suicidal, and Tony agrees, which is a little odd given that Tony has literally been shown attempting suicide on-panel twice.
Anyway, I feel like the plot of the most recent issue is another example of Tony apparently needing to Learn Things that he should have already known. He learns that it's fulfilling to help people! I mean, uh, he's a superhero. I think he already knows that. He learns that it's fulfilling to help people without expecting them to be grateful and without needing to take the credit! I mean, okay, that's nice for him, but also he had a secret identity for forty years. He's spent a while not taking the credit. At one point he makes an impassioned speech to the US Senate when he's trying to become the Secretary of Defense and he tells them all about how he's saved the world so many times no one else will ever know and he doesn't take the credit and he does it because it's the right thing to do. So this is, to me, yet another instance of this run doing what it's been doing all along, which is postulating that Tony needs to learn, say, humility and empathy, when I feel like he has been shown as already knowing these things for years.
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wri0thesley · 3 years
May I request some La Squadra childhood headcanons (upbringing/family/habits/demeanor) :)) Maybe Mista and Abbacchio too if it’s not too much trouble since we already saw a bit of baby Bruno and it made me so curious about the other two! I always imagined Abbacchio to be a bit of a teacher’s pet as a kid lol. Your writing brings me life tysm!!!!
warnings for abusive family, human experimentation, misogyny, illness, hospitals, death, etc! 
Risotto’s family did not care much about him. He’s the middle child of five - they grew up in a rural part of Sicily, in a house that used to be a farmhouse but was merely a house by the time Risotto came along (aside from a flock of chickens constantly in the gardens). He had a traditional Italian family full of people - various aunts, uncles and cousins - but his cousin was his favourite, seeing in Risotto’s quiet nature something similar to his own. Risotto was uncomfortable with there being too many people around and found his home life cramped and uncomfortable and loud. At the local village school he was often hunted out for games of sport (his height and muscle growing in at an early age), but he shied away from making friends, not sure how to handle himself around people who shouted and laughed, envying his siblings for everything seeming so natural. He often stayed with the cousin, and it’s through them he discovered metal music and his now signature look. His parents didn’t have time for him, but his cousin always did, becoming a makeshift father figure where Risotto’s failed. He grew very attached, and as we know, his cousins death hit him hard. 
Formaggio grew up with a single father; his mother simply disappeared in the middle of the night and he never heard from her again. He was always loud, brash and cocky - his father was much the same way. They moved around from place to place, his father taking odd jobs to sustain them and never really getting the hang of them. His father was fairly young and a perpetual teenager, and Formaggio was much the same way. Despite living in occasional poverty, he always had a smile and he and his father were close to one another. He did not really make friends - other children were aware of his unwashed clothes, the fact his lunch was not made as neatly as theirs, the fact that his address was a one-bedroom apartment on the bad side of town - so he turned to acting out and violence, gaining a reputation as a Badly Behaved Child. His father fell into Passione in the need to support his son, and like father like son, Formaggio followed in his footsteps at fourteen (finding a camaraderie and sense of responsibility he never had at school and subsequently just stopping going there). 
Illuso got into Passione for the money and the power. He was an only child and he had a nice upbringing, honestly - he just found himself not special at anything, and he desperately wanted to be. He flitted from hobby to hobby and interest to interest; he was clever and he noticed things, and neither of his parents really knew how to deal with their sharp-tongued child. He was a bit of a bully at school, but not the kind that is ever found out - Illuso’s bullying was quieter than that, whispered words and rumours that never seemed to find their way back to him. He was well-acquainted with blackmail before he turned sixteen. He knew how to sniff out weaknesses in other people - he was always surrounded by people, but it was a lottery as to whether they liked Illuso or whether they just didn’t want to be on his wrong side. Always willing to volunteer for things, too confident for his own good - eventually, he stopped caring about being ‘special’ at something, and just worked on being the ‘best around him’. 
Melone’s backstory can be found here. Both of his parents were academics and lecturers in genetic science, and he’s the eldest child by eight years. His family moved around rather a lot. He has two younger sets of twins as siblings; one set of boys, and one set of girls. Growing up, his parents considered him less interesting and a little slow - he turned to science and genetics as a way to get their attention and praise; despite the fact he showed a natural affinity for it, by this time, they were far more interested in experimenting on their younger children and Melone was ignored. His nature is curious and insistent - he learnt to insist or to be ignored. He had to look after his younger siblings a lot growing up; they were home-schooled where he was not, and the strange separation of them and him and all of the children at school (Melone not quite fitting into either group) meant that he always seemed just a little off. 
Prosciutto is a mafia man through and through. His family are entrenched in old bloodlines and uninvestigated deaths - unfortunately, though, they are a family that had somewhat fallen from grace by Prosciutto’s birth. The definition of faded glamour and keeping up appearances; rooms in a big, drafty old house that have an old bed and a falling apart dressing table. His father always talked to him about how it was his and his brothers’ job to keep the bloodline going - a traditional chauvinist of a man. His mother was very quiet and pretty; she encouraged him to small interests like old music and fashion, but was always silent around her husband. He grew up knowing his life was expendable. Youngest son of two; his elder brother died within months of finally being given his assignment within Passione and honestly, Prosciutto knows his father would rather he have died. A quiet little boy who did not make friends (he had a tutor) and had too much of the weight of the world on his shoulders in the knowledge of how many of his mother’s jewels were pasteboard, where the guns were kept, and just how many people he saw regularly were murderers. At his assignment at sixteen, Prosciutto had to learn exactly how to blend in, because many of the mafiosos he was suddenly surrounded by did not appreciate what they saw as his superiority. 
Pesci was an only child of a single mother; his father passed away when he was young. He was rather sickly growing up, and it made his mother indulgent - despite growing up fairly middle class, he never wanted for anything, and they lived well beyond their means. His mother fussed over him, always afraid that he was going to have a relapse into his childhood illness - very much a child wrapped in cotton wool. It gave him his own complex about taking risks; he didn’t want to get hurt. He didn’t want to be rejected by other children. He was slow at his schoolwork but devoted to his mother, and other children saw him as a prime target to bully. He was kicked around a lot at school and it eventually made him too easy to subdue when he suddenly filled out and shot up and became a threat; found himself, too often, a henchman to more articulate, meaner children. Grateful to be accepted, he went along with the flow, despite feeling in the very core of his gut that he was disgusted by them. He ended up in Passione because his mother needed medical treatment and in trying to sort it out realised just how much debt they were in.
Ghiaccio just had a normal run-of-the-mill described as ‘average’ by everyone upbringing - both of his parents, an only child, a mother with a professional job, middle-class. His father was partially deaf - in my experience, people with deaf parents either speak very loudly or very quietly, and Ghiaccio has gone for the former. He learnt LIS at a very early age, and it’s part of the reason he can be so anal about pronunciation and language as a whole - he’s utterly fascinated by it, and that fascination started in early childhood. His parents were also indulgent of him, but having a younger brother meant that he didn’t get the full brunt of that indulgence - his brother was a little more of a ‘rough and tumble’ boy. He liked football and weights, and when he took up a sport Ghiaccio’s parents decided Ghiaccio should learn to do something too and asked him what he thought - they were surprised when he said ice skating, but figured he would go into ice hockey or something. He didn’t. For a while, he was fairly well-known in the competitive figure skating under eighteens circuit. It gave him two things; one, a competitive need to win and be good at things (and a propensity to tantrum when he lost) and two, a taste for flashy, expensive things (have you seen this man’s car). His parents eventually didn’t know how to deal with his arrogance, and he fell into Passione based on a ‘sponsor’ he ended up embroiled with at nineteen when his parents didn’t want to fund his ‘hobby’ anymore (they kept pouring resources into his younger brother, of course - Ghiaccio always felt a bit like they didn’t take him seriously). He left ice skating competitively behind, but he couldn’t leave behind the nice things or the anger issues he accrued. 
I’ve written about Sorbet and Gelato’s childhood/backstory here! But a brief, shorter version:
Gelato had a loving family and a privileged upbringing. Always enough money, always enough to eat - an only child, who perhaps was a little rowdy at school but whomst his parents were very proud of. Both of them were traditional types; thinks a man should be strong, should be the real driving force of all relationships - they were extremely proud of him going into the army. Cleverer than people tend to give him credit for, sharp-eyed, a constant humming need to be doing something with his hands. 
Sorbet was orphaned at a young age in a house fire and taken in by a church orphanage. He’s quiet but equally clever; his cleverness tends to be a little less in your face. He was a comforting presence to other people and took care of the younger boys (even now, he feels a sense of duty to some of La Squadra) - being low-voiced, soothing and commanding. He spent a lot of time reading. The church orphanage was poor; Sorbet has learnt to appreciate luxury where Gelato takes it for granted and it’s part of the reason he’s so concerned with finances even in his forties. 
Abbacchio grew up in a houseful of women. His father left when he was still young; he was . . . not a nice man, and Abbacchio has vague memories of his mother carefully applying concealer over black eyes. It’s part of the reason Abbacchio became a police officer - knowing that he was still out there, not paying for what he’d done . . . Abbacchio wanted to ensure other people did not go through it. He had a little sister (by six years) who adored him, and his grandmother (who had once been an opera singer and still had a touch of that old-time glamour). He was fairly well off; at least, after he and his mother went to live with her mother again. His grandmother was EXTREMELY indulgent of her serious pretty-eyed grandson (his affinity for opera comes from her) who wanted so hard to be a Good Man. He was made fun of as a child for being a teacher’s pet and a nerd, you’re right - he adopted being a goth and dressing like that fairly early in his life. Nobody was going to threaten to punch him in leather and black lipstick, he thought - and nobody, too, needed to know that his CD player was blasting Monteverdi and not heavy metal. 
Mista was the only child of an unreliable mother and a father who left when he was four (he kept very vaguely in touch; Mista has three little sisters who he sees occasionally but keeps quiet about his employ to. After the events of VA, he’s established a fund for each of them, but he wasn’t really permitted to see them much growing up). Even after his parents leaving and his neighbour’s loss of an eye (and the subsequent setting in of his fear of the number four), he was an easy-going child who made friends easily and smiled at all and sundry; he was never particularly book-clever, but he was good-natured and had many friends. His mother’s lack of reliability meant that he became very fond of simple things other people took for granted - when she died, he was sad, but his life did not change much. He’d already learnt to fend for himself when it came to food and the like; often coming home to an empty house and simply making do. (The lack of food in the house is part of the reason he gained such an affinity for things he saw as luxuries like wines and cheeses). He learnt to use his dark eyes and charming smile and warm nature to win sleepovers with schoolfriends and evening meals with their parents. Always a little bit behind his peers in having cool gadgets or interesting stories, Mista was content just to have a simple life and good health. 
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